Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1890, Page 4, Image 5

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T. BOSIWATER , Editor.
Jnll ) mil Mindujr , Olio lunr . 91000
six ntiititli * . n oo
TlitotHOiitln . : . ' W
hiiniliii HIT , One Vour . . . ' 'OO
ttvckly lieu. Uno ) onr . . . . .120
Oimilm. 1 IIP Pen llulldlnc.
* ! mill OHM lin ( nrnci ? * iinilMth Streets.
Umim-tl II ii'M , I'oarlHrcM'l
hlutKi * Oilier , dlTL'hiiiiiliornf < 'ornmPrcf * .
3S < v S ( irk IfdiiiiH 11.14 iiinl I" . I illume Hulhlliig.
Wellington , SIJ L'autUuitlibtlci't.
All r < inriiiiiilenlloii-t M'lntltiK to now * nnil
fiiioiliil mutter the iilil bo midrib-nil to tlio
l.flllurlnl ln > ] ] .irtiM ( ia u'-iTr.i.1. '
All huiliiPM lottor-TAml ii'tii ttinnoi should
In jild 1 1 - ( ( I toTliP lie n Piiiil HlilnM ; mnp my ,
Oiniilut liutfls ( 'hooks mill iio'tolltro otdcrs
in lie made ( uyublu totlic older of tlio Com-
The lice Publishing Company , Proprietors.
' ] lie lit o U'M g , Puriinm and evontccnt li ets
of Ncbinftka , I
II. Iroe'liupk. ' opiclnrj of The Ilro
I'lililMiliu Uoiiiliiiliy.dniHKiilcimilj swiurtliat
HIP nc'lii i ! ' liuiltiiron of Tin , Dvtr.v llr fur
tin i t'k rnilliuJuly it ! > , ISKfl , wns u follims *
! -mlii\ ( Ittiy-M „ ' ino
Miiinliil Inly L'l I'l ' I.Vi
InlyL-J. .m H7
TIllllMl l\.llll\ L'l JO 4'IT '
I-tiilnj. lulyffi . 10/110
btiiimlny Jnly'Jti
Avi'rago ! * ( > , ( > l)7
OPOJKIB Jl T/scnueK.
"worn fi > lieforo ino nnil'subscribed In tuy
JIHSI nrothlai.lllliilnvnr .lulA. A I ) . Ifi'K )
( H-AI.J > > . I * I'fcii , Isotuiy 1'ublle.
Unii' if N ( ' nskn. I
C < ) lllll > ( if I'OURl 18 I ua
Ccor-ri K 'l/spliuck. liolni ( Inly swnrn , do-
JIIIMS nnd .ins tint hols SHC rotary ol Iho lloo
j'uhlNlnne < onipui } that tin1 actual n % era u
diillv clrf iiltilltin of TIIK IHn v HUB for the
iiKiiilli of Inly 18il IK.'W cupliM for August.
l S'i. ' IH.l > 1 ciiplos for Hi'pti'inbir , IS l 18710
ciipli-H. forDitol or , Itw ) IH.VIT < * nplo , for No-
voiiilJiM , ts < i iilrfllOuopli-si for n-ioinlH-r. ISs'J ' ,
ai.ltH ' fopli s , fur Jniiunry , KH ) . I'l.Vu e'oplcs ;
fiirl'oliriniy IHiO ID'III cnplps : for Slnrch , I8'n. )
.tl.M'i c < | ( * ; fni April , 1 'M ai.fiU vnplus , for
Mnv ISM , LOIM ) toiiloi. for Ji'iin. IM ) , jo.toi
eopl ( i ( InunK II T , " < i nutK
wiii n t i 1 cforo ino nnd siilis'rlbod In tny
JIIIM nn th n.'iulil ly of Inly A 1) ) . 1S01.
finr , 1 \ . I' l'i u , rxotury 1'abllc
\\'it vi will tlio iloublc-dcckor do with
Mi 1'owci-s ?
A I'Ai'ruithout a pirly and a party
without u papur js n pai
: ] ) | ) o ( pat ties , ttcrlicts uiul phit-
foiinn will bo nil that thu mo-it faslidloua
vctoitoulil nslt for.
1'UKsinnNT antl-lottory
ip iigD ib ( i Oody blo uiiuod at doiii-
t'i.iliu iiirititutlons.
Ir n hotibo divided ujraiiiit itsolt can
not Btaiid , how can a dhided fair bo
nintlo a national success ?
Tiliciilli.inuo platform fii'xots nn eight
hotirdiy for nil worltlnfjmoii except
these c'liiployud on tlio farm.
Or cotntsi : thorauas notliin ; , ' wrong
about the jail job. The council could
notalTord toconsuiu it-.olf.
Ir wns Jh' * . Connoll's luck , as usual , to
bo pitted against a man who is bc.ircoly
known outside of the county in which ho
IT iseaid that revolutionists never po
baclcvvnid. South Ainorican ad icca
indieato that these who 1m vo not dropped
into thulr holes wheel lound and run.
EciMTitr.iCANS have made some Wun-
dcis in tholr convention Tlio Alliiinco
men liavo blundered oulrngcously , but
the domocuits aio liable to out-do every
body in blunduilng.
GKXKKAFi ViLAS duolnrob that ho does
not want the democratic nomination for
governor of Wisconsin , but the vocifer
ous shouting of his friends strengthens
the suspicion that "Biukis is vvillin' . "
A Bo&TOX j.ipor ) insists on Nevada
being kicked out of the union. The
country will agree to the proposition
and piy funeral expenses provided the
w liter undertakes the work on the
{ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
H n laborious slrugfjlo the roof -
of Iho council dlxi'ovorcd a few
acres ofunlaxod vacantchmoh ptoporty ,
but vvoie stilclicn with color blindness
when they approached the acres of cor-
ixirntlon pnyieity , wliich ostMpes tax
v's crop of candidates and
laities , bountiful as it is , ! H not a marker
to the political crop of Kunsis. In that
benighted legion the numlwr of paitlei ,
not to mention candidates , Is so gieat
that they can only bo distinguished by
an alphabetical atnuiguniont of the
mime * .
Foit the trillo of sixty thousand dollars
an inventor oircrb to plnco In the house
of representative' ) a patent electric voting
ing machine. The inventor olTor.s his
waiesat the wiong mnikct. A fortune
avuiilshim in the south , v\heio \ crude
appliances of the kind do not always
work to the satisfaction of tlicbiigadlers.
IT is voiy doubtful -whether General
Vnn'Wyok w ill coiibont to accept the nomi
nation for congress in this district on
the Alliance ticket , With a democrat
in the field ho would onlj bo playing
cathpavv without the lomotest hope of
an election. Genoial Van Wjek Is not
built that uy.
TIIK principal business of the doino-
cratlo congicsftonal convention of this
district was to arraign the republican
parly for its o\tnnnganco for the last
two je u s. Hut the deuiociatb made no
compails-on with , the o.Uravaganco and
BhotU-oinlnget of the last two jeais of
Tin : falling off in the farming popula
tion in bovortil eastern states piovokoa u
llooil of opinions aa to the cau o. The
ical reason Is overlooked supeilor land
in the vv cot , healthful Biimmiuliiifjti and
thocettalnt.v of a profitable return for
well directed energy and hitcUi-jemce ,
The loss In the east is the grain of the
Foil yours TIIK Bin : has tail-oil annex
ation of South Omaha to Omaha. 3lany
nrguiiiontB htivo been tulvaiiceil. A most
notont ono is tlmt vvlth two inoinbots In
the Omiihn counoll the people of Soutli
Omaht ' ouhl btatid In leas danor of
boln oHlclully loblwd. It is n piotty
kottlt. of fish they Hud themselves in
toV y.
Ti . . . 1 L J. 1 1 , V ( B TICKK T.
