Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1890, Page 8, Image 9

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    THE CITY ,
Ice crcntn festival. Cnrtcllnr street
church , Sixteenth and Custellur streets.
this cu'iiliifj.
Tlio county commissioners will depart
for Lincoln this morning , to bo present
nt the mooting of the atnlo board of
Mount k Grinin yeslerclny commenced
tult ngainit the llcpubliu < m nowsmper
cninpimyto recover lf-16 duo for coal bold
mid dolfvcrud , The action was brought
In Jtustifo Anderson's court.
Tlio boird of public works \ostcrday
Instructed Kd Cullnlmn to employ a force
of iiH-n mid put thorn to work ( Trading
tlm wPHtond of Knnnot slrcot , coniplot-
Ing the forfeited irrmlln contract on-
tc-ri-d Into t > y F. lluyssuliart lust Oc
Tlio mcmbon of the board of public
works hiuo wmio doubts about the HIM-
k1 r iiKplinlt coinpniy bolnj { ublo to com
plete the paving on nil of the streets it
lius uiidci1 co'ntrad. In view of tills , the
chairman yoiturday instructed the ofll-
corsof tlio company to double the force
of inon jil ready ommoyotl and rush the
work with all possible speed.
A horse belonging to.Icim Peterson of
UsnsruHi stu-ot HUB sent a way by tlio
boKsof Smith's paving gntif ? jestorday
iiioinlnfj , us Boveral nllogod otpoits do
rian d the anliral had the glanders.
Peterson ut once took the liorfro to City
VotiM-lniirlan Rainacclottllio oxain-
Inoil thoiinimiil and declared It to bo un-
tirclj fieo fioin discsbe.
Tli ( > Itrptilillunn Suspends.
Itwnsruinoicd the Omaha
Hopubluan Mould suspend publication for
the Ume-OoIiH' , and that no paper
Issued from that oflleo this moining. The
employes refused to servo longer without
imy and as the owners could not r.ilso ttio
nwx's nrt money they wcro conii > ellod to sus
pend publletitloii.
issue J tlio following
ringo license jcstcrJayi
Name1 niul ivlJivss. Aeo.
I tlmrlM W. Hindu-ill , nikliom
1 I.ucy McAidlc , McAiillo . ! M
f Oscar Larson , Omaha . ' ! 0
( Ilaunnlt Svauscm , Omaha . 28
( .Albert I'udl , Omaha . 2.1
i Kltliu Wilson , Oiniilu . , . 21
J Jolm A Crjstul. Omaha . 27
1 .Mary Gregory , Oin.iha
ii ; i'nr a Family.
Mrs. M. I. Klllott of Concordia , IC.m ,
wilti's to the postmaster her liusboial ,
"William UllloU , uiul tliclr three grown sons ,
John , C'havles and W I1. , hiivo left homo
with n team , nail * ho thinks they ate In
Oimihn She encloses n photo of her husband
mid hajs hu Is llfty-threo jeais old. The
pkturoahoMs him to bo a man of medium
might , i.itlicr thin fine , light inustacho and
brown hilr. She requests that the picture
. "be tinned over to tlio city marshal if the
postmaster has no kuovvlcOgo of such people.
> lllpn' Novvo nail I/ivcr Pills.
An important discovery. They act oti the
HUT , stoiiuih and bowels through the
nerves A new principle , Ilioy speedily
euro , b.ul taste , torpid liver ,
piles and oonstlli.ition. Splendid for men ,
uomcii ami children. Smallest , mildest ,
Buies > t. ill ) doses for 23 ecuts. Samples free
atlvulm & Co ' ICthniul Douglas.
Activity on ilic Isnii < 1.
The I'nstOnwli.i land company is rushlnc"
the \voik on Its now track between its lands
nnd east of Cut-Oft lilto and the Florence
bluffs. The roadbed is nearly nnUhedand
ties arc now being distributed. New sixty-
Ciuls steel rails will bo used. This is belli } ; ;
t on thmi ht-oMuiv of the St. Paul At
Omaha , under a lease from compiiay. It is >
eipecU'il tint wml : trains will commence to
-liunl eaith fiom the I'lorcnco liluffs to 1511 the
streets of Uast Onulia , niul there \villho
gicut activity ataiul mound "Tt'orthOmaha , "
\vhilo this work is KOinjj on , as there will uo
nn army of workers employed.
Dr. Sus dortf treats
Biicccs- > fully nil
flibeaCb of the Iddneys , bladder and
Tcetiiin. 1501 Furjmm &t.
Uulliliiijc 1'oniilts.
The follow ins porniits WJM luual by the
toulldinir uispaotor yoiterihy :
.A. W.Johnson , unu and a quarter f > tory
ftiiiuu Uitollln ; , Tuenty-iltth mid
C'orlij stiiuts . $ 1,000
Tiiko } & , Allen , oiio-story fiiiino dwi-ll-
Iii > ; , ( 'IICtiiii uiicl lltinax ur sltetts . . . 1.030
ItiuU llnmen , one-htory frame cottage ,
boutli Minn stii'otnt'iii Itiuidoft . . 1,000
\ . \Yllllmi4 \ , our and 11 quarter stoiy
frainn ( UullliiK.tHMUOIiIo hlrict 1.500
IV. \Vlllliiti \ < ? .ono nml n quarter Mory
. 1,500
n'tillmu vi Itliijnlr , one-ntorv fruno
inttipp. l.iiUuiiiid llanovur streets . . 1,000
Total $ 7,850
lliilld ivSUIcu-jilk.
A petition wns circulated Tuesday after
noon iiud signed by all the jobbers , manufac
turers , retailers and hotel keepers on South
Tenth stuet , from Mason to Faruain , nd-
diessed to the major and council , puyhiR
that n sidewalk eight feet vide bo laid and
maintained neioss the tracks of the Union P.i-
citle lailroiil coiupimy.
