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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1890)
HE UNDAY BEE. TWENTIETH YEAH. OMAILA , SUNDAY MORNING , AUGUST 3 , ISQO-TWELYE PAGES. "SPORTS OF THE DOC DAYS , : & . Glorious Dny With the Upland Plover , THE LATEST BASE BALL NEWS , /Vinnteiir ( JoKsIp Coursing nnd lluntliiLC Parties Wheel U Coinineiit , Gunners hereabouts nre hiving great sport Just now with the upland plover. The birds cnmo in about ten days since In unusual num bers and today tbo prairies nro fairly svvniia- ing with them in different loe-alltleo nlong the old mlllfiry road , In fact , out on the open plain in nlmost nn\ direction Some big bags hnvo been tiinde- , and the birds 1110 being shipped in In great numbers. Hut few prnplo seem to understand that the upland | lovtr , which It really the liarA traminn sand piper , Is ono of the linist game bhds that Hies. As a benne boiic-ho they nro unsurpassed In the estimation of many gas tronomes , nnd the liter coiisideis them next in rank to tbo Wilson sulpo und the can- vnsbiu.kil.ulr. This Is just the "oason for shooting them in this latitude , and they will leinuin until the aiilvnl of .luck Kiost , when they contiinio on to thi south. Tlio habits of the bird nio peculiar. Ono ine-xp < He-need inornltliologj would until tally Idokfora plover of any species nlong the shores of rivets cud lakes , or in thosvvnmpy iroiass and low lauds Hut they me not to bo found there , nt least in till" , legion Hero thoj fre < iuent the wide , open i > lalns orthoup- land downs , white the giass is short , but tender nnd luxinlant. Agiln they nto often found In lingo niuubcrs in the open hill pas tures among the c.ittlo and In the newly ploughed lie-Ids , wli'-ie they feed on the counties ? lolcopterous insects which biced mill abound thcio. The w riter took a day oft Friday , and with n friend of his inrller shooting dujs , put it in among the plover out on the Military \Vohad gicnt spoil and made n bag bo- twecn us of tvventv-four big , fal pipers , killing live at the Jlist Hie , wilbonl getting out of the buggy. The upland plover Is n wary and timid bird , hard to approach on foot , but perfectly In different to n horse nud vehiilo. This len ders their pursuit in thi' Aniinor w-ry eisy and indolent spoit , jete..ta-dingly ngii-eable The birds cannot bo said to feed In lloe-ks. for w bile they gather together In large numbers on the sumo ground , they do not follow each othi'i-HUo gallinaceous bird * or act In concert In nny way AVheii Hushed one bhd gets up at a time , or rather every bird < r"ts up after his own peculiar fashion and tiles olt uloiio on a coarse nwny from bis relatives. 'Ihoy ginvltate , however , and after mi entitle Illght of some I'onsldcinbio length of time will join incli other until they settle again. AVhUo limning over the plain mid they go at n re spectable gait , too-they nio al most constantly sounding a soft , plantivo whistle , which Is a sure warning that they nio about to take whig. The hunter knows the sound well , and when ho hears it ho mvnilnbly crouches low , hop- _ lug to get a ciMik at them as they wheel and convolute In thi-ir nirial leconnolssauco. Wo weio driving along nn unfrequented by-path , after having iniulo three or four good hbots , when suddenly wo wore both staitied by a very chorus of "toe-whectle- tce-vvlieetlcs , " nnd quickly descried fully thirty of llio jellow legs running In all di- lections away from us. Wo hud evidently Rtnttlcel the birds whllo they hud heon quietly basking m the warm sunshine. Wo quickly sprang from the buggy and got in both bands ns the birds aioso , but only one , nnd that a wing-lipped hen , rewarded our effort. It vvas not certain who brought the bird down , as we were both together when wo tired , butmv friend ran to gather the wounded plo\cr. Hut ho found it no easy task , for the little hen started oft llko a diminutive ostilch , and It was a hard ebnso for a couple of hunched yards , when tbo bird sud denly dl.snppfiued as e-ompletely ns if she hml been resolved Into the oiiglnnl elements. Jack win nonplussed , and 1 hurried for ward. "Where is she ! " I asked. "You tell , " replied ho , ns ho gnzotl in won- ( lernient nil about the sp t. Wo bud no dog , of course , for n dog would bo a hindrance at plover shooting , and theio was nothing to do but bunt nnd solve the mystery ourselves. After fully fifteen min utes bad been sjiunt In scrutinizing the HUlo tults of grass and brown hollows lying all about us , Juck suddenly called. "Look here. " " tl hurt led over to him and ho pointed at bis feet , nnd there , nestling closely to a Dig blown clod , lay the plo ver , her beautifully mottled plumage assimilating so jieifcctly with the leadm cm th anil rufous colored grasi , that not ono pah of ejcs In a thousand would have discov ered her. The iiplnud plover Is n queer bird in many other respects , It 1ms the laculty of guaglng tbo range of n shot gun better than any bilil. ta\c tbocanvns back , that I know of , ami many nshotvvo needlessly tlnow wavntblids tlushlngout of gunshot. They fly swiftly , nnd when in the air look much larger than they ruilly nio , owlnir to the length of their sharp pointed wings. They are but precious little larger than the jack-snipe , about an even thing between thOMiipo and tbo wood cock , but possess more gumption than both of these excellent birds combined. The plover , too , Is a provokingllttlorascal , nlwnvs lying perfectly still , sort of sldo ways , whllo you nro advancing on him , nnd then , Just ns you arc counting ou a shot dead sure , you nro htartied by that bad"too-wheotlc-leo-whcell" nnd bo's off. Then touiid and round ho olr- Ics , all about jou , but never quite within reach ot your gun , and } ou might just as well move on tlrsl as last. The shooting is good Just now , nnd spoils men , who long fora little excitement and i < - cuperatlon , can Hml it In a dilvo over the bills nnd across the prairies , ant where to tbo west or northwest beyond the city limits. Ilo Should Uo Called Down. H is hlfh tlmo some ono was reading the riot net to Dave I Jowo of Do i vor. Dave Is nn intelligent , clover fellow socially , iiud'ls still n good ball player , but ho has a baa habit of -tputttng his foot In It , ov cry tlmo ho opens his tiiouth. Ills brotherhood hlnthcry is down right treason nnd If he persists in It ho should bo kicked out of the Western association sans ceiemonle. It Is all right , mind jou , for Uowo to sympathize with the brother hood , nnd to feel for them nil ho can , but ho Ins , no light so long as hols part owner and the manager of n national agreement club , nnd milking his bread butter off of nntloal ngieeincnt clulH , to bo disseminating his brothcihood gull wticroverho mnv luipi > en tote be. In Chicago the other day ho asseited thut ho Intended to make arrangements lo play exhibition games with the brothoihood ' dubs after the championship season closes. Hut ho