Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1890, Image 1

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vriii'i'i'iftv ( i iitifi/M'i'iu / ' v'/'f
MiliLSSIIftAL IwhhBlMiS ,
A 1 tt r pr WiUrlnl hot * QnlU A Il )
In Uo Ifetm.
on HIM l
in. i nCOwliinililit Apti- | | ii'lii >
l llfll AnHii'il lt In
lilt ) hi'lllltH ,
< AUhMM , rUw to ittwUon of .
offcrml rnoiNton term Invonll-
it * 1-tMHfW "f twrupilrtn IHIKlfllt
f itt l tr > Mf * nlfttaNl In a i cctil
M > I Illluoti NMiUwUml itim Ida
1 n ilM M > i pmM < nt qunwUmt nf prlr-
I. , ti < - tMltfn lu4fl In Iho mlllorhtl wn
, I " NiilblturtHlhlln wiMH-hHnf1 ! . Hinl
IM < lux ) ; m t M fMMMiMbtjr iii > H illfl
t .rl HI- , ) -h ir l nMlltjr to firralucn nvl-
l' ' i'il ' would Utid Ui ftikbll li Him
| h. . M n.h < m * owed II UilU dtmilt * Mini
U tin i. Mimm-f ilt i-oimlrrloinjr
M. o ( Ohio thntitfht If tlin
MIIIIn takf * i-ntftilMrtm of till * I'llHrK"
nth iirwtl lly It WM no fhitijttt ) , th
Hull * htHllll fllt lid MHlt Ul II COIIIIIlltl'll
Mi K.tfwrrliiMiM , Mlil It WM uui-
iiuWiliMMl tlmi Hit * ijMMiliiir | NMt Mt nil
I < n hl hinmr , thrM'fom llinuliHrRu vviw
i. . , i r. lilt' UllWlhljl'tlllll III !
M y II do l x * mlnpttll.
M l wd In dl- |
/tin * lit uli > nUfiitloii
II.1 uf til" Wlllm * III
lii Ihi'imiiH-nf llnriirincm'
MUM it - n IWIIIKI iiti-tiilH-rn of Ihii
bu Muni dmiiKiriwiiim mid
/me tn Imd thi-Hllfitni'ii Into
, iii nli nf IU l < vliltiiHl > jihnttiiif |
viv trylliK In i-li-oto tlin Im
i Mmlnil MiMlii IIUMI Wi-tvi'omilil mill
I It . \ > i-n UKimlr vliinciin men In tin
t Hi il tli M-f. VP nbmilil InHI | | InU ) Dlllri-
\i--i f'li-tlin IIU | | * IWIHI | I lit )
11 i * > lu riilu < UMi wn not n prlvltiwl one.
in ' ii t MI ) Mill that it ni < wiiiMMM'i-illtiiliil | | )
\i. . . t itttfnr , - l i-hnnieti-r It ttmdinoiw -
( . . , . ) ! i xivltt lir liinrvii't ( It imulii no
' i iiniili | M uuti-li iMOhixly ciHihl IMIex
it 11 , \ In | nviUti < H 1 ll [ or i-tilivlrtlnlt.
p. . li mi HtitlAltiixl tln > ilivlnluil of thu
11 t" mi H | ' | < H | ImvliiK IK-MII tnkiin by Mr
< ) , - .
11 li > ! ( him Mrtnit Into wtinmlUi-o of the
\ . i . , n triii Mnmln iuiMiiiliti * iiUi toUici nun-
nmendiiH-nt win *
f < i'v ' M.MI nimurnM III 'I'hn iiuinnltleo
II . . . mul thii hoiiMf inU inioil without
IIK M llllL
\ \ . nonius. July 81. In tin ) t > nitn today
\ | , | mi i inl llml tUo rtrnr and hiulior
I s < 11.M l * lkiM up imt frlility.
lie iinifi < mn < ii raMtt | nn thti Dlntriel of
I ' li < lIN , nliptiil-rUtlotl hilt will IIKItwl ill.
Hi UHH bill WH Ihwt liikwn tip nnd Mr
M. | MttiM-it | tninviHl In iimke thu nile on ox-
i i , l i'f lliiirt I r 'iit HlicMind , the iiinoiul-
| i < < if I bit llnmit-i iMiiiiiliUto hulliK to lt > -
tl i II Ifllll ft tltft Oil ! "
l'i nxml | Mltlc l illni-iisitlmi follnvvi-il , tn
' , r 4- , r whl.-li Mr Alnrli-li until OIK
M MI Mil oritfln&llHVNMMII | | | u dittv of I
ii'it "H llif.rii-n pmtn , but vvlii-n It wiw
l < l llml HMmmt mimMpxl In tlMtt liunliu Hit
\ \ . . linn.-r i tt * mtii
\ . ! ilmn1
M l'lii > i < nr mot Inn VMII llnally 11
I i-v l in- i.ui l i rt.j vivto nnd the roin-
i ' i ni"-lull' 'lit unitl tn
M vi. I'hiirm wmitml the duty on nistor
ii - < i | l nun Nl to lift ITII | | 'r Kiillint ,
I If 1'lnmto w > H l ttiMl It Im Inrnmne-d to
I- iliw | nvn til duly , mid this wits
i id
l < t - < iHr | 4i roUtliiif Ui Dplinn was
' I tvmmiiMtulud fix tinHIIIIIIINixitn
' i < > iiiiikt-ll rwtd fill IiiiiU > tMl of 910 per
* % iH'rnill | | N , Ml to ImrVtw , VVH HIMI'lllleil
. -i ii' nlU > uf tlio Illimu'O uiiiitiillti-i- ,
I. I' 1' ' illI \ < H | lltO IIUIHIltlK'tlll-Od Nlttl-lo
I . , ' . , , | i , < | . ) , | ( if ( J , H * III tllU | | I > UMI Illll ,
* > .nmfi. lurwl * ii'iitw \ [ Kninil In-
t , i r f < ! IN- ii n
tIt T , \ . rlid-MH i < ntlnuiil In nffcr Huienil-
Itu - i in M rfral iithrrpHtvfmph * , but nil
l. , . * li < r Ultl'tldlU ! < 'llt WHIT
k ' ! * . > , uni "i VinvliiK | M < OU din
V .1 f. | ! H > iiilwirmHl.
lunlni < i't'lliiiivh ( Wniinitod ,
HllVI'n III ! ' 'I' ! ' III.
. , Cut. July nl The Sttiiln Ki >
th MNilh dmhfni at tO.IAIanl
w * ln > UI up ny four men
t > , - lull * * MMlHvM t of Trinidad
( > trtn * il tl * I mln with a
| , , i tifrtt. Mul t tamn M II ti > piol | HUT-
t > * * * Rriov it tb * vniilitmr , hitting
| . Uv In llw tMHMl Mil urtaU Tlio Itiit-
i. . .firM a Mtwr wound IM tlie hmid
H i | IHIOT but utMim Mid ran HHI tniln
I 1 1 ( Wftrvra n > huntliif t hum jrli
! . M. I . Jul ; n | ( HpnvtiU 'IVIo-
> * ! < Vlr AtlmlnU VVMtann , r-
1 1tt ihta MMmln * A * lh tbiva
Mibor la tht-
, , > I M * with uHlatra
I' i 4 A ( retain * tn
l ' * will until Auiuot n
l W M i will rw 'irc
MM triMn
Ik * RH-
* IMMMI tatMtkf * * How-
MttONkf tMMtra Haa II
! <
H * t * w
f . 1 % . k tot * .1.1
t * * * . . . I . > ! .
