1HE OMAHA DALL.Y . UEJC'THTTWBBAV ' , AUGUST 14 , 1800 , LIED \ } \ Jcs'u Hjbank and a Yomig Man Wilkinsou Struck at Ketnaha. THE ODDFELLOWS' ' CONCLAVE CLOSES , llcclynr of llnriicMon Jfeitli ) : In Iho I\\K \ \ Hlncllrlisk InjRi'.s Kl rlUc at * Stale 3i'c\Vfl , Nch. , Aupmt 13 , fSpeclal to Till ; llii : : . - - . hut nlRht ktnick A. bliclilon's house , occupied \ > y a Mr. Hammond mend , three miles noitbwL-st , ItiMtantl ; hill- luir n yumiK' mnn minimiVllkiiiwn , l.itfly froniKiioxi'Diiiity , .Mo. , und MissJosio ilo- liaek of viH-n precinct , Tlio bulldiiiu u-aa shattered , rio c ol' ilio < > ( lilrllnv.s' Conclave , j i'l.UTxMm Til , Xeli. , j\usii't \ 1H. [ Special ' TeleKram to Tun llii : : . ] 'i'lio OJJfcilows' ' | coiicluvo Hover nnd that for next j car Is se cured for Onmlia. This day hns Iwn all that couhl lnivo bfHiii desired an rcpirdsveatlier , nnd tlic jiark , vvlicro this afttrnooii's exer cises \\t 11- hold , wan In a inucli better con- ( liil'in for iho comfort of the miiltitudothun If tlu'iv hinl betti tioniin , The 11 rat dele/ga / llon of visitors to airlve this innrnlnuvai th C'liuucll IloufTs corit.Iiiffi-nt , at V : : iT ) , con * aide iiihl v over two hundivil strong1 , and licadiu iiy Dalliy'.s comet bund , Oi II'KUI Inns from ( ilruwoixl. Hasting , Hlllsiliilc. Malvern. 1'niun , sliland , Avocu , Jltatnci' . Omaha , AYahoontid other towns of the Btiiii-sof Iowa , .Missouri , Kansas and Ndlini'ku raino Inter in the forenoon. The procession formed u little alter 1 o'cloelt nud t rave nud tho" line of mnvili in the fol lowing or.li'r under command of Chief Marshal itV. . Ityers : l.ilby' ) ' baud , Cnuu- ril IJIulT > ; Canton vl itiiiK Jiubc-kalis ; Hud ( if J'ruinisKlodgu , D.niKhlurscf . Itebeeca , of thij rlt } ; visiting Itiilciji'iiilc-ntOrdi'r of Odd fellows. PUttsimjiitli ; Inilcpeiiiluiil Order of Oddfellows ; U , &vM , band ; city olllciala and dtiy.cns in Carriages , , Tbepnxcjsion niaiTlicd to the fitzgcrald park , when ) an Iminnnso platform for the siHJakci-s had hoen erected and scats pro vided for upwiinLi ) f two tbousaiul ieoi Ie , A niiiMiilieent ( nuiliencu wilt present. After inuuir tlieuftonioon uxercihi-s weio opened liy CJniml CJlupluin O'Neill ' with prayer , 1'ost ( irand S. M. Chapman then delivered the adi're-sof welcome , which \vos \ responded 10 by I'lustdrund . .T.V. . Humiiliroysof Iowa. FolloNVing Mr. Humphreys dime tlio event of thodatlitiiuldwi.s liy "brother r'raalcV. . Kviuisoi DCS Jloinc's ' , Iowa , tlio lecturer of the order. It was n masterly offoit and * ho ( . rout orator lost none of Ids ri'iiutalloii In its delivery. It was replete with facts ot tlio past , psr-sent sinil futui-e of Oddfellowship nnd of its relation to the progression of thu hiinian raei * , At the meeting of the a.ssocla- lion Ouiulia win sc'tivted as tlio place and August 'J , h'JI , as the time for the holding of tlio nrxt I'liiinal ' conclave and it-union. U'liofollmvingonieiTs vero elected for the otisuniff jour : 1'rtaldeut , J. AV. Humph- leys of hlioiniiidoah , la. ; vlco president , Louis Ilcalinaii of Couni'il BlnlTs , la. ; beero- tury , I' . A. 1'ultorson of OinaLa. I o.v lro\vii Ml in ( lie : o.v , Nob. , August 13 [ SpacialTel- Cfrram to Tun JIK. ) : ] This inorniiiR Willie , a twelve-year-old son of George Ilcllyer , wm drowned while hathiiiK : in the Rigllluu river , twomill's north of hero. Ho ventured in when * the water was toodccpund could not lAviin. The IjoiJy win recovered shortly after ward , 'H * SlriKo at Krarncy. ICitiiNii : : , Nch. , Autrust ii.-Snecial : [ Tele gram to Tin : lliis. : ] The union liriclclayon on tlio Kearney opera house were last niiht to work tea hours per day Instead of nine , as tlu < rules of the union provide. Mr. I.oville of the company offered them ten hours pay , or IV ) cent * per hour. The workman refused to go to work on these turms. U'ho eontniclors hnvc talicn a duter- mliiid stand and cay they will Import mc- rhaidcs byKatunlay if the diiptitols not sot- tied. The contrautors refuse to pay extra for overlhni ! , and oiviiif ? to the Inrpj contrnct nnd lulvanruinmt of thoscason , they demand ten hoiii-spi'L' day from all workmen they cmpby. / . iiin\v < > rlli lli a H IT , Neh. , AuguU i : ) . [ Sieeial | Tele- Brain to Till' Hiu , ] 1-V'd Ainsworth , who was nrrcited In Council niufl's on Monday arternoon oa orders from Kearney , ivticro he waswantiil for forgery , had Ids iu'eliininary trial today. The prisoner nppenrcd In the court room with his eyes rloscil , and did not open them until the preliminary hearing ended. "lie refused to bavo mi utlornoy. Alnswpith vus UioU keeper andcasliicr for Drown , Stlm&on , lluhor it Co. , suwor con- tmctors , end was held In tlio utmost conll- di-ncu by them. On July U ) ho jircscntcd a check at the Kearney National bank for JltHH ) , Hifincd by bis company , and made pay able to "ourselves or bearer. " Tim slniituro | npiwnrul ffonuIiK1 , and as ho had Ix'en in tlic habit of drawing money for the wceUly pay roll , the demand Vil9 not iiuestloncd. Ainsworth soon disappeared , hut left his limiks stralgnt. The sliortafta wasnot ilUcoveri'd la the compiuiy'a ica.sh until nft < T the August bdanceof the bank ac count. Search was at once instituted for tlio absconding bookkeeper but ho was not appre hended until Sunday evening , when TIIK 13ti : : ropn'senlativoelianccd to see him ut tlio Windsor hotel in Omaha. The pollco wcro notilled , which rc ulteola hU capture. O'Neill's Celebration. O'.N'r.m , JCeh. , j\ujrust la. fSpecinl Tele- pnim to Tim llir. : ] O'Xeill will cclebrnlo thunilvcnt of thu I'.icille Short IJno cu Sat urday. This takes the plucoof our Fourth of July celebration , \\ldehwas dofciredfor thu liresent occasion. A lloor lias hem laid m the new round house , which will ncconimodnlo ID.IH'O people. The cftIs to ho decorated In grand style , ami jjreut tlTurta are lielujr inntlo to malio It the grandest celehratum thu noithwest over held. 