THE OMAHA DAILi BEE , MONDAY , AUGUST 11. 1890 , THE BOHEMIAN TORNFESI , An Excellent Showing Made by Home nnd Visiting Teams. INTEREST AMONG THE SPECTATORS , The Hospitable ISccoplloii Tendered * llie Delojjntcs 1'roin tli'p Vnil- ons ClllcH b } the Uiiiabn Society. Iho ceoil luck of thoHohcmhinUuniers of thlfityatt 'iidfd them joitordiy in their u'Tjrls to entertain the v lulling ginimt ) of their nutionnllty on thcoc-cauon of their up- poarnnceln thly city In the athletic touriui- mfiit of tbc ! wcstetn district of the United States. Uhe sky was clear , the air win warm mid ever } thing giuo cvlelunco ofn delightful day , which liuppil } wiw greatly cnocd ] } by thou- hniids of fi lends In this I'ltj Lito Satuulriy night the hist delegito to the tournament arrlv nl , and j osterdny morn- Ingat sorlotk the proccsilon , in honor of Uio vljior | , forineel to cmoit them tollies dc pot Ltulj hi the moitiing Lutohk\'s ' band marched to tbo hall of the ICnlghts of St. CtcorgeonVllllaiU3 \ street bcHveen l""onr- U dith and I'lftccnth uhcro they met tint organisation AVIth them , tlu-y proceeded to lOwpiu'8 hall where they met two lodges of the I' S I'.ti. 'Ibo line then proceeded to SinmncK wlicio It found the Tumors In ivalt- ing 'Jin1 piocesslon tlieroforo compiisod tbo following 'Iho bind , tbc Usithig Turnci-s , the ICnightsof St George twenty strong with gorge-out uniforms , plumed hamlet * ) and drawn sibicsj Poluc-k } lodge U. S P S. foity Btrontr fiom Omaha , Omaha lodge of the Miiuc oidc-r , thirty strong , each of the latter two wcailng lud s ishes tiltnmed with white andsihri ; South Oniiha lodge G. S. P. ri , oomprWng twcut-live men with led rcgilla trimmed like tint of their bicthun fiom Oranhn South Onialu Tmneis twenty Iho Htiong together with tbo OmahaTumers who numbered about seventy-live. Tnc piooission maic-hcd from Slmanclc's h.ill on I'hiitccnth stivot to Uouglns , thence to Fifteenth and thence to the depot , whcio tiiu Hist train wns taken for the grounds , leaving there at 10:18 a. m Tlio triln WHS loideuw'ithexcursionists , ns was also the sccnnd one , which left the depot sbnrtlv aftti noon. Kusci's pnk vaa crowded with the excur sionists and nothing bid l en omitted which might In nn Innocent manner coutillmto to thcplciHurooC the people. The fakir was on hand , nmvcto also the dtiilrcy , wbo bared his head in a tempting manner to Induce - duce unstuad } innksmcu to aim antlijuo eggs at bis cm Ij pate ; Helen's bnblc * in blick , the bowling alley , as also n dozen other Icitmes , vvldch wore liberally pationl/cd lit the ouoii space , noith of the wooded grounds thoinnnagoiniiit hul oreetedtlio horl- yonal pindlcl burs nml horses , upon which in a winm sun , the contestants gave ovldencoof tbo skill which they bad aumiicilunder their Instnntors Aiound this pinuna a rope fence had been ore clod nn el around this c-nnvdsof Interested people hung dining the diy , watching the admirable grate and picclslon of the compet ing gymiinita In the contest , the putlcipants were as follows Chicago Chnrles Stulik , Fnnk 1'erchal , A Fenian , K. Fiali , Otto liartos , Joteph , .fohn Krlzan , Fiuuk ICuba , Frank 1'atei i , Trunk Hosik , A Unit , INI Horn. IHlegel , J Kntrleth doi , J. .fcmcek , ! ' Vonasok , Tlieodoro Vavrlnel ; , Jtl. Dnlooal , John llaluk , V. Lukes Cedar ll.iplds-.rolm Ilnsek , Joseph Dostal. A. liar , Al Kledl , John Potuctlka , ' J. J. Dole/al. Milwaukee Joseph Drobnlk , J. J , Lissler. St. Louis-F.Jerabok. ThoOmalm tiirnlnif corps comprised the following : K. IlnvelUa , 1 rank .Ic-len , John Talontu , riiink Koran , IJ. Nlngnor and Josi'ph Pcclvnl. All of Ihoso men did o'tecllent norlc , making n most imposing appearance nnd 1m- prosslng oveiybody with tiielr gentlemanly demeanor nml their rcmtukiiblo skill In their inoveincnts upon tbo bar , nnd It may well bo doubted If u finer class of joung nthlotcs e\cr appeared upon nny ground. Uboy were ull } oung , wllb liuidsomo face's unit tnuscles of steel , uhidi scivcd thorn well Ibroughout the excessive licit -which down upon tbem with unieli-ntlng fieiccncss. Eut'h Tin nor was nttirod in u whlto jersey lilmmcd with led , and tijjht-iltting grey jinntuloons , with light sllpnei-s. The work of some of the joung men ( quiilltii , if It not excelled , that of any kind ever cecn In this c-tty befoio. This was par- tlcmlaily notlceablo on the parallel bar , on vvlik-li ttio talent and acquhed ability of iho 'Jurnu-s both fiom homo and nbioad was nel- jnliiiblv tutted. The Chicago team was , of course , the most distinguished , but the homo lads pressed thorn vvaimly on intiny an impoitaut point , ti'lio class horn the formei eitv VVMH composed cf young men of the second diuslon. Among those iho took pirt in the exer cises , and who had nrhloAccl distinction elsewhere - whore , wcro Flank and Jo c-ph IVcival of Chicago ; , T , Dtoblnk cf Mlwnukco. Fl Jlolok of Clilcago , mid Otto Bartos The turning continued until clarlinosn com- l 'llod thu pcoplo to wtuin to their homes. The prum will not bo announced until to day , becniiso nnnv of the cxerelse.s vvei-o cut cIT by the approach of dnrkneis and \\111 bo contfrued tins morning. Today the vlsiloi swill bo dilv on about tbo rltv , and tonight a giaudball will bo given Jn their honor. Thocommltteo of arrangements compiiso the following : John Uosieky , H. V. Miltow- sky , H Unvcllm , Joseph Puclval , Joseph ] ) i-os > da and Anton Knieiit. The work of these gc'ntlcmcn was most complete , und the tucci'ss of tlio undertaking was u grand and Memorable MIH.OSS THI : pitiss > ii.N'u ; IUCMC. nnd I'riouds of the Union Miioy | Thcnisi-hcn. Tlio piiismen Ind things their o-wn way jdsterelaV. They held their ( list annual pic nic , and financially and socially it was n Winner , At 8:110 yesteulay morn lug , led by the Musical Union bind , the members of tbo Pressmen's union , followed by tlio members ot tbo. If vdors1 union , with their burners floating in the cool morning breeze , rnnched to the Union I'aeiflo depot whore , with their J idles and friends , they comfort ibly Illlcd ton roic-hcM and were soon speeding on their way to tire \Valorloo plenlo gioumls , w-heio the } he-Id one of the most enjoaulo pit nics of the scnsou. The forenoon was devotee ! to dancing. Muglng , bciiitlug and hauntj i\ general good time At \ 10 Captain Small miircbed bis Job room rluKUCi-s out to the ball grounds , where ho arny < Hl them niraliist Captain Willis' juois loom be'.iutlts , and for three Innings iho two niiiM chnscd the leatherover u greater petition of the westein put of Doug- Jus county. Owing to thu bent both sldos t mwiipthopiunoiit tbo beginning of the fourth lulling , whllo the umpire iuslbted that } t wasutlo oif B runs. Iteturalngtotho plenlo grounds , the fol lowing programme w aa cariii'd out : Job and book prmU.