The people's Independent state con
vention , tmdo up for Iho most-part of
mcmlxis ol the Farmers' .Alliance , hna
plncetl n tk-kot in the field which will
appeal for Bupport to the producing and
Iniluxtilnl chui'ca.Vih \ the oxcepllon
of the camlldato for tittornoj-t'onoral
the entire ticket is composed of tillers
of the soil.
Mr. Towers , the cnndldulo for gov
ernor , owes his nomination Inrgoly to
tlio fact thntna president of the Jiubrnskn
1 Farmers' Alllmice ; , lie has populniizetl
himself with the active mumboid of that
organization. While lie enjoys the con
fidence of the farmers in the Alliance
and is nn outspoken ndvocato of the ro *
foi ma they demand , ho IHVH never been
in public life cxccpllnff ns ono of the
coiuinlssioiicrq of Llltchi'ock county.
Mr. Dech , the candidate for llt-ulon *
nut Kovorjior , has tervtd in hoth houses
of the lejjlsmlure. Ho has nn oxcep *
tionally fjootl lecoul as an nnti-monopo-
list , but UKo Mr. POWOH , ho is wild and
I -v islonary on the ctirroiu-y question. In
| othoivvonli hois a fntlstof the most
OAlremo t pc.
( MCHSIM. MavheriyVolfo , fJoilty ,
\Viiglitaiid D'Aliiiond , candidates ro
l | icclivoly for bccrctni'j of stale , ttcas-
| uier , auditor , land tominissionor and
i minerlntondent of public instruction ,
| ate till men of good leputc , so far as wo
i can le.irn , but having norccordhi public
I life , aio unknown ns to their qualifica
tions for the pcrforimnco ot the duties
\vouldde\olvo upon thorn if elected ,
Mr. ] > dgcrton , eandid.ito for attorney
ffonoral , hus boon omo\vhat \ ] ) romlncut
usa labor afritalor In this section. As a
lawyer ho ranks as medium ,
As a whole , the ticket is unassailable
as to ehat.tetor , but lather boknv the
in erase as to capability. Its chances of
success voi'Q malurinlly vvcnkoncd by
takinjfsovea ol the eight candidates from
tliu ranks of the Alliance , and excluding
the vujrkinginonvho \ are expected to
fiuniah their quota to the supiioit of the
people's ticket.
lion. Is" . V. Hailan has been nornl
tinted as the htand.ird boaroiof tlio re'
puhlicms of the Second eongiesslonsil
district represented in conjfress by
Gllheit M. Laws. MiIlnilan is
rosonlativo rcpublii'tin nnil one of the
ablest men in the Unto. IIo served two
terms In the bUto legislature with dis
Unction. As speaker of the houeo o (
I'opresont.ttivcs four yeir ago ho m.ido
his in.irk as a man of decision and exec
utive ability of a hijrli order.
Mr. Italian's active and unreserved
sympathies hnvo alwajs been with the
uiiti-inonopoly vvinff of the republican
ptrty , and hiscouibo in public life has
boon In accoidvvith hisprofe-isioiis. The
unanimity with which hovns cndoiscd
by the convention indicates that ho will
have the undivided suppoit of the part }
in the coming campaign.
A A'B r LIGHT OX Till ! r.
Ono of the most icimrkablo conttibu-
tions to the taillT ( liscuision in the sen
ate : ind it may bo observed right hero
that the discussion has for the most part
been anything but lomarkablo was
nude by Senator Morgan of Alabama.
It win a plea for the interests of the
negroes of the south tirf alTccted by the
tiirilT. These is no reason vvhj the wol-
fine ol thcso paoplc shouhl not luivo con
sideration in common with that of till
tlio ] ) eoplot and it Is to IM
piosumed that whatever \\ould \ be
for tbo general good they would
share in. But it is certainlj
curious and interesting to find a south-
oin senator , who declares ho has no
political interest in the colored people
of the south , making their condition and
piospcctt * the text for tin urgumonb upon
tlio tariff against the policy of the men
vvho aie the political friends of the
negro. It is a new litrht on the tariff
\vhicli , if not pat ticularly brilliant or
dazzling , is at least woithj of attention
for its strangeness.
After disclaiming any political inter
est in the colotcd race , and describing
the situation of tbc&o people in
the United States as most lament
able , for vhieh ho could &eo no reinudj
lil.ely to bo dt awn from the wisdom of
mankind , the Alibnmi senator said ho
vv.ib & 1111 disposed to take ovoi' cucuin-
st.mco as it uriVns and male it , us far ns
he poi > iblj could , advantageous to the
negi o tace , "not m tking disc-riminations
in his favor against the white mainvho
hnppciMtobo a laboiing mtin and poor
niim , and not making any discrimina
tions against him in the lav\i \ oltho
cotmtiy or by the constitution of the
liuid , but lemoving as far ns I can by my
vote and inaction , my advice and my
couiifacl , every thing that mny obstiuct
the negro in his advancement towards
gtoator prosperity , gicator enlighten-
inent , md biglior clvill/atiou. " All this
is certainly in a spirit to bobcat lily com-
The plea of Mr. Morgan in behalf of
the negro nan , that as he is a laboring
man f i oin natural bent as well as from
natural qualification , and could never
bo an } thing etae could never occupy
positions loquiring a high order
of skill or become a manufao-
turer , in a word must always remain -
main a laborer In subordinate
capacities ho is not intoiested in
the policy of protection and is not going
to ho IntiMosted in it. Doomed to bo
nothing In the world but a consumer ,
tlio effect of that polii-j is to Impose a
burden upon him without unj coinpen-
baling be no til.
So far as thN view is < .ound as applied
to the netrro laborers of the Mmtli it is
equally so with rospcot to all l.iborcttt in
every portion of the country , icgardlcss
of what they may attain to In the future.
Hut it does not necessarily involve an
approval of the proposed tnrllt to say
that the argument of the Alahunatioii-
alor as applied loses a great deal of
Itn fou-o whun confronted hy facts show
ing tlm bcnollts to the nogrocs of the
south from the industrial do-velopmont
in that bcetion , Iho rapid growth of
manufacturing entorpilbos in the south
hus given employment to thousands of
the colored race at hotter waged than
they over received before , and while it
IB doubtless true tlmt In none of these
oktublMuuonts a negro hasover attained
the position of n superintendent or per
formed other than suboidlnuto work ,
in my of them have hoeomo bkillod work
men , who command iho high
est wages paid In tholr class
of labor. A trade journal published
at ChntUuiooga la t year sent out in
quiries to boulhem niiimtdxctiircrs re
garding the cmplojment of negroes , and
tills is what it said ol the information
rcconed : " .A careful scanning of lhe-
rcpUc , with pretty full inforinatioii of
tlio various lines they tovcr , shows be
yond question that the negio has gieatly
improictlln the hist iilteon yenrs in re
liability , skill and general olllcieney and
that the improvement Is inoro and inoro
commending lilin as a laborer to the
most Intelligent , iminsla'klng nnd suc
cessful of our southern manufac
turers. " To whatever extent
piotcction has nlded in building up
southern Industries It has obviously not
boon without kmcllt to the negroes of
that section. As to the assumption of
the Alabama senator that all members
of the colored race must over lemaln in
the condition of more laboiors , it is sim
ply of a pleco nith the opinion oncounl-
vernnlly held by the whtto people ol the
south that tlio n"gro was incapable of
any high do'roo of intollectunl im
provement , an estimate of the race the
ofvhith \ etpoiionco has nbund-
uiitlj shown.
