8 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , AUGUST 4. 1890. TEE MILITARY 1IARKSJIEN , Those of the Department of the Platte Will Begin Their Contest Today. FULL ROSTER OF THE COMPETITORS , Home I'XcoIlont Work During tlio I'rc- lliitluiiry 1'rnutloc I'rojjraiiiiiio for the Week nt the Hclle- vtie Hanfjc. Tlio last three days of Inst week we.ro tie- voted by the Rhnrptthoutur ! ) nt Ucllcvuo rlllo rtiiifre to preliminary pmutlco In prciurutlon for tlio department coiniiotltlon In tniiiksman- nhlp , whloh will begin lit 8 o'clock this morn- Ing. Ing.Tlio Tlio work ilono by the men lu preliminary practice his : been excellent , and shows an Im provement over the preliminary work of last year. Among the lea Jew so furlmvo been the following : 0. II. Mulr , 2d U. , 17th Inf. , P. D. Spen cer , Corp , Co. K , irth Inf. , Fmlurlek Stcnrns , IbtSgt. , Co. 0 , ICth Inf. , William Kvuns , KKI. , Co. G. , ICth Iiif. , John Drnney , Corp , Co. V , 1 Oth Inf. , D.ivld Scott , Sgt. , Co. D,21st Inf. , JiunesV. . Davis , Sgt. , Co' 11. Kith Inf. , James niazok. St. ( , Co. II. 10th Inf.V. . II. Johnson , Jr. , 2d Lt. , Kith Inf. , C. 11 Heirden , Sfit. , Co. O , Btli Jnf. , II. y. Davidson , Corp. , Co. ! ' , bth Inf , James Urcimnn , S > ? t. , Co. I , : M Inf. , K , V. Ludd , Istu. , Sith Cuv. , Charles ICnrs- tcn , Sgt. , Co. IJ , 1st Cuv. , JumcsS. Jackson , 1st SKI. , Co. G , Dili Cuv. , J. U. Uyron , ad Lt. , 6th Cav. , G. J. Ilasson , Pvt. , Co. L. , Stli Car. , 0 W Dougherty , 1'vt. , Co. M , 1st Cuv. , L. I , IMiimmcr , Sf't. , Co. II , 8th Cav. , .T. P. Hughes , Sgt. , Co. 1C , 1st Cav. , William Mac-oil , Pvt. , Co , 1,0th , Cav. , Owen Cum- tilings , Corp. , Co. II , 1st Cuv. , John Wolf , 1'vt. , Co. IJ , 1st Cav. , II. II. Wright , 1st Lt. , ttb Cnv. The complete roster of the competitors Is as follows : First Cavalry Lieutenants John Pitcher and Ethvnrd Anderson ; Corporals W. J. Illl- llnpton , Owen CumtiiliiRs ; borpcants Charles A. 1'oml , Chiirlcs Kcnrston , M. II , Herry , James MoICcl vey , Joseph P. Hughes ; Privates John Wolf , C. I'l. Christiansen , Albert IIol- bertf , Georfit ) W. L > oUL'hcity. Eihth ; Cavalry Lieutenants J. C. Byron nnil 1C. S. Brooks ; Sergeants 1'aul Setmning. Louis F. PUunincr , OttaA. Dovlntr ; I'rivalcs Warren C. Snnfortl , Charles II. Grifllth , UnvltlJ. aiornn , William II. Baldwin. .lohn L. F. Tliorp , JosephJntnieson , George Him- sen. Gustnvus J. Htirson , William Mnsio. Ninth Cavalry Lieutenants II. II. Wright and K , F. Todil ; Sergeants John W. Brown , William Washington , John Turner , James I\ Jackson , Albert Drew , John M. Price , Isr.iel Murphy ; Corporal Miller Tolcn ; Privates vines Spencer O. Thomas , John Dluuford , W. MASO'II. Seiond Infantry Lieutenant J. 51.Ann - Bmith ; SerKeunts Samuel .Auhler , Irvinp Huaslip , John Fox , William Jones , J nines Ilrcnnnn : Cornonil Augustus C. Records ; Private Corm-Iius C. Kcunioy , William G. Kuch , William J. Schoembrood , Irving A. Hubbard. Seventh Infnntrv Lieutenant C. II. Cochran - ran ; Pci-Kcnnts Jolin Flannei-y and William Mct'onloy ; Coipontl Joseph Atkins. Kighth Infantry Sergeants John A. Ab- cnrnthy , Charles II. lllorilcu , Albert Salndin , John \Varnec-Ke ; Corporals George II. Sie mens , Kichard N. ( Davidson , August Lindcr ; Privates Elmer Wilson and William Lawler. Sixteenth Infantry Lieutenant William II. Johnston ; Sorj-'c.mt.s James W. Davis , Frederick Stunrns. William Evans ; Corjior- nU liobnit Wilson , John Dranoy , James W. linker , Uhlch Poggee ; Privates John Crcigh- ton , James Hlnzuk , George Summers. Seventeenth In rnntry Lieutenant C. H. Mule ; Sergeants Constantine DcCaffery , Christ O. Furgtison. Julius Krb , Ist.no N. Hill , Adolph Orllvli ; Corporals Joseph A. Purge. Etward ) Uicchxlcr , Parko 1 $ . Spen cer ; Private Jackson S. IJritt. Twenty-ilrst Inlnntry Lieutenants J. S. Pnrko and F. L. Palmer ; Sergeants James B.iirloek , Davlil Scott , Charles A. Taylor , Ed mund Gerber , Charles 1 < \ Pearson ; Corporals Charles Dally , John Mulllns ; musician , Thco- aorolirusf , Privates Scott Bruce and Frank Martin. These competitions are held every summer. Early In Miy target practice begins at the posts in the service , and the best marksmen In each regiment nro selected to take part in the department competitions held later in the season. The men who make the twelve best scores in this competition constitute the de partment rltlo Ieiin , and take part In the na tional competition held annually ntthoiitle range at Fort Douglas , in Wisconsin. In addition to this honor the government awards to the men attaining certain scores different medals , some of gold and otbeis of silver. Since the k-stltution of these compctlsions the prolificacy in marksmanship of the men hi the Hcrvlco has increased marvellously. The men become interested in improving themselves in this direction and of obtaining honors on the rango. The programme for the week is ns follows nin.i : AND C.UUIINI- . Monday Morning , known distance firings , COO and HIM yards ; afternoon , known distanci firings , : > UO and 000 yards. Tuesday Morning , skirmish firings ; after noon , skirmish firings. Wednesday Morning , known distance firIngs - Ings , 200 and BOO yards ; afternoon , known Ul.staiico firings , 500 and 000 yards. Thursday Morning , skirmish firings ; af. temooii , skirmish firings. 