-ra1 footrace , 100 yimh > , slxst.nt rrn and one money , $10 , was won by Will JHshop. < Jlfmler fcc'deri' footrnc-1,100 yards , flf- teen sttntei-a and ono inoni'y , was won by J-Te.1 Smith. Gordon Job press feeders , fifty .vaixli , ten r utters and mm loonuyJ , , won by Jehu Mc- Cirath. , Uho ladii's'rncovvfts the next event and v.hllo ltdivw a crowd It chow only three Ftmttrs The prize wus a JIO fan , winch wa * easily cajituivcl by Mrs Uoorgo Ullloiibeck. t There ) was n frtio-fow.ilI nice , 100 yards ivlth u Ki bill hung up nt tbo ciul This was taken by L H > II Loilur of Council IIlulTs. The bald mco funiUbed any amount of luiiuioiiiont , itiul wlilloa dozen bulb weruln jit the start , only ouo saw the outc-omo and tho.V. The lucrky youth wnsMint Jucknlss. ' 'Jhoro was ividulng for prizes , the best 'Judy wult/or to ivci'lvo u pair of IO oiwra fc-loves mid the gciitlc'iunn a slhrr Imndli-cl pllk uinbrolltt , Mrs. W. II , Drain und Mlko JMulloii wcro the \\hiners. Thou to outoi-taln the throin ' , the Arion uailcttcrcndpivdBovcral of tbolr choicest "lections nnd the pleasure of the pU-nlo con- Inued without Interruption until 8 o'clock \ lion 100 tired but h ppy Om ilmui bonvlcd bo trnlti that reached the city un hour nncl a ml flat or , _ _ MIA It 1,1. ! ? . I. JM.V.I. ( o 'lallcs Dl'tlirMuKlnlpy Hill and llio Central Strike1. lCn ; > | /i/i / ; > if / ? /II/HIIIM ; > Ionian llenwtlA P \iiis , August 10 , [ Now Voik llci-atd nbloPpuial to Tiif Hi r ] Chillies A. U inn , w lie is Junt now staging here , being slotl tmlnyvtiat hn t IK light of the New York Oiiliul strike , snld : "It mitithtno been Rixiut surprwo to Dopew , who Ind oft such a luippy fiiutlly nthome , to hear of lu "tilko 1 bavo l > cen absent from Xew 'oik fora mouth , and inn not in a position o Klic u opinion , " continued Duia , "but \usnluii : ) led to Ivcllevo tint a stilkcon the 'entml i.illwny was un linioslbllltj ) , Now no has liken place on what appears to ben irgosctilo what are the1 } going to clol" Ancnt the AIuKIntoy bill , Mr. Diiui s.rid ho uid not studied the question. Helng asked \hclliir ho thought It would pass or bo liohed , ho most emphatic-ally assured mo lint Its becoming a law waa n cettntnty. "At no moment , " bo . ald , "I w.ia tloubt- ul us to whither the bill would voi bet-onio law. but now I am quite coi tain Imt It will pass , but In a moillnVd form hut is , on lines foiirulaled b } Dlalno of ccipiocily wltli .Southern Ainciicau fatnto * . 'InUniti'd Stutos guv , you take. our corn and jec'f and wo will tnkn jour sugnr , bit that loilitlcntlon woii'tatleitpooiileo\crlierc , where ro clamoring about their silks , and velvets. 'hue is no-use trying to dlsgui-e It from hojoiiHichants that tbo bill will HISS , and s icgnrds their C.I3O no uHcratlon in It will ) e in ido. " > A.VISIf ANTII'ltOlIUilllOVlS'lS. . Tioposto JIakc Their 1'owci r < * lt in the- Present < aiupalgti. The second meeting of tlio Danish antl- irohlbltlon club was held jestetd.iy nfter- eon at AVolfl's hall , Twent } second nnd fuming streets. The attendance was very argo and the piocecdings excited the liveliest ntciest. All present wcro Danes , ami the ) uslnc3'3 ' of tbo meeting was tiansnctcd In the ati\o language of the participants. Tbo executive committee reported that a neetlnghad been held last Wodnesdiy e\cn- ng , nncl the following ; committees appointed : finance , \Villlnm Is'ovo , Chi ist Hanson , nines TIcnrieKsen : piinting , S ( jorgcnsen , S. Jl ithlesen , P. P. Schmidt ; state organl/a- ion , Willinni Neve , II. Thellz.ird. A. IS'or- ' .ud , naturalbatloii , H. Potciscn , William S Matblcien ; speakcis , H Thtclyard , V. NorgirdVilti un Jfcvo 'Iho excctilivo cornmltteo tilso reported a onstitutlon which been adopted for tlio government of tbo club. The constitution VIM short and te > the point. The llrst section irov Idoil that ovu \ member should agree to otc and woik against the prohibition nmcml- nent , tmd to v otu and work for the high 11- 'onso ' amendmentr The see-ond section pro- ideel that a Avuttcn pledge should beic- [ ulied fiom candidates for goveiner lieuten- intgoviinoi nnd the legislat < uo legarding henbtand on those amcnitmciits. In the hlnl section It ngioud that all members > bould vote imd work igalust all cimdidatcs vho wcro not opioled [ to prohibition Tlio 'ouith and last section invited all Danish clt- 7cus to Join In tbo movement. 'lluj netionof the executive conunitteo was lentil } appioved , after which a short recess VIM Uiten in order to allow the members to ign the constitution Ono bundiud and rvvcntv two now members came fonvnid to obi with the oiiginal 'JX ( ) . When the meeting was again called to eider .tli . ring speeches wcro mndo by II. Schouboe , \ Jncobson , William Novc1 , and several oth ers Tlio speeches were nil against pioblbi- ion nnd vouect the bcntinient of tbo Danes , vbo were bitterly opposed to "bootlegging ; " hty wmted thosaloons run open and above > oird ami not in a sneaking manner. All of ' he speeches were loudly applauded. Tbo club has oidorcd 10,1)00 ) copies of the above constitution printed , and these will bo libtubutcd among the Danes in the state It s also pioposcd tobcnd three men through -ho state to work up clubs in all tbo tow ns ind settlements , and It Is the intention , as oxinesscd In the mooting je teiday , not to stop until at leaht 10,000 ini'inbcrs are secur ed , and prohibition defeated. Another i icotiiig will bo hold next Sundav it.Ip. in. at Washington ball , to which all h citizens are invited. Auny Orders. Lea'vo of abseneo for llfteen daj s has been planted Lioutonaiit T.dwaid Audeison of the Vii-t civalry. A bond ot suivoy has been appointed to ncct ut Oinahu , 10 o'clock a. in. , on Tuesday , .o examine Into , icport upon und ilx the re sponsibility tor the loss of 'JOO Hises of nrnoral oil shipped fiom Onuilm , Neb , to Ogden , Utah , on bill of lading No 01 , dated J uly 0 , 1SOO , for iv hich Captiiln John Simpson , assistant quit teumistor , united States nimy , s rcspouslbleCnptnln James C Aies , oidnaneo department ; Captain Douglas. Al. Scott , commissioner of subsistence , nnd Tlrst Lieutenant Chiules M. Tiultt , Twentj-tlist nfuntiy , nid-Je camp , have been detailed for tbo hoard. Did It < Timt loi1'uii. . V. J , Muck , tbo South Omaha tobacconist , called at Tin : Bi n otllco with his wife yestei- diy , and wished the in ticlo refoirlng to his jseapadn lrilday night coireotcd. llo stated that ho hut ] bought a icvolvcr for his wlfo to use on account of the number of trumps , etc , which infested the neighborhood , but ho Itept the weapon In his poekot for safety. tfilihi } night ho pulled the gun from his pocket and pointed it nt his wife , "JtM for Jun , " as heexpicised it. Showas ( lightened and inn imnv. llo claimed thnt ho was cb nnk , ami said ho had extinguished tbo llio himself before the department aia-lvcd. Pri'ss The Michigan preia excursion will iirho la thoelty thin evening fioni Denver over the Union Pacific. Thcro uro llfty-four pel-sons in the party. The board of tiado some time n o appointed n committee