THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , .T.IIURSDAY , JULY 31 , 1800. OMlli PLAKKC WAI BALI nt Still Tlicro ! i No Visible Inoreiso la the lamlcr of Spectators. YHE MINNIES AGAIN DEFEATED , JMlulivr I ftttltin Trifle Too Ociioroui lit ( lie .Under of * ( living HUHCH on IJ.illH A. Mniiifl' cent Game. Lost Per Ct. .rH . ( .ni : u ; ti Inii .401 42 .417 4:1 : .4.7 51 OimliaB , 31lii tit-n polls I. t IhoOmi.lm tcun Is at lust pltijlng great ball , tlii'iu Is no doutit about And thoyara winning rUhtnlontf , too , find Still no in-1i-o than a landfill ofspccttiton go Out to see tlio frames. Thosowliodo nltcnd , however , nro well Compensate ! fortholr trojblc , for such games iwcro no\'i ri > UiyoJ hero before. Yestcriltij wm a model tlny for brill pl Jng , utiJ a liotly contested , oxcitliiggatno was jttc result. "Duili" racjIn occupied the points for tlio Jilnch Sox- and deported himself with exceed- Jug cloerncss. r Tlio only fault to to found vrltli Dash was iliit prollitfjito generosity. ' Hovoulil \ insist on plvln ? those stingy ' 3MuitionKlii | tnrn liases oil bulls. I He vus .solciiiJ to Mr. Tivolioy any nnine would smolli : 3 sweet ni Tuolie.v tint , lie jjnvo Mm lib biiio every time howent to bat eiceiit onto , then he smn.sliL-il him In tiio small of tljobfick with the sphere hard enough Inliux'PKnockoila hole itiu fake of butler. Uut joii but , Unit I'tiffln wa < a Icicl-liendcd fluuk. He wouldn't got rattled in n. boiler tfactor ) Ills just tlio same to him whether ttlio bases iiio empty or full , he's jiwt us eool lusn bottle * at Auliciiwr on ice Ami iluits the stuff the iruit tA\Irlcn \ nro itmulo cf I Mwiii.f ( ° i'IIunl had his Crratllati battery , pPottyamJ 'hvohuy , In the points , nnd soconll- jchiit litof cuiiluriiiK tlio name that ho 'CJtno out tuthoRroimils ilressoil to death la amnu\o \ suit utia white tie , nuil took a front Bint In tlio directors' box just as if ho hail Oimeiltlioc.irlh. Aftir four Innlnprshtul been plnvcil , how. dor , nnd the store botiul t > oru tlio legend , "Oinahii ! , Miiinciipolis 0 , Tun siirunjr nlin My ocitlio railing Into the Held with tlio zxiniiili. "Let mo give you an imitnllon of n haso- liill inanuKor stcuring his loam tolctciry. \ . " But tlu * } wouldn'tsteir worth a oontiticn tn.1 . , mid tlm last ijllinpso caught of Colorc JlursUviis Just ut tliocloso of tlio groutstriiR clans lie stood iK-foro Mullen's bar lllling iilmseir with red lemonade. ] ) ul t lu * iriiiiic. " .Niw. .liininr , " cried Captain Ilanrnhan ns Cunuviiii walked up totho plate , ' leiiicin- Ix-r Unit \\a must line this game. Hither lard. " And Jimmy [ irocoedcd forthwith to lilt her , Imtitu'iis tlio odorous suininer hiitvo he clugKiili mill . to hiuo bit- 1m Ids bit in tvo when tlio fulminatory luiifT < 'd n mpiro cried : "Vo'rroutslr ' ! " Wnlih folloxu'il suit , Hying to Minnchnn , lUiik'IConiiis .sent ono toAiiilrus. And llicio was your fjjj ( , Mister , f ilcil on IH ) sllll * . ' Fajjlii bepauat once vlth his nlms-glvirg , ( knd Anil ru-i trotted to ilrst on halls. Kovr this joiniK man Audrus has wlnffs. a'td ho made in > hii > mind to nip second , ctoon tlio Urst ball plUhcd off ho started Ho went Jikc tlioiiid , hut Hilly Moniu Mas switter , mid litthmw him out nicely , Well , tills man \\m disposed of so easily. Jlnjoi IPuxm s.ivs , "I'll tiy itall over , " and la then to < Allnuelnn - juiicecdod giu an oi-ig- iunl pn.'l ; a e. A very wild and barbarous jitob sutithim to &cconu , and It looked like u Jim. Jim.But tlio Durniny fanned , and l gin , Ilan- TaliiiiiiiiidtCawinaTintloiuledto JUy. r Omiliii was lucklir in the second , for after Sao Niller hud thrown ClovcUnd out at llrst , Captain Ilanrnhuii drove u hay-cutter against tlm ilfjht field fcnco , and Jack Kcvvimn ciack-il out a twosacUcr , mid Uoddy run scrosi thu plate. CiWilllb nnd Fuginvoro speedily retired , tmd / Jack was loft. t'oi the visitors , Cnrroll lilt for two sacks nftor two strides hail been called on lilm , and cvorjbody thought that ho would scoroof courio. A wild pitch let him to third , and they thought so still harder. tlmi't vuu lmo\v luso liall Is a very funny franio , anil tlmt vluit Jou wast \Vcll itsso , nay i\uy. \ DUCiumll get , hoiuol Xota bit of It. Oltl.loo Miller lilt to r.igin and Fngin' throif him out ITicsU Mr. Dowio KWO thrco cxliiUtlotiS of how near ho could como to the plbllant flobo ivlthont touchiru ; it. and In dlspust Cuslcltwlil ! "fatfc Uo\vu " Tint viiaNory funnj- , and everybody . T uhoy went toflrrtt'.injrotir moro untninou cuea , Tuon lie trleil tno olil jiioss-oovcipcl doclRoor startiiip slowly oil to sccoiul In Iho hopci thai Tvloran would "throw down" to ciitch him and .lack could score \\blloho \ inoiikovoil between the b.ibta. Hut Billv wis too fo\y. Jlok-L lilm steal \vitlumt \ ablush. Ami ho was wise , foi bigftitrvtty ( luwout to Kearns the very next inonioiit. And what ashout thotoas at that , Tlio third vas a blank for both siJps , but In tlio foiuth Clovolanil smashed ono over the ilKlitlloM foiieo fora "homer" nnd the crowd went will fern