0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FUIDAY , AUGUST 1. 1890 , THE OMAIJA CCUNCIL BLUFFS. OI-TIC'B , NO , 11 ! PE/WL ST , Drll\Ptc < l by Onrrli r Inuny partof tliaOlty II.V 'tll.TO.N , > - MANAUKIl. t1. No NlRlit IMItoi. So. a. N V I Co. Council Illuffs Lumber Co . coal. AII pni ties Indebted to C. rncdmnn will plciLso call anil suttlo toJ.iy and tomorrow lit the store , 10'J Hiomlwiiy. Tlienc'tcrnn llioini'ii will meet nt the Kci- cno uiirino house at H o'clock tills tiiornlnc ; to ntt < ml thofuneral of WiiUcrcr.iti.im. ! Ualbj's band will nc coin piny them. Thoi niollini'iit of teachers nttcndlnp the rountj nainiiil now iv.iiliL-s the astonishing llf'uiocifill ; ! , 11 KrrnlcT number tluu all the teachers f ti gaged In tlicnonnty. The Good Toinpliiis lawn sociable at the roslili'iicoof Mrs Hurfj < " s on Lo ran street last nlifht vvui nttendcil by n luiiru tiuinbeii mid n veij plrwant o\cnliij ( was c-njojcd. 1'ho Mctiopolltun iiiartotto | , composed of the C'li'xv hint mlnitrc'l lonipiny , suicniulid ( jcwuo M < si huiilorf lint nltfht , and woio loysilh c'litci talncd by him In return for the compliment. 1 N' nicklnppp nnd faintly left lust even- Intf Mllfonl , Dii-iitnr county , lo\\n , foi n few wccl online ' , Mr rilcUiniror has hull1 n linnthmiio little suinina loslcli'iuo and will Of cilpj It \ \ hile the hot vciither Insts Thcio will ho a "housennniiiit" or social plvcn bj tlio ionirrciiition of Ttlnitv Motho- illstrhliti h at the IM'W icslilcnco of the pis tor , H Alexander , i-0 ! Kkvcnth ii\cmiir , In I'niU adilltlon , on this , I'ridny mcnlnf ; C'li" . ( Maud's utility ols nppc.itod hcforf n full liouw last evening nnd Rmi1 thu nuilt- piicc two hours ot solid lun ' 1 ho lituuer bi others , the Council Ulnfft ( untliiRi'iit of tlio cninpnnj , paiticul.nl > distinguished tlicmsvUct. A niiin iiiiiiiod Wilsht who wiw brought In fioin Kotkfoid tuunshlp cliirgcdvltli sted- liiKn harness nnd been confined to the county Jail for scri'i.il days , will lnuo u heating on u writ of hilx 13 coipus bc'foio.Iudgc Ciirt > on on Silniilaj. The iIioiiH-n at Xo 3 linso lieu < ; a ara floorIng - Ing th"lr building with condemned hose The tracks from thu stills to the \\iuron and tlie ill iv evnlinvc \ boon coMiod , anil it Is found to bo n pre-ut inipiw cinent OUT tlio haul plankloon. ( . 'The committee on stu'ptsnnd nllejs In tlio t'ltj council held a meeting A cstciilnr foi tlio purpose of inmilrin Intothc pioposcd widtn- ingof 12 ist I'ic'ico stioet fioin Stutsinnn to Union Tlio inoinhPiM of thoi'ominiUco inado an cxiiinlniition of thogioinul and will icpoit ( it Iliu nicotine ; of tlio council on Monday night. rl ho regular nionthh mooting nf Pottnuut- tanilo Count } Pmlt CJiowcis' mid Ouideneis' iLssntlatlon will to held S.ituidij , August 2 , In the muni } couit house1 , nt J o'clock As business of gieut itniioitiinco in connection with the national fanners' longicssvlll como up for dual notion a laigo attendance is de- Micd rlho icildents of Vine and I3iynnt sheets hn\o been i oniplnining httteily of the \.Mtcr- works coinpanj for shutting off tho\\nt < rso ficqiicnth while nttotnptlng toiepah thodc- fectho hjdiiints nnd iiuiins tint lno boon clinked uplth grael and stones Thmcr- piiis veil ) tompjoted jciteuliy nnd the wnlui w.w tuitiLdon pjnniincnth , much to tbilr icliof 'Uoul wnsieciMu'd fiomlicdOnlc Instovun- IIIK to the effect that.lnd'o ! Deenier bad re fused to guint an injunction usUcil for ro- Rtiulnlni ; the s.ilo of liquors in an micliml jMcknge house in this city in which .John Lin- dei and othen 1110 intvicsted Tlio in-u- ( iiHiits in the ji iing injiini tlon c.'seeiosub - mittcd nnd thu matter taKonundri mlvlsc- incnt with piobiliilit } of a decision being rendered today "I don't ' caio to expiess an opinion on pro hibition cithei one way or the other , " -aid a nlusici.m } csterdny. "hut I do not ohjeit to bcinjf quoted as siiyiiiff th.it theio is no better icmedy to boused in ilipthciia tbrtn chiuii- paKno. It should bo used as a ai KO ! fie- qucnth and the patient peunlttul to swallow onoiiKhof it to act as n nmilcinto stimulant. 1 have litid ? omo yen renurl.ablo success w'tli ' Its nsoin cases wlicrol had ' ociica - BOII to fool alarmed Its use can do no li.itin , and J am buic itill novel fall to do some goou. " llio abandonment of the Union P.iriflc dummy trains between Council Bluffs , Omaha , South Omnhiiand Allnlgiit lin-i been lii.nlly deteunined upon and pees into olTout today It is understood that the city council will t.ilm some action lesanUnt ; tlio com pany's finmhlsoon Union uvenito nt tboicK- ulin meeting on Monday ecnlnc. . The ah in- doninent of these suburban tinlns has caused a sciious incoinnnienco in tbo handlliiL ' , and transfer of in-ill matter between the two cltk . Post master TioMior was In conference with the oftlcorsof the comiiiii } InOmihiesterduy nfteinoon cinlcmoiinpto imiUo some tetnpor- niy arraiiRcnient by which the transfer of the malls would not ho intouupted until thodo- paitmtnt can mnke peimnncnt niiaiiKeuiviits foi can } inp the pouches The business men of both elites are deeply Intrusted in tbo nmttoi and they w ill watch the negotiations with some anxiety. P. C Miller , ttie palntei and decorator , nt bomo to bis friends , bib Soath Sixth street. If you wish tosc'll jour propeitv call on the Jllikl .V , Wells Co , ( J. B. Judcl , piosidcilt , UUu BioniUuiy. A Hi'in i Untile Hiilii'iiM Corpus Can p. A sonio\\hut commit iblo habeas coipn * CMSO liiw been coinniencc'd in the suiienoi eoint of this city bj tlio filing of u | ictitlon for the xult Into \Vodncsd.iy c\ening reqnliiiij ? BheiiffJ. 