consisting of Messrs R C. Gushing , W N. Xason. II. UiKowntor , Finnic Colpet/or , O. M. Hitchcock - cock and J. W Savage , to complete ) anango- iiiouti for eutci tabling the visitors. This committee will meet lit II , ! li ) this morning In theoftlce ot tbo sccretniy of the bond of tiudo , It Is Intended to dilvo the guchts about the cltbhowlng them the vaiious iwilnts of Intoiibt , with possibly u tlip to the South Oiiuba stock yards. Personal Anothe-i hninch of the I'oi-bonal Rights league was organised ycstci-Uay at Mlllaid , with u membership of ncarlv 000. P. J. Lund , president , nnd Jobfii Baumer , "ieo piesldontof tbo blanch , imd Cluules Herberts , member of thu htntb executive c-om- mltteo f i cm this county , wcro proscnit from this city and assisted hi organizing the new launch The nmjoiity of tbo meipbors of thu Millard league are fanners , * vvho repiese-nt the public sentiment of that pait of the county. _ _ _ riiiicnil of II. U.oUli. . The funeral of II. B. U'elsh took place at lWestci1day : ! } aft ornoon from the residence of Ills pon. W , L. "Welsh , COT South Twenty ninth < -treeU Hov. J. Al. Wlson , pastor of tlio Ciititcllur Piosbtcibm t'buic-h , oniclntod A lingo number of the filonditof the decease * weio present and contiibuted man } beautiful llorul offcilngs. The i-cmains weio taken to Dubuque , la. , for liitoioieut , Tlir Dauinuo'IIK Slight , A bln/o In M. Toft's row of onesunfrnmo ) stows on I'.irk aeuue , bctw ceu I'opplctou nnd Woolworth avenues , called out the Uro depiitinent nbout 3 o'clock .vesteixlay nfter- noon. The room * In which the llro was located were unoccupied , and thoorgiu of the blazols u nibter.Tho damagei will nor amount to mow tlian Sr-.AVI-'N-Maririnvt Wlon , enl } ilavifchtoro Oivou nijd iilcni blnvoii , ngo-Jjuarsll month an d b dab , l Monday , Atic usl 11 , at 11) ) a. in , fiom family msldenco , Tenth nnd Hickory strxcts. lutcrmont Holj Sepulchre. REJABKABLE FOR WEAKNESS , The Dotnsuati at Cechr Bapich , la , , Put Up a "Very Tcoblo Ticket. MOST OF THEIR CANDIDATES UNKNOWN , It Is Freely I'reilluKMl Tlml Iow Itoll Up One of Mur Old ' 'Jlinc MuJoHllc" . Tills rail. Dr < MoiMs : , In. , August in [ Special to Tun Oii-'iho : : ] ticket no'iilmited by the democrats at Itnplds lint week is ic- iimrlmbloonly for IN weakness. Only three of tbo nominees , so far us I liivc licou nlilo to disco1 , er , w i'if ever humil of uittslilu of their own | u.ducts The ht-ad of the ticket , \V. II. Clmtiibcrhilii of Independence , for sccic- tary of state , lias been n ( number of the lower house oC llio legislature for thu last tluoo ses sions , and liusiio record ot note. Ills thief use In the kvUliitmo seemed to bo to icc-uio im uiproiiilathu ] foi the Indepondt'tico as- him , which ho accomplished hj logrolling methods. ITols .1 gotipml mcr < hnnt , nnd has boon fulrlv successful in business , but as a speaker or Intelligent politicm ! will bo no match lor hisMepublloaii opponent , Hon.V. . M Mi'Fiitliind CjiusII. Mae-hoy , for nt- torncy general , Is abouibon of thoolil school , nnd Is imiliy astronir tmti mid would maltoii peed ollkial , but tic uaii hurilh hope to cany the day iigahutbo sin o\vd \ .1 polltic-iim and goodlawcr } n Attoinc } Gunoiul Stone. The chief contest will bo between Hon. Peter A. Doy , . present t.iilway commissioner , and Cap- tnlu I-iUke , his lepubllcan opponent Mr Dey lins been n member of the bonnl since Its oiiranlAitioii , and 1ms nlwajsbccu icg.udcdns the strongc'sb member. There would bolittlosuiprlsolf his pcijoiuil popti- Inrity should succeed in rc-elceting him So fur ns the balance of tlio ticket is concei ned , however , the general opinion seems to bo that thcio is hardl } thoghost of a show. It Is freely piodlctod Hint lovvn will roll up one of her old time majorities ngiln this full 'Ihonoinliiatnn of lion. CJcorgo It StruMo in the irifth district to succeed Congressman Kocr , seems to ha\o been tin especially good one , nnd the republicans all over tlio district aiosonding congratulations. Ho was born In New Jersey fifty-tinco yours nio ; , and came to > , llrst making his homo at Iowa City , but In 1STT remoiing1 to Ids present homo nt Toledo Ho has boon n liw \ninvm-Htiiivi1MUT. n million nf Iho tlmn on the circuit bench. Ho represented Tatna county in tlio ISUhtoenth and Nlnctconth gencial assemblies , being speaker of tbo lat ter Tlio ilomoersits talk strongly of nomi nating Speaker Hamilton of the last legisli- turetorun against him 'llio district bus r.bout two thous.inil rnpublicm imjorlty. The nomination of Senator HtuncttofVar - icn county bj the farmers' alliance and other labor elements in the Seventh district for congress , probablj pits one of tlio strongest opposition leaders in tlio district against Cnp- tuin Hull Thcro Is still doubt Unit tbo denio- ciuts will endorse him , as it Is am thing witb them to bcit tbo republicans , Colonel Ihithl , the dlsgi untied Marion county icnublie.m , still poses ns an independent cnuliclnlc , but ho will do little liaim. AVithuearly thico thousand majority at bis biuk , Captain Hull feels pretty bife. OenoiilJ H "Weaver will undoubtedly bo the domocr.itlc and combined opposition can did ite against Major 1/iey hi tlio Sixth dis trict , and the fur will lly this fall. Major Lacv has inado a good recoid in congress , out thfSKth district is exceedingly doubtful , and may go luriuust the icpubllcans this fallTbls Tblscok Is going to bo n lively ono for Dos Molnc-t. The head camp of the Modem Woodmtn of Ainciicn will bohuld on tbo Uth , at which u veiy lugo ittcnimnco is ex pected. Thcstiitocomcntlon oftho Knights of 1J > will also begin on the Uth , nt which it Is otpet-tcd the location of the stito castle will be decided. Tliero rcunu to belittle little opposition to locating the building in Dos Moincs and matters hnvocvciigouoas far as to publish a cut and plans of tlio now building , and to indicate tbo exact site. A malignant form of dysentery lias been prevailing in Jackson county , near Preston , ; or a number of weeks , tmil n store of deaths mvo occurred. Af tor douth the bodies turn . > lack , vUdchgavoriso to a cholera sc.uo. Tlio town is cut oft from tbo rent of the world and It is almost Impossible to get reliiiblo s. It is now said the epidemics is subslu- , hut people in the vicinity claim to Icnow iiothingoi refuse to say nn > thing about it. Took hmip Judgment. Km ( Kit , In. , August 10 [ Special to Tun Bir. ] At the oloso of the ropuldionn county ccnvontion bore jesteiday , and after ut east two-thliels of all the delegates had loft the hull , n motion was put nnd vmrlcd en dorsing 8UH Wilson for congioss , and in- tiuoting the congrcssioii il dolegition to suppoit him. However , as the county is stioiifly foi , Tudn'o Koed , the iiistruetlons \\lll bo ignored , even on the fast ballot , as tbo Heed men think biiap judgment was taken and the delegation Is a stiong Itecd delegation. - KUTJ ; XKIS'S. District Turiicis nt Krouiont. FiuMONTNob , AiiRiist 10 , | SpocnltoTnjs Bus ] - - Thoaoti\o tumors of the Nebriska district held their regular quaitoily ' 'turn day" exciclses hcio today. The gatluringwas held In Pioico's giove , adjoining the city on the bt. Owing to many slinihr githciings being ia scialouclsow hero tlio attend inco to- diy vns not so lai n as expected Active tiirncia from otncr cities pi-esont and partic ipating in the exoioibosvuo as follows : Omaha- Bucchnor , ITieuhauf , G. BlaUtrt , II Klx , U. Uehscbuh.O. . Stungd , J. I'ctorson. Lincoln Lou llivsse. Clnrlcs Sclsw irtz , A. Eisnei , O. .Tuntro Sioux City ISlcho II. ScliiielJer , A. Iliupt , C Moniisi-h , II. Motz , South Omaha--Franl : Ilonnl West I'oint-Wllllimi Herclms , William Jlnlcliow , Jr. , ISIai tin ICoil , M. 0 Oent/lto. This foi ciioonthcso classes Old a llttlo pro- llimnnry pitictlclupr t Turner ball. At 1 o'clock tills tiftornoon tbo torclsosoro openoil at the KHJVO and there narahuiitlicds ol citizens pi Cbcnt to enjoy the festivities. 