! 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , AUGUST Os 1800. \VIIEELERlVSiafflEDO \ ( ) r. Tk Council Takes a Ha.d In His Tight oil the Board of Health. NECESSARY EXPENSES TO EE PAID , of All KiinU * Mntlo Sub * .f ' ( t ID Ilio Major's Order iiu Clly Hull I 'In UN , ICIiVb ( ( ol * iVM kiwil < rd out bj the comirll lust nijibt In liU light iigidiut the bond of ht'ilth. Mr D.ivli Introduced 11 resolution piovi l I UK th it "tho bo lid of licnltb is hero liy nn tliorl/eil triiontrnot Mils and lucm noceiuitr ) rxpr-nsos ml toeicoicl tlio iiinount set iislelo forthouseof slid lioiiid by the eoiliiell foi tlioyoir IS'O. ' siild ojpoiiilitnic to bo iniido only b ) thoorde'i'of the1 muyor , who is limit inin ofsuid bo.iul. " Mr U'lmler tot tlio fhor first IIo prc ncnte'du ego | > > oju iisolvtlon Introdue'ul 1)1 Jtlr Donntllj anil pnioel liy the louncll on .Tulj 1 u Ulun I/lni ; the ho.ird of health to Inciii expf'iiilltincM iiftpsviry in tlicdindinrfto ofils dtitiu , subject to the iipirotul ] of tlio council " 1'lnl's u lint the lio.u-d objects to , " nnld Mr tluifTcc1. "Under this lesolutlon tlio nioinlurs of thoboaidof honlth nro personally responsible foi mi } indebtedness incurred tUiIcli nun not bo npioud ) b ) tlio council" "Tint ' , tbo tionblivllb your toclj , " ic * twtt ilU'hcclei "You ttnntlo hon Intv lo jotr if If the councilhnf no nulhuilty to ] urs upon such bills It lint no nuthoilty to pis . upon the bills of nnj ell } ofllci.il JS'o Fcntluinnlii tlio council tvoull ic'fusc to do tiny tiling to better the snnitaij condition of the elty. Someof llio things -\tbicli hsuo Ron iiiblliht'dliy tlio pipcisinc iimliiiouslr filst , nnd 111 iiiovolt u-lieii I ictiira from our \ \ ( , tout trip " Mr 1C i , pir stitodtlmt tbcri' vis n treed deal of sliktiCH in tbo f.tj and tbnt tlio loiuclof liciltlishonlii Into po\vei to tul < o the * -tP [ > s mcossiry to piutect tbo henltli of the e Ity "Thcto Hnouso of the boirtl of hc.illli nomine tno 01 three tiiiu 4 n month , " stild Mr. Chufiee1 , "unle'sstve'liiivoiiutlioiitj to in cur cxpcnsu ncccssaiy for tbo prop r i 'rlor- inin co of the duties ilcvohiiiK upon tlio lio.ird So far Ibis jeurvo hivu ipont less tlmn il- ) "U'liat's , \ plenty , " intorjictod Mi Ost- lioff. " -It'un. ' ( trout plenty , " snld Mr Chiffeo "Denver iippropi la tea MlMKu , ( month for her healthlopiitniciit , whileOrinhii . " "Denvoi don't elo ntithing ) of tbo kind , " inortcd Hliif ; Whct'lcr. "I sny she iloiss , " retoited Mr Chaffce , I'andmy ' norells nspoodivstonrs" "i'to Ifotthoflirts , " tad ! Mhueler. "So'vo ' I " , said Clinllci1 A motion to ndoiit Air Davis' ' resolution itns rolloitfd by Mr Oithofi's iiine-iubne'iit icfenlnir It totlio llntincn conmiitteo The iinoiidnienttis lost anil tba it-solution lilonttd , toopu , Olseii , O'Connor , OUboiT , bhriter and \Vhce'le'r voting In the ! ne'k'iithe This scjltle-d tlio inutlor vuryioniplotclj , but \\boeld \ bobbed npiicTiiin lusiliuiuniiiiof tbo Iliuinco ( Oininlttec , and reported .il- torsily on 11 billet ? -70 sent in by the t-ity | ihy > ! iinnfor eltiin ! line , 'llio topoitu's Lae'leil up hi n lot of citations from the Gidii 111011 , nnd wns adopte-d ICIntMit't > lci tben f ot tiloiifr Hist rnto for H hllo. Most of ids huiTKCstloiisvcto accepted Until lilckt is oirornlnhcn ho Introiiiictd a itiolutloii ordcriiif ' catch basins OH DOUGHS street nt 'Jttentv- tovcntli strict , TveiiL oitlitii street , ind Tucnty-olffhtli atciuio Mr.Vliotlor \ Moved tin ) Iidoption of the resolution Jlr. Woixirtj objected IIo didn't , think Jlr IVhcelem resolutions plionld lie adopted , ivbcn similai resolutions , iiitioduced by DtUcr inenibcis , A\OIO \ loferrcd to the com- mittco on scttorniro. Mr. Oavls supported Mr. Wheeloi's motion IIo thought tlmt if Mr. U'hc'clcrsaid the tvoikv&3 needed It should bo done .After u litllo chin vtoik Jlr. \ \Vhcelurwithilic\\ motion to ndipt , mid tbo resolution ttent to the cwnmltteo on sett'- crnjto. Thonins IInrinjton ( nnd Outttivo Ilald tvoi-c appointed iilf-bt wuteliinen. by the major , uttbeLiirbiiLto iiuiniis. This was In response to n resolution pissed at nieccnt council mooting1. The aiipointmoiits xero continued. TLomnjor tctced , on nciount of a tcch- niciil urior , on oiilln.inco chanKlnt ; the ( ; nido of Ugh teen th stnet soutliof Leuvtnwoith. The veto was sustiiineel The ordinance ordeilny tno pniillng of West Ilarnej sticet tvaa loturned by the major for coricctlon and ttcnt to the eoin- tnltteo oiiRiiulos nnd mudiiif ; . Clmirinnn lib Itlinuser of the board of pub lic works was cIvcii authority to employ nn additional cletk duriui * tlio busy scaso'ii , ut an cxpenso not to exceed ? : ' " " ' rJho stieot toininlsBioner's najioll for July , amounting toM.Oii.lt > , wnsnllowi-d. llio K s inspector rcpoitod Hint ho hid found but sixty-tMQ street Limps not fluiliifrlhu month nndtliiittbo Ken \vasubo\o \ tlio lequhed stiindaiil. Ulio eoinptrollorciilltd utlontlon inn biief liotc to the ilopktcd condition of the fund 'Jlio fund lias been exhausted , -while the OA.IH.MSO tfocion nt the into of ? ol)0 ) a month. The matter vuis rtforixd to the com mittee on tlimnco feti eel Commissioner Planner ) wns granted a ton dins' lnvo of absence 'Jlio bids for cii lno house sites wci-ore- foirod tothocoinmfssionoron puhlicproimty Uiidhuildlnt'suiO the city cnnlnuor to pre- Rent a map sliduhiK the lotution of I ho Dfleicd sites. Tliij illy trensmejs sale o5100,000city [ , hall I1 j per icnt , twenty vm bonds , at Sl.'jf , xvus apirovtii bytho loumil. riankliobciibiiuiu jiicscnted n $ .100 . cLilin fordatiUKOiibv ixat > onof the ewistrucition of thoTontli htieet il.iduct. Leo llnitlcy nnd otlicib petitioned for the division of tlio Thhd iMii-il Into fimi or more polling piccInitH , Tlio matter was leferied lollie lOiiiiniUcoon Judiciniy. A bifMirotcst cmio up fiom vroncrty own ers on Twciity-iilntli btnoU The protest- tints alliKed that their names Ind buMi friud- uliutiy ptouuxrd , and in fait foiucd , hi a number of ciisos. The woik ofiadiiithiis ( ; heon oixleivd. Tito protest was ro- fened to thoioiuniltteo on grades and gnid- liiK mul \ \ oik ordered suspended on the street nitiiiB nn inestimation. . Contractor Coots' eighth c'stlnmto for work onthoilty kail , amounting to tjito7.7J ! , was nllou od f petition for the ereiitioii of n thlnl polling pnelnit in tlio HlBhth ward was rcfcritii to tliocoinmlttco on Judicial ) , 'iho iippnilserson the grading of Hunilltoii etivot fiiim TuMity-fourth sta-ot toI.owo u\enuo pnsuited a npoit , tliidlng