Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1890, Page 7, Image 8

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    niVFATTA DATLiY BSB. HITllSDAY' . JULY 31. 181)0 ) ,
' "
"vKIlTlsEMKNTSfnr thCFpcolumns will
ic takiti untilS,0)i. ) : : ) ut. . for tlio cvunlnc
cdltlnn nnd until Mln p. m. , for the morning
edition nlul bust ) AV It I.E.
i Inaclvitiicc ,
K.ATK -\rtVertsemtnts ! onthlspnito wlllbo
tbnrired for nt. tlio rain of l'-4 ecntpor word
for the r i t lii iTtlun anil 1 cent | ior nerd for
\ ( ai-li HUl etpiiiiit InKottlnn. niul fl.M per line
tier iniiii tli , ; M > ! i < hrrtlsi'iiU'iit.t taken for leas
Uifin''l fTiitnfor the lint Insertion ,
" 1 N1T1 AS | , fl"uri.J. ! symbol * , etc , , count each
J. jo or iHTorJ.
rpIIKsV. nilYertl emoiit.i tnnt run eon. cen-
J livi-ly and utiilcr no t'lmtimtnin'OM will
llioy IMI InUcii or dliponlliMicd by tolcphnnc.
15AHT1ES adrcrtlsplitt In those columns nnd
J liaviiif th lr HIHWCI * addressed tun "nitni-
l.orcd It-It , T" In onto of Tin ; UIB : will roci'lvo
R iniinborril Thcellto rnable them touM Iholr
IC'ttef. . AnsvnrV will lie dcllMTod ( inly on
pn-iont ill Ion of tlili clirck. I'.ncloso answers
in fiivi lcin' | fropcrly iidd reused.
A Mi iiilvcTtlsntnrnti tindnr the head of
" l > n 'lalotlreV published inliotlitliu
morning and iivenlnn cdltloi.s nf TIIK lll.i : . the
rlrciihitlnii of which imurejntct tnoro limn
MM 10 pal ITS daily , it nil Klvcs tlio jid > rllscr
1li ii'iiitiiirt ! only of liirw'oflretilallnn cif
Tiii'Hiilti : tJmalia , lititiiNola Oonni'll IlliilTs ,
1 Iricolii und fitliorcltli'i nnillowntinthu wosU
AI > \ KIlTISiKMKXTS : for lt nations or for
mnlr or ( oinaln help , not cxeecdlnir 'Jl
wonl liiM'itiMiln Tim Sf.vuAv lui : ntlnilf
Tiitc' " ( lurlnKtho monlhsof July nnd August.
The regular raton will ! ' rhfireiMl for euch
nddit "iml wind n < uivo3t words us veil ai for
oniiiitlto In hurllnni
AdvoilKoInjf. forthcuppnlumti'wlllho taken
on the fil-o-vn fomllllnti * , at the follimlns
binltio-1 homes vho nto iiiithnrlznd to take
5MH'i''ul iint Ve.-j , Ml tin ! KI : me rates ni onn lo
hail i t the main ollh-o.
I OlIN W. HEII..l'liaiiiiiieist , MOFoulh Toutli
9J Rift < " ( . _ _ _ - _ _ .
OIIAsi : .t nt > lV. Stationers and Printers ,
| : yiiuMilfitliStrpi'l. '
LV , .7. IH'OUMS , I'halinnelst , C'il North 10th
V > Mreet.
' "
'ir.o. ' W. 1'AUIt ' , 1 liarinnciht , 1713 Loavon-
G' ; (
S' I'llAlt.M ACV,24thand I'arnam.
Fortuity , etc. , tcr ( up oflrxt enlitmii vnthtt | iu .
Half inc.s mi .Sini' iiy.
rTTlfsi MlOOl ] diroiMnrs scliool teacher
J full v competent tolivu-li Ciornnin , l-.nsllsh.
( hiiilili > niti'V lnKik-Ui-ephiKiimdall t.liobi-ancb-
i'H tcniilivd by law , ib'sii-i-Hii position In niiab-
111' si-liniil < ir iotneollii'l' ' Institution , Address
llonry Ittls , Selinliurg block , loom : i , Klneolii ,
rii'b , MI .u *
, - b7a oed all roitiid
' prlnKMov ! rar > yi'tiH o.xporleiipc. Acl-
dross Ilrnry .lonvH , Kansati olllec. I'll ' t.slmra ,
Kun. Ilitm *
_ _ _
" \ ANTKl-Sltimtlo ) > by o.\pi'rloncidston- '
T ! iiKrnphcr anil bmik-li-i-por ; eim fnnil li
best of u'foienous. Adilrt-ss Iv M.'llcc , lot ill'
\A'ASTRI llyu boy 17 ycnisolil , to drive
Vl ill-livery w'lU'on ; tvulTuitiiialnti'd liilown.
Addn-,1 1C UP. Bee. li1 1 4 = _
"I ATA NTICD-Ily an rtporloi , - - , . . - . .
> l ntliin on a Rood country iiewspnpor. K , > 2 ,
caio Hi'i- . M" ai"
"IV ASIII NO wiinted. out or borne. Mrs.
inrin : ! list. m-so"
, Ni'Wiptiper ' Mnn-A ynuiigmiin
! of ll\o yenrs'o.i | > erleneo In newspaper
woil , and pihitlni ! In nil 11s branches desires
Hitiintlnii. Ailibess ll.C.Cannjr , , room H
CTnnlliifiital hlut'K. OIL'-Ill"
WA.vri-i : ) oi
I'vrtata , etc. , ff loji of fiift mltimii < m thin jidi/c ,
llnlf 7-iito Siini/'i/ / ' ) / .
t i'ii t Fra veTfor iin r ( JaiTiii 1 1 ji a
Vl n rie.s.Stone\\Vui \ ling ton , Maillson.VV Is
A OKNTSJ.V ) onttlton ) days' time. JIM.flO
J-Mirolll III t veeks or no pay. Add , with
Btanip ; Jiirvls X Company , KnclneVls. \ .
AVR want in every town hi
> > Nclirasliii toboll Iho nii'tnl back album.
Wiiciinirlvobut tortiTins than any oilier house
lo [ li-sl-elassiniiii. 'the nielal luek Is the only
iilhiiin ( hut Is antlsfaiitory In ovoiy rcspnet :
oiiu ho liieronwdlii nny * lto ; : i dani.iKeu leaf
replaoi'il. and leaves ! i.soitod to suit every
piirelinsitr Art Af.buiii Co. , Ilattln Creek ,
Mich. 1311'l *
\\7"AMrICl--Snlesineii ) at $75 pur month sal-
Tl ni-y ami oxpensi'S to sell n llnuof silver-
plated ivai-e , wntclies , ole. , by sainplo onlyi
horse iind team furnished free ; wrilo ut oncu
for full particulars nnd sample ease of pooils
free , t-landard Sllvorwtiro Co. , llostoii. Muss.
"V\rANTHII-Travollnit man tosollhnr zluss-
V > ware. Jtcforeacuiciiuhcd.Apply \ } ,
VirAXTKU-SOfl luborcrs for oUra rend
V > Ktinxn. Apply tol' . U. Johnson. H. & 31.
t , Oni nh a. MS
-Ns wanted ut Norfolk" Tmil
Oood WUKUS paid. M. T. Alurhpy.
\ \fAT 'TI-i-liiiiiiitllntuly ) , . blacksmith , on
plow nnd ether work. Jainos Luwlnrop ,
llaithr.'s. Neb. tfll- :
and tennis to work on
fiiundatlon , Uiilim doput. J ) , 1'iillmuii ,
eontraj-'torj. _ _ _
ALlS'K man vlth hinall capital can seouro
the fastest sellliw no vulty ever liitroiluci'il
In this elty. Unll on \ \ . A. Oharlos , Mutionoll-
f tiin liotol , Onialia , _ H ! : J.LL
\\rAST15I-Salcsniin ) ! In every loealTty to
V > iniiimfacturo anil wholesale our now pro-
eoss elder , miido without applu . hxcellont capital ruiiulrod ; inrtlciilars f ren
Missouri Uldor Alts. Co. , ov5.Viat. Josepli.Mo.
" \\rANrriCI Unlvnnlrofllron eornlce work
'l orn : Httadvworki KOIK ! wapos. James A.
Wlllur.t Itio. , ut lUl South Oil nton street ,
" \\rAN'l'KD ' 1'ravelliii ; saleHimni for Kroeorv
> > IKIIISO to tnko n piolltahle sldnllue. Ail-
flii'ds i\celslor : ManufnetnrlnB Co. , I'oiincll
atiiiirsLiu. _ _ , MM a *
i\\rASl'"lil ) s'alusinaii for line of I'lttah : " . " >
l jii-r month and expenso-4. Adilresy , with
Btaitip.s'um.itra Cigar Company , Chlcnni , 111.
CUl rt
"A\V Xx TK1I A lli-sl elnss b'llertnalor. O neil
il who can lav mil wiirlc. ! i-einont
Kilry nnd MehJ 'o. , l''roinoul.JfulJ. tiaViit
" \\rAN"l'l'II--Yoiinsiiianai ) Iravelhip naloa-
ii mnii. Must lit * aritntlor. Salary. 451 per
month. Aildroiswlth stniup , Ivook Hot ( Wl ,
OiliiniliiiNoli. . 1W7.I . I *
" \\r ANTI-Ml WWtenmf mi irrndo of INielc In-
il Inml It. 1C. noiirHlU'liutlUdili wajri-s JtlA )
jierdiiyi also a few touiusturs. J.A.Varoit
5on , eon t motors , 77H t *
"A\r7\'KvrKll--A moulder and a inurhlnlst ,
II llenj. Siii lth. Shi'iiiindiiitlii ' la. TOl'J
"XV ? AN'I'KlfiOO'iiiuii for Colorado , WUKUH U
ii and W.21 per day. I''reo ' faro. Albright's
labor att'inv. 1 IM Karmuii HI met. iiSJ _
. .Jl'ftl--t-iiverul ) o < iil city eanvassors.
