TTTTC rWATTA FJATT/V RIP/P. STTXTTIAV ATT/2TTWrn iQnrwp'w TrTn n A nwa. THE BOI1EIIAS TURNFEST , Visiting Delegates Tendered a lecoptlon by ilia Oaiaba Society. A BRIGHT SCENE AT KESSLER'S ' GARDEN , Welcome : H by the VIOtors 1'ro- relseq at Tuilny. The oloctrio llirhts In rTcssler's pnnlcn ticvor Hliouo upon a happier crowd than was gathered thcro last night. It will the Oi/i'oslon of the reception Klveti by tlio llohemlnn Turners to the visiting del egate * who are in thu city for tnc purpose of l > aitk-ii > , ittiipln the grand Ttinifcst that Is now in session. 11 Wai S o'clock when tlio ilclotf.ites to the banquet arrived , and nttor Inlf tin hoursnont In social utiut , .lolm lioilck.v announced that the feint wns roivly. Two hundred covers Imd.licun l.ild , and that many quests and monitors wore-icatc'l ' at the banquet table , \viioro the menu consisted of tlio choicest vlatiili tlie-nmikct iilTnrib , After the report \VM iinlshcl , I're.siilent ' Kntk'kyof the Onmhasociety slid : "When our delejjatos to the lost convention of our union returned home , uvciy Huhuinlim B.yinnaslof Omalia rejoiced nt the welcome nrivs that Oinalu hml been .selected as tlio I > lacovliero tlio next tournameiit. of the western district should bo lulil.Vc rcjoii-eil krau > o wo felt Una the tourmnictitvouM do lisa great deal of good. U'o liuvo loowd with pleasant expectations tmvJi'ds the day wlum we would bo permitted to welcome you toour midst , and at l wt thodny has arrived ntid wo have thu pleasure of grasping your bands with a brotherly grip. We ivelcoino you toOiimliti , ami hope your stuy mny DC one of pleiwim1. " To Ihls Charles Stullk of Chicago re sponded , payliigngloivlnntribiito to Oimha ami the hospitality of her people. . Toasts \u-ro responded to as follows : "Chicago , the Center of the noheiniati Gym- ii.wt Societies , " hy F.,1. Sidilelt , ofVUter ; "Tho dynnmsts , " bv Kudolph llnrelka of Omaha ; "Trio Youths , the Future Gym nast * , " by I ) . Nliinorof.Oinahn. During tliu evening , imtl while the banquet \\M iii pi'opresi , tlio following selections were mnlCTi'd on the piano : The national hymn , \vltli varhtiow by Miss T.ona Kmf- nian ; the Iluhcinlini national nlrVhereIs \ Wy Home , " bv Mil ? K a Itosieky ; Ionia grand march , by Mis * Minnie The tables and the wants of thu < mipants were looked after by the ynuiiKIndies of the Uohoinhin Turners society , all of whom were neat uniforms , consisting of white flannel Mouses and bluoskiiLi , oneli wearing 11 blue ribbon badge upon \vhic-h \ wat printed iu golden letters the \ vordSo'col ' , " which is the name of the soeicty. Thoyounp ladles of the class who helped to entertain wen1 , tlio Aliases Anna Spittil- nek , .Annii Ghivuhi , Tona Bartos , Barbara fimisck , Mi'ry ' Haddock , Amelia Kos , Julia Kos , Theresa Krlz , .Anna Vlana , Rosa Smlek , I'minlc Smiclt , APUU llomck , Ii//.io Bpitanolc , Josie IDcrozda , JIary Trlsha , .Anna Doro/tla , Fonnio Spitmielc , Drssiii Don/da. Mary ICrlz , Anna Krlz , Anna nil , lie a Ktniclcy and Minn ieSehusto vie. The iullniviiiir representatives , ivho will toke part la the contest nt Kuser's p'irU today , nncl wlio wtro nt the banquet lust nltiht , tire us follows ! Chicago-Frank 1'eeival , A. Xesnan. ISm Tlula , Otto U.irtos , Joseph ICristun , John Kri/.nn , frank ICuba , Frank 1'atert , Cluirle.s Ktulilc. Hosilc. A. Hurt , M. Ilor.i , P. I'llegel , .T. Kngolthulor , J , Jemi'ok , P. Venn- snk , Theodore Vuvrluok , John Placelc , Krtnik Pncivnl , V , Klaus , M. Uolojal , .fohn Halok , VncI , Lukes. Ccilur Ilapiila- John lliiase , .Toscpli Das- tal A. Mnhk , M Bucdl , John Pctlzotk.i . , J , Dorltoal. Milwaukee -Joseph Drolmik , J. J. Slsslor. St.oul3F.Jonibok. [ . In addition to these thcro will bo the mem bers of the Omaha society. The parade this morning will bo forir.ftl on South Thirteenth strcot nnd inarch to the Webster street depot , where two uppfitil trains over tholielti ina will carry the con- tcstiints and visitors to liusor's park , where there will bo contesting of all kinds of irym- nnstle upiuratim , the bars , vaulting horse , lumping , foncin/ / , ' , club swiiiKltiKdumbbell lifting , climbing , class tlrills , etc. Dr. Blrnoy cures cutarrli , Bee bhlg1. , ja \ NHUTIt ti.ll.lll.l XEtl'N. Trloil : < SlHiot His AVII'e. A. J. Muck liail a world of cxperlnnce last night. Asaulud-up to a drunk ho ahushiB nls wlto. Then ho di-evv a revolver and attempted to sliooL liar , and while shown * away sc/ekliiK protection a large lump exploded , setting the building on tire , > Toi satisfied with his criming' ' * amusement , Mr. Muclcgotnut on tbo sidewalk and attempted to run the highway , but CiipUitn Me- Million promptly ran the belligerent Murk In for safety. AVlion the lamp exploded the liltlo son of Mr. and Mrs. Made was In bed , and but for the early arrival of help would hnvo boon burned , Alack IMS a elfjar.storoln the O , II. Made block , T-veat.y-fourlh .nnil M streets , 'L'ho damage to thn ooib Is slight , but the dozoii fiunllles llvliiftia the litmie were so fritflit- oned that nil prepared to\'acito. I'UDK ' on mi lee I Tonic. Jninos Lawrence , an employe at the pack- ' iiiK houses of Swift & Co. , ulillo at work lint evening was cnuglit by nn io ( hook , tlio hoolc running through the llesh of thu loft , leu just above tuolcnu ) , inllleting a painful but not serious injury. i th < > Oi < y. The Icv. ? .lohn Dale of' Omnhn will occupy the pulpit In the Methodist Episcopal cliuivh this forenoon and evening. The irun club will hold its regular shoot on thoThlril waixl Ki-oundsat Io'clock ) thl * foi'c- noon. Apanioof hall will bo played at 0 o'clock this morning on tlio Brown 1'ark grounds by thoArmour-Cuilahy and old Sobotker cluln. The labor organizations nro making prep , orations for u big turn out for Labor day's parade. Miss Sadie Snollman of Oninlin is ( jucst of Mrs. It. \\'ayland , ISIlss Iloliea-ah I.ovi.whohas boon visiting friends In Ashland , has returned home. Miss Mary Hobinson of - Ashlnmlvho lias been visiting friends luihiselty.has returned homo. Mr. and Mrs. A , J. Hulla of Albany , Mo. , arc visiting thulr son , James II. Uulhi. of thu stockyards. Dr. Ulrncy cured catavrli , Iloo bkl- A AVH'o HciXio John Larkeu of No. 310 N'orth Sixteenth street \vas arrested last ni lit for wife Inp , Larki-nls nblaeksinith who works for Bennett. Ho ( jots on a tear every Saturday nlfc-bt iu soon as liu receives his xveek'a pay , nnJ then there U prlef for his family. It seems that the neighbors wow invited In laat nijjlit , and the whole crowd riibhed the can , After the visitors had gene Larlcen In- dulRpd In his weekly pastlir.e. . His wife com plained at poll co headquarters and Larltca was gathoi-ed in. , Tliroe HorKUH lhirnd. Three lionoa were burned to dc.Uh In a small frame barn In the rear of 012 South TV elf tli street atl o'clock this morning. Two of the animals were owned by the Omaha packing company ami the other bv S. Kline. Tlio horses verq ruined at about fr'Kul. The burn , which was owned by Cioorgo Fox , Is a total loss. 