Tin ; x.t'jimfM. r.iitunns'
The lenth annual session of the Ka-
tlonal Patmois * tongicfs vvill bo hold
this year at Council Bluffs , Iowa , from
Aug-tHt iiO to ; ! ) . All the stales htuo
appointed delegates c\cept Nebraska ,
but undoubtedly the farmtts of thisstato
will ho rcproBcnteil , us they fclioultl 1)0
b } a Urge and carefully selccttd delega
tion of repic&cntativo men. At the last
session of the congi ess , which was hold
nt Montgomeiy , Alaliama , only seven-
toon. st.ites wcro represented by a total
uicinbjrship of less than four hundied , so
that the tenth session will bovery much
more largely attended and vvill ho leally
a national congress of the representa
tives of the gioat agricultural interests
of the nation. From all indications it
vlll ho the liugostaml inot iinpoitaut
mooting ot thocoivrossycthold. Among
the dole" lies v > ill bo men who have dis
tinguished tin inselves in * mblic life , and
in addition to the Interest they will im-
pirt to the deliberations of the eongt ess ,
have been made for ad-
upon various topics of public
conctyn by gentlemen whoso opinions
me hlvvnjsotthj of iittoiition.
There lias nevei boon si lima in tlio
liMory of the eoutiti' } when the agrt-
cultuial interests madou lirger demand
upon the attention of public mon than
they are now doing , 01 when the people
engaged in these intctestscro mote
nggrcssicly in cutnoat in scelvlng meth
ods to subsoive Iheii welfare and pro
mote their prosperity. The relations of
the finances to the requirements ol the
fanning inteicat , the problem of trans
portation , the inlluonco of the tariff
policy , and the question of in-
cte.iMiig foreign trade in the pro
ducts of the farm , are practical biiujecw
which btatc'imen , legislator , and the
faraiets themselves mo studying vutha
degree of care and energy greater than
cverbofoie. Thcio is universal agree
ment that the groit inteiest of agricul
ture , which is the foundation of national
piosporit } , dcmanls a larger measure of
consiilor.iliori thnn it has yet recoivcJ
" in the legislation iclntlngr to the fiscal
polic } of the nation , and public men ,
ftom the president to the least Known
member of congress , nro anxiously
doliboratlng as to what couiao it
will bo best to ] ) uisuo in order to im
piovo the condition of the farmers of the
country and evtond thomnikotsfoi their
pioducts. Under such uircunibt inccs
the asdoaibling of a body representing
the farmers ol every state In the union
is a matter of inoro than ordinary im-
poil-mco , und the deliberation ! ) of such
a bed } cannot fail to command general
and earnest attention. All the indica
tions promise a session unnicccileiUed in
attendance and interest.
Tin : BGiiato Irrigation bill meets with
dotoiinlmd opposition in the house The
main objection to the bill In its present
form Is the clause repealing &o much of
the act of 18iS as reserves Irrigation
lands from entry until surveyed and
mapped. The construction placed upon
that act 1) ) } the attorney gonoial Is sid-
mittcilly Injuilousto the western states ,
but the remedy is in modifiution , not
the ropenlof the law , as pioposed by the
senate. L mil sharks and ditch monopo
lies have been cheeked by the law , and
tbo demand for Its loped comes not
fioin the pcoplo ol the states Inteiostoil ,
hut fiom i lobby hired b % * the land grab
bers. It is ol vital Importance to the
mill felatos that tliovholeialo gobbling
ot hind adjacent to stre itns bo stopped
until the government has devised moans
to secure the greatest good to the great
est number b.v giving all applicants an
equal share oltho water. To lovivo the
old sstom is to oncourfigo u monopoly
of Itxnd and ator rights and work an ii-
icparablo dnnmgo to tlio porniinunt
and dovolopinonl of the west
ort ttatos.
Tin : Illinois geneial awsi'inbly has
gone BO far vvlth the world's fair legisla
tion , for which it was convened , as to
got a bill through the senate author/ !
ing the city ol ( Jlacago to increase its
limit of indebtedness In ouler to issiio
bonds to the amount of llo million dollars
lars for the fair. A gieat deal of luig
gllng wasdono hufoio this icsult was
le.iL-hud , during -v\hlch \ tliorovas \ devel
oped some rural hoitilit } to Chicago.
The battle over sites has been waged
more or less viiroiouslv. and tlio house
llnall } adopted the very ronslblo ic-iolu-
tlon thtit It had no right or puvvoi to in-
torfoio with the decision la thlh matter
of the nntlonnl commission and the loril
directors , Doubtless Iho leglslatuio will
.got through with the woilc lequliodof
it this vvcok , and theu'tiftcr &omooiy
lively rustling must ho done if the great
onteipriso i& not to boa failure disgrace
ful to Chicago and dbcredlliiblo to the
country. Just at present tlio Columbian
exposition does not occupy u very largo
place in the puhlic.intere&t.
Tin : pioposltlou to elect contingent
coiigaoisinmi In some of the noiv westoin
states , in anticipation of tlio new appor
tionment , receives noencourugoniunt In
"Washington. Membeia of congress de
clare that such action Is a vva&to of time ,
because luT"ctra member will be1 ad
mitted front tiny Mate until uflcr Ilio up-
portlonmnut , i\hlih will bo m.ulc * in tlino
for the n/ty third longress llopro-
{ entnthoDuttnollchairman , olthceeloct
cominltteo which will hnvo charge of
the vork , doclnres that nn apportionment -
mont hill cannot bo passed at this ses
sion. The committee 1ms not given the
subject a thought , because the members
do not think It possible , even If the cen
sus vas compluto , to g o tlio question
the consldcrul ion its impoitanco do-
inimds at this t | jno. Candidates for con
tingent honors might ns well shelve their
uiubltion for Ivvo j ears.
Is IT not about time lor letting the
contract for the interior of the city hull
buildingTho ? detailed plans for this
work must Cfi-tninly bo finished by this
time , The interior dttiinigopipes , fuo
tiling and other work should bo carried
forward , with the superstructure The
council should expedite the constiuctioii
of the building so tliat 11 will be ready
for occupamy within twelve months
The citi7cns linMj voted Iho bonds , and
llieroisno vihd excuse for dillydallying
ing with the work.
INN'I'VAti reunite receipts fer the
past llfctl } oar show an increase of
eleven million boven hundred thousand
dollairf , whilothocost of collection de-
cieiised eighty-Jivo thousand dollats ,
compared with tlio previous } car. Tlio
figuies illustiatolho olTecl ofiepublican
competency and economy in the man
agement of the industrial icvouue bu-
Tins Iwodlors In the South Omaha
council aio inclose quarters. They Ind
carried on their crooked work with sueh
audacity that the authorities wuo
obliged to take action. If any ono of
thcfaoboodlois will in ike a clean brcist
of the operations of the ffing , thcio will
ho intoiesting revelations for the tax
pajcis ot South Omaha.
Bi POKE dealing more offices for sine
cures , the council should provide woik
for the piescnt gang of ta\eatcrs , merely
lo show that "business piineiples In city
aftaiis" is entirely forgotten.
Now that Mr. James is re elected , it
1& to be Imped ho will endeavor to rem
edy the defects complained of by mem
bers of the boaid who demanded a
Sovm of tlio boodlers in the Omaha
council ate decidedly uneasy. The ar-
test of the South Onuhngnng has been
u veiy bO\ero \ shock to their nerves.
TJIB task ol restoring peace and h ir-
mony will jnovon hopeless ono unless
the major and the Hattsmoulh contin
gent is pioviilod for. Pass the hat.
Tun rail ro id pontintront got in their
work 1 for Powers , notbecauso they love
him ] moio , but because Van AVyck was
more fotmidablo
SOUTH OMAHA boodlers bbould not
stand upon the oidorof thoirgoing , but
btopdown I and out without fuithcr ceio-
111 on .
. _ .
A nw more offices tire to bo created
by the council and a few more taxoatcis
placed upon the city p lyioll.
A. Homo I'rotliiot ,
ClilctKlo liWttni
The western lioinUplioro appears to have
become tired of waiting for that Kutopoaa
war. Itisffettlng up quito u bizablo war-
cloud of its ova.
