Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    TJO 03LAHA. DAIUY BEE , FHPRSDA.Y , AUGUST 14 , 1890. 5
VThn'.is ' Done to Uavo Then Tilled ap by
the City.
i A. Nintilicr of AipllLnii | ( ? Tor KcRlstta-
lloii L'lidrr the Mate Lliiriiiao3r
Ijantiotlipr Ittinior Hint
Adams Will
Cltfhj slihn Oipcu wntaikcd hoiv rnnny
tlnkliolvH , onu udbisuiikcn lots , there WTO
' In Omaha with sUgtiant Mitorlti treudliig
llioro nra hundred ) tipon hundictlsot
them , a nl to go ntioad and fill them wtuld
proliblj costiiiorotUnn $ lOi)0OW. U'o can
not , of ooursojiopflto crndicito nil tlicso oi > cn
ltil { nniniicct ut otuo , but the Iwaril of
health daw mut certainly liope atul export to
do a p re ltd pall n this direction riglit aviy.
Indi d , wo have nlro.idj succeeded itiKOttlnff
sonic of tliovor t ot tiicso lots filled up
or nt lc < ut In liivinj tlwtn ordered Ullt'il by
the rounrll. The starthus boon mndo with a
few niul wo shall iuuroasa the number us
nipllly tu ponlblc In this \ voikvoliiio u
veil Kr"it iltd tocoiilcud with , unit princi
pally tli > stubborntiTO ol some oftho blj-
Kest prnjicrtj owners In tins eily. In most
Inshtioos thcso lots bilong to rl U men uho
think nottuiiKwkcti spalccn to roKaidlnKt'10 '
cont.ifrlnu4 dUoabCS bclnij lirod by tlio iioils
orvadr tlioroon of contlnt ; out and
tolling ivpioHontiti\c'j of the bcird
of health that tiny will llrfht to
the bitter cud the matter of ha iiR
to till them Tlicr llht this worlc Just as
the ) ttsht wheti onlorcJ to lay slitouilks and
] ii\M in fiontof those ixiorlots. 'rhobo.uilof
nenlth liis reported Ixtvvetn tlilrty and fully
of llio dm porous lots to the council nnd
thnt t > mly his passed ordinances ordcriiii ? u
fev of the very iMirst Illlod Vcs , it Is the'-o
foul , di-itli-bii-'odiiiK eisspoola tliatwo luvo
to coi.U'iHl against must of all , nncl
it nolooks as if it would be
a \cr > loni ; tliao bo/oro- / the boutl
of hc-.ilth cati liopo to succeed in crallciilln ; ?
ever th ' "i-oiter jwrtiou of these plaits.
"And H hat docs all this she I" continued
thodoi-tw. "N'othhif ; mora iwr less than
that Otnilia people hnu not yetnpenul tlioir
eyes to the MLS t work she must iicrotnilish |
bofote slio ejii boiousldurcd u most healthy
eit )
However , " aildod Dr. Oapcnvo \ pro-
pow to IK-OP right uftu these people through
. "
_ _
Tlio Stnti * Itnnnl or rMiiriiucy nitd ItH
Ilnersetlc l-Jflortn.
The oximlnltiKi'otmiilttr'Oof thestito boird
of ph. 1 1111103' was I'1 session at the Mill ml
yesterday /or / the jiuriioso of cxainlnliiK
nppllcunts for registration under the
atato phnriaacy la\v , The body
consisti of Henry Cook of Red Cloud ,
ainIJoihtof Omaha , Henry 1) . Hoydui of
Gnnd Maud , Joracs Ucedof ICubrasku City ,
and I 11 Klfgs of Lincoln
The follovhiK- applicant ? appeared for ex >
nniinatiou : IJcrtK. lllKclaw , Omahi ; M A
Uliekli , 'bltncy ; A W. Builihclt , GnittO
Ishud , U. T L. Uelarinaan , Oiaaln ; I.lllio
Pvl. Krater , DividCit ) ; .Tamos M. Hendonoii ,
Cltriiidi , Ta ; U D Hajes , Omahn ; C "W
IVlcUailr , ljloiitain.nonoiiiiiiin.l. McGulre ,
'J'reaum. Mo. ; A. McCil , Calihton ; J 13
KicOVoodbiuc. \ . Iu.Frtd , 11 feniith , A.lli
unco A. K Scolifld , Moidow Grove ; I1 S
Tiutf ! .rt , Onuhn , Hamilton Win ren , Oniiha ,
Xiuvt.Ji < j S Wood , IHokiii Hoiv.
The boird held nu examination at Lincolti
Tui'sdaj atvlilch twenty-one npplii nit
ivcro examined Today an UMuuiiulion
-will is'orth I'lattc.
Mr. Kcudof Nebraska City , \vho \ Is chair
nun of tlio committee on violitlons of the
phirmicy law , stii ted that the law n as being
vcrv cloiiilj obsciTed
' Tliuocro 1W dimfsist-s ho failed to re
mlt tliclr rcdlstntionfoo this jear nnd
UaideJto trice thesoup atidscu it any of
tiieni vine still In tbo business U.ho nsult
feliowod that ono bud dial , tlilrtj nine had
KUDO out of business , fifty had lut'ttho ktate ,
ten had quit the drug business , six prjctioo
niedielin- , and only ono was still in tlio busi
ness. This DUO offoictl nu oxenso , but ho had
to fouio about two hundred miles at his own
oxnonM ) to tike another examination , as re.
quired by law and start o\cr \ afiiiii thosamo
nsa iiciv applicant. The foe for c ainimtion
isW , nlillotho annual f oo for ropistnitlon I
oulv SJ 'L'wo cut ot the 103 , who hnd iio (
roistered \\orouaauounted \ for , so that it is
pretty mfo to snr that the law is IWHIR verj
utrlctlj rotriliedwith | "
Thosesslon at the Millard yesterday \vm
an inforinaliiffalf and after docldin ? to ( mm' '
ctrtiliiatoslo tboabo\e named upiillcunU tin
board adjourned nnd spent the afternoon in
drivini : about the eiU and in the evening do-
North Platte.
ADAUS' lIt -
It Is Nc > Said Uhat IFoU'llI SJiortly
Itctlru IVflin It.