Vor partluuliiraaddrosa llox ai7lOniuha ,
Neb. (
rASThl ) 1WM Iiir failroaif work In
\YVomln ? . Dakota. I'tuli and Nevada ;
esfl.'i to SJ.W : sleady work. Albrights
VA l > i r A it e iicy . 1 l > r niim _
rANTMD 'l'liroollrstclnssiimii to represent -
. . sent I ho Onialia lleo hi iiiid'oul of tlioolty
r"nll al tlio Diiodnlolllco of Uiniihu Iteo. eoraor
and l''ninniu.grmiiidHour. m
: ) AKOodsolioryoiiiisiniin as porter
ter In a holel. Address 11 , box .M5 , \ ork ,
Bind cook and laiiiuliess.WiU Dayi-iniort.
10t)0 ) > tl ) _
\ D-rUIrl at 2137 llarnuy.
" \\rANTED -A slrlto doKimernl housework !
1 ' mti > l lie. a Ki > od cixiUi out ; II
Jnfuni l.v. 5riHinis ; Mis. M ,
, Aim-tin , .I'lN. Jlth t.t.
' '
Vr/iM'ETj-'OiiiHf'iiTi'l : uniill fiunllv. Mrs.
II ,1,11. IhiyiK'N tCUliooislaavo , bet l.eiveii- ;
"vorth Miitiiin. ' ' '
und 3''l-ill'
TXyASITDfllrl to do ceiieral liouiework.
II Call ± : il lavunportst , ia-i
_ _
" \\7"AKTii : : > Ululiif-r flrla at Vlndsur
C V > llotoli '
\\7 AS'CH ) All o > | inrh'ncc < I hilly cashier In
Ti laruo dry unodHstoroi must bo aeeurntu
nnd lapld necoiiiitaat und hnvo best rofi'r-
rneost ! fctiito D.xperU'iieo und hulury oxpeeted.
Adilrv K aUJin ollli'e. IMJIH )
"AX ANTi ; ! ) A eook , oniivlio Mill nsiUt In
II \vi : lilnKainllroiiliigit'ood\vuji' ! pajil. 1W
S 17th btrot. L' ' h11
T\Tj\NTEI ) Coniiiiitoiu rlrl Jor ueneral
Vl lumbowarlc , Must , iindirstuiul
Oood _ . _
\5trANTin : A Klilfor srenerul hmiMiwork :
I V jix ; > d wiise * pnld , ti. K. cor. 3lliAJones.
TANTKI , ) - - Ulrl for liouso "vrTiTiT" ) iniiiTiill
IT fiuitlly. mi wiislilnifor honliiit : iiiustbo
good cook , Apply 1J13 Howard at , l' ' l- ' *
_ _
GUtli wanted" for cnnoral house wiirle lii
kiuull family. IMC l-'uruuui. 1 1'
"V\rA3 < TKD-A. ilrl for srnrral homework. '
Vl tnmll family , goud waaca. 5JU N. SOtli
Btcor , , California , f l
rAhHilJ-Ulrl forho'useTvorEfii MI'Jtil !
sTa 3 %
. _ eotnpntont conk nail laun-
ilrtn. Mrs. T. J.ltoisi'M , 2tie I'nrnHiii at ,
* * " M
vf - _ . . . _ , . . . fur cenoral
home work In family uf three. Call today ,
S5IJ11 arni-yit. m 31 *
'ATS'TKD-OIrl for poneral homo ivork ,
family ol IMO : 8BIJ Smfard , li 5 III *
\ 1K liv \ u iilcdTjiS ! Jlavoiiportst.
ino )
\fAT < TRH-A you us girl to walton table.
r I ISllCllSlMt. 10S III *
\\rAXTKII-A Blrl fur general hnimcwirK ,
TI iai3N. ttllh M. IIIS-31 *
\\rA.NTKD-l.iidy book-keeier | , rnforcnco
> 1 byluturonly.V , O. I'luld , the Mlirlam.
\rASTI-l-llnlnff-rooiiiplrl ) and eliutnliur-
Vinnld \ atDoraii IIIIUHU , 4'J3 S. ISlh. 1 hlock
f nntli uf court liiiusc. ' * ' * >
1 IIKST .Vrmitn hon i > , city wutor nnd
( .L-ri'ensriit a liirKnln toK'sttonsHilc linrlloh ,
I'tukursti Apply RIU , I'axtoii blm-k. IfJl
ll HUNT House , 10 rooms.nll inodornlm-
in r o yard , il'i PIT month.
giilltH Uoltof li. ThoiiniH. V3
! ) * * *
"TT VOII wish tornnta house or.storo sen II ,
Ji : , fulo. C'uiitliicntalhlcick.'i
O KOO.M , no\v iiaporid. 13111 North Ulh * \.f \
1lIJ.lKNT-10-rooin ! house.2187 Uoiialns , Til
' ) ! , U-
lAINl ' ! i eslilence. modern Iin prove men ts108
I'tfl. Mary's ave. . * iMpor inoiilli. Inqulrn at
iiviiilsesorat A. Heller's , lilt rariialn , Oi
.ilOll . K1SST 10-rootii tenonb DoiiiliXH nnd
L'sitli.all niodi'ra iniprovoinunts. with stc-iini
rat. 31U t-ollth 15th St. U. A. blndi.i > U'St.
101 5 *
17OUKKNT fi-moinliou1-1 ! , Kood repiilr , nice
JUyiinl , eisteru water , rent & ! _ ' , Apply to Utn
t-outh Uli uio , orto Jim.Y. . Hell , druggist , 10th
IlIKST-CIASSrooms and board ; 1IJ ! South
JOthst. ItcfuiuncN. . ll'Wt ' *
"IjlUH.VISIir.D house onrarnam st. for lent.
JL' ' ] iifiilroUcriiiiia-Amurliiii | ! : savings ban k.
IjlOU KENT flood 10 mom nonsc , sewer ,
-L'water , sal , batli. liarn , fiitnaec. In ulepaiit
Hhapu.ehunp , D.V. iliolusCo."l3Ist 'at > lbllll : (
3JlOTillRNr Sept. 1 , eottanunltli all modern
liiiproveiiieiits , liVJl Sliirmui : ; ivve , 77t
nAI'HXlHIIltlJ 1 cottage , 6 rooms , S. Ifilh nt
. ' ' *
Iniiulroliirj. U'-T
-T-ltOO.M house , H , S. E. ( .or. lltb and Vlntoii
1iH > UIK ! > 'r--IeiilriibliidivollliiK ) i In t'onnel
J Hlnlfs iit ; rodin'udrouts , rniBlnxfroiuH ti
9'Q ] u > r month. K. 11 , Shenfo vt Co. , lentil
: ifenl , llioadway and Main ats , , C'ounel
lllnir.- ) . 8. > l-A'-i
" "
0 OTTAOHof ritooins In roar of ISli Clili-aco
( Jityralir ; IJ.'JJ liur month , b''J-U"
llriolc house , all modern im
J ? prox-mViits. Anidy Dr. S art7lander. on
lircinlsi" ) . USll Capitol ave.or A. Swart /.lander ,
1st Nat. Iliiulc.
"lilOIUtKM1 Ilnuso of tun rirnn , No , HOI
-1 Doiislas St. ; handy to business , also ti
oablo and motor cars ; modern conveiiiciii-os
Also coltiiRoof i-veii rooms. ; No. JJI9) ) llaroev
st , Knipiirotif 1) ) . T. Mount.13S. . llth at. 07.
"lilOUUEST n-rotini lieu r. voll , I'lstornan
J1 cltv ' water. * i"i pormonlh. n. w. eor. Slid an.
Hurt. 'Imiultc Thomas & Kimliu.U'UN. Y. Mfe
KENT 7-rooinnd IIOIIHI2S.1" Kriinkll.
J ? st. , In 1-1:11 Jin veil ci'lliir.wiislitiibs. bnth , and
stable If di'slred. Apply COO Murdiaiits' Na-
" 171O11 UEXT W-i-ooin hnu < so. host location li
JL' rity. near high school , miit lo\v. ICmpili
"IjAOlt UK.N'T llnusoof fi nleo rooms In flu
i' eity wnter , nhloeks fniiii courthoiise.Ml.ri .
Imjulic , Thutnjbiin , t. o. cor. IWh and Iuiielu !
'inOJt KI5NT To responsible pnrtles only
-I these line new lirhk and .stoin > houses on
norHl.-i avenue ; flfteon roonis ! Jind nh'ovosi
inoro eonvenleneos and hi-tter tlnWiod than
jiny boiist ) fur it'iit ' Intlioelty. 11. 11. llendnr-
son , 4W I'nttdii blovk , city. -too
rr-HOOM lioiisowllli linrn ! tiomliial rent. C.
IK. Harrison , till N. V. Ufu. bS. !
4t' ' " ' A nioiilh , tlniiblostore biilldlii ; , -li.\l'J feet
Pln all. M. E. cor , lath niul Mason , ( .75
TiibTt llnNT-Dfslruble 8-room house , nil
Jmodoiii linprovoinentsi oxeollent location.
Miildcd ynnl viont and icar. Convenient to
uholesulodlht.ilot , mid nuw union depot , Oood
louiitlcu for physician. Apply 1112S lothht.
FOlt UKXT Ile IUenec3oii llarnoy ; nil tlio
lalest Improvements , nt lowest possible
rental. Paul , lift ) Kiiriium. 4i !
; -IJOOJI houhi' . IKM nnd Ciinilne. J.K
moiilh. C. K. Ifaiilsoii , Ull N. V , Llfo. S
IJTOllMCXT Xow II room dwelling. No. 3)3 )
-L1 north I'thst. Olio Mock from buslnoss
ccntie. llullt expressly for rooma and
loiirders. See Dr. Jiovlllc , I4tti Douslns.
HUNT i zooms
J'or < ilc . tic. , KCtlojHif flnl fotninii iiii tltli jiagt.
| 7OIt ( KENT 3 furnished bedrooms. 100 9.
r L'Olh , eloso toli'arnnm. JW 1
) Ni\VtiY : \ fumislied imiins for rent , 2109
"Douglasit. ; two faelnjnorth and oniisputh.
ST. OIjAlltnuropoiiihntul.-wlth dliilusroiini.
lUtli-Dodge. Spooliil rates by vuoU or nio.
T1tU KKNT 2nleely-fiirnlh > lied Jioat rooms.
