Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OJiAHA. DAI/y ) BEE. jilJESDAY , ATJ(3ITST 5. 1890.
AJJVI' IITIPKMKNTS for tiiti-o column ? will
In' tnkni until I2is0i ; | , ni..forthu cloning
edition iiiul until 8jn ; p. m. , ( or Iho morning
edition nnd SUNDAY ItK.n.
s- rush In utlvunre.
' 13 ATF H AdvprtlfPinrnti onthMpiiRc wlllho
. ihnnc : < i for nt UK ; rule of l"t rent per won !
far Ilio lift Iiwrtlon mid I c-tnt rer word fur
ouch HUlsccjtu'Mt Insi'itloii. und > flV ) jwr line
porini'iilli. I\oudUTtl einents taken for less i
ilinn ' 'I < ciils ( or tliu Hist liihortlon.
'rjilTIAIiS , flKitrc" , symbols , cto.i count o-cli
JL aHonuiriiril. .
rfpllI.SK iil\i'rtlm ( > mcnti nni't nin cotisocn-
-1 lively unit tiinler no elrcuiiistiinics vrlll
tliry ! > < lnk"iior dlscmilltiurd by telephone.
PART IKS nilvcrtlwlnx In thesoeoluuuiH nnil
hnvlii'f their n.'dres ril '
niuxveri ( * to n'MHiin-
lionil letter" In cnro of Tin ; lliu : will n-eelio
u iitiniU'rrd ' clic'-kto ciiabliillicin to i cl their
letter" . AnswPtM xvlll Id delivered only nn
prt'st'iitnt Ion of tills cliccV.'oso ' ansxxeis
in cnvclopi-Hpioi.crly mldii-Mod ,
AM ndiortlseinont'i under Ihn hem ! of
" pedal riot lees" are publlslieil In both thu
ntornliiK nml ovonlng edit loi.snf Tin : liu : . tlio
rlrculiitlnn ) ( wlilcli iissrczntos inoro tlinu
i' pni'ors dtilly , nnil nixes tlio iiilturl ler
thol nniTit nut only of the larre circulation of
I'IIK | ! IK : Ui Onmlin , liittiiNnlu foil no II lllulTs ,
1 Incoln nnd othordtlt'H iiiidlowMlii thuxveat.
A nVKl.TISBMKXTPi for situations or for
i iiiiiln or foinnln help , not exceeding 21
words iitn Inserted In TUB SrviiAV IlKP-ut liulf
rules dnrliiKthc iiiontlmof .Inly nnd August.
Tlioieiniliir niton will l.o ehnnrcd fur 'iuh !
ndrilt'nnnl word nl'nva ' 31 words M xvellnsfor
ron'.pi'iillvolii soil loin
AdraitlsalnK f or I hio columns II llm taken
nn the. til mo eimdltlimx , lit tlio following
1)II IICM | llOIIHOH XfllO 1110 llllthaflrod 10 tllkO
Rpcelnl tiolltc" . lit Mm sumo ruled us can Lo
linil lit tlio mull ) ollleo. .
Qor'Ti i oMATiiA ititANrii oi'r.'ioi : No.
D ITCKIN Stunt , Mstrr Illo-k.
"Tfo 1 1 NV. . llEIIri'u7irmaoM71 > VoiillfTciitti
J Htrcct.
o IIASi : .V KI nV. Stnt'onors and 1'rlntcrs ,
Mil SmtlilBUi Htroil. , _
" KS , rhnrmuclst , G.'l North 10th
. rcot.
K ( > . W. 1'AKll ' , riiiiriniiclst , 1718 l.eavcn-
_ \ \ ntih hi rent. _
[ .lUOilKS'l'MAKMAOV , Slth nnil Knriinm.
Furialu , etc. , fcr ( ; > oJli tr li ( iii on Cil
llulf tat en mi . " " 'iimfinj , _
\\f ANTKlSituation ) hv driiRKlst ns Hoeond
clerk. Add i-ess , boM4i : , North IMatttOeu.
SITtTATr < ) Nxvnnted--ltv- cdiieated ( ler-
iiiiin American , oxuellcnt penman. Ad
dress for Unco days , I' , O. box 11. , Carroll In.
\\7AXTICll--rosllloii In urouory or Imple-
' ' inent linusi' , In itood town , uxperlonecd.
Address , A. \ , llarlliain. In.
1'or raltt , etc. , rv lop itj ffnt rnliimn "it tlitu
llillj tlltCK OH Nllll/ l/ ) / . _
iife meTro'u'.ifriiy Or eoininls-
t-liin tohandlo ilin new patent elit'inlcal
ink oraslnu pencil. The Kicatoit .soiling nov
elty exer pindnccd. Ilra-Oi Ink tlioiouvlily
In two seconds ; no nlirnsloii of paper. - 0 to
( M percent profit , Onuaueiit's sales mnounted
to $ < K.'Oln six days ; another * ; ! In two hnuis.
AVe xvnnt ono I'livrKotle-i'iiei nl siKCiitfnr ovury
Rlnto nnd teriltniv. Samiilo by mull > cents.
I'nrteiins nnd full part ( culais uildros Tlio
Jliiuroo I'nihor Jlfg. Co. .'rosse , Y'sv '
"VffANT Kit An ui'tliu man for each section
> T Hillary if'S to $100 , to locally represent a
successful N. Y. company , Incorporated , to
Mipply dry peed , clothlnir , Mioes , Jewelry.
etc. . In eonsnmers nt cost. AKo n lady of
ti'ct. calarv J40 , to cnioll members ( bO.ooOnoxv
I'lirollrd , Jlfi . ( KX ) paid in. ) Heforences n.\-
chaiiKed. I'.niphn Co-Opcrathn nssoclnllon
credit w ell ratedl look hot (110. ( N. V. . _
" \\rANTKD Good or.'anl/ers fnrOrdorof the
WurliL Call oraddicss 1313 fet. JIaiy's
nxc. 300-5'
_ _
AC'i'IVK mail with fJoo can seeino a liusl-
ness piy 1 us ? . ' 10 a xx'eek and expenses. J.
lllll. in DonKlns St. , up-stalrs. tvCl-5'
CTl''FTSiiirii'irtTin ? U. 7f. T > eoF 7iiuas- I u K
fancutson coniinlssloii ; all I IK. iiinlltlc.s |
of tlio comnioii faucet conililiied with the
ini'MHiiioiiiiat at a hlljlit. inlvani.'o In price. W.
S WllllinnMiii. solo innniifuctiiicr. Sill I'ennst. ,
Ilioolflyn , N. V. ail-ii *
TYTAyincTl Men t frii vd for our Canaillaii
1 > niiisorles.Stonev1\VellliigtonMadl.sonWls \ ,
U'KNIUI ! WoikuiH. tinners and Job workers ,
stonily xuirk , cooil wages. Jnini's A. Mil
ler & HID. , U"J and . Clinton St. , Chicago.
' wind track layers iiiul surfncoru
xvauli'd lit Kearney , Nell. , wazes $1.7 > to
U per ilny , hoiinlM per xvook.ood < fc lliin-
tToft. Itiioinif. . Nell. Xilt'l bank. 1430
"MllUTOUUAIMlKll Wiiiiled A llrst "clnss
J. operator nnd retoucher ; none other need
apiilvi samples oforlc and roforenoos re
quired. Aildress J , K. Itobblns , Hillings ,
Jlonlanii. UP-I *
AOKN'IV $ M outllton IW days' tlnio. JI.V.iw
profit lu 4 woi'lCH or no pny. Add. x\lth
etiuni. | Jaivl.s A Coiupiuiy , Kiiclne. Wl.s ,
W i l { . U. l.iboreis for the H. 1' . o.v-
i In UtuliaiHl Nevada. Wa es S3
. . . . . . . _ uy. Albflght'sLabor Agcnuy lliM
rnriinin st. " '
" \ \ IT'ANThD-aiO men for It.,11. work' , ten
IT f.irm linuds ; uouil xvagos. Keith's ii'soncy.
S. 1.1th' -'TS-l *
'ant Ilivt-olnss iiKi'iitx in every town la
NcliniBkii to soil the motnl buck iilliiini.
Wo emi Ixo better terms tlniii any other house
tnllrM-cliimiicn. The metal Inclc U the only
iillmin Unit Is satisfactory In every lespnut ;
cnn DehicreiiHod to nny slo ; .1 leaf
replaeed. nnd leaves assorted to suit ux'cry
iiiiri'liiiser. Art Album Co. , Huttlo Creek ,
Ml oh. 131 II *
MlWANTTD A ( rood a ml sober butiihrr for
Binull liiu'u town , bluttlo mnu preforird ; a
steady job for tlio right num. Address 1C ii\llec.
x 11)74 *
" \ \ 7 ANTr.l ) Two good broom iniiliers by the
> > Denver Hriiih & llroom U'o'lcs , 1WI Illako
_ _
" \\TANVKO Silrsimi7 , : fit t/3 ( uir- mouth wil-
il nry and u.Npoiiries to < cll a llnuof llvor-
lilntfd xx'iiievnt'lies. . etc. , by sample only ;
linrxinnd train furnlshi' < l fieo ; wrlto at 01100
fur foil imitluuluit nnd saniploeaseof Koods
fiec. Htundard bllvcrwaru ColloMou. Muss.
' .H7
\ \ rA.\Tl.D : ) luhoriTH for extra , road
> RUIIITH , Apply to I' . 11. Johnson. II. ft Al ,
pasMMiner dejiol , Umuhii. _ _ ' . 'IB '
VANTKD SaTosninii In every locality"
' T niiiiiiifiictiiru and wholesale
our nexv pro
cess elder , miulo without apples , i\e-ollimt :
wiiKi s no capital runulml ; particulars trim.
Missouri filler Mrs. C'o.lto\550 , St. Jnsuiili.Mo.
till ilia *
\ \ " A NT III ) Oalxanl/od Iron cortilco uui-k-
ii ors : Cloudy work : Ronil WIIITPS. James A ,
Ulllcr.'v ' ; llro. , UlluiidKIl South Cll iilou .stiuet 1 ,
\\7 AS'l'Tl ) oiH ) teitns : oii nr.iilo of Itoolf TH"
IT Innd U. It. near s'lirlncllt'ld ; xvuci'S J ) . . " A
per day ; idso sv foxv team ters. J. A. Warn A
jmi. iiout laotors. 77d 1 *
\Y7" "ANTii--Sevpral ; peed city auiicrs.