dainigcs tiinountliiK' to ? r.fi,0r > < ) . The rciort was ro- fcned to the eoinmlttco on Kriidci and RWd inf. inf.M. M. 1 ! l""no's UU for pHimbbii ? on the new ! } jail , amounting to Sg&o : ! , was allowed uiiil ordci-cul paid without m-ottst. A lowlutloii , introduced by Mr. Donnelly , ordering thoioinoval of tlio itiect rnllwaj coinpany'j * lie * fix > ni T\\cnty second sheet , VHtWLHii HKkoirnnd Popploton , opdned the iloodtrutos of .NIorcarty's elonuence. Mi. V heeler mul Mi. Osthoft also toolcahnnd and after abalf hoiu's viiliinblotinw had been wasted In iiouthwoik , tlio ixsolutlou.is i-e- lectod. It win intioduced later in an umended foiin and \\iis adopted. A ix'tolntlon bj Mr , Cooper , ordering the removal of the ice liouso at tbo Walnut Hill nser\olr , vas rcforied to the comuiltteo on btreeta and nllojs. Oa rrsoliitlon of Mr , Cooper , the board o ( public \ \ orksas instriuted to cnncd the contract aiut luuo the bond forfeited for the of Hamilton boulevard mid kelson btrcet laVnluut \ lllil , the coutnictor rcfus inir to do tlio work. Thonliins foi the interior work of the new city hall were presented uud approved U'ho plans \\oronot \ examined by tlio council , but \\lndy \ \ and extended discussion took p'aeo ' o\oi-tlto ndveitlslnif for bids for the work. It uns iluullj decided to ud\ortho \ for Uds innll of thoUnuha daily pt > | ion anct in ouoauhlUctiuiiliiaivr InCtiic.iKo and ono in Jlltiiu'iipollsu - Miuiscn trorlu-d u IOIIH- \vhilo to Imvo the weekly pipers Included , but ho failed to get any euppoit , except ttnit of Mr , Oithoff , v.lio f > up | > orted ever } thlngaud cvcrjbodj , and Ilia motion wm lost. lost.Thcro Thcro was n row o r tlio npproprlatlou or dinance. Moaur * . Lown , Kwmirand O'Con- vor "V Ud ia tbo ucguth u. They wctu fol- lowed by Whwler nnd Chnireo , who ex plained that they \vero \ tired of having sotno of Iho mrmbcrs IdcUitir aualnst the appropri ation ordinances On roll call the1 mdinnnco was defeated. The vote \as \ rcconsldeied and ii ) itii defeated. Illutncr , Donnelly , Ixiwry , MOUHU ty , O'Connor , OsthoflfVlieol , - er.Chniree votlnifln tlio nc atlu1. The u > to t\ns osntln rcconsidcied nnd tlio oidlnunio adoptcil. The amount appropri ated \MLs1 .l,0w.ir. : Sovirul times dui intf the Hosslou the mem- \vn of thoiiurust bo ly took n foretaste of \nrittoti upon \\lilch tliejvilUntir to- dnj , nml indulKid inn fix-for-nll tiUcus lon otiimttcis itle\ttiit nml hiolcMint , doli.\ln > , ' bushiest serioush It'it the limit of cndur * linen viii K.iched wlifii Tom Mafirmo nnd Mlkt ! Meane ) eamn inside the ckarnic'd cliclo ami hciniii buttonhollin ; the1 incinbers. 'Ibis MM too much , uinl J'lt'ildent Ctnfleo nn- iiimiu id. tlint iinlesi better order \\tis pio- suve-d ho woulil h.no to cull u | m the 'ciKeunt-at-nrtni to ejee-t outsiders. Tbo serfjeantatnrnisnsn't insight but the blulT went , and thooutsllerf utlred 'I his helped inatten a llttlo but siM'rnl of ( lie menibf'ri ueion't satisfied Ailth unj tblntr , nnduiuiKli'd till tbuy vciir nnd Hit n llnislicd uti tlio n'tjlifsorlt ' \ only iishoittimo before inldtilht. ( Lento of iilmnea for two MroltHvai til intcd to thiilcen miMiibers 01 tha council unit Mr Coopa I'Kteil president of the eounril pro torn U'lifii the butlitrss of the session was ilnnlU disputed of tin ) coaiicilndjmirned Thiiti-en iiieinbc'i-s of tbu con neil will lcn"o this cvuiinc oiia plcntuivinint ) Thov will \lsit ( heroine , Ueinor , Salt I..il ' , Otfdnn , 1'ortland mul other western points. The Members Athol llompiiso \ \ the i > nil\ are Illnmor , Ouis , KnHpir , MiuUcn , Mel.iarie1 , ilorcnrty , 0 ( Joniioi , Olso. OothoU , Sineler , .Sluier , VlieeU'i' anil CbnlTeo Dcjuty City ( . | f > rk Counsmmi and Deiity ] Oomjitiollcr Coulter i\lll lucoinp.tny the IUDS IOIIS IIOO/j / Sl'IM'hlKS. A Niimlii r < > 1 Thriii Coti lllcrrd 1) ) ) tlio Com mlt u-r Ijisl M Iil. Tlic conmiitteo of ii.jiiiliesor the bond of iduiMlloti met list evening to open bids foi school suppli * s foi the etnuliifr yoni. A number of loeMltuiel foreign llrins Intciestcd were ropiest -iited by .ifjuits , nnel in nbund- .nice of simple ? of co.d , books , ilitci pen- ills , etc . littered tbo different tables around the loom. Mi licc-s , eluirnum of the coin raittcc , pusidcd , and there wrio present Mi'saii Gltbs , Kelij nnd AVeluei. It was si-en it once th it a biy job \\iW on the linn els of tin e'onimittcc , mul tint It would ho itn possible to nniko a full lopoit .it tonight's ' meeting Tiiu follotfini ; bids for co.d nnd Mood tvcioivud * . Iluilbuit vV ; Blum Onitc , > 6.10 ; ( K > , lowilump , .rM ) ) . O h Wliltiie ) vt Co. Walnut InuiD , $ .1 S" > , low.iliunp , > 5.5 ; Iowa nut , ? y , Krate , 'J ' ; range , vii.il Anteilc.in f ucl company T.uinp , $ . } . 11 ; nut , 8 55 , iiiitluarito Sb lv > aiid S * 41) ) . Mount .t Cilnln-lo\\a ! lump , f..0'i ) ) nut , ( . ' I ! . " } , Mis oiui lump * . ) ' > : nut , * J < .0 , wal nut block , * .l.r : > , lump nnd nut , yJll ; HUnoit lump , $ .J i > 0 anlri ! ; prate. * 7iTi ( ; i ingo , f''K ) , softtvood , % > lb5 pei e-oiel ; Intel \ \ oed , $ . " > sj ; ; pine cdylnp , * l To liuilimagKcd to siw and sp'it ' the \\ooel foi ? . ! ' . ' " ) per coid ad dition d. UhulesOilesSoft \\ooO , ? IJX ) , hard , vl Coiitinit.1 biimiLt ANalnut lump , W llj nut , J'-fc. } , k'rnte , > " % ; muge' , s.'JI Oin ilia foul , Coho and Llino Compiny iclii40 : | lump , 7140 , nut , $ . ' $ , nnthuiuito gr.ite , ? T..i" ) , rniiLTf , N ! if , Nobia-ka i'uul Coiupanv - Ginto , JS.lj ; nut , fs.40 Powell & Co Lump , 3S. , nut , tJ.SOj grate , 57.11 mngo , Jj. 1 1. C. IJ. Havens & Co Lump ' 5.01 , nut , f-i 0 , fovuiuit , § 2 10 ; giadc , Sii5. uuige , f" DO JoItW Bedfoiel-Liiinip , f-.4. ! ; lump lot ierccncdSi.lOniinc ; ; run , f.'T.T. ' nut , 2.60 ; ( r.ite , * 7VK ) ; nnKe.f-.lS. Tlieso urc tlio r.itca given on coil per ton and wood per cord for inside schools , an e'xtia ihaigo being nmtlo for the outside bullilinKS. The secretary \viis ordered to tabulate tlio dilTcroat bids , so that the coinniittco could tuko more intelligent action. Bids ioi'fiunlbhlnpf ilocks utio itcei ed fiotnC. 