moment Tlw ISliiinlcs Jouprht bun ! , but tlio fates \veru npjiiiist tlioui , niul upiln tlioy'ilrcw ' a hlatik , brilliant Ooublu play by Willis , Cle\ciaiiilandIIaurahaii bclnpr the conspic uous fucMor In this achievement. line iHwhcro Alaungcr Hurst jumped out onto tin' Hi'Ul from the directors. ' box to sliow the ( icoplo how a man : ipci % ulion ho ( s ical mail , pulls a gamoout ot thoilro , \Vliat a succulvut , fruutlfcrous inning It was1 Oil HIV I oh me ! U'hat gllhgabo blrJs those Minneapolis lads are I was the llrst unn up , but ho sat rlo\Mi too quick , for Joe Dovvlo's throiv he.mcdhlrnolT nt lint. "Hey , llierol" shouted Manager Hurst. Aiull'etty responded by plUnij Otinavan his liusoon Inills lie stole second and went to third cmltosj' Jobfy's lilt. UnsovJosor ' , too , stele second , unillCcarns ) t Ills'liiso on balN. How IhovH'oploiUd ' euelslo ntiil fidget lu the crawl stand. Tliuii Ulo lnnil svattod her safely , and . , ntulilst nchoru" / cheers Canaviiti scoied , jTix * wont to third niul ICoarns tosoooiul. On Iltmralian'asnerillce , WnUh folllowcd Jimmy mross the plotter ami Kxarnsgallopod to tlili-d and 0rover to second. Anil tliu populace fttlll c-ontlnuod to vavo Its ftiniM hatiindrry "hoy'Uoyllioyl" ' Ami tokt-op the excitement from cronWns tnll .1u < k Ncwmiti hupiwied nlong. Ho B\vxiiif ? Ms telephone polo Just onco. Hut Unit \viitenough. It cauirlit Mr Petty right ovei tholien.itnniliuray \vcntovcrsecoud , 1 over the g-roi'u ( TI'SI the daiulollons find % Klo\er \ li'ossoraa ' Ute ones , all of them over tUotvutcr lltM , ever Mr. Carroll's bead and Imiij ; uiin uliibt tlio iicith | iillsailo. It was n twiueiiilous ilri\o \ niul It cleared the bused , for Jack , t o , ramo home. getlltiK thcro bythojlclnof hlj teeth. Saruoot tlio sport u tors never did quit joll- ' Inpauilncvtr will. His feared. Hut ended the oxi-ltcmeiit , for after Willis 1ml rt\irhi\l 5000111 ! oix im error bv , PaRhi fouled out , I'or Ilnrat'i pets , U.'n-ohojr was afnln pre- poiitod vitU fli-st ami ljttty , , who hasn't Hindu u basolilt smcolu wiis u clillil , baiiKod out n t\\o-baguer \ \ anil the maalth \ that unmo swroj. -\pnssod \ liall let Potty to third , nnd after AinliusiuidMliiiii'litiiiliadboLli beca thrown out lit llrst by Bash I'ngln , Urn's slasnltit two-himijer scored him. Jtvtt nil ilny with , Dny , and tlio IllneVSox came liuiKulii , uiul Just to keep from growing misty , they scored npiln , Mvran wont t < lint on balls : to second on Ciiiuvau's single third onulsli's \ ' sacrllk-o and liomo 01 unothoronoby Koirm. la tliclr bnlf the Minnies inada things mljlity interest Ing. dev chiml's ' excusable errar RavoCucVlliii Currollili/0. 'J lieu the agriculturists won. out onn sriurp RrouiKlcr lo Nc\vm \ n. Do\vo ! nrndo a hit and Car roll scored , I'aRln next hit tha prand sapamoro t\vo- hoo-hcf vlth the ball , and 1'ctty , who couldn't ' hit thosldcof the Collscutn utth a clapboard , was iircsonte l vvltli first on halls nnd tlio bniore ; full , anil so were- Clio Bpvt > Ulors-tho latter -with a mixture of rcinone , dhfjust atiJ Mullen's four-year-old iwmuli. Itvs ! awfully still In the purk lust then. 3t seemed us If nome n | > i > allmg cutastrophy \\oro \ linpcnilliif ( , And thuro was , for AndrcAii , too , wa given lila baw on balls and Dole \ vaa forced ncross tlio phto. And still the hags wore full. Every b ) ly held his lireuth until Mlnne- Inn ( lied out to Willis. Things wcrostlll tlcldlsh , witli Ryn at the Int. The Uttininv , jou know , has a bad hnblt nf hlttliiKlhe Ikill vhen nortssarj' . So the 000 sweatty people sat quid ns inlro nnd vutchod the big inuto ncrvomly. Uut the Dummy wascijual to the orucr- goncv , Wllh tvo stilkeson him ho hltnsavnso fly out at Willis , and \Villls of course took it In. "Oh , Dummy , Dumtnv. A\hat \ fills youl" cried the Irantle Colonel Hurst. But Dummy had no rtly | ) to tmko. In fact , ho uliln'tlioartho colonel. Well , tliat ended the jtreat hatllo , for not another nui was scored by either side , nnd as Walsh , llinruhnn and 2S'ovnnnvoundup the hole business by nhenutlful doilhlo play , n prcat shout of jnbilitlon went up from 1'rcsl- detit DleUMcConnick and tlio faithful few la the mndstaiiJ. Goout lhl < nfteniooii , yo laggards , and see a iraino of hall as is a gntno : U'no si-oro ; _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA. _ _ _ _ _ ATI. n. Ui. sit. n. ro , A. E. rinnvnit. If . 4 1 0 0 \Vlil \ li , ss . 5 1 111 : i o KCUIIH , if 4 o o cioviiiind , : n > r. i ! : i o o s a io lliiiiiihaii.i.'b r. 1 1 0 0 t o > winiiiilb : i 1 a 0 0 31 0 Wllllj , 111 4 0 1'ilKln , ] ) 4 G 0 Murun , o 4 1 000 Totals 33 a a a 2 ? 10 i MiiNFAl'l > LlS. II. it. In. sii. sn. vo. A. n. Andrns , If . II 0 000 3 n o Mlniiehuii , rf . 4 0 1 o o 2 o o 0 o o tt o i iuy. 'jii r > 201 32 Carroll , ni t 100 2 0 0 Jllllcr , ss r. 000 1 0 0 1 2 0 Tvmlmy , c 0 1 000 0 0 1 100 010 Totals 8 0 1 V 11 2 HY INMNRS. Omnlii 0 1 0 1 5 00 0-8 Mlniiiuiioiia 0 II 0 0 2 0 0 0-4 SUMMtHV. Unni onriieil-Onuhn.4 , Mlnnoiinollsl. T\vo- \ li-isohlts Ni-\vmaii futnill. 