* V Tor pnrtlculars address Ilex LW , Oninlui ,
_ _
JC\rANTlTTT Tlirfellrsteliissnioii to rr
ii .iL'iil IlinOmuhalteoliianiloutof thucltv
Cull ntthoupcolAlollleo of Omaha lice , corner
17th und Kimium iriound llwir , 077
\VAXTKD uiLr ; * .
1'or i alt * . , Vttcttnii iifjirxt column on
llnl ; nttti nn .
" \\rANTK-A | KIXK ! woman pastry cook
i i-ccoiul ) , will pay good wngos. Oall Mur-
" r.TV lintel. 1735
1- A\rANTii : ) A ooinpiifcurindy Ui eier
> AddITNS li'17 lionnriUt.
x ' ' ! ' " ' . \ coiiU "aiTl s ,
MiiultfuinlO' . iiVWDavonport
_ iitS 1
\ \ TANTlfllAclrlfor liousinvorli ,
> l"t ! X. Twill loth s'reot. _ is ) I'
\\7\N' ! HI ) .Nurse Klrl-inifst ho o\fnrlenL-fil
ii nnd xtoll rccoiiimonded. Apply & ! , < 'ull. '
fornliiHU _ _ _ TO
'f : ! ) uTi raT4'Jf : ; TliirTioyl
_ " _ _ _ _ 12 I *
Glltlj iiuteiT fer ( jeneral hoiifco xx'ork Hi
Kinnll fiimllv. 19CO Fnrii urn. fit *
\\7ANTKU UlaliiFroom glrU-ut Windsor
> V Hotel. S.'O
_ _ _ _ _
ANT ! ' . htoaily Rlrl ; llr > class cook"anil
liiniidrer-i. Mint bo tliorniiKhlv coinpo *
tout.VIIROM $ \per colc. AiWross . ) , . &OI ,
1st nut'l iMiik S73.ii *
WA TIH ) A Rlrlfor fcncrul lioiiMiMurki
good xrugt'i paid , S , K. cor. 2Clh & JHIUM ,
WANTIID ( loodislrl. I'ulliuaii IIOIHO , iW ;
mid UlOPodRoH. , ncuriathbU Mis. IJorn.
iliT 4 * J I
\\7A SfTlr : ) Uood eoolii no liuindryliigTf'itir ' I
IT In family. Cull room 513 liroviii block 1 |
\\7ANTKD Uirl forueneruTTiOUsirork , ooil
IT wniro , W. M. Yut , corner California
ma Una sts. zr.Mj
I'or talc * , tie , , fopnflnl cofunui on till * j
ICOOM brie khoitsi' nenr p. o. . rout f.Vi per
monlh. I'rlco of furnltiiro iVH l-'ull of
nnd loomeri. Co-operuttToliiinl und
lot eoinpniiy , iM5 N. 10th , ( , ! Jrj- , '
1/tOK HUNT 8-room house , city \int 'r nnd
J scri-uiiMit nliiirtMln to responsible parlies
xU ) , 1'aMoii block. C l
| /.OK lll'NT A hon e of all ennvptilrnco ; ,
L1 centrally located , luiultuM'Jtlisti ! '
ICOOM , no\viniirrcil | , 1113 North 1'Jtli ' st.
lon-l *
TiAOlt HlxT-fp-MMini liotiio , 13 Caldwcll st. .
1. city Milter , cistern und Mill. Apply It > u7
i , it ut . * * 1 h *
Tf OK ISKNT-'ll.u iniiKinriilclpiico with
" iniNlerii Iniiirovoincnt'tt.w.cornrr ' ITtli ami
I'litilUil tiM'iiui1. UIV'KH & lllll , 1108Kurmni st.
17IOI1 1M'.NT llouv. 10 roonn , nil iiioOi-rnltii-
I provctiiPiitu , liirjo vanl. M" > | HT niontli.
Cutiiiiil M on tongunti. Jloxter L. 1'liunias.
II'1 VOl" wish to rent u house or.sloro too II.
K 'J'1- Continental bloek. jr l _
IflOlf UliXT 10-room house,2107 Doiiglii' , In-
rpo HUNT House of ft rooms , rust and
1 north fionl , corner .Ntli ntid Uoolworth
avo. , all inodeiii eonx'eiileuecs , tie per month ,
( . ' . Hairlsun.mi > . V. l.lfo. rJI
"TIMMC residence , inodorn Improvements. 24M
1 M. Mnry's ax-o. . IV > per month. Iniiulte nt
prendsosor atA. IlellerV , llliraiiiam \ >
KVU ) HhST-IO-rtiom teneiit Dotlplns and
heat. 31fl South 15th nt. U. A. kindliness
Foil Ul'.iNT Ti-rooin Imuse. irood icpiilr , nlcn
jiiHl.elstoin wiilcilent $ - ' . ' . Apply to M l
Houtli TthuvoortoJno.V. . lull , druggist , Kith
THritN'li'llKll ' lieu o oil ruriinuiAt. for tout.
JL ? ImiiilioGcrinaii-Aiiicrloan fciivlngs bunk.
FOIt JinNT-Goixl 10 room noitso. kowrr ,
watur , BUSbut li. barn , ftirnnco. In elc nnt
sliupvulivup. U.V. fcliulL'.sLo.,21JlatXat'lliiiit. ! )
lj10IUtiNT-7 ; room lint. MM S. nth st. $ .10
JU | ii > r month. Apply atThoTulr , J. li. llrnn-
dols&Sons at )
FOU lTfiNrT-l lint of f. rooms In building at
S. W.cornor 10th und I.omenwortli sis.
11)1 ) 1 *
TJ10U nKXT-Sept. I , cottiiKUWlth nil modern
-L ? linprovoiiiciits , l.til faliurinuii me. 7T4
171IIUNIS1IIII ) cottage , 5 roouiH , B. IGth st.
J ? ImuilioCtK. ' . ll.-7 *
ltiNT-loblrihIeduollliiKfl : ) : In t'oiinell
. llhiirsat. reduced runts rimirlng from i'l ' to
J70 pur month. K. II. Slionfu & Co. , icntal
Ilrondway uiul M ln tits. , Connell
FOR HI'NT 7-mom lioiitonearMHlMt. Or-
cliiinl Hill , $10 per month. 510 1'axtou block ,
Xch. .MorlKiiye loan coinliany , . 17U
KOO M Hats , . .IthundLciiM'iivoilli. .
TjKHt IIIIN'I11IOU.0 of ten roniH , Xn. 5011
* DoiiKlns s | . ; liiinily to business , also to
csildc nnil motni ears ; niodern cunvenlunccs.
AlMcoltnK Mf ) seven rooins.No. L'l"0 ' Ila
nt , ICnqiilro of I ) . T. Mount , UWS. 11th St.
" 1710 KEXT-IO-iooni house , 1 > loc'ation In
A ? ell " v. iii'ur lilirli school , imit loir. Kiuiulru
"sad l. U1J 4
J710R HUNTTo rcinnnsllilu part Us only ,
- thosu line new brick anil htoni" hoi us on
( leer lu avennu ; llftuen rooms nnil aleovesj
mom conveniences und bettor llnlshrd
iinylioiM ! forii'iit In thuolty. 11.11. llcuder-
tfon , 4UO I'axtun block , cltv. 4 CO
rr-ltOOSI hoiisovllb li.iin . ; uomlnul lent. 0.
1' . llnrrlson. Ull X. Y. l.lfe. t-At
"T7IOII HKrvT Jleslralilo 8-room houto. all
Jt ; model n liuproveniontseullcnt ; location.
poddcil yard front and icnr. C'onveiili'iit to
wlioluMiilo district nntl now union ilepnt. ( iood
loeatlcn for physician. Apply 1112 S lOtb st.
_ _ 400
"I7IOII HHNT-HcsldoiiL'tsoiilIiiriioy ; all tlio
J latest Iniprox-einonls , at lowest pusslblu
rcntill. I'iiiil , ICOal'arnam. 4ii !
S-1OM ! house. Kid and Cuinliifr , Ml jiur
month. U. V. H.llilson , DUN. Y , I-tfc. 8M
VOll UldM' KOOMS FUUMHHlil ) .
/ "or tatet , etc. , tee toptif frit ctilumnon thts
1BS1 IlODOi : ST-Siiltu of ImniKoincly fnr-
ntslicd Iiiilif3 Mltli Miperlor board In small
New Kiizlaiid family Otliei IDUIIIS , " 47
TTIOU KENT South room , sultnblo for ono
X ? pi > r > onvlth buufd , prlrnto fumlly , "J07
Kiiriiain HU 5ii-SJ ( )
H AVING added an aiinox to tlio Alerrluin.
I IIIIMJ sonio rooms for rent. L'llli and
"VTICRcool loom sultiihle for tx\o. also smiill
-l-i room , inodorn coinciilencos : lunt leiisuit-
nlilo. CMS. 19th. a"l
FOR URN1' Kmal.shed room with houiil.
1CI1 DouKliis Ht. " ! MM *
FOR KENT II nicely furnlshoit rooms for
light housekeeping. Aildrubs 1C 01 , lieu.
NBAVI.V furnished looms for rent. SIOO
Douyhib st , | twofaelns noith and one south.
ST. Oh A lit Hu ropeanhotcl.xTl th din IIIK room.
JUth-Hoilg' ' . Spoulal rates by xeol { or mo.
T OU KKNT-Fuiulahed rooms , 1B09 Douglua
"Tj'OU KENT Kuralslied roomsgasliath ; nnd
Jt ? steam , l."il ! ) Howard. 1KU
TLKAbANT rooms with board. 115 S.Mthst
* C3 5 *
\TIPKfiiittedf ivonis noxvly furnished , also
JL > barn for lent. 1707 lodiu ht. VJti 4J
looms , .sin slo oroii Hull , \xlth
JL' or xvltliout board ; 1JU ( ( llo anl st. , 'M
lluur. iSI-G *
"Cl lOU HUNT Tx\o \ bouth looms 10KJ I'lirriain.
JD Tbi uV5 *
JCOJIS $ H I" . $10. JU1 , 007 N. Ibth st.
683 11 *
T710II HKNT Nlcoly furiilihod rooms xxlth
J-1 bomil , tirstc'Iasi act'oinnioiUitlonH.irJI Dax-
onixirtst. ' HM 1 *
"f OIl HKNT Nlcoly furnished front room to
JU gonlleman only. ifllODax-unport Kt , ( M7
" '
1 M'EASAISl' rooms ; also boa-dins.
( M-alO *
TjlUUXISUKI ) rooms , 1008 Capitol ave.
.E 057 n21 *
T7IOU KENT 2 nicely furnished front rooms ,
JL1 xvlth nil modern eonx-eiileucos , at'1U ' M < 'nr-
KX )
) OOMS , ullcoiixuiilenccs , 1710 Davenport st.