Thatoft-iepeatcd stor thatCharlo- * Fran
els Ail mis will soon le ipi tlio presidency ol
.tlio Union Par-illo roul hM , boon leuvcd.
ROiitUmiiu n ho claim * tohavosubstanthl In
foraiiitlou on thu stibjeit said that ho nevci
litacediiay lolinnoo upon these runioi'J until
the piosonttime
" 1 iKltovv , " liocontlattod , "that thistimo
there U better foutidition on xvhlch toboso
the upoit than e\or \ hcforo. Ever shuo
J\dann \ went into the Union Pacific lie hai
lad tlio tionncat kind of bnildng from Fred
J\inos \ and other IjOitoii capitalists wlwoun
uuiajodtyof tlio stock. Uut ho Is fast lo ?
injj that Inlluenco , and If nny portion of it
ciur dies leave him ho is lost.
" ' '
'L'lwiblocouinieiiced about ono year ape
\\hoii \ Adami ailoptcd hia lamoiis pollry uf
tllvldliiij tlio Union I'.ioiJIo sjstem late four
grand divisions , which not only requires four
Mis of general oftleiri ami elulcs but cstalj
llshes conlhctini ; nunafevlal inUiests and
lias incpeased opui > atiiiK l > en e3enoiiiiouslj
I inn \u-ll inoiifh posted In railroad iinttera
and nmnayoaiont to know that this sistcm
( iianntboworltul sueeeasfnllj. Uho orth
< ra fad tie tried it some jears ago and tlio
echeino ptwcda failure 'i'lio sanfo icsult
vlll follow hero li virtually ad
mitted by iveryonoexc < pt Adama himself to
1 a fiihmnoM. JM , ol course , iioldi out
Vc'iiww , nncn the outcome ofthatpollcj , de-
li'iidshis fiituii ) rawer. If itcanlio undo a
sueec'.sllho'it ' bankrupt UIR the eoni-orn ,
then lnvill bo the 'gtvatfbt ' IO.HI living,1 but
II lie has to rutum to the old phm olt
iMOs bis ) lieu ) . In the meantime ,
tlio Vaiidorbllts , A\ho \ are wnooth
to foiisoo wh.U is bound to eonio
Kooni'ror liter mo quietly IjjyhiRupnll tlio
Union Pailllo sloelctaeycan Ri > t hold of with
a view to ovontualli eontrolllun and niikiiij
Inp the Union 1'aellw upirtof tlieir orth-
vpstcm Mstera.Vhin tint day comes
orounl , Jl.irvlu IIiiBhltt will sunpoit Mr.
Adunn Itls coinliii ; and I pnxltctlts arrival
tdtliln the next twelve nioths Then you m.iy
look fo.a llvly scattoiinyof llio inosent
union I .ultio orgmiznttou. Tliintrs can't
on vety iimi-h loujrer a-s tluy
HOW. Through tlio conduit
of C 11 JMcIClbMii Vice Piesldoiit llo'c ' oiiib
\\sin l l tobolino tint a uonipiracy hndheon
roncoitedln iil JJickinsoa's oftlfo to dovrn
him. That is whj IJIckinson nnd Choalo
Mei-uic > ino\ed \ Ho thought thoyhadsonw-
thin K to do with It. I know not Un K about
Choatc , but Dlckln-on wailnnocoiit. Me-
Kibll ) > i , ofpour > e , litd itln for Ilolcorob and
used to vint hU silicon lx > fore any body and
cverjbodj in Dickinson's ' otHio ; but HO far us | ! KIV.S , 1 don't tliluk such a thin ?
\ \ as ivor rousl Icred On the tlrni hellef that
ho had the unyielding support of .Via. ,
MeKibblnfetooi alone anj nude tlio light tor
cuprunac ) on hh oun lunik. "
'L'lioSt 1'auUt Om.ih i is stringing a nfiv
tnleuraphvlni \ boUoenOinaha and Norfolk
\ la jmer ; on , tieaily ou hundred and iHly
mlliw hi length , for the cxclusho us > oof Its
tnvitidlspitehcra. N'oxt mouth the road vUll
hy lUuvnniilM of now Iwavj strwt rills on
Its Norfolk branch , betveon'a \ > no and I er-
folk , tn } > | iliiconil of tlio li'ou rail uo\v In the
track there. * _
May Ilo AlioIiNlioil ,
"Asuco'ssorto OniicMl MuitiEir McXHll ,
Of tlio SI. Joe AOr.wd Itlaad road , Is not
thought of , " said anofflklalat Uulcu 1'aclHc
( .eailjuarlcrs. " 1 billetc tnci o\\crd \ that bo
arc thinking wriously of nlwll'jnlnfr thnt po-
tltion bynaldtiR the St Jo6& Orand Island
ft part , oftho Mlmourl rlverdlvMon nnd tlit.1
put It under ( Jpneml JInnnjer UrlnltcrliolT's
jnrliillctlon. In cnso this Is done thcro
\vill bo no necessity of maintaining a
force of tonrril oftlcerj and clerks ntSt Joo.
TherotvhviliMniply bo operated ns ndivlslon
niul by o division superintendent thu
stilus ns tlio Nebraska nnd lim- {
na I'arlllc tllvliloii * , the former by
Superintendent Ilnrr nnJ tlio iattor by
Suiwrlntondcnt I'almcr. Tlio position va-
en ted by MeNolll h not being sought after by
mencninblo of filling It. Superintendent
Burr Is In line of promotion , but ho already
hus n tetter" thine mid K,000 n year inoro
salary. Vice President I loicomb Inn started
In on n sivivplnp polio ) of rotronehment and
rofortn. I don't liuow of n. bettor opportunity
thnn thliforldnito knock out aforoo of sti-
peifliiouionidalsnud reduce cxpon o < * sev
eral thoumnddolhrs. Thoquc < tion I1 * who
would be m mill lid y to receive the appoint
ment of uperlntondont. J I * . O'Brien , 13.
JU-NcIll , It. O Hnlstcfidnml H. U. Suth
erland nto tlio assistant superintendent ! of
tlie yst < ni. There tiaint'ier ueeii n general
sui rlutciilont. Thogoncnil manage r does
the work ol thatilepnrtmcit. "
Tliry nru TitlkliiiAtwut It.