I'rolilbition Aot
St. JauliCftolitDemtertv ,
The Nok-oslv i republicans iliil well not to
say nnything about proliibltlcu in their pht-
forni , sinto experience lias proved that stntoa
can best bo saved without it
loci ) < loilly Out of Place.
Mr Vortices' ' sochlistlo rant might dowell
enough in a lotiroj pattiou of the hog lots
and corn llcldsof liooaicrifoin , but it iioutof
place la the scuato ol tlie United States.
IVTcrolj a Quest itiu of Ink ,
There vvill 1)0 no bloodshed over the Bclir-
Injf sou , matter. It is simply a question of
ink , and v\o \ Invo asecntiir } of stnto who Is
iimalto nny Guicivcnc In tbo use of that
cheap and convenient Iliiiil.
. _
- - -
Tlio I'ou'f-r Itclilnd '
( lie La'vv.
lii'llaiiaiinllf Jiivinat. election bill "a force la\v "
So is the law to punish umrJor a force law
for tlioso who violate it and it is lio-ril that
tlio imposed election law vvill have siinieicnt
foieoto reatoiolhcrttflit ofbultn0'o to ovtry
voter who has been denied it
JStutnn Hit alt !
The chances are Hi it Mr. Jo Clnmbci Iain's
somidiplomatic mbblon to this country vlll
be concerned cblelly with negotiations for
diiimr parties nail fund mgoai of the \arlous \
sorts in which ho and bis Salcin wife -Mill
bo tlio chief figure ? Tint is diplomacy
enough foi this se.Him of tlio year.
\Vhoro \ TonsliniH Are r > ofpreil.
A'eu loifc Jlmitil ( nun )
Wo dissent fiom the objections utgcd by
Senator Cocknll totho projioscd pensions to
tbo widows of . ( jnerilb Crook , MiClolha
and Fremont , i'hcso eminent inon rcndoicd
the countiy fccrrl i which ran lie rewarded
In no moio guitemlwiy than by cnilugfor
tbelr widows
AVorst l oes.
/ ' " I W l' ' 'tell ,
The wai between two toy nations of Cen
tral Amc-ilcn Is allbccauso of toomnny j in-
erala und "provisional prosldonts" TbeioLs
no race dhtinctioii 'between the live repub
lics to justify national distinctions , nSan
Salvador's itfusul to enter the jiiuj..jiod
un'on ' is linillonul and almml The only
obstacle to natloTiil ) unity and prosueilt } is
the domination < fl opnuli'tloil SIVUKM vho
havoso often stoo4in the way of SpauisU-
Amcilcan developtuVnt
Oiniitin'H ItlKlilTiil I'ohltion.
Clllfdim lllllHM
Tlio census recounts are likely to result In a
luxuriant crop of municipal julouscs and
uimitles. As tbo result of a second count
Memphis goti 08,159 , , which the Ni h\lllo
American snjs was recrulleil mainly from
Ibo cotton plantations of Mississippi and the
u'liinps of Aikunsns , Not content with this ,
It Is cltimoi Ing i ow for a third count so as to
latchup vilthN'iislirillc , though llioAmorliau
says " 1'jV er thin ? living lias been put dow a
In the cnuintratlon , and if reports bo true
somoof the naiaou were talceii fioin the hoail-
i touts in thoiomcterlM. " The i-ocounts of
Denver and KimsiuOity ulsolia\o been mado.
Denver gtts up to lid.tsi ami ICunsasQIty to
UW.OJO. As both these cltlos hoped to over-
t.vkoOinatiii nnl failed both of thorn nro tnad.
Omnha leads Kansas City by nearly tn-o
tlioumnd and Dcmer tiy 8r > 31 and thus claims
Its right to the tltlo of metropolis of the
traiiS'Mlwourl x-oglou The twins , however ,
are In the most dimming tnto of mind.
Mlnno is fearful the recount will cxjioso her
padding to n scornful worldnudl'aulis boll-
liiij mad betuiso hols to bo cou tiled over
again , anil futlomly denounces Supirlntuul-
cnt 1'orter for "IncluilliiRSt. 1'aul in the
sntnc indlctnicntvithMiiinea \ < xlis and. do *
mandlnglhnt they bo llnkeil together in the
Infamy whichnttnehos to the htternlono. "
After this outburst I ? .ml declares not only
that ho will protest against thooutrif-o and
Insult but will tulcotncuuros tomikohls jro-
tcstoffcittvc. MIntie , moamvhilo , Isshlvcr-
Ing Iti her boots us iho contcmiilutestho c > c-
posuro of her wanton conduct A\hlcli \ Is sure
to co no.
\viivIT :
The -Aincilttinled llnc elopadln Brltin *
nica , which wo ititiodvuo toonriltl/eus , It a
gciiuliie ttluinph of Ameritan Ingenuity ntul
energy. Though fonuiled on the celebrated
"Kncyclopiudla I3iltnnnlcu"itisby nomeins
n meie vcrbitttn ropilut of tint celebrated
work. Kor Is it such n tvprlnt with a few-
articles on sjxvial American subjects added.
Its titledeseilbcs it uccia.itily ; It i the
nncu'lopudii Biltiuinlcii Amciicanl/eil , re-
moddcdtaken apttt anil put toRctlier UKiiii
In such \v-aj \ as to trainfotm it from n work
compiled under 'English supci vision , tor 3'ng-
llshuse , Into ono compiled utiilor Ameiltnn
snpcivislon , v\lth \ a special vlovv to the onter-
tainmcntniul Instruction of a million Ameri
can lioiius.
Not a single article in the original "Brilan-
nlca'lnu ' been dioppotl. The stately < ion-
tences of Mntiulcv , tno outspoken thoiifhtof
Mill , the lucid OKjil millions of Hifcloj anil of
1 > nilull , can all bo found initspiges Such
. nf suli.
Jccts exilusivily Kngllsh , and nro ciowdtvl
with a nnss of details interesting onlj to
loc.ilnnyllshtenders ; attd to bilanio this
nbridgoinent thoitticles on Aincricin sub
jects hn\o \ lugcly bwn icvviittcn.and , in
mostcasc1 ! , with fir preatcr elaboration.
Alcnglhy series of blogiiphlc ? lin bean
nildcd. Ills acnrious fict that neither Gi mt ,
Sherman , Sliuidnn , Harrison nor Cloveluid
Is incntlonccl ia the oti im ! "Urlttiniti , "
the design of that compilation es.eludlngbi-
oi iphics of living clmrncters , neirly one
Imuilu-d now maps have been Inserted ami a
number of well-executed engravings are in-
tiodiiL-cdto illustiito the text. The result is
u wotlc which , for Amciicin nso , is to the
original "Tjiltanlc.i" what the original
"Biitaiiln" is to all other encjdopulias , a
vvoikof ninth wocatitiulj saynftci , a oue-
lul c\aniliuitiun , tint it leatcs nothing to bo
Of the nialiinirof books tbow is no end.
Mo.uly twenty thousand volumes issue fiom
IjUiopeananilAineilcan preseseveiv yeir.
To Iveep nbieist of tlio aJvaniinR line of
thought and Imowledgobv the study of sip.i-
latovvoiks is n physical impossibility. In
offc'iinor our leidou tlio Ainoritmi ed Enoy-
clo-iudin Biitaniia we otl'ir tlicin tliobiiv-
Icesnf a thousand or more tmincil minds and
skillful pens , which have epltomls-fil in the
ton volumes of the cticvclopj-dii , tlie latest
fruition of thought , achievement imdilisiov-
ery m tho\vholo griMtand ever-widcnlnjclr-
clo of huniatiknowlcdge.