8 Hntinouel and Jobn liaunicr , but no siction was taken Then ciiine adisultotrcoiiilcleintionof bids for furnishing slatf. pencils stationery , books , etc , i\lth no cboico Bidi in thcio ililfcrciitllnes weio ret elved fioin the Amiil- caiinewa lonipmj , .1. S Cimllield , Gibson , Miller &Iticliind on , Jonlin < ! c Co. mid the Minneapolis olllceiind school f mulshing com- p.iny. Bids for job printing wcio received from thcOmntu Hcpulillcan , Ackcrminn Bros .C Heinz , ( Jlbson , Sillier As Hichaielson , and cpiiipatodns to tlio different articlea mui- tioncd. Thoio\\as \ only one bid rccci\ed for lum- uornnd It was not opened , tlio opinion of tbo conmiitteo being tlmt bids in this line should bo alvcitlsed for again It uas decided tint it vould be advisable not to ronttnct for inks nt present , it was su ested tlmt the prices bo plnccd oil llle.so thatoidcis could bo undo u hen dcsli e > d Tlio same action was taken In ug.iid to brooms 'Ino conimittce tbeund- jouinod until thibccuing. . The Coliseum Sold. The Coliseum his been sold and is now the propel tj , or at least is under the conti oiling management , of J P. Finloy of this city. To him has been transfericil the stock \Iessi-s. . Lindaoy , Klcistead and Tliurston tha consid eration la the 'iialn being1 ti ,0t ( ) ) . Iho oflliors and diroetoisill ivinaln pi ic- tieilly tlio s line as tliehave been , C. J , Me.ira acting us trciisurcratnl Mi. Lindboj ns scciutiuy until probabit .Tarmiry 1. Jlr. 1'inloj ontcis Immediately upon the performance of his dutj as manager , ono of the llrst futilities \\blch\vill bo to nulco iii-iingenionts lei a gi ind exhibition ot nit and mciliatilcnl intentions , \\hleh ulll take ! plnco cittly in September. II \Vllu. . lewis Ul m ga\o James Colliniii nieo Httlo druhhing at tlio torncrof Sixth nnd Plerco stncts at 11 o'oloe-k l.ut ni0'ht. It sexinjj that Collins Insulted Xllni's tvife yeatci day nioi n- ingby tlsitln ? hci at the tinscemly hour of 2 o'clock. The husband nntimilly took uni- br.igo thcrc.it. nnd mcetint , ' Collins last night ho doniniidid an ospliuution Thu result win a light and n subsequent arrest Uoth are i espect ublo Inolciiigyoiniff men and nclthei was badly punished , ulni tvns releuseil oil ball nt midnight for nppeumneotliis morning. host His Vuentj. Willhni 1'rinco of i'oithnd , Ore , a botso deiler , ciiine Into the centinl stition nt mid night In a linlf inandlin condition , claiming that lie hud been lobbcil of a $ JO gold pii ce. The fact that lie bad fA and a silver watch on his person utliei contr.idii.tcj the lobbory stiteinent.Villhmetidently \ Uud been hi- tetvioM ing the elephant. IIo vas cllrectul tea a hotel _ _ r < i > i it i Ji. t Mrs T. II. Touhuntcrlfo \ of the assistant superintendent ot tbo street railway , ro tui nod je&teriluj from Ivinsns Citj , ucrom < rauled by bcr daughter Mat.- , and Mis. Jn\in , her mother in-lnn. Thoy.uo ( topping uttho resldenco of Di , Heitzniuiin , 1114 Shonniui utenno , prepiratory to going to housekeeping on South Twenty Jlrststivtt. \V. \ i ; Snij the , editor ot the ICeaineyUn- teipriw , is In the city. 13. Butler , editor of tlio Stock ( i rowers' Journal , Mies City , Mont , was In the city j cstcrd ly. _ _ Tlio Frortlom of UiuTnwii. noiMii'iin , August 5. [ Spexial Cablegram toTiir. KK . ] 'Iho authorities of NVIek today presgnted Andrew CuruegioltU tlio f reeJom oltho tou'in , Con\Mitloii til' Slnolilnorj lMmvAioi.i , Ind , August 5. The flftb b'ennhl ' convontioii of the International Drotherhood of Machinery Mouldei-s met hero this mornlmr. Onlj- routine business vns traiibucled toclu ) , C'i > ii.nroKMnaii PtniHion ItriioinlnntcMl , ICiNsiCnv , Mo , August 5. Congress. iiinn ruiiBton of the Scamd district x\us ro- noinliiateti Unlay by acclamation. .Vlllnnuc. Miss , August 5. The atato lirincrs' ulllinifo met hero today , The day t\as \ takonup In the customary routine bus ! . ness and the unuoiutiucut of cooiinHuts , etc. TIII : inwn xr.ns. A Heptilillunn SytiillciiCo HUH ail Op * tion iii It for . * iilO ( , ( ) ( > t ) . Urstnt , Colo. , August ft. [ Spcehl Tclo- gram toTm : Bii ] Hegnrdlng the alleged sale of the Kocky Mountain News , tlio simple truth Is that n republican syndlcato h.n au option on the paper for ? 100,000 , which option oJiplreson Wodncsdiiy , August 0 , ntU o'clock p. in The tnonov hns noft et been paid , nnd whether it t\lll bo Is .tonlfmt a matter of ills- into. 'J hu p iper will bo Issued in the morn * iitf under Colohfl Arltlns' mniuigeincnt us usunl , with no ehingo of policy 1'eaw' ' is the purest nnd best soup ever undo at I Cnu too , August . * Cantons from all parts of thocountiv eontlntied to nn ivo ted iy to lake pirt in the triennial cintonincnt of the Vatihuchs Militant , IndipcndLMit Older of Oil Ife-llows , uud tlio city Is abl.i7o with black , red , gold and purple trappings and flashing jettels and \ui\lni ? plumes of the order. Tbo fotenoon was detotod to eonipctltivo c'\etnplllUutioi of subor- ( iltiutu tkfrco woilt with closed doois In Ilitteiy 1) nrinorj. Gitrdon Clt\ lodge of Chicago opined the coiiipetltioii and v.as folloved bj Wicker I'uik lodge , ulso of this i-ity This nfttiiioon pri/e dulls ot can tons by clnsses were begun on thelnko fiont in the preseni'o of a multitude of people To night Oiicuil , lohn U. Undoinoocl , general * issinioof the uimy , held n tvioptiun at the Auditorium hotel , tlio pallors of which weto crowded with brilliant uniformed chuuiliors nnd tlieir indies Xcbr.islc.i anil loua IVnsloim. VV'iiiMiwN August.SpecinlTclcprain [ toTiiK Hur | N'obi Hkuns : Onglnal .fohii bulll nnf Ainswoith : Ihoinis A. AVhlto , Anslcj ; , Tnmes Al Siinei.d , Ointihi Increnso DalilVlllInms , Albion Oiiglnnl widows , ote Murln lililiuulson , fonner widow of Henij Al. Iteaj , lll.uieu. Ic n. Oiijfmil Chinles Lnrty , Atlantic , Ell Senor , Ontario ; Amos Pciry , AIiu > onvlllo ; Hi'iiij IJouboiger , ( iowilo ; Ueorgo Hiiukln , Xulti , liciijtiinln II Meycis ( deceased ) , Mason City , UivielC. Kcintorthv , Cicorre- totvn , Kolwrt I'caqult , Colfax ; I'etcr 1'ctci- son , Ilnwttiorno , Mail : M.itbotvs , I'linccton , John U. Uhomles , Iron Hill ; Janus M Shop lid , Ivliltt illc , Alomoo iUnitin fde- ceased ) , Qnlncy Iiu'rensoOrin T Dlood , Antbci ; XVIIHi'.ni II Steunrt , Miushulltown Keissiio- William II Sbafer , Itotlc Vnllcv Keissim nnd inue.isoDintol McCoi.t , AI iiittokoti Original \ \ i lows , etc Amy L , widow of Tliuuiltoii Duke , Dtakcsville ; Kibble widow of Benjamin It Meven , Alison UIU , Louisa , wiuow of Uhurles ICiilt- ham , hulependcneo. Xeliiaska and Inwa I'atcnts. W * MiiMno\ August 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Un-.J Patents weio issued to il iy as follows. II Buiiios , Wahoo , Tscb , ell can ; ndtt.ud Brrdloy nnd D. Uullughu , Clinton , In , ieo cutting' innchino ; Isiuloro Hnicks , Lincoln , Neb , suspcndeisVllliain ; r Georgonnd.T. A MeOinnls , Hurl in , In , wagon end gate ; Henry