'J'huro will bo three brass bands In atend- unco anil ovorythiiiK oxenpt ndini ion to thu match Binno of ball between Iho Stantoa and Fort N iubr.ir.1 clubs Is to Iwlreo free din- nois. fr 'eilanco and five lemonade. A. spe cial train from O'Xclll will ( to to Orchard , hi A nlelone county , to meet and welcome thu exuivsum train fioni Sioux City , which will bo the largest ever run in this pint of the state , contain Injr llllccn pa beiiKcr coiu-lics. M'he committee report that they are expecting undnroptvpaivd to entertain as many more from vailous points on the Freinont , Klk- liorn V : Missouri Valley railway. j\ll \ Holt county h expected to lie T > uaenl and every body is Invited to attend. Clnti'nes ol MiHimiiiijit'Mi nl. KKIIUASKA CITV , Neb , August n. ( Special to TIIK tlr.i.Tlio ] rtwldenu of the wustmi part of the county nre lecoiiilnir alarnic-d ovci wliat they consider an ovldonco of fmudln the innmuTiMnoat of county affairs , They cluhn tohuvo received nuinorous duns frein the county treasurer for taxes rxteudlni ; as far hack iu 1STO , anil fer which they hold ro- coints. They am crjhiK loud DIIU IOIIK foi im investigation Into the affairs ofthodlf- lercnt oftlcesof tlio county , hut tlio commis sion erst turn A deaf ear , as they clulni they InvestlRatcd the mutter sunicluitly to cou- vluro theniiclveatliat thvru wiu no srouiu f or Iho buiad accusations of fraud and mis apprcprhit'on of county funds , and that llio dun's were cither sent to the wroun lurtiesoi that tbcydonot I'okl ' receipts forthem. The jH-oplo of I'uhnyni however precinct , are not natMloiUuid iu-etnlliiiii ; of bringing actloi against the commUsioi.crc to foivo an e.Miiu inuUon , rV Instiliiu ? at MtCooK , Neb. , August 13 , [ Special Tele- Brain tol'iiKHur.J The led { AVIllow couulj tcachrn1 liiMltuto is In bcssionat McCook. Seventy -six tcueliei-s are in attendance. Ww. Nelllctoii , tlio county mpeilatcndeiit havlns IKVII t-allfii to Illinois bv the HlnoM of lior drtUK'a'er , tbo imtltuto "Is ton Jucteil by Mr. Viilfi'tlno Pf the selioofs MtCookulty , as- tlilil liy.Mu , Tucltor und Mr , 1'oterson of , A biaiu-b of the statf teachers * rending cIMc viu Uor ) anlzed during tlio session. An uuihuul nuinbor of thu teachers bnve. Curingthu post year , pi-vaiod ; thomaelvoa for flr t Kmflo ri-vtlflc-atd , vtlfnvtllma - tcrltillrrnlM ) thcstaiidartl of llio schools In this county , I'ern I'olntn. 1'r.nr , Zs'ch. , Aiifriist in , [ Special toTur. lj ) . ] -A lleinorost silver medal contest was bold lure In the Ilnjitist church last nUbt , The exercises were of superior merit and tlio audience was ple.i.iotl , Thtpri/cwajaivariled toMissEfllo Abbott. Coiitnictora from Nebraska City arc here remodeling and roiltlin thcstenm heatlnu ni'l'iirntus of tiinatutc normal bnildltii ; . Tills vvork vna mvanled tolheinmoUrnikist fall , > wt tno upp.u-atns lias no ver worked well. The board of education , upon Inspection , ref - f ued to receive the work. Thefrolilhitionist nre to hold a mass meet- Inu bnro onFriJ.iy , Aisfrust in. Their preim- ratioiuaroelabonite for sucha small pjrty. Spcolil Ivleetloii at llcatrlee. UitAtiiicr , Nob. , August 13. [ Special Tele- pram to TUB UKK.J The llcatrlco rapbl tratmltand powr company llled orticlc of Incorporation yeaterd.iy , mid last iil ht the council pasted an ordiMnco calling for a Hpt'cia ! election Knintlnt ; the rompany frati- clilsesov rtho streets of the city. The pur- pwe of the corporation is to build and operate tin electric motor street car line over tioutli Hlxth street and thence Ihrrthe ! ! ! ! Hotitli IlniLrlee addition. The ilei'tloii will occur j\n ii3t J. > . If the franchise Is granted the conipany promises to bejfiii work within sixty days. Alllanun I' Iciii uiI Ovl'oril. OXFAICD , N'eb. , August ! . ( Spe/-inlTolc- pram to Tin : liis. ) | A basket picnic ami IMHS meeting was held ut thU place today under Iho nuspleos ol the farmers' alllmieo of till * section. A. IMllinlard , inilependeut tioniinco for state superintendent chair man , nnd Yen Ir Valrlo , nn imported demo- crattfsppnlier , the or.itnr of the occasion. Valdn Li n natural apcjkt'r , but mnilo so irany inNreiircscntallnns that many alliaiu-o men \vcrc ilitifuited with him. llo inadi ! no filrtiulaforthr ; ticket amoni ; the moro intclll- farmer * . N tlira.-kn's Additional Tcrillory. N ionium , Neh. , Augmt 111 [ Special to Tin : Ilnu.J Conirrcssman Dorseywrites lion. S. Draper that the president will Issue his proclatnatloiiin a few days formally open ing the N'cbraslia strip of theSlonx reserva tion , dcclaiintr it a part of tbo state of Ne braska. Kx-Senator Snunilers iirovided for this additional striti in I S3 in , order to stniiK'itoii ' tbe northern boundary of the state on the forty-third parallel to the Mis- HOtirl river , thus giving Nebraska about seven hundred thousand acres moro of excel lent land. al'nckinj ; House. lvi\nsiT , No ! ) . , Aupustl2. ( Special Tele- Kram to TUB -U'jlllamlleeht ] has de- clJed to rebuild bis packing house , which burned down over a year ago. Worlt ivill bfKiii at once and the. plant when finished vlll have a capacity for -JOO hoiri per day , It isprojoscdto Hub li the Ijiilldliif ; byOctohor. lUvilibo built boutli of the city , near the 1'htto bridge. lailioid ! Meeting : il finiuly. ClAi'iiv , ob.AURUst 13. - Special [ to Tin : Uii : : . ] A rallroait incotingVM hold in this city Monday sind u committee appointed to con fur with the ICcarnoy , t Ulaek Hills rail road coinpnny in ro ard to building IhiifaM. Jiluchcntliuslasin win expri'sscil in favor of votiimnidby botti c-min tv and precinct Ixuids , the incotiiij , ' voting unanimously in fuvor of l/onds. / _ llairti Cor Suite Senator. REP Cuit-D , Nob.August in , [ Si-ec.lnl 'lelcyram to Tun llF.n.-S. ] 0. Balrd WM lomiimt c-d la thU city today ns the muili- lean , candidate for state senator. Ho is from \'lclcnlls county , is a prominent farmer and welvcd the nomliiatioii by the nnanlinous otu of the thru ) counties comprising thedis- ilct. Couldn't ( ict nQnoi'iiin. CrRiuxo , N'c'b. , August 13. [ Special toTuc lui : . ] Tlie democrats Intended to liavo a 'omity convention Alondny to elect their dele- rates to tlio state ami congressional wonven- Ions hut three bou rhon souls was Iho hlrlict ; inmber seen together durlnjr ( he tlay , and the delegation from Hcott's ' 111 ulTs tvill bo uoiiest , Charged with A'ieloim Ass.