Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OJIIHA. DAILY I BED , SATUllDAr , AUGUST i ) , 1800 ,
Ho Dispwltloa Yet Mdilo of the Das Molnos
Francliisc ,
Under \o CiictmutanccVIII tbc
Club I la Allowed to Disband
A Suit lor Uncle
The \Vostcrn Daseball nssochtlon clo cd
Its meeting lure nt I o'elok ( yetlordiy ntter-
\\ithuuthniiiitr , nccoinplislicdati } thliiK
dt'Ilnltu n to the disposition of the DCS
Molnosilubnnd fianthlse
Ibo Oniml liaplds people merely replied
that they had locclved the association's
proposition nnd Ind it under consideration
JloforcMulioutnlng it was dceided to send
c jnc icnUtius to both Grand llnplds nnd
L.iiiolnto ( i on fur with the InurcattJ parties
In those i i tu s , and Mi I Iatrh | > f Minneapolis
foiHivvilli lipuitrd foi Allchipm niul Dive
Kimo of Di-nu'r for Nclnaikn's capital It
IH ( | iilt probiblothatoimof these iiluosuill
kot the rluli , mul tliochniiL-es look now dc
t idedl.N In favor of L.incoln
( liand Uaplils Honslov nbmrt imkinirup
her mind thnt the prevailing opinion is that
BhcU not ] > iepiiitil tomaVo the venture.
Ml tin ropicstntatUoH left for their ro-
hpettKo homes last evening ixceplhif'Mr.
Cooper of IXi AI lncslio will K'nniii hero
until President McCormltk iccohes , vord
Irom MtKsrs Hatch and Uowc
hi am ox'ent , tbo iirohihltion club will not
110 nil on ( .d to disband , ns it war ) lesolred
uiiinliiiouulj in the meeting to keep tlio or-
I'iinl/ntlon Intact until the clous of the
8C"iWti nt any cost If the nssociitiein is
compelled touitilntnln thoeluhit mil becon-
tlnue'd it 13f Aloines , but most of the homo
panics will ho tiaiisferied to this eitj and
ICausns Uity. '
Iherowsisn ( icner-.ileagcrnus onthopnrt
iif the dllTc'ient club loprcsc'titutivcs toct ( at
tbo I3is Alolncs ph > ers , and hnlthotlub
been hst night , us is orifliiallj
intended , there would ha\o licen onu of the
Kiandcst .scianibles for the best men over
HCUI nt the ilemisoof aulub Hilly Hurt ,
Onoy 1'atton and Hilly TralHo ) me tlie three
men most induinand
aflHMwwjwn new development heio ycstor
day in the shape'of an attachment suit liloel
before .Tustlco Morrhon by I'itehcr llllly
Hart nnd several more of the Dos Nolnos
iilajci to ( rurnlslicoinonoys In the hands of
j J. Gxipir , the seeretarv and tit isuicr of
thorhihlio Is at the Mlllnnl. llurtol al
claim < H T.fii ) eaeh , and the case will probabl )
boalrtd thU morninj ; ,
- of the ; Chilli.
IVr Ct.
nsUlly , .ay
Deliver . . . , r H
Hoiix. City . ' , .511
Oiniilin .4
. .4.4W
fat I'aul
ICansiisOit ) O , St. I'nnl 1.
JCAr Ab Cir , Mo , August 8 [
IVlcprnim to Tin I5n J I'olloi ; ingls the re-
.ult of tdda\'s rune
K-uned iun > MCiinis ! 01M t , ? t. I'nnl 1 ,
'hvo-biso lilts-U'lliloii 'Ilirt'c-luso hlts-
btpiinn. Hiiswuii lullH-Uff Miolclnl. Hit by
1 j Holier Sliinili ) . 1'iHsoil lull Uniuhnit I ,
'Ilino-Oiii ! hour nnd clllIrly-fl e minutes
, i Uiuplro llJUrtwIiie.
The Pblhidtlphh-N'eiv York game
d on account of rain
AT llllOOkl.V >
The Drookl.nBo . > ton Kame was postponed
en accoutof rain.
Cleveland . 0 0 0
Chicago . 2 0 00 005 0 * - 7
Iliti Cleveland I , Chicago 30 Errors-
Cleveland 2 , Chicngol . Hittciios Wmls
worth and Zlmmer ; Kiitchinsou and Kit-
twdgo Umplio Streif.
riiiclmiatl . 0 0
1'lttsburjf . 0 0 0 0,1 0 11 0
lilts Cliu-imiatl 0 , Pittsburglt. Hrrnrs
-Cinehiiiati 3 , 1'lttsburK , t. Butteries
Durjei .net Keen in ; Osboin and Wilson.
I'lnyus * Ijcas'io. '
Boston t 2 02011 0 0 10
Now Voilt a a 10330 0 1 11
Illta llo-ton 10 , Nov York 1.1 1'iroi-s
Boston 7 , New Vorh 7. JUitteiies-Gum-
hortnnd IColly ; Crni , O'JDiy , Hatlleld and
t U\\Untr. Umplica l ciKiisonand llolbort.
AT n rrsntnto ,
Plttshur ? 2 0 0 1 4 fl ! 1 0 2 18
HufTUo 0 0 02010 0 2-5
HitsPittsburs 13 , IJuftnlo 7. JUrors
I'ltUlturg fi , liuffulo II. Uattcries-Maul
niul ( uimi ; Cuiml'hum nnd Muck , Uinpiics
ICiiihtaiiilJoin.9. (
AT 11I1OOKL.1N' ,
'Urooldyn 5 0 OOU 00 OO-7
Philadelphia..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 O-4
Ilits llrooklyiit ) , I'lillndeliihlii5. Enors
UMoUlui 4 , 1'hil.idelphltt 5. Underlet
'ulillitK and Cook ; RuniiiRtoii and Ilallnian.
Ciiilfncj niielShiildan
. 01 0200001-1
Clculuiul. . . .0 0 0 0 a 3 4 1 * -8
Hit * Chici o 7Cle\ehiiid II. Krrors
, Chi ( KOli , Clcrolaiid y , llitterics Ilai-ston ; O'Uilon auel butclKTo. Umpiic
Ptfuvc and Snjdor.
I.oulsvillo 0 a 0 0 1 2 0
Bruoklvn 0 0000 OO 0-2
Tilts Louhvillo 12 , linwltlyn 3. Hrron
Loulivlllo .1 , Ui-ookljn 0. Battories-Dilly
ami Pitij OoodiU nnd Kyaii Vinpiru
Allot I > r tliib lu Ititl Klinpe * .
SiorxC'in , In , Augusts [ Spechl Tclo- to Tin Br.i ] 'J ho Sioux City uiombti-s
In tlu * AVc > tcin association h in a fair w.i ) to
lie forfeited. Mi , J cavoj , who o\wis \ the
fiimchise1 , is out of pocket frOft ) , mid unless
thocitinus put up sulHcicnt inoiioj bcforo
Mondaj the lentil will ho dUbnndeU on that
da ) . A committee Is triliiff to i-also tlio
, lut vith jioor suaexss. -
Jlrttli i-son DolVntH 1 IO\MI.
SIHNIV , N S. W. , Aupust 8 A sculllag
mtitclibeUeen Matter on nnd Brown for
iyOOwm towed ted ijon the Paramottn
rl\cr. .Ma tert > on won easily in UO minutes ,
! i > i seconds.
llullillo lluos ,
K. V. , August S. rourtcon
thousand people \ \ enl out to tlio drh In jj park
toJny , attracted hy Iho announcement that
S-JIIOL and Bullo Ilumlin would uttcmpt to
lo er tholr tvconU of i:10lf und 2U' inado
by them U'speetivoly ,
Aftei sojio prelhniiniyvarimitR \ up
the JudiTCM announced that tl horses
would bo but oboataUO This \\a * forth o
purpose of fclvitigSunol reconl m u four.
ytiar-old , hir belt record up to date being
2.10. Jlollultmnltii \ tent llrst , Imrtlmu
bclnp " . [ 14. The Call f&rnla wonder , bunol ,
\VM then ciulcHl up. Hbo pissoJ th ijuirtor
InaJij .lialfln 1 lA thrio auartorsln IH'-j : '
nud mlle ina 11)4 ) , just tlueo seconda t > lotvoi
than hcrCullfoinlu recotil. CeushlorliiK thu
track , ulilth ww becnduifly lu ywd condi
tion. nnJ the fail thit the -\rlnd on the
ntrclih inn ion t'ifferoneo of n full second ,
Sunol's jicrforniaiieo today moro tlmtieqmls
thnttt-hlc'li ran Ic ad lu-r next to the ( jueeii of
trotters , MimdS.