won't , and ho knows it. Ho would ( like to , but ho dnro not. President JlcCoimlck remnikcd yeslordny , nud ' with no little emphasis , too , that ! if Kowo played ouo single game , or nn inning even , with any brotherhood club , that ho would be ousted from the west - ern association qulcker'n scat , Howe does nothing but mouth over the hrotbcihood , it matters not to whom ho Is talking or where Lo may be , It is the same old song , the broth erhood Is the only legitimate base ball organ isation on rnrth , and Is bound to succeed > , Whllo the National league is composed of ny a lot of monlcd sharks anil amateur ball play- . . trs , nnd must bo extirpated. Why don't liowc leave Denver and the Western associa tion , and join lib fortunes with the fakirs if ho U so stuck on them ) It docs seem that he ought to do this or put a pad lock ou his chin , ns long as ho is a warty to the gi cat national agreement anyway. IJnv Id , jnst by way of admonition , a : lo discretion onour part may be money In four pocket , ou know ibo rocky condition If thoeaino today ; you sco league alter league golnf to pieces and the market becotnI I ing glinted withpluvcrsmow and more oury \ day , don't jou I Well , just utncmber that ' there U a prosport of general ictroncbment next season , which menus the lopping off of I salaries , tlio shortc-nlm ? of circuits and ' nil that soil of n thing , nud whllo you uio 10- llcitlnifovor tills piospect please nlso recol lect that Denver Is a very out-of-the-way point , and she might find her e-lf lloundcilng hopelessly In the mulllgatawncy before she knows It. Tbeienrca hnlf dozen llvo piom- IMng cities within easy i each who would Jam pat the clnnco of admission Into the western association. Seol Joe Wnlnli'n (5roiit ( You don't know , I suppose , how It comes that the boya tuo nil hitting her out so hard lately. Well , uhen they wcro off on their last tilp , Joe Walsh saw a ciatc of bats In Sam Mortou'8 cinpoilum up in Minneapolis , on the cover of which some stieotnrub had scmwleel : "Those clubs nroloadencd wld singles , doubles nnd tree-baggers send 'em over to St. Paul' ' " This struck .Too wither weirdly , and turning to Hiuir.ilimi , ho said : "I s.iy. Hod , If these sticks 110 all loulcd with hits what's tlio use in Icttla' 'cm go over to St Pnul , why not buy 'em ourselves ! I'll ; betthcio Ian few homo luus in sonio of thcin.too ! " , . _ _ , You always did have a head on you , Joe , " replied the captain , "nnd we'll ' Just look up the malinger nnd nmko him buy the whole outfit Ciaekv' hoiv wo will timho the lest of these association dubs chiise themselves from this on out1" And otT they v out They found Leonard at the hotel and told him of the aueor legend on Morton's hits , nnd after a little further persuasion ho went down and bought the whole crate. Now , jou nil know the secret. H isn't ' the boys who are doing tin. slugging. 'J'ho hit * arcill in their stick * , hiving prdhibly been slniled there by bonio necromancer at the factory. Ho\v .Mitin Mipolis Ij st. The following table will bo found interest ing ns itshows the conipiratlvo strength of the \ two teams In their recent series of games- A.U. It 111 S.ll ij.ll P.O. A. i : Omaha . l.-t , i ; : , ) H 11 81 . ! ' r > Minneapolis 100 U : u 0 .1 81 .I'J 7 Kuned Uuns Omnlin 19 : Minneapolis 8. Two Base Hits-Omulia 0 , Minneapolis S. Thico 13iso lilts Omiti ? 0 ; Minno.ipolls 1 , Homo Huns-Omaha 'J ; Minneapolis ' , ' . Huso on Hulls-OtI Omaha 11 , otr Minneapo lis n. Struck Out-By Omaha 1-J ; b } Min neapolis 10. Jlot from the Hat. The umpire hold a stumper to fear Onvo decisions Unit couldn't bo fouler ; AVhilotho pitcher kicked , hi tones loud and clear , .And after the game filled himself up with boor , And turned himself into a growler. Old you ever see greater stops or prettier thiovvb than thee Elmer Clovolund is mak ing ! C.iunv.m nnd Kearns both received checks duilng the .ist week for hilling the § ) U bigu in ccntci lirld. la the game at Denver Sunday between the Mountaineers and DCS Moints Hart and Flood , the tuo pitchers , each made runs. Tommy Kearns still continues a piimo fn- vouto. IIo nuulugs butib in it liom the moment the umpue calls play until tlio last man is out. Mnnnger Tim Hurst , at the close of Thuis- daj's game , said that the Omaha's \u'io m- ilnltely stronger at the pie&cnt time than they have been utany period cluiing tlio season. The season Is more thin half over now and the teams have rounded Into the homo- stretch. What n clatter thcio will bo from now on until they < omo in under the wire. Heard that St. Joe is again figuring to put back into tlio Western association , and Lin coln , too. 15oth cities stand ic idy to buy out Ues Molncs If she again takes u notion to soil The Illack Sox took n little of the conceit out of Klllcn , Minneapolis' now twirier List Thursday. They only touched him up for sixteen safe ones , including four doubles , twc triples unit u four-sackerl There will bo a gicat crowd out today piobably the star assemblage of the season. Kverybody Is anxious to see thoMllwaukees , for they are curiosities , most all of them coming from the tribe known us the lg ) ! Heads , Huss McIColvey and fnnillv li.ivo icturned from quite nil extended visit In Uraddock and 1'lttsbnrg , l'i. Uuss saw both the National l.C'U CIUL'S and the Brothers play ball while in Leaguers outplnje'd tlio faklis ti-n to one. When you arc looking at the Brewers this afternoon , don't , , don't for heaven's sake fail to see poor Tommy Man out in center Held. Ho came o\or with the giraffe and the ihlii- osorus In the ark , and has been playing cro quet for neirly sixty jeai-s Up in Milwau kee they think bo is u b.dl player. Walsh's iccord in Thursday's gnmo was as follows : 1'ivo times at tbo bat , one hit , one run , ono s.ierillco , ono stolen bise , one put out. tineo assists and no errors In the second end St. Paul game ho was thivo times nt the bit , nindo three runs , thico hltb , tUroo put outs , three assists and no errors. There is no denying it , but Captain Hunra- lian's debut \ \ ith the Omahas marked n new era in the g.imo here The boys have nil been playing as If they had been Si'ipiunlr-d , and the result is wo hnvo been winning a , nlco string of vlctoucs. Ked's appolntincnt as captain was another sensible mo\o on tbo pa11 of Manage ! Leonard. When Dave Howe is circulating his brother hood lot , H should ho distinctly understood that ho is speaking for himself solely. IIo does not voice the sentiments of tbo western association by along shot , or no very consid ' erable clement In the west , cither , for that matter. Iliotherhood sypatbUers in this neck o' woods are as scarce as lien's tooth. \Vldlo the professional clubs are casting their oycs over the country for pitching talent , they should not fall to draw a focus on Missouri Vnlloy. Tbo local team up there has a pitcher in young lioymer who is un doubtedly a comer. Ho has won la games out of tbo 10 ho has pitched in , and hivailably strikes out nnjwbeio from 7 to U mon pur game. IIo Is as steady and tool as an old head , has marvelous control o\or the ball and is in fact u wonderful twiiler. If Anson should once get his glims on Beymcr , Boomer would have a Chicago uniform on before the week was out. It might not bo a , bad tiling for .Manager Leonaid to glvo the boy u trial Ho'su Huslo , a lihines 01 a Nichols und don't overlook it. . All About the Amateurs. ( James today : The Crane company's team vs the Models of Blair , at Blair. Tlio West Lawns nnd West Oinnhas at Pic.ird'ft giovo. 