'J'ho cause of the HIM is unknown. Want an Autumn I.ONPOX , iliiust 9.--Speelal [ Cableratn to Tim Uir. J A number of iwtltioas from i > co- plo In Ireland Iwvo been presented to the Eovcrnincnt asking for the passage of the bill providing for tbo holding of an iiutumu ses sion of luirlljmeiit , in order that u bill may bo pnssettfo avert the dlsiustrous iimtieijueiiees \vhich will follow Iho total failure of the po tate CIMU iu that country , which U Imminent , T1II-J 1' . M. C. A. CltlSIS. A kcd to Lend n O.MUIA , Augwt tiTo the Kdltor of Tun Ilr.i : ! AshiiH been nnnounccd through the pnpen nnd otherwise , the VOUHK Men's Christian association of this city U financially cmbniTiissed. The board of directors of the imocldtion Is vow engaged in a canvas1) ) for the purpose of raising by subscription the sum of $1.1,00:1 , : , about $10,000 , of which is to bo applied to pay lux the present indebtedness upon thu Institution , the remainder to bo used In connection with the membership fees In paying the current expenses for the tlscal your ending May 1 , IhOl. Of the Indebtedness at the present time , about one-hall' , or $ . ' 1,000 , Is on account of Iho Imlldiiitr , having been incurred In the comple tion of the atruc'turo ever and above the ; and such part of thu i-ovoiuiw from rent * as eouldba diverted to the pay ment of build Ing Indebtedness , after paying Interest. Insurance , tiuos , etc. The other Inilf Is diiuto Iho excess of expenses over revenues for tlio pint t\vo yoars. The following Is u brief review of the cir- cumstanu's which led to the first .S" > , U < X ) of IndcbUHlnos : Lest than S-'iO.OOU . was sub- serilied for the building In the Ilrst place. Of tul.samount several thousand dollars \in\o \ not Iwcn eolli'ited , ami for viu-ioin ix'asons , such us removal of subjerbers , inability to pay , mid eoiidltloiismiuloat the time of subscribing - scribing which wow not met , c.innot all bo rolieetod , In the summer of ISsS the v.ills of the hnilillng wem up ami tbo roof on , but ttio funds were exhausted , eontr.ictors were not | ) .iid , and lite ussoi'lition was under ennlriU't lo { jive poss siloii of Jiwt Iloor to tenants September 1. One of two thinvi must bo done. ll. ) Finish the llrst tloor and rent the > , boardim ; up the storiej ubovo. Or , ti ) borrow sulllcient monev to complete the eitiro ; building , so that it might la ) occupied atonce and rovonnes from mom- hershlp bo available , trusting that what could bocolluctiul from suliacriptlitiis be fore mentioned , together with the rents from the iH-fit lloor and an Increase of the loan , would bofuiflidentto p.iy outstanding bills. About $ . ' ,000 , lias been realiziU from tbo sub- scrhitiom , and iwrhniis SIIHK ) more can , by hard work , bo collected , The property wiis tnoitgagcil for all It would stand , $ * nkX ( ) , and the money used In paylnt'conti-.ictors , and even now bills to the amount of nbout ? > iWi ( ) remain unpaid , which uccounts fur the lint half of tlio indebtedness referred to. .Mow , hi regard to the second iVMK ) , Dur- Ingtho cauviis forsubscrintlons to thubuibl- Ing the impression went niiroad In the com- munlty that when the ni-ochtlon was in its owi ) bulldingiio money would bo Lceded for its support other than what would be derived from membership foes. This was unfor- tuiute , for noissot'latioa in the country Is suit-supporting , the community In every case famishing a portion of the amount needed for rniminguxpcnses. This Is due to the fact that the membership fee is a nominal one , the association glvlngmoro than It receives. On acoountof the erroneous impression above re ferred to , the board 01 directors of tbo asso- cintlon felt ix'luctant to go buforc tlio coia- niutilty Iminaliatcly up i cuturing the buildIng - Ing and ask for contributions to cur rent expenses. The result was that the only source of revenue for the past two years has been the membership lees , whieh have not been sulllcieat to meet the necessary expenses. At the beginning of the last iiscMl year , M.iy 1 , iss . It wts estimated that at least f."itKW ( above nil that could possi bly bo cxpcctou from membership fees would bo needed for thcycar ending May 1 , Iblio. Vvt reasons which space forbids us to give in detail , the board of directors failed to call Uwn | tbo community for this amount , the result being that the expenses of the year ex ceeded the ineomo about S'l.OOO. which no- counts for the second half of the indebted ness. ness.Tho expanses for the r/rcsont llsc.d year , ending.May 1 , 1S91 , will exceed the Income bv about S.J.DOO. uhichuccoants for thn lust. to b" raised. It Is claimed that the members of the asso ciation should themselves my off the Indebt edness , In the lirjt place tno association , with tbo co-operation of the community , un dertook to erect the building , and presented and dedicated It for the use of tbo voung men , simply asking from them n feu of $10 pur year , -vvitn th'o payment of which their finan cial responsibility ends. In the second place- tbu mnjority of the members are young men of limited moans , who are attracted to the association by the advantages \rlilch It offers , and whoso anility beyond their membership fco is not great. It Is only just to state , in this connection , thstt since October ] , liSS , I'-MTSof tbe money expended bus come from the youiiK ini'ii nloiio , while in the same time tlio commuiilty nt larpn has eoiilrlbutcd il- $ Alto , that in the present canvass tbo young men hnvo given. tl.40\lover \ and above their fees , to assist in the piymeiit of the Indebted ness. The fact tint the community has given so little is due , probably , not so much to a luck of Interest in tlM-Ir part as to the failure of tbo associa tion to cull upon the iu , ItU. therefore , under the necessity of doiuc with in a few weeks what should hnvo been done during the two yo.irs The association owes an apology to the community for not having called upon thorn before , and not for wiling upon them no\v. nov.The membership of the association at pres ent is about 550 , The falling off slneo Jan uary I , when It was | , iu , is duo largely to two causes. First , removal of members , at least iOJ of the BO missing ones having loft tlfo city. .Second , to expirations during the sprin ; ; and summer month which have not been followed up by a personal request for ivno\v.d , owing to the fact that tlio associa tion liau been unable to secure a membership sei'ivtnry until recently. There is no ques tion , with tlio burden removed Irani tlio institution. It will bo possible to bring the membershipniraln to 1,000 , or even more. It is uskcilVliiit became of the largo rentals received from the liVdt lloor of the building ; " The larger part of this , viz : about three-fourths of tho$3,200 per year , ib lotiuircd to pay Interest , insiiranco , taxca , ( U1. . and tlio renuilndor up to date him been used in iydnoin < , ' the indebtedness , chiotly on the building , ami repair.