Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1890, Page 2, Image 3

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.Tho . Men Who Robbed the Elklorn Train
Last Monday la Ouitodj ,
A llriikemnn nt Columbus Ifntalljr
.Hurt ItuMliliiiico nt Crete Iliirncil
-Died orillsU'ouiult I'rnlrlo
WX , Nell , .fuly JU. ' . [ Special Tele
gram to'I'm : Ur.n.-Thot\vomcti robbed -
bed wvend piwengors nn the ISlkhorn tniln
last Monday night at Arabia wcio ensured
today thri'o ' miles south \Vooil Luke. Uvcr
Mnrcthf ilccd was committed thcyliuvc been
lost lii the sand hills , nnd they supposed that
they were traveling away from the rallronil
when they were getting nearer nil the whlli1.
ICarly this morning they went to the homo
of .1. 1J. Umco arid tried to induce him to
lake thorn to some friend * they clulmi'il to
have near tlio B , fc M. railway. .As they
could uut toll their friends names , Mr. Drum
bct-nino mispldousof tlicin iind concluded
ttn'.vwftv the ( ruin robbers.
JJuinjiwd tomato the trip for thorn but
t'llOtticin to stay nt his house until ho went
to ii neljiibor's to borrow n spring WIIKOII.
This the ineii iurtvil to do , nml Mr. 1 truer ,
Instead of gnliii ; for \V.IKOII , went to S. 0.
Hurw.s , nnoltlibor ; , and sent him Into Wood
Lute fur assistance.
C A. Jnlmsnn , Milliam Hay , TJ. Myers ntnl
nnotlii-r lonn nimoilthiMiiselu's and proceeded
to rapt 11 IT tin1 fugitives , whii'h "was done very
ciusll ) , as the men were neatly trapped nml
inudr but little resistance. The outlaw
are brothers , tliPirnnmra arc , { . A. nml Vcl-
wore lU'iTon and they live nonrll.ittU1Creek ,
Nolivhero , they I'laliii ' ti ) have friends who
will help them out of tliclr scrape.
CoiiOui'trir ' Jicnlon , who hud charge of tlio
train ttint wai robbed , went to Wood L.nko
nml lilontllludthcftn. In their possession was
found four-15 Smith & U'esaou iwolvfra , .10
In silver , ouo boyus silver dollar and the twj ?
they nuilu the passenger * deposit their
II1OI1PV 111 ,
Th < 'y seem to to new men atthhwork ,
but from the preparations they bail maJo
then ? Is no doubt they had started out to
mul ' train robbing their business. Deputy
Sheriff Johnson bu : taken them to Valentino
for safe keeping.
llmki'iiian Katally Hurt.
Cm.i.HP'S , Nob. , July IW [ .Special Telegram -
gram toTui : llni : . ] IJcnJrttiiln Vojjt , n brake-
man , wai fatally Injured at this pluco tonight
by ilio cars. The doctor says ho can survive
but a short time. His patents llvo In San-
born , la.
lirx-Uli'iiot ! nt , troto Hum oil ,
Ciii-ri : , Neb. , July 30. [ Special to Tin :
Bui. The residence of 3Irs. Samuel ' \YI11-
Iium Imjncd to the Ki'ouiulat nn ciuly hour
this morning. lois $1,1)01) , ) , insurance STOU ,
Iho I'raiiic I'lro nt
< Ju\NT , Xeb. , .Inly 9) ) . [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hii' . | Further revolts from tlio
prairie fire , ivliieli burned Sunday , IMou-
dayandTuesduy , lire to the effect tint Lou
'I'ierson lost twenty acres of whent , l > le
Ol.vm forty acres and his buildings ; Jack
McC'louil his dwelling and ImllclliiRs ; W. H.
KoiciK'raiits. Ed 1'arltcr , 1) ) . AY. Wnlluee , O.
W Mcllanihnn nml others lost much grain
and bay. The 41ro was stnrtedby two small
ftom of Joriinio Datio , who wuiitcd to burn
a neighbor out. Tlio pooili | am indignant ,
unit trouble is browing. Tlio loss will mount.
mi In t lit ; thousands.
The I'Voitiunt Camp Mcctliij * .
VIIKMOXT , Neb. , July ) . [ Tclo-
pmm to Tun BKF. . ] The Methodist camp
meeting cloned its llrst week tonight. ThoU
O'clock pravcr meeting was conducted by
Kcv .T. T Crnola. j\t S o'clock the Reiici-af
inccthiK wasted by : Mrs. J. D. Maxlleld , ana
it was uio of great interest. At 10:110 : liov.
C.X- Dawson ot Ouwlia pronchcd an able
sermon.t 2 : : J liov. Crooks preached
iiffaln. Atlo'cloclc the JSpwortli loiwiio was
ln'W under tlio culdimcoof Jicv. DayhotT.
Toulffht Kcv. Tindull of Central City
preached an eloquent sermon to a largo coii-
yre''iition. '
Now nirlvals from Onmlin arc Rev. J. W.
Mnniuctto anil family. A special nrojruiunio
of cmiiicnt foreign talent Is Wnp : prepared
1'or next Sundav and Monday , on which days
Chancellor CroiRlitoii of Lincoln will bo iires-
ent , preauhiiiK onSuiidiiy and dollvedntj an
address on Monday. Dr. ' 1311 McICish of
Onai'KO sommnry , Jllinois , tiudLnthor Jlen-
Hon are also expected.
"Grandma" .laclcson. ono of the old fnl-
Olcrs in the army of tlio UirU , being in the
m > ithborliood ; of ninety years , arrived from
121k City lust evening ,
Filley Iteiiiiion ,
I'll T.KV , Xeb. , July : ) . [ Special Tele-
prram to I'm : HEI : . ] Tlierovas a
crowd la camp today. Early in
Uio i-oads were literally nllvo with wajjons
and other veliielos briiiKliif ( In the people
from the surroundinsf country. Sorgcuub
Cole and M. Davis spoke In the forenoon ,
Coiiiiinioi | ! of old veterans were formed ,
mined nnd drilled thu afternoon for the sliani
battle tomorrow. The people ) -\vcro addressed
by 1 Ion , O. II. Kverctt lieatrlco T , M. Ma
jors , Her. A'an fleet , Captain Xyo and others.
At 7 o'cloelc a dress parade by tlio Grand.
.Army of tlio liepubllo nnd battery A was
wltiie-jM-d by tlio crowd. Many interesting
stories uru being told nround eamp flro to-
iil ht.
Tomoirow la tlio big day. Van " \Vyclt\vill \
l > 01iiviit and speak in the forenoon. At tJ
o'cloi'lttlio shiinihattlo will be-rln and will bo
onuof Iho crowning features o ( tbo reunion.
Coin n i It t Jlwi't I n ; t a t 1'a i rlmr y.
RUIIIM IIY , Xcb. , July ai > . [ Special Telo-
Krom toTiicBiii ! . ] The dt'inooratlo central
cominiUeo wet this alternoon , notvlthstand-
lii { all talk of their tyliifr to tlio alliance.
'J-'ho expression of the meeting was unani
mously in favor of putting oat a full county
and ' state tloket. T. K. Delvalb will bo
chosen for llont i-cprcsentntlve. IIo was
orapowrretl to choose bis deli'K'ites ' to
the convenlloii and seleeted T.
John liestorson , Juines Kivini , ' , Jacob 7.oolc ,
Conrad Urucr. J. A. MeCrlRht , Uon JIoss.
" chosen to state eon ventionaro : ! .
1' frost , John ICestcrson , Oeorco L'lurh , P.
I * Mow , James llwlnp , Sidney Unrtls , C. D.
looro. DolcK te.s to thoi-oiiKrossional eon-
vcntlPii nroi 13 , R Fisher , .lames D , Hubble ,
I J Ui'ltulb , .lolm Convfrse. John (5ris oin ,
John Tonneniakcr , Conrad Hnier. The
county i-ouventlon will bo held September 2O.
filiot , U'lillo Trying to Kscapc.