The following is a synopsis of the Nebraska
high license local option law
Section 1 provides that the county board of
each county iniy grant license for tbo sale of
malt , sphituous mid vinous IHJUOIS , if deemed
ovpcdiont , ujioa Uio application bv petition of
thiity of the icsiilent freeholders of the
town If the county is tinder township orjrm-
i/atlon. The county board slnll not have
nutlui it ) to Mine * any hcenso for the sale of
liquois inauj utj or incorporated MlUujoor
within two miles of thosauio
Sectiona provider lot the llliiifr of the ap
plication nnd for publuition of the applica
tion for ntleait two weeks before tbo grant
ing ot tlic license.
Section J ptovidcs for tbo liciriiiR of the
case if a remonstrance is filed tit'.iliist Iho
( frnntingof a license to Iho applUant
Put Uicr sections provide for the appealing
of the rcraoiistuinco totho di trkt court : the
form of the Hcenso ; thu giving of a STi.OOO
Liondbytho successful upi > lleaut foi tbo 11-
Sections S , 0 and 10 riako it an offense , pun
ishable bv * a mio of $ i" , for any licensed
liquor dolor to sell Intoxicating liquor to
minors or Indians
Sictionll provides that any person solllnp
iquor witliout a license shill ho lined not
.esstluinJlOOnor moio tlnn $ JOO for cich
offense ; and section ia provides for the trial
of such OiToiidcrs.
Section in makes it an otfenso , punishable
: > y a fine of 8100 and a forfeiture of license ,
far any licensed liquor vender to sell adul
terated liquor
Siclion 14 m ikes it an offense punishable
> y ailncof S100 for any person to Hell or Uvo
awny an ) liquor on Sunday , or on the daj of
mvRoiuiiil orspoual election.
Sections IStoll ) inelushe , define the lla-
nlitj of saloonkeepers for tlunngcs hustainod
jy any ono in consequence of tlw ti illlc and
iroviilo the stoisuects3arj tocollat such
ScctlonSl iclates to the Issuance of cliug-
sts' ' pciialts
The Ioi il option leatuie of the law Is con-
ained m section , tbo salient pirt of which
"Iho corpoiato authorities of all cities iiul
Hinges blmllh.ivopowcr to license , re ulito
nnd prohibit tlio selling ot iihiK' avvaj of
inylntotlcatlnff. malt , spintnoiis and vinous
Iquois , within tbo limits of such citj or\ll- \
UK-O This scotion alsoIKos tbo amount of
ho Hcenso fee , which shall not be leas thin
s-TiOOIn Mllapn JUKI cities having kss thin
0,00) ) inhibit nits nor loss than $ l,000lu citloj
Hiving n population of more than 10,001)
Settions t(5 anil .7 relito to druu Uts * rcs-
steft and penalties foi violation ot the rules
governing thosiimo
Siction'iS inikf-s drimkenne-is an offcnio
mnlshablo bj a line ofIO nnd eosU , or iai-
irisonmdit not 01 coding thirty iluys
Settion'J'J piovidos tint the doot > and via
ovvs of saloons shall bokoptfieofroniscreens
r bliuds
The Maori women inXmi Zealand nro Wll-
ng-themselves in theirellorts Unvonrcorsots
ineo thej hwa s > an thorn on the missionary
Mary Wollstoiiccioft's ' -Mtifibtsof Wonieii'1
vbleh was ptiiitcilm London inoro than ono
imidtedjeauiiffo , is to bo Usual again vcry
A hostess of authority in Paris has adopted
ho Innoi ition of uniting a hriruillniicr i > nty
nt small tables It is said that tbo French
view of flirtation , from vlncli tnoh vountr
people hwo lilthc-ito boon cirofully RUiirdcd ,
tiasmiitcrlnlh chnngoil , mil tint it Is tobe-
coino an admitted featuio of their society
Accepted sultoi Hut won't you llnd it
awkward. I3Unclie , when jou inuut jour first
husb ind In IIP iven I
l-iettj widow My do ir ( icqi-RC , I'm ' not a
bit if raid of that ever Imp-iiming ,
So jourllaiicols coniliiBlieronoxtweek , "
ho said us they strolled alonj ; tbo be-aoh.
"I'm afuld that our little waller will then be
ove'i "
" 1 don't ' know about that , " iho nnsworcd
"Ves"ho said , "I am afrild so. You sco
my liaimo iaiomlns hcio then , too. "
Shots not a ihiirinlnj ? creature
Sometlilnjjwioiiif witli every feature ,
Vet thuso iema-ks nro not , jou know. . In
tended as a stricture
Toi she possmc's pllo of "rocks"
Anil hitorcMtlnKl'oails andstoiks ,
\\hicli \ , takui altog-ethor , niaku hoi "putty
as a picture "
Mmd-"Vou Hhouldn't flirt so much , doir. "
Kthol-\Vhy nutr W'hmeUo caul do to
puss thothno ! "
Maud-"CJit j-nRUjcil forthostimmor , nnd
then jou vvill liuvu uno innii all tuour ) clf
Thu Kills who Hi rt hew luvo only ono man
amoi ! niloziii of them"
.Tohnni fiealhiKalouil a tile of ad\oaturo \ )
"And ho was cast on a ilusolntu shorn nnd
ho iliil not see tbo line of u ninn fill voiif. "
Slsttr Kate ' \Vliv. inaiiiina' tlie poor uufor-
tuiiato muit havebaon ivraked on KosoiluV
IJeich , v > liero wo weu lait mnnnier.'e \
VVIMD there three monthi , jou iMnonibor , and
didn't aw a uua thu whole-tlam"
Full Text of Propositions to Amend the
Stcto Constitution ,
Acts tiiibinlttlnn I'lolilliitliiu , lilccasu
-lEoKiilatlon , ( fiivtdliiK Cor Kho
Siiireino | 1itil cs nacl lucrcits-
l K Salaries Tluioofi Ktu.
presented n full to\t of the
acts submitting totuovotm of Nobusla the
l > roin)3ilion ito nmetuUho state roiulltullon
An act to Milmill tothi rli'iMoii otlho late
for toju'tlinot upiinnul.iti luiionlnionl to
tlio cuiistltiitlonof tlio Htito lo prohibit tlui
iinmifii'turi' . NIO | unit Kopniiij ! for HIII | > . of
Intiixu itliu lliiiorsns | a IMMMCO iniliitn-
> lilliiifor ! ( litininmror lot ni > ii iicliiro |
IiiscdainoiiniiKiit. anil ainitnuuliiuiil lithe
11 nst Hut Ion orilils k | ito U > HooitMiaiiilrof-
ulitullio iiiiiuitictun ; . Mlu uiul Uu'pln ; for
sili1 , ( liitiixliMlltiKlliiiiim ni a lnutiiKo
nnil pnivlilliiK ( or Ihn iimtiuirof tottnj on
HHCll | IUOM(1 | IllrlOII Illll'llt.
] k itcntioiul 1) ) ) tlio legislature ofthustato
of N'ubrisica
hectloii 1. Thntnt tlio fciicrnlPloctlon ( n bo
hell on tlio Tmsilin hUicecliiiR tlio Ilrst
Mondiiv oT Xovomber , A. U 1K ) , tliorosliali
biMubiultteil to tlio eloi-toN of this state foi
appiovalor Mjoitlou nu luneiilincnt Ui tlio
constitution of this state in vvonli ns fol
lo s : "Tho niiiuuraituro , nalo ami Ueoiilng
for sale of Intoxicating ; liquors w n bov-
er.igo ni-o foievrr proliibltoil In till * slito ,
and tlio lcfislituro shall piovldo by
ln\\ \ for on fdi cement of thU pro.