-iult. Cnr , ! Neb. , August K ) . [ Specinl to Tim linn. ] August Sehrollcr vus this inornlUK arrested nnd held under iOO lioad for niakimra nmrdei-ous assault on jouislvrcllles with akiiifo. Tlio latter was severely cut about the neck uiidshoulcleis mil is conliaecl U > bis bed , tic Crushed Iiy Horse. SIMSIXO Itvxcu , Neb. , j\ugust 13 , ] Special i riie'Dce.f A yourifj son of Jsimes Bain- cr , liviiit'at this place , had his Icff lirokcu i.v a vounghorso falling upon hi in. A heavy , 'ihi had fallen the iilRlitbofori ) , and lie wiii lilmgup aldllwben tbocoltroared up and fell backwards upon him. An Ksu tpcil I lorrf JI.IS-SKS , NcU , Aujnist ii. : [ Siicchtl Tele- ; ramto TUB Ili'.n. ) Baugbimin , the ho no : hiof irhocscaned from the shoriffyesterday ivas ruptured this morning aKJresham. The sheriff went over today and tooUhis mim to David City- where he will bo placed in Jail. Tat l.i 'vv ait JSVbraMta < 'ity. Cm' , Kob. , August 1" . , [ Special to Tiir. EJfK. The city council has made the tallowing tax levy for the ensuing1 year : General fund. 10 mills ; sinking fund , si ) mills ; water fund , 4 mills ; lire , yt mill ; pub lic gioumh and building , I mill. Coiinly J-'oiit 1'jlt'ctinn I'"i ui-cs. SuoriA.N'ul ) . , August 1 ! ) . [ Special Tola- Knunto I'IIK Hen. ] At the county scat elec tion In GiTOloy county thorowas cast 1,1(13 ( votes , of wliioli Greeloy ( Jontcr r : a'lvcd 701 , O'Connor nnd . City-12-1 Scoti.rJ. nt n\j : > n. Tlicy I'rpscnt the "I5euily" : tvltb n Ynliinlilo llouso nnd I.nt. j ( , Mms. , Augtnt in. [ Specinl Tele- gnun to Tun UKU. ] I\I. .r. Kelly , captain of the liostcu players' team , is la love with tlio tnno"Hoine , Sweet Home. " I To bus aright to be , lAst night the great bull player and enthiisbxitlo brotherhood man wai pi-oscntel \vithix \ house nnd lot. viikiwl aUlo , < MO and cnutaliiiin' furnishings nnd adjuncts , worth at liwst $ ; if , > 0 ( ) iiioix1. After u supper , speeches llttin ? to the oet'iisinnvero made by Captain ICclly , CJeneral Uixwell , Director Hart , Arthur Irvriti , Johnny Ward , The "kliifr , " In the course of hisspcceh. ivinarlted tluit ho ivas overpowered , thanked his friends In New Yorlc , Chicago and Unston , who had eoiitrlbuted to thu irlftand prnnilscd a small bottlnontho Ice toimy and all who might eall iluriug the winter mouths. After the spooiH-makiniithucntire party was eouvoved to the new homo of ICelly's. linvaniid Dakota IV \VI HWITOViuijust 18. [ Swial | Tt-lo- praintoTiiK llnis.j The1 following iwnaions were ( Jrrunted today to obr.ul.ans : Original Invalid Iloitjiimlii 14. JJarnes , Hastings ; Satmiel II. < " * oiiley , Iloldre c , Jowa : Original Invalid James M. Huck- A .UI. > , it iimuii ii. iiuLnu * man , Kast DCS Moines ; L.uko Folry , Mnnhulltouni ; Thomas Oohln , Itussoll ; Io- ! beit I. Ilofftio , Mount j\yr ; .Mm Abomothy , Kast Dos Moines ; Ceurge II , llosfolt , Mas- senu. ijM | > vIiil act C corjro V. White Low- moore. liicroasc Micliac ! Mosor , Bluff ' . .South Dakota ; Original Christopher Haimi , Lebanon ; Norman O.Jobuson. Aber deen. An Injunction CHICAGO , j\ugust \ 13 , Judge I lor ton has Issued 1111 luJuncUon restnilnlnff Mayor Crcgloror the | > ollco from In any way inter fering \\lth or urrcstiin ; persons enpiiRCd la jxwls nt the \\'o l siilo raw ti-ack. Ci-opw la Nnvu - , K S. , August 13. The govern ment crop report says wlmt Is doing well nutltimt barley is a suive.salui emp , but tlmt oats ai-c suffering from rod leaf blU'lit and ntuu'ks of tjiwn liy , s > o tbut a poorcroxils II THE FIELD OF SPORT , Omaha's ' Teum Drops Another Gtimo to tlid Kansis Oily Cowboys. THE FATES WERE AGAINST THEM , A Kplcnillil CotilOHt InVIilclt Llic UMelc So.i Oiilpltif aiitilr Oi' POUCH ts In livery I'oliit Oilier Scsfiics. iMnyod. Won. Per Ct..rai f l .rai KansitiUlt.r . H'l ffl ; n .res Minneapolis . R. " > Uciivor . HI 4\ \ Slou.v Cltv . W 44J 40 .r.ii ( > iniia : ! . Ill 47 .411) ) L.lncr > ln . s.'i St. Paul . 81 SJ Itj r , Omnliii S. CITV , Mo. , August -Snelal : [ Telcpwm to TUB UIK. ] The lilack riox played in hard luck today nnd lost a paine tliat should h.ivo been ti victory for them , They luttoil much lionvierthaii ICansasClty , mill llclilod bottit too , butluolc M axnln t thorn nud they couldn't win. Uniplro Hoover been mo ill In tUellrst Innlnir , nnd Maiiiipror Planning showed renwrknhlo conlMcnco in Catcher Mor.m'shonosty by consontiiiff to him illllng tlio umpire's pl.lco. Ilisdeclsloas were perfectly sitisf.ictory. Intho llrstlCan- sni City si'ored t\vooii a biso on balls to M.inninp. . Dums'single ' , a8iicriHconnd a rank limit by Willis. Two moro wcro aiWcd In the third on Sinlth'shasooii ballsHums' single , u wild tlirovby Wahli , nnd n sacrillco. In tin ) seventhSumon ( nroutul on a single , a pusscil ball , and t-vvosacrlllecs. Can avail's cloubl bap-p'i1 nad Walsh's single gnro Oinahiionoln tlic llrst , nml in the seventh bits ! > ) 1C earns nnd CtovcUiul nml Holland's error i rmlitod the former to scow. AVnlsh Hiailo the third run fur his side in the ninth onliissliiKloto left and Kliuur Smith's very clumsyhandliiiKof the ball. In tlio scwiul innlngtho vlsltnw had the bits us full with two out , but ManiihiK inado aniarvolom catch of .Too U'ahh's hot lliieraad saved the game. Thcscoio : KA.VMAS CITV. J ( IMA IIA. a n o A r u n o x i Minnlm , 2b.l O 3 : 0 Cnnavnn , If. . .1 1801) ) Smith , II t 100 11Vnhli. . , H < I ,1 I 'i 1 Iliirn .m 5 2 I O 0 , Kcnrns , tf 1 1 2 O I ) lluuvi.-r.rf.l ) a 3 O M'li'ic'lniul , ilb.l 2 1 2 II Stc.iriiilb..U I 5 0 0\Vlllls. ( in 0 Ciir | > < Milfr , .1ltU II 7 O 0 Netnmn.e. . . .0 2 S 1 0 Holland , HM..O 03 4 I ! lnnrnlinn..UbO B I 3 0 ( imnnii.c I 1 II 1 1 Audi-own , 1O..O O 19 O 0 Couwaj , p. .0 O 0 3 0 Kinan , p 0 1 U 7 I ) Totnli 5 7 5 ; 10 ill Totuli. , i : 15 2 IIV i.N.VI.VH. KansmCIty J 0200 01 0 0 S Omaha 1 01) ) 00 Ot 01 3 Hl'MJIAlll' . Earned run < t Kniisaf f'ilj-n. Omalia 1. Two- IMS : hit Ciinavati. Uoiililo plays M'aUli. 1 l.inralian nndnilrews. . liases on lialN OIF l-'ngaul , i'niiway" . . Struck out liy < "iiiiwii ) ' 7l'ajran . " . Wild pltclius-Contrny 1. Kswan I. I'.issed hiilN Nrn-maii . - Time of game-Two liuiirs. ( 'inplru-Moraii. iVIIIivniikec 4 , Lincoln 't. LIXOOI.NiSTeb. . , u\u > ? ust in. [ Special to TUB llii.j : Lincoln ami llhvalceo played 01,0 , of the most exeilinic games been on tbo boino Around * tlili season toJ.iy. It was a I > itebers' battle , Invliicb Roadi lud a trifle tl.o . best oCit , but errors by Clare and JIaciil- lar in the > seventh yave the visitors tbo pune. The score : UV IXNIMIS. Mneoln. . . 0 O 0 O 0 20 0 1 3 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 0 * 4 KUWUAlir. Earned runs f/liicoln 2. T\vo-l > aso lilts- Itiiiich. Homo run-Hurt. Uoiililo jihiys- Clureto IMirluiitn Klanasan. lljiscs on balls -IMV Ktinc'li _ ' . 1) ) a vies 1 , lilt by jiitclier- I'oaeh. Slrneli out-IJy Uouthf. . Davles C. Pasted bnlli-OlcFarhiiid i ! . U'lld pilc'hes- JUvlt"il ThiKof ttamc Oitulinur nndtwun * ty-slxminutes. Umplio Daltyniple. Sion.Y City 1 , Denver 12. DKXVKR , Uolo , , Aus ast'in.Special [ Tele- cramtoTim BLE. ] Following is the score of toJuy'i ' fraiuo : no ux rrr v. line A r. II II O A E McCJIono , 3I > . , I 2 2 o atnussrr..l 1 J 0 0 2 ( 4 I ) lll ck , i 1 1 1 u o 'i'rumlmiy ' ! r3 [ ! _ U U Clcnii , II 1 6 I u ii Curtism , I ) I ) I 00 Kn | > i ol , 3 ! > . . . .l 1 3 0 U lliiwe , ir 1 r 3 0 0 liruMiun , 2l > . , , 'i 4 4 3 0 K"yii < ) M . IUI 3 8 00 fowl-mil 2 Oil 0 0 Mi mlts ! . . . .0 Oc'iilnn ' us 2 4 I \tM 'ln'mli.ll | 00 00 1 ft 0 I McNtilili , p. . .11 U U 0 U 4 0 3 0 U11 = en , u. . . - ' 1731 Total 13 14 50 10 2 Total * 13 13M 10 2 HV INNI.SdS. Jlenvcr . 