D.VUOTV. CITV , Xeb. , July ao.-fSi > eclttl
U'elesnuu tQ Tnc limArthur : 0. llelt-
XIUIH , a young lad from Sioux City , was shot
by thoinniMiul of CovhiKton last iilgbt whllo
trylitKto Cbcitpofrom that offlcer , Young
lleltnianvis held hero in the county Jail to
appear as n witness and was Killed out by
lili uiotbov. Vestonlay she heart. ! ho was po-
ing to leave the country nnd nbo liad sonw of
the ofllcers tliul liliu seas tobavo him put
luclc in Jailfur safe Iteepinif.
Marshal U'lllUms nrrvsted him and wiis
iinloelilnK' the calabooso duor when lleitman
lilt him a bjo\v on the bead and then tried to
< Vapo , but U'llllams followed and shot him
vhuii ln > iodised to itop , The bullet went
through ttio fleshy part of the lot ? between
the Iciiio and hip. U'ho vouud Is not dim *
ijcrous , us no bones wcro bwlu'ii.
Ho Moil About tIi < Senlis. |
DAKOT.V CITV , Neb. , July lK-Special (
Tclofinun to Tin : Br.n.llunii * > s Teller was
Inimdovorto tlio district court lodny for
Kettlng Ixwiavou eali which ho s\voro \
were wolf seal i , and which wcro atorw.irdi (
jirovoa to be squirrel sealp-i. Teller brought
in forty-oiio scalps mid wis jnid the vsuiil
houuty on all olthoni by the deputy dork ,
nlio cleric uelnK absent at tbo time. When
IDO sculps WQi-ouxaiuluetl there wcro six wol (
scalps and the ivst woi-e tlio e.ilp of gray
< V AVH'c's Iiilhlullty.
LINCOLN , Keb. , July : w-fSwoial | to
TUB HIK. | \V , II , Strong o ( Mluourl ViU.
Icy fell in love with Ids iielBhbor'awlfo.Mi-a ,
Phillips , uiidbuci-ooded In cr to
elopes. wltU him They nrrlvcd In Lincoln to-
Ketncr last nlplil , but tbc di-serU'd htubatul
Icuru oil whltbor they had lied , nml appcnrnd
on thetctMio thh cvmlng , 'I'lie pullty on
\voro [ oundat tlio depot end I'lillllpi caused
their nrivstlnstantcr ,
On sol infills wife behind the bars , 1'liil-
lip * iflontt'd nniiiloclartvlhc * would not pros
ecute them. They -\vcro therefore rulcaictl ,
7hon Mrs. Phillips told lier huslinnd that
she would have nothing more to do with him
nnd invited him to leiivo her severely alone
In the future. I'liilllps ii astonished at hh
vvlfo'a actions. She Is a very attractive
Charged AVIl Ii ( 'i-iiiilunl A Mint It.
UASTINOS , Nrn. , July ! K ) . [ Special Tele-
gnitntoTni : ] " 5rK I Francis Chllton , temporary -
ary agent of Iho Hurllnptcn railroad nt
Junluta , was suwsited thl ( morning for crhnl-
nal nssaulton nllftt'cn year old fM named
1'eariOttK Clillton is clinryed v'th ' entic
ing thoRlrlto the gn\n \ oftlco at alate hnur
last night and with force nccompllaUlng 111) )
purpoio. llovas arrested nt tbo imtunco
of .InJRO ymllh. IIo waived cfiunlaation
and vuis brmiKlit to Hustings for safe keen-
liiif. Tlio wildest excitement prevails at
'Juniata and throats of violence uro freely
made , UblltonU ix married man.
Died of II IH WoiuulN ,
\V.\Ki : t'ici.D , N'oU , July ri ) . [ Special to
TIIK Uni ! . ] j\ll places of business were
clused from 10:30 : iv. in. tolp. in. yesterdtiy
on nccountof tie funriMlof Dr. J. J. Long.
who ncr Idea t all y shot himself \vhilo out
hunting latt Saturday. Services wcro held
In tlipi'rwbytcrian church ntll o'clock ' , and
the interment wis in the Walwllolil cemetery
at 1'J o'clock , under the supervision of A. O.
U. \ \ . lodiji' , ofwbk'h ' Dr. L.cnp had been a
member , lie ono \Vaicelleld'a llrs > t
suttlcr.s , 1ml an oxtcnslvo practice , and \vui
liked by all.
.An Iniporlanl i
.x , Kob. , July 30. Oflicers of the
Irish National Iniiriio today issued nn address
to nicmbew of the loaiiuo throiiRhout the
country , setting forth thu urgent necessity
for tlio immediate transmission o [ all avail
able fiincttin. .America to tlio homo orgnnixa-
tionand : iutliiiri/iii > , - all brunches and indi
viduals toforuard fundi direct totbotroni-
urei'iu IJulilin , Dr. Joseph HJ. Keimev , M. I' , ,
No.-lt Ujiper O'Connellitreet , Dublin.
Hot \\linU \ tit l''nlrm < nit.
PAIUMOVT , Js'ob. , July * ) . [ Special to TUB
IIK. ! ] Yeatenliy was the severest day on
vegetation of all kinds linownlii this vicinity
for years. Thothcnuoi'iieter stood lit 10 I5
In tlwsbiule atlt o'clock In the afternoon and
a verllablo hot'.wind was blowing from the
southwt'at , The corn is badly injured , and
unless there is an opportune rsxin tbo crop
will bu almost 11 coiiiilete ) failure.
Tliey will bo Put on , IS'cb. , July 110. ( Siiccial Telo-
pn in to TUB Bir . ] 'Eleven hundred and
eighty-five original paclugos were received
at tbo B. , t 51. dciwt today from Kansas
City by rredUorluun , the \illao clerk , an
agent. Tlio good * will bo plaied on sale
August 1 , .
llo 'lliroatcncd to 1C ill ItltU'ifo.
AI.IJIO.N , Kcb. , July o. [ Special Tele-
Rfam to TuiBii.l ! : Uathau Sullivan is In
Boone county's jull for threatening' to lull
hiswifo and vlll i-oinainhere for safe keeping
until bis trial \VheeltTcountyat the next
district court ,
A.I1i.incc Coiix'cntion at Gctiinu.
GENOA , Nob. , July 00. [ Spoeiul Telegram
to TIIC 3in.-Tho ! : alliauco convention for
the nomination of a lloat representative for
Xunco and i'latto counties , met today and
nominated Henry Stevens of I'latto.
Tin1 Homo 'I'cjiin Won.
Is'iimAicx : CITV , Neb. , July 3D. [ Special
Telegram to TUB llKE.I Tlio came of ball
between the Xqbraskii City and Teeumseh
teams i-csulted in a victory for the home team
by ascoro of 'Si to II.
llcluriH .Slio\v a To till of 305 , OOO
O. , July 30. rSpocial Telc-
toTnn Biu. ] Toinorroxv's 1'rlcv Cur-
runt will any ; There hai been nnotbcr week
of exceptionally liberal marketing of hogs ,
largely duo to the dtouth conditions. Tbo
western pacUIng returns showing u total of
S05,00 ( ) . nearly no to the preceding week , and
100,000 , in excess of corresponding time last
year. Trom March 1 the packing is 5,1175,000 , ,
nj ulnst 4,0-15,000 , a year ngo. Lcudiii ! ; places
coinparaas fellows :
Nrbraska uiul Imva I'ensloni.
AV.VSIIISOTOS , July ) . [ Special
to Tin DCK.J Pensions granted N'o-
brinkmii : Original Puny K HettiiiKcr ,
Wullaco ; Charles J. Hold , Verdigris ; John
Burkart , Fulls City ; Kulirlaiu Miller , JMin-
den ; .lolin II. Kelly , Baruda ; Samuel A.
