Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Advauces Exceed the Breaks , Result
ing in a Qood TJptnm.
Bom ! Trn lo in Onls The Provision
Aliirkul AVcakoiioil with Corn
! ' Ir Trnilo In All
. ClllfMno. AitR'Ut 13-Pnoclul [ Telegram to
Tin : ltKi.l ; The inngo In September wlionl up
x > I o'clock was So from JI.ou , shortly iifturtlio
spelling , to 1I.O- . December at the sitino tliuo
told nl il.niii. 11 raiiRC of Iic ! , und tlio pre
mium on September , \vhleh wuslc yesterday
Diijmliiz , was reduced tu Sent times todny.
I'liu llMl tlino September touched ! I.U wns
.boilt noon. December did not get
than 11.03. Ilcfoii ! I o'clock tlio third
he day oeeinrert nnd Si-ptcmbor went to il.frj
It n trcoiul time , wlillo December wont tu Jl. ( ) ' ' (
Tli" 11 rsl advance of the day wn the swiftest
nnd sreiitestln the range. September slutted
iirimml U.uu'i rind touched SI.WJ fur
n few trades , Then oirurlnijs stopped nnd tlio
juice went Hying luil.OIV In a few minutes
with everybody trying to t a llltlo on llio
Tva.v up. On this Hurry December was at
un < l lip to J ! . < r > 4) ) May II ( H to ? 1.07Jl to
, When Scpti'tiibur wont to tl.OS Inter.
May sold up to 11.0) ) . On the lint reaction nt
11 o'clock September dropped buck to Jl.oi.
Deceniljor totl.OI and May toSl.lH'l. ' Then
nflor reaching high poln.sal noun un the second
end bulce , thu biieusot was to SLOP , for Scp-
tonibtr.Jl.OlU again for December uml ? I. ' S14
fir Mny. Thus It will be scon that the mnrkot
\\iit greatly HUM tiled , unluit up sharply on
nit'culillvedoinanil | : and llalit nDVrliiKs. ami
oir quite sharply on realizing sales , r.arh
time the advance was rnuiu than tlio break
nnd the general result was a Rood upturn.
Jlull news of the tiny was not starlllnjr. but
Had , . needed lltt.o cncouiimonu-nt to buv.
llciirsurt * M-ry fi-tircu anil house wns liuld
riiiniclitii tnko thulium In-.clllni ; wheat short.
Astili'iiionl : friitu ihoconiml-sluncr ot immi
gration for Smith IlhKot'i Bine tlio wheat
yield ( nr thai slate at ( VI. Mverpyol nnnled
MVII ulicut und fiitiucs > td Uonrur nnd l/on-
( lon muloH werovury linn. A .Now Vork tnll-
lu uiissnld to have lahca all hard wheat
llii'io for winding tit J1.16. Indies anil
( ftpfits tlpiio tliu total eroii at
bushels , wltli fetO and mM ut
bii'iliels , luavInK only in.noj.ooi
for iixport , whereas the 1'acllle
tun usually cxporlH ; w,000,00i. There
nro iiiiiny who profo < . l < > bellovo thut theto
will Uo no spate wheat enst of the Itocky
Mountains Wltli this view of the onip. prices
ilu not look higher oven when siKirln , ' SUMTII !
CPiitsovorJI.l'O. ' There was ijtMieciil tiiiloadltiK
( if wheat the last half hour. Tliebuleo pruvcd
tu beef a soda water order anJ tulivN meltoil
away as fust us they advanced. September
siihl off to < l. ( l'4 and closi'd atJI.lW'i , over So
uiidurlust nl htj December dioppi'd to $ l.0l4. !
closing 4c seller , and May clu o 1 at the low
jiolntof the day , Jl.07 ? . Thciowasno frusli
cApuit biiiiliies.s.
"Itiiovorruliisbiitlt pours. " The dtonth
has tii't'ii broken uvur the corn bolt nnd now
there are repoits of Kcnum ! ifi us almost
cvurynlieic. The slcmil service showed ad
ditional rains nver Kansas , Nebraska , Iowa ,
Illinois , Missouri nnd other corn states. This
did nut liauaileniorallzlii eirvi-t In the corn
pit bccnu.ic the siniill KOI > < | that lain can do
now has l-een paitly ilNcouuted by Iliu druu In
pili-es the past two or thtoo days. Tlit-re was
a bearish ell'evt , luiAorur , and while uheat
wns ellinbliiK nhuiit'.o In price tliu prices for
eurnwuro "IV about le nil mound from last
nlirlil , Sjepteinber .stnrted He liiwer at 4s'.c.
touched 4.vic , iteovured tolu'io ' anil vlrMud
bufoiD 1 nVloi'ltto IC'.t1 , nr Just le tinilfr last
nlSht , Oilier innnilis wuiootl ti like anioiiiit.
The coin market as well siiiipurtcd
befoio tlin elosc and th'yu was a irctivcry of
he toic all aionnd frxin bottom prices. The
low point for September win 4H'o and tlio
clo-cwasiit c. Ausiist was ( iiioted at 4fce
and eloped at. Jhf e ; Uetuber sulei runed ; ; nt
Me oir to I'M. ' ; uloslimut I'J o ; DeeumLur eloped
at I'Jld' : .May ranged at.M'ic'otr ' toWJ e.clos-
IIIK nt Kite. Cum on the cuib was 4siic for
'I'huro WIIM iicooil trade In oats early. The
muikut openuilut Mlxhtly lower tl ures will
Hupteniber around ase. ' At this prleo for a
tliiiullutclilnscn bought all that wns olfered
Later , wliun eorn ik-cllaed , ho uUluhcu' his
Riipliort , uml prices went elf slourj to points
aliout lo under the close yesterday. Tliuro
was prolty Ki'iiornl sulllns by lontrs.
prices were aliout the lowest , for the dac :
Aiijjust 'fc'id oir to . ' 17'jC , ScpleiiibcrfiSaoir to
BTV1. with sales ut ; i76e ! after bill ; October
sold atiuc to lf'tu ! ' ; .May 4T'ic lo lO'jc.
Tliu provision nutrkut weaKeneil with corn.
Tlit'io wasa fair tiade In all products. Ku-
cu pis of hops weio IIO.WK ) and prices at the
yards wero' limur on n slow mnrkot. This
cauu'd slightly lower prices In the pit at the
oiienliiK. January porksolii at jr..W tot2.i ! : ) ,
closinK nt * -t."j. : iiKalnst fP.MJO lustnlKht
huily inonlhrtiverosupixirlcdby Iovllle , who
was a cllquu broker lust sprlui ; . Ho oversold
May jnirk down lo II.'UW nt theclo'ie. ' lyun& ! .
Co. Mild lard freely , and rlb onehclosed
7iseloiver for c-oplriiibcr atiO ! for rlb and
ffi.'JO for lard , anil llc ) lower for .lunuary at
tj.lW , ribs O.i. !
.ti' : HTOCK.
OIIIOAHO , August 1A. [ Spuclal Tvlcsram to
TUB ItKD , ] OATTI.E Ituslness fairly active
and prlees steady as compared with yester
day , but values , especially oaprlmo fat steers ,
are stronger t'uin last weolc. The run Is no
heavy , belli ; ; Hindu up of about 0,000 natives.
4,000 TUMIIIH and : ; , OJO rnnsors , and the dressed
beef trade wanted an uvuniK" nuiiibor of peed
tucrti. .Medium and common stool ; underwent
Hlu or no oh unto , Host ra n&orssold & : a shade
higher and Texansworo ( juoted lOc higher.
which In lurn caused a bettor demand and
stronger prices for cows , holfors and KOOI !
uutehoiV stock , lltislness In the slockur and
feeder line was only laodcriitc , with prices
jibont thesanie as for last , inontb. Ciiolco to
extra beeves , JinoI.N' > ; medium to irood
ktucnt. l.'M tn 1500 His. JI.IKV31.40j IlKM to HIM
lbsi.KIl.l.ri : ( ! UV ) lo ia ) Ib.s , Jl.i-iji.T5i ! : htx'k- '
ers and feeders , K.IKiQ-l.o , ) ; cows , bulls and
mixed , M.0CUiO ( ; bulk , i-Klf.u'.4il ( ; sloii-fed
steers. JJ.UOi'uil.SU : Texassteors , tl.VOiVt.Oit cows ,
tl.t.V3fMM : ulutered Texans , * x'.WQt.70.
lions There wasa Miiirp downturn of r o to
lOe.wltbtho market closing weak at a decline.
M > Unit ( lie advance of yesterday was about
wiped out. Itouch and comnuni. Includlm ;
Krassiirs sold at | , l.iVii'l.ui and fair to good
mlved at $ J.75T ( < ' ) . with prlnio heavy and
butcher weights at f'.i.ia'J.U' ) ; a few lots of
fancy luitelicr weights at M.OlXiU.OJ. hleht
soils ut mj.Vjl.03. larsely fl.Ui ; light Brassy
pigs ,
Nr.w YOHK , August IX lP | > vclul Telegram to
THE HBB.I STOCKS. There was gooil force
to the slock mitrkpt for a fuw minutes tills
"mornlu ! , ' , which during the latter part of Iho
llr t hour drifted Into a positive dullness ,
while the Rtroim tone duvoloped yesterday
win not hold , The early l.oiulon prices were
again materially higher than our'.s of hist
cvcnlnc , bill the marUut did not fully re-
snuitd , allhoush llrst prices , ns compared with
these of hist nlsht , weic from U to * i per cent
hlKlior t-llglit further giihiH were scored
tn sumo cases , but the list eoon
divotojiud a SIIKKIIIK tendenoy , whteli
In on Khl almost everything liolow oiien-
InC prlees. The toaeei.slon fioni the llrst
HKIIIes however , ivns In noensofor moro than
? i per cent except In HeadhiK , which Ui t'j.
, , iijiirreiint > siuConl , which dropped 1 percent
lot's * ( hi 11.o 01 her hand u few hpeclaltlcs ro-
talned n fiactlonnl Inipniveiucnt of early
deiilltu's , and later In the hour a better tune
piuvalled all over the list. Movements ueru
piuicrally Insluiiltleant , Imwovcr , nnd only
AlehlMiti and Si. I'auldisplayed nny acllvlty.