Tlso petitioners c-oinplnln that the notion of
tlio company in closing tlio street ns It lini
done bus been detilinentnl to their interest *
nnd 1ms ruined their trade. Tboy claim thnt
it is unncccssiiiy toclosutho street nt nil ,
Aery \ bitter feeling nwitist the load pro-
vnilbnniontf the dealers nlonjjtbe stieetvlw
tluc.iten tocuny tlio matter into the courts If
the council ib impotent in the mutter.
Dr , niinoypniotlco ilinitod to catarrh-
nl dlsetifccs of uoso and throat. Uoo bldy.
\Vill IMiiD at the Mull.
Mayor Cushlnjj his hon\l fioni tlio imyois
of Minneapolis , Kansas Ulty , Douvor ami
other ultics to tbo offoit tint tlioyhaldo-
cldcil to iittumlthobtnaaot toudewil by the
Majors' cluh of Missuchusctts August 13 to
Pro Identllairlsonuuillils cabinet , audsajs
thnt ho Intend * fulling in line anil being
"Do yo i foot your own hills when you ga
nw j to respond to these imitations\vhiili
jouieeeho l > y reason of yourofllclal capac
ity j"aa nshed.
"J very time , " replied bis honor. "I inlRht
nsk iho counc'il to pay such bills nnd I think
tlioj would do it , but I prefer not to bring
Biieh things before ] tbo council , You sco
thoj might kick on homo of the items in an
r\l > ciso ! bill iiot\\ltlistondini { the f.ict that
thoj'vo iill hccn tlicro thouucivcs nnny u
time , many a tlmo. "
Distiloc Coiirr.
.7chu Knc/neelc has coinrnenccil n suit In
the fllstilct court , looking to n severance of
the nmtilinoiihl ties that have hound him to
Ilnimnh ICnczu-ek since Fcbninry a , IS O ,
when they \vero unrrieil at Vladlnvor , Rus
sia. In his petition according to the usual
custom , Johunlloj-es tint ho has all these
lonpyenri heen a huihmd , botli loving nnd
true , that on the 1,1th ilny of July , Ib s , ho
onilgrated to Anicilc.i ; tliut lie tried to induce
Hannah to avoinp.iny him , hut tint slio not
only refused to do so , but even thiv.iteno.l
hlinwith dirfl vengeance If bo crossed the
ocean. Ho now ulli'tjej bo Is in mortal Xeur
nuil willcoutlnuoto rciimlu In such fear until
the coiut releases him from the
yoke thnt K 1N and nhes him the custody of
u hey who is dnht years of nge.
Store &ll < r hnvo t'oinnienced nu nttaeb-
mn.t suit upilnst William Durst , to recover
S-IW ) , which they allege Is duo for goods sold
nuil delivered.
6I.AVEN CnUiwfno Alice , oldest child of
U wen nnd Alien Bluvcn , at 4 : ! H ) p in. , after
nn illness of iho days , Ago b ) ears , U
months and 10 days.
runeral Thursday , July 31 , t 2:30 p.m. ,
from family residence , Tenth and Hk-liory
etivets. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery
Platl'H Ciilorhlcx isaii 0 lorless
lijuld , but Its dlslufcctlnu power Is treat.
H < > IHPJ'M | .Sconesltli Hrulnl
llii baiuls niul I'lamllng AMvon. I
Judge HclMeylmd a season of family rows |
nnd thodlrtv linen of sovcnil neighborhoods
was held up for Inspection ,
Mrs. J. Smith , a s\\eet llttlolady In black ,
whoso husband the judge sent to the county
Jail a few days ago to servo ft twenty-five
days' session for boating his bettor
half , begged a letter to the mayor
requesting her husband's ' release. Slio
was repentant nnd persistent nnd Rot the
note , but it was very non-committal in its
This mndo the ] tulio ? ilhRiistM with hus-
binds and wives Tlio Smith case was ono
of oxnirgonilcd nssnult and his wife hnd tip *
ji m-cd ngnlnst blin. The next day sbo uuut-
ed him pardoned
.HidgoHclsley wasn't Inn particular happy
framuof mind when Oeorno Desnwlror was
nrinifincd on nclmi-fjoof hmuncrlnghts wlto.
] | | s spouse was hosido him ready to plead his
cuiscj , although the night leforo she bad
caused his in rest. The court dismissed the !
man , snvltiK at the same time tliat ho thought
the follow ifoseivud foityhwliM.
"Hut what can a man do ivhen a woman
pleads with hiinl"
Daisy nnd Jennie Lev Is lived on flraro
street near Twenty-lira t stieet. Their aetlons
litclyhiive shoiked the icspcetablo jieoplo
that neighborhood , and Tuesday a
complaint was made against them. They arc
both piotty , but the tr.iees of sin marred
their faces Thoeoiut told them thej would
have to move.
Mturplo and Kmtna Elliott live In the vicin
ity of Twelfth and .tones streets. They mar
ried cousins , llmina is homely enough to
slop n clock nnd old in the bargiinliilo
MnvRlo Is joutiR and comely. Emma doesn't
like Mnpele and told the latter's husband bad
stories about her Ma iowentfoi'l ininnnnil
allnlitensued and ISmamh.ul MaKSioarwsted.
A Her listening to their story the juduo told
the vomcn to go back to their alloy and fl ht
the thing out. Ho conslilered one as bid as
the other.
Mttlo Mautllo Mack , a joung thing in
bhielt , vlio said that she was only sovciitcen ,
was accused b.v a woman living near her with
uttei Ing profane epithets. She will bo tried
on Saturday. _
'Must as flood , "
Say some dealers who tn to sell a substitute
propiruMon when actistomoi calls for Hood's '
Harsaparilla. Do not allow any such false
statements as this Induce you to bu what
you do not wan f. Keinumbcr tint the only
icason for making It is that a few cents 111010
prollt will be made on the substitute. Insist
tlio best medicine Hood's '
upon having Bar-
sauaiilla It Is pecullai to Itbelf.