2 il tiot , JXK-VVnltor , ( II won , Hinilcolon
second , Jean Valjean third , Henrietta fouith.
Dwttiino SIS ,
rivo-jear-oUs tit under , trottingW,000
Prineo IteR-ent won , 1'amllco second Dest
tltno 2iWlV.
2.1r pice , TiOO , cxtr.1 raco-Chhnoj C. L.
won , Olondennoi vooond , A-rtlc third , llob
Tajlor fourth. Beat time 3:2J : )
ia IS.ues.
SutvToa\N. "Y , AujjiiHtS. fSpednlTelc- toTiir.HfJrj 'Iho wcithw ww clear
nnd tha truck fiiht Follo\\lng Isn suiuiinry
of the races :
rirstwce , flvo-clchlln mile , tun ycir-old
IlImyarHohcllniirillj won , Lord llury ( the
favorite ) second , Ma Hello thhd. 1 line
bocoiiil rare , one mllo-Fellowshlp von ,
Maid of Orleans ( thifivoillo ) second , Coite-
collothlril. Tlinc-J H1/ .
'J bird MCO , thre'c-roiitthsinllc , selling Cor
nell. ! ( the fined tqi won , Clolden1 Reel second ,
K.ilr 'llme-lHI
> guoenlblid. - :
rourlliracc1 , ttuec-fDurtlii mlle Thinly Pul-
stfer wm , Jucl ; lloso second , A.llcn Dine
thlnl , 5lra. Ponnett ( the fatorltc ) not Kcird
from , 'llmo 1 : IV2' .
I'lfth rare , three-fourths inilej , sclllnR
Amofit A won , CScnuvluvo ( the fnvoilte ) second
end , Blulc Diamond third Time -P1U.
Brighton I'ciioh ' finces.
TON UK uii , .Aiipu tS. [ Bpoclil Telc-
to Tim Urt ! . ] Suminnty of todiy's
raics :
hovenplghtlis of a mile-King Idler won ,
\Voodbam second , The Djclor third. 'Iluio
Seven ciuliths of i mile Oss.i Aton , Ctls-
pin second , AnnloM tldrd Tlmu f.
Ono mul ono eighth inllos-nioici won ,
Eblls second , Uiehtnond third Time 1:5' : .
One and oiic-eljrlitliinilCT Allst Codv won ,
Bilin lloru second , Coirillioii third Time
i WV-
'Ihroo-fourths of i mlle DirolIn ) fcolt )
won , J ady tihugow second , Buylor third.
Time lilT'f.
Three-fourths of u mile Voung tiiny non ,
Hannah second , Thorndilo third Time
1 .17.
Handicap , two milei , otcr right hurdles
Leo Glnlstj won. Bassanco second , Vaucluse
third. Time 2M.
N. J , .August S.
Tclcyram to Tin BKI ] Suminu-y of todiy's
races :
Seven eighths of a mile Toulon wonvPnll ,
ISlall .second , S\\lftertbiid 'Jlino 1 : W ( .
rive-clyhths of si inllo-Woodeuttor won ,
1'aiollni second Hnola tbhrt. 1'inio 1 O.t > -
Six and one-half furlonps llitoutoxviiwon ,
liif tor second , I.lttlo Mimilo third Tmic-
1 J2'
Three- fourths of i mile Shotovcr non ,
-At iron i second , Claj Stockton third Time
1 W4
Ono and one-fourth miles Jennie McAn
land A\OII , Vlvllinte second , j\uomaly third
Seven-eighths of a milo Jlartj B won ,
Tjinctntur keeondA'iiiidcnnent tnlnl. Time
The 8 fHpocial Cnblcg-mn. to
Tin : Urn. ] Tlwuxcoat the Lowet summer
incotln today for the * Vstlo > stakes , H-\e fui
loijfjs wasuonbvV llaird'a colt Hod
denlHM , .1 U Lckh'stolt ThoDoonistcr
hciond , aiidG. L'lovcl mil's ' fill } Grace Con
ray tlilid. There \veio nlno t > tuiteis.
lor Today 'n Races.
Pint race , three-quarters ofn nilio AVurj ,
YouneDuko , Jack Itose , Kingston , Caitcr U ,
Tom Hood
Beiond race , five ei htbs ot amllc , Vir-
( , 'lnui stakes JIutrRio Ward , I31aclf Lot , On-
.indaja , My IVimnio 0 Ccolt ) , O.arita ,
Ulucl vooJ , Aralon , Calo'irej , LeoS , iloiito
ley , I'alcatlno.
Thlnl nice , inlie and -ilftccnthsliaiidl
can BWCe'irstakcs Ploodtido , Hypocrite ,
Ulochner , Uncle Bob
fourth mcemilo and one-six tcenthAvis -
tuilitz , Isau : Lewis , Kupcita , Enclisli Ladj ,
Keclarc , ftir.lohn , 1'rintoF'onso , Smtiago. '
Kifth race , ono mile , s < llltif-Balljhi ,
VeiiRUor , BoiinlcttaSyracusoLittloSfisso , s ,
Hurry Weldon , Salute , Dyer , Satisfaction ,
livyinondoodlena , , Irene , Cariio 0 ,
Macauley , _
Pirol race , three-foartbs of -inile Volun
teer , Custnwar , Civil Ser\1eo , Mudnone ,
Ulnrcndon , Auiiinia , DevoUx ; , Arab , .My
Tellow , Lady Heel , Jersey Pat , Terriller ,
Second nee , thrce-foiuths of a mile , Amity
stakes Latosc i , S.dlio McClelland , Adven
turer , Sixonc'tte , .Bermuda , rtionulale ,
Heclwn , Westih-jstei , Sir George , Fahvlou ,
Arro ince , ICihlcer , Cipar.iiun , Plonmore ,
Ma > tvooil , SoicutJi , Picmiiclicr , Difltcns.
Thhd lie ? , ouo und onc-eightli miles , Uapo
May handle ap-Slniloa. l"cimitb. . Can C.m ,
Squander , Mnsterlode , Judp-o Mouow , Ia\e-
lee , h'itiBlMe , Kimiiuct , Chios , Torso , ifaa
Fan ( colt ) . .
ITnilrth rare , one .mil one quarter railos
SaUnter , Prineo Iloyal , Stockton , tiotion ,
l ifth race , ono mllo-Eric , Belli B , Mnjoi
Donio , St Jaincs , Bofaiiltcr. Her Highness
Sixth lace. Me-clfhthsot a mile , stlling-
Kockfoith , f'unster Ji , DiisoyVoidrun" ,
VarJee , Malachl , llellerophone , FiedTaral ,
Ne\\buri , ICismct , . , IJVid ,
Daniel 13 , Vilhgo Jlnld , Majrslo II
Sctentliiaee , ono mlle Inspector II , Nit-
piim , Rh l dlow , Philosophy , St. Luke ,
Hmssols , Momoo.
Eliththr.ico , live-eighths of ft reilo Somer
set. live LipiVnlcott , , Vlreurass ( colt ) ,
ICojsor , Mipoia ( colt ) , lilot , U'arOvci ( colt ) ,
Houchrani , Sir ( Jeirje , IDndorn , Bablcon ,
Victiois ( lilli ) , lloiioyinoon , Ilciresa. Prcak-
net > 3 Lasi.
'Jim Heo Tips.
I lrst llace Civil Sou Ice , ( Jhuendon.
Second liaed kdlle Miiulhudrcst ( ; -
hi tcr.
Third Uaco-I3animct , Simloa.
fourth Ituco Salvatoi , T'uiicoUoyal.
Fifth Uuco-Dofmltcr , Bella B
Sixth Uico-Neubuw , Autociiit.
Seventh Unco Aly fellow Niagara
Klqhth Race Bibicon ,
Fiwt liaee-IviiiRSton , Waiy.
Sifiii < 1 Kaco 1' destine , Montorov.
Thlul Itace-Iljpociito , Floodtldo.
lAmrth llaeo liet-laiv , Sir Jolin.