\Ylinttiver Improvement was shown at U
oVlook ( llsnppt > nied hefoio noon and htocks
Kenerally siiKgedslllllow-T. The decllnodld
im inoiu than wlpo out the llrst advance
nnd left | nlce about as ut tliu close
lust nlnht , with little fot-co to the mailiet
cMther way , I.ondor. urilurs were entliely
-JliToiiiitiiblo for the llttlo strength at the
mart , l.atoln the day there \\asa furlhor
depi-t'Sslon In a. few stocks. St. Paul went otT
to TU' . anil Missouri I'nclllcto twi , . l > m at Iho
close both nocks worn about steady with the
close yesterday. AtchlMin sold ut 41 and recovered -
covered tolls , w4tb Itook Island ami North-
wst < 'rn about htendy. l.ako Sliuro woiit'oir
to 107 at into lime , while Now Vork tViitral
sold ut 107U niul closed * g up for the day at
107 , tugarvvasS lotver. tales were 111,0.x )
The following were the closing quotations :
U S. 4iroui n I'3V Nl'ttlllTII ' I'UClllC. .
II S. 4.H'iiilrtr I2.IV . do iiruforreu . . M
II , S. 4\i regular liKV C. AN W . .iw
U , H. HJ roiinm | 10 i\ . . .IH
rucltlclmof 10 112' ' , New Vork Central.
IVntral r.iuliie. Kl
clilcjico & Alton , , , , l' i iItork iKlAiul. . . , , ,
Clilruvu. llurllnulon iL'.M. A M. 1'aill. . .
A Quincy. . icrji . . .117
PU AV 141) ) ! -t. . . . 31
llllnolil'iMitrnl Ill > la | iri'fi'rriHl . . . W
1,11. , AW Union ruclllc.
' " 'wm ' im W.Ht. Ki !
_ illl > reIcrriM . . . . . . . S5V
Mlchli ! > nCVntrnl. . . Wi'itcrn Union , . . .
illiiourl I'nrlllc
MOSEV Ratty nt V'OIOnir \ cent ; closed of
fered at - per cent.
4 per cent.
KICIIAMIK Quiet ami weak :
liny-day bills , ( I tvl'u denmnd ,
Kf\1 \ V011K , Ausust H-lSpcclal Tdegram to
Tlir Ilr.n 1The follonlnsnro the mining stool *
The CoU'ec Market.
Niw : VOIIK. AiiKnit 13-lSpecIal Tclejjrant
to Tin : llnr.lColTof Options opened steady
at 5 pulnts up to 10 ponti ! down , uliw
Ing niundy on inonllis. Ptroiiu onlate ,
AtiKiisto | nilntsilo-ui , others riynoliiti ? ! | uji ;
Shoils covering on crop nilvluci. f'ale ,
r.l.OQJ biiRi , Ini'liullnn Anzuit. ! l . .l.f l .HO |
Novurnhur.'tfc.lfcbJii riT'llcccinhnr. thli.vaK4'J ! ;
.tannary , fl3.mKl.UiT ; Kehrunry , JIS.TJ )
March. Jl5. : > eaU K > ; April , : Miy. : ttir.3D ,
S'jiot Itlo Hun nnd ciuleti falienr-wes , Mvjci
.No. 7 lint bean , Is' . illK' .
n. AtigiiM M 1:1.1 : p. in. close Wheat
Marknlnasy ; cash. 9J to ; b'eptomber.fl.OJ'ls
Mny. ll.ifl'i.
Ciirii-SleuOyi cinh , Uc'C : S"eptcm > er , 45. 1
May , Wy.
JJats llrisy ; easn , 37i ! ' ! T(0 ( ! September ,
Mi-xs I'ork--steadt ; cash , JII.03 ; September ,
(11.10 ; January. flS.ln.
l.urdDull ; ea h. jO.I54 ! ; September , ! O.M
< 3 < i.'i ' ; .taniiary. H7..l.
Slioit HlH--lliillca ! ; rio35.r { : : > iSoplembcr ,
i" > .40 ; January. ! . " > . ' J.
Hyo No. ' . ' , steady nt Gle.
H-irley-No. U' . stead v at 07/5 u.
Klax Kisy ; No I tl.U
Pilnio Timothy will at SU1
1'IourMarket ste.idy In firm. AVIntorffhout.
il..iOIV'.Oji spring whuiit , tl.iU&3.1 < i | Itye , W.7J3
Il.Ofl.Hulk MpnH-PlinuUlcr'1. 8'iST1 JULOOi short
clear. $ " > . 'ortri > ii | short tlh . * > .i.jl : ( < ii.' ' .
llntter-aui.uly ; creamery , U'li''lc ; dairy ,
C'liee c-l'lrm : full cream ch"ddni" < . i
7'ie ! Mats T'jIHie ! Young Aiiierleas , b'tU JX
I'l.'iss Slnniz ; fresh. l.tQilUs ,
Tallow Ilncliaii.'cd ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4CS ,
No. ' . il'tCi cake , 4'J.
lllih'.slnihangod ! ; heavy and light preen
salted. " 'I'iiir'io ' ' : suited bull IdiU-s. rltc ; xreen
malted calf. sijffr'V ; dry'tc ; drviulled
hides , roiilry calf , Sii'Jj : iUacuns , I'iiohJe. .
Kocelnts. ? hlpinonts.
Flour , bhli . K.n \ IT.on. )
Wheat , UU . IW.WO 40W ( >
Corn , bu . IM.'iO ) ftv.l,0JO (
Oats , bu . UIO.COO SilO.OJO
NB\V YOIIK , August 13. \ VhontHcceliits
12,1100 bushels ; exports , KI'J.sOO bilsho's ' ; spot
closed hliihcr ; No. 2 rod , tl.OI'i ' i.OPi Inelova-
tor ; ? t.01'i alloat ; ll.n.Viftl.Oi'i ' f. o. l . : options
advanced ll4 ? .Jc. closed weak at Ufff.'iC over
yesterday : No. 'J red. August , closing uttl.04.
t'ornReceipts. . tiS.WH ) bushels ; export" . ISM )
bilriiulst spot weaker ; No. 'J , iV Vi'ii1 ' Inelova-
tori . 'KiSCirC'to iilluat ; un i-.ided mlNcd , JoS
M'jc ; options weak nnd closing at5. " > c.
Oats Iteoelpts , I'.ooobusheN : exports , none ;
options weaker : Ainrusl closing. 4lPie ; spot
steady ; Xo. 2 wblte. /illtiec ; mixed wosteia ,
OoIToe-Oplloiiscliwed steady on nonr.ttroiiK
on late months Aucust5 points down ; others
I. , toitll points up. Sales , GI.OOU biiKs ; AilKint ,
SlS.l.vai\iii : ; snot lito linn ; f.dr carjroos. 1311.5(1. (
JiiKarltawlilclier ; fair rcliulir.1 , , "io ; rotlned
liklier.olT "A. " ri9-l ( > iViIl-K' i Standard "A , "
5 1-lGe ; cut loaf , U 4-lOC ! powurcil , 0iCi ! gruii-
uhlled.ri'ic. '
I'utrolcnin United closed for September at
nic.KuB1 * I'lrin ; western , IC't'SlOe ' ; .
I'urk ' I'lrni ! mess , JI3..WiI ! . ' . ' ' > .
I.ard Weak ; writ urn stoam. iJ.10.
llutter I'lrm ; wustcru dairy ,
oieainery , lliiltic.
Cheese Steady ; part skltns , 2'4 . " ' ' , v.
ST. Loins , August U Wheat Oasli hlslior
.tU" > ! 4Ti ( ! ( > l4e ! Hi-pli'iiibcr. t 'ie.
I'ornLoM > r ; cash and ! -optetnber , K\v.
Oais-loHcr ; Cnsb , : i J.ei Soptcmber , : isle- !
Pork-Oil lot lit ? I1.HHI1. ( . " * .
I.ard-Higher nt J'i.ODJtl.lO.
Whisky Steady nt 11.13.
Mii.wAfKFK. Aiisuiti : ! . Whi at Qulot : No
, ' lirlnj. cash. ! i7iii'Ci ! SupU'mlior , Os.
Corn rirni : Xo. J , fith.1.
Oats-Stoady ; .No. 2 white , JOJMOI'jC.
ISyt rirni ; No. t , OP4' © Se.
Hurley I'lrin ; N'o. 2 , COe.
Provisions I'lrni ; pork , .VtlKUst. 110.93.
MiNNKKi'OM * . August 111.-Wheat Iti.-culpts.
li'iirs ; shipments , Kl ears ; Market ( 'puerully
iluw. Closlii'No. . 1 har < l. An rust , } .10. > ; on
Hack. } ' . ( i'1i'rnl.C7 ! ' ; No. 1 N'orthern. Auirast
( ( jc ; Septinilicr , uS'lc ; on track , J1.03l.oi :
No. Northern. August , lC > c ; on track , y 1i
_ ts CITV. Auint ; IX Wheat-lIIuher
No. 2 liurd , cash , August , lllc ; No. icil ,
01' ' ic.
t'orii lllzher ; Xo. 2 cash , lp.
Outs Higher ; So. 2 , cash , a7sS33c ; Ausust
T'5c. '
CINCINNATI. August 13. Wheat Steady ; No
2red , 7't < 3liso.
Corn Stronp : No. 2 mixed. flV.
Oats-I'inn : No. 2 mixed , m&a'ic.
August in.-Whcit rirtn. de
mand poor ; holders olTer sparingly. Califor
nia No. 1 , TsMtdHTsriil.porrental ; red western
spring , 7s 4'jd7j ' lid ; led western , winter , 7s
diaiTs 4d.
Corn-Steady ; domnnd fair now mixed , west
cm , 4s. Mid per cental.