JLKASANT riKiins. modern liiiDroxeiuontsi
1111 stieet. : KO
IUGM for blimlo gentlemun , " 1 Dodge.
2'or ro/iK / , rfo , , nee lo ) > of flnt rolunoi on l/il / * jmyt ,
"I71OH UKNT l'oor coed iinfuriilshcd rooms.
JL' Sultablu for llBht JioustUueplnir : iYS )
Ijouglas. _ _ LtW-S
" | ? Oll HICNT t iiufuriil.shed roonirt suftahlo
JL' for hou.sekeoplti ) ; . modern Iinproieiuents.
to family without children ; no objection to
children iimliir tliruo yeais old. Northxiest
\VubstcrhtH , 7tt ;
OUOOMs unfurnished and rooms t'imilslu.'il
for rent In Dugsaii Meek , cor , lUtli and I'a-
cllle. fitrj
roTt KKMV'-STOUES AXD orricKs" ;
Vvr rnlCK , ( tc. , Ke fui of Just roiiumi on I/if / *
rjnT " "i irrnTeo'fn rAriiiiKioiriiiiickrM.5oJii
J. permonth. luqiilroof cloviitur boy.
QTOIIKS at TOO S. Ititli. S0.\6)pach , Iniso Hhow
lOnliiduxN-ssteam lieit ; furnished. Thos. P.
Hull. : ill I'axtou liloek. Ull
IfOll linNT HrU'kMiiuliiiuso \ , txxo storlc.s
and hat-emi'iit7.0(0 Miunro feet , with 100
feet ofiloulilo traelc on u. I' , rallvx-ay , south
-Mill and I'leree Btieets , Addresj ( } , Oikaiiip.
Omnlia , Noli. UiT >
"Ij OU UEST The 1-story brlok hulldlnu'.wlth
Jor without po cr. formerly oeeupled hy the
lira I'uhllslilns Co. . ! )10 ) rarmim t. The build'
Ini ; hut u lite-proof cement l > : i.senwutrompl to
Hteam lii'ulliiK JIMili-os. water omill the lloois.
8aii.tM _ , _ Aipiy | ut t he oIlU-o of The lice. 1H. _
WOHKI.NT Huildin tillxl.'t ft.,4 btoilesnnd
biixciiu'iit.oii Jones bU. hotxxciia 10th und i
1 III. vlth II , U. track In alloy ; best ideation In
the city for wholesale , 1 nipilro ; ilO S. 151 li st. ! |
O. A.JjmliuNu [ KH
_ _ _ _ . I
"IilOIt IIICST Klnnbtororoom InNorfolk. Noli !
J. BlieUi'd sultulilo for rlothlnc business ;
elect rlo ll lils , steam heat , etc. Address U , A.
Must. KM
IflOlfllKNT iTTMo. Vnllpy. In , , u 2 story
-L'Vrl'k tiuildlnj xvlth bnu'moiit , SJi
limlin'n corner In thuclty. liupilro of I ) , U.
lleui-ii , Mo. Valley , lu 7C7J
"I f -JS till . hrlclf 2
* rocias , ennveniene 3. ,
J t blli from l . 0. II U. Irry , , N. V. l.lfo.
Mir nif , ctf , , tie ti > i > nf flivttoliimn nn Iht *
r , C'ontliiciilnl
E J. UIKV , lontiil ni > tit , ! 3 N , V * . e.
, e.PIS
Iff K.COOIC , rentul moneys loans , tnorttrnircs
J , boiioh t , lu > es pa Id nud collect loin ISnuiu
Kll N. Y. Ij. ImlMliK ' , . 77 ? nav
C1io.I. : I'AI 1160 lafimni , lioum-s store ; *
'nnilllnt.sfor ruit. rents collected , rel'nblo
file I n sum HIT. Jlouex' to loan. -1
7'ur iittt' , rte , , tff lop nfrC * ruin rim on l
I > A'L'iXTTriiiluiiiark. : ! < . - , ilo.litnH ,
nml rcjcotcil cases
promptly Hi'dtred , InflliiKemenls vigorously
proseeuted. Damage nnd lox'iilty colleeli'd ;
eonsiilintlon fno. Omaha Patent Aconcy ,
Crounso block , cor. 10th and Cnillol | nxo.
2'ilfi *
\rOTlCK-\VliPH'iis \ my wlfo lins left tiiy
IHIIIIU nnd tmird without my
ThuK'foio I vrurn nil persons lunlnst KUUIK
lierendlt on my necount. JohnOlirMlaiiseu ,
Omtilin , Am.'J , l 'JJ. ' gll-rij
\l ASS"AfJiftrentinontelectro.tlioriiinl.bnllis. "
JilbCjIpAc imlr treatiiieiit.tiiniilcnio.tohlrop-
odlst. Mrs , I'ost ' , r 2051Vltliuell blk.NVSn.7
NVS-n.7 *
rpIN workrKllnp.spnntiiiifx-ulloy ( .etc.snod
Jworli luiU lowiirloo-i. K. SivaioHlSC'iiiiiliiR. ; ; )
( VH ) 111 *
/'or / r < i/f / , dr. , ffelup of fivttnluinn on Oil * ) > " /e. /
" \\rANTKD \ to buy Mack inarc.slK joarsnld ,
li l.'i'i ' haniU , nolitht J.IJO : will iiiy : cash ;
must lie Bond traveler. A. L * . TuUcy , Xow
York Iillo. 1 < J
\7ANTKD Good eonimeiclul pupur. N'o-
> biusliaMortKasol.ouiiOo.,51'Jl. ' > ! i\totillk
1JlUllNlTURE.houvcholdKool3otc ,
J. cash pric . Jill Kntiuim.
W ANTKD To buy a pacltiR horse for llffht
ilrlvlnif. Uov call1. O. OS
Formic * , rte. , fcclop cflrxl roluinii oul/ifs / | xic. (
VJstiiy. AVi ) hux'o iiiid yenrsof ovpcrlenco In
iienslon xx-ork. and oiler jnu our services at
less cost than other atlorneys ; nexv Inxv chlins
nnd Inoiensu a specialty ; eoninltallon fioe.
Vour.sln IC. . und Ij. Nuii-oni & Hiioxvhnd ,
KoomlO , llushinnu block , Umali.i. K1) ) ! > '
T T. 1'ATUIl , e\oluslx-o pension Aclulmnt-
J. .orue.V ! ever 15 jeiirs'expetlcnec ! all the
latest IHWS& decisions. Olllco removed from
I'rumerblkto ChumLurCommeico.liril.Oiiiahu
Ml-sl *
VTEW I'onslon Ia\v All disabled soldlersand
iV depemlunt nldowfl , minors under 10 , and
parents of decoa'-od iiildlvrs aio now entitled
to pensions. Call on mound llluvoiirelalinsiit
unco. 0.V. . White rooml3 , Continental block.
I'haai ' *
\TI5W law ; pensions for nlmost all soldiers ;
1 > fathers , mothers , widows nnd minor chil
dren of sotdlurs. Clnttns pushed by K. N.
Ulliiffiniin , 1'J and''l Vrcnzvrblk , IS yearevpo -
ilunce. Unly-piiHioii olllL'O In Onuili.i. Ull
PENSIONS Now pension luw : over It ! jears'
I eAporlt' the prosecution o ( pensions
and RovcMiiniunt cliilnis ; ha > e seeiuod over
II.UUO p uslons for soldluis In Nubr.isKa and
luxvii , tliulr widows and heirs ; Intestdrulsloiis ;
latent la\\s ; uo iidvance fee ; now blanks and
elrculurs free ; consultation ulvuys fieo.
lllrumA. Slurees , 8J ! Orelghton block , nuxt
koutliof P.O. Onialm. -KiilO *
. fir. , Ktr ti > ) > of flitt eodiniu /ifiivme ( /
IObl' AMiltotettcr. brown he-ad and ears :
J wart on tip of tall ; tuft , of hair on head ;
II. P. Hall on collar. $53 roward. Dr. J. G.
Jones. MKM.
LOST | lletween Farnaniand St. IMary's avo-
iiup. a pair of sttcl rliumed triages. I'lon&o '
loturn toi."Jia l'urnanist.Umuha , Nob.S713
LOST A small blncli thorn cnno In Ilaiisconi
park Sunday. Itcturuto oj X. blxteeath
street nnilcet roxvaid. " > 7 .1 *
/'or / iatCK , tie. , fee top of flfsl column on tltla
STOKAOK Sen us liofuro stnrliiK goods of
an ) ' description. Omaha bto\o llcpalr
\VorK 1UO ? DoiiKlas. Tol.WO. 2ll
rpItACIvAGK storiiKD utloxvost rates. W. AI.
JL Hiishmuii , lllll Lt'iivunuiirtli. ffil
T01SAOE Urancli k Co. , 1S11 Hoxuiril.
STOUAflK Vac tneioliandlso and furniture.
cold Htoruito nnil fmc lng ; truckago D.ivld
Cole , 8U-8I7 Flowarcl st. SW
For iatr.i , itf. . Me tojiof Jlrst column on thts jint/c.
HOKSES-LlRht clrlvors , linrsulns. The late
fliuliiisinnilu tlicin cheap. H. E. Oolu , Cou-
tliiuntal lilouk a" J
FOIl SAM3 1 platform sprliiK leather toil
cnrrlaxu almuit mnv , 1 luickbourd now , I
doulilo DnijKy or carriage harness. Apply ut
. ' 15 WulLrst ( , , Onialm. W3
IJOUSKS i$50 nnd up. 11. K. Cole.
. 032
ONK team innlcs , IJOO.
Ono tenni limit's
One team iniilcM , * IV ) .
Oiiott'iim iniiles. Stij.
Ono odd mule , $75.
Ono odd horso. $ . " > 0.
One odd hnr > e , } 150.
One tuam horses , ( MOO.Itoom
Itoom 13 , Iloanl Trado.
ClOIt SAl.K Dark hay niaro , xvelirht 1,030 ,
JJ nlno } nir- > , haincs.s nnd iihactou cheap.
Oix-ner luarlii : ; toxva , must luf > old. Address
lil , Hi'Q olllL-o. 2.U5 *
Foil SAI.R I'oiiyhiirncss unU uupuooa
8fA Address 1C 50 , Hut ) 1)00 ) 4 *
FOU SALE Cash or time , Kood ivork toani ,
liarne. , ' , and xvoson. C18 1'axloiiblk. b'-"J
GrXTIiK di'llx'ory horse , 500 : tpiun mules
cheap , $110 ; I.GJO pound iiorsn , fl. > U ; lur o
miilotuaiu , RKHi very lar.'o liorso tuiiin. &VM ;
x-ury Ronllo liiisuy horbo for lady. { . " > . Uooin
1 . lliiaril Trado. 7tJ
rou SAWFuiixrruiiu : ICTO.