7ho wy undlffnilU'l mm tier In which
GeneralMuingcr llessegulo utidortool : tore-
inoio Itob Hnxtcr , superintendent of the
\Vjoniinif division , hn occasioned so much
tulk ntnont ? Union Tarlflo trwk mid tr.iin
men ovcrwv hero , that ho nny heroiftorllnd
histo-iitlon an unpleannt ono. Ftnrini ; se-
rlow result shoulJ ho | > ereintorlly dlHclnr > * a
Mi Biixtcr. without frlviiiKsoiuo RooJ. causa
frmo dolnjrlloswpuieaslti'd him to haul In
hisiL'sU'imtbn , together \\lth ni ovplnn itlon
jtulliiK Unit U. Dickinioii had offcivd him n
bot'or ' inHltlon onthollnltlinorcit Olito. This
Baxter not only rufuscd to do , but pave the
HUfKOftthn a\vw , find It civited an
itiiniiniso ntnotiiit of unpleasant _ com-
iticnt on 1 tosicfjulo tit a railroad
onicliil. Ba > cter la expected to nrrho in
Oni'ha this wtKsUandimiynocTpt aniipnolnt-
nicnt ftoiii the JKiltiiuoro , t Ohio. Itliun-
doiitooJthsit that corporation uim tin super
intendent vlio ii experienced in mountain
railroading for it ! PhilxdelphiaandU heeling
dUlsion A better nun oinnot bo found lor
suih work tbui Hob llaxtrr.
V.III linow IJultoi NoM TluiP.
H B. Deems , for ti long titno stenographer
to ( lencral P.ussciiRcr Agent I.otnax ot the
Uiiloii 1'nr-ille , Ins been appointed assWr.nt
ticket agent at tsnmxtitv K H Mailu-w
took thoplnw viiextedbv him. IVlr Uioins
is In ton 11 sulfouiif ? from u Jump ott the
train nt Wvbstci strut dipot biiniliy even-
inft before it atoiipeil Ilie moiimi threw
violontli totlic innutil. By attemi > tii4 to
saio his fiKoaiiilliuuil , hMi.iiulsvuo ludly
cut anilono ivristvui sot liiuslj sptuliicd
- Ot Intcrosl to .Mother ? .
llio sicre1 , of Mrs Annlo Al ncmi ot.Mc
ICitspoit , 1'inn , In the tioatmont of iliur-
iliocu in hercliildienu'illundoubtedly lie of
inlciest to nianv inothii's. She suys "I
sj ) tit bcroulvaks lu Jolinstoivn. I'll. , niter
tlic rcit Hood , on uiiount of inj husbnnil
biiup oniplojedthei'o'o \ hid scioralchll
dun \vitli us.tnoot vhointook thodianhoea
vciy billy I not some ot Uhtimhotliiti's
rohc , diolini nnd Jlarihooa i-etncdv fioin
liiv. Jlr. Chapman ItiuroJbotli of tlioni
I1mo\\of several other i.isci ivlierc It was
Ofjunlh Hucressful. I think it fan not bo ux
collect und thcoifullj leconinicnd it"5 anil
50ion'bottles ' forsulebj
A\VXrs ( TO Jill' ]
The I'nii ' itui il Aot ot * a Son to a
MotliciVlu > Iiiived lllin.
Mrs Ann Stuiilels , an old licly well
advtincc'don the clowti jri'julo o ( life\vas
tnkon (10111 ( the homo of thu
bcforotho comtni'.sioiiera of iiirtttilty in
bun IVtuicirico tlio other daj on the
clutf 'o of Insanity.
TJuMo voropresent toprovo the olivrg-c
iijr.iin > 't litr tlio ono who had cnu-od lioi
inuavioi'atlon. hei son , jibuily joung
mill tiboutthlily-firo jcara old , a nullt-
mail named lnxx'r ) jnul anothoi' Indl
\ldiuil , sij4 tlio Exiviiiincr.
An examination by the
jiluinlj relieved tlio ohl lady Iroui unj
busjiulnu of in aiilly.
\Villijisn Henry btanlels , who keeps a
variety btoro at li.'JOl Jaokbon fetreot , the
fcon , in iclo the statement totho uoinmis-
uionou that hn hnd liis motlioi aritbtecl
been uses lie thoup-M blio wis ; insino. IJo
said that she tib In tlio liabit ot calling
attliostoio nml tilmsinc : him , and that
ho would not fctand it any longer.
Thonoitly drcbscd and bid little figure
vhobofaco all wilnklcd with eaio
nnd ImuWo , turned to the wall'with a
Mttorbol ) as she mnttoicd out , "Oil ,
" \Villio , Villic , vhy did you do this
thingto ine ? "
Thcro ivasno iiityor rogtot in tlio
Aolco that roiilioillli \ such distinct
litrtilihcos. ' 'well , you luve bothorcd
me ; ivhatdidyoudo It for ? " St.iniolj
turned , and as ho did Jio inctcioryiiheio
iiothinsliut dirk arid lovrorin look ,
tind 01011 the under sheriffs , Inuiod to
Alcwing-cvoi'j manner of sufTu-iiig coiv
ccivablo , ciitv-cd the man below their
breath a.siin Ingruto.
Fred Draper , the driior of a milk
Matron , iiho , it is , stated , is a chun
of Stiuiiels' , testified that Mrs SUniols
hid fiequeiitU exhibited great violunco
and kid struck him lutli a pinibol. II
was shown IDrapor lunl v-orricJ Lho
old lady tso much on ono occ.isio'i thai
pho had lOiillylosthoi tompcrtind usd
the -Momaifs } wuapon to but little pui
ho\\ovor ,
Mrs , Stanii'ls told a sad tale to Cora-
inlsslonois Hclinyo and I'helttn and tohl
it weeping. It buems thatliordaughtei-
inlaH'JUO Wrth to a clilld somotiino
hlnue.aiid that tlio proud mo tlio r nur.scil
It anil lou'd it very doarlj , Seeing this
tlio ton took the child nwayfrom hei
and icfutird to lot hoi1 BOO the little ono.
Police Oaicoi- Holds said that Mis
Stntilelrt had woilced in his ( tnnlly. as
Iwi- bon lind-iofubcd to assist her in anj
\\iiy \ \ , imd ho thought the icason the son
MIIntul to pot her to tlio asylum was duo
to her boiiijj too healthy. 'Alts. Stinicls
han tuo Insuraiico policies on her life ,
"nST' ' ' ' ' ' * ? WiOOd. ami they More made
out in the iiamo ol hei bon.
