A i IA r\ van LICESSE is NEBRASKA. Ike Ihmber of Liccns * ! Liquor Denlcrn , Their Location ami Hevenue DtriveJ. OFFICIAL FACTS AND FIGURES. critic Wit * Dorlieil Iti IH 0 of in tlio Statu lluto ? Yhtfollowing Is n c-arofullj' ' cnrnpUdlox- llbltuf tlio llccnscJ llijiinr traHIo hi N"c- prociiKd ( mm city uuJ Of the CM ! Incorporated towns oil hut ulna Hvo responded. It will bo noted thai seven ty- tlpht of tbc U2i ; clt Its nnd towns nro this year without miy snldun. Several of Iho.sothat kftvo voted license this year have no saloon , because tlio license h sohlnhtluit no denier has been able to pay It , or willing to take the risk. The 115 cities nnd towns that have trunted licenses thli your htivu unngyreguto Of ? 'J7 ' Iteriisod liquor dealer * . To thia num ber Hhouia bo added thirty-eight liquor dealer * , lleenscd directly by the. county boards , miming the total number of licensed liquor dealers fcr this vcar & . ' ! . ' . Tim nlno villages from \\lilch no reports bftvcbeeti m-ocuriible cannot increase thU number liy moro tlinu twelve to 11 ft ecu , s.o tliatlt Isnnfc to assert that the total nmn- ber of licensed liquor dealers in Nuunislcn , Including broiiei-s , distillers and wholesale ud n tall dealers , iloes not exceed S > . ° > 0. Tbc rovenno derived from liquor dealers tmdcr the-lilfili license systum lor tta ) yotir IbSSiivusMiMS. } Of this imoimt ftit.ltU wns collected In various towns unil cities fls occupation tax , anil jliUTOwiw collected by Turious counties for Bullions located outsldo ot )0 ) JO .10 JO .10 1)0 ) 00 6) 00 00 56 00 00W W ) CO I'M IM WO > OJ OJW W ) mo J.O im > ion ; DJ joe ; 'ji ) . , . u > ewe wo bUO 066 U'JO . rt.J .000 ' * ] LIlM I.UOO llWW l.soo kuuo Wu I.Oli ( . l.WO (00 . 1 , f Hnicrlor | . 8 . ! W X iltott . 3 S.OO vriu'uf . I 1.1W 'I'nl'le ' Kin'U . none . . . . TalimiK. ' uin > - ( r 'kriliiiill . a WAV ) TlMfTi lyiHo.t , . : . . , ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' i I'tirn..i' . . . . . ! ! . . ! . . . ! . ! ! . ! a . . . ' . \'niiM\t int' a i , . > iio V iiln i ralto , . V UO cliiiliKii. . . . .in . tOtlo . . . . V 'MI H . I Mi ) Vrrdiiu . nntio Waco . nonn Wiihno . * .j ! ! ! ! \Yiiljollold . none 7,0 Wallucc . . n. . . . . l Wnti'fliio . 1 " 0 NVavurly . 1 - . . . . 2 3,000 s Wnlor . none \ \ nl 1'iilnt 0 NMIhcr S \Vlnildo . ' 1 VVNllIT lllvur \Vynuirc York ( h-anteil llrotiso lust year , hut refused to l.siuo licensu tutu your. nor//s / ; VIGVIIKS stnr rot/r Sw.uiritnii , Nou. , .filly 2.1. . To the Kdltor ofTm : llii.i In.voursiiecdi onhltfli llcoiisu you diil not Rlvo the nuinljcr of failures In only the capital. You also said tli.it tliero liul : been something over V > 00 nr rests in Oinaluv in Is 'J. 1 h.tvo a letter from Chief ot I'ullco Seavcy sliitliiif there hud been nearly IIOiWarrcsm. If your statistic * nnd conclusions are on n par with this your talk iHiiot worth imytlilni ; . I want to ask yon one miration which han increased f tutor In Nebraska slnco is so , the voting iioiiultition or the sulo.ms ! Yours truly , KmiM < iimiii. I'liocoinpiiratlvo nunibor ol fiiilurcsln Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska quoted Iti tlio lieatrii'o debate was accidentally out ot the typo of tlio morning1 edition , bjit appeared correctly tu the next edition as follows : Js'mnlicr of failures in Kansas In " " " ,20000 , lumber of failures lu Iowa in \umli < T of failures in Nobritslta In Itoti 27J I.KIS.TISOO Thoiiuiiilierof failures in Kansas and Nebraska ( or the llrst six months of the present year was published editorially by Tin : 'l Jiu : on ,1 uly S the day after the debate as follows : It lias liecii asst'rtod that the number of failures In Kansas was less than In in proportion to popnlnt ion. The truth la Unit tuo nvonlof N'obr.uka is in every respect superior. lurlii ) | ! the pat six inoiitlH thcniiinber of failures in Iveunisku at'rcpiteil I"S , with liabilities amounting to $ NiXW. : In Kansas in the same time the number of failure * w.is I , ' . ' , vltti Jlabllitlos iTOL-hiup the ciiorinous sum of i,0VJU't ! , ( ) . Wliilo NcbrasUn's list of failures Increased four , eonijiareil with llm number for tbo first lialf ot IbSH , llic llabilltii'.silc.-rc.l ud , On tlie otherImuil Kansas records un increase of tweiity-oiioIn failures , aaJfl/JJO.OOO in the ofllubllitles. The printed umiual report of W. S. Seavcy , chiuf of polleo , to the Omaha board of lire and police commissioners for the yc.ir ending December 31 , IBS ! ) , reports the total number of arrests durim ; last ye.nr as 8,110. Of that number 1,090 , wcro arrested , as suspicious characters unil very properly should bo deducted from the total of eriniirml arrcsta , because they wore pullty of no other offense than that of being unknown to the police , . That would reduce the actual number of legrithnato arrests to 7o3 ! , but no Buoh reduction was even attempted or hinte.il at in the neatrlco dobuto. As a matter of fact the number of arrests in Omaha Is much lower than that in ether cities of equal population. iMfnvor had over -j itist S i her social vil popuTrtiiion ia compute by her chief known to the police as subsistinj ; in Omaha. 680 was 87,432 ; in 1SSS , 202,032. The n'osmt voting population of Nebraska is lot less than 210,000 , or two and a half lines larger than It ww in 1SSO. The number of saloons in N'c'jruslm in SSO was over 700 , and of that number Oniuba , with a population of 50,613 , liad SO. Oillcinl reports from22o out of25ii ; , neorporated towns of this state place the otalniiinber of licensed liquor dealers in , hobu towns mid cities nt 707. The nine 10r owns not vet heard from are Ayr , 31arksUxetorFuirtnontGordonGrooloy Center , Grosliam , Strung nnd Unadilla. These towns eannot possibly have more .han . 20 Kiloons , if they have that many. ! t is therefore manifest that Xobruslca : a.s. oday has less than SOO liccnsL-d silicons , 3oventy-eijflit { tov.