A. hidings and .T. P. MeOnith , Oinnha , Neb , tj pew liter scale ; AlleMi Johnston , Ottuinwa , In , niachlno for grinding cutlery bands ; David Kruber , Marion , la , road cut ; IIcuu Miushal , Lin coln , Neb , air coupling ; John W. Mcyci , Hook Island , 111 , and V II Sncpwl , Dnvcn- poit , In. , wutei cooler , Chillies F. Skell- Ingei , Iltibbaid , la , wiigoa tier , Simon A. Ihoni.is , Qlngh nn , la , center for nee'lc > eke ; Leopold AV'oidcnfeld , Broken lio\v , Neb , combined curtain pole , i ing and pin. * > licaltli AutliDi ltle-i Again Clash. Cine von , August 5. Indicitions point to nnother elnsh betttccn the city authorities and the state board of live stock commis sioners. Ofllcers of the city health ilopiut- menttodii ) ttarcdn cow that hail had Tex us fever to a slaughter house , whoio it wns found cut up read > for sale The meat was coiiilonuied and seized , and had not pei-sons eonnet ted with the affair made theiuscUes scaico they would luuo been nr- restcd Both lumpy jaw and Texas fever Is spreidinirln the southwestcin portion of the eitv. This , \Viciccralinin declares , is the fault of : the state loardof live stock commis sioners. He said that it wnsimperatho that something should bo douo , mid would Uko to see tbo uuthoilty of thoboaidtosblp diseased eattlo Into Chicago tested in the courts. - * - The Weather I < 'oreciist. Tor Omulio mid vicinity ralr ; slightly wninier. For Nebraska Light local showers ; wanner in eastern , stationary tcmperatuioiu westnrn portion ; southerly winds. For low a Fair , except local showers in western portion ; wanner ; boutheily winds. For South Dakota Light local showers ; vatiablo winds ; sllghtl ) cooler In northern nnd stationary temperature hi southern per tion. A No1.el Heclfilon. SALT LvKiUtah , August5. [ Special Tel- egiam toTiihBni ] Chief Justice Learoof the supicmecouit decided today in tbo case of the claim of the polygamous ehi'eiren ' of Orson Piatt , that children of plural wltes cannot justly claim anyslinio of thoh father's cstito where the paicut dies Intestate. This is lOR.irdod m a gre it Injustice by Mormons. Tlio ciit.0 wns hi ought on un appeal from the lower couit. Pits , spasms , St. Vitus ciancc. neivousness and hjstoru are soon rmcd by Dr. Miles' Neivino. Fixe .sainpless at ICuhu & Co. , 15tti uud Douglas Aiiir > iint Stolen Ilnnl to Ascertain. CHIC\no , Augusts. It v111 bo aomo tlmo before the postal iiuthoiitos can ascertain how much money was in the pouches stolen by Gootgo Ilanis , tbo postal clerk who is missing with the contents of two mail ponchos taken fiom n Chicago & Alton train ucnrSt Louis. The' amount taken may not bo moic than t-aoo and j et might bo many thousands. Ili'sp"rutc Kiibt ; nt n IMunie. ni.i/tiiEiii , N.J , August 5. A despeiato Hgnt orcuried nttho pic-iiic of the Arboltei Tuiiivcicln nt ISPcr's ei OMJ last night , nearly ono hundred men taking put in the nfTiay. SK jiollcoinen weio setercly liandlecl by in furiated anarchists , ono of w bom was locked up DinhiK tbo i lot the Amoiican Hag , llout- iiij ; from the stulTaL the e'litnuiLO to the pie niogiouiidy , was torn down and tunnploil under \Vanaiitsnrooutfortho mrcst of u dozen ofthoitoUrs. In Holland. Mich , C J.Docsburypubllshe' the News and in its columns strong ! j reiom nicnda Dr. Tlionuis1 KlcotiicalOil tor coughs , colds , soic throat , cutnrih aii'l usthnu. Drouiit-tl. Ni.w Oinri\s La. , August 5. The steam ship C'lty of Dallus , from Central Amuiicn , re-pints that Captain liowloy of the schooner Joseph P. Machcca , wlilloen route In n sail- itiK boil to the schooner with the command ant , jud u of the poit and tuo unknown per sons , was capsized during u scpial ! and all \\eio diowncd. Ladles who suffer from weakness or nervous vous prosti Uion will find the nihicial water of the "old M. C. " spring nt Hotel Colfax a \\oiidciful tonic and lestoiatho , Tlio Suit Tnlco lOlcetion. S I.T L\hr , Utah , August fi. [ SpecialTele gram to Tim Bin : . ] Uc\Ised leturnsshow that the Mormons elected the sheriff and recorder ut yosterdn > 's elections , the former b\irJ mid the latter by ill mijoiity. The liberals elect the rest of iho ticket. Van Houtcn'a Cocoa Pure , soluble , ceo noinic.il. The Order of iho Illaek Knglc. LOMIOV , August r > [ Special Cablegram to Till. BLK.j-Itls stated tlmt IlmpuorVI1I \ * lam will confer the order of the Black I'.aglo upon Ijrd Salisbury If the queen coiibcnta to his receiving tlio honor. t'hrnnlu billiiiiiiiiiitioii oi * the iUaildi'r U promptly cured by the \viteu of Hxccl- slor Springs , Missouri. A DcnvoiI'liiiriiinuy Ulmtup , Df.Ntr.it , Colo. , Auifustfl. Alltchell's pltar- macj was hlowu to jiioccj by tbo explosion of a largo quantity of benzlno tonight , The cleik.J. ID. Gorrell , was ( riabtfully burned uucl will dlo , U'broc urouwu ttoro cruahtnl iu the i-ulns. One of th"m , 1'nt ( ! allnlier ( , was fatal Ij Injured The M lion will recover It is rumored that a immJwr of people tvlio roomed nbove the store1 Jrut their ll\ea In the explosion. Xoi'lliwr < < t llowlng Itegatta. DPTROIT , AUch , Aiigust B.-Tho twentj- Bccond annual ix'g itta o the Nortlntcst How- njf association took place on the Hello Isle coin-so this nfternoon. Tie ( itlteiidancfl was fair and tin1 water lumpy. The events were tbo Junior and pig , " and one halt miles o leh with a turn. Tom-oared , llrst trial ho it The AVolvei hies von in ( lni : , Tcciunscln of Wnlkertlllc , Out , second. LnnslngCItvs third. Single scull U. McKuy , Jr , nist , M I ) . Campbell "eeond , F Sargent thiul Winner's tlmo -ll-i : | . Tent oaied. secord tilnl boat " \V'j iindottes von inlrii ) : 4 , Aigoniutiof Tot onto second , Otuishlnnong thlnl Double scull Nettloton and Pnpot of the MIunesutiH , St. Paul , won after nn excltlne ; llnhh from Coibet and JlendcMon of tlioCat- llns , Chlcipo , who led hoin the start until n quarter of a mile from the finish , when the St Paul bojs snuited anil won by two feet Timo-10 : J. ' . roui-onud , flnnl heals Wolverines won , Wvnnilottesspioml , Tecumseh third. Win ner's time- ! ) ' . ' ! i I'lilroaieil Uetioit crow No. 2 won In in 111 , cretv Is'o 1 second , Owaslitanongs third roin-onrd gig Detroit * von , Woltci lues second , TecuiiBch thiid. AMutiit's time cJJl. The UtHtoii Unol Miukot. BOSTONMass. . , August 5 [ Special Tele * giant to Tin : Brr. ] Tlicro Is n steady do- mind for domestic wool so far this week nud sales foot up 'well The niaiket Is steady 1'iiccs , it Is hcllovcd , have touched the low est point. Temtorv vools sell well on a scouted bisls of o8ouOe for line medium and .V ) ( "c foi inedium Spdng Texas wool has been in demand , with choice selling nt IMw i"c ! and fall to good at lUctfDlc Spring Cull- fet ni i wool is in fall lequost nt 'JiKrfIc Ohio nnd I'ennsyUnuta llet'ces me now holding iiuito tirniatili.l.'o : ( for X and : Ua ( lie for XX , while Michigan X sells ut ysfaj'.io Combing nnd ilelulno llceces mo In fair re quest , No 1 combings selling at ! t7'/-4Uc ' , ( , Ohio line delaine nt Jku'ttemid Allchlgan line delaine nt ! ! l ( 'Mc Pulled wools quiet nnd steiuij at , ! 