THE OMAHA JXAIXY JBMIKI WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 13 , 1890 , THE DAILY HEE. TtTIJSIl Or ht'llJ-OKll'TION , Pall ) ' * iiul "iintlny , OticVour . . . SID 00 fix month * . . r > ( O Three moiilln . . S f 5 H.iniifty | ! i > < > , ( inn Your 2 ° ° Widely lice , One p r 120 OPKICKH , f.Mih i. Thf POP TlulldlnK. . S mill oinnlin Corner ; \ niKlTCtnStrPCH. C illicit IlitilK IcarlblrtM-U ( li r iKiiOlllPp , JllTf liiiiiiliornf f'oinincrro. T < w Vork.Ki oirm IU4 nuil I'll i-ltifinu llu tiding. Vi uOilngLoii , SM 1'imrLalitlitiLloit. _ _ _ _ _ _ All rr.iniiinl' ntlcms i-olnlliit ; lo ni > w * nd r'lllor'jilmiiUi'r should bo addressed to the I dlUirnl lii-iiirtini'tit , 111 SIMto-J I.i:7TIll . MI t ii'lnpM l > 1lor , ; iiiid rrm'ltiticm ' Miould lif adrlnv. , il loTle Ilia I'iilH8liliiz ) < ornpiny. Ounhii In ifl t'licekl mid | > itit1l < n orilfra tc lit tn ulu payable tn tltf ; order of the Ojiu- Tlie Dec Publishing Company , Proprietors. Tilt I'c til Iriff , rorimn mil Si\i \ > ntccnlh St j { " \viss srt\rnMiM' \ or OIUCU.ATION M-i of Si'lmisk.i , I . ifi'inty ' of Dutulni I H ' fit t.i 11. 'r/Miuck. M'crMtiof ) The llco 1'iilnh'nz ' Coinpnny.iliowiili'iniily rtwc'iirlliut 11u < I in 1 HII til-ilfonnf Tur Uttr.v llii ; for tin < eli rinline August t > . 1 ! lo , * .n * mfulltiiM : ! -i > iilri > \ < i nst : i " 'KM ) Moniliij A must I . . . I1TTI Tur-il iy AiuilM S a'174 \ < iiii < liy. August G 9WH 'I .v AuKiiHtT . " .IU4.- > 1'rlcltviiKint8 .I.ICM biitiiril tv , Augusts ' .1)'J17 ) Aicr.11,0 ! ( > , r > 5f > OroiflB II TVvnucit. { norn lo Iioforf mo mil iiibvcrlhrd In inv pie'cwolhiiUth ihy of AlUiiM.A. 1) ) . Ih' ' I ni-AM N. I' I'j.n , Not try Public. btitf1 ofVi'brT Vn I , ( 'oiinly or Douglas f ° firoi i It. T/chiick , ho I nt iliilvworn < 1e- jio IH iml , iii Hut hols Hi'irctury o ( Tliullou rulillHliliii ; Ciiiiipiny. Dint Ilio nit mil 'ivcnt11' dull ) clti iilnllon lit Tin : \ for the jlionili of Nuifiist.lSfrn , t8.r 'l unpU't ; for ' ( p- tfiilirr lv18,710 > copies , foi Octolor , JfWi , ] , ! " ' i'Cli' | ) for Vovonibi1" , 18VI tli.HIO e'nplfjj for Ii ffnilxr l i' ' , 20.N8 I'npli H for Iiiimiry. 1MO , IU\H ionics ; for tVlirn.iry ! " > . | i , : l i-ntlr * foMircli IM > 0i,8r ! ! ) > c-r > | > lf s ; for April , JM i "it id I tniilos forllnj ivm ili.lifl coploi- for 11 no 1M ) . J ) , : > OI copln fir .Inly , IS K ) i'ti.rC,1 folios ( li oiini : II T-OIIUK. ( ' \\niiito \ leforc mo utiil siilwrllicd In my Jin 'mi tliN-d cliy of Anciiit.A O IS'w. ' [ Arl N. I1 run , Not iry Public. Clin vcoiH the sceonilc-iU in point of popuhi'ion ' mid Iliooiab - In , \ \ nljIn point of .ifc'omplWiod booillo alilorincn. Tun Michigan olitois biou ht the cnldivo llafj iilonK' itli them , but tint fict , ilicl noL chill Omiilu's hos- pil.ilitj in welcoming thorn to the mo- tropolisof Ilio Missouri vsilloy. continues a live topic in but tlio picturcil bciiGfits of nrllflflil inoifaturo are regularly do- btroyod 1 > Hiiccchsho Viivcs of congros- Blonul c.iloilo. Moro work siuil less wind would pioM ) ami ; iceallo ) clmtigo. Tint twenty-four houis Conposeman O'Donnull ' onjo\ul \ the sail- , fad ion of bcinH'heir to a castle and fortune in Spiin. It jitovcd an unsubsdintlil A\ind- fall , ho o\oi' , and the Miclilfjan atitos- in.ui isdoomod to Hnyor with ns yet nvhilo Tnniocolpts of ho s at the Omaha yaidb cstonlay ro.tulictl the enormous nuiubor of oighlecn tliou ind , bontiii" the record of ( Jliicnjo by two tliousmcl. And this notublo ptoof of tlioiinportinco oftho maikot was supplomonloil with linn prices , oven toseoriife an : id\ancc in the hig-licr Timdonioeruoy of rillnoii is n , v\rty \ ofgroit o\poctiittons. Lilio the liour- boi)4 ) in Xolini-sKii tliej' SOD ilctoiy in the ail , andean haully resti.iin thcinselvos until tlio cohl ohimuiy lotuina como in. Asa nicisuro of precaution thoj should boporniltttd toonjoy themselves in ud- vnnco of the election. The roimblicans asusinl will hold thopO3t-moitotn ju- blleo. Tinrailroad coipoi'iitlonslll prog- ontly dlbcorci * thattlioyluuo cominlttod a serious blundcf inndinclnp ( i.itoa on tvcstuin pnulucU. The fact * hits been domojhtnitod that they h.ivo oniaed good lutoiost on their inflated hto cluriii" the cut rates. The return to high utesjull bo olTostivcly rosontcd l j thoproiluuoid soonoi thnu the corpor ation o > qicct. LIT i MS hiis hoonnald of Into renMrd- ijijf the do\ulopmont \ oftho oil losources of \\rj inn Ing. That cnnsidoiMblo jiiog- rc a ibboin ' in idols shown by the in- ' ipoi vtioi of Ihroo now oil companies \\ltli n conibliicil c.ijut'.il of olo'von nnd , i liilf nilllioii dollars. The total cnpltal htuelc of nil oil companies operating in thohtito npproiohos thirty million del liis. : If this vast amount uero loal capl tnl at-liiallj oinplo od , the oil lutcreut ? of the uo\v stale \vould ore this hiuo become - como mi impoitant factor in tlio com- ineieoof tlio Most. IN- the death of John HoyloO'ltoill\ \ the Jilsh cntbo losoi a devoted sup- portoi , Aiuorici a illstinffulahod adopted cltl'/on , and the world of lottoid nil lion * oicd lopii-sonttilho. PojaossliiH1 rare gJIts us a writer of poetry and prose , an intoiiho xed fortho bottornioiitof his na the land nndu pitriotlc lopaiJ for hi3 adopted country , Mr. O'lbillj doiotoil Ills gifts and onorylos to the elevation ol iinnUlnd. His memory will bo thorlshoil julong aa faolt-baoiUloiii patiiotisui is Hiliuiied and the Inspiring inolody o ! faoii'j flndsan echo In the hiiinan heart. , T. II. 