-ns and cities .s.in Nobraslca have no licensed saloons , In other words , If the saloons in N"e- 'eto jraska hud Incrcasod In proportion to the Increase of voting population wo should now have ono thousand . seven Hundred and fifty saloons , whereas .hrough the restrictive operation asof ; ocal option nnd liiyh license \vo have aarely eight liuiulreil lloonscd saloons iiior the state , In 1SSO wo hud ono saloon for every ono hundred and twenty-live voters , or ono to about seven hundred anil llfty of the population , lu IS'JO we have one saloon to every t\vo hundred and sixty-two voters , which is equal to about one for every one thousand live hundred tm l seventy of tlio population , Omaha furnishes a striluiif , ' example of the olTuotof hiifli lloonse. \Vithmoi-o than four tiuios the population of has today only OS moro saloons than nho had ton years n ; o , and that include * wholesale dealers und brewers who for merly did not pny a city lleoiisa. AVithin the pa > t year there was nn ac tual decrease of licensed liquor deiilow in Omnlia from -77 to'21Sor U91ox tbnn the preceding year. How Is that for high llccnso ? Docs this answer milt you ? P. S. In order that all Juggling with the revenue return * bo fore stalled , wo will udd that the Internal roveiiuo district of N'obraslca Includes X'orth and South Dakota , and tlio ro- poits ofitatnpsold ropn-wnt the three htatos together. The number of fltamjis gold for Nubriialta nlonu for ISti'J ' was ' ' l.SiJO , niul that ineludfl ! * every In the slate. The only reliable us to the snlooiu can bo had from city and vllhiro ) , olllohU , und HIIMOve have in our | ) oM'Keion from all but the aiiiu towns .1 p..iiP.i/0.Y or .uffAo.iarr .t.\i The iirohlliltlone mpttlgn will beoomumoinorHblu in political hiJ- lory H.SII wiiniMiljfn of mendacity Htul wlmnU'r. I'rom the very outlet ttio pro- hlbltioii udvoonto * and prohlblllon prosn hnvo rotorlud to lh ino t rtx.'kh' * < M til ) uM uil r > | ire eiUitlon ) of i lid vile slnmlorof tliulr ojipononts , Whllo priwlaimlug Hjui < 4lva * devout ClirUtlaiu * they nro rovlllnj ; ivurjbody thit : dui'cu toditlur Mlth thuin und lm I > poiinj ; upon oroduloiu fullowen Uio most bnuoufalkeUoodi. Evwry buuti i uf the prohibition prus * IIIIH Iwon with lllx'lons a-wmlta on men nnd futilities fabrii'iittul by unprliieU- plod linporttori who hnvo Hhown tluMimolvuii inloptrt In forcing nntnos niul fnlHlfylni ; nllldal rocortU. The most imdat'lnus of tlio morcotmry ohnnv plum of prohibition Is llio Now Vork \\tice. \ Us prltu-lpul stock In trade In the juwMit campaign has boon forced letters and fraudulent statistics. In ono of Its latest nmnbors It at- lotnptH to contradict tlio assertion iniulo by the editor of Tut : Ur.n at the UL-II- trice ChautaiKiua that the proportion of criminals in Kansas and lowu is much greater thun In Nebraska. To bolster up HH I'oatradlction thu I'ou'C nuiUos the following comparison botwecti the juvenile - vonilo criminals of Kansas and No- Kiinsv : nnd Xclmisk.t hnvo reform schools for lioys. Both wen : sturtod nbout the sanio tlnio and nro run ujioii udsoati.ill.v the same | ilan. Ki'lira.sUa'H reform si-hwl hiw iil.'i in- matei , while in ICunsiis wo hnvo only 171. If Kaunas linil asmiiny as NeluwUa In jiropor- lion to her population there would bo : WJ bovs Instead ot IM. Taking Nobr.Hlca aa nn , wo laelc iI8 buys of Imvintf our sliare. NVhcro are tbe.se missing boys ! On the farm , in the store anil shop nnd in the school , p-owniff up to manhood without pcrsou.il Knowledge of what a , saloon is , " Now what are the facts ? The board of trustees of the state charitiihlo liiHtittttlons of ICansas for 18S8 gives llio total nmnbor of boys remaining In the school on Juno . . . SO ' 1SSS , as two hundred and ninctcon , and the board calls attention to the fact . [ that owliiff to the want o ( room all iu- corrigible boys are excluded. The . proriont condition of the Kansas reform I school is briefly reported In the following letter : IS'OIITII Toi'intA , Knn , , July 10,1SOO , Dear Sh : WohiivoltK ) boys in the reform school. There in n st-jurato school for girls , and there ari probably about tuirty-six or thirty-oijjht jjirla in it. Our last legislature gave us R small ap propriation for tntilutPininco nnd those who bad been committed for Incorrlyibillty wcro discharged , lleapectfully yours , Du. J. R BUCK , Superintendent. The following loiter oxhihlts the con dition of the Nebraska reform school : KBAH.NBV , Neb. , July 10. IfiOJ.-Dear Sir : Number of uoys rocclved dining past five years 3 ? ' Nuiuburuf KltU 10 ? Total 4'Ki NiiinlK'fof boys ( llsc'har ed nnd parilonoil. i'ki N umber of Kim lihulutrgeil and putiluucil. . 42 Total 27S N timlior of boys in iiltumliinco ut present . l"o Total . iiiunUor la attciulnnco at any tlniu . 27R M'u liiivoaceoiiiinoilations for about forty- UvcmoM ) boys. Vuiy roiiuetfiilly , JOHN I1. .M.u.i.ii.nu , Supurliitomleiit , JlarU the Ingenious imposture of the Toice. While the ylrls in the Kansas reformatory are entirely omitted from the count , the eighty girls in the Ne braska reform school are represented as boys. Kansas has discharged all her in corrigible boys , who constitute a very great porecntago of the class usually ad mitted Into reform bchools , and allows them to run at largo. Nebraska takes in all the incorrigihles , both ' male and fomnlo , wliilo Kansas only admits those convicted of crime. And yet Kansas has ono hundred and ninety boys in her reform school as against ono hundred and seventy In No- braska. The largo cities usually furnish most of the way ward and criminal classes of juveniles. The largest city in Kansas has not as much population as Lincoln , and hut a little moro than one-third of thu population of Omaha. Nebraska : takes care of and oilucatos all her bad boys and girls , while Kansas leaves thorn . to roam about and drift into the cesspools of vice until they have eomraittod some felony that would place : them behind prison bars if they wore of ago. Whore are those Kansas boys ? Not on the farm or in the workshop , but around tlio dives and joints of Atchitjon iti Leavemverth and Topoka. Another striking example of shameless - loss mendacity is produced in the same number of the I'oicc , under the huad of ofS "Canards About Dos Molnes , " ) S Showing That Prohibition lias Not In creased County Expenses. " Stories are beuiff Industriously circulated through tholiiiuor pre s about tli& great ti crease of court expenses In Polk county lls yeai owing to prohibition. I hnvo inter ; viewed tlio county auditor mid am able to ray before the readers of the I'ofi'c some figures ' "which pivo the lie to this latest canard of the anti-proliibitionlsts. The following are tlio figures of expenses eoverinpr the first llvo months of the years Ito'J and VS'.O ' : Jail Expenses. ISbO. IfiW ) . January S 515 ! ! 