1IEVOI.VKH MATCH. Friday Morning , dismounted firings a | t\vcnty-ilvo yards ; afternoon , dismounted firings at fifty yards. Saturday Morning , mounted firings to the right and loft , preceded by lirings by each trooper of ten blank cartridges ; afternoon mounted firings to the front , picccdcd bj firings by cacti trooper of ten blank cart ridges. Presentation of medals after the afternoon firings. Mortuary. Died , Augnst 2. lt > 00 , at 5 p. m. , John Cozier Young , son of Mr. nlid Mrs. Fletcher W Vouug of Ambler Place , tills clt.v , Funeral from the residence at ll0 ) : ! ! this morning Her. C.V. \ . Savidgo will officiate at the ser vice. Interment ut 1'rospeet Hill , FIFTY-TWO WAYS. A Successful Gcriunn financial Iiistl tntiim. The Gorimm citizens , who nro always noted for making a success of whatuvoi they undertake , will bo pleased to learn of the wonderful success of ono of their institutions. Kufercnco Is miulo to the German Savings Imnk at Thirteenth nni Douglas streets , which has in lift } two business days Increased thoii standing h'om the foot of the twenty banks in the citj to the twelfth plnco. This is better un derstood when it is stated that their de posits on the 52d day amounted to $203 , 131.0 ; ! , an amount which Is almost phe nomenal , from the fact that many banks have been hf business for years ami huvo not yet BO liwgo a list of clopobitors. The wonderful success 01 the Gorman Savings bank IB duo in a great n\cnsuro to the conservative nmniigonicnt of its ollicopfl , Mr. L. D. Fowler , the cashier TjehiR- banker of largo experience ant * llmuiciul abllltywhllo Mr. Henry Holln , the managlnjT director , having : for the last four yours boon treasurer of Uoujj las county , lias miido for himself n mew cnviabld reputation for his cont.orviit.ivo 'business taet and lias thoconlluonco am peed will of all who know him Mr. Frederick Motz , ur. , the jn'oslilo who hut ) been a resident of Omaha frnn Its infaney , and lias kept abreast witl tlio growth and development of the city not only in accumulating a fortune fo himself , but In aiding every Imidtiblo umlortnldni * for the bonollt of Onmhii , nnil lias during those- yearn of biiccob.sful mid conservative buslnosa experience es pecially fitted hlniboU for the presidency of such a great institution as the Uer- inan savings bank is ilohtlned to be. With such men at the head of tlio bank its success cannot bo termed in the least un experiment , but un assured fact. N IDENTITY. Mr. Milton Hnrlow was Not the Object tit * VUIIIIK J1HKKS1 AVrat It. A very serious mistake tnas made In the re port of an escapade of Clinton Uriggs at the ) nmlm club. Mr. AIHton IJarlow had no part n the matter other than that of peacemaker , lo had Just reached the club room * * , having cturncd from n ride , ntid found the racket 'on. " The object of IJi-lpp's ' wrath was a 'oungman not well known In tlio city , and to void trouble Mr. Unrlow had Induced him to cave the rooms. No trouble whatever cxMcd jctwccn Mr. Bnrkiw and Young I3Hggs , ns ho former bad not been in the rooms en minutes when the trouble began. Ho namiged to get liriggs' adversary Into the Icvator Iti the net of leaving the btill-llng vhon Hrigg3 inutio hi acrobatic lumro which icarly rest him his life. Friends of Mr. Ilar- ow say thut ho was never known to play cards , and that ho did not strike Brings nor run from him. This statement Is strongly iiippoited by the following card written by \lv \ Ilrigs yesterday : OMIIM , Augusta.To the Kchtor of Tin : ir.i : : Kefrri-lnj ; loan artifl - in this ( Sun- lay ) moiiiliiK'H Uii ; ; . hcadt-d "C'llnlon ' Brigfcs' Condition , " 1 wish to say that the accident 1 net with Tuesday evening was In no way ot1- -.Tiloned by any net of Mr. Barlow's , I have never played cards with him. neither have vo ever had any altercation or dinlculty of my Idnd. 1 otteomhim ono of my best friends , and It s my wish that the friendship and pleasant relations that have existed between us for so nany yeais may continue , CMJJTOX Dmoas. S-20 St. LdTftsi to Itoston and return via ho Ohio& Mississi ] ! ] ) ! railway , account J. A. H. reunion , \\ith choice of routes la New York and Sound , hteamers via I'oughhrupsic , Hudson river bridge via Novburg and via Troy. Tickets good \ugnst 8,1) ) and 10 , and returning until Sopti'inber itO. Proportionate rates from ill points west. Call on ticket ngcnts of connecting lines or addres-s A. J. Lytlo , ; cnural western pafc&enger agent , St. > ouls , Mo. _ A DoiiliU'iil Cnse. John ilolrlckcr escorted James Clifford nto the police station at an early hour yes- erday morning and recited an interesting al- hough rather suspicious tale of woe. Ho said that ho was foreman of n whole- ale stove house at Thirteenth and Leavcn- vorth and occasionally went out on the reader or the firm. lie has for some time suspected ds wife of infidelity and accordingly con- Glided to set a trap for her , Into w hlch she umbled with gratifying haste. Ho told her ast Friday that ho had to go to Denver and vould not return until Monday. Ho took his departure according to programme , but re- ippcarcd Saturday nleht at his home , corner of Twenty-sixth and Mason. lo found the door locked and climbed through ho window into 'his wife's room , where ho bund her with Clifford , who is her cousin. 