ClItCAOO. Anaitst I.T. Catllo-no'elpts. 1.500
fctcadv and slow : beeves. il.C'liil.s. , ; i teuro
nnd feeders , ifi.OO JOJj co\vs. bulls and mlxod
JI.2.QI.01 : : Texnscatlie.'J1.4 : > ia-1.70.
lions Itecelnts , WOO ; live and ten cent
linvor ; mhed. fl.40'i.ll5 ! ; heavv , { .1.4001.03
llcht , J.'I.IUfa.lOi ) : skips.1.'Vlial.W. . '
Sheep Heculpts. ) ; ; steady ; Iambi. S
hlshcr ; Natives , S1.2.VSTi.r > 0 ; wosturn , W 7. > Ql.jJ (
Texiuis , $ : ) .0tta4.00 : Lanils.j.003G.2.'i.
ST. Louis. August in. Cattle Hccelpts
.11,000 : shipments , too ; maikot lilpher : fair tf
fancy nativu steers , tj.W31.73j : stockcrs an
feeders , W.IOi.OI. :
lions ItecolpN , 5,100 ; slilpinent . 100 ; mar
ket weak and steady ! heavy. ! .sj3'UK > ; pack
IMS. M.7oi.iw : : light , ( : )
KANSAS OITV , Atiputt II. CntUo-Itocclptv
4,800 ; ' .hlliineiits , 4,4"il ; > nnr' < et stmiiK
stoeis fI.-J.wa.mi ; cons. Sl.CO2.tK ) ; titockorsair
fcoders , f'.C.VWI.rX ) .
Hois lieeelpls. 2J.301 : shipments , 5,000 ; mar
ket lower ; rill grades. I I.ST
Siot'x CITV. la. . Anirtifct 13.-tPpeclil Tolo
Rrnm to Tun lliil : lions lleec'lpt11.700 ;
inarKct opened W.10e lower , beilliij ; nt ij.'J."i7-i ! < iC
170 ; billktit .
CMTTf.K Uecelpts. IBIS ; fat steers 37."i ; butch
ers slutV In good doinamlMt niu'hangod prleea ,
11 31. 1 II. I Ll I'K H TV UK.
Wednesday. August in.
Rstlniatpd receipts of cattle Mill ) , compared
wltlil,70S yo .lcrdtiy and 1.47'J ' U'cdnesday of
last week , The market opened aetlvoand
stron. , the advance since Monday being
nearly 15c on the best steers and * hadhi oir
on the poorer grades , the very common and
poorer kind not showing a quotahlo change.
Cows Just hold their own Ituyors think they
got their purchases at lower figures than yes
terday.somollfowas manifested In feeders ,
with prices unchanged , The- tendency on
butchers' stun" Is lower , and the market Is
slow and
Hoys' .
Estimated receipts of hozi 11,700 , compared
with 10.72.1 yesterday and I2K1 ( Wednesday of
last week. At the opening ot tliu market a
fowloadsof the best heavy hogs > old at nearly
steady prices , but prices on that grade soon
settled to a ioiKcImo. The iloullno on light
The follow lug Is a table of prices pale' In this
market for the grade of stock mcntlono 1 :
I'rhnestccrs. I.IK ) to HH1HH fl.i : , ® I. < V )
liood steers. liV ) to I4VD ! ls 4.00 QI.IIO
( iiMHlsteers. Itt'iito UOJ tts ; i.S. > Wl.13
I'll If , UOJtollMltn a.50 Sl.OO
Comnion , WJ to 1200 2 > s X'J. >
Common canners 1.0. )
Drdlnary to fair cows .MK )
Kalr to good cows ! ! . ; )
tiood to cboleo cows S.73
Choice to fancy COHS ' . ' . ; t" >
1'alrto gM > d bulls 1.75
( . 'holco to fancy bulls
Light stockcrs and feeders ' . ' .50
I'eedors.UV ) tolioois.Vjri
1'alrto eholco light hogs 3.iU :
1'alrto cholcoheavy hogs. 11.70
Fulr to choice mixed hoga a..V )
Coinparatlro Tal > Ie.
The following table showi ttio range In
prices on hogs during this and last week :
Avcruxo Colt i > r llo i.
ThofoUovvliiit tublo Blvos the UVITHTO rnst
of IIOKSOII tliuiliites iiitMitloniul. Invluiliir , ' tliu
cost tutlity , us b.iM'il upon Halo * reportud :
lulyUS 1IU'4' August ( l 9 53 ! {
Jny--1 370 AtiuimtT a JPI
y. ; ' Aiisusts , . . . . . , . a 01
Julyai . . . . . . . . . . aR : > i Auuuatu atou
AUKItstl U5.1 August U a 61
Auiiuxf.1. a 4Sj Auiilist I' . ' a 70iJ
AlK'l ! ' > < t4 it 44 AllUllstli a C3V
Augusts. a..5
Hluliffit ami Loxvi'st.S.ilos of lloss.
Today. Yesterday.
Hlgbobt JIM HUhost. . . flUOJ
Lowest. U3 j
Om-lal Vc cnliy. : Enlmat il Tulny
? atlU > . , Tilfiirs , I.JM Cnttlu THcnrs. l. 00
\ot \ * . iMcai-s. 1G.7JA llnjs . IDS cars , IJ,7l > 0
. 2 cir : , fin
I'rtucol' HOIK.
Pliowln ? thn avora o | trlce paid for Irv.uli of
io ? on the Uiiys Indli'atcU In If i7 , N * . I3J
mil Ih'jCi ' :
Illspox Illonol StoL-lc ,
Showing the number of cattle and hogs
bought by the | uoKeis and leuulng buyers on
today's market.
Swift ACe . 2" ?
The O. II. Hammond company . 1 > > I
The Armoiir-Cuilahy packing cotupany. . , Illi
Hamilton A Stephen . . 21
llentou fi I'ndenvood . -J
lleeker .t Deireii . '
I/obinaiin k Tratiermann . -f
W. . -T
UlherbuytTS . SH
The Armoiir-Cudahy paeklngcompanj. . n.a7 !
Omah.i packing company . - ' ' ' '
Swift & Co . 1,511
Tim U.K. llannnonil I company . ' * ' '
.1. P. Squires ftUo . O'JJ '
ICIncan . Co . . , . . ' . l.'IW
Cuduliy llros . . . is'ri
Sliringlleld Paeklng Co
Jones .t Slllc.s
f. II. North . B
Walteis & llcn-on . < "
Kirosenl | .tlvi ; ?
UKCSSKU iiKKi,5iiiits ; :
No. AV. rv. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
I. . 7i ° o fa w 23. . MS W 70 17..1105 J 10,1
" iiiu n:5 : : II. 112. ) . 'I 73 20 .120 ! ) 4 00
13" i ID" : ; ; n 20. . KSI : ; i T. > : i.s .mo 4 10
n. . loir : i 10 1 ! > . II-J7 II 75 20 .nr.'i 4 15
ID . 21. . 1127 3M ) f,2..l2.S 4 25
' 1'iao 20..n m : i85 10..1US1 4M
is' ; lost 300 30..iiai a uo
cows ,
.jont 1 40 n. .into i oo r.nso
.11)15 ) 1 75 25 2 0 ; ) 44 1121 240
. 7TO 1 KT > l.V. KS1 : i .lira 2f,0
20l . 17 I K > 1. . 1I.V ) 2 00 II. . 1007 250
20l l . H'J ' 1. . DM 2 IK ) l.V. 842 250
l , . SsO 185 12. . SSI 220 2..1101 2 75
12. . KB 1 85 2 - . 2 .11:15 : 275
13. . 7A ) 3..1UDO a 10
1. i)70 ) 1 i a11 ) . . in i i. . 400 i no
0. 1 L'5 11 . 701 i. . lira 1 51
23. 1 ' . ' . "i 17 . . TIM i. 7IX ) liV )
1 1 'J. ' > 2. . , 490 i ; i.i' 1013 li' ( ' )
i3 ; CiO 1 2 , ' 0. ' i : t5 i' , 770 100
1. I70WJ ! 12. . ( Jli ) 1 40 ID. U50 1 CJ
21. WJ . 850 i r > o
070 2 ( 12. . 7K2 2 I0 ! 21. . 240
210 o. . 7n : 2 : i5 20. , coi 240
S''l 210 0. . K2J 2-10 71S 250
. 711 2 10 1..7M ) 240 Will 250
. 700 8 . . SIS 240 1 70U 270
HUM. ? .
.PT , 150 1.1401) ) 1 TO 2. .1445 200
.1VW 1 ( HI 1..1740 IKS 1..1MK ) 220
.1JOO 100 a. .1000 175 1..1OSO 2BO
1. . 2000 1 , . 30 00
STAR * .
1..12JO 1 CO 1..1S70 1 75
9. . 0 155 4. . C15 1 55
ffi..0i0 ! 345 23. . 7M I ! f.7 ! }
Av. Pr.
40 stoe.i-s. cornfcd . l.JCifl n 00
4 steers . lfif,7 2 K )
UU feeders . 000 2 1)5 )
No. Av. No. Av. Fh. 1'r.
.15. in. . . . . .2st Saw
' coo . ' ! 35 07. . . . .i'57 80 a 65
.141 210 : i 49 f > G . . . .2ie 80 atr ,
.211 2Ml 3 41 W ) . . . . .2s12) ai ; ' .
.21 4K ( ) a 43 ' . . .2:17 : 210 ar
.IIB im n 4 : . < i5 . . . . .250 K ) ac. * >
.1117 240 3 30 71 . . . . .2:11 : 40 .Si5 (
210 : i 51 7f > . , . . .211 8) ) aw
.IIB iiu : i 30 04. . , . . . .2osM a in
SI . . . .1X11 so a vj , . . .2'll ! 120 a63
( VS. . . . ' : ) : i53 , . . .241 ! ( iO a65
70 . . . .Sir 240 a M to. . , . . .215 210 3(15 (
.2.11 200 a 53 G2. . , . .217 11)0 ) a67(5 (
240 a jo Cl. . . . . .250 ICO 307 5
rs. . r.'o S.V. . . . .272 ll ) aC7j !
tn. . .217 120 it 51 03. . . . . .270 fO . ' 170
Kl. . .201 aw a si 57. , . . . . ' .ir lee at1 :
1. . .2ilJ 210 a 50 CU. , . . .24 ! ) 190 aC7i !