'Ilia turning wiudonauudor the Instruction of Prof Kostlim of rroinont , who put his pupils through manj new exercises and in- splied them with new zeal In tbo matter of physical culture Tuo wenther was all that could bo deMrod , and the occasion wns a happy ono In c\cry pirtieulur A large daacing pavilion waa lonstiuetod , nnd thogay ciovvd tilpjiod the light fantastic until Into this inciting , A Now Jlog rvmi > laiiit. BKITUICC , Neb , Augiut 10 [ SpO ( lal Tola pram to Tin : HUB ] A repoit comes fioin tbo southwestern part of the county of n inys tcrious undpecullarlj fatil disease among tbo hogs In that section , The disease seems to tiy the spinal order and lb not wholly dls similar to the Uidnoyworni disease. The hind IUAIU tors of the animals bocomopmi Iwcd , and death ensues la from three to Mvo days , The i-emcdles lilthoito successfully applied in the kidney woun roinnlilntbnvo no eilcct la this new ailment , imd U has thus far resisted o\cry kuinui remedy , Quito a number of hogs hi\ : already died of the com plaint. _ Tim lion ; ; Pliui I eve 1'ivr , Neb , August 10. [ Special t < i Tin ! HIM 1 'llio trains from the cast am the ucst ra bringing a great many people to the Clmutauqua grounds , BO much so Unit al tlio tents on the grounds nro filled nnd al * nil the hotels la town , ami seine molthou places to stay and bavo to bo provided for 1 piiMito houses. Vesteulny and today' ' nuntbcr aacry pleasant and the regula piogriunmo was cairlcd out to the letter. Ii the evening a very entertaining lecture wn delheredby llev. Jl. 1C. Wauon , A. M , and provident of Outos' collegoof Nillgb , Neb showing to parents the absolute ndviintag iiiul tbo i > eimnnuntgoodlt is to bo rompelhi tooic \ la bojhood ilaya , Ho shoucd b ; stutMlcs tliatSu jicrcp'it of all the success inl business men and social leaders of ou cities luuo boon rcirod to ha\o \ work whll boys , That tbo joutb must tlrst learn to \\oik Inu I pli rfally Iwforo ho inn work vll nciitallj , ( iiii ) that nothlnu lig-ilued vlthout tb < imo il1 overlng npplicitlon Todny Kcv. .J-t'Duryoi | , 1 ? 1) ) , ofOmalm , ' ' N'pb. , ilellvtnHKnrhisel'uiMCti'rl'itio waVuu nstructlvplcctuhi to n crowded pivilllon. Ills subject \UIN \ I'JMstlncts mid liitclllgcaco ol An limits " 'i'hp subject was well handled nul the dollnontliaa and compailsons wow of the most npprnpiiatts kind , although It was wvuliolouli jl inlfA nature , tbcro A\ns not a slatomuit nor an oxi > l.itintluii iisgaidliiR Iho nturoof the intntitl or pbjsloal stiuctuw of he lower nnlinali liit what tbo most uuso- ) liUttcntutlroultliYfiiiprohiml iinnl- festod front tla > atUfiiilou and Interest paid by oeryono to thu ii > m.uks oftho doctor. In the utoniiii { wm H Icttui-o by John Askln , I'll D , vearne.v , Keb.ltJ ( n subject U'as"Hrowii- ng. " All appreciated the lecture for It was well mi. ingL-il and tbo jK-opltf who heard it mow moronboiit llrownlug now tlinti thov ( tu'w bufoiv 'J'uinoirow morning lcv. ( J T. : 'iirliiii ( ) . DU , and piosldentoftho'eslc \ \ > nu JnlViisltyof Mt PUasant. Iowa , vill deliv er a aciinon nnd Dr. . I T. Uurjea , president of thoassodntloii In Iho Itlaiiics Ills XVH'c. Dnoktsv Bow , Ncl ) , August 0.-Si [ ) .lnl o TUB Bn.ln | 7ur. line of August Inp- unrodn coinmunlcatiou from Tiir DI-K'M Lin coln c-oi respondent in which it win alleged hat one CJoldsbury. h id left bis wlfo nt Lin coln in destitute clixumstanccj nnd gone to Jrnuillslnndhetoho li\ed vlth nncl intro duced anotlier wonmiins his wife. The man eforrul to Is now in Broken How , worltlnf ? n the burlwr ship \vltb his brother , having como hero n few days ago fiom Grand Isliud. HovV ) secnrelitlvo to the nntter by jour correspondent liiro and lias tlio following to sny : "Yes , I loft my wife.Vo bi\o been , nurrlcd about seven yeirs , the list tvo or breonf which havoiiot Uon Inppyoncs for n. AU * wifohas for some tlmo bec-ii disposed o visit question iblu places , to whlrh 1 ob- ectecl i also b io other reasons lor leaInp \ ler. As to thoasseitlou tbatlhad mariiod icr iiioppodtlon to the wMicaof herparints , there Is iiotbin'ln ( It She had neither father lor mother \\hen I in it-rial her , mid T ind the consent of her brother and other ic-arcst friends "Instead ot lowing her destitute , as stited , 'loft In the homo plenty of niovWons , and vhenl went to Grand Island , madoii deed to icr of lots In Lincoln. "As to tlio chugo that I lived with and In- roduccd another woman as my wife , after go ng to Grand IMind , It Is as fnlso us the other tatemontsicteired to I was iissochteditb \ \vomantlioioandlntrodiiccdno woman as ny\\lfc , which I c-an prove , if necessary. The Lincoln coiiL-spondent of TUB BBC was misinformed iuiegard to tbo whole imttor , xecpt that I bad left myNlfo , which Is rue. " Golhonlnir/ / ; Is 1'iosporors. GoTiiBsntmn. Neb , August 10. [ Special to PUB BBB.J Thlj bemtiful little Ullage Is till moving onuird andupwwd in progress and cntorpiiso. Quito a number of dwelling's are being built nul tbo do numl for them ex- cedstho supplj The Stito biiik ind II. L , nd A. V. Cuthon are building a two-story loublo brick blo k IS.xTO feet to bo occupied ly the anil used for stoiu , oAlces auit odgounll. The Vjll Villa people are also reeling alar obi'IciT'block on their addition o tow n. A company has Just boon organized o bullcl a fine three stoiy bilck hotel osting S10,000 or more. The nccess-iry stock nculy nil suhscilbcdnndtho cllrectois of bo company b ivo been elected. Plans are ) iti | ! pi-cp nod nnd fvork will begin at once. l'M. . Spimgsteenibassold the Independent o Messrs Grant McKnight , young uiui of ntelligenco and business ability who will tuoptho piper up to its established standard and loputitlon A two-story addition is being built to the chool house. Business of nil kinds has kept up well luring the season The yield of hinall grain Is larger and of latter quality than was at llrst anticipated and , notwithstanding tlio shortage in crops , our furmere % vill continue to bo in pietty fah circumstances owing tQ.tho better piiccs they vill got \\huttheyha\ofoisdo. . The orn crop Is quite Uiort , and com is now M cents per bushel bore Tbo Union Pncilic lallwar is bulliJ ° J 8.000 feet of additional sidetrack nt thls'S2. Ion to accommodate the needs of tbclr in n-casing ousluoss. The stoclH nrds arc being noyed a short dlbtnnco cist ot the present lo cation and being remodelled ami enlarged. 