Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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I. R03LA7ATEB , Editor.
arrow orninc
Ililty rr.d Hunilny , Onn Vinr $ io no
MX tin rath * . .
'I | u < > ni mtin
( uiiflnjr f'ot * ( Jim Ircnr . a 01
Wt < kly Itce , UMO Ye r i j
Oin ilii IlinlliV ) nnllillni ; .
- | | ( inilui. ( nrin-r N nnil ytli trcols.
( in i II II u TI'imrl \ Hmi't
i hUiii > ( Ifflrt ) , .Itr ( Imnilor of Commnrco.
Ni \ * } urk lloimm iill : and fiTrlhniio IlullillnR
, RIJ l SllUCt.
All r intnitiili'iitlonft inlHtlnx to nowi and
rd tnr lit inutlrr Mliiuld bo iniUreHicd to the
I 1 1 il Di piirltnmt.
HI < ixr.iETTr
All lni lnc * li'ttPrH ninl mil ttinfot hould
lie idiliitil In Tli" Itco I'M bl ilriiirCoinpniiy ,
( Hi n tin Urnftsclic'cks mi I ito-loBU'ii onli > rile
lo 1. 1 Hindu pnynlilu to Ilia uidui ot tin ; Cum-
The lice Publishing Company , Proprietors.
The lie ll'lil'ir. Tnrnaii im < l "ovenUeiitli Sit
Hn < "f Ni ! > r itika , I „ ,
( i iinlj of Dniiulns. f
< .01 < | i. 'l/Ruhiick , Mrrrtury of The lion
J'liliH-lilnir C < imt > unytl ( in * soil-in illy 'voir that
tlio fii ul i Iniilutfiiii of TIIM Dui.v HUM fur
tlit wi i l > imlliiif July SO , 1 0) vrai as fullowH :
hiinliiv. luiyiiil . . " -MOO
Jloniliiy Inly l .
'I in-in ! y July U . 101.17
\V ilin - < lny. JfiilvSI .
'Iliiii in ( ulvUl . an I'i7 '
) r div. lulv "
hiitunl.iy ,
A\erago . iOOI > 7
Buorn to befoin mo and ulmcrlbeil In my
] ir < wnci llilHUilbilay of July , A. II. , IS'o. '
! ft A i. 1 N.lM'i.n , Kotiry 1'ubllo.
ht ilL-of Si I rnUn , I . . . .
( omit } ol DoiiKln * I M
OuirKiill /srhiii U , liulnj iluly .sworn , ile-
IDMIS mid Mtvi that lie li Kivrulaiy of llio lli > u
) 'ulillHh4 \ \ < niiijuii > . Hint Iliu a tual in i-rimt1
dully i ir ul itlou of TIIK Dui.v I IKK for tlio
inonlli of Inly , IKHJ 18. 7 H cnpli-s , for Aneimt ,
JSS'I , If ( , .I unplos , for spptinibir. lvii ( l 7lll
> | ) | IH forOitolitr , IWl , iH.liyTi-i pli'u , for No-
TI > III | r 'S < I , I'l. ' ( I0i1oili | > s fur 11i.trinber K"i * .
UMHH > opli i > fur Jniinaiy , It'U. ' 1'in.Vi ' > < > plos ;
for To1 nurylPlK ) IU..MI iniiloi. for Mnrch. I VI ) ,
! .nsii ( fipii w , for April , IMM ai/fll coiilis , for
Jlny irfii , ai.ln ) topli"t ! foi .Ii-nc. Mil , li ) .Ml
OOjl'l ' S ( IHIUlf II IV-tllll'dC
' "worn 1 1 1 eforo 1110 nnil mibvilboil In my
pn si ti'-o th aSnd Any of Inly. A I ) ! ' '
fd f. I N I' l'i il. Notary I'nbllc.
inuUIplicitton of oandldntos In
nil diroitlons inili 'iloH politloal
ambition o\ui > lc.ip4 ItHolf.
llrtM'cnn gr.iln intes und liifjhor
prices \\ill add inllliom to the pro
ductiveHMlth \ of
TrfK proMiiling hoLvind \ - ) in Kansas
nro lopoi toil lo bo terribly tlostrucllvo ,
nnd ji't th(5 campaign has
Il tifTnirs contliuiu at the present pncio
hi southern states , It will bo iiuccssnry
to ilisai'in tliu CiitulidatoJ tu pro\ont riot
and bloodshed.
tf K'b "roptllo fund' ' lins boon
by the Gorninn govornnicnt ,
but the princely tiling Mil lingers In
Otto'ri ink well.
WHI.V Mr. Hat hin { join thoroughly
wnrrntnl up to the voile before him , Mr.
MuICulgluin will find that a political
cyclone played with liiaHlinno.
Tin ; llnaiiclal opor.itlont ) of the treas
ury ilopartmont saved the government
Boventj-throo million tlollnrs In bond
i nlono in three verrs.
Tm-H'Hniiilo of SAII Dioffo is tuld to bo
a inoinoti- of longevity , but It li do.ully
toncmsp.ipiird. No lo s than olg-htcon
liayo cro.ilioil within thirty-six months ; .
Tit I ! extreme pt'otoetlon clifiuo In con-
grotw Iliroiten to rouil Mr. Ul.iino out of
thojiait . Me.mvUiilo the voters nro
] ) fOculiy | ) lo read the i lot act to the
Sixcn Starvation Sfott became a sup-
poilorof the tlomocmtlc ticket In Penn
sylvania , the republican plurality Is expected -
poctod to roaeli thirty thousand a good
flgnro for an off
WllUN' pension claim agents In "Wash-
iiitflon harvosf fioin ono hundred to
tin on thotis ind dollars a day in fees , the
public c < ui acuuiatcly inonsuro the aym-
pilhyot llio claim agent for the vet
"Wr. are in fa\or ot liberal
to ( llhiblcd veterans , " BIJS : the demo-
ciatio platform. The inultcloiH votoo-i
of Clevolnntl tire forgotten in the wild
desire to c.ipturo the boldlor vote of the
Tin : torn pern tut o of nortliorn No-
linisKa is too high for the health of
amateur train robbers. Slnco the rogru-
In tors of that section rollu-d to the pen-
ftontlnry joins n o , the biHlni boeanm
dotidudly unptolltable both for health
And pocket.
Tin : democrat : ) of Mlt-sibfiippi , with
oliaractoilstio gimoro-illy , ham invited
the colored ropubllctuw to p irttciiuto in
the foi'thuoniinif constitutional convea-
tlon. The regulator ! ) f oared lo tnnKo
the convention a unnnlinouu allalr. Two
ri > nru < > otitiitlvcs of a inijorlty of the people
ple ai-o thus glvon the doubtful honor of
forffliij ? cnnbtltutlonnt uhaina limitIn 1
their voting power in slate ami munici
pal olootioiw.
li. IT. OI.OVKK , proxldeatof the A.111-
niifoof. KnntHis , lb the light kind of a
man ( di' the finner : * tu tie to. Ills au-
tlvitj and onoifjy In oriTiiiiUlng tbo pio-
dueois nntutally made him piominuat
in the order , and hla uotnti'iitlon forjjov-
oruor was a foregone cotielusloa had ho
coiihontod. But Mr. Glover positively
deollno.s to ho n candidate , an his nomi
nation would bo proof to his opponents
that ho lined hid position for political
preferment. The example of Mr. Oloxor
lias not been followed to any visible ex
tent in Rob rusk a.