717H. Mill. 110-U *
iniTltNIIKDrooins with Hoard at-l07Xorh (
I1 lilh ! st In Paul bll > . *
ITlOIt ItENT I'llrnl-jlied rooms , 1GU9
T'OK KI5XT rurnMieilrooms ; H
1 steam , UIO llowiml.
FOli UKN'T Xleely furnished roomnil mod
em eoiiM'iilence.s. 013 ! ! . 17lhst. U. i
SIXtir t'lidit Kentlemonenn Imvoont Ire floor
on rooniH. nleoly fiirnl.shiid , bath and mod
ern cimv Milnnce i. nt * . )0 month , or will rent
slnitlv at leasiinabloriiti's. J'li-st class uoaid
next doori Mir > DoiiKlas st. 607 t *
ASAXT looms with board. 115 S.SJth _ _ st
IiNlSlIKllroonn and boaid , ICli ) llarney.
N'K'PJ siillo of rooms ne.wly fuinl&hed , also
barn for rent. 1IU7 Doilgost. tlIJ
POIt HUNT rnrnlshi'd rooms with nil mod
ern 111 iiinivcinuiiH. aiDX. lith it. issflUOJ
KliXT Twoboutli rooms Mill lUrniim.
7SS a' ' . " ) *
OCOMS-H' , i7iIO.12 , W7 N. IStlist.
IV , , fsS 11'
fjlOlt lIKNT-XIcely furnished roimii with
J. ' biurd. firstclassaeeoinniodatloas.171 ' Dav-
enpoit bt. . . UB 4 *
ITtOlt UI'.XT Nluidy fiirnlslied front room to
1 ? ireiitluiium only. SiltODuvcnpoit st. cj. . .i'
TJIOU K1C.NT N'uwly furnished rooms , slnlo
JL' ur en suite , with or without bonrd. UttJ
llownid St. , third Hour. ' '
PbKAtf ANT roupis ; aUobonrdlii ! . ili.'SS. 17lh.
< W ii 1 '
N'ICEI.V furnlshi'd rooms from H to MS.
K. 15th St. . COJuO *
AUTirSdoslrltiiJBOort hoara , , or nne , lar.-
ruoina at leasouable rate ealUW s. 1. 1 h.
, WW Uapltolavo.
171OI1 KiNT-2nIeely : furnished front rooms ,
-L' with all modern con\enleneos \ , at X'l'H ' 1-ar-
nain. * " " _
ROU.Ms7ullconveiilunes. ( UIO ttiveiiriirlst.
rHi ? it.i
r > LI'ASANT rooms , modern Improvements ;
Is.'l Karitum htieet. 'M
OOOM-Jor alnjlo gen t leu i tin , 2l'-MIiHlsi .
IV MiilO *
17011 * IITIXT N'loely f mulslieil fronV or buck
-L ? riuim. Allixjiitunii'iiuud , Apply. HID t.'hl-
Fur lo/i-ji , tic. , I'D tofotnt rirfu inn cm tlila
U for houel < eupln | , ' , modern linpniveiiioiils ,
lo family without chllilron ; no ob\eelton \ to
eiiililrun under tlitco yeni-K old , Nutlbweat j
coriifr 17th and \VolKt > iHs. T t
foricjtln Dug nti blm'lc , eor llth and
HUc , O
j fr'orratn , rtc.trc lop r > ) fift fohuim onlliM jxt .
T70K ItlCNT ' .
ItlCNTTho4itory lirU'ktmlldliiij.vflth
I .JLor without power , forinrrly occupied by the
| JHee I'liMNhlns Co. . Olill'nriiiitii ft. The hiilhl-
InRhnsri ilii'-proofcoiiiiMit bii eiafnt.roniiilete
steam licit tin ? Hxturos. water onnlt the limits ,
K.I , uic. Apply ut tlieolllcoof The Hm . 9l
_ _ _
"IjlOtTfliKNTIfiiuVhiufOriArTl ft , . I storlesnnd
JL1 lmemont. on Jones St. . between 10th and
lllli , ullli IMC. track In alley : best loeat Ion In
tlmcltyforwIiolMalc. Inquire nto 9. l. > thst >
U , A. JJntlinilst. 1ST
xii : > iiis : at 703 S. ir.tli.Wlxfth'ftcli. luriti * show
V lnltnlim-s. tvuiii heat furnished. Thus , I' .
Hall , Ull I'ax.on liloclj. " "
"TilOU IIKNf I'lnu store room in Norfolk. Neb.
"Shelveil sultahlo for elotliliiif bu-.liiesH ;
, steam heat , etc. Address 0 , A.
. . .
llrlolc wandiouse , tvo Htorlea
- undhiiMMiU'iitS7.0UIsiniiiro ) feet , with 1K ( )
fret of iloiililn track nu U.I' , railway , south
tOlh and Pleiee streets. Address C. Oskauip-
Omabn , Nel ) . IP
1Am"lil55iT In Mo , Vnllny. In. , a 1 ! slory
JLMirK'k buihllns with basement , SiVM ) . lest
business eornor Intlioelty. Inqulro uf Jl , O.
lleurii , Mo. Vnllny. la. ' '
T I OTKIr < rooms nil eonvtMiienoos. brick , 2
J I bll.s f r.ini I' . 0. 11. 11. Irey , N. V. Life.
t'.r.-n ' ?
Kur iv ( M , etc. , Pi'e loji nHtnt fiilunm on I/IM /
KrK . COhK. icutnliiijeiit , CoatlnentaPiIk.
3ir N'S rental money , 517 I'axton block.
J.IUKV , reuUil iijteiit.SliO . N. V. Lift' .
K.COOK , rontiil aiteuey ! lonm. niortuapi'S
bnu''ht , tu > es oiildiiiidcollcctkms Itoom
N. V. h. buininsr. 777 u'J.V
T\ \ KTsilANaTi MTalloi'li . eiia ICxpust-
tlon bide. OTI-u'4
/ 1KO..I. I'Abl .lfiii'J riirnatn. houses , stores
V.liin < lllat.sfor rent , ri-nts collected , rellaule
Uic insurance. Monev to loan. l *
1'ur rtitn. cte. , ten lop ol flivl column on thin juij/g.
PulXuflXlV" hysichiii"of""ovor 20 year's
-JVexperlem-o wishes to Kill a locution Inlbo
vest for thepractlcuof incdlnliio. 'I'lio doetor
Is well leeimimeaped and will tuy reasonatny
for Infnrinalloii. Address ModleiiM , earo iiost-
inaster , Tignlsb , I'rinco Kdwiinl Island.IK .
IK ! 31 *
\\7AX''KD-CaHtle ! Ihouter. Ncwen tlo.\Yyo. ,
' > Slady. iKiMit cnmli ; MIIIK and diineo r-
tlils , wish lociitniiiiiulcatowltli McXultysis
ters and other tliontrleal eomlcartlits. John
Owens , prop. H 1 *
. .
-Ill si-alp t hair ttualiiii'nt.iuaiileuri'S.chlrop-
odlsu Mrs. 1'ost , r 'JD \Yllliuell blk.
' '
IIN worli.rooflnir.spuutinif , e.iooil !
L woiktiiiulowprleed. li.&ivage.lUlil'uinliiK.
CNO nl
WAM'I-U ) 10 IHjy.
J'nr rater , cte. , pccti > i > i > t flrAcolttmn
AXTKII To buy a Rood seeond-hiim
l > typu-vrller. Osill on or address AV. O
llintU , i'iiri'"Uniiilui UoioinerelalCollepe. 001
13th and IJodKe sis. 11KWU *
\\7 A.NTKIi Hood coin mere ial pnpor. No.
M Uraslvii.MoitKUiuI.oaiiUo.,51 , < J I'axtonUlk
\\rANTll ! ) Alcnin of liorsos and botllhiK
M \vaRun. ' " "all on address t'ogslns & Me-
Nally.cor. 10th mid Daveiiport , l i t *
ITIUIIXITTKEhouseholdgoodsoto. t
I1 ca iprlec. JI7 S. Mth.
\\7" \ ANT ElTo ) buy a iiaclnt ; liurso for Huh t
M drlvlm ? . Iov ! ( i'-J I' . O. IW
\\7ANTEI ) Sceoiiil-lianil bnrbor fixtures ,
M must be cheap , toinovo to lluiitrh-e. Xob
Aililris.V. . H.J. , Ileatrlcc , Neb. WS UU'
Vur itilet , cte. , Kcttop ' / flr.l ( nlunn on tfifs J KC.
o5HAl ! ) Attention ! Wo have come to
sttiy. \\f havu bad years of experlent'o Ir
nen slim woik. and ollor you our services a 1
less cost , than other attorneys : new law claim s
and Iiieri'iiso a specially : consultation free ,
Yonr.ilu IO. . nnd b. Ninisom & Know-land
Itoom 10 , JJushinaa block , Omaha. 1S ! > 3'
"VJKW laws pensions for almost all soldiers
IN falhois , mothers , widows und minor elill
ihnn of hoUlIera. Claims pushed by 1. . N
Cllngniiin. IU iiml l L'lenzurhlk. 13 ycar.s expo
rlonec. Only pensionollleo In Onialia. 1151
1 > I5SSIONS Kew pension hivrs over 1(5 ( j-ears1
experlenco In the prosecution of pension *
nnd | ! ovoiiiinent claims ; have snouted ove-
aouo tienslons for soldiers in XubrasKa am
Iowa , their widows and holra ; latostdeclsioiirt
latest laws ; no advnnco fees now blanks am
circulars freoj coiisiiltnllnii always free
HlraniA. St iii-iies , 81 ! Urolghton bliiult. nox
toutbof I'.O. Uinalia. fiiUO *
I'or jitloi. etc. , Kfetnji nf fli'ft column an llif.1 jrme
LOST Small leather pooketbook between
.Mr. JiiM'pb ll.irker's and Mr. ICountzo's , ro-
tnrn al Hrownell hall , re'varil. 010 a ) '
LO T Hook niinnnl passes. Itewurd If ro-
turniMt lo this ollleo by Monday. ll" ! III *
LOST--AVhltosettor. brown liead and curs ;
wart on tlpof tall : tuft of hair on hcadj
II. I > . llallon eollur. 83U reward. Dr. J. U.
Jones. DUO-1.