- * und ehunies on * tlio same. But a small ntnouiit , if any , o.m bo counted on Irom tbissource to defray current expenses. i t is asked , also , "Will not tlio same thin occur again , and the assochtion again bo several tliaiisnnd ilollai'j bchlr. .1 within a year ! " iX-clda'ly. no , provided thu Institu tion U given a point of beginning uean- ctimliered , AVIth this .flo.OOO secured the nssocl.ll Ion will IID freu from debt , and will close its tlseul year 31uy 1 , 1S9I , free from debt. It would then require but from { I.OiWto i.)00per ) ( ) year from the community , which could easily bo secured from ' ( ) U sus taining members at $ > . " > oich , espedally when towns like Lincoln ami Topok.i arecontiibut- Ing from f.1iK ) ( ) to $10iKK ) each year , and others llko Fremont and Grand Island from The fact is that the prospects for tbo asso ciation in this city fulllllliiff Its mission of usefulness to our young men \vcro never brighter tlrm at the present time , provided this burden of debt bo removed , Xever iu Its hUtory have so " my yo-ing men been found in Its rellgiu" g.ithi'Hntrs , Its parlors nud reading room at this sen son of the , as duriiij ; the past , three months. Avlth a sti-ong general socivtury In clnrgo of its af fairs this fall , a work will bo outlined and prosecuted during the coming seihon which will rollert crodlL uiion thu community us v/oll as upon the institution. From the foregoing statement Itvlll bo seen that the nssnchitloa is nonrlng a crisis , and ono of two things must bo d .no : (1) ( ) Abandon the work and leave the juiif | men without a home , exposed to the manifold temptations of the city. ( : . ' ) Hemovo the in debtedness and place the asso.'latlon whore It should hnvo been \vhen It entered the build- Ing' , viz : on a sound lliwaeial basis. Now U the tlmo for those who believe In the institu tion to lend a helping hand. K Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bee blily. Tlio Circus , The statement in yesterday's Iki : to the effect that last evening would be the dosing of the season hero of McFlynn & Hall's clr- CUH vws Incorrect , us they will show Monday nndTuesiliiy both afternoon and evening. Their heavy introniiso Justifies a longer- stay than was at lirst intoiuki. Dr. Blmoy cures culurrli , Bee Wily Now Camp of Woodmen. A new camp of Modern Woodmen of Amer ica was Instituted last evening at Ancient Order of United \Yorkinen hall , with seventy- live in embers , Tlio following cllleers were elected : V. 0. , G , 13. Itrovra ; AV. A , , K. A. Saundew ; M. n. , H.C. Streltzj U..JI. II. NyeIS. . , l > . 11. ICoKle : W. , II. A , Guild ; S. , Kobert Taylor ; U. P. , Drs. Slomna and filasou. JJoui-Jof niimutcry-Ouoyeai'j G. M. Shaver ! twoyoirs , I1. II , Collier. Delegate to head entnp , Dr , Sloinun , The meeting adjourned subject to call. Dr. Ulrney curoHcatnrrh , Ucoblclg. , I'.t tt.ttm.t Chns , C. U'nnlof St. Paul isntthc Pnxton , C. V. Ucnsonof Uncoln Is nt tlio Murray , J. Dlxon Avery of Kreinont is at thoMU- Inrd. J. H , Dlxon of St. Joe Is registered < it the Casey , j I ) . 11 , Tubault of IMnttsmouth Is nt the Casey , J. CJ , Offoril of DcsMolocs is a guest at the Casey , T. II. Pope of llostoa vas nt tlio Murray lust night. A. I ) . Allen of St. Louis is In the city , ut the Casoy. 1' . L , Giurlty of Chicago win nt the Paxton last J. C , tU-ancy of Columbus , 0. , Is nt the Merchants. O. M Earl of Xew York is In the city , at the Pax to n. II. S. Bookmnn of Denver is In the city , at the Paxton O. \ \ ' . Phlllipnind wife of Superior are nt the Murray , John S. Harper of Sumliiiico , AVyo. , U lit thoMlllnnl , \V. T. Dallev of Salt Lake was at the Paxton - ton hut nif'ht.- W.V. \ . Knl litof Cinolnnntl Is registered r.t tiiel'axton. John Colpm of Atchison ; Kan. , ls n gunst at the Murray. W. C. ( "Jago of Harvard , 111. , is stopping nt the Merchants. John Grass of.Triclison , Mich. , is a guest nt the Alereliants. \v. U. Springer of Chicago is in the city , at the Merenaitts. R J\r. \ Shearer of Ida drove , la. , wasat tbo Casey last night , John II. Charles of Sioux City wns at tbo Mlllnrd last night. E. 0. Marsh and SV. . Dent of Chlcavo nro attheMillnrd. George J , ICclehuin of .Vow York is In tlio city , at the Murray. D. 0. Viitcs of the Boston Dally Glebe is In the city , ut the Murray. Mrs.V. . A. Rath lus returned from a pleasant nionth spout at Prior Lalio , Minn. Albert Calm lenvci today for > 'ow York. He will be absent several weeks , combining business nnd pleasure. C. C , IIulottdnyclorl < attlioMillardhotcl , leaves today fora two weeks'western trip. Hevill visit Denver and several other wcbt- era dtied. Otto.I. Iluschof the Anheusor-Busch brew ing association of St. I oulUs the guest of Mr. and Airs. Herman Hartmau , Twentieth and Center streets. Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Bee ma t-iT.iiiK jntXK\'prr.n < ) Ejn , Biilliviin and .Taekson Offcfcd $ : ! ( ) , Ol ( ( ) t > l''lKhi nlOgiliMi. Oonc.v , Utah. , August 9.-Special [ Tele- grain to TUB I3nn.J The money -was actually pledpcil this evening for the .sparring match betwen Sullivan and Jackson. The terms are to be a contest to a finish with hurt ! glovcst tlio meeting to take place In the carnival coliseum hero some tlmo In Novem ber. Tbo winner is to get t&i.OOO and the loser $ .1,000. Both pugilists hnvo been wired the oft'er through their managers. The stake money will bo banked whenever a mutch Is agreed upon. Twenty thousand dollars over the necessary : < : iOKXl ( were offered and declined , Two men each offered 810,000. Ills believed that a match can bo arranged unless Sullivan backs down. Carpenter * Kleot Olllcers , CHICAGO , August 9. The carpenters in na tional convention today elected AV. II. Kllver of ChloiiRo president. The next meeting -will bo held at St. Louis. Tonight broiighttho convention to n close. The vice presidents elected were IIuRh Mc Kay , Uoston ; Charles Owens , New York ; E. A. Stevens , Louisville ; "W. If. AbiMms , De troit ; T. I > \ Kent , Uiicoln , Neb. Tlio vice presidents under the now constitution nro members of the executive committee. Until this convention the committee was confined to residents of Phlladoli > hiutlie headquarters of the order. Notwithstanding the change in this rule , the headquarters were left un disturbed , it being voted that Philadelphia should remain the brotherhood's ofrlcial homo for the next ten years. llic h : > itslana Jittery In Dimmer. BVTOX Roi'ai ; , La. , August 9. At the meeting of tbo