'Ie immediately called in the servant girl to vitncss his wife's perfidy , and then started Jbr tlio police station with Clifford , who ac commodatingly offered to po with him. Ho wanted Clifford placed under arrest , but thi ? could not bo done without a warrant , which could not bo secured before morning , Holriolicr then went to work and drew up a paper which Clifford signed. It was a con- 'esslon , acknowledging that what Holrleker and said was true , and admitting his guilt on several previous occasions. The two men then loft the station together. The police re gard the whole thing as a put up Job for the nirposc of getting a divorce , and believe that hero is collusion in the matter between Hoi- ricker and his wifo. If you are suffering with weak or Inflamed cycs.or grannl.iteoctcllds , vou can bo quickly cuiotl by using Dr. , ) . H. McLean's Strength ening Eye Salvo. 23 cents a box. Tlio Hnnstiom t'nrlc Concert. "Episodes in a policeman's life , " was the feature of yesterday's ' concert nt Hanscom's park. "While everybody seemed content to lounge on the grass and benches , appaiently Indifferent towards the other selections on the programme , hunureds crowded around the band stand eagerly anxious to hear this number. They seemed anxious to find out what the episodes of a policeman's , life were , and curious to know how they could bo told in music , Tlio story opened with n soft re frain illustrative of gathering nt the station for 'assignment , followed by a murch , roll call , signals , long suffering , duty over and linuily the grand p trade. All these vari ations were Interposed with a medley of such productions asi'ao Policeman's Lot Is Not a Happy One , " "The. Lonclv Parol , " "Tho Evening Hymn. " "Wo WonH go Homo Till Morning , " dog howls , cat calls , imitations of the merry dnnCo , a light , an arrest , and gen eral round xipot a drunken party. It took very well anil wns liberally applauded. The balance of the progr.unmo was made up of selections f roio "Kunon , " a medley of sacred tongs , "Little Flatterer , " "Stabet Mater , " and Bucalossls' "Hunting Scene. " Tbe e concerts have become very popular , and thousands of happy people fill the park oveiy Sunday afternoon to enjoy them. The only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council Bluffs , DCS Moines and Chicago business is the Rook Island vestibule limited , leaving Omaha nt 4:15 : p. in. daily. Ticket otllco NJOU , Sixteenth ami Farnam sts. , Ouiuhiu UJUISriTJJSS. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. G. Woitzel , a daughter. Elder Dungan wns unfortunate enough last night lo lese his pass book contain ing a clrnft for $533 anil three railroad passes , whllo ho was milking along ono of the streets in Kounto Place. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the property at Til K IEBolllce , or with Dr. Nlehol , in the Arlington block. Sergeant SJgwnrt returned yesterday nftornoon from Kansas City in charge of \V , II. Spencer , who is charged by Land lord Ealch of the Uurkor with beating him out of $125 hotel bill and then skip ping. Sjicncor was apprehended by the Kansas City authorities. Flora Aubrey , ullns "Omaha Jack. " was arrested yobtorduy afternoon while on the warpath in the burnt district. "Omaha Jaclc"although a diminutive crcaturo , is undoubtedly the hardest woman to handle there isinthocitv and two policemen had their hands full to got her into the station and lock her in u coll. R. T. Alton was arrested yesterday on tv charge of petit larceny. Mr. Fred A. Tucker left last evening for the east on a Bad mission. Ho was taking his wife's remains back to their old homo nt Cleveland , 0. , for inter inent. Antl-l'rolilbltlonlslH. A branch of the Danish anti-prohibition club of Nebraska wns organized in this city yesterday afternoon at Washington ball. About 250 of the representative Danish cltl zcns were present , S. Jorgonseu was made chairman and John Matbiesen secretary. After the adoption of n platform which de clared against prohibition , pledging the mem bers to use all honorable means to prevent the engrafting of the proposed amendment into the constitution , requiring all nominees to dcclaro against prohibition mid refusing to support