I ' . f Ml
* 4
t I. dlt |
Nii | | | > llll Nl'KMlnil I'llM'ri'lllMK ' III Until '
Mi iin'iiinl Iliiiiii1.
ii , III . ilulv ill III llm M-tmto
Mm Milimi iniw-titiM u iK-Htlnti nm | | < < l
liX MIHI pillN'ttn iif din w t Hide , Chlcnuo ,
| imt Hilltiir i Knln l tlin I'MMillntinf thn woild'n
fnlr Hi .lui'lunti | mrk iiinl iwktnit Hint Iho *
iwNU nf llm ( mini * hf nnt rupwndoil ovur four
mll from the ri > nli > r "f population. Many
tMnn * urnt forth , the i hlnf one boltiK !
Dill | HH-nliitii' > ' drlrc for i ! locution nl , hu-tt-
win purk fort hn bfiii'lll of u nmull nwtlon ,
AfU ron lili'mijl illnfumlvn il win
on ntM.
AfliH1 nnilrcMvm mclMHl fitiin tlio Imimo
nf tin tvfmni in rocmln f mm ; tlio ami-lid-
liwnt In lliKiiiiiitttitlltmiU iiitioiidini-iit rcwolu-
lint ) nimOii'i ' iirtifi'trnctt I'liininltt' n was itp-
| ilttU l mid In M ulinit , tlHitt rnporUM Unit the
iiliiiinlmm HniilnIf nl nil" had Ix-i'iiBlilcUeii
out. 'llinri-pnll ' WIM tln'li ii'loplc-d ' and tlio
'I'hn n-miliitliiii IM finally pnmcd pro-
vlili-il fin ( Inmihmlfl loii to Hi" voters of
lin HlNln nt tlin nnxl cU < tlon fur tin-inherit of
ho Nt'tHMiil imix-iiililv u propiMltlon to ninend
I HI ninth nitli'liMir Inn rinistHulliiii by milling
nilthmlitliitfChlniKii to IMSIIO
M In IKJIII | fur tint piiriii i < net foith. It Is
ravldml Unit imv Inili'hliHliii-HM so created
luill IMI iMtd liv thi'ilty of ( Jlili'iiuu alono.
In tin1 IIOIINU tlin In llrliiry i-oininltteo re-
mrttiil lmd < tin * xvoihl'H fair bill , which wns
.Hhi'ii up and ii'inl a ucond tliiu- and must of
.bo ntiininliniMiU of thn jndlclirv connnlttco
IIIIIIIK | | | | 'rin'iiiiicii.liiiciil jirovldlng fortho
il fni i mm nt of Hi" Unlit luiur day iiiiuing la-
Hintrmoii the ImlldlniM ami that nuno but clt-
nns nf tinITnltiil St lU-dHhould Iw emploj cd
, UIB Ilimlh luliinU il In nplto of the vvuuiliig
if oiii'iifllio ini'inbi'rs thnt Iho ndoption of
liU I'liniftK mi-ant thu turning over of the
, vni Id's fair til walking di'lciatc > i and that lu
him imr < "h I would ho tn p tv. '
Thin | H'cch was inudo bv U'jircflentatlvo
'Inilinrii nf On I'li c. who nlwayn turn liu n a
lilttinipl'iiin'iit ' of vvliathu cleenn labor dein-
HfoKi'i'i-y. Tinilcliuti - on the iniitlur mm a
Iciitflhy anil I'XcllliiK cine , Hlco of Douglas ,
Wlillu of Slarlc and Cochcnciir
f Klchhmd being innotig the most
lRiiitnm opponents of the aincndineiit. It
wan adopted , h'mcvor , by a vote of 1 1 1 lo ' 'J
As mm-mli'd by ( 'iiliin ' ( if Cook hcfoi-o It-s
nilnptliin il piovldi's that nny violation of the
clirlit lii'ill' ic'lloii bv thodlieotori orofllcers
of tin' ' Dxposltlnn Hhall bodi-oine-d a tnisdo-
inciinor , pimlnhable bv a llnoof not moiothan
, lOI ) > .
At thn nftcinoon sossloii of the house the
imi-Htlon ii-ciirrcd on tin ) adoption of the com-
inlttoci rc'iHirt ivcoiniiicndliii ; that the amount
to Iw Inmied In uddltlon to the honds for * , " , -
be ) limited to ? 1 , 000,000 Instead of
The Ilk-lit nf the \\VstSIders was nt once
ivwvvod and Cliott moved that the whole tcc-
llon 110 dtrlilccn out. This picclpitatcd a
loiiKhty and at limes very aciimonlous cle-
hatiIn the cinifsio of whlcli CraftH nttncltc-d
Alilcrinan ICeir of Clilcngo , saving ho comes
hiiro us n sHciiiutoiwho | has haunU-d the ro-
i-ordeTNofllco In Cldcngo for months past ,
KotlliiK the names of holeleuof estatoof
eveiy plite'o within u inilo of .Inckson I'.u-k BO
Ininlirht KC.I options cm it. Crafts insinuated
fuitlii-r that ICerr had been ellctatini ; to the
Hpi-iUor mill tlml ut his bc-ck nnd call gentle-
tiH-ii iiro ivcociil/.id on the lloor.
Hpi-nlii-r C'lichi-ano ii-spondcd sharply and
( Ji-iiftn withdtovv the inslnuiition
Hliwliif ) | madoavcry clTectlvo speech In
favor of tin' bond section and rebuked Crafts
fitr hit assault upon Kvir.
of h itnratnon , Crossott , Doollttlo ,
I'ojipin .ind others opposed the
" ( if the section , und the motion to
Mtilke out wits linnlly defeated -tW to ! l. The
Mcctlon WIIH then ainendcd to ninko the
amount of the pink bonds VKOJO ) Inslo.Uof
f J.UiKMMi ) , tlioqUMtlnn of Issuing thorn to be
Mlibinltted ton vole of the people , nnd this
form \ \ as adopted.
An iiinondnicnt by Hunter was also adopted
pvuvldlnjc tbjiL the olght-hour section should
niU'iipply to eixhlbltors at the wet Id's fair ,
and by a unanimous vote It was ordered to a
third reading and the house adjourned.
After a loiitf discussion a new clause vv us
lidded to the aocllnu pieacilbmi' n penalty for
ItM violation of a linn not exceeding ? lkH ( ) .
Thu con ferouco committee on Joint resolu
tion for the mibmlssion of ti eonslltutloiuil
amendment repotted nt this Juncture in favor
of fdt thing from the miicmhnunt the objec-
llonnhhirmuso , "If ut all " The house nc-
ceptod the leputt and the constitutional
tinicndinent p.iRscd In that simp- , thus eftect-
tially dlsK | > slnif of tint ( iiicstion The vote
was , yiim 1 1'l , niij t 5. The house then took a
reeiws until U p. in.
The CliIiMtfo delegation vvhlrh has been
vvoiking injalnst the lake front and .Inckson
pirk alto forthoworld'H fair , nnd which was
suppoHi'd hut night to haven iniijorlty of the
Juillclnry coinniittco. received r.nothcr set
back this inonilu'f ' when the siib-commlttco
report In favor of Httiklng out the section
providing for the issue ofJHHooo ( ) park
bonds was rejected by aotc of Ito 111 , and
the minority ronort to add a clnuso to the
MCI tlon : tml provide that the. question of issu
ing thn bunds shall llrst bo mibmittcd to a
vntoof the peopjoof the pirk district was
t hen mloptiil , 'Ihosedlon was then nnii-ndc-d
so IH to pnivldu that the amount of bonds
nlmuld liu * I , < K)0HX ) ( > Instead of ? . ' , IKWtX)0. )
It IH roMtted | tonight that a vtgoious war
v\lll ho wiigi'd In the senate tomorrotv on the
right-hniir chiliso In the hill inn thn ground
that II Is Hpeelnl legislation nnd unconstitu
SjNlcnmllo U'lirl'aru MclngVaicd ;
Against 'Ilicin ,
Ciiieum , .Inly III. [ Spnelal Telegram to
Tun Hrp.I The down town pool sellers' lines
nro i nit tn hard places tht o days. Today
the CMW * ftgalnst Ullnmn ft Hlumcnllml , who
do budlneM for Cortignn , vvero continued for
a vvwkliocmiw thu lawyers for both side *
l li "il to wait and tiy n nnmlier of cases to-
ffpth r Thlrtwn of thu down toun pool
nxnn imin , inivvuver , vv on ) brought before Jus-
tlw 1'rtndtii IIU ) and Ilinxl { * > W e ch All tip
Tb ral U w 111 KO on ni they Imvofor the
iMt ton tlAjrs. The elty jiollco onieiuls will
Krnwt two nioit from evciy clown town pool
mom MK'h iifU > iii < MHi. looney and llohmcl
rrromMMMM-Ml HrnMtlng th pool sellers this
moraluir UN wmrunU ImutMl from half n
( lo * ilnlers-nl ) ii Ut' * ' e-ourU. Part of the
orUonerM weru taken to Arlington ilclgtiU
i > atl imrt biCtvoro.