M Tin : pioptweil extension of Iho free do-
Hvoiy Hibtoia to-lo\vns \ having a popula
tion of Iho thou-iiuul , or vhloli show
jiodtolllco receipts aggie atlng bevon
thousand dollars , incutd with general
approval. The postollloo department
litib been brought back to ltd hi h Htand-
tud of olUeh'iioy. Hocolpta from Iho
business are steadily iiiercnslnvhllo
the iht of the service Is prop.ntionatoly
lower. In a few j ear * the depnrtment
will bo again solf-bUbtalniug. Instead
of reducing : the probont low iato of
ugo , the oxtcuslon of the free clollvory
eyhloin us proposed would jirovo of more
jiruetleul benotit to the business nnd fao-
'Jul Inteiostsul the peoplo.
Ihn dr-raoenitlp txnd mtigtvunippress is j
ngi\ln I'ldulgln ln the fnvorito nmusoI
IIH nt oflnciitiiiT Btorlts of a movement
to ( orco Mr. lllaine Into retirement ,
Tlio conliiiunnco In public life of the dls-
tingulaliod ropublle.ui leatltsr hn IKJCII a
sere tlUnppolntment to Ills pollUeiilop-
poii"iitg.Vli0n ho u.iHiippoIntcd Ln the
cahlnptof President ILirrlson they pro-
dlcleil tlmt bo would remain tlifto only u
vorj bile ! tlmo unless hovus permitted
to tun the lulinlniBtnttlon. Itlianntno
time appealed that hovroa attempting or
doalrod to do more th in perform his
duties ns secretary of state , which aio
sullielent to satisfy nny ro.ieonable in in's
ambition , and which ho has dUchaiged
thus far \v Hh Blgiml ability , nnd jot after
nearly a ye.irmnl n half of most Intlmito
otllcial iiftjoplatlnn with the pte ld ( . tit ho
evidently h Htrwigfr In his conflilonco
than over bofoto. In the meanvvhilo
sa'.eral stories have been started to the
oir.-ct that Mr. Ulalno AV.I ? to retire
from the cabinet on account of dla-
HKict'immts with llio piosldoat. Ono
HiK'h found wide omroncy about the lltno
of Iho meeting of the Pan-Amoilcan
congrcts , nnd tliPi-e wsis tinotlior which
hnil for its foundation the fact that tliero
was homo duliij1 In tiMnsmiltlng lo con-
the Ueluing boa coirespondunec.
in all tho-io cases slunvod the
hullownoasoC the tnemj's Invoiitions.
The Intufct fetory in of a difTcioiit nv
luie. It is to the dlcel Unit u combina
tion has loon inado between there-
publican lenders of the house Heed ,
MiKinloy and C.nmon to drive Mr.
IM.ilno out of. the inhinot and
into political exile. Tlio motive of the
conspiracy which i thus disclosed in
with tlio ponttion of the
secretary of slate r ogtird ing the tariff
hill. The hoiuo leador-i , ns well ( us some
other republicans in both branches of con-
f-Ticss , 1110 ivpKWiitedtobociyffrcntlj
L'\ai'ptia.tcd jit the public and pcislslont
way in which Mr. Dlnino bus urged his )
r > ioposed policy for s-ccurlng ; tiftdo ro
oiproulty with the Bonthorn lountries ,
and have dctonnincd that Ida political
execution is ncce < ? suiy. In eider to
{ jive any di-grco of credibility to
tills story It is of ioimo pretended
tlmt tlio Loinbiiici have IISUUUIMLCU of
support f i om the president.
It is quito within belief Hint some re
publicans in congress , and Messrs. Itectl ,
McKiiiley and Cannon may bo among
.ho number , nro mot o or lea ? disfdeast-d
ivlth the attitude of Mr. Blalno regard-
ng the taiifT , as it la well known they
libifjico vith his iccrproclty views , but
the gentlemen limned iito pollticiiuib of
iir too inuuli jadjjmoiit and wluowdnoss
to tn.ilco war on Mr. IBIaino for
uiglng viowa thataro approved by other
pioininent republicans , and by a very
iirgo number of the people. The
nicstion upon which there is a dilTor-
unco of opinion is orro of policy wholly ,
ind not of prinriplo , and the rlfjht of
ir. llmina to dinur with other members
of his party rcgai ding it is not to bo
questioned. It cannot fairly bo con
tended , even , that the oxoroho of the
foreign to his olllclal chin-actor ,
ulneo it may cerlnlnly bo elalniod that It
is within his duty to seek to improve
the relations , commercial or otherwise ,
jetwoen the United States and other
eouuti-ioH. Iho displeasures that Mr.
Ulalno has given certain gentlemen in
concuss cannot bo magnified into a
par ty olTonsc , and anj- attempt to punish
him in thu way uugg-eatcd would boeiy
sure tiM-e ict upon thosorespon iblofor it
with marked severity. Doubtless no
body understands this bettor than tlio
leaden ) who arc named as conspir
ing to drive Mr. lilaino fiom the cabinet
LOALS ro tYKir
Sonntor Merrill opened the taillt dc-
bite In the bcnnto on thu part of the re
publicans WedneMlay , making a charac
teristic Hpccch In defense of tlio protec
tion polity with which his name Is con
spicuously itlontitled. The most inter
esting portion of what ho said Mas his
refoienceto the markets of Central und
South America , which It is proposed
this country shall endeavor to secures for
our agricultural products by n. policy of
ti ado reciprocity. The Vor rnont senator
very jilnluly Indicated that ho is not in
sympathy with this proposal.
lie biiid Unit of agricultural products
cattle , slieop and her es , the countries
i-outli of us luve an abundant andchcip
biipply , not only for homo consumption ,
but alee for exportation. To carry any
of these products to these countries in
the vain hope of llndlng a nmikut would
bo , ho said , like "cairjingc'orls to Now-
iastle. " addrng fioo
sugar to the breakfast table | irosuntcil a
btrongor ease than tea and colTeo pto-
sealed In 18" " foi like treatment. This
attitude of the Vermont senator. , in dis
tinct hobtility to the policy to porsibtontly
and plausibly urged by Mr. Blaine , is
hardly to bo doubted represents thovlovv
of a majority of the republican senators.
They concede that it ib moat desirable to
oxti'iul the markets for our farm pro
ducts , but the fneU show tlmt there is
little possrbllity of anj very matct-Ial en-
Inrgernent of our tnulo in this respect
\\iththosouthour ( .ountries , and as bet -
teen a direct and coitaln saving to the
American people of more than llfty mil
lion dollars annually "by making sugar
free , and retaining the duty as a mtuns
of forcing reciprocity , which mltfht not bo
ai-compllshid for yuuw , and the results
of which , ultenevor accompllihedrnight
prove to bo very unsatisfactory , they
prefer the llrst policy.
Mr. lllaino's plan of oiihu-fftng our
trade in the product of the fainilth
other Aiuoilc-in countries has guinoil
many ailheieuts. It luw a phuisiblo ami
promising aspect whoa viewed by itself.