3 $ 81830 February VMM March (50 ( SO 00)50 ) April Sli'i'll ' IBTfi .May 5MO 50 70 JO ! f 2,452 SO I 1MH S5 Grand i Jury expenses. . . . $ 1,809 , CO $ ii.l'Jl 10 Court ( expenses Includ ing sheriff's feesetc. . 17I10 , ! 10 10,150 17 Total $2iriO oo o.ooo ia Other expenses run In about tlio same pro portion , showing that tUoy do not vary rouo from last year , and that there Los been uo great increase in expenses , Now what are the facts ? The ofllclal report of lion. Frank 1) ) . Jackson , secre tary of state , for ISSS , makes the follow ing exhibit its regards the costs of crim inal prosecutions in Polk county for the year ISSS : Total expense of the county on account of criminal prosecution , including cluding attorneys' fees , forty-three thou sand , six hundred and fifty dollars und forty-live eont.s. Compare these lljjurcs with the follow ing exhibit furnished by the shorilT of Pollt county for 1SSQ and the present year : Orni p. orSimurror I'OI.K Corxir , 11. , .Inly ' : , , isOO.-TimOMiii \ 1 seutjou ntoUvr.ini July . ' > ( In numwr to your request ) of which luo enulu eU U tea cony : In nus\vcr to your letter of Julv 13 would sny : The court cost * uii > taken from reiKjrt of county nmlltur uml uiv mithciitlo. Hlncu wrltii.i ; the tolcfc-nun dovolupiniiuui liKll.'iito a prnimblo r wt of crliiiln.il pnn.-oiliiiv fur bK ! ) Iruni tl.Vi.iW ) to ( IIH . , U\M. \ or ittiuut Jti | or > capita. Total court iMHts of I'ollc iviunty , lowit , for IHV.I. f.y.iU'l , of whli'h M'.t.Vi | nju - tli-o anil pollen court I'onUi , Alxivo Jix.- * not Itu'liiiloMtliiryof ' tlu > * jiidiu | of district iiuirl. ( . 'rlntltiul ivi t al no about thi.imi. 1'uiiit - lutlun of county alxuii Hnou. ) Number pitof commitments fur .lunf. bio , 1:11 : , Uri--ny s , nixJ | , burvhirvll , fuUii | irul n * * ( , ruutxT/ from p tr uii 1 , violutUni of Iliiuur Imv U , vitltntni'v il , n mil Mini imtU'ry n , umlldnun uil t-kilcr 1. K'vUliiK 011 iiu.l oir tnuM In niutlun ) i , r xl llnx uilli-or I , ourrylui ; \voi | K > u , ( .itwWIitit a , wMuciliw I , ll-H- tlou Ml. Altout liftlf ol tbu * Nrr lrt | for 1 - tovlcctloi ) MV thuw and ui mil i-oniwlllm. C. I' . l M.UK. Sberlil I 'oik County. ThtMH ) fHi < U IIHVO boon within tliu ruiu'hof Dm pruhlUl tie-it prttMninl ar doubtloM littown tn thu lniH | > tU d eol- ounln und hlrud - HM-iwIibuokturH whourt * N'olira kn , but huro fU r , u lierutu/ort / ) , they will imrxUtontly kt ii | up thulr lybteniiitlo imd LuUitual lying and 8rAINA'IIOV IN HANHAH. i lluliHMl nnil IJnMnploj'cil I'rniilr Mftrltii ; Awnjr , Kan.Inly , as. To the IMltor of Tut : HUB : 1 win Ju tshown ncopy of your 1 paper of Ilia lPt.li ln-t , eoutainliii ; n trom Dr. Tohcy of our city. I luvu mid It over ontv fully niul can fn < lnrso all In lsrs-rtP my father , John ( Ids , visited Ncbraslu , niul ineompany with unnlher friend , both from Jouiistowii , l'a. ( made purchases of Innd. tt'hllo in Lincoln ho mot an ontrii < mnii vim had Just bcou to Kuns.is , niul who \vtvn eiK'hniiU'il with that state , Ho pn ' father a long description of Kansas and iti I Used him totfo nnd see It. I'nUicr vlld sc and utter traveling the atnto over , cmicliiil M to maUo land pill-chases In this anil udjon \ coun ties , niul to Bell hit Xobr.i-kiih'.iTosts ' , In addition to his uwn individual p nvhnaci ho nlio I'l'prmeatod a number of l.tnuers and business men in loiiinylviuin , \ lur i'colony of Ids'1'ei'us.vh ' mla friends nuno on hero nnd located on "u' ' o l.inda , ntnong them the very t > ' 'St and i ' > it Miuvcas- fill lannors in our county t..lay. The writer iMtnoiit tlio Hamo t him uml OIIBI n'dln business - ness In f-alina. lie liiul liisui'-- mill downs from 1871 to tKNisuch us proplo usually have In a now country. In 1SSO I WM comfortubly iKod , ovnlng several farms nnd ivn.siili'i-.ihlo proiorty , un- cncumbcivd. Diirini ; the last IIMI years ( our elorioiis prohibition eras howi-vcr , liavour.iihially coni'down liHl , notwlthsl iul- hit ? a number of uxivllctit cwp years nnd a big artlllclal boom , until it was ucwssary to iiiortpapeino3tali of my | iropcrty'liieluiuiiK mv line linmn. Now prolnbitlonists will naif , what bad prohibition to 'I" ' with tlutl Why , lust this : \Vhilo proliil'itlon ' dow not pro hibit the Importation and -.il of whisky and beer , for wo have bad UM > orlu-inal package houses und soniothirty-tlvi'or ' forty stationary and portnblo Joints In H.ilma , It iloos prohltit Inunlgration of people \vlio would buy some of our property at some invo 01 other , giving our oinuarrasscd people rfiuui'l. 1 ivliuf. lint no , no moniiul men , l rnic'i'a , n i-ri'litmU , or any one else now cotno to invest. Some bankrupt stock of goods in , iy In1 dumped lu on us and sold out -payinir no taxes like the oriKiual paeicnpe houao or Joint. Hut instead of hnniltvrniwa came. thoYnnheo inortptpo , loan and tn.at . tn.ni who was anxious to loan bis pr > t vtfid m.iney . at yt to 11) ) jwr cent on uo wiuio security than ho won lit Rladly loan tlio s.uno money lu the east at1 to 5 per cent. Kven .lolinstown , which was nearly waslii'il out of cxlstcaco , Is re-building Uioii ) I n'nl 5 per cent money. Six weeks ago I visit' il my native home , ilohnstou'ti , Pa. , anil wliilo thriit I mot ono Saturday on Main stncl several fnrmors whom I "itncvv from bo ; , hood up. Ono asked mo bow times were in Kunsas , I answered wo had had rather Imnl times for several years , hut that last year our crops were ex cellent , and this vcar our wheat couldn't be excelled. Corn and other growing crops , as well as fruit proniisril n goml ylnkl. The man replied : " 1 toll you New IJr.ulsy is the plaeoto so to- there Is where I'm ioingif I can got my price for myurn hero. Jake Spaniflorweat out to New I3ru > ky In Febru ary and Jcrrv Mlsliler and one of the Kiper boys went out last full , and they write ttiat they nro uncommonly \ 11 pluasud with tiio country. I wouldn't ' move to Kunsns or no ether pronlbitlou state nohow. " Tlio three men above