( ' ( ilitln llttjre * * ays he will wrvo the war-
nutUONlllnmn \ and the other Corrlk'un
bookiiMheri until bo In sUipKvl | by Injuutlon
or by ont > n front lilt miperiiirs. i'lnkorton
itot fllvfMHttl continue to labor for Corrl
, Mr lBif VMirrniiU on the Condon and
C ikliM \ > l M < ll < > ni. The wt r of Corrlsan
Min l the eltjr nw > t with u * t iHti-k in Jndgo
llortuu court Uxlny , but will IHI brought up
A U > fHy MlU'hrll this nfu > rnonn flled in
JMita * llottou'i court the bill of ( 'orrtitHii , the
Wcul ikkracti triM-k ( iroprtotor , ymyintf for
M lulunrlMM to realmlu tb t-lty unttiurltlvs
flow l U > ifvrtM with ltn > llln : of ( nxiU on
ini > t r ntt-vt t bU intck. Thv vori > omtlo-n
M l Ml l that If tlM Injunction WAS ffmnuxl
iflly would lit omt > wore IU involution ,
p H > ll-f tk Injvnvilon It would make no
JutW llurton rvfuMd to ) riiit It ,
oui fcirt'irtw wkwh would inukei-om-
with th * Mil timiiwruiM % o theuclfHtv
ul lh t-ttjr C'orrldAH will uuwiid the bill.
.Vrrlv.iN ,
Mo MMA | leM-Arrir l : The Tmve ,
Yo k for HwiMm , the AugtMUt Vli > -
X w Yurk for Haiiiburi.
AlLbmra IStMMl THe ( > un > UH Mwarvh ,
N w Twk fur I-unOou.
fuHrofilie Crow InMiid ,
Y < * . Jmly IITh * t an hli > Ob-
M ttom H iw.nhw M f rvpotta that h
* * rwMM. b * Umg M-tHHwor off tb *
IVun Unnil buk la a fuji b'uur of
Dpldcmlti DliiiluUhiii ! ; .
i - > s July * * [ Mpwlia o u frr ai to
I TtM ' TlM > vhuler4 i > Uk'mU < ludlmlu
bhiiitf ut \ lu. l . in I ; 'rum Wuto ttl UH.Htueu
. r i it. | iUi . vf wUsU ttiwut wiut , UOlf
rnvornblo Action Deckled Upon for Another
OitiH of Claimants.
CoMfgrritmimii Slriilitn ol' lovvn. He-coin-
liiK ( jiilti ; I'mnous Mnco Ills At
tack Upon Speaker Hoed -I'nb-
llo Itiillillnu HUN.
WASHINOTOJJ Itintciu Tim BBB , 1
MI ; F.T , >
\VASIIINQTON , D. 0. , July l. )
Another class of clilinniits for boanty for
enlistment huvo had their claims favorably
re-potted upon by the committee on vvnr
el ilins. A bill was Introduced some tlmo ago
toullovv the men who enlisted in thooidnancc
coipi , their widows or heirs tkosuino boun
ties us have been allowed to other enlisted
men \vlio served In the war of the rebellion.
In IU repoit recommending the pnssngoof
tlio bill Iho coinniittco snysi "Tho records of
the war dcp.u tnicnt show the lotul
number of men enlisted in the orclmnca
coips from ISO I to ISM to have been fill. Of
those 8'J ' deserted nnd 170 wore discharged or
died pilor to thoclosoof the war. The pay
master general's oRlco estimates the amount
that would bo icqulred to pay to all except
the deserters sums equal to these paid other
cnlUtcd men of the same dates ot enlistment
nl $ Hi3r > : tr Fiom this there would bo a re
duction on account of such discharges ns
vvero miido under circumstances preventing
ij ment of bounties , also the usual percent-
of cases In which claims would not be
icsoiitcd owing to the disappearance
f thoclnlinnntstnitlthoabsemo of heirs or lopi-esuntatlvcs. It Is beliovcd that the
otiil cost of placing thcso men on a footing
11 this p.uticular with other volunteers
vould not etcced ? loO,000.
Kppresentatlvo Strublo of the Sioux City
Istilct is attracting considerables attention
, cro on account of his attack upon
Speaker Heed. This evening's Critic
democratic ) says : "Thero is some
alk among the democrats and alliance
nun of the Eleventh Iowa dish let of rniinlng
Mr. Strnblo tn < nti Indopcndont candidate for
oagrcss. His speech against the tjranny of
ho speaker and in favor of indopciielonco on
ho p irt of Ucprehontntivo Adams has given
ho republican opposition in district iomo
lopothatMr. Strnblo may bo Induced to run
w an Independent candidate. His pluralitv
vas unwinds of six thousand in IbbS and his
minority over all about ilvo thousand
Whether ho will run or not remains to bo
seen. "
'ho Iowa , republicans held n meeting lust
. , , 'htln Monumental hill , which was on-
Ivencd by an interesting little episode
hat was not down on the pro
gramme , fu a speech on the work
of tlie republicans in the Fifty-first congress
lupiesentatlvo Lacy took tbo opportunity to
cfer to the ptuty in most Haltering teims ns
well ns to the goncial h irmony that existed
within the palty itself Ho s.ild that there
vv ere bonlo pcoplo in tlie state who Had not re
ceived all they wanted and woio consequently
lisappointod and somewhat sora-headeu.
rueselav UopresontatlvoStnihlo took occasion
: o ciiticho Spealtor Keod's methods , os-
[ > cciiilly us tlit-v deal with nppropilatious for
iniollc buildings , nnd it was genonlly undoi-
stood last night thnt Mr. Lacj's rc-nuiiks np-
) llcd directly to Mr.Strublg. Tlicix'weroloud
calls' for tlio'latter as Mr. Lacy snt down , and
when Mr. Ktrublo arose ho made a few ro-
: naiks. Ho Insisted that theio was naturally
i good deal of dissatisfaction nt the wtiv
imbue building bills had been tie.itcd. "If I
nivo ii sere spot , " said ho in conclusion , ' 'I've
bctatched it and It will bo well in tbo morn-
ng. "
1-UIIIIC IIUII.DINC ! llll.l/ ) .
The piiblio building question is troubling
Mr Heed ubovo all things else now. The
ivcni a annual appiopriation for the erection
of buildings is about > rOOUKn ( ) , and ho thinks
this Hum should not bo incicnscd this your.
Alie-ady bills have passed aggregatingIM)0 , -
000 , and measures yet pending will mniiio
the appropriation of about 0,000,1)00 The
speaker Is Irving to select fiom the bills on
the calender these that shall ex
haust the § , ' ,000,000 yet lomulii-
ing to make Iho annual avcrngo ex
penditures. All the mombi-rs arc agreed
thnt JOXX,000 ( is too much to bo voted uvviiy
In ono year for public buildings , but cveiy
ono believes his bill to be the most Inipoitaut
ono on the calendar. The dlfllcnltics in the
way of Mr Rood's linking a satisfactoiy
composition with tha claimants on a bisis of
10 per cent are evident.