0&-IUL ! foi super and a.J ( ' ' ! > eforex tta. Austinlian wool Him. C.upet wools quiet. Ihe Queoti's Unpleasant Lovuov , August 5 Tlic queen had au tin- pleasant ctpoticnuo this evening. She left Osboin for n diite to witness the yacht squadron panulo at Cotves. Her ciiriliujo hud to cross a steam feuy on a pontoon. A too .sudden letting don n of the platfonn on which the queen's ' can ia o stood caused n tushof ttator , whlth partially submcigod the pontoon. The quocn and spectators wt'io for a moment ninic stiiekon , but the pontoon soon lighted Itself nnd Hoited fice. Tlio queen wns then eon vcj eel safely to her des tination. Almost UnUvtsal Proutli. Cmririo , August 5 Iho Varnters.1 Heview tomoirow will say : Outsidoof n few coun ties in Michigan , Wisconsin and cMinncsota , wheio local rains have fallen , the drouth Is uimcrsal In the states , scouted by our lepott : Illinois , Indiana , Ohio , IMissouii , ICun is , Miehiiran , Wisconsin , IMinhCsota , Dakota , Iowa nnd Xebnibkn t ( eliniiii VAlfviiAt o , AugUbt H. A dispatch 10- ceived heio says 1'iesident Celiuan of the Argentine republic hns presented his icsigiia- tlon to congress , giving lisa icason the po litical and flnnncinldlniculties through which the republic is passing HP has been suc- ceetlcil , the dispatch adds , by the vice picsi- dcnt , Dr Pellegiiui. > Two Witnesses Jlomotod. Loiribt 11.1,1 , ICy. , August B. Near Hailan court house jesteixlny James T. Mlddlcton w us shot and killed f ram ambush and lins- conib Bnlloy wns also fatally wounded on Clover folk in tbo same county. They were both witnesses m the trial of William Jen nings , leader of the Howard faction , which w ill soon come up. An Imlliui lerrltory Tragedy. PAUI , Tex. . August o. Parties who cnmo hero this morning from Goodlnnd , I. T. , say Deputy Marshal Ladd attempted to arrest Jeff Shoiles , n notorious negio outlaw , and a dasporate encounter ensued , in which both Ladd and Shoales were killed. Ketiliiolc } Feud Partially Settled. DuiiNsini : , ICy. , August 5 In a fight be tween I'olico Judge Smith nnd Town Maishal Commer on ono side and Ben Cassidy and his sons , John and Hiram , on the other , over an old feud , John Cassidy and Judge Smith weto fatally wounded nnd the other tlneopnitlci- pants beiiously. _ The Medical Congi-cs-j Dnncpictcd. Bmuv , August 5. A banquet in honoi of the membei's of tlio International medical congiesbwas Kiven nt tbo ICiiserhof last evening by the committee in charge of tbo congiess The City of Berlin gave a f etc at the town bull this e\enlng In honor of the medical congiess. There were 4,000 guests. A Secret Ciruulni. KANSAS Cm , Mo. , August fi The Times tomoriotv will print a seciet chculin signed hj nil of the Chicago , St. T.ouis and Kiinsas City railroads , in which an agreement is en- teiul into to cense the grunting of eut rates and the Issuing of fieo tickets for tlio puiposo of gaining patronage. Dlrl.lhlfOUH KlllllS III All/01111. Ariz , August 5 Heavy latns hme been falling dining the last ton da1 , b. Sixty miles of the Santa Fo road between Benson and NoRiiles are washed out. The Santa CHI.S tlvc-i Ib again Hooding the valley and this evening Is higher than at anytime during the Hood , ins Kho \reiiuilll ( > li. Vi UMII.I.IOV , S. D. , Aub'ust fi. [ Special Telegram to Tin BIF ] riro destiojed the busine s poitlou of this town tonight Eight/oca buildings woio totally dcstioj ed , and the loss will be about J,000 ; insurance about half of the loss. 1 n n pen : tor Arrested. MONTKI\I : , August 5. License Inspector Uoe , fiom Minneapolis , . Minn , who embe / - /led fi5H)0 , ( ) , was aricstcdheio today and loft for homo with nn oflicer. A Court-.Uiii'tnil Convonod. SAN I'llscibco , Cal , , August 5. A court- innitinl has convened nt tbo Mnio Island mvy jnrcl for the ttinl of Wiiilnnikei William liedstono on tlio charge of abstracting gov- einment property. Dentio Cliiiitl.s of ( Jra HMMCI ; , Minn. , August Yostuidny afternoon deiiso clouds of grasslioppers wore been passing between the nurth and itio sun , going south. They came from the 1101 th. tU.\Clf liM/J'fW XttTKN. DOn Siturilay of lastin-ok n fellow called \\yon \ J. G. Tipton , the rt-ul estate agent , mid desired to Hud u puuhaser foi some Kansas land. IIo ttns willing to sell or trade , but Tipton was not In the niniket hunting for in- tfstnieuts in Kansas , and refused to nicotn- modato him , Ho loft , but in n few liouia an other fellow cnmo into ttioofllco for tlio muiio ] > uiposo. His miiniier oxcltctln llttlo interest in Tipton , and ho sized him upas ucnntldcnco man who ought to bo takui care of , and ho concluded that ho would ortupy n little of his time In takingcaru of him Ho tet n ti.ip and the follow walkol Into It without any hesitancy. The fellow said his uiiinu tv.is 1'ivil L. Iob3oii , and hu owncii u quar ter section of land In Kansas which ho was willing to tr.ulo or sell , It was located In Clurk county , not fur fiom Ashland , the county koat. Iloiopresontcd It to ba uiihicumbcivd , with a irood furm liouso U ] > ou It ami forty acres of it imprat eel nml in crops. Tipton olfeivd him a tnict of him I In Nobnisku la exchnngo for his pi-ojiei ty. The fellow inquired about it u little ) uucl then of * feicel toevch ing for 9.0 difference. Thli Tipton tvfuicd , nml Dcibsau wen * iitva % with Iho promise or returning In n few lisurs Jio Uept his appointment , and te-oicint'd'liogotlii | tlons with the oflerto tnko IO to boot If1 Mlptou would git o him , ? ' > of It then Ho sluuvcd Tiptem his devil to tlio propel ty and nit ubstiaet of title purpoitlng to b > iniido by Smith .t Sltlkor , abstraetors , Ashlnml , ICim 'llio title to the propcitv ho ivpresented to bo in n relitt\o of his , 111111111 Simpson , and ho had u deed front him signed In blink mid a powet of attorney tu'dlsposo of the 1 mil I Ic explained lo Tipton Unit he wanted the * . * i to pit Ills hotel hill , ami that Ins w.w tempo- iu lly eiiibartiissed lIuatuMaliv 'Upton I'xpithited