'WADH , whoso dcitli oci'uried a few dnjs iijo in Cleveland , Ohio , utis a linn whoiO onorffyandonterprlbO plnyci an important jurtln the do\olopment o the wtst. Haily in Itslil-tory .Mr.Wado bccanio Iduntllicd with telegraphy , though huvlnji no practical hnonlcdgc of the ait , and IIH ! Biioilor ] oxocuti\o abllitj ohtiinuil him the pro-Money 01 the I'ueifie Telegraph osmpiay anil pubequently that of tlioYo3teia Union. Jio projected the llrat tolograpl line ucroid the continent from Oinah to San Friuolsco , and was iissochitcu vlth the late lldward Croightoi of this city in the eonstrtiotion of that line , no did u great lo Impiove nnd develop - volop the lolejjiaplt scrvico of the rauii try , contrlbutliij { ono or more inventions vhicliln tholrdayvoro.ilunblo. . Mr " \Vudowasiiv nun energy and lilgh oiderof practical iibillty , and hi iiamo will alwiiya bo honorably asso cl t < 1 \ \ itli the hUtory of tologmphy li the Inltwl States , llo iuib n. public eplrlted clllxcn , and luulny ncquirci Inr o woiilth , was ono of tlio mobt llbora of the citizens of Cluvehuullu jirouiotin ; the piospcrltyof that city. 11th STATU VUUTS III the preliminary report of Iho con ns olllco upon Ihc debts of the stntes , lira ka mcuploB nn onlablu position. n the lust ilecado slio hus vlpodout an ndubudnuis otlmllii million nnd. now doiinbalniicu sheet. Thrto oilier tito ! , Iowa , Illinois nnd Wisconsin , isivo no bonded debts , whllo Vermont , lliodo Itland , Mas , icli iwetts , Now i'ork and Now Joucy Imvano not debt , jut on tlio oontiiiry : iB30ts bejond. ho debts , Alto ether there are states in the union vitli na ets bcjond their debts. riio showlnff Is faverablo in o\ory \ > tut of the country except in the liloilhnt founud the aouthcin con- oilcrnci. Neirly all of the'o have K'ivy deb1 * , mid whitonot as lar o as on ye irs ii0'o , tlio reduction lias boon hy the enforced refunding of he old cleU into now i\ta discount \ary- nj ; from tvontt-flM ) toelglity par cent. The total bomleil nnd lloatlngdebU of ho BlUes at prosout is in round lumbers two himdud uul thlity- i0'ht inlllioii ilollinv , shoving drorci'e of fiftj eiB'bt. million dollars slmo 1SSO. On the whole this I'Tords fjdiul ovidtnue of lie ! ( jcnortil nperlt\ ) the umnlry. Duiui > the k'uidothc'lncv.isoof pioporly inuithavo JH i i nurimms Tlio lojioik'd Inoic.iso n ubhOd ulJ valuation lias been luiffi' , iml yet it has been fur short of the in * ic.iboin art mil values of pioporly. This lu'romu would milco the 8.11110 rate of taxation .v'old a gio.xtty ineroaacd rev * nuo , hith would provld'5 means for a iifjo reduction of debt unless the ox- luidilin'usof the si ito govern mouts bad ) ion in uib expanded The nppyiont iilviiwo jnaast&seil valuation IMS been lorn about fao.cntetn thousand to t oritj-livo thousand millions , or noirly Kty per cent , so that the suno taxes vlueli i ieldod II f 1 3-0110 millions in 1880 , Ahollj foi stale purposes , would have about so\ontj'-six millions in 'lJO. diltoronco In rovoiiuo lor a ingle year would bo about half Iho on- tiio reiluctionof debt hj ] iajiuent during the whole decide. Oln lously Ineieaso Lno\pi3iiscs ordecioasoin i.itci of tax ation lias provenlcd the reduction of debt which would othciwiso h.ivo boon roiU/cd. There his bnmuconsldcMbloincieaso in the amount of floating or unfunded debt , which furnishes adilod evidence tint the bt ites ha\o not reali d thoii rjpidly. yrowluj ? wealth with .1 view to eui tail debts by miliit.uniiv the rate of taxation , or else luvo allowed new do * niinds to involve them in expenditures not pinvioiHl * , contemplated. The anx- iotj ofpolltioims tomalvoagoodshoninj , ' foi t.up tjors has In many cises pro- vint 'i hnneslupiilicatloii of principles offaound ilnanco testate atTurs.Yliilo poll t kal parties nnvo acceded to do- foi larger oxpomlituio thoj * liavo not dared to fo fianUv to the pcoplo vilh apropos il to ineicaso taxes nhon incrobed. cxpjnilitafis ire tlotliod , Mhoii method is to let a Iloutmgilebt aceu mill ale , instoul of asking the lax- jiijeis to pay for Mo thing * they want. The Mlumo ) ofstato indobtoilncss eannot 4)u oaiibidorcd. dangerous 01 buidon&ome , however , with loss ilian ono doll.vr owed on every one hundiod dollars of assessed % iluatlonoC piopeity , or probibly le- than ono dollar on cvciy three hundred dollais of aetuil piopoity in the slitc.s Still it in unquo-tionaWy the put of wis dom for the pjoploto insist that expend ituresshall bo kept within the amounts they are willing1 to rsiUo l > y annual tax ilion ; ; oir atJiMMfv IMS ni.iTnff us. In considering' the question of onlarg- injj our \vitliotherAmericancouii- \ - tile-5 , It is interesting'nnd Instiuclho to study thoeouibo that boon puisucd l > j the great ( ominorchl ii.itions of li lope In soon ring1 the coveted truio. Du iiijj the past twenty yoirs no country of oontinuiitil Kurono has been more netivo in e panlling its coininoico than Gor nunj , and her progress hns been cspoci alljin irked inllioSoulli Araoric in tuido Tn tliq l.wL nnnual report of Consul Ihker tliero was u KtriUng shotving of thoaduncoof ( lernnn intorestb In the Argentine Republic , .mil In the latest \ohiine of consular reports at land there is a fit itemont showing that the trade ol Gornuny with Hr.i/.il now uiiilts nc\t to that of ICnglanil and is moio than twice in value that of the United States. Bui n full exhibit of the foioign commciee ol ( lornunyha'n-gently boon undo In publication bj Dr. Kr.iiipko of thoioyn' ' iure.m of statistics of Prussia , who shows that within a few -.oars the rchtivo gain of Goimany in the trndo ol the southern countiies lot this ho ml * phcro has been gioator than any othei liuropban coimtry. The exports of Oerimny in gonoial to Mexico inul Cential America more than doubled hotweon the ioarslSSOand 1SS7 whilotho'o of her compolitou , inelud Ing the United St-itos , were cither Ivroly holding their own. or distinetlj doclinlnir. In the South American Ira-le , dining the saino years , the bu&l ness of Germ my iauieascd nearly two fold , whllo the conmiouo of nolthoi 1'iijfhml , Franco nor the UnHod States made any dotldodprOTfrobi. Tor omnv pie , the conipiri- batwoja the oxpoit trade of Gornuiny and the United States with South America for tlio porioi' named bho\\3 tint while tint of the former Ineroisod to the value of si million dolUira , the incie.i-io for this country was only two million , anil in ISS.i our Irado was laigor than In 1SS7. What liavo been the of Gcr manj's Tiurlcul biioecj-j insocurinj thl' ' trade ? In the fiist phco her maiiufaot urersand meichmts hava been buttoi loprcsontcd by commercial agoiits than the e of any other country , Thes > o agents , unsurpassed In intolllgonco am ? eul , ha\e \ Loon BO ubiquitous 119 to liavo attiaetcd the attention oven o South Amoriuin toiuists. Those coin moroial travclora lia\o introduced the wares of Germany Into every Soutl American market , and sustained by judirlousand liberal policy of dealing1 liavo boon omblod to win businoba fron all competitors. A.nothorcmi o of Goi manj's sunless is the superior tochniei education applied to manufacturing in duslilos , and still another , um