referred to tiavo settled somewhere near West Point. Now leaving my friends on ilaiu street I continued ray walk. Arriv ing ut tlio comer. "f Locust nnd Clinton streets 1 saw a handsome throo-story jircsscil IIll brick , Georgia uiariilo triimnod business block tn course of rrcction. The archltott and contractor la George ICruogcr , formerly of Salina , Ivan. , vh | > , after a residence jrj jrf f twenty years , bus left ourstato forgoodvitu bis wiig and six IliilJrcn. Next I met William Kecler nnd John Lill bricltmasons iti i Henry I..I1I , ( J. A. Anderson , Scxtus lloss uiul son nnd Louis Seesij carpenters nnd D. ild Price and .1. Mall&t I plasterers , and several other laborers , all of whom have ono to Johnstown from Salilia this spring for want of employment in oriorto earn n living. A number of those nan : d are men of families. Some have talcoti tlioit alongothers had to wait until they carued cuouiju money to scud for them. I notice that a pi-cat many cities in the country nro not satisfied with the census just taken , but no one bears mucli complaint from cities in Kansaa. .Qiirtowus wtyntno recount for each reeouJl wilt ' ) tv lEs3'tiiistea.d iu itI increase in population ; * " ! * know whereof I speak so far as my ova town is concerned and we have ono of the b 'st and busiest towns idI idn Kansas. I am engaj ? 'd In a business \vjicro I find out who Is Icavl ignnd who comes. In buyincr and selling al. Hinds of new nnd old ! furniture nnd every k-.ud of household goods , I nm ahout the last mm people trade with when they aroahout tn leave , and lean say truthfully , that in tin- twenty years I have lived hero , there have i.ot been so many leav ing and wantlnp to le.ivo astlu-ro hns hecn ! all this spring and summer. It is true that them are some few cvjinlnprin , but who rote they and whore f win ) They are principally from counties In the western part ot tbo state coining licro broke and looking for Johs. Now I wisb to say to the people of Ne braska in all sincerity that it pains ino from the bottom of my heart to have toimtko these statements , but they are farts , cold IB ami only too true. 1 have nhvuys fought id spoken for the good name of Kansas , astute I ( Uarly love and bavo always been uuionpifc lior foremost defenders wlicro anooportunltr offered , itself , but a sot of hypocritical politi cal , pulpit-pounding probibltlna cranks hnvo the state by the throat uiul arc fust nqucczini ' ; the life out of her. They have had their way for tea years. Now Is our tlim * to speak and act , \Vemusthtrikefroin the shonlilor. > I trust and pray tlio Kood , intelligent , liberty- loving people of Netirabkn will r. it permit a lot of pnll tical prohibition preach' ' rs to saddle a cimccl liiw on their falrstatotliat will surely ' ruin it as it is fast ruining Ka'isns. If what ' 1 have said does not suit tbo prohibitionists , I will , with your permission , plvo them another "Bui : llnu. " \Viu.i\si li. GUIS. Colil S.U.INA , Ivan. , July 1' ' . To the Editor of Your ublodefense of hijjh license should do ranch to prevent y ur state from having the incubus of prohibition fastened upon her. The arguments are unanswerable , but prohibitionists will not listen to argu ment. They have not llstcncil to arguments in Kansas , but the stern Int'lr of facts is now staling them In tbo face. With a city hero thiitpiitfht to ho Krowintfi woaro losiui ; jwi > - iihttlon ' every day , Men nra Boiling off ut hull' price their elToi-ts and leaving this local ity anil ttio &tato daily. If ailced why they arc leaving , their uniform reply Is tbiit they cannot standnruhlbition. 'J'h-y say that they seono nmai.-ili.tta ho ] > js that thu pcuplu of the st < ito will or can | iirow oil the : yoke of Intolcniiico ai .1 faiiatloisiii and that biuiin s 14 so dull 'und luboivrs so scarce that lli' < y sen no pros- poet for businoub or > > uccess in uuythlni ; that thuy i n Ur lit umlcrtiiho. The taxes 1:1 : cities anil towi s nro liirreiusliifj dally. In this city they itwc'i ' the neat little llh'iiro of about 0 per foiiU Klno-tontlis of our linlustrlous mid eiitcrTl.sini | , ' licrinuu population woultl leave thl.s c.ty . If they cuuld Ket 7."i cuntH on tlio dollar for tholr jimp'Tiy. A roul ( 'stale snli' Is uuknoi.n nt tl.lt tinio. Tliero is not n luulilliitf KOUK ! up In thl.t city. Mrcliitnlcs u ro liiiivlit na t < ikt , ta llii'J i.ta uiul thine th.it rauiitln tinvonotlil jjloilo. Tlii'ro no prtMiMvl for litmliic Inn of thi > luto. Tlio whwit ur < ) | i t his year in Hill of tliu first over luim-ntod In ' tilt itan of tint . Tliu Inmbtti d thai iiruhlbliliin luut fiiNlciioil ii | > oii tlmi tatul.y jKilltltal | Mirly Inllui'iici' , and ono of tin ) mott eorrupl l rliik'i Hint ovrrn.vUl. I [ 1 ilnlhi ; all I It oil n do tn pnivunt Iliv n- > ! ! from IM.IIII ; vole upon thuiiiiiMtlon of r > "iuii > iil nloii. Anv ituto In to tH'IU | ' > iltlu t ) II H pnililbl- tl'MI f.iUttsI lltiOII It Uinillirll p.irtlvill [ hilldiMl Inlliicuu' . Tha | M > ot > | u of Nvlint kn , If tliny tlie illuiillo i lit K it > it , W"iiM ni'vtiriillow prililhltluii 'ncitrry Mt th | KiU. ! It tttiiulil IM ' - thw rcmi'ittlmi- lliiu liii w t u lui tmire Kuu u U tvlviH'.ilo | MlilliltloM In Nclu-MMkit un < nut HIM h unri | muu n' UiU tMta nor tlinlr i\ piM i'ui4U'IVy itM who muhii II u U.nln. .1 nf it/liutliii < wlml llmv U'litivn in ! mural rufurui . Many ul loam tHiiii * u tUnt > ! . * who li4V t III hHVll.tf n > ll | fi built by 111 * of vltl H In UiU Ulo ( or wlilcn lUw ur > < In uiiuiy lint MIKW ji-l in- nn < | uni y t ' ! TliU i-i.tM do uu lnUir , | truliif uutliluir ml I 1 liutv Im.lumt ini'ii. vi.l lulwr n ir l itUxitfi Uiul Hi * i. > ii. . . ! . n ' .I I IIMJIVU uf uiui'tl r f < iriN Hr tel i t > l truth * Mt'l fitcu. K < tu l < w UoUy ( ItouM hoW HW IlK-IUMn nf | Mip. | * II Hi ( urthdliut imti < 4naf t.V ) | . r t < wui , wlnlo h only huw . uy lite fwaul mnmn , MI lu orw t of iwimr ociit Tim ut iu ( IIOVVA lk' | | 'r ( ill n ! * ( . n. r l\ lot ) jM-rci itt Nd. 1 4.11,1 , liui hAlniH ul kuuu tuoJ ! j | uUuiiUC fnnutlclim. ThH nc-ctlon li.n not tnvlvejl n ol Iji'rinannr Swivli' linw'friint ' for yonrn If they conn' to l.'dk . nt tlic I'omtlrv tho.r lowe MvlHi "I Ilki your oi'iintry , but I ratuiot Alum ) pruhlliltlnn. " Tlif o nro object Jp'Hon , but tbo Intolerant won't son them. i Dull must cloHfl. If yon bud n Hut of busi ' ness ! tntfu to whom you could wrlto you could | havothwn { ' fltiitenicnts verified by inuo out of ton , j\ntl pnihibltionlst.i herr > lu'po and pray lnii Nr ( Mil jjtltn niay bo Bavcd IIMIU proiilbl- tiaa and sumptuary laws. The piviplo of Nchitislia own It to thmiwelvea to ilcfc.it pro hibition aiul not only totlu'insulvni but totho pro.it country Unit wo call the t'nltcd Stales of America us well. Youts , N , U. Touur. flic tiirHli.tt nl * Mai-yMvlllr , ' 1'iilkn ' I'ltunly on I'l'olillilt Ion. The follouln- ; correspondence explains Itself : iio , Nch , July 13. 