Wright , St , Edivuvdj ; Elijah Kutherford ,
Kcbi-nslia City. Iucr a.soJool 11. Goodrich
Wood ItlverVillhuuQuigloy ; , Hay Springs'
Original widows , etc. Nancy J. , widow of
Joliu II. Thompson , North Demi.
Iowa : Original George Simons , Counci ,
niuiT ; Jnmfti 1C. Fink , liurlhiBi Clurloa H.
Vaiieo , UUirlndu ; I'orcious H. Chtiinborlainl
Xewelli t'lintS. Uoyntun , Lu Porto ; JolinU.
CJustln , MUdletinvii ; Gilta ISaiullut , Mix-
well ; Daniel Adhy , Dixtor. Iiiercaso llen-
juiiiln 1 , , Browii , lirooks. Original widows ,
etc , IIiuiuuli , widow of George MeKolly , Jr. ,
Colfax ; Jane , widow \\'illlura ( N. Evans ,
Iowa City ; Ilaiiuali M. ICsltow , former
widow of Muttliow II. McDonald , Sbenan-
doih ; 1) ) . Samuela , father of Samuel Smith ,
jr. , Belle I'laine. "Widow" nrreaisLaura
( J. Adams , former widow ot Clark K. Wevor ,
F'ort Madison.
Mnrkot Keportiat Manolicstei * .
M.vKcuroTEit , July 3D. [ . Cable-grain
toTiiilKEj-ThoGunrdiaa ) , in its commer
cial nrtldo says : The market show * great
strength but llttlo activity. Various consld-
eratloue , mujnly the dc.iruc ot cottou , con
strain iiroducoi-a fenerally to hold llnnly for
full prices nnd to strive after advance
rules. They meet with butlittlosueccss , how
ever. Oucusloiinlly favorite makes are sjld
until Fcbrviars" orMmvh , but -with little niar-
fjliion Interinediato deliveries. On the oilier
hnad. stocka are held In tiumeroiiH Instnnccs
Jiwiltin ; , ' buyers hi Important quantities at
ouslor price * . Theix * h u moiturato buatness Inexpert
export yam tor India at , fiw rates. Tlio ro-
ocntly mvlycil Japan donuud Is sustained.
Cliinii la doln u little. There Is a slight do-
iiwud m tlw 1 iidhi doth dopartmonts. Tlio
boat slilrtlni ! * for India nnd Cbiuii are linn.
Most inukoi lira n-oll sold , Fine and fancy
for riiilia nro also well sold. Common Boat prints are Inquired
for. Tliero- are a few sales oC common. There
is llttla Improvement in otlu'r furnishing
uroods. Heavy vroods nro quiet , The prices
ofsomoaro liardcnini ? ,
I'trtt ( uitiniiH.
ST. I'KTUiwnrxu , July 80. [ Special Cable- toTnr. Bun.J The prefects ot
anrtMoMllflhuvoiilvMi ofllelul notice that all
.rcws cliaixdl with arrogant and Insolent bo-
luvlor will bo refused trial by Juatieoaiuid
\vill bo punUhcd by the profects. Suvcral
prominent Jewish inhabitants of MolillllT
have boon publicly chastised and 11 Jewish
lud ut niulm l ostock UIIH boon bnxiulod with
owstic with tuo word -'tlilef. "
Siiuini'uiinplnlir. ( .
tlio summer of ISS'J my llttlo plrl
two years of UKOUUM taken tturtouslv 111 with
summerconmliilnt , .socontmon to ehlldiYii of
tliat age , and after bdiikr tiivitod by a physi
cian ami getting no bv ttor , t look from my
shelve * u liottlo of dimnbufl.iln'M ' C'olte ,
Cbolra ami Dlnrrhou Itcmedy , She felt ro-
lliivediitlurthu Ili-st. dose.nud In threw day *
.sbo wai entirely well. Alex , lolr ,
Drltt , Iowa.
Senator Mitchell Says it Will Increase
Prices for farm Products ,
The Semite t'ommlitrn on Postofllocs
and Post liiiatls S il"nltM n i'rop-
option AVIiicli Mecti
513 rotritiKr.Nni STHI IHT : , >
" \VAMIIXHTOX , U. C. , July SO. )
Senator Mltclicll otOivKon , who wiis ono
of tholernllnjr free coinage lulvoeutes Ourintf
the iliieusslou oltho silver hill , neil to your
correspotidont this aftenioon tluit with the
mlvaiice ot prices ( or silver bullion there
voiiUlbe n steady inercaso in prices for farm
vrutlucts. "Silver twin gore of thostiitulnril
money value V said ho , "it will naturally
lead tlio way to market prleoH for all kinds of
.American products. When \vo began the
ili.ic'lissloii on tlic liHlsoineniontlui n o bullion
vas vorthDl cents an ounce. It is over 11.10
today and His stated Hint it will continue to
rko until itrcarhvd $ I.1S and probably ? l.20
toiforo it stops. Tliia ia an Increase
ulreoily of ubout 25 per cent in the
prlco of bullion , mid from \vliat 1 learn
throuph niy innlls nnd the tcloKi1 ! ! ! ) ! ! farm
products , taking the country over , nvo in-
vrcaslnp iiroportlonably. 1 have no doubt
that -when the full effects of the .silver coin-
ape Imv ure distributed over the country the
fanners will linil themselves receiving any-
\vlierofroini. \ ! > to5tporccnt ) more for their
produce than they got a few mouths airo.
The silver law turns loosonioro than $ .7),000- ) ,
000 now lying iJlo in the treasury and con
templates putting into circulation about
( 1,0011.01)0 annually. Of course silver coin-
nee is to cease utter the ilrat of next .Tilly ex-
ecpt when the iecreUry of the treasury llnds U a demand for tlio silver dolhuv ,
The bullion is to ho purchased and
stored away nnd eortllk'iitea issued
to represent them. This talk hy tlio
ileinoeratie press all over the country
oftluro lu'ln u eassation of silver eoinasjo
and that this luivvill iiothsivou better effect
than the old one is all buncouil ) and intended
to inisloudtho public. Tliero will l > o a eon-
tlnuuucu of silver coiniiivhonever there h
u demand for the standard dollar. When
there Is no demand I'C'rtlllfutos ri'prcseiitiix
the cold silver will lie issued to rcnreacnt Uio
hard money , ui.d those certillcatos are nmdo
a full Icfj-al tctiller for private iuu.satia there
fore are Just as gorillas fjold or legal tendurs ,
or silver coin , as the holders ran secure thorn
when they demand redemption. 1 sco that
the effects of our new coinage law nro belli ) ;
felt in Kngland , whei-o the minister of agri
cultural siys Unit a decided ilso in tlio
price of farm produce is felt
nnd that ills on-inj'to the imv American sil
ver. ThonewbilvfrcolmiiTO law willprovo
thoroughly satisfactory to everv clemenf. It
will make money pleat Icr andtiincs better. U
will Increiise nrosiicrlty uiul prevent tha
sHs'iest pDssihillty of any kind ot a panic * or
strinireiicy in tlio money in.irUets. Kvery
safeguard is tlirovvn out to stop the schemes
of speculators la bullion , nnd ntthesanio
time the people are ( iiar.mtecd that no arbi
trary notion of the secretary of the treasury
or the ailiiiliiihtnitioti in general can cut off
the supply of silver dollars or the cortilieato
representing them. To my mind It is by far
the luost lini > ortantleKisliUion have had
In many yearsand , will KO further to the-
prospcrity of tlio country and the people
than any tiling wo have liiid. " These uro said
to ho also the \lo\vs of Senator Jones of Ne
vada , who is out of the city.
i\ > TIM : 1'iir.i : nin.ivcitT.