The Ornnd Army Ilatcn.
The war on G. A. Ii. rates to Boiton has , It
Is reporteJ , been settled. No further at
tempt \\lll bo inado to plvo ; better than a § ! 0
ound trip figure froiu Missouri liver points.
L'hisis leas tbin tlioouc-furo rate but was
originally agteed. upon by all roads In the
.voitern association , which propose to stand
jy It , Ulio tioublo was started by the Uoclc
Island cutting nt Kansas City In order to so-
CUTO the ICuusis business. Tbuioforo , when
.hat road posted a notice last Monday icstor-
ngtbo rate to j.30and iiccuslnu sonio of Its
contem pouu-ies ovcivbody joined In
.ho elloit to suppicss prom-
scd to bo an unpleasant outbreak ,
i'ho Burlington was charged with liuvlng
undo a $ .7..r U rate , but this is denied by Gen
eral Passenger Accut I'lands. Tbo wnbnsh
was the lirst road to make such a reduction
mil still refuses to go bach to tbe SW sched
ule. If It should persist in holding out , the
other rouls may break iiKain , "and , " said an
oflieial. "if they do , sou cm expect to see
some liu'ly cutting of the grand uriny rate. "
Uoth llnst niul AVcst.
Charles FrmcisAdnins left DcnverTueslay
light for the east and Vlco Piesidcnt IIol-
coinb vent to Portland. 3ilr. Adunis was In
ioux City jesterday and vill piocerd thence
liomoward by way of St. Paul.
Itiu dalined at headquarters that tbo meetIng -
Ing In Denver on Monday wns held solely lor
tbopuiposc of hearing reports from the pcn-
eral imnagcrs of the various divisions fiom
which the president could form some esti
mate us to thu condition of the load.
I'r ' 'paring Now Hate Sheets.
The freight departments of all western
roads ute making new tarift sheets , confoiin-
ing to the recent order for an uilvunct of
thiough rates , which goes Into effect August
1. Tills Increase affects all truflic west bound
and raises tlio Chicugo-Mlssomi liver
schedule on first class goods fiom U ) to 7 ( >
cents. Uoforo the reduction , last spilnp. 75
cents vas the rate. Houds west of the liver
are making a proportionate incieaso. Local
rates me not affected
TJio 15. it M. Now Hliopi.
( TUnuugcr lloldrogo siys that the
new B & M shops at Lincoln will entail
upon the company an outlay of $ . ' 50,000. Ttio
plans contemplate a bjiler-houso , blickstnlth
and engine shop Tlio foundation for thcso
Is now being hud Mr. Ho.drego o.\pects the
works will bo ready for occupancy early next
year. Stone , brick nnd Iron aw the m.itciials
to bo used in their coastructiou.
Jiotesand I'crsoiiuls.
JamesII..Fiigve , tr.ivelini : pi scngor aont
of the Lake Shore load , Ulmajo , is in the
Oscar Vandcibllt , who rcniescnts the
Rorthcin I'nelllc , Is looking after passenger
business for his load ,
W. 11. Russell mitt \V. T. Rembeit. iiirents
at , St. Louis nnd Kansas City of the Missouri
1'aeille , are doing O malm.
Geiiei-al-AKent Pliilltppi , of the Missouri
1'aeille , has gone east.
Lund Commissioner Hancock , of the Union
Pnellle , will return today.
T. U. Frawloy. passenger agent of the
Union Pncillu at Kansas City , was at head-
Hot Weather and Acchlents.
Tulo no chances on headaches or sunstroke
This hot weather is feavful.butlf you will toke
a few of Kraus'j's ' Headache Capsules each
day you will find the toinpcrature will bo re
duced and the likelihood of sunstroke or
prostiation absolutely counter.ieted. For
sale by till druggists
The Solltl South
Is solid on the gmt "German Reined v. "
Telognuns anil letters are received evorv day
dining this liented teim for ICrausu's Headache -
ache Capsules. The people from that stctieia
say they icdncotho temperature and pievont
sunbtiokos and hoaclachcs. For by all
druggists ,
Sun Klioko.
Now Is the time , the accepted time , to prevent -
vent sunstrokes , headaches , oto. 13y reducing
the tuinper.itino nil these distressing evils
V111 bo prevented. Ivrauso's Headaeho Cap-
sulesuro the thing.
Ono ortwo ICruuso's IIo.ul.tcho Capiulo
taken dining the day will prevent any ho nil
ache , al&o attacks ofsunstroUo. All druggli , ts
Who Were Opposoit to tlio Ito-oleotUm
i it'"Mr. .7ii HUM.
Who voted for Superintendent James Tues-
daylnlghtl was the all-absorhlupf question with
members of the school board yesterday
There ivcro some members who stood by
Mr. Jiunci from the llrst and certainly voted
for him but thcro wsro 0110 or two who had
b.'en considered an uncertain quantity and ,
us n number of the members showed a strong
Inclination to "pot in out of tlio wet , " the
number who claimed to have "voted for
James right nlong" exceeded the total numlwr
of votes Mr. James received.
This state of aff uli-a occasioned a great deal
of nmusoaiPiit among those members who hud
been pronounrod in their views , for or against
Junior , fiom the beginning.
Another question winch excited consider
able InU'rost was , "Who Voted for Gratmnil"
On the first ballet Graham received two
votes , on the second three and on the last two
ballots four votes. Mr. Graham's ' naino was
originally proposed by Mr. ISlbbj , but that
gentleman solemnly declares that ho did not
vote for anyone but lames.
Mr Smyth voted lor Mr. Sehauffer oa
every ballot.
Uhe general opinion U to the effect that the
following el ht members voted for Mr James
on : the last billet , hut who the two uero ulio
swerved during the balloting will probably
ne\cr bo known : Me rs. Cobiirn , Hpaldlng ,
MeConticll , Morrison. Roily , Popplctuii , Mar *
tin nnd Ulbbs.
