Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1890, Debate Supplement, Image 15

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on .Tuno 10 for the piirpixio of
c tli < tts tothoconnrc > ioit.ilcoii\cntlon
utl injoi la.Iuno 21. nrtt i 'ir.iilucotl ' n rvo-
liilloiifiiv ih ( } prohlbltum uiul ncnln t the
rrijrlnnl i i Unco tiu lneH.i The \\lldoyeil
jronlhltioti ivpiiblliins tnMcil II promptly ,
lint ilirliiKto OUouM the subject In upon cou *
'ill ' Mr. Tlminp ntiwiui In the city
rf | V | < i l > .i hovi-ntto \ \ ik and paved up
n d iliiwnlho nriliiHtr t of the rltv of 'In
l UHWltiitliliproiHwitlin A bullet lox w.w
| iiwiitivltii uiory person , mil ouh binltuns
i mn ( MIS u Iced to drop Inl" Hint lm > c n ballot ,
wlu'tiior II wmforor npiltnt rwubiiiNsion ;
nnd o hue licro llio .iniihult of the inim
HholookllfAt Imllot And ho iiiakoi this
Mali' > IIvnihis. "liawnpo countr ss
\\.ll. hi'iuij. boinif l l > HUOI ii.ilcpo t's nnd
f vnt oiiiployoil to take tlif volr of KH mas
nvciiim. In I oiioU.i , Knn . on thu iitiutlon of
iiriilillilt I > i in d n Mibirtl HioM
uiillic Mli anil lllh d \ s of .Tune. 1S % , I ih-
Iliilntl tin liin s mil iirtii''i on llio erounil
lloor on Kniiiis aNoiiuo fnun llio rlv rt (
Hclilli HIM i-t.wlth HUM MM pi Ion of the limit
Nlam ! < 1 < pot iunl out ) lui'lvviir nnd OIIP pn > -
n rytton iind pnsiMitiil t ho liullut lux tollio
inijili ) > is HIDHO notltoly mranil In busl-
lu-hH , unil iln Ifoinplo * t ami roniosica thi'in
lo lfuisll | u billotoitlicr furprf ililbliiou orrt1-
mbniH Inn Iho box VQM vi , iirolv n.illi'il mil
uftir I li'ul ' llnUluil I on | tu iltho h.imo lit tlio
iiri'iiii ! ' nf lion I. H I'l-iiui Ii of lloiomo ,
Iviili , Mr O. I ) 'IhninlMiM of OiiKilii. rsel ) ,
Mr illlilMiil of 'lopi-kii. Mr Hnvhir btmiu
nnd A I. Allni , nnil thn lnlloH u ro tnl.i-n
from null box u IK ) run fill Ij ciniliti-d mi ( It il-
llosnf lliemiino nnilo In tin1 prisi'nco of tlio
nld K iilli-ni'ii. 'I he risill , l < us falli'UH '
Tlirooliuiiilnd nnd throoditosfor rnubnils-
don ami nun hiiiiilnil nml HUtv fur | in > -
litbltlon Only ilium t Ivvonly pusuin lofuvotl
tool l. nnd 1 Ka\t nil I In * u iplnvi'i sniuli 111-
tiloies at IhophuiM \ Hlli-dlhc full opporlun-
Ity to tltiojit | the ballot nf llu-lri Imlui _
Hffomto lipfore mo nnil stilii'iltiul In inj
prtniininahlsiaiiilnvof Jinn' . \ 1) . li'K ) .
( J I' Mil Am : sulir > I'ubllo.