The proposition which today eunio from tlio
senate committee on postoftlves and postroads
to extend the free delivery system to towns
having u population of 3,01)0 ) or annual poit-
oflicc receipts aggregating ? 7OOU meets with
( rciicral approval , and inasmuch us the
ina.ster feuoral suys that K.OOJ a year will
cover thoinercaso of eifct it i ? not at all un-
likelv that itwlll bo iniucd , If ml lit this
session , before tlio end of tills congress , Is'o
moro is heard of the proposition to construct
buildlu iifor postoMcesin towns of the sei-
onil class. It is moro tlnin likely that the
schcnio toextond tlio free delivery service to
smaller towns will take precedence over the
nostofllco buililiiif ; proposition. I'ostmnstcr
uencral AVaninnaUer is anxious to extend the
free delivery as much as possible. Ho snys
the ( treutcr the iiumbcr of people * .vho sire
served by tlio iwstoflleo department the
greater vill become the popularity of tliat
brnueh of the public service and the greater
will be the henetltsto the people as a "body.
Tin : HIM. 7i ) niiini'oiiTii ) .
By a vote of.'i tel the confeix-es upon the
orijij'iiial package hill decided this afternoon
to report to their respective houses the sen
ate ( \Vilsou ) bill upon the subject , which
coiillnes its operations exclusively to tlio con
trol of intoxicating liquors , U'ho negative
vote was caused by Mr. Oatos of Alabama.
Messrs. Keed and Thompson of Ohio Joining
with thoscnatorinl conferees in support of
the senate bill ,
Several stater , as h well lnown , huvo
passed laws to prohibit the Importation of
dressed lieof and other meats , which under
the Interstate coniiaeiveclaijso of thocoiibti-
tutlon , have bsen lield by tlio supreme court
to bo void and of no effect , Had the bouso
bill been adopted liy tlio conferees the supreme
premo eojrt would have been conipcllod to
recojiiiizctheso ine.isnres 113 constitutional
upon their ro-caactmunt by the states , The
house bill was of too broad and general a
nature to commend Itsnlf to tlio judgment ot
tholaxvvcrs who eomtwsod tlu * majority of
the conference committee anil It was there
fore sot aside without much opposition at tlio
soL-wid uieeti'i } ; of the eoimnltUic.
Assistant Secretary Chandler today con
sidered the appc-al of James Callunim nnd
.Tames C. Severy from the decision of the
land commissioner In tuarasoof the asslK'ico
of Vv'enrlo C. Little vaUallmianimd Sovery ,
claimants , uiulcr the swiinp land grant , hold-
UiK for rejoetiou the claim of thostiitoof
Iowa , aislcrneo under said grant , to the
novtheastoiio-fnui'Ui ' of tlio sonthpnst ono-
fourth of section 17 , towijshlp SS north ,
raiieo : ! : lwest , Fort Uoilgo. series , UesMoincs
laiid district , lowa. Tlio assistant aeeretarv
says : "Inasmuchus the liled notes fail to
showprlimi f.u-io tao swnni ] ) character of
thhtriictof land the burdin of jiroof wus
upon thostiitoor Its grantees-to show that
the greater p.irt of thotract wnsof the char
acter contemplated by tlio grant of Septem
ber W , lCiO. ! Consiiiuilne this ease in the
light of that rule , I nniof tlio opinion that the
conclusion readied by the connnisslonor is
justified by the evidence mid the decision ap-
peiiled from is therefore ulnrinud , "
The follovliiff fourth class postmasters
wcro appointed todny In Nebrasltu : Strlru-
l.iiul Ilajc-s county , \V. .1. ifiicktoii , vlco.1.
Kt'lly , re-signed ; Wallace , Ijineoln county ,
f. 11..Ionian , vice X. .lacksou , resigned.
lowu : Howard , Way no county , Ij. W.
Mullln , vice \V. \ It. Prince , removed ; Mvron " ,
AlUmalieo county , K. It. Livelihood , vlco
KvaOrilUth , reslBiied ,
It is not often that men in conpress and
high up In other branches of public lifo take
an Interest in railroad trains , but tuero was
sidetracked at the IJaltlnioro & OUIo station ,
tuh afternoon u twin which attracted very
great attention andcaiml many distinguished
btatestncii to pass thruugh nnd examine It.
Durlnyllio aftoruoon there was almost a quo
rum of either bouso that Inspected the train ,
\vlileh was ono of the series to bo known IM
th "Korul Illuo Uue , " which Iho Baltimore
& . Ohio lias put on today between "Washing
ton and New York. Kaeh on account of
the fast time schedule udojitcd will
make n round trip every twenty-lour hours
anil If it wore necessary tlie crow could bo
changed and each of these trains inado to
traverse Iho distance on two round trips
every twenty-four hours , Theoo trains uro
probahlv that were over run
111 Iho United Status. KuchcousIsU of four
cnrs .in express rtir , , n couiblnnllun baRgajro
and | ias5eiif er eoaeh , ahrjt class day co.u-h
ami a I'alliiuu chair car. All aw paluteJn
deep blue and am lighted by the IMutsch gas
syiitom , which not only cnaulOH passengers to
tx'aillnall parts of thu train with tlio' same
easuiindcuinfort that their own homes pro
vide , hut ( lisa illuminates the vestibules and
plat forms"pcrfcolly by means of trsis lumps
placed throuitliput , HO that In pussinc from
carlo cur and tngottinitonand utTcoachoatbu
dtmgci-3 or the ordinary dark platforms
nro entirely , nuilcd The train Is vestlbtiled
most perfectu , mllll ho heited bythsap.
plication of 4U'ikiu tluvtigh the sttinilard ys-
toni by liotiiWvjer ravuhitlon hi comiection
with n new ln iiter , which makes thn heat
roimlarand nt Vlcslrod tenuKn-aturo without
the slhjhtqtt , .UMlbltf danger. All of the
Blue Llna t"ilt' | were mudfl at the I'ulhnan
shops near Ohfuiiuo anil each of the couches
has n aninkhitr 'apartment slinllur to tlioso
found In t'ulhtian sleK | > w. The windows
aw the briMd' iind high ones with which
sleeping anJ'chhlr cars nro furnlsheil nnd nil
have the Intost ImpiwonieiiLs , The custo
mary conthcs nro as handsome and
convenient < iw the ordinary chulr nnd
slwplnc inr.Tho Ualtlmoro k Ohio
makes the trln W-twccii New York and \Viish-
ItiKton-'tOpUlfj , live hours , Koch coach
hiwa porter aluf every train a dining or buf
fet car. Thu train attr.ictcd widespread at
tention and was visited bv nhiiost every rail-
ro.ul man in the city. Mi1. Charles O. Lull ,
tbo general pntawirer agent of the road , wan
present mid received the vlsltow.
The necessity of an editor for the Congres
sional lii'eonl. contemplated by Senator Slier-
iiwn's resolution Introduced the other day , Is
shown In tohivNIssuo of that publication.
Some ono in n'uthority has taken .Mr. Slru-
blo's iihllllpic apihibt Speaker Koed , deliv
ered in the hcuise yesterday afternoon , nnd
divested it of nil ita entertain iiij ? features. It
was also redintod In bulk tosuch an extent us
to IKJ idmost lost in the paifo on which it was
printed , air. Strublc suoko under the live-
ininiitc rule ami is understood to have oecu-
pled the full limit of his time , but his remarks
upppiulii the Ueoord today coiilon ( ed in the
sp.ieo of a more "stickful. " If the Uecord is
to bo iniidou recoitl really of what takes pliiro
in congress the editor who is selected should
bo u limn of sulllclcat Judginc-nt to decide
vhat to kei'p as well as what to leave In
other words , know n good thing when ho
sees it.
Speaker Heed and Chairman MeKlnlcy an-
noun co that t bey cannot accept Invitations to
make -iiioeclio.s iiuriiig thocoinhur caiimalgn :
that if they Iind time from thelrcoiijivs4loiiil
duties to uoupoa the stump they -will dovotn
their effoits to their own districts. .Major
IMcKinlc-y has a dotnocrutio majority of 1,500
toovorconioin his dhtrictaadlio snya it will
uiiilce him hustloto neldevo success.