LOST AliulldoK. pray and whltowlth tnfrs
from Uinalia und ft. Joseph. UKTJS. 13th bt.
87'J 30 *
] " OST LlRht sreen parrot , yellow head. I < lb-
Jeral revardif returnedto 111 Holhorvlltli
I and llarney. & 7. 30 *
1'or rtttt # , rte. , ffttoji n/ ( / > troIi < Diii onllitainiic ,
r JS I iACttKanrnto \ : at lowest rates.V. \ . SI. '
L Hiishman , 1-HI l eavumvortli. ! > .vi
! Cl'L'OltAGB Hmncliit Uo. , l-'ll Howard. _
S'TOUAllD l''or iiierehinillsoiind tiiriillure.
oolil Ktoniuoand freo/.lug ; trackago llivld
Cole.ttri-Si ; Ilowtirdst. .Tsi
rou sAijic-iioissusiWAcoxs irrc.
J'or mien , ( tr , , wee dijiuft > column on tills pane ,
SALE - Horse , Rood driver , 3 fprliiff deL -
iiM'i-y iniRonutc..aUJffulntor tit. D.H-'ll- *
I71OU SAM : lilRht Imirny , nearly new and In
1 ? tfwd shape. Cull lit IjUJ N.SIstfrt. 1Q.I iil *
'I.I Oli'HKS- > l ht drivers , liui-jaliis , The late
I 1 lln.1 linsntiido them cheap. Hi 13. ( 'ole , Con-
tliienlal Mock. d'i }
Jpolt SALK t platform spring leather top
? oiirrliiifl ) alinoit now , 1 Uuekboard ninv , 1
iloubli * Oiiziry oroairla o harness. Apply nt
SI \Vobsler.St. . , Omahii. Hiu
TOlfSKd"JO and up. 11. 11 Cole.
. OW
iiuilus. f.W.
Dili'H'lim lauli'-i , t''ij ,
One team mules , JIM.
One team mules. li" ) .
( ) ilMild ( I.HI le.tT.'i.
Olio n < ld honse. * . " < ) .
( 'iiooddhorne , liriO.
One team horses , iJOO.Kooni
Kooni la , Hoard Trade.
Ij OI ! S ALB I'uny harness and huek hoard ,
II if * . Address 1C TO , Itee , UOO 4 *
ITlOlfSAMJ Or will triulii forl > mnha real es-
1- tato.l ! Imported l-'rrrch stnlllons , color
liliu'kanclihipph * Rray. wrlibtlsixa ) oslund (
' superior style and action. Address li. 11.
llurr.Jia N' iHlh , Oinaliu. Nel' _ _ _ T' > ll
1jltJUSAIil-J Ciw > her tlim * . irnn'l ( wirk li'iim ,
. linrni'ss aiidwnxon. CB I'axtonblk. K-'v !
GKNTLK delivery horse. * 10 ; team innTol
i'hi-ip , $ Ilil : l.lVupound horso. Jl.V ) ; lurxo
inuloleaiii , f1 1 | very IIIMU horse lenin , K'M\ \
verv ( 'eiitlo IIUKKY uor&o for lady. ( Vi. Itoom
Kl , HIM ri I Trade. Tall
l7Ult ) SAIilv 1'hio driving IIOIMI. W. t > . Ityan ,
I1 room ( I L' . S. Nut'l Hank bulletin471 : tl
l.'OIl SVId : I'UHXITUIll : ! I-3TO.
I'ur idtco , ttc , , ( kt ( opnyii > l coiunin oil tltti i > aji.
171OH PAIKAt a bargain , tnrnlturo ( now ) of
1a ten loom house , centrally located anil
Illloilvi 1throomers. J. I ) . Kittle. ms
1 > AlTVoliu ! | away will soil at saerllleo nr
uxeliniiKi' foreboleo real estate , tirnn new
fiirnlturohi moilornx room house , eentral. Iii\r \
rent. U'eUlinns.t McJiillQuhiexposltlonhldi ( { ,
KOStL'llll. ' l1 * ,
SAhK--On nccotint offallliu hcalt
the new and olejsmit furnlliire. of u'I -
rxini bouse , oecupants , income
noajly JI.MM per month , finest location in the
city. AililiestiJ 80. U o ofllco. Di-aa
iio iisT "
KminM.7fi ( \ , e top of Jlrit foluiniioil t/ibjinut.
'AiiE ChwaJi iTpaKl swoad-liunil hlov-
ITIOlt SAM' lllcyclo , li'Mnch Kxpert Colutu-
U bla. ( Jood repulri oheupj tUJ N. V. J lfi * .
JiW I *
' ITUDItIJAuT-Now"gto 1 iiimy k Pen planobe t
J-1 iiiiike. party louvlni eltyi purt cash , bill-
mice thiu'.lf dinlred , lniulro | atUlbl'axton blk ,
\Mv-A frcs1Wllcli cow. K27 Prlitol
st ; call after p.Jit 8fi5 irj
FOIl SAliKUno 'ott ffj bu'Unllk routes in
the city of OiuahiUij.r ] Information call
on I' . T. IMW. W N-JMli./ / } . otl-tt *
OIC SAliK Stcaw Jaliudry , Aildr < " < IC 41
llee. 703
'ITIOH PAI.K" 3 billiard , tables cheap , roonii
JL : 4i iA : 157 llrown bloi'k. ' s-o e < ir , lilth and
Dointlns , ' ' ' . . _ 77J )
SAMC-A KOOil'-t ' o-boM' uowi > r killer
nnd engineneatly , tew ; will Bull cheap ,
A dd l ess , K ; , Ueeollloe. 741 30
noTt SATTK'iiMtnrrlV'd , r carload oTfresh
' milk CIIWM , eulve.s. Jiy tbelr Hlde . X. I' .
iiMull , Hedford PlaL'0k'neur ' llruld lltlldopot ,
/10OD ' clenr lane lewfiir .ik > in inrnu nuiintl-
v'Jftlcs. The Xebrask'it'Ico Co. , Kearney , No-
brnska. KrTall
, tic. . He tvf ° f frtt filum ti on tit it i > ntt.
AKAPOI.S nnd iinibrell is covered nnd repaired
paired , It. llalor.UB &lMli8t.'Jddoorfrom
P.O. Only man in ( own , iVi7
TTJHKii.I | ; > A9 and par.T-ols repalro < 1 and
lJeovered. Key IHllnsnnd ci'iioral repairing
nt Hullln'sKiiiiithop. HUN. ISth. ( hOi''l , '
\VAXTii : ) TO JIl-JXT.
KorMf . tie. , KC tnfiirnf
" \ArANTr.r-OnolarKcor t o small unfur-
T ! ulsheil rooms or pnrt cs to join In rent-
Inuallat.'nll J24 North is 11 , l 0-l
Alii' 'VND
J-'ormtrji , etc tte tap < > t Mi * ' rmniii nil ( /ill vat.
IJl'.rolir. buying n'i rviimliu * the now
-OscaleKI ' " piano. A.llmpo.lJlU _ ' " -
I'M '
G IX ) . r.llKI.LENIlEt.'K . teiii'her ' of thchaiijo ,
llospe , I."il3louslas. ) ! ! lll
. , ire t fnf _ Jfol r-ihnnn nil tllti puy. . ' .
OlIATTKl , llaiilill : ) S. l.'ithst. . loan * money
IM )
" ! \ . .tOXKJIl.iM orldnysonfiirnlliiroiilaniH )
o-.lborsei , houses , ote , J. J , Willtlmon. ti\i \
1'axloii bloek , WO
r IONKY toloanliy 11. 1" . Masters In any
i-Vl amount from ! 10 to $10,000 , und for any
tlti.c from onolo hit .
Loiuis miido on liouscli'dd peed , pianos ,
orirans , burses , iiinlus , buiiiru. loasea.nie -
liou-o receipts , ote , , at tlio lowest imisliilo
rates wlllioutpubllcltynrrotnoval of propi-rty
Loan see airniiKcil thn .vournii makoa pay
ment ut nny thuo and reiluco both prlnoipit
and Interest. Vou pay Int en-it only ( or the
tiiiioyoiinsctho money. If yoiiouoa balaneo
on your property or havia lonn you \N Mi
changed , I will pay It otTaiulciirry it for you.
J do not advertise to lnun you money at
bank rules. Ijut eonllrtunll.v I'lnlinto tlvo you
loner rates niul Ciislnr trims ihanciiii bu ob-
taluiid elM ! \\liero In thiiclly ,
iMoney always on hand , Noilclay. > o pub
licity. Lowest rales.
It. F. Musters ,
Itooml , Wltlmolllll,15thimd llarncyita.
" 711 ° N 1' ' loaned at lovest ratos.lonjj tluio on
XTJ-linpioved Omaha rwl estate , mi "oUras , "
nodulay , Lilobo Loan &TruilUo..3D * S Will.
Bl'IMIINO lonm , 0 to 7 percent : nondill-
onalelnirzes fcircojiiiui-slon or atlornt'.v's '
fees.V. . U. Jlelkle , Vlr l Natlunal bank bid , ' .
soeoml mortitaKeson vacant & iin-
-IJ proved elty prop , ( . 'iiunty warrant- imis .
jNlouoy oahaud. F.M.Itlehardsoii.SW N.V.UIfe.
IM > 4
1" OANf-Olty and farm loans , mrirtgniw
J-Jpupcrbonglit. .McUtiao Investment Co.
CHATTKr lcansat l.mvi-st rates ; business
conUduutlal. 51G I'dxtbn blk. J.ll. Emlii er.
OOMMDKCIAIj and Beuernlshorttltnepapcr
bought ; nlin rwiilarpyoarloiuisonlnipro-
ved property.Uoo.l'.lJ MSt Ci-'OUUamii ! ! lildg.
110 *
SHCOX1) iiiortKajo lonns. Second mortKiiges
lioiiKht. Loans on vueiint lots , lieeil k
Selby , rojm JJ , Ito'ird Tiailo. UJS
Kl'STONiMort ; ; njj C'o.-I.oans of $10 to
M.OODi Kotourmt tlberorn borrowliiB and
save money ;'.or any
approved sueurlty without publicity : notes
bought.fur nuw loaiuj-ini-walof old nnd low-
estrates , call U tmShtnjIy blk.iath & Howard.