'Die Diamonds nnd Acmes at Twentieth nnd I'leno streets. South Omaha Sobotkcrs nnd Shamrocks nt Plnttbinouth. The Citv Steams and Missouri Valley , nt Missouri Valley. This is tbo deciding game for supremacy , each team having scored a vie- tory. The Lincoln giants , the champion amateur team of tbo state , , have disbanded. The Giants were colored'but ball players , every one of thorn. Mnmiger Bert Wllklns of the City Steams has signed Pattcr&on , formerly third baseman - man for the Lincoln Giants , also Shortstop Miller and Pitcher l'atter on of Plaits mouth. The City Steams linvo experienced tough luck tn holding their players tills season , for on oyeiy trip they have lost ono or more players by their being bigned by outside clubs. They are in good form now , however , nnd feel confident of being > nblo to protect their claim on the champion. bhln of Omaha against all comers. Their roster of players is ns follows ; Llnahiin. captain nnd catcher ; Hart I and Patterson , pitchers ; Uouman flrstv Flora second , Pat- torson J , , third , Miller bhort , Butler loft , Purcell mldcllo and llurloy light. Kittle , formerly with the nrofcsslonal Omabivs. Is pitching for Nebraska City. Ho occupied the box against the City Steams last Sunday , and was bit for nlno singles , two two-baggers aud u homo run , Ho struck out but ' two men nnd gave llvo men bases on bulls. The ) Orines nnd City Steams play at the hal park Sunday , August 17. Lwov . , catcher of the Nonpuvlls , will | likely go to Dhlr , mul Blair will get a groit ' little backstop In him. Miller , llio crack Uvlrlcr of the Nebr.wlu CUjs Is laid up with n lamonnii. Ho holds the amateur strike-out record of the country this season , having fanned twenty-two men out of the twcutv-sovcn lu a iccont game. Ho Is a left-hinder aud a promising one. , rlhoinbOiilatc | of thoCdcn Musecs , Is piny- Ing ] third for Nebraska Ulty in sliapj. He Is also hitting her out. ' Oatewood , another Omaha bov , Is guard ing second for the same team , and already owns the town by rcisonof Ids excellent work. lllalr would hko to secure n number of good plnjors. The Nonpareils hive been unnblo to book a single gime since July 4. 'I he Xcbr.iiku Cltys play a icturii gnmo with the City Steams hew some tlmo lu August. Creighton , catcher for the Eden Miueo fivaks , Is a promising jount ; plnjer. frhi In Boymer and G irvor Missouri Vulloy has a bittery that Is lit for fiuter eo-iip'iny. Garvor Is a line catcher nnd Ueymeronoof the ' best twblors In the west Cusick und CJuivrr ot Missouri Valley took Inw the Oinihu and Jllniioip : > lU games this w cek. Collins , i'itchor of this city , goes to tJliir foi trial Sunday , uKo L.icey. \VestLawin \ luvo n good man la Short stop .MiL'iinn. Me AiilllTu , late seeo-ul bnsemnn for the City Steams , is plnyinir sc-cond for ( Jolden , Col , and In a leccnt gune seemed live bits e ut ol live Mines at bat , his heavj stick work win ning thei eraino. Council Bin Its Is orjMiii/ing a toim and s ly they me,1 bound lo do up the Onnilii elnbj. 'Ihey will have to luibtlo to do It , though. Muupln , citi-hei foimeilv for llio I.iiuoln giants , would lllco to Join soiHO good loam in need of a catclioi Ilo Is n cuckoo. I'ntlcison , thiul baseman , led Iho Lincoln ( flints in bat ing having an uveiago of neirly .WJ. Ho has joined the City Steams , his old team. Why cannot Omnluliavo a park for ama teur games the sainous Chicago , St. .Louis mid otbe-r largo elllesl Amateur games lira interesting : as league garner , and vvltli the good teams la this city and state , it could bo inaelo it success. \Miisporing'-t I'roin the Wheel. Captain I'merion Ins his called run card on the press for August. Council llliitl'shns nnitca iliuriblilng club and its members are iiding well. rjMostof tlio runs aio short , nnd should bb bolter attended than thobo in July. If the September tournament proies a suc cess , Omaha is sure to have a cinder tniclt next season. The Apollos aie biiiijjlng out ionic good ildors Dcnmn's time on the llve-mllo course ? . 1"J ! ! , will haidly bo bettued this season Mr C. K nvans of London , Hug , is ruling with the Omali i wheelmen and says the } are equal to any of tbo Knghbh ntlcra on the A hrgonumber of prl/cs hmobccn donated for the touimuuont nnd Hi" s.ifo to say loj- lesontiiig ut least SI,000. The ) me all hai.U- some nndell rtorth winning. Peulgo nnel 1'ortcifleld suiveycd a , mile couroon Ihoadway lait week ; also ' , } j and B , all straight awaj , so the hoys can get wine idea how they 1110 lidlnghercr.ftor. He0'ular monthlv aioctlug of tlio Ointha Wheel CluU will bo held August n. Import ant business in regaul to the tournament will bo up , and all committees aio expected to ropoil. ( iulte a largo party of Omaha wheel club members had an outing atMan.iwaThuroda ) evening. They wore accompanied by l.idies and a very enjoyable time was the icsult all around The eastern cracks are doinsr very little towards lowering nny records just now , and most of them are riillng very slow. Thodivl sion championship lias only been run in a very few Instances undci thrco minutes. Long runs have teen a failure in July and mileage will show up small. Last week's run to Mtssomi Valley was a failures. The moonlight trip to M mawa Wednesday even ing , however , was arouser and o\cry one en- jojed thcmsehos ilnmensely. The monthly business meeting of the Oinnha Wheel Club will bo held on next Tuesday evening , and us the boys are full of touinnmcnt , the nll-pre\ailing \ topic of con- \orsitionatthoclubfor the fust two weeks , a rousing mooting of both active and asso ciate members Is tiuticipiteJ. Captain Ewuson leel sixteen members to Munawalakoon a verj pleasant moonlight lunlnst Wcdnitday evening. This tioplcal weather Is rather severe foi long rides , but Lieutenant Mittauer will comnnnel tlio run to i'lattsinouth today and has ordeied a cool noithern bicczo for tbo occasiony Peingn's tlirco man club held a meeting Satuulay evening All tbo inombcis woio present , also the olllco cat. Uy aunnnlinons vote the rules wore suspended and Mr U. 11 , Smith was elected an nctno member. IIo took his Hist tun that evening A lesolution was nlso pissed never la tbo fuliiro to run over the old routes but to always hunt up u jiewioad. The ono out door tournament will bring out more lideis than all the indoor c\cr held in Oinnha , fev the simple ) iciibon that all btand equal show It was thought at Jirat that moat of the old ilelcrs were not In tt , but they are all training well and although the voung blood aroildlng finely , } ou .still notice their shoil wind , especially Just a little way from the scratch. On ono of Mittaner's ildesthrough the low lands of the I'laito last week ho was startled to hear n fiuiillir voice evidently coining from sunflower pastiue , siiiKing , "Sho's My Swccthe.ut. " On nppionchlng the spot whence tbo bound pi acceded , it disap peared with a hollow lost choul kind of a gasp Ite.ilizlug I'ranlt's stiong prohibition tendencies , those who have not been Oscar lately bavo giave fe.u-s for the worst. 