1 1 0 0 U t 5 0 J 0 12 . . . .1 10 01 00 00 0 1 13 Harned runs Ili > ti\er l.Slonx City -I. Two- liilsc lilts lo\vc ! , Mcl'lulliin. Genius , UuynoliN. Mc'lilniu * . Three-basil lilts - Kappull. Haws hloloii-Uonvorl , Slouv Cliy 5 , J ulton buses -Donvnr USli > n < tMtj'5. liases on balls Oil' Wliltchuaill. olIMe iibbl , olTU'ldnor t ) . Wild ilt elutVlil tclieiid I. lilt liy lull \Vllsnn , lnwo , StinuU nut liy Vliltulirndl. byVlil - or.l.liy MeNulib' . Tlnioor i.nne-T\vohoura and ten inlniitui Umpire C'uslc. Miiineilpolls t , St.l > mil O. S , Minn. , August 13. [ Special TIMS Jim- : . ] Minneapolis \\-on a ragged lleWlnyiraino from St. 1'aul today. llotb pitehers did good work hi the box , The seoroi * MINNlUl'Ol.h. T. I'AUI. U II ! ' < > A K It II U A. AnilriH , If . 1 II 1 U u Mnrptij m . . .u o u Mliini'lmu ' , if. ' . ' i 'J ( I U ,11111n . t u u u Itjr n. II ) . 1 310 0 1 Dally. If . 0 0 1 Hay , -Mi . 1 I 0 8 3 tfiici-nw. Hb..3 03 I'nrrnll , in . : i 1 ulM'l.aii'illn.iiU ! U 3 3 ' .MIIlDr.Ji U t I 1 liO'llrlcn. 31 1 I i 2 U HowU',3b 1 00 0 1 Ilruiiuliton , IbU 2801 liimtlalD. o.i : 112 0 U.Hniiiliart. c.,0 0 l ) a 1 Iluke , | 0 0 U I 0.Mkliip ! U 0 0 4 0 TouU lg 1127 IU fil Tdtnli 6 3ST ] 4 'I 1IY1NNIVOS. Mlnnranolls 3 M n 01 1 12 SI. 1'aal 0 a II 00 0 SUMM.Mtr. HuiKuiirncfl-MlnncapolU nSt. 1'aul 1. Twn- liusohltn Ityn.O'Ilrloii. lloiuu runs t'arrull 2 , AlliiiHilian. Hltili'ii Ii.isi's-Mlniii'aiiolls X llaseaon lulls-lly lliikull , byMeekbi 10. First bivsoou onors-MlniiPiipolls 4St. , I'iiuIS ' , Left on bases Minneapolis S. St. 1'aul 0. Umpire lleiiglo. National League. AT 1IOSTON' . Hoston 0 1 210 300 0-0 Brooklyn 11 005 0 0 J 0-7 Hits lloston 0 , Brooklyn 12. Errors Ilosteu y , Urooklyn 10 , Uattorics ( leLzeln liaiizcll ; Terry and Clarlc. Uiann'O l'a\vcrti. AT CLBVEUXI ) , Cleveland 0 3 ! i 107 4 * " -20 1'itt.sburn 3 0 00 OOO 42 0 IIit Cluvohiicl W , Pittaburir II. Errors ClovclmuU , I'lttsburi ? a. .Ihttcrlos Vounp and Ximiner ; Usborn uiid IDcokur , Uniplro -Streif. AT XK1V VOIIK , Now York . 1 I 00001 0 0n I'.liiladolphla. . 'J 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 - r Hits i'ow Yorlc.l . , Philadelphia ! ! . Jvri-ors New Vorlr a. llblladelpbia 8. Batteries Sharrutt , and llnrkett , Oloason mid ( Jlcra- euta , UinpU-o Lyneb. AT ( IXCIXKATI. CblcaRO . 0 41000001-0 Cincinnati. . . .0 0 31001 0 01 Illta Chieimiatl 10 , Cliicago 7 , Errors Clilcago 4 , Uinelnnatl 5 , Hutturies Mullano and llarrli.Ktoii ; iatoln and Klttrcdgc , Uni- I'laycru * Iiii uo. AT 1IOSTON , Iloston . 0 0 00 1 03 TO-8 IMilltdclpbla . a 0 S 0 0 a 0 00-7 lilts Jlostou 11 , Philadelphia 14 , Errors -Boston 5 , Philadelphia 0. Bulteriw Kll- my. ( linnljert ; &n < l Murp'ivj Snndors and ' lulligan. L'niif-j ' ' Sbcrldtiii , ( | ( - ) ( Juirni-'i'nnd j ' ' 'At . , JJIW iui i Jfcxv Vorh , . , , „ , 01 000 0 UrooMyn. , , , , ju ; o 0 0 0 0 1 O 2 J llits-N'evf "York 9 , Brooklyn 0. Errors- 2u'W VorllTrinhlyn-1 ) , UattcrloaICeefo - nnil Kivlnj ! ) Ilvtniuiiig nnil Cook. Umpire ! * Holbert and IVi-Riison. Clcvelmd . , .i 0 13 UiiJfnlo . i ) 0" 7 0 1000 0 8 lliti Clevolnn'1 " lliiffnlo Errors- ' 1" , 0. - Clevotiiul -H'lfTnli : . BntlcTlos O'Brien ' mil S'iteliHo. ' ' , ' niilailiniii nud Muk. Uin- jilrea-I ludiloclt'n ' nd Ciimcy. AT CIIICWO. 3iJcno . , , o 000 010 1 2 ( I'lttsbui-K . ,0 0 2 Ilits-Clilcagu S , PitUburtf 0. Krrors- Cliicaifo 1,1'ilt.OnirgO. Hnttcrlea Baldwin mil Iloyloi Stnl ( > v mid Quliin. Umplroa- t and Jones" Tlio l ri'liiont Shoot , FUKWOXT , Neb. . August 13. fSpocttil Tel ' grain to Tiir. Hi K.IIn the shoot todiy the Irst contest win for ten blno rocl , results in ; nfollou--ii Mi'Dumtd "i , Brvcrliliro 0 , Mm- scliiiini 4. Tiiylor 4 , Kiley 'J. Muswlinan anl l'iiy lor slid oir for lldnl plaec , Jlnsselniira \vlnniiip. The siVond contest wm tn blue wits , as follows : MultonnM a , Metluuvny l , BevPi'Iiidi , Miusolni'iii 4. ilussclninn mil DeviM'l'liro ' < lxot off for wend , Al'icsscl- n'lii wlniiliitr. Thothlr.l shoot wis for Jl\o ive pUooiiH cneli , ai follows : BcreriilfC 3 , Ali'Dounld'J. Miissolroaii 'J , Taylor o , llroolis 1. Tlio fojrth muteli W.IH for fifteen blue wits , na follow * : Jlusseliinin I l.Bovcridijo , Sinitb 0'rnylnr , 4 , Cooper 11 , Mt'Donuld I' ' , Jlanlon ninl Teuttier lit Itcatrleo. BKAIUICE , IS'el ) . , .Autniit la. tSp.u'iulTalc- pr.un to TIIK UKL ] Hauloii and Teenier , tlm fiimoui oars'iion , arrived la this clly last - ililht. Tlio.sc-iillin nmtcii will tnku pluco on .lio Bute at I p.m. tuinoiroxv , Tin ) piwpecta 'or u troiiieiidoiis atteiulineo is proiiilsitH' , ! ! i4h oC the oai'mmn tire In excellent trim and ( irunouiifutlio water course iinexoelledln tlio west. The race -will ba ovur a ono-inllo course , with tvo turns , for $ , 00. Tim naseli.ill 'J'uui'iiiiiiieiit. SiiF.NMiNiio.vii , la.AuKiibt , 13 , [ Special rclegnnn to Tun Btc. ] The second day of ho biiselwll tournament hero resulted : Dlnnchnruflti.HS , fllonwood fla. ) 9 , Clear- Held ( la. ) li , ( iifii ivood ( In. ) a , Maryvillo ( Ho. ) 10 , Shunaiidoah ( la. ) U. Tiir SJ'KKH ItlXfl , c.-iuli Uncos. BUIOHTOV BEn'iiA.uj'iist 13. [ Spechl Tel- cyrain to TniiBujj , ] Suuinury of today's ' races : Soven-oisbths of amile.selllnij . TenRoolih won , U'ooil hum ( tlio favorite ) second , Pur- ihiiin seconii , S.ivago scratcbed. I'lnio ' : : u . Sovcii-uiglitlw at a mile , sellltiR'Kogerftlio favorite ) won , Middlestone sei-ond , "Ileinct till rcl.N'ewhiu't'iuid . 