TIM : tM.itxcn coNonr" .
Mr. Klchardson of Tennessee ci-catcd ejulto
a stir In the house this morning Mhon ho ad
mitted on the floor that hovas a member of
the fanners' alliance. Ho had been
veiy vigorously defending the nlll-
tnieo nnd the high-toned and inte-lltgcnt
goatlcnicn nt the head of that organization ,
and was so earnest in bis defense of tlio
alii nice , which , as Isvcll known , is playing
sad hnvoo with the deinocritio pirty hi the
south , that Mr. Cannon's suspicions wcro
aroused and It was in reply to Ids question
that Mr. Ulehirdson acknowledged his mem
bership IIo vvasaskcd bow bohatl gainct
admittance , being a lawyer , and then ho
made the fntther confession that though a law
yer ho had iiot practiced his profession for
the last six years. It was the common
gossip of the house todny tint Mr Morgan of
.Mississippi , who lias been a leading Inworof
that state for many voars , had himself deilb-
I'l-ately disb ureet from the state coints , and
when his naino was stiickcn from the roll of
lawyers made an application mid was ac
cepted Into the farmers' oHianco. This , of
course , was done to curry favor with the tilli-
anco and secure rcnoinniatlon to congress
from the f aimers It is understood , however ,
that the farmers mo so incensed at Mr. Mor
gan's underhanded conduct that they propose
tonxpol tilin from thoalllanco. The discus
sion of the alliance arose from Mr Ontcs1
motion calling for an investliriition of the
newspaper charge published In the ollldul or
gan of the aUhinic , Intimating thnt money
had been used to secure the passagoof the
silver hill in Its present shape. Ho was met
by n iKilnt of order that this wns a pilvlleucd
question ami not a subject for debate , during
which Mr. Itiehnnlson nmcla his defense ) of
the ullinmo. S [ > oakiiUecd sustained
the | H > Int of oiilor and rcfoircd
the resolution to the eoimnitteo
on rates , where It will die. Colonel Dales'
proposition was not , ns Is generally believed ,
a desire to support or cndorso the alliance in
any way On the contrary , ho Is the most
bitter eiiomy of the alliance and was the Ural
man in either branch of countess to denounce
the ulliaueHj's sub-trcnwury schoiuo ns "uneon-
ntltutloiial and utterly absurd " Hh motion
today VVIIH tutuateel by a cjosiro to denouiico
two orthrcoiiiculu the allianciwho ) huvo
uhvay litH-n bU ( * pc-cUl onitnleti , The out-
looli now is that there ) vv ill Lo some twenty or
thirty alliaiiec im-n In the next congress.
( iriuiea of ( ieoruhi U the latest victim , ho
bnvttiK btft-n 'oi9.itft ' | for ronoimimtioti by
th alllaut-o y-Mtcrdny. Oat of the most
brilliant duration on the doinocmtlo side ,
that from ( ieortdu , thu ullluiu-o has tunuvl
do Alt U out of the t-Uht. Of all the
Osorgiaim only CrUji and Turner will boro-
vlectotl , aud such men 11.4 < 'lointmt , Stowmt ,
ClrliiMH , IliiruiM aud Condlor , who luvo
wi'vcil in ioiiircad n long tlmo , Mill IKUV-
t\\wnty or thirty moimxjra will bo Jtibt stroiiK
enouxh tit hold thti Itulancoof power bol\vcut
tbe two jKirtliw in thu l.ouoo , nud , iw 1 *
u u Uly tbo vovlth the "bulancti of
ptiwor , " they will have to be 'SWH" ' with
urouusmi of chairmanships and coumilttc'c-a >
lufctrv their Intiueiutieoii bo won.
Tur vt ILM IIKIUISAL ivi Kvi.r nn.i
Mr Dollivitr of Ion i , -.i ul liitf of thu r < f-
jwtt uf tboc-ciuffitw uii the \\ilsou oriKluul
j chMKt > bill , \vht.-litlii-j udMactl the hnuwj
to rts-ulK fi-utn the-iriuti laundudopttht-si-n-
ate bill ud todty tliut uoUnwed that th
bill vvo'.il.l l > taken up spe.'ililv an 1 th it III. '
Ho said he felt sure thnt the members of nil
the . prohibition states , excepting per
haps .Itidgo Haves of lena , would
vote for the Wilson bill There will
bo no pnity lines in the matter
and but vciy little discussion of the rcpoit ,
A number of republlcnna-wid that the only
reason why thcv voted for the house substi
tute wns to throw the matter Into confcrenco
lili the hope that the confertJnroould result
lii n compromise measure lictvvi en the Wll ou
bill and ttio house substitute , neither of
which are nntlsfnctory. Hut that since tbe
confcrenco hns resulted oulj In Iho Wilson
bill they wlllvote for that , ns It Is hotter
than t to have no legislation nt all on the
loruiii CLASS rosTMi rr.n AI-IOINTEP.
Iowa Losslnpr , Mononn conntv. , T. Cross-
-v , vice A. Dean , resigned , \\iik , "Warren
ouuty , J. L. Homing , vice C U , Smith , ic-
South Dnltotn-Crovv Creole , lliiffalo
ounty , A. Greenbaitm , vice L. C Ilajes , u < -
gneel ; Flunsbcrt'i Uougla-i county , " \V.
. 'alniorlco II. Bnars , rcmo\ed.
I'ostmnster IJurkhcad , nt Dnrsoy , Neb ,
vill bo plven a full hcarltiK us to the chnujrcs
igalnst him before ai-tlon ia taken on the do-
land for his lemoval.
MIaCri.I.ANFOt' .
Ilnlstcr Phclps Is one of the hugest prop-
rty owneis of the city of Washington , and
ill of his investments have been foitunnte.
Tbo sale Is reported today of a piece of ground
iwned by hltn nt the licut ] of Conncc-tiuit
venue , In the most fashionable part of the
Hj , upon which he made a handsome profit.
Ir Phclpa pure-baled iteipht years ngo for
bo sum of * M'W10 ' and has disposed of It to a
yndicato for $ rjO,000. , It cciitalua about
ilpht ncic' ' .
Senator Butlc'r is nlmos * as deeply Inter-
istcd in the South Carolina situation ns Is his
lollcagucVndo Hniniton ) , whoso political
uturo depends upon the outromoof the
nt contest In the democratic uinlcs. "If
be-so folks up hcio ( referring to the icpubll-
mi senators ) would onljj let the Force bill
iloue , " ho said , "they niiht Hnd It alto
gether unnecessary from their own point of
lew it the present condlticli of nfftihs con-
Inues. Thenegro will be tnkcti c.uoof mid
veil taken of" It isfwiu the senator
ilmsolf Is milking friends cjf thr > mammon of
icgiodom The white supe-rlntendent or
'oieman of his plantation lias given way to
i colored overseer. "A veiy smart nijjger ,
ndccd , " the senator savi.
There can bo no doubt Hint Picsldcnt
Ilnrtison and Postmaster General \Vnnii-
mikcraio determined to uproot the lottny
evil , 'iho removal of Fostmiister Kuottot
Now Orleans yestcrdiy was the iiwt step
of executive action upon the heels of ( lie
uiti-lottery mossaao to tongiess. Knott
'nnd over a year to scivo oil his com
mission , aud unquestionably ho was
put Into otllco so near the qnd of Pivsident
Jlflvolaud's term for the purpose of holding
over into mid embarrassing the adinlnlstia-
tiou of Piesldent Hainan. Knott , it is
stated , Is in the line of succession to (
Mnnagor Dauphin of the lottery nnd Is an ar
dent liicnd of the instltutidm His successor
is postmaster Is George M. Eaton and
in open and avowed opponent of the lottery ,
ipliointcd upon the recomcicnduion of ex-
CiovcrnorVarmuth and other anti-lottery re
publicans. Other steps will bo taken under
Lho existing law to check the lottery frauds ,
nud mcanwhllo the administration will ingo
the house committee on postofllces and post
roads to push its anti-lottun hill to a finnlty.