13 G. West , the oldest grain and stock lealcr of tlio place , has sold his elevator to Cearney p irtlcs. Ho still retains the stock and coal business. The Star mills company vill begin work on tholr building in a few dnjs. \otes fioni Kaudolph. Rivnoti'ir , Nob. , August 10. [ Special to nr ] Kobrasku is juhl- unt over the recent rains. 'Iho farmers nio mtlcipating a bountiful harvest and the busl- less men a season of grcit activity in trade , ll.indolphls building upi.ipidly , jet substan tially. Three splendid brick business houses lira In processor construction and other in contemplation Dwelling bouses are going up everyday and the town is in every way improvintr. Uho Pacific Short TJno Is now running regular trains and the uorkon the Randolph extension of the Chicago , bt Paul , Minne apolis & 0malin railroad to the noithwost Is rapidly going forw ird. This will give Una- dolnh railroad facilities which will be of in estimable bunch" t. The stito ticket Is meeting the universal nppiovnl of tlio icpubllcans in this com munity. Hichnrds will have n strong follow ing In Cedar county. Items lYoin AreuiIH. ncu > iNob. . , August 10 [ Special to Tin BIT ] 'Iho Congrogatlonnbsts of this plnco litno just completed aery line church , Cost , S5,0 , > 0. The money has beta raised and thochureli isontlicly otitofdobt John 0 , Scliauup'b ilonrlng mill li now run ning full blast night and day , with a big ciop of wheat pom Ing In. Mr. bchnupp is build ing a biiek molasses factory bore It will bo run bv water power , in connection with his laigo Ilouring mill Aicadlnhasa new brass bund of ele\en pieces , vlth Piof C. S. Hoastttor of Loup Citv , JMcb , as instructor 'Ibis section has been visited oyono of tbo best nnd most soaking rains that no have had tills j oar J > 01-3 tiling looks hotter imd the faimorsnowsay that wo will luuo om-lmU a crop of coin and ngoodcropof hav. Oats mo about ono-hdf si ciop , Wheat will bo a full crop , nnd is of better quality thin has been raised hero lor the past tin eo years Potatoes are worth ? ! per buslu'l nnd are In gnat demand at Ihnt liguro Wheat Is woith DO rents nor bushel. J There have bcoii oichteen car loads of bogs bought nnd shipped fiom ArcadU toOmnhu , within the pist seveji diys Rallrnad Uuniors at Ilontrite. nisvTHicn , August 10 [ Spaiul to Tnc Bir. ] Union depot ? rumors are again current and tbo subject nijv .seems to hiuo reached a culminating point. It has been practically n rcod between the IJuiilngton and Union Paclllo to unlto in this mailer nnd they now mult the cntiy ofiho KoilcIsHud Into tbo compact to begin wpik on the structuio. fhowcll-knowu i ck of perfect harmony between the IWk. Island and Buillngtoa IciUs , liowetor ( otno piosumptlou that tbo former Is'rnUt ' espodilly solicitous to enter into any sfli'lhl coinblno with tint roul , especially in view'6f the fact tint the Rock island ulreiJy haS'U handsome passenger depot of its own In easy ucuissto the busi ness heart of the city , 'otfs from \Vntiash. Wviusu , Neb , August 10 , [ Special to 'JiiK BEP.I The democratic ) county coinen- tlon convenes In I'arlt hall In this place Sep tember ! ) at 11 o'clock n. m , There v 111 bo a huibcciio gh'on by the local democracy. The convention will bb addressed byVlllliun J. llryan , democratic nominee for congiess , and other prominent speakers. Woik on tbo now Uock Island has fairly begun all along tholiuo in Pass county. The right of WHV has largely been obtained with out the nction of the commissioners , appointed to condemn land .ludpo Uixmwy , however , nppolntod a boird of toinmNxloncrs last . vic'ok , composud of S. O 1'iiltortton , SoutU llondjL. C lUcholT. Louls\lllc : A.S.Cocloy. Eagle. Fiunk A. Cieainer , Klmwood , unil John IClci/er of Weeping Water who will piocecd touipo out thu dlfforenco between the road awl the owners of the light of way. 'luo i-oacl tmvorsoa tlio llnest fiortlon of the county , mill vlll seilously iiijurcsomc of the finest furnis In Crops In Mill MOST.OK , Xeb , August -Special l [ to Tun Hitr.J Hie corn crop in this vicinity Is to Injured by the drouth tint _ under the most fiivorablcclrcumstaiic-esfro'in now on It could not tnnbo over 15 per cent of n crop. I \lsitodinostofthol.irgcst furim bcro and find tlmt In some fields of e-nrly corn the ears hnvo foimcil and vlll iniko omororn , but In nil Into planted corn the tinsoll Is dead , no caw ha\u been foinicd , and the stalks are drying up , l.nst jenr I shipped < iur 200 cars of corn fiom this plac-o , I don't think 1 slnll bo able togetn single ur from tbo new crop O its aio ylibllng from fifteen to twontj- llvo bushels per aero , vhont fifteen to twenty bushels , barlej alwut thhty bushels and ijo twinty-lUo Lushels pen nero Flix is about hiilf a I'lvp. Hay Isery nlwrl , Imt wo will luiM ) plciitj' of roURli feed , as fiuueis vlll cut ill ) their corn stalks , ulilcli vlll inako n vciy good substitute for bay. Potatoes aio 11 failure , _ Ited Cloud . > ! ; ! ( I < M . liu > Ci otrii , Nub , August 10. ( Special to Tin. DIE. ] Iho Webster county tcacluis' institute , after n , highly succussful session of thico weeks , closed todiy. Ono hundred and twenty-two teacheis nerccnrolled to bi\o gi\en tbclr whole attention to the work dur- Ini ; its entbo session Under the nblo dliectlonof our ccninU bupnititinilcnt. Miss K. J. King , assisted by l'iot A 1C Goudv , Miss .1. L. Graves of Hittton and other c-Nrcl- lent tunchurs , the Instltnto ] ust closed will beef of induriug benefit to those nttomllnrr Ibo Hed Ulouil liepubllcau , which vas founded hoio tuo } cars tigo nndlilchhis giouii into ono of our leading count j papei-s , bus been sold to G. M. I'liimbof Chie.-uo , who will nssimio eontiol the llth inst. 'Iho only eluiig o in the policy of the paper i.tider its new m.imgenicnt will bo the supporting oftho amendment , A I'liiiiful ' Ac-uldoiit to a Ijnil } ' . 1'ntu , Neb , August lO.-lSpccial to Titu BIB ] Mrs H. Jl Alcirs , wifeof ono oftho most piomineiit incivlimtsof tins phce , met with a piltifnl andsciioui accident yesterdiy. A man by the naino of Milstc.iclwas dilvingu cowuc.irtboiosldcnce of Mr. Mean \\he-n tbo cow iiumaimgc.ible. Mr. Milstcad tlntiw n stone at tbo cow vhicli missed tbo cow and struck Jhs Clears , who was stiuicl- inein tlio yard , breaking two nba. 