TjUliSTniortjajioloniiUit low ralei and no
JJ delay , D. V. Sholea Co. 210 1st Nut'l bunk.
, i 1)70 )
\rONKV'toloaiirinli'Scs ' ) , wasons. ninli'S.
-L I household goods jilinos , nrKiiis.fllainonils
at lowest rates. The Hi-it orRimizeil lonn olllco
In tlio city. Make limns from ; to liSdajj ,
wbleli oaa bo paid in part or vhulu at any
time , tlnii lonerliiKthoprinclpalniul intorcil.
Call mid sou in when \ou want money.Vo
fan assist you promptly and to your ailvnnt-
n o without removal of property or ptiblli'lty.
Money always011 hiiiKl. No delay In making
loans. U. if. Ket'd & Uo. , 31 ! ) auth bU , our
Ulngliam & Eons. U7I
TTNUSUALLY' low rules
UOf Inliire toiillrst iiiortRauos of Improved
real ostalo fnrthtMioxtlM days by the Kansas
Ollv Ime.stiiient Co. Jiuom itHoard ) ofTrade.
J. II. IV'aso , . ' :
" \rONEV to loan on any security
_ LH for short lime at low
rutcs , I rates
on personal jiropcrty.
Tlio Ilcmlerson JIortKiij-'o Inveslincjit Com
pany , rooiiHM ) , r.ixto.i . lillc. U7a
\\rAKTEn-Klrst-elasslnsldo loans. Lowest
> l rates. Call and sen Us. Mutual luvoit-
ment Co. , ir OI rarnain. U74
Oil EA1' easlern money
IMilladelplilii MorU'iiRO and Trust Co , ,
alwaynieudy to loan and nny promptly : llrst
moi'lKHKOs wanted. Georsow. 1' . Coates , ITD-
rcsentnllvo , room * , Hoard ofTrade. 03
to loan on elty nroyorly ;
oiiuht. lrey,2 < , ) .IMe.
OIIOKT tlmo loans on vacant lots. Selliy &
Pltuotl , O llonrd'of TiaUe. 1)77 )
IMJIVATKmoncy to loan elioap , O.I' , llar-
rlsonDU X. V. Life. t > 78
T\ToNKV To lonn uu .Onialia und South
-L'lOmaha real estate. Nodolnys or expen
ses. Mnnoy on liiind at all times , Hute * ,
Smith &Co.Coimnorel'il National bnnk Idd .
' " 1) 1311,1)1 ) NO lojins Hindu at lowest rates. W7
JJ M. Harris , room ! iO , Tremor blk. , opu.JJ. 0.
_ _
T > KA L ifsTATF. I.i aii'-- ' 'iisli on hand. Uloho
ill.oiin& . Tiust.Co : li S. 1'itli ' s.t Nodelay
No extra charges. Houses for reiili good list ,
JKAIi ESTATK loans. Very low < l rates.
it1. .1 , Casvtell. tl'i ' N. ' - T lff. f ' -
Farrattt , itc , , fee top o/ ( rat tiilunwon Wiw ; MX-
Urapln. llaiiimond and
. Julin II. Cornos Uo. l.elier
liles and otilcu specialties , llaiiige bltlj. 'JiU
"V'OTICK The bpueialsunuiior session of the
- -'classes Inpomiianslilp nnd hortliand will
coinmi'iicu Monday , July II. Classes will ho
belli In thoiiioriilin ; . afteriKMiu and evL-nlir- .
Callonor aililri1 for Informutlon , Standard
Shorthand llnslness Crtlloge , Now Vork l.lfo
build In ; . Omaha. Noli- liss
For rain , etc. , fct' l"i | uf'Unt niluinii on till * jwii' .
1 \\i. \ X ANN IE \ ' . $ A KKHN , " ehVuToyiinT.
J-'niedlfiil and huslnc meilluin. Koinalo ills-
cases luiieululty. lln \ lUtliut. , moms ; ' and3.
_ , . _ _ Us °
\H. \ WOOD Clalrvoy.iut.trniieo . and Indo-
-l-'pendPiitsliitowrlt nu miillutn.t'lri'les Mon
day , Wediienday und I-nduyevoiiliiRs.l.ll-'t'ais.
i is. tHU 11 *
II Mil I A MOs-J. ip hlKbly oelebrnled
J'l elnlrvnyiint nnd1 tllins niedliim , Into of
Hilton , whllu ontraiiWil Mill ruveal o ery
hlddunnivblerv In life.-i Ula Diilsus dlsea > o
vhilo iinitureoiitrnl ; hiijites mines and lost
innpuity. llndt'iitaijiis tint seloneo of the
llladoiiiiinKie oranelviiX.'eliarni workliiL' , pie-
P'lrcs llM'ptlan tiillsnf h Mhlcb will lilvojnti
> d liiL-u in biislue-i imiV all airulrsof life.
IVrfot-t sut l-fiifiluii iiiiranleoil by mull. HMII !
Ktiinip for sporlal tiiiu f liuurs , Ole 8 ji , iu.
I'arlursoveriE.1-- lilthst. ll'-at *
'I KHi t'lnytliTi , elalrvoyant iind inaKiiitlo
- 'healer. Can by her wiindorful will uower
Brant any rvqauit. W S. ICth. l ) -alJ *
° \ ] US , KU.KfTDV 'ITio dhlinsuisbeiri rn no o
Jl elnlrvoi'imt. lulu of Hoitim. lias
removed 10 [ tniizltii st. While en-
iranecd will re'eal every hidden mystery m
llfo. TrepnieH KjyutUa talisman which will
nturooinu your eiu-nden , roniuvo family
Iroublis. restore lnt ulfeetlons , unltos Uio
separated , helps nil In trouble , otu. I'uo , { t
and npwanls. X. Jl Perfoot satlsfaelhia
Kuaraiileud.'jy nnlU Semi HI ami ) fur Illus
trated circular. Mrs. Dr. Eddy. UtJU Douclus
ht , Oniahn.
* \f ADAM llKI./.llCIt , lain of lAindon. Iho
-i'l idid tranen ululrvnyaiit and spirit me
dium , ituaraiitoiii to help nil In troiihln , no
dliroronco vliuroyou aru. Add. over fiWri. 13th.
'I jTOll lNl" RlUKII-MuiiTiin Stover 1 1 f . t.
4l.iiuls. . \viinieiiil ) ( uard reader , can ho
consulted oniontli'rsof buslno-ssat the Ueihy
liotel. roe m it , f roni & a , in. in U p. m. , for nno
vrei-U only. Uomo 0110 und all und he con
vinced , WMl *
i"ASS\OB parlor ? * cpon dully from Ole
UMndani Pettier. oterOIOS. nlti. f V.
for rain , ctt. . , iw < lo ; > oflrxt eoftinm
' 1 rOTl.l. S3 rootiiH. nil eoiivenlencoo. how ,
llbrK'k. 2bloeksfrciii P.O. U. . hey , N. V.
Ufo buildliu. 1
UKXT rirst-cluss hotel oftt nwms
iiudfuriilturoto icut. lurj.iit ISll Onw st ,
i3 I 1
' Ill'n ' Htoro , widow lady wbhcs to sell at
oncolu-r Into liwliand J half Inluroit In
pxxl niyliiK ilriu biiilne liivoleliis nuout
WOO. I In Mnilrr , Wro. . n * slio wlslioa Jo KO
east. Add ros < Alts. J.V. . Sullivan , titnulur.ffyo
A Kiit : YsliuptooU. ( I xturf" , liorse. w non !
a biiPKala If sold August 1. GlUM.itUli. .
tso :
'l/'Olt / SALK--A burlier slinl ) anil linlb-rooins )
a. KO < H ! | ) IHIH | > , no eiiniptMltloni lii'idtli '
lAchnuge , SiutliUiiuliii. ( 'lias ' ,
I' . Oiirund.
. > ii\ iji , Slock nun intnri'sof ' nIUMI ; -
J 1ju. sale eomnilMsloii house. Aildres.s K. 17 , Iteo
ollli'f. fill
IjlOltSATuK Meat market , doing good Inisi-
J ness , In lownof l..W Inhabitants In ' lern
ikkif : tmlv ft" ) ensb reiiulred. Adihosi
O.F. Tiirni I'leniont. Neh. f'H n' . '
H'OTnf. , for sub' . Two ttury lirlok ! N ono of
tliobustliotrt * . ilolaii nil exi-olleiit peed
ImsltiCM. on onoof the bi'sU'i'ruoM inllioelty ,
Aildri'WCominurclal Hotel , llrokon How. Neb
Ai'TIVK man with fcOJ run UPOIIIO a luisl-
ni" s paying lo a week und expen i'S. J.
Hill. IT.1) ) ) , ! ; : . , | stairs. NT1I' :
IjlOliSAI.Ill.ilry : onuies " live.'open for
J rent in-Irude. J. I * , llneli , ivOali *
TjMTlTSA'U' C'henp , a bakery hi pnoilluou-
.1 t ton \v llli n nlee ilun oleiistiuu. llupilio of
0 , ! . ll.iviC i..l.V ) . > I'amiini st. 71-J (1 (
/ > ir nilw , dr. , srelup ! i l column
liioiti'xohaimc-a few lot-i ami homes , ote. .
4foreood farina or lands , ff. J. 1'aul , KKJ
I'liriiain. _ 411 _
MOliTOAOKS-XnliM , c.'ivb lmd : < , etc.for ,
clear loli. Can tui1 ciulto a iiuinliur. tt . J.