11 rowi Charley sur.itcbel l'iino1a'4. ' . Tbreo-fourtlia of a milo Tatipabannock won. Violet sccimd. Ezcllca ( tbe favorite ) third. Time 1:17. : Three-fourths of a milo-lTrliann , Oi-atitinlo ( thi | fnVorite ) seeond , Garrison tlii til , G rand Dukomnd 'Ihe .Aubessseratehcd. Oneinile , solllnij-Gendnrni won , Tattler ( the f.ivorito ) s"COml , Uundco third , Vivid .scratched , Timi'-j-l :4 : : { ; ( . I' lve-elnhts of mile' maidens - a , tivo-year-okl , selling LlzzioPu-lwiclfivoii , Bnithcna sw- ond. ShenVanCtbofaxorite ) third. Time . of a mile , witter iveltjhthandieny Dub- In ivoii , Unitlilsc second , /Caugbar third , liover , ) tLa favorite ) not heard from. Time IJiices. SAH\TOO , N , V. , August 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : lieu. ] The \ voathervaa clear nnd the track lait. Follou-lng is a sunuuaiy of the races First race. % mile , selling , Pennyroyal , von. ICittlu T. scconil , Capnei third. Time 1:03 : Jf. Scroiul race , % mile , selling , MnrKhcriti , tbo favorite , won. Sonoma scctnid , Sorceress third. Tune 1:0 : * f. Third m'ce , ono milo , tlavo vearolda ng'llsli Lady , tbe favorlto , von , undo Deb second , Tiuifcnh third. Tiino 1 : li. Fourth wee , three-fourth ? mila Drizzcll , the favorite , von , Ked 1'ellow second , Tom : Hood thill } . TIme-1 iVt . Fiftli rafc , one mile , selling Cun\vatl ? won , Major Tom sceond , Ofaleco third , Satiafac- tlon , the favorite , not beard froia. Time I aeos , N. .7. , August 13. [ Speciil Telegram to Tin : KEU. ] Summitry of today's ' races ; Six furlongs Woodcutter won , Ctaudlae seeoml , St , Klmo-third. Time lilTlj , furlongs Co Tjiieky wonVnnco second end , Itipton third. Tiino lilRJ ? , Ono tinil one-half wiles-Vlrflnnt ivon , Ilela second , Jennie McFarland third , Tlnio -2 : : i9 . One mile .Tugglcr won. Tanner second , Irene third. Tlmo-1 - t-WJ-f- Five fnrloiipi h'ervii won , Ida Girl sco- ond. Foxhlll third. Tiino)2 \ : ( ) % 'rin'ee-fonrtln of n mile Lancaster won , Slmnuor soeond , Marty Jl third. Time Tbe l'5 ; > 'n ' Tips. AT MOXMOt'TII. First race Volunteer , DruldeM , " Swniul race St. Charles , Oliatharn. Third nice Banquet , Doiniith. Iffiurthnice-IImids Off , Illy tho. Fifth race Trist.ui , Orillaininc. .Sixth race Grey Dawn , Klevo , ATSMIUOOA , First race Abjection , I..aJy Pn'.slfer. ' Sceund nice 1 'alestine , Stratagem. Third wc'O Allen Bnne , Clio. Fimrth race I oi Anirolw , I nglish Lail/ . Fiftli raee Letrotia , Lii/.zlo Fonzo. I ntricx l" ir Today's AT MONUOU11I , Firet r.ico . , seven-eighths of a mile , Oranpo ital.es Chesnpetski1 , Oladstone , Keportcr , I'it7aines | , .loo Courtney , Volunteer , Drul- dess , ICi'innliiinl , Cynosure. Seeoud nice , tluvc- fourths of a mile St. Charles , SlsU'r Ijinla , Hin : Juan , Chatham , Florluioio. Hands Off , Arrogance , bcquomo ( colt ) Dublcora , AVireRrass , llcniainin.Tborn- . dalc , Hoodlum , Jlagoru ( colt ) , Guildcan ( tillj ) . Third nice , ono milo Danqnct , Domuth , TulaBlaekbimi , ilimtw , fan Fmi ( colt ; . Fourth muo , iive-uijjhtb of a inllt ! , selling -Patrick , U.mshv".un , Adollna , Itiot , Yie- tress ( tilly ) , limniii J , Adventurer , Alma ( ( illy ) . Fearless , Honeymoon. Van Sty , ( Jlcn- llvet , BljtlioIlaaids Olt. . Fifth uuo , oini ftid ono-olglith miles Trls- ton. Torso , ( lilniJldi ' , My Fellow , Glory , Philander , Oilll'aifiine. Sixth race , ono and ono-fourth miles , sell- Injf-Klevo , Gray Dawn , Lotion , Sain AVood , ( JuyOray. v TO First lace , IH'c.-ijJfjhtbs of n mllo. all apes ( ionovicn. % l-'rlnc Uino , Tom \Vooj , Lady I'ulsifcr , Kitty Vnn , Cornelia. Kato Mulnne , Costa Uieo , OevTioti' ' , Objection , Imminence , Foix'st Hhiff , O'n Wrd. l race , ihlt - fourth ! of a mile , Ten nessee st.ikes-ycitba Cunipboll , tjlaelc l ot , Blarkwooil , Saui./.Vnroy / , StratiiffQtn , LecS , Valler.i , Monlorcy. 1'alestine , Ualco of Montrose - rose , II 'len AVnH'altMlllly- ' Third race , qua mile , Welter baiiilicnp Clio , Alw. DenuutLittlo ( ; ; C'rotc , Jeaaerclto , Allen Bane , Youtffur , Fourth race , one and one-half miles. IU1- inoral stnkos-KnclIsh Lady , Moodlldo , Iu- Vina Hello , Los AJgolt's. Fifth race , ono inijo ami seventy ynrds , sollliiff Hydy , Vcrono ( , Ll io Fonso , I lurry U'eldoiijBatlsfaclloii , Dyer , Pullman , Corti- cello , Lctretlj. lluiporor WIlllaiu'H 1'ro ra mine. EEIU.IX , AuRuatlS. [ SiieclalCablfprain to THE BiB.J : KmpcrorVilllnm will arrivoat Xuirl , Itussia , on Sunday next , A bauquot will bo given tboro in his honor and bo will witness the military inanoouvcr , departliifr on Thursday for St. I'otonburirvliuroho wlllronuin ever Saturday nad Sunday , llo \vlllrcturii to Germany by tea. It Is reported that the fortifying of Heligo land will cost t7,600 , < xiO. A boat of the Germany torpedo flotilla. whleh left Heligoland after tbo transferor tbo Island , Is niissingand nothing lallcuwvii of her \vhert'at > ouU. FROM HIE IMKliYE STATE , Judge Eccd of Council Bluffs Nominated for Congress After a Hard Figtt. ONE HUNDRED AND NINE BALLOTS. Secoml Day c r IhoVmerljr Kcunlim Tlio I'ytliluit Gi-.uul in Sowlon til ttct Tire OAK , rn , Autrust IS.-rSneclnl to Titn KB. ] The ropnblleaii congressional convcn- llon Jo ; tlio Ninth district mot la the opera house hero at 11 o'locV this inoiiiitif ' , . IMost of thocoimticjwerc roproHflitoilhy full dele gations , and most i f tlio tV'lotfites arrked last nlglit. ' 11m convention w , ealloil to order by t. J. Uvun * ofUoitnetl HliilTs , rhalr- mnn of the eonjrresilonal committee. Ho au- nouueed Hint 11. I1. Clnjtoii of laeedoniiiliad been seleeted us temporary cliairmm , Mud I ) . II , S f.t of tlio tlrisvold American as temiwrary secretary. 'J'ho all for the eon- vouttoii wis rc.ul . , followiufjivhic'li Temporary Chnirmnn Clayton made a twenty inimito speech imvhirii hcded.ireJ atr.ilnsttho . Mo- ICInlcy bill us "nn outr.yo on UM woit , " nud itntcil that ho iv.isfor a nwliileJ protectlnn. Ho nlso declared for fivij coinajfij of sihor. I'ollotvitijiis tlio committee "uii resolutions : Ad air count y , l . K ( Jl.irkjiVudilban . , S. M. ( huMner ; Cam , Jnhn II. VXoixl ; fluthrlc , Charles Ashtou ; Harrison , B. P. Ilobuils ; Mills , W.S. IowH ; MonU'mnwy , John \V. \ Yercer. VottwattiniiuC. ! , M. Hire : Shello- , \V. \ .1 , Davis. ' The convention mljoumcd to 1 p. m "When Iho convention rammd taainoss Coloaul , J , .1. Steadinan wiutmuti ) pcrimini'tit chairman ; 13. P. Scott of Ca recording secretary , find A. I1. OrUelleof ( luthrlo read ing secretary , Colonel KtenOinnn imdo a short nnd spirited speech , utter which balloting for a"Hoiuiuco began , 'Tlio first bul lot stood : Wilson r , S.ipp . 