upon the tnluo and beiuties of his Nobmxka land , and told Dob'son that he would glto thodlfiVionicand tnko the Kansas property , tiit that ho lould not K6i the deed Irom Nebraska until Titos * tiny. Hc > ttoitld trlvo him the 1 then nnd the remainder when the deed cnmo , nnd in the meantime Tipton would deposit a cwntjai-t in tlio Citiionv Innk to fnrnhh the deed if Dobson would also phit-olils deeel hi tbosamo bunk In ccio Dnbson thought hu had caught a line largo sucker nnd saw the op- 1 > oiUtility of getting a deed to some propel ty In addition to ? ! ( ) in c.nh nnd ho re ulli.t con sented , nnd the deed nml I'Otittuct"uetci placed in the bunds of Cashier Iliinmin Insteld of sending to IVobraska for a deel Tipton wtote the county iccoider of C'luiK count } , asking If tbeie' was sut'h a Him as Smith > S : Stilker theio mid in whom the title rested to the rail cstutu lie * Fcrlbcil in liobson's ' deed , and directed hint to tclcxTiph his' roplj The tcplj iainejesteitla > that tlmo wns no such linn tlieie and tlio lands destiibed wcio still held by the gou'riiincnt , beii g too worthless to ho lionicste tiled. When Uobson cime to get his devil he was met bv au oflicer with n wm rant foi hlsancst and taken into t u study. Win n urto ted ht bioko down and confessed that ho had be'cn engaged by others to make the ih al , and that ho was ono of a paityopeiutlngUitotiifhout the couutrj , with temporary hiMilquiutors at Omaha Ilowillhivon hc.iring m .1 few dujs , and It IE > hoped that ho can bo induced to glto up the mimes of his confederate ! , in the mean time. Katally Injured. Mrs. A. 1Uilsuter , wife of the senioi pni tin r of the iinpentei flint of Dilsntcr & IMisou , nt UJ13 West Uioadw.iy , tueivcd what is fc.ued will pioto fatal injuries in a iiimntay accident at.J > 'iO last e\cning. She and Alls Kdison weio driving a totinghoiso owned b * . the Him , ami when on Bioidtvay , in thovitinlt. % of Uightli stieot , the nniinil became f lightened and stinted to tun away Mrs IMison wns dilt Ing and clung to the lines nnd would hutokopt the horse within lontrol and a\oidi'dan accident if another ciriiago which was appioaching had not got teninthowaj. The fiont wheel of l\Irs Dll- savcr's caiiiago stiuck tne other tehitle nnd tbo bhoek thotoughl.v frightened the hoise and he spuing foiward in ntlcious manner and LIU down the street towards theNoith- W estei n depot at a ten Illc ! speed. The Indies kept their beats until the } had crossed the i.dlroid tracks and then a sudden luich to ono side tlnow Mrs. Dilsivcr fiomthobugg } . She struck on the gi unite pivlngon her he id with teriiblo force Hcis tlothcs cauphtin the wheels miiU she was diiggcd some distance. bho \\na piiked u ) ) in an une-onsclous condition and contcjed to the icsidonco of her husband s biother , William Dllsiiter , at 'J. ' ) Thirteenth stieet. Dr. Wuttcunun was summoned , nnd an exnmiimtion showed she had icccited u sovcic concussion of the bifiu and a frictiuc of the skull. A bad wound was also m ulo on the left side of hoi head Her injuiics wetc thought to bo fatal at 11 o'clock. She did not iccoter consciousness and her sjmptoins Indicitcd severe inteiiml injtiiiis about the chest and henit. o The lioito eoiitliiued to run and at Six teenth stieet ovcituincd tlio bug t nnilthicw Mi ) . LTiiison out , hut she foitnn.itely cse-aped with nothing more than some bouro hinises. Mrs Dils.'uei lives on the totnei of Avenues ( J and Twi'iitj-settnth street. She is thirty ) ears of ago and has four small cbileliui. The Mnnliattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway. Tiy Mnnava beach , near hotel , enlarged , moio snud , nice bottom , clean rooms. Sudden Death ol' Mr.s. I * it Ion. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Patton , wife of Dr. W. L. Patton , died suddenly nt the family resi dence on Noith Main stioat at 7 .TO yesterday moining. Mrs. Patton had only been sick n few dajs from djscntniy and tj pho malarial fe cr. She had not been consldoml at any timoto bo in acritical condition , and wns sup posed to bo iccovci ing nicely under medical treatment. Early yestouliy morning her symptoms indicated a dangerous stage of the disease , and she sank into n comatose condi tion , fiom which she nevci.iallicd. Mrs. Patton hns lived n busy and useful life , twenty-hvo of the sixty-two jeaisof which bho hns passed in Council Bluffs. , wbeio thcio are hundreds who will warmlj chcitsh her memory lor the in my good deeds she hab pcifouned. She leaves besides her hush mil nfainitvof fourbovs , the elder of whom is the well known W. P. Pulton , now postal agent on thaCed-ir Knpids lino. Tbo lunenl will occur from the icsidenco tomorrow afloinoon. J. C. IHxby , steam helling , sanitary en gineer , ill' ! Ltlo building , Ommi ; 'Oi Mor nani block , Council Blull-i , Wall niper at 'l1 couts per roll ; not rem nants , at C. L. Gillettu's , 28 PC ill st. The Cliiintaiiua Mniiii-jeinoiit. The trustees of thoClniutauqna bite been confct ling in icgiud to tlio intcres-ts of that enterprise. The jcir past has been quite successful , nnd jet there nro many Ihiantial pioblemstobu wlselysoltcd before thocn- teipnsocan bo looked upon as a e-citnln suc cess. Ono of the most peiplexing iiucstlons bus been the mutter of management. Hilh- eito Mr J. E. Haikness has been thus un- ploj cd at a suluij of $ ti , . " > OJ n year. His con- traU ended August 1 , and the association had to face the question as to whether n new contract could bo or should bo made " \Vhllo it was on all hands conceded that Mr J lurk- ness hud done a largo amount of woik , and had met with such suc cess us to make it desit.iblo tor mnny reasons to ictaln him , tbeio tteio grave doubts as to whcthci the financial con dition of the association wns such ab would wmrant thooxpcndituiu of such an amount for the coming jenr. On the other hand Mr. Harkiicss felt worn with labor and losponsl- bility , nnd wns iathcr Inclined to ictno fiom the position. At a iccc'nt meeting of the trustees it was decided to plnco the milter of management In the hands of the executive committee ) . At tbu B.IIIIO tinio a umunittco wns appointed todiaft a suitable expression of thonpnicciatlon filt b } the tiiistces for tlio buviees rendeied by Mi IliuKncss in tbo past. It is understood that tlio executive committee will look after matters until such time as they Uud it piactlcablo anil desirable to employ a manager. Wo have customers foi Inside Improved propel ty , fawns all cish If ton h.ivo a b ir- gain to otter call on E. II. blicafu & Co. at oncti. Mnndcl .t Klein aiooffoiing great hiugalns in every dep.ntment. U'o show the hebt line of cook stoves nnd range ; , in the city , fiom $11) ) to t-IO In tinwiuo wo t.niy tlio best only and sold nt bottom price * Cm pets , 'Oh , my ! " wo Just beat thu world , foimi-r price of carpets ( A Us , now 10 Us , , and M > on through the entire line. Wo show a I.ITKO llnu in novelties In our parloi goods depiit- nu-iit. In bet I loom sultu wo piulu ourhchcs of cauj lag the most lomph-to assortment , ehoico of 'M styles. Hook cases , rockers and dining cltulr-i of c.ory desciiptlon Side boards , wnulrobes nml center tiblcs go nloiii" : with this unloiillng Ride ( Jet prices else- whcro and compare Mnndcl & Kloln's ilJO Hioaiitvay , .Now at Itful. Lnst evPtilng nt smiset ull th it was mot tul ofL II Josslyn was luld attny In Kalitiow ocmeti ry. This hour won i boson in ilofoieiu-o to what seemed hU dosho , for ttiicn Iris daughter died some two jeaw ago she win laid at rest as the him ttns passing out of bight , nnd after tint , wlifii tbo wife and mothci passed iuviiu Hlmllar sun.et scivico i was also held. The time ami sen Ices hist I ovunlng tlmo wore similar to tiiosei which marucj tbo two other sad occasions. 'Ihcru were brief scr\ ices nt the homo of his daugh ter , MH. . .11V. . Tilton , No fiiT rifth avenue' , Tlu'werocondiictoel by lov. { Air. CrofUatiil . I'tuislsted of tv tiling of upproprl ito ] is.sngcs , 1 PI.IVCT nml a ht , inn sung l y Mrs Slicu'iniiti I- ( and Mrs 1'viiits At the cemetery Ihe'ivtvas tin' slnglni * of nnother famillnr hvnm and the olTiriiiff of iibrlc-f prajor. There * were many stnip.ithbliig fi lends who joined with the rclithrs In piy Im-t heir tribute's to the one thus t tkeii uivav The p ill bentei-s wire W. S. McMIikln. M 1) ) Hiinlln , J V Kvam , J Atkins , U s Tin wllllfrcr mul Honr.t Swan. DlllK'tl I IllN I Last evening tbo comtnltteo cousUtliii ; of Messrs MIIJ uu , Clink and Itrown , itppolnted by the congregation of the IJtouhtay Metli- odist chiifeh , to ointi the bids for tlio proposed - posed now structure , laid tlie'in bofoivtlie members for consideration ' 1 hero w ere sev enteen bids illcd with the lomtnlttoo At Hist it was thought mi odillco could not bo elected for less limn * ! ( ) , ( ) W , iitt ) after n duo amount of flgni ing It wis decided that the work could bo done for -JIO.OOO. The lowest bid lor tlio church coaiplcto was 11'iss , ami the Highest * , 'liuo ' ; As this is he * joud the limit all tlio bids woto ro- Jeited Tlirco bills were received fet the eliurch complete' . These tvcro IH follows Martin Hinrlics.V Sons. Poitigt ) stune. $ ls.- Tfil ) ; SlouI'alls fiimlto , $ .tIKH ! ) ) ; Waiions- Imig stone , MCi.'iK ' ) , K Stevens , v Sou of Omaha , foi the eliurch complete e'xee-pt steam hotting md iilumhing Doll Hupiils stone , tits.SfO'ariciisbiug ; \ \ ttono , rHSb A numbci of other bids weiv rci'oivt'd for pat ts of thu woik The 1) ) 11 Kipids gnmito eoinpin1. offered to fiunish tlio stone > en the cars hoi e five of cost for > i.mi ( ) , and the\ w ill fin nish the stone and pat It in the hitllet- Ing leu ? I JillJ. T 1) ) G lie otTers lo put up the building for * I'J.fiSl ' ) , cxivpt the plunibing , but the commlttto is ic < itaiii tills mtisl bo a mlstako and think theptumbiiu' means steam heating uho , which would bting Dile's bid tip with the test of tlio bidden 'llio i him h iKiiplo have detet mined to iv- Jcct all tlio liiils and hive the architects ihangotho ilmi3 somewhat to iidnco tlio cost nml Ining It within 'ho ' { WWJ limit This will bo iiciompllshed without altuing tbo geiii-i , d plans orthniigliigtlio diinc'iisions IH the biilttllng The iienth side facing Uto.iiltv.iwill bo built of plain brlik instead of Sioiis. I'nlls gianito as contemplated In the gencial pi ins. As sonn as the o Hutigrs are eomplctftl now bid < will he asked foi and if they come within the limit thucontiacts will bo let nt once. IlioKc Ills Lev- Jacob WnltcnbiMg , an old man flfty-si\ years of ap'e , suffered a painful accident on Eighth stieet testeuhi } forenoon In com pany with a neighbor ho came In item Hart- Ictt. a town thiity orlotty miles aitny , with acouplo- loids of pioituco for the Onmlii and Council BlulTs maikets. Thej stopiied on Eighth street a moment and the olel man got down Irom his scat on the wagon and walked around to the head of his team \Vhilo \ standing in front of thorn thcj became fughtened and stinted to tun awaj. 'iho old * man was Knocked < linn and tin1 litit'll } liidvn wagon passed oter his legs , flushing them on the haul piAcmcnt Thought log wnshioken just above the iinklo nnd the left was sevciely bruised but not broken lloth bouts in the il ht limb weio crushed Tliopolleo pihol was summoned and tlio unftitunato mm w is coine'Mtl in It to tlio Delllnger hospital , wheio skillful surgeons nt- tendcd to his lujui it's anil lednceti the fine- lure , nnd wheio ho will bo kept until he is able to icturii to his home KEEP TO THE SIGHT/ Do not ho lmpo ° cd on by any of the numerous Imitations , enb. tltnlos , etc. , vlilcli are llomlinq tlio world. Theia Is only ono Swltt'3 ' 8pexlflc : , ami there Is nothing llko It. Our remedy con- tiilna no Mercury , Potnth , Arsenic , or nny pois onous f uhstanca v liatcvcr. 1 1 builds up the ( jcn cral hcaltli from the first do'c , anj lias ncvc ? fulled to eradicate conttgloua Mood pol on and its effects from tua system. Bn turo to get the genuine. Send your address for our Tn-atlso on ffloodand SKlu Il a ! 8 , which will bo mailed free SWIFT ST'KCIFIO CO . XMrt , On. DR. BELLINGER'S > V * tet&dty * ' . i-I h w. Kt ' = Sf ff f s Si - Surgical Institute Private Hospital , Cor. Broadway nnd 2fith Street. Council Illuds In Tin tliotrenltneiitor iillhiirjlc il.intlchionlc ( llMUSCS llllllllhO ISl'S OttllUlllllOll 1'ilMile tlliO'i 't-siif tlio niliiiiiy .mil sexual nig. ins as syphilis , uliletme , oMlth spcr- matiii mlio t ; , lo-t niiiiiliiioil , SUMI U linpoteiieo nnd we.iKnesstii' it oil sneec' riill ) I .nticiilariiUi'iitlou pil < l to dSinsei "f tlio liilir's. as Astlimn < tiiisiiiiiptlon Ittoiii lillls Calunli , P.tt l'.irilyil IClthuiy illsi isos as 1)1 ) ibotes llrl-'ht'sDNt'iso , liliouni itlsm , I'lleu Ciinee'i Vinliifi'le. 11 } ( Iron It' , Uinuiy. Til- lunr DIstMsis tif tilt ) t' > i ) mul < * ur. ( 'lull feet Spin il HIM al HID anil ulhllso ivmuT tbolioius Hit hito uilup iinuL'iiL dot iiled \clusl\tly teilbi ) tiintiiiei't of I'trrlnoillsiMscs Miilleliio sentsc'ciirol } putkeil anil free fioni ( ll-CI ) \.ltlOII On ic-j ) milt nco eoiiddciitlnl. Aihlresi : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical IibtUute anJ Private HospiUI. C r. llroulnnf and 2'itll M Cuiuicll lllufli In F. M. Ellis & . Co. , AECHITBOTS And Uml Jin ? Suponnt t dnti. . HoonisA \ mul ) r. lloit llullil n Oin iha Ni li , and ICniinii S4I anil JI1 Meiilaiu lllork C'oiinoil Hlulls li ( . 