1'aul.MH ' ) I'd man , st. 4IS
OT lii lli-dfnid I'lauoon State ( Sith ) t. . to
I A xcliniifiH fur int In Cart hilt' " or Lincoln
I'laie.V. . Solliy , 111 llonid ofTrade. Mil
izo tlir'c * rnttases and lots li ,
l > t'liuiu'll ' Klalfs fur vnvnnt prnporty on
l tt < niH iinith fioni Moholas si. uimiliii. A < 1-
C. M Hue. ;
' ? - ! ; _ ! _
mo'KXrllANnn 3 oloar loli , corner nnd
J-ono ne\t lo II. woith sfJ.VX ) . In Mi'l'oi-iiilc'k'n
' 'il addition , for house niul lot nearerln. will
n siiiiu > of liny Uiodlll'uixMico. 0. K.llairlson ,
Wl N. V. Ufo. _ Wl _
l\7"ANTiil : AstocK of iiii > rdiaitilKihhh \ \
) > will Inroleo from YlAOlX ) to frM.WO In ox-
cluitK'o furii brick ri' < liU'ii'o ' : and one-ac-io bit
In O i. > lala. , This liniiso cost Jl.MO niul h
roiuiileti" nnd inodi'ia In every iinrtlciilar ,
havfii'i wnler supply. stonin heiit , Intn IIMIHI ,
etc. . and Iscli'iirof Ineiiinlirntiei' . with pnfoel
title , eim inalto up any illiri'i-i'iioo wlthi ( > od
lirat inortKaze p.i | > er. Ajiply atNo. Hit ) N.30UI
it. , from I ) to U daily. J. IvIjS. _ W
CT < OK property nnd t ash for tncrrhandlso.
Uh full partloulars , CJeo. II. Jlnwrliig ,
Stnait , Nell '
| J1OUiX'llAXnE--tloodfiiriin.iMtyni-oii'rty { ' |
I. and wild lands In Nolira kiiiind Iowa for
food gi'n'l iiirtsi1 : pr.ip'Ttyclt-ar ' : 1 1 tin pi'rri'e't.
Atkln".s. . Iioi'k liox IK , I'roiuotil , Noli Mi
moUnxi'IIAMK-l."i.Oi ! stoek of liar < liriiri > ,
L1 froni lli i hands , at wljolo ! ilc prices : J.'l.WW
eash rcriuhed Jan. 1 , MM ; will taUn for hal-
nncoof t-iiiiltj' Rood elt-iir Nt'braska or Iowa
farm Inml nr Oninhn property \vlllisninll In-
euiii brain ; full llnenf samples 0.111 bosoen
In Uniaha. Adila''uollleo. 7'JU
AV AX'I IIP Yai'n nt lots or acres fur t 'o o (
> tinfineit ami ucrt paying blocks in tlio
city. Will glvo ll iloal If inudo soon , with
J Oi , Heool'J 'e , Jl-
ITlOltS A In An olpgnntcottniro.ncw , 0 rooms ,
-L bath.v. . c. and store rnoin. h. ando. vuter ,
hi-go rloet4. hard oil llnlsh. cast front , in
llaii'-com I'luco-look ' ut llbeforo buylnsclso-
wliuie , TITIIIS vorv easy.
Oiii'Df tlio llnest , private roiUlnnecs In tlio
cltv fur ilO.ono. Aercnse , north. w sl and
wutli. .T. II. ISvnii-4.lOS ! > .V. l.lfo.
. etc. ' sec ( oj > of Jint cohimit
laeo Two lols. nsouthonst cor-
iicr ami lot ndjolnlnc. Jl.iMWIf sold trtonoo ,
small cash piijuient , to suit. Ad-
dresjK ! jIIiHJ. ! ) _ 1H1"
buya homo on moiilhlypay-
niL-iits. Choieo of 7 dllVurent houses , snutli
frontsun 1'ariiam ' st. Every convonlonto , Iii-
clndliiff fnriiac ( : LiKlgiH. : Plans can bo seen
atmyolllee. Call In. JJ.V. SholoaCo. , 2111 1st
N'utiomtl liank. \Kl \
A SMAI.lj payment down andSlJpor month
\vlllbiiyiL4-rooinhoiisoaTid lot on l'itli,2 '
bloelis from motor ; llrst-class olinneo in an-
qulron liomo oni-asy terms , Apply to II. U
Colo. Continental lilpalQ _ 0
VArAUUlIA Wstoilluldrcalwtatc.S.Oinaha. ,
PIOTTAGE liomi-s Inmost any addition for
_ snlo at from } l,000 up on easy monthly pay-
moiits. F. 1C. Darling , -lit , Marker blkj Nl
"FJ OIt SALE Nloo 7-roDin hou"i ! rcndjr to
I1 move into , with full IotSSJO , S-MO ca li. 0.
P. Harrison. DUN' . Y , lAtc. M7
I LI-1 YOU hnvo any thlnjr to sell or oxeliuiigo
call at (113 1'iistou blue I ; , Vsi
i loUSl,2W. Ic\turd. Tlioiiias
ACIIOirB sltoon i I'arnaiu. oppoilto Mr. T ! .
IStone's line resilience. I0oxld7 foot , that
wol \ \ sell very ebeap If taken bofoio Auir. 1.
Omaha Keal Estate and Trust company , ii-'O S ,
17th > t. . Heobullilliig , W.
G'llGATliarRalns W.000ivlll bnj'n flnorosl-
deneo. ( iMJilown , balniieeon thuo.
Also u tlno residence loteheap forcasli ,
Alsou line residence InlCotint/.e I'luoi' ' .
Korpiirtleulars apply at the r\cb. Steam
laundry , s-e cor. 10th & Ilpvyurd sts , _ CJl
ITIOli SAI.K Iliio-oa few bnrKiiins In I'otter
13 &CobVs South Omaha , If taken
befiiroownor bexliislinpiovoinonts about A I'llU
Kiist 1. or will boll with liiipnivoiiii'iita ' after
thatdiito. Jl. 0. Macleod.UTJX. . y.l.ifo IdUg ,
it 1.7 * ) . 5 room house mid Ml ; SiOOO. Crooni
iphou-o. barn nnd lot. A I' , eor. llth ami \ in-
ion. lira. ICuhlniaii. Cheap , want to leave
city. tot
Jnol ! SALK flm choleu ri'sldeiieo nt No ,
Jj 1 lOllliuorrflu iivu. , 3'lxlW ft i : f roil tl ( In rxo
rooms , biith , tas , sewer , lint nnd eold water ,
closet n ml nil t-oiiM'iiieai'U.s ' , nivni'r siolntr lo
leavoclty. IJ V. Sholest'u. , SW Is' x" ' ' ik ,
_ _ , L
Sf.i'O for J lneiiln 1'Iaeo and Cailhaso loth ;
'Peasy terms. W. li. Sulby. K ) lloaid Trade.
\ II A HlTA IX-'I'o any nno vant Inx a di-slra-
/V iiliii * lnjine. Wohnvnu nlno loom houw ,
In r e hn rninidearrlns" honso , ono block from
tlio nfutnr Hue , bill t.welvo nilniiU-.s frum
riirnani st. , that \vo can st'll choali , and will
tnUcu lot or " small homo nnd lot , In part
p.'ivini'iit .mid tflvi ! easv tiTinsoii thn bnlaiK'i1.
Uiunhii Ifi'.d IMiitoand Tuist conipiiiyL"Ji : S.
ITtbsl. . Jlii' ' i biilldliu. _ V > 'i
CA II and fff per nioiith for homo ami
full lot at from JSjj lo < lr UO each. W
. . I'niil. .
.1. llMfl l iirnatii. Hl
_ _
BI NI1iiroporty. . 'JiV'fi , No. JIHS. lith f.1 , ,
Mlle the Murray hotel. 37V ) per fool ;
xl to natatiirliiin oil Howard hi. . 5i'lO '
in r fnot. By S II. llall'utt only. lUte I'ark live.
7\Olt \ SALE 1'ourKood lots maliiut Mill ,
. [ Ailfn eiu-li , on Kriide , 1'rleo ' J.W ) oauh ,
worth double tliu inniiuy. Strlngor < fc IVnny ,
Wool. , tilth and lljilKe. 1 HJ
.N'olico of Incorporation.
State of NVbraska. ( ,
I'uiiiity ot Huuxlns. f a
To all li mlt may o Jiicorn :
Take mil lc Hint a mrpuratton hm boon
oreatcd. and ll'od ' Ilsartlclenof Ineorporatlon
m reiailied b.vl.iw.
1. llm iiiiniH of said corporation U T ho
Unllocl Stales liabjrlntlil'oinpaiiyor Omalia.
J. In oillcjo for transaetlnit it.s basliifSK Is
Omaha. .Nob.
U. Tin ! yen oral iinturoof Itsbuslness shnllbo
to build nnd tipuratoporlahli ) and statlniiiiry
haliyrliitlK. throinliont thn t'nllorl Mate * ,
ufti'i'tht ! plain and upocllloitllom of | iitunls :
nowpoiKllntf In tiu 1'nlled yiatus I'aiuut Ol-
lltuMiml entitled , "Statlunary and I'ortaUo
Labyrinth . "
4. Tln e.iidtnl slock of Uio corporation shall
bo 110UO.UO ) , dlvjdil Into nno hniilii'd hliarcs
of il'M ' encli. tohti imlil in full when Ksnnd.
5. The tliou of t'Oiiiioencemi'iit of said eor-
noratlim Is .1 uly 1''th , l i' > J , andshall toiniinatu
January 1st , 1 7.
t ! . The hllii" ( > t nmoiint of hidolitodno-.s or
liability in vhli-Ji tliih ooriNiratlnii him 11 al
iinytlmiiktibjei't Ilkulf. sblill bo Hvo-liflhrf uf
! l paid up oupltal hloel ; .
7. Tlio nlTalHof tliu corporation nro to bu
condiirtud liy iibonnl of illr < 'i'toii
b. The olHofM "f Hirimratlonshiill ! bo a
proslilent , vpn.pre | Idi'nt. ' i oivliir.v and
troasuroi , of wlilrli Iho two Init naniod Khali
Blvihond ) > wllh nO < l and sulllcli-nl i > urltlos ,
l Iho liomdof of d I II m lUo rtiich
bvlawnnd reriiliilom ! for tliu nv 'inment
of tin ) oiirporutloii and thumaiiimciiK-iituf Its
utrnii > 'ai they may deem iii > eoiry. .
n. It , NHI.SON , II. ! ' - MAII-I.N.
,1. T. MAILBNIHH , H. .UroiHtx.
Incorporatorn nnd Dire MOM.
T. A , MuriKvrii , I'ri'Hldeut.
e President.