fannoi-s' alliance today reso lutions were adopted denouncing the alliance men in the general assembly who voted in favor of recliartoring the LousUna lotteries as traitors to the causoand principles of the union nnd refusing to nfllllato with them us members o f the order , nnil recommending that.subordinate unions expel thorn ; also re iterating the pledges relative to the lottery , aonoiiiidnjr Has a vile eurso and nn enor mous iniquity , which they feel moro deter mined to combat than ever today , and resolv- inKiiot to let thoireiicixies relax until this enemy is driven from the state. "Ititckskln .loo" Cultured. TOI.IM > , 0. , August 9-Stiecial Tension Kxainincr flayer has captured "Buckskin Joe , " tbo famous pension swindler , whom ttio department 1ms boon uftor for two years. Joe was all through the war and in the service of thetfovcrimicnt seventeen years altogether , being a member of Custor's regiment , the Seventh cavalry , and being a. famous scout under ( Juster , Terry , Crook and lieno. IIo roi.rcsrnted himself to bo a pension agent and got fees for agreeing to have pensions raised. Tlio Grati'l Army Dnuampmont. DOSION.August O.-Tho cbidrmeii of the various committees hiivint ; in charge the arrangements for the national Grand Army encampment held nn import ant meeting tonight in connection with tbe executive committee. It was an nounced that nearly nil the details were com pleted and cverythlnRia the most satisfac tory shape. It is ex iiected that about thirty- live thousand men will bo In lino. IlrvnliitlonlatH Koiitud , CITY ov Mii.xico , August 0 Dispatches from Guatemalasr.y the government forces under General Pedro Barillas routed the revolutionists at Temptsquo , The government loss wfti light. The revo lutionists lost 111 killed , Tbo battle lasted flvo hours. The whole cojntiy Is no win n state of peace. In Salvador commerce is moving tranmiilly and there are no revolutionists , Cool AVcatlior In tlie Xnrtlnvost , ST. PAULMinn. , , August ft Tno lowest temperature reported during the day through out the northwest was at M limed osa , where the mercury was -10 ot T o'clock tills morning , AViani | > eg reported nt the same hears , IJls. march , N. D. , 5'and ' St. Vincent , Minn. , 4 : > , Ills too early to toll positively whether any damage resulted from last night's frost and today's cool weather , A Texas Trutt < ' ( ly. Four WonuiTox. , August 0. Ford Han cock nnd his brother today quarreled with J , ( junior and his brother Charley and ex changed shots. Ford llancoek received a ( i.iaKCi'ous snot in tno neck. J , Uuntcr ttwrted to five himself up , when Arch Hancock - cock ordered Gunter to surrentler. ( Juntvr replied by a shot , killing Hancock instantly , Texas Fever A111011- Colorado Cattle. DKXVinColo. , August C" " . Texas fever has broken out In a herd of cattle belonging to ( Jovcrnor Cooper , In Morgnn county , Sovonty-sU of the held hayo died In two days. Xo cause Is nsslgued for the biraking out of the disease. The cattle will he ouaran- timid. An Irish Ilailwny Mrllcr. Drm.iv , August 9 , f Special Cablegram to Tin : ! iii : . ] A strike on the Dublin , U'iel- : \Voifordrailwiiyliichidlugtho \ ) branch line tolvlngston. is Innnlnent , The troub'o ' ariHiVfroin thedisehnrgool two workmen who belong to the employes' union , Dr , Clraey cures catarrh , 13co Dldjj. Tllii fWJ..VTHVS CHOI'S. A Ilcdnutloii In All Coroiili Shoxvn l > y tlin/'lteiurns. \ S'iilsotov , An ; ust 0. There is n re duction In the condition of all cereals as reported - ported by the department of agriculture. The decline from July I to August 1 is from IM.I to W.n In corn , from 81.0 to 70.1 In oats nnd from fS.ll toki.s in birlev. The coiull- tlon of buckwheat is IO.1 nnd of spring rvoi 7S.S. The condition of Iilsh potntoes re-I ducud fromlll.r to T7.I. Falls of 2 < ) iiolnts In dicates tbo illsasterMriiich has befallen the corn crop wthln thirty days. The cause is the abnormally hl h temperature of the central miilzo districts , with insufllclcney of rain fall. rjKoturns of the drought , which cover n broad urea , nnd the severity of tlio effects lirudneed nrc moro ccnural nnd depressing than the signal service record of tempera tures appears to Indicate. In Ohio mere is n preat difference between the northern nnd southern parts of the state. The southern division of counties In Indiana und Illinois have likewise received greater damage than the northern. The conditions nro slightly higher In llssourl. In Kansas the severity of the drought has culminated. Iowa and Ifabraskn are nearly In the status of the Ohio valley , while Minnesota makes tlio highest average nf nil states. Wisconsin suffers slightly nnd Wlehijan still more from drought. Thcro has been considerable reduction in the condition of spring wheat , nniountlng to fully 11 points , It Is less in the Dakotas than m the spring wheat districts , The average condition Is Ml In Wisconsin , .SO In Minnesota , ST iniowi , 71 in Nebraska and Ss intlio Dakotas , The latter show a decline of T points owing to hot southern winds. The oat crop Is certain to bo one of very low yield nnil probably poor quality. Another crop of great importance potatoes-has nUo'hoen much damaged by droufc'Ut. A low rate of yield Is assured. XKH'H. No More Original I'aoknges. DKsMniNrs , la. , .August 0. [ SpecialTele- Brain to Tnu Bcis. ] Tlio announcement in the morning pa ] > crs that the president had signed the original package bill created a panic among the agencies In DCS Molacs , nnd before noon every one was closed , with crape on the doors of many. A number of agents received orders to at oncoreshlp to the eric- inal owners any goods left In stock , and many of t.ho rooms were speedily emptied. ICiivaniiRh & Johnson , how ever , continued to do business until theirstockof about a thousand dollars worth was sei/.edby a constable nnd a guard placed ever it. The owners for which they were agents telegraphed , them to light the case in the courts and they would stuud the expense , nnd n test case will ho made and pushed to the higher couits as soon as possible. The state temperance alliance Issued an address In which they say that no legislation on ttio part of the state is necessary to nuke it ef fective. Tbe act not only removes the hind rance occasioned by tholato decision of the supreme court , but withdraws the federal protection from Imported and Interstate shi p- incuts which has heretofore made the strict enforcement of the law impossible. The llruzce Case. Mi oum V.UU-.Y , In. , August ft [ Special Telegram to Tin : BI.I ; . ] After hearing coun sel for both sides all day In the Brcyeo- in sanity case , Judge Carson released Albert lirezco from custody , stating that from tlio evidence produred it was his opinion that Drc7ee's condition was the same now Unit It bad been since childhood ; that in the matter of