1'ynrotty. Home tiins-C'loii-liinil. Now innn. Double liliijs \\illls \ \ lo Climl-md to llanrahunulslito ; lluiirilinil to N'c'Miiiiin on bnlls OH' 1'iiKlnH. 1VHV4 lilt by | ) ltiher-Hy 1'iiKln 1. Mi ink oul Itj Kiu-ln : jPotty . Wlltlpltulius -Ity I'oilv 1 I'lKMod bnlls lly Womii : . ' . Thuc of KIInir Oiiu hour null lllty inlnulcs. ' ' L'niiilio TtHUv.uikco. 11 , IJonvcr r . , July 1JO [ Special Tdog-nm toTm : Btr.l-Pollowliio'lstho lesult of the flrst pune : MIL.'HUltLh. . 1111 II A E II II < ) A E MrfJIono , Sb .1 0 1 1 J I'oormin , ra..H 2 U 0 0 MoCltllivn ill O 0 US 0 1'i-ttlt ' rf . 2 J fi 0 0 Trc-iulwuy tf.l 1 O 0 0 ffulc-h , lh. ! . . 'J 2 a 7 0 Cnrlli , in . . .1 1 1 0 II u-li 5. . . .V 1 2 I 0 \Vhlti . . . . _ ' If . 1 ! S ! 3 0 0 Ilc-yiioM- ) . .0 1 11 1 1 Mnrrltey. lb..l 1 11 I ) 0 MeH llt , If . .1 0 3 0 O All-orU. 3b . . \Millilicail ir.U 1 2 0 U . c..O 0 1 21) Uililnck , c . -I ) 1 30 U lirlllttli , i > . . .1 > 1 OJ > Hooil [ 01 20 0 Totnli . 14 1527 II 0 ToliN . . . 5 ! 21 13 ( i lit IXMNOS. Domor . 0 1 1 0 00 12 0-0.1 MJlviiilvio . ; t 1 0 5 1 4 0 0 ' -14 SU.MMIUV. Knniodriins-r ) < -ii\orJ. Milwaukee 3 , Tivo- IIHSO lilts I'oorman , liltu , Slioch. Thrcc- ImsoliltH-SIorrlssur. I'dtll , Trcul\vny. C'ur- ' lls. llavs toloii I oiiviir S , .Mllwankoo 1. liiM's-Doiivor J.MIIwuukeo 7. ) > nbl pla > s MiJlonn toltuynolils Allicrts \Volcli lo MorrlssovHtioou balls-Oil' Klood , JiolV firlllllh. V , 'Wild plioli-Clrintli. Hit by ball .MeCilono , I'ouiintin , Sliocli. Stiuck nut lly ( Irltnth. 3 Tlmo ofnaiiiP Ono humnnd fKly- Uve mliiutus. Uniplio HOO\LT. \ City 1-1 , lies niolncs to. , Mo. , .Inly : W [ Special U'clo- graiiitoTnc Br.i : . ] Tollovlngls tlio result of today's game : DCS MOIM.S. it n O A 11 n o A i : Mniinlnu , ! b 3 2 04 O I'nttnn. _ . . . 3b..l 1 3 2 2 binlth , If. . . . 1 0 2 0 0 Till nicy , c . .3 3 8 3 1 . . .1 2 a 0 U 'i i ) 1 .1 llotifi-r , r ( . . .2 2 1 U ( I riuilaii , ab..O i 2 i 1I Hloamn , lli , . 'J 2 7 0 OClnra in 0 ID U 0 1o Cnriicnto U.3 2 ' a o o llollnnil , ti .1 3 4 O.Mniiiillar. ' > . . i 2 1 2 lilllKOM. C . .1 0 U 0 ullliirt p & . in..D 2 6 1 .1 1 1 3 Osummor , tl.'i 110 1 } Totals. . . .1113 2712 1 Total * 101(1 ( 27 11 13 XV JNNI.SOS. Iflinsis : City a 0121700 0-14 0 Oil 1 a 12 1-10 SUMMARY ) nun Kansas City 5. Dos Slolnos 0. T\\o-basi ) lilts Carpenter , Hart , llimnicm. Thioo-baso lilts Stuntns. llooior , Ilrlnililu- roinb. Double jilays-Mjuullar to 1'litliui. IJasc-i on bills Olf Conwiy a , oil Hurt S. Sttuiilc out llv CiiinvnyIiyltsirt 1. by Cl-iro I.VI1 \ < 1 illtcli ( onway. Hit by intelica Smith , ( liinsun. 'Ji.itlliy. od bnlli > Uuu- < .onl. 'lliuoof game-Two hours. Uniplie Kuuswlnc. St. 1'atil ! $ , Sioux City 2. SiouxCITT , la , July : w. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BIE. : ] following Is tbo result of todaj's ' g-.nmo : blUUX < IIV. n it o A c U II OA V. Slrnilat. r ( . .0 0 t I U Murphy.m . . .1 Illnrk , in . . ll.nine . , rf 0 2100 C.lunn. If . .10 31 0 Abtwjr. If . . .1 0200 . 42 I ) f l'liur. ' ol.0 U U 4 0 llroimnii , 21 . . Mains. 1 0 1 U 1 0 Sjiulllmuac , bll U 6 0 O.M'I.lllk'lllln.HHO . .01) I II 0 O'Urlen. SI ) 0 ' .01 HI ilrouL-liU > nlb.l 2 10 0 0 \Vldnor , 'p. . Ur < | ulinrtc..O , 0710 Totals. . . . 3 (1 ( 2111 0 TotiM 3 9 2711 111 * SlonxOltv . 00 00 0 0 0 0 i2 aul'aul . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 fiU.MMAltV , Karnodruns Sioux Clly 8 , St I'anlS. Two- haso lilts nro-.iiiiii , HroiiKliton. Mains , llnsus onbnllsOITVldnei5. . o Mains 2. StriiuU oiit-Hy\Vl lnor 2 , by MnlniS. Uift on Inst-s Slouv l'lly4bl. I'm ' I 8. Suirllltohlts-lTrqiiti- hart - . I'nMoil balls Uriuiihart ! . lliihcs Btolcn 5t. I'aul S , Tlmo o ( piiiiio Ono hour uuilfoot } minutes. Uiniilu' lluiglc. Amoii tlio Aimitciu-H. lir ! : > Out , la. , July SO. [ Special to Tur Bi.r..J Toilay's game of hall he- t\vccn Itcil Oak anil Silver City resulted Hot Oak 11 , Silver City 13 Huttcrlos-IJoil Oak , C'raiid.ill and ICecuan ; Silver City , liciivea and Strong. Tlifllmst ot'ttio Minnli-4. Tlio Omnlii and Mluaeapolis teams play their last game * of tliclr present scries this afternoon. , Oninhn ha ? licked tliom twice so far , ami Captain Hiniriihnii says that wo niwt have todnj-'s. _ 'Jlic Omaha ( inn ( lull Slmot. The Omalii Gnu. club lielu their weekly shoot jcsttnlny afternoon , ten live llrds , thirty jurds rUe , inodlllcd English rules Tlio sccoro : it inner . "HI Ollll 0 Mm"0liu. , . ; . ooill oil- 7 9 8 ' ' . . . . I'lfiril.'V..i . . . . . . . . . . . UllW 00111- Sn It i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hill 11110- Kill or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mill ( HWIl- Holuniu . . . . . . . . . . mil " l- } J ICinnoJy . . IUM 10111 8 T1I10 UUliVllUUMISAND ItABUlTS. Tlio ConrsliiK Alcct Cor Xoihiy anil KlllH ( ) , The fair grounds will bo the theater of a thrilling ecuiio this nlturnoon in tlio : Kn-ut roursltiB meet with Rmyhouiuls and jack rubbiu. ' 1UO affulr will bocoaUuctea umlertlioauspliva o [ the Nntlonnl Cowraliij association with Manager Allison at the front. Thcrovlll bo eight races , and In a l- ! illtlon to the celebrated iloga entered ly lOr. I { area of 'J'opeln ami Secretary retire of Now York , then ) will boa dozen or wore local rvpreseut-tlves , LaJlea who do-sPro to uI ticlpato audvltuesa this ( 'rauil auiloxbllcrat- Inc sport should remember that It | will bo divested of all IU In- ; hutmn or brutal cleinetiU , atid Is , only cnloulutcd to plcujo , delight nnd oxrlto the > | KK-tatnr. Maimpcr Allison nud 5 > eeretl . . - „ , of national reputa tions , and there la no * .w sll > ! o ch.mco of nu.v- thlM entering In to the afternoon's sport tlmt roula possibly dUplome or nlTront the most humane nnd fastidious. A. wco between wild Jack rabbits , the fleetest of nil known , niul the i mccful , slender prey bound. Think of It , and ItmKltie , If possible , tlio pleasure of such a spectacle. Thcro will bo inoimteil riders to follow the dogs over the couw , in order tint no injiuy niny be/nil / the nibblt-s If overtaken liy the bounds , nnd everything done to iniilio tlio day's sport ptrfecl Today and JTridny after noon will the meet bo held , and the Indies nnd pentlemcn of the city should Improve the optxiituiilty to witness lids absorblngUngllsh pastime. . . . . , , , The d tawing by lot for the place In which the ( trcvhounds TAU | run at the fnlr grounds today took pl.ieo nt tlio Hnrkor hotel Inst ' " The order of the runuiuj Is us fol- Cnptnln P. II llnv's f. d. Kelly njfnlnst Dr. ( iL-oiiro 11. A-\crs' bill , d. Corslcan. Dr. M. J , Ui-llliiKcr's \ . nd b il. 1'nust apalnst William r. IhifTsky's b d. Mercury. Colonel nelV. \ . 1' Sniurs b. d. Val Orr npnliist I-1. N. Jayno's b 0. flldalpo. .7osi > ph Stockuale's " ' b "d Prince Ulmnai-i'lt nKalm't John Alont- gomorya h. J Botinoiii ) ; 13oy. During the fow/hoon / yostordar , two boys climbed Into the corral where the Jackrabbits nrukoptmidattomptolto ctipturo thorn , nntl In tliolr futiU'cffoits broke the ICRS of two nndseriouslylnjuiL'd si-vcril otbers , How ever , tluw is n good supply of rabhlts In prlino condition , niul jcik-rday they Avoro ran ihrot-Kh with fox terrloi-s to fnmlllaii/o them with tlio track to the escape. The llttlo IOKI ! could scircelvaniuso them , the mlililts skl liifiiloiig with uo effort nt nil , vlnlo the dofisweio working with nil their might to catch thutd. Uhey will llnd .ifoo moro to bo feured In the greyhound that will pursue them today. M / IIJCIQ. . Kntrlcs for U'otlnj'H Hiices. SIUVTOOA , N , "Y. , July 30. fSpoclal Tole- prnm to TiiuUiiK.J Following are the en tries forThursdaj's ' oicnts : First race , ono inllo Longshore , Llttlo Crete , Undo Bob. Kenwood , Dyer , Bonnie Hno , Isaac LowM , Lnvina Belle , Maid of Orlenns , Gcitio D. Second race. threo-qinrtxTsof n mile , Sara toga Stakes Black Lot , Balfjown , I'.ilosUue , ftlonterg , .luloG. Third race , ono and ono sixteenth miles J'rhcosi Aniiil , Undo Bob , Li/7.1o Ciete , I'otlaiTKenwood , IStinlncuccVortli. \ . Fourth race , ono and oiiP-oighth miles Musi Hello , Greswold , ( Jlio , Australitz , 1'ollian , Kupcrta , Hhono. Fifth nice , three- fourths of a mile Atistor- lit ? , Objection , Dyer , Opnellla , Ilcrtvllo , ( Jlnv Stockton. Rnytnond. Sixth iaco , thno- fourths of n mile Young Duke , BonlcM , P.iH Mill , llalljhoo , Conic- Hn. Uiniucncc , Bradfoid , Major Totn. QThe uciithi-rlsrlcnrandtho tracls , nnd a fereut day's > sport is ex potted. Piuic , July SO. [ Swtal to Tut. HIT 1 The entries for Monmoutli Park nro as follows : First nice , ono mile Auratiln , Taviston , Chaos , St. John , Donlcy , Ovid , Hosctto. Second race , three- fourths of a mile , op tional st.ikcs . Ci-etc-hcn. Siimloo ( colt ) , Lut- inii , Teirilior , Vagabonii , Ailolmn , Fearless , ICilJee , Olajinore , Kiikovcr , Huvolt ( colt ) , Iluunlbal , AV'iregnvss ( colt ) , AdK-tituter , Contributor. 'Ihird Cilice , ono inllo , Neuard stages Cliiiendou , Kcmiilund , Lady .Tare ( colt ) , Jo- bepli Pat , Monroe , Kiveloe. Chieftain , Uos- cttc , Druldc-ss , Paradox , Tulla Blackburn , Itii'O , Iliill Fan , ( colt ) . l-'ourth IMCO , ono nnd one-eighth miles Reporter , Cynosure , Orillninine , iHth nice , ono mile , selling Bclasailvs , Sura Wood , Long Island , I'euyanco. Sixth r.icc. Uiiw-qiwrteH of u inllo Tip staff , Major bonio , Alby , lllitbe. Scvontli race , fivo-cightlis of a rnilo Ivcy- ser , Oscar , Discount , Somerset , Miletlco , Slnoco , Sir Gooifc , llousbrum , Claymore , Aqullon , Gccnlivct , Ortaviu , Jewel H , Gnr- delio , Ooldstaf , Jlottla Filly , - < \lum H. Tilly , Cooee , Walcott. Itnecs. SiUATonAN. Y. , July 80. [ Special Tole- toTiri. BiiE.1 Tliocatlior was clear nnd tlio track fast , rolloulnjj is a cuiiimury of the laces : rirat race , .three-quarter mile , solllne \Vinoiiii won , MM. Dcnnuttc , the fa\o rite , second end , Alodje&kii third. Time 1.179 , Second raen , nillo nnd ono-eiBhth King Crab won , Como to TIVW second , 12verctt third , llettlnp even. Time 1:50 : } | . Third race , oiicmilo Bcllo ti'Or ' tlio favor ite won. Golden rtcol second , \Vnry third. Time I : H. 1'ourth rare , three-quarter mile , threo-vcnr- olds