I ilth Unco-Came U , Ircuo.
rsii : Ji IL fj.t Ji31 1 it KH jw.v.
Piibt TaynStJori ) * nt the Annual 3te-
volvor .Match.
Dii.i.tM'i : , Neb , \utust S. [ Special to
Tnc BBK. ] following aw thej scores
inado ycstordiy atthoiuinuiilrotolvcrmatcli ,
Depu-tinciitsof Dikot-i and the Platte ITlrat
ilaj , dismounted :
ni : AMI rirrv IAIIUS
Gt Iftltlt , Chas. II . p'v't , Co , U , Uli cat- . . . . .01
Bauy , M II , S'K'I ' , Co. CS , 1st cav . S' )
Ilassoii.l ! . Jp'\'t , , Co L.Sth civ . M )
Janiieson , J. , p'v't , Co I , bthcav . , bS
Pitcher , John. Istllcnt , Istcuv. . bS
Sanford , \V.D. . jt'f't.Co. A , Sth cav . S7
l ldJ , i ; l .lst [ lent. , dth niv . h7
M.insieriiii > 't't ' , Co M.kthcav . . b7
To'er ' , Jllller , coip , Co. D , Vth cav . bO
Hughes , J. i1 , , b'g t , Ce. 1C , 1st uv . b J
Weli'ouio Ualn in Missouri.
Sr. LouixMo.August , b A gooO , soaking
rain , tlio llrst In several wccics , bcjnu fulling
thU evening nnd continued until 10 o'clock :
Adslccs from the surrounellnf'country Indicate i-
cato thnt the storm vas general unel st.ito
that , tliouirhlt tame too into to Improvothe
yield of wheat , < om mid oats , yet vc et 81
mid fruits wcro eouslderally oenolltcd.
Kontiiuky Cropi ,
LKXIGTOKj. , . , Augusts. Ucccut heavy
r.ilns hive ere.itly itnprouxl the corn rep : ,
\\hlchu ill average fairly with lust year.
Hemp , which is an important proiluctiou in
thU hcetlon , will ho good. Tohicco Is doing
bu Hy and the crop nlves iioor pronilao. Po
tatoes , uro below the
I'lliil ClusFi UorkcrM1 Suali > .
I'lTTdirun , Pa , AuipistS The confertuco
cojimltteo of the nianufucturon'mid fnm of
tlioAnieilcan Hint gliss union unanimously
iidoteda [ srilo of wiyes. Bevei-u.1 advances
\ei-o made.
IiTojor Powers aul O. H. Kom Crjan the
Campaign tit Atkluam.
flenteli nt Teltntimli Tor n
Miming Giil-KIIIuit l > r I.djl ; i-
11 1 ni ; hun Hint ; Jlnuc
, Neb , Auifiist * [ Speihl Tole-
irram toTiii < : : Mijorl'otwra nnil O II.
ICein , candidates for f'o\cruor ami congress
on tin ; nllluiico ticket , opened the uinp-itgii
Jlr. Keni sild lie WJM not responsible for
standing befoie the audience ) 113 nominee for
congrusi , tint liowaschoacn by no net of
hUownto rfpiosciit the liboimj ? Intoiests
of the cojntiHint ; ho was net an
or.itor , but had iron ahlow boj until tluoo
yeirs a/o , slnco which. tlmo ho lud been
actlvelj cngyed hi politics ; that It vas n
diic necessity thnt put him up 04 a candidate
for congress
He pall tlie usuil tilbuto to tno Indies nnd
mild he wished eAcry w invonmi \ aid child
In thu country \vw a , politician In the true
sense of the word , tint , the content this full
win bcltt-ocii capital ami labor.Vo hud
n crisis lu our history and no voter could
sttuldlea fcieo any longer ; said the nil i-
aneo not any bnnrtor
or abler to ccpo with , this crisis than the old
pailies , but wore putcr and less corrupt , nnd
that thcr held tliocoircctpiiuclplcs of gov-
If thty wcru adapted ho said three facts
stood out ptomiiieut 'Jhut in the past
tvcriljoarsmoro pioduiU liad been pro
duced than cvu bcforo during the same
pulod , thntmoie p.iuperaimdmore million-
ilia's hid been made cluilu the s.uiiotluio
tlim e\cr before , mow miser } than over before
fore ; there was nti unequal dlHtnlmtfyn of
\\calth The ulllincc ucinmdsthus.imo pro
tetiotifor all.
He did not believe that the law ought to
allow monov anj tuh.intiiKO over po\ertj
That sevon-taitlHof thopjophj produce till
the wcilth of t'io ' cojnti ) and three-tenths
aliare It , that all parts of tlio country was
moitfjajod and his tlio most so of all , the
homes of the people Moro being taken a\vaj
fiotn them , and tlio mm vho neither vorlu
noi spins -.puids flOOwlicio the producing
el us spend 1 cent.
lie tjiichoJ up overproduction In tlw old
v\uy ami said tlmo lus no o\er pioductiou
of anytulng in tnis country but
fools. The trouble is not overproduction -
production but under consumption , and
unequal disliibulloii It U only a question of
tlmo when the capitalist will jjctyousuio
% Vheue\ era mini goo ? in debt hols done np
lie proceeded to give the icmcdy It all
Illumed on flnanoo money vras nhat win
needed , and the audience Deemed to ngrcii
vith this proposition. The- prim of
11101103 liad fiuiio up ; tlieiooto \ two
vayt > of petting uiomto buj
orboirowit. The piixscnt condition of tlio
faimcru'a'Uiotor ' mushroon giowth , but was
liecauso ol ! well cotieocted | > lans of the iiuuoj
powoi bo ruu during , the war.
llo shoved tbo difference ! between tlio
cliatttl alion' of the south and the capital
show nil o cl the country in favor of tlio
southern show. Thospenker hammered tlio
i-iilroids on freight tiatispoitation mid
vviterod atoclc in the old style The govern
ment should talie control of the rtilro.uls-
fiovoiumeiit foi a class and b a ehss.
Poor men don't ' pav a tax on their ii conic ,
Irat on thch.outgo. The nllijncc domnidsa
{ .mduntud Income 'Uis and hosuidthoieason
this Wml of \\susafalluro In the past wis
Ucttuso the people 1ml been s > cndiiiff moneyed
men toconcresi liistoatlof lioncst gniifjcra
like himself. JIo touched up the tirill ft om
adeniociatlu itandixjint and said a bonded
sjstom had and iwrajsvould ruin any
Hifbcenrao eloquent in his dofonsoofhomo
wife mul liibles , spol > - ofhis four baMes at
homoatid closed bi'sajhiB ! "Don't forget
jour \vifo and babies in tills light"
Ho spoke fof t\\o lioui3 The spealter
said ho vould. Ineivaso the tut on
nch rain's Incoino until tlio burden would
bo so hea'Nj that no man would care to bo
vorth mow than > "iO,000 [ hisses and crroansl ;
sild the railroads cscapcif tsixatlon on their
property by running their rolling stoclc o\cr
late Jowu while they were assessing la IS'o-
bnisiu In Jwinry , and vce-wrsa , when the
time came for assessments itilowam j\pril \
Mnjor Powers i spo'co about tvo hours , ro-
itcr.itltifc n-anyof the tbhiRr-i touchscl by I\lr.
Kom Ilobtateil tliat tlicalllarieohieant tlu
coming toscthoroCul the men ho belie > ed
la a sot of piindples wlilch ought to bo 10-
duccd to la\v.
A. SIicnn"n aiibplna > tl Coiiliacncc.
AtJLUu l Neb , j\iiiist 8 fSpecinl Ttle-
giamto THIJ Ju.J ) Ohules Joliiisoii , con-
liuedlii tlio county jail muuthifj trial for the
murdur of Jiirncs'hiteman , chose to loa\o \
bis conifoitablo quartei-s this morning at (5 (
o'clock , taking ad vantugo of the sheriff's coii-
fldenco iiiallo lnsrblin tn go after water , and
when missed lud piluod the friendly shelter
of un adjacent corn Held. Tlioalnnn vas
given and about fifty men resK | > ndul and
surrounded the cora Held , closing In ou him.
Inside of mi hour ho was plarcil inn cage ,
\\herohanilluithofuturo \ bo closely kept.
Fruitless Searcli.