1) Gnuisun of Iliiulson county to pioduioMi nnd Mis Kmily IliobCO of Mis- nouii Valley , who 1110 toinpoi.nily In lite cus tody imaltlng tmnspoitntion to tlioUlaiinda insnno asylum , \\liciothoy hn\c been onlcieel contlned l > j tlio Il.irilson lounty Ins.mit ) coininlsblontts. Mi's. Bicscci Is the unfor- tunnto hid } \\hoso strauga hallucination is tint slid is the elanghtcr of Loul Wads\\ort ) nnd heir to the estates in ono of tlio oldest peerages in Kngl.md , tlmt slio i\os the H'sult of n moig.mtlo imirilugu mid \\m biought to thlt lountiy by hci jiaivnts , wbo tied to cacapo the persecutions of the .nobleman's family , that her mothci died \\lilloshu wus nbibv , niul that her dis- coiibolnto father , after deiiositing n Inrgo sum of inonuy in the bunds of ix trustee ) for tlio portion of tha e'lilld , becnino tlioictiin of n conspiracy that had for its abject tlio scorn ing of the foi tunonml the idler unit ; of the fnther nnd child , \vliictM\as nccoiiinlished Hulling the child uost and confining the fut he-fin nn hiMino iisjlum from \\hlcli ho escaped nftur thli ty j cars. Alra. Bieseo Is said to bo tboIetlmof n lot of clnlivoumts mid hphltimlistsvhohao icnstiiieted the elabotiito roinaneo that tbuonian tells and belle - lloes. . and Ua\o used the power they ha\o pained ovei her and her husband to secure nil the ( Minings of the woman's llfo time , which amounted to eonstdcrnulc- , sbo was a splen did inllllnei nnd c.iiiioil on a prolltublo busl- ne s In the Valley for the past sot en or eight Tears. Iho uomnn's halhieinatlous would Imvo liccn eonsldured liinmless andbliooukl pot hnvo been intci fcrod with had nho not conceived the Idea that \i\veo \ \ pot tlon of her Btolcn foituno hud been seeuieihuul \ \ us bolng cno\c'd ] by t-ovend of the inoit prominent and veaitliy men In the Ullage. In her efforts to compel lestltntlon s > ho has made lfo [ veiy un pleasant for tlu'jei gentlemen nnd their fiinii- lies , and bus chnrged them \\llh huvingmndo uunitrous uttcnipts upon tier life , und tiled Infoiinations in vailous lourts chaigine ; them \\ithliisIdlousefToits to muiiler herself and hnslinnd by poisoning them. Several months ngo both she nnd her husuandcto taken before - fore the Insane conimNAlonei's at Logan , ami nf toi u rigid examination wcro disclmi ged. The oxcUeincnt Inelili'iit to the proceedings btlll fuither ilistuibed tbolr inentnl balance , and tliov beenmo such u mdsanco tlmt public polfoy denninileHl their incarccnitlon. Ac- coiillnglj un Infornnlionchnisliiirtheni with msnnltyns Jlk-d by M H Jlolbrook , onouf their ininiiiJiy ( riioinics , and they \\cro cxainlneul again and adjunct ! huano. Tlio application for tlio wilt liens U for the imrposo of hu\hii ( ! fuitlier Inquirj'Ilto | " 1O ( iiicstlon of their nanlty. It will bo heard ou August 'J , _ Will itcen the Rtoro open today and tomor row to fccttio nccouuta. U. ' ' " " ' " ' " NEWS ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Major Lymau's ' Daughter Record ? Some Sen sational Heal Istato Oonvcyanccs , TWO PLATTSMOUTH MEN ROBBED. Jcihn .Tncksou and Harry Iliilnos llnvt ; a Kougli Kxperlcnuo on tlio Kow Miudercr llnll'H IMcn. Three couvcance wcro filed In the county recorder's oHleo yenlcrd ry tint cieato 1 u lit tle Tiioio Inlet est thnn commonly attiches to prosy Icpal document1) . AVhuii It bccamo guncrall } known around the court house w hat the } were , thcro w.e n little buzz of Konuino excitement. Ono was a quit claim deed from MM Mabel Crick , conveying to J. Smith of Grand Island , Neb. , nil her In terests' in ccitaln real ostite to which she hud clnlin us the heir of her grandfather , 1'etei Smith , ono was nn assignment to N , M Hubnard , jr , of Omnhu , of her one-sixth interest In the property of her ( mindfuthcr , nnd the othei was a warianty deed eoino- r to IlubbiUcl the ) umllliled one-sixth in- teiest in her ( finnclfathcr's estate In consld- ciatlon of > 10OOJ. The assignment wus llled for iccotd at 11 o'clock and tbo waiianty deed 11 10 a in. while the quit claim deed \us not tiled until 2 p in. Interest attaches to the transactions for sovcinl rcisons one that it clouds the title to n great de il of propel ty , aiiJ | another because thewotnin herself has recently had some piomlnciuo giien her. Mis Click claims to bo the daughter of Josephine Smith , who wasthn diiiKhterof 1'eter binltli mid thn llrst wife of the late Joseph Linan She claims to have but 10- ccntly dls > co\cicd that she wu the grand- datnjlitei of 1'etor Smith , nnd ono of the six hen's to his estate , anil knew nothing of the extent or value of thoostito until she pio- eim.d hci infotinmlon thiough her uncle1 , J n'bmitliof ( Uniid Island , Neb Shu alleges that ho icported thatli < > r intoicst in the pioport } was wotth about * ! , " ) ( ) ( ) , and she linnll } gayo him a quit claim deed upon lecclpt of that nmoiirt , but u few lunus afler giving the deed she was put In possession of fni ts that ma terially chunked her \iui\sof the mutter. She uiscovpio I that the estate was woith about vlUO,0K ( ) and had been settled up with out any knowledge on the p ut of tliondinlnls- tratois that Putcr Smith's d milliter had left nn heh by her inniiinge to Majoi Lvtn.in. Smith bni mi n deid for nnnv } ( iirs , and the estate his be-on settled tip and ithidcel and Hindi of the piopeit } , the icil estate es- peeinlly , sold mil unsold The dlscoxciy that < lie was the legitimate granddaughter of Smith was nnde , she allegesby her uncle , .1 1 ] Smith , the Ciund Island man. and ho hastened to SMCUIO himself , and others by gcttlnif the quit ( lalmdeed fiom lier to all hei interests in the piopeity The msisn- nient of her Inteieats to Hub bind and the ex ecution of a wiuianU deed was for the pin- pose of shutting out tbo rlaitu iicfiuited b } .1 U Smith mid nulllf vim ? the ( nil ! c'l.iliu deed This seems to ha\o liccnci } stnoothlnc - complislied b.