Several members of the board met Mr
Schaufllcr'at the Omaha club TuoMlav , but
wcro not very favorably i npressed with Idtn
as n candidate for superintendent lie had , It
wns claimed , no partleiilnr experience in the
management of a largo se-hool system and It
was not considered advisable to uialcu the
ex perl men t.
a Till ! 11AU Ol'1 ' .IUSTICI3 ,
The Alleged t'iiodlci-4 orSouMi Otnalin
I'laucil Under Arrest.
Tuesday the Informations mailo by Coini-
cilmen Jnmos J. Dougbetty until' itilelc How-
lej charging criminal acts la relation to ordi
nance Xo. SW , known us the lioclc Island ordi
nance , were Hied before Jiidgo King In South
Omaha anil warrants \vcio Isiue'd for
tlio arrest of Miilniol U. Um-hc
of this city on two ehirgi-t
mul Coimcilinon Hdward Johnston and John
N liuiko of South Omaha.
The I'hiugcs are such as weio outlined in
TUP Bri : Tuesday afternoon. Messrs. HiirUo
and Johnston wcro arrested Tue-sday afternoon -
noon and Into that night ofllccrsi etui neil from
Omaha with Mr. l oihe * . Mr. Kocho's bonds
were llxcdnt $ lUUOIti e.icli . ciso. Hail was
given mid the pilsoners wore allowed to go at
large. Thn healing will take plneo at "
o'clock tills aftei noon.
AVhy Was Dougherty Silent llurliiK-
Couple of Meet in1 ; * * ' *
"In the first place , " said Mr Johnston ,
"tlio complaints were not Hied by County At-
toino Muhoaoy. Ila Investigated the ru
mors some ilays ago , and , I nm reliably in-
fenned , dediled thattheio w.w not sulllclcnt
grounds In the lumoied elmrges to base nn
action. The complaints wcie lo Igul by
James J. Dougheity , a ni"inV'r of the city
council who had himself received a check for
Us vote on the Itoclc Island ordinance.
"There are some fants In connection with
these check transactions that Mr. Dougliortv
appauntlj in Ids statement of thu
case. The fact is ho had his clieik for On
dm Ing two coune-il meetings at which tli
ordinance was being rnnsldeicd. Aftertho or
dinance had been passed ho attempted to g't
the check cashed. I his is a fact which we. will
prove when the tinio comes. If ho had 'hail
the honesty which lie now professes , why did
ho notaniiounco the attempted bribery at the
council meeting when tbe ordinance vas be
ing considered That wottl have been the
proper thing to have done
" .Now as to the oh irgo that has boon made
against mo of having solicited a bribe from
Hoche , lans or Wilson or any other Rock
Island oflieial or agent. Thcio Is absolutely
no truth In thoclnugo at all. When the onli-
nnnco wns bofoio the council I opposed tbe
closing of all of the streets along the jnoposed
rlght-of-vav and announced that I would not
favor the ordinance miles1at least one of the
streets in question was loft open. I hail con
ferences with interested ptoporty owners and
discussed the matter , but absolutely deny
having solicited nnv consideration for my
suppoit fiom Mr Hoche , Mr Wilson , 31 r.
or anyone else. "
Peais * Soap is the most elegant toilet adjunct
rJIII3XK\V \ ST. .
Desei-ijitlou oftlie Orcal Hospital Foon
to li ) * ICicetcd.
Architect Henry Vos > s has prepared } ) lans
for the new St Joseph's hospital , which is to
be cicctcd on the corner of Tenth and Ciibtel * street. They are beautiful and complete ,
both In outline and detail , anil when the
structure is completed it will bo an oin.iiiient
to the section of the city in which it is to bo
The building will bo four storibs and a
basement , of briolc anil stone with a frontage
ofJOO feet and a depth of ISO feet. Kxtend-
ing from the end of the main sttnctiiio will
bo a wing to the depth mentioned , which will
form a apu-ious court In which will plnv a
sparkling fountain sourronndcd by noimtlful
Honoring plants Tlio sides of" the main
structuioanil xvitu'3 floating oa this court
will bo supplied with iron verandas ten foot
wide which will enable the patients to In
dulge dully in invigorating promenades.
Ja the middle of the main front them will
bo a tower IS ) feet bif 'iwhlrli will he sur
mounted by a eu-ss , The main entrance con
sists of a broul ronmncsqucarcli of atone mid
granite , highly ornamented , the apaof
which Is crowned by a cross. On the arch
are Inscribed the words , "St. Joseph's Hos
pital , ' ' and above these the woids , 'Ureich- '
ton Memorial" Those mo Indicative of the
interest John A. Orcighton has long taken in
this institute of mercy nnd clarity and the
iisslstuneo ho m bestowing- upon the sisters ,
who arc to civet the new htme-turo.
Over this inch is a capacious niche incop-
pi r In which Is to ho placed astatuo of St.
.lOiOph in whoso honor the structure K to bo
erected Above thonieo is to bo a boat ! fully
paneled bower window In couper. ruilh
up , near the summit of the tower , is a cham
ber with a number of oriliees. This is intend
ed to bo evontuullv supplied with aehhno of
sweet sounding bolls.
In the basement are to ho the dining vuoin ,
kitc'hcn , smoking rooms , btoiu looms anil eel
On the first floor will ho the grand hallw.ij
Ic ding to tlio grand * iso and eoriidor ,
the latter with a width of eluht leot , extend-
ill ! , ' through tlio building. The gr.ttal stair
case will bo of o.ilt and brass. Tills Moor u 11 !
aUo contain private and public wards , rooms ,
ofllees , safes for valuables mid bath looms.
On the second lloor will be the dm pel.
which will aecoiiimoilito 100 people * , a puvate
dining loom for the nltentlantsunda nuinbei
of private wards
The third llojr will bo shnllaily iitili/cl.