70. . .210 aw a sea TO. . . . . .274 100 ai75 ! !
73. . .2 21) ) a 5o . . . .27JI 40 a70
4'J. . .2.11 200 a .V ) M ! ! . . . .2.S4 200 a70
Rfl. . .MIJ im a 51 , . . .27a ICO . ' 170
70. . .170 40w a ser CO. . . . . ,27i : GO 370
01. . .1117 w r 61 , 2:4 aso a 70
770. . . ! ! ! ino a 5Hi ISOl 40 370
70. . .IMS 28) ) a 3i ! ! ri X-J 80 70
01. . .2)4 10) ) a .v > 50 . . . . : o so U70
81. . ' * > , j 40VU 4 . " , 01 2.V1 80 370
( IS. . 217 -VU a 3 } 53 , 'J.V1 120 il70
240 70 , 230 40 370
70 : : a 35 ra. 2C4 80 . ' 170
7S . .an a , v > 1)1 ) 248 40 370
77. . .212 a v 55 2KJ ! 100 370
05. . . 'Tl.W : ' ' 02. , r..ai5 320 370
; 02.W.
Co. . .W ! - ( W. 21.4 ICO 370
.2s ; a in W.VI. . 2S7 200.3TO
. .11)7 ) a 55 74 , 2TCI 80 370
70 . .i'4S ' a v > 55. , 2.52 IfiO 370
Kl. . 120 a 53 58 2U1 330 370
51 . .191 - a .v , 58i'l ( 2S3 200 370
5S. . .HI 40 a . " > 70 538 BO 370
10 ; . .514 240 a 55 57 : ! 05 300 370
( Kl . SOH a . " > fiO. . IIOi ) ' . ' 40 370
75. . .211 H ) a v 02 277 100 370
. . .Ia7 N ) a 55 W t.8'l 370
Ml. . .515 210 a 53 6.1. . . . . .215 120 3W
.215 SO a 55 M. . . . . .277 ICO 370
41 . , .210 IM a 55 W ) . . . . . . : t20 240 3724 !
5S. . . .2')7 ' 'tO a 55 CO. . . . . . ; ia > 372' . ;
111) ) . . .171 41 a 5.1 B ) . . . . . .251) 120 372'/
M. . . 10) ) aiio 71. . . , . .241 bO 372H
( i'J . . ItiO ' (2. ( . . . . .307 120 3721J
7.1 . , ion 'a co fil . . . . .257 tO 372' ;
ra . . , . ! } & m a co Oi. . . . , .270 40 372'/
70. . , . . ' . ' 42 440 31,0 M. . . . .301 20J 372VJ
10 . - 6' ) . . . . . .311 120 375
. .KM 200 01. . . . . .20 ! ) 121) 375
O'J . 120 II 37'J " . . . ,2S9 210 375
lit . ! SH 75" . . . .2,5 120 375
M . .21 ! ) 120 a 57H ( XI . . . . 2iJ'J tO 375
a. . UCiO 63. . . . . .311 SO 373
7(1. ( . ! 250 ; ua. ; 60. . . . . .2)7 ! 1GO 375
, .sis ( M . . . . .271 120 373
" hra 58. . . . . .315 bO 375
"an so aiio OU. . . . . .2117 120 375
. .251 50 . . . . . 'J.V 80 375'
; i m fi. ) . . . . .273 120 375
! ! sii 80 3UO 55. . . . . .i21 ! 2SO 375
. HM 120 : ice 5' ! . . . . . .303 SO 375
, .210 210 C ! ) . . . . . .250 80 375
. ,241 4U Cl. . . . . .274 120 373
: ito .V ) . . . . . .301 80 375
2)0 ) I ) 00 4S. . . . . .310 80 373
. ,271 120 U 'M ' . . . . ; t > 7 80 3bO
. .an 2so 61 . . . . .210 40 380
. .21:1 : I'M 51. . . . . .295 3 00
. .247 11:0 : XI . . . . . . ' 122 60 3S21
. .2. I'J 440 3150 53 . . . .2UJ 385
. .240 no 50 . . . . .IK , SO 3K5
. .252 200 3 05 47. . . . . .330 385
. .250 Ml. . . . . .21)5 ) 60 385
. .275 52. . . . . , WJ 40 3b3
. .tJ25 so ilU'i
. .147 so 240 3H 1S4 300
, . IK ) 250 27 Ill ) 40 3UO
,104 250 10 11U 31)0 )
St. . .125 220 2 50
Market "Men t Ion.
HOUR lower.
Uattlo higher. .
K. 13. Underwood of Daiibury markutui
Nicholas NloUon of StuiufoiU marketed a
caraif lie s.
Slrrs&O.inlncrnmrlcoted hess from Ilrad-
shaw ,
\V. A. Klnlaysent In a car of uogs from
OrcciiwoiKl ,
W. T. Illckioy hud n car of hogs from Ooluni
J. X Grlflln murl'ctctl a car of catlle fron
T. J. Taylor scat In two ours of ciUtlo f ron
Theodore Mnlllngcr of Kcainoy , was a vlsl-
lor at the yards ,
Joseph MoMahon of Coin , la. , brought eve
two var.s of cattle.
D.ivld Williams was over from Ncoln , la ,
wltha car of lio. s.
0. W. Sheltoaof Pcfblval , la. , was over will
a car of hogs.
John Clmrlosliad a car of hogs on the mar
l < o ) from t'arwell.
J. ! ' . Palrmanhad two curs of nogs on the
market from Axtoll.
11. 0. Oldlnuii of ( leaver city , wkn uj > looking
ovcrll.o itiacKet.
J. 0. Mnrrlituy had two cars of hogs on the
market from Mllford.
A. U. Johnson hud a car of cuttle on Vliu
market from Central Oily.
K. SchraderwaR In from Berlin with a car
cachof cattle and ho s.
The Swcilohtirx Klevalor Co. hud two curs
of luus on the market.
Fuller A Good iniirketed a car each of cattle
and hop , from Uowles ,
A. II. Tuyloruf I'lattsnioutli was at the yards
looking torn took cuttle ,
I-'rank Towlo was on the market wltli a car
of lu s from Weeplni ; Water ,
\Vllllain lltiNoy nnd K. B. Ilantlmtu of I.e-
banon. bixniKlit In three curs of cuttle.
Mr. l'ro tuf the tlrm of I.ooso k Frost , Dukln ,
was at tlio yards with a cur of nog * .
John lliibllo , thtinill known shlppor , was up
from Aulmrn with three uaMuf cuttle , lie
alho had IIOKS from ruimmu , Coot and Tul-
m uge.
K. It. nurdlclc , buyer for the Chicago pack
ing and provision company of Nebraska City ,
via nuvug tliu vbt ! i ut tlio yardj , Tit/
Jmvc rlo c'l dnwn HIP Nclirn l < \ City lieu con
account of a sear 'Ity of le * * . i\iul will put lu
ice machines In the meantime.
W. llnnptman , a iironiliictit nnd sticpc -
ul farnii-r niul feedcrof Mvuiiton , wan iii
vltli a cur of i-liolc ? . fat two-ycir-ild ; short-
orn steers that topped the market at (1. ( 50.
O.V.IJM H'lMOltllfl.tJ'K Jl. ill ICE IS.
r JI2.IX )
Kent ) - i3.ooai4.oo.
I'DUl.Tliv I'er do/.un , choice lipn , J3.00IJ1155 :
liolco inl.NcI , f2.5J' : riJM ) is ir > > a3.75t
lirlUB elilcKcnx. } lS5a..t)0 ) for .Mnnll ; t.25a.ft'J !
ormcdliinii f2.5 & 2.7j for larife ; live pigeons ,
I.351JO. .
llUTTBit Creamery , fancy roll * , julnt , is ®
9ci cre.itnery. fancy , solid niickiul , IJtJ.liij ;
rcamery. clioleo , 1031o ; dairy , fancy mils
ind printItil5ci dairy , fiiiu-y , lolia packed ,
23l4ci dairy , i-liolec , Dl c : country roll ,
iiney. sat'i. ' ! choice , 7Oe ; : mfi rlor , 2B5 ;
KdiH-lliail'/io for * lrlcllv fresh ; tlitlo not
JKI.MRS5ciKrlb. . , ,
Dui-S'iiui ' THAI.- Choice medium , 037c ; Urfht ,
> flG- , ; heavy , l l'iOi '
I.IN9EEI ) Oil.11.1W , ( V)0 ! b'llll'.l . , C'lO.
HiiNhV SlraliiL-il 'J0-ll > caii . nor 11) ) . Oe ; now
cmnfolioiu'.v , fancy , Kiai7i-i clmk'c. Ilill.V.
-lliind-pIckcd navy. W.W.J.7J ! Inind-
ilcUcd inivv medium , $2.2"iiW. l"i liand-pleki-d
eoiiutry. JK7.VBl2.Oij nojd clean , ) l.u : i,5o , ; Oall-
fornln , per Ib. 4'H'- , _ ,
l-'l-ll-l'erlb I'crch.Tc ; hillTalo , 7 < - ; pickerel.
S'ies ' plkiIV i trout , Oi" whllu , IVi cronplo , 10c ;
atllsli , lie ; cod sle.ik , U'tfi ' Iliniiulors , I3e ;
Jrcgon salmon , ISc ; black uusi , I5ci lobslvrs ,
At-rnM 1 iincy. I rr- nor Ib.
-rerdnt. bov ,
I'er 100. J5.0J ,
WATKIOIKI.ONSI'erlnindred. . } 18.oo320.00.
t'ANIIJMUM'E I'er < ] ( ) Z. } I.V , > .
Ai'i'i.r. < I'lincy i-ntliiu , M.onM.roj fancy
cookliu.'J.iJ ; clioli-o. J..Kit..73. '
OiiANdiiH-Kaiiey IJodl. * 7.W.
HAN.V.N vs-I'i-r bunch , il : i > 3.'i.0i.