" \Vo roniiimxv to thunpoi ilium of proliibl-
tlon lus fiiutul In the dtttoti'tit titles lu Ktiu-
'Lava-nee , ICan ' Ii rollt"C and church
town f I..UM popnlntlon , ihldly from Now
KiiRliinil 1'rohiuitioii ' liw been fostoicJ
\\itli n Ji.iIoiM caw. In Isv ! them wuro toner
or twtliu open snloons nud there were no
holw in the wall or bjot-hi c-ri , now tliuro
are fullv tm'nty pluca n hero liquors uro
vlnniloiliaol ) Hold. IjX ( iovirnor Ohuk-s
Kobliiioii , the wtr Rovcinor of K.insas , an
nbli ) man mid havlns lat 'o mU'imtn here ,
ntutud to Mi Thomp-on tint lie know Hint
liquor HUH iiihl In fiom sountcPii totvvcuti-
llvo plan's in Lawrence , foi , Mild lie , 'I own
io farm Just near tins citv , 1 employ n
niinibot of men ; nmoiiK them U a man , n
i. ipnulA follow , whom I diuo iiot omlto Lnw-
n-nto lei f ir lie will fit lrnnl { Today.
.luno I 'i , 1 suit hint totn\Mi with two loads of
\heat .it isliDWiio.irS pm .mil 1 huvonot
found him jet Ilo is la soruo liolo in tlio
wiilldiunk Ho liivsii fumil > and h totally
dependent in mo forwor * to hiipport thoin
13ut I will lo obliged to tui n him out of doors
on ui'ooiiut of rum holes in the city ofl.jiv.-
rcnco. Whin thU Hum llnils otio of these
phcos , and they aio not haul to Had , lie
seem * to bo iifinidho in.ij not got in .i
ami diiulCHto drunkcnin.'ss "Vcs , there
clubs to ruin the boys und tliej mo nn
tisooftlion oppoitunltliM I live | ! not
fet liquor ; lamn toctolnler , hull liiivonouse
for Ivan-ma ( ( inhibition. It i.tu faao , hiocil-
iiig hjpjriils.1
"Tli i iH't'roosand the least st > l f respoctinif
younfjinoniiitiotiUotho joints , the 'bloods' '
Iia\e foi inul clubs vvhoro liquors of ullkiiuh
HIP Uopt htu'li inoinbor ow iisn lay and noa
nt will to the conitnoi stoil : Hois ujitlrcly
\vlthont roitianit , hU ruin is only a matter
ot time
"A lontiRor clns of boys prociiTOii dusk of
\vlilsli ) wluih ilioy carry lu their pockets.
'llicy incot in hams and dnk nllojs and
( Uurult , anil thus acquire an appetite for the
sttontf bp\eraKe I'i'ohlbilion in Kansas is
Dimply unpphiutliiK buorvith vhisli\ , the
nioro portable. It is caiisln ; inuii to drluk to
druiiKcancHthovora kutisllod with aKliws
of bcir before.
"Tho pioprictor of the EldrlilRO houao , tha
lieat hotel in Liwrcnee , nMr Conn , runs nu
open Joint In Ills hou4pproslded over by hla
loloiul potter Ilo sold to minors , to negroes ,
to diunknids. to ovoijbody. Ho vas nr-
ivstol , convicloil ami sentenced to pay a line
of $ .100 and iiiipusoaniont , but Just as sooa ns
rentcnco was pissed his friends , prohibition
ists , who wore In tclcKraphlo communication
' - ' -
, oior hlia. The poor IICRIO , uho naa
onlyhia hlrolinp , still latipulahc'i in Jill bo-
oiusofoi-sooth his master v ill not pay the
line which wasnotiemitted.