1'or tnJw , lie , , KC tojiof flisl column on f/tfj paye ,
-L ! house , everything llr t-elass. Address u
W , lieu onloc. JIIO
FOIl HAM' : At a luirKnln , furniture ( now ) of
n ton mom house , ecntrtilly lociitoil and
Illleilxvltliroomors. J. I ) . 7.lttle. 103
1 < ' 0 J ISA. IiK Jl ISU10
Fur nicj * . dr. , fc top uf flnl column on th ! jiaue ,
FOIt SAM < or trndo for South Oinahnprop-
city aemillug outllt , comlstlncof three
traders , ' . ' ) holies and mules , All complete ,
liuiuliu of or address .T. W. Slpo. room "i. I'lo-
liuerbloek , N ( > t. , South Oinahn , a J-5 *
TT1O1 fs A iT : Noxv milch Jersey cow ; nil X. Y ,
JL1 l.lfo. ' -Jj 10 *
PIl'R OItO.\N for sale , lias ono innnncl
and peilul , S Rots of plpoi , stanilH ir > ft ,
lllKh. ll/l.tiOMt , 7 ft. deep. Cost JI.2UO. Will
ho weld for ifT.'d. KoahOii for sollhu. church
ei'ttlui ; iihirKerliiitruini'iit. Thu orxun will
ho hot up tor J. > D extra mid put In ooinplctj
order. It Is as Rood us new. 1'or Information
und terms address OrKSin. I * . 0. box 5M , Hollo-
futnliiuUliJo , l.osan uonnty , "i-5
iAU3 Clicuii-2 iroou sj-cond-luind hlov-
JiKinho atniu yorth IJth. l'jO-.r *
1J > ll'i : ork'iin for silo HUH ono innnucl and
iiedale , Shots of pipes , stands IS ft. lil li.l )
ft. f mat , T ft. deep. Cost JI.UOVIII ) lie M > lil
for frfiO. Itea'-ou forsellliiB : c"
liirjrer Instrument. The ortfau xvlll ho M't up
for i'iO c.\tra and put In complete order. It Is
as peed ns uexv. -"or I Information and terms
uddrrss , Orxim. 1' , U. box M , JldlfonUiluc ,
Ohio , l.osun eoiuity , "W 5
1J10U SALK N'mv Steliuvav.x ;
I1 iiiiike. party lonrluK elty ; part ciiitli , hal-
anec thuelf de&lred. Inquire atUlti I'axton hlk ,
iVi )
I.10K . HAIiK-Ono of tlm best milk roiilos In
tlm elly of Oinahn. I'or Informal Inn call
ou 1T. . Dow , to N. Uith t. 1M1-0 *
GOOD clear lake ice for sale In lariro
ties. The Tiobraiku leo to ! , Kvarnor ,
Uru > kn.
, ( Ic. , ttettumf Jint column wthb JM < ; ,
' "
OAHA.aOf.s'n7u7"uIitlirelliis cox-ored and ri > -
1 ixilit'it. . llMly/.llilH. ISthsU , 2(1 ( ilo ir from
P. t ) . Only man mtown. W !
f TMIIUKM S anil pnrasoN repnlrea nml
-J nivonil. Key llttliitf iiiul Kenoral
nt lluillii' Kiinshop. 11SN. IWIi.
, Oc MC fop nt tilnt culmri on tlili jmut.
Br.l'OlIH buying a plnuo cxuiulnu tlio nuw
scaluKhiiljjll iil.ino. A.lo > i > o,15l ! Uou-lut.
GF.O. ROEM.KNIIKOK.tuaclior of tlujhiuijo ,
with llospc , 151U Uouiiliii. 2I'J '
K r rntfi , fff. . " ' 'P' J1' ' column mi tlil/t / jtagt ,
' '
in n kij H istti t. , lonti.s money
Won chntlclH or codlutorM at tcusoiniblc rates.
) . IIV.I
- , . ' ( ,
rt , houses , ott.1 J. \Vllkliivui. . OH
a.-xtim tilook , I ' WiO
.TONEY to loan by , Ul\ , Musters In any
i Liiiiounl from "ln"tl ) * I < WW nnd fur any
thor 11,0from onelo six iWonlliH.
Mentis niiKluoii hoti < ihi > ld goods. | ilano ,
ririins. horsei , nuili'd , housce. leases , \vaic-
h ouH ! reelpts ( , etc , , ml the loxri'st po < sllilo
lain it PS , trillion t public Uy' , r leimivalof unipet tv
I/mns m aruuiKi'd thju yoiienn tuiikoii pii-
in lentat nny time nnd rc.iluee both pilnclpnl
mil Inteivst. Volt puy lnleie t only for the
tl line you u o Ilio iniinvy/ / ituioxfoa lialancc
Cl haneod ! , I'
I do not i
Ill nk rates ,
lo . . .
oixcr rate ! " - - -
olspwlioro In tluiclty.
Nodolajr. Xo pub-
lolty. LowcitnitM.
II. V. MaHtcr .
Kootn \Vlthnoll 1 , ulK' and llarncyHts.
MONKV lomiL'd nt lowi-st rates.loaa tlnio on
linprux'od Umiihii real esiale , no "oUriu , "
lo delay , Ulobol < oaiuiTru.stCo.M7 ; s 1Mb.
BriTjIlING InntiS 0 to 7 per ci'iit ; noiiddl-
onul charci's foreommlsslon or nttornoy's
ees , W , H. Jlelkle , Ural National Imiilc blilg.
l l
FIKST.t.second mortsuBesoa vncunt.t Im
proved el ty prop. County warrantshouKht.
lonoy on hand. F.M.UlcliunNun. SIS N.Y.hUc.
OANS-tOlty iitnl fnrin lonns ,
glit. McCtijo Iiivpstiiicntt'o. ! ) . " >
/ 1HA.TT12r.ilcnii' < nt lowest rutci ! liii lnew
V/cunfldcntlnl. OlOl'u.Moiiulk. J.U. KrahiRcr.
COMMHItOIAh and Ki'iicralshoit tlincpaiicr
lioiiKlit ; nKo rt'Riiliir "iye.irloiiisi : > iiliiipro-
vud pro iiiityUco.rUlUjtXCu. ! , .lKlltiiiiii | { < hldg.
KCOM ) inortKiiB" loans. Second mortgages
Dounlit. lining on Micant lots , lived
Sulby , rouiu It , Uoiul Tr.uli ; , 0(58 (
/"KYfeTOXEMortKaKe Co-Loans of $10 to
-Ml.OOO ; Ketourrute-sbefore borrowliu ; and
saxo money ; loaiHou horsesfurnltureorany ,
ipprov ( < ( l security without niihllcltyi notes
xnihtfor ( ! ncxT loan , reni-xvalof old ami low
est rates , oa.ll U mShecly blk'.isth & lloxraul.
I ni ! >
iiiiorRaK low rates nnd no
dolay. I ) . V. Hlioles L'o. 210 1st Nut'l bank.
l 70
TTNUSUAT-bV low rates
CJOf Inlort'iton llrst mortRiRcs of Improved
real estate forthunoxtUO diys : by tlio Knnsis
Olty Iim'Htinciit Co. Itoom JJ ( Hoard oTrade. (
J. II. I'cuso , miinasor. l 7a
MONEY" toltmnon any security
for bhort time nt low
rate' . J oncst latcs
on jid.soiial iiroporty.
Tlio Henderson iMortsaire liivusliucnt Coin- , room400 , 1'uvton ' blk. 07J
\ \ rANI'ni-rirst-class liulUo
t rates. Call nnd sen us. Mutual Invest-
nunt Co. , 1504 rarnam. 074
G It ICAI'eastern money
Philadelphia MoititiiRo and Trust
aUnysroadj to loan niid ii.iy ] > niiuptly ; first
inortKiiResxnnted. . Oioriron. IM'outcb , ICD-
ruM'iitatlvcroom' , lloard o ( Trade. U3 ?
EASTERN money to loan on city iiroporty !
moitgatjopaptrbought. ll.ll.IreyX.l.ifo. .
i U7C
1)KIVATEmoney to loan cheap. C.T. Har
risen , 1)11 ) N' . V. Iilfe. 07S
) TI1IIING ) loans nucln at loxvi'st rates.V. .
M . Harris , room " 0,1'reniur Uk. , opul ( _ _ ' . O.
) KAIKSTATi ; lonns.'ery \ loxx-cst rates.
10. J.Caa\ioll. \ 815 N. V. Life. 5ffl-al3
TJKA1ESTATELoan , raOi onhtuul. (51obo
X\I.oiin& 'Jrust , Co : I7 y. 10th &t Ka ilclny
No extra charges , liou'fs for rout ; good list.
Fur rata , etc. , ece top nf flrxt mliinin on Una fn
KOOSn-TlAND Calrajlis"lYaimiiorid ! ) " "ami
ItoinliiKtoiis. John 11. Corncs Co , loltur
111C3 und ulHco specialties , llainso blclg. Oil )
"VTOT10K The cpocIhlRuiniiiursosslaii of the
JL > classes In pnniiinn'stitp and sliorthaiul will
coiniucncu Monclny , Julv it. Olussc.i will bo
liehl In thoniornlim , ntfi-rnoori mid fvonlnp.
( Jail on or uildrns for Infurnititlun , Huudird
Sliorthmiil lluslness College , Now York Ufo
biilklinir. Unmha , Nub. OeS
Fcr ralti , etc. , tee tup of Jlrt foliiinit en this jiic.
JLII. . NANNIK V. WAHKKN , clalrx-oyant
JL/ medical nnd buslncts medliiin. Kemnlodls-
cases tispeelalty. Ill ) N. lUtlist. , loonu-
ARRIVED I rof. Korrest.tho people's relia
ble clairvoyant , trance , card and pain
roailur , Chargesloxv. 010 S. Kith si , socoiu
lloor. 141- ! ! ) *
TVU. WOOD Ohlrvoynnt , trance and liulo-
-l/pcnilont slutonrltliitiicilliiiii.CIrelos | Jlon-
diiy.Wdlnosilay mid I'rlduy OX-CIIIISH | , Jloouis
lOnrnl II , ItaN. llilli. DIH 11'
\S3AGi ; Miidiini DoUler. ovcrOlOS. l.'ith.