Ooypoto won , Eminence second , AVorth the fnvorito third. Time I : lOJf . Pif th race , three-quarters of a mile , three- year-olds Oranlto won , Little Crete second , Strike , the favorite , third. Time Sixth race , mllo-and-a-slxtcenth , selllnR Hamlet won , White Nose , the favorite , second end , Barrister third. MacFlinn & Hall's flew York Allied shows nnd Rcntz' Royal Gormiin mo- 'nnprorloill \ exhibit at the follo\viii \ { ; towns on their i-otum trip from 1'ort- land. Ore. : Gruiid lelnnd , July 30 and 31 ; Central City , August s ; Columbus , August 2 ; Scliunler , Augu&t ; Fi-oinont , Augiist 5 , brinjjiiiK them to Omaha foi- August ( > and 7 , where they will give c liibllions dally on Chiu-lus btrcet , be- tvccn Sovcntcctitli ami Eighteenth. Tlio piopi'iotors , Messrs , MacFJInn nnd Hull , sue sliowmon of yours of experience , know what the public with and uccoin- inoduto them , Of the performances hero iiothlnsr 1) ) t morels of praUo can bo used , but a detiiilnl vritcup is not jier- mlbsiWe. Sufficient it is to Unto that all the peiforinorsaro nboro inediotrity in tlichdilTorcnt lines and some cannot bo excollei ] in thoitpoiforinunco by niiy people or In any circus on the f aeo of tlio oarlh. Wfiy Is It ? Omaha morchunta complain of dull times. Other furniture dealers oflof goods at 50 cents on the dollar. Cnrpot firms advertise 30 per cent off , St 111 on rsu mm or trade is tlio largest since the bu&iueas was established 20 years ago. \Vhy is It ? It isslmply the outgrowth oJlogltimato biibincss. \\rcll niado goods ut rctisoimlilo iricps. Omaha , with HJ5,000nnd Nebraska behind - hind It with o\or a million , cannot but help increase a properly conducted busi ness. ness.Our carpet dopnrtmcnt lias boon en larged to tlireo times Us former dimen sions and our furniture and drapery stouk nearly doubled , so that this fall \\o will show tlio luryest and choicest stock oior disprryedin the vest. \Vohavo no old poods to off or at half price or yd per cent discount , 1m t during the coining month wo Invite your atton- tloa to tlio new ebtiind most stylish line o or ijhovn inOinihaiit the lowest sllile price consistent with good \vork- iiuinsnlp CJIAS. SniVEUICIC A CO. . 1200 , I''OS , 1210 FuruiiiuSt. i\irm. ; Iho llciimliisor IMvnrtl S. MoCrpury Iiitlil In Holy Scpuleliio. The funerid of the late Edward McCreary took pUce yestcnlay from the ix lilcnco of his patvntsitUMl North 1'weniy-fourth street , 1'ho rciniilnscro homo to the ehurt-li of tlio Holy rnnilly , rorncr Izanl and Clghtd-ntH sttvets , wlii'ns ft soloinn rcfiuiein lilfih innss iOwas colebratcd for the n-poo of the departed soul. Thcchutvh ww filled with frlonds of the di-eeaseil , nuuyof vhomhad known htm from Infancy. Rev , Father ICoopimns , S J , nctoil aj celobmnt , llov , Father ilolinan , deum-i , nnil Hev. Father Ililliiian , S. J , bubdeaoon , Itov. F'itlu'r Carroll of St Philomeua'n aited as master of cereiiioulM uuil Jtov 1' . IMoC rtliy. ixiitorof the same I cliunh , occupied i. hc-nt ultliln tbosanotuarj. J 1Uo alUr WAS tastefully decorated In blai-k nnd white and llliimhuikil with a number of lighted ( wnxrn tnixjrs , 'Jlio remain wcro eAin < ? eil In ft miRiilflccnt mctiillic casket vita lienvy silver 01 iiaincnta- tlnt on the Ilil of which rested n llornl harp nnd at the head a symbolic emblem of gates ntE The . musical features of the services com prised n muss in plain rhuntsuni ; hvthetnetn- hers of the parochial nnd St. I'lilloiiif-na rholrs , winvrislni ? the following Indict Mid pcntlotnoui MHSO | < O'Hourke. Munchoff , MiiKglc Swift. Ulln ICcunedv , Brwly and Mosits I.umliinl , 1'rovo , Uau- mcr , Swift , WUlnianiiid Lieu tenant Klnzlo. Messrs KlnIo and Ltiniliiinl , during the of- ferty , vlth exquisite explosion , snug "Uost Spirit lieu " At the conclusion of the muss the solemn fnneralserlceof thochuich vas conducted by the onielathig clergj . This was follow ed bv a feeling niul commendatory address by Ftitliov If ooiinmns. The remains \\cre born tn the Holy Sepul chre cemetery , followed bj a largo number of sommltiK trlend < . The lull benron wcm C"il KlnslcrV. . U. O'Slinu hues < > yJ. M. MulU-n , Harry Hinsle , 13. J. Murphy , A. H McCounell , II. V. Burkler nnd Jiinies Millnt The of Mra. N 1' . Berlin took iilneo Tuesday nfternoou from the residence of her son , Hon. It , S. IJcrlln. A largo number of thofrlcnils and relatlvi1oro \ present. Tlio remains wore en. , ist-d In an elegant black cloth casket , which vuis surrounded by numerous beautiful floral olTodngs. Hcv. A. W. Lamiir oflleiated and Mesirs. L. M. An derson 1 , John C. Drcxel , T A Mi'Kcath , Voter O'Mnlleyf. . .T. Mount and Adam Snyder wcro the pall-bearers. Tlw remains weto In- tot red In the family lot in 1'ros.pect Hill cem etery. Tlio funeral of A. Beckmau occnirrod yes- tciilay ftftoriioon from Ins late residence , -'JIU Ciillfoinlii street. Mr. Ucckmuu had lived in Omaha for the pist hcvon jeurs. hiivln come hcto from froiuontluiuohoimd \ removed from lloston scvornl yoai-s ngo. lie was eighty-five years of ago and leaves awifo nnd