TFKVMAII , Kcb. , August S. [ Sjiecial .Tclo-
piani to Tin : Dnn.l AJ1 daj long a liundied
mciihavosoaiched in : alti for the lost phi
uhoniy.stetiously disappeared receutlj. Eaily
thLs moriilnp a line of men was formed and
manhud baoUiiud forth for nnloa atouml ,
liicludlngquitoa larpe lake lu that Ucinity ,
through which men \valltcd up to their nun
pita untilcveiy part of the bottom Iml liicii
subjected to aUhprouprli a sou-clias could ho
made Nubt set inat lint and thesoaiuh \
abandoned .All i\oik In tlio iieijjbborhood buspcncled for snoral da s , and
iioiv that it has boon demonstrated
that the hod ) U not in that
locality tbo mistoiideoiiciiSjaudnboutthe only
thin ) , ' that can bo ilouu Is to axvalt futthei de-
Tl o father and brothers still dint ; to the
forlorn hope thut sometluo m.iy yet bo oo-
taliuii cilltev at Blair or C.ilhouu , but a Ulo-
grain liu Just boon recilved Htttlnjr that no
trace could bo found in that direction. The
pirlli li\e and one-half feet la lielKht , rather
dark coinplf xioned , weighs 150 pounds , and
woioa nun's hat when leaving lionw. The
of$100is still open for her recovery. .
ICilltiii IUll liHiiri'- .
, Neb , August" . [ Siwclalto TIIK
BKE ] Last cvonln ? Just at daik \ % Idle A J ,
Story , vho lheIn Lincoln precinct , thrc <
nntlono-half mlloscastof licitsas \ out at
hisbirnjai-dcovcrinBUp Us ll v duriiiR
thunder storm , ho was struck by lightning ?
md Instantly killed.
1 ho barn of Mr , .Tames Carter , near thl
clLj\vasstriKk , lij Hlitnliiff lust nljht and
oiitlioly dcstroj ed.
lliuilnii and Termer nt lentilue ! ,
Hrvraicis , Neb. , Auguat 8 [ Special Tole
pram to Tim JlKK. ] Arrangements were
concluded todiybercby \ the y > V > guarantee
fund \vns raised to secure the famous oars
men , Ilnnlan and Tcoincr , wliowill bo secured -
cured fora sculling nutchon the TJIuo alontj
thoChnutauqun , grounds waterfront Thurs "
da ; no t , Aiijrubt II. iV ( omulttoovilldo -
IKirtfor O null A touiorrou inorniiiK tocoii-
cludo iii'Kotl.itlom Utwfon Ilaulan and
Tceuiei and no jinim or opotibO will bo
spared to miiku the affair a big success toll
will bo the Ih-st open water suillinc ; nuteli
over ii\en in Nebruski. The > vutcr couit > llu
is nbouttwo mil in leiiKth and U in full
viciv of finely shaded baulcs both along und
oppositothoUhnutauipja. grounds.
'Jill ! llOUK I" till )
Love PINB , August 8 [ Special to TIIK
Bfi.J Ao jesterdayvtis an exciting day
and ft f-Teat crowd \vcro present , tutu rail } ' a
rourtiouvould follow , and * uciv.u ! tl ucasa
today , everybody tclt lib ) Inking ns'iauoli
rest and quiet aapo sllilo and tliu roniltvu.s
that ladles Mould bo soon In hummocks , in
easy chairs or resting uinlir studo trees , and
children with bathing suits on paddling in
the xvatcr.
The grounds and tributaries are couducive
i The clvww tin ) nil well
filled I'rof lj > I tf. Diriws of Cuflalo , X.
Vhnstho | school of natural fiolciieoiuid has
his woik lupoVj'lrunidntr onion also Iteu K.
\Vhllroaw \ , " AfM. , of Mudlsou , Neb , lias
hii school cf p dauo ) ! ) * \ > V to the desired < g othen HID Her. J. U.
Stewaitof Aurorx , b , coinluotw of the
Cliautuuunnori/ftl ( | / tinloni Pi-of. Tdi EMIIH.
A. M , of Abii tlon , III , nd Iluldah L.
\Viiuglwp of Wisner , Neb , hoth coaduitltin
tlit school of toniporaneo : I'rof , anJMw. li. ,
B.Oecrof JJelluh , conductlnir the school of
music ; Mrs P. , 1 | [ Mumatnth of Omaha , i'on-
ductorof thoscliool onrtsund ( , allaro dolns
peed o.miostT3ilj which \ \ 111 bo a letting
biMiolltto tlinpfMt > lo of the northwest.
llev.U. McClIh , D. H , of Oim-gii , 111. ,
ddlvorel u \ uublo adlre ! , hU subject
btlnjr "Daltonism and Its Analtpiesln Jllnd ,
MoiaH und llelljtlou , " tind this cvcnliifr a
lecture by Hov .1. Powers of Blair. Nob.
wlioso subject -XMS 'OliMT Cromwell" and
wns a great success.
TlicOohl ali-tliil Contort.
V < i.uuvi < ( j , Keb. Aupust S. [ Special
TiloKMin to Tilt Bn.l ThoDeinorestcon
test forthogoldiuedil took iilooo histnlnlit
attliuM. K church la the presence of alnrge
und aviireclatlvo uudiunrt. 'Jho con test nits
vure luls Latlln , Mary Jtoselh' , Xellio
Thioop. Mlnulo Thioop , Utta SVilwn , Cnio
XJays , Stella.IoljnsonniidMlsaBralt. They
dtllveiwl tlieir 01 itions winnikiibh well and
v\lth sofeworrou tint itsoeined liard for the
judges to ditornilno whieli onoof theinw.H
the -\vinnor Tincoiiduslon nirlvod at bv the
j ud Res was In fiver of Miw Mnrv VJosolle ,
lie iwoiied the pold mod it. 'Hie other
si\cn ! \ of the coiite > t iiits cii-h iecoi\ed \ ubjau
tiful olllnlo of poems presented by 0 W
Fo > : on the pail of the contributors Tlw
contest will lon be rcnumbcrid hall pros
cut ba-.iusi ) of the tnaaucr In vhlch tliuj
Mere intcrtiinod
( lv Oh urcli ill ' ( irtc.
VOIIK , 'Neb , August S fSpceuil to Tnr
I3ic.-ThcCa.tliulic of this tlty hno pjmn
almost completed to build a ( iiU : ( ) church
and a JlUjftU building In aldition ta the
sihool building they nlreuly liwo The
church Is to beestof \ \ the dormitory and is
to bo eighty-one by llfiy-t\io foot , stoiio
foundation , brick buildhi ? with stone trim
nilne-s It Is to bo 110 feet from the ground
to the top of the steeple Iho school will
open September -with 1 thlrtj teachers , nil
sitters from the Peoila. 111. , mother school
"M'o are iuloniud that the mother house for
I\ebraska Ii to bo at York and Is to he called
the "Ursullno Convent of Niuircth. "
Youthful liiiifilni.H Arrested ,
AL-iiutxNeb , , Augubt 8. ( Sjieeial Telegram -
gram to 'Ini : BI K ] . The four hoysvho
\Tcre aii-cstcd at Toirumscli , ghinu their
names as , Charles Itoberts , John II ill. Prank
YouiigaiiOUohiit CuiUhcr , and aged ubout
seventoeii , are In the custody of the shciiff
here , chnrgcd vith coniiulttink' the binglun
iitGilhii'sstore Aloiidaj night. Thov are
VntiiB examined iind so fai pleaded not
Kuiltv though the juthoritica at Tecumsch
and I'llleyvhcro , they -weio ai rested , icco\- \
ned soiucof tlio iifticlct stolen. Thovlll
doubtless lx > boiud o\cr to the fall Urm of
the dktrict couit.
tol'itj Tlulp I'lno.
Giusn ISI.AMI , Is'ob. , August 8 [ Special
Telegram to Tnc B i.J J. U Iticlinrd ) , Mor-
ils'alkcr and C S. Bradley claiming to
represent the installment house ofV. . A. IM-
\\ards \ , denier In sdvoinarc , booU , notions ,
etc. , of O Atoiiies-wcro airest l todiy for
peddling and delivering iioods from bouse to
iioiisein tills city ill broken pioka es. Thoj
were flncd ? > lO and costs i ich and K * fusing to
piy they wore cominittil tojail. They pro-
rose to fluhb itout jad soha otcleKralllcdto |
kiinsis City f < n a Iitvycrutid propose to try
the litbcascoipns sut.