vision. " Anil thru1 slult .ilio ats aid olcillon
bo sepaiatoli subinittiil tolhadectorsofthii
stnto ioi- their
nppioval or rujci'ion ' an
aiiicndinent to tlio uonstttutlon of tlw state inv
vouls us follows 'Tho immunictuio , iile ,
amlkecphigfor sile of inloxioitiiij ; liignors
as n IxjvoraKO sball bollconsud anil ivynlitcd
b > law
bcction a. At tuoh election , on the Inllot
of oncli olotoi- voting for Iho propHecl
aiiiuidiiiont lo the constitution , shall borit \ \ -
toner nilated tlioouls 'Tor proimoil
aniuuliiicnttotbocoii'tltiitlnn , iirohlbitiniftho
iniinu fmturc , talc , and Icccpingfor silo of in-
tONlcatiiif ; liquors iis : ibo\nafc , " oi"aiiiiist
said j > roi > osiil amendment to tlio constitution
ithiK tbo nuiiufii'tiiH' , silo smd licop-
silo of intoxicating liquors us a bov-
'Jliori'sball also borittfn \ oiptlntotl on the
ballot oli-ach cUitoftotini ; foi the proposed
amendment to the constitution , tliovuuls
"I/or piooscil ) ) amoadiiieiitto thoconstitutlon tlio ni.iiiuruitiiio , sale and kupiiiR foi
saloof intojilciitinn liqiioi-siis i bo\oi-ip \ ) in
this state , slull lie licensed ami u > f ul itoj b
IIIM , " or "afjiinstsnid pivposul uinondinGiit
to the ( onMitiitloa that Ilio inaniifactiire ,
sale and laopin for sale of intoxU'itiuK
u li 'viniyo stnill bo licensed und
lj1.IAV 1
bie ! 1 If eitlier of the silil
anundinPiitssliallbL-approtcd by a maloiitj
of tlio Uu'tots s.iid elu-tiuli , Una it
sh.ill constitute siclion t\\uitysovpa ( "l , of
uitklo one (1) ( ) of tlic lotistiiution ol Hip slutc
'Jhls > bill lnviiiR reiiiuiiied VMth the nover-
noillvo ( T ) dnjs Suiidsni txcoptcd , the
Icgtslntuio bcinK In si'sslon thCKOVunoi hnv-
iriKrailul toiutum this bill to the liv'islalino
iluiiiifj Its session , and hnvliiK'filled to lilo it
in my oflico nith Ills objections within lUo(5) ( )
( lavs after tno adjoui-iimentof the Io0'islaturo ,
it Ins therein becomo.i law ,
A\itiuss \ tifl hand tills lyth dm of I'ebrmry
A. D. 1W. C lj LVAV s ,
Societaiy otStato.
Toiitneml sotl ( ( > 7istno(2) ( ) , fmirdl , mil ( l > o C > ) ,
ol urtliliMHof Iho c-onst Hut Ion of the st.ito
of Nrbraski , ( iitllltd "Jnillvlal Dopirt-
incnt. " mid l > rmldlng for ll > o ( * judges of
tlio sunronic tourt , and to reiitil sild
originil sections
Bo it resolved and enacted by the 'c0'islatuio
of the state of Nebmsk.i
Section 1. 1 hat section two (3) ( ) of nitlclo
sixO ( ) of thocoiistltutloii of the state of No-
br.iska , bo amended so as to r . ul ai follows :
"Sec. 2 The sitpioino coiut slull consist of
flvo(5) ( Judges , anuijoiity \\lmiushall bo
neiessaij to form a quorum or to pronouwoa
doilslon Itshall have oilRiuil jinlsdiction
in cases reljtiiij ; to lovcime , cl'ilcases in
which the stite shall bo a pirt } , nimiUumus ,
qiiovvairinto , hulioas corpus , ; ind such ap
pellate juribiiictlou as nuy bo iirodded by
la\v >
&cc. 2. "Tint soctinn four ( I ) of
article six (0) ) , of ttio constitution of the state
of Kobnslca , bo nineiided so us to itiad as
follows ,
faec. 4. The judges of the supreme
coiiit&luU bo elected by tlio electors of the
state at large and tlicir terms of cilice , ex
cept n-5 hcrciaafur provided , shall bo for a
peiiod of flvo (5) ( ) jenrs"
few. J Ihat bcction S\\c \ \ ( " ) ) of nitlclo
six (15) ( of the constitution of the sUite of
Nobrasln , bo amended so as to read as fol-
lovs :
Hoc S "At the fltst Rcneial election to
be held in the jear IS'JI ' , imil alter the
adoption of this amenilmcnt totho constitu
tion , tucio skill bo elected three ( if ) judges of
tlio supreme court , ono of uhoiu shall be
elected for tlio term of oao (1 ( ; jonr , oao
for the term of three ( a ) 3 ears ,
and ono for tlio term of ftve
(5)cais ( ) \ , nntl atcncliReneial clectloa tlioro-
after , there shallbo elected onojudRO of the
supromocourt forthotormof JHo (1) ( ) yiirs
Ptovidid , that ttio judges ofthubiipu'mo
coiutlmsotcrtni ha\o \ not e-vplrol at the
tinio of holdiiiR theponeial election of 1SSU
Hbsill continue to hold theirotllco for the re
mainder of the term for uhlch they vvcro re-
spativily elected under the iiesent consti
tution. "
Sec. I Thitcmli person votlni ; in favor of
this amendment shall have written or pi luted
upon his ballot tliu fo'lovvinj ' ; :
Tortile pioposed .iruonilinout to tlio con
stitution i elating to the number of supreme
Judges "
j\pprov \ ed Mauli 30.1SS9
TO istm ASF RAtvitin opjii > rrs.
Joint rcioliitlmi iropniliiK "ii , 'inu'iiImcnl to
sia ! ( > ntlililc.i'iiil ! ) if .11 llclckl \ ( i > | o ! tint
cinstlliitlonor Iho stile of , ind
Ihlujillio siliiry of jiidms of the fcupaiiiu
anil dMilLtioiuls Inlilsbtuu (
Bolt i * . solved by tlio legislature of the state
faci-tion 1 That section tlilitccn OH ) of
article six (0) ) of the onstllution of the sla o
of NcbiMku be .mieiidcd &QU.S to re id an fol-
lovvs :
{ -ILC. 13 The julfjes of the supreme court
slull ciich receive u a.ihry of thlttyllvohuii-
drtd dollars ( : ) , ' > < > ( > ) per amiiini , und the
judges of tbo dlidlet coiut fahnll rewi\o \ u
saliryof tlueo thousand dollars ( $3,000) , ) per
annum , ind tlio hjlur of tacb shall bo pay
able quirtarly
Sec. 2 person v otinp Infavor of this
amciidncnt shall have vu'ittcn or printed
upon bis ballot the following :
Tor the pioposud nmondmont to the con
stitution , rclitiiik' to thu salan of judges of
the suiiiLMiionnd distinct couit. "
j\lpiwed.\lanli HO Ibb'J
J.'lm I'liit fuiiii.
The icimblleuiisot Ncbi islca roltrnitcind
iu ( milliini-ntiil nrliiclnlcs
ot icpulillcanpart ) , as onunul.iled liy : i
hiucusslnii ulnutlonalii'pulillcnn coiinlloiis
f i oiii ls l u > IWH , mid uo lilltMii 1 lu ! npiil-
lluin party iiipulilu uMi'allni ; Mllli OHM y Ulal
Issnu tlint loiiiuiis inn Aiiiulcan pmiilc
wliiiiiMtr tin1 1 auk ami lin nf Ilio
paity nn > ciiiniiiiiiiclcil In tliocuiciiuuf lin It
political ilahN
\\o \ In HI I fly endorse tlio wlso nnil iimscrui-
t Ue adnlnliliulliii o [ I'lishliut HuriNiiii.
\VnulRotiiIly iipmi\ th IMI iicll in oltho
roiinhlluiii mi lulu rs of liitli lunisii of cou-
UMSIndilllllliix Hit' plfiUi-s of tli ; parly In
leuMallni iipmi thct lolnij ? " ( if Hlhur mid
ntlmr iiuiiniin l iiiillomil linpni I IIIIMJ. unu
eoiin-ialiil id the louiilrvnponlliu toiitlnuud
icdiit'l Inn ofllic iiillonil dilit.