not the least important , Is li making gooda cheaper r.nd bet tor than her competitorGor muu manufacturers carefully consultei the pf-ciillar wants of the people an J pro- \ idet' for aTicotlii ; tlicin. Such wore the re suits ol German conx- mcrclalcnterprlso tlovMilJ Mis , and tlio fact tint tlio foielpa t-onimaiw o ( O'cr- innnyhis not contLnucd to > ; ii > w , but IIXB ntharfallon olT , Is. unqui > 3tJon.u.bly duo otlio Increiso of her tarlir on iiw m- oiluls , wlilch luvout ) hoi" nt a disul- Miitugo in competition with , lliijclnnd mil France , tuidnutlculnrly the former. But so firas the United States Is con cerned , Germany still hoUs a very teat advantage , vlilch ulll not bo vtestcd iroiiL her until vo sipply tlio ncthods vvhlcli brou glit hoi * such nott- jlo ooinmorclul prog-io-is In a Cow years. Jowo\cr muoli wo miy tlieorlzo topraiti- ngtlxo possibilities E redpioult1 , until ve can niiko gooili for tlw soutlicrn uurketa cheaper and bettor thin oar competitor * , andean offer tlio pcooloof these ( .ountiluscqtiilly hvoiable trailo xrraiigenie'iU in all respects , wo slnll nako alo\v prortro s In fjoltLng tlio trade low controlled by England , Germany ind Fiance , CMtDlSA L A'E\l \ Jf UV. In the death of Oucllnal Xcwmin the "IonianUithblie church has lodt 0110 of ts allesb aiul laost eminent pcLaloa , ind the world of lottord ono of it ) most .oirneJschnluiM. 13i > rn vrllli tlio present century , Card iml Newmin iv s ono of the most 7)Hjroi3L\o churehmon of tlio ago and jet one oE thonio-t. oilliotlo . A profound student , ha was thoroughly versed in all eliiadlo and modern , iteraturo , anil wltliaL ono cl the ino t ililn-spoken , level lioadol of A.nglo- 3i\on9. Ho was a man of the people and thoroughly uniUidtoil thoirnooJa. Per noirly th rco score ycaidiind ten ho liid : ministered among tlio juieslliooilof Ills church and in. the -very center of I'loteslnntlsin uplicld it.s tcmnoia.1 and splritunl clainii aK' lri : > t nllf OQS , liowoior high anil pnvvciful , In view of the intense intl pupil ontl- inent thatlists pe-rnio ited the world's motropol is , his was u very dllth'iilt tnslc and rcquiicd moral utainlniof the Diijli- t order. Had ho been mi Itnlla.ii by bhth initcid of bein.-1 an Ing-Mumm , ho would , luvo ttorn the pantifl'i tiara. ILid. hoi I'.cA in Franco In Iho of Louis XIV. honould hiuo licu. The power lohincl the throne is gioator thin the throne itself. 'J'holinportodKonUucUy ' colonels i\ho \ o talking for "our boys" aid "homo" in Koliuski aio respectfully rota-rod to Perry county , Kentucky , -\rhoron judge ILrst male Ills will I - having * no > vholding- court lor tlio iiiat thno in two ycus un der Uio guild ot two companies of shto militia. .Aucotdingto the I'lillnlolpliiii. Alfjo ; ' the juJgo slitud tlittt ia tlie hist twenty jeau oiei * 00 murders hare Loon committed inthocounty , imd only nlno n.rit)9ts ) all told had boon , inailo , and Ln the entlro liistorj of the consitj only one mail had boon convicted of iniirclur siicl ho lud only Ijeon linpiUonol for .1 slioittlmo. . Thoroib not a ihuich. or scliool in tlio county , nor has nny lollgious soriico boon liold there for two jcnu. II suclt a pi ice flliould bo found hi the wilds of Africaluisblomiiej would IK sent out to it at onco. " The bbito ii trying to biing ? POL-ij-county imclcrtho nilooJt hiv , and tlio impoitcd colonels ivh < * lonvo tlio nitLvo land to iaiado Nobraskii to "inw " "virluo" and " " picncli , "morality" \\oultl better lotrico their Steps imtl give alittloof llioir "inora.1 support" to their im-n lawless countiymoa. Tin * attention of tlio homeless colonels vho nio bhoutiug foi "tho liomo" f loin twonty-lho to fifty dollars a. shout , is imitcd to the rorairkably orderly condition of Omaha imdoL1 high license , As shown ly the police reports Com- pired with the iclgnof prohibit ion in citiosof one-third the population , It is law respected nnd oTicj-ed n gain si outlawry and stiLfo. 3t is not ox- jieeted tliat the imported slsuidoiois o : Kobraska nnd Its ehiof city will seek the tmth F.ilsoliood and detraction wil continue their chief voLionsbut : ] the fuonds of the city and state bliould V > o piopaicd at all limos to defend theii good narao and rnra the truth down the throats of Iho moreenaiy agitators who liavo no respect Joiericitj. . ' THE MllnsiukoQ companj is doubtless convinced by thit > time that It connnittei a serious husincBS blunder In fiiiling to aieopt the terms offered bythft\elji ] \ ib Contnl biidge company. Thooxeici&o of ordinaly sigtwit-y woall Live con * \lnoedtho inuuig-ei's that , an Indepon- clout ontianco to the city , with aniplo loom for expansion , -roalil piovo fsxi inoioprofita'blo in the end. SUCL ! aelion ouldll-a o g-hetilho ro.itl a permanent foothold , secured. Ilio gooclvill \ of skipper pernnd Kept lib iiccU out. of the lultoi prepared by cnlrojicheil conpoUtora EVKUY property owner in Oinihs sdould bear his ilno felune olthoox ponso of keeping the cLt clean. Tlio tiitlin tix levied for deanin.g am sprinkling , as contemplated by our cimrl&r , lUll lo oftsot an hundiod foli' ly tlio estimate inrofatoialio \ como to Oinah.i to locate vill place upon the i.iluooC propotty. A dUity and dustj townnuiltes an uufjivoralilo linfcsiioi [ and tends to Uocp nnuy people who unuld othorttlsu bocoino uilinblo eiti /oiis. Indojondoat { of Iho material ad \antayo comen the question cf hultl and comfort , the i aluo of whkh nobod ; tan umiputo lu dollars and cenk Tin : jnojooteil Lubor oclcbr.itlon Soj ) toinbor 1 promlsos to csceod last year's ( lonioiisti.itlon , I'roiiaratlons for the 01 out nro 011 asenlo in ! cciOiiii | ivitlitlio Industrial liHKU-ta.nco ] of Ointilia , anil IK oxiioiiso Mill bo BjciruU lo uisiK'O Inlior'ii liolithy Jiniomoi'iiMo mio lu tlio lihtor } of tlia city. The cibjeut jLjipealj to the liboril suppoit oC Tuslne.-i < nun , nnd li Is to bo hoped the cominttloo In clurfji v.ill louolio siibhUntlnl cncouuge'intmt has hoeoino of the | > io0itoil ] position. ? Itloo ) iivs though lust year's stiL'UdtH and prosperity donioL'.lllaod the inanagors. in livestock moat rates from Lhsoupl rh-ui1 poijitj to Chluifo nncl St. IjoulsrilL go intocffec Monday. The mlumco > n the Oiniili. late U but four ccatslilb utSt , Joe and ICansa-s Oit-j'\ho ' iai- xv ill bo Iwnlro a id a hilf ceafvi. Oniulu : vlll not iec > l Uioalv.iiU' ilUviiioi'8l9tirt.itlos | , and In th Is thuro is BOUIO c uiso for congratuln.