Jtldpo Blxlerof North I'latte , recently an-
pointed a member of the pension hoard of ap
peals In the Interior department , arrived today
nnd was introduced to Secretary Nohlo and
.Assistant Secretary Dusscy and \vlll inline-
dlatcly enter uiwn his duties.
Henry 7ame , n 1'oi'inei * Onuilia .loiir-
nnlist Had a Close Call.
Uixviit , Colo. , .lulySO. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BiiK.l Tucre was frightful wind anil
dust storm la this city lust overiiiij , ' , during
which Henry James , a well known newspaper
man , came near meeting his death. Mr.
James , his wife and baby bad spent the
afternoon and cvoninjr at the residence of
some friends on Capitol Hill , and about 9
o'clock they started for their homo In the
rtiiterof the city. They walked directly to
\vhorethoyexpertedto \ take a cubic car. A
cloud ot dust was Hying1 , and it was with
inuchdllllculty tliat ouo could see across the
Several mluulfts iwssed and the little party
almost coucludid that the cable had stopped' ;
that there would bo no more cars and
that they would liavo to return to their
friends' house In spend the iiirht. Mr. Jituit's
held his daughtui'iiiliis arms and was about
to wall : away when bo was struck in the
binallof the bnek by a tramway car , which
came rollini ; nloiiii in the darkness at the ruto
of twelve mile * mi hour , and oa which there
was not a sl u of light.
Instantly Mr. James appreciated what had
happened , and his only thought was for the
safety of his eblld. llo grabbed the
baby's ' clothing and stretched out his
arm us far as ) K > 3slblo so us to et his little
one out of reach or the cruel wheels. Most
fortunately the conductor of the car was at
the front end nt the time and ho grabbed Mr.
Jiiiucj by the collar the moment ho was
struck , thus keeping him from tailing to the
( 'rouiiil. The grtyinau stopped the car none
too soon. MiivIitruM found little Marjorie
under the step crying .piteously. Her bonnet
bud been worn to shreds , showing that her
bead had boon bumping1 along the ground.
Mr. .lanioa isewillned to his hod and hit
biclcpahishiniconsidorably. The baby has
quitoa number of black and blue spots on its
person , but is able to bo about the room.
THE K.I 31XJKHI' J/ A'i".S ; Vt\
Hatiloii Throws lo\vn ) tlic C > auiitlct to
G n n < la n r.
Dui.i-Tii , Minn. , July , " 50. [ Special Tele-
grdinto TIIK Bun. ] Edward Ilunlon has au
thorized TIIK Dei : corresiwadcnt to Issue tbo
following challenge , for which the earnest
iiionoy has been deposited and -\vlll bo for
warded by draft to tho- New York Clipper la
the inoriilnn :
"I , Kdwird Ilnnlon of Toronto , Canada ,
will row J , G. Uuudaur for any amount from
$1,000 to Sir 00. over any fair eoui-so in Amer
ica , ( rourso to bo mutually agreed upon , ) the
race to occur within two mouths from tbo
time of signing articles and the course to bo
u mile and a half and turn. To this end I
have deposited Sir > 0 with the sporting editor
of the D-ulnth Daily News , tbo
sumo to ho forwarded by him to the
Now York Clipper , which latter paper shall
bo iinal Htaltuholclcrs in tlio event of this chal
lenge beins accepted. I shall bo pleased to
meet Mr. Oaudaurto urnmco details. The
roferco who shall bo agreed upon Is to be
Judge of the condition of the water. This
challenge remains open for two wcoki from
Jld.V ! ) . EllWAltl ) II A NI.ON- .
' Witnessed by T. F. . lloweu , John Teenier
nnd lialpli McKenzie. "
Air. Hnnloii Is desirous that n match bo
inado mid adopts this direct course to put nu
end to all delay.
Deserted on lh Hv
Niw ; "Yoitic , July 30. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bin : . ] Moritz Varin , a draiuincr .for
a manufacturing glass bouso In Germany , ar
rived yesterday on the steamer 1'riosland ( n
search of his runaway sweetheart , Christina
Autspitx. She eloped from Berlin wit ha
well-to-do married mini named I Hurled
Si'hoecks on the eve of her marriage to Viidn.
taklnir with her $ J , < XX ) < if V aria's money ami
also all the presents ho bad mado" her.
Sc.hoecks' wife was also a passenger on the
Friesland. The fnlthh ss i-ouplo wcro located
In Chicago and Varin ami Mrs. Schoccks will
proceed thither tomorrow.
Vlc-tory fur Ijiuly Diinlo.
T osnov , July 30. The action for divorce
by Viscount Dunlo against his wife , who ,
previous to her marriage , was n singer in a
innslo hull amlMjf1 which Isadora Alerth-
holiner was naiu'c as co-respondent , ended
today with a .yqrillct for tlio dofendont.
\Vheu Lady Dunlo inado her nppairaneo
she was greeted vita loud cheers. Justice
Ilannon , In summing up , said It was very evi
dent that tbo su\t \ had been brought by f ord
Clunenrty anil notlly his son , Viscount Uunlo ,
mid thought his' rowarto showed that he sided
with I..aily Duulo.
Four CiiA ! > "r , Arl/ . , July ; 10. ,1V , Cress ,
keeper of u nolqriqys dance hall , was shot
and Instantly klllcA.tod.iy by Constable Uoli-
in-ts during a quarrel over tbo ownership ot
seine cattle. A' fc\v minutes afterwards
Frank Nelson , nit Asoldler , in a ilt of jeal
ousy murdered hls'iulstress , Surah JlcChar-
vls , and her threu-ytfar-old child. ,
Dakota I-Ml'toi'N on a .Iniul.
Y , S. I ) , , July 'M. I Special Tele-
frramtoTiiK ] ) RK , ] South Dakota caltors ,
their ladles and friends , to tlio number of IW ) ,
arrived from 1'lerre. at r > : : n ) o'clock this
evening and catered the town heaclod by thu
IMorrn band. All will remain until Friday
morning. A reception and ball will bo given
tomorrow owning ,
Tha Third F.istist Trip.
Nr.w YoitK.Tuly , ! ! 0.-Si [ > eclal Telegi-am to
TnuIliiK. ] Thq White Star line steamer ,
Majestic , which arrived hero today from
Liverpool , inado the passage from Qnocns-
to\vn to Simdy Hook in llvo days , twenty -two
hours and llfty-ei ht mlautod. Tills is the
third fastest trip ever nmdo across the At
lloiiomliinteti for Congri m ,
CLRVEUKII , O. , July ao.-Kzra K. Taylor
was roiiomlnated by acclamation by the ic-
publlcuus of the .Nineteenth district.
Shippers Everywhere Combining tj Oppose
tbo Now Bill of Lading.
Over One Hundred Shipments Have
Already Jlecn JHtertod from
Oilier Konds to the
Crnnd Trttnlc.
CIIHMOO , July SO. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HIE. : ] The boycotting of the rall-
oads which will adopt the now uniform bill
of lading Is la full swing. It estimated
that lit least one hundred dlffereut shipments
vero today diverted from other roads and
given to the Grand Trunk , which road made
n written agreement on July 17 not to use
the proposed bill of lading. Shippers all
over'tho country uro romhiblng to oppose the
> ill of lading , and on August 0 will hold an
ndlgnatlon mecllnft In Chicago which iirom-
sos to almost reach the proportions of a mass
It will bo utterlv Impossible for all oh-
cctorstoho heard or to have read the In-
lumerablo letters of cninplainLs received by
.hoGhlcagofroight , ouioini , mid moinber.s of
the board of trade , mid opuirently every
grain shipper in tbo country , is making u
; > iTsonal mutter of his opposition. There is
[ jraetically no other topic of conversation
itnongshippers. Chalriiiau libmchanl today
Issued an additional letter on the sub-
icct. Ho lays particular stress on the
fact that charges have been made which ren
der tbo bill negotiable , ami that the Now
York produce exchange has in effect ap
proved the wliolo document.