23 ? S. X"
T EIL Olnytoii , clairvoyant , can by her xuin-
JUderful will uovror grant nay lutjnest. I.a-
cllcs , rxic ; charms , tl. HUS.lCth. K50-ilU *
T\HS.lll. | ) Elll' Tlio ( lIstiiiKiilalivd trance
-111 chilivoyant. lute at Boston. Has
removed to 1020 DoiiRlas st. While en-
traaocd xvlll rcxeal e\ery hidden niy.stcry ii
life. I'ropiucs Egyptian tiillMinan xvliloli wll
oiun-onio your uneinlos , roiuuvo tainlly
troubles , restore Io > t alfcctlom , unlto.s the
separated , lioliis illl In troiililo , otc. Koc , } f
find upwards. N" . II. Perfect siitlsfuolloi
KiKirantfcd ! ) > in-ill. Send staini ) for Illus
trated cl re ulur. Mrs. Dr. Eddy. JltiO Douglas
8t. Omaliii. 84(1-1) ( *
Forratts , etc. , scnluj ) tif Jlmt column cnitlifa
" | ? OIt SAIjE A barber Hliop and bath-rooms
J-1 | ; oed biisliit'ss. no compulltlon ; hcaltl
Ciiuso uf hale. Kxcliango , boiitb Uaiiiha , Chas
l'Muranl. ( twj-'l
T71OK SAIvK ( j ) d throe chair burner i-hop
-L Adilrct-.sJ.oukllov I. , Fremont Ncl ) . 1OT-J
1 , . . . .K Uood p'lylns crocory utoro li
northern partof ellx' . Mckncss icasonfoi
liilulrotl7S.14th. ( ! SU1 111"
' '
HOTFilj forsafi'T'T'wiv story hrlok ! Is tine o !
thobustholoK ( lotin ; un excellent goix
business.onoue of tliobost corners ) Intho city
AddressCoinnforclal Hotel , llrokon How. Xob
TilOU SAI.E The fnrultiiro , llvtiiros au <
J-four-year lease of a 40 room hotU lii llvf
town of l ! > , lioi ) population , Uooil reason fo
pcllliiK , Address the oxvnor , Ij 111 , cum o
Omaha Boo. SSJ-U'
TOU SA rn 1'ayliiK weekly paper I north
-JL cm N'ebraslcn ; small payment down IIIK
lillaiieooii lonfj tlnio : owner must leave tin
business. Addrwsi ICOSi euro Kie. 101-5'
.Ulzur. conft'ctloimry and frul
- stand , with 3 fiirnUhcd luoms , yOGS. 1-lh st
IjlOUSAf-K Mcnt itiirkvt ; choice of tinue
J.1 Address L , a. lleo ofllce , 315-4'
"l OHSALB OhciiM.lil KiMd inlllncry slool
J nnd fixtures. The only pxuliihlva homo li
city of,1,000 , Sleknessiuiison forsellln . Ad
dies.s KJ lleo of lice. , / ; > ' 'liMJ
1OU SAJUJ UeeTd stove , K Ui. ll
J1 Ula'JO'
T7101J SAID 1'or in diiys , furniture ofT
J laiso boaidint ; house , eontnil and ron
Aery low ; good lot-athxi : price Jr > 0. pait 01
time If desired , i : . ! ' V'opL > . V. J lfn bids.
, K Iilrxon . Ames nx'o. open fo
i out or triidc. J , ! ' . ilbuh. CTJali *
T71OII 8A I."K Ciieul ) . ofTiakory In
J- lion xrltli a nlcti liw'of ' custom. Iminlro o
O. ! ' . DavUCo. , " " '
I'ur tula , fit , , ffett > ) i n jfrtit column oil Iifn \ je
| ? OH oxcli.nik'o-ii fovi lots uiul hoiisus. etc.
- forgootl farms orjauds. \ \ , J. I'aul , 1U01
larnaiii , -111
\ roirru.AlKsNotto ! ! , ' tnsh lands , etc. . fd
-I'li-ieiir ' lots. Can usouulto a niiinbur. IV. J
I'liiil , 1WJ I'.ifMiiiu st. 4i ]
I , OT In IluilfoiiPPUiro ( m . * tate ( : th ) st. , t
I for Kit In C'urtluun or hliieol
rhi-eJV. , h. Selliy , 13 Hoard o f Trade. H
fpO KXOliATrilE jPeioiiiTTiJU , eoriior'ttn"
1 one HUM lo It. xvortli KVO , In MrL'ornilek' ,
"d addition , fur limisonnd lot ni'iircrln. Will i
iiSHiiinnor pay tliodlltorunci ! . U , I' . llurrUon ,
Illl N. V. Ulc. nq
_ _
Ol.r.AH property and cnsli forinciuliaiidlsK.
( ilxoftill partlouhirs , ( ieo , II. lloxvrlu , i i
Stuart , Noli 11 J ' ' ;
_ _ _ _ -
rpo KXOll A NV- > room hotel In Iowa , Im- |
J fin-in In aik'hlt'Jii
pnivfii fornuurby | iroi > ' -
nty. Aihlrcivs. \ , i , lii-o ai-i * i
- '
from tint huiiils , at xx-luile-ulu prices ; Jl , " > W i
rush ie < | UiiiMl Jnn. I. 1MI | xvlll tuku for hat- I
unce of equity food clear Nuliriisia or loxvn
f.irm . hud or O.uiihti property xrlthsmall In-
JiuubruiifL'i full llnnof Hiinplis can l > t > tot-n
In Omuliu Address K at , Huu olll 'e. 1'ji :
olll inroli'o fnim Jliooo to f.'W.w In o.v
li anne fora bilck rnilt'iii | > o nnd nnc-iiern lot
i Usccoln , In. Tlillnnist > coU $1.VK)0 ) and Is
'omplete ' and tno-lcrii In exiry ii.irtlculur ,
nvln water iipplv , Ht c.iui hoit. : hn th room ,
tc . nnd liclearof Ini'Utiilirnncp , with perfect
Itle , cnn iinkKUp nny ilin'euiico with peed tiiorts.iitf . piper , Aiiply nlNo. 1U.'U.N. Will
t. , fnim Ute ISilnlly. .l.lx. I { . K8
J1OII KXI'll AXOK-O-Kiil fiirni .elty inupcrly
1 ami xv IM iniiiN In Nelir.isli , and for
( HvltiMiliiiilsr | : property eli-ar : tllle perfect ,
look Hov U\
\ ' IH > Vurntit lots op aotes forlnoiif
ii the Uncst and best pay hit liluoks In the
Ity.Vlil give hlx di'iil If mude soon , xx-llli
onieeasii' , "J ol , jitM'oillee , t\ \ "
ron s
\ > r MtfJ > , tie. rrtoiinf Jli'l nttuinn ontMimoe ,
i\7"VK Hup and buy a liniuo on monthly pay-
I > menu. Choice of 7 dlllercnt houses , south
ronlson r.iriiinu st , Ku-rv couvcnlenco. In-
liidlnK finunce utulcax , IMans em bo seen
t myollld' . < ? ill lu. 1) . \ . MiuloiUo.,213 1st
101 ! SAI.K-t.nt on XnrtlilOtlnt. ,
riintiliiK tlitxuiitli tolUh iivi'iuio.
lie licst bur iiln In North Umnlia anil north
KiitliiB at J4fiOJ. Amos , 15U7 I'liriiim st.
Ax pnjinoiit douii nnd ( liporinonili
buy n 4'KKJin IIOIIH-and lot on Illth.S
blocks from motor ; llr" M'lass oh'ineo to . . .
iillrcu home on ea y teiniM , Apply toll , h.
Cole.Coiilluentnl block ; ftft
11.710 5-ioom house nnd lot S. 1C. tor. llth and
'Vinton , Mr" . KuliliiiMii. J.TO
: Mi'HtcilIoliliioalcstnte.S.Omatia ,
di : hotnotln nidst , liny addition for
VAsnlu tit from tl.lMUitp on oniy monthly pay-
uonts. 1 * . K. Dai-llnK , 4iHurler : blks ObO
_ . SAIjK-XIeo 7-ioom Inline reidy lo
niox-e Into , iiltli full lol , * 3aMW cash. U.
. JliirrlMiii. 1)11 ) N. V. l.lfe. ! h7
! < " VOU hn vounythlnj ! to sell or e-Nchanjo
-call nt CIH 1'axton block. 1 *
LINCOLN Place lots J1,25D. , Dexter ( , . Thomas
A OlIOIl'lj .site ou \iriiiitn 1 , opposlto Mr. K.
Ii. Stone's line residence. MOvlf" foot , that
ve xvlllell very ehcnp If taken Ijeforo AUK. 1.
) mnha Ki'iU I'Matuund 1'rustcompany , L"JO S.
. -Hilt. , Hen buildhw. 7m
T ToU SAMC-Soulli front lot xxlth good 8
room house , barn and cllv wntor. If yon
vnnla chnlcopleeoof piupotty lit imieli lets
ban valun lit us shoiv you this at 1,730.
\lne9 , l.'O" I'll ma in M. " ! W8
Glir.ATbnrvalns-W.Oin will biiyti line reil-
( lcucef2r > UJdoxxii , linlancooa time.
AKi ) a line residence lol eheup for cash.
A 1 < D a line rtsldenee in ICiiuntro I'lacc.
1'or parlluuliirs imply at the Xub. Steam
uuiiilry , s-u cor , lUlli & lloxviud sts , ( Ull
FOIl SAM2-Tlio clioli'o rosldenco nt No ,
1K1 GeorKln live. , .Til40 ! ft K front.ll larxo
rooms , Until , cas , suwor , hot nud cold water ,
closet and all comonlencosowner KiiliiK l
luuxuelty , I ) V. Mioleit'o. , ! ! : ) Ibt
$ l'iO ' for Lincoln 1'lnco and Carlhaco lots ;
easy teiins.V. . li. t'oluy. U Hoaid 'J rude.
ITlOlt PA I.K-South anil east front S.xM ) > fl.
J corner 'sth anil lUirilettesis. Oiioof the
finest residence lots In iho city. Ami's. Ijo7
Karniini st. SIW 3
A . IfAlX Tunny nao wan tins aileslru-
aliW hnme. AVDluixuit nine room house ,
j cbain anilcarihiKehonsL' , onebloclv from
the motor Ilia' , lint , tivolvo minutes from
Kaiiinm St. , tluttxo ean sell cheap , and Mill
taken lot or n small house and lot. In put
payment , a nil Klve easy terms on the li dance.