01V tt > JUiston.
FitrMOT , Ix'eb. , Aupisfc 3. [ Special to
Tun Ilisr. . ] lion. ID. / . Hichaids\vho , is del-
fioni the of fc-
cuatc-at-large deputment ! -
brasld to the national Grand Aitny of the
Kcpubllc cncnnipHKnt , left this afternoon for
Boston to ntKirf * the nicotiiifr , polnghyMy
of Omaha , thence byvty of the Builmnton
on tiiaiegulaKOranJ umy trliii. Mi Kich-
aixls ivns uccorapaiiled. by Uis wife and oldest
oa. They will boV'rf1) ' ) ' from the state until
about { September 1 , visiting at tholr former
VennoRt home after tlio udjourumont of the
Another CIinrROK 'hint ICtnitz.
VUKNTIMI , Neb .August . S [ Special Tcla-
Ri-oin to Tin : Bi'iU Another chatpj lias
been broiurht aalnst Genoul Kautz by the
department cainrnandcr , Oerfcial Broole ,
this time for conduct prejudicial to good
order and military discipline , in that General
I ICautz { jn\o \ to the press tbo hifoiinatioii rcln-
tlvoto tha fomieriharees , and refers to fie
Ilit.t spetlil sent ritElli'j : frornlioro Gen
eral ICauU is now \Vashingtonon leave
'l\vo \ Proinliicnt Doaths.
BtATiticc , Keo. , August 8 [ Special Tele
gram tol'uuBi : ! ] Valentino Myers , one
of the earliest pioneers of this county , died
at hii homo ten miles south of tWs- city last
evening1 at an advanced age
Mrs. NY. H. Ileeraor , m old and highly es
teemed sid t of this city , ( Hod last evening
of pnraljsls. She and her husband for a
number of years conducted the 1'icUIc house.
this city.
i'lpolcoil tl ) v toriu.
_ IST.IS-O , Not ) , August 8. [ Special
Telet'raia to THE BIF. | The ncv , school
house ut the Boldlers' homo was severely
wrecked by the storm ycste > rday and will
1mvo to bo toni down and rebuilt H V.
Linibichs rcsidciice , iieirlflnisbodln )
Ua-wn , vlll two to undergo tbo same change.
Skip-licit Out Alltlia .Ten.111.
Uiib t ( , is'eb. , August 8 [ bpetlal Tele-
pram to Tin ! nr.r ] A youttfj man mimed
Boughner-\\lio li. IKOII Iii the einploj of
CJeorse L. Smith , sldppel out hist nlftht
taUhiRnloiiKntcam of fancy ditvini ? hones
beloiiRiii ? totho latter llo will prob.iblj bo
Cliir Count ) DcniocratH.
CIAY Oxvi ! , Nob. , August 8 [ Special to
TuiBir. ] The domoer.its , in their county
contention toda.i , endorsed tlio people's
counti- ticket Delegates to the conpios-
sioinl eoiivintioii aw Instructed for Mc-
Ito-I iiKaBoil an I'rincipnl.
TJiA > ( - , I\'eh. , August 8. [ Special Tcle-
BiMin to Tin : Bur I I'rof C. II Aldriclihas
hecu i-o-ennaijeel as principal of thoUljssos
hiphpchool at allbci-il sal.iry Ills mciits
and ability are of n hlfh older.
7usL In TlmeHo He Too Ij.iti' .
ULYTS , Kob. , August S. [ Spedil Tele-
Bfirai to Turn KB. ] A K < xA > > fcl1 hcro
lastnitiht , but totvlato to benont the corn
crop. Dusiness k aSnguisliIng and business
interests will sulfyr" '
A haluonjllur ln'lzo I.
UiYfe < i < , Nob. , August 8 [ Special Tclo-
grain toTiiElJi/ ! , C'iseyasabon.was barg-
Inrlrcdlast nlKlituudabairol otapplo-Jnck , n
lot of bottled \\hlsliey , cl/arsaud n can led
off No duo. " "J
An Old d
Sr. 3 : w.\ur , Wb.vAugust 8 [ Special to
TIIK Ber.J-ir. Af 7bhaffcr , an old and re-
spited cltlzoii of this place , bc ont-ono )
years ola dlol 'h momlnsiit 5 o'clock.
* I ottl Inj5xiipotto | l.
Sr. I'aTt.Minn , August -Special [ Tele-
Kiani to TUB lU.c.1 About To elnbcr
last Teni Ivclley , nn employe of James He
orBhiclc Charlie , as ho is cjcncmlly Unowu' '
sudjlooly dlsipfieared Ulierohns boonasus-
pleloiiof sulelduor toul jilav In thoinlnds of
( uorulof our oltUctn from tint time , To
day llftcoii or tventv men uro at voile dr.ia-
Kins ! the Uoup rhor adjurent to Illuck
Ctiarlcj's ranch and searching In other places
for thoii'tiiilus of the lost man
Onu John Cnimnybas expressed a Itnowl-
e < lfo | otthonftulr , mil there ia
loa that ho knows more than ho has tola so
fur. 'Jho affair Is worthy of ainoful in-
vcstluatioii , nud our olllifr * uro til it. Tlio
inUsinj man has Uvo br&thnid In Cleat.
Held , h
I''l lit lletMunii ( JcriiKin So < 'l.ill'ilH.
BKIIXP , August 8-A flffht occun-ol bo.
tvoen a number elf Oorinmi socinlists near
Xurlch , iluriny which soieruln ere killed and
nitr ttnur n iitf11 nt'iiPiiiA-ii
The "Veterans Ronulaing listen to Mora
Reunion Oratorj ,
'IVut sure llfiiiR Itnpidly lcsi ) > rtid anil
thu Orciit Itciiiiion AVI 11 Soon
lie a 'JL'liliic of the
1'aHt ,
Cv-MfL.i\coi.f , Stinuioii , i 'eh. , AuRUst 8
[ SpaIiiH'eleB'ianito 'ini : UKIC. ] Already
ast e\cnlns numbcii of attciuhinU upin the
ntorstuo reunion be ran to p.ulc up , pup ira
tciy todoimtuic. 'Iho horsn , vhich haJ
lieun plektted Juat outside the cunivere > ,
lilched to the odd-lookiiijtvohlclej that
iioiifjlit the campers to Superior. Away
they idled , stopping in fiont of some par-
tlmlar tent only Ion ; enoiiirb to i ( .cover the
co ifjluincrato load of utensils \\hith \ hail
delivered at tliesaino ilice several dnjs
jiiwious. All diy toilay tlio tvacuition con
tinued and iniiiy a soldier could bo leeii In
full retreat who htidcvei been In tha thu't '
of bittle. At least half of the fiW
tents are ahead ) empty and the ie-
iniiiiUer nill boacntod \ eirly tonwiroM.
'itio unfastened fronts of the tents flutter In
the -\\lnd s > howliis only the struv ivhlih hal
ptrfoiinodthe servlie of a bel Hie Nelson
pinrdi loft foi homo last ou'iiini ; and \vcro
followed this nornliiK by tlio Ujmoio anl
'JoiHjki bitteiiej. The lioavy gui\a wens
pullodthi-ujplilho stioeti , loidctloti the ca
and veto soon on the \vnj \ to tln-ir u'jj'ur
ijuai irs.
Notivltlistatidliif ? the dop.irtuw of a pooil
piojxjition of the uttuiidantuitniiors , a 1'nlr
ciowd watched the cveielses of the da ) .
'Jho morning opened cool and eloudj , but the
sun ciino out Ijtor mil the lo.idsvoro omo
moro dusty. The first SIRII of dawivn
ialuted , in usual , by Ilio llrinu of gum ,
after wlihh caico the i-oftular coin-
pinydiHlJiind insiith to Thin
the bittciics present paio a partiuj ? exhibi
tion of artillery practice pro ; ions to break
ing c imp. Thodrill was ROIO through with
lemailcaulepredsipu , especially en the purl
of thcToirlca mllitli unJer Lieutenant tlc- , who effected loaJiiif and lluufj in
U\cnt ) saontls
At 11 o'cloclctheie wasa general assembly
at the spualccr's stand , nhero .fudge Apple-
got of Tecuinsch , J C. Dihvorth of Hastings
and i'oni RIalois held foithiltli reunion
oiatoiy. The latter \\Msstill clad la hii VIR-
ulation blueslilrt , and lott iiooppoitunlty to
displrt it In the iftemoou spiet-h miking
was iifMiii resumed , and cx-Oovcmor Ua-\ll (
Biitliradhossed the vetcniin Ho vos foi-
lowed by JudjnV II. Jlorrn of Crete , who
In tuii | Kay toColnnul 13 M. Corrdl.
quaiterinutor neutral of Nchr.islci IS'ationti
( ju.iids , anlOflionel.Ienkins of 1'airharv , a
menibor oIGo\cniorThajer's stall Toduj'a '
e\ei ibcs closed tbo speaking proerannac.