TAI.I.OW A No. 1. 4e ; No. 2 , 3'ics create.
white. .IViSli'i yellow. 2'ifMC ! Mcarlne , 'ie. '
HONES ( ( , 'iiotatloif ' aio for delivery In Chl-
ciisoi.-nrvbnirnlo. per ton , IHi.ooi.b.0. ) ! dry
country bleached , { RCKXBIU.OUj dry country
damp and meaty , ij.OJfelO.UO.
\VooN 1'lno unwashed , llttllici medium un-
ivashed , lsfl,2lc : eoais-o Untfnslied , Iji20c.
. , I'ELTS AND TAi.l.ow-l.reeii sailed
ildes , Xo , I , heavy , 7'4c ! No. I , lljjht , n' . ©
"c : No. 2 light. iMJO'ie : < lr.v Hint lililcs , TMBUo !
calf hides , 7 < ii'Je. D.iinniied hides. 2c le-s.
Shei-p polls , iirt'en , each , 35ilil.2'i ! sheep pelt.s ,
( Irv. per Ib , . - _ ,
ItKKswAX-1'er U ) , ! l ? o.
( AMI : Per Am. pr.ilrlo ehloken * , tJ.T3&1.X ( ) !
mallanls. } . ' .OOG2.50 ; teal , ? l.2.Ki l.50 ; tul.\ou
ducks.Sl.oogtl.V ) : plover , sojwto.
I'ilAClir.s-Arkansas M bu. box , 75cGtl.OOj
California , per box. ll.5oa-,00.
UIIAPI- : * California , per criile , { I.5D02.03 ;
Illinois per 10 Ib basket , 40c.
l'i.lists I'urplo Dunne , Columbia , etc , , per
boil.noQ2.UO : wild goo o plums , ii bu box , 73
NccrAiiisns Tor crate , S1.7.VJ.2.00.
JIMONS Per box , Ilodl Mnlorl. fancy , 59.51
GIO.OO : choice MessinaKJ ! > " .u.iiO.
I'BAlts Hartlott , Oallfoinla , per box , JJ.OOO
3.25.I'IIUNKS Gorman , per box , $2.00 ; Fieiieli ,
Sl.7.V'.o ) : uros. } | .73W00. !
T oMtTOKs per bu. . Jl.003.1.M.
UNIONS Sow southern , per 1)1)1. ) , Jl,303.00.
OAmiAriK.-l'er crate. * t ) ® 3.0" .
I'OTXTor.S Nebraska and Iowa , perbu , Sl.OO
ffil.25 ; Colorado and Salt I/ike. 11.50.
SWLCT I'oTATOliS-l'er bu. ia.ODai.50.
KIIK II l'niiK.-l''rcsh hams. 20 Ibs. avi ? , , 7i e |
IRlhsavi ; . , K * ; 12 Ibs uvj : . . IH.1 ; shoulders , 5c ;
porli loln , 7Uc ; pork tenilcrlolns , Ue ; leaf lanl ,
not rendered. ( Hit1 ; spare ribs , 4c.
SALT MKATK Ilhls MessporK. nexv. J12.75clonr ;
pork backs , heavy. { 12.25 ; inedliiiu. { 11.75 ; shoil
out clear pork. 110.50 ; family pork , 10.5'J ; hull
pork , plxpork. $13.30 ; new extra beef ,
KiM ; iii-xv exlia plato beef , W.50 ; noxvplato
beef , W.OO ; nexv lolleil boneless beof. 7.50 ; now
rumps , S3.Vlj new boneless rumpo , KM ) ,
OILS Ituls Kvtrn lard , winter -.trnliicd. 47e :
extra No. 1 , lanl , .V'ai ; No. 1 , laid. Ifle ; No. i ,
lard , 'lit ; extra nuat.sfoot , 43e ; tallow oil , 4le ;
Hire noatsfoot oil. JOe ; A 1 tulloxv , 5c ; stear-
no , Oc.
LAUD Tierces Conipntind , .Vie ; pure leaf ,
i'.c ; kettle rendered , ( Pii1.
S.MOKKDMIATH : Sugar curr'l ' hunts 13to 14
11) iix'is. ll'ic ; nii'diiini 15 lo l < j Ib avjr , lie ;
heavy , 20 to 2211) avi , He.sulnned ; sllclm. . IS to
20 lbvg , II'ic ; California limns , 7'iO ; slioul
dors , 7Uc ; shoulders , skinned. i > iic ; sliouldots ,
( i to 8 Ib ar . 7'C ; oonclesi hain. Dei breakfast
baeoii. clear , 5 to 7 Ib strips , Se ; breakfast
bacon , rib , 8'ic ; dried beef ham * , sets , lOisc ;
lesulnr. SUe : clods , 8e.
DIIV-SAI.T MKATS lcim backs , fo ! ; extra
short clear55.ic ; bellies , 1C to 20 Ib iivtr. 0 < 4t ;
Mioit rlhs ft'4c ; short clears , fie ; lou clears ,
5a'c ) shoulders , .1 Jfcs foster back * . 5'5c. '
1'iiESH lltir : Steers , MO to 000 Ibs ax-orase ,
nntlrc , U QOiic ; 40fltofiW ( Ibs avernco , natlxe.
fiOOUe : cows nnd hclfurs.400 to3301bsiireruie ,
iiiiti\'G,3ic ! : lilndqunrteM , steers. lOo ; hlnil-
( juarter.s , coxvx , 7o ; foroqtiarters , bteurs , 4'.4c ;
foreqiiarlcrM. cox\-s , ao ; dressed boss , 4Jio ;
eholee dressed mutton. UtC. !
KIIKSH llr.KFOUTS Kolls , 8oJ ! beef tondcr-
lolns. 18e ; sirloin but ts7c ! boneless strips , 7iic ;
rounds ( rump olT ) ( Jo ; rounds ( rumpon ) fie ;
rounds ( shankolT ) SJic ; boneless rumps , 4c ;
chucks , 3ie ! ; plates , 2'ie ' ; back liulvos. 4c ;
shoiiluerclods , 4yc ; beef loins No. 1. ( steer)13 )
© 14c ; beef lultn No. 2,10.lle ; beef loins Xo. 3 ,
Oo ; beef ribs ! 5S ( > o ; beef ribs. No. l , lllle ) ;
sxx-eot breads ipordozja'ie ; kidneys ( each ) lie ;
ox tails ( each ) 3e ; livers ( ciieh)15o ) ; beef jicarts
( each ) 4o ; beef tongues ( each ) 40o ; strip loins ,
O'.io. .
SfOAn-Pcr Ib. Cut lear 'iVtc ; Cubes , 7e ;
Standard , poxTdcrcil , TUo , XXXX , powdorcil ,
7ii'iUranulated , standard , O'lojConffCtloiiiTs'
A , ( i'iu ; White Kxtra O.Olhuux. 3'jo : IlxtraO ,
Nebnislia , 5JIc ; Anlller , 51ic ; Golden 0 , 5 ! c ;
Dark O.ric.
MAI-I.E Slid.AU For Ib. 5c calces , rw Ib boxes.
13u ; lOo eikcs : , M-lb boxes , I2iu ! ; Mblbrleks , 33
" ) .s In box. pure , 14c.
CorrnB Uoasteil Arlosa. 25'Jc ; Ihinnla ,
25'ic ; McLaiishlln X.XXX , 25"c ; Ouriiinii ,
25'ic ; Olhvortli's. 25 ? o ; l.lon , 25Vjc : Jlallpoucb ,
234o ; Mocha , 30o ; 0 , G.Java , ilOe.
Cort'KK Green Kancy ( loldeii HIo , 221(0 ( ;
fancy old putiberry , 24'c ; Klu , clioleo tufiiiicy.
22'Sc ; Ulo , prime , 22c ; Itlo , Rood. Sl/o ; Santos
and common Itlo , I'.ViMIc ' ; Mooha , 2o ! ) ; .lava ,
trcmilnol ) . U. , 2se ; Jax'ii , good lutorlor , 23o :
Me\lean , 2Dc.
DIIIKII II'IIUITS Turkish prunes , less than
hhils , IS'.W , 7'ic ; original hhils , Ucless ; Ito-nli :
prunes , 0) Ib. boxes , 100 to 110. 7ie ; apples ,
uvapornlcd. noxv HIIK choice , l.'lc ; ox'aporaled ,
now ring prime. 12c ; apricots , fancy , In sacks ,
2ic ) ; blackborrles , new , 8e ; raspberries. 25
Ibs. to box , 34c ; currants , nexv , C'ic ; original
casks , Uc le.-s ; currantii , extra , In
boxes , G'iC.
OANNII : I.'IIOIT I'oiicltps. per doz. , $2.0fva2.2'i.
IlerrIes-2-lb soosoliorrles , $1,10 ; 2-lb Mruwbcr-
rles , SI.13 ; 2-lb raspberries , tl.20 ; 2-ll > bluober-
rlei , $1.W ; 2-11) blackerrles. tl.10. rinoapples
Kuhnina chopped , $2.10 ; Ilaliuma sliced , $2.10 ;
lialmniilKriited , * 2.5 ( ! ; slandiird sliced , $1.2556
* l.'iO. Chutrles 2-lti red. Halthnnrc , $1.10 ;
xvhlto ehurrles , 81.03. IVar2lbfl.w. : .
C'HKKsr. Wisconsin r.U. , hx In Hats , peril ) . ,
lOc ; Wisconsin I' . C. . youiiR America , lie ;
brick , UVic : domestic Swiss , 14lTo ; Diuin In
foil , each il.W.
IATIS ) ri'rsIan.fiOlb , box 7c.