'I ho list of league clubs Ins been giowlag less every year and It is to bohoiiod that some practical scheme for retaining their member ship will bo proposed. The present trouble Is that all the members of a club must bo mcmbeis of the league In eider that the club nm bo a league club. This should bo modi- lied so that a club containing a good proportion tion of league members may roipbomo ben- ellt. ellt.A A jolly party of tbo Onnha Wheel Club boys "uiiil tbcir'lady friends went to Manuwa lake hint Thunelay oveninp nndenjojcd the boiling , the bathing and tlio toboggan slides. Mr. Townsend likes tlio toboggm , be claims for it all the excitement of a safety blcvclo without the attendant danger fioni collision or dust strangulation , it is rumored in cycling chcles that the noted "three-nun club" has buried its constitution , bought another tin pail and Initiated another un- fortunuto in the ways that are elailc and niysteilous. Hcnccfoith it will bo known to fnmo as tbo big four club. For the bonotitof joung lovers and public safety all night ildeis should cairy nrulliopo nnd when ncaring anj thing that looks un seemly should herald their approach with a bhrill blast , Ono jilght last WCOK as an Omaha Wheel club boy was returning from a club meeting ho overtook a cnriiago moving leisurely along hi tlio shadow between two elect rio lights , tlio lioiseb having everything their own way , as well as the occupants of the vehicle , and vvas startled to see \ \ hat ap peared tn bo two lioads on ono pair of shout- dors. Owing to the noiseless approach they were not aware of nn nudlenco .until they were under the glare of u street lamp , when ho coughed and witnessed a transformation scene thut would have iniulo IClmlty envious. Apollo Club Notes. The club nlilcago so far this month is 1,270 miles , making a total so far this year of 3,1.50. , Not so bad , Is itl Jacob Knstman Is getting back In his old- tlmo form , and these Inicrosted may expect to heai from him In the near future. Kvenlng runs kavouecomo quite promiiiPiit. Iho A polios have 111100 u week , aud the Omaha wheel club the saino number , The called run for today Is Glenwood. This is a lice run , Ilia tv.'cnty-livo . uiilea south cast of this city over some of the finest roads ' In the wost. ' All the fust ilders are training hnrd for I tin wheel club tournament , Tbo Council llluffs { ' COUMO Is lined every evening with \vhcelincn \ ' ' , It sceirs after nil that Hell and Hu sell did not e'et Iho Coliseum , but M. S. Lliul- siy las lt\et , aud Is talking of another mon ster exposition this fall. Tin ) roads are In very bid condition nt pre sent owing to the se'antamount of rain. 1 ( we donoth-ivesomo pretty soon riding will have to bo suspended fern while. A mooting of the Apollos Is called for to- morioiv night at T'IJ sharp The election of olllccrs for the rest of tnoj cur will take place , and a full atte-ndnnco Is urged. The run to Crescent City list Sunday was enjoveel by twelve of the bov s. The-yspont the day in ball plajIng , limning , Jumpingand other sports. Cniitulii UeludoriT iie'ervcs ciedlt for the excellent manner in which tbo run vvas conducted. Mr. Die-key , ono of the Apollo members , will start tills morning at 7 a m. slurp fora U lp across tlio state of Iowa IJo expects to aveiKgo about sevcntv-iivo miles a day. Ho will undo Vellsei the Hist day The.'club will accompany him ns fin as OlcMiwoud , wheio they expect to arrive at noon , taho dinner and return. The third club rico of the Apollos was run lastSaturdnv evening ovcrthpCouncillHults comsc Thuio was ( litiioa number wuoeinl men rode over the bnlgo to witness the event , vvhicli was tin ' \liilniatlng one. Hufi'ico Rhodes started the men oft at 7:5(1 : ( Theio woio six staitors , taleteller PLxley , Wort/ , Potter , Detunau and Tnirger It was n beautiful lace fiom stint tollulsh , and was won by Fletcher , \Vert , : second , Pix- ley thirel , Dcntnin fourth. 'Ihis gives Flotehoi 11 p ilnts , WerUPixlovr. . , and Ucnnrin 5 Tlio next coi.test takes plueo nt t Suturdaj cvcnliifj at < I ) p. ui. sharp. ItaocVeclc it A liiivo number of Oniihi boisemon will attend the co nins meeting of the Nobraski association of trotting horse bi colors , which will bo hold at Fall-bury , th'u st iton TUOJ- ehi > , Wednesday , Thursd ly , IVUUviind Sat- urdav , the I'.lth , 2Jth.1st , J.'d and -J.tdof this month Sccietary D. T Hill of Syiauuse , wiltos Tin. Bu : tint they live looking forvvnul to the most successful meeting thaiissoclaUoii bus over held The citi/ous of l\ilrbuiy nnd thosuriojiidiin ? cjuutiy nrj taking roat Interest - torost in tbo catoipriso , and will strain every neivo to unilto it worthy of widespread at tention Thcio are 114 nominations , which is fir in excess of any previounneetmet in the state. Ucsldcs the leguhr schedule ovi nts , there will also , In nil likelihood , boa number of private matches and a sweep stakes or two. Still Alter .Ur. Pulley. Col NCII. lli.urFIn ) , Auyust 2.To the Spoiling Editor of TiiLBnr As I hive re ceived no response from Air t'ulloy's friends orbackcis and fearing that they tniy have failed to c itch on to mj diall-tn - o of the U'Hh , will you please insert the fdlovvintjln Sun- dav's I3i'i : : If Mr Pulley wants a race f will oblige Win bj matching against him a l\v ) lui'dij of ago for a UK ) . 12.1 or IV ) yard r.ur for * . 