Mis. Stanlols was lionoi.ibly dis
charged doni custody ,
now ofllcoaof tno Kroat Hock Ij-
laiidrouto , 10U2 , Slxtoonth and Parnain
ftreot , Oaiahi , aio the llnest ia the city.
Call nnd see them Tiokc > 5 to all points
cubt uL lootit \ rates
Cor 1) ( It as aLong
Long- before the hour for .Tim Cor-
liott'b in rival at Knoaley'b llaoUtnith.
tlioj ) , wlioro tlio CaliforiiUvoiuloi is to
Iniinititho futuio , hundicds of fi lends
had collected , says n. bin Fi-jinci co
spo'jkl to the New York World.
I'orlwtt Cttmo out by the Ellis
street c.iblo lluo , aoiomiunird hy
a lirgo mnnbor of friendd. In
ahhcit tlino howasia ivorUiii , ' patb.
bi > i/.Ing a bi sledge ho BIVUIIJ it \ \ itli a
11 ill on a jiicco e [ hc.xted iron. Checis
vent up front the spectators as the litst
blow was stiuek , Ills friends dialled
hi ni. peed tiatuiodly during the tvo
iiotiu' ork. Coibott wns found at tlio
Olympic club gmiiia&iuin bv aS"oilcl \
eorrciipoiiiloiit ana questioned regardinpc
his intontlom "I have started this ? lo
hotter ilevolop my muscles , " paid lie ,
"and to | ot ready "
' You nro bllUdotoi mined toilglit Sul-
llvun ? "
"M'oll , I should say BO. Ilo claims to
ho hound down bj a tlioatiical contract ,
but U won't atloct otir ineotiiij , ' . I hn\o \
iceolved floral olfors from custom
theatrical maoagors , but htuo not da-
cided whit Ishnll do , Ono thing is cer
tain.Vhon inj yeir 1 $ up I will ho
aftoiJohn L SsulliMin with as much
uiouey tu ho cares to fight for , "
\ VlKoniuH Hat lusinr.
Eiasttts Lovotto , a bachelor wlio llios
near Home , l' bald to bo In his 101th
j eat , yet capable of walking ton 111 lies
to toivti , and ULoly to llvo force
co mo.
Chirles Wooster Dcflnas the Proliib-Demo-
croticllia ea Situation.
Tlio Democrat -\Vnnt the Oilli'cs1
Hut ! > < > Not AViiut ( lie iViuciul *
nifjiit A. I uinplci Con-
il.tloii of
Sir.vnt Cur-nic , NoTj , Adjust lO.-To the
Editor of TIID Bre : Thorshrubeenso raucli
snll about the pilnclplea or the ulllincimd
they me , as I cltilin , bolngso iiTsUlPiittjr lg-
noioil , UointcJ nnd trampled In the dust by
ourstnto ofllclsitsaml by county nndsubordl- '
mite nllhncftj , 1 here plio thorn in full so
tint tbo fanners and i > ooplo generally mnjrsco
nnJjuilfo for thoinacUos of these principles
ntul of tlic vorlc of the allUnco nnd tlic > lade-
pcndont pnity la the light of cu < rj day
duclopiucnU. llieso principles aw us fol
io \s :
I'rnfonmlir Itnprpswfil tint wotlirI'linn'rV
nlllninis nulled by tin * stionz mill fiillliful
tlHiif tlnaniliil niul tiome liiti-tiit * * . vlioulthot
fonli milli'Olwitlons ( of InlLUtloiis.vo
tlll'K'fotlKllU 0
Id htrlo lo HMtrr tlifl o < it b ] | .liiiic t of
right und Juitk-o to oira luami oarpo--
fu liiluir fop tlio oelucvvtlm of t liontyrloul-
turil clt-t oilM tlio spciii'tidf uumoinliMilKov *
eminent Inn miktlynon-piit l < : ni "I'll ' It.
In oiiloroi the molti ) , 'In tiling
unity : In utltliins Hi ult } . "
to soMiii'p nit ) of the oloctlvo Iruiclilso ,
und tolmlu o ulliotor * toluiclllgiMitly IUT-
I'l-o It ( DP tlui oniot uipiit-nnd c\ociitinn of
li s uliU'li will tY | > r s tint IIIH-.L u < l\ mood
public soul liiiont u itniuill question > < In volt lug
llic ltncic-.t < of tilxinrs niul fruition
lo < li iflop n bittuMtatt , muiituli ) , moral *
Ij ' oc'lilly mid liiiamlulli
lo c' < m"tinilv : strive to pcnrc oiillro har
mony iiul "nod Mill union' : .ill Mi.inkliul tuul
biotliirly Into
lomippitss pen-on il. Intnl. M'rtlonnl inul
tiitliin il ptijiultins ; nil uiihuulthtul liMlry ,
unil tillM'KMi ambition.
Toasiiiatji tliosnnirlii < of a brother iinil
iMcr liurj llio dia < li.irfor [ tlioMos anil
( iliic-nli tli > iplrni > > ; to o < terc'lsi < eliitltj to-
wild olciitlits ; t ) < * uii * irii < \\ords and pur-
PIMIn Hull mint f.i\oral \ > Ii > tight , granting
hmii'My > f pin IKHO : uil ( good InUtitkiiis to
ollii iiindlo prut oil tlio piJnclplii ol tilt. ,
ulllanii ) nnlo ( loath.