J II .lorelon has been appointed postmas
ter at Wnlliice , Lincoln county.
Carl 0. Clause of Logan county 1ms been
appointed to n position in tie census ofllce.
J. Lowe of Omaha is nt the 12bbitt
Pi itiiY S. HKATU.
nit note AT it ± nt rtf , TO ir.v.
_ , tt i
All the llesideiitH Kneit Inccndinrlcb
and Prepare to 4i ! > v < > Out.
Tow DO , 0 .Tuly ni.-A > Acvinl from Balrds-
town , says all the rcsldeiit j have their goods
piuiked ready to jnov a b Blightest intima
tion of fire. Cltbcns nicfuaplclousof each
other ami armed men are pitroling the streets
tognnid against Inccndl.ulcs. Men , women
and children nro la niurtul terror , expecting
at any moment to lly fiom their homes. The
town hns about sit hundred Inhabitants and
all thopiindpnl buildhiKs huvo been burned
by inccndiiriBs. Ono maiuvns arrested last
iiiglit on suspicion In tHe last fho tlnco
finilllcs escaped with their lives , but lobt all
their clothinj ; .
Completed tlio Ticket.
OIIVM ) FOIIKI , N. D , July 31. In the re
publican state convention tills morning John
V Bray of Grand Tories was renoniinatod
for auditor , L. U Barker of Pcmbinn for
tie.isuior , John Flitlio forseeictarj of state ,
0. A. M. Spencer for attorney ; John
Ogden , superintendent of public instruction ;
II T. Ilelmson , commissioner of ngiiculturo ;
C L. Cnioy , insurance commissioner. The
platfonn endorses Piesideqt Iliinison's ad
ministration and the stUcjr bill ; urges the
passugo of the federal election bill ; ex
tends congratulations tb Speaker Heed
and the representative's foe the facilitation of
business ; demands as high a jato of protec
tion oa woolen Industries as is accorded the
most favored inanufaetuiijK and especially
favors all legislation 'tending to promote
mete ngilcultuie. A reduction of tiio
duty on binding tvvlno fiom 3V cents
dependent pension bill Is endorsed ; 111 lino's
leciprocity bill is endorsed ; de-clares In favor
of a vigorous enforcement of the prohibition
law nnd furors an nmondiacnt to the state
constitution forever prohibiting a licensed
lottery. Congiess is ingod to pais a law
against using the mails for lottery purposes
A right Hptvxccil
n \uCi.uui : , Wis , July 31. Mrs. Clara
Morton , recently removed by legal piece s
fiom the icsldenco of Alexander vVatson , a
wealthy lumberman , whoso wife eho claimed
to bound whoso housekeeper she has been
for many jears , together with her bister re
turned to tlio residence today to get some ni-
ticles alleged to belong to her. Watson is nn
Invalid , and his nimo , a stout female , en
gaged in n violent conflict with Mr-i. Moiton
nnd sister. ASH result the attacking forces
retreated In i disorder , ono With a black ojo
and the other badly hurt by being tluov.n
from the porch , while the nurao's clothes
vv cro tie-ally tom fiom tor back. Piosccu-
tlonsvvlll follow.
Sliol Ills AVItii ami Himself.
MrciiAMCsnuiio , Pa. , .Tnly .11. Jonininh
Miller , n woodchopper , livinj ? In n lonolj
cabin on Xorth mountain , eight miles north-
cast of this place , shot and moitally wounded *
his wife yesterday and then killed himself.
Miller accused his vvlfo of Infidelity. She
has always berne a peed character and it is
said her husband's accusations against her
vvero absolutely unfounded.
Hiving ISflVot to tbJ Silver Act.
WASHINGTON , July Sit , Secretary of the
Treasury Windom has taken the Hi-it step
toward giving effect to the last silver act by
the preparation of n circular annoimclng thnt
oa and after the lut'i iiutnnt oifers for the
sale of silver bullion to the government will
bo recolveil on Moiidnya.Vedncsda.vs \ and
Frldaya of ouch week. Various conditions
are spocltled.
Sovrro Military Tjn\v < J.
PIIIH , July 31. It Is stated that a military
pupil , while visiting rclitlvw in Alsuco-Lor-
ruiuo , wns nrivstod , hnndouffod , minvhod to
the depot and put on u train , and his host
mulcted in the sum of M murks for falling to
notify the authoritloa tf the proiunco of u
ri-euchman In the dhUrlct.
An Atonlson IMper
ATCIIIMA , Kun. , July ! . [ Spoclnl Tclo-
to Tins HUKThe | D.Uly Champion ,
the republic-tin organ of Atchlson nnU for
many JD.-II-S the champion of protection ,
ionium tint squundy for free ti-.ulo this luoni
IUK This i tlio pxjk-r ( nut U making n tighten
on Senator
l.'i'iHtiiilnalcd nit-
, UITT , Kun , July H1 Colonel J. U.
1 1 olio u | of Wichita -was today nominate I
for cjiigr ( ! s by the ivimbllcans of the
S < tenth tllitilct to su V-1.-1 I'eUrs , who do
IIP ftltT I 1 T11'PIPTmTfillXTIXTI
Charles Diion , a Hussion , of Hnrrisoa At
tempts Suicide ,
Dostrttutlic I'li't ) nt IliiHtltiK 1 lie
rircnioii'M ICvctiislon to
jyaiia.wno s lioui
Utortliu State.
ITnmoov , Kcb. , July -Siwolal [ Tele
gram to TIIU BIT ] A yonng man calling
himself Chailcs Dixon , n Iussinn { by birth
nnd ton i > f a Cossack pilnco in the piovituo
of Siimnni , southcastcin IJussln , attempted
suicldo by taking stryclinlno this moinlng.
Wher ho acknowledged ho h.ul taken poison
the local druggist \\ascallrdiindndmliilsteicd
antidotes forcibly , Dixon lefuj-lng to tnlto
nnytliltig until itns foiced Into his mouth ,
nnd ho hnd to cither swallow or ehoUo Af-
tcr\\aid he took nnjthlng desired imd after
an hour or so ho vomited freely. Heas led
o attempt suicide by Infatuation for a young
ady who did not reciproialo his affection
and who had the previous cicning declined
ils coiupiny to nn cntcitiiinnient , nnd after
ward refused to allow him to accompany her
Tor this ho was Joked bv the other joung
people , and being angered nnd humllaud
sought to obtain a .settlement , nccoiding lethe
the code , from his tormentois , nnd then ob
tained the poison. lie is now conscious nnd
comerscs , but can only move his louer
llmln vlth diniciiltj. Ills claims to
high futility lelationshfp among the ( . 'ossacks
ccm conlirmcd b.\ his u-gnlir remittances of
oney. Imt'ho claims hcdocs notdnroietuin
there. Upon receipt of lettcis recent 1) from
home ho said Ids biothcr had been Impiisoncd
for nlliillstlc letteisand his father bid been
summoned to St. Petersburg. As an effect
of thopoNon Dlxoii will proh.ihly Do crippled ,
owing to the stillness ol his lower limbs.
Hi * ; l'"iie at Itastlii 'N.
Xcb. , July 31. fSpccinl Tele
gram to Tut. Bn-.J AtO o'clock this even
ing Moritz Brothcis foundrj wns discovca-d
on ilie , and owing to a high wind and diy
condition oteierj thing , the main poitloti of
the building was instantly v nipped inn sheet
of llime. The heat was so Intense that the
llrchoys iculd withgrcit difilculty get nnr.