In the attic will bo stoieroonu and puvato
The loot' will bo made of slate and metal
The lieaUni , ' will bo ny steam , huh illivi
ami inillrect. Kncli ventilating duo \vi ! '
haven sop irate shaft , nnd vitiated air \\ill
bo extracted bv heated air at the bnso o :
each Hue. Kuh bath loom will ha\o a ventilating
tilating hhnft and cold air will lx > tiioughl
into the building thiough dutta for that pui
Tlio intoilnr will bo ( Inlsbed In hard plno
and oak with the irain ; display cil.
Tlio building when completed will line : cos
. , .
The capacity will bo iflOpttlcnts.
Tlio contract lor Its eieelion will bo le
next Thursday week.
niphtboiii is cured by the use of Cook"
i\tr.iDry : Imperial Cbani.iiic | ( us a gaiglo
Ask your physician to try It.
'Jlio JlliistreH.
A dispatch fiviiu W. S. Clovclnnd to Man
nfor ( lioyd says that his colossal colored cur
nival uiinstrels will arrive in Oin.iha . IVldaj
inornliig , llfly stroiig. They are maldiii ,
mrangoineiits to ( jive a ( rorgeous stroci
piratle about noon. Tlio enLMgcmeiit opens
ut lioyd's opera house Fililnv night , foi
Avhlch seats will bo put on saleat I ) o'clocl. .
this rnoinliii , ' Seine of the HUR
settings and effects that cannot bo used ir
the smaller theaters have alie.uly arrlvei
and nro being put Inphico.
Itnipcrlor o colten oproTcn In mllllom of homn
for inoro thin ixquir'fr or romury Ittiuncdhy
tliu I'nllvl ' htal'i i , o-iinont Kn > lor > < l t > r lha
lu'ndi of Hit uuiv rill o 01 Iho Mir until
I'uixit unjtliMilloillliful lr l'i. < i Cr am ll > kInk
I'uirderilo unul cnuiiilo nmrnunlullmaur alum.
bold only In rani
fill19 11AKINO I'OVYIIKH CO. ,
Ke\W tfc. Clilcog'j. ' tiau tuugljfvf f I. Iv
loth tlio mc'liml nnd ienlt.H when
Syrup of V'j \ IB tnkun ; itii plon iuil
nnd icfrcflmi } , ' to tliu Innto , niul ncla
! cntly yet promptly on the KiiliK-p ,
ilvor niul MnweK clennsi" ) tlio . " ) fl-
: cin cfl'cctiiully , dUpdu colih , licail-
ifhca nnd fuvors iiiulciiicB hiiliitunl
coiistijmtioii. H\ nip of I'igs is tlio
inly remedy of its kind over pro-
luced , pk'ii.sinij to the liulo mid nc-
rcjitnlijo to the slotnni'li , prninjtt jn
( H action ami truly liriiclicinl in iU >
cflucts , pit-pared only from tlio most
licnlthy ntul iifrrcpahlo substnnccH , itn
nnny excellent c-iitililicH coininund it
to all and liavo mailo U tlio
wpiilar icini'ily known.
Syrup of Kius is for Palo in fiOc
Hid 81 bottles by all Icailinj , ' drug
ists. Any relialdo druggist vlio
ntiy not liavo it on litinil will ] iro-
euro it promptly for nny nno who
wishes to try it. lo ) not accept any
T , N.V.
This iicPlMiif
nUlc. ( nil In iiuiiv In t.invfS iiiiuh linn ( U
Aniuiil lioilorlM-il roll mini lip' ' " . > < >
M' < lliJnciftlioimmhj iHrxi-inpt Iriindl iih < < ,
Toklllllt tllll ( lift IIK'llll4tir > llll > lltlllK Mllil
roniiiiini'niMiiillli Ilin li-ml Injurj Moiir
poilii-lsiuiil tiistt * ) . , li c < rlalnly ixcii'iil ml *
\ mil. n ; ' . WfliiliHtip < 1 1 Torpid I livi'im *
Ki'Mfil Spli < ii , \llliilcil ISIIn ami In.iillMi
lliiMfN.aiiil nil i > riulcnt PITMIIIS nlll hiipiily
( h. ni'-'Ius A-.llii 'InllV I'lllulildi hllinti-
lute I In' I , Ivor , ri'Hrio tlio < .in.'nr i il Spln-ti ,
iliMcrnilnc : i hcnlthj ll u iil'lliliHUM r < 'K *
iilllnrtlK < lion rlvuifl iiuM"Mil liiiilnallliy
nc < rc'l Ions lop.iHMiiil In n iLit'iral niniiinT.
"AnoiiiKO of pH'icnt ! pl/ worth u IMIUIII !
u feu if. " liomlilail unit u o
Tcttt's Liver Pills ,
Price. 2 = ! c. niic ( ! W A 41 P.ulc Phr. . M v
, RAOIZ MARK Tirr (1111 \i . HADE TllAKK
HVfiflsu I1KM
M > v Anunrnll-
InKcnro fur 111
Innl \ \
imiicrlniicy n n I
nil < l1aic4 I mt
folliuv a1 * n
Of MClll'M
vcml IM
I'nln In llii > Iluk IMiniHMii'f Vl I n Prpinnliiro Oil
nuil many ithi > r (1 ! fwi tint Icicl tu Ini.inlty
or i nimitnplli.nziml nfirciiiut irournd
11 ! pi tu ilirMIn our p.itiuiMot whlrlnvo ) lp-
on I fie liv t mll to prory on . 2Jtf l Ii * jio-
illlc nivdldno li iitilnt II per iiicknir1 , or l\ l > nk-
IIKCI [ < ir N or " 111 hoant free it ) null oa tlu rucul ) t
nin Fvitvvn sntiir : : , O-MMIA , Nin. :
Omcconnt of coiinb > rf.ll * o II.MO adopted tli
yellow wrjppt'r Iho only uemmm
Physicians , Surgeons and bpccialisls ,
The miMt v. Itlclj niul fuvnr.iblj Known > -prc-
lallstsln iho I'nitcci ' lutes Tlu-lr lon.rf\-
lurlciK'r , rumui k il > ! t"ltl ' and mil vi rial suu-
ci'j In Iho tiiMlinriil tinil c-tiii'of Ni > r\ntis.