27 , Itoedii'J. Adalr , AuJubon , Giss nnd Montcomeryvotod for Wilson. ( Inthrio gave Wilson 7 , Real . Harrison Rave Wilson 11 , Saj > p 10. .Mills and Shelby voted for Heed , and Pottawittoinio for S.ip ) ) . An adjournment to 7 p. in. was taken after tlio KiOlli ballot which stood Wilson - son 4'lif , ' , Snpp''C. * , ! , Keed S3 , After supper thoconvcntion took nine bal lots , the nomination going to .Indue Heed ot Council llluffs , the present rotiKn&sinin , on llio M'.lth ' Inillotvlilehvaa \ : lleixt 411 , U'ltoii 3D. Snpp li. Tlio resolutions arc for a liimctalicstamlml of inonoy ; fern moililicd Detection iathoiii- torest of tlio iiirinors : iliiclsin * a.iiii&t ( trusts ; arcs for a nntional doetluii IIHV , and aio forlu- crcmcd jioiisioiis. Mont jroaierv county's doloRatesrnro In structed tor Wilson , but tlvs of thou voted for lucland { , tills lusuiiid liU tioiiihutloii , Tlio Halv rn MiAi.vr.its- . , -August 13. [ Sfccinl to TIIK Uii.j The sn-ond day of tlio regimental re union of Iho Twenty-ninth low stows ati Increased attendance. The nicrning trains bronsht In liru di'lepatlons , so that liy 10 o'clock the camp Krouud iircsenU'd an ani mated and tutriotio scene. Colonul J , .1. Steailinau of Council IlluITi and Key. lniik IJrittof IlastliiRs , Noh , addressed the eiinp- llro gatlii'riiiK' last evening. Tno okt viter- ans , to the nuiiilwr of su'onty-llvc oroao hundred , iiulul wi In a piriilo : nbout It o'elailc today. AraouKOthiT innttcraof liusi- ness transacted tills morning AMIS the con- suinmatioa ofn rcsiiaontul organization , with Colonel A. J. Chantry ot this jilaeo us com- inatider. Tlio I'ytlilaii ( ii-aiid I > 3 Moixns , la. , August ! ; } . [ Special Tele- grain to Tin : BUR. ] Today mul tomorrow uro Pytlilnn cVij's in Dos Moines. The grjud lodge of Iho order and the Iowa brigade of tlio uniform rank art ) holding respectively their twin ty-iirst ami liven ty-cighth. an nual incotinifs. Tlio hotel registers are Illleilwitli thotiarnus o ( delegates , antl the .streets have licou briKlitoiicd all da.v l > y the irayuiiiforineJ Icnlt'lits ami inmlo lively by strains ol inusie. l ully tln-oo hunitrud itelo- gutoii are ia nttoniLinco f rom all parts of tlio state , every ono of tlio 2C.8 lodges boiiiff rojircKciited by ono or moro dcloratos. The business meeting ivas cullcO to ordorat 111 a. m. by Ornnil Chanoi'llorVV. ' A. Grier of O&uloosa , \vitlithofollmvingRrand olllcers projent : TJ. J. IMosal . * O , C.Osaso ; AV. A.Cirier , G.C. , Oskiloosi ; John It. Bane. O , V. 0 , , Jfow Ilanipton ; G.W. Brett , (5.1' . , Mason City ; \\r. a. Meyer , G. M. of A , K.ist . nurlington ; II. D. Walter , G. il. 14. nnd S. , Mount IMeaiatit ; A. A. Aslilcy , G. I , , Hcd Oalc : C , F. Shan0. . I. (1. ( , Imvu KnlN ; D. II.Voub \ , G.C. „ Clearilold ; K. n. lluir.S. Hop. , Muscatino ; M. V , 1 1 anil- ton , S. Hop. , FortMadison. The working coinuiiUct's were onnouiKOd and iiUJoiirntnoiit taken till this evening. The tfranJ paradothis afternoon was ailno spee- taole. The uniform rank was rep- rescntcd by flro coiniianicsxvlioso brilll.intuuilorins ivero tnudi nilinircd. General Leper and stall rode on spirited hordes , nnd tliu head oftlecn of the Riuncf lodge rode in caniagcs. A gnud ball ivas given tills evening. Will M. Nurvis.eityoditor of the Muioa- tine lournnl , Is most talked of for the How grand chancellor. Sioux City is working hard to secure the location of the nejt meet ing. _ Two Conventions at Ottuiinva. 13r.s MDIXIH , la. , AxifiistlS. ( Special Tole- gnim to Tim CEK.I Both the domocr.itio . and union labor congressional coni'oiitlons for this district assoinlilcd t OUiunva toiuy to iilaco in nomination a caudiJito to eoifrjst the seat \vitli Jolin P. JVicoy , the j > resoiit consressmaii , who will ho renoniiniited by tlio republican convention. Perry Hnglo of , iasicr ] countv was noininntcd by tbe nnion labor eonvenlloii. The holding of the union labor convention had boon interpreted to mean that \Veavcr desired to force his no.n- luation ty both parties. This. ho\voverdid , not succeed , for the name of Weaver ivas withdrawn from the deniooratli ) convention by Jiinm 11 urgesi of VV'aiiollo county , who siiid ho did itut Weaver's roijucdt , owing to tuo strong liiill-'XVKiviT sentiment developed prior to the convention , 1-Ved K.Vliilo of JCookuk county , Senator'V ' , II. Taylor , .Senator , loci Stc'wart and A. 1C. Ill-own of iluspur county were placed in * nomination. Tbo first ballot rebiilted : Tajlnr ail , IJrowii 17. Stuart \Vhlto \ UII , On tbosecond Jullot \VMto WIH sitniiiutedby iivoto of 50 , to t for Taylor. Tl-o platform adopted endorse ! ) the st.ito ) ) latforni and denounces Lawy , tlio McKiuluy Mil and the ri'publloan silver ineasura. Tlio probihltionlUs of the Sixth district nominated LUtoiiMeMlllcn forconirresaiind I. 3C. Johnson andU. Hyanfor Judiu.s. The latter are republicans and the present incum bents. _ I'lrHt Dislriet N'oini lint inn. KnoitMc , la. , August ij.-.Tolin : J. Seerloy of Burlington was uniiuintod for coriKroas today by the democrats of tlio lli-st Iowa dis trict. Total Upturns Imllo-Uo : H0OOO ! llnnilleil tlio I'jistVc < fk , CiNcixjf.vTi , O. , Ausustl ! ) . [ Special Tele gram toTiiK BIK : , ] Tomorrow's ' I'rieo Our- rent will sayi Tlio reduction In marketing bop in the west tbo past week is only mod erate' , tlio total paclilng returns indicating : tt < ) ,000 , handled by pai-keis njiiinst in.OOO : last year , niakliiR a total of ( l:5ir.i)00 , : : ) tlneo Mmx'h 1 , inniuibt 4,01.lOilO last year , im in- orvaso ( if at > j , per cent. Leading places com- paio as follows : ISM ItO rhlrnuo ' , lClliuil l.iii.OUJ Kiin a C'ltr. , 11-Ci.llKI1 TCJMI ( liualin St.lxiiiln , , . . 257,111(11 ( ClndniiMll. . . .MUwunkru. . . : I'lir. I Hhr ItniuU. | U1.U > I Oltiimw . . . . . Ili.iJdO WillllUl. . . . All OlIiQM. i fAJ.OUl Their \Visln-s i : < > iiiillnlltli. | . P.VIIIS , Aiiriiit ( -SjwialCiibleKrin ) [ ; ; to Tim HEE.IWWlolaiv Held , Aineriwm mini Ist to Franfo , liw informed the minister o ( fortlgn tftulrs that ho baa coniiminlciiU'd to "NV'mbitigton Iho desire cxiiresaeil by thocon * ul r conference" lor iiinlliler nppllontlon ol thoMcKlnloyblll , in eonformltyvlth \ the ivishea of tboclniMborof wnunorco , .AK Jl % . 'OlistciZxTJl.iJ ; , H TMIIfK. Tlie Sitiiiilloii of iVn'nlfM l'raetloilly * YOUK , August lU.-Tho strike sltua- tion todly 10111111111 prnrllcnlly unoluiiifod , exceptinp tlut tlio ofilclnh say that it li im proved. They sny tlio ruiiiiltitfor lussciiser trains lias rosuauil Its iioruul auidillon , but the Hiilnrbm trinio tll sufT.'w. Vlco " " ' " . " " " * suysmiiuoroiB . ' "t'l" - 4ii'iii.'uui'iiM | ' oil hands Imvo been roeoivul , hut ho snjj Im will not uinlcr any eirewnstniiee-i reliwtato them , llo says tint ho hasrocdvod { l'llcnllon.s ' from men 0,1 , other reid * snlll- eii'iit iuti umber to innii the whole sjitein One of thocomiianyX oflK-rsuavatho num- herof Hlrlkw.