1SPO. Dear sir : I'leiiso nns\ver tbcso < pu'st iotia : 1. Your popnliitlonM'irjsvlllf ( ) In 1SSOI I ) . Total number of in roHl" In ISMI | ! l. Arrests for druiiltciuioss and disorderly conduct in 1SMM 4. U tluiM iiiin drunUennOi' * than before pvohibitlunl fi. 1 tin prohibition depreciated real estate VUllli'sl la sentiment In your town for or against tbo law I 7. Is there any noticeable dlfforcnco your pliico titul the border of Nebraska In rcsanl to drunkenness. Yours truly , Kino MOKKM M\nrsviur , Knn. , July H5. ICrio Moroll , Swabnnr , Nob. Dear Sir : Yours of the I''th received. 1 will answer thu questions as best I can. Our population Is 2,000. Wo tnako moro arrests for drunkenness and disorderly eon- duct than for any other otTenso. Your question 'In i-cyanl to ilrunhcnnrss nt the present iluy against the time before pro hibition 1 cannot answer. I bavo been hero only about seven years. Hut from what I can learn , reliable men who bavo been hero before prohibition became it law , clnlui that they cannot see any dllVoren.'O. As to your question whether prohibition depreciated the value of real estate , I think it has to a p-eat extent. Our business men claim that they do leas than one-fourth oflho business since prohinitlon that they did before prohibition bocnmo a law. In rviTiirdlo the sentiment In Mnrysvillo on the prohibition law , the sentiment is stiong ' ' prohibition. 1 think tliero Is moro drunkenness horn than in the borders of Nebraska , nnd 1 will jlvo you my reasons for thinking so. In tlio llrst place the whisky hero Is sold by boot- ledgers , who bell nothing but vili'stuIT nnd sdl it by the pint ; or the people will club to gether and send to Nebraska nnd Ret H by the keg. The consequence is they get drunk , which would not be the case if wo hud license with good police regulation. Our town lias nnt improved as much slnco prohibition as It did before , wliioh Is very easily explained. Wo derive uoiv\cnuofrom licenses , and our taxes uro much higher now thuu they wore bcforo prohibition. Our county hits moro costs to pay to prosecute tlio violators of the prohibition law tlinii all ether stuto cases combined. Prohibition doesn't prohibit in the least , and people are getting tired of prosecuting the bootleggers and having to keep them ia the Jail from three to six months and pay their board and cost of action. Tbo worst of it is , tlio Doot- Icggcr generally comes from the southern part of Nebraska. Wo hnvo onf in jail from Wyniore , Neb. , for selling whisky. Wo have had him for six months , and aru likely to keep him slx months more. Who pays ull this expense ! No ono but the taxpayer. 1 will give you tlio number of 'business bouses In JMiiryavillonnd tilso the sentiments of three-fourths of the business men in our town In regard to prohibition. There was u pi'tltlnn In circulation some time ago for re'jubmitting the question to the voters of the state of ICansas. Tlio following if a list of members of the Marysvillo rcsiib- mission eliib. I will give you names of busi ness men only. Tim number of business house ; ! in Mnrysvlllo is sevctitv-llvo1 John Tracy & Co. , Con Wolton , R. Broiten .t Co. . Alven .Aranb & Co. , Gottlob Xlcglcr , L.f. . Llbby , 10. J. Fehrnkanp. II. Sclz , llroriton &Co..J. P. Smith , II. E. Wold- meyer , ICemil Drnham , Aug. Ilohn , Charles Gorlitzer , Jucob Grauer , I'red White & Co. , W. T. Hose , A. Cottrcll , Thomas McCoy , I. Kegnet John Jerry , Mr. Barlow , William Cottrcll &Co. , M. VlisshmmiVilllnm llor- J.V. . Anderson , J. S. Miiflll , A. M. Vlckcr , J. 1C. Julian , William Decker , H. W. Illttel , J3. L. Wilier , II. 0. Dargutz , M. J. Dhifrnar , Joseph Grim , J. A. Urouphton , C. T. Mann. John LCjan. ) ( D. Wolf , J. Lonorpran , F. PhenV-i'lo , Scamon Uros. , M. Sueflleld , Sam Foster , A. M. Judson , A. Flurer , Krnst Lunge , W. K. Cottrcll , Captain John Brown , \Vm. Daushortv , J. Ij. Kurmnn , Charles Fisher , Hoburt While , George Kebbcr , Gcoruo Von \Vulil , O. French , Arch Thomson , A. Toltson , John Thrum , \Villiaia Barks , Hher- part Muull , Willison Clins , I hope- have answered your questions sat isfactorily. At least my answers to your questions are truennil you will liiul them en dorsed by most all our business men. Hesp'i.'otfully yours , F. F. Arm , Deputy Marshal. A Kansas To the Editor of Tim BUG. "Docs prohibi tion prohibit } " is a question frequently asked iiow-a-diij-s nnd upon its correct unswer de pends the action of tbo people of Nebraska next November. As the prohibitionists most positively answer that question alHrmiitlvoly and the antl-prohibitU'iiists ' ns positively answer In the negative , I thought perhaps the cxpoiienconnd testimony of ono who had beat large personal knowledge of the question at issue might be useful ; nnd right hero let me. say that prior to my loshlonco lu Kansas nuI wnsim nvticnt prohibitionist am still it tem perance man- have no sympathy for the sa loon keeper and none for the drinkers as a class , but ready to aid anyone to break from > tbo thrallilom of Ids appetite whenever ho will signify his desire to do so. Now. does prohibition prohibit ? I .say no- First , bucatiso the law i.i not enforced. It is the veriest , nonsense for anyone tuaniirm that it is enforced ns well as the litw ac-aiiist tboft , murder , etc. Any man that Is not wil- fully blind kuows for him ulf that It Is not * 1-1,0 lu the case of theft the losing party lias n pei-bonal inclination to illsnncr and pnn'i-uto i tlio thief ; so , also nil having knowledge toof the theft , for-hoy all Ii.ivo property which is in jrnpardy , so lun ns the thief is at larKO- ivhcrc.ts , tlu man th.it buys : drink of lnjuor In Kansas luu a pcrsnuiil iutorentln pnitert- Inn the srllcr , for ho will want annllier , and ndml Hie same U true of all his com pan inns , nail tills ! ut < Mv.it is su rrat as to IIM 1 him Into all manner of uv.uiioiis , und oven Into perjury , to prntivt tlumHIiT. Moroover. ho rods justi fied In doiim this , for bo fecit In liunur biiitnd to protect tlio brllcr. Aiul wh.it ube than pi-rjurv can you expect wlion tliu state lt. .is ( icuti tralniiiK IIIL-II In purjury for yuan -for tlio stitto pMiulrott tlt.tt nil pylons bu.