Uhionlc ami Sur l" ul Disuisi's , untlllu Ihi'-n
oinliii'iit pin -k'liins to the full ruiilldi'in i' of
the a HIlL'l c li' \orvv\ln 10. They cimr uili'u1
A ClIltTAI.N AM ) I'D-iriVi : Cl'Ki : for
tllullVflll I'lll'l ISnf I IlllVllO.UIll t 111) HUlllDl-
ous i lls I lilt folio v in Us 1 1 nl ii ,
nioilllv. I'.vniiloti v unit pi'i in inrnllv ruii-il.
\KH\OIS lIII.irAND ] | Si\l'AI. : 1)1. )
OltDi.K yhld UMili y to Ihuir bUIIIful trett-
'lln * . rihTuiAn U
Kiiuniiiti't-i | ciiuil uitlitnit piilii or
* ' " "
'n" { "iTouiiJT : AN n \iiii-oi nr.n imm
in ntly ami hiu-u .fullv iMiri * ) ! In t viry I ,
vi'iin.b. ' iii'V'iiiciiKv , tJiii.r
nriloriln'ii , Si'ii 'nut ' \\\ni'- \ \ > s , I.Dst Maiihini.l ,
Mjjlit Emissions , | i i veil I'm nil Ir * . lYiu.ilo
\\niltnuss.iiuljill \ il llr.itu ( INuKloripocullar
tiieltliur si'\ ] ) inltiMily eiii.d.ns uollasall
tliMctlniiiililNoiili is lliut result finin youilt-
ful fo'llos ' < ir I ln CM 'I'M ) ( if nm turn ye us.
Tk'K'TH K ? ' t'liir.iiiiioil IITIIIIHO lY
Ol 1S.IU 1 U 1VI , c-iiriil , MUD nl coiniih'tt * .
\\llhoiit culling , c. iii llc it Inn. Oiiron
nlk'i'ti'il at liiiiu > lit p.itliiit. ullliout .iniu-
lllL'llt'H II llll III * IIIIIIOJIIU ' < "
M. 'rim iiwf'ii ' pifocti of
vkii vvlilili iii.ius
\vc.iUii < '''li' > jln hotli inln I im < l
\\llliull Us dii'iiduil illi , lien
ii' .
K"s Hl"l"l\ AiMirsUlio'-o ulio liti
\J. 1)1,1 . ) ] ' Ihoiii'-clxcs by
er liidiil''onrr ami snlllnv : h ilills
upon fict . rir-it I'l i tl ul oxpprl-
cdiiil liviiry cu'-o N .pi ( lully stinllLtl ,
thus htiirllir HKht Thlid Mix I Id KM lira
prepnull In our luliur.itory ovuclly tu suit
inch railtluisittTlKtin iiuuswltlioiit lujiuy
Drs. Belts & Belts ,
"llr n tlionuiKli knanlo lm of Ilio niturnl IHWI
Klilcli'i | > ri > rii U.Ui | > iriill"ii r illvwllun il id nuirl-
Ilun niul l > yn cHiolul ii | > | llcillou oftliH Dun pmM | r
Ui'noIwiiH IH | | ( | ( uciin. Mr I ) > p hni prat Mi'I
our lirmkttitt tulle * wlt'imlcliiiilclr ' llNturml boer
rnv wliUh tuny itnvo uamniiy liciivrilnetiir l > lll > It
U liy Ilio Jnilluluui uHMof tnliurtl < lu iidllci that n
ruimtlliltlun iimr ! > < iru lunlljr liulll iiu until MI. nn
ouoiiKh to ri" lnt uritry lo i.lcm y tu dl ni ( . Ilun
lurkr mibilu i urill"Ulinicnr < > uiitl in rt'n Ir
to HI lurk n ( * iik IM.IHI \ \ , , tli , r
nr n fulnlluft ' k eplnn ouitpUo ,
lih iiuru ii " il unlit | ir | i i i nuuil *
Irmnr - < ITIIfru. . i > ln/i'lti <
Ma > iPliuplr lllit il nt : IT iur or in Ilk s.iii
In hulf iiuuwl Inn I r in ' ft > imirlul tlm
JAMLSlil'PSUXnoiifXt"i.i''ui ' ' '
, , . . ! :
my ptt lu If 11 i I- 1 HL .
l , lUrj Itl h4fiit * * i1C > rift fOnt f-
Ont tf * c l * * f ' * pt i
it U tp * ' * M
\Vc htul the crowd * ainotif' thr odd "nil Panti and they almost i ainod the tables only very/ * " '
ft-w f of those pnnti nro left. Thii week wp-iwijioi * to luvc just ns custom. TS in our Sho'/
di | uttincnt , We nrc cloning out all our iumrn r hocii nnd must | j i id of them in a fc\v days.
\ Vvill make il worth your while to vinit our ihoe tleiwiilinenl t ) fe week will show you barJ
g.nns you have never nceii Wforc in Ihc ulioo lin All hoct ailapt. < l for summer \vcar \ inubtgo ,
] \Ieif \ Uuiwct Coat Oxford Tic * , U. i.
Men's Ku.HMetCiOtt , ! Luce Shorn , 11.75 ,
Men's CofTcc Ilrown GoaC Lco Shitm , Goodycar well , isa $ ,
Of the last lot there in only ft small quantity , Ttirw Hhoc § art not of the common trashy
colored stuff of which , nowsulnyn , o many nrc in the market. i r come from ivputablo
makers , nrc of grxjd. honent Hlin'k , well mat lo , nnd we run recoinnd them. The slim * * ; , ire
c.\raorclinary ( barL'ains , ; ind you should avail yuur clf of tlii * oppt , mnily. Shoes of col-n pos *
ac s many ( Icciili'dacIvanlaKC'ii over black ihocii ( or mnimcr wear. Hiuy nro much coulor , requite -
quite less care , uro ICHR cxpt-nsivo and more ci > mft rlablc.