\ the few houis piioiitj in llllnt ? thunssirniiicnt and the w nn ant \ dud. ' 1 ho nutter will ol course icsult in exten- shelitigiUon in the eouit.s , in which a ( jic'iit many people besides the members of the Smith fmiuly will be Intciehtcd Much of the le-nl eatnto is In the hands of innocent purchascis , who acquired thoh titles In iv succession of wiuant\ deeds originating with the ndinmistiiitois of the estate when they bad no Knowledtroof tlio existence of a inmoi heir It will phiioa elond upon the title to all the ical estate sold b } the adininistiator and to the cntiio estate , and will set iv gicat ninii } people to w oik lookh'g up the ( Imln ot titles to thi'ir piopeity The Imds InvoUed Ho in 1'ottawiittamle , Hinggold , Outline , 11in I-on anil Henry couutUs in Iowa , and in IIill count } and in tbo town of Grand Is'ancl. ' NebAnother Another significant fnct concerning the transfers h that the quit claim deed was signed on ! } by Mrs , Mabel Click and the assignment and warianty deed weio signed bvMis Click mid her husbind , Ucortro M Click. A good hose reel fico with o\cry 100 feet of hobo puichascd at Blxb's. Hnbhed on tlio "How. " The presence of a platoon of police was re- quhed to settle a seilous disturbance on the "low" nt 1 o clock jcsteutay moining , and when it was settled the patrol wagon eon- vncd to the station n full loul of men and women. Two of the piinclpals were sadly battered up and wore ) bleedhnrfi oil wounds and biuiseson tlieir heads and faces. Ves- terd.i } morning the police continued their in vestigations , whleh resulted in booking Will lain Van Allen , Charles Denning , C L Yost , P IZ Jeniconnd iMilto Kildnro foi ns > suult and biltei } and laieeiiy from the person Die victims of tlio nsaiiult and the Iniccny weic two } ounp men who gave the names of John Jackson and Iliu r } Unities of 1'latls- moutb , Neb .li.eksnn , who keeps a llvoi } stable in Pluttninoiith , cjino up to Omaha in company with llnires .lackson had with him about SI II ) , nearly nil of which was in ! > , ' . ) gold nieces In Omaha they met C L Yost , who is said to bo an nit lound tough , and whom they had previously been acini dined with In Plattsniouth Aftcrwaidslhe } weio joined b } so'iio otlu'n. They -ilsiteJ iManawa and ictuined to Ointiha They wanted to tro homo last nlijlit nnd wcic told by Yost that the best way would bo tocoino actoss to this feidoof the liver and go down on the Kansas City This thev con cluded to do , and the compui } boa tiled u motor and c line across. Jackson suswcted that they miuht get into tinuble , anct so he slipped his money to Halnes to keep lei him On this side the paity was Joined by Mike. Kildtuo and later by William Van Alien , who is n stinnger to the authorities lieio The pirtj wont into a saloon on Upper Hi oad way , und after takinga dimk stutccl , as Jackson supposed , for the depot , hut instead of hi ing- Ing up nt the depot they wcro taken to thei house of ill-faini' ' 1 hey had been there but n few minutes w hen trouble begun and Jne son got out. Ho letuincd after a Jew minutes and the sci.ip immediate ! } began again , four of tbo fellows seizing Hiilnes nnd heating him about the head Jackson ( uctpeil and does not romcinhor much about what ocetiricd nftonuml. Inn few minutes It was all over mid tha paity weio outside the house when the oftcernni\ed ! nnd took the Iho In cus tody. tody.Whllo Whllo the row was ininogiess .Tnekson was robbed of his money HU pockets weio toin , showing that tlio money hail been taken violent lent ! } whllo the scuffle was in picgro s , but by wham has not > ot been satlsfnctoill } shown ' 1 ho throe women who ll\o at the house were taken into custody nnd held as w itnesses Ktldnro and his b ir tender , \f. 11. Dalson ; wcioclmged with thoiobbery on the statements of Jackson nnd llalncs , who descii'jed U.dson peifcctly befoio thp ofllccis ariostcd him. The w hole on tilt was brought up for exanii-aj nation In the superior couit at - o'clouk yes terday afternoon Thu police debiied n little ) more ) tlmo to look up the ev Idcncu against U.ilson , and nil the cases wcio continued until Monday morning. The charges were changed and nil but Unison will bo anaigned for assault and battery nnd distutbing the peaeo. The man Van Allen Is suffering from a bul let wound in the knee nnd walks with erutihes. Ho claims that ho ieeei\ed the wound from a revolver in the bands of a crook who mistook him for n policeman. The ofllecrs , however , have some other informa tion concerning him of which they arc vciy lotlient. They claim to be nhlo to show on the trial that Jackson and Halnes were fol lowed from I'lattsmouth by two of the par- tics who knew they had the money , and they were run across thu rlvei and Into the house of prostitution In executing n conspiracy to rub them ThoMudmUan porting headquni tcrs , 418 Hroadwny , I'len , It Is asscitod that Hull , the murdeicr , has mapped out u line of defense , if ho lives to have his case adjudicated In court. Ho con templated making temporary Insanity an ex cuse ) for his crime , but bo bos rccoiisluered It , nndIM \ determined to plead the infidelity of his wife to her inntltnl vows nnd the fact thntsho endeavored ( o Induce the thirteen- jour old fdrl to enter upon n career of shame in ono of the houses of prostitution which was frequented by the mother nnd the older tliiut'htor. In other words , ho will attempt to show In vindication of his crime that he killed the wife to save the daughter. The old man is resting comfortably in his cell nt th3 county Jill , and regards hisehunccs of recovery with Indifference , und still main tains Hint ho did right In killing lit * wlfo.nml would do the same thing again under tha same circumstances. J. 0. llpton , real cstito , MT Broadway , AVnll niperntiltf cents per roll ; not rem nants , utC L Gillette's , lit ) Pearl st. A C.IIIIIIKC < > ! ' ririn. Mr. H. I'othjbtldfrc , the * well known butcher , who 1ms boon engaged In the busi ness In Council lllulTs for iniuiy .MUM , 1ms ( riven n practical demonstration of his popu larity ns u butcher nnd bU pioneci citizen ship bycnlniging his business nnd taking Into the linn his son Willie , who has been raised in Council IH'ilTs und has become nn tUo nnd successful business num. Tlio change of linn oecuis today , nnd heieafter It will bo known us II. I'cthybrUH'O tVcKon. The postofllco meat market , which Is tbo heudqunrters of the thin , is one of Iho best known nnd popular in the city , and Its popu- lurit } will hobtlli fuither Ineieased bj the dmngo in the ilrin Dr Boweis' oflleo.iiioveU to 20 N. Main. of On and after August I , 190 , the tlrm of II Poll ) } bildcoiV Son will succeed H Pethy- biiilireiind will cont'.mio business at The Po tofllco Meat Mniltet. Pintles Indebted to II. Pcthybiidge will please call and settle. II 1'LimnuiiK.n : , II l'i riur.inixii : & Sov. Torn \Vnjxva id Girl. A constable from Sioux City was hero } es- teidnv looking for a } ouug ghl nnnicd I.otta Noiton , who i-.ui away from her homo in that clt } last Ki 'da ' } , and Is supposed to have como to tills city She is only 11 f teen } ears old , butts