" * ItAisiNS Ixindnu layers , Uallfornla stand
ard , per box , * 2.i5 : ; "hor > o shoe , " $2.CO ; loo-io
inuscatt'ls. California standard , Si.OOi "liorso
Hlioi' . " J'.MO ; "star" loose iniiscatcls$1.00 ; uced-
less California , ( I.fi5 ; Uallfornla needless sitl-
tnuns in sacks , per Ib,80 ; California niusca-
tels , InsaokP , te ; nuxv vnlenclii , Uc ; valonclas ,
old , Oo ; ondiira layer , old7c ,
OA NKII JIKATS Corned beef , 1 Ib , $1,20 ;
corned beef , 2 Ibs , 12.111 ; lunch tontines , 1 Ib ,
$2.00 ; lunch toninie , 2 Ibs , } l.7.r > ; bruxMi , 1 Ib ,
tl.21) ; brawn , 2 HH , } 2.00 ; otongues. . IH II ) ,
* 5.00 ; ox tonxuos. 2 Ibs , W.OO : chipped beef , IU
Ib , round cans , Jl.20 ; wast hi-ef , 2 Ib , round
cans , $2.00 ; potted ham. 14 Ib , round cans.lVio ;
pottoil ham , ! i II ) , round vans. J1.20 ; davllcd
ham. 'ill ) , round cansft5o ; deviled ham , ' , , ' 11) ,
round cans , $1.20 ; potted ox IOIIRUO , y Ib ,
round cans , $1,20 ; compressed ham , 1 11) ) ,
Mjuaro cans , $1.20 : comptcssed ham , .1 His ,
squaiucans , K.75 trlpe , 2 Ib , round runs. JI.K ) ;
inlnci'ilfolops , 2 ib , round cans. 42.20j honu-
les piss' feet , . Ib , square cans , J2.23 ,
CoiiDAnu-.Manllla iiipo All sizes from 7-10
tn 1 In. . 15u ; slsnl rope , all sizes from 7-10 lo 1
Iu. , II' > ( . ' ; "nuxv pruueaV allal/xis from 7-10 to 1
hi. , t-c.
COTTOX Ilnpu l4-ln. , IRc.
TXVINKS Cotton twlnu , "Illbb , " very flno ,
Ib bales , 22uj cotton t lui * . "Daisy" brand ,
It ) hales , IScj lii'in ] ! twine , ' Ib bilks , 18c ; sail
twine. 20o ; candle wick,22c0-fteotl ; | < m clothes
liiiux. 8to ; fio-ft cotton clothi's lines , Jl.ia ; 00-
ft cotton lines. $1,40 ; oO-ft slsul lines(1.75 ( ; 00-fI
Jute , Jl.OO ; xtool txvlnc.bHe ,
NUTS Alinonils. 15c ; Hni/.lls , 14o ; fllborts
ISSJo ; pecans , lie : walnuts , 12'/ic ; p < > aniil
cocks , Oiio ; roasltd , 12ic ! ; Tennessee peanuts ,
Itiiooxts 5-tle , parlor , W-W ; t-tie , $2.75 ; 3-tIe ,
tJ.23 ; 3-tlo. plain. * l.K3j xvarehouse , tJ.00 ; toy ,
JI.S3 ; xililsk.8I.Uiai.25. ) (
OMVKS Quarts. | icrdozM.OOi pints , perdoz
USD ; bulk , per ( tal. UV.
VKIIKT.MII.KK Toiiiatoeslh extra , tl.lOS-lb
stamlanl xvestern brands.0c ! : Kiillons.stilctly
standard , $ .1.00 , Corn I'lnoit crown , ll.iu ( ;
Kilt edited susar eorn. very line , il.50 ; cholco
- II ) stiKar corn , f 1.10 ; 2-lb extra western brand
(1.00 ; 2-lb Miiniliird x\estornbrandsU3e. .Mush-
riMms I-lb I'reneh , extra line , 22iW5e ( : 1-lb
Trench line , \tvQSio } Mb rrt-nch , ordinary , 10
UlMJ. I'cas Tres. ( Inc. i > eruiiii,23cdi ; > iiil-uno ,
licreiiu. liict 2-bslfteil.l.i'iD ! : 2-lb enrly June ,
(1.25Hi ; ' marrovr , btundanl brands , jl.10 ; 2-lb
soaked , ivic , Strln Injuns 2-lb lilsli ( 'radi1 ,
ItefiiKcc. KVj ; 2-lb Lioliloii wax heaim , 70ci 2-lb
MrliiKhonnii , tide. Lima beans 2-lb soukod ,
75u ; lloston baked lHan ! < > 3-lb Lewis , fl..Vi |
Crown brands , il.33. Sweet potutoea : i-lb .Noxv
Jersey , ) . Pumpkins 3-lb , J1.10. OknianU ; okra , ( i.OOi suceotash , 41.20.
rlriii UmllUli , oxtr.i OoorRns , noxv , S < ic ;
Rrand bank , new , 4'lc ; nlhcr , 2-lb blocksOUc ;
snow white , 2-lb bricks , nuw , 8 ? c ; turkey cod ,
larKo mldille brlckx , 1M ; mow xihltr , crates , 13
f > ; lb boxesd-'jc ; inedliiiu koaicd hurrliiK , 23ei
No. 1 kcalti ) heirlii ' * , 2001 domestic llellaml
lii'rrlnff , 40o : llaiiihurs uplccil herrlnif , IDoi
Itiinsluii Hiirdlnes , spiced , ( VWj ; UiHilan fiur-
dines , plain , Mic ; Inuiorttil Ilulland herrlnu ,
crown bratiil. SOa ; domney mlRers.'jXinafk ; -
erel. No. l bbore'half bbls , (12.001 blontcrH ,
half bbls. ( IB.OO ; xvhltu ilib. half bbls , (7.00 ;
trout , half bbUVW ; family xihltu llsh , K1.50 ;
taluion , td.W ; p dot , 1-lb tuuckuiul , yiicrrlu j ,
I lOi 2-lbinnckrrrl , J1S'Ibmnckorcl ' ) | , IJ.fti ;
-iblirollcd tnnckerel , JMX ) ; nib la miKlhrd ,
3.COI 3-lb In tomato xntici' , (3.00 | 5-lb Mayo
ii Miiinr > ki > n-l. JO.tM ! 1-lb brook trout. Jl.iS :
-IbbriMik tnitil. J..GO ; 1-lb salmon , tl.risi 2-lb
vhllp tlsh , $2.3S | lllirlilti > fi li. HM : 2-lb lob-
ters , M.l'i ; l-lhIob8lrrs2.I.VAf. } rj1Mli oy.ster. < ,
2oJl.iO } 1-lb oysters , S ot , (1.11 ; 2-lb oyv
vtt , 10 or , il.wii 1-lb oysters , 5 oz , tt.lOi 2-lb
elvct. iSo.ri2lb ; llarntatlii , ID o/ . l.S4 |
Ib llaraltirln , ft oz , f l.nsi l'alr > m > nt. 4 oz. * I.IVS |
atrmont. 8 oU.HSi 1-lb clam , llltlo
locks , ti ; i 2-lb clnms , llttlo nrK , JI.'Si 3'lh
lam cliouder , $2.CO ; Mb crabs , $3.25 ; 2-lb
ralis , WJO.
SviifiM-Ainber Syrtip-In bbls. No. 70Rrnile ,
We ! halt bbls , No. 7J praile , : tVi 4-2al keijs , Xo ,
0 grade. $ l.i" : > ; 2-xnl kills. Xo. tu raie. 7w ;
: aleiiis ; , 10 In ca eli-r ) case , f.l.l i S-pal cnn .
0 In case , per ease , 14. 10 ; xx li Ito clover drips In
> bl . If.'c ; half hbl. , 3lo4al ; kes , eaeh. $1.41 ;
-Kill palls , each , N" > C ; reek candy drips , In
ibK.tioi halfbbl'.37c ; 4-pnl kvjrs vucli. * ! . ) ;
Kal imlls , iMich. SV ; California hnney , bld ,
t7c ; Hair bbls , tftei 4-Ral ke-'s. } l.a < ! . -
klttc. UVi 1-iiil , 10 in ease , $1.50 ; 1-gat , Iflia
use , $4.55.
Cnoroi.ATi : 12-lh boxes , 3233Tic ; Gorman
xvcot.2C2loi l'iirMiin,35v.
t'nciiA iVrlb. ultiloc.
IIIIOMA I Vr Ib , : tc. !
COCOANUT Per Ib , Inukss. 2i3J7tf ; ljtilk.,22
HhKtis Ml\cd bird , 1-lb pki ; . 5c ; canary , 5o ;
H-inp. I'ii'j anise. 1H- ; poppy , lOc.
KS romier Slitjtiipoto sifted ,
liot , 22e. All'plce , lllc. riovuH-lVnaiitf. se-
eeted , 20o. Cassia-China , 4-lb mats , Oe. Nut-
ni'ijs , Nn. I,7.Kfnnoy ; , In rse , sc c.
r.xitt.NAi'iious Oil ( ) > s-Harley , ll'.ic ' ; faitim ,
K. ' ; peas , Ik- ; oatmeal , IV'C-'I'ir ; inacarnnl 10 %
lei vermli-olll. lo.3Hc ; rlec. choice , fi'ie ; fancy.
clicad,5' : ' | . ' ; sago and tapioca , r > t 7c ; lima
bonus , fie ; split pens , 3e : splglttl , lie.
MOI.ASSKS llbls , N Ufanev per tial. 5. " > p."o ;
hnlce , 4.Vli7c ; ood. JlrtVi.'o ; Cuba baklns , vsa
iMc : blnck strap , .VifMe.
MliAi-i'lxu l'Ai'in : Sliinv. | jpr Ib , KiO2'io ' ;
rnz.a'ie : Manilla U. r3Be ; Xo. l.fe.
Oii.x piltnu white , lie ; 150 water xvhlte ,
3c ; 175hcadllk'btlllei74 casollnc. Clc ,
b'Ai.sou.v llbls , I7ic ; granulated , 2c ; In bbls ,
MtA-l'kgsCO ) Ibs to box , 5h < 2-5-iCi ! kegs ,
YIN KfiAiiSOgr , elder , lOo ; good , 12c ; xvhlte ,
vine. l.V ; fanev. fruit , if.
iTDVKl'iH.isiiJ.Mi07i.Vf7 per cross.
IlAns-Ain.pi-rllV.9l7.7S. i.t-xvlslon , ppr 100 ,
17.75. I'nlun Minnrc. 3'l" , per cent oil list.
SALTDairy. . VMIlbs In bbl , bulk , $ .M ( ) ; best
Kl-ade. tar.s , } , ' . : ; best grade. 100 : is , " $ . ' .40 ; best
Ki-iide. IS Ids , t2..v ) ; lock wall , crushed , $ l.tO ;
common , bbl. ? 1.25.