any candidate who wouli not thus declare himself , those present proceeded to effect a permanent organisation The following ofllcors wci-e elected : S. Jor > gciison , president ; Hophus Ncble , vice presi dent ; John Matbiesen , secretary ; Jajnes Hen drlckson , treasurer. There was s > omo discus slon as to whether retmbllc'ins or demo crats should bo miulo oHicers of the organization , but it w.is decided to bo the sense of the meeting that the orgnnizntloi was non-partisan , and both republicans ant democrats ilguro as ofllcora and as members of the commit tec. The following executive committee was ap pointed : A. Morreganl , U. Peterson , James IIcudrlcKt.cn , 1' , Smith , S Jorsvusen , W Neve , John MalhU'scn , U , Hchouboe , H I Thcilgaord and 0. Hanscn. I After a lengthy discussion it was dccldct ot to appoint a vleo president In each wind t present. Several ad dresses were made , after which ic mcetlnir adjourned , Another meeting ill bo liuhl next Snndnv afternoon nt 'i ' ( look at Wolff's hall , Twenty-second and 'timing. < A nijACK.SMITll OX HIS TUAIJj. Olc Jensen I'ourM Out a TnlooP Woe to tlio 1'nllur , Olc Jensen , who resiilcs near the comer of 'hlrtccnth and llnticock , appeared at the pa ce station ycsterdny afternoon nnd wnntcd o ( ret out a warrant for the arrest of a black- tiiith whoso imine ho did not know. IJo id- 'il that the blacksmith had threatened kill him , anil lie was afraid : mt ho would not sec Monday morning's sun tso unless the belligerent hammer swinger vus nliu'ed behind the tars. Jensen had nii- earetl at tlio station and told a similar tale n Wednesday illicit , elalmlnp that liU blood- hirsty fee hud lired three shots at him , lie fas told to tot a warrant on tlio following londng , but lie nivlouted'to do it , so when o wanted ono yesterday ho was tolil tlmt he ould not got ono until the morning. The olleo plncccl little confidence , in his story , mt ho was very much In earnest , and when hey refused to arrest tlio blacksmith with- ut n warrant , Jensen got right up and owlocl. lie raved and swore and then lo an to cry. "If I nm killed tonight , " ho blubbered , "I vill hold the city of Omaha and the police tatlon responsible. " "All right , " said .Sergeant Ornisby. "If you ro killed and will eon.o around and show us lint we are to blame for it , wo will gcttlo vith you. Is'ow yet out. " .As n certain cure for rheumatism nr ills- uses of the ulood or kidneys , the mineral vntcr of the "Old M. 0. " sprlnj , ' Us adver- isell ut Hotel Colfax , has u reputation that s abundantly deserved. ' I'JKItSOX.l L JL'tllA 13 It A 1'JIS. Mr , nnd Mrs. C. N. DleU returned yester day from Alaska and are highly elated over heir trip. They not only enjoyed two weeks if high nfo on the bunt , but saw much that vas 'interesting. Mr. Dictz umpired two jamcs of baseball , William Astor , the New York millionaire , mil H. M. Laughlin , who travels with him , are at the Mlllurd. Mr. Ivan Eberinan , of Cleveland , O , , Is vis- tint' hi Omaha. For Sale or Trade. Thirty head of horses cheap for cash will trade for land or town property. NAT BKO\VN , Merchants llotol. Itnro I'l-cscnej of Mliul. Harry Weiss of San Francisco was on- oylng ono of his occasional hunting rips in the wooded hills baek of Han " eandro recently , when ho Bucldonly ound himself confronted by u largo , gentlemanly looking cow , which gazed it him with ill-concealed vexation and unveiled contempt , buys the San Lcamlro Reporter. Mr. Woibs hastily apologized or his intrusion , and w.is about O ) retrace his stops when the )0oriah animnl rushed toward him is if to assault and batter him. At this uncturo Mr. Weiss was struck vio- ently by a happy thought , which ho ininudiutoly put into execution. When , ho animal reached him ho .sat down irmly on its horns , and a-s it raised its lend'ho suffered himself , like Elijah , to lac-end upward , until ho reached ono of Jio highest limbs of a venerable tree that was standing idly by , where ho ro- imlned until his now-found acquaintance btolo away to biippor , which occurred some hours later. Had it not been for ills rare presence of mind Mr.Voiss : night have had trouble with the beastly x-ast. 1002. Sixteenth and Farnam streets Is the now Rock Island ticket oilico. Tick ets to all points wist at lowest ratos. IIic Comet I'rlgliteiicd the IiullaiiH. \ celestial phenomenon in the way of an unusually largo meteor was scon a few miles south of this city recently , says the Tucson ( AiiStar. ) . It crossed the heavens from east to wrst and appar ently fell in the Tucbon mountains , west of the old San Xavier church. It was. as largo as a half-bushel measure and left a. luminious track in its course. The Indians wore much excited and filled with fear , for. said they , "it is an evil omen nnd God is about to visit our earth with dire calamities , disease and great famine , " and "unless wo pay some money into the church ( meaning the Catholic church ) there will bo great suffering among us. " , Sineo then the poor Indians have come together and have hud a grand pow wow , and have agreed with the "Great Spirit" to pay him a bum of money to spare llrem.Vhilo the nickels and the dimes are being gathered to raise the desired amount , they maintain a constant fear and pray three times a day. Dr. Sussdorff treats successfully all diseases of the kidneys , bladder and rectum. 