iho srowii children to mourn his death. The children nre Misses Ella niul Sar.ih , who live at homo ; Joshua , who Is employed In alar o 11V wholesale house m ChlcaKO , Joseph , n travel ling 1 salesman , and Julius , who Is u cashier in n bun U ( it Fremont. The fuucial was latfjolv nttendud , the de ceased haviiiR been a nu-niber of the congro- pation of Israel. The p.ill bc-m-ers wcro M llcllninn , B Nowninn , A Heller , SiKinuiid Blath. H. Ilonoch ana S Kahu. Inturmeut atPlomantlHll. With your name and address , mailed to the Swift Socciflc Co. , Atlanta , da. , ia necessary to obtain na interesting treat ise on the blood nnd the diseases incident iolU SkLfi Eruption Cured. OBO ofmy tnstoncra , hlRhly rrapcctcd and Influential citlxcn , but ho la now abeent from the city , bus ti&evl Swift's Specific with excellent rcBnlt. Ilowya ItcurcUhlra of a ekln urujitlon tint lie Imd bttu tonneulwl with forthlrtyycare , andhndrralstwlthocnnitlvc qualities of roiny other medicines. CLEOO , Dm Ms' ' " ' - 'y , tlcb. Op era TJovo & HAVNF.'I , Manaeors. 1'rlday , Suturtlny and Sumltiy , Aug. 1 , 2 , nd3 And Bftturdav Mutlnou. 1110 IU-ACK IIUOM. W.S. CLBVHIAND'S COLOSSAL , COLOUTII ) , OA.USIVAL , MINSTRELS . , The nUSIoulliodComcJInn , TOM MolNTOSII. tlio liL'licitanhirled culoruil nrlNt In Uio world Jnnica A lllnml , Illllv 1'nrroll. Will Il ! < lrWgo. lloo haylof. tlio4 Hro or Brothers nnaiUotlior tolorcil inlnitrel nutalilos 'Iho Mnrcli ut tlio .Mutamliliiuu ( ilutlla. tor , an orlRlnnl and nnlqno novelty , w Itli rnrrcct roiiro < cntntioii9 of tliu natlvu frlcnn , I'lio rimllv rciiil'tlp cU Mc first ] > mt npectncli1 , Mill : 'lolin.\l Cllsr"lincninillmiiii ) usuiBpiay t-entson saloTliursdar , Juljr 61. Kuijular prices tiiatlnuoEiUo. CTETSON'S IT A TC O01T AND STIFF 11 A 1 0 Boyd's Opera House Block. DRINK ROOT HIRES'BEER. . The Purest and Best IMnlt in the World. Appotlzizing , Delicious , Sparkling and the Best Blood Purifier and Tonic. A. I'ackiso ' tllqtilill ! i" c , mokes 5 gallons. EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed. Uo Trouble. Kaslly Hade. Try It Aalc jour Druggist or Grocer for It ami tnko no other. See tlmt you gut ' THE ONLY GENUINE. MadobyO. T. Illltr.S.I'hllndclulila , IViin W LATEST" WHCN THC orArncav m OAUCD mr SCARLCTrEVEn , COLDS , MEASLES , CATARRH. & .C. VTHC USE Or THC INVISIBLE ( SOUNDDISC . r floM wiinMnoJ r HUM M * " " atoUttitt are to ( Ait ryti l'd Hlrtly m ' TlHDl H MI fitotUA * wllhoulr mo tl II. A. W ALI'.S , llrl l t. oi I , Conn , \\r\ > , i'j | ; | ) _ . \ ciif < to Bi-llllio riiile-M t'lotlii-i I.lno M tlm onlrlliii'OTi-rliivi-nloil tint holds the i In tlii-s without pln , upcrfcdT \ iiicci-im iintuntra- roiitl7l4Hiirili niililiiiilr - 'V I'/"Ki'iilH ' to whoin the > climha rlxht t I > I f < ; Klvcn : on receipt of.Vt tin o Hnd n ' 1 i > k. J HIIHIIO | | Him hy mull. aUo ( prldi Ibl m l U'riuito ncoiit'c ' loi-uro your ti-rillory nt onui AiMnwt tliu I'lSi i s lunins LINK 'o , 17 IlL-niinn St , Woru-stor MUM. FRENCH SPECIFIC ; A POSITIVE and permanent CURE for ill disease , of the URINARY ORGANS. Onrei where other trontmBntUllsi Foil directions with eaoti hottlo. Price , one dollar. Bee signature of BI * Bl'AHL. For Sale By All Druggists. TO WEAK Buffi rlnz from Uio tHecu nf youthful i rrora , < 'arly decay. waslliiK wndkno * * . l ( t indnliuol , etc , 1 wilt end a valuulilo trtatlMi ( wali-di oontalriliii ? full imrtlculan for homu rurr. I'ltKK nf rhniv . A. plinauiinintlfftlwork tho-ilit IM uad liy cirry limn ulm U IHTVUIU ami ilcMlllaud.diln - , I'ror. i' . < M' < > U'i.iu. : i AliOODUK H. Iittyt : > r.lUl ! lloiirlHirn M , I lilcu o , ' . - > > yi-ir : ' hui-oi'ssful prucU'u. Ailvlcu l''ri'ii' nupubb. Ity. bpeclul faollltlis , I tn tiuny ktatt'i. Sunburn , WILL CURE Piles , Chafings , Cuts , Eruptions , Boils , Sore Eyes , Burns , Sore Feet , Wounds , Mosquito bites , Bruises , Stingsoflnsects , Catarrh , Inflammations * * w Soreness , FAC-SlMILE Of , Hemorrhages BOTTLE WITH Lameness. , DUFF WRAPPER. . AVOID IMITATIONS. ACCCPT NO SUBSTITUTE. POND'S ' EXTRACT CO. , 76 Fifth Avenue , Now York. PURE SOLUBLE CHEAP Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing. Having a peculiarly delicious llavor a food and drink combined at-a half cent a cup and fit for a prince. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST , " JJT-VAS HOtrrr.N'S COCO.V ( "once Crlcil , ultviiji it.fij" ) wni InvonloiJ and pilnntoiluiiil l iniuln In Iliillitinl. It Is ackntmleilcnl t > r tli most cmlnontdoctors ami Rn.lljstnlli t by tlib > i > ccliil treatment VAN llourix'H Cocox bai unjorfiono. Ilia ltllliy of tlio llcli-rorninir vt ti tltiiiut In IncrviiHott ( UXy j or rtnt. ulilta tlio wliolo of the flbros nro soltono.l nnj rori.UncJ moro | nlnllblo mil disoltililo. rfioit salt In tlio world. " Ask ( or "VAN HoBTEVt uiiil liiko no iillicr. 