Grcit damage was done to the boiler , which
linnlly exploded , -.oattcung iron and burning
timbers In every dhection , but fortunately
no ono uas hint , though several niuiow es
capes me icportcd 'Iho building belonged
to M K J.e\\is & .Son and was worth JfiOO
Montz' loss is piobaoly ? 10 , < MO. Scvcial
buildings tie uly caught fiom the intonsn
hent , but the flames wore promptly oxtln-
guished , vcrj lltt'o ' damage being done to
them No insurance vns on the building ,
butMoiiU had ,000 on stock nnd machinciy.
ST , Xcb , July 31 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BLU ] The Fremont flro de-
paitmcnthas just decided to tun an excur
sion to LuUo MinaMii , Council Bluffs , on
Sunday , August 17. A committee of ar
rangements has bon appointed , consisting
of one mcnibur of each of thcso\eu com
panies. _
Cnstcr County Politic * ) .
HIIOKLS13ow , Neb , July 21. [ Special
to Tun Bir. : | Since the ulllanco con\cn
ticn'of-last Saturday , which was held here ,
much dissatisfaction prevails among the
inembcis. Ono of their number , a farmer bj-
the uaino of Miller , was nominated for county
attorney , which is the principal cause of the
ruction 13. P. Campbell , S A Holcomband
11 C. O'Ncilof this eitvcro abe cancllditcs
for nttorney but wcio all knocked out by
Miller. The three gentlemen of this city aio
all old line democrats.
Delegates were elected to the senatorial
and rcprejcntatHe conventions , nnd it is
expected that there will bo tioublo in tlio
camp uhcn these conventions meet. It is
asserted that thoCubter county delegation at
the Columbus convention , \\hitli nominated
Ivcm for congress , Induced the Valley county
delegates to vote for Kcin , the consideration
to be Custer county's support for a Valley
county man for state senator. There nro now
several statesmen of Custcr county who nro
willing to sacritlco themschcs and have se
lected the olllco of Bcnatoron vhicli to 'tnako
the sauillce. AVhcu the Uuiter delegates
to the Columbus com ention como to deliver
thiir goads to Valley thcso afoiesald states
men will probwhlj Ucheaid from.
Cus ! II Humphrey , republican candhlao
for coininibsionerof public lands nnd budd
ings , is straightening up matteis preparatory
to mailing a canvass of the state. Cus ! is ono
of tiio most popular men in tbo state
o\cr known , and makes fiicnds readily.
O.M-oun , Neb , July 31. [ Special to Tin
InTho animal canipmeollng of th
Seventh Day Atlv enlists of southwestern Ne
braska opened heto jcsteiday for n six days
session with a Haltering attciidnneo fion
homo and abroad. Able ministers represent
ing vnilousstates of the west will bo pro-sen
mid conduct services in the English and tier
mm languages It Is un event of consider
able nnpoitancoto the church , and reducet rates have been bceurcd b } the
This week the Masonic fraternity tiltc :
possession of the old Ancli'iit Oiilei of Unltci
Workmen hall , which they iccently lease <
for n term of five years. The rooms ar
specially adapted to the needs of tlio society
nnd have been rclltted nnd refurnished in
manner tint provides the lodge with ono o
tlio most desirable halls hi the country. Th
Jlasoiis hcie also have a flemishing chapter
The prolonged dry weather this week enl
ndnated In hot winds , which continue to bloat \
at the present writing. Unless lain come
very soon the corn ciop must bo n total fall
urn. Tlio Uopiiblicau river is already lovvc
than known In jcars ,
lllaino Comity
IJiawsTiit , Is'eb. , July ; il. [ Speciil toTn
Ii ! K. ] The independent county eonventloi
ciulor > cd the republican nominees for count )
attorney and school superintendent , M.
Welch nnd C. i : Van Ne te.
Although rain would greatly Improve th
crop prospect , the soil seems to stand the ox
tiomodry nnd hot weather remnrkablj wol
and better than some of thonrlghboiingeoini
ties , which helps toadveitlso Hlalneius abnr-
run \\iistoof uiiproductho Mind. Ono of tin
best evidences of the ngi ( cultural po sibllttic.
of nialno i ounty under the most adverse cir
cumstances can bo si en and proven , beyond
the shadow of a doubt , at hoc county fair al
Iiro\M > tor September - ' ' * , ' .H and 25.
Thopeoploof thuXoilh I oupalley tin
countlc" . of Loup , Hlalne , Thomas and Cherry
-ai-o needing a railroid worse thnn nnjthing
else and nru complalnliiR bitterly bccauso the
I ) iS : M does not complcto and operate Iho
road graded Into this valley o\er two jeurs
ago. _
j-ii-t Day nt
FV , Neb , July 31 fSjioclal Tolegrain
to Tnu BI.K. I Today was the last and vir
tually the boat day of the luiinlon. The oxer-
cisoa In the afternoon wire ns follows Drill
by bnttoiy , wltnc'ssed bj about tvn. thousand
people , and biwiklng at the platfonn. At I : Ti
the ( it-ami Army of the Itepublic and the but-
tcry miinhod to the depot to receho Hon. C
II "Van NVyclf. The battery flro a stiluto a ml
the band furnished excellent music. After
dinner Van Wyck delivered an addiess , fol-
lowul liy Kuv Kobcrts mul Unrby A til
o'cloe-k the hli.uii b ittk' began und contliiutil
until 4 : i. Alter the biltl. ' Mr Soniers ot
Boutili o t\to\to \ \ The c upipihc In the evening
was vi-rj intfrcstlng The camp vlll bo
broken at * i o'clock In the inomlng. 'J tie iv-
uuloa htu been u rimcl suva a uil much
credit Is duo to the reunion coinniittco and
citizens of I'llley , wluihaui Inlioivdcarnrstly
for tbo welfare and eomfoitof their visitor
'Jhocnat II n libel I.
lit miri.i , N'oh , July 31 ISi-cclnl - to Tn\ \
DPI * . 1 Tbo prospects for n corn crop tir
\ery dlse-otiraglng in thh loi-alltyowliig tii |
long continued dioupth. Tliero has been bull
liltlo mlu this season. l'nrin"rs nnd mor- '
chunUaro loohlnir pi-otty bluo. llnypotti-i
toes nnd nil vegetables area complete fnlluro.
The coal slut ft has been abandoned owing
toltsnot being larjct ! enough nnd also on ac
count of dinicnlty In stopping the wtitor A
new .shift about > xl I fe-ct will bo alutcdin a
fewdiys. All Indications for a pujlngvcln
o ( coal at adopthof about ono hiindioJ and
twcntj fcctarover llatteiing
Ilubbcll will pioblblj hn\c another rail-
loud In a fo\v months The ICiiiisust'ltv ,
Lawnnco il Nebuiska rallrond will bo built
through hero fiom Kansa * CItv to Hastings
'llils , with the di every of coal , will give
llubnell n start which will innKo itoiio of tbo
best towns In the stato.
1'rult OIOWCIH Meet at Ciete.
Ciuir , Sob. , July ! ll.-SpeiIal [ Telegram
to Tur BKC. ] A laigo nttcndiiico was pres
ent this morning upon thoopeiilncof tlio an
mini summer meeting of the Xobi iskn Stnto
Horticultural society on the ClmuMmim
( rounds. Not less than ono hundred and lift )
members weio present. I'lio morning session
was occupied by loutino business At the
atteruoou session I'V Stoiihons of Cictc
rend a pajier onprollt In small fruit , C ! . J Cm
tienterof Tiiirbury on strawbon ic and Ko\ .