O. II. NKLJON , Secretary um
U , 1' . MAIM KMi I reisurer.
Slinod.Orunbn. July IJ , IhW. Jlo-W-.Wu1
Furniture Itcn Guessing nt the Needs of the
County Hospital.
A W.tter-jriUn llurnU m .l.ialcsim
Street unit Throw's ( Jrnulto
IJlooKslo n IMstimi'o of
The furniture men of Uio city tire doing a ,
di'iil o ( blind llgurinn. Ills occasioned
by the advertisement of tlio county commlsu
sionorsfor Uds for ftimislilnp the south \ SHKi \
of huildliig Xo. 1 oftlio recently completed
county hospital.
Th la advertisement Is iiMbaUy ono of tlio
iiiwt ) Indotlnlto'ever Issued by the county
board. It simply calU fur "tlw furnishing
of the soutlivliii ( niul building N'o. 1 , "
Keveral furniture ilculon li.ivo al-
rcadv spent three or four solid days
fli.uunt ! commissioners to jrot some llfrlit 011
tliosuhjeet IB toivhntklnd and amount of
furniture law-anted. In lint ono or two Iti-
huvo tlieso men of inahotfony nnd
plushes been able to lliul even nnmimisslonor
\ \ hllovhon \ It has oomo to trotting * oino In
formation on the subject , they iiavo found the commissioners hail about as inueh of
an Idea cona'i'uintr what bnoeded tun clgiu *
Thehlds-lf sliouhl ho '
- any foi'thcoininjr
are to ho oiened [ on Saturday \vhoa tlioi'o
\\lll , in all I'robaMlity , bocno oitho most in
twostinff cclloc'tlous rcvenloil to the eyothat
it has ever fallen to the lot of man to ox-
The f.iet Is them are about lllty rooms al-
toRother to ho furnislied. These consist of
about every Unowa "adi-tyfroiaa nlftln. IVK-
nUtion hospital bed room , to u parlor In the
Coiiunissloncr 0'ICci'lfc expresses hlmaclf as
furor of ' all'rouiid ' " a 'vhenpoutllt ,
vlille Dill Turner wants tiio "vholo huslnoss
sort of comfortable likn. " Coniinlssioner
vXuilerson lain favor of Kolng1 "nighty darned
cautious inasmuch as there's iiothlnc in the
statute about \\o\\- \ \ the rooms shall be lit up"
and hedoiit propose to Bi\o \ "Diek O'KeclVo
any sinoli on him , . " or in other
\vordsiiuy eliiinoi ) to Ret h.ick at him. Com
missioner Corrlifan. "don't ' itnou- what In
thuailcr is needed"hut utiesics uliont
"anytliliiK that's ' decent will do. " Die-It
Berlin\vouldlilte to see the furnishings of a
Htylo ' 'thatwill cvinee oeouoniy , taste , judK-
nient and jililhiuthropy" ea the part of Iho
So far as their replies lo ( iiiestions on Iho concerned , none of tlio members
oftliebonnl nnvo any iilea w toivhattho
cost should or will be.
"WopropiHO to let them ftirnitwo fellers
do thuswiMtiii' , " said Bill. "It will do'eni
Kood and { 'ivo tlieir Inventive faeultlos or
ulmtever you call 'em--a cluineo to get , a hit
Saida prominent furniture man :
"U'ho board sliouldhuveat least Klvoitns a
schedule to llgiiro from. A. perfeetly silly
el.iusoln . tlio hriof ndvertlscniont is that
Avhiehdomimils us to "produce samplos" of
the kind of furnisliiiiM we would use. ' .I'lilnlc
of it. yninples of all the various kinds of
furniture. Should wo do this tlw county
coart house would beturnml into a itnmdcx-
iwsition. Do you lcno\v I almost hnvo n m > -
tion tohoiid up thivo or four big triiiiifor
Miujon loads of samples nnd 1111 their blnmed.
old commissioners' room plum full of bed-
staid * , talli ) , chairs , oiMdles , rockers , ete. ,
etc. "
fl'ivo UnliloM AIlcs'1 ! to Il.-ivc licoii
J'on nil iiiati Asli Ho.v.
'rhoprojirletorof tlioUpshlednvnbootstoi'o
corner of Shtccnth sti'ootand Capitol avenue ,
viis annoyed Tuesday and yesterday morning
liya tcrrl bio stench arisingfroina garbage box
in the rear of the store.
Ho telephoned the garbage inspector , and n
man was sent to clean tlio box out. As ho
was driving aivnv uo told tiio storekeeper
that hii had found the boJies of t\vo infants
in the receptacle hi a decomposed state. Ilo
then dmvoon and iioluvestig-atloii ofthciuat-
ter has been maJe.
Tlio JO.K Is uscil principally by tlin roomers
in thu second story , the latter hoin ? tire or
three physicians and other professional uieii.
A Uin-Ht Water iMaiu Throws ( Jfynlto
Uonks 'JVo Squares.
The force at the police station was nearly
snared to death yesterday morning by anoiso
that sounded lilco it ballory of urtlllory
IiounilliiB1 jijainst a sounding board.
Al Dobout , the ] , iilcrr jumped from his
oago nnd mil up the entrance stairs to sec
what was the matter. Ilo returned very
quickly and reported tuut the building \va.s
falling dovn.
Captain Mostyn called for the patrol
wiKon , hut the nolso ceased then anJ tlio
valiant blue coats again ventured out to inako
an investipition.
Tlio street was filled with paving lilooki
anil water. An investijtiition showed that
the ivator main on Fifteenth street , at the
intersection of Jaclsoiihad ; burst , 1'dvhiR
blocks concrete foundations and dirt had
Deon tlirova fora dUtauio of two blocks and
ii-half ,
The waterworks company ivns notiflc'land '
the iviiter was turned off on that district.
The damage Is being repaired.
ThohO of Ijinit ( Min tit Scli\vatlot
y II ini Into 'I'roulih ; .
Lieiiteiinut Seluvalka , the nrutio explorer ,
cunioto Omahnafoiv days ago and stopped
at thol'axton liotel.
Sclm'iitlui is a very dlssipatod man nnd
when hu was In the iviruliir iirinv service
while olliccrs admired the valor that had
placed him in the front rank of explorers ,
they still did not consider liini at all oredita-
hlo to the service.
Sineo Lieutenant Selnva-tVi lias been In
Omaha uo hai been on a terrible spree.
Ho has had nearly a case of the
troineus. A doctor nnd a imrso
woroeariiiB for him Tuosilay and bo SiOas
looked in his room. Dui'lag the afternoon ho
escaped and went out upon the street. Ills
imrso followed him , but lioledsnelum erratic
co'urbO th rou Klisalo'u nnd other jilacus that
tlio nurse bccamo dN uiti .l and loft him.
Ki'li\viitkniursuod | lili iv.iy and had several
rows \vlth \ liaeiimon and otlura.Vhea ho
relumed totho hotel , ho was dead drunk and
and his fiu'Ovw , ludlyciit. A Imck-
mini was nt his heels iloinandiiiif t\vo \ dollan
for faro. Tlio hoUsl pf oplo then liecaino isho
Kustol with the riinu ami told him that ho
would have to lea vo the house. Tlio liac tit-
man want oil him arm.-ituj , but the lieutenant
was spirited away by friends.
Sehwatka resigned Ills position in tlio army
two ; juiirsaifo. _
Onllt : null Clioln'ji .Morlitf.
1 llml that Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
nnd DiarrlKua Itumody vlvcathu host of atto -
Isfacilon In easm of coli'iuholera , inorbui.oto ,
I keep a hottlo open in my proscrlptioii ease
for the bonellt , of mv ciistuiimi-s , iindlllnd
that nilosoor two often tis nsamplo nvilcos a
sale of u hottle. I ) . I-1. Bigehnr , Armour-
dale ICansiis.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Colom'l IvniityIJK.IVO /MiscMiue. t .
Ounornllirooku lssue < lnn order yostcrdny
givlnj Colom'l August \ ' . ICnuU , of tlio
KiKlilh infantry ono montli'slenvoof aljsoueo , ,
and during thU tlino hisarrt hai been sus-
mmdcil. A telogruphlu ronvicit for Colonel
Ifimtz' n'loaso ivai inailo by the division
miiiiniindtr. As < olho Kintiwoi-sy between
hiiiiMlf and Colonel Kautz , wliloti rosultftl
la tlio hitter bolin ; pliicisduiuliT ari'ost , CJon-
oral Droo'iii ' ducllncuiio say any
thing for publleation.
Headache , neuralgia , ( ii/ilnei , nt'iT ' illV
IKV.I > , spasms , sleeplossneiis , ouivd liv IJr.
MiloV N'crvino. Saniplon f iw at ICuuix
Co. 's , 15th and Douslu. * ,
Mr. K. 0. Crosby of Itrattbboro . , ono
of tiolondliif ? wholesale Hour , t'ralii and fowl .
dealers iiuN'owEiiHUndwiis Inthoclty restciv
day.tlioaucstof Mr(5i > orfO W. Holbrook. Ilo
I * nakliij n lour of inaction of th * Wheat
niidcoiiirottntry , itul lift-1 * boon as Ur iveAt
as Denver Ho c.xiiiwud | surprho at llnng \ \
such n vondorfnl city hint' , nii'l > .iul th it hu
in iiuiro pleased \\ltli \ Oinnhii tlnin any cltr
vet viwltoil. Ho loftyewtenlay f r Nottit
\JakoUiwliewho has hrtfo cnttlolntoivst *
[ I. A : K.
'lull U ) ItlHtOU
vlu the
\Viljasli J..liio.
1vorl ! ) > oilv invltod lo join tlioViibjwh'iiraiiin for lloxtflii , leaving1 Omaha
AtiRtist ( U7-S-9 nnd 10. i lves cliouoof
routes. Knle8\slo\vas Ilio linvoM. Ho-
cllulnjri'halr ami Pullman Iwiroi ploop-
ingi'arjon nil lrihi. , All n contain tlio
west sell tli'kol ? over tlio Wab.nhli ! ,
St. L.oitf : or ChkMgo. l-'oi1 ti
BlocpiniT'rnr berthami folders i
roules , limits , tirae-tnbloswith a >
mtii | of Moslon , fdunUnj1 loentiimsof iln-
pols \ , olo. , rail at \ViibuslUiolu6
ollkv , I'lO" I'lirnuin nt , , orwrllo
0. N.Ci.rov . \ ,
North \vc3torn Pass , ana Ticket , V got it.