way wind anil Incoiiiejiblo and a candidate foi the otute icforni school. The constable took a look for her among the houses of piostitutlon , but did not succeed In finding her Chief Card's men will look her up. < k We have customeis for inside Impiovcd propurt } , terms , all cash If 011 hive a bar gain to oiler call on E. II. feheufe & Co. at oiue. J C. Illxiiv , steam henlap ! , sanitary en gineer , IMU Ufo buildiiiLf , Onuha ; 'Oi Mor ii.uii block , Council BlulTs. Quiet 1 } Joined. Last evening at b.HOUr Gcotk'e C Hiown and Miss lcllo II iteher weie marilcd In St. Paul's chuiili , HeT J. Mucltuy ofllciatiug Only the iclatUcs were admitted to the chinch and the affair was \ery moilcstl } con ducted , consldeiing the socml standing and extended cheles in which the } both move Captain Hight gave away the fair hiide , who w.w dicssedin ati.ueling suit 'iheiewero many presents , among them some ven ele gant ones Dr and Mrs. Hiown will take nn outing at Spit it Luke ns their wedding trip , joining n paity of friends who leave lor thcio Saturda } . Tmlaj and 1 onutirow , The Boston stote clearing sale is chawing near u ikHo , toil iv (1'iidu ( ) mid tomoiiow ( Satuuhi } ) beini ; tlm last two das of the-ir givat 10 na % cleaiiugsaleme\lous to linen toiy , anil in older to nmko 10011 for fall good ; \a announced In the columns of oui daily pTpeis this has been the gieitest sale of diy goods ever witnessed in Council liluin It would seem as though e\eiy lad } , man and child hud \ Isitcd this gieaU sulo fioin the eiowds tlmt dailj attended. If theio is anyone ono left who has not slim el in the baigiiins offficd by the Boston stoio they should not wait one hour longer , but follow the ciovvd wending their wii } to the place whcio even- one is made happy. Hemembei today uudto- nioiiow , the twolast dajs of the sale. Bos ton stoio. Council muffs , rotlieiiiifihuin , Whitelnw il Co Store open till 10 o'clock Saturday. Monev at reduced latcs loincilon chattel and ical estate security by C. U. SheafoiScCo o A Fdslon Convention , DinHOIT , Mich , July JJ1. A special from Lansing , Mich , siis there were moie than two hundred union laboi gieenbaek-fanners' ulllaneo delegates picsent whm the conven tion was culled to onler this foiuioon Di. D H Doming of Tnscola was inadochuli- nian anO a list of standing committees so li L ted. The convention ndloutncd until uf- teinoon to gl\o the committee on phitfoini time to prepaid a decimation of principles lor the new industrial pnrty. In the afternoon nplitfoun was nnoptcd denouncing the i ( .publican and demociatic putics for ciiniinal nbuso of power since the close of the civil war ; demanding tlio aboli tion of national bunks and the substitution of legil tuiulci tieasuty notes , all inonej to bo legal tender ; the free ) coinage of silver , rail- loads , telegraphs and telephones to bo opeiatcd in the intcicst of the people ; eight-hour laws ; permit tlio fanner deduct his moitgngo fiom nsscas- inent ; u graded income tux ; goveinmcnt louns to tha peoples on ieal estate secniit } , the Australian ballot system , homestead cv- cmptlon to the value of * 1.000 on ! mpio\ed and poi-sonal mopeity , ledretlon of salai- ies of all public olllccis on an economical basis , election of piesldent and scimtois by u direct vote of the people Tlio follow ing ticket was noinin ited : < _ ! ov- cinor , Eugene H. Ueldun , lieutenant gov ernor , John M. McUicgoi ; bociutniy of state , William TJ Adams ; tteasuter , llcniy 1) ) . lllnckman , stnto auditor , William AV Gia- hnm ; uttoinuy ucnci il , A. A , Kills ; supeiin- tcndcnt of public liistuution , C. A Selttler ; justice of the supreme couit , O'Brien J At kinson. liosolutions in fa\or of n seivlco pension hill and a prohibition plank weio icjceted and after some deb ito n i evolution favoring woman biilTiago was added to the phttfoim. Adjouined. Ciops in Aitllisov , Knn. , Jnl } Ul. [ Special Tele- Kiam to Tnr Bn. ] C. M. Knthbourne , supeilntendeiitof the JIlssouil 1'acilic , has Just been over the ccntial bnnch illvbiou and ho contlnns the repjits of crop faihno in wcstci n Kansas. IIo si\s tliero will bo a failure ) of the coin crop west of the lirst 100 miles of tlio reid Them ma ) bo 10 per cent of 1 ist year's crop { ratheicd between tlio Blue and Republican livers , hntwcstof Concordln , cov cnng the \\ostcin hulf of the suite , not nil car u 111 bo iUsed Kast of the Blue ilvor 10 or fiO per cent of last ye.u's ciop will bo raised Mr Ituthbonino has moio encourag ing reports from Nebraska. .Japan Ad\iccn. SFnvNcifio , Cal , July 31. Advices fromJapui by steamer today lepoit dlsor- ders In yuiloiiB parts of the cmplte over Iho high price of lice nnd the fiimlno consequent thereupon. On Sade island there wn % ery seiious rioting nnd ti oops hive Dc.cn sent to the scene , Cliolcm cases uro Incieiislng and many deaths are reported. Oovernor Tiler AVIll Attend. Sinisom i.n , 111 , July ! U. Governor Fifer bus ( losltivolj agreed to attend the great trl- c'lm.it cnntoinncnt of the I'atilnrch militant In Chicago August 7. Huwlll be accompanied by Colonel Hooves , his mivato scciotiry , Ad jutant Gcnural Vance , Lieutenant Cioveinor Hay and the govenior's military statf . sow York ( Hi-pen let's ! It-lKe. Nnv YOUK , July ill. A genoial ttilkc was ordeied this morning of the mm cmplo > eden on all the publlu schools now being repnhod. About twent'twohundi < ed men arc out of woik and theio is serious doubt whether the publics schools will bo ublo to open Septem ber y. On Iliu IViihloii Appeal Hoard. WASIIISOTOV , July ai , O , II , Gllnmio of Illinois his been appointed u member of the board of pension nppeils. A Florida llolnt. Livn OAK , Flu. , July Ul. Kelly Stewart , colored , was hanged hero today for the mur der Qf John JIuwHlus about two years ut > ' ° < IIOW LINCOLN COT HER NAME , She Wiu OhriUcned Uy Colonel Bill Hicklln Now of Indianipolis. OVERRULED BY THE MAJORITY. Ho Had I Ivor } thing Klxcd tr > Onll the Capital " ' , " Hut Was Foieod to ( Jlvo In by Many of these who hiivo vislloil the counull chamber und noticed the nlujful of the stiiturfiiian from the ) Sovon- teeuth ward , and his woiulcrful paillu- montniy ccliiii-clssumont uro not inviiro Hint Mr. Illcldln , or "Colonel Hill , " as his inllmuto nsdodiites cttll him , was once a member of the lotjlshituro. On his side ol the ledger Is the ctotllt of nnmliiL , ' onqof the most llonilshimj cities in the west , and tlio capital of a great btato , bays tlio Indianapolis News. The colonel was sotited in fiotit of his olllc-o , pioiluelii-r nn opldoiulo among the s\Mirnis of Illos that abounded , by pulling the Miioko of a twenty ( for ) IHo cent clifiii- Into them as an ambassador of the News upnumuhed. "Colonol,1' reiaiukcd the omlmsador , "Is it tiuo thutjou pot-formed aor \ im portant jmit in thocarlj hlstoiy of No- bnwknV" "O , my boy , these wcro tlio hale } on dn\s join mo in u dur | ? noTlfos < i > mo not like the kind I emoko at Counull. I bring them just on purpose for j on nowspipor ehnps nh , woll. I'll { ji\o it to Homo ono else , tlion , " and the colonel uhtiukled ns ho put the "IlacUdrhoi's1 Dollfjht" In hlbest pookotforu victim that wns Hiiro to uomo. "In 1807 , " be an the Htatcsinnn fioin \VardSo\ontoon , " 1 was a member of the territorial le Mature of NobiMska. It wasn't the country then that It is now and anybody could bo elected. Tliero woto just nlno demoei.its nnd wo had rather a rocky load to travul , for our kind of democrat' } uu-m't lolbhed by n whole lots of people. The legislature nieit at Oinahn then and soon a cry \\ont \ up to locate tlio capital omowlicro cl-e. Omaha was on thu ninth fide of the i'lutto , ami thoic fiom the other side weio the advocates of n change. I w.is fiom Iho south ido and wo boon had things our waj , mid the onlj ouostion wiib where tlie capital bhould bo located. The people of Omaha , of course , wanted iUheic ! and many cauoiibses were liold. " \Vo llniill } f ot votes enoiiffli except one. and I slatted out to got that ono. It didn't taUo mo loii ) , ' , for I fiibtencd on a clmp named Moiton. Moiton was a Biuat , tall , ungainly chap fiom tlicbacK- woods , woto aJiuc-K'ddn suit and mocca- HIH ! , and didn't e liango his whiit during the entii o season. Ho had a-wonderful capacity for blowing uw-a > wliisku es- jwchilly at the oxpcmto of t-oino ono else , and the other bide tried mighty li nil to et him , but I got tlioio liist. My busl- ness \MIS \ to take c-i-o of JMorton and en tertain him , I cnteitained him bo well that the other side couldn't irut hold of him. When thej hud a caucus Moiton was \\ith mo , and when we hud a caucus Motion was in } Hide p irtnor. The bill was dually duiwn up and tlio name of SalinoCit } inserted for the capital at my icquost. I\Iy \ na tive count } inMi'fcotiii was Sillno , and I thotiLrhtlt would boquito an honor to IwvoNobuibka named after it. So well pleaded was I that Iioto to a number of in } friends and impiossod upon them my impoittinco , tint all I hud to do waste to ask for the cnith and got it. And I had mimed the capital of Xobiaska after the fjinelon spot of Mibbouil. " \Volltlio gtontdaaril\ed. The leg islative halls nero crowded , and no ono was happier than I. Motion , with sev eral gauges on , sat be--ido mo , conscious of the fact that while I was a gi cat man , my gioatnoss depended upon him. The bill \\IIH lead the firat time , and amendments - monts wcro asked for , A follow from the other side got up and moved to amend b } stiiking out the woids Saline City und inserting instead the name of Lincoln. "M'oll , yon could \iti\o \ knocked mo dywn with a feather , I MIW thiou'h } , the wliolo schoino in an instimt. The Omulia follows thought I would vote for the name of Lincoln , und if I didn't Morton wouldn't either , and the bill would bo defeated. I looked at Morton in hopes of consolation , but my buckskin- clad , linen-duster friend , who was a 10- jniblicanin politics , woioasmilo that boded no # oed to my cause , and I had to do something mighty quick. I bprang to my foot , and in an Instant overthing was as still as death. " 'Mr. Speaker and gontloinon , thin IH a Htirpriho to mo and I sn } freely that I prefer the name of Saline City , but if it is the wish of the majority to select bomo ether name , I am vvitli you and for once in my lifo I nm n Lincoln man. Ijii my vote bo iccoidod in fu\oro ( Lincoln ] "Tho house failly wont wild. I was elieoied and applauded to the echo and then cheered a ain , nnd when tlio vote was counted Lincoln was the capital of NobtasKi Morton and I did it. Soonit was located and } ou Know what it is to day. " "Hut your fticnds in Mlb&ouii " \ontitrod the umbass.idoi1. 'I never wioto to them again , " answered the colonel with a deep sigh. SIlAIJj AVI5 Jim : A OJ-JXTUIIVV The Consiih 91io\\h 'lhal Flle is Galu- Inti KVCIJ Vojr. How long , can an average man live under the piohont oulor of things ? in- quiios the Now YorK Journal. With a vlow toabcoitniningsomething doflnito about the matter , the writer jcs- torilny asked the pninlon of some of tlio leading Now York phj&leimis oil tlio bubjoct. Dr. Cyrus Kdhonwasof the opinion that , all things coiihidoicd , jieoplo aio phsically Btrongor now than they were HOvoral gcnciatious haclt. 'Statistics of longevity ate hard to collect , " ho bald , "ftir the reason that it would loqniio a coinjiniison of four or llvo gonoratlons to obtain actual liguics. Within the last twenty ycais military hclonco lias Hindu \\oiidei fill stridcH. Wo lm\o parsed the period when bick people who got well did ho In bpltoof tlio doc tor. There Is a moio intulllgout understanding - standing of the causes of disease , nnd the result cannot hut bo honollcial. " "Then you think that , on the wliolo , people are utrongor now than In tlio good old dnyhV " D "Thcro jiro many things to iwlnt to biiuli ti conclusion. Take- , for instance , the last cxpodlllon to the North I'olo. The men on that expedition ll\eil under conditioiiH to whicli the men of a gener ation or two ago succumbed. They had passed tlio limit whoio animal and veg etable llfo could exist , and where the thermometer rcglotercd over 70s below /.eio. This feat was never tux'oinpliblicd before In tlio hMor } of tlio world , " Ho nlbo instanced the walking fonts of the proton ! day , which had broken all previous records. "As to the duration of human lifo , I nin not a btutloticliin , ' ho haid , "and could glvo nothing