\inu lliiuursof a licensed ihiivBlst Hh.ill bivoiir th.a ho di'slro-i to purchiiKu the mo for n it-rtnlit tinro uii-dicinal purKi | : > e. und I wlllntiito right ln-ru that I never knew but ono nun to rofuno to liiaku tlH'iilllihvit. Ahuthcr IIMSOII Is thntvhnt Is ovi-ry- bed ) * biisdiio.14 lit nobody's. " The nmlulil - tlun l.tw.i ui-ij not enfoivi'd for ) u t tit ; ; Illmo that In HOIIIO liiktunctw tliu lii-ciisu lawn of NobiMikii are nut pnfnrtvd. No luw IM unfnrfml unli'HH ( iiiuplttlnt * of vlulatlou ire HIM ! who will imtko ttio rnnipluliiil will nutIt ml/lit lnuivtli | fir _ The nuno with HUH Uuiilc * niul ull othri-n \ \ \ > a muHl tlt'K-nJ | on tlto puUllu for Mip.'i'rU ' No diHH'iit , H'irivnMtiUiii | ! { liniii wl lii to do surh wi rk Tito uvt > mir AnM - ICMII cltlroii fi" In tlnU nui'h wurk Itdlity " work. Hu IOIIK M II dotm Hot | N-i > imiiHy noti.vni luiii Umt liti liw eninii/lt to du tiiittlciiil lulti * own ltumi < * i ; Him niliT nil nut iw.inr | KI. . | . | rtlly Utluki U U vucb a t4-rnllo m II fur a uimi to buy H tlrluu t > l whtiltr ur U wr. Hn Uio vll rvvul * IIIIXHIK Iho.HifO'.lv ( ur ln M a UM MI r iljf < if iiri-ik , Ull iouttt t-THWu f l uilir full * Illll l IU < > | wt > l nr i rt > uw < l t" wiiiM > r > trlu Ity Mid iiMMUHxtlo liul futile HltuiuyU mn uwU U < Mlf'flit ' ll UW. IH li > * rist'lv * ! lint * ol4 inn towu In oii'iw ' < " i' m KUI M \ > t UU ) M NMil u ilni ur rii'ii ' uitwll lit- | i. l. ' i n * ( > lriu fur IIM | | iu4l | mii > Mn * . In 1 1 III * IOMTH uf IMA tli'in ' HIINW bumlritl 4 nf , boU no inrn.it Vl'f IMHII | inM < vutii > l. At III" o'UHly Jul e > tuf tliii llm writ , r l w irto l il uf U > r Uif-l Ml iM.allui.i . 'fu. i I II , Iruln , ill tlio \ > r > > li Mutt lh Ml U-nnuf 11114 rt H < M o | "ii l Tli" | < | HiUiiuu I lit HIM 'WM W44 Hlki'tl ' i lil li.i.'ll'-J , Hint iliii.t u > r i wri i'ii > d.'tv H't.lii J ii'i ' . . in < t < h r til tltt'ia M > l * I- 1 "ii n-r wT"i iiv ul U.IUUIIUT yratiwUtcU. Ui > u uul U * l UUl I ll.i own story I 1 have piwtinllv known iloisiMii of bu lnp < incit to ko-n lielh hive niul wlil ky In their ptnce < of ini lnioi lo trout their tlilmty en-tliimert. It win fairly clienp iiilvrrtlMn , fnr imlliltitr will drntv li-iulu bellor thuu free bocr or frro wli ky. 1 frcdr admit that freiiuintly ' will flml'lt dintciiltto buy litto lc.ttliiKlhUord | In Kunsai towns , and will ro uwny lumcstly Hitylnt ! problblllnn doc.i pi-nlnblt , but I lutvi ) iio'ticed n sort of I'VcoiiiiKonry iutiminM the o Who drink that siimohiiw uncrrlnttly lends them to the rk'ht jilai-c , unit mi'tvnntilo runners tlmso piTlpi-tellc mlHslotmrlM who Rcetn to liuve nbtalueil the p.Twivord which U tlu open si'-tttme to nil thu good things of this world -will tell you that then' nro few towns In Kansas wlnut' a man cannot get sometliinif for tin1 " * tomai'h'n sake.1' The priibib ipfiiiii rs srrk to put us down vortfiTiiiliig : "You army yoursilves on tlio side of whlrUy ; you ivnuld like to see saloons on every corner , pitfalls for tbo young , " do. Yes , wu are on the wide of tlio saloon.Ve hnvo r.ilied u boy In Ncbruilm , M well nt lit ICansiis , and wo eun ouster watch nnd uiinrd npaliist the saloon In N'cbntskit thuu wo can tlio boot-legger * , Joltits mid clubs of Knusii * . Tlio saloon I e.m liiul ; the other the most liivi'tonitu prohibit ion cr.iiut cannot locale anv uioio thuu the Irishman could bis llea. Finally after nil hns boon snld prohibition dnp.mot prohibit-does not o\en pfi'tend to in fact It sliiipy | changes the traflic front the million to tlio drug store , ruins an honorable and honored business mid loses llio llceusr. In Nebraska wo hnvo n restricted trafllo , In Kansas we have frco whlsliy , nnd I will tell you , Mr. Kditor , that a pint of whisky sold by u Kansas di-ugHtnro will inuUo it man Just as drunk , ran to him to kick his wlfo Just as li.n-d , nnd 1)11 ) a drunkard's grnvo Just us FOOII ns i f sold by a Nebraska saloon , I'rohiliition takes whisky from the saloon nnd puts it into the drug tore and establishfor esnscbeol for pel Jury. Human nature Is the same the world over. The average sit- lounlst will soil nil tlio whisky ho can , so will the average Kansas druggist , und 1 have found that the average drinker will swear Unit black Is whlto If ho cannot get A drink without it. Strnngo thut so many discuses can be cured by intoxicants , and It is strangoo how sioitly so ninny npparcntly able-bodied men are in Kntisus and Iowa. Which will you take next November ) High llcenso saloons or no license drug stores , nnd tlio swarm of bootleggers nnd Joints which Kansas enjoys. A KANSAS Uuuiuidr. ( lie > loctimr. TJI\V. : Tin : HKH reproduces the following sermon preached by Hov. A. V. Sltcrrlll when bo was pastor of the First Congregational church of this city , In which ho udvoeated In strong terms the strict enforceinontof the provisions of the blocumb law. Tlio report is repro duced from the columns of Tin : HUK of Janu ary'J , 1SS3 : Tlio Congregational church hail a good mi iHonco last night , upon the occasion of Hcv. A. K. Sherrill'H address upon the subject of "Tho Slocinnb l.uw nnd tbo Wisdom of En forcing and Obeying It. " The text wus iron. tlieOnliitlans , 0-0 : "Let us not bo weary In well doing. " It is the duty of every church to takonn nctivo interest in all that is i/ood. H should llvo as a free agent , not as ii fossil. In the temperance work , which Is tlio greatest re form of the age , every church should bo ac tively enlisted. The ; Slocumb law is being enforced and by. this enforcement 100 saloons are practically closed. This is the most noteworthy