tlio alleged theft of Mrs. lire-zoo's fortune by parties living hem , ho had been imposed upon by a number or thoughtless or design ing persons who had concocted tbo bulk of the stories to .furnish amusement forthein- solves and others. Regarding Mrs , Brezeo's mental condition , decision was withheld until Monday , when the Judge stated that ho would file It with the clerk. The export testimony as to her was that her mental condition was more deranged and unsettled than her hus band's. ' Atlantin .Votes. , ATLANTIC , In. , August9. [ Spoclal to Tin : Hin. ] The twelve original pacl < ago houses in this city have been notified to stop selling liquor , and nro closing out their stocks preparatory to.juittltiK the business. They have been doing an Immense business for the past two months. Francis Murphy , the noted temperance worker , will hold temperance meetings at this place ono week , commencing Sunday , August 10. Tlio oncra house has been secured - cured for the meetings. Ed Hammond , the crack pitcher , and Bert Lewis , shortstop of the Atlantic club , hnvo signed tbo balance of the season witii the ShcnandoaU club. Hammond is considered a better pitcher than Myers , the amateur re cently signed by Dea Alolaes. TU < nitjotiiery County KopiihlicaiiH , Ilcu OAK , la , , August 0. [ Special Tele gram toTiiii BEI : . ] The Montgomery county republican convention held hero today In structed for Silas Wilson of Cass county for congress , After half an hour of parllaincii- ta'ry fencing it was the farmers vho von. A county ticket , wns nominated as follows : It. W.Bccson for county attorney , J , E. Whelau for cleric of courts , C. TJ , Strait on for member of the county board , these being in ratifica tion of the vote at the primary election. There was no decision at tbo priinsry oa county recorder , nnd six candidates vcro bal loted for In the convention , the nomination going to J. T , Stafford on the Forty-seventh ballot. County Fai-mi-iv1 ; Alliance. CASTAXA , la. , August 9. [ Special to Tin : Bri : . ] The farmers' Alllunco held a conven tion at Castann yesterday and nominated a full county ticket. The nominees were I3.C. Ilildreth , Soldier , clerk ; J. T. Law , Tnconic , recorder ; II. II , ( 'hrlsman , Mnplo- ton. iittornrv : John 1 * . Olson. Whitlnir. supervisor ; T. W. John , Alaplcton , coroner , ( to till vacancy ) . Thcro are two republicans and two democrats on the ticket , and the opinion prevailed that there would bo no fusion this fall with the old parties. The alliance strength at present Is OOJ out of y,000 , votes in the county. Col fax Cuimty Democra's , Scnun.Kit , Neb , , August0 , [ Special Tele gram to TDK Urn. ] The democratic county convention was held at the court house today. The delegation elected to attend the state convention Is headed by James Hughes , and to the congressional byG. Kluck and to the senatorial by T > . Chuplln. IT. O. Draught win nominated for representative , Allies Xciitmeyer for county attorney and Garret Falken for county nttcrnoy. A strongattcinpt wns made to ilnfeat Falkon from being nomlnutod , ho having allied himself with the alliance movement nnd was nominated by them for tlio sarno ofllco. The delegates to tbo several conventions go free from any in structions except to vote for straight party men. ' 1 i Trannlcr ul'Heligoland , LONIIOS. August ! ) . The transfer of the i.slaud of Heligoland to the Cicrman authori ties was " formally made today , The island was thronged to excess with visltois from nn early hour In the morning. Upon the landing "f the German olllcials her majesty's ship Calypso lired a salute. Minister Von Hoetlchcr was escorted through the unterdorf up the steps to the oburlnml and government house , whorotho formal transfer was made. Governor Hark- Icy read the clause la the Aiiglo-Cicrman agreement relating to Heligoland and the ( iermaii mig was hoisted berildo tbo British standard amid the combined salvo.i of twenty- ono guns from the English and German ves- fids. Turkish C.MM , Crete , August V. ( Special Cable gram to Tni ; 13 1:1 : : . ] A numb 3r of delegations comprising in habitants ofSpnklhia have ar rived hero to petition Iho governor and the foreign consuU ngulust tno eontln'iedx - rotHos by the Tuiku. Thorcpirt ccmosthat three Christian hwlsmia were recently buyoncttod by 'I'urkUli NOldlors , and the del. ogatos threaten ix'Mrisalri unless thesoout- ' 'I hit I'rcnlilom Oft' t * r I VOIIK. August 0 , Tlw jiroaldcntial party on nrrlvlng hero this afU-'raoon was | met tit tlio Htatlonby Lieutenant Ilughis , who escorted them to the government tug C'atulyo. Ueutoauutllushca nearly pushed I Secretary llnlford oft the gang plunk on board Inn the tufi , iniMt.iklnir him fur n news- pnper man. The tug took the party to the cruiser HaltltiKm'whch ! Immediately steamed forlloston. \Vratlicr Oroii lnllptiii ! > \VAXIIIN-OION' \ , Atigust ! ' . Thu weather ciop bulletin says that the weather during ! the past week in Minnesota , South Dnkotn , | Nebraska , Kansas , Missouri , Illinois nnd In- dlana wn generally unfavorable for growing crops , owing to the continued drought and hot , dry winds , Harvesting is about completed In southern Minnesota and south- oin Dakota. Crops nro much improved in MIchlgAn , Iowa and the extreme northern portions of Illinois by timely rains. F'ontfht Out the l-'riul , Mr.ninn.v , Miss. , August ! ) . Two of Iho Gaudy boys today met two of the FuirchlldM inTusnmola , A fouil existing between the two families , a light ensiio'l ' with knives , In which Hi-own Gaudy received fatal wounds ami .loo Gaudy was very badlv wounded , One of the I'alrchllds wiw seriously cut ami there is little hope of his recovery. The Strike SOU r nliiiiii > * . LONDON , August 0. The slrllio of em ployes on the railways in Wales continues , Tlio malls nro still carried on wagons on pub lic ronds. The strike lias seriously nlTeetcd the -London shipping trade. .Steamers nro not nblo to obtain their usual supplies of Welch coul nud hnvo gone to other places for coal. o Nominated Al'lei.Many Itnlot ) . DfTUH , > lo. , August P. In the Twelfth congressional dlstrictconventlon today Judge 13. A. Dearmond of Hates county was nomi nated on the 5'Jlst ballot. SnmlctMl Kansiige. Cnu'Aoo , August 9. Arnold Brothers' ' sau sage factory burned tonight. Loss , $100.000. CO UXC II , Ill.l/l-'Fti XUH'S , rabh ; Ton-It ory. Cut-Off island , or No Maa'sLand , an Island in the Missouri river that has been thrown into tlio Jurisdiction of Pottaw.ittmnlo county by a change In Iho current of the river , is a most undesirable addition to thostatoof Iowa and the city of Council 13lutTs. Although the county authorities have attempted to throw some sort of protection around the people who nro trylns : to live thcro in the shape of civil government , it Is practically without any government at nil. This