The llrst claim is ni-knowledpcd by the
shippers. In regard to the New York pro
duce exchange , Commissioner Iglohart of the
Chicago freight bureau said : "Tho Now
York produce exchange recommended sov-
? ral changes which have not been made ,
They only approved it subject to these
change. ) . Hut the exchange simply looks at
this nutter from a receivers standpoint ,
winch must bo considered , and wo are as llrni
as ever in lighting the bill of lading. Our
meeting on August 0 will bo nn eye-opener to
the railroads , and I think will show them the
necessity in yielding to our just o.ud moder
ate requests. "
Unto Predictions. '
Ciiicuio , July .11) ) . [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Hen. 1 The Railway News bureau says
says : "It is a wlso uiun who knows whether
or not western roads will advance rates. To
day's mooting of the Western Freight associa
tion perfectly harmonious as far as was
concerned the main advances ou live stock
and packinghouse products rates , they being
advanced about'percent. . The advance in
lumber rates was stopped by the apparently
irrcconciliablo dispute between tbo northern
and southern roads. The southern roads
still imistcd there should bo not more than 0
cents a hundred ditturunco in tbo rates ou
northern and southern plno , while northern
roads want S cents difference , it was
found Imiwssililo to compromise on 7 cents
nnd the wiiolo matter was referred to the
lumber committee with instructions to report
"Should there bo no agreement on the lum
ber question the whole advance in rules is in
doubt in tbo minds of some of the ro.uls. Jf
the advance is made it will bo effective for
iiiiii > ty days , at least , and nil matters of dis
pute will bo referred to the committee of live
chairmen. They will see that each road gets
its share , but what tbo blmro.s will bo the
roads themselves do not know. rverythlng
is In readiness for thoiuhnuu-uof westbound
rules on Krlday to a III ) cent basis to the Mis
souri nnd ( D cents to St. I'.ml. That there is
mi urgent ni > od to the railroads of
an advance is shown by the various state
ments of monthly earnings for June , of
which tlio Burlington statement is n fair
samnlo. As compared with Juno of IS1 ! ! it
shows nn increase in gross earnings of
$ V > , .T7.1.U3 and a decrease In net earnings of
$2SI.4i'J.OS. The iiieivnso in upciMtinir ex
penses of tM'JTl.iiTi tulls tll ° story.
"It is not publicly known , but from switch
men up , all classes of labor cost railroads
more this year than last. All the advances
in wages have been made to avoid strikes ,
but they cut a largo figure now vliou ship-
ineiitsaro falling oil from day to day. "
A Ijoalc la Jay Gould's Ofllce.
Kan. , July at ) . [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BF.I : . j There is evidently a lonk
in Jay Gould's Now York oftico somebody is
giving out the news. Yesterday morning the
Associated press papers contained a Kansas
City dispatch announcing that a private dis
patch from Now York stated that Jay Oould
bad wired IJ. V. Wtitfgoner of Atchison , tlio
Missouri 1'acilic's general attorney , to bring
a suit to compel tbo Kansas City union depot
company to admit tbo passenger trains of tbo
Kansas City , Wyanuotto Sc Northwestern
road to the clonot over the iMIssouri 1'aeillo
Mr. Waggoner denied tliat ho had received
any such dispatch and said that lie
did not think ho would bo called
upon to tnko any pirt in * the controversy.
Last night tbo dispatch arrived and Mr ,
Waggoner will bring the suit as stated , As
the dispatch did not roach its destination un
til twenty-four hours after its publication by
the associated press , it is very certain that
some-body In ( Jould's oftico is .soiling or giving
away news.
A Stad'iiioat of learnings.
CIIICAOO , July IH ) . The Chicago , Burling
ton & Qulncy's gross earnings for Juno show
an Increase of ; ) , and in not earnings a
decrease of &KH,2.V. > . For the first six months
of the year net earnings show an increuso of
' ! lit ) ColVco Question.
Nrw Yoitic , July M. ( Special Telegram to
Tin : Ilii : : J Members af tlio Now York coffee
exchange today hold a lively debate on tbo
question of opening tbo exchange to coffee of
North , South and Central America and Kiist
and West Indies of nay grade from common
to prime. Heretofore only l < colToo of
any ( trade of Kio or Santos from common to
prime has boon dealt in on the exchange.
The movement Is bitterly opposed by many
of the hulls , who see the impossibility of cor
nering the enlarged market. The matter will
bo voted upon Friday.
NEW Yoitic , July ,10. [ Special Telegram to
Tut : Hii.l : The total voluo of imports ami
exports last year attained the highest point
over reached in the United States. They
amounted to * ! , ( ! 17,101,011 against f I , hT.rillU-
O'iT during the preceding year , an la-
crease ofl.r > ! ) , fi.Y < , as7.
The value of imports of mcrchandiso dur
ing the last fiscal year was tbo largest in the
hibtory of the commerce of tbo country ,
amounting to } iV.tii.'O. : : " > $ nniil , ; , < iYj ,
duaiag tbo preceding year.
The exports of gold and silver were
& -li'J.yu : and ? J l.WVJ'.H ' were imported.
Ali 0iiIc ( < l with Ills Katliot-'H a
ST. Lonn , Mo. , July ao. J Special Tde-
gram to TIIK HKK.Edward ] Ifake , a young
married man of twenty-seven years , who has
bfcn employed ns clerk and collector in bis
father's commission house for ten yours , left
lost night nnd with 1dm disappeared $ louu
front the safe , to which ho had access. The
watch and chain of tbo young man's mother ,
valued at { 100 , Is nlso missing. Ills supposed
young Iliiko has gouo to Kansas City , accom
panied by his wifo.
Knitted IllHToiit ImiiiiMliiitcly.
TCUUH HAITK , hid. , July 30.-Uity Clerk
Oeobegan of Paris , 111 , , was arrested ticro
this inorulng as ho was about to leuvo on a
train. Judge M.vclt released him oa a writ
of habeas corpus on tbo ground that not
sufJIcientcausu wa * staled in the telegram
from 1'arls. ( jcohfl.ran Imincilhitoly loft for
purls unknown and Un minutes later the
Paris imntihul arrived with the proper
Su nr 'I rust Kan'cerx.
Nr.w TOUK , July ; -Onictali * of tlio sugar
truit today aimo'jncod that Kldder , i'eabody
& Co. had been solc'-tcd ' a t bankers for the
reorganization committee and the llrm bus
boon added to thu comiultteo.
The Spanish llarU lCNiornn/.n |
tiers in Mid Ocean.
N'r.w VonK , July CO. rspcctal Telegram to
Tun IliiK. ] A dispatch received hero ! today
announces the loss tit sea ot the Spanish
bark Ksporanza and a portion of her crew.
The bark sailed from Hotou for lAiltmouth
on May 20 with a cargo of ell. She carried a
crew of twenty-eight men. Foggy weather
was taut during the entire voyage until Juno
tl , when the fog lifted and a gate sjmmg up.
It Inero.Hoil In vohoiiKMice until June 1'J. At
thoboighlof the gale two port holes wcro
staved In and water poured Into the vessel
in tons.
Kvontuully the water caused the cargo to
shift , part of the hatches burst and the
hu.ivv barrels rolled from slclo to side. See
ing tluit the vessel was doomed the crow took
to thu boats , tlio last man to leave being the
captain , As ho stepped Into the boat and
pushed off , Iho ill-fated bark rolled over mid
mink. The small boats kept together for two
days , during which tlmu they sighted two
vessels , neither of which notice. ! thu signals
ol distress. *
The boat containing the boatswain and
three of the crew separated from tbo others
In hopes of being picked up by spreading the
ocean track between them , Un the third day
the Norwegian bark Askoy , Captain Khrens ,
from Hamburg , bore down and picked up all
but the boatswain's boat. This had disap
peared during the night , and although the
Askoy sent out luats to search for her no
tr.ico could bo found of the missing men.