Onriha Heal IMate and Trust company , : NS.
171 list. , llee buildIiitf. 71U
$10 CASH and M per month for house nnd
full lot nt from 4830 to tl.SM oncb. W
.T. Paul , WMI Virtiatn. 411
AUCTION" .do of Houses \Vo sell one honso
M.\'jnono I'.vil..on Saturday , Au . , ! itli. at
0ifla. : : in , 1'Il'h tt. , between licaxt'iiworth and
M urcy. a > 7-l'.J .
Foil SALK-l'ourpooil lotsmnliiiit \ \ lllll.
Vxl."ifl ) each , on Rrailo. I'rlco $ . " > 0l ( onch.
xvoith double the monuy , Htrlnfjcr & I'l'iiny ,
Douglas UlocK , UUli andDoiUc. 400
iNntico lo Con tractors.
CITV 1'NRt > FKit'8 OKHOB , I
South Qnmlia , Nebraska , July -It , ' 00.1
Sealed projiosiils will bo iccelvod by the
undersigned at this olllco up to txxclvo (12) ( )
o'elook noon AimuU 7th , 18H ! ) , forlbo ( uritlsli-
Ingof all materials and coustrnclliiK a txxcn-
ty-fourtJI ) Inch plpo storm wattsrsoxverln "L"
f.trr t , fiom Union Stock Yards box saxvor to
No proposals from any contractor Iridofaiilt
with thoctt > on any picvlous contract will be
No proposals xvlll ho rccnhod unless accom
panied liy a certllicit check irayahlo tnthoclty
of Soiitl ; Uniaha. for three hundred dollar
( J300.03) ) .
Approvlmnlo cstlmato. olslit liundrcd and
flf | tjrSTiO ( ) feet tw nty-four 21) ) liicli pipe ; hcv-
onty (70) ( ) feet twolxoua Inch pipe ; four catel
haslns. to cost II,417.00.
ChalriiKin Caninilttcoon btreutsuiid Alleys
Nollco lo Cciitraclors.
City llnglncor'sOnicp ,
South Omaha. Neb. Anir. 1.IP90
Scaled proposals will ho lecolved bytho un-
crslRiicu at rhls oll'on until txvrlvo ( It !
o'clock noon of Anpnst iltli , 181M. foifnriiMi-
Inffall tliomntorlaU and doIn ruH tliu xxork
necessary to complete the folloMlntr tlty Im
provements xl/ ;
Oradln , ' the Alloy lictxvccn t onty-fourtl
and txventy-lifth street t mm "h" to " .M'
I'lnns and specifications may l > o < eon and all
Infiirmntlon icluthu tothu uurl < obtained ut
No proposals from any Contractor liidofnult
with thnOlty.oti any piovlous contract wll
bo considered ,
rs'o proposal wlllbo considered iinlossaopnin-
panlud liy a cortitled check for three liuiidrc (
dollars ( flSOO ) payable lo tlio city of tioutl
Unuliato ; burcturucdon all bids not accept
ed Yho risht Isrcsorx-pd to reject any orall bids
"Work to bo completed within forty day .
Approxlmato ostliuatoS.GOOonlilc ynids ot-
caxutlou to co > t * SIO.OO K. ( 'ONljR V.
Clmlrman Street and Alloy Committee.
a'J dot
AIIM Y Sri'l'MIN ' Depot Quartermaster's
unire , Oiniihn , Nob. , Jnlyfitli , JM , Hoahid
proposals In duplicate , will bo rccol veil at llilu
olllca until 10 . in. , Tuesday , AnsustSth , 1SJO
at wlilcli tlmoniid iilai'u they will Uonpunot
In the pre euro of attending bMders for de-
ll\-rv of stutlonnry , steve parts , hnrdxx-ine
lialnts and oils , Inmlwr , water supplies , &p
IIMs ulthiK siicclllontlons < | iiiiit Itlcit am
otliur Infui'iiMtlonxrlll he furnished uponaii-
pllcntion to this olllco. I'refuu'iica ' will bo
Kixcn to articles of domestic production 01
muiiufactnro condition of quality and pilce
( Including in the price of foreign priiiluullon
or initnufactiir , " tliodnty thereon ) beine < | na I
and rurlhur.Ihatno eontiuotsshall buaxvnid
ed for furnl.shliiK articles uf fniiilKn produo <
tlon or manufactnro xvhen the artlcle.s o
suitable iiuallty of ( lomesllo iirodiictlon m
niauufiicturooan bo ohtalncd. The govern
mcnt reiorvcs tlio rlyht to lojcct .my oral
proposals lllddcis shiiulil attach ncopro
thin a'lvortliumrnt to tlielr bids. .lUIIN
HDU'riON , Oiptatiut Asst.Qr. Mr. , U.S. Army
J5-Oai-l :
rut f f.-T
TViiniiE > s , A joint resolution wasadortea
by the IcRlsInturnof the state of Nebraska , a
thotxvtnty-flrat sessiontheicof , and npprou'd
March 'lith , A. n. l&M ) , proposinB an iimeud-
nicnt tOMMJtlnn Thirteen ( Ml of Artlclo tlxJ ( (
of the constitution ol Bald ntnto : that- Slid
hectloii as amended faliall lead m follows , to-
xv It ;
fecctlon I : Thatspctlnn thirteen ( I3)of ) nrtl-
cloBlx iOof ) Ihocciiitltntlonnf thostiiloof Ne
braska ho amended so as to rend ns follows :
heotlin Hi ; Thojiidsosoftbosiipri'mocoiir
shall each reiolven Halary of thirty-live lien
dri'd dillarsi.50U ! ) pel annum ami the Judges
of the dls'rlct court Hhiill ircolvo a snlaryo
three thousand dullarst.i,0A ( ( ) ) per aiiiiuni. inn
tliu salary of o.ich aliall ho payable quarterly
fi'ctlouKnoh peiiiu Totlnk' in fnx-or o
thli anicndinont klmll Imvowrltlui orprlntfcl
upiin hlilrillut tlm follnxvjnj ;
"Tor HID proposed amendment to thconn'.tl '
tullon.rolatlni ; toUios-lary judgmof the
uuprenio aiiddlhtrlct eniirt.1
Therefore , I. John M. 'J'hayor , povornnro
ttiostulu of N'o'i'n Ua , do hereby irlxo niitlen
Innccordnnio with section ono [ I ] aitlclefif
lean [ 11 | of the ooiidtltul Ion , and tlm provl
Hlons olan act ontllled ; "An act to proUil
the m am.o.-of pruprslnj ; nil ntnomhm-iiK tc
tliu constitution and inlinilttliij tbusaino t <
tlinoloct rnf thchtate. " Appiovod I'obrnarj
llllli. A,1) , . 1177 , Unit silil proposed amind
mcnt Ml.l boHiibmltte.1 to the ( ] iiilllrd ( xolor
of tlilnitutofur uupioval or rejeotltui , at th
uenuraluleclloa to tolicldon the 4liduyo !
Novcirflnir. A. U.19M.
In xvltiiHsswhereof I hnvo hcrounto sotmy '
hiuiil and ciiuto 1 In lie utlhnd the nuit uul i
of the Unto of Nebraska. I'ono ' at Lincoln. j ,
tlila'.iilhdayof July. Al l * . | w. nad thotwen- ,
ty-fourtb year of tliu slate , und of me indu- '
i Mini -nee of the UnlloJ States Iho one Inn- I ,
Uiul flflernth. I
liy ttiuGivornor. JOHN M. TIIA VEIt. ,
[ SIAI. : . ] Sc-t-rctaryof State , '
st Idlta
, A Joint resolution w.n ndiptoil
11 tliolntclntnturaof the Mnto of rxrtirnikit.ut
ho tMenty.llistwsstlon thortM , niidniiprnvca
Maroh.Wlh , A. II. is * vMl > o ln nn amend-
nont to HIM tlon t\rul ( ) foiirl-4) ) niiilllvelil ( if
rtlcbHlxin ] ofthoeonslltiitlon of s\ ; hint a to
mil tlintHiild sivtlon UK nmondod fliall , read
IS folllXVH.O-X\lt' |
Section 1 Tint HtH'tlonlwoiSiuf article h
Hof ) Iho I'onsttliitloiiiif the state
jo amended MO as to tend ns fulloxts :
"Section' . ' . ' The supn-ine i-ourt ulinll POII-
tlst olllvblJ ) jiniisi'sa majority of nlionithnll
lonoers-siity tofurtiilKiiioriitnnr toproiinunoi' '
ideeldon. I It vhaUhiveoi-Iulnal Jurisdiction
II CIIM'S relnthut to revenue , dill oa < oH In
wliluh the stati'iliall bo a Daily , maiid.iinn * ,
pin viirraiilo. liabenseorinis. nnd such nipcl | <
, ilp i Jiirl-dletloniis ii'ay bo pinUdcd hyl.ixv.
PerllonX' ! Tint Nuctionfounl ) ofnrllclo sl\
l5)of ) the const Itnt tonof tlio
M ainivideil HO ns to rend H folloxx :
potlim 4i Tlie jiidU'H oftho "lit icmcoourt
fliiillbc olcctodbv the vlci'torsof the stntii nt
arwe , and their terms of olllco , OM'cptM
! ' | ) , . . bo fora period of.
Heoll.m ill 'Pint sectloiiflvop ) of iirt Icle six
Oof the constitution of tlio Hill oof Ncbraj-
ku , bcainrndodso a * to rend HHfolloivHi
r-eolloti fl. "At the Ural K 'iioral olivlloii to
hi ! hchi In the jcar ism. nftor the ndop-
lion < if this aiii'udnient In tlm constitution ,
theresballho ilccted thico ( I ) Judges of I ho
< iiiviiH' court. ono oflom Miallbo olecteil
lor tint toriu of ono II ) ji'iif , oim for tholi im
of thno iHixeariimdono for tlio term of fl\it
5) ) yriua. nnd at each general election tin w
afterlhereshall bo elected oi.o Jinl onf the
< iiprcnu court Inb tlm tirm of tlxe ( % ) jear .