- lon , " \ViTlIonocxuoptioti , the Trotu'limon vho want to rcv'ivo the I'mnina cantil olicino are the most sangul 110 and - \ la- oairy people in Iho world. The debt of , hnl undertilcLwjr Is alreaay l,3UlODO,0 , > 0 rancs. and Ilio a jOts bub 10,000,000. Xoxt to the Missouri ilvcr scow line this canal affords tlio j-roatost opportunity "orsinking millions. THIS bushier men of Oinilia Hhould . ,1-0 substantial cncourngernont to the woikingincn vho propose lo cclobuto Labor diy by nupropiitilo public doraon- Btrntion1 ? . The uorkingincn sue tlio backbone ofOiiuha's ' business inosjwr- ity and our mciehants and nvauufactur- crs can well nffoid lo eotitrlbulo llbor- ally to their rccicatlon. SOMII nainclcsaATlrgrins ( prodlcls great vnd far-reaching viatlier dhtuibaucos between the 10th and -Oth of August. A joa-on of fcmai kably fair \M\ithcr may bocoiifuloiilly looked for , THK Sacs and the Fetes nro solid for Mr , Connell from now on. \Va > * l'l > olnc It- /liter-Off a 11 . It is notice iblo tliat Uioso bourbon con- who s > ecic to Uro the democratic lent by bliclcguarding Spcalwr Kood um- ullj selcit otcisions when Mi. Reel ! la absent. I'rolilliltrd Mu l lime Jt. M I Mill i'atneei ! ' / i > n Katisin in Cbicigo-CJivo mo a Urcutzor sointn. Ihrltecpor A. whatl Kuism A ICieutaor Son-ita. I lieard It linlbocnin-olilbited and. I como from a. pro- Uilltlon state niistoii l orRots Her Jlotlicr Tongue. jAiw Voi'v Sun. Tolapuk nnd Ib.oneso uio d rii ing nngllsb out of Boston. Visitors to that town at present nro roininclod by a iilac.ud ontho Common builal gionnd tint certain Biitlah soldiers nro "buuioJ" thcro. The Boston pcoplo Invo roads > much tint they Invo for gotten Low to s poll ' .Ncatli tlio Slur oMSnipiic. J } \totiJoutml. California horses ha\o \ struck n pnlt thit Is haul to boat IIci fruit rhUors , her furnicis , EindhcirniiiCtS piuposo to show nt the Col umbian ex position that sue IcsiJs uvcry state in the union , They liuvo got men of smp in Callfoinla , and the \\holo ttoild ts goingto lind it out. Xiagetly. Clltaw JV'tid. Jlisa Helen > Iatiei ! Is dcplonng the loss of n niauuscript tluit of the llrst volutno C a tio\el. \ It Is too bad , Think of losing all of the first volume , \ihcio , nt pieat pilns , tlio hero's ancestors uid tlio lieiolno's homo lave bcca described , \\hcro youth and innocence moio paitlcularlj plaj tnehy > a.its , anil where o\en the villain ha ? still > omo HugorLnR vlituesl "NVAS O12O. WASHING rONT ! > LhVcll , now , don't 1)0 ) too sure about it. If the hthci o his countlj shoulil coinelick sind runforpiesidontauiljoii , had toiitc a campaign llfo of hiimmybo you might duel tint you did not know such mi audit sight about Uni after all. What you w .uit hi Hint case \\ould bo a plainly written , trustworthy and understandable nccouut or tlio Immortal Gior csoullx nuil inuiiliood , liia Iraluiiig , liisnchlpvcmctitshis , charjctci na n linn ; no cherry tiw , or cannot tell a llo business , but Just the straight truth about him , \\Kat- eerfjhost storiesniight bo needed jou could il\upto suit yourself. And fho plaeo bero you could iiud nil this \roulil liolii tlio Ameri canized EiicjclopcdiaBritiunlM. Not the Encjclopedln BriUninlcn , you un derstand , but thoA.merlcauh'eillhicjclopcdla Bntnnnlca ; sounds piatty near tlio tblng , but it Is a might ) QiflerCiit thing , Same \vay with riaiiltltu and JciTetson , and Himiltott ; with Patiiclc Itenry , antl John Haiuoclc , nndrrancla Marion ; vJth Henry C2nj and Long John \Vent\vorth. Look in the original KncyclopcdUBiitaimJcn and you will Ihid some of them mentioned , but mighty iittlo tnoie , and some of tlicin not c\en \ that a.uv ono of „ the old Giorges { ret'a coluina where an Ameilcan iinu gets Inlf a dozen \ \ oids. Hut pick up tlio Ainericuil cd 23nc * , clopcdii Britannica and you willsco the dirtoieuco nt once ; the snuff i. Gcoieea take a b ick scat on tlioit 3iif'iisn : thiones.atidtlio . men ol deeds , and liutiiiMvhomada tills vcstujn ctnpiic , are coining to the front. Want to know nlmt no aio tliivingntl Moll , we'll tell on. Wo mean to spll jou n .set of the j\ineiicauieil Kiip clopodiaBiitsiu- nlca and taKe your sub rilption to the D\ni \ 15ti : lor 0110 yoai , Tjoth at tliu same tlmo. IVihaps xvo'll ' doit nnd peihaps o uoa't ; liutif e don't jou'l ) rals > s It woifao than AVO shall. Can't ' nfTonl it , did you siy ) Oh , como , now ; don't bo lu tou blc n huuy. Von haven't ' oven hciuxl Avbab it la golnu toco&t 3 ou ytt. d Vou can stand Scouts ndij' , surcl ) ! Why. tlio dally pipers alonocosts jou 5 ccntiund j OH must Invo a dilly piiwr , you \no\v \ , whether you pet an cnoyclopcdiaor not. Just put S cents Into an old stockln K foot c.icli day foi a innntliand then niM ID cents if it's o eliortono , or'J cents if It'ai long month , or CO cuits for jribruarv , and bo renlyvitlitho A\holo f J.CO when our agt-nt ettlU OIL \ ou. F"or that iSM ) anil your nioinUo to piy the simo sum monthly for the next cloven ijinntlis , ho will glvo jou tlio fli-s > t live volumes of -Aineikaiihcd hncydopcdia Britannica light then nnil thoronucl \ will untlertiko , inournuinc , to deliver you tlio last live vol umes vltliln fourinontht > , ami will pub vou clown for one Jem's hubscription to rim Chum Brr , dally and Sunday editions , liaillj , If 3011int afittei tiling tlmn that 3 on'Jl luvo to raUo It 01 jouiself , for A\-O cim't ( , 'lvo it to jou. Whit la the AiirriiranlzcO nncj-clopcdin Biltaimlcal AVell , ou Iciiovv bat the En- ojclopulhi nntiaiikii is , don't you ? Tlio .Amo'iumizeil ' liiiiyebpodiiUi'itanuIca Isjust tint A\itU \ nil the sublets of Inteiestto Amei- icws icwiltten oxlmustuclv nnd brought down to date , tlio subjects which Aineriians don't euro iihoutranduiscilitbln \ iciisuinblo limits , \holo serit'sof bioj'iapUtr's of imjiul- neut ihliij/men ndiled , anJn complete now stt of innps You - < ion't llnilns iniich about IvOi-d lounoddy or luKl > i Junction In the -Ami-ricaiilzul edition as In tUo En-dish ; but you'll lind nho iSjij-ht | ) ninru sibout Benjimin Ihirlson mid Ciiovei Cleveland , OL Oslilosn and ICaiaiiwzoo , Ton \olumes \ ofib , about vtven thousand ] ) in'oaor , fouiteen tlionsniul cwlninnt , etual to about 110or lliaiyoluuov In amount cf ( oitonts inn ! ubuiit onu tliuiisiiul ordinary volumes in Intucst and icil value. Want to hour sumo mm o VSo ( oubl tollyou nnj * quintllj ; lint nth ertbnff space is just the bniiio inmoni'j * . irail If you want more than tuo columns full , wo shall h.uo to nil d Jinothcr cieut to that dtily ci lit. Our iipro- bfiitatlio Mill boiouud tome jou befoioloiiB iiud Ujou neeu moriUalMngto ho willirivo 3011 just ixs inuih ns you uiiiHtunU. 