'ilio iiiii3 ot the past few days hmo Rhcn new hopototho faimtrs. Tlio corn In this locality will yield 111010 than was counted upon InJul ) , _ _ _ A llniclj It.ilu. OnD.iNob , August 10. [ Special to THU Bir. ] The long continued drought that has aflllctcd this section of tbo shto has been broken hero by a gc'iitlo but copious iiln. This mtans n largo addition to the m'lltli of tlio county , as so poor ; \ as the piospcct of n com crop lint piDvidcnt fiiunoii ueio buy- itiff up what little old corn was to iw found in the county at 'iO cenUs u bushel. 11 ij' lmt > been scllhiKon the sticut at > "ia ton Ibis rain is jot in lime to MVO a largo portion of the coin and also supply n crop of hto hiy. Good judges look for Unco-fourths of an tuorage coin crop Heath ofti ItalliDiul > Iau , Ar/m , Neb , August 10. iSp elal to Tun BIE ] The death of J II Itunkin occuned this morning at 4o'ctoik ; nt the Burr hotel. lie was taken suddenly sick Moiidiy with tin nttnck of biliousness which terminated m bernhi of the bowels. All medical uid was but without nnv eel results A Bpeciiilti.iin bcjaiinj ; the rciniius , accom panied by nii'mbiis oftho Masonic lodge of this city , wns run to Tan-Held todaj , whoic howilluo buried lie a eonductor on tbo Kansas City & Onulm branch oftho TJniou 1'acitlc ! r.uhoad. CMS cr Cruinty Dcntournts. v llow , Neb , August 10. [ Special Tclegi im to U'lic III. K. ] The clemociatic countj comention met hero jcttoiday , ono- lulf of the townships bciiif , ' ropicsouted. Udoniites to the state and coiijfix'ssiomile-ou- vciitioas wcro elected A i evolution iceom- inending Miller , iiujcpcnduit candllato for count } attorney , wu" Introcluccil and adopted nfter a bitter fight. Many ot tbo radical democrats refuse to suppoit Miller. Count ) c'iopM. Ilitocic , Kob. , August 10 [ Special to Tin : 111 r. ] Uuin is much needed in this vicinity. Potatoes uid u'l ' gaidon produce is a total failure ou account of the diouth. Oats tire poor and hay will not bo half a crop Corn Ins set and if there is rain inn we ok or ten chvs it will bo a fair crop. Threshing has commenced and \vheit Is an luer.igecrop Turin cro in I'loiilo ar TuMuiiNcb , , August 10. [ Special Telo guun to Tnu Hrr ] The Nebraska CItj Tuimciolnhclda picnic hora toilny. About t o thousand wcio on the grounds An ex cursion run Irom KcbrasU.i Cit of thiec roaches veil loaded Tbo Xobi iska Clt bandfuiiiisbcd the music nnd everything pis > scd off smoothly Ono hundred kun-3 of tbo "foaming liquid" were disposed of. Xnst oi Iliininii Itonos lrnpirt ; lioil. W/\KITILIU , Neb , August 10 [ Spochl to Tin : Ilr.n.J While npuigof men veiagrnd lug Second street yostordiv their plow Mruclt a nest of l nes , which piw ed to be human hones ljh\siclm , after a cnrcfui o\ntniiin lion , decided tint thobonca INCI-O tlioiemnlns to bothosoof at least six pors.ons , supposablj Indians. Hotter Prospects Tor Corn. Lour- City , Neb , August 10 f Special TelcprnmtoTiir BEI J He.wy rains foi the I ist two ihys have pro\ed of Inestimable boncfit to the corn ci-op Alneli of tbo crop will now IM saved , a * will a'so ' the haj crop , v , hicli promised to bo vei > shoi t. Another > ow pi [ | > i'iOOP I Conn , No' ) , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Ui.i : . | The Co/ad Mossengoi , BAVcoWy Journil piihlitlicd bj S I Ste\c ns , has collapsod. Thopipoi has not been pay ing lately , nud another piper opunlng in op position foiccdtbo o\\nci to the \\M. Klio lit Nni\.wi.v , Ktb , August 10. [ Special to TIIK DM' ] T , Pollard's stone blacksmith shop , occupied hi TJ Appleguteas burned botwcen land ! ! o'clock thin morning. Applet- gate's loss , t-sOl ) ; I'ollnrd's loss , SIOO ; no In surance. _ _ y / > / , i TIT. A Sew iiig-Z\In < Iilnr' Agi'iil a Ti rrlblu Ai'cf < liiit , Lrxis'f.Tov , Mo , August 10 The body of Scott Coulter , as It wns brought into this city this c\enlng , picsentud nhoirlblo sight Hialcgi and arms weioall diawnup and his head looked as if it were a solid iniiss of Wool Jle hid met his deith nt the Little Sni creel : , several miles west of this citv , Instnigbtduiing the scneio jiall storm lie vvaa a sewing machine agent and had U'tt Wellington ina spring wagnnat about dailc to como to his homo near this clt } llo reached the bill htidgo , a co\cied one , it h supposed ho wns ovoitiikcn t > } thoheuvy hail storm and solicit refuge ) In the biidgo His horses became scared ut the noUo mndo by the hall fulling ; on the liridga and ran away Tlio daiknesswas Intense -Neither ho nor thohorsoa couldseo where they worn going , 'llieyloft tbo load , turning south ward and going up to tlio banks of tbo i reck The } soon came to a plneo where the bluffs along the creels -VNCIO nliout fifty feet high over this this horse ? , driver and all wont bead- long Into the cieelt CoulKi win ovldontlv Instantlv Killed. Ono of the haras remained in the creek all nlrlit and was taki-n out by the persons finding L'oulter. The other hoiso grazing around futnished the clew th-it led to thohoi rlblo discovery. Ho leaves n vlfo and thieo children. DMU.IS , AtigustlU. Iho ( Jennan luipcilil yacht Ilcaonzollora nnd the nccompinying Bijuaelron nnchoi-ed off Ilollfc'olnnd tlili morn- i ing Emperor AVllllam and Prince Homy lauded at nooa nnd wcro met by Von Hoottlihor. The In- hubltnnts RIVO the onmcror nnd Ids lu-othPi-a hearty m option. Thcu'tupe.-or rto- llvcivd ashortuddicHsand therinin ( flag was hoi ted , tbo land buitoiy nt the snmo time tiring u salute. After taking lunc-heoi | thoomputir dopaited at ! 10 : ! o'clock ami the ohwi-s of the populace. THE CilUSBiD OF AJIEIHCA , Something About tlio Famous Ilodth Resort in South I.ikota , IEAUMG WATERS OF HOT SPRINGS , I'liclr llllluney I't'u cn b ) Mimy Well Attrsted Cases The Wild ami ItcMtiitirtil Scciiciy in Which ihls IIOTSuti\o < , S. 1) , Augii3tS.-tSpcdnl lo rtinlliu : . ] Muuh his been iild nml written iboul the \ \ atuis heio tint il seems nhnoit UtorouiutiLO , ceitnliily llko oxnggeiaticiii , but t short sojourn nt this Imitlful ipot of mi .lire's peciilinr framing will tonvcit the most ( koptlcul , i-Hpvclnll ) solfthej are iluumatio liivnlhls , of the moills of these \\niers 'fhej ire dlffoient ftOm any others In America , not only In tholr Ingredients , but also in the fact that Iho Hires that have boon effected mo cu- Irel ) without the aid of medicine or the us- sistanco of ph\iichiis. i ho inanelous cun-s .hut have Oc CMI peiformed , nnd coi roiiorated > y liniulncls of piMsonsof unquosllunnl voi- icit ) , andceitilledto bj eminent physlilans , seem like fiih t.ile1' . llio chc'inlcal coiubi- iiitlon is so pi-ife-ot , thnt notwithstanding the jie.aspuillegravitv , tuo witor Inus clear aa rysUd , through \\blch the smallest object an bc > seen nt n gicnt depth. Uho intuiil e'lnperatute of thowateris ! i"i cligroes mid .hej are isptdllc for iheuiintisin , ncuous , lei , kidae'v and stomach diseases and luno given relii'l in many othcis Two i.illroads u-o \ loinglth oieh other to re.uli tlio spnngt > and t vo llrst class stigo lines ui\o nil the } can do , besides running > \tras daily , to handle all tbo I coming ic-ro fiom each of