Hut faith in it must bo weakened by any
careful coiiildomtlon of the facts of the
fcltuulicm. The o show that while a fo\v
jiuu'ti ago nearly all the South Amoricaii
countries imported broadstulle ) , the rnoro
populous and progressive of thorn
now vnlso enough to supply Iho
homo demand and Ictiro a erir-
pliw for export. During the fiscal jear
18SD the total value ol brcailstuira and
] irevinlm3 ( exported fioiu the United
btntoH to South America was only twen
ty-three million dollurd. Thu donmnd
for our wheat and Hour in the South
Americnn marKett will HtciuUl ) docliao
for thu reason that thu Argentine no-
public , Chill , Uruguay arid Druzil are
making roiunrluible progress in the eul-
tivuttuu oL wheat , all of thorn except
Brazil being now exporters of wheat , j
Tire surplus product of the Argentine
Republic two ytnre ngo vvoa nearly
nlno million bushels , and of Chill
bornoivhat toss than two mil-
Hon bushel' , aHBhonn by the amounts
exported. It Is Iho opinion of those con
versant with the sltu-itlon thab the tlmo
is not far dlstiint when the tlnoe princi
pal breadstuff producing1 countries of
South Amcrlcn will deprive the United
State * of the Rrenter portion of the. Hour
market In the botithern continent and
onlor into nellvo competition with us in
It Is thuo obvious thatourngicultural [
piodmcrs have llttlo to Irojx ) for from
the rnarkels of Kouth mid Central Amer
ica and tlio West Indies manifestly
nonsuch hcmoflt ns they would derlvo
from hulajj relieved of the niinvrilchartjo
of between fifty nnd l.xly million dollars
involved in the sugar duty. Associating
UIPBO fuels with the pr.ii tical olwliiclo to
the negoti.illoa of reciprocity treaties
with .Spiuilnh Arnorlcun countries in the
fact tlmt tlio imposition of high import
duties by thom in nb3olut'ily uecesiary
for thu maintenance of their govern-
H , and the policy proposed by Mr.
' must appnar I ninicllL'nblo ] ) or at
best wholly iiiadeqii ito to olTect iriiy ma
terial improvement in our trade rela
tions \\llh the southern countries.
"tt.lD P.IV KIAU'.D 11.U"
Tliodemiso of the Hfpublmin arToida a
striking illuatiation of Ijcn rrnnkltn's
time-HOfii motto : "Credit ia dead ; bad
piy hilled him. "
While the Jlepubtium had boon for
many joais HtiiTorlng- from mismaimjje-
inont and lai'k of iiublle conlldence , its
flnal failufb ischiolly duo to the intro
duction of the give-away poliej. A few
jears iifjo I ojal L Smith did ji vcri
largo buainesS in Omaha by Belling
dry goodu below cost. Ills br.iss b.nrds ,
fieo excuiBions and attii.ctrve posterd
drovvimmensely , and for n tlmo crowded
his Iioneat Lornpotitors. I3ul in duo tlmo
the enterprising Smith had to abscond
to keep out of the cluUhusof the sheriff.
The btnno give-away policy has ruined
several of the lotuting propiietoraof the
imltlicun tuid Itmilly wrecked tire whole
concern. When a novvspiper reduces
its Biib-.inipt ion price bjlow the cost of
the white piper mid ink , or woiso
jot , if the publisher seeks toworlcupa
mammoth circulation , by forcing1 pipers
upon peoplo-who do not want Ihom , and
tin owing p ipois into people's b ick and
front jard-i , thu ontorpriHO iinnt sooner
or later end inn ciash. Nobody can af
ford to deliver six oifiht-pago ptpcrj
and a Sunday oditlcur forfie dollars a ,
jearor ten ccnlH a week. This was the
rat Hint to the meal in the
Jh ) > itblican tub , and has been eating the
meal in the larder of our nniileur col
league , Mr. Hitchcock. It is only : i
matter of time when the drain will
finally oat up his entile concein.
Them is only oao legitimate \vay for
men to build up a business , and that Is
to Cuinish good goods and got good pay
for them. The glvo-nw.iy policy can
only pry as u detoy. It can
not bo done in the subscription
price of a piper because paper nnd ink
aio staple goods like Hour and bugar.
They cost HO ranch per pound and nobody
can afford to give the in away la any
quantity 01 for any length of time with
out drifting into bankruptcy.
Competition between papers conducted
on busliie-is principles must bo on the
lines of their lospecllve excellence as
ncwg-gathorcis nnd exponents of public
opinion. In that line there is a wldo
range for the man of brains. Capacity ,
Industry and integrity of purpose will
achieve the best results. The lesson of
the hour should not bo lost upon our
ovouoachhig contemporaries.
THE republicans of Tennessee , who
have just held their state convention ,
wore outspoken in favor of an offeotivo
federal election law. There aio no more
aggiessivo lopublicnns in the south than
thoio of Tcnressee , arid ills not im-
piobablo that they will ho the flrst to
breik the solid democratic control of
that section , to which end it is quite
possible the proposed election law would
materially assist them. Their decla
ration in favor of such a law
rimy have some Influence at
Wellington , but until there
more expression In Iho same direction
from the republicans of Iho noith , Hie
friends of the proposed legislation in
congress will not incie.ibo in number.
.Turil how st nmg they n''d at present in
the senate is u mutter ot some anxiety ,
but the irnptossion obtains tlmt they aio
not in Hulllcient force to pass nn elec
tion bill. At nnj rate , no such meas
ure as the housj bill cm pass at the
present session , so that those who aio
troubling themselves ever this mnltoi
nmy dlbinlws all apprehension of a now
liuv to tuko effect upon the congressional
elections of the present jear.
TUB national ihsues are the all absorb
ing topic of the democratic congressional
platform of this diitr ict. The despotic
house inles ; the federal election laws
the McKhiloy bill and all the trumporj
of a national campaign in which oui
people havoeomp.iratlvolj little interes
nro dwelt upon. LJut upon local issues
and the all-abiorblng isuo In this ill
Iriet they v\oro iw mum as oysters.
Tun democrats of the First eongios
sional illbtilct have cut a gut , to use i
vulgar phrase. They pocketed the high
Hcoiiboiosolutioim and nominated n. candidate
didato who comes from a good prohibi
lion family over In Illinois. Tlmt put
a. damper on the doinoenitn of Dougln
comity and gives Council awalk-mvay
_ ' _ 'SiNCK Inking tire census"siys th
Denver-3V "Omaha has
ics , commence
to drive out the quacks. " True. Omirhi
is determined to protect the publi
health from the quacks and impostor
and thus maintain Its strong load as th
metropolis of tha trims-Missouri region
Tun variegated , condition of utato poll
tics places the doublo-doclcor In a pitn
ful position. Whether to support th
democratic or Alliance candidates Is i
ticklish question , which can only bo do
tenniried by the financial condition o
the respective parties.
Mil. Cusuixa'a gaibagemastor wa
tire factotum of the democratic congrea
Bionnl convention. ITo mndo nil tire mo
tions , Introdurul nil th * > resolutions and
did a general girtago-dump business for
lie Douglas county tlcmocraej.
TIIK meat Inspectors , like their col-
cagucs in other departments of the city ,
annot give tholr attention to the worker
or which they nro paid vhen their
) olitlcal porvices nre demanded by the
combine , II U asking too much.