Ciivi' L'ustlli' , mottled , per Ib , f > 310c ; do ,
vhlto , per Ib. lie.
I'ICKI.IS : Medium , per bbl , $5.50 ; small , } ,1.50 ;
gherkins , $7.W.
UiDKli-l'er bbl , roll nod. $0.51 ; half bbl. $ l.Wl ;
laid cider , pure , per hbl , $ > . ( ) . ) ; oranuo elder ,
mlf bbl , W.50 ; pear elder , half bbl , $0.5J.
Dry ( > iiotls.
HIAVV : lltiowx COTTONS Atlantic II.
MI COTTONS lli-ikeloy cambric Xo.
09 , Iks ; liest Vot,0 ii > ; Ituttorcloth XI' . 4'jc ' ;
; abol.7'ic ' : I'lrsK'all.ii'ici ' I'rultof the Loom ,
' ; Hill Semper Idem , he ! Housekeeper , MIC ;
< liiK Phillip cambric. 10o ; Liuiedond H.U'jc ;
Ixjiisdale , b'je ; l.oiHilalo camurlc , lOc ; .Xew
York Mills , lie : Oak l.awn , 7c.
AND I'tt.i.oxv CAsisns Hrown
Net 1'eppcrell , 4"ln , lOo ; i'eppuiull , h-4 , 4Sc ;
rcppeicll , U-4. C-4. 20c ; I'eppetell , 10-4 , 22c ;
lltlca , 4S-ln. 15c ! Utlca , SVIu , 17'ic ; L'tlea ,
72-in. 24c ; L'tlca. ? 4-ln. 2ficUtlca. ; ! KI-ln , 2s'ic-
Illeached .Net I'cpperell. 42-ln , lOc ; I'ep-
peroll , 4i-ln ( , lie ; IVppcroll , fi-4. 14".c ; IVp-
lierell. 8-4 , 2tV ; I'epiieiell. 0-4 , 22o ; reppercll ,
10-1 , 23iUtlca ; , S-4 , 24c ; Utlea , u-i. 2jc ; Ullca ,
10-4 , 2c.
( Ji.sniiA.MS Ainoskcap. C'Je ; AmoskoTR
dies-s , n'ic ; llatof , ( i'jc ; Warwick , drevs. 7'ji'i
Lancaster , OUc ; Glcnalre , C'jc ; Whit teuton.
( IlL'SS , 'iC.
I'niSTS Indlsc blue Xet Martha Wash
ington. Cc ; American.C ( ! ! Arnold. ( i'c : Ar
nold 11. long cloth. 2Uc ; Stlfcl A , 12o : Merrl-
niack , 'i. loc ; Gold Leaf , ( -'Sc ; Hamilton , fi'sc ' ;
Allen l'liils : , ( J'.U'i Allen Chambray , Cc ; Olou-
eester , 5'je ,
I'ltixrs I'anclcs rddystnno , C'ie ; Steel
lllvcr. He ; ItaiiiaiK ) , 4'je ' ; . t. Lt-iUcr.ftUc. Shlrt-
IIIBS Martha \\ , 4''sc ; Merrlinnek ,
4'ic. Turkey reds I'liuntnlii , C'ic ' ; Oarner. 7c ;
Crt'iilield'Je ( ' ; Ili-rlln , C.'ic.
WidANS-Net.Thlst'c ' , (1'ic ( ; lied C'rcisss , 7e.
Coi.oiin ( : CAMIIIIICS Cionn , 4UC ; Id-d Slar ,
4'c ' ; llolled Clover , 5c ; Slater , lie ; hl 'li colors ,
le oxtra.
CitA-ui ? tevons' H , ir-ln , fl'ic ; Ptovcns' I ) ,
IP-In , Ue ; Stevens' A.lH-lu. 7c ; Stevens' I' , It-
In , 7iie ; ritevens' , 1ln 1 , s'sc ; Stevens' N , 20-
In. hlic ; Stovons' XX. 25-ln. ll'ic ' ; Ktoveiib'
SKT. 20-in , ll'ic : bleached , lo extra.
DKSIMS Net AinoskviiK , 0-ui , lll' ' e ; Vork
camlet , 12o ; Kverott , slnndard , 12'ic ' ; Hay-
Maker's. 7ic ! ; Old Vork , XX , lOlie ; Lawrence ,
2JO , ii'jc : ! ; l.axvrcnccoz ! ) , 15ic ! ; funcy slrlpes
and checks lUJc.
COTTONAPKS Vork Ximklii , 10'Jc ; Everett ,
-ozlSo f > ; Lewlston , 10oz.2."jcVorkl ; ngman's
13ic ! : Corkscrew cashmere , 2Jc.
OUISINI : Perez , I'&W. , 44c ; German , 2fle ;
lmlliu ; , per ib , 73c ; Info.-t powder , 21e ; opium
$4.15 ; morphine , perez , $ : I.10 ; hops , per Ib , 'We ;
Klycerlne , 20c ; dextrine , lOc ; cnttlebone , : i. ' > e ;
eream tartar , pure , Kc : commercial , c ; cahi-
pbor , 50c ; am. carb , 14c : blue vltrol , 7'Jc.
Acin Carbolle. 342c : ; oltrle. 45Jt4sc ; tar-
larlc. Vfir.'lUu ; sulphuric , per Ib , 2c.
Ou.s .Sperm oil. $1,10 ; turpentine , 4Sc ; Ton
ka beans , t-.25 < Jj2.35 ; balsam U.ulii. 41 < > ol.'ic ; cal
omel , ! n ! ! U7c ; cantharldcs , SI. : i(3l. ( : ( . " > ; cassi
buds , 20i422e ; chloroform. 49&52u ; ersol. 47S4
V-'c ; sum arable , & 5E05CJ lycopodlum , 402. Cfc ;
mercury , bCc.
Ui.ocic TIN Small pljj , 30o per Ibj bar , 20o
per Ib.
Coi'i'KU-l'lantsheil boiler slos , , ' )3e ) jier Ib ;
cold rolled , 30c per Ib ; bheutlng2 < Jc pur Ib ; pit
and flats , 3lc per Ib ,
GAbVAMZKIlSllKBT Ilin.V Discount 50-10 per
rent ; pat. plan. Iron , Nus. 24 und 27 , A , 10'ic ' ;
Tixl"l'f.ATi-I. C. , 10\24 , ? iJ.75 ; I. X. , 10.MI ,
88.2.- , .
88.2.I'lN I'LATn-Coke. 14x20. 1121.25. , I.e. , 14\20 , 112 , 15.30 ; I.
X. . * ii.75.
SIIKUT IltON-No. 20 , $3.W ; No. 27 , ? .1.70.
S Min--Strlctly half and half , ice.
STKKI.Viui : XAil.f llase , f2.00.
Wiiii : Jap. barb. ti,25' : , Kalv. , S'.l.
Kio Janeiro Dealers to Combine to
Coiiti'i ) ! 1'i'lccs.
A dispatch from Uio Janeiro y.-ns printed
recently stating that a company had been
formed there for the purpose of assuring tlio
stability of coffee quotations. Agencies , tbo
dispatch said , would bo established in Lon
don , New Yoik , Havre and Hamburg , the
four princlpiil coffee dcalinir cities in the
world , nnd shares to tlio amount of i'uO.OOO
had ulre.uly been subscribed for.
From what could bo learned from coffee
merchants it appears the company will have
many of the fc.ituroj of a trust , among them
sonic of the objectionnblo fe.itures , says the
New York Times. It will , If , as is probable
many of the Hio Janeiro dealers enter the
combination , ho in a position to advance 01
lower prices and to a large extent to contra' '
the Brazilian supply.
The imrpobes of the company worn ex
plained uv n prominent coffee merchant yes
tcrduy. The men , ho said , who receive Iho
collco from the plnnters are known us the
comisarlos. They advance money nnd sup
plies to the planters while the crop is fjrow-
liif. ( The coffee comes to them without hav
ing been graded , nnd they sell to the dealers
or middlemen , who sort the coffee , mane Iho
grades , and ] n-eparo it for the market. Thoj
sell to the exporters , who send the coffee to
the inutkets of tbo world.
The new company would ho made up of the
dealers or middlemen , who at present huj
from the commisarlos at whatever price thojj
can ohtnn. Hut if a stroiiK combination were
formed they could refuse to buy of the com
isarios at any price except one which sultci
them. Then they could turn about nnd do
iniind an increased price from the exporters
Or , snid the merchant , they could dlsregan
the exporter altogether and export the colToo
themselves. The announcement that the
company intended to establish agencies iu
different , cities would seem to indlc.ito Urn
the dealers had considered that possibility
for the merchant could think of no other rca
son for their establishment. He had heart
that two Brazilian banks had agreed to take
stock In the company.
It has been known for some time that sucl
a combination wns proposed , but its Brazil is
not the only source of coffee supply in the
world , It is not likely that the effect of the
combination will bo felt iu America to auj
material extent.
"For su Timer complaint. " says Ten L. Bear
n prominent druggist of Lo's Angeles , Cal.
"I know of no remedy so sure and snfi
to use as Chamberlain's colic , cholera am
diarrhoea remedy. " Mr Hear is not alone in
cntortulniiiK thittopiniou , as , however known
the remedy is pr.ilsod by all who use It.
ir. K , II. I * Thrifty.
The ni'ineo ofVults , ubiia'.ly exceed
in'ly ( liberal , becim tu have boon caught
in a potty ineiumoss , writes Kuyono Field
in the Chicago Nowu Ho has refused
to pay the WOO duo for his cldoijt eon's
tunancy of apartments in St. Jiunos pal-
ucc. Ills excuse lor this la that tbo
young intm was absent In India nnd tlint '
Ills tenancy vrns therefore broken loin-
porarllyl In other word ? , the apartments - '
monts must be reserved for tlio prince
nt nl } times , but paid for only when oc
cupied 1 Tito treasury department will
not prosecute the claim , but n , grout deal
of indigmitioii has Iwon expressed liy
John Hull at largo since the story leaked
Headache , neiirnlKiix , cilmlnos' , jiervom-
npss , spawns , slwpU'ssncss , cur > 'd bx' Lr ) ,
Mile * ' Nervine. S.unplcs free l Kiiiin &
Co..s , 16tU and Douglu * .