Is a very serious sil- nation for the bettor clement of its people , for the island is very naturally the rendezvous lorsoruo oitne most , lawless ciuiractors to uo found In tbo country , "Congress will have to plnco the Island un der the jurisdiction of tlio Nebraska authori ties by a special act taking it from Iowa and annexing It to Nebraska " said , a county oftl- cial yesterday. "Ills too far from Council Dluffsto bring ; It under the police regulations of the city , hut Is close enough to Omaha for that purpose. Thcro are elements of discord there liable to make trouble outsldo of tbo lawless classes that make it their haunts. The squatters have taken possession of a portion tion of the lands , and they nro not going to relinquish their claims without n struggle. Each side is strong in numbers and determi nation , nnd from what I know personally of the situation I um confident that there is n bloody strife imminent. The deputy sheriff that Jimniio O'Xeil ' has placed there to keep the peace docs not appear to bo a very exem plary ofllccr or 11 competent guardian of tbo peace. Ho lias been arrested twice in the last weolcon warrants issued from Burnett's ' conrt charging him with trespass and assault and battery , and will bo tried on both charges. Unless some sort of local govern- mentis organ bed thcro and the lawless elo- meiit repressed , I am confident It will bo the scene of a bloody tragedy. " If you wish to sell your property call on the JudtUtVillsCo. . , C , B.Judd , president , IM llrondwiiy. Lace curtain sale all this week. Council Bluffs carpet company. Try Mnnawu hoacb , near hotel , enlarged , moro sand , nice bottom , clean rooms. Wo have customers for Inside improved property , terms all cash. If you have a bar gain to offer call on E. II. Shcafo & Co. at once , o Tlio New Trail HI TJIW. The new tramp law Is a curiosity. It pro vides that any male person over sixteen years of ago , who is physically able to work , and who Is wandering about with no visible calling or business to maintain himself , and unable to show reason nblo efforts and in good faith to secure employment , shall be deemed a tramp. Any ono thus convicted is to be punished by imprisonment in the county Jail at hard labor for the term of ten days , or solitary confinement for llvo days. If , la addition to being a tramp , a person Is found to bo carrying any wcnpui oi1 carrying on overload of beer , or being in any way dis orderly , tbo term is to ho stretched tothiity days nt hard labor , or ten days solitary con finement. "When two or moro trumps nro found to gether they nro to ho tried Jointly and fees allowed as though for only ono caso. This la a blow at the fee bills which have in innny places afforded a nice revenueto Justices und olllccrs. The fees in tramp cases are cut down to not moro than PJ for the Justice nud not more thnu $1.50 and niilciujc for the ofllccr. The sheriffs are also touched up a little. The now law forbids them allowing tramps In Jail to have any tobncco , Intoxicating liquors , sporting or illustrated papers , caids or any article of amusement. A shcrllt who violates this Is liable to a fine of from $25 to $100. If any ono Joins In any sort of a combina tion to evadotho now law , and secure larger fees than nro Intended by its provisions , ho is liable to a line of $100. If a tramp refuses to work he Is to put on bread and water. ' The Jailor Is to bo allowed nothing for hcc | > - mgtransient tramps. His board bill will only bo paid for such tramps as are duly con victed and committed. It puzzles some of tlio sheriffs to know what to do about the null-tobacco clause. In theBimia Jail ns the tramp there may bo a fellow charged with stealing , and who Is al lowed to buy for himself a little tobacco. Can the Jailer keep an eye on him all the tlmo to keep him from giving the tramp a chow I Ono quid slipped into the tramp's mouth mukes Mr. Sheriff liable to pay 100. The tramp must not bo allowed to glance at any illustrated paper , and as so many of the dai lies give mom space to pictures than to news , their circulation amour Irump Inmates is to bo sadly curtailed. The now law was framed nnd passed to satisfy the clamor of Iho people who have grown weary of the heavy fco bills of the ofllcorsnnd tbo continued nuisance of swarm ing tramps. The sufferers demanded some relief und the legislators have tried to give them nil they wanted hi the way of law. In thucity tliotiMtnps are handled under n city orJIiiuncu. The new law will make but little change in matters within the corporation , but in the towns mid throughout tuo country , it will bring aboutquHou change. Dr. Dowers' ofllco moved to 20 N. Main. Commercial men , Now Pacific , Council Bluffs , Is under management of W.Joneswlth new suiuplo rooms. J. G. Tlpton , real estate , W Broadway , / \ Dog Oil so lit Court. John.Montgomery , the old und well known dog fancier was in JiiKtlco Darnell's court ycfttonl.iy afternoon accompanied by a Urge assortment of his hounds , to press his suit against the Council lllulfs coursing club for thocnronnd maintenance of their dogs. IIo sued the club some time ago for $70 duo him for the hoard of Iho dogs , but thu ofllconi of the club demurred , mid answered that tlio charges were oxcosslvo. nnd lllod u counter claim ag.dnst the old man for the cost of the nutorinl und erection of a dog house on his promise * where the dogs were kept. John IJudt appeared for the plain tilt and the club was represented by lt& officers , , The presence of the numerous dogs and the fact Unit the case has been pending for u long time , In duced the Justice to offer Ills services as nft arbitrator , and they were accepted , The old ni.mMI anxious to retain possession of the dog houses , nnd the rouralug dub desired tense nso the liunbor they contained for the erec tion of kennels elseivhiro. It AVOS fitmllv agreed to allow the old man $ . " > * nnd let Iho club take the lumber. Mndt gave notice that j j tbo award must bo at once or ho would I call for an execution to bo Issued for the sale ! of 1'iioik'h of the club's property to pay the , amount of the Judgment. Tlio old nun called his iloirs tORothor nnd left the court room very well satisfied with the result. HoU In many res poet a ono of iiiiMt remarkable character * In the city. IIo does net nppoar to bo over sixty or seventv years of ajjo. but claims that ho was born in March , 17'JI ' , nua Is consequently in his ninety-ninth year. IIo Is of Scotch-Irish stock , bright of eye. clearheaded nud strong of frame yet , anil next to the iirldo he takes in tlio welfare of his dogs , which are vast in slzo and number , Is tbe fact that ho Is a cen- toimriim and has never used tobacco or imv hind of nleoholto stimulant. ! in his life time , nnd takes ivs much interest In a good , lively chase with the hounds us ho did in the craggy