dollnito , but I bo- llov the pc'oplo of the jirosont are at least as long lived as their ancoatorn , on an average. " Dr. Hryant of the health department thought that tbo nicbcnt condltlous pointed to ns jjroat vitnlity , generally speaking , as in past generations. There were ninny things In city llfo which were not conducive to longevity , but on the other hand modern pclonco had done a gieut deal toward olleottlng them. Dr. lloper S. Tracy of the bureau of vital statistics was next peon. "I think " ho said "that , , the icstilt of the pre&ont census will show that there are a gioat many more old pcoplo in the country than would bo eujpec'ted. The tables show Ing the death rules uiul the aorngo duiatioii of human llfo liavonot been so caicfully kept in this country as in Knglnnd , but in England they un doubtedly show a ilceroaso in the death rate since 1810. In tlmt j em1 the annual death rate In London was twenty-live pop 1,000 , and It inis gene down until It is now 17.01 per 1,000. " IiSS MTTIiIO nXl'ICNSICS. All Gieut Men Keep Aociintit ol' tlie 'Moncj 'J hey Spend. Hen Franklin had a wl o old head when ho advised his readers to takoc.iro of the pennies and the pounds would tuko cnro of thoiti'-oUct , niys Golden Ways. The boj in whose pockols the pennies bum holes will understand tlie dilllculty of taking caio of tlio jionulcs , and like as not deelaro tlmt It cannot bo done. "t don't know. " < < njs Kob Uecklcss , "what becomes of myinono } . Onlvcs- lot da } 1 changed the dollar that Undo Tom gave mo , and I only bought a glu s of hodu , and now I have onlj adlmoloft. Whoio can it nave gone ? ' ' "M } , how nioae.v does llj ! " exclaimed Edith itiiniloni.Vhat will papa Buy when ho discovers that mj montn'si allowance - lowanco litts only lasted \\"eokV Where did it go ? I really can't toll. I reinom- ber ti eating the ghlst to ice * yestonhiy , and biivinga ilhbontho da } before , and two purs of gloves last Sittuiday. , and , O , ifcir , don't ' ask mo where 'it has go-io. " But that IH just the question every boy and girl should ask thcin < olve"s when they lind tlioir mono } disappear- ing."It "It is a good thing to keep an account of your small oxpeiiMj * , ' ' John Higelovv , c\-mliiistor to I'l.inco and it man of wealth , once Niid to an iioquaintatico as ho entered an item In his note Look. jus listener tinned at the lenuirk , but being a sensible fellovv , ho took it to heart. Iniecontly telling thofetoiyot his o.xnorience , ho said that up to that time ho had never thought of the amount it annuall } coil him for cigars and other Hiindrles. Ho began to item- i/o tlio cost dliily. llo was ama/cd at the em. of the year when ho footed up the sum of S7oO. A change was w fought in him , and hodctcimini'd that he would keep such expenses down toone-thiid of the sum in question. "And now , " ho said , "within ton jeurslhavo profited by Mr. Higolow 's auvico to the amount of i > " > ,000 , which I have handed over to ni } wife to keep for hard times. And I huvo not become menu , cither. " Now it is not likely that an } bn } or ' girl who loads these lines squnm'leis 4750 a j ear on little expenses , but they may squander $7.5 , or perhaps only $7..jO , and the lesson is obvious. A gieat many little expenses are in curred for Bticli usele'-s objects that the mono } might , is well bo thiown into tlio street , and it is tlio expenses that an ex pense book would checlc. It is not "moan" to keopan account of little ovpensee. The United States gov ernment lequlres all postmasters to col lect and sell vvasto paper nnd siting , and lender an account of the mono } reali/cd fiom tlio sale ; army ollicers arc required to account foroveiy hammer , hit of hai- ness , } ard of cloth or gilt button , and tlio ucathor bureau icquiies its observ ers to report tlio disposition of every postage stamp. So it is in every gicat meieantile or manufacturing Obtublishment ; the little expenses are ligidly looked after , be cause experience has sliov.ii that in the nggiegato they amount to large sums. 1'ako care of the pennies by noting whoie they go , and you will bo surprised to lind how the piaolico will act as a check on little expenses nnd } ou will have no tioublo with the big ones. ol'tlio Death of Solomon. There is a legend conceining tlio death of Solomon , alluded to In the Ico- ian and found in tlio chioniclo of TV h.if i , which is to the following oiled : Solomon employed the genii in building the temple , but , perceiving that his end was nigh at hand , pravcd God that his death might bo concealed fiom the genii until the work vyas completed , for Solo mon know that if ho died and the genii know of his death they would leave oil building. Therefore ho made himself a btall from a tree in the gaidon , and leaning upon this stalT , with his head bowed in adoiation , ho died in the tom plo. Ilissoul was taken so gcntl } from linn that the body remained falamling , so remained for one w hole } ear. Those who saw him thought ho was absorbed in prayer , and they dared not appioaeli him. Still the genii wotked night and day until the temple was completed , thinking they woio watched in every de tail by tlio master who-o eyes had many weeks bcforo closed in death. Hut dining all tills time little white ants had been gnawing at the stuff , and when the temple was finished , a long } car after the death of Solomon , the stall ( 'rumbled under his weight and the hod } fell to the ground. Mahomet al ludes to this curious legend in the fol lowing ( See Koran Sura xxxiv. ) : "When lie ( CJod ) had decreed that Solomon should die , nothing discoveiod death unto them ( the genii ) except the creep ing things of the eaith , which gnawed his stall , and when his body foil down the genii plainl } poieohed that if they had known that which is secret they would not have continued in a vile pun- ishmont. "Vldtlisml ViMlom , " A scientific person has discovered that when the waist Is compressed the Intellect expands , siiH the Paris edition of the Now York Iloiald. lie was led to the discover } while btiiding for strictly seienti lie put poses , tlionntino nnd olleet of tight lacing. Noticing that ignorant peas int women alwas liavo largo wal ts and Intelligent I'loncli