"HusinCJH issta < ! ii.intnnd wliolo rowa of
business plac-cs ho found
can onipty In Lntv *
KM i ca ItshouKl bo berne in mind that Luv-
leni'i'is ' vnntod to ua n place \vhoro ptoliilil-
tlcm b H MII usi It Is iiiiturallv a quiet
town and llio londltions nro food for its sno-
U' s , but In propui ( ion to population and Its i
class of utiiuis taken into coiibidorutiou
tlicioU ai much liquor consuincil In Law-
ieni'0 .is in any city In Kansas I counted
elRhtiM'-n of boci andfoui kegs hofoio the
oxpuss olliroon the sldoxMilk and -\va told I
that ent ire wapon loadaof boor vamc thiotiffh II
the express olllto. "
Now , hero h Tcavomvorth. Whoa 1 was
In Li.ioiuvorth inlb&O it wn ilso prohibi
tion time Uhora weie 1W , and probably
moiv , saloons tunnliif ; wliloopon Tlioro was
no cftort inado to unforco prohibition. At
that time if 1 rouiamber right , the city of
IMIonvortli \ was quoted \ \ Mn population
of over Ji,0M ) ( ) , in Ihs7. Hj tlio election of anew
now citj Kovirnmcnt they got in some very
rigid roKiu.itlons and tnoy closed the saloons
* o nil IntenU and purposes. [ Applauso.J
Now , whit is the rosultl 'iho prosL-nt popu
lation of Iaa\oiu\orth is 20,55s , a f.illiugoir
of o\cr lO.OOOfiotnthotPiisus of 1SSO
I want an } piohlbitioalbtto explain thut tome
mo and slum w h.\ the elty of Lo.ionwortU
has ilocivascd 10OvX , ) In her population. In
IbaTtlmrit.t had a population of yi.'JIO. . It
was ihu in. ; that 3 car that tlio siloons were
closed up nt the front door and business
drhen to the Joints , \\here it Ins binco been
poii ! ou1th muili suet oss for Iho bencllt of
Chosu ons.iKd in thu tratlli , but to the injury
9f biidtiest , anil the reetiuiof \ the city ,
Mho offc-t t of piohlbltion on busineaa and
jjropi'rU \ .dues has boon \ orj ilobtructivo
ctotl cst ito is a di UK on tlio iiurUtt. At uo
tiinoiiitho history of the city have there
beui so inniu empty store hmises 111 the busi-
uo stuots of thu city. Such icondltloT of
U1iih- > did not c\lst piior to tbst , U'forotiny
Xttcinpt \ \ us m.ido in thu cuioicotiicnt ol the
law \\lilih Isuotenfouod
1 mot Mr IJyots ofLea\en orth twodayj
ago at Oinilia lie owns SI'iil.OOO in ical his been a ivsidont of I.eaven-
\voith fur more than tucutj years Mr
Hjei-h fought foipioliibltlm , nnd Uo told mo
tha thing \ \ is not enl > afurcound an Impo
sition , bit it had bein u hlin'Ut to hispilj ,
mid hasih'siioT , cd moio piopoity values than
if the eitj liul bion struck by cyclone
No\\hov , is it in Kansas nbout brovvcri > sl
In the county of uMchUnn a bicwory
been in ojHiatlou without lot or lundmnci )
since the operation of tholav In Lcivon-
\NOithall Unit class of business hitsbuea
stopped [ Apphuso 1
iVom .Innuur ) 1 to Juno 1 , IbX ) , forflAe
months , the arvists for drunlcemuss lu tbo
city of l.oiton\\oitb 2ii : , by thooiUciil
reportot tlio public court And now \\ccoiii8
to Atclilson
In the city ol Atchlson the ycttee court
Khows that da ritifj tlio year Isv ) , 1,171 nrrcsts
\\tro iride , ot vluch7d for drunkenness -
ness ami distuibmccs. nh
Atchiionliiis been Just like I.eivcn.worth
It has boon a di > ul town , partly rod. by pro
hibition lUisiness U Un iil'-hiii , and nil
impruu'ineuts nro at a standstill. I counted
tncnt-ll\o ) empty store houses on Com-
inctvlil stuot , and suv but ouo building inIn
the cuuraoof construction
Thocityof St. Joseph , Mo , his been en.
JoyinR undiio prosKTity | at the expense of
AU-hison nnd Le.uonworth. Theio ro six
teen drup btoiw in AU bison county , - IXid
fourteen of tlmio aw in the uly of AUldsoi
niiolrroporU ofsalci show Jl the way from
SO to 400 lor each store per inontn
JCow I vant to ivnl you some tostitnonlah
O II lleatloy. soa.itor of tha Twentv-
iiiiitliditilct of Kansas , losillncf \Yichita ; ,
says : "I hnvo expenenccd iilno jcu-a ofa
prohibition in K'atisis. It 11 1 delusion and a
snaii ) It lucre iscst.ixei and cuts oft en-
tlrolj the n ituril linmlfrr.itioi of anew htute.