100 up to § . " ( m I'ullev bus issued .1 ihailcngo himself , and he should cither stop foiwivd now , or ac- knowlc'dgo that it was only ft Mult on his ptut I moan business strictly , do you under stand , Mr. 1'ullo ) J Liov LD/JIII , Splinter. You Gel ' lint ? Cot-M-ii. BM IT * , la. , August 2. To the sporting Editor of Tun BIT'One Ingiam of j our city , gave an alleged bcneli show f loin .Tune 10 to 11 last and my fox terrier took first prUc , consisting of eliplonia , silver cup , dog collar smd gentleman's hat ( these prizes weio all plven by merchants of Omaha ) , liecclvcd all but tbo bat , which has been promised niimv times. It is not the vnluo of tbo hat I care for , It Is the principle , and ho way this follow eon- ducted the distribution of pikes. If nil wcro treated as I have been , Omaha will never have a Ural-class bench show , as I for ono will never again enter any of my dogs under such management. Kindly explain through join-columns why exhibitors weio heated in this way. Tmo. Biur. Questions and Answers. If you can do so I wish jou would inform mo thimiph Sunday's Ur.i. whoio I can line ! comfortable quuitcrs and good fly ilshlng for tiout in northern Michigan There is a pai ty of six of us going up fiom this city this month and wo aio unceitaln Just vvhoro to go. I aalc Walton , Omaha Ans This is a bad mouth for fly fishing in Noith Michigan or anjwhc-ioelsoforthat matter. Tbo tiout only fiequcnt cieep water- during this month , and catches are scarce and angling difficult If jou woie acquainted with all the pools and spring holes In a tiout stream's course , and clioso to pedestrianl/o all day , you might in-iko a tolerable Kill. You can hu-dlygo amiss In northern Michigan. Go vh the Central railroad to Otsego , thence by wagon cither noith or or west , and > ou will strike tiout waters hi abundance. Go to Travers , Manistec , Alpcna , or In fact any point contiguous to ths wilderness e-oun- tiy nnd j-ou will not go astiay. You will find gieat black and yellow boss fishing in any of the lakes this month. What has beeotno of the Omaha rifle club ) Do you consider n Itemlngton illlo as accurate as \Vlnchcster , Slovens or Coltl Who holds the 200 yauls record elf-hand ; KiUV- man , Council Bluffs. Ans It has disbanded. The rifles you mention are all first class ono about us ac curate as another. Tlio highest score record off-hand at a Standard American tiugetis 03 , made by E , P. Hlchaidson , of Lawience , Muss , on two occasions. This score hasnlso beenmadoby G II Wcntworth of Dover , N H , and C. M. Hill of Lawrence , Muss. Suppose Minneapolis ami Milwaukee , or any other two clubs , for Instmco , should tie for tlio championship at tlio end of the season , how would the question bo settled 1 What has bcconio of Pitcher ICittlo , or Mr. 1'otts , us TIIU Bu , culled IdmJ Amateur , city. Ans Hy nn extra scries of games bo- twecn tbo two teams. ICittlo was released two weeks ago. Uld Roams hit tbo $5J sign lost Sunday ? A. Ans IIo did. ICI'idly ' inform mo In Sunday's Bran how longloo Miller was under eoitract wita the Omaha clubf 0. N , L-Yemon' " ' Ans About seven months. "I Please state in Suniliv's IJcc whether or not Sovvders , who pitche.l for St Riul in ISSr-'SS , pitched left handed ! J. T. Lewis , U. P. Accounting Dopt. Ans. IIo did not. The Sawders you refer to h Billy Sawders , now with Omaha. Johnny , bis brother , now with the Brooklyn brotherhood club , is a left-hander. Tosottloa hot , ploiso glvo the date of the Sulllvan-Uyun light which took place at Mississippi City , La.-A Header , O Noill , Neb.Ans. . Pobruary 7 , 1SS3. tf In a thrco-hnndcd g-amo of euchre ono plnjer is out nnd the other tw'ollnish the gnnio , under the chcumstiinces docs a "march" score three ? Li Leopold , City , Ans. No. A "inaich" In < 1cut-throat" euchio is two points. Tbcro are no tegular rules governing the game , however , Dr. Bh-noycuics catarrh , Boo A wild story comes from Natal to the ef fect thntsoina ono is floating n company In England for tbo purpose of building ten theaters In various paits of South Africi. They mo all to bo exactly alike , s that architect's fees for nine will bo saveu. Shops wilt form a poitlon of each building , and the rout from ttieso ulono h expected to yloldu good IntciCHt of the capital. Companies uro to bo sent out from Knglaud , nnd in shoit , the scheme looks perfect on paper , Dr , Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo lleljj. IXPURPIEAXD FINE IISEX.'SJ ' Gorgeous ( Uuifoirns of Sowl-Mllitary Secret Societies. CANTONMENT OF PATRIARCHS MILITANT. An tinmense flntlierliiKof OiIiH'ollows nt CliloiiKO thin U'eeK Onuiliii tic- bekulm in the Kielil A. Meot- liiK nt I'liKtsinoutli. Tbo recent encampment of the Knights of Pjthiisof the world at Milwaukee bus ill- reeled attention ug.iiii to the iminj civil unl- f01 mod societies which tuo niplelly gaining ground in this country unit are gradually usurping the plitco formcily occupied b ) the militia. Most prominent among this clnssof socle- tics | , in tills city , because of thoproiilnciico of . . . 1U mcmbeis ami tbo i Ichness and beauty of Its uniform , is the Knights'J'emphr , goner- nllv lecogal/ed as a bunch of Masonry There Is ojio cominnnderi here , tlio oleHt In the st lie , known us Mt. Calvary Is'o. 1 , hav ing a membership of ovci two hundred. Tbo oflleorsaro II. I' . Dcvalon , commander ; Vic tor White , generalissimo ; .lames K Tfiance , captain general , E. K. Long , iccouler ; t. M Aneleison , troasurei. Three yo.ii1 > .yo a mounted division was oiguiil/cil vUtliia Alt Calvurv ellvlsicii , which has about fifty mom burs. This division was formed for dhphi } only anil tippeats only on extraordinary ocea slons Tbo uniform of a Knight Teinphr is verj rich mid costly and en p nation I'omin iiulorv pie'seiits'ice 'iho cliapeui is of blnek sil'c ' suimounted by two vvluto anil one black ostrich plttmo. On the left side Is a red velvet p isMon cross on a tosetU1 of black satin. The cin , wliieh U hung from the belt on yiai.ulo , Is of birch eloth , imvj style The colt is n block bioulcloth I'llneo Albeit , buttoned to the chin , with n standing collar. On ttiei left sldo of the lollni , In fiont , is a silver pishlon cross Illack pants aio vvoin. The belt Is of rod enanielled leather with one row of white stitclilugami dasDOd with a gilt clutphuv- ing in tbo center the red cross The baldiio Is of white sill : with n black velvet border and has u nine-pointed star , ben ing.i red cro-is , on the bieast Buft gloves mid n sword of emblematic design complete tils rich uni- forni The Patriarchs Jlllitant is the mine of the unifoiined bnnchof the Oddfellows The momboraof this ilcgroonto cilleelchevalieia , niitl the lodges or coinpmim are knovvn .n cantons. Tluio is ono canton in tliii citj. known as Canton II/r.i Millanl , Xo. 1 , hav ing a mcnibei lup of loit * . The olllcer * aio A. TboispocLon , captain. Ileiuy IJolln , lieutcn.iiit , T. .1. I3vans , ensign The canton mats once cuch month , on the second Thursd ly , in Oda follows' hall , corner of 1'ouitecnth nnd Doelgo stiocts Mho uniform of n chevalier consists of a black silk clmpcau , surmounted bv along , drooping , roj nl pui pic plume. On tlio tight sldo of tlio chape.iu U an oval , pur ple shield with a wieathof gold l.iurclleiucs surrounding u gold crown ; on the lott side n similar shield be.uing a ciosscl c-roolc and sword. The cap , which is hung to the belt , is of the buss pattern , of black bilk , with a band of purple velvet nnd ( sole ! lace around the bottom. On the front of the cnp is a shield bearing a crossed crook and swonl sur- loundCel bv the thrco links. A gold cold passIng - Ing over the top completes the cap. Iho eoat Is a black Prince Albert , buttoned to the neck , with n standing collar Iho shoulder knots ro of gilt cord , braided , and mo about two inches vvldo. The bolt is of black leather , one nnd threc-fouiths Inches wide , faced with interwoven hinds of gold lice and scuilct and puiplolace There tue three gold- plated chain slides and a cip tiiintrcr , 'Jho bolt Is Instencd with n belt ) > 1 itc bearing the crosscel crook nnd sword supporting tlio crown mid resting upon thieo links ; the let- teri P. M are placed on either sldo ot the dovico. The baldiio Is of scarlet le.ithor two inches wide , with a webbing of gold wire and silk , and having a shield and escutcheon of gold. 