Tint South Omaha boodlers vroro not
n the biHinw for their health cxclu-
Hlvoly , but consideration of health us
veil ns liberty buggcsts an early depar
ture to more congenial climes.
Tin : dcmocuicy in these par-Is should
iropiro for Iho inevitable like tholr
iircthern in South Carolina , where
funeral c\pen oy are provided for In ad-
Tin : services ef brutal and ignorant
loltccinen could bodispou-'etl witlr , wlth-
mt In the sllglilest degree Imprlrlng-
the oflluiencj of the force.
Tmmtead.v mcreiihoof miimifaclurlng
Industries in I' ist Omaha strengthens its
claim to tire title , "Thu industrial annex
of Omaha. "
tVs Mtrmr have been expected tire
mlll { tru it finds Its existence a barren
ideality ultliout the co-operation of the
[ iump.
The fight in the Second district for con-
rusilo > : ul honors isiiowou. Ml McICeipliiiu
a this full ; boli-n bcena rampant
( trtenb.if ki'i" ; lin tins Icon iunn > tiling for
ollloo All lliirlan , with a hind 111 harmony
with the demand of the producers of Ne
braska , is In the field , nnd tu the democrits
nro of comtcqatisllttl with % rcKoiglum , the
rivohas sturtpil It ia to bo hoped that both
( t-iitlcmun w ill remain low until aftonloj ;
il ivs , and use all of the month of AtiKU-it to
plan tlu'irciitnpiigii. Hot wcatlier nnd t.un-
aifin lies toiiatituto a dangeious compound.
Tliero Is toini thins stum go about tbo treat-
nipiitof men by volltlthns. . About n jear
ago ( ! M I-iiws was scti-utnry of state , livlnjj
In Lincoln , and bi fore bhii v\as n cluinco to
bo elect oil to i second turn , if ho desired it.
Hin ( JovvJw ( , \oiing man of vor } ileccnt
abi 1tv ! , \\.is id put ) , and the future seemed
I sdcn with some honor nnd a salary tlmt
not , In these h u l times , to bo MIPCVOI ! nt.
As nfiicnd of Laud , who had died , Laws
was put up to take his jilico in
conffiL"s After a bird stiuirgle ,
with Colonel ttVlwtor , N V. Ilnilau and
( ! coiB'o Ifa-stln i is conipetltots , li\vs was
noinlii ited. lli election AV us not doubted by
republicans , und ho resigned as scuetiuy of
st ito. Ho wuil to congress , ilnlnll ho could
do , doubtless , but ho found and his friends
foutut that be w.isauqiuio pet ; fur a loinul
hole-tint bo did not Jill the bill
Covvderj was appointed secrut.ny of state ,
nnd because of bis tendency to
( lovc-tiil ovcrrnihoails , be was but slightly
innsiduicil b ) the stuto convention , and in
January ho will be out of his Job Iiirvvs hncl
f i lends vvbo insisted that ho hail done well in
rontncss and It v\.i , ofcoui'se , supposed that
he would rccelve a LOinpliinentdry vote fiom
his own county Hut bis was not men-
tionett Not mc'iitloucd even on tlio siilo. Ho mov > t'd do n by public opinion nnd
thorov is no ono so poor ; ia to do
him icvcieiuc. Kcpubllcs , it hnth ueon said ,
uio prL ) elballv niifrnitoful , but some conven
tions thh fait luvo discount'-cl republics
Messrs. I/.nvs and Co der ) aie examples of
tliib pi-opojltioa.
In thu matter of caudldatoi for governor by
the indofundent convention , it was n sublime
spectacle to sio Butler unit Buuows oiking
foL-Povvew agnin&t Van AVvclc. It was Mr
Bunowspro rat line that Powers sbould bo
tbo man , and when CoK-win fnilod to develop
any stiengtli P inner Butler pooled with
Bmiovvs and captured tlie comeiitiou.
Our double-cl coked cotcmporavy is for
Brj an for congress for tbo fellow ing reasons
" .Mr Brjau is a jouni ; man who guessed tbo
ruunbor of beans wo hid placed in a larfie
( Inss Jar and w on our greit jinzo of $13. Mr.
Hrym docs not tulto our dully , but ho sub-
scubedfoc our vvocldy nud will contest for
our great ? " > 'JO ' pnze and see if ho cnu miso tbu
largest number dt bushels of com ou an aciu
of ground in Iowa , Kansas , Is'obraski and
Colorado Air. Ui ) un stands pledged to sup
port our scow line , and will personally super
intend , if elected , the job of making
tbo Missouri ilver navigable between
Ilmnhannd Coundl ItlulTs , thin solving the
freight iato question Mr. Urjnti will also
accept our offer mill guess ou the stump , the
number ot yeas in .1 pod , nnd also eouteit for
our § 100 prize to been to the most pop-
ulai school toacher. " All these virtues have
endeared Mr lii-.van to our donblo-duked
eontcmporniy , nnd runner Ilitchcoelc pro-
poics to see that the pea-pod offer holds good
until after November
The republican convention In Iho Thhd
congressional district hns not boon ofllei.illv
culled , but It ib uudentood that ilwill meet
hi Columbus early In August. Mr Horsey
should prollt by the tru it merit of Liw s In the
Second , and if bo w iiitslno nomination see
to It ut least that bis imino is mentioned.
It Is not a violition of confidence to say
that Allen Uoot mled Inipaitlully iw chairman -
man of tbo independent convention. Ho
vVoulil rccognUo a dozen men nt once and lot
half of them talk nt tlio s ime timo.
Another Ansuor Ibr Jforroll.
rriBMOVT , Neb , July 20. To the Udltor of
Tnr.Bi'B : Answer from Fremont to Erlo
Mori oil , Swaburgh : In IS'sO ' Ti-cmont's ' pop.
ulatlon was fl.OOO with twenty-two snloona
At present the pnpul ition of Fremont is SlKK )
with thirteen MIODIH | I think vou 11111 llg-inu
forjounulf which 1ms rnci-e.useil most , the
saloons or the popul itlou. bo much for Pro-
inont. 1 . A. P.
Iowa's Prohl lililon Fjnvv.
O.MVIIV , July aiX-Totho Uditor of Tin :
Urn : To settle a dispute , please state In
your pnpor whether the Iowa problbltoiy law
is statutory or eoustltiitionalf 0 P.
Answer It Is stiilutoiy.
Ill K 310DKUX } tHi > j/X ritSJIT.
Ail Injunetioii hceurcil A 'iiinst the
uiiifeiri or the Older.
Cmcir.o , Julj Ul.-Tho Modern AVoodinon
of AmerUn , n mutual llfo liisunmco body
\v ith a niemtiorsblp of about forty thousaiul ,
ctilcll ) la this stute , louu , Nebraska , Wis
consin , Kansas nnu Coloiiulo , Is liavhiK more
trouble- with its executive olucera , against
\vhoni suit Is now * pending to oust
them from otllco for alleged fraud. Some
tin ) a ago nbill was tiled in tbo circuit couit
alleging that the ofllcc-rs weio gecklng to
o\adotliourisdlction ] of the courts of this
Htnte , tlmt the ) had rolled a meeting to bo
hclu In DCS Molnes , Ia. , AuKUst U , next , at
w hieh t vas proposed to surrender the Illi
nois charter of the bodv unit
establish Its lienilijunrtoi-s in Iowa , uml
tli it the accused oflliers pruposej to
rcmnvo the books niul papers of tlio t-oriioni-
tlon from tbo stater. On this showing Judge
J'ltthlU > enteiilay Iisued on Injunctloii.whlch
wan auppro sed for gcrviro until today , for-
bidiUug tbo holiling of the proposal tiioe'tiriK
in IJei .Molniw and restraining tlioonioeia
fwru roiuov Ing the boolts and papers , or copies -
ios of thorn , from tlio state ; l o forbidding
tbo suspension of any members prior to tlio
regular meotlntf to bo hula In SprlriKflvld
November It next.