Had Kiinsis no\er boon atllktod with pio-
hibitionlihita today would have 100,000 >
people 1'rohibltion drains tnost.ito of rcadv
i.ish It luis dri\en 10J.O W people out of
K.inba and h.ia lost t > i3\ hundred thou
sand m immigration toho state It is tint
greater VUINO to the state than hot Windsor
It is onh a < iuotloti of tirio
till rids herself of prohibition. 10hi
my jud-r.ient no greater caluwity can hiSi
pen to Nobniika th la to adopt constitutional
prohiblti ia 1'rohibltio ' i hai cost Sedgwlik
lounty duriiv BBO ! jears of prolilbltljn
( JOOVO. (
If the stntoof Nebraska wishes to lose
population , to destroy hur Iminlirnitlon , to
puraluo lur pri'iont city and furn values , let
her adopt prohlbilloti. Ths or ; that eto
blbltlou iuhe inoml kido of tbo quiaiioa b
ul humbug ; yraMULioiiuicau ITCJ wbi i/ . '
Ilo wni Not I'lr-pnrocl for the Arr r
of l--flci ,
J.idles and Ctontlonien i In the midst of
thu goiurd aniwemetil xvhloh ntrllit's mv
eollriiKui's In Ibis ii | bnto 1 vmnt to asstiitjyou
nt the cutset this innriihiK' that I nn : not
| iiinaiHl at iiiiv thing tlmt c-nmes from thu
nthiriuli t > f this q ir-stion If I xvtrc < MU- |
bio of being nstonislu-d 1 xvould be in a stito
of chronic n t < itilslinii > nt t the fji-is and
llgnix" * , to ctillotl. ivhicli thev present. Hut
In ttUliift up the discussion , HO firnsmy furl
I of Ills mil ( .riiLxl tills inOrnlii' ' 1 desire to
KO hick lo somoof the ft-ituns of the dU-
russlim of Saturday , Ve. iiuse , xvith rcforenco
to those sUiltstits ntiil llRiiii's , I recognl/o
how bmdeiiiomo It Is to nn nudienc-o to
e-nny these things n they are thrown
out in this manner It Is hard to
rraip them xvbon vou put thorn In tangible
linn upon u blackboard or In the columns of
a newspipor H Is cquillv Impossible to
undtrstind tholr full slinilli-atiro vxheu thej-
iirrsluiplv Mmkon | fi-om theplatforin
l\ovv. 1 vvjint tosaj- lids : 1 m > hy the pubj
llshed ivpm t for 1 was not able to hear all
of the speech tint the linn Mr Uosow itor
stmtod the 111-uuw.lon , onhls put oiiKitur-
dnj-with a ivfomicn to tlio blun laws of Con-
tin lionliat ! has thut cot to do with pi o-
hiliition in the stito of Maine or prolubliii > n
in the slat * * of Or what has It pot to
tlowithprohltitiin | Inthoslntoof I\'ehriiil.a I
Thn quisUoii xxhlc-hwo mv hen' to di < usa
toil iv bcfom xou , and on whiih jmi me to
rcntk-.r a xn-diil , not hire so minh us at
the b.illtit box on Nov c-i.ibor I ,
Is the ( | iustlon of lieher ! j ou deslro
prohibition In the si ito of Vbr.Hlca , mid
xx he-tin r , h iv ing had the lonsiluim to vote
it , vou haxoirot the sine ! In j mr pi//anls to
enfoioolt That Is the question In fnru us
xxlutlier prnhililtioti prohibits In Kinsisin
tint phenomenal wav wliiihtho saluonkcop.
ois doininillhat II uhitll , whether it prohibits
itlovviin tint siipc'iliuuiia in mnoi Vn.Uporv
foil c-onditien of nlluirs tint JIi. lio-st'w itor
insists that It must do in ouli Mo In-ot pnu-
tiiiil utilitv 1 f ho thinks ivo hivo-ot ( an act
af legislitfon in nnj pirtof tliotountrx tli it
is goiii , ' to do doaw uj vvilh the voice "of the
otirnal God and of the rcwnentix'o
power of the Kternal Ono himselt.