To nn > uiiin-ojudii'iil person who will care
fully raid these principles , who has read inj
litters to Tur Bn. anil * , % ho has noticed tin'
iuroptlon oftho now party movement nml
\Mti-licil its prowess 1 tliluk llio conclusion
\\lllbeiiiOJistiMo tint the alliance is fast
cutting InoiO from HsinooiniKinnd Unit the
nllmmi ) trailers uro eltlicr uofulh self-do
cilvod-blinded by their o\vn sellwli ambt
tlons or unmitigated frauds , peril HM a little
of both
I nuivcrvellnwiro of the fact that verj
many member * } of tlio alllnnoosaj I hmo no
business total It this nay , peturyicd uiidei
tlio collur ; iitoposo to ino exinlledfioni
the alii nice , ami all tint Xow , to Mich. 1
vnnt to sai this tint so far as nny differ-
cm-OS that mi lit exut between invself and
Incthrcii putainiii strictly to.illi.iuco altairu
uro couc'oriiL'd. 1 would bo quite dlspoicd to
Icnvotheinto be settled in tho.ill I unco itself ,
but uhcii members , officers or others , by
lYiuson of their power or intlucnco in the
nlliaiuc , undertake to stillo honest discussion
in the allnneo , anil to use our order foi
ulterior purposes and foi their O\MI
siKtrrnndi/iinctit , iw thej haio bicn doing ,
tlii-ii my lip-s are no longer sealed Gentlemen -
men , 3011 ciiinot uiiply the gijj tome Co
jour worst
Instcid of meeting mo with demmclitioii
nnd abuse , snppo = > oou \ should show tint inr
points are not well taken. This jou do not
nud nnnot do Your unger snows yoin
ue.ikncss. I stind bv the principles of tlio
iilliume , bull vlll nuitlur bo bulldo/iil noi
led btlio no jo If ; ou will , jou mi v. Von
joufselvesimvo foncd this tight. Tal > c the
Untjounlonocannot ti'fo all the oonso-
qiienos. bomoof them are on all of its You
< .icnto division In our ranks 1 % Mch wcro bo-
foio united ! y ° " introduce contention anil
strife when' before thcro was pcaco and liar-
jnony , by liolatitifT our own liws von prove
to thowoilil thnt wo nro not lit to be clnrpcd
with the nainlnUtiiitloii of the laivs o [ the
&tnlcInstead , ol InliniinK for the eJucitiou
of thoiipneulttiml l.isHcs , you are laboring
for cloor \ , ( 'lorj and the s | > oUs of ofllcc , tlio
fact that iiedrlj all our oftltors aio cither
cindiiatesforoQIcoor in lolling anticipa
tlou , gives the ho to our doul.ircd iMi'P so of ] ? allsolllsH ambition : tlio f.ict thnt
thu funds of the allimco have been and urn
bciiiKunlaivfullj" applied proves totho ivorld
that MO could not bo trusted to ininago the
ilnanies of the state ; and , Jin.illy , jourcourw
makes the ileclirntion of our purpose "to pro
tcct the principles oftho alliauco until death"
Host ridiculous fnrco.
\s I ha o said , I standby the principles of
the alliance , ami ye'I ' should despair of their
making any substantial progress did I not
hive great faith iti the steady coascrutism
nnd peed sense of the Rreat mass of tlio
farmiup community , anl did I not licHo\e
that nfter this emotional pnroxysnishallha\o
subs ! Ifd. they will assert thcmsehes , cvstolt
or rcitruiu thcso self-seeking leadertlieio
reckliijs , ambitious usuiners of authority ,
mid resnnio their nnjestlo nnroh according
to thooriKiaallindmarlo of our order.
This fanners' ' moioineiitmUatlwcolnpareil
to a gieat spring torrent , formed from tlio
suildcu brcakhip loose of tlio icy bonds of
winter aul benrmfj aloft on its crest tlio drift
of thoyauls anl farms. I tlilnk Ihearthoso
who mo now so K.illuatb ndlufjthis move-
mciit like the drift of the torietit sij ing
among themselves , "How wo apjiles sivnn" '
Yes. they s\\lm , nnd iron November I they
sliouli silently sail out Into the broad open
sun of political oblli ion , I < lonotkno\\ that
the ulliinuo or llio noildwillbo much loson
Btitsupiiosotheii venture on the uncertain
field of waifiuv should glvo the vic
tory to the democratic party , what thin
would oui ropnbiicnn members of thoallianco
siyl I am inihucd to think they would to
( Oiistrainul to admit tliov hid put their foot
lu it For I do not believe the } arc so fu-
conothattlioydo not elicrhh bouio kindly
feelinpj towaid the old p irtj thci have stooil
w itt 10 lontf , and tint v ly down In the bottom
tom of their heaitstliov nilBht notyctsavof
the republican party as a patriotic English
man , once sail of his uatho land , "Albion ,
with all thy faults I love theobtlll"
And this , I think , may very likely Inppcn ,
that K a. result of the picscnt politicil con
test in thH state , the democrats will elect
tlicii catiro state tkkot , I Uliovothis is n
peed year for doinocnts. Although dcxno-
ciiitio members of the alliance nmv iioiv
think they will vote the Independent ticket ,
take my word for it , when election day
comes nine outof t\ory \ ton of them will vote
the stitilght diaiocnitiotickot. Uho prohlbs
\\inofcoiirsoputupa ticket , but It ivill boa
ticket to tiadoor help them carrj the amend
ment Ihu democrats vunt the ofllces but
don't\vaiittucainciulincnt , anilyettbcjknoir ,
as does every ono else , tint if the
amendment should curry \\ouldnot \ provcnt
any good democrat from KOttlui ; his boo/
thenou election davomayoxpat to see the
pious , KUihlfss juobibs the fillowsio \
hottlfor'Uioil ' , honit * and native hnd" ofler-
ItiK to vote the on tire ilo nocwtio ticket in ex-
chaugo for votes for thonmtndnient.
As I nut It tip tlien , according to the pres
ent outloik , this nny bo the thai outcome ,
the demoir..tflivill'ot ( the oftleea , thoropub-
llcana will s ° t loft , the prohlbs tvillgi't the
amendment and the entire t > tale Mill get
I fauev the reverend prohlbs will bo verv
much iliookcd and the W C. T U. people
\vlllmakofaces at mo licc-auso I Intimito
the followci of the saintly ht. .lohn vouldbo
so utterly dishonorable and unscrunulona as
to put up a ticket for the more purpose of
selliii ) ; it outAnd yet I hn\o \ it pretty
straight from pi-olilbs in this state , high nnd
low , that the ) nro ) to do precisely tint
sainothniR. And n hy should they not bo ?