step of progress in the history of our stato. One hundred saloons nrc legislated out of exist ence. At tin ) 1st of April not moro than half those remaining will coutinno to tuko out n lioL'iiso uml the nu tuber of saloon * 'vlll bo reduced to tivonty-llvo. The law is asm-red thing , which it Is tbc duty of all to obey and not disregard. Tlio mayor is to bo commended for his anrouncement that the law must be enforced. Tiio bestwiiyto got rid of a bad law , if this be one , Is to en force it. The saloonkeepers are to bu commended - mended that they have ut lust yielded and have proven themselves law abiding citizens. There are only tbree out of that number who threatened to stand out. The people should congratulate themselves for this condition of nir.urs , when the saloon men bavo been so well organized. The preacher went on to refer to the crime at Tritscliku's ' saloon on Sunday last , and especially dwelt on tbo importance of closing the saloon ut m o'clock each night and dur ing tuowuolo of Sunday. Ho thought that good would como out of the evils in our midst , which wt-i'o attracting BO much atten tion. Ho said that the young men of this city \V/TO / becoming aroused to a sense of their danger. Ho wumod parents to bo care ful in tins education of their children toward a tcmporato life. Christians all should re- ini'mbcT that the temperance movement atfi.-i.-ied each person directly or through friends , ami all should uuitc In furthering its growth. n TmrjR Anillenee. litifliniis Aciii'aiwan. It must bo conceded that the reports of the great Joint discussion on the prohibition ques tion : were faithfully reported In Tim Bui 5i i : . Messrs. Small and Dickie and their followers 3i have been shown a spirit of fairness nnd gen ; erosity In this matter worthy of emulation. : Every pcint they made for their cause was carefully recorded and the approving mani festations of tbo partial audiences noted bc- c10 twenn brackets. It is strong evidence of tbo fact that at least Mr. Hoscw.ttcr is sincere on this question , and ho has been even more red honorable toward Ids opponents who Insulted him with bL-ses nnd Jeers. Messrs. Hose- on water and Webster have clearly demonstrated nur strated that tliero are substantial reasons for urn the faith there is In thorn , ana few men even of their strong con vlctlous would have been willing as they were to debate a question he- eut fore un audience unfriendly to UIPIII. Hut they were aw.iro of Uio fact that tlioy worn really talking for a larger audience nnd one that would five them respectful attention. Ili li McciiM ! In Baltimore. A'rie I'nih Triliunc. Ilii.'h HPPIISO would seem to glvo satisfaction c11 tion in Hitllhnoi-o. His reported that tlio Increase 11as crease from ? . " ' ( > to U" > 0 for a license has worked so givnt an Improvement that tlo next logUUtiiro will bo asked to raise the ilnires to J.Vin. Such n step evidently Is Jus- tilled by the results already accomplished. Ono third of the snloom , ' .MO lu number ' , which were lu fu'.l blast under llio low license system have bren closed , with ; t marked C iu for tlio cnu.se of good mends. 'Malno Itnnror has 110 ruiuscllors , one for ovorj- 1'Jli Inhabitants. Port land him I2U runwellurs , QUO for every ill liihuliitunts. Levvinton IMS iV ) runutcllora , ono for every iitH. bu.t 4' ) ruuiHcllon , ono fur every in Inliaiiittmt.t UUIiown bits a.1) ) rum ollers , ouo for every 10:1 : hihubttimu. Iluih Ima J6 ruiiuml'am ' , ono for wary U15 InhitblUittn. tin * 'Jt ruia < illura , on * for every . II.M Jl rutiwellor * . on * fur every 5 ; ? liiliiililUiiiU. liar ll'truor ' baa IS niuwollon , on for uvry Ul intrtblt mU. Ili-lf t t IIM H ruiuoll rt , on * for v y avi IllllitliitrtllU. ii.iillM < r HIM 1.1 ruuiMltrn , one fur everjr HU . Kit .wortli h u IT rjiit lUr , on * fur avwry SMi IntmtHlmil * . U raninrllen.oni' f > revcr > T 'mblUuu. W Uifvlll hn 1 1 rmwM tl"r , t ' ' 7 7Mi Mi ry ( M. "T Onutu li * i ' " # 'r , o f r # i . rjr flMI * r * - " * * Wliiu lii r " rtiv ' - - v rj iw j wry rjr TI hl.U lil l.tm-uiN ! . ar iu 'iu > r , MM r * r jr ni-j ) M I Ilili * I' , il I * luUU ut tuuruJ i44Utwl , CIA TUB PROPOSED AlIiaTlIE ) ] T 1'ull Text of I'ronnslU.mi . to Ainoud tlw Sluto ( loiHtiltiliou. MEMORIALS AND JOINT RESOLUTION * Arts .k iilitiilttlnir Prohibition , I.Icons * Iteguliitliiti , I'lMvldlnji Cor l < * lv Hiipremo Judge * mill leicrea * * kit Kiiliirle * Tlici-ouf , Klu. Following Is presented n full toil of th llct.s submit ! Ing to the voters of Nc'unt dm th propositions to nni'Miil tin' .state I'oiistiiulloal I'li'Miuimn.v iiidii i HT.NIF. An in' I to su lull to ( hi1 I'li'iMnrs of ( lie fltutt fur le.leelloii ( int | > iirov.il , an iinii'iiiliucnt it tllOC.illSlltllllim Of till' iCltO ( O prulllKIl tilt iiiaiiiif.ictiii-e. ssilo ami Looping ( or s.ilis u | Itiloxleiilliii : liiiiitrs | us : i li < vriiuii , mill pro' vUllim fur ilu < HIM line rot vi ii 1111 ; mi uoh pro posed .itiiriuiim'iil , mil an aiMi'iitlnu-iitto th * ( ( not 1 1 ill Inn uf Ilili ituto In lli'i'n-u iinrt riij tilatn tliu iiiitniifiii'tiiK1 , M'llo uml Uni'pilitt tot Biile. of Inli'Sli'iiUn. ! ll < | i | . > rs us u lii'M'nig * . mill prnvlillni ! fur the mamiur of votlnj el HiK'li proposed iiiiiiMidnii'iit. lie il enacted by the legislature of the stilt * of Nclii-uslw : Section I. 