Aijii'M ttr T/rw x
The valu.4. ' Ion of live stock in ( Irani county
Iho Vnllov county ilwnocrutlo convention
will bo held nt Ord August 0.
Tbo Scandinavians of Cherry county hold a
picnic near Valentine Aujmst 10.
The Ulalno county fair will bo held at
Drowsier September 2,1,24 and 2ii.
Mrs. Tester of Arcadia Tell down n cellar
nnd brolto her nock , but is still nllve.
Humholdt voter * dcfoitod tbo pioposlllon
to bond the town to bullil waterworks.
TliDPaeillc Khoit Line has opened for
buwlness be'twcen bloiuClty and O'Neill.
The rcsldem-o ot J. J. Albertuon , ticir Colo-
ridge , v as eiitlrel ) d'Mtroyid by ni o thu other
The old settlers of illalne county will bold
a reunion und picnic at lUevvster Septem
ber W.
Colerlilge Is to Irrvn n nft-1wrrel nourlnff
mill , costlnjj $10,000 , in opeiation in January
1 , lilll.
A borso steppcil on the foot of ( JoorRO
Re-ed of Holrueixlllo and amputated ono of
tlio 2 on n K man's tees.
MiSf Jlury Covvcn , nired leventy jcars. llv-
hiK nenr Ainswortb , wns fjorc'd by a bull the
other dn.v und vv 111 probably die.
A siigir and molasses factory will bo
stai ted at An ad ! i within sKtytlnys. Itwlll
bo rim in connection vltli thu rollur mills.
.loi1 ICuhucl of Columbus 1m1 * been taken to
the Not folk liiaunoasIum.Vhlle \ perform-
hiKEornocnuy antics bo so b idly scut oil a
Norfolk 1 idv Unit she gave premature birth
to a child.
Adjutant General A. V. Cole bat Issued
special older No. 'Jl griutlng' permission to
the National putinl of Kansas to enter this
state uniformed and equipped for Ihu pur
pose of attending the solduis * reunion nt Su-
pel lor.
Since the death of Gcnrml Jnhn C IVc-
inont , 1'errv L ivvson , aeoloied barber iiiul atone
ono tlmo a slnvo , Ins kept his shop nt Vuleii-
UniMlmpe'd in jiiournbitf ami the stars and
stiipes lloatliift over it tit half mast. lie
liccnly feels llio loss of nnoof tbo beat friends
the i oloreil people over had.
The lwolveoiiold son of Mr. \ \ C
Illilue , a fui mi'i- living u mile notthof Mnsou
Cit ) , vbllo diawiiiK VMiti'i from a foitj foot
well , in which tliue v\as U.o feet of vuitor ,
lost hia liiilaiui' , caused bj thu lope broiklng
which held the pull.V ovetheiul , and plunged
boiilforinost to the bottom. IIilp eirno
quUUly undliu wu drawn to the Hiufiico
with u bid rut auosstho foiohcad. Iho skull
bone Is broken and bh chances of iccovorj
aie doubtful.
blirader , the croumery win vvlio sklt > ped
from Co7tul and lift the town ami i aunty in
the lurch , bis not hem hu-nd of slui-e But
a litter trom a Boston conunisbion liousu
st itcs that tbov veitiviid tliirty tubs tllleil
vitb butter from Slimier , but wlien opened
twenty of them with silt and tea with in-
fi'iiDr butter , hlimdcr cliew on tbo 15o- > ton
stoio for the shlinncnt. The amount ho
ihew is notknovMi , but thn di lit is p lid , and
must hue been a nlco little sum. Sluailer
bougtitl woithof bait liom u Co/uil 11101-
e-lnint nnd after ho had skipped the men bunt
went to thcuiciunri.v to get the suit , but
ueino was. to bo found
low a.
Osceola county has a population of (5,000. (
A Daughters of Veterans camp is being or-
guul/cil at Kock Itaplds ,
llio ofllchl repoit of the census of Pngo
county gives the county Ul > ,003 inbabitiuits.
John ICuehl , an cighieui-j car-old Lyons
bov , bad thtxo lingers taken olt by a buzz
J be sovcn yeni old son of Milco MeliiURh-
lin of Koe-kwell fell fioin a windmill tower
and broke both arms
Tour members of tbo family of Mark Mil
ler of Monlohuva ( hod within two } ears and
o.u-li with a ( A fifth Isdinbr
with I3tlght's ctlsciibO.
Mrs JuiioWcstlako has bi ought sultngilnst
Uiucltyof Iaveut ) > ort for 4-J.OJO dam itft-s
Lust \v inter she silnpeil on n defective side
walk and biokohcr log nnd has not jet 10-
coveted from tliocllccts of the full ,
John II. Smith , a fanner liririB near Gilman -
man , wis kicked in tbo face by a borso , cut
ting H wish thieu inches lunjy over his loft eye.
id biiilf-onf bis now bns boon biolton twice
before by hiiiks in tbo same plicc.
Hev Mr Ilavdi'ii oftlio Cluistian church
ami Key Mi Niblockot the United rresb-
tcriiin ehuich of Maishalltovvn have resigned
tlitir ixv-.peettvo ehaige-s on account of dissnt-
l fnctlou with their rigid views on prohibi
At A'illifaca two persons wore arrested and
fined fiom 85 to 10 caeh for Rambling. Tour
or live worn bos under llfteen and two weie
professional ( ramblers , ono having Just been
icluised liom a Jail seiitouco for u similar of
A pnty of Webster City practical Jokers
tiied to play a Jolto on a young man named
Carpenter. The young man didn't seem to
relish the fun. und whipped outn icvolvcr and
shot Arthur Unnnaford thiough the los The
joker Is in the bands of n nurse , while the
Jolcco languishes tu the county jail.
At Neponset , 111. , 010 diy last weelr Hairy
Mi Cracking was thrown from his w.ipin and
instantly killed Ilo was a member of com-
piny A , Thirty-seventh regiment Iov\a vol
unteers , in the Into war of tbo rebellion Ho
Mas named by his comrades "II ippy Day. "
His vvrdovv Is cntlrelyholpless witb paralysis
Ex-OovcrnorPackaiil , of national reputa
tion nt the time of the Ilijcs admlnKtrition ,
hns been mentioned as .Mai-shalltoivn's candi
data for coruncssionil honors iieNt month at
the Odur Hupuls cou\eiition. I'lOhibltion
republicans object on account of bis allowing
bis soii-in-1 iw to bring in a case of beer at his
own widding.