- * will not " oxii'od 3 ; > o. The re port that the br.ikiMni'ii ' lutlgono out is uu- triM , only the switchim-ii nnd InlioroH huving done so. The men elnln Hint limy luivu do- toctnd DolaH'.ire .t Iiu'linvnna ollli'lala en- deworlng to move Central freight In viola- lutkm ofa promise nude to tlw Knlghto of Ltikor. Jio blofUiub ousts nnvirlici ? in tbo not- \voik oftrneks inUu'liiieUyard * anil c.m are uoiv stiinitliiK on nropir shin trucks ready to bo cmiplcd up for outiroiiii ! trains , which are btiiKlloilby tlio twin ( lispiilchuH without any delay ami little Ini'omoiiii'nco. AMi'etings wcro hold this iiftomooiibv fuvo lor.il abseinlilles. They clalnu-d that" every thing was In t'K-'ir ' tiivuiami very little swllchliig was being llono , Tin' nimois that the West Shorn railroad is tied tip on Account of the engineers ( jolng out liuvn bi'cn fonml to bo false. At the Crand ! Conti.il . depot , nil thu enyinoj are at work. Vo strilto of cngiaecn is litililo to 1 - cither road. The strikers took lie-art todny when they heard of thcstriko on the Wolcivaro > o Hud- sonCanal company's Hneiind nvrojubilniit. General .SuiM-rliitciulont Voarhcus this ii-ci'lvod u report In the afternoon tli.it Indicated an um'oiidltloiinl surreiHli-r on the part of the Knlnhls if Labor of tlie llirlom division. He bad rcaivnd n nu'ssaii ' ; ) lust evening informing - forming him tluit o coiinnlttee had Just waited on Superintendent 'Woroestin1 and infoi'iiiLvl him lliul local asiemhly 1.705. located at Dover Plains , had suirenilercd their charter , This vas coiillnnedbv aines- saxo adilresstd toK. J. f.oo and signed iN. L. Fejin. The strikers uncle 110 conditions. They say they are ready for nny disposition the company may see lit to make of them. They are ready to go to work at onoo. Vooiheos replied \Vorcester. . illroctinghhn to einplof four ccnidudor.-t and \\elvo bralemcn , t'n bnlaneu the reiwrb of tlie Granil Central depot. Tlie ContiMl JOii Kuw I'OUK , August l.'J. | Special IVlryrair , to I'liHlImChief ] llnglnuor Siuvjor , of the locomotive engineers , said to a reporter : "I think the strike on tlw Central is virtually over ami I sjinp.itTii/cxvlth so.no oftbomen win ) will loic their plai'o-t. ' Iloivcver , tills is notourfiicbt , ahiHvo told our men to keep their Hinds off and ininil then- own aft.iira. . 13 very lirot her bond nun on the reid ii on dntv.Tu \ have not inii'rfunullth \ tbo ICiilghti or taken their plu : > cs , although thuy they took the p hires of our mon when they .struck on tlw KcaditifanilCbicngo , lUirling- toiut ( Jiuiicy railroiuU. I feel almost certain - tain Unit JNlr. ljo\vdcrly \ dies not aip'ove | of the action of Master Workman Lee and be lieve that t.ho Kcneral executive will eouiuro him. Chief Arthur is not eoininpr to this city : there is no need for Mm. Wugot nloiif,1 \vlthontbls assistance. I have sent him a dispatch telling Um nat toeouic. " Him tlu Ai ] | > < * nraiii' < : ofu Illuff , CiiiCKio , AtitfiHt 18. [ Special Telegram to TinBIB. . ! Thothroit of Patrick IVuhan of tbo executive boii-d of the Knights of I ibor that ho would tic up all fiviglit tralllc west of Chicago seems in the nature of a bluff , Tlioreisnotono ICnij-lit of Labor among 1,000 ainoiiKllio railway eniployea , and the switch men , Dukeinen und llromeii will not KO on stilko through sjinpnthy. l-'wuk Swei'iioy of the Switch men's union had not profirre'd any asslstanee , nor had any Iweii received , AmoiiKthu freight hnndlcrs employed by tbo Lake Sliorofc IVliL-biKan jSoutliivn , Iho llchi- Ran Central and Nleklo Plate roids there could not be Aiimdii single laijjlit. If the cases bad bom tbe oppDsitmi strike on llioir part would result in much einbari ass mont lethe the eoiiipanles. > roveiiienls , TUUIIB HifTi' , Intl. , Ansmt 13. Grand Ma terParjj'ent of the llrothurlioodof Ix > co- motive Firamoii bft nt non for Cleveland to n-'ot with the gricranco coinnilttee , but whether or not in connection with the Cen tral strike li not known. At the national bcidqiurters bore the positive statement is made that ho bad noturdered Iho firemen to stiike. When aeen hy an Associated 1'ress ropiosentativo yistonlay Siu'Kent slid it was out of Iho ijiiestion for the hrothcrliooil to engage in a slriho as the e.ise . .stood , The Itiiiliuty Striki ! \Valcs. . OAJtnii'i'.Vales1 , August 13. The negotiati on ! bolivcon ttioraihvay and representative ? of tbe strikiiif ? employes hive ; heen rcsunicj ami tlio outlook for a settlement of the trouble is pjood , Sixty thouiaiid men aw now idle In consciiueiico of tbostriko. I'rliicc ' I'crdliiuiiil'.s KOFII , August Ul. [ Siieclal Telopram to TIIK Bn.J Premier Stambulof , aecominnicd bytboHulparlan inlnlston of oducutioii and justice , arrived ot WHdiu today to wall for PrincoFordinaiid , wliovHl nrrivo there to morrow. jUtora reeoption to tbo civil nml military authorities tlio prince will proceed ton serrifoln the cathcdr.il . , after which bo will atloncl a baini not given to colehrato his lint entry into \\'iddtn. \ \ Holla will lie di'cor- ated ami illiindnaU'd in honor of Prince Per. dlnand's ' rotii rn , nnd tbo war minister will bold arovieiv of tbo troopi. An Investment Coin pun v Rori A-rciiif-ox , Kan. , August 10. [ SiKcial Telo- Kram to Tin : Iii ! : : . ] Tlio Ctii.iranty iin-est- meat company of tbUcity IIIIH gone into vol untary Iliiulilation to avoid embarrassment from eastern and llngllib caiiitalists , who bavo hought , ib niortgaijes. Tbo receiver was troasnrer of tbo company nnd his np- poiiitnwnt ivlll bo ( ought liy corUiii stock- holile.rs. Tlio company \IM \ outstaudniKlo.nn of WOlllOiM ( ) ( > n Kansas anil Kebr.islta lands , Mnny of the borrower bnvo defaulted on in- teiost , which eumiicllod the company to default A I rnlialiy ! I'alal JCimawny. Ifouivour , Colo. , August HI. [ Special Tel- cgram lo Tim Btu.John Strohnvits \ sorl- ouily , If not fatally , hurt today at this place by a runaway team of hones. Air , Strohn wis driving them hitched to n heavy wagon. In running bo v.is thrown uniler tbo vhoc-h and" drugged a bug ilihtunce , sustaining se vere Injuries uliout tlio lieail ami bodj , mid crushing his elbow into a fahtipcliMs pulp. . Tlio ) .hysiflan . prnnouiii'os bis recovery doubtlul. llo Is a slnglo iimiiitnJIii tha em ploy of thoB. A I. water borricu. \ViMitlici1 ForOmnlia and Vicinity- Fair ; warmer. For Nohraslu Fair ; nortlierlywinds ; slight changcj lntemU'raliiro. | Porlowa-CJoncrally fair ; warmer In south- cast , sllghllr cooler la tiortuwcwt portion ; boutbcrly winds. For Sou th Dakota- Fair ; varlalilo vlnds ; stationary tompcraturo. Tim llousfl < > ! ' UordH Crll li Irtcil. I ONHON , August 18. III a speech ut , Derby toil ay filr Uillbini Vtrnon Hiiruouit attacked the house of lords as 11 standing ols true tion to useful legislation. Ho said it had done nothlni during Iho present session lu'vonil ' promoting n blllto | > ruHervu harai ami the uitcnslou oltboganii ) laws. \ VOODAt . ' { 031 Callforiilrt street. Uny. ngcd twenty-two uiontii ) . only child ofli. L and J eunlo Vuod of Ntbiiuku City. Miner * IJ < r < > iiiltiK Niiliirali/ . K , Wyo. , August ij.