taking vicious appetites out ol
inin nnd tranafoiinln nil the
bit wow and dislilloi's and bums of the eoutij
tiy Into a giandiirinj of led noir-d angels by i
a picsto chingoproci is ho is inistilen.Vo I
nro not advocating aiythlny of tint Kind '
know the ni ili'i \volui\oirot to work
on too well l ppl.mso ] As long as the |
devil Is loose an fin i-n are mean I tv'poclmun i
xvill gctliquor und go to the devil on uuount
ofliiiuor. I I
Noxvwhatxve nro hero to docldo Is this
question. Take it homo to the bar of clean
conscience and filth in ( lot ! and oui brother
inin and sij xvbethci vvoure Hilling for the | i
snlto of a pdtrj-old bU7.7iid dullai to help '
Ike-use that bushier and put the ruu-tion of '
our coiibcicnce-s and our manliood uiul 0111v
C'hribtl itntj behind even sulo ) i in the stnto
of Nehiaski and eoin.neniUnglt toour fcllov/ I
cituens and having to cany itsde-fciibo to the
judcinent beat of OuistppUtisol [ |
I say jou ( 'cntleinuu nnd the good
xvomeii of thu btato nro nit vvilltn ? .
to unilervvilto and eiulorso the saloon , Iho
and the distlUeiiu > of this state , I
anil wo had bcttei ton times haio tli ( > blue
h\vs of Coniici'tUut lurk In this ooiintn
tliuii to liavo afuitlu'r purpiluatlon of the
led I. tts of thobrcHoi-s.ind thn dlstillcis ami
the devil. ( Ajiplauso 1 1 will ta'cu ' the blue
ones Instead oftl led ones everj time
referred also to the Alasonio
rite of lajlnp the coriur stone in thoclty of
Omaha the other day of the cit > lull. Well.
it was vcty appropriate tint tlu-y should
stain the comer stone of the nty hall lu
Omaha \\lth Ailno. I do not know of a citv
In Iho country \vhcto niuo oiijjht to hive en
tered Into the piod'-diugs ' aiij bettor than m
Omaha. liutl IOLORIIUO the fact that the
seattoiingof the corn nnd the pouring of the
wiuo und the oil have been sym
bolical fcatutcs of the Masonic coio-
mony of hying corner btoncs in
that grand old order from tlmo Iminimorlil.
I roiOjnizo ( tint that is tiuo , nnd il is used by
thuin with the banio solemnity and -w 1th the
snma bauctity burrouwhiii ; it and ith the
s.imo langiiUKO of ravorcnco towiirds God anil
of poodnoss towaida nitn , blessings nuil bap-
pintss , that wo nso with the wiuo at the
sticrmient tnblo in the sanctuary of God.
And .viic" J 'iVro tlirse 1VTisoniprorempiilC3
and look at them I BOO no tKltTuau ii " tuc
hobio ciio3iiud the distilleries and thosa-
eons of O mill a nnd the state of Nebraska ,
and jou knov , sir , as well as you know your
name , that it is > a prostitution of the sncteil
rites of Masonry to biinp thtm la hero nud
stand them up iw n dolcnso. [ Ai > pl.iu < o.j
1 wno thoworsluiiiul nrntct of the
lodra you h ivo anj thing to do w ith 1 would
iudlct jou before tbn bod.\ for It. I
would turn to the Musona of
rrin * jiw ua > and aslc them what they
tuitiLr about the saloons.Vliat nnnn
-h ink they think 1 [ Ivuurhter ] 1 hive heio
the iction of the gnind ledge of the Masons
of the htito of Nebraska , iind Jsi-o th it that
nm.icntimd hnnonblooidcr , i\ilh itscarofor
; ho sick , with its help for the helpless
urothor , with its care for the d.Mntf. and with
, t care for the wiaow and the orphan , and
nftei words 1 sco thattlioy say that it is th
tense and doctrines of the grand lodge Unit
: l\o vices of inton porauco , cjmbllng and pto-
fiinlty nro unmnsonio in the hlglust sense ,
derogatory to the best IntuiosU of the ( rn-
toinity , honeo it is lieruby inado the impera
tive duties of thoraastOi'sand varduis of tlio