Tlio little \lllapro of Pcoria , n snort dls-
tanco northwest of Oskuloosa , Is on deck
v.ltli adojrstotv that equals the tnlo of any
angler. Some dayti ago a worthless cur was
declared n nnlsanee , and a public-spirited
ertrren tooit It upon himself to pliy the role
of lord high executioner. In fulfilling his
design ho killed , the wrong clog , in tint lie
slew a line bird dot ; belonging to Dr. Wont-
worth. An apology settled the matter nnd
tlio dccoiuicd ivns lulil to rest beneath t o
fcc'tofsod. Tin eo dnysnfter inter rncnt tbo
doK reippearcd and eirno back to the doetoi's
door to el lim his allowance. The doctor re
claimed him and ho is now as fat and as
llvelj its ever. There isno cimnco for nils-
take , as the dog bears the shot M ouniU and
the tomb Is empty.
The Two
Noith D ikotn Is short on 1m vest bands.
Potter county hns an Indebtedness of 4U t- |
870 25.
Watcrtown talks of erecting a wheat
DicUnson county will ship 100,000 pounds
of wool this seuon ,
Hntto county hoisomen have formed na as
sociation anil v , ill bailclahnlf zullo track at
Joe Heritor , a youiiR- win of Uoland , fell
against a circular si\v and hud blsriu'Lt hand
ncnil ) severed
Oneldiiciti/ens vvlll soon vote on the propo
sition to Issue bonds for the purpose of build
Ing n graded school.
Work has commenced on the nrtoshn veil
at AVolsey and v\ ill bo continued day und
night until a gusher Is struck.
Cattle ; for the Indians will hereafter be
slaughtered by white. men , the led men being
excluded from tbo shughtoilng pens and ro-
celvlns their rations la the foirn of clean
Tbo live stock census of Sully county
makes a very credital lo she hig There aio
owneil In tlio county 11,710 hoi-us. 1 , 100 i ti
tle , 118 mules arrdoasca , > , ( hO sheoi > nudbl2
During the pist week a number of Oeer'car-
ciibses vveix ) biou itlrito Il.iplil City niulof-
fc't-ed for sulo. As It is tmhm ful to 'kill deer
nt this time of your tbo louil gun club has
taken the matter la hand and tbu guilty par-
tics will bo nrruhtcd and prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
Two } cars ngo Hon H. C Sago of Pnullc
county purchased 5llslu'e'p ! , for which ho
piidfU&M. 'Iho next ycir bo raUcd.lDO
mmbs and sold ! t'r ) olu sheep. Tbo JKXl sheep
anil ho wool jleldul il.Rsr iunr than the
original prlco paid for thoiu-nnd Uio original
nunibcr still ii'iiuiliieJ
Joseph Hxfard , a Chamborhtrt restaur-
ntouras arrcalod for allowing his cus
tomers to bring boor Into hts place of busi
ness and think it wbilu pirtaktng of llicir
meals. In a lengthy opinion Juilgo Mot row
decldc-d that Kxfonl was not responsible for
tlio acts of hia customers , uml dhmissect tbo
cane ,
At an old folks' mooting In YniiKtontbo
other evening the ajon of tbo twelve people
present afsi orated OeWjouw , au average of
sovcnty-two nnd one-half jrears caeh. four
wcro olfflit.vUirco nml upivirils. iiggrv itinij , four wcro ) four and up
won ! * , aggregating M > iara , and the com
bined iigeof the eight rcnchfil ( VII j i , or
mi av crage of c ijlit ( > niul oue > half yenw each.
A party of Chamberlain popli' . vhllo \ on a
visit to Americnn Island. In the Missouri
river new th it city , llio other day , dlsi-ov-
ored a curious spring , which , on luvostlgi *
tion , iiroveil to l o a small pc-yscr. A tvst
\vns rinulo by pladrif ! n long jilico of tubing ;
over tbo irutcr whin ntinterviits of n min
ute , a strvnin of water would shoot up Into
LluMiirseveial feet. The water of tlio spring
Is hikcunriii , Indicating that It comas from a
greit deth.rlho ] island H belns converted
into a publlupark and tholnfant ite.vscrvlll
bo properly tubed nnU niiulo to do duty as a
llio Amerlc'nnl/cil Jjiiryclopredla
tiica , which wo Introduce to our citizens , Is a
genuine triumph of American Ingenuity ntul
energy , Though founded ou the celebrated
"Eiic-yelop.rUalrltaiuil.a"ltls ( ) ( by no mentis
a ineie voibiUm roiirltitof tlmt celebrated
woilr. N'or is It < iu'h a roiirlnt with a few
aiticles on special subjects added
Its title descilbe's it ttce-uratel ) , US the
opreillti Uritannlt-.r Ainerlc mired , re
modeled , tnkotiipartntid put together iigibr
in such aay ns to tniusfortn It from a woik
compiled under Kupmli tupcn ison ] , for l'.ng-
Hslr use , Into ono complloil under Aniorii in
supervision , with a spc'chl view tothocnU'r-
tuinrncut nnd instruction of u million Ameri
can homes
Notasinclo aitlcloiu the oilginil "nrll.ui-
ulcV h 13 been dropped The stntolv sen
tences of M icauley , tire outspoken thouRht of
Mill , the lucid e\phmitioii9 of Ihnlcj- and of
Tjndall , can idl bo fouuil In Its pile's Such
aiticles have been nhililged as treit of sub
jects exclusive ! ) English , and nro crowded
with a mass of dctills inte'rostlng only to
loeil Ijiiglish ividers ; and to bilauco this
iiic'rrl the artlc-lcs on American sub-
Jeits hive hugely been rewritten , nnd , in
mnst rases , witlr far croitcr elaboration.
( V lengthy series of biographies has been
added It U a cuiioui fiicttb it nelthei Grant ,
Sherman , Shnid in , Haruson nor Cleveland
is mentioned in the onglinl 41lJiltanlci , "
the design ot tint compilitlon evcludingbl-
oijiphii's of ll'lni' charactci-3 ; nemly ono
hundred new mips hive been- Insulted mid a
number of well executed engravings nro in-
lioduccd to Illustrate the text. 'Ihe result is
nvvoik which , for Aineiii-an use , is to tbo
oilfcinal "Ilritttiic i" what the original
"Iliiiialci" Is to all other eiieydop.edias , a
wntlc of wblc-lnve cm tiuly siv , nftcracMic-
lul examination , tint it leaves nothing to bo
Of the making of boolts there Is no end.
Nearly twcntj thousind volumes issue fiom
Luropeuii and American presses every ycir.
To keep abreast of the ndvanclnt ; line of
thought and know ledge bv the study of scpi-
rnto works it > a phjsic.u impossibility. In
offcrinir oin rcidors tbo Aiiicriciniiod 'Uncy-
clopieilia Itritmlci we oiler them thobCiv-
Ices of a thoustiul 01 nioi-e ti lined minds and
skillful pens , which have npltninUi'd in tl'O
ten volumes of Uio cricu-lopvdh , Uio latest
fiuitioii of tboiiKbt , achievement mid drbcov-
ci ) in tlio whole RIC it and cvci-widouingcir-
clu of buraan knowledge
Tbo following Is asyuoiisisof the Nebraska
hlRh lieenso local option law :
Section I provides tint llio county boanl of
each county tiny grant llccnso for tbo sale of
milt , spintuous and vinous Ilijuois , If deemed
cxpe'ilient , upon tbo application In petition of
tliirty of tbo resident freeholders of the
town If tbo county Is under township organ-
izttion Tire county board slnll not luve
authority to issue any lieenso for tlio sulo of
liquors in any city or incorporated "village or
ulthin two miles of the same
Section U provides foi the IlliiiRof the ap
plication anil for publication of the applica
tion for at two wcelcs > befoio tUo giaut-
ing of the license.