AHo'ilocktbe atteiiduit binds contested
for tlw pmo A hlcli had been oltored bv the
[ cuiiioii miiinsomciit. 1'tio evening hours
\veroconsuincdby igraid rilly round the
I nst night qiito a flurry a-5 crcitcd in
e imp by thu dlseovtiy und pui ult of suvcnl
thiee& \ \ hone viiltiiiR to pick uphat -
c\ciM\asleft in the tent1 ; . The inuriuders
took to the fiovo Just east of the c.tmp
grounds and inmaged to eseaiw. In
to\vn thuprswero apnrohcndeu One
had a deep slash on his arm , while anotlur ,
: -aujht later , as conccalmaa bloody dlik up
his sleeve
Tomormw vill bedoAoted cntiiely to the
bie.iliincrof cninp. Bofoio departure , ho\v- \
cvoi , Colonel Lnvclure , in ronitnind of tbo
tioo)3 | ) fiwn Kaiisis and Xcuraslcn , united
wit h the chief eveuiti ve oflltcra otf the 10-
unicu in sii nlng1 a resolution of tlunlcsto
oliinel O E. Adsiins , cominandunt , and 13 .T.
Muifln. chief of stiff , for the many com tesies
roceircd nt their hands , nlso to tlio offlcersof
the Kansas , md Nobriska national puauls
for fieir presence nnd aisisrtnco in the le-
iinioii andto the eitl/cnsof Superior i\ho \ hid
ctfiilributtd to muko tlio encampment u suc
cess _ V. 1 !
u f.WML Airojitt. .
\ r/Dttor / from Oovernor Stcclo Trjins-
mlttctl to Congress.
" \V * imiTOAugusts. ( , . The piosidentto-
day sent to congress a letter from Govoinor
Steele of Oklahoma roiiriiscntiiifitbatdistiLss
picialls among the residents of that territory
nnd rotniestinj tint the attention of con
gress be rilled to the fact Tlio pixsldent ,
in transmitting tlio letter , saysi "Infoiina-
tionreechod by nw from other sources leads
me to behevo that the governor Is altogether
right in his impression that there will be , un
less rolitf is nffoidod , widcspivad sufTeiin
among the scttleis in Oklahoini. Main ol
these people expended lu tiavel and pioviillnjr
shelter foi their f.iinilicsaU their ic"umulated
means , riiuirrop pioipoits for this
uiVjhy itasonof thoilroutli , unfavorble , and
the ability of the i .opio of tbo tcnitorv to
proildeieliofmust boln.T.cle'juate ' duiln this
eai I i > inadviseOtbattlieidaaiuiicxenlud |
iiluipo of S 1OOO of the fund aiipropnated
for the icliof of the Mississippi llool s\iIor- (
ors , end I iccoininuul thnt authority bo Kh
to uo this fund to meet tbo most urgent
necessities oftbopuoret people inOkhhdlni. "
AMienti rip ol the
ST. Ja'r. , Jllnn , Augusts On account of
thohot leather and the latk of rain durinij
th o las tfcxveclf3 \ \ , the founot estimates of
I LH,0X1l)00 ) , ( ) bushels as the \vhoit ciwp intlio
Dnkotas will pro Inbly bo a little outofthe
wn ) . In South Dilcotaand sonlheiu Minno-
soti the limvest is neady ovci , and , vbilo
fanners gonoiallj are not juhilnnt.nilliitjraic
the ) dlsioni.ijjed , The g-tiieral yield will bo
f.ilr The iiilrouls luivo weekly uop 10-
poits , onvhli Ii they hiso their pstimatcs of
the \\lit it yield tokiun how much they rno
going to haul. If they nronot raist-ilteu
the yield will rcich abo\o \ 90,000000
bushels licpoiti lioni the northwcbtcm
poillon of Mtuiicsoti and Dakota indleiito
tlnttboix'ceut spell of not weather , accom
panied \ > \ - stroiifdry , winds , hal a disostious
ufTcct ujioii vhcat
Coiiilitlon orOJdo Crops
Coi.fMiiusO. , , AucustS Tbo stnto Iwird
of igriiultuio has lasted an estlmnto of the
condition and proipects of crops based on re
turns from all sections of the stato. The
present lepoit indicates mice-lino ofJ ( pjints prospe < U since the estimate of Jul >
1. Tlio result of thu thrtshlns hm been ;
dlsippolntniint to farmers m most sec
titma ofthosUto The yield Linotso
as anticipated from the apncamncoof f'io\v
ing friiin. Com is builly Injuicd and o
poor inospects. The indications nro thu
only from U ) to 7 ! > porroutuf an uvu-.i i
croi ) c.m boiealhod. Oats arc badly injuiei
b ) ulitfit 01 rust. Tbo crop isoryshor
andnotof iilinon.unllty. Pasturts uro fail
ins r.ipldlj by i-oason of continued drj
\\utliu Hay is a full crop , yvpnlus
pcauhu and penis mo almost a total f ullurc
s' torn Urop u r.xllure ,
ICv > sis Cirv , Mo. , August 8. 'Jho htes
reports from ICimsaaucganling corn are no
of an mcoiiniging tintnro , A total fuiluro o
the com crop is ropoitccl In nearly nil the tor
iltoryln the noithern part of the state froi
.function C'ltyestMird to the state line an
fioin leon.iul vcstvard , Tlio most favor
aUo louditlona c.innot tow benefit the crop
very much , and loss than one third of an
nvci-apo ylild Ii expcetcd , 01 about be\cnt \ ;
llro niillloii'ls.
Hisiisi : , August 8 Piasiduit lluclioniict
nnd thoBiitUh , Aineilcui nnd 1'ortuguofcO
ministers met inconforowu today to consider
the question of eomp"nsntlon for the selzuro
Day railway by Portugal
Niillontl JIar , lud , August -Tlio Na
tional Bar osbodutioa llnlihed Its lubois to-
ilav. Much of Ihu tlmo todit wasdovdod to
nuiHcussioiiof the iiiothods of ilmpllfying
legal | irocedurolu 'ho foduriil courts.
Nomiimtcil I hue-iced IIIinsi'li ;
ST. CHAW Mo.AuKust , H
Jlor ton wni ted ly nomitiatodto suocoul him-
cir by the democratic coiuoiulnu of the
boventU dljtrUt.
fScnerally HntUniutot- ) \
to Turn i p. ] -It. O tim .V Co' ' * AVeoldy
llovlcw of I'rado snjs :
Leas favorihlo ci-op proBpecta , closer
mono ) markets and further delay in notion
on thotaillT iiithe senate htwo increased the
iincottiilnly u hleli retail business , hi aplto
of a sharp ait vaneo In wheat , corn , oiti , oil
and coffee , thafoiicinl mcrnja of prkos for
coinnwdltles isnshndo bwor Uian week
a.'o. Thotiresent slito of trulo tbroiighnit
the couutiy upp.'arisiitUfaetory for the sei-
son , and loportaarcaliiwst tiiilforiuU conll-
dent In tone. Hoston not little pi-eseiit
( lump ! , lut belief in groit aclivit ) In the
fill.Vqolls \ inoiofiwlybou ht. Oottoa goudi
movcfniily , mid tho-unpi'mion in print clutli
ivorlH la bavin ? thodeslred effect 1 'lilladel-
phlanottMiio inipt-o\oment \ Inool and Ii
Biaiitlly liuyliiKoi cotton , lower prlrei being
nwalted. Chingo u > pctts smaller ru-eipts
than last ye.irofhtit. . Hour and corn , u
bcuvt decrease In chceso , but a inucblaru'er
movcinetitnf c-ittlc anl of hos houutonf
fear as to the corn crop Wool rocelpu fall
a third and hith" * a nuiitoi , whllo Mlivs of
diy hootlsniulilotliliit ? nro lifter thin latt , with pronijit collections. St.
notca strong trido In ticirly nil lines ,
City afairti-.ido , Onialn and St I'uul
trade , niiii.Milnnukeo mi iniproioiiicnt. At
Jllnneapolls tlw luniberdenMiid h geol n < l
Hour stronger , u { , Detroit tr.ilo Ii eiiual to
list wear's , and at Olevi'andltlssitislu-toiy ' ,
fivlithti aroilullaud do-
fioni oM r-mppU' o ioal orO imcthoatl'ittsburtf , but Iron la
The crop outlook U on the n ho'o ' lesi prom-
Islnj ; The sn'eulatlvo ) nuvs RStrieicrs aio
ranking the most oftlieil.uniiK'o to wheat nnd
corn -\Vluut has risen 3'je ' , lth i lies of
! ,000,0W , ( bus lids ; torn ,1' ' c , u ith biles of
H,0WKt ! , ( ) , and oats -\\hltoporlt \ , hoj , " * nnd
cotton aroiinchanpcd.