Our Children'H lnlii'rltntioo ,
Unless wo arejioxvnblo to preserve our
mental nnd bodllv forces Intact our
gramU'hsldroa xvlll bo victims lo our
faulty , says a writer in the Popular
Seiunoo Monthly. They would oven have
the right to a certain extent to call us to
necimnt for our cureless conduct.Vhnt
( \ld \ you do with that vigorous body niul
healthy and stimly mind thiitvvoi'ogivi'n '
you by your parents ? For it Is bv your
fault thut wo are miserable und tifekly. "
The inipoi'tiinco of the question Is thus
well established. Slnoo the future de
pends on the present , It is no loss than n
question of the future of men. This
belli ) , ' llxed , the query arises : Is there
mental overstrain ? A enreful examina
tion of the fuels gives us occasion tea
a naive r iilllrinatively. Ineoni-cqxieiiceof
the pi'odl rhus > ly artitleinl conditions of
oxift.encevliifhouradviiiieetl . clvili/i- ;
has'Imposed upon tin wo have ( jretitly
modified the habitual ami ) ) { , '
life of our organism. A close study of
thohaoiis of c'ontoinportiry nion , such us
the author of this book has made , xvill
show Unit nothing is less iu agreement
with a healthy vitality than the mode of
living of todny.
I'curs' Soap Is the inostcleifiuutolletinljunct
Tliroujjh coaulius l-Mllimn ptilaco
blccporti , dining cars , froorocllninff chair
ears to Chicago and intervening points
vhi the great lloek Island route , 'i'ielvot
olllco KiOiJ , Sixteenth and Faruani.
Provisions and Stocks ,
300 South 13th Street , - Omnhn.
13O2 Farr > atn Stroat.
Oity Paesencor and Ticket Agent
Passage to and from Great Dillaln and all
parts of Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the
waters ol St. Lawrence , shortest olall. Ulnecow to
Huston , to I'hllnilolpMii. Liverpool to and ( ram
Haltlmore. Thirty StcnmerB. Cln 6 oxcelelor.
Accomruoilntloaf nnEurpaspcd. Weekly sailings
AI I.INA i ; < . .Hcn Weir. AC''P.
7 In I.nrtrc't , I'ui-lc-.I nn.l I'lno.l , In tlinVorlJ. .
Kibkclinr HivitintMlatloiid imuxccllfij.
CIIICASSIA , Aiitf. 1 . I KTIllOl'IA , Aup. TO.
A.NCIIOIIIA. AIIK 23. I rit.SKi-sIA .Scit. | 0.
New York , Qacciistowu nnd Liverpool.
Tim Cclrjbr.itod I Aui ; . Ktil. f < ciit. 30th.
CITV OF ItOMK. | Oct. Ittli.
ratct * on Inwnt itTitm to nmt from ttif iirtncip.'il
Kjccurrlon t'cktti iwluct- l. mnilc avntl.iblo to rrturn
hy c'itherthc plcturt'Miue CUde. HIvcrAJcrney. Nottli ut
Kjiitli of In Und NupltlorOlSrAltnr.
at loufBt cunuiU rntrn. Ailv | ] ' to nny uf our locn )
EBCHUor to HENDERSON 'BROS. , Chlcnijo.
Local iiconts nt Oiuahai llnrry R. Moore.
t'harlns Mires : \V. r. Valll , II. l' . lloucl , ill
zon'b Hunk , Otlo Wolf.
TO -
Cabin Passage $35 to $50 , according lo location of
stateroom. Excursion $05 to $95.
Stccmeoto uul Irnm Iliiroiioatlxnvctt Units.
AUSIIH JALDWIH &CO.Ccneral , Agenti.
S3 Droadwa ) , NEW YORK.
Jno. Illoscn , Ocnornl Wwtorn Agent , 12
Ilunilolpli Strcot , Clilcago. Hurry Ji. Jlocre
Jus. Cnnne.
Mortgage Bonds in Railway , Gas ,
Water and other Companies
on the nniount Invented , on ci > nirai < ii | ' > n cr otlior-
WFO. | Wciiro propnr.Ml tonoKutliilu tliu n\\eat \ Inrt'o
Indintrhil unflcrUikliitB , unil Inlroiluic Knslhli cnpl-
tnllnto Hiiund tonojrna. Well t'-t-ibllihoil o tturos
onljr , linvlnir HRociil reconl , tnken In liunilVoro -
lor to tlia Noir Yo k I'rodiifo i\iliui C' Hunk , ' .
llronilwnf. N'ow Vork , nrlilcli tinnk nt'liriMi'iil ' ImlilN
Kecnililui vulucd nt over f.VKI.UX ) brldiiulnt ; tu un
willing Investment. All coiniuunlcnlions to Luail-
ilrrno I tn
13 ( vtu : .N' Vine j \ sr.iKi.T , LONDON , K. e ,
UUNItV I.O.VKNKBI.Ii , ilunanlny D.ruttor.
London , England.
Amsterdam , Holland.
Ilur nnil Pll Aincrlcnn irmrltlOH on romuiltilon
on London umlcin nil Conllnanlul rnnrkuii.
' uf new loarm
lialod ITay in cnrlots. Wrlto
H. B. REliSE & CO. , Turin , Iowa
Omaha Manufacturers ,
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
lloMonltiibt'cr SlinoCo. MM. 11W iul 1104
IliirnP ) Stti-ot. tlninhit , Ni < K
8TOHZ < c ILEK ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1HI Ncitli If Hi Sltvot , Omtitin , Neb.
Hanafactnrcrs of Galvanized Iron Cornlco
Window cnr < nnJ mi'tslio nktituiiti. John Ki > etictor ,
mmrlftnr IUS unit Il6 yi.iitli Ultli livi'l
AltlNts' ISliitorllllH ,
K , Jr. ,
Arllsls' ' Materials , i'lanos ' and Organs ,
1513 Douglas Strevl. Oinilin. Ncl > .
Conl , Coli : , Kto.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
8. K. Cor. ItHhnml Doughs StrrclK. Oinnlin , Nob.
Shippers of Coil and Coke ,
! l ( South Uth StrOL'l , Onmlm , Nob.
DEAN , ARM * fHONO & CO. ,
Wholesale Cifrirs ,
MN ICthMii'ot. "Ili'llorilW.
Dry Gi)0lH ( niul .VotloiiH ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Curncr lltlinnil llow.ird Street * .
Importers anil Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Quuli'l'mnUlilnirfiooil * . Corner llth unil Humor
Btri'ets. Uumlin , Nob.
'limit uro.
m\VE : Y icSTONE ,
Wholesale Dealers in I'urititurc ,
Karni'in ' Ht.'eot , Ointilm , Nobrn ka.
Onmlm , Nulirnika.
Wholesale Grocers ,
loth and I.onrcniTCrtli EtrvuU , Oinahn , Nebrrulft.
Lumber , I0lc.
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
Yin ! 1310 N ICtli St. . Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Elc , , Etc.
Imported niul American Portland foment. Btntd
aficullur Mllwnnki'o llydrnnllo Cuiucnt , uuil
( juluuy Wmtol.liiio.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wcod carpets nnd imriiuet flooring. Cth .ind llougla *
tjtruutft , Omaha , Ncbrn&k.i.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Elc
, , , . , ,
Corner 9th unil UouKlniStreets , Onnhn.
JMIlliiH.-rj- mid Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in
203 , 210 and 212South lltli street
Notions :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1124 llurncy itrcrt , Omaha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axlogrcnae , etc. , Omaha. A , 11. lllihop , Mniugcr.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nlco utock of printing , wrnntlnu nml writing
puier. Special attention clvc-ii to card pnpur.
Safes , 1C to.
A , L. DEANE & CO. ,
General AKcnts tor
Halls' ' Safes ,
71 and ill South lOili St. . Oninha.
J-H , Ktc.
II. HARDY ic CO. ,
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
Houa l''urnl.ililnp CJoocK C'lilMrcn'n Cnrrluucs. 1309
1 nrinm mrcut , Ointh , Nub.
AVatoiSupplies. .
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilalllcluy lnd mills. DIB nnd 020Ionusbt. , Ouabl
G. V lluss , Actlnk' Maunder.
Iron AVorks.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
. brm > n work , ( joncrnl foundry , m.ichlno and
u.'kimltli ivork , Olllro ami works , U , 1' .
Itr nnil nth alri'd , Umnlio.
Manl'rs ' of 1'irc ' and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaullfl , jnll work , Iron nlnittors nnil tire cxcnpcs
O. Anilrecn , i > rup'r. Cur. lull und Jocluun SI * .
Snsll , DOOI-H , Kto.
Wlioluiialo manufncturcra of
Sash , Doors , Bliud and Mouldings.
Ilrancli cOlcc , IZtlmnd Izard BtrcctS ) Onuilia , Not ) .
Of South Omaha , Limited ,
National Bank
Capitol , $ / * 00,000
Surplus , 44,000
Offlror nnd Dlrccton-I ! . si , Morsnnnn , 0 M.
IllUlitock , .loyoph ( iiirncin , Jr. . A. 11 miry K. M.
AmliTKonVllllitiii l > . Mnnl. vlr * | iri' lU'nt I * H.
William * . A. I * , llopklni , prcBlilrnt : A. Mlllutd
ciuhlcr ; t' . U. Urrunt , umlitunt cuililcr
National Bank ,
Capital , - - - - $40OOOO
Surplus , Jnn. 1st , 180O , - B7.BOO
Ollkcrinnd lilrcrlor * llcnrjrV. . VntcI'roldentj
Ic u f. | ( to I , Vli'C'I'riKldi'nt ; JHIIJC W Kuruyuv ,
V. Morci' . Jolin H. l'4llln , II. U. Cu lilnkJ , N. U.
I'alrick. Ulrtclurii . 11. n. llutliui , Cnililer.
Corner 12th nd KarnutuSU.
A General liuuklaj Business Tritusactcd. )
i -y