How tt Voutif ; Man \Vlui HUM Com-
mitteil lut'ili * ! ' "Mourns.
Shorirt Siirhnk | , of 1-Yoinout c < iuiiiy ,
Wjomliiif , arrlvodat the count ) Jail , vvhei-o
ho left three | iri8one > rs for u few hours rest
wlillo on rouU to Joliot.
Cue of the prisoners li a yotitijr nun only
twenty-four jearsold , Samuel ilimUMinen ,
who is point ; to tin1 penitentiary fur life fur
Iho tunvder tif ono "Kid" Koiillinm. Hi * is of
peed family , finely educated ami the air
of a trontli'iuau. To a reporter he said IIP had
been In\voyours ngo last D.vnuiH-r .
and stopped nt the I'.ixtou hulel. I i > lo
didl div.un , " said he , "Ilint the next tmu' ' f
passed throufh yem * dty that 1 \\nulu do
loaded ilnvn ivltlieliains and PUHK t < i Uio
penitentiary for llfo foMdiliti * ; a fettim 111.111
It was ull done in u iiionu'iitof passinii 1 \\iis \
eonvleted of luuriler in the n vi > ml di'irnv ,
wldi-li , la iHinlslmblehy onlv ten
years' imprisonment , 1 lu'lioiv. The li-.isl a
man canroei'ivo \Vyiiiiiti ) | ; for inurd 'r in
Ihe.socond de reo is lifo a toiribl.i toug't '
sentenc-eit is , too. Think of It I If Ih\fi >
thence allot ted to man liy the llitdo 1 ili.ul
Hooforty-six jearsof chwe. eonllni'ineat as a
state's iirlsoneon\k't'nnil ! ' the poor fellow
IKMVIH ! iisii lithatseoini'd to como from Ins
very soul.
The oilier two prisoner ! are .Tesso ! ' .
Da\ls , hr > foes for livi * . jeara , mid \V \ \ .
Clarlc. v'ao lias but twoyears betnro him.
SherilT Spat-link is necoinpaided hy lu-i
wlfi" , who is In tlie rnpadty f an oftlrliil
Kunrd. Sholsa llne-loDlcinplitth1 huh1 twen
ty-four years old , nnd veiix-sa bolt i-oiiliilnluu
two ilotilile-uclioii Smith k Wesson reMtl-
vew , while an inner pnehet of her lanniit
eoiitains a third pistol , : i N . : i" . K ld-
inouiitodwoaponvhieh is a ITCIII in Its \viy
Airs Sp.irliiikls lU'lianiiin coiiM'rsaliiiiiiillsL '
and SL > LiH ! tlw possessor of a pert'et-t vo for
thudarintf in lifo.
A ClinliM' bis ! oJl * Siiiuinoi' Ui-Mirti.
lii tlie-lHko rofjionsof \ \ > i'oiisin , liu-
iiesotn , Iowa und the two DaLotns , t'joro
n re hundreds of elinniiinj localitii's pro-
oinliiontly fitted for tiuiiiuint * liomos.
AIIKIIIJ ; tlio following wlot'ti'd am
iituaes ( amillnr to nuny of our tviulers
as the iiorfcvtionof niirtliorn MHIIIIH r ro-
sorts. Xuui'ly allot tlio AViKroin-iniioitila
of litloiv.-it : ire vllhin a ttliort tlntaiii'u
from I'hiuiigo ' or Ivlilwnuloi' , and iiono
of llieiit iiroso far iinny from tin' "buiy
iiinrts of civil iy.ation" tlint tlu-y ivuinot
t > o reachcil in a fert * lioui's of tl ll ol ,
by froqtiunt tr iltin , ovorllio fitiotl roul ,
in tlio luirthwost the
Milwtiukoo 4 % SI , 1'aiil railway :
OiDiionwivoi' . uiear ignite , Iowa
LahoOUoliuji , Imva.
" \ Viiiko.'iiuVls. \ \ . .Spirit Iv.ilic , liwii.
l olinyrnVis. , . rrontenac , Mlnu.
Tamahawk Lalcn , , : ko Miuiietonliiv ,
\\'is. \ Minn.
T-akesidc , AVIa. Oi'tonvillo , Minn.
Kilhouni City , \VU. , Prior Lalte , Minn.
( Dollsof the \Vis- Whllo Hoar L > uko ,
consin. ) Minn.
TJeavcr Diini , Wia. IIIK Stoiio Liake , la- )
JMitdtsonVls , Icota.
I'or detailed iiiforiuation , apply at tieliot
onice , 1501 I'Vi'iiain street , lliu-her nioclc.
F. A. L'ASII , Ucn. AfOiiL
J. E. PHCSTO.V , Puss. A { font.
HO vrif nji.i n. i . .v.s. ; .
I * till ml n Ciiin.
John IIoK.ia . became fi-iirtioin aiul , nfU r
cnvortlns around , jileked a iiiurivlvllU |
ThoinaiCronln attho Mint. JIoRiuulrew u
revolver and attemptol to shoot ( Jruntn , und
V83 ancatud by Ollleer Pa
SouthOimha Lodge No. 1H ( , I. 0 , G T ,
has elected oflleors as follows : Ohiof
templar , Mri. " It. A. Carpenter : vleo templar ,
Miss Julia "li. Rlartin ; p.'nt clilof ,
Robert F'unston ; secretary , Mist AlU-o
CJrinitlij cbnphiln , Klroy 'I'lhbetts ; liniindal
seeretnry , AV. Itecil Dunroy ; tivasurcr. SIlss
Swiss Leo Klllott ; marshal. Liimm Kuhuits ;
sentinel , lOilivard B.lluUliori t'uanl , Wtsa
Lulu C'athcr.
rs'ol OH About tlio C'lly.
Frcd.M. Cininthnm of the oomn.'s.sion . ' firm
ofS. O. CotTinaii.Smiloy . A Co. ,1s , sflc with
malarial fever and hai gone homo.
The gun club vlll bold a plenli' Sunday and
hnvo u live piyoon shoot at Harjiy Mills.
Carriage * will Iwivo for the grounds ut ' .
Tuesday was Council man John .1
O'kourkiJ'Mliirty-seeuiid birthday. A < > i
her of friends and neighbor. ) feathered at his
homo la priisent
and spend u social evening ,
Jacoh fjolmiann ami Colonel 11. i' Hauyo
went to Lincoln Tuesday.
Dr. It. S. ( lee i.s sick.
A sou has been horn to Jlr. and Mra D.ivld
Messrs. ' ! ' . K. Hall of I yens , S. A Mn-
Dowoll of ( Van.V.T. , . Hurry of A'ni > ,
1-YiiiU Hoth of Tckainali , .1. M. Tvlcr of
lilver-sldo , I1. 13. Lnnirof Deealiir. .MI ! .lames
Italtorof Summit , I3iirl < mntvUH' ' " tea to
the Indopcndentstatoeomontlui ) . vuiUddiu
city and yards on their way homo.
TIJH iiH.i.i/ry
TSSTUUMIlNTd plaiwd on ronil dui
venti'i'diiv :
HA TliiiiisiHiunlvrlfoUi Aniiln Halpln
Int T.lilk'AHrovrn I'nrk. yd. . . . $ 575
\i ] Wnifoiii'ruiid wlfi'lo ' 1,1'Aiiili-r im.
lot W , bllill , iMU ourl \ I'M nu I'ui-K.
w d
3Inx Mnverel alto llniih J.i'iubi'rs- ' '
blk uMiiiihattim add , w d
' I'utiT ' ' ' ' Int H
SI K I'liilt In to I't'tt'i'Miiii ,
lliinh'lti * I'liurtaiiniiv. wit L'OO
IIS Dnnily Jraudvlfo to Artliur ! ' " <
lots 7 a nil" , blk 2 , 1'li-at a-lil lo V. i
Kndnild. w d 1.000
AdiiinSiiydcr trcas teA Kllci : < l.M < MI
. ' ' ' iind Wifn toll llUirji-ll
Inl l.A liiiiiiil/o / mid. U ed 1
Aii iiMlKoiinl7.iianil lfi ilo NJIii'-oin &
Itllnv , l.itHll nnd l.'ijdk II , Kimnt'i'
liiitfi'n mid. w il 11,003
Jn-iepliimdll ! : llarhir to Mulls KileU-
SIMI. lot 1 , blk t. Shoiiiiiiu A\inio
I'ai-k , w il . 100
Ill' Uinwsler am : wlfi toY.7.o \ \ \ Arnil.
I'i iiPii-H In no suU-IH-i : | ! , w d . . 150
A I' Tutioyi't ' nl lo W I1' t'lii-hon ' , Im ,
ink ' .U'lifliin Hill , wil . 'MOO
Alhrliilil Innd and tut eoniiiany t 'J ' it
hiniili , lull , blMO. AlbiUlit'x i iiuu vi
. iSQ
HIMI to 1J < num.
K'oiinl/.iiitiil , nt KinHi-iinleiilli't l In
M anclptu'i ' siOl-l.Vi : ! . veil. . 1
JC CiullH nndlfu tn I. I1 Pruyn i ' ,
h > , . lot. 1. Andrews , Williams , V , I n > \ -
1'lrNnul ) . wd . 10,000
lii 1 1 muni 1 to ( J 1' Klsasser.o CIS fl , of
111 ftlnl 4 , nnd ui : llof n4 ftlDt .lilk
t. Knniit/u'M 4llindil , w d . . . 10.0-30
Wit Human umlwireto ( 'II Sniniii'v w
'iloU ' , blk 11. iHiiai ! & hildi'im ' ndd.
' ' '
Oiiiuliil 'iV-alestiilo'iiiid't rnit einiipiiny lo
Miury Alllppler. liitsM- ! , 17 and
In. blk II. aandiiV Illmelmiuh a
lll hliui < lrui'li , w il . 0.10
PfiiiMitcGu triinsfiim , dSn'ri. ini' ' ? 3l.27