61 Drs. Merill , rhronlc.N'pmiu . * . IHood nnd Surtflrol lheiuci ) and Olsonsca of Ilic lire. J'nr , Ni"C , Trent niul ( . lioit Special Attention tn linois ; s of Women - men ntul Ulilldrcii. Tliodootort li.ivc lind yonrfl of expo inco In the IiOHpltnls of llrooklyn nml New \Mrlc. nr . aronnioiiu tlioiunnt nuCC3Sful iniJ nlilcl ) kiiunn si'euljlllsta ' 111 llila country. To Yoiiiit : and 51ilill ! ' -\icl ( Men. I.o t Mnnlinml. NorvniiK Dolillltr Rpprniatorrlir , HMiilunl liii'tioi , 1'liyslcil liui ly , rl lnu from Inilli- crt'tlon ' , iirtxIiiLlng "loopleaMH'1 * , tlonponiU'iiry. tilin- | ilo nnllio fnrc , nvcrHlou tiiMicli't ) , enillr ill tour- DKfd. lack of tonllilonco. iliill , unlit for ntuiiy urlumU ness , ninl llmli llfL'aburduii.B.ifoIj' , permununlly unil Klooil nnd Skin TO most dreaatul In Us rostilts , couiplttolT crmllcntntl. O.'iiitn-Urlnnny Sumpry. Oonorrlirp.Oloct. Srphlllf , llyilrocolo. Vnrlcocclo nnrt btrlctiirc rnJIrally ninl snluly fure.l lthout iialn or detention from buMnrin All Soxnnl Dofor- niltlosnud lnu > cUluicnti to unrrluBosutcesaCully ro- mo\od All Iloclnlill ei < 1' mfcly nnd iicrnmncntly cured Hours , II a ill till 3 p. in. hiinilir . ID till IS. N. II l'c'rion iitiil ! > lo tel lt u' may bo troati'd nt their liouiptby roiro pond nro M > > illclno < i nnd In- druUiun * sent b ) cxprcis Coiixultatlon froo. Bend 4 clMili In stampi tu Inmiro rcil ] > U18 I'll'loonth hi. , Opposite Iloytl's Oporn Jloiihe , Oiniilin , NV1) . UNIVERSITY NOTRB DA1VIU. [ MAIN ] The Ninety-third Session Will Open on TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 0. FtTLI. COl'ltSKS IN" Classics , Law , Scloncp , MatliPiim1lc , Jtcohan- nnd Civil EiiBlnt'orliij , ' , Mtulo mill a Thorough Uuinini'ieliil Courno. nilTantnues nro eire oil to ntinlcntiof tlio Law Dt'inrtniont and of tlio IH-i.irtment | of Mo- clinnlcnl in ; lnmrin . tit. IMniinN Hall , for Hoys uniior 11 yours Is unlqiio In tlio nmiplctcnau of Its ciiulpiionM CalaloKnoH , Klvlnv full lutitlcnlara , will ljo oiufro on application to IIEV. T. E. WALSH.O. S. 0. . I'irsltlciit. ' Norm : DAME , Inn. MARY'S ACADEMY. OVH HIM : KST i IIOM NOTUK IIAME UNIvntsiTY. ) llioTOth Acaituiulo term will open Jlondujbcpt. . 8th SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN Conservatory of Music. The Acnclemlo Coiirso Is tlioVnaitli In till ) rropnrn- t rycnlor ! niul Clniilcnl linnlOJ Mui > lo ] > | > ut- inciit. . on thoiilniiof tlm bo < l Comurvnl'H lu < < 't I'.nr- oKi , l < unili-r clmrno of n rorapli-lo roriinot louclicrM Muillu moilulcil on Art Hchuoli uf iuropo : llnmliik' mill rnlntiim Innn llfu and tliu nntliuu | riionnsriipliy nnd Typo-wrltlns tiuiKlit llullillnitii pciiilppGd with llro osoipo. A nj | > ir.ito < lcii.irtniint for inllilmi under II Apply tor cntnluuuo to hin-Biiiiiii. sr MAHY's ACADK.MVNOTIIE DAMEl'O Sr JOhKl'liroU.Nri IMIIANA _ Etlabllihea A fclinul ( or tliu Mxlicr education of WOIUK An unuiunllyllnfl corp" of I-rufcuoni ror lift tl. Litera ture Art and Music liy n .iuli l . Location t'ol iiintla , lie , tn a 11 nrru park Ju l north of city lluiln Voifft trieiiibnunil , bluu ( : r n. annbundaneoot r c for out dour eiercUs. } | anil"oino bulMliiki Moral tonnof nihoal ricellrnt A I'hrlillnn IIOIIIH with til tin ) freedom ami nil thnoaroRii inli of wull urilertd bouio. Wrlto for rntnlocuo Atiiliess , W A. OLU1IASI , 1'retliliiil , COLUMDIi , IJO. MONTICELLO. New Buildings , Now Furniture , Now Pianos New Equipments , Iloautiful Situation. Open'Sopt 2H I'ull and superior I'nnilty Hepirt menu for Knullih , Latin drt-ik i.erinnn I'runch , hclunte , ilinlv Art t'tc bcnil ( ur Infunnutluii to .MISS II N. HAbKHI.Ii. I'rlnrlpitl. liul > riiLIn i sun AMERIGANCQNSERVATORY.CHICAGO . , ( IIUkllllMI IUI.I , WAIUIIIf. . A. JllkMIl bl All lintlii Iniuf Munlc Pruutatfo Alt.IlvlMrti- Tl'lc llerj1 lrulnliii-iliuul odi rtlu co t , IHr rl rK MILWAUKEE COLLECE Mllw.iukoo. Wls I'or VounifVoiiion , I'or catalogue add O H KINJi-liV. ; 1'h Ji I'ri-Vt 'CONSERVATORY ' . . , -OFMUSIC All di | rtiu Ma of Mnclnil iiiitructiou M mi-rn 1n- eiut-K , lUiu Aru , etc. U t' . lli/IJjuu > , JockisjavlUu.lll. ! l ruunl'i > rUnenrClilraco ( ) . Hoarding y Hcliaol for Olrli ( inil Yfninii Kidlet. lur cuwlocTjiii artrtrrm U. TI1AVK11,1.U II. , Morgan l'arKIIUor17Mmll oiit-ri.ittblcjtfOlll , ILLINOIS irrnn I'urk , MILITARY ACADEMYM , lllliiuU. ClrcularoHUCmiY J , bll.VKNS , A. 11. , I'tln. DENITO OUADEZ. Unilcrtho Witnnccuit.Hit oT Iho Mexican Intt rnalicnal Danking Co. , Contcsslinarics. Incorponlcd By the Slnlo of Cliihualiua , Mexico ice , ( or Charitable Purposes. GRAND MOHTIJLY DRAWING , win tnko rlnco In public nttho city of Juarcj ( for merly fimu dot N'ortu ) Mojlcu. Wednesday , Aug. 20th , 1890 , l.Ktt , botli Kuntleiuun of lilutl BtuiUlliB. CAPITAL PRIZE , SBO,000. OnlyBO.OOO Tickets ! Only GO , 000 Tickets ! WHOLE TICKETS 54 , HALF TICKETS $2 , QUARTER TICKETS , $1. I Prize of S60.QOO. . ' . $60,000 ll'rlzonf JO.IKKI . lU.WK ll'rlzuof 6,1X10 . I l > H oa o 1 IW1 nnl. lOVrl/csof KOOcncli . 501'rl/osof lOOeioh . 