Iron oroiind pl lion aio inartl\o \ and wcilc
it Ckrclund. but inratber better dcin mdut
i'lttsburfj , where the deimnd for finished
lion Ii cxiellent for tlio SIMSOII. The sumo U
Irno at Philadelphh .A contradictor ) stnlo
llilncsis seen In the wool anil voolcn tr.idi' .
DeciiHy 1 irKU1 sales of vool and of the
lower pinlt = > ot ttoolcii goods tire noted ,
but bnvei prices for wool and a depression In
the inaiiulietme , ( .specially of tlio nil -\\ool
and flnurgoodi. iiitui * ballef thnt thocU-hy
ef tlio UullT uini the heavy imports -will pro-
\entlinpioveiiieiitlblstcar \ Tlw fall of20
per tent la 'wool ubroail tlncaUns a
supply of eheiper p-ooils If the proposed
change of duties fills , so thnt simulators
licsitato. Thoeopitr ] imrkct is slow , \\lth
some lake sold at ireeiits. I'ln and lend are
dull The outlook depends hrfjih upon the
extent of Injuiv totropj , the action ol con-
gtcsircpirdiin ; duties , and the foroijrn coin-
: ) llcatioii9\vhkh affect Iho demmd for fjold.
Ioniestitlmpoit3 ) "of products contiiino snnll
and imports cry Inige
The budnesi failures occui ring thiwiRliout
Iho lountry duilii-jthohst sovui da\s \ nuin-
aer 'JOS , : n eoinpaivd with IS ) lust wcilr. 1'or
ho lorrcjpondwf * week of lust ) eaitlio llg-
uicswcrotiOl ,
\ VisninToAugust S The house 10-
sumcd ronsldcrntloii of the gcncul do-
Iciency bill , the pending question being on
; lie niiieiidnicnt fjraiitini ? a month's extr.i pay
.o c nploics of the house and senate 'Iho
amendment vis lost.
Air \rnx of Pcnnsyhanli made n motion
: o rcioiumit the bill with instructions to the
connnlttceonappiopriatlonsto vepoitit luck
withn chusoappiopriitln { ; ? 20lH , ) ( ) for do-
Hcitneiesln the fees and openses of United
States nnrsiials olnuiualodbutit va * lost.
The hill u us thoa passed.
2 > lr C.muonof llllnob , from the coinmittco
on mlcs , repelled a resolution providing-tliat
after the pass ige of this resolution Itshallho
In oidei , lifter two hours' ' delate , to move
that the house noii-conuurin all tliosoiute
nincndirriits to the Indian appropriation hill
undtouska loimiiitUjoof confeivuco
Islr. ISiiloo talsed a question of considera
tion in Iho , lie s-iid , of thepriuito
In order to obviate IVIi. Jinloo's objoctiou to
the re-solution Mr , Cannon stated Uiatituas
thopurjxHe ofthorominittoooii rules to report
a resolution ( rivinir tlirco days to the con
sideration of the bills reported from the committee -
mitteo on iijjiieulturo ami labor and con-
bldtrntioii of private ! bills.
M. Eidoo thought something 111010 nih-
stantial than a promise should lw uncn , and
Insisted on his question ol consideration.
Ivlr. Cannon ren arkcl that tlie catloinm ,
by his action , AUS delaying the considera
tion of piivato measures.
The house decided M'IIS 11O , nays 00 to
comldeitlioropoitot tbo toinniittocoii rules.
.Mr. Peel uslted unanlmoui consent that the
soniio aineiidmeiits to the Indian uppropiia-
tionliillbe iion-coiiciurcHl in , prUlngai a ic.i-
sonthu fact that the India'isoriieo uas suf-
fciliifr and nocctsur ) Hut an appio-
m-iation bo the earliest da ) possi
Tilr. Brekninridjjo oflCcntucky , olijeotcd.
Jlf. Ciinnon then demanded the pre\lous
qtiestionoii the adoption of the resolution.
Ajjreod to
Air. bpriiurcr contendol tint hnpotlaiit
public Ijllli should not lx > rushed through
under tlio whip ofthocomialttcooiiiules
Jlr. Cannon hi iiistiiniin ; the resolution ,
said that this nionniKhe hicl jirnposed Uitho
Kcntlcrnen onthoothui ilila tint the house
11011 concur in the senito amendments , md
that thu leniciinder of the day and to
moiio'\ho devoted toprivatu hilU. rhlipro
position had been | rejected hy the ( vntUimin
Irom 'leiuifsseo ( Knloe ) This lojection
shoivodtliiittho poutleinan , while professing
to be a fuend of piivatomcisuies , - \ \ ib mcrolj-
posliiK- that c.ipiciti.
'Jho < iuestinii rcciinlnpr on the adoption of
the resolution , no qiioruni votoel , nnd the
homo took ai-ucess , the c-vonlnjbosjion to ho
fortho consideration of r lvatopension bills ,
butnotlimgiuis accoinplislied.
l\'A \ iiiNf > TOV , August 8. The senate today
pasictl Mr. Pluinlj'a coneiirrcnt rusofution
proiiJIng foi thotramfer , withMw Giant's
coihcnt , of Iho loninliis of Oonenl Giant
freiri Ts'c\v York to WashlngtuiiLomotory
.Mr. Cill olfesicl a i-usolutioi , vhlch was
URu'ed to , imtruithiKtho eominltteJ on for
eign rclitlom to liujxilio and report such u
mcisuioas mny bo iiccossiry for the piotoc-
tiou of citiyciis of tbo Unitel Stito-i ivho
weio forineily rcsiilents ofCubi mil < ubccta ] ,
of Spain ajjainst pro-icculion bv tlmSpiuisft
poicrnmesntfor olfcnsos alleKCd to hnvo buyn
committed bthem. .
Iho ( Oiifcienocreiiort on the fortlfleition
bill WHS thtu tahcn up foi consideration
After rtiseussiou tlio conference repoitwas
Iho ( onfcrcmo report on the sundry eivil
appropriation bill w.u thin taken up and the
action of tlie committee on the subject of a
brid oaud viaduct at Hock Ishud , declining
to require the ninniclp.ilitj to sbaio tbo ox
txnso and onnurahipwiis critlclstil b } Mi
Ehnundf. , who contrasted that liberality of
tlio coniniUtco Mltli its ni ( > .uiiiess and pnr-
slnioiij In ic'tuslnpr to the \viilow oftlm ( ton I
chlofj ustko the hal unco of his yem's wilar )
Mr. hheiin.iii cxpies-tcdhls lecrict at the
stiikinir out of tholWMiis for the fiimilie-s of
Icecascd niembcrs and ofthehto Chief .Ins
the Wnitc Ho ould biimelfotofora
lliv , Beneial in Its cliaraitcr , Kivintf lo the
fiuuilj of ctury ofllcei ol th.iKuvorniiiPiitwhii
led In tie ) liarnou the b.iluicoof his pay
during a calonclir year. , ,
Mr. Cocl.rullditiilrotl tbo miklii ! , ' of In
iliflnltouppiopilitlois and Oin ciittiiiKiloun
ofappmtuntioni foi thOLXj > cnsejof Uiiittii
hiatus courts , thnsuppoit of prisonei-s , etc.