-HjiecIul : [ Tfl- to Tun IJr.rjTln'W arc a lar o numlKTof i'oal miners In Carbon who bavo never bom naturalised , but vlio uro noiv en- SI6K HEADAOHE ' 1'onltlvdy cured byl CARTER'S time Mttle 1MIN. They to relieve lils- triaj ft1ml > ysK'iRl.il ] ' ) In- ITTLE dlgntlouiinil Too Hearty j IVER B.\tlnj ? . A porc ( .t rein- edy forUhzlnoss , Natwn.I PHILS. \nlaew. Dad Tast ( > J lit the Month , Co.iti ill ftmgtw , r.iln InlhP MJc.J ronrii ) uvjiii. T rogtilat tliollowls. litri'ly Vogetabte. SMALL PILL SHALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE. titled td their pnpora nntl to vote nl the eimi- iifjstate olrction. U'lu-y niv of vnriom na- tiniialitli , Incluiliiii ; many I'lnlaiulciN. in oitlor to onalilo all to avail them- sch-i's ot tlu'lr Hlitii'nl | ) rlplita n special train ivn scat today from Carlmn to lliiwlln.i. It oonvevcd ; > , minor * , wlio wcro niituvallzod in JmVo 1'omnviiy'i c ( irt. 'J'heiiHMi woio retunu'd to I'.irhon thH oveutnmmdtiuihi u number have troiu fiMiuhi'ivuCluyrnnc- bo naliindlyed. in It has lnvn fnuinl impossible under the l toi'oMune t'ourl In special sosslnn In Uiini nttht nromiit time. Thotriuhlo nil iwults f win tlio fuel , t hut under the * terrilorlnl piv- eminent foifi/ciH'r.s / wcro allowed to volu be. few taking out Uiolrllnul inniera. Alnoni ; Cntcuio , Auimst ll. ! | Bpi\'lal 'IVIcKi-am to Tin ) Hen. ] I'bero Issoino dUconteat unions tlii ) iron moulder * of this city that may load to a strllw unices a Hottlomont U reached. The moulders nro in such a ( ranio of mind tint \vould \ take but lltllo toeauspa general strilce- . The talk nt present Is of strlkiin ; liionn aliop at 11 time until all hnvo lnvn bwu ht to u-riw. Tlic o.inso . of tlio dissatis- fnetiotiis that the inoldcra in San FmneUo bare been on a strike Tor snme tiino and now the niiinufiu'tnivr.s of tlui4 oily , it Is claimed , am seiidinj their patterns to Chieajjoto lie cait liero. Ac conlinjj to tlio views of tbo union mon , It is scabbing" to donnjtliiiii onwlint Is called "strnck"vorltttuit i.s , \vorlc for ilrina whoso eniployea are on a striko. H A-\ti > tlio KlrilcerH. MIVNIM'III.IS : , Minn. , August III. A Clo- qiiot , Minn , , spcviul says : Co-npany K , Second end ivglinont , arrived on a special U-dn this morning. Tlio strihers seem dctrrmlned m ever. Tbonrrirulof tbo soldiers prevented bliodshcd , as the spreial poliro were lioeoni- iuif esiisiior.itediit the striken and proposed to brinj ? on an Istuo at once. Twenty- ono arrests have been made liy spivia'H vithcv.it troiibloimd the pivliinlnary e\inni- nut ions ai-i'tnlcliip place toilay , This afu-r- nnaii Iho upper mill of tlm jS'nlsoii company started upivith a full crew of men. Tb'u town ii quiL't tuniRlitatid no further t run bin is anticipated. Tlio polia- are still patiiilbnu tlio streets and mill yard * to guard against piissiblo ineciullariaia , wliicli the stnhcri tlircutcn to start. MistlNslppi'4 Const Inn inn I5evlsri"4. J.iuwn.v.Misi , AiiKiist ISl The bt'hited nietnlier.s to tbo constitutional convention ar rived last nlsht and wuro duly sworn in to day. AH tlio delegates nwi now present i-\ . cent. one. 'riioniriotis coinndttces uill 1'fl nppointcd toinonow , tliaton franchise hcii j ; the inoit important , and will niiislit of tlnr- ty-llvu members. ii .School Clillilirii. Ono Ht'lilom tieerf , even in the iiiis < t sqtuilid i rts of Now York , n rjijjjjoil school ohilil. The little people oa l and wst : ire clnd In neat , \vliolo ( jiirniontH , : iiid most of thc'iii look well-fed siiiil in "ood health. Do the children < if tlio alijei-lly jwor , then , not fjo to n-liool ? Yet ) and no. Ono who visits tlio poorehl Hats will lincl the child rcii often hctti-i' drc " * ed tliau their ehlor.s. Solon ; ; as n fiuuilv is itbleto stniujjle nlongniullfor * ) ) out of ttclunl pauperism it is a imlnt o ( pride that the oliildron iniist bu sent to V school in wliolo , clean garments. "U'lien the family forlunoa beuoino solowthnt tlie children can no longer bo dorently eliul the little folks stiy at homo. C'lmr- ' ity iilij-HiciaiiH sometimes llnd tliorhil- drcn of the poor neatly dressed and tit- IciirtLiij ? school. It iiriiinlly happens , however that such families I'.ro not ol the pu mun nut -jiaupur sort. Of thai sort tlio children seldom ( itlcnd school. 'J'l ' ) < ; Evolution Tlinorya ltosiirr < cll < > n. Seine ofourfuitilly olierishcHlwok'iitilio tlit'OL'ics , I'laimed as the result of ad vanced culture ami suiuntiflc mctliods of' induction , are Hiniply revivals of the speculations ol ancient wiMlom , sajs the CliiiuiR0 N'ovi. Such is the Darwin liy ] ) tliosis. The sanio syxlom was cl forth ahoiit 1100 A . I ) , by AouboUi'lhu , nn author anil pliLloouliur ol Anibn. ! And In Hi71 I'ocoi'lco of Oxford unlvor- hlty jHibluhedan account of tlila author anil sirovlow o [ his theory. The doi-triiies of the correlation consefvatkm of enor y are icallydonDinimiloil "tlio yraml twlncon- copliiniH ( if mode I'll sclunro. " They am lint the resurru'cleil beliefs of two thou- Hand years HK < > . .In.-ttln Martyr reports the poripatutic ! plillo.ioplior.s to Imvo paid : "All things recur iieeoi'dlntf to the uncliiiiiffin ' laws of onilless pro gression. " JjOislcyor himself coulil nul luive but It bottei' . I loruvu \ Imvo Ifu.v ley and Tyncliill anti-dated by two tliou- wiml year * . _ _ Huns a Mi-jnrar Hyndleale. A wiimin in Now York , wliolins boon niiiii'il by drink , gains n precarious liv- in 1 by board i n < f nml tnUint ; earn of fourteen - teen old blind jonoiilo. Mornings HIO Iciitt ) llioiii to their iiliiccs , wlioro llu y sit for chiirityor iMMlillo Hinnll artielfn , and ovoniiiWH dho n-tclies tliom homo ono by one. Nhu suppllos thi'iii Avlth tlii-ir inculs and glvcM tlicni a coi'luiii ' rude comfort. AH i > lie Is euro fill to keep JUT jmrtogos within tlio Ia\v , ho ibiiot intoi- fei-od with by thu pol ico. < KliiMiivil ThoiniiH. The English sparrows of Now Yorlc hnvo Icarnetl a now dodfjo ( .info the elec'Lrlo lliflitfl replaced pun in Uio city lurlth , AVhon the 1'iirmnl in tnriu'd < > lf at dnwn the bottoms of lht globo.i urn filled with hundred H of insei't-H. 'J'bu HpnrrowH t'oiiin aroiiiiil after tlu < ( jloln-H liiivocoolrd elf , nliilo down tlio uarbuni and detour tlio iriwctn , - " I'hiiic.iinpli , A now ilisinfcelimt has made Us nji- iK'ai'jiiico under the 11:11111 ; ( if thlocainpli , It is n combination of camphor with ul- ] iliiii-iii- > ai'ld.contiilnin over nixty tiirun its volume of siilpliuroiiH iichl J'ILS , whk-h upon its c\-o | > uro In a warm , roum , it evolved. Absolutely Puro. A oreamof tnrtorlmlnni ; powliir , Illgbeil of leurenliit htroiiulbU,8. . Government If- tort AUK. 17. 1K3) ) .