1501 Farnam bt. How Conkllns's Will Was Found. A small box , with a combination lock , was found among the effects of the late Roscoe Colliding and as no will appeared among his papers it wns suggested that this box might contain the desired document. Tlio administrator did not euro to break the box , and every possible word which Mr. Conkling might have used in'sotting tlio combination was used on the lock ; but without success. At Inbt his daughter said that her father was especially fond of words which con tained thy letter O pr. i.ou : ed with its loiifj sound. She ( -aid lu r father would frequently utter the word Rome , dwell ing particularly on the vowel , and nsborting that the word was one of the most fascinating in the language for him to hear. She biiggosted that ho might have used that word in making tlio combination. That word was tried ; it proved to bo the right ono , for the combination yielded to it , the box was opened , and within was found the short nnd simple will which Mr. Uonkllng had written many years before. The Eiffel Tower. M. Eiffel is now utilizing his famous tower and a balloon for aerial telegraph purpose by night. It Is intended to lib- certain by the experiments ut what dis tance the lights on the tower can bo perceived coived from a balloon , and to * what height from tlio bumuitt of the fewer an aerostat can bo been un communicator with by signals. With your name and wldress , .nailed to the Swift Specific Co , , Atlanta , Ga , is necessary to obta'n ' an interesting treat ise on the blood and the diseases incident CoiU Skis Eruottou ; < C'Tired. ' Ono oJiny cnstcncrs hlgliljr respected and influential cilli.cn , tut vvjo U now r.lscnt from the city , htauwiJ Swift1SpcciSa iUi ca".w = t resell. He foja Itctrt-ilhlm ot n fUn eruption lut ! hoLaJ Ixxu tormcnti-d \ \ 'Hi fi.r Ihtrljrytare , tnd had rtjistol the curative ( jimlitlfj of other medicines. CLTOO. DrpjHa * , ? / , - > - tin unperloroTocllcncoproTOn In millions of homci for inoio tlinn n quirm of n icmturjIt I * moil \ > f Iho Unltoil Smti- Government , Kndor oil br the ds of tlio grout tinlrnfiiltloi n * the Stronuott , ri'nl nncl Moit llciltlifnl. 1'f. 1'ilco'n ( 'roam link- Ink' I'uKilcritoi's not ccnUvhi a'umonln , lluia or nluui. Suld onlr In c.uis riurn 1UKINR rowniiii CO. , Now York. ClilciiKo. fnn I'-rnutlsoo. There never was a time in- the world \vhen things were made so well as now some things. There never was a time when tilings were sold so acceptably some things. Take the Kabo corset for instance of both. If it breaks its "bones" in a year you go to the store where you bought it and get your money back. > .If it kinks its "bones" and rolls up , as most of the corsets do on women of cer tain forms , you get your money back. If it slips or shifts its "bones , " you get your money back. If it doesn't ' suit you , after wearing a week or two , back you go to the store and get your money. There's a primer on Cor sets for you at the store. CHICAGO COHIT Co , , Chicago ana New Torlc , Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. 1-iOO STRKE1T OMAHA. NEB. Tlio most wldoly and fnvorablv known spco- lullsts In the United Hiutes. Their Ion ? ox- porlfiicc , rcinarkublo hklll ittid universal suc- t'Pss in tlio tiiiiitnmiit and euro of Nurvims , Chroiilo nnd Surgical Dlsoascs. uiilltlo the.so einliu'iit iihyslohuis to tlio full uonfldoncuof tlio nlillctcil ovorywhuro. Tlioy sitarantoo : A CKUTAIN ANU POSIT IVK OUUB for tlio awful oll'oota of uiitly vleo and the numer ous evils that follow In its tialn , 1'IUVATK , 1ILOOD AND HICIN DISEASES spoodlly , ooinnlutoly nnd permanently cured. NIIUVOUS IlKHILITV AXU BHXUAb DIS- OKIius ) yield roadiiy.to tholr skillful treivt- nipnt. PILES , , FISTULA AND HEOTAI * ULOKUS Biiurantoed curucl without palu or detention from bnslnosH. IIYDUOUELB AND VAIUCOOKLE pcrnm- ni'nlly nnd successfully c-urcd In every cuse. SVPI11LI9. GONOKIU1EA , OhEBT , Bper- nintorrhun. Seminal We.iknoss. Lost AInnhnod , Night KinlsslonH. Decayed rauultlos , 1'enmlu NVpakness and all dellcato dNordors peculiar to either sox positively cured , us well us all functional disorders tnat result from youth ful follies or tlio excess of mature years. TkMrTlIhI ? < UiwrantiMMl ponnano ntly ol 1V1O1 UIXL. cured , removal cauiplcto , without cutting , caiiHtlonrilllutitlon. Ouros affected nt homo by patient without a mo ment's p.ilu or nimoyniteo. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MbN. A QTTPR niPl ? The awful effects ot /V OUKL bUkll early vleo wlilch brings organic wonkness , destroying botli mind and body , with all Its dreaded ills , pormancnty cured. HkN TU < Tr < s Addiess these who havolm- lyl\kj. iLI 1 1 kj paired thoinsolves by Im- piopor Indulgencn and solitary h iblts , which ruin both mind nnd body , unllltliiK thorn for bnslnoss. study or miurlaK' ' . JIAItKIKI ) MEN or those ( interimon that happy life , uwuroof physicaldobllityquickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. 1'lrst 1'rnetlcal oxporl- iMico. Second Every ca ° o IsM'cc'lally studied , thus starting right. Third Medicines are picpared In our laboratory exactly to suit each cast ; , thus Directing cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , ' 1409 DOUGLAS STREET. - OMAHA. NEB. DRINK ROOT HIR ES ; BEER. The Purest anil Best Drink In the World. Appetizlzing , Doliclous , Sparkling nut the Best Blood , Purifier and Tonic. A Package- [ liquid ) "jc , mokes5 gallons. EVERY BOTTTLE1 * Guaranteed. No Trouble. Kas-lly Made. Try It Ask your DniKKlst or Orocer for It and take no other. H-o that you Kot 111 ItKS' . THE ONL.Y GENUINE. Made by C. K. HIISES. Phlliidolphla , Penn. MotTnnPni-tiCncarChlcneo ) . Ilcmnllnu School tor Olrls and oumr Lndlce , Kor catHlnmoaddinasU.'llIAYKll.l'iJ. II. , . . . llorc ul > BrUlllor77MttdUun titrcet , Clilcago , III. FEMALE ACADEMY I'n'ivtraturyand cf e'iur'ti , , Htfrattur.lanifunce. . muileurt. K.I' , l 1'llnciiul , Jai-L iinllli , 111. WFO YOUNG LADIES. * "M ' I > nl , An lie. tii lifit tmli r i Am 'r > tt I i p * n T < at' ' en ; rautiful LT mult n w lull it . lirair I i l > t itr , A4Jici "K c" f TV U A uKB i"r' r'r COLUMBIA , MO. MiurY ACAPKMY. INfoLC.Jrlsht , 11.S.A. f t-MriiH.ill.X llilOlS MILITARY ACADEMY , " w.SJr'1' . Clrcularof HBS'.tT J. STKVBVS , A. IJ 1'rliv " Wlr \irTlki.prr h * ra iui | < > p"b "JifJiifS Protect nnd Improve Your Sight by Using n PnlrofOur "Perfection" Spectacles or Eyeglasses They are The BEST in the WORLD We make n specialty of high grade goods , using the regular ecu list's Prescription Frame , and only first quality crystal lenses , which are scientifically ground to correct the various do ects of vision. Every pair is fitted by a Practical Optician of many years' experi ence , and weGUARANTEE SAtlSFACTlON IN EVERY CASE. FOR Thirty Days We Will Sell SPHCUCLHS and HYliGLASSIiS at RliDt'CIil ) PRICES. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES , ANY STYLE , Worth $5 to 51O ; now $3 to $5 FINEST STEEL SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES , For $1 and $1.50 ; worth $2 to $3 BLUE OR LONDON-SMOKED GLASSES , lor shidlngfta eyes , from 50cUP Beware of usino common Spectncles , which are sure to injure your eyes , but take advantage of our reduced prices and buy the best and have them properly adjusted to your eyes. OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. MAX MEYER & BRO JLVJLt.J.3L. . J _ > JLJI / A J sJL\ . \ s JLJ' .vV.x JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Established 1806. 16t hAND FAENAM STREETS , Omaha , Neb The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute Kor the treatment of nil CI1IIONIO AND PUMICAI. niSHASES. llraoes , Appliances for ncforraltlcs , nnd Trimej. licit tncllltlcsi"irntui [ | nnd Kt'imtllpa for nurccj.ssful trentinent of orcry form of dlicn cs ro- nulrlnff Medical or Surglrnl Trcntuiont Nl.NT.TV HOOMS FOil I'ATIIINTS llonrrt of nttenilnncn. Host Accouimoilatlnni \Vrllu fnrclrculnm on Dcfuriultlua nnil llrneea. Trusses , Clul ) Kr-pt , Currnturo of Hpinc , riles , Tuinora. Cnnror. Cutnrrli llronchltl * , Itiluilntlon , Klci-lrlcllf , 1'nr.ilr-ls , 13iylcp | y. KMnoy lllartdor , Kyo , Kat , Skin nrnl lilou.t , nnd nil mirn'oilopcrntlonH. ' Ilt-Kl8iH ; OKWO.MKN it | n-flnllr Hook of DhrnReii of 'oinen 1'iej. Wo liuxo lately iidilcd n LylnK-ln Dorartincnt for Women ilurliu Cunlinciuunl ( btrlclly 1'rlvntc ) . Only Itillnblo.Mfdlcnl IiinlUiitomaklnKn fP-'Clitlly of I'HtVATK 1IISKASKS. All lilood Dlacaips inccoiifiillr treated. Hyplilllllc polon removed from the y me m wlllioiit inorcury Now ItPstorntlvoTrontmi'iit for Loss of Vllnl Power , rnrtlcs unnblo to vhlt inny lo lioiteiV nt homo by corrt'spondonce. AH communications eonllilcntlal , Stuillclnoorlnslrninents sent by mull or oxprons. eo- ciirulf packed , no mniks to Indlcntu conlcntH ur Hcmler. Ono personnl Intcrvlow pio'oued. Cull nnd consult us orpcud big tun of your cuse. nnd wo will pnd In plain wrapper our HOOK TO MiN KUii : ; , upon i'rhulo B | > oclal orKcrvuus Dlscnsei , Imiiotency , Syphilis , ( fleet nnd Vnrlcoccle , wllh question list. Address Omaha Medidal and Surgical Institute , Corner-0th nnd HarneySts. , Omaha. Neb. Tine Specialist , In urmirniBseJ In Die trentincnt of nil forms of I'lUVATIi DISIiAMIS , lAittMnnlioiiil STHICrUlin , or imln In rollovlns the bladder , SVI'IIII.IH cured lnUto/X ) / > duy . Skin DlKoiise * . Cutmrli , nnd nil DIs- cnei of tlio lilood , llonrt nml I.Ivor. Kvinale Dlsens- BS cured ultliout In lninioiitt or "locil trvntmonl " Indlc9 from 3 to t only , bend stump for circulars Klvlui ; imrtlcuhri nboiit uacli of tlio above cllieasos , nnd ulionlnv munyof the moit roni.irknblu curus. Ullioc , N. I ; . Cnr 14th nnd Hirmuu Sts. , ciitinnco on cither street , Ouinhn , Nub , 1 BAILEY , Graduate Dentist , A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber , For Five Dollars. A perfect fit Rimriintccil. Teeth extracted without imln or ( lunsrr. nml will out anaes thetics. Ooltl nml Mihor Illllugx at lowest rail's. HiIilpo and Ornwn Work. Toctli with out jiliitos. All work warruutocl. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM elovntor. Open ovcn- NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Incitiier * s > x. Involuntary Loisos , aiul .S | > orinatorrl.eii ceuieil IJT oT r-cerUon of Iho brain , rilf i IMISO or OYcr-lndulffpnco. i. ch box contain * one ntnttll' treat ment , tl uliot , or tlx ( or S ) , tent hr inall | > r < > iuM. Wllh each onler for dx liox - , will triul | nrcli 'i' puarantvu ii > rrfuti'l ' laonvv If Ine ( riatniiitl falijto cum , uuarunUuJj > un4 ondiri'niJMiutC'Moull ' by GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 I'arnain Street. Omaliii , Neb I'ou IA1HK < ( ) Nlv--Ir. l.odiio. I'crloillrnl I'llll tlio Kriiiich niiiu'ily , net on Iliu muiutriml njiiuiiii ntifl euro mipiiienilun from wlutuvrr cauiu. rroimno mcn trnatlon Tluna iillloliiiuM " "t b-j taken Our- CVIDLJII IQ fii'i If uuii'tl O Y I rl I L. I O ( inyH hy na" uf Hit' iniif- veldiis.Mii-'loH Mii-ily. } Vl.i for inIMI II will nnlDiiit' ' . I'Vl ' I'l ) N t > ; i t tin rfcnn no ijiiii- 'il ) Wrlti-oriMlloiir. r Joilyii. M'J lliu- noj str.'et. ' Oiiitiliiii Nelir.i-ilia. Drs. Merill & Merill , Sl'KUIAIjlSTS IN riironlc.N'ervotn , IllooJ nnd Snrnlci l Dlsonies nnd discuses of the Kje. K r , Notts Tioat nnd Client. Spcoint Attention t i IliHuimun of Wo- mm nnil Children. Tlic doctorn hnvo hnd ) cnr of pxpprlcnro In the liOKpltnM of llroiiklyn iiiul Kuw York , and nro nuionx tlio ino t Rucct'antul und widely knuwu nn't-lnlllsta In tliU country. To YiiiitieniMl SIlildli'-Ai'Oil Alun. Txjtt Mnnliood , Ncrvonn Icl ) > lllty , Spcrnmtorrlnr , Fcmlnal iMtnes , I'liyslcul Decay , arUlnx from Indis cretion , producing xleeplnHiineiiH , dcipondcncy , plin- plof on tlio fiieo , iivcr lon to Kociety. onslly dlieour- iiKt'd , luck of conttiloncv , dull , until for ttudy nr butl- nrB , nnd llnds lifu u burden , tafoly , porniuuuntly und tpeedlly cured. Itlooil anil Slcin llsni es , SyililllK | n dl cn o mo.t dreitdful In Its remits , conipletoly cradlcntud. tJ nlti.-Urlnuiy Kursrory. Oonorrliir , Olect , Syi'liHI' ' . Hydrocele , Vnrlcncclo nnd htrlcturo radlcnllr nnd mifely ruled nlthout piilnor detention from business. Allbexunl llufor- mltlca nnd lnipedlmeiit to uiarrluio ; nuicessf ully ru- AIIItcctaldlBcaiOH snfcly nnd pcrnmnently cured. Hours , tin. in till 8 p.m. bunitay. . IOIIII fi N II. IVrnoiu uiiiiulo H > vlult u nriy l > a trcitml nt llH-Irl ie by corroipoim nco .Moillclnm end In- iruitloiii.eiit byoxpro" . CoriHulinllon true. Hund 4 cents inntiunps to liiiuru reply UIH Flitaeiith M. , OppiMHo Iloycl'n Opera Jloii" . * ' , Oniiihn , Ncl ) . ' IfYot tOarorFATUHO MAHHOODl W' tral nnJllEHV00a DKLILITV CLJX- . DodynndMInd , Elftctl 011 r.rrora or Esceuia in Old or Younar , IKilorvc. XbV ' ! ' , fi > ll'.t II03B TIimam-IlMtaii I.I At ] , IU li.lll Jfri.ru tOrIUll ti < l t.rrli > ( i > ii > lrl > i. ITrllilkea , I'OA ' ! , ' - - - " ' " ' U itrlstl' : , pl ai tn Bud uror'--- MOnu tnin MCUICAL CO. . t'lej > nt 17 1 iprc it n h < * 1U | rkf * tu\ \ f 0 , It , rfirtft frm t < kprrtr'i l e * iiil te Hung foi dt- - f ' " 1.1 ' ENGLISH PILLS. CROSS DIAMOND UPAND. f cfV itirt ii 1 luttitr't ' V IudU * n k l ruirjrlt''r l > Um rt1llruiilfiu rt-J uttaiita IK i > , kle4ihtio r tl a 'tuluft noutlirr * 1 K 4 Ic.Oip * 1t b rUruUr PI < ! "lillf lop Perkins , Batch & * LaUman , We have the finest assortment U ) < - * sortment of Wares in 0) ) CO the west , nnd COQ Q ) c : Bottom C Prices 03 CD rH- C/ ) Sec Us Before You Buy. i * Crockery and Glassware. PERKINS , GATCH& LAUMAN , i514 Farnam Street. ( * & ® * & $ TO tWl ? rV Vvjj3w\ /Av& / x * * " < " ' S . DONITO OUAHCZ. ITmlrr tliolliinncotiulit of Iho Blnifan hternaticnal lliinLing Co. , Contcsslcnarics. Incorporated Ry the Stale ol Chihuahua , Mexico ice , ( or Charitable Purposes. GRfiHD MOHTHLY DB/OTG / , will tnko place In public nt tlio cltr of Juarez ( for merly I'liso ilel is'orlc'l .Mi-xlcu. Wednesday , Aug. 20tli , 18 50 , under the nononnl nipcrvmlnii of < Jen. iH.iift H. MOSItV , nml Ulr. CAM 11.0 AUOUK1.- I.KS , bulli Kuutleinoii of lilKli tnnilliiK. CAPITAL PRIZE. 