liuviiiirthouPceHsaij oulliy to bo pruvidtM
for intho dotklciici bill H next
ilie-cd thosi'iiatu ina faho position , ylehllm
on lums piv and Iwuujjf * - . , w ,
vhcnlt dlil notilelJn dsllai.aud neAt r o
ACinbcr the niombeinof the lioubomllbo ox-
plalnlusr , 'Looknt Iho c\tiniiMiit } MIIUM
Look lit the American bouse of lords' '
1/x.kat the millionnliicluh of t hucminlry-
abody thnt Inu no lyininthy with thopoor ,
| F ' 11" t w " "
downtrodden Mnpajiw " - , \v.f the "busings biatiih ofcongiw. ' dlel its
'riio ' ill'scussion las then tin nod on the
Itomslu itlurion to tbo lriiK'1tl ° 'llUt'0 ' | u" '
iilbllu lands , and I.t\Vii8 < ariledj " " '
to a ' " ' * " .vininri IM"I onii'iwl on
loappointid i jnf n.s onth. part of
Ttw urlff bill win th Ml. i up uiw
Hie importinco of purify Ing the Mood cin
not ha ( neicslliinted , for -\\ltlmut pmo
blood jou cnnnot enjoy coot liu.illh.
t tliU season neailjr c cry ono needs a
trnod medicine to | tirlfjIUllzoand dirleli
tlie blood , andlloiKl'H Mis.ipirllhls vor iy
your ciinfldcnce. It Is peculiar hi tint U
etrcngtlens and bnlldsupthcsjstcm.ctentcs
nn appetite , anil tones thu dlgesllon , wbllo
itrratllcitcdillsc.ise. ( dvelta tilil.
HoodsSarsipnillla | jfoUH ) > alldrufBlsti.
1'iep.ireil bj'C. 1. llooelf. CO , Lowell , Mas *
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
nationalciicntnptiictil of tliaCirand Arm ) of
the Uepubli ( a statue and pedestil of tlio ( iiifit , to bo eivetc-d in tlio cap
Itol , was passed. Ad join tied. .
\HOIt I > AV.
Cvtcnslie I'roinriilliini lioliig Slndo
The rcRulai muting of the Centnl lahei
in ion wns hell last euning atthecn's lull
riiero was a liiponttoidauio , and nearly nil
of the labor org.uiUatlons In the city veio
The gioatcr put of the evening wits dc-
votexl to disc issliii ? ul ma for Iho proper rh-
somuico of "I.nboi diy , " which will
lie the llrst Monday in September.
The follow iuu committees- nrruiigoiiiciils
was nppolntcd. . , W. U Men or.
II. II. Khhy , ( Uorgo U'lllard nnd W ft.
biiiifj This conmiltteuwlll bold a moot
Kat oieo toiiriiingotho details nnd pivparo
for niaUiiK- neeessary picpiratluiirt A
lialieoii nsceislon , birbe-in ? , hoi-so and
e-hnrlot MCOS , dilliinvuks and athletic
bpoitt.vlll oii'upprominent \ places iiiiionj *
the nttr.utloiis of the iiltuinoon ,
and tbo fo-ti\tlej | will din
tludo In theB \ ( < imi ( with a grind
concert by : ill the bands in atlondjiiie , aiul
the most oxte si\o display ot llieworUs c\ei
witnessed in Ibis city
' 1 ho expense will amount to ncaih J4WO ,
and this money \vill bo raised bv subseiip
tion It will be onoof tlio hiffgoit alTitrs
evil lield In the city , md to tins cml all busi
ness men \v ill be iciiue teil to Mihsciiho lib
cralK. All tiadcs unbiis , ICuIght.s eif L.ihor
assemblies nud bum lies of thofarinura' nlh
anco in this county \\I11 Do In line in the
paiido , ami all labor nigatilmtious iiithoiur
roimditiB towns niul cities will bo hnited Ui
j\spcilnl meeting of the Cent ml labor union
will bo he-Id next \ VodacsdioniliiK to ilevt
thu principal and subouhnalc i-oinmittwaaiid
inako fuitherpiepiiation.sfor l.iboidar. mi
'llicy Will lithln < m Itoiliictioii ol1-
Ticir Ileum of nabiif.
About three hundred of tlu employes of
thosincltliif\vorks titld a meeting it Wet/ *
ballon South Thhtcuntli stieot lust night , in
response to a cull
Pat O Connor was chosen chaiiimn of the
mcUliij , ' , and John Qulnn mudo : i Iciifjlliy
speech In which he dnw ap.ithctloplutuioof
the condition of tie-laborer at the sii.oltltif--
wotks , who was compelled to nolle tiicl\o or
thirteen houis and no tlmo to becotno ac
quainted with his family or secure the rest
which -was abiolute-ly ncci'ssao In older to
oiiduie tliooik ho wis iciuiiul to Jo.
rilic spoakfi Mild hcuiisuot In furor of a
stnko , and ho Itnow the unuiigon of this
smclternoroopnoiedto it , hut If theio W.IH
nootliciwaj for the ini-n tOHCcuroliatthov
wanted nstilku vould bo icsoited to. Ho
said tlromi nh'idlicoiilu faiorof uihitratloii
and had endeavored tohavothomattcr settled
In that way , but the olllec'ib of tlu company
refused to tuat vlth the iirbltntor the men
had selected , saj Injr tint the'io bad been no denuiiii on tliepn-tof the men for 11
t tills point intbeprocecdliiKs Mr , Su\--
broolc , 0110 of the foiemcMi m the smelter ;
came into t he i oem Ho lecofinLod bv
Quinn , ulio asked nil present who wnntc'd
thoehanRO to theui bt hour shtem ) to hold
uptbelr bands
'riirnliiftoSajhiook Quinn Mid ho hoped
hoivould inform the t > iiu > ltcr comp.iu ) of this <
deslie en thop.utof tlie muiihohad i-o
fi..lned ficini inalilnt Ihcj duiiuind oiithoumi
puny , Ucausu they -\\ero afraid tlwy vouln
tint only unit with a refusal but would It )
dKlianriHl In thobaifain
Mr. baybi-uok said hewoull iiirorm the
compaii ) oftho deuiioof the men , and tbo
meeting then adjouriiod.
Trouble Ovorn Cur.
Mui-s was talking up fje.neiniortb
slieot JIuusJ.iyiiiKht , andne.n Kovcuth a do
attac-kal him Jliko luxl u litllo Mliek In his
hand and lliicwlt attliu < hg. It iibounded
nnil strdik Mr. Honbuiff on the boil This
jjcntloinm ki'cpsu bo nil ing bouse ands u on
the pirnavith \ sovei il cntliMiion ami 1 idles
\ \ liocio tbliikbi ( ? of luMn t imis past and
icon-cam toromo Jli tionhun ; felt In suit oil
iittbu sudden iiitinductlon of fotuurn unite !
niul ivulkodout and nUudccd Mr Powern
Then Iho fun commenced nnd the result wns a
line of $ ! ( ) . : ) forMicluel In ho polleo couit
uud the dog had no tiDp.
Hohominn IVrsunal Itilils
Tbellohcmlaiis oftho Second waid buhl a
nuoting last nlfht tit Mot ? ' hill tooiKiuilrtt a
1)1 ) anrli of Iho person il rights lonfjiie. About
ono hundrul mid lift ) were present and the
meeting was called to order bj .lolm KosleU.x
vho stated the onjeet mil piupows of tbo
meeting. Vladimir Vladhlr.i wasmade ten-
Vjr.irychjihnian and Jtw MikMH i bos tin
teinpomry scc-ntni-.v After eoiisidcrallc ai
/juinent / tbo tompoiary or anlzutlmi u >
iiiideporniiiient mul thcbihiiico of tbcxn 1-11
iiifj \ % is npint in ihhiusHiiif , ' thu Hiluatiun a'jj
tlcvislo wavs and means for cuinliii ; exit
the putposes of tbo uc
Henry Ii , at his usldcniio , WIT
Seiutli Tuont ) ninth sti-odt , Aujuat ; ' ) , ul
l.-lda in , a id 70 jeuis , 1 months und at
Thc'iemulus will bo Uikuu toDubuqw , la ,
for lulu aunt.
Absolutely Puro.
A croainof lartatbiildne I ) iT'lnr. Illghfs
of leiiveiin ! < Ktrcngtli U a. ( lovommciit ll
port AUK. IT. liU