Cicit-'htonor Oherlin , O , on pears
Prof. Bcssoy of IJncoln ga.\o one of his in
teresting tilks on evolution in hoitlciilturc
0.V Alcxnndcr of Filend ir.ula very in-
tereMlng panct on grapes llw meeting was
entoitainedbv music rcndcud bj thoAdcl-
iihinnUlod club nnd Crota milltiuj hand. A
larger attendance lse.xpe\tod tomoirow ai.d
the session will close tomoirow cnenliig wiih
cxcriUcs of gicat iutorent to fiuitgrovei-s.
XoliriiNliti City's Population.
Nnm\skv CITV , Neb , July ! -fSpeclal
Telogt.mito Tin : llrr. l-Tho oHlchil census
of Js'ebrnsUii City and Otoo county was to
day made public. This city has but 11 , ted
population mid Iho county 'JVW3. 'l-'uo city
bv wards : 1'irst , 'J.uOi : Second , . > , ! ! ? ;
fhlni , 4OOJ , ; Komtli , 2i > 50 The Second
ward , L'Kcn the smallest population , cists
sevcial hundred moro votes tiitiu any otheir
ward , milking It clear tbo census was not ac
curately taken _
Obsripiics at Krrninat.
Fm.Movr , Neb. , Julj -SpeclnlTelc- [ -
guun to Tun linn. ] The remains of the Into
A. Henry of Columbus were brought to Fre
mont on the 2 o'clock train this nftcinoon ,
and conveyed to Hlclo ( cemoteiy. under
the cscortof members , of the Masonic order ,
where they wcro intcricd beside his son ,
John C. Henry.
A Carpeatoih's Crlisic.
Niw.r\\'b fliiovc , Xeb. , July : il. ISpcchl
Telegram to THE Hit ] Jlnrtin Kilter , n
carpenter , committed an nssnult on Mary
Mack , njrcd seventeen , lulflttcd oiul pnr-
tiallj doforiHcd , July ID , six miles uoith of
here. Hitler was ai rested and todnj pit-ad
not guilt ) . Examination tomorrow.
Trciimsch I1 I , .lolinson lit.
Trcuai" ! n , Neb , Julj HI [ Special Tele
gram toTnil3ui : I - \ vciy e.\citin0' game
of ball \v as plajcd hero this afternoon he-
twcrn Johnson and Tecumsch , Store , It to
111 in favor of Tecumsch D.itteo for UVcum-
seb-nurton and Oall.'gei. uinpho Jlc
KIII : itoit.iEtrliiM'i'jjn jr//.tr.
Allrothcr-Jn-Ijavv's Alt cations IJeeomc
' " " * * * -
TIIKVTOV , y. .T , July 31 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bti.l : Miss Couleea good
looking joung woman , horsewhipped Clins-
tlnn Hnas , n poiter , jestcrday aftcinoon in
front of her liouso The enraged man turned
on her , clutched her bj the throat , struck her
In the face , knocked her down and uas cbok-
Inghor to deith iMion men ran up and saved
her Unas i\as ones ted and is hi Jail
Haas1 wife , \vho AMIS a sister of Miss
Conloz , committed suicide a you- ago ,
leaving ; three chlldicn. Miss Cordcz took of the little ones , tint she was soon anne
no } cd by her sister's husband's nttcn-
tlons to her. Ilomaele love to her nnd she-
snubbed him lie begged her to many him
nnd shot ejected him.
Ho pleaded with her to reconsider what ho
said was a rash determination and she 10-
fused him admittance to her residence. Hut
ho was macllj in-lovo vvitb his sistci in-liw ,
nnd often called nndstoodin fiontof llss
Coulee's leshienciMind lingered there if only
to get ngliineo atlier.
When tbo t sister-in law Indignantly or-
cioied him to move on ho nnsvvcied licrvlth
loving words.Vhen she fulled to order him
nvay ho wioto love mossnges to her oil the
door , so that they would greet her eyes as
tbo door swung open. Miss Coulo/c has al-
mobt the patiene'o of Job , hut when the In
fatuated brothci-in-liivv again appeared
in front of the liouso jestonluy
and began to vvrito n message !
of love on the pivernent , where
it would dnzMo In the sunlight under hoi
e cs , she rushed out \\il\i \ ahorse whip.
"Tuliothnt , and that , and that , " shoutc-fl
MKs Coideiindbho lashed him about the
f tire anil neck. As the whip cut Into his
llcsh , his mad love foi his wifos sister vent
out and ho attacked her fuilously. Helms
been held to the giaiidjury.
Knllroad onii.K-t I < cr.
SAV Axiosio , To.x , July 31. Thocontract
was let today for building n lailrout fiom
Matamoias , on the lilo Grande , across Mexico
ice to San 311,13 , on the Pacific ocean. It
asserted that the simo scheme' , hacked at
this end by a sj iidlcate , is now engaged ii
piocuiiux adeopwatei luiibor at tlio Nottl
Lliazos river and on the other siilo by the
Mexican governmuntaiul wealthy ioxicdiis
I'rnsi-luii Mlucis' Deiiiands Coiic-odi-il
lirniiv , July 31. It is ofllclnlly niinoiincec
thnt the Prussian minister of commerce hut
conceded mo't of the demands of the mincis
delegates recently submitted to tlio govern
ment. Including the eight boat shifts , the re
instatcmcnU of itrikiisvlio v.cic dismitspd
inbltriitlonIn courts to which inhiliigoltl
chls fahall bo anicnahlo and the abolition o
fanning Job * .
A MMiNslpid Duel.
, > Iis . , July 1)1. ) Wiilter Stod
djrd , a local urtlst , nndJ. U Monoy.abi'othc
of ex-Oongiossiimn Money , fought n duel on
the street today , htoddaid was Instantlj
killed nnd Money badlv vimnded The Iron
blogrew outof ihaiTes of couuptlon mad
against thu city government.
, \ Mrlit ! ) Sittld ,
IKI , Pa. July 'M The strike nt th
National tuho works at MclCccsport , l a
vas settled at a conference tlilsafternoo ;
mid the men vill letnVn to woik tonight
Ulie BtiikoalTected 1,000 , men.
( urn-el Number ol'.Ioliuslou-ti Vifl-ni
JinissTunv , 1'a . July 31. A local pape
lulntswhnt piuporUsto boa correct list o
these lost In tbo grcMt Hood. The number 1
given at L'.bT.
Anot lier IjtliDr \'li-toi-y.
I'HM.vDiiriiM , July HI. After bolng ou
for foiirtoen weeks , the itrlko of the don
makers hero has ondccl In a v Ictory fcr tb
laboring men.
Knxti ol' < itilil Ii ) Kuropo.
XKW YOIIU , July 31. Two million three
huncirod thousand dollars in gold 1ms already
toeu ordeiod for ablpmcnt to Uuixipe toduy ,
niKht .MillIMN KllllMl ,
BHIIIVJulyUI. An explosion occuircd In
the t'user Fritz inlno at Ctlsonklrchcn today ,
UigUt IUGU wen kiilta ucil seu'rai iuureU. ]
, ' \ , J. Myttou , an Iiwunaco Mm , SLoota
Himself on tlto Strcat.
ullct I'lciccs lll > > hlilo iltisl ItcUn ?
llu limit Llfcini
I'nliit to an Adfinpt
at Sniulilc.
In fiont of John ( hinil's linuso , on Park
i\enup \ , near Mason , nt tilwut 11 oMcu-k lusts
light , the repoit of n ro\olvei \ win luard.
I'lio crowd that liislaatlj gnlhoreil found u
SOIIIIK man groaiiliiReu the walk wllh a tcr-
Ihlo vound hi his loftsiilo about four hu-hes
below the heart.
On being hvought to the central station
.liu wounilod nun vas found to bo i ! .T.