ladies uniformly have small waists , 1m Mispuctod thuio must bo some conm-etioii between the bis-oof \\aihlandtliatof the intellect and an onoimoiH sculos of observations llmillv convinced him that the highest nteliectmil development among women is found among those who wear Iho tightest coi-bots. That the exact op- poblto IH tiuo of men wo know on the authority of Mi. Wollor , sr. , who once remarked that "vidth and vli-dom goes together. " it will bo in vain , then-foro , for men toondeu\or to expand their mind with corriotH in any way except that of stud } ing fomlnino coihoU. The heiontUio pci son whohaam.ido the grand diw'ovoiy just mentioned undoubtedly expanded hln mind \eiy much in the coiime of his investigations , but it is } ot , in all inobnbilttj not moio than half tlio ni/o of that of a moderate ! } tight-laced llyuranto. _ _ _ _ A"alli ) % Itoad I'orOiillinin. A cable mad is to bo laid down on Huudwav In New York oil } before the beginning of next i car. it Is wild that itlll \ bo the cause of n vast number of fatal accidents , as people in N w York aroalvvajoln such a fancied huiry that they will not take common precautions for their o\\u \ fauloty , 8II1J CAN lll'X TIII2 A A CharinliiK YIMIIIK ImdyVlin Him liccn nn HiiRinccr Three Venrn. To sco a woninn running an englno In reality Is a genuine novelty. The fair so.x occasionally run engines In novels , on the stage , and soon , out it real ll\o fomtilo engineer Is a now bontation. Of course thin one Is in Chicago , and of course she Is j oinijr and pretty. Taey alvMiysiiro , sn.vs the Chicago lleialu. The romaneo o ( the raso Is , howeverout nut by the cold-blooded anuounccnic'nt that she Isnotdolngtt tOHinoa husband , lever or father's llfo or llboity. She Is pmcly ' ' ' . The moi'i'onci'y. stipend drawn at the end of the week Is all that she IH after. Her name is not known , Porhnps this iswheiotho ronmntic part comes in. Purhaps otherwise. Uo this or that as If may , she IB llcsli and blood realltj. When a reporter for Iho Herald called at the iilnco where this nov elt.\ works ho stated Ills business to n } oung lad } dork and asked to &co the woman who utns the engine. "A lady Is our engineer , * ' tittered the elei k , "but she is busy and can't see any reporters. " "Can't ' she bo seen1" ; was nuked. "No , " ' was the nnswor. "hho w 111 see no one , unless it is an examiner of engi neers , and then she will bo found rcndv and anxious to answer all ques tion * . " The lad } engineer , as she is st } led.has had clmrgoof the Heo Hive Inundr.v en gine for about three years , during which time she had no trouble and has appar ently bee'ii well able to attend to all the duties devolv ing upon her. Her princi pal claim for competency , however , is that she has token her engine apart and placed It together again without serious- Ij damaging its component pints or do- tiactmg fiom its power. Questions to bo propounded to lic > r by the ic-potter wcio furnished by an engineer , but nho declined to answer any questions at all uiiltvs they came from the boird of engineers. These quoiies were login d- In''her ' knowledge of how to llgnro on her Mid'ty vnlve.her boiler's hoMc-povvor and her emrino's hoise-powcr. i'liatsho can demonstiato properl } on nil these' intricacies she dues not 'doubt , and in anxioiib to have the boaid of examiners pass on her case. Queer Kiniiklfn City. Away over in the extreme northeast coiner of the state of Vhginm is the most curious city over seen. That entire coiner of the state has for time out of mind been owned by the KianKliii fam ily. The land was absolutely of no use , but that part of the ostuto under water was good for ovsteis , the llavoi of which made them famous. For neatly llfty years ever } ono and mi } ono who wanted to hc-lped them selves to the bivalves. It was not. in fact , until after the dcoth of the original oMior that an } elToit was madu to inaKo an } mono } out of the only pioduct of the propci ty. Kiom that time Iho uoom in Franklin f'ity was on , until today tliero aio a hundied odd houses. Hvcry hou o stands on piles , and is fiom lime to four feet above the surface of tlie gitmnd. The best nnd most proloiilinus sti uetmo of the cily is a huge frame hotel , at which the uites aio 7 cents a da } , with a liberal reduction for put inanonl boat dots and families. Ono of the most curious thingo aio the wells , sajs Iho Pittsburg Dispatch. Mo t of these are cov eied with water at all times , and tlieie is not one of them that at bomo time during the day 1 not sui- loundcd by water. It seems quite strange to bo drawing pure , fresh spring watoi from tlio bottom of the salt water li'iincrnl Customs. Notaries in ftiiior.il roforin might in Coraa find n fiuitful ( ield forlheirotlorts So e.Mioting tliero iiro tlio duinmids of custom in regard to poit-inortoin ob scrvnnccB thulit is fuaiud the require- mcnts in connection with the empress dowagor'b de.ith uill bo ti boriou& drain on Urn country's lesouioo , MIJS thu San Ftancihco Chioniclo. Among the verj poor the Inw'h dein.mds tire iiltofjothei beyond their pui-bos and the jails , \M aio told , arc being lillcd in consequent ! It i'J icquirc'tl that in Seoul o\uiy oiii shtill droib in white for n li.xed length of time after the oucurivnco of thu death Some of the jioorcr olnssos are nblo \ \ il ililllculty to comply with the requUv monts , but othoro , less fortunate , ciniioi , pobuibly conformnnd immodi.ilolj thov , appeur in tlio state in nny ether than the proscribed yiul ) tho.\ are urio tcd and sent to jnll. The in-ibonb mo wiid to bo o\erllowinr } with oflondorfe. A rioiltiiiK Hotel. There is an interebling scheme for establishing a lloituig hotel at lloug Kong. The \essel is to hnvo thieodeckH , tlio lower being arranged for dining , billiard , smoking and caul rooms. Tlio main dock will contain a dinwing loom , twenty-one bedrooms , each with a full si cd bath and dicn&ing loom , while the upper or spar deck has been nunngod as a piomcnade. SI FRANCIS ACADEMY Boarding nnd Deiy School , Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street. Cnn bo lotichcd from any of the ile-pots on motor. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity U. V. M. TERMS For hou.