\ \ mosl luiirt Hy tnilnthii tliu notion of the
litiiublli in inii iiis in pimlnsj the ills iWlltv
pcn-iloiililll and tlio iipulillfuniiiuHlli'tiuvlii )
apiirov iil tin sium anl ri-xiKl It an 1111 net of
justli'o li ) ! " " „ ' < ! ' In j iid. liii'HUMiof Iho npo- ]
sltliii tn all just piMiiluu li lslulon by
a < ! i < in in rat In pnsldnit mid n dcinoiritlu
longroM , yd wo iln mil ri < ; tid ll ui tlmfiill
rittoKiilliun of I lie unit ill-lit of ( ihliKutloii
nlildi tliu uinorniiit'iit anil thopooplo o f to
tlllHO Illlllll IIIKIlliy II IHllllOf "llO.CftllC'llflCIM
u ml doiiitltin tliu union wis ; suvod umJ the
B < > i rnioi iitii'btortfd. .
Vo liolil iiiihonisl. popular b.illot nnd ajnst
uii'l ' i-q iiiil r < [ indent alluii of all Iho | ifi > jilo lo
! ) HID fiiiiiiilaion of mir ropiildlonn RiiMirii-
intnt. Mini dinitinl t ITn llxi Itt Uliit Ion tn s -
oiiii1 lull i lly an I puril > uf uln't Imm. MIL | ! li
uii Hi" ( IHIII I it Ion or all pnl > ll vuiitlnu It )
\\n \ fiivor biicliu icuiiun 01 HID OK itloii
lawi of tlui htiiln nielli xiiuriuiti i to < \oiy
\iiti r the ir ( nt i- > t | ) os lliU' uu HI ) Inlliituist-
111 , ' ( ) f III- . Illlllll Illltl M'flllK till' JllllllHllllll'Ill
of nuy whu may at tdupt ilucm iiiiitlini or
Intliuiditloii of volut-x ; uiul i < d\ir
tlio AiHtialluli lialloL htMiiii for nil
liuoi iKirulutl touns und rltlm. uppllul > l < >
bolli topilniirv und n/ulitr clu'tlons , t > u fair
u II ooiiforias to mi r nr/iinli * law
\\v \ \ oppose luu'JuioiiuiJolj ' m uturjfforiii , do-
. . . . . . Inrfclluronf iwnrned hint Irani"
nnil tliorcirvntlotin * tlio | > itl > llei domiin fur
lioint'sleinlprs only.
He * n > conl/o the right ot l.nbnr In orjnnlm
for lt-4 pro tret Ion , and livnll linf-ilnuum * in
siuirc to lUHl tbo unatent luwiiil'or IH
thrift nnd Initusirv.
\\o \ \ nris Infiivoror hVT-tcoitiiiotll-ig rnllmml *
and imiuifnctun'rs " Id u o atiiillitiiu'ithldi
> ifor Ilio iimtcilioiinf I tliorens
nli A\o \ tit in m j tboi'ti 11 hut'nt
of 11 liiv : ( lolliilnjtl olliiblllt.\ ( MiipliiMM for
liilurln Mululniil 1 > > IMIIIIo | < ltiiii'h ease *
* * fiero | > roHr safotfu-rds liii\ ) not | K OII IIMI !
in ocuip illotH UniiKenntto life * , limber
or lualtb liilliiuil nnd ntlur imblh
eiirintloin | < > | iiiiilil boubjivt In unit nil
through tin Icvliliitlio po ir tint crviittf
them , rbclr uiiiliui IntlniMioo In Ic t-lit imi
ami courts and of uiuii'i'owiry bunloiis up >
the pioplo and Iho llluitlllmito liii'tci-.i > ot
xliuk or eipltnl , Mionlil bo pni
lilblti'il ly ( tiliiKOiit hrt"Vo di
mind of tbo st lin Hint tlic piiipiMiy
oloorinriitli'ii ' sliiilllii'tnviMl the tine * . tbnt
oMmllililinlH ; lliatllio | irnlslnn of our i-on
HtlllltlOII Illlllllllli ; tllO IKNOS'llllMll Of ft III
rliNe > stliti.ll be nifoiiod by Miltatilo lik'lsla
tlm.Wo do further npptit our ilot-hr'ithn in
f.itor of just mil fnlr sirx ten pi iw on
Kiililxil nciiiiJIiiK to li'iutli nf nri i i fur
I'M'iy * il < | lirunlMIIliir f < miclit tu Inhall
oil ho uii I on uiul by ion-tin of ulnm- i nit n
viulltiCH nnd ilusotluii the KOIOIIIIIIIMII imn
\ \ dun mil t liorivliii-t Innof fri'luht nmt p n
* r raid oiiMillniKlxti * onrri iimulltli
ID | iri < \ tillliiKln tliciifljii'ont lull's In
t In1 MlsslHsliijil. nnd wo fin tliir ( lunutiil t tint
t.iktu--iibuiita tlollni In e'liiin- , thov k'lpol
tlipmsilv oslo suerali'bolio sti'.iki and loft
t\u \ iliiiianil tluiMiblMi.ndit ot n VNtt in _ r
ofpnstil tilt'tti iih | > , nnil I0ui ( | < st mil iiie'lii * \
lurs ItiKiiikri-Hstii vuto foi * o\e riiiiie > nl inn
tml of tin. ti'li-Kti p i
rs nt mibllo ilovndm that rr-
an I Inttdlo cm In ( u
a , ci Mioiill lie iliM-liicd pnMli < ire
biiii > * oiim , iiTid OiiniK | < llul under piniiltt
( * \ * . -
( sblpnnc limiilli * llii'uiHK nt
all pet"K > iiHHllli \\ltlioiitillsirliiiliinlion tlm
shio ri n itlnit i InrKo-fiirMoriki * iiml in
| iictlon. Ml iillrnnl ( ( iiniuiloH ] Kin mid l >
ruin ind to HulU b. hml hanillo. in IMM nnil
thfn tliPK * ila of all iie'i-sunx , vlllmul ellr n
\ \ i * fnxorllio ontilnaiil of raoro it rlnaoni
u-iit v 11 > \ - ami thill uifoniHiiiiit un , |
> e'Hio iii-iriltln. Iho
l ciml'lli in pitty
liisslioa hi ! Aini-rl ( in pop in a Mil > l uml
iiliitliiiifrciic uf Kolil.Ihor ind | inp t ml
linsralo'd lln < e-adlt
of tliu intlon t < > OIK < if
11m Inslio-uiif any i iunt r ) of Hut iroill mil
I liolr < Ifoi tito fullx ri'iiiiini.'t 1m Hllior n > iiil
hi ( onlliiiiul uiiill It Is dim lurfe-cl ooiulli j
asii money nietnl , wllli Kiilil-
Ho fivorlliu inodllluit im of Ilio Mil tiller d (
our -.t.ilo Iiisiu-liniaiiiicr us slull prin e'nt tlm
l'i > Inj or jiulHiiM'iils ' otiiK'd for Hork an I
lalior nnil li oiiie-tiiiint it suib lius asxhali
pim l li for Ilio ppoeil ) colkotlim of tlio w.iKei
of inn1 Inhoiirs.
\\H \ \ fnnrii rcvlslonnf tliotaillT In th < tutor *
osNorilic iiroiliui'i mil libonr. llnliuixtii
iliilli-siin artlclis oT loiiiniDii IHO rhiiiilil lie
lilii'i'dns low as l < conslstintitlia \ \ jitotec
t Inn of Aincrli all I in Ills ! t lit.