so\eral lodpos to piofer chirs imiliist any
intmbcr who persistently Indulges in cither
of said vices , und try them in tlio icquliu- m
for such ollenos. . AnA it Koca futthoi and
says , .csolvedthat thos.ilcof intoxn-UinHq-
uors nsa bo\eniKO is a fross violation of the
Masonic obligation f .Applause ] and. should in
all cases subject the olfcudor to rcprmimd ,
and If persisted in to expulsion from tlio fra
ternity. [ Applswe J
And jot tlio riioinonlcs of that otdcr are
bioiifjhtup hero ns a defense to tUf duty
disunities , nnd the sweet smo'linp ' broweriot ,
nnd thcstinkiiiK saloons of Umahinudtho
other cltlo 10 ! tliU stito [ Appliui-.o ] I toll
yea tint tint action of thotrrand lodjo nnd of
the suboi din it o lodges of the state of Nu
briskanuionjj the ani-hient and honoi ibto
Older of fieo : ind mcepted Misont\ I toll
vou tint e\erv Mason in this stile almost
stinds plocUod toilaj to indulto thit action
bunnr InriR up to the polls and show mi , '
liiinsolf 11 tnto Mnson bj putlltiK in his vote
foi prohibition. Bo much lor the Masonry
of the business [ IViu < ? liter I
That Is not all , the Odd l-Vllows navedoiio
the simo The Ancient Older of
United Workmen have < lone the
Mine Vou kno-w that nil the haj
\\indotteti biovetd in Wilwatikeo wanted to
vithdMW then subjiuplion lo. the IvnlRhts
of I'.jtluas becausi' tlio &tite of Ohio sus no
hiloon Ueoper sh ill bo permittcil wlthh the
lull of the knuhts I Applnuoe ) , nnd the o
ir-i-n bound toother la the intoicstnf sotiotr
nnd ihaiitj nad heno\oli-nio and for the
piotoctioiiof the wealt and for the sa\injr of
tliovidov and the oiphan ,
Kratoancl Imposition thiii * men , the noblest
outside of thv thunh of Ld ! ) , vho me IT
tlifso onliis stand toiiiv throueliont tlio
union putting the imphasib ot their damn i
lion upon the damnable budiieas audc\erj-
body einmsod in It. [ Appl iuse ]
Talk about ik-cieiso In irinio In Maine ,
Kun sis and lou i I reikon the tieoplouho
h io pot to de il u it'i ' it know a httlo bet ter
than iho imu Mtuui , ' up In thsiveiith story
of tha Kieat liii buihliii in Onmht
As botweeii th3 JudK1 > md U.o
jmirnilistsl ulll tike tlio judges on rnv side
of the question 'llioy luvoto deilith it ,
and as mj brother s > aj s ho has shown jou hv
tbu sUUMlca , which I do not IMIO to ivpeat ,
nnd which I lul uu-eptul , that cruno hasj
been docroised. It is the natnnil bjrlctl
seiiuenco , ami It would bo n loversalof the
law of nature aiul all Kotornmerit If it woio
not 1 1 no The su promo coutt of the L'nitcl
btatu said so In iudecislon.ind the supreme
court knows abouta * muth aboutit as jou do
I n.ikon [ Applause J Tlioucrh , sin to their
last decisions , I h.ivo hal my doubts nbiiut It
Mulno Is n piotty Rood state Mamo is
nadoup of a jtcttj shaip clu ? of people. I
have be * , n upthiiiand tr.utK-il with them
I loituro throowei-ksj every fall nnd spring
in M line mil the Yanked is a pretty cuiu
.sort of an iudiviauU nnd ho don t
hold on to the Hot end of a poker anv
longer thin the ordinui'j cifi7on [ La\i0'htrr 1
Thci can sou .is far th i-on h a inillstniio with
a hok' in It as un. > body , an 1 w iicn > oj catih
the Mamo Yinkco hollhu ; on to anjthlnj ?
fortj yeais without -tUns I go j on had better
talcodtoik lu It 1'uuj have kipt tuiliw
fortj year * , not only kept it but lo\o and
respect ItnuHvithst indinj ; the f nt tint tlioj-
have paupeiisin and ttinilimlisin , and thiv
co 110 up c\ocy ektlioi. and saj . Wo vill
stlfk to prohibition vhateicr else we do.