The Askoy mwoodeil on her vovunu and
landed the .shipwrecked mariners in Quebec
today. No tidings have Ix-en hoard of thu
missing muii and it Is feared that they have
been lost.
Admiral AVnllu-r Hrpm-ls a Very Kii-
Joynulo CritlHU.
Niw : YOIIK , July HO. The squadron of evolution
lution , which has been cruising In foreign
waters for the last eighteen months , dropped
anchor in Graves Knd Bay last night.
Admiral Walker was scon by u reporter
tbis afternoon uml in eonvorsaHon was en
thusiastic over tbo cruise. IIo took Decision
to deny emphatically the stories which have
been printed hero from time
to time of the disaffection of the
squadron , troubles among ofllccrs , cte.
lie said he had never been on a cniisi1 that
was so entirely five from anything like dis
satisfaction or disturbances on board vessels.
Of course , hi a squadron containing 1,5X ( )
ofilec-rs and ineii under military restriction , it
was inevitable that ollenses mint occasionally
occur , anil ot course penalties wcro hilllctod.
IJjt no serious ojfonsusvcro committed and
no penalties inllietcd that could bo
described as severe. The squadron was re-
ceivt'd ubriud with tbo utmost .kindness and
courUisy.Vewiro in fact , " added the nd-
mlral. "fetoil from the inoinont wo dropped
anchor at Lisbon until wo left the last
iSIedi terra neaii station , and at Hlo Janeiro
Llie feting was continued with redoubled zeal.
Tlio Ura/iliaiK , iiulcod , const mod our coming
as a special honor from the United States to
the now republic and could not sufficiently
express their appreciation of it.
National C'apllol Notes.
WASHINGTON , July UO. Sanford of Now
York today offered for roforonc'o to the ways
and means committee a preamble and resolu
tion rcjfiirding Mr. Ulaino's expression of
opinion upon sugar duties nnd reciprocity ,
postponing legislation on sugar mid molasses
duties next session and requesting tbo presi
dent to enter into negotiations with attain
mil the Central and South American states
ookiug to a consummation reciprocal ar
rangement , etc.
The president left this afternoon for Capo
Strike in the Coke
PiTTsiifiiu , 1'a. , July 30. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BII : : . ] Tomorrow all the coke
i-cglon plants will shut down to enable the
men to attend a mass meeting nt Aloyer , Pa. ,
in the Connellsvlllo region. The object of
the meeting is to agitate a strike atV. . J.
linynu's third coke plant at Moycr. His em-
playos nt Fort Hill and at the Paul works
met last night and decided to strike , and
8,000 , men Avill par.ulo in JIuver tomorrow to
bring them In tbo strike , linyno refuses to
sign the coke schedule.
Sol /.me ol' a Schooner.
VICTOUIA , B. C. , July 30. News has been
received hereof the seizure of the schooner
George K. White ut Ounalaska for neglecting
to keep n copy of tbo bond filed that she
would not take firearms Into Alaska. The
Victoria schooner Ariel is reported to have
been boarded bv the cutter UusbTuml warned
to keep out of Itolir'ag ' sea. A copy of the
formal proclamation was given to the cap
tain. This incident , it is thought , centra-
diets tbo report tluit tbo policy of lv > S will bo
pursued this season by the United States , .
National League.
AT rirrsiinto.
1'itts burg 2 01000 1 1 0 B
New York 3 1 3 S 1 0 2 2 * 14
Hits Pittsburg 10 , Now York S3. Errors
1'ittsburg r > , New York ' , ' , Hattcrles Gum-
bert and Decker ; Hussloand Iluckloy. Urn-
piro 1'owora.
Cincinnati 0 0 0.0 00000 0
llosttm 0 001 11 0 0 * 3
i Ilits Ciiicimmti I , Ho-ston 0. Krrors
Clncimmti' ' , Doston 1. IJatterics Hhines
and Harrington ; Ulnrkson and Uctiiictt. Um
pire McDermott.
Cleveland I 00001 021 5
Ilrooklyn 2 0030004 * 15
Hits -Cleveland < ! , Brooklyn H. Errors-
Cleveland I , Brooklyn : J. Hiitturies UurlluM
Smith and Kiinmcr ; Terry anil Clark. Um
pire McC uuid.
AT cuictno.
Chicago 0 0 (5 ( 0 0 2 3 1 3 8
I'lilladelplila. . . . ! 0 1 0
Hits Chicago 7 , PhllaiMitlua T. Krrors
-Chicago 'J , 1'lul.iili'lplila j. lliitteries
Iliitcbtnsoa and Klttredge ; GlWboa and
Clements. Umpire Lynch.
I'layers1 Tiuugiii : ) .
AT lU'l'FAI.O.
Iluffalo 0 001 0400 0 5
Philadelphia. . . .0 0 1 1 0 "J 2 0 12
Hits Buffalo S , Phlhidnlplila IS. Krrors-
HuJfaloT , I'hilailelplilii'J. JJutturlos Haddock
nml Muck : ICnoll and ilellnmn. Umpires-
Leach iind GiilTnoy.
First game
I'lttsDitrg 0 00000020 2
Xuw York ! i 8 a I 0001 * 10
Hits Plttwiturg 0 , New York It. Errors
I'ittsburg 2 , Is'ow York 2. Datterios Maul
and Heidi ; Keefo and Kwlng. Umpires-
Mack and Jones ,
Second game
1'ittsbuix' 0 00000180 0
Nc-w York a 4 ! 1 0 2 0 0 0 * 12
lilts 1'ittshuiv Ii. New York II. ISrrnrs-
I'ittsburg 7 , Mew York 0. Uatterles Ciulvin
nnd fields ; and Rwlng. Umpirea
Mack and Jones.
AT a.nvnr.\Nn.
Clovehuul 0 I ) 'J 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Hoston 1 * 4
Hits Cleveland It , Hoston H. JUrrora-
Clovelaml 1 , Huston : i. HattoriiM O'Hrlon
and Sutcllffe ; Kwlbourno and fciwett. Uiu-
plrui Ferguson and Holbert.
ChliMRO 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 r.
Hrooklyn 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 'J 0-0
IliU Chicago 8 , Hrooklyn 13. Errors
Oiicairo : i. Ilrooklyn ' - ' . Hnttorios King and
Farrcll ; Woyhliig and IClnslav/ . Umpires
1'Iorco and bnyder ,
American Ansuc'lutlun.
Brooklyn 0 t ) n 0 1 0 0 1 0fi
UolumbUY a 0 2 S 1 Ii U 1 * 1 !
Hitf. Hrooklyn 8 , Columbus 10. Krrors
Hrooklvn 5 , Columbus 7. lliitteries Mur-
iiby ami Doylu ; liastrlght ami O'Conncr.
umplro 1'ooploH.
Athletics 0 0 0 0 3 U 1 1 0-(1 (
Toledo 0 0 0 0 4 I 0 U * -7
llils Athlctle 7 , Toledo 0 , Errors
Athletics a , Toledo 5. JJattcrlos
1'osillvely onrril l
' y
the o J.'ttlo ' IM'lH.
They also rcllrvo Ills-
"ivsa " fro-ftDi jiotI.i , In-
ITTIE dlp'stlon and Too Iimrtj
Hitini' , \ perfect n-m-
Hrovsliu > t > 4. U
m the Mouth , ( oatcd
Tain lutheHilo.
W Kit. Tluy
Wjulute tbo HowrK Purely Ye .p'tablc.
nnd Koblnsott ; Itealy and Welch. I'mplro-'hcr.
AT uurii i > Tr.n ,
The r.ouisvllloKiuno win poitponoil on uo >
count uf ralu.