\\i \ \ onildiso t linuctliiii olllielnti > t it' <
niKsion III unit rlMK : ili il lilt Ion of tin r > n
r.ili's lut\Miiii ; tlio Mts uiirl Hie'r and 1 iUi
\ \
H (
tollnilt ptniliuMliin. uintnil siipplis il i hu
iiiicusiiios of llfo and to < iil\aiii- | ir i n
( Ml liiiinl.illo Ilio list lnt Tistof * . < li < t \
anil tin unjust Ih.ililt Inli i r. n MCInli tin !
initur ilhm * of iniiiii | < i Itlnii ami ii.uh mil
ask Uicli i KiinilHiiiiu | | svion lj ) lav
7- i stiif it /ttu-jitt HI i.
A Vouii1 * ; liiKl ) , Jlltteii lj it I'd Do * * ,
, P.I. , Inly 'f.-K'i.itn
U ) Tin1 J3r : ] . MIM .rumiu llailmm , n
pietty and .ifomplMievl nirl , sliot lursolf
fiiUllyc.irl ) Ibis inomhiKiit Icrt7luvvii f mi
miles fiom hero Ton iio Mssliirt
man , vlulo playing in \ \ bill , n
intlic ihce'kby hi'r ji t do , ' Mio v * is iippri
luiiHivo oC fatal results anil jjreinilaii \ \
\estcidav sbcbpline * alirnilinilj ilospniul
out miJ < u fussed to he-r friend , Mi t
AVilUer , sbo conlil not iviovu1'hci her
lois of that awful imladi aw cvir before
ino , " she said rl am its Uctini , but I jiefor
ant otkr dc.itlitu tlio one I liio\vls imtoro
for me "
llerfiioiiihMTO no\v Infoimeil that her
mind was aircit < itl AiiaiigemenlH we < ro
therefore coinaicacedfor itriiito JCiuio.l'a. . ,
\vhk-U the physicians unaiiimoiislj agieeil
\voul < l lubtoio Uet health mentally and [ liys .
'llKM wcio to have slatted Iho noxtilnj
IVIlss Hiitnun hcaiiiomoie e.ilni ami li fen
letliinglastniKlitwiis cbcoi fuliitKloxpiimod
the pit ismosliofult lit Ilio pi osinvt of so a journtv Doth lulus oi-iujiicil the
sumo mom Shortlv after inidiilB'ht Miss
Ailkcr stiitleil b.i sbrldts "Lou , I1
must end tins misery. " Iteforo the half
avuke-nod piil couldtoall/o tlm fiiuinlnjr e > (
tbovouls , tlio iciioit of n pistol shot
liuird mil Miss I r.irtninn fi'll a e'ori > so , tlio
shot plon-Ini ? hir heat. Visions of li\ilro \
pliohla had haunted lier daj ami iiiplit Misii
lloitinauvt tvtat thru ) yeua
The Chic'i-io Saloonkeepers Dctl.irc
. \Kiiiist Ilio llritlsli lliexverM ,
Cnifmo , Julj 80 [ Special Tulepram to
Tnc ] ! i r J Tlio Kngli-,11 sjndicnto which
bouKbtup the imjont ) c ( tlio brevvcnos in
tills citj arein afnir\va3 of ( rcttingintosuil
ous trouble In fact tlioio is c\ery \ Itidicution
of a nurry war with tlio saloon men Tbo
brewers , at the meothff lield afowilajs a o'
atvvbitli tnej i-aisedtho pace of a b.niul of
beer fioni $ .ltoi < i , vent so viciously lit tbo
vvorlc of rtcoiuiliation , that tbiy jiibsed
tlio follovviiiK resolution :
li ! soiled , lly Iho ( lilo.izo nnd Milwaukee
brewoii' nssoulntlon , Mhit luMiafter no
niiluoiiUopirsball hualloncd lo c'kmmfnun
uiiolntnoi lo .inollur. Inoa-olt cm lie aV
c-titnliipil by this association tint anj H.iloon
Kitpoih is i isi ) | to pitionl/i * nno 1m-WIT and
liistriinsfcrii d his jntioniBiMo uiiitlici tlui
bicncrlii Aihoin tluiK ilonnUtipi r luis KOIKI
Hlull ] njtotho hritvir who orlKlnnllv HIIJI
plltd tin i.iliioiileop ra mynll > fif not losi
tlnii S-lpoi' bui id furall the biui liu btlli to
buld Haluoiilioptr
This lias btnrtol tlwlaicost Wild of aio\v
The mloonlneiiirs' nssoditlnn is about to
tiilo a haul AcconlliiK to n iiuiiibu1 of
sahxmlipopin itnic.ins tlthci thatthoj will
lime lobcll to Ihelr custonn-M it inisi-nblv
poor ailk-U of brer , or tbi ) Mll bmo to
fiviiti nnLmi
biiuupiiniiiKiit siloonueopor : "i vion
stind tint Mud of liimiiKM I vv ill buy mj
ben olvvboia I pl < list , so longas Jluio Hi i
monevto " jjj for it , nnd though I h.i\o al
wi\s" pitioia/cd CliidiKO linnorii1 * unltl u
few d.ijs auo , 1 mi getting no liecr lioni ! - > t
Louis. Sniio thiso IjiiKlinli suidiutes uimo
OMI bcro tin 10 his lieoa vcrj' littlemirobetn
undo and this has hetn nwilo by small
Amcriian toacans. I hive been buvini ;
fioui ono of these ut ) to the time tint pilics
\vciit dovvnso uroniilo of vveiks IncU M.v
bitvvcrbuiiii , ' a ( oinpuati\ily \ poonnuniould
not boll out at the cut tate , so ho hid to io
into sa o lilnisolf Now lie vvillhavo to niako
tliU com betr "
Chailcs Jd.ruono of the most | iioniiiunl
Gorinun rostaiinnt-kiopir- tbo litj.aml
who lundlcs an enorinoin iiimmiitof hwr
said tliosclmno was outnutcous "U'hy" be
aillcd , "tlw biiwora buve for joirspasl
mule .iprollt of from.'Mlto fill pci cnnt on
tluir Investinunl Then thtso lOiiKlislnnoii
come in beio unl pa > aHK \ mlt o foi llicur
] > huts , nnd then , to K < 't buMiic" s in pmd
shipe , thojvatir the stoflc so Hint itwil
piy or 10 per cent U'hntls Iho mult
They meet with competition IMM mso thoj
slut out \\ith iniMtil , ' li.ulliocf ls' aiil'iTT
dipomliiit hroHtrioi o Into biisln. ss anil
unite i tfoixl urtli lo , and ovoiibodt win can
< lo i > intronui'sllioin it costs the .sjndi
c.ilo mono } lo llnlit llicsu n < * u cmuoriiH and
piopoilloiuitnlv IhcirptollLs aiocutdo\\n "
Dthrr piiiiuiiniit Buloonlccqiura biij that
unless the ohiioxinlH rule is resilndtd tbo
lOiiljlisliiiienvillho si'cn ( fctllnt ; "tit of tbo
bruvoi ) builiiuu before long fuitor than
ttuv KOI In
Biihsorlho'l imd fliiaiantcfl C'apltul J.TOono
1'ild InCnpliiil . .W.003
Iluymndnollsitooks anl biiiln ( ! lORollnt" >
coiiiimrulal p | ioi ; rocilvoi and ovuutt ;
truitf * . iiitjtn > * triHiufcr uiiint and tiuslio I
comoritlom , tatos iliar o of pioi.rti | , < - " '
Omaha Loan&TrustCo
S E Corner IGtli nnci Douglas Sts
hi | ! ) < * rliodiind | lluariinli'iil "
IJibllUy ofhloiklioldm > JO'ootl
C 1'cr ' Cmt InliiriHt l'4ld < m m-ii | lti
IUANK J lAM.KUu.lncr
Oflloori A U. Vytniin , pimldcnl ; J J llrown ,
vlcoprmldont W \Yyinun , irowiiw
Dlrootorn . II Wjmun.J . II MHlur ; ! I J
llrown. Uuy U Iliirtiin. I \N Nusli 1 lioni
J , Hjuball Uuuu U. Llku. Ul