1X ( ) l'rUc4 of 50 I'.u-ll . SWVrltaot 30 each . Aiiprtizliniitloii Prizes. Tcrnilnnl rnTonnInalslnJtOOliOI ! ) : > r/i ! > orlloacli. ! WW 6uy'J'urmliuilBto810OOOriUuor410eiicli. , 6K0 | 1314 Prizes amounting to . $125,970 We. tlio mi < lerlBneiJ. lioroby ccillfy that tlio nincoNnclonnlor .Mexico In riilliimlimi Ii oii < le- pofll from the Mexican liilermitioniil IliinUiiK Co , thonccoMrjr luniis tn iriiiirnntfo the pionivnt of nil prUGHilrnwnln tli Jmn I.iiU'iln.liiiiiex. \VefnrtliorcirtlfyihiavtowlllnipcrTlHn nil thn nrrRiiKomonts.nnil In IMTHOII inaiinua iinil f0"0' ' all the clrln s or this Irfttury.nmt that tlio enrao uroconiluclprtwltli lionoBtr , iBlruess , imd In BuoU fultli towurilH nil purtloa. JOHNS. MOSBY , Commlsolonor. CAM 1 1.0 Aunnr.r.i.p-H , Buporvlsorfortliu ( jovoriiincnt. It any ticket drawlnen rrlzo Ixontto tlm "nil"- slKnoil , lUfucovahiowlllbHcolloctcHlnnaremtttca to the owner thereof , fr of chyrjo. , , , 1'res. Jl ! Paso Nutlonul Hank , Ul I'aso , Tor A.GKJ.IHVANTi : I ) , For club rnton or nnr other Infnrmiitlnn. wrlto to tliuunilorslKneil , stHllim ymir udilru rh-nrly. lili S-uue. Count ) ' , i"irn tnnrt Niiniber. .Moro rapid ni - livery will bo insured by your enclosing an avcl- 'K > our full nililrc < 8. INTBIINATIONAI. lUNKINnCO. , City of Juarez. JIoxlcO. Send remittances for tlckiHs by nnllnnry otr , contnlnlnirMnnor f ) nler , IKMILM ! liy nll 'Xircs ronij imnlfl" , Now York Kuniiimc. liHiife ilraft or pobtnl uoto. AiWrp anll rriiimnriMl letinrn to MEXIOA.V ISTfiis A THIN AI. IIAVKIVO r < > . ( 'Ityor Jimrvr M lco vm lil I'am , Tax. ALLAH LIHEUUEAN STEAMERS Passaaatoandlrom Great Drllaln and all oarts o ! Europe Montraal-Llvcrpool louto , by tlio waters olSt. Lawrence , shcrleslolall. ( ilnsuowto Hoelou , to I'lillniliilplila. Liverpool to ami from lliiltlmorr. Thirty HtPfmorH. I In a oxcelRlor Accommodfttloiia tiiifiiriiiscd | Weekly tailing * . A1.I.AN& 4'O. . < ) on West. Ae'ta. n.J.Slmililll . . , t.r US loMllln f CIllCtKU , II Thi I.iirtt.t. Fa lcit ninl Klnt.i III tlio H orU. nm.tlt/iT itittirii vlittnni uiirti NEW YORK. lOHDUHUERRY AND GLASGOW , MlllNI.SSIA Aucl I t IIU AMIA. AllR IU DKXUNIA , AUK 'J. I AMIItmiA. Au . ' 3. Kcw York , Queeiibtown and Llverjiool. TlinPxIiiliratnd | Aui ! 2"H P l > t SOtli CITY UK HUM li I Oct IMIi SALOON , SECOHD-CIACS AMD STEERAGE raluHon iowcLt tituiA tonntl from tti * pi linlpil SCOTCH. CHCIISH. IRISH A 0 ALL COKTIUHTAL POINT ! , Kxrursiuh tlclitt rwluccl , tnuilo nvniltblo in return hy tiUu'rthe plctiirewiuoC'Irilo Ithtr Altrsv > , > uith or ootitM uf Irilniid Nnf Itnorilltirullar ClliCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AMD DRAFTS at loui' i ctirrcnt rntpi Applv to an ) of our local MWIU , nt tu HENDIIRSON nnon. , chicneo. Loc.-il n c-iilH at Onmliu Hurry I ! . Moore CliarlnsMiucs P Vulll , II. 1' Uuuel , Cltl zuna HuiiK , Utlo Wolf GLASGOW , LONDOIIDERRY , BELFAST DUBLIN , LIVERPOOL & LONDON , FIIOSI NKW YOUIC KVKIIV TJIUIISDAV. Cabin Paiiage $35 lo$50 , nccordlnJ to location o ! Ibteroom. Excurllon $68 lo $9S. BtccmKU tn nn 1 1 rnm Kuropu at U ) r t lutes. AUSTIN OALOWIti & CO. , General Agent * . 63 Uroadway , NEW YORt. Jnn Illos"ii. Uonnral Wslirn Agent 151 Uuiidollili ! > tic'fi , tlilcuu o. Hurry I ; 01 , t anne Ir rclUbld. | < l In llr wife. niiwl luinri-rful fcrn l r known nti * r full , t * nlni. . iMwIfULl. ! uii tMl Mi II'IN l < tl ( 0 li > . ' . , . ' ) . 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Tlio lull-fit. ixlltloli of tin ) ( iii lniil "Itrllnipiili-i" W.IH coiiipllpil in-arlv llfti-on years IIKH 'I'lio Ainci''il cillllon IMIH hci-ii invl-i'd mid < oirtt < ' ( l tn tliupr'--ciil jiur Thn Work Isullliiary of tlio must iisi-ful and i-iilor- t .iliiluK loailliiuiin nil almost lutlinlo > , irl- utof miliJictH. 11 unntti'iis ' tlio hsioryof iiryuuntry In tin ) itdilil , tl" > Viliwraiili/ ofiuriy rcloonitcil liiill\lilual of anlunl in iiioifurn tliuin. U tolls tliu HlnilcH of famous \oMi cs anil tr icln , lln > Imlilt.s .uul oiistomsof'i5iry | n > uilc. | cxpliiuis tin * jinii- olpli-s of oiory hcli'iiliUo Imcutiun ills. eiiSM-Htlin piohlPiiiHiif inilltlital undhoclul economy , mill. In riu-t Hiiii-nil * lii'furo you thn lust \vnrk nf IIHIKlliau l.OO1) ) nf OKI ulili < > < t u rllurs of tlio HKK'I lilH uoi k hh'iulil bo In o\try home ami nil win ) In liny way Milno knowledge will uiipruc'lutu Its Im- lion.mi'u. Tlio merits of this llht-iul nnd iiriininoth lltirury M-lu-ino can only IHI Jii'lK'1' ' I'/ ' < -nro- ful liivcalltfiitlonV'o i-iiiiii-htl ) Killilt ovi ry ii-uiU-rto ufvu lilMntU-ntliin tntlili MiiilnlUr tlmt UH IniiMirliiiieo unil llbi-rn Ity ili-ierve. IInndrciln IIIINO iilroiiily mliHt-rlhed for Iho work , nnd tliiM'0int"illV | "I' ' tliniiitorirl | nliiia lit-cn iloiiionstiiilul Ix-yonil nil i-xH'ulutluim. | ' c-iiiefiilly our pidpi Hilton ninl iln > 11In'nil oiler 'iiuiKi > toim-rv rt-uili-i of Till III V 'I HIS \ \ Olilv C'AN CiNI.V 111 OUT AI M I ) In poiiiit-i-tlon wlthTIIKMAII.V 111 I , IT Mi's I' III hl.HN TO lliAI'l'll.t ( I ATI II. The lilnil- liiKlx i' ' ° l HuniiKlit Uo kUiiOMMl | | liy Ilii' ni'iul- ' niil | irl < xi wi-dlt.-rlt foriii HI.lio | | | 1 tliiown t > ni-llur work , lint A N" . 1. riuriN lypi' , | ri pi-r mill liliiilliut. hi fHct It 1.11 ire * . < -IU-n CAM. 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