Consider for .unomeat the example ofanolh.
or of their pi-eat hborcrs the pious Doctor
runk , a hoarjheailed "D. I ) . " vim like our
dictator down ut Lincoln , is the editor of nn
"oHIiinl own , " vi.i the Now York
Voice. Well , what about tlio
rftiiiitly Doctor I'unkl Only this
for the present , thit , ai-cordlntf to his own
statement , not Ion ? sluco ha bint a certain
colonel somolxKly with a lie hi his mouth to u
K'eutlouun of I'hUuK'lvhl.i to ( rain his conII-
denco for tlio suko and express purpoio of bo-
trahi ( ? that caiiildciico , And uiraln hu sent
out to a Urtronunil/or of iiubllshcrs of ncivs-
paiiers in tliinstate a reitaln busliiGol propo
sition , Mhlfh ho , hlmsulf , must have re-
n a corrupt pioirasltioti , for no ether
) > ur ] > osollKiLito entnipuud destroy them. So
far as 1 have rend the replies , hlsschciim was
a failure , butovealf It could bo admitted
thit these replies w rn M dnmnlnff M ho
claims , docs thnt innWc the mntter nny totter
for him ! and Is tnls picas iwaclicr of the
K < * | K 1 to bo excused MI the KronnJ tint ho
lit'il for Christ's wteoforOi > J , homo and nat -
t o Iniidl Docs not the Bible teich him
that honmstnotno ctll tint good tna > camot
So , now , my dear brethren of ttio third
party , follow your nUto lender , trniln off \ our
tiiket M much aayou ploaio ; bo upto nil the i
Bkulliljiwciryottpleiso. nnd He , dccolvi ) nnd '
betray us mucli ai von please. It will Ijo nil ,
ripht , only to you do It for the ciusc.
Ur-currintinpiilri totho oriiulplesof the nl.
llnnce , with \vhlch\\e started out , it will
rotdllybe scon Unit to 1 conslslent therewith -
with the work of the alliance should bo
largely of an educational nitnro. And ,
sinew this eiludtioml work is to
bo done "in
itrlttly non-pnr-
titan spirit , " each nnl every member should
bo loft perfectly free In all matters nei talnlnn
to party politics , queilo-is upon which inrty
lines nro sharply dm-vn mil oonociiilng
\\hlch party feelluff" rum blniiwhethortlio\
bo political , ocarionilial or social , sliotihl bo
nusolutely b.iricd tn subjects of ilebjto nt
xntoliniri oftho alllmicc. momhc-rs , nnd mciv
estocinlly nil olUccis. sinuld bo c-mcclulh
careful no\er to let drop a word that ( oalll
A\ound the partv scnsioiltio ! > iof n brother ,
"ofilclnl orpins" fthonld nner Indulge in pat-
tlsiu dhousiloiH , uo\er \ denounce one | 'iirt\ '
or uphold another , and if am suih "oftlcinl
oiran" should so fir forpet Its dutv to its
constiticiH'j ate mnlr Its.-ir the niouthiiieco
ami ndiornto of any jnrtyhutovci \ ,
it should bo considered M Invins forfeited
tboreeppctof nil hoioralito iwa ; .md. above
nil thlnBs.lf It should I ippeti. iult his nl-
rcidy hu > penedUiat , conaldenblo num
ber of members of the ulliiurelsbcd toforin
lieuinrty , that matter should nc\or have
been mentioned tn nny alliance In the state ,
much less should any alh.inco eloetndelotrati )
or expend acentin aK.iiuinutlio interests of
such pirtj' nnd the oMct n of the nlliatiio ns
stich should have absolutely ignored the
As tojubthou the alllnneo inthiastnto
his strayed fi-oni Us orlglnil laiidtnatk , 1
leave my readers to Jud e
eUi \ nir.9VOOSTCR. .
Hummer Coinpinlnt.
A duipgist ntnritt , Hancock county , Iowa ,
mlntclils cspciioncoith this dise.iso tu
follow : During the simmer of ! & $ : > , inj lit-
tie fritl , twoj ears of taken souously
ill with summer complaint , so common to
child nu of that ago , and nftei being tie.itod
by a physldan uud fT 'ttnif , ' no better , 1 took
from my sbehcs n bottle of UhnmberUir.'s
colic , cholera nud dmi ihoi-.i reinedv. Kho
ftlt relluved after the llrat dose , and in three
dajsas entirely \\f\l. \
ilo Ilranlc niul GlitMicil and Ahvajs
Remained .lUtiworj Sport.
Twenty joins tiyo there wore { joits in
other parts of N'ov Yoik thnn the uifKs
o ( llnrlom , whither they hive been
diivcti by tlio oiuvnt 1 and uortluvtird
imirch of tlio hoine bnildur , bays the
J\'o\v \ Vprk Tilbunc. \\asoiioKoat
in ] ) aitiotiliir that fionnod to bo infatu
ated uith tlio biullu of life down town ,
und vliidi , ainonsr other distinctions ,
luib Knoun nsXov Voik'ssouthoi-nmost
( , 'oat that is , lie Ined further do\n
town Ihiin tiny ether animal ot his
iN on Mnniinttiiii
The Bowoty "tpoils" of a fecoro of
jcarsngo who still live ( and they aio
not man ) "now ) rotnembur "Bellows'
Hilly" well and affectionately. Hillv
was an Angora goat o-vmd by "Uill * 1
llollowH , who kept a livoiy stable jiut
oir tlio Boiverj nen'Chatsmi square , and
the goat's ' name vis appiopiintely
formed by reier&lnff the naino of his
oivnci. Jiolloivs raised "Billy" from a
kid , und as the kid developed into a full-
Jledged goat the nircctlon bo- ,
twcen the nian and tlia animal prow
steadily until Lhov loved encli other
dovotedlj. "Billv" ( Iho goat ) \vns fond
of his freedom of life on the Bo\\eiy
amid the ghuo and lliokcr of the g.w
lights at nl lit and tlio founds of
lovoliy. Ilo slept in the stable during
the day and awolas at night feeling
Indlj , ] u t HlvO tlio- ether spoils , for , no
it known , "Hilly" i tlio ) wus ono of
the "boys. " lie had learned lad Iiibits.
The first of tlicso was the habit of chew
ing tobacco. If ho was not liberally
supplied with the weed at the stable ,
"Bill ) ' ' would jnouottd to the Bowoiy
and unit all the liquor shops and cigar
stores until ho met some ono who know
Ins fulling and thiough pity iiould pio-
\lilo him with a quid.