In black summer nhocswe offer a lot of very fine Kangaroo ha ? d Wclt Southern Tiisliich
were delayed by the manufacturer nnd onlv received la l week , too late in the season to sell
\\ilh a profit , It is a shoe which wo would ordinarily mark s.75 ; | , lul for above reason \vo of
fer them at 53,90 ,
\Ve still have a small quantity of ihc Palcnl Leather Shws st $2.50. We shall not get
in any more of thorn this season , HO if you want a pair better coma t ion.
\Ve have again a full line of our crli-bralcd all solid leather < i.-5 shoe. Tin's is by all odds
the best low pi iced bhoe ever offered.4
Corner Fmi I'tPPMth niul Douglas . eels.
Our store closes nl G'.yO P. M. : : : ! u relay at 1O P. M.
Perkins , Batch
We have the finest asQ
sortnientof Wares in jy
< D
( f ) the M-cst and
, g.
C Bottom Prices a
Sec Us J3cforc You Buy.
CiockiTy iind ( Jlabsw.irc.
i5i , [ Farnam Street.
i in : i ioi KI ; "i . "
The fisuro Pin ouriliitcn will iimkca lone ' ?
No limn cr vninan now living \\lll uvcr dntn
Jocumont without U IIIK tlio Gsjuro 9. It ( tan-It
In the third phco In IKO.whrivU ulll r < nMn t 11
yinrs nnd thin move up lo ( .croud plica In 11HO
wlieru Itulll ruit forOIKIlmti < lrc < l jcnri.
Themanother ! " 9" lilchlintulracoinotOAtay
Ills unllku th' IV'iireSI In our ilittaln tlmrinprcl
that It lui ulria'U ' mo\L < ] up ti > first pl.icc , wlutf
ILttlll | xTniuiuutlrriniin. . llli called Hio" : > .
0"III < ; liArm Wncvkr iV Wilson Svulnc Machin
Thf "Xo. O'nas cndorfcd for flr < t pi I'-obj 'M '
p ptrtsol KuroiKi nl tliul'.irlK n\Mitlt { | . tint 1 ( > .
\\hcrc , utter n B\tiuconti'st with tin Icmllin' tim
clilncK of tlic uorl'l ' , It un6 uunnlid tin ' nlj
Guild I'rUc given lo fnnlly tcultiKi.uclilliP .all
ethers on cvlilbtt. having rocilvvd loner aui rli
of poll ] riuOiiS , etc. 'Ilio 1'ri'iirh ( > \ nun ut
aljo rccoftii ctl Himpt-Tlorlt j l > > tin di > coruti < ii t
Jlr. NutliaiilclU'liuler , 1'ioiili ntotllii , cum | > t.iiy
with tli'j ' CroiS of Ili'j Lcnljn o ( Hoiiur.
'itc "Uo. 6" Is
nnt nn old mr.cliim ImrT'wd
uion , tv.t js an entirely new iimcliinii. niid llic
Grand P u j.t Ziru n us nunKd lias tin -rn-nl
URO. Th'jso vvho Lu > - It 0'in ti'il ivtirtd , lUiro
tore , olUa\iu tUovirylaicsluna I
runi .t WILSON rro ro : ,
1W nuil 187 V.'alMih u\vo. ,
p. r. rioiiMx A c-o.
2 0 North l l ( 01 HiIre ct
IN iin uriinNNt * ' ) ID Hi * . iirMtiiiu < t t nil fi.rnii uf
I'UIV All. DM \ i ; . I i M ii . . i mi , IIIIK
or i nln In i In t .IK Un I > IHI | t -11 Illlls .in.-I
In Xlt.i * 'il ' in Ii i . i . ' inii ii I u I In
HI u "l ihi III t II ni nn il > . r > . ftMl' l iK
OH liri'l HT llll III III irillllPht * > ' I nlil.'l
1 nilil lr' ll > t < > I i Ir < < : ! ' i up I r. t ul.r
Wltlnt : ( uirt i Hlfs nfi ul.l flho il t .1 ! ! .
nnil rli wcnu nil' r tin 111 n i 11. h . I. n. .
I illli p S I l r I nn n I 1 it . uit ti ii.ui o ik
uHlaT tir ' t On u N '
fwwlfli f"r'lym " > , Mmn" 'f" * ' MM
IUm < . il nl l l l . In" I- I I J I ! I " ' '
Illinni ! ill Ill-mi tf "t l ' 'iu ' * I" il > ' . Iriiiix . .I t lUiwn. . I . ' (
Illllt llUI " " * I ' 1 > * ' ) * VMC. ! , nl lNIMk I I
, . -l . , . II " I to l. l. -.1 . . .
lV r Iwluttf'ni- * ) * ' I * r > tnl llM'it.i. . Mi . n .
KMt.t II nl i' " l"r I' ' " .I - I I" I
ft llll 14 U rl r ( r il ( " 'k" . . I f > I I n > '
t .IIIl I ' ' I" " " " IM > liwHiuim l , uW
tU'f HIM > iiU 4l U'I > i > 4c iull l4oiii 1,1
ciuoiiMAN imr ; t > ,
HI 'I ' rii in. -iri 11. in. . ! , . > ii
in "i i-
f r i. m II
I UbIA I. t
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Doliiir innniiniottirorii , Import ri and jobbers , us wall 03 ro-
tnlldonloni , our ptirol'iulmr luclllt M nro eocond to uo house In
tirncouti'.iy. ( lonoi our oxirotno , o\v prlc a on ovorythlns wo
HC II. faprclnl ' tont'on ' IB called to our Inrgo nncl olopnnt line of
Flm Wnn'ol Corks ( ever 00 < JlTt ( ont styles ) at $5.OO and up-
\vnnli * . Flno Uatiiiot | anil 1'ln-i. Lnmpu , wl'h s Ik pmnsol
Khudrnln nil thn Jio\v coloro , Ircn $50O up. Buy your Table
Cutlery of tin and wxvn money. Ro.fora' Boat Triple Plntocl
IC'ilvodiiuil Pork o-ily 01 75 per tot. Stool OarvIiuSat8tiulfo
fork iircl ntool ) , $2 OO and upward Spoons , &e. , In proportion.