-d nnd tuition cm- braving till biaiiclics of u llnislie.i educa tion fpr joung Indies $75 for session of live inontliH , coininoniing Hist Alondny in SiTptumbcr and Fi'bruaiy rcspoctlvcly. For furth'1 ; 'in tioukirh address .ibTIiR SUI-MUMOR , bt. 1'rani is Academy , ( 'onni'il Blullh , IOA\.I. Electric Trusses , Belts , Clisst Protectors , Etc. Aff3Rts Wa I'otl. Dr. O. O. Judcl. 000 HioauVay , Council Dlufls , In. SPECIAL XOTJCES. COUNCIL D..UF.F9. VI IJlOIt .iMOrwlll : trido for n good imiil JL1 tenm Htnlllon No HIM. nvjI-Mc'HMl In Wnl Inoo. Hy Dr Aic'lilbalil , diini by Keiituuliy LMa > , fiimold.Apply _ to lr-Mae'i ) _ le _ Ij OIl HiNT-T\TtiK : HKl iiiouorn liousos.V. \ . J:1V : Itllxt-r : h IV it I itn-et " \\7ANTii : ) A ( 'III f < generalhon \vorl : In > I u'inall fnmllv. Hie'tliiht imty i-aii so- s PIIIO a poiiiinncnt plum at itooilIDIIO. . lie/- S iMcnee'ilexInd. Call at 4'l Nui tli i-em alb St. , J Coiincll Mliiiri tifiar AiiKnot I \\r.\M'ii : l Rltl for Kftii'nil luiii'-o- > work. Mti A I' , llnncliell. No , 1JO ronrtlntie-et A\T.\MT.i | ctlfi foi li ; in ml"lToiivi"utki ) > i ( oiiM-iilent houie Dnlj two In family. Mii t ! \ \ lim > j S't Axenm ( J TP1011 s\MJ or IttMil - (1 irdcn Intnl. wlTrT JL1 bouses , by J. U. Ulio. IOJ M.iln st , Council HlHIN _ _ _ _ _ \ \ rilpy rent union xotiean liny u lunnooit 11 UiOMmic te'rtn" . anil la euxn ot \ our ill Ur ntiiny tlmo Ic oyo.tr famll } the lioiao cleur on the fiillonlui ; terms : A homo north 11,00) ) it { I ! per month. A liomu ninth JI.'iM at $ is pel niimtli. A liotno worth $ . ' ,000 at J'-'l per month , A hi"iio u01 Ih * 1.0D nt fbljutr month. A bomo worth if.OOJ at f IS | er mouth. Other pt li'oil homos on tlie < iinu Innim Tha nbmo monthly piytneiits lacMinlo prlni'lpxl nnd Intcri-st Vnrfnll n ulleiil irs eull on or aililrossllio Inilil.V , Wells Co. . Wei llro.idvvuy. Kl'lt \ \ CD A iniill ii'il niul uhlti not ted inn \\ltb sti up and i lir. iioniul In i Imnis. l.lbi'iat tcwird foi lui lotuiii toMis ( II ibne , 017 lllth IIMM1IIO _ _ _ _ _ JOs I'onslon i7rlIlliikt and \oulicr I l.iMM1 at tlilsolllii < _ , lohii II rmni I _ _ _ IiKIU ' lin\r TlioMorn teen , .No K fiuntinj on Trail st. \V ( . ' Jnine * " \\ri' \VRxinerit bo i it if at mo IITII 'IUST that wo lll trulefoi en'itiulxM tl vu in loin InOninh i or Council "ilutls The Juilil ft \\ell < 'o. c'lHine'll Illuirs. la " DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical fnstilulc Private Hospital , Cor. Uroiulvviij and ° . < > tli Street. Coiliie-ll Illiilli , l.i l.'oi the t rout tni'iit of nit < .iit Kit it and c bronto dl-i'.T-ts mill ill" usctof tin1 bliHiil l'rl\.ito ilNe -isof tbi ) in In. try anil so\ual orK.ins us.j plillls , slrli'tnro , o\ stills spe-i- nmtoirolioa. ' . loit inaiiliooil sinul liniiotenea anilNC ikiii"tn % iteil MU ic'ssfnlly I urtkuliii nttentton piild tixllsua'ci nf tha liiliK-i as Astliini , ( iiiisiinipt Inn. lln nc lilt Is Catiitrli , I'lc I'iriiljsN Klilnuy ih-i.isis uj ] ) l l > t > Uh. llrlKbl M Disc iso , IMuMiiniitlsm , I'llt" ) . C'nii'iT. V uloci'li' . llyitroci'lu , DIIIIIHV I'u. inci lls ) ( > im > s of tliiii\i ) > mil oar. Clul ) font. t > | ilnali'iii s it uiu mill nil illsi > i < - nnft In IKIIIIH. Uih i\i > n ilopirtineiit tloMiti'il o\c'lu-ui'ly tO tllC tIC'lllllll'C't Of t'tl'l Illl ) < ISI' | l'il < H Mi'ilk'liie'sc'iitse'c'iirc'li p n-Ueil and fic'c fiom OllMM \ It loil Coricsp iiiili'iiiu e'oiilliliMitlal Aitilross : DR. BELLINGER'S Suiglcal Institute and 1'riiatc ' liospidU , Cur llnni hv.iy niul - ' 111 st linin II Iliitt ! < In 3 1 > l.imiiio \ I'r < I : I Sinn MIT V let prcj e-iuuit-.lt 11 \v\vs iiKliter CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Ootiiii il UltiffM. Paid up Capital . $15OOOO Surplus a net Profits . . . 5O.OOO Liability to Depositors. 3BO.OOO DtlHTOH- : A Miller P O. RlcuMin I. J , . siiii nri. i : r. iiuit.j D rdiniiiisoii tiiuioi ( ' Illinium friiis ut ciiPinl li.uililns liusl- ncss L.ir est iiiplt.il nut Mtrplus of uny biuk In boutliMCsturi ) IOH.I. INTEREST ON T Mb DEPOSITS. MAXON BOURGEOIS , Architects and Superintendents. FINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS. lioomSV ) Mi i rl un HlocK. Council IllnlTx fowl KooinOiO \ V. Llfo Hiillcllnx , Uin.ilii , Neb MJ\NUrA.OTURIN'C. CO. , 1st A\onuo niul Slut st Sash , Doors and Blinds llanil and Scroll < 'iv\Iii/ : and IM.iiiliu ' iwliuof ill Icin Is I'orch Hi.ipkcits. Klnillm j wood - ' * > J pi'i In 1 1 ch ll\ 1 10 1 I lean siwilnsi hy tin' huiKl. - > Mluiil < to bo ( libtclnss Tolcplicinn"J ] > \ui n I'AruoN viin ouriTTi ) _ _ ALL , WORK WARRANTED. DI J. D \CKSON , Dental Sur-jory. All Ulnils of uoikilono V on c'on SUM' on half on join mill ! uiul ullu r lining by cull nt loam UMMIirrl un lilo K Couiic'll Itlulls AT H OTE L Ilnlil .J.'inii'Mm , Ciiinii'll ItliiiTs. Tn > , fori < nt. I'm iiNhi il iiinl In K"ol ( H'p ills Hunt hull I In Ilicolli ( cnti ilh louitiHl. Oolnu lliyt- ( liissbusliiHsJ 1 bis is u biin'iiln for hoiiis Kiiod licitel iiinn. Apply to JAMESON BROS , Props. Council Tluflii . . . . Iowa. F. M. Ellis & "CcT. , ARCHITECTS Anil HnilJlnE Snpe-lntendontH. Itonius I ) und II. ) < < Iliilt'l iu' . Omulia Ni'l ) niul Kiidiiis 'Jll uiul 211 MiMilain Illoclc Coma 1 Illulls In. curiuip in Ituiiy sol | < ilcil OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. ( .truer Mulno nnd Hnm < luf COUNCIL BLUFFS , Diali rsln forolKn nn < l < I"iin stl OM IIJIIRO. Collect ! , ns in ulo anil iit'ii-a palil in tlina 27 MAIN STUIMCT. OvcrC II J.uqiH'iiiln .V Cus Jouuliy Store. 'c. A. "BEEBE & COMPANY , \\li < ili'Kiilo null I'rtnll IH ilirsln ' TrT 1 T T 1 5 TT1 N' i 1 UrtrL. f/irgi st sfocl. and Lowest I'rlcns Ionl ) < rs M nd for c'li Nos. < im unil 207 Hroidway. nnl lilll uiul 201 I'lo-e-a Slront. c' imu-il PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Hyilr.mllo and bunitiiry IviiLflncor. I'lnriH , Dstnnatoa n , - - > | ' Kiclcitioti8 ( ! : , nn 1 Suinrvlsiun of i'uulloVoilc. . llrowa 1nlirh , , , | coanoji | iuli8 | , In. N .lujtlco of the I'onco. Odlco o\or Ainorleiin llxpross , No. 12 | ironcU-ny. Council UlulFrt , Io\\n. _ _ Pr OiiYifi AttoriiovB nt Lnw. I'rnctico in tlio HliUo mm Fed or a AISI / . I S- i . Iowa ' Hooinu , ? uud b SliuLurt-Llono Llloclc , C'ouaol