Provided. Unit the Indites nf thd nnpreini )
cnnrtivlKW lenns hax',1 art e\plr'd nt the
tlnio of holding the i > hi. > lliui of Ih'jl ,
Mi.iilonntlnuotii hold their nlllcefor HID re-
nnilniinr t > t thetcrni for uhtcli they \xcie re
spectively elected under the present consti
tution. "
Section 4i Tliat each person voting In favor
of this ninciidiiieiit slmll hnvo wiltlcn or
prln oil upon his ballot thcfolloxvlni ; :
"Fdr t ho proposed uinenil inrnt to I lie const I-
tut Ion rulalln ; to the number of tiiiproluo
judi'Ci "
Tlieioforc. l.Johu M Thuycr , Oovotnorof
tlie latn of NohrasVa. do iH'teby Rlvonotlco
In aciordnni'o with section ono ( llnrtlclo tit-
louii'lV ' of theconstltutliin , tlio provisions of
the net onlllli'd : "An act to pnivldo the man
ner of proposing till ntninil incuts to t ho eon-
3tltutlnn nd siilinilttliifitho Hiiuolo thoolu-
tors of the stale" AppnivoO I'oliruitry iith. :
A. I ) . li > 77. thatsaldpiopiMsd iiinoiidiiientvlll
DC presented In the iiualllled voti-is of the
slatofor npproval or lejoetlon at Ihoccncral
cleollni to bo held on the 4th day of ovoln
her. A O. NJO.
In witness whcrrnf I hax'o liCronnlo ct inv
hand and causrd to bo iilllxi'il thiidrent eal
of the stata nt Ncbrask.u Pone nt Lincoln
il'iNvith iiy of.Iuly. A. I ) . Ih'H ) and thutwenI
ly-fdiirthyoarof tnn state , mid oftholndc-
pi'iulcneoof the United Stales the one him -
l-r.Ai..l ! Secretary ol State.
August lKlin
WilEiim' . A joint resolution xvas ailoptcil
liy the legislature of thostntuof
liu ; tM'ntj-llrsit session Iherrnf , and approved
i'obiuury Kith , A. 1) ) . lS"J , | > roiioslnj ail anienil-
ment to the constllntlmi of said stale , and
thatnalil amendment Miall read an folloxiii ,
til-Mil !
Sccllonl : That at the Krneraloloctlon to
bo held on the Tui' dnysiicceeiliii ) ; tlm llrnl
Monday of Noicnilwr , A , O.UlW.t hcio uluill hy
sumllted lo tlio electors of this si at o for up-
proval orrcjectlonan iimeiidnieiit to the con-
slltntlon of this Matu la viirdri us folloxst :
"Thonianufactnicsalo and keopliiR fiirsnlo
of Intuxli'iitlncll < iuurs ; ii a box'urnKe iiro for-
uvorprolilbltvu In this stateuiidllit ) Iciclslj-
tureshallpi'oildo hy lawfortho enforcement
of tliU provision. " And tliem phall nlno at
saldoloellon bo separately submitted to the
I'looloiH of this stale for their approval or ro-
jectlon nnanu'iidnii'iit to tlio constitution of
Ilin hlatoln wordH as follow * : "Tlio mnnufnc-
lurosuln and keeping fur ao \ of Intoxicating
llUiii's | as a liuvoiuge shall be llconsul and
loRiilatedhy law. "
Scc.'J : At suuli election , on tlio ballot of
ouehelector votliiR for tlio pioposed ninoiid-
monls toliio eonstllutloii sliall liu written or
printed the xiords ! "For proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohlbltlm ; the
nianufactiiro , .salo and UccplnK for snlo
of Intoxicating Illinois an a Dovcnipe , " or
"ARiilnst the proposed ami'iidtnent In the
constitution piolilhillnx the maiiufnutiire.
sale and keeping f"1' bale of Intoxicating
liquors as a hvicrngo. "
Tlicro sliall also lie xvilltonor pilntedon tbJ
hallotofcnchelcctor votliiKfi'f tliu pioposed
amendment to the constitution , thuioriN \ :
"Korproiiiisediimcndmcnt to the constitution
thatlliH maiiufnctiire , , ilo aiul keupniK for
xalecf 1 nl o.x k'ii U nit llquorsus a liovrrnKoln
this stiilo shall bo llcenndl und regulated
by Inir , " or "Against sild propnsud aiiiond-
niont to tlio coin-tllutlon the tiiniiiifal- !
tnre , saleniidkeeplnc : for .snlo of Into\lcatlni ?
lliiors | as a bovern e klmll bo HciMiM'il nml
reziilatlni ? liy law. "
See. : i : It cither of the said proposed
amendmcntHShallbn tippruird by a majority
of the electois voting at the said election ,
then It Hliall eonsltntn section twetity-.sexen
l"7of artlcloone [ lof ] tliecon.stltutlonuf this
Tlieioforo , I , John M. Thayer , Oox-ornorof
thentatuof rs'cbmska , do heicby ctvo notlco
In nccordjiicuwlthheotlon ono jj ] article 115 ]
of the oonstltutlonunU the liio\hhinof tlio
act entitled "an act to provulo tlio ninnnorof
propcslngall anicndincnts tothoi'on.stltutlon
niifl uliiilttlnn thcsaiuo to the electors of the
state. " Appioved Pohrmirj 171th , A. It. 1671 ,
mat Bald iiropOHcd anicmtiiiont Kill ho sub
mitted totlioiiuulllled xrotersof this state for
upprox'alor rejection at tlio coiuial election
lo uo Iielil ou the -ith day of November , A. L ) .
1890 ,
Inwltnosn thereof I hereunto set invhand ,
nnclcauso to bo alllved tlio iircat Heal of the
Btatoof iS'ubraskii , Donu at l.liirnln this .bill
dayof July , A. 1J. MM. anil thcu'4th ye.irof Iho
state , and of the Indopcndcnco of thu Dulled
Stales the one liu wired ( If tycntn.
H ) thollov-eruoi , JOHN M.TUAYE1 ! .
ISJKAL.I Secretary of Stale.
Auicuut UlDm
Til 13 IIRAI/L'V
TNSTtlU.UE.YM placed on rouura durhiK
iHiturd.iv :
li I JluDonaldlo FriinklloriuirO , 4lxlffl.
In lots 5 tmill ! . Capitol mid , w d $ 1\JOO
Frank DM mini toll .1 Kendall , llKlL' ,
ItilntHliumlK , Ccpltolndd , xv d 15,000 ,
1'VT Klcliatds. ass . . tn Juy Noitlirnp ,
partoflot 8 , OilIfon & Jsnao's add ,
( i c d 1
AlbilKhll. fe , hCo , to John Kcy cr , lot I ,
blk7. iMnthuws'snl > , xnl 100
Anna Sclirooder and husband to M P.
Jllchaelson , an liroir. tract In IJ "U"
llnheall'4 add toUkahomo , xv d 0,000
0 0 MlilmoUon unit xvlfo to A 1111:1 :
Schroeilnr , lots 1,1 andII , Ilk 4 , llrown
T'nilwd , V)0 )
\V T Graham and xvlfe to J T Urosliy ,
lot ! . * lilki. ; Ilndlckl'aikxvd l"iOO ,
Staloof XolJiMSka lo 1) ) Dcvo , iiw no bo
and sokvv ncIHi-ri-i : ! , deed TOO
I'otcr .1 ncobson to Kiull , Iorc ; > ii.-i'ii , h1 ;
lot It ) , lilk S. Parkrorcst. mid. xvd . . . .m .
Louis SihuIcr ( , Jr , to MndA.MoilonMii ,
lots 11 .iiiil 11 > , lilk ? , Ilioxvn Park , xvd . . 2,000 ,
A I'Tutey utal to Hello .Myers , lot''I ,
lilk 10.Ullflon lllll , xvd C.S50 .
Hi I ward \Vadsxvoitli \ to O C.isoy . , uiullj
of.V ) aeros Innel.-ll-l. , ii < M | I.IWO
ICato I'lekardro I S llnscallet ul , itnd'i '
of40 airen In no IJ-14-IJ , n ed 1
O C'.ihoynnd uifiili ) IS Unseal ) , iimttj
of4ll anew In lie I3-14-1S , n ed "
II ( ll'laik and xvlfe to S .1 Tut tie , lotj ,
blk7. Iliil'ont 1' , wd 330
Houlh Omahii In ml eoinpnny In I ) f.
Tliomas lot , ) , blk 11)1 ) , .South Omaha ,
xvd 235
I ) IiThonins and xvlfo toJ C'Mnllott , lot
: t.hl'c ' 101 , South Omahii. xvil 2Si
O IjThoiniis und xvlfo to L' J L\ns \ , lot
% , lilk I1. ! ' , ( Jninhii.q e d 1
Maty Ijiinire , cdn , tn N II Tunnlcilir , und
'Slot fl , llk ) i , Omah.i , deed , . . . l.l.V )
1' .1 lliuri' ut al toU'i'Ciilliihin | : , lot 5 ,
1 Ik ttwOmaha , wd 9.00
So HIM ( Juiiiliii liiml company lo S I ) lly-
iic.irMOii , lotil , blk 1-J ( , tionth Umuti'i ,
\vd 4-)0
South Omiilinliiiiilcoriipanylo SI ) Ily-
ncar on , loin I , rmnd II , blk lie , iroulli
Omaha , tv cl 073
S y Uolncr and xvlfo to Trunk Maleiimk ,
lotil , blk I. Morrison's ' add to South
Omaha , xv d 000
Auir Abers anil wlfit to I A I'cteisoii. ' lot
HI , Kali-mount I'laoe , d KK )
ThomasiNor.skov and xvlfo to II N .fen-
sen , o ' ( Jut ? ) , bll , 2 , I'.irk I'laee , iv d . . 7,000 ,
Mlles.t 'llionipHonlo h 12 I'otvcn , . loll ) ,
lilkU , t'itncrt ( Archer't , add , xvd -I.V )
Twenty-six transfers , nggrogatlng . .ffltJii
Ihiililln I'ormlts ,
Permits wcro issued us folloivs by
Iritcnilcnt Wlutlotk yesterday : *
1 > . .Mllestoiio.nne-storvfrainocoal shuU , .
Tlilrtlith ni'.ii lloyd direct r
Georjro IV. Lnoiiils , nvo-storv frami !
dvulllm. l''ri > d near llurlon st ii'i'l
Mead liuestineiit coiimany , two-i
brick loiiuiniint bulliilni ; , I'aollliunit
Kliivenlli street
n S fjluiu. four oue-slor > framu cot-
luses' . Thlrty-tlrst : uul .Mnplo btreel . .
Thri'O minor purinlts
J-'C'liisuie ol'n < 7lreil ( ) Man.