'Ihis suppoits a black leather pouch containing n gossamer cape. Wliito canton kid gloves and plain black pints are worn A swoiel of appropiUto design completes the uniform , which will compare favorably with that of any similar organisation. 'Iho Select Knights , A. 0. U W. , Is the name of an order w Inch was organised nsnn nmiliaiy of the Ancient Order of United Woikmcn , but not under the contiol of the i governing boly of the latter. It mot with i m my reverses and led a rather pieenrioub existence for several j-cara. It was finally decided , after a long dUcus- > lon and great deliberation - liberation , to admit ns members men who weio not members ol the Ancient Oieler of United Woikmcn. 'Ihis was a complete change from the pievious policy ot the order mid it was bopeel by this means to in duce nn Inoieabc ! In membership This pur- poofl was accomplished and the order Is now in a moio pioancious condition than over bo- foio The legion In thib city , Omaha legion , No. 0 , is increasing rapidh and meets re-gu- huly on the second and fouitli Wodue&diys in each month at its bill , TJ10 Douglas street. It has a membership of thiilj-ti\o and Is onicorod as follows : J. H Kinmons , 1J.C. ; C W. Miller , U. ; I1 A Colomnn , V. C. ; P II , Jo'iiison ' , recorder and record ing becrctaiy ; J W. Can1 , ticasuier. Tbo uniform of a Select Knight Is ns follows : LJlack silk iilusli chape m , surmounted by n twentj two inch red plume , with a .silver , iiickle-platcd or embroidered escutcheon upon tbo black rosette on the left sldo of the chapeau 'Jho cap Is a black navjthico , mid n half or four inches high , with white metal lace one inch wide niounu the bottomanil with appropriate shield , same ns on the ehapcau , in front ; u. leather strap or silk cord below the crest , at tached at tlio end by S 1C buttons , completes this part of the uniform The gloves nro light buft gimntlets. The belt Is of blnck leather , ono mid one-half Inches widc.stitihcd with white silk , with silver lace ono qu.utor inch on each side , fastened around the body with Select Knights' buckle ; device , open blblo , skeleton hinds ; to have tbieo metal slides to attach chains and oae slide cap- lianger. Co it , Illicit Prince Albert , or those legior.s wislilnpto udopt it , a black frock or iniifoiin coit , niao buttons In fiont , four be hind , standing collar , length , to kneo. Panta loons , black. The Uniform Hnnlr , Knights of I'ythhs , is n well-known oiganuation which Is hugely represented In this citv. Its formation , from n military point of view , Is tlio same ns the United States nrmy.and the tactics In use nro the hinuc with the exception of the manual , which lmado to conform to tlio sword. The uniform uf n sir knight consists of a white cloth helmet , suiinountod by a reel plnmo falling over the helmet. On tlio front of the latter is a iej.1 velvet shield bearliiK the Insignia of the order , n Illy. Tbo helmet Is f mulshed with metal chin chains. 'Jho coat ha black Prince Al bert buttoned to the chin , with n standing collar , The shoulder straps are of rod velvet , with a bolder ot silver lilagreo nnd bearing in the center the Illy , also in silver. The belt Is of scarlet leather , stitched with H hi to and bearing thrco chain bllclcs and a can banger The pants nro black , nnd white gloves me worn. A swoid completes tbo outfit. 1. O , O. 1 < \ The following is nn extract from a letter wiittcn bj a gentleman in Chicago relating to tlio immense meeting of Oddfellows In that city , which commences today und continues during the entire week Ho sajs : "This vvcolt there will occur in this city the largest mooting of a secret society ever held and Oddfellows all over the country nro eagerly propailngfor the llrst tiicnnlal pirado and grand cantonment of the Patriarch * Militant , The demonstration cominencoi Augusts nnil continues nn entire week Lodges und can tons from nil over the United States and from Canada will bo hero , to the number of about 60,000 members of tlio order. Most of tboso will come from the country within two or 1 tkreo hundred mllea of Chicago , but from Mmsachusi tt' and Callfornli will cotno Inrco dt-lcinitlons. The military will bo the coiks of the walk nnd their feathers n'ld ' gold liu-o nnd shilling swords will make n pllttcrlntrnr- raj In the Lake 1'i'ontp irk , where tlio diills nnd reviews n 111 bo he-Id It Is heio tint twit of the wmld'1 fair will proJibly bo lo- cated. The I'utrlnvln Militant are ixp ded to turn out 18,000 strong. 'Ihoy eoinpiHo Hie 1 invest semi military orKanlztitlon In the country nnd tholr pmapheimillii Is tliolinnd- somest owned by iinv Mich orgitnl/.allon. It cost ovir1.000,000 Ills expected that Iho p.\leaiitwlllbo ! so brilliant as to unkc-the Knights of 1'Uliiin nnd th ? Knights Tcinplnr find all other knlgnt.s ot wlntsoevcr kind turn green with envy , trample on their trailing plume * , und itso their swords for pa per-cutters. Tbo Odd Fillows are TiWOOO , lu America , iitul olnim to bo the ilih- eslns well ns tlio largest see-rot < oelotv In the world. Thev snj thoj nroh'olii | ! te demons trate this fart itiChicit'o. Wlienevrr imy- bndy oliltnstho snpe-ihitheof illnn'ii'.loin in nny diivction , he natuially comes to Chicago. win-re llic > ro Is po < dth cly nothing isn't ' tin-"l.ugost" in the muntrv. it not in the woild , except nssuinnie , wlnoh lonly nor- milly developed , iu nnj Chicago man vvlll toll you 1 However , the Oddfellows nnd I'atrinii-hs JMIIltant , with GeneralI olmC L'ndcivvixHl at their bead Grand Siie nnd ( ! cni'iiili * , lmo , nlso the largest o le-ors are going to do things on a fraud so iK "ThomonilieiNlilp ot llio Order of Odd fol lows the woi Id over , includinc the p.lient the Manchester Unil.v of , ls 1,100- 000. anil halt of tlie-so nro in L'nitcil States nml Camilla 'Uio revenue ) of the oritain tills coiutn is . - lUU < ) ,000 annuilly , and half this sum is expMule'il In charities The int'inbeislilpis iiietensln iit thorntoof 'WOOO iivcur. Tin-so propoitioiiscoulil notbo iniln- ti.lncdniiloss thoordu wne established upon something more substantial than fuss and Iiuieod , It wm probably thought that too little fuss nnd fe-alhcis went Into the loni- posltiouof Odd 1V1 low-ship , nnd hence the PnUiiuelis 3Illilnnt , tin ) mill tiny branch ot the order , designed and oi' by ( ! eii- cral .Ichn ( J Uiide-rwood and founded live years aejo by the Sovereign ( ir.uid L.odge. 