They ha\o furnished some of tbo fji.mdtst
men in Iho country. The premier ot the
iirujlduiU' ' * cabinet today Ii lion Jatnua U.
IJlaine , one of thu grandest mon of tl conti
nent [ applause ] ; a Bias that is supported for
president by tlio newspaper * , nuil yd you
v , - ute \ Lui-catli Lla toatiaioay ou tbo
'subjeot of prohibition ( Awlan e 1 I
think Jnincj n. Hl.ilns will fol a vcr-
dtot out of th nvcniro Aiuciican Jury
about ' ns muck usm \ \ fApplnuse \ \ 1 'Iho
fttntoofuhiifurnlshoj Thomas U IJeod.tho
Bpoikcr of ttio house of i-opivsontntiviM llio
Btatoof Miittio fnrnlsliis a coupluiif sum tors ,
i 'Messrs ' | YonHtl
, vx ho stand nbout ns
well In tint .ui'inl h > das llu > senators from
\ -hr.isl.u 1 think the * luuo boui he.uil of
n lltlloftoi.n , thit Is In mputnblo pluees
Atiphuisn j
' pot tins along first rate thcro.
\Vben the rtpublh'.in ftnto coiuontloti met
tl , ulhtr ilu.\ tlu'rt'iilllrmid their ndliiMlon
jo piobibltionandtinmlnated tlulr ctindid ite
j , < H mo ti U j on a mnrn tvm irkablo fact th HI : On the 4th diy c.f .lunooi" llilsprttecnt
j eai of ( 'nicelsyja donnx ritle < litoi ) ii\en-
tioiiasseinblul in tlucily ofupnsta.lIi' \ ,
uiiddoinniitlcd tlicrixiit onfoiXMiKiitof tl
pi-ohibitorj , law fAppl.iiinoj.aiid when a eoin-
miltivo pi-ivscnted a resolution favoiln the
ii'submisstonof the d men t ijiivstion to
the people of the state , a democratic ion\cn-
tiniimi rted It under aid rofiisodto adopt it.
I i . ] Lot mo till you \\hen n thltiR
dutitip , fbtty Minis nppiovut Itself to the 1011-
seienci > , tJioUlulsluuilly , the pilriotlsm and
tholnU'srit } of thoio pioplo of iU.ilno until
bulli the lU-iioi'uitio Hiid ropiillii-aii p.ii ties
stiinil up foi Ii , ith u ( rood limit ; for unybody
to Invest In I Applause 1
'Jh'-ysay It lint Impovor'Mtcit ' and rulnod
those poor people ovortheiv , but If It has 1
want Mr Hosi"vitor oi'iunbodj elsotoatuml
up hero mid till in win it Is thit while poor
Milno ; his h.en iiupoMrlsln 1 and nilneti by
piililbltliin nnd th i ? od Oiun to the Mi'v
tloois , of Iho poor hoasev hy Is it Hint the
stallof 1 MaimiitMirl'ickMs today owns inll-
llons | of i'i ' llin \\oith
i \ \ of nioitsa es onoiir
wuttein hums. JAt > plitiHoVhoi | did they
, ; , tnnnij } I u ill till \ \\hcrothoj i '
theminii'V the > ( 'ot it bv tlulr stnitly bob-
mtn id bi putting tliefr IIMIHJ down Into
the j tow im < llcjsof ( tluir so.hs instiutnflii
tin auliHin , and the } s.m > eiioni hiii foity
yi irs of piolilbitinn to iMiry millions upon
niillloiis , of dollais' ' woith of nioitfiios ( ; upon
j our hl h lii use farms in Iho west
J'nllt about \\tiil prohibition docs for the
stiti ' . Loti'i ' it lima when slits adopted pro
j hibition him lul n pubhi/deht outstiiiiillnp ,
and siiatj she his liad piohibitionbholias
pinl , Oicry ilulhii of it ofT. Vou had a pnblio
debt , j in NTolu.LUatoTwlicn jou adopted lilKh
liiunc in this btuti' , and toiilmvn't ' pilil n
dollar of it I Applause 1 That is what is
. the matter with \ou | Applause | IOH.I is
not oih out of debt , bat bho hns ot rnonov
j. . her til-usury to lend Von hid bcttirtro
and bornnbomo Yes , and the state of
IMIIS.W h u a public debt , and she has re-
dnrr-d it suao she hiu had prohibit ion.