Section I pi DVidcs for the hearing of the
case if n lenioiistranco is filed ngtiiibt the
b'mnttng- a lloenso to mo applinmt
Farthoi heotlons provide for the appealing
of the loiiioiistnuieoto tlio district court , the
form of the llccnso ; the eivingof a S.)0i ( ) )
bond by the successful applicant for the ll
Sections 8 , 0 and 10 make It an offense , pun
ishable. . by iifiuo of $ J.r > , for any licensed
linuor dealer to sell intoxicating liquor to
minors orlndhns.
Section U proviiles tint nny person selling1
liquor without a license slnll ho Uned not
less than $100 nor mom than $ jOO fop each
offense ; and section 1'J provides for the trial
of such offenders.
Section 11 ! makes it au offense , ptinislnble
by a line of & 100 and a foifeltmu of llccnso ,
for nny licensed liiuior vender to sell adul
terated liquor.
Section 1 1 inalccs It an odonso punlslnblo
by a fine of § 100 forniiy pennon to sell or tlvo
away any liquor on Sunday , or on the day of
unv general or special election.
Sections 1.1 to : ii inclusive , define the 1U-
bihty of saloonkeepers for damages sustained
by nny ono in consequence of the turtle and
provide the stops necessary to collect buch
Section 2 1 iclatcs to tbo Issuance of diug-
gists' penults
The local option tcaturo of the law Is con
tained in section 3 , the bailout pirtof which
"Tho corporate authorities of all cities and
villages shall have power to license , regulate
and prohibit tbo selling or giving away of
any Intoxicating , unit , spiuUious and vinous
liquors , within tbo limits ot such city or vil
lage This section also lives the amount of
tbo lloenso fee , which shall not bo less than
ViOOIti villages nnd cities having loss than
10,000 inhibit mts nor less thaaJl.OOOIn cities
having a population of move tlinn 10,000.
Sections M and 2" relate to druggists' ' rog
isters and peualties foi violation of the lulos
Section Jb in ikes drimicenness an offeaso
punishable b ) a fine oflO and tests or im-
iirisonnicnt not exceeding thlrtv dajs
Section L'9 provides tint the doors ind windows
dews of saloons shall bo'coiitfrcefio'uscieens '
or blinds
H ax 'Jit&iii Jicscii : .
A I.ivr-l ) I ltllo Heanoo nta Spiritual-
WVIFIIAM , Ivlass. , Jul ) HI. [ Social
Telcgriinr to Tin : Urn ] The row among the
mediums at the spiritualistic cunp grouna nt
Onset Bay giove culminated List n ! lit in tlio
arrest of ono of the mediums for assault and
battery. J. L Colby , n slate-wilting medium
fiom Callfoinln , tooU up the cause of Charles
Itoss , the Boston medium whom John Cm Us
of thit city exposed , and cut used Curtis 1'uc'S-
day afternoon of doing various mean and un
durlmnd things Cuitls denied them , and ac
cused Colby of having been exposed while in
Texas O'oib ) denied this , saying tint ho hud
never been ia Texan , but followed It up with
rough rcnuuks , and limill ) stinck Curtis lint
In tbo fnco Deputy SheiilT . .1.V. . Hniley of
\Vaicham was suiiimnneil and iiriebtcdolbv
Mb1 ; Helen Heriv ot I'lilladolphhi , iimteilall-
nitlon medium , move \Vuiahuin and so-
c-uii'd bonds for Colby Onset Is In an uproar
ov er tbo InU'st turn alTuirs tnrxo taken iinmng
tbo mediums and the camp threatens to bo
bioken up nlton'ctni r , though it has just
begun and was to have continued until Sep
tember 1.
_ _ Nupl l.iln lit Vienna.
VIBVM , July II The niiiiiiiigo of Arch
Duibc'ss Mane Valeiii , scionildiuightu and
youngest child of theeinpeiorand empioss ,
and Arch IDuUo 1'ianels balvator , took plaro
today. All the members of the Imperial
family were present. At the wcd < llng break-
fust , aftur the vvodillnp , the ctnpcror nn-
iiouiuil the lutrothul of Arch Dnko
tViillnand , tblul son of Arch Duke Kail
Linhvltr , heir presumptive unite thivmo of
Auitriu llungiir ) , to Princess Kll/iboth ,
eldest daughter of LJrlnco Leopold of
Pat ally Woiiiuli'il lllu S\u > < > lbfii t.
Lormu.ii , Ky . July III 1'etorMcOrary.
Until recently nl ht walehiuiin at the bU
Louis ccme-tei-y , this morning shnt an 1 inoi'-
tally wounded Annie Stiiltln , a pretty < 'i > -
vant lil with uhtim ha wniluluv < 'flif
girl did not return hU love and tliU nmd > ih
man JisiloiH After thu Bhoutlui ; aia mrj
atteinnted t lcoU > tuLu iil owu life. Ilo vw
plua'd uude-r arrest.
Douglas Oouutj'j Commiwioiiors Eofora tin )
Etato Board , of Equalization , '
Comi > laliusK liiHt nil Alleged In.
Miller or Women -A Kalooti J
J'lrin PnllM Out-CIt ) Nt'UM
ntul .Voles.
I.rvcotv , N'ob. , luly to Tim
Bun ] Commissioners Aiuterwn , O'KeefTo ,
Turner nnd Hcrlln of Douglas county np-
l > cnrcd before the state board tit equuriz illon
this moiidtiK and presented a stitoinent con
ceinlntth"irassosHmpiit nnd iislx'd tint tlio
threitpucd Increase In their IUM'S be not
made ntul that they remain tlio tiimi' n list
year The members of the boirderesatis \ \ -
lied tlmt the proposed increase was o\c' siM )
and promise 1 to allow them to remain mlhc )
v. cro last y ir.
A FitnppuioMt , unnuor viovirx
Anotlicr ciso of irniiltlng iidvniires nmclo
by a long-liilrcd cinplojinent agent Is ie-
ported ted a ) by ayoiing luly of oighteeimln
is anxious to kocp her naino out of the pipers
The gill sajssho went totlio fellows ofll i )
Tuesday afternoon to Inquire for emplrx merit
and w bile tlicrc shediluulu' pi ssl\ Insulted
her. She bud to defend hoi self \vlth npaiii
sol , and mnniigcililnilly toosuipa from him
Shossiid Hmt the fillovthu \ itoiihigH eati
tinned her to saj nothing about the matter
These cMiunlaints concerning him ore * txvnni
ititf too common for furtbir HUipnssioii | ami
the pit-Is fi lends nro eudciivoiliig toba\e her
punish him In tlio police court.
sfiaiii1 * i vmMiiiRonmn invt
IVcd Haecnslck and liufiisGlotfoltoi , tlio
saloonkeeper * at 2101 O street , and who Imvo
been doing a land ofllco business ninonp tbu
thirst v denizens of Vast Lincoln , have fallen
outnfura i > ntirrshl ( ! > of enl ) seicn weeks
HiiL'enslik discloses the fact that tlio llrm
took In fl,7U above nil o jienses In Unit time ,
but bo claims Ibat CSlotCeltcr minngcd to gU
hold of all but ? ir of ItVlieti tlioy formed
the iMrtnoi-shiplIiigiiisirk savs the aifieo
mcnt VMS that no should furnish the lljturcs
nmlCilutfe'Ut'r pi ) for the license. Tbohttii
was owing sornu jl.100 before thu pirtnershlii
mid as f > ooa as the coilltion VMS foinuil
ho placed a niortgnKO on tlio silooa
Ib.tuie ? to ce-cuii' the bimonltlinut II i i n
silk's i-nnsuit nnd hniiicd thoptiillts of the
saloon for his own bom lit , ucn utusniuf to
mike out aschciluloof rcccipti. lluu-uisiik
hns tired of this lawless wav of doing tiling
and asks tint u recciici lo appnintid.