1C ho shouldn't tome soon enough lo suit jou a l sUilnud to us will lirini ; hliii In n luniy. AVIII Slop lluirnn llojir. Uuniiv , Auuust 14 | SX'oUlC. [ lilotfrain to Tiiu Iar-Kjnporoi ) ] U'tlll IIH. on Ilia coming \lilt toltuulit , will lO'iiulnab U.val fortialf niihoui Inor.lerto i colvoa dopit.itlon from the CiciRiiiu lunlduiiti of the umn. j\n Ahiinei ) In Hi Ivor. \MMHltiitn , August 13 FS > puo3al Qlblo- t't.un to Tut. I3w ] Tlio nilcvoof silver hare Iiw risen from t ) to W uU'td'r31'0l"lol ! The Clny county fair will to licld bor W Uj in. stnlo tonnls tourtrtmcnt vrlll bo holilnt mt er to , Itcariwy rtniuty fair will bo hold nt Miinicu Septembers U > 0. rJLli ( > in-MtliiHJ public "schooli vlll o > i > on for tbo fill wmi September I. A coni'ilet * ) ioti > rot Ilio old veteiuis In Pollcounty ! is bein ! ? niuJo. Indosi'iidont" MoUolglMiiillt talk on politics ul Stritton A.U iust 11 merchants of ltistln3 now eluori-o onrl ) clculiiR lion rs , 7 , UO p. in , Tlio A cliiiu couutv ooiirl house will 1) ) ? ilall- c-iteJ thollrdtputof September Iliorork on tbo Uniting * eivtr tienthei nfTonls oinplojincutto u\ori \ * uiuiiiiilovcd inia In tlio cLt ) . Ulio diivc-toH oi tbo IlufTiili ) county Tdr lla cdcc IJoll not to boll sin uslilbiLloii Hits yesir , In con-jeijucruo oEUia dioiith. petition Sibr-Ln. * circ-ulntoci ut Ke.unoj- for tlio turdonof llii lir llritljjcinaii , hits ton-bl ono > u ir ol his thr < ju-ycar tciiio. Ilio thiiio-clir slint of tlio ICHtitip * Run club August . ' ' > , .7 nnd8 , U opftn to all coinciH , imd | . > i-oinisoj to 1 3 an liilcrosliu BC"-slon A c.itf kicked i mm jiuni 1 W-iUoii ot MniiloCivok , Doilco couutr , l.ut liuUi of i7iiliindliid liiui up lu bed until List \vce ( C D. Kutiz of Klmuooil had xitecr kllleJ by lluhtnliif ? the other ihv. Tlio mil mil vi , H In the cento r nfii Ir.uuliuf cittlo , but notioof the otlmnvoio shoelted. Mlionnnnnl stuto r-amroiLtlon of tlio 7\'o- briukn ChiUttm r.iuloivor society will bo holdat llistluifs Kovojiiboril ntul iJ ! 1'our huiiilred Jelegites HL nttcriid. Oreat troiiarit Ions hnro Iw'n undo for the reunion of old settlers of U.ikot.i county , " \vliiili occur * at the Homer j'io\o Sontouilibr 0. 1'ivo bundled iiivltitiom luuo ken U- sued draTthoi onnleoltshov vlll bu nt 1'iurlsli Giorc OIL or jlout U'edncs I ir , Sopteinli r M , bv the TaOlo iiooic , T'lo isnut Vic ' , Clear Cicek , P.u\nco \ City and Hum- boldt horsemen I . Wnjnor oE Ttcinnioh , wbo atteinptcl to commit suiclJo last Mcolt by fiittliiK her throat , liiod to stian0-lo lit'r wcolf-old liabj Mwidaj- , but mis iie\cntei ) by fiiruils Bhoi tompoiuilyln < iLino. Sijs tlio Hirlai Counbj 'aini"-i 'This si lie soon onsplruoufly dUiOarcil in tin ) 1'iincj oditorlaicuLtuia fiotoij : 'lion llo- inciinnamistoinC'dto ciis ) > ltJijrei will plciso > l > itlu tlicir bits , as this is no s\\ino roost. " \v ohopoit A111 ha\o \ tlio desire I eltc % t " Sun Coopoi \ValwSoltl \ , wliilo under tlio In tluon cool a big bid of bjo/o , ticntcd const st- nation at N'oifollt by jumping fioin n second-storj hotel whuloxw in iittlio and landing In fiont of two lidles rllio foimlcs sot upi iiicnni ulilch niouiod tlie neWiboihoocl luit lively chise ics-ulted. in thocnptuio oftho incbii.ited Sain. J II. SuelL of j\nselmo puri-iiso. ! clc-vcn heal of liorst-i in M.n. from ] > aitie-t icpro- sentiiiB thoiu&dvca to to o\v new of Uio AiiRsl Aineritjin ranch of Smtli IXiKoti. List \vccktlioo\Miirs put jn nn nupa irisnce : iuil teen posscbbion oE the aniimls , cliiinii.t ; tlioy \vcrc * stolon. Mi. bnoll sertuod a \ \ ut of 10- plotin nnd the ciisavillcotuo up at the next toimof tlio district eouit. ilr mid ALri Jnmca I , iko , an asefl couple ms iklnut tw o niilos OTit of Noinnna's G rot e.l'Utto county , while ittoinptlni ; to cross the track in i Lumbt-r WAOII In iron t of I ! C. Hams' ' spcciiltiaiii , \ \ < ic stiuclcby thoeiifrino undiJistiiiLl ) killed Moiulaj noon The orissingioio tliej' wiio killed was located but n btiott ills tinco from tbclr homo an J the nccidontis witnessed by two nicm- bois of their family. The jnt\v in-turned a \eiiliet exoiuiatiiiij the ralboul company from all blauio The triplets botn to Jh-s. .Tesso ICclncc at MalreuuetentljT lived butu few d &js. The stnto nuilltoi ba.q i auedivnri uit for S"MO cr npiira at tlia stito lnJu&tilil schools. Ilio employes of the Illinois. Con tral roiil bnu oipini al ti tr.i'imieii ftderatiou nitb hcidijumtois at Dos Monies 'iliero uro tlilrteca conl mines located ai-ouiid Itoono , in ubicli 1,000 men will .find onilo,3iient | Iho coining ivintoi P A Older , i.rliilo crosslnp the rallroid track ntSlouxCltrna ) stmck by alocomo- tUcuiicltbioiin Ecrty feet , lie may iccoter. CoraLng Is mikliifr piopiiations fortbo .111- nualtourannient of tbo Soutlmcstom loii.i r'innicus ( lasociDtloii , to bokcld tbcio bep- tcinbci 'J3 , Tlio little d-niKtitcrot TJ , Butca of Lrons KOtholdof a. bott3 < ) or turpentlito tliat hid been cittvlossly loltvitliin icacli un.d drank paitot the contents itli fatal cflect. Tlie nlTnirs oE tbo Mutuiil flro insurinco corap.iuj of. Dubuque , Ji , liavo been found to le In bid bhiuio mil the diroetor-slnvocou- cludotl tosuspma hus3ncss. Assetts , $ liV ) ) ; liobllitLcs , S21.WV At Clcir Laku this iieolc I ? to 1)0 ) held the annual tmislcil convention. Tlioy arc usually voi7 Inrgoly attended liy people ftoin all 01 or tliostntonndtlio Hucst soloists that c.ia bo procured are froiicr.i.lljoiiKasred for tne acisou nnd w.iJoly aiHcrtised for the 8 mc 'lliosoda lountninln tlioiostaiu-mt oflluno- " \Vintor at Web&tci G'lty exploded tlw ether cuijviin ircmciiiioun lone , iircnHlnfr Jir " \Vintep' leg In ti.'o ] ilncC3 11 ho report of tbo cxi > lo3ioii was heard blocks and rallied the jclns about to\\ii biinilar to a mild slioik ot earthU-ike. ( ] A cur of the Onitoil Stntes flsh cointnis- sioner liis mured in the state \vUh about tbrco tliousuud