Pei liana it waa owing to fieso visits
thataoaequiied n taste- for strong drink ,
for ho was tempted with heoi at many
of the places ot which ho wiled. It was
not long , before 'everybody on the
Bocry fiomChntam Squire to Tourth
street Imow "Hollows' Billy" well
enough to bo on at leist PpcaMng terms
with him. Every night Billy nould
march tliiough. tlie Bowery stopping at
dozens of liquor MIOJH both going and
comiag. As Billy imbibed beer freely
durincr this promcmulo ho often vallccil
unsteadily upon the homovard trip ,
which always win made late at night
and sometimes late in tlio morning1 houia.
Ho novoi walked on the vest side of the
Bowery , nor entered , i liquoi bhoj ) sa\o
on tho'oabt side of th&thoioughfaio.
In 160'Jor 70 , when John "Morris oy
and Thomas O'Neill had tliolr gambling
house atFauith blrcctniid the Boweiy ,
aequiiiiited with thu
guniUorsanciiiHed to visit the cBt.iblisli-
montovory night Ilo scorned to think
that Iho well droned men lie mot thuio
worobottor compiny than the froiuont-
ois of the ohe.ip liquor she on tlio
btrect. It soon lieramo apparent , too ,
that ho utideistojd the nature of the di
version \vMchlho c&tahliBhincnt wjs
dovoted.Vhon a phyov left the f.iro
tublo "broke , " Billy , It is a&bcrUd ,
would omit a"bai-a-i ; , " in which the
contemptuous oxnrc- Ion was only too ap
parent. Ilo would h.ivo nothing to do
with loosoi-3. but nhvijs courted the
winners , again &ho\viug his likeness to
other "sports.1
Morris ey and O'Neill vrorojkind to the
goat and gn\o him rum and tobacco
whenever ho wanted thorn. Ono night
a crowd of dutnkon g.imulors visited the
place whoa Hilly was there. Some ono
proposed thnt a practical joke bo plajed
on the gout. ono olfao got a tin
funnel and a bottle of Jamaeia
nun , The goat \\as ( Irmly
hold while the rum was poured dowr
his throit through the funnel. "Bill ) '
wanted to go homo then light away , b'ut
the gamblers would not open thu clooi s.
Soon hobeoaino hilnilous , ho the bloi\\
goes , tried to dnnco on hlh hind legs anc
btatid on his Load and do other sill.\
thing's , all of whloh seemed fiiiwiy to tlio
porjiotiMtoi-i I'hen ho MILS allow od ti
go. His antics on tlio btivot attr.icted a
crowd , liut in tlio nildstof the poifoim-
nnco Billy becimo overcome bv the
liquor and fell on tlio sidewalk dead
drunk. A policeman bouo\u'd a wheel
barrow and took the goat to the btnllon
houio , Imtwhen the owner caino for Liin
ho wixs loloased.
The next nijht ( lie goat wont his
rounds as usual , BoinowLat dilapldati'd ,
but fatill able to liold his own. After
drinking his u uil quantity of boor and
fooling "braood up"'ugaln , ho prooc-ede 1
to the gambling hoibo , Imt could not bo
nomuulcd to onlor. Standing nt tlio
curb ho greeted o\ery ono who c'litcu-d
or left the place with a contemptuous
"baa-tva. ' ' "Whoii ho wiu > about four
yoard old "Biily" tcfoinied to ftomoot-
tent nnd tried to tnnlco hlmfcolf iinoful in
thobtahle. Holed the horaus to the
watering t tough and did ether slninlo
thiiitfs. ' 'IWlons' Hilll" died at a. llio [
old age , a "HuworyspDit" to tlio lust.
AM 13' lloj i Ii ( live Hi D Pa i in.
\ agilculturht snvs tiut ) ono reason
foi1 the fact the fauns
is that they are not InculcaUd in rural
tauten. Agrii'iilturo in too often iiitulo a
"slaving biiilnow" insttnd of tin el "Hiit-
ing ] > ur ult where skill is hlglilyeri-
tecaiudaudbolcnuo bus Its proper plac-o
How R Cotitlnotnr Treated ( ! o\'crnor
Thoroisn conductor on the Denver
tnumuiy t line who n ill hand in his testy
nntioii by request. iyslho leti\or ) 3owA (
"SVlieiilho 3Xu s publlsheil I'Ojmrts ro-
gnrding ' the mtiom of seine ol the con *
ductois ; on tholramway line , Mr , Hwlnoy
C'lirtiH cnmo out In n. letter saj Ing that
all his condtiL'toi ! ) ere geiitk-men.
A good many of Ihoin are gentle
men , but not till , ns o.\Uo\ornor \ Kuui : ! ,
the iirosldont of the compmy , cjvu
testif\ \ after allttlo pcisoinl oxpoiienco
vlth one of hisovuioniploje ? . Thogo\-
cmor wanted to get 01111 cir on Ashlnnd
mumie , sis did several ladlw. Ho lialled
the car and w.u told iinv prulT roico to
hurry up. Severn ! ladles got onto the asothiTs nero getting oil , und the
gentlemanly conductor snld lie hid , i
u - dgooil notion to innko tlicin all
get oil until ho n anted tlu'in to g t
on. The governor oyeil the follow , who
vas tiiicotiscicits of the fuel that the
piesident of the roul w.ia ono of
his piysengots. After a Httlo nioro
fmoaiing the fellow inng the gong of
the car to go ahead , anil vlien he I'sitno
atound totho nro-iidciit ot the reid ho
piabled Ills ti < feet book , niul U-arlng a
ticket , thuift It biclc nt htm line ho
vantril to i unit down his throat. The
pii' idonttonliit till in , and tfOM'iM.1 pas-
bi'iigers on the car \\lio know fJovonior
L\ans veto eotnul&ul vlth InuRhlci1
vhen thej saw the trouble this geiillo-
nntilj coiuluctor A\HS \ getting Into. Ho
vlll probibly receive a liltlo blue en-
\cloiw today , after which ho will no
longer bo omplojcd by the tramway
1GOI Sixteenth nnd Fa main streets Is
the now Hook Island ticket otllcc. Tick
ets to all points east , il lowest r.itos.
I'lolll.iblo G.u dmi UK-
O. W. Oslj'orno of Montelatr. Fla ,
planted List Resi on half an acre in
cucumbeis , snipped the ciop and not ted
6JOO. The s-iino hind now has a ciop of
corn on it thnt will yiild llftecti bushels
liomone-lifticth of an acre planted in
fancet ] ) otatoes he gathered iifti-en bu&h-
ols , vhleh Is at the late of 750 bushels
per acre.