the railioids. In a f nv vecks , Jiowo\er. the Inttor Mill bo completed uid staging will boa thing of tlio past About half a nido duo nest of thoMlniii'- Hitu hotel on tin eloviited pltteiiu that com minds the sltintion for miles around and Is .cenfor . miles fiointhual.ipi ) co.iib , uses tbo mposing btiuctiuo of the Holibeis' honif , conceded to Iw one of the llnest buildings of the kind In tbo wcit It is built of cut s.ind- stoticmlilih the vlilalty abounds It Is .UJ feet longby 8 feet w uio w ith four towers 50 feet high Tim location is lo\elv. It stands in the , midst of agiwo ofnatUo plno imber o\ei \ looking tbo c-itj 13ittlo Moun- anils in the distance , with tbo dark given oliigo of the pine bat-lad mid blended v.ith ' .hoivd cliffs of fopsuniprourbl il to Iho foot illh of this \icintty , nnd Ituvond the vast ooe in of pi-.iiue stietc-liiiif Into the dift.imo intllit seems to loose Itscll in the blue , 1111- Jonelea slcy lltio in this v.illcv of the ) > imgs the pmoraniic view is an Kden -'ioin Biadlc } s Hits , to the west and i\lin- ' . ill's vnlloy ID the , iintinoseems to .nonbsulutch lostitt.ilf in loveliness l\'o wonder that tlio lulni in foi ages pnst levelled in the puie air , bathe-d and found a Miuccafor .ill bis ailjioiitsln their hr-allng \\nteiff , and bailed foi their iijjhls with foes M the fuititluitioiis that still o.\ist on n.ittlo Mountihi testif\ \ The So\entli Unlti-d States cmuli 0 thu pile Ji'co a new Lldorido hiynn Ivaia , JJutto and the d.ult urr-.mito civstuf iliuncj looked down in grim ami ' ile'ntin - 01 on tlio daring intiiidei-s , nnd thus thu 11 i'ic , tiead of ilvIllnUon openuj to the western hcniKpheio .111 ouls In whit was enow n puor to IbTl as the ' Ameucaii Desert. " J'o name Is de-Hi er or moro rc\eieilbv tbo Black Hills pioncMs tlun C.corpoA. C'nstc-i s A piomincnt peak mid tholii-.ttlty builllii lhoiillls\\cieiiiiind .iftor the chlvuluc c-om- mandcrof the SeuMithc-.u.ihy. ThorltjU , hhty miles noith of hue and will lies reached In n few nrcksb.\ the Chicago , 13ui- llngtoii X ( Julnuy uHioad. It Is the oldest ind mo.t pictuicsqua citv and of nliigher Utltudo than am other in the Black IUHx. [ t \\iis H'luctcrt bj Ouster In .lulv , IsTl , for : iisLMVah.cuilp There aio niiny lemiuis- * c-onces of this dating tioopei 11111011 ) ; the nat ural avenues that l.ry totlioeo-stniui north of Lhecit.\ Among others is his mine' , c moil uy himself In roniin iharacters ( dn'oveud bytlientcr \ In the wintei ot h I ; , on one ot the granite pinnacle's of llimey's icik , ibout seven mile ; ' ) from the city 'Ibo clmiiito nf the Hot , Springs rivals southern O-illtolnla or OoloraUo frr natuic generously IKocl the bairiors against tbo sloims nncl bh/zirds In this fixoreel valley thitaicpro\orbiil lu olhci paiU of the tub JDikotas Oentl } undiilnting inountilns and hills ] > iotoct thov.dluj fiom the winds fiom all dirrctiona While the water is not s > o AV um as the Cntlsbfid spdngsof Gitniuny , ycta compjilsonol the tuo waters shows n sinking bhnllirut , and it is bollcvcd Unit the iiiiln reservoir 01 basin , located in bti1 wail's iidditioii a few liundic'd vanH fiom tbo smlnpo : , that now supplies the v.niou' . modli- inil baths , aid from uhlch all the hut iv.iti r rises , when tapped will biipplj vvitc-r of u much higher teinperatiiie. i'oi thupuipiiso a cumpany ib noiv bolng furuiud to run : i tunnel Intu tlio hill dbe < tlj west of thci poit- oltlco to tip this bisui Tm | hotel iiccoinnio- dationHof the springs ivillcompiiocreditably \Mthnny in the country. Tliev are linno- katta. ( Jillospic , Stiatton , Oatholican , Avery mid l-'crguson. The two former < innot b'o oviclldl ntijvlic re in tliovcst 'llio ( Jlthollean ib .si lulled u bhort dis- tmce bolo\v the i-it } 'llio twenty bith tubs ni the basument arc- supplied fioni iispiing has the dlbtinetion of hcinglho pnl } one in the w orlde'ont lining pboriluiioj insolution. Ucnord & , Aertho pn sent lessees , hmo pci-foiincd sonio i C-IIMI-IC iblo cuios of catnrh , ihoiuiiutliinand otbur dis- MSOS. The hot spilngs of hiiutli Oakotn weio located In IS l , whoa this region was n lompai itlve wlldornci > a. Now nil blanches of business nio fully ix'pro cntcd A Mitlio- dht college * , built of native sindbtonc , four stones high , W ill bo opened foi oi-c up me } in N'lituiiibor A Citholiciollcn'o will also be < under conjunction. Tlnuo biiilia tuo In operation. The l'irt Xatlon il vvai incoi po uted Juno to Two of the gioatoit tiiinlc lines vest ol Chic ago will soon bo iiinniiiK into tbospiings-tho Uhiea o , niuliiiKt/m Vi Qulncv anil thorii'inont Mlstoml V.illoy , tibiiimh of thoCblcigo A , Is'oilnvvcsi j'lio wuto of tlio foiinci line \\lll ilvalin smiio gi.ineleur the DenviiiS : Itli ) Otando or any other plctuicsijiie louto iniiiuU.i It inn's directly tluuugli 1 bo ci'iitor of the Bl.i-l < Kills , liking In the gioat llr distric.ti.of ( Jus- tcr and Ilill City , and following the gieat bonanza belt of ] _ , wren < o count } until It reaches De.idvvood , the metropolis On rvn T. H. Iitiai. . : i sun1 't iA i r * : . Iu'c > Indt'pomluiit CtnilidntiH AVho I'll i I to tgrc'c on tlio IniilV. O'KuM , Neb , August 8. To the Kditor of'J'lirBi.r O M ICennndJ II 1'oweit , liulopeiulent cnndidiitcs for congressman nud govuiuor , .iddicsseda snvill nudiumo at At- klnfaon yciteulny. Jhui } vvcro iliavvn bv , ciuloslty to loiuu whit thcso gentlemc-n bad to olTer byiiy of a icinedyfor the evils of wl'Ich the } complain Onoof the iciiiioilles sucgLStcd b } Mr ICr-m vas to taxoeiman \ aftci ho ai cumulated $ .iO,0JOso ( high as to make it unuomforliblu llo sjld the actual cost of building tlio Union IMcillc mill Odd w as $ . ' 0 , < XX ) pvr mile , w heiuas It is watoicd up to $ ] < i > , lHXpei ) mile , ami then added. "Uo a-o In fu\oi of ludiuing this , imd if w o i m It will reduce the cost of transp > rtitloii onolulf , and If we can cut downtliestoi-kto ltsac-t il io-t of $ 'lllD ) ) per mile tianspn-Uitlon can bo leduced lo ono-tlfth what Ills now. " HokpoUoat length on thoIU , of tbo prcs cut Hjsteun of taxation and rlalmoj that a le \l-don \ of the tarilf would tend to r < mud v tbU. Ho expatiated on the turiff foi souib jnoMr Powers then took the * floor nnd s.ald be nuic-hfo.irtd tint his friend Kein intondcd to dingout the old corpse , tlio tntln" itisue.whlcfli was dead nncl bin leu , and was ouU h rid up lioforu the people b } politicians for political purposes , It ttiuaogoiitlemr-ii arc going to k'ump the state together It would bo vvis 'or t lie m to unite a llttlo nioio Uosol } on thrtaiitlijuos ( Ion , so tint o.ichould not intiko thoothoi apnenr rlillculius. Mi , Powers Is quite a pU'iiriint i jilvei mid miiltci each poiat very c-leir to his audli'neo , but fcomo of hh Ideas app ( ur \ or } \ lulonin-.v llo adv-oc-itc-d it law loinjulllnir bunUs to loan govt'inmcnt moncj to the pociplc nil pcrei nt per nnnuiii Tbo genei-al verdict was thnt , whlla the spoakc-rs dwelt at great