joinitcj ; of bluck b iss , pcich find suuildli to lo aFa-lLs. Tlio fish were tsiVen fioin thn Illinois rlvor at AIcio- ilOali sind oio Lntemled to stock n lish 7110- SPUO at lownr.ills 'liio fish mei.i o fiotn four to live inches in length , ind aio autl\o andhacily. Gil TVichtci went down , an old coal sliift ncir Punoia. to relc.isg i ca.go so that it could bo hulled to the top. Ilia mine had not bion \voikedL silica list winter uiul v\sa full of dumps After rulnslng tliocuiro lie stinted torlhnliout. but luis oveiconi after cllmb- inu about lilteon fcot , fell back\\-nrd uid btuko his nock. Awhile nun ca'Ied ' "Sliwxnv * .Tim" and a colored man niiiK1 ! "Slim Jim'1 aio innleriir- restntVliatChcci on suspicion of Swin tlio parlies i\hn set Gia to the town abauta ivcele ate The "Jlmb" had on now suits ofclothos stolen Crom ono o f the stoies duungtho Ilio sind we ro seen rininhiffioni the plucaUoro the flro stmtod n short time beforoit ns dlscovcwd. 'loin Tins 1 ug ia Ilio proud possessoi of tlie smallest horse In Cedar Itaplds , llocisbs just'JSa pounds ntidstsinds thirty-cig-ht Inches high , llo I * , a pin o Shetland jniij that Mr. Lansing has Just purclnsefl of Cliarloi ICiiis- chiloof Chicaijo and i > ai shlnpsd hcio by ex- puss twin > \biA3ka Situril.ij. TUh inini- tuio borso is a tluws-ycir-olil stallion , n i3urk iron gui ) and handsome ns a plctuic. JJKi M A * rowi sj-z.i'w. A. I5o us Count OR In Hinisr-If Into Tronhlo Hi rim tli Ornolcoil WorJc. New YOIIK , August 12 | Tolejrnm toTim Jii.1 ! "Count" doAunmd has In ; volicd himself in n ccrlous tiouWo 'Ilio count claims to belon g to the Itusiian no- billtv llo Uies in line style Ira thoOringo mount tins. Ho vvis undo iilcr < ' In tliu .Icisoy couilof tlnncory by Sirs I'cot fjhooxvncd some lind at l ist ; , \\liiih \ tbo count , nctlnu as licr.ipcnt , sold nt the valuation lie kill ) > licci3 upon It Tbo woman Karncl that the piiionw inr too iiiLdtlinttlio , fount has boi itit ; Uio ] > iop- 01 tj forliliuself. Hiio lii.stliutol piocecdniK to liavo tbos > ilo set nsldo. IIoi counsel nU- Uidcd the rccoid of the count , uho also claimed Hint ho uus Captain A If toil Aiuiud of coJimauj F , Ninth. Missouri volun teers JuiltiK tlio lobilllci ) , ind in ) > iwf of this subinittod credontl ils .showliLRthitho lia meiiilior of KJtC.ifsmi I > o4 G. A. It , of Waslilii tea , of which ( Jui- orals bberninn , ISosocriin nntl othur ill-ttln- { tuWietlwnribrs. 1110 nipinljeis ( l hadlllccl a Uilm foru peii iou. Tliu piilllcltjr lavon to thojultnud the defendint'apiatcii'jions iu'io brought lo tlio utteiitloii oC ( focoial Hey n ton , \vl knew tint Ciiptnln Ariiuucl llvtw ni Hot S ilinjr . A rll ' 1 liu ponsiwn bureau tided and iteNow J 'isey lalinant must. u-riUn KO bo- lei thoconiti. Tlio case win wulMln tlie NiJ ( JiiOi courtof tiiiiuc , < .iy jistetdij and aiionlur was obtalnuj for u cuutnilifciaii to c > * < jiiiliioatlot { hiuiaua tliobouill ioCui > tniii Ainuuilto pi ore that tbo 2\ow Jersey cliilm- untU ufmud Tlio I'KiuiI-i- Hun ( 'iii'.V , YIKVM. Augint 18 Tlia lloodn In Flun- Kary contUuio , Man > houses tiavo ro uiua uumlicrof Jive * ha ; o boca loal. FROM THE SLITE CAPITAL , Ezxuinct3 of the State Ikarmnoy. Board Hold n Mcotiiij in Lincoln. TWENTV-ONEAPPLICAMFS INVESTIGATED. Uoc and Cuiuior , tlio Cipturoil at ltr. > lviti ! Itow fuolc- itti ; Jor Ills Ins inn Mother City Nc\VH S'DtCH. Jf < l > , August 1'J. [ Special to Tni llKK-'rhtj ] bo ml of e\ainliiei-g of tlio stnto bowd of p'lirmiev ' nwt In the svnntu chamber ut th ) stuto hoise this moinlii- ? aid examined tuvnl.\-ono h'eiitlcinfn eoiuvnihcr theii lltuets : u dvuwi 'a. Tin beaM coa- slstaof lli'arj-Coolf , puuldmt , 11--11 Cloud , Max Uutbt , Oin ill i , HutuD ] lu\den , , UiMtid lalltul , .lames ll\u \ I , N'ebiMiKl 'city , and J. 13. lllf , ' } , ' Mntohill the nppil- c.itita II.INO to ba olubt.1 ; ! > tir3 of njo nnd innsleortlfy that they lu\o ba'd tluwoiis ) . uxptilouco The exiimnnLlon coniUtul of que<ous In choml'try and pr.icllo il tests in drily'Uio followiny u-cio c\iniiiii'd for coitllleatcs at lOKUlLUIon us pluirnnt ist . Uulus Abbott , Biokt-n How ; It M Aim- strong , O ivoli ; W. , r. Hrownoll , Ashliind , \V. \ J Heau , llrok > n Bow ; Jinncs Giiininins , lo-jubllcau [ City ; Clurlc's teroy Uooiwr , \VostorrIllt \ , 0 lD ivli , UjnhcstoiAllied , C. IXiifKc Uincoln , 'L'lionius H. IMptir , lln- coin , I1. * II. Tioiulor , ] ) eo , 11. ( J. Oialuin. Ashlinil , P.iul .1 On ml ci man , Olitova ; ThcoioroJesson , Lincoln ; II Paul , Tccumsoh ; Autoii Leilniclij , Ijxcrost , Kan ; V. A. itoot , Cieto , O.V. . I'tu-kor ' , Lincoln ; II. O , Tvlberlcijli , Lincoln ; Kuink J ) . AYor- ceatcr. Lincoln ; Clmilc * K Cu-upDcll , ilu- coln , 11 U. Miller , Huby Tomorioxv , Wednesday , the bond vlll moot ntOi m at tbo Millmd I olol In Omaha to e\ainlno npplkants , and on'llnii day , August l-v , will bo at the Tactile hotel in Noitli 1'l.atlo Ou Tinlny 01 Saturd.i/ the iiniill- uuits xx III loain their fnto. Till- lion Ttlll \ I 3 CVfCSHT. Tbls iiwrnln ? Mirslnl MolieK iciclvcd n tolcfff.un fioin Muslnl J .1. dabble of lirolicn ] ) o\x to Ilia utTci t tlufcJojind ( dm northo fillow * u-mtudbi'i.-ororsleiiliinlio | s and attmpti ( n0' to sell tlicin ut the AN eat colnpac-Miif , ' house , lind liOL < icni > tin oil nt tint platv. Their whereabout n'lis disuoxou'd thiough the inincuAurs of the x\lfo of ono and the iillof-fd mhtioas of the otlior , ns lho * a item pled to so- ciotly send tbeii elJcits to Diokcn Bow The lioraus nndr.15011 used b > tlit-iiiln their tbiouiiK exiiotliliiincea hfioil ftoin Jlr. Tlio fillo\vs x ; ill bo broiiflit to Ltiiioln foi tiiul yqnno O'Connor is also u.inteii for btiiliiiR u gold watou from JMI ; Uoun\oilb , iif.dlcnouin. . \v VNTro KILL HIS wiit * ' * JinTit xiru. " \V II Jud.ihvinoof Piknd Is appirently de.iiliu oiuiost , not onlv in procuuit- ttf- \oixo fioin bis , illotod filtliltss vifo , hut nlso In tfettliift iioisessloii of his thiee jcarold son iiid in puttliifj.i bullet tbrouifh ono .Me- Kcnzlo\lioni \ ho allc os is the destiovei of the hnpplnus-i that foviueil } oxistcd in bis little homo. Last SjtuiiHj Mis Juintixliic * Hot ! to I < hicolii with boi llttlobo , indstopped nt tlie Hotel Ideal , on Fourteenth noai O strcit i7uluh\iii ( ( ! le.irnod of \\hcie.ibouts of his xrjfo uiul ouno lioio and