'uriuipoji'lcin o soll..ltul ( rrtmor ) , PiruiO i y or Tuliarv pn iniiriitl > cumt In b lo U it j j. AVD i . .it .1 a n 11.1 i J i u lit in 11 u t j i in , FO the * ltit uct ii l e i i lin it u.n cf II o d t olunny fuiin. limieucim liuluamlct ) if , ( fir lliaiamp ) Iro. n rrcc D v II c 1" ' ' L rl ° Kai a j-i-atiiij ha Tf UllB M S H R & ' " " 'ul ' " ' th o\ 'lot o \ . { ( KtVpi B n D itLF ' " l0' ' " lic-o , \ o \\ii ; EQ M n B 9 B L ; P fn > " ' ; rt ' " c.itl.ni orW B H HUH B BW'c . nit ml l loney i\nl \ imyentlrocxpoiifo ut iiinilne rn'hond f i otlliotrll lla. \ cihillnro ll vmrlilfop aiufOMS nn not tun * Mcnilt n il' ' i paper A < Mnn * . CUOli ItrtMrin' CO , Omulm , Xilirorlti. SPJMOrA.il NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. I/H1U S\M--Urn111 : triili- fur n uool roul H1 tiMin.ir illlon Nil IW , uijNturcil InVil - lucc < lly Di. AulilliiM , d itii liy Kinluuky I'l ij'ir > ) uim > l I , Appl ) to Dr. M ic'ine' , - _ , IM'.XT rxMiKixil nuiiorn house's. \V. \ 1111101. 3 1'o.irt rlioot. \\rAlS I 1. 1)V ) slit fur ( . lion * < u a.in ill fun lly . 'I hi11lit pirty CMUI set- ( Mlicui iiiiiiiniiunl | pliivo it pHiiI ! v t , IKS OIXMI'OlIl'll'l. ' ( . Cull llti.'l Ntnlli Soteitlli at , Council Illitir * ufli-r Aiunst I. 1j\t\l \ ( \ IH'.Nl' H\'i-oim lull o on OiMnmT n\c Mudi't'ii liiiprine.'inenlAddioss U. I . II. o ii'llco ' \\'AM'l.l-loixl ) ( sill foi Konur-il lioiuc- ) noik. MM A. I1 , llaiioliflt , .No , l.'J 1'oiirtb stie-i't. i \\T \ CnincMili'iit liiinsiunl ) two In fiimliy Mis U. W. Uxuy , s't AtcnnuO. iTTj'm iTi Tiri"l 'thiiiK eontnlnli In / miniie't Mild V. M.l' A Ili'Ueti. tcMMucI for Its return to this olllji ! . W , 1. .tliinsliild or Ui'iil-n irdi'ii land , with ' ' * - houses , by J , 'lt. Kiuo lOJ'MiiTn st.Vc'oiinoU ' mints. P iy rent wlie'ii jou i an liny u liniuuoii t lies u m > tennis , nml in o.iie > of Miurilo ith ut nn j' time ) limu > mir f imlly thu Imtiiu on Iliu follo\\liu toinis : Alimm1 worth tl.uj ) .it til per month A home woilli iriU \ .it f IS | n'r mouth , A homo wnith f..U ) ) nt fJI pur miiiith. A lii'MioMiilh * MiliK ) nt fH per month. A lioini ) ts ni III JIDK ) ut fH ] or miiiilh. Otlici pi Iel I honios on thoKimo turiiH Tha nliote iiiniitlilv piynu'iitInoliido prluelpil nnd IntiTiMl for dill iiiitleiiliiH cull on or mlilri'sstlio linlil.V U'i'lN Oo. Ohl Hnuilw.iy , t'liimi'll ItlnlK In nVT Thi'stori'ioun , .N'o. H. fnmtuii - - nn I'ciil ' st. > t I * J n HUH _ " \\ri" \VI2imeril burnt Ifiil inolurn Iu UJ > tlmt wi'Hlll trulofiii oirum'wrt ' * 1ajiii 1 lotsln Oin ill i or I'oiinill ' ) liilN Iliu Jiulil & WolN Oo. Uoimoll Illuirs I.i _ " \\rAN ri.D-I.oonl njii'iits lo cnnviiss for Dr. ' NaIll's ' \plan ilm v Mock lio.iU , lor p iitleiil us uililiess II lloiix , i'liison , In. J 1) ) KliMl'MisOV , I're'i i Sum tur , Mcu-proB CM nil iill lltss vs , Cn liler. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Gounnll Illutf- . Pntcl up Cnpitnl $1BOOOO Surplus nuri Profits . . . OO.OOO Linbility to Depositors 3BO.OOO Din rroiisI I A Miller P O Ule-.i on , K f/ . binjiiit , I' I' . II nt..I I ) Kilmun-oii , I'lmilesi U Kniiiiiiii. ! , let Ki'iiuial liinMnn' liusl- iii s l.ntKi'st uipltil nml siiiilus | of any hint ; In boiitlittesli'in lou.i INTEREST ON r'Mh ' DEPOSITS. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY Boarding nnd Dny School , Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street. Cnn bo te.iulieil fioin .my of the ) i on motor. Conducted ly the Sisters of Clmrlty U. V. M. Pot' loI'd nml tuition TERMS ) cm- Inaciutr till hrntiehes of n llnishuil edutu- tion for yoiiiiK'l.ulit'M ' $75 f)1 ( ) > ' > cs > , ioH of Ii\o months , eointne'iie'iii } } Iliwt Monday iuSeloinlor | ) ) uud Fohriury lospoctively. Foi furlhor pirticultiis iiddi'o.ss SISTUH SUPl.IUOIJ , St I'V.inuie ) Academy , ( 'ltllll'll Hlltllh , JottlU THE J. A. MURPHY M-i\NUKAOTUKIXa CO. , 1st AtcMiuu .mil 31st t Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand and Scroll Hiuln15e S.i\tln anil I'liinliiK , S mini : of nil kluils 1'cireli llr.iuKets. Kindling wnoil } JM ) pel lo id ( lolhi'io 1 Oluia s.i ist bj thu liuie'l.V. . All \\oik to bo Hist el iss. Tole'plionoJ-M. "VOUItl'AritONVOn'-OMOITEl ) . " OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Corner Malno mil COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. DC. ill-is In foreUn .iml ( lonu'stla oxeliunse. ( DllocHoiHimulo unU Intciest paid on llino MAXOiN & BOURGEOIS , Architects and Superintendents. FINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS. Iooiu2" ! > n Mt'irliiin Illiiclc. Coiinall ninirrt. Ii ) liooin BiO .N. V. Life Iliilldliu , Oiiiuliii , Nub. ALL. WORK WARRA.NTFD. DR J. D. J\C'-C33M , Dontil Surjoon Allklnrtsof ttnikiliino Ponton si\e > om > - biilfon iilin iriilil inilKllM'i llllliiK liv oullliii nt louin ' 'l ) . ' Muriliini lilo 'U. C'Diiiiult lllnllH. A TTOTELTBARGAIN Hold .I.inn-son Uimiii'll ItliilK In. , for lent. I'miiMitsil ami In jjniMl ioiilis | llosthotil In tlnielu. ( onti.illy lou iluil. Dnliii * u Hist , el is. husln ° si , 'llils IN u li.irn'iiln fur toino Hood lintel iiinn. Apply to " _ _ JAMESON BI1O3 , Props. Coimoll Dluffi . . - - low.i. - r A fjiir ' * linpoitiition. Pnxton ft , O illii liur pud duty jcbtcnlny inoinliiK to Collector of Customs Alexiindm 27 MAIN STRIM.T. 0\erC' It Jiieqiie'iiiln > 1 C'o's Jeittilry Electric Trusses , Bolts , Chest Protectors , Etc. Agents "Wanted. Dr. O. O. Jndcl. 000 Broadway , Council Bluffs , I. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY , _ Hylr.iulic nnd Sanitary Kn incuiI'liuis. . I.nimitas n rilIL'oUlciaills' ( llll < l Suriurv'Hiou ' ol Public Work , liiotva ' BinUlintf. Cotintill Ululla , In. _ - jlustlco of Iho Po.ico. Ollloo ever Ainoric.m 'Cbs , No. JSJ1 Hroiihvny. Council Blulla , lottii. Altornoys nt Lntv. I'rnclitio In the St ito iinii Toilera Stone & CourtUooins" ) and b Sluigart-IJunu llloclt , Coiiuol , lott.t. C. A. BEEBE & COIVIPANY , -Vihull uli'mill lie I.ill IH iili-rH In- T T-J TT T rjJ T T J T 1 J FT U HJN i 1 U JriJl , . - 1 Inr/e t Htnok anil Lone-st I'rlcos. Denlt rucnil forCutaloxno , Koa. 205 and i07 ! IJroadwuy , and 201 uutl liOO Plorco Street * , Couuoll BlulTn , t