length on tbocviU tfmtanilct the faunors , the } iugcri-ste I i.o feasible ) rcrucxl ) , A M , C. tlio llvn of tinny | , e oplo tnl < crit > lo , ranting illstic'i after cMtlii ; ; , sour fUuincli- 8lrk hcadiehc , lieartbum , Uxs nf nppctllo , a faint , "all gone" deling , Imd taste , coiled . tongue , nnd Irre-Ruhilty ot DlStrOSS thobowcls. DstKpsl.idocs A"ftor llot B ° * wc" ot it'oif " _ . , reciulic'i careful alli-ntlon , Lilting „ , „ ) ft renu'ily 111(0 Hood's Pamparllli , whlchacts cuitly.jeumeicmly. It tones llio Momirh , regulates Iho diges tion , cicitcs i RiHul ai- Sick | iotltc , banishes hcidache , and ic'frfMiei the mind 11 1 been tiotibled with dysiepsh. I bid but little ) nitpctlto , fiml _ 1 did rat I j. dUlicsscd me , or did mo iiuurt nillo ROW ! . After eating I lUrn would li < no n faint or tired. nll-qono feclbig , as tlioncli Iliad not cilcn anjllilng Mytioublo wis aggravated by my bushier , pilntlng. Xist e/viir ; Kprlug I look Hood's air- . sapiillla , vv hlch did mo an StOinaOll limncnso .1111011111 ( f geod. H ga\o mo nn apjutlte , and my fooil rcllshrd and satisfied the eiavlng I Ind previously experienced. " Cl conn LA. I'MH : . Watcrtovvn , Jlas3. Mood's Sarsaparilla Salltiy nllilrtiielit * flhltror5 | ? I-icinrc.lcmly byl'l IIDim A CO Aliotticcnilci.l.oncll.Mnss. 1OO DoGoa Ono Dollar J//IA/I.S Ht K lluj Uiillcd Ptalt'H ( oiiMiilar ( ' < nn < - ii. tloii a * ( i'1'sq. lCn ) > n > 'il'if ' ' IVn > l > iiJitninrinl > n tlfnnrlt ] PtitS August II ) . - [ NVw Voile Ilenild CibloSpecial to TutIII r IHr I St C'lnli , who pixvsldud o\er \ the sIllliKjiof the United States roiiMilnrcomrntloii held list \\ev\t \ \ , wns found by the Hiiahlioric'spomlc'nt , whu e illoduuoii him ted iv , l\lng on a bed ofsk-l ; ness with i c-omphiliit of np.uul > tlech.uacter and heieditar.v Inning nluadi proved fital to fccveril members of his family. St. CJlnlr was , howe\or , much hotter thit o\ cuing , nnd thoi-cla o\cry piolnbnbillty that toinoirow will IPO his complete reoner } , though > -uiTci ing acntel } St Clalr wa peed enough to Infoini the corrcspondont tint the Immediate out come of tbo convention was the appoint ment of a committcohlch will nuct at Fi-.uikfirt August 20 to digest an < rfounulato aspeclllc-repoitof the ? liboi-3 the last \\cuk. This lopoit will bo < mbnlttO(1 to St. Clalr , who xvlll transmit it to hcutlqUiiitcrs nt Washington. This , sped il cninmltteo is to bo composed of tbo following gontleim n St. L'lair , A 1C. 'linHe , supeulsing ujont of IKMSUI- } , Colonel O'Xcill Hull , of tbo sumo < l op utment , Consul Onoial ICd \\nrdsofliurlln , ( J uitiiin Kr ink Mason , c-ou sul pcnoril ut rrnnkfoit , and Di Crawlord , consul to I'eteribnrg AVoli'tini fiom nn exdpllonal source t'nt pivvijus to iidjournlntf tbo conven tion drew up and un mimnuslr approved a resolution congiatulating CoiiMil Cicnoral IJ ithbnim of 1'ails on tbo highclllc-ieni-3 displiyod by lilttilii thcexoi ciso of his ollleiil duties , unit thauking him for the p.ilns tiltenlo mike the stiy Inl'aiH of the members ot the coin cation comforU- blc. SiKc-cliLS lo tuo saino ctToit Hfi-o undo by hovciil mctnbeit , and nnioig the1 number the piosident , \ \ hou'lejiiod to Kathbone's high stmding at the ion u'udopiitinont and chiracleil/ol Ins utircmontas a public * loss The contention was the eliicct outcome of Hntlibonos c'ffort and sut'gi'-.ti is to tbo state dopirtment and that iti results aio considered oinlnontlv satisfactory 'it * : truant. I'nthpr Siipiiiiari IKIHCH j > ! I , ) ( ) ( > to Xciv VorK OoiilldriK-o jMen. Isrw Yoiu. , August 10 Iov. 1'etorSapo-i- ar.i of the Hull in Hoiiian Catbolle ibuich of Oui Ladof Mount Cmniol In Noith r.ighth street , VfilliamshJi , ? , Is looking foi thuo bwindle-u , tv\o ofhoni cultured f.JO ) ( ) of hlj inomvoi } easily last Wedni'sday. lln Is uonipti.itii-l.\ ( joung man who hits been \ voikinfeiv \ hui \\llliainsbuig. . Ho do- poslted hlsaaungi ) for the lust Ufteen years , amoiiiitiiig tif.l)0 ( ) > , in the Kinigiant Indus- timl HaMiirfs baiiK in C'liiinbeth Hhtot , In tbiicitv About biweous ago a mini called on him nt his home in Iluvcinyui stioet Ho w.isvcll cli t's oil imd iigoodtulkvi. llo neg- lec'ctl to U'l 1 1'itliti S iiionnri his name. "J inn 11 it-slilcMitof Mllhanisbuig , " hesnid , "and I ma p > tlcctl } fainili.uvitb } our iituiio nnd } oui rTiiol vvoil. tlurii. I want } ou to t lUech.rgo of an oii > b in nephew of inino. Ills fiilhuvsu a wealth } nun in L.OUISV illo , Kv " 'loPolico CipUiIn bhort of the Hed ford stieet station the pili-it told this stou . "Homo llinu i.'o I gut iiiiiiiilnlod\\ithaii ] ulil iniiii who w iblmd nio to take euro of mid odii- c.ito his lioi llolsltul mo Nou'i.d times II 11 illv mcaino and sail t ho bo v had sickcnoil and dud Scvual time" ) thcicafler ho cnllnt on mo and gnvo me to uiultTstmd that bo would gi\o \ mo flyxn ( ) to help mo in the chinch and biitll n bouse iidjoliilnj ; It for im ociu p.inev. I hail often e\philncd to bliu the e-ondltlon t niv nlTiih-s mul I believed ovti } thing he told mo. Ho said ho would semi ovei foi nio sotiio d iv , mil ho did so. 1 went ovu on Thin < dn\ , and ns 1 was passing liioidwuy ami J\vont-tlilil ( street , tllleo iiicii met nu' 'I'hev .suld tin } weio eiivos from tin "Id and hud his gift tin- mo In a tin tux. , nnd I MIW u'lu.t 1 thought win n roll of i'HiiH 'J hey s ild it wns $10,000. Alter bunding motho hr > \ , ono of the men said I oiuht to gl\o sonio xcctuit } , nud they spuko of HID money I bad In tbo J then went with to the bank and dicw tbo monin out , 'l.iKill , and gave it to them lliolohl \ nit hen the old pcntlc'inm got the iiioiiov hoonld know that tbvy bud dthvuud Ills gid to mo , nnd that ho would bo over with the money 1 ga\o them in a fovila \ > s AVIiun I got homo and openoil thoboMill 1 found wcro tlu'so lolls of worthless loss paper. " Cipt.iln hhort notified tbo police of this cit } , i\li.KaclosLiIjtuui of the ini-n , Inchiii ing the old man , n.s furnibhcd b } 1'uthcr S . iponina. _ _ Tim Coming V.colcln Cin ( rKM. Wvs iisoros , AULrnst 10 0 mg to thn lint that inanv incinbtrs have ? gonoto llos- touto attend thoCiraml Auny cm .mipniuit It b piiibablu litlo or no bnslni-hs will bo'd la I no liouso befoio the lallor | nit of tbftvcilt It w.u the In tention < if tlio leaders to iissl ti. . tin * vui'k to the nn' c-ninml'Ui' . vvhli h scvktiu tlmi on tlio couipiiuiid laid and ini'.il iiiipi'i tlon lillls , mil tlio cnminlltc'O on ivliu at Irtii , whli tiU 1-1 uly to c-nll up the bill to i \t < nd nldlo colleges In tlio seiiiitii the tuiilT bill will bo dls ctisied until 1 rid iv , u lien it IK exi > Letcd the rh < r mid biitlK-r bill lll bo taken up Ills o\ic.-tul | that the ceinfLie-iue ! n poils nn tbo sunilrv ilvll iippropilitton bill tmd llio l.uid glint foifelturo bill v\il tiKu buuiostutuct - - - Absolutely Puro. L oroam of tartar liaking powlnr , ofloinerilnjhtrwiijtli I'.8 ( Jotoruiuout lt - orl Aug. 17 , liSO