Aftervveildi'ddiscord of seven ir-aiiMn.
Minnie U. Collins nsln 1o bo sopu.itid f n-
ovirfloin her husbincl , IImiTbo tvo
foimeil ) TCijdul in Una uniiiit , Urn ism.
but Mia Collins savihei vvoisi-i half itoi < ii
so outi i coubly that tli etc vv .is n < Ih iun'l ( \ \
hin It vv is bis dally uistoiu to bi it anil
kick her Finnlly ono daj in u Jit of anger
heseucd Ills nttiuiiti'd | toitm-
del he-r I'ortuiutolj ' the enrtritUe ftuli-d to
explode arid ho nas so ciiiagcd ov ci his futilu
attempt to shoot hci , that luinc' attempt I
to DC it bor and kie-lt her to dc itb. Notw ltd
standing this sbo continued tolivo with bin
until ho made n second attempt to iimid r
her and she bad to i\\ \ for be-i life. Sbo c.nim
to Lincoln to iretii df\orioanilcoininoiico llfo
all over again vith lier maiden mine , Lu.\
E Riivillns She nlso asks for tlio custody
of her tluec-j ear old cbilJ
Tor hvo wuttiy month'Villlam Ilbci
plowed , lurvostcd aad did other manual
labor on the fain of Tied \V llalilivin , not.i
Kie it distance from r.inioln Hheauvs to
iccclvoStupor month for tlioorlt but ho
cl dins lie moiMiii iiotliini'instead IR'suod
foi lU ) nuil tlio jurv iillu\\eil him &Tit )
Uien this reduition did not suit hli cm
file ) r , who Insists on piyhiR iiothhi/ and
inhopis ofso doll 11 ; has cirriul the ( HO to
the Bupiciua court ou an alleged error lu tlio
lo or umrt.
roucnn HIM TO TV.T roil iris nri u
H B Troihva ) aslcs the stiproino court to
foico ono Vllllnm Klloy of JJakot i county to
pay SVO r > whlcli ho claimsJiiloy owoi
himor l m Iho lluid AVJI bought
lionx the b'mnz JiiOAvinp compiim
of Sinnx City , Li , during the
jcirsl r , , IS li and lisr. Wlulher Rlii }
clniak all the btcr blmsolf or not ii not stated
in the potition. At am wto tlio Trail ? com
pany KiowilKcouniRed at the prosjiect or
collecting the mono ; for the coodsandturnul
tlio note OM.T to B. U. Tiodway at n prut
discount. Treilwuy U detei mined to maUo a
bindsomo speculation out of tlio baignin and
ho has been chibln Itilcy through tbo lourr
courts with a f e-od hbod club j\t tlio lust
tiiul the sjwpnthy of the Jury wns with tlio
man. uho liad bought tlio beer and they ga\o
a verdict ncroitlingly. But TmUviiy vlll
oventuiliyhuvothuiuoiioy if It costs Uvleo
as mucli to pet it aa ho pud for the bill ,
Henry .Tones , a colored man , -was nriestod
this moriiitiir on coinpliiut of aMoii nllin
mined Hliiny Leo , who runs a laundry lit
NinthniidN. Shine oliiins that , the .Afrfcm
stele u pail of shoes bolonu'iiu' to him.
The colored potiplo of UiU cily Avlll celo
biiitcEm.mcipitiondaytnmoriov afturnuiu
at Uarlleld paik Large delegations dfvi-.iv
on arooxiicctcil from Onuihu and ucin'hbor- ;
iiif : ton as
Tlio Konubllcnii novwapor compiny ot
Oin.dii lifvil aiticles nfiucoiiioi itiou toil 17
vith a capital stock off7r ( Wi ) The incoi
porn tors at o.I ironinli C Wilio < c Iwdwardl'
( nlkins , V Morton Smith , J M ailllan nud
bherman Wilcov.
a llulisli K
.Tul ) ft ! fS [ > cinl
tol'iiR Bir ] It is announced tlmt Xiciitcn-
nut A/ovoilo Coiitinholio \ in Juno last went
with an annul expedition totlio Shim dis-
tiic-t for tlio osti'tislblo jiurposo of attiirlJiifj , luu seized the steamer Jaunt
faUncnson bolongiiiD' to the British Afiicia
like coin ) ) my and thit the crow of Iho
steamer has been sent toQnilliniiimolor trid.
Disoi-dcf in Saiiion.
N. S. \ \ ' . , July 31. fSpoeial Ci-
Ucgram toTur Bif.J Tbosteamor Lubcilc ,
vhich baa arrived hero fwin Apia ,
rumors of disorders In tboSamoin
In tlio opinion of Kuropcnns the dl.oidon
lMint out the necessity ct llio tlneo treity
jio\\ew IIiiBlund , Cicriinnij and the United
htate. fonnliijf a proper gox'eranieiit for
t IOIIH Klooil In Cliliin.
.Tilly ,11 [ Spcchl CabliKrum to
Tin : HKIUho ] pluiii aioiind 'lloutnlii \ \ is
subincrBOil by Iho recent o elllo v ot the I'ci
Ho rUor. All tlio mails in thoiloolod ilis-
tiuLsweiodestrojcil anil cioj)3 ut'ionriiied
All foininuiilL'iitloinvuHdit off niul foi
days no no\vs fiom P .kin
I > eni 'r nioafj in l > ondon.
July 31 jbpedal C'abloKi.un to
TIIK Bur ] Consols optmnl nl ' .n'tf ' for
uioiirj anilX ! 1-10 for ni intuit 'Iho ' Il.iiiknf
KriKl'tml 1ms ndvaiiecd I IB mtu of discount
fion 4 porcoiit to 5 per cent.
Subscribed and OuarantocdOapltnI. . tSOOOOO
1'ald In Capital U30.00J
lluys ami Hi'lU fc > lnc-lsaiiil lionil * . iKMotlatus
rniiiiuert'lid puitrri rnilns nnd I'xt'c'iiti's
trusti ; nils at trnmfiTiiKi-iil ami lru ti iif
corporations. UUin. cliar u of iuu | > oiljr , iul-
Omaha Loan
5 E Corner' IWiti n .l Doug las Stn
I'nliHu u lwt SUiOD
i i + ul Uwrtiiit uUUuyHU KV.DuO
U , H > mtw , UJV-I < JUM ( , J J Uitmn ,
\u.i iwUUnut W. r yiuvu. livMinor