.1 , Milton Tumor , tlio negro orator
unit politician. Is woi'l < in < r unoihcr renL
ficlininiBit.VH u St. Louis dispatch tutlio
ClieliiyoTrlbuno. Ituccntlyho fiii-tneil n
HyiuUcjito Jind purcluibud the Kn-kwood
bumlnnry for the pui'posoofHtnbliHlilnff (
a manual truliilng Kcliool for colorua
children. Now hols tii'i'ungliiirfor an
fxoihiH for iHMipln of his nit-oto Old
Moxioa , and lias under way a movement.
u'nk'h mny inaUirltilly aid liiholvin tlin
VHCD ] ii-ohlciii in tlio btute.s. IJrlolly
outlined Ml' . Turncr'u pluii Is nljuut us I
follows : Hoth \ \ pliiood himself tn POMI
tntinii'iitfoii with wvenil Now Yorli I'aj- )
ilitllsN , and l > y hid nil \ low llioylii \ o | ur
clius't'd a lurffotnifl of ferlllo loirllory
\ilthln sl hl of enitoror I'lipo-
vnteioll. ] In Old .Mexico. In the \-ouliint
Millt'js tlieronlmullt isproiMi'd | ( tontart
a roloiiy. Coloruil men from nil Iho cen
tral regions of nt\tos ; \ , vvilh tlioii'fiun-
llios , nru Invltod to MttK ) < tlii're , ailil
liu id cheap , iibundant , juiil on Icrnn
iillhlii reiit'h of tlio ttlviuleivstVM \ \ \ 14
olTorod tliein. Thotrnet ixlroady neviireil
i-oatjiliw 1MKW ( tu'ri't. nnd liiiloii > * l &
Miulli'atou'hUi'O ' iitlv .sor Mr. TuriTr is
lu fi
ui'iis : ; TWO
lievAreAlvo llliihie'M ( ifcal { "
end IMiiy n Delicate Knli .
No man in publlti lifo obt.iliininoro on *
oyiiii'tit from what iho ncn\si.ipt | < f
.tois nay ( him tlititi Sih alior Ilivd ,
nys the N'owVoik Hun. lie Is m-loso
dor ol tlio loatlinj , ' il.iilu's , anil n < l >
Hired'an ublo ( utliloor ii-adaiilo p.irji-
[ I'uph , whutluT it hitsliimor Ills oni'iny ,
lo lins n uM.t Uotin noco for news : uul It
rlotiilly xAithiiopaj.ii ! < > i < men.
licdoosnot alxuiys jjivo indifiiiiitton
o tin1 I'otTosimndeiit.s \ call ou him ,
nit invniitibly httHMHiio btljjrht remark
D miilio Hint. Ls taken up uiul quoted. It
tin tlio pro.iont Hossiouof congress when
itllnvitli ; \ his intliuulo fi'londs or
li'opphifrnido ronmrUs from tlio spi'al < -
T'S pluilr could ho 11 rest'i-veil , Iho/
vonlil niitlvo u hiyhli , IntoroMln vol-
A fo\v ovonlnprti ; i , uflor unexciting
liy : In tlio hoii o , iliiriit } ' ' \\hiolithiMliMii'
rutsluulpountU'il him pretty liu nl. the
poakor wuw M'LMI tiikinn1 nridcltUo tlio
pouiiti'v with Kopiv 'iitulivo llitt uiul
ils xviio. Tlio parly xvns in a lop wirroy
niROii. pulli'il jilnny 'by u MX gi'iiy ,
ipluiloil tuigi unil TMr. llitt , Hit on Ilio
VontHoat with , tlio ( U'l\iM * . Oil tliuHont
\vnstliOhponKor , taking up two-thlvtli
of tlio puo : , the rest of \ vliioliva \ ocoti-
II iled Iiv * the ImniKonio uiul xUtlv Mrs ) .
I : iitt ,
Mr. Kectl viw iiltireil in his I'elolmitivl '
rraysuit , ne'lifjo8hii'l lltio wish
' ( , ) , yol-
oxv'slioo.s , ami stmxx * lint. Hohooiiu'd to
IKJ cnjoylnpr tlio drive Immonody , 119 did
Iho others in the party. The hiieiikcr
wus I'uailhiH from tin cumins unpor ,
which } ; iivo tut ni'oount of some of hU
.ifliinidluhy tnm1 > liiir { diifini , ' the day
\vhou ho was iinmoivifiilly coicil by t lie
luii'ourals. Mr. Uooil laiifjliwl like a
boy ns ho iTtid how his oiiomiun hiul
pouiuk'd him , uiul Mr , und Mix Illlt x'ot
us iinc'lii'iijoynicnt out ol the porforin-
IIIICVMIH ] lO (11(1. (
Ilia wiirnioiit fi'Icnd-snud most oonstant
conipuniuus ni'o Ah : nnil Mi-s. Illlt , ul
\\hoiohome \ and in xvhoso company lie
poinls initehof hla tinio vliononto'f tlio
HHiH' . lit * . 11 ill is chali'innii of tlio
voinmitti'u on foreign iilTaim. and is U.IMI
ivory Ho ( ) fi'ieml i it .Secretary Ulnitic.
I'lvon with his liii-L mid tliplointicy lie
must ilnil it ( IIHiciilL lo play tlio ilotthlo
roloof intinitito friotiil of two men xvln >
iiro ] iii > fliialunoinluH lilfo.lainosG.liltiiiio
nnd ThonuvH H. I ( cud ,
It is u fcoiiioxvhnt biiiR'nlnr fuel , tilno ,
llutt tlio man \\lio stiuulH next to Alt' .
Hill in Mi * . Itfcd'n ulTfctlons is aUo tlio
I'oiiitlontal fiii'tidof Suoroturv lllnitu1.
This is IhiiiiyCubot Lod'o. ( llo is Mr.
Ucoil's riyht-haiul niiiii in Hit ) lioiihc ,
nnd politically , wioially and ovci-y tithcr
way ttands very close to the sccretiiry of
Mr 131nlno nnd Mr. Hoed , up isvoll
loivn , arc not on HpeuIciiiKtoi'ins , uiul
yet tliu two most ( rusted friomls of cadi
of tliom are Ilobert 1 { . llitt uiul Homy
iihot LwlfO. , {
Mr. Lwlgoift nt I3iir llni'lior liolinoli-
lii T snuinlly Mr. lllaino , and it is likely
thutus Hoonas tlio season is over Mr.
Hoed'a friend number t\u ) , Mr. llitt ,
willl > ci doing the ssime tiling. An tlio
ciiHtodiiins of the secrets of bolh Mr.
IHaino and Mr. Kucil , U must bu vury
dufllii'iilt for Mosbi-ti , Ledge and Illtt lo
keen themselves out of hot witor. Up
to mite , hott'ovor , they beom to ha\o
succeeded admirably.
toGrnlii ItulsiTM u Source of
Trouble IVn'tlio Argentine Itopiihlic.
Ono of the members of a linn Imviiiir
lorlmjia the largest tnido relntioiw with
uii I'lntn of nny house , in Now York elly
said to u correspondent of the Chicago
Trlbitno that the people of the Arjron-
tine liopiiblic are very much displeased
with the llnimoiitl policy of the ovoi'ii-
inonl of which Dr. C'clmiin wns thohond.
"A Hpocuhitivcfover soeined to lia\o
struck the country tliiringtliolustyuiir , "
ho bsiid. * MJp toubout a year iifo ; tin )
tfroat phintci'H devoted thctnsolves to tlm
niisinp : of hords. and the unrint : and
shipment of imnieiiBoqnnnlitkiHof hides
to nil parts of tlio world. They hnvo
discovered that the pump'isxlll prodiira
( Treat quantltiesof raln , tlioiioll boini ;
oven inoro productive tluin our o\vn.
They went Into clnboratlon ol tills dis
covery with the enthusiasm character-
istioof their race. They sent orders to
this country to purchase grain elu-
vators , employed artisans to put them
tip and work them , and t-cut u eoinml.s-
ion thrmifjli the west and north \\ent \ to
make 11) muinbors familiar with otir im
proved mowing- ' and harvcstlngf. Tltoy
InviiHtcd a vast deal of money in this ex
periment , and the irovornmont pvomNcd
liberal subsidies : md what not , Hut t liey
forgot that It ruqulros u litllo time to
prolltubly ralbu ( 'i'iiln from ir in neil ,
and they found themselves he.ul anil
ears in debt , 'I'll is was an important
factor in the discontent with the ( 'uliiinu
prorariiinont , and , 1 think , led to its over
throw. Should imychniiffu of jfoveni-
laent boestitblinhecl I have ovury rcawa
to boliovc that it will bo purely constitu
A ller'lhi .Man 'J'nlkn About To-.uia
ilrre nn l at Hume ,
"Voucaiibee vorylittlo difference be
tween the IciidiiiK cltlfwof Cii'i'inunj : ind.
onrH , " Btiicl August C. Valentin , 'n ro-
tircd Klilyo avcnuu inercluinl and larija
property owner to a Pliihululphl i (11- (
( ulror roporton'hen \ \ I > lmtol llor-
lin about two years iif ol could easily
have iniaRfinod myself in Now Yorkni'
IMill.tdelpliln , hOHlinlliirvero lh < > mnlii
chiiractorihties. Street - omnIliUi
cai-H , > cd ,
electric llfjhts , great bii.-diiosd
houses , Inrffo hntoh and woll-
aipolnled ] ru.-itiiuraiitH HUfjifesto.i . out'
Ainoi'icnii fllleMiit ovoryHteji , and I wan
Hiirprlscd to Iliid thoHn llHli laiiMiin oho
largolyspoK-on. i h curd Its f.uaillar . HCII-
toncu.s overyxvhero , nnd , of eonwo , thu
cii'cumstanco Hindu 1110 fool inoro at homo.
During business honr.s licflinis us inticli
alive , as any city in the UnltivLStntoH ,
and them \HI\X \ Ki-otita throng and rusli
in the cominordnl uvnton as on Uroa.1-
wiy o 't'hcbtntit street.
"Tho Idea that fjrrrnnn mcrclT.iiitd urn
hampered by tlio otornnif nt Is till bosh ;
they linvo in wide und free a Hold for
tholr oporallonsns nny In this country.
Von lionr it stilted In AmorliM that it
costB tlio German people enormously to
support thoHtaiullnn army , but [ found
the rate of tiixntloii lower than liero lu
I'lilltulolplilti. Milllonalr.s are not HO mi-
mvrousln Corniniiy inintlioUnltulStalod
but as n rule the snuillorlmsincss inou
are bettor oT ( financially than oura ,
hud not been In liorlln [ or forty years ,
and I noted im nlinosl entire traiisiorma-
tloii inovery rcipvct. The now portlonu
of the rlty are particularly beautiful.
They are /nil of lar o ud lifers of great
tuvlillcctui'iil beauty , wlilluuvc ryavonuo
is us wlilo in * iJiuud tlrovi , and faomc even.