deputy blioiilt iMUriiilaiHlsono a. summons on hur to .msvur \ \ \ \ \ n divorce shoulil not. bo gr inted U ) lici husbuid Ucfoiotlio husbantl could doUse any means to Sfcuio the child Mrs Judilivino ajjilu lied rnul It was lonriicu todnthitsho \x w tit Dultl t'itr. AMiilo talUiu-f * ith the deputy sheiilt Judalnino inq tilludeirmstly thai ofllcoroulcl do with linn iii ciso lie \\onlil Idll MeKon/Io , the bcti lyoi of hlixifo. . iltl-.iilaiidieplicd ' th it bi > vould h.uo to aiitt iilin for murder. "Well , " saj s tlio injurul husb ma , ' ' 1 am de- tunniiipd to get CMII uith th it srouiiilu-1 and I do not , 1 old. mvsilt losponsiblo for anvUiliig I miy \\lLlilurn" \\OI/1)NO1 nil SHOTS JOII 1(111. ( Allco Ii Brondvatci lint sued for nrtlroico from her buslMiid Albeit 11 lironil\xatcr. TboUx'ntmvobocnmiuioil six ; yo.iw 'Jlio wifuteilsa pitifulstorj of inistn-itincnt dur- iiifr that porioJ imd s.ns Milloicd from I.u-ltof clothes and food. U'licu she -\vas almost bu jfoot un < l asked him for a palt of shoos sbosaytbu met liei rtnucstwltlieui l-s anil told lifi if she wanted shoos she xxould b.ivo to t.u n tbo nioncj for tlicin beisclf. I.OOKIVO ion my INSX\U aioimi : . Ayouiif ? bov Ids nnmo 01 Louie Car son stopfed Ortlcoi Kumoy on Ids lieat this .iftc'inoon anil iiniuhccltlio to tlio ins mo iisyluin The cunoslty of the onlcor vas urousetl nnd uftcr giviiif-tho desired infonn.i- tiotilio comincaecd ( iiiwtionliiR tlia Ind nnd leaincd Unit lie bid asoirovful history. Ilio boy w.n only ten jo.irs old and hi = ? mother has been con lined In the insane asylum for Hxoji-iH lie and bis father liivolwon llv- hiffiit , but tluco u celts ngo J\lr. \ L.inen died IcavliiK the boy homeless , friend less niiA destitute. Ho his u mil i led lister state , but iloei not itnow C'cictly ' heio. Ao- cordiiiBlj ho crawled into .ic.u'atKciinoj to como to Lincoln to lind Ills insino mother Ho stated his condition to tbo rallioail niun nndtl'oj ' kinilly aliened him to litlu. 'Ilio boy u-as taken to tlie iwllco stiition nnd tin ciloit will boiimdo to lind some kind of u homo for him TIIET MM.n \SsinN-\IIXT. . JeiomoC. Scott an < iOithclloKicliio , dolnp business under tbo Him iiunio of Scott iX : Uichic , liavo undo an assignment of tbeir proarj stock AIIIOIIK tlio creditor * ami tlio ninouutsowr'd to them the ' nio following \ \ . II L-iw , Lincoln , JIO I.I ; J U illoy , Lincoln , fion , .r A Toimiii , Cincitro , $ irn\cir Soip \Voiks , Wc&tLihuoln , fl'J ; Jlurftieuvts Bios , Lincoln , f7s. lljoto' ilinclcbtcdiiPss innoimti to only 5410 The stock -valued at tool ) and the accounts amount to * JI > 0. LOST is run viriv * . A llttlo Polish 01 Iliissiiiuffiil ihont Urth'o veais oil xas found sbUerlng nnd uiylniIn ; the weeds near Salt crcclt , noitliwesb of Ninth und 7. stiocts caiiy , this riioinin . 'Jno child liiidovtdentiy been Ijliih'tbcionll ul-'ht. Sbonoi-on cheap icd cilicodiossnmla .small shiiwloftho s mio color , but bud no lint or other lieid covoiiiiR of any kind. As slio could not talk LugHsh , notliliiR could bo learned concerning her Identity. A kind lio.ntod ( Iciniiu living in that xicln- Ity oflorcil to tikocaroof the waif until her iclativcaor friends can ho found miTM.ns AT "iaEiini : IDS " Fiocl JlasoiislUcanil KuCus Glotfclter , tlio saloniikcoporsat U.'weuty-lirst undo stiocts , are still at ixir , Uufus bus icruit1 ! a new lock for the saloon and tnkui foiciblo pos session of the pltioo 1'iod saythnt this H contraiy to tlio otdor of tlio dibtrlot coiut. imJiisks that tribunal tonnost mid line Glot- feltcr foi contempt of couit f > rIK iioiiiH or 3 The TilodomVuodinin Accident nssotla- lion of YOIK is novx fullj uuthoruaJ. todo busluoialn tills stuto * The Pooulo's stnto l nnk tit Dlllcr H the Kt- est caudidatofor piiblit pationago Tlio cip- Itill stock is s'lO.ODO 'Jlic liuorpur.itori aio Pniloy Pioito , Andiow II. Uolnim and Thoin il' Piico. AittcHs ofliifoiporatlon of tbo N biailav st.ito b.iuk at Allen hiM been filed vlth the secretary of Btuto The capital stod < iq f50,0)0 ( ) und tbo incoiporitoriof thocnUirpiiso aio II N Mooro. U O Now oil , II. W. Otis , U. A. Houifh and J K. I'ritchard CITV NI\\S AMI WTKI Newton C. Abbott , vhov out Tom Piico's sccutitv'oii nnoto uid who L ! iinu Unit ho had to inv M.'b for 1'rlco. hn su J tlio hittoi for Hint amount and. the coits oltho suit In tlio distilct court I > puti Auditor Clnrloi It Allan of the state Insurance dc-p utnu ut will to ono of tlio HpjaLarsut the nntlonnl convention of luiur- auccconiiiiissloauis \ \ liicliconxoioi ut Clove- liuiil. O. , August .0 Culonel Long iHpios'iiliiKns ' county Judge dm inp tlio nlnfiico of JudiroStG\uirt \ Mi C C C itklin and wlfo loft last ovonliiR for DosIUolnoj , whcroIrCilklinlll attuud thoAtn-lcnt Ordei of UnlUdVoikinan imd his ivlfu will \ Mi with liur i lotlicr. Death ui' IMIllloiiiuo SvL1iit > ci cofCal. , AuBiist I' ' . ' , Nicholas Lunlgoii , n i\'.Mi capitalist , dlod late lu.stnlKlit of liwirttllaoaso , Ho hud been a complciioiiB Ikrurolti San L'ranlco Imilnoss eircluu sliico IM'J. ' His wealth is Catlinatcd ut bc-tnecn 515,000,000 , and 0WW,000. ( rj CMTOW CllC3-\\ \ \ ' . Atnloof voocomcM from flarflcld tov lj thntlaTeiilly pilnful. I , . W. Unrt'c-v \ . thocb.iirmunol the tlcinoiruUo , i n. inltlpo. Mr. llkrtlovvantoil to get nil oftk ( \ ho did not euro much how ho fet It lie jut w.inled onice , So bo went oulto tlio ulil i d con\cntlon \ nnd , w noinliuteilfovcounu ui- tomov , The count * . IHW ncry jjood 1 i . Inpof tli1mocmt * lin ( Uorfeixtof being- beat u Mr , Bintle.vrofiisoil . lo call the do.noemMij J' ' contention. This leaves GirlMil enuniy J wltlioiit rejiresontutini in the iU"n > , it o sUte , roiigros ioinl mul scnui tmi contentions. The deinocuits nixs xirv niiKr.x , did swoui t lint .Mi ItHitloi'lnc \ r IHJ elected , nnd ncvoi ill ugly tlio iop iMi \ \ - cundliluto fui coinit.x altorni'.x Ijhoix'ful li < is the Ilist tiiso ou icvord In this < o\i whcie : iw.n'lms conllHc.ilod ox en thin , mi slfflit. _ Word C-OIIIM Tioin Pun noc tlmt Iboro 1 \ \ bc > a furinoi luWlec'inul bullet plotih i \ tihoit tlmo In Unit c-oiiiit.x , niitl tbit \ n , Wjik , llrynn and OoniiHIxx'ill boltniUi ) i. intiki' sji'dbrs. If nil Ilio Mnteanii'ii 1 1 i t thcsrixkeu of Ilio ttnte inllitin ndvance. \V I1 Siniii-iwof KusUx-illo iMuitn t o ser-K'tnri or < tuLo ou tbo ( loiiooratii * tu 1 T Mi * C' J ) t'oiutn-'i' oTD.ivld. City vill : i 10 o sprung on the convention , * , xliU ) .Mr Mm lion ofl'imiiPOIll ' pot lo "nUHkd' ' bt _ The dcinoo.