hills of bonny Scotland eighty years ngo. Money nt reduced ratia loaned on cliatto und will Citato Mjeuvlty by 10. H. Shciifo.tCo MiuulclKlcm arc ottering grout bargains hi every department. U'o show the host line of coolt stoves and ranges In the city , from 410 to fit ) , In tinware wo carry the best only nud sold at bottom pih-o-s. Carpets , "Oh , my ! " we Just beat the wm-lJ , former jU'li-o of carpets li. oK , now I0cts.uud so on through thu entire line. U'o shorta largo line iu novelties In our pirlorjrnods dop.irt- inent. tn bodruoni stilus wo pride oui > elvrj of carrying the most complete assortment , choice of : iii styles. Hook cases , rooliurs ami 'dining chair.of every description. Side boards , wardrobes and center tables go along with this imlrwiliii } , ' sale. Cet ! prices elso- ulierc and compare Maiidol ft KlcinN y'-'O Droadway. CluMin Ih'lclc ' I'avlnj ; . Since t.ho removal of all the obstructions that have been placed in the \vay of the con tractor who was the lowest bidder on the ? H)0 ) ( ) ( ) worth of brick pavement ordered by tlio city there has been a great deal of talk nbout the low price nt which the work was contracted. "U'hllc the city and the property owners have been receiving ocongratulntlons upon the very favorable terms of the con tract , the alleged friends of Mr. Moore nro talking very seriously about the financial loss the fulfillment of the contract will entail upon him. Said one of them yesterday : "The city Is going to Imvo some of the cheapest paving over laid in the west , but it Is going 10 oo nun in , a ruinous eoii. . to mo contractor. Ho cannot make a dollar under the most favorable conditions , and if ho Is crowded n little by tbo brick men ho will come out a heavy loser. Let mo give you a few Jlgures , The contract , price isl.rtv : ! siiimro yard ; it will require between ninety and one hundred brick to lay a yard ; ho can't get enough brick that will pass Inspection to p.ivo ono block from the local manufacturers for less than $ 'J a thousand , and It will co-it him from $ 'J,50 to 410 for every thousand ho gets from outsldo makers delivered ut the depots , nnd it will cost another nOuqnts a thousand to get Uiem on the work ; the preparation of llio street and the sand will cost ten cents a yar.l more , making at least M. to iier square yard for the material , leaving him only M cents a yard for putting it down. The wages of the pavers will amount to nioro than that , and where will his profits coino In } " "I have no anxiety , nnd neither have my bondsmen or my friends , " said Contractor Mourn. "Tho boll-ltude for my welfare comes from tbo other bidders who failed to get the work. I Imvo been the low est bidder three different times for this work , nnd 1 certainly have had ample lime to think the matter over. I may perhaps ( latter myscll by expressing the con viction that I know pretty nearly what I am doing , and did not b.ise any of mv bids upon rash pucs ? work. I have done a good deil : of brick paving in the alleys of the city In the last two years , .some of It , it Is true , at a slightly higher llgnro than 1 asked for this , but I can nortnhily pave two inilo } of wide streets chc.iper than I could a few blocks of narrow alloys. It Is true that tboro is not biiclteiifi'isrh ' Iu Council HlulTH to nave one half of the streets ordered paid , and if I h'ld to dcpsinl upon the local supply altogether I might gel into a piclclo , but there is plenty of brick in the rountrv thit : will meet the ap proval of any Inspectors the vity miy appoint. If tlio council would grant an extension of the time in which to eomloto | the work I can assure them that there will lie a suitable plant for making paving brick In oneratlou hero by no.xt , spring that will boliirgeenough to supply the demand for all the paving that will likely bo done this year nnd In thu future. lut ! if there Is no extension given you can assure tbo pub lic that I will fulfill my contract to the letter , and whether Hose or make money out of it is nobody's business , but Is exclusively my own affair and my bondsmen's If they are satis fied and I am , no ono else has nay right to kick because the paving is being done 5U per cent cheaper than it was over done before or any other contractor would agree to do It. Just say that I w.111 comply with all the con ditions of my contract and ask the kickers to take n rest until I do hoinethlng they don't like , or pass nrouiid the hat for a collection to meet my losses. " ' A good lioso reel free with every 100 feet of hose purchased atltlxby's. P , C. Mlllcrt the painter and decorator , at homo to bis friends , 81S South Sixth street. Our now c.irpotlngs have boguii to arrive. Special low prices. Council lilull's carpet company. Nctieoto Contractors. Scaled proposals will be received at the of- ficoof thu architects , rooms M and 'Jl'i Me-r- rium block , Council ISluffs , la. , until - p. in , on the Kith day of August , IfeW , for the erection nnd completion of the now First Muthodlst Episcopal church at Council Hlufl's , according to the ro- vlsed plans and specifications. Kuoh bidder will state the amount hit will allow for the present building. Kach bid shall bo accom panied by a certified chirk fur WOO , as a gunr.inty that the party receiving the award will enter into n contract mid glvo satisfac tory bond. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dy order of the committee. F. M. KI.I.IS & Co. , Architects. W. S. MAVXK , Chairman. C.V , liiiovvN , Secretary , M'JKHSOXA I , J'.l It.ltS It.l I'JIH. Miss Thomas left ; last evening for Spirit Lake. K. 15. Adam ? and his daughter. . Miss IIa/.el , nro visiting In the east. J. V. Hrodbcck Is nblo to walk out a little , and Is gradually gaining In heultli. Gall W , Hamilton has gone to Oontrovllle , Kim. , which will bo his future home. Arthur Kyckinan , wlfo and child , left last evening for a ton day's ' stay at Spirit Luke , T , .1. Kviuis returned yesterday from Oko bojl , where bo has boon having an emoynblo outing. C. O. Saumteri gees to Dei Molnes this week us a delegate to the state gathering of tlio Modern Woodmen , 1' . II. Fothcrlnglinm of the Hasten store , left vesterday for n few weeks' visit In thu south. Ho wont direct to Loulsvlllo mid will return via bt. I-onls. Simon lOlsoiiinn loft last evening forColfax Spring * to spend Sunday with his family. IIo will remain several days and enjoy the uciioiilor tliat picasaui resort. Mrs. Charles Jllorwoi'th ami daughter , .Anita , returned yesterday from n three weeks' ' visit In Oiknluosu with her father und old Koliool mate's , whom she hud not been for t 'ii year ? . Itov , G. W. Crofts , "the poi' proichcr , " has i-JcelveJ from the wife of tholato John H. ( iougli , n letter expressive of her appre ciation of Mr. Crofts' "Cloldcn Hod , " ami ospoeinlly the pootlcul tribute to