Our O real Mitl-BuinmorDnrKu n Snlo of Diamond , Watohoa
and Flno Jewelry IB Htlll In pro.fro a. Grm'no Diamond Flngor
ll't ' KM iroiu ( Sa.CO up. Solid Cell Wutclra from $15.00 up
D.OOO Ilun iiolld irolil , p'lilii , ba d nid sot Hin s Ir Jin $1 to $10
nuuh Go d Bpacttiuloa niiJ Cyo Oiiit > B03 from $3 up. Flno Stool
Spcutaoluut up.
-5TKt lulling ofV \ iklics Cloc and Jnvelry a Special t- .
The Omaha Medical a'id ' Surgical Institute
for Ilio trnltnrnlornllCIIIIONIC' AND Sl'Ilf.irAI Ii \SI9 Vtncat Appliance's for noformlllei , nJ (
l'rllMi' licit hii'lllli' ' " , . \ | I'lirnlii" niul llcmnllcifur n ( us fid tnnln ont < > f ( ivory form of o > in ei r
iilrlni { % Jfdlrnl or Hiirulrnl 'inIliionl ' MM T ! HOd 'S ' Hill I'Vl'IKVIS llnnrd of iillu'iilamc llP <
\S oil \Mllof rdrculnrvun I w/ . null niul I'.rucK 'Iniuse * t'lnb I i-ol , I imntiiro ot
, I'llri , ' On o-r < u'nrrh MronrJKi' ' ' , Inli Intlon , l.lwlrliltjr , Pinlv i ljijlop jr Kllno/
lllnillcr. l.jrK , Mr. Hklnnnlltl > " > il niirt nil miw'e lojiur lon . ] > 1--15\S1S OlVOMKN \ i'ccliill | ' ) HooM
of Hl < riiir < if UDIIHMI \ ic < \Vp lnri' liUIr ml'H'l l. > iu-lnlo | nrlnicnl foi Umnon rtnrlnu C'ciillncuioua
( Slrlrllr rrlrnlcl Only IMInMeHi- Itxlllutr mnH . arpKiniir or ruivvn : DISI..VSI s
All Ml. > iil II | CB P nrri-tfillll trciiliil l-ri'lilllilo IK ii remand fn in tli'J RyMoni nillioul n'oroury
Nun Hoi MlliuTropiliinTH frr M f V llnl I'UWIT I' c-minnlilKlo vlilt iinnmr l > u tioitol ul ! " ma bf
inrii i > .Mli m c AlUonitnunli nllaniiunndinilnl He i maur InMruniontt mill by in nil or cjirj. | < i ia
curily pniki il no ninrki t linl'cfll ( i. ' nlp'iM T 4'ini ( r MIO iiirroi il Intorvlow p o i rr ( d ( 'iilnnil ) < uiiiill
un or lend liluli ry < f rcur rn-c. unit wn will net d In I'lllr r.ippcToiir inHI1C 'ID MICN I ItlCi : upon 1'cimtd
I \irlcucule , nllli iiicill .11 . Hit ' ' '
Omaha Mcclidal and Surgical Institute ,
Cornet Utli iml Harn ySm , Omnhn Nob.
Graduate Denial ,
A Full Set ol Tivtli , on Rubber ,
For Five Dollars.
Aiiirful HI tf.uriiilr . TIHi oTliwlwl
.l . , n. . in .T
, , U.I.I . Itllll
llMtl Itll
i. .n. llrl.UiM.uil' ' r. . M Wiirk. - Itnilli ! , W Illi I *
. , , , iplK. All w-rk yurr. iil l.
Inlrnnc Irtih lf " I ilo alur. U polio vim-
li , ut > lil i ii. I k
( ImytiiiontU tncl
.ln k KubblU ut
I 'in ' ih'l I ull'H > lllnU
Tin'r n r. July > il t.
ttinl I rlil i y AUii i- '
\MI | ill I llll | It
Mini ! * Ii 11 Ii | | I'.irL.
.ii . , I \ A'iii. ' .tnl
I i. i 'i > rflll U < I. J"
I i i > rluM il.i >
i ' . ii rm
M. . .i.iuurii r u i
Ii . .i lludl , UIH.I-
M t AiliSON ,
M \ ii II
PATENT" . ; I A. " Ntu
] Bni/er / LoileTi {
Denver , Colo. ,
Capital Prixc $7,5uO.
: r.,3ro . PAID I-AC11 MnM'lj'
Address , II. I-MMIODK
T.NVKU , - - - L i- \ ' > .
: VH | v
„ . . . gline53of UodyftBdMiB't , L. . , . .
lllof Error orKiC iinin01Jf , Yotfi
* " ' ' \ iV" .V'.lik'r' ' ! ri ! ' ' .Vii 'iuAi-m' " " *
! Vi'i . . ' ' - i "J"f. .
I 'jlflT BlUIIIrr lll'H ' 111 * * ! ? U Mll | 4 * * ft
> l' ' ll | ln.i | i | t4l la I frt' tfw I ital'ltt Vfi lilk M
u JI'M f'nl e'hi ui'oAsl'cVl'rauFrA Ut M ! ?
' < . i
SYPHILIS f , , , ; " , : : I
VIii-'i I ! ' 1 I
( r I. . I \l I I'lS I
Wr Ii rn HI' 'i i
> , t , UlilUUu l. .J I