-m bold out in convent . i Iho Till id LoiiKicMlaiml district toilaj , C ui ii'iiims-JK'irii : Uio pi ice , nnd 5 o'rlixk the tjine VulcMIr AVt-ntlicrbj cr Dr. Aht Ht'iir of N'orfolk nrcMipdn je-iinniflfor n' ' \ < \ \ hoiwrs. . It is iiltojji thci pioh.iblo that .Mr l > M Rfimvill bo endorsed , lint \\bat xx ill tK'inoci-ils vbo hail from other lands s.u ICcni luspioclalincd fionithe stump tint tlio time lun come ubon umio hut Aincilo.iM should Lo put on. gnu id. Mr. J.R Jlnycl believes Hint ho lias his own way , and will bo disappointed if lu docs not secure Uio nomitiitiou for f-tncnior to.uorrov. Jlr. Clmrley UIOAIII ii 13 Ing on hit oara , but ho nmy ' 'heax'c to" If lie clude.i Uinliiiiouiiiiatlon lain Tlio lion. I ! J. Pholns , Tornicrlv mlntatoi to Hii R ! ind , tal e3 much iiitoiest lu baseball < l * . 12. Spinner , tx-treiuner of tlio t"n ill a btnti's is Lt.ullly ( al-iklug. llo IH nou almost tuth-ily blind. ItNsuldtlut the lion , ir.iniiibil Itiiiiilni < lots inoii llsliln jand i.Uciiu : fewer tlsii Hi in mis ollui iiinn in .Miiinu. CuiiKie'suim VV II n Cottier , ofoith C.iioliiui , Is nt bis bniuo in Uilkuiboio , mid hi cry feeble henllb. Abraham IJonnilMtl , clerk of the ciunty court ot Tuc-kor vonnlresb \ Vlrvlniu1io , dieiln fui aus iuio , mis liorn uilhout lopi overllftj ypiib SIRO Vci b mi o\col IcMlt C.U1UJ SiOllllCl * ill lllO lObcl Illlll ) Jill through lb lito nnr. Ono of Horico(3iceloy's ( n jihciii Is a liu- bcrin 11 IittlotO\in in\\yucMi coiintj I'onn sjL\uihi In pcrsoitnl niipoiiiince bub not unlilto ills dibtbiKUishcil uuelo. Scnntor Cockrcll of Mlssonii Is dcstribed us.l"ti ll , thin , sliaipfuocd , slirilL-loIi.-cdt.c-ii ator , noted sis tlio most cuituulo mini In Llio aciinto , a.ul ngool tj-po ol the oldfushtoiinl cotitiorcidislist " Tlio Intcsbuiiulidnto of the world's fair Is.lolin B Csusoii , picsldc nt of the Chic ijo ; Ss Western ludiaiia inllioini , andfounerlj Bonci.vl uianngcr ot tbo 'Mo nori" Sccrctnrj of State Ky.inof. Ohio , Is a lilo innn nnilh.M written n history or Olno coinposol at nipli.lillo lie \\-Zi u niuinbei of tliu stnto -lsbituio. . " " "If ' "I Jiiincsl-'uiUop ivai CKCiisod fromjuii ii < \ at l'liiUilulL > lil.i the otlici-duy on tlio > , i nl that ho mis over seventy live UMN oU , balsbnkcn Ikindsitli i itnjcttc. li'irst AssntiintPostumstci ( flail. son keeps Ills Tjiishubs to hinibulf Jn t\\o ilu s hoiras sbiltecl about tlio t-liho In \ i.icious lorrcipondoiits one of iiboin hod him booliod for Jup.iu nnotliir tor Dcuvci. It turns out tint Mr. Clailiion never Iiud Uio lernotestldeiof colngto cither , , TudtoCaUlii 1 Prittof Biooltljn and Uio st ito supreme couit led n ro hnent to the , and canics in hishcail a tullotwliitli ho 10- ceUed in tlioscveii < lnjs' ' contest near Me ill cVn. . . The \ \ oundi * s bcllovcd to lie fatal .it the time , but nlsoxrtllcnt con stitution umibloilliiiii to pull tlnougli. \YiishhiKtoii vas a flstflphlor. a sv\c.n 'r , and a diiul'cr , nccoitliiiB tik Mr. Lodgo's bio- gitiphy of the Hrst war , ote. Young Glint , Altn Aitliuraiulonoof tlio O.iilickilios-sinctttioothcr duj In Phlliulel pbii I eitlier ltno\r tlio othcu by sij-lit. Young Mr Tliurinnn , son of Allnn CS Tiiup mill , is grayluilivd and has but ono ni in IIu lost tbootUcr lu an ntcldcut mnnj ) cn\ \ * agoGeiicril Geiicril lota. . of Snlv.ulor , ivho kicked vim tbotretnendous muss in Coutui ! Aineiii-a. is onlj twenty sosn \ irs of nvo It slioivs wh it -ouut' man can do if ho tiiw. T OIlOl'S. Clotbior and Piirniilior : Tommy fa your Hltlo bov in bii ? us inol IDi b.iiutlj , ( tlio pnilsh rleiM.iiii.ui ) Why do you abltmj lit tin mm Tom nn 'Onuso nil s. id uhon nn c-lotiics gut too slnbbj to % cafsbo Mould st .id them ovu * to \ our hoiiso Clotliier nnd ruiiiisbor1 Tlio ti0111015 Vou couldn't innko Ijoth unds mootII 1 sliouM c'booioto tbiuw jou o\oi \ ! Tliu sutpciidois Hut j ou foi get Uiit you mo ojitiroly depend ent upon inol rsiiiu fj's \Voclsly A bc-nr hi tkostoiU iniiilCLt may bo i lion In scxiutj. 'J'rtico a duj ictrulaily om olllcc cloi't ' btrines for ol ht , liouu. Ills so much onsicr to Inokivl'so tlum ti l tooitabllsb that fact , or.illj ttiit nniij pouiilo snxvood mid sunutliin - ; 'J'liiRlc J see in this muiniiig'H Scum tint jioorJiinkJ M is lun oier on tlio x < s- tcrdiysind Itillccl bid , Isn't ' ttl Coolt-x Dour inc. 1 that so ? AVliy , E mot. Din Us ju t noxi , and ho never told me 11113 thing "bout it With mercury 00 ° in the sliudoand lie- { I a hundred , thoii , oh tliun , 'tis ' sweet to fancy tlmt love ( "TOI. s cold. Puck. Aunt Thco-Tominj I 1 nin sni- pilsid you f ergot > our Bl lilo soqulilclv NOM , \vlitii tlio ruin descended nnd smote tliucurlli for foil * , dujs xi"liut iiaa it dlcxll 'Joinrny ( promptly ) Mud An CKotist-A. manxxlio fccia liU oiiu iin- portiiicumoiu tliau ho fctls ouis. Abl > rct--j\ man \i lie is ilrinhi a belief clif forinu fjoin ours A ) > rtuillictl ] inuti Ono ube la not cun- viiKcd hj om nrguinniti. 'J'ho ' mm iiho lm fnlltiiln business enn l W.13S110 ( you i l < ntyof uasons for his mlb- foi-lunt ) , hut I icttol liusliitss 10)11113' vu JUI.s part Is nuvt-i ono of iheiii. Love niiiUta Uio xiorldKO round , tnid yet sotliu pcoptu think Hint Iho ivuild oii lu o stvii ami wonder justUocauiu happen tbc to bo In luxe. Snooper -Do 3011 Iftlio mo for a tuikoj , SInitrnll hlinciul No ; wlijf Knofipcr Then stop trjliifto Munt mo iUthiuu.tUiu.ti OMA.HA LOAN A.ND TRUST " COMPANY. Bulnorlliod nnrl Ounraiitced Cniltnl | . . 1M nee l'.Lld In Capital . J.W. " " ' Muyn and sells itoclis mil liontls : iioyollntM conmiurclal Ii tK'i ' i rfth4 inul - trcistH ; aist ns truiisfu iintnfcainl truslLii o [ co i no milui , taUos tliuruu iiroiiurty , col- 1031S Om alia Loan TrustCo SAVINGS BA-NK. S E Corner lOtli and Uouglos Sn l-alil In Capital . * r ' \ biibsurlbud : uui Oinirjtittiul Capital I " > ' ' UablUt/otbloukholiltTi . * 6 1'cr Ctiit InloroBt I'uld nn IHMioilm 1KA..NK.I \.NUK , OaHhl < r Oncers A. I ! . 'Wyinan. jncildcnt ! J J llio.ii , vlee-proaldontW.r. V\ymau , txoascnor Dirco tors'- . a W-/miinJ. II Mlllurjl J , J Jlrnwn. U y U. Uartnii. * ' W. Niuli , 'llioni J , Kluiball , duorua U. Like. * *