Syracuse 0 00000001 I
St. Louis 0 1021002' ll
lilts . -Syracuse fi , St. Louis 7. Krrors -
Syracuse ! ! , St. UnitsII. Hatterias Lincoln
andO'ltourlio ; ltiiin > cy and Wells , Umpire
Tennis Tournament m IhirUnittnn.
Hi-iius'cnov , in. , .luly ) . ( Spivlul to Tint
Bu : . ] The Uurllnpton tennis clubatv nor
footing nrriingoini'iits fora two woi-it" ' t."ir-
ttimiotit to begin next Tui-siluy , An rii-.t -i , for
a list of liiindsoino prues oltered b tuo busi
ness men of tbo city.
CYr. vii. : v xi ) , O. , .Tnly : tl-Special ) [ T < ' 1
to Tin : llr.i : . ] The attciubinco - ' . .a- .
the weather beautiful , nnd tbo track ! n I
hard. The free-for-all pace was ti. ! .
tion of the tiny. Adont.s , the California h -
wiis tin * favorite. IIo took the llrst an I - .
onil heats , but could not capture the jin/i < I
the second boat Adonis went tbo fastest milt *
over paced In a race. Soon nftt'r tlio st'irt
1 lal I'olnter to crowd tbo L'nliforulim
and the rc'iiinindcr of the Held were left In the
rear. On tin-back stretch Hal was itaiita
like the wind. Turning Into the Mivtrli hu"
and Adonis won * neck uiul neck. It was u
name strticglo. to tbo distance Han , wln-u Hal
\\vut oil' his fi'ot and ran under the wuv half
n length ahead of Adonis. The
given to the latter , however. TlinoJ ll
lit the 'J:01l class Almout was the favorn
but after r idy Hnllion had taken thr OINI
heat , mid she and Almontlmd ( ? oni * tlu > si--
end dead , IShunbi'Ino Maid canio totlu > irout
ami won.
Jlr : ! trot , a.-M 10 , divided- Alvin vmi.l
inoiit AVllkes soconil , Abbli * V thii\l , oilu-i t
d'Ht'inct-d. ' Heat time ! : lv"lj.
Five-for-all p.iciii ! , ' , ? I,5IKI , ; dlviiliii H .1
Pointer won , Ailonis ' oconil , .li-wrtt th.r-l
l red Arthur fourth. Hi-st tlnir - ' . ' II
ili : trottcJ , < WJ , dlvtded-Mambriii , * Ma 1
\vou , Lady Bnltron bccuiid. Alnuuit ihn-U ,
Time fourth. Heat time -Jilt ! ) , .
( Jut ti
tiN',1. . , July ,10. [ Kpci T-lo.
gram to 'Tin : HiiJ. : Summary of t.i la > s
races :
Three-qiinrtcw of n mile Ulplou wmi , His-
cult second , Slunibei1 thiid. U'lino1 'il l
Flvo-eighths of n uiilo Josie W wmi. l' . . 'i
olu second , l-'nvora third. Time 1 : ii ?
Six and one-half furlongs Facial IJ wo ,
Prince Kdwird second , Lonely third. Tir u.
I : - . " > .
Six nnd one-half furlonj-s Kancix-as
l iiiallty | second , lugo tldiil. Time I
Ono and ono-clghth iiillos-Jusilr \v.-i. .
Falcon hci-ond , Ocrinanic third. 'J'niu' , ' 01
Seven-eighths ( if a mile UlacUt born won ,
Lancaster second , Qulbbler third. Time
reach Cace.s.
IluioiiTox DKACII , July ; : i ) . [ Special
gram to I'm : HII : : . ] Suiumury of today's
races :
Five-eighths of u nillo Xugirott wou. Hilly
Boltoii second , Viol Gelding third ,
Five-eighths of a mile Rustic von , A us
, r.iliau second , ( iomorra tbirft. T'mo ' roH4
Thrco-fourths of n mile - CJood llye won ,
Tbnvndalo second , EUu T third. Time 1 l )
Three-fourths of a mile Young Oracio
won , Hannah second , Sinolu third , 'rime -
1:184. : !
Ono mile Ncwburg won , Kosomary Mur
ray fgolding ) second , Vcrdeur third. Ttmo
1 : 15.
One niilo Crispin won , Signature second ,
Ernest third. Tiine-1 : .
Hovcn-oiHliths of a mile St. John won ,
Bralt second , Lighthouse tblril. 'TimeI uKl.
St. I'aul Itaees.
ST. i'Ai't. , Minn. , July 30. Suininary of to
day's races ;
All ages , ouo mile Khafton won , DMninr
second , OullghtthlrJ. Timu-l:12. :
Three-year-olds and upwards , ono nili nml
fifty yards Hcrtba won , Kopcal SPI-DH i ,
Grade ! ) third. Time l:13a : , ' .
Minneapolis stakes , two-yeail-pjjjsr c 'i-
sevenths of a mile Kaincr win" , Ida . ' n
\vlek second , HirAbner third. U'lmo- ' '
Threr-year-oliU and upwuiil , wlUn am
sixteenth Linicllght won , LliidsVs ,
Voodcraft third. Time I j.'iO'i ' , ' . I v
Three-fourths of a mile hunts Ai ( ' "aiTow
took two heats , and Almout second , Lam > mt
third. Time -1:15. :
A.\tcl at Independence.
I.vuEi'nxnr.xrE , la. , July ! 10. - 1 Special
to Tin : Hti.J : It has been definitely arranged
that Axtel will trot hero at the August meet
ing. llo will bo hero during the cul ire week
and give each iwy ono or more exhibit ! . > IIM
Megotintlons are In progress to pet Suuni for
tbo same meeting. .Inlmston , the paeor. wil
bo boio and contest Inarauowith bin rivui
Urowu Hal. Charles Tlioinp-ntn , wno h.w
been tniining several boi-ses at nuk : f ir
the past week , sent Manager , two \enrs , by
Kutwood , dam by George \VilU.s , inj ii
liCKon and Xox , three-year-olds , both by N'it '
wood , wore each sent in 'J'i'.i'j. : ' Mm- } Mar
sliull made her best time today , li :1U'j : ' .
The KngliHh 'I url'
LONIION , July HO. [ Special Calilegniir , In
Tin : HIM : . ] Thu race for the Sussex Ht.ilt.-s
of5 sovereigns each , with DUO soveiilus
added for three-year-olds , winning pc-nuli'iut
and maiden allowances , nuo mlle , wnsv n ii
the Uuko of Portland's colt .St. SiTf , I'rimi
Soltyzoff's lllly Star seennil , uml K.V
Haird's colt CSiilden Guto third. There wurc
Tbo race for the Lauant stakes of IK ) sov
eivigns each , with 'WO sovereigns irlded fur
two-year-olds , allowances , llvo furlmi t. v. as
won by Noel t'Vuwlck's ' lllly Minn , S. I'l.-vo
land's lllly draco ( > oni-ov bccinnl. lliirmi
Dobicrsuli's lllly Komanco tlilrd. Tbeiv \ \ ere
Hintol mid I'alu Alto.
CixnxxvTi , 0. , July : * ) . [ Special to TUB
HEI : . ) Tbo ( Jucen City driving club has se
cured Snnol to trot against her reeurl ami
Palo Alto to trot against the Ht.illlunm.uiil
ut the club's meeting In Seittcnibcr.
KvuVllkes ( . * ( > c. in K. C.
LAl'iniTK , Itul. , July ! * ) . ( Kpivlnl to 'J'uu
Hr.n.j Hrooka ChuvU sold bis great irnttmi ;
mare , KvaVilkos. . Ui'Jfi'r ' , turiM ) totluj to f
Alex Fniser of Kansas City.
Aboolutoly Puro.
A oreium ortarttirbukms I > ' ) w < ler ,
ofleavonlnn KtruiiKlli l > Uovcruiuout Ut > -
t. IT , liX > .