Mr. Uough. Scott House , Council Bluffs , transients 1,00 I > er day , Hntheat Maunwa bench , nonr hot 'l. en larged , moro sand , nice bottom , cliun rooms. Our rug sale continue * , Council Illuffs carpet company , A Katal Tall. John Cronin , residing 'il'out ' ' live miles out of Neola , met with nn accident Friday which will doubtless prove fatal , IIo was engaged in cleaning a well , anil was Just comlug out of It when as ho neared the top a rope slipped nnd bo fell to the bottom , n distance of fortvj llvo foot. When taken out ho was still nllve , but badly bruised. There wen' evidences ol Internal Injuries , which It Is thought will soon cause-death. The Manhattan headquarters U mud way. iMpcrntnuccnU per roll ; not roiu Hauls , atU. L. Gillette's , lid 1'oiirl st. Kurllor .Motnr Triilno , At thu remie t of people who work liv Omaha , I have nrr.iugcd to start a train out earlier on Sundays than heretofore , leaving Onk.street at 0:01 : n. m. and I'onrl street nt ( > : llu. m , This Ison aci'oiintof the dummy being tnkt'ii , so ns to accommodate those who have Iu take an early train. 0. 11. lliivoi.n : , Superintendent , Tlin 31 lilNiinmiiM' Halo At the llostou store will bo continued nil Ibis week. Special attention Is called to bar gains offered In wash foods , underwear and \\hlte Hbltts. Mnsnnlo. ( llicgular mooting of Kxrclsior ledge , 20 , , , Lj i 2.V. ) , A. R nnd A. M. , Monday evening , Au f , trust II. VisitingbivUiron cordially invited . .T t Hj order of the \V. M. v ' - J. C. nixiiy , suutn liu.itine , sanitary en- ghiwr , ' , ) it : Ufo liiil Hiif. ! U.uitiuj . ' 'OJ' Mor rlam block. Council Ulufh. + Horticultural Meeting. There will bu n meeting of the I'ottnwatU- mlcCounty diiiilcuers' and Trait Growers' ' association nt the court house tomorrow morning at fl o'clock. Iluslness of pront Im portance will be considered mill a full attend- ami ) is desired. A. S. KOXIIIM , President. Colored ItoiHihlirna Clul ) . To the Kdltor of Tnu HnVc ; : , the un dersigned colored republicans of this city , wish to say that wo never held a meeting last Sunday , us win published In your paper last Tuesday morning , and , furthermore , wo wish to .say that Oscar Brewer was not authorized to put himself up as president. DAN THOMPSON- , ( lollllKX .lollN'SOS' , JIM I'liit.i.irs IK vi : UOTTS , JIM lli.ACKiiruv , And ninny other colored republicans. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. A N' oxporliMicod book - hceppr wanted la -f iwhulciulii limise. < ! oxl Mafrcs , rufcruneo r 'iiilrcil. | Address N'o. , VJ , lleo ollleo Council Hi u IN. la. "IJlOlt SALKnr trade Small stoek of stove ? , --llnxvuin and set IH' ( timer's toiiN. hmnlro antooinjUH , Murrlam block. Council lUull.s , la. T7IOH S.VM3-Or will ir.ido fma gooil road" -1. ' ImiiiiMtalllini NCI. lilll , rnjlsliired In U'aN met1. Ily Dr. Arelillialil , diini by ICuntiiekj Olay , 5 years old. Apply to Dr. I7OII KKNT-TwoRool mojerii liouaes. W. ' iV. \ . llliBnr. S3 I'uarl i.lrcot. " \\rANTRD-fJDo.l girl for hon > sc- ' * work. .Mrs. A. 1' . llunuhutt , > 'o , IS ) tiiiirth struet. .1 AUAM'KI ) - Slluutlim by an iixpcilcncil .strum Illtor. Adiliess A 0 , Uco olllee , C-iiiiiicil Illtiirs. TTIOli SALE or Kmit-IJardun Innrl , with -I1 linnet ' * , UyJ. U. Itfce. ID.1 Alain si. . Council lilull's. " \\ experienced ongliiurr anil T hiiindryiiian InlaKiu'liurgti pirl : In linuiilry In Onialia. i : oil waues ami peniiani'iit ptMUon. Imiulru I/ . , Hue ollleo , Cuunell Illuils. " \\rilY fiay rout wiuin yon can buy a Imnioon 'i tliosaino luniH , anil In case of voni'diiutli utany tlmu livivu your family the lioiuu clour onthu following tcnim : Alioniu worth fltO ) ) : it M'J per iniiuth. A homo worth f ! , ! > ' ) ) at flH pur iiioiitli. A homo worlli $ . ' , ( MJ ut Wl | icr month. A ho'iieviir111 JJI.iMJ iil.JH pur iniiiilh. A hoinu vrortli f-1,0) ) ) at JHer | month. Uthur priced lionies on the sumo lurtnt. Ths nlnvo monthly jnyiniMitH liioliulo principal mid Interest. T'orfu'll irirtleiihirs call on or udilrosHlIu ) Jinld k U'ulls Co. , I'M H road way , L-ounell Illiiirt. In. 'ITUm ItBNT Tim Morn room , No. IS , Jon l'icii-1 st. \ \ ' . O. Jatiiei. " \\ri2IIA\'Ivsovi'rit lioaut.ltiil mnlnrnliu 1 3 'i t hnl w will Ir.nlofiir oipinnlttrjil va-j in lols InOinuliiior Ootniell 'Jlulfs. The Judd & \YullH CD. . Council ItlulN. la. \ \ rAXTHIILocal iigcntK lo canvut-s for Dr. M NavIii'Hoxiilnnntiiry stock honk , 1'or liurLlouIiirs address 11. lloiix , t'aison , la. ST. FBAKCIS ACADEMY Bonrdlng and Day School , Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street. Can be reaoheJ from uny of the dopota on motoi- . Conducted by the Sihtcrs ot Cliarity 15. V. M. TERMS For bor-d : and tuition cm- bracing' ull brandies of u lluUmeci eihica- tlon for young1 ladies $75 for sesbion of' ' llvo mouths commencing lirst .Monday inSoptoniher nnd Kohruury respectively. For further iiarticiilurs iitlilross SlSTKlt SUI'KRIOII , St , I'niiiciH Acadeinj' , Council UlutVb , Io\va. DR. BEL.LJNGER'S Surgical Institute Private Hospital , Cor. Ih-onthvay nnrt i0tli ! Street. Council Ilinlls , la Kor tlio treatment of all Mirgluul anilchronlo dlsuiisfs anil dlwiihoiof tlio hluoil , 1'i'lviilo diseases uf lliu l urinary < in < soxuaj orKinii , as syplilUs , Btrk-tun * , cystitis , sper * iimtnrrcihiKi ! , lo.f innnliiHiil , vuxiinl iniiutuuco | nnil H'H.iUiicis truiiti'il Kiiefoiifnlly. I'aitlaiiliiratluiillnu paid to < | | MMJS ! | of niflT liinjis , as Astliinii , CoiisiiuiiJtloii. Hnini-hltw Cutanli. Kle. I'urulyslrt. Klilimy dlM-ases us DhiliutoH. llil Iit'H l ) ] > iiiihii.lllnMimiitlsm , I'llCH. Oanmr , Vurlii'lo. . lly < lrik-i > lo. l > r' > iwy , lu- nicr. DlM'ascy of ilnmyo nnd e'ir. 'Mill ) feet , giilrial oiiiv.iHiTuniiilulldliOiisinof tliubonos. \Viiliuvoii il p-irlinPiit dovoli.Ml exeliislvoly In llio lieatiiiDclof IJlerliiodlsiuii.'S. .Mcillolnchontbceuruly pacUedand free froia . p uideneo cnnfldontlal. Aailress : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute and Private Hospital , Cor. Itruiuliviij nnil 2'illi ' hi. , Cuiincil Illuftn , la. F. M. Ellis & Co. . ARCHITECTS And Bulliins cnpormtenilent < ) . Honnm CD ini'l ' 4'U U > llnlbllii ! ! , Omaha Nob. , nnd UOIIIIH till ( in I i-'l'I ' .Murrlam H lee If Council llluM's. In. t'iirrc < | iJii luii 'O sull 'ItuU J. n. h'liJii'.vnsov , l'ru , n. u HiiniAiiT , Va-.i-prei ClIAIII.DS K. IIAN'XA.N , UllllkT , CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Oounnll IJliiffw. v Paid uV | Cnpluil . $1BOOOO N Sui'pl us niK4 Profits . BO.OOO " * Linblllly to Depositors. . OBO.OOO lnK-riiiii ) : : . A. . Miller. I' . O , ( JlcaKin , K. E * KlnUiiiK. | . i : . Hart , J. I ) , l.iliiiiiiiion. I'harlQS C. llaiiniin. TrmiHiii't Ki-ncral banlilni ; IniuU i ness l.awst tupltiil lui't uurplub of auj ( bank In buuiliwcatcrn lowu , INTEREST ON TIME UEPOSITSy