'llio mmv ' now lias.'I.OtKI uiiltorincil iiieni- bors , dlv'ulcd into 000 cantons or companies , which lire orgaiii/cil into bilalioiH , i-c-glmints , biigados , etc. tlcnciid Undcivvood is tbo geiieiMllssimo ot this army. The fi.itomlty ot Odd Fcllowsbas notlilnprto do with the movements of nuodjof soleUcis 01 with the pomp ot npar.ule , so ns its Intilnslc teachings nro eonccrned ; but It takes ndvtiu- tigo ot tbelovoof military display lei the purpose of influencing membership in Iho subordinate lodges , and In order to luing about such leunloiis ns that which is an pioachlni ? , vvhieh would be almost impossible but for tbo military featuio. " The ileguo staff ot Ruth loik-c , Daughters of Hebekali , will goto Ch'eaRO ' to compete ) for the pri/cs vvhie-h me offered foi the lest lenihtlon of Moor wcik. The st.ilY consists of the folio-wing : soiiiteen lubes Mrs Mary Osburn. N. (5. ( ; Mrs AmelU Wiingli , V. (1 ; Wis. Carrie .Itukson , 1' ( J , Mia Hosa U'ooil , C , M Fannie llehmod MrHebekuh - , secretiry , ) Liu-soy , ti-disiuvr ; Meailaims ( J.iuie Too/er , S.vdie \Vrignt \ , 1'r.inUo Morpin , Miuv Laison , Mattie \Vllcs , Cm lie lliimlin , tno Blisses Ida Jioors , Natalie Ueinstein , Bcllo 'L'oo/oi , Carrie Kollertntul iS'e-ttic Wood. This prrtj will leave on the Iturllngton train nt I .50. o'e-loik toinouow afternoon nnd will ictuin Fildavinoruliig. The prizes offered aie S > 'iOO , s-M iind ! l ) ( ) in cash fw the best rendition of tlio work , nnd uliandsonio robe valued at ? ! - " > for the beitpast grand , hoven dogrco to mis hive entered the lisU , comiiiK from Cahfornh , Indlain , Ohio , Illinois and Nebiaskn All the teams hnvo been dilllliig assiduously lorsoveral months and It will bu no easy mittorto wm u pri/-eln the contest The local team has been elolntr good woili aud will make a good showing About twenty members of Canton Ezra Millard No 1 will go to Chicago tomwrow The } will not compete for n priro as their inoinborshlp n-qulivi a larger perecnUgo of attcndiuice in orelci lo bo eligible. The niraiiKenients nro Just being , coin pletcd for the Odd fellows'conclave to beheld held at I'lattsmouth , on August I1J nnd 11 The lodges of the states of Iowa , Missouri , ICansls and Ncbrn&k.i will unitoin this con clave , audit will undoubtedly bo a meeting of gieat si/o nnd linpoitaiice , The gcuural programme is as follows : FlltST DAY. 7 toll a m.-Reception of visiting lodges mid hiothcrs. 4 p m. Meeting of executive board of re union. 8 p m. Work in the degrees by degrco staff of the subordinate lodges. Other exer cises by tlio Diujjhtera of Kcbokah. Address by Grand Master Rtxcy ot Missouri and Dopjty titand Muster Kvansof JN'ebraska. si coxn DAY , 10a m Grind par.ido. 11 Exercises at grove to bo opened hy Grnid Chaplain O'Noil of Nebi.iska Ad dress of welcome by Past Grand Miuler It T. Diynnt , president of the reunion. Addresses - dresses by Biothcr Fiank M. Hvnns nud otbei-s. ii 30 p m. Canton drills for prizes. Tlio secretary's icsponstss fiom other states Indicate Hint the attendance will bo unusu ally largo. K. ol11 * . Omaha Is to have a mounted division of the Uniform Hank. A meeting vvas held early In the week at which the preliminaries were ar ranged and the orgwiUntlon is to bo com menced at onco. It Is pioposed to accept only thobest material and a deposit Is to bo 10- n.uhud from cvciy member to be drawn on for the payment of lines for non iitlciiihinco , olc Thohoises vvlll be secured by eontinct and will bo used twice each nicnth Mect- ings will be held vveokly and alternate dulls will bo on foot. K C. L.Vhito , of Nashville , Tcnn. , jm- prcmo keeper of iccords and seal , was in'the citj Tuesday of list ivcelf. IIo came over from Council Bluffs Tuesday evonhifrand \\'m atnoid early on Wednesihy , taking a tool ; tit tlio city. IIo was pleasintly cnter- talne-d during his stay by Supreme Represen tative 1'reiich nnd Ildltor Merriuin of the P.vthlnn Spur. A visit to Tin : building , where abirJ's-e\ > o view of the city vvas ob- tnlncd , followed by a elilvo through the prin- cipd streets and lesldenco dNttlcts , affoiilod Di Wliito an cxeollonl opportunity for fonn- iii ( ! an Intelligent Idea of tlio city. Ilo vvas moro Una pleased with whit ho saw andro- maikedthatlf ho had known what aflno city Omaha was ho would have used every me ins In hlspowcr to have the neat session of the supreme lodge hold here , "Tho Kansas City fellows put up a Job on you , " hoBiilil "i'bov represented that this was a little town , and uttoilv unable to take care of so large a body. Now , candidly , 1 never stopped at a bettor betel nny where , thin the one I have been at sineo my arilvnl hcio " Thursday afternoon Dr.filto vvas a pleasant In foi mul bmcjuctattho 1'ax- Um Kone lint mombeiM of the oidcr were present , anil tlio postprandial icmarks were fully extemporaneous Musle was furnished by the Foil Omaha band. Those present wcto A D. Jones , Ocorg" M Wright , KB. Ficiu-h , A Ji Dean.V L. Seism , J F. Sacicet. J. A Biovvn.O. AI Dlnsmoiot .1. J3io.itch. J. S Shropshire , S It PattenV. , . 11. Gooilall.W H Vauglian , J J. Leslie , Dr. Lavcmler and II W.I'inney. Dr.Vhitoluft \ for homo Thursday evening , arc-ally pleased with his visit to Omaha. A movement Is on foot to coiisolichto nil of the divisions of the Uniform Hank and have ono first-class division 'Ibe movement Is ro- gaided favorablj. but nouo of thodlvlslons want to gl\o up their charter. Dach thinks the others should eon tor on it , so that thcio is not Illcclj to bo any change- . Hx-Suprcmo Kopiubontntlvo Shropshire was inthoilty during the week attending a nucting of the dlrecloiiof the Pythian Life associitlon , The micting cnnsldcred , among other things , the icccnt action of iho supreme loJgo ii declaring agnlusi life Insur- tmce lompauloH whichusctlic namonf llio or der A plan of opuiation mlopuxl which Will cnublothe comtwiy to coqttnug buslnubs us usual. Major J. H Powell , the solicitor of the uni form limit , was In the city early in the vveok , Ho stated that his visit herehndno sU'iiill- cauco as bg was only on Ills way to California to nttoiidto some liusincss coimecle-d with th9 endowment : ranlc. A. O. H. \ \ . \VilHnmS. I'hilllps ol Indlinolii , praud re t corder ol the Select Kulphli , liu roMpncd position en iioioiuttof cenitliuie-d silliness nndJohnlj. DuuKlits ot Line-obi his bevn nil- i pointed to 1111 the unexplrod term of Mr Phil. flpMwhkh \ \ \ will o\i'lre ' the third lliumlny la Ocleiber. i Mr Oouglim will tuliu i'iurto ot tlio ollleo this week and will soon luu c eoiy thing ImliuiK' . Di1. Ulrncy OUIOH citnvili , lioo Wilsr. .s1 win , iiii'tti : v. A pair of while robins with pink oics were , caught at Went Closbeu , la , mat wink. Apavrot owned by a ICiiiHii's City barber hniip inn onp ) In trout of tlio est ibilOiniint and ' . ' occ-Hionilly ndvlbe's pissunby to K 't their , hair cut , -A ehlikoii with four logs was hntihcei out on the farm of L IlnlT , la Xoithuinpton township , liuiks county , I'eim- s > hani.i llllvedonlj u few dn.vs. Itobeit M.elhiMiuy ot I'hliivlovv , Adnins county , I'a , H tlio possessor of n turkey bca Hint laid ten iVrT while ho w.n liali-liini ; ; she hatehed out an even dozen olvoung ttnkoys : und is still Injlnt ; an oggovciv day. At Neuendorf 1'rus ' la , tlio lightning Ihid the gahlo rail ot a. barn wluio u pan Of stoiks hud built thenm4 fonoiiii 'Jho llnniC'i soon c-inight the ni'st In winch the Drood : wa siicainlug. hut the inothei stoik , ivfusiii ) ! to leave , ipread her whins Iho yountr > one-s nnil wis buinodnli\e 'Hie liugestcorjiso ever convened tonprr.ivo inki Missouri was , jvrbnps , tint ot thoncjrin1 ! kniivvii us IJIg.liuli1 , burled letentlj at New Mali-id Tlio collln vvas i)0 ) luehos bi.uul , U feet long and 3(5 ( Inches deep. She \ui4hed \ | 7 r > ii pounds. It miuiud tlio strength of sliw- tcui pall benu-rs to pheo her In the agon , iniulo for thooce.islou , und lowci herlnlo the uiK giavo. .luucilshuiii's valuihlo cow of Koi-kvillo , N V. , coniinlUed suiddo Iho other iluy In u vciy singular \vtiy , 'J lie door ot Ihotobiuco shid having been litl njir. tlio mcl uii'holy iinlnml the door Avlilo optMi , passed wltnlii anil deliberately swallowed the eon- touts ot a half-pound can of purls green. Slieulled tbo sumo afternoon in grout agony. 'ibis little story h from a Now Orleans joiiinali 'hlttlo Kluiibd Diitoh. scion. yeirs old , died hiiddiMil } at. Morgan Oily , and bu pet pigeon Heiv into the room w hero the eoipso lay Mirrouiideil by weeping relatives and fricnilb Thodc'op Kfief of the mourners so Impiessed tbo bird tint if dropped Its bend imd died. Itvas placed In Iho i-clllii and bulled the next iluy with Its little rals- tlCbS. " A rnro rticohoiw Isthnt of ( ! cor nooth , siipurintcmlcnt otthellristol gn woilcs fho aiiliiml wai reieutlj uefilectvl at dinuor time , but went on an independent foragitif ? expedition. 1-Mrst "boisp.N ' ratail the lliloi the feed box und illncil to sitlsfaetion I'lie-a atrip was made to the , wliiu-c ho tin nod mi tlioitor. . tilled the trough the'ii turned It elf , quilted to Us heart's uon'cnt ' nnd wint buck to UK stall Johnson AVost , n farmer living near Colurn- lih , Iml , Itllled asm l.liug nibbit some tiiuu are , and too'c her live ollll 5 one's lo the house anil placed llioni with an eld cat , whoso kit tun the boH bid drowned I'lio inothci cat bewail sucitlliiKiuid cireisln > 'tlio young labblts , and they UcnMU iiiirslng liom her. felncctlion thcj lia\o yctten nlimgas well ns If tii'iubcrs ot tbo saino faintly , nro now well grownup and aiotjreit icls. AdnilialVilli.ini Ilun-'ikor of Anna , III. , who bin just returned from I'ulasld , in I'u- laska louiity , reports that a colored fanner who has lUcd In Unit vielnitv for yean , is tinning wlilto. The lh\st indication of tbo tluinco vvas tbo oppouanio of white spots ou his faro. Those have i-ovvn until some ot tlicni aio ns largo as a silver dollar , anil Ihoy me still getting bUjjcr. As tlio rest of the man's face is a color , thoio white snots give him an odd , plobalil sipnuavanco. Ills health Is not affected by the color ot his bkin , and lie is entirely \iiiconccrnodabout It. Dr. LJirnoy curca catirrli , Boo blilj , ' . .tliseolliineiiim Thecliainpionoarsmciii Iluulon aud Tcom- cr , are at the Mll.inl. Thocourslny , ni'cy hounds nnd jack inb- hits , at the Council llluffs fair grounds this afternoon will attract a largo ciowd , Billy Townsend , Cus lekcn , JaeklCiioivlcs. 1'cto Simpson nnd a seoro of other well Imown field shots aio out amusing- upland plover today. , YOUIILJ wood duck are imported very plontl- fal at Horseshoe lake llio biids nio ntrllio over ( lulf gioun , but should not bo shot at befoie I September 1. .Inek Morrison , la aililltion to being tlio ovviin of the most promising ( tannin inistifl m tlio wcot , is nlso the proud possessor of a zebra trained to harness , In his big stag hound , ICollcv , Captain Ray Is tbo possessor of one of the lle-otest mid strongest touncra In the whole west. Man. ager Allison and Hoeietary LIHO of the National eourslng asso jlition lavished much in-aiio "ICel" after on liislliioperfoimaneo in Th.irMlaj's ' rates. Ono or two of Oimha's loaJIn hotels Jlro serving upland plover with a lavish hand nowadays , but from the si/o of thebinl-i ntul their peculiar llavor , ills not unllkelj Hint the Hocks these birds were killed out of be- ra mo mixed iipvvitlipraiilo chicken in some Ine-splicnUo nniincr I3illy Siieneer , who daftly manipulates the towel In wood & Wliitiiioru's ' saloon , winitJ to run any imn in Isrelir.iski one hundred yards or ono hundnd miles for stakes any- wboio from Si ) up to i.100. Hilly Is a hlrd on his pins , und hero's tichaneo for Lozior's Kid. Kid.Dr Dr O cor o I ) . A ) res and Clinton Powell. have Just iccclved from the Wndo kennels at Ilolton , I'a ' , n ina nlllce-ut epcclmen of the Knglisb nmstlir , lu Kilriulc 'Iho < IOK 1 > twcnty-ono inonthsold , f.uvn uoloied , with black ears and musk , weighs1) ! ! pounds , and is nli.uidsomonninnl in every way. .ludgoUundy , Dr. ( Jallnalth nnd Hr-nr. Horn in , of this city anil Mioprielor Hatin waj of the Lincoln State Jouinnl , leave thb inoinlngon ngri/zly bcir hunt way ujiln the gloomy mountains of Montana. They will be abbcntn inontti , nnd have promiscM Tim IJnpa nloo stilntr of nrlzilimoii tlioli * leturii , Ed C. Snydcr , Clcorgo 1C. Uddyimd I \V. \ Miner , left last nlijlit fora fo-v days llsbing at Spirit Lake. ' 1'lils trio is well versed la Ichthyology and the public need not Iw sur prised if they letinn with u car load ot the tinny Uciutius , Tlmy took every preeiution to go fully equipped with alllho piopci appll- nnees for plsi-atoiial iiclikvoinents. Miner took his icgilia and Knights of I'ythhs ' swoid ; bnydcrn lonKla ( > rKir and a good 10- volvcr , and Hddy a demijohn of mine-on la linlmentand ahnido7cn ( steel tiaps Miner cnngut four salt maclterel one timowhlla fishing In the JEilo canal when a boy , and Snjdordeclaios that ho hns shot moio thin one octopus wllh a bow and arrow , when ho used to live In Pinnsylvunh. 'Iho only ilili Kdily over saw , that is wild , was two stacks of whites and ubluospllt. Dr. Ulrncy cures cntsurh , lice AUVn lc : Ijpltapli. Hero is an exact copy , accoulincto llio Lowell Courier , of an lnsuiition | on a headstone in a tcinetorynt New liootoii , N.IJ. Sovllla ( laughter of GcorKofc Sarah JONHS. murdered by , Homy M Snrgemt . ( an 1.1 , lull , Act. 17 yearn &bmm. Thus fell this lovely blooinlngd.iuglitor , Ilv tlio revengeful tiundamullclout Iloury When on her wiy to school ho mot her And wlthaslxsclf-eoeUcd pistol tbot her. The above ) was copied from the Mono itself u wcolc rffo Sunday hyuLowoll paity who vlblleil Iho coinoU ry. 'ilio bliootint ; is well rnniomlioroil by the la- hnbltants ol Now Doston and Hiirround- inu towns , The Blonolia fallen untl His In tlio fe'iiirib at thuhoud oTllio giave , Dr. Diriioy euros catairh , Ueo bid" ,