For 25 years I euflcred from bolts , cry Jpcla3
end other blood nffittlons.tnUlns durlDff that
time pent quoitltiesof dillcrciitmedIclncsulth-
outeivinjmo any perceptible relief. Friends
Jndnccd no to try S.H. S. IL Imprirt cd rno from
the start , nnd after taking ecicrnl Lotties , re-
etored ray ht-nlthnufor nil could hcpo for a.
my ogc , which la now seventy-he jcars.
Mns. 3. H. LUCAS , Dow ling Green. Hy.
Trallse en njowl Rr SklnDIfca'cs malted free ,
mirp-n iprni'in rn lwfn r , .
nil cJili-flinlonclu thp troiitiiifnt ) f
roiAllpntloii. 1Ii toitiiic > iin ) > Iiilon it thnt
all trqulu iutn'iiii' fulfilled 11 llieincillclno
foicta unloIHK \ \ ot tlio IxiHvlx. A. Rrcnt
en or. 3I ( ll lnorimi lypurK tli , correct *
lie morbid itnilltion , c ii"r ii iitl ) tin lr tin
l follouul l > ycrcnter lurtti'ont"r , m-
' < ljt < > lii'ofK'itual nmlixtriimiiont , must ho
co > n [ > o ril of toiili , ill srnllvo. comrtlii )
utidrarthirtlcjiio | > cttlR.rllnscarc ( iliiilr-
) ly combliiMl In I > r , Tiltt'rt I heir > ll < .
ll. lua li rt tlniicairwnll tlic nut.
tliufc result from limctUo ho\rr-3j.
Tlit ) K'UI * " " " * < " ? Inlo.-llni , Ntlnuliito
tlinr < * r < llo s iiiiJrorrc t Impcrfctit funo-
t loiul lit lll > ll Of t III ! BtuiUUCll UUti 11OT. .
r Pills
Price. 25o. Olflco , 39 & 41 Park Flacp. N. Yi
j-vv v a.
> T P'
The Purest and Bast Drinlt In the World.
petizlzlns , Delicious , Sparkling nnd
the Best Blood Purifier audTonlo.
A PackaRO [ llqulcll 2Jo , moKc-s 1 iillona '
EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed.
No TrouWa. KaBlly Mado. Try It
Ask jour Druggist or Grocer for It nnd take
uo othor. Sco that jou got
Mnclo liyO. T. initnS.l'liIhclolDliIa. IVnn.
Etlablliheo I860.
A fch l for lliu luiilicr Macallon ol WOIIN An
unusually fine corp ofi'rofr porsfor 1I9A-91 Llter&
ture Art and Mualobjipccinllsti Lei Mlon Col
ifintU aio , In ftW acre park Juatnortliuf city lliulta
tontt tretiabound , blue crriG4 , nnabunlKniticr &ptca
for out-dnur oiercUe llnniliur a building1' Atorftl
tonflof school > icpll nt A rhrhtlftn home lth ill
tbo freed nm nntlall tlo itafflRimrh of a well ordered
home xv'rllo ftirratnloffiio Atldrttss ,
W A. OIDIIAH , l'jfiMcniCCIUMBIl , MO.
Ifow Buildings , New Furiilturo , Now Pianos
New Riuipiionts , Beautiful Sttxtatlon
Optm Fcpt 21 rullnnclMiporlor Fntulty Dormrt-
mcnls for Knulhli , I.-itln ( iroik , ( .iniinn I rt-nch ,
bcluoco , .Music. Vrt , tic tenJ tur Informtillun to
M133 II N. UASUU.MTInclpnl ,
lliraiirhosofUusfc I > r.nnitio.\rt ItilMirt
utino < Ur tu
cost. C mailed fiim , J , J * Iilrrttor.
Tor Youni Women. 1 or catalogues add 0 , U
M.NG&U.Y. I'll. ' U 1'nst.
l ( lei rtnu-nla of Mn I al JiiHtructlou Mcxkrn ta
TVIorirnnI * l'tnoirrhl"niononiillni ( )
) Gcbunl lor G trls u ti I Vunnir I .mica , lor i
ILLINOIS MILIT/IRY / ACADEMY , Uornnn lllliii.l. INrk ,
llrcularoflllSNItY J bl'LVCM 3 , A. I ) . , Jrln.
MeJIn , l' Military Arndeiny.lKtjrs
llruoko Hull , ctrl * . Circulars frco.
WHtn THC DEmrt Bi CU .EO n
etit ibm * U timllfcrl * .
T > M/-C * eoniUmJ A'lamt ( o ( r
Tlilble t > J ? i twfA-llhoJtrrnM'll |
\VALKHiiri-eip , c ciw
Juin | r I'fjrlr- ' . Clr I , Triey
IM 4 DP or nxr * at tiDllt i No ut
O I ) . J.i.rlli .1,1 I u hirlrrnlu.
M.dvmCI ciw . tita
Siilz. . . inmr 1 1 n c4i .
, uat , a tbe oilJ.
1UBUU8 t'ifcO CUSrlONS
1ltUlM > nk > l4utinilll. Iml IUU * .
ti 4U in . r * > rt KK.kA ir > f <
.JUUtaiJC.bUliroa * " ! ! , N.V.
AI olati'lTi1illilile.rf | wily * at . most | > w rfulfrm&lt
a wn nrv r fill , v I IM > X | u tM\J | < l cn < > lxis
AillruMiiiiNJifti iiln ' h > ir\tfi y ,
bold U ; OOOtiUArf Dltt'U CO.
Sunburn , Piles ,
dialings Eruptions , , ItJ Boils Cuts , ,
Sore Eyes , Burns ,
Sore Feet , Wounds ,
Bites Bruises
Mosquito , ,
Stingsoflnsects , Catarrh ,
Inflammations Soreness
, TAC.SlMltE OF ,
Hemorrhages , DUFF WRAPPCR. ,
POND'S EXTR/VCT / CO. , 70 Fifth Avenue , Now York.
/j\r *
Cocoa is of supreme importance ns an aiticle of diet , i
Van Iloutcn'shas fifty ptr cent more flesh-forming proper- . *
tics than exist in the best of other cocoas.
The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened ns to lender
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