'I'lint tit the ( jonornl election to t > fl held on the Tuesday sucoeodliiK the tin ! .Monday of November , A. 1) . Ib'JO ' , there stiall be nuhmitiotl t to the electors of this stjilu for itppnn ul or rejection an amendment to thf constitution of this stuto in wouls us fol lows : "Tin' manufacture , sale anil Uccplntf for aalo of liitoxlr.it lui ; liiiuora ns ibov * i'1-iixo nro forever prolulilto i In this stuto. sitnut tin ) lojjUlnturo shall i > roiilo br law for enforcement of this pro * vision. | " And there shall ulsont said election bo separately submitted In the eleelorsof tbjJ atuto for their approval or rojeo'lon ' un ami'iiilini'Mt to thu constitution of Ihu atnto la wonls as follows : "Tho iimnufacturo , r. le. tiiul keeping for sale of Intoxicating llillori | us u be vertigo ahull bo licensed unil regulated by law. " Sections. At such election , on the ballo ) of each doctor voting for the proposed niiiutiilinont to the constitution , nhiill bo writ ton or printed the words : "For proposed umoml men t tot he-constitution , prohibit Inif till manufacture , sale , and Keeping for Hale of ln < loxIcathiK Honors as a hiwcrinjo , " or "ni.ralusl hald projiused unieiiilnient to the constitiitlo * prohibiting the innnufiiclure , .salo anil keep ing fur side of intoxicating liijnora ILS u bov erayo. " ' 1'lierc sliiill'rilso tie written nr'prlntoilon thi ballot oT each dee tor voliii r for the pmposcd amomliiicnt to the cointi' ntion , the wordai "For proposeil amrinlineiit tolheeon-it-tutloB that , the inanufaeliire , sale and Heenlux tot snluof intoxicatlnu' li'iuors us a bovoruco la this state , Mulll bo licensed mid n'Kul.H'J ' by liuv , " or "against s.iid piiipnseil iiiniMulinuul to the constitution th.it tlio inainifacturo , sale unil keeping for s.ilo of Intnxli-iUlnrt 1'quors as u bcvenigo stmll bo licensed uul ivpiilatoil by ln\v. " Sec. ! ! . If either of the siiid proposed unieiiiliiipnts shall bonpprovwl by n innjorltr of tlio electors voting at said election , then ft shall constlttito section twenty-soven i.7) ) , 01 article one (1) ( ) of tlio constitution of thostiit . 'J'lns bill having remained with thegover norlivo ( . ' ) ) dujH Sundays cxcepted , the Irgiil.ituru beinn insesslon , llio ovunior har in luilod to return this bill 10 the 10-islutur < during its session , and having failed to tlio It in my oDIee with hlaolijcctions within l\u ! (5j days after I no adjournment of the leKibiatureV it has therebv boconio a law. Witness my liaivlthLslUth day of Febniary A. L ) . INj'J. ' CJ. L. Li\\M , _ Secretary of ron FIVK sri'iir.Mi ! , Toiim ii'l ' si-ellons two ( Si , four ( I ) , and live (3V. ( of tirtii-lo ( di uf t lie eoiislltutliiii of the Hi uUi of Nebraska , eiitllleil " .liidlclal Depart' mont. " uiul providing for llvo (5) ( ) judge * ol llio siiiiri'Mio court , and to rouuul kulA original section * . Ho it re.Milvi d und enacted by thu legislature of the stijUof Nebraska : Section 1. Th.it section two (2) ( ) of article six ( (5) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Ne braska , bo amended so us to rend us follows I " .See. 'J. The supreme court shall consist of llvo < l > ) Judges , a majority of whom shall bo necessary to form a quorum or to pronounce decision. It shall have orl l"Ul iurisdiotiom In ca-ies relating to revenue , civil cases IB which ibu ututo iiliall be u ) > arty , mun _ mm , quo warranto. habeas corpus , and such ap pellate jurisdiction as may bo provided by law.- law.Sec. Sec. 2. "That section four (4) ( ) ol article six ftJ ) , of the constitution of the slut * of Nebraska , bo amended so us to reuii M follows : ' Sec. 4. The Judges of the supreme court shall bo elected by the electors of the state at large and their terms of oflleo. osr copt ns hereinafter provided , shall be for a period of live. (5j ( years. " Hcc. II. That section flvo ( fi ) of article six ( ll ) of the constitution of tbo stu'o ' of Nebraska , bo amended so us to read us fol lows : Sec. fi. "At Uio first general cloetion to be he-Id in the year IS'Jl ' , and uft-r to * adnplii.nof this amendment to the coi.stitu- tion , there shall bo elected three ( .1) ) Judges of this supreme court , one of whom Bliull be eh'ilcd fur the term of one (1) ( ) yo.ir , one for the term of tbreo ( ; i ) year * , .uul one for the term of live ( : > ) years , and at eat-h gener.il eloeliou thcro- after , there-shall bo elected olio Judge of the supreme court for the term of llvo ( iij years. 1'rovided , that tbo Judge * of the Mipreme court whoso terms have not expired at the time of holding the general election of 1801 shall continue to hold their ollioo for the re mainder of the term for which they wcro re speetivcly elected under tbc present coust > tution. " SecThat each person voting In favor of this amendment shall h.tvn written or printed upon his ballot tlio fo'lowing ' : "Fur the proposed nmendmont to thu con stitution relating U * the nuinbi.-r of suproau ) JudgiM. " Approved .March 30,1SSO. TO iNf-nctm : fuiiiiis : or.iunors. Joint ri'ioluliiin ( imposing im amen.lniunt te hi'i-ll.ni llilileeiiil.il ( if urtli-l" hit ii-i "f Hi i-011-.litulli'ii uf tlio stitio of N'i-l < riil.a. : una Ilvliiu the silury : of judges of the ui > ruw * und dlslriet eourts In this siuta Holt resolved by the legislitlura of the stat of N'eiirasita : Section I. That soetlon thirteen (13) ( ol urliele six ( Oi of the c'liiistitiitinn of tlm stn' * of N'cbr.iska bo uuiundL-.l t > o aj to read IIH fol lows : See. in , The Judges of the supreme court shall each rieelvoa salary of tlilny the hua- drod dollars ( SViUO ; per annum , and tbt Judgi'H of the district court .shall iv i\u sul.iry of tlnio tlioiiH'tud dollar * ( < " .w > nniinin , and the suhtry of each shall bo * nulp ijuurterly. hice. ' . ' . ICnch porsnn yolins In favor "f thl * amendment Hlmll havn wrllU'ii or i I'tnlud ujxui ItU ballot tlm f illowuu. "for the proiKwi'd umeii'liiiPnt ' to Mio coa- Rtllntion , n ! at In IT to llm unlun of JuJjm o4 tlio itupreiiieanil distrli't court.1 Approv xlMun-b : i I V. iii-dlHiii < Mit of riiO ; . \\'yint \ \ > ii'iilnn / The pr htiltli'ii ! v hlcli Ih-CD Mft-rt DU-fcujr nnd Sum o thf suit1 nt pruliibitlon Hud M * n J. . . HI t + \V ( li'tcr mill K Iti' 'waU'roii tun * l l > > .1 tii k lli.M.x'linvimll Umn pulilltfusl In TiuOvitiix llir : , i iiil It Is fe to iiy IIMVH Iwm r 'ii''r > tlly fad tiy the p. n.lo | ul .N VVIiiUi thu Uulun U Itt'ti-i Hi * artfru > it forth Ii ) ih i hin | l Mi of hi lillc < MiM' hi. M wUtr , U U fr w to * y ttntl ih < . . > ' , turn W T much RIUN Mr ud nmi. . .1 the hiiinllliitf of Uti4rtubji- ihnu wi > v T int. nuny | mMuln til itvn of tuu < OU'f but i ! J U I * UIU < MI 't'lMI 1 f- U M. ) it * siti'li m lux t , It . . . t * l" vtiM , wUtlwjl will not hurt i > r" wiiii fr ) mM \ nr .ti . mil IM ik. . . . rh nf MMr 111. k HIM ) Mm , i ! Mlitn itnw ol UM t > < > | .iu i.f . N i > r * > . t 11 JM bll'tlluM INIHllMlnli H < > i. . . | IM > ' ' t 'fl & HIM ( i * > liiiktnHi HII.I vulitflituMi.i . . 'UH MUtlMlilMul * MuP'r 4iwM M4 W 4x ) I Illll , u i * f. r . I" " > . i. i. . K , , , i , , i , , n , , , , , .i. V v 4 > t > > | l Atui lu 4AUi4 U UiUI