560,000. Only60,000Tickels , ! Only60,000 Tickets ! WHOLE TICKETS $4 , HALF TICKETS $2 , QUARTCR TICKETS , $1. I Prize of $60.000 $60,000 ll'rlyuof 10,0110 10.0(10 ( IPrlzoof WKIO D.OOO al'rl/rsof 1,000 tnc1i 8,000 lOI'rl/csot' SHXIcm. ) ! " ,000 r.01'rl7caor 100 each o.O-irt KiOl'rl/ciof M cacli 6.01K ) ace Prizes of UO fitoh 7WX ) Aitprniliiinllim 1'rl/c.i. IOOPrl7C9of JfiOcacli t r.,000 lOfll'rln'SOt1 IWcauh iMXfl 1UU 1'rUes Of ilSuuuh " , l > 00 Terminal I'rlzcu. " " " , ' ! &JWO 1914 Prizes amounting to $125,970 Wo , tliu nnrtcrvlitnrd , liorcbr ccillfy tlmt the Ilnncu Nnclnnnl of .Mcxlro.ln Clillimilniu him on de posit fniin ilia Mexican li.iorriHtlaiiHl . IlunkliiK Co. the noccfiiry fundiito mninintco ihn pitjinont ot nil prizes drniHi In Iho < Jnin I.nlvi til iluiiK-x. Wo furlliarcvrllfy Hint niMvllUuimvlsa nil tbe nrrariL-cmi'iitMiiHl In pc'ruon maniiBO nml control all tlio drnvlinisorihli ) Lottery , nnil tlmt ttio pome itiornndnrliM vlthl.oiiottjr , fulriicsn , and 111 uood lultli towitriH nil inirilcH. JOHN S. MOSBY. rominls'lnnor. CAMII.O Annimi.i.ra , Stiicrvlaoi'fortlio Guvuriimunt. If nny tlchonlr.iwInKii iirlro In tun t to thoiiniler- plKiiol , It" f co \ nlun will lit ) rolli'ftviliinil remitted tollio ownur lliorcof , frcnof rhiriiD. cunAit n. mms-Hov , I'red. El I'UBO Nntlonal Hunk , 1CI I'uto , Tor AOKM'H WAXTEI , For clnlj rnto or any other Infnrinntlnn , wrlto to thonnilcrolKncil , ulntlnir your mlilruroolonrly. with Mate , Oontity , btreet anil Number. Moro rapid Ul- llrery Mill lioiKnuroil by your cnclosltiK un unvtl- cue lionrlnK your full uililrefs. .MliilCA.V iNTUIINATintMI. IIANKINfl CO. , City of Juurez , Moslco. XOTICK. Fend remittances for tlcketn by orrtlnnry Icttor , contiilnliiK Money Onlcr.lDSiifd by nllcxprGii com- iniilos.Now York ItirlmnKP , IIKIIK ilrnlt or postnl lioto. Adilrc'ii nil ri'Cli'torpil lolti'rs to MEXICAN INIEIISATIIINAI , IIANKINO ro. , Cltr of Juarc.Muxloo , via 111 I'uro , Tor. DenuerfflBLotlerf Denver Colo. , . , Capital Prize $7,500. TEceurrs so < 'HI\ITS t\cn. : $26,370 PAID EACH MO.NTII BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES , Address , ! } . R 1UIODUS , DENVER COLORADO. , - - - . IN ALL THE WORLD THEHE IS BUT ONE CURE DR. H/V1NES' / ' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It cun bo frlien ID u cup , > f rolfir r leu. or In Mr. llclf uf fuud , without tlio knowledge cj [ the patient , iu0ooiary. It la nbaolutcly hdrmlcennncl will eflcct permanent nnd upccdy euic , vhflher tlio iintlcnt l > Aiuoiloratodrlukororaualoobollowreok. I'l NK1.U r \ll.s. It operate , so quietly and vrlth luch cer tainty that the patient uudoreoc. no Inconvenience , ftnd ere ho Is aware , hltt cotnnleta relormntlou ! eireolcd 48 pace book nrparllciilarafrco To bolladol KUUNiV CO. , 15111 A : UoiidUBB * lHh ft CumlllB Bt" . ff Trade nunplloil by JILAKlS , 1IUUOU & LO. , und lilCUAHDbON UIIUQ CO. . Omaho. ficcondni-y or Tortlary iicrmnnintly cnicil In SO to (0 day. . _ _ _ 1 \VocllMilnalu nil ] > ulion fium Iho * ytcni. BO that tlx ro canncttr liu n uttirn of the ilUcjise In diiy form. TarUou can \ > o tuatttl at homo MM el I na litre , ( fnrtho BIIIIIO | uUe nml tinder the mint * ( jriinrnnUP l lint will ) tlurnovlio jirercrlo coino luie , MO will ( ontiuct lo euro tlum or jifimil all money and nay mtlio Liin.niif , of cununtf , faruandbotil Mll > . DUE MAGIC mm' ' I M ) (111(1 ' , ci' 1'iillril lo euro the nioit ubi'tlnalo ' CUM. . Vt'o LlmUn 'u tli world for na o wucan nxtriue. filncoiliu hUtnryof meA itiio a true fjKtlttc fur HyphlllH ha. him -otiuht for blutneviTfuunil until uiir 3lnro | lUmcdy vtnt din- c\i-iiil , NriiioothirKunilno. Wiltu fur iifiiiiKM. UUttK JeUMIIIH' CO. , ( hniiltii , X < t > niHl , < t. MA.NHOOD RESTOTfTEOT "SANATl \ O , " tU AVniKlcrfiil ijnunlth r ItcniBdy , In KifilwItU \Viltlcn ( iiiiinin- lr < i Ut Clilu nil NufV- OUB Ilf < 'H l-H,811cll 01 Weak Mnnor ) , I.o lit Drain I'ower , ) Icuil. _ ncljuVnlufulncf , Doforo & , After Usb. " "t ilaniioo.1. . Nrrv- I'lioiufc-rujTiia fium Ute. im.ni'M , I.nBtltiide , nil tlraliia and lunfc of power ol the ( Jvncratlvu Oe piii.ln cltlitreuxenured l > y < ) vc-r-eiritl ii , youtu. ( ul InUUcrftlnna , or tlio cicverlvo line of tolmico , opium , or etlmtiloiitnvliicli iiHImntely lead to lunmiHy , Cniifiiiniitlon anil luciuilly. Put up III convenient form to carry In tlio veft jiocknt. I'rlcii Jt a packnce , or II l r 85 With ety fS oilier MO plvo sirrf/'fH yuiiniiittn In cura or rffiiinl ( /in / inoni'U , bviil by mull to any uddrein , Clr- culnr frte. Mrtitlou tlili liniiir. Adilri'tc MADRID CHEMICAICO. lraiithOinc ! < ift.-U 8. A . 417 7 "n > l > "rn hlr.'H fl ll'Ai ( ( ( ) , III , . WwVrM.KIS 'i\MM Mil in KuhnAPo. C'or. IMhand IlniiKin strwts. JA. I'lillor * Co.'or. lltliuit'l UmiKliiH Ha. A , O. Toner * : Co. Comii'll Illiirfs , Inwa.t TO WEAK Buffering from ( ho Hlecunf 1 iiullifill , i rron , earl ; teeny. wastlaK " ' 'nknen , lout iimnlxxxl , i tr.I will eenil a valuiil.li ) trotlui ( M'ltluli containing full T i tnrtlcuhrH f r lioino runI'llKK of rlmric. A * - ipleiidld mrdlenl work i fhoiiUI l < u iad by ( very , ' man vho In iirrvoiii ninl ili < | jlllat | < "l. Auitrcim , I'ntl' . r. C' . lfO\VI.I'.lt.I'Ioi lil .C'oiiH. I.AVVVHIIS AM ) H ( PATENT : uv ai m A.cy. Dee llullUloir , lOmibft Mcb