Jljtton , who hm boon In the emploj of the
Is'ehr.isku ilro insuriinoo loinptny us a col
lector for tlio past tlnvo inontlH. 'Iho Imllot
vus" Hied ftom uUS-uilibio Anicrlcui ilouhlu
Mr M. J Hums , president oflhoN'obtislca
Iho iiisurnnco compunj , said that Mjtlonhad
cillednt bis house slioith ho fnix ) the shoot
ing. Ho vas under the lullutiu-o of lliiuor
nnd in a very despondent initoof iiilnd Still
lie had said nothingnbont Hiilddc\ and Mr.
Hums thinks it is possible thnt the ro\ul\er
vas ncchU'iitally dlsrharged.
1'aiiers found in Mytton's pocliots ihow
tint host-nod ll\o > e.n-s In tin1 United Slates
in my , entciiiiKllio sciko in IbSt nnd
A gold vatc-h and JT woio nil the vnhlilcs
found in the young man's possession lluwtia
tiikiMi to St. Joseph's hospital on the nd-
\lco of Mr limns , vho said that tlio
\icllints menin woio too limited lo p n for
the iwi'ssiry MIC\
Although tlio wound isa tiMilhlo on < Ur.
( lapin says It is not iicces-tirily fatal , as the
hullotmaj huvo tnlten n do\\nwai\l coiuso ,
missing the vitil pints.
While tlio city phjsicinn probed the wound ,
Mylton , llng lint on his bade , with ht.sanns
folded under his bead , j'izod do\\n at tlio
hole In his tide , the most uiiionccinoii man
in tbe room As the doctor prolxii ikepcr
nnd dec'pcr IIP shut bis lips tlphtor and
tighter , scucc'ly emitting a sound , although
Ins ashen color and pdn dlstoitod fucc told of
awful agony. When the- wound wns dwssod
ho beggc l pitoousl to be turned on his right
side , saying :
"Oflodl turnme > , turnnio : Icnn'tliroalhe , "
at tbosaiiio tinio niollonlngllh his hands.
Alleffoits to got the \\ounilrd nnmtospoalc
wore fruilless , being nnswoivd onlvlth a
stare ] } r Gnpln is of the opinion that ho Is
under the lull uoiico of tnoiplilno.
Mjtton was unconscious from thotituo bo
was llrst piclied up , nnd i oil Id give no in
form ition as to the mason wliv hoiittomptoil
to take his o\\n llfo. His omiiloycr
stated that ho had not noticed any
chaiiRO in the young : man's actions until
within tbo past two diiyj Holi t\\cnt-iiino }
\cars of ago nnd unman led When ho left
Mr Hums' residence Just before II oc-lock
ho vas in nppirontly Mtichtho simo franio
of inlnil thnt ho hnd been for the fort-
eight hours preceding , ttlll ho guano
no evidence of the despenitcf pur
pose thnt evidently llllod Ids miiul
nt thnt time Hu vent scnneiy half n block
fiointhc liouso boloie bollrod the shot Unit
ma vend Ids llfo.
Thobullot his not vet been found tmd tliu
doctois UIQ In doubt us to Its location.
Kiinnrs' of Trouble Ilotwroii fliom
nnd t lie Xt-w ] { n < ; * .cs Donioil ,
Cnicvfio , .Tuly ill [ Spofiil TdoifMin to
Tin. Dirl Some local [ upon ha\o \ bocii pio-
dieting thnt serious trouble w as brewing lw-
tweon the cupunters' council nnd the new
bojscs , that the new association vouldfail to
meet their agreement to pnv tboir men UT1
cents from August 1 , ns per agreement , and
thnt another extensive stiilro might boloolccd
for. Secretory JIc'Dennott of the Losses'
association denies that thc-re is anv tmtb In
the lopoit. 'I ho agieomeiit , ho M\B , will bo
kojit faithfulh' .
Seeiotary lloxvnid of the carpcntorV coun
cil was also wen and expressed himself us
siitiblled with the outloolt "Iliavelie.ini
coiiiiduinbk * talk , " said he , "regarding fils
prospccttx o f.illuro on the jmt of the new
nssoiiiitlon tokoeplts piomlic , but do not : m-
ticipito nny tioublo. inm certnin tint the
men will iccoivo their JIT'ij milts as ngtccd.
In cnso of any lalluro on the part of the
bosses to rarij out their agi-cenient another
strike would ptobibly occui , but I inn not
afraid of any sucha tbii'g 'Iho men will get
their H7 > ) cents per hour all litjlit , I think , "
Two roinutH Discovered.
lf < i ; > l/ifj/it / | ISM l///iiin"Ji | fliinliin llcnnflt 1
Piui" , July ai.-Now [ Voile Herald CnUo
Special to Tin : BIB ! Tlio Hould re
ceived the following today : 'There arcnt this
momonttwo tomcts visible ) with astronomical
instruments. Ono is in tbo constellation of
Llttlo Lion , the other la Uttlo Hear They
aro\ory fceblo nud Invisihlo to the naked
eye. They have just ken dlsco\erc \ < l , ono nt
Marseilles bj M. t'ogyca , thoothlr ntHrlstol
by Mr. Denning , rianiinonn obiorvntorydej
JinIsy , July ! .
I IiHt Stain Campaign.
LMIAMIK'yo , July 81 [ Special Tclo-
grain InTiniHi-K | Oho Hist state campaign
fortho rcpiinllcaiis opened hero tonight
by a hrgo jmbllc meeting , \xluch was ad
dressed by lion. Joseph L. Carey , Into dele
gate to congiess , Cnit'y wnsenthusiistlcjlly
received and his speocli for the most put
concerned the olloit that wns put furUito
make 'NVvonnng n stato. The mention of the
name's of Congr ssumn Unker imd benalor
1'l.itt vas loudly chccied.
The IMro Urcoril.
W\LMI , 111. , July 31 Tlio business portion
tion of this vlllngo win swept by Jho cnily
this nioining , llfty-six buildings being de
stroyed Sixteen laiiilllc'saio homeless Aid
was sent from Mendotii , but ailived too Into
to bo of mmhsoivioo. Tbo losses aggregate
* lilOCKli , Insurance , .HW,000 . , 'I'lio Ilro
started In a building occupied as a pool room ,
and ius all the buildings wcro of frame and a
high gale blowing tbu Ilro was boon boyoud
.ttlimcsntii and DiiUolaVlient Oiop.
MiNMUi'iui" , Minn. , July 81. The h'-sc
nuthoiltlcs cstlnuto Iho wheat crop of the
present season in tlio Dukotns and Minnesota
tit HM.IXXI.OIH bushels. Hot we-ithor has not
done sirloin daniiigo , taking tbo country as n
whole , and the harvoit Is now in progicss.
The vuluo of this crop to the nnitlmcst is es ! $ < 0KM,0.U nt HID loueat.
I''uni-ril ol * .tllno Vlcliim.
I'\ni , .Inly III At the funcrnl of the
vlvtiiiHof the St KtiennomlnodlsiiMcr today
boino of the collliis wcro Insrnbcd "Totho
Jdartji's of Labor" and "To the A'lctlins oC
Capitalist I'xploilon" Soc-iidlHts spoko.
'Iho chamber ol duputlosoted "LKOX , ) fiunca
for tbo families of tbo victims.
A Violent Qiitlirniltur Dlpiitliorla.
Hoi : HAY , N. I1. , July ill. Uhcro has
Ix'en a violent outbreak of diphthcila attho
llshlng settlement of Hod I Jay. Ono Imn-
difd mid llfty ixoplv are dcwn wltli thoills-
oiso. Many mull in have oc'ciirrod a'ul the
plngno Is spi'onJliiK 'IhollliiHO is la u
shocking state as
NA tu nil lnn \ploi > | oii ,
PtTuni Jin , I'll , July ill. A nati
explosion nt Lutrobo , I'a , last night \\m-kod
1'ctcn' paper mill imd serlcusij lnuiid }
workman. Tlio loss Is heavy.