Tno itato of Mtnmsoli adopted high
lliense | , lollowiui ; NUiraski , nnd hei doht has
iiuie.iscd cierj diiy shiu ) she adopted lil b
llii-nse Uhls Is where thu milk in the co
co unit I'oinis in
You talk nbout your tavitioa and all that
Lot me ? i | J .M'ti ' a nVtircor lno Tulco the
Nihrasl i ' 1 IIP wealth of this state
xvhii-h U assessed for tauit.oii nniounts to
Jil-'l ; i per . icnt of . the xvholo . . . wealth . . of the
htite You pav t.i\es on HI Jl pu cint of s wnrthof propeilv in thostnto
ofXcbraski In the stale oi lovvalhej onl\
piy ] i ta os on vJ1 ? | i unt , and jot theii taxt
uio i. ' " ) cents on the doll u nnd jours Is ( " >
cents for st ito puipMOf 1 not u o ho never
touched on that this morn inc. Vou
hwo l'ftli)00 ) i > ooplo in N'ohiiislti ae
lording to the lust lotuins , nnd thoj Irivo
lhT.iXli I , ) in the st ito of Iowa. You raise
tlr > l > ii,0 10 .1 j e.n oil the people In this st ilo to
i urj on Aojratito ioveinmeiitand ; thev onlj
} ll * , OUliu ( tin-state ot IiU.M1 llois \ ft they
pet nloiur thoi 'on nbout M ) cult's a heal and
lUintiouabout 1 M o\er huiol O , yes ,
ho diiin t say nnj thlni ? nbout that lit ) till
not I'll > oil Nvhj iththit\ou farmois and
jou iiieehinics und \ ouorLiiif ; incu ineiui
Inn sou men who have to sot your
bieal ai-LOidltiK' to the dictates of
Abnitlitj ? Hod out of thoswcit of jour brow
niul not out of the sweat of jour mouth or
join ponl Ilodicl not tell jouwhy it is thnt
jou hive to pav mote taxed onS-OUxx'oilh of
jnoputy in Niluasl.a thin Uio same soitof i
inaii In Joiva Ins to piy on .Jill ) . He did not
tell vouvvhx' jour govoinmoiitovci heio.with .
a populat'on ' of 1-OJOUU , people , costs fcl.JO
a head vx hen in Iowa it W coats a held
Ilotellsjouitcostssoimic-'lito convictcrlmj
Itials over in Iowa \\hataoit of i-iitni
nlil-saio they over tliero in the atnto of lovxnl
The most of thorn are tlio bandj Chinked.
'oggcd , boot ledgers from this st ilo and
other states , iimnin ? uiound thcio tij IIIR to
< -ontiai ) to the luxI xvlll tel
jouii htiio\\ > ou unilyoui sjilooii filonda
u ill call off jour boot legifeu amidols from
lowi , wowill sax'odolliH o\or thcro by the
million. It costs a f uat dcd moio to mn
down game of that soil th in it does to jibt
giab it oat of the'ii liolci in Omahii lice jou
do up thtio All jou lu\o to ilo thcio is to
spread jour net and untih lhoii ns thev ran
out , but in Town they IIIIMJ to hunt thun
do ii whcio the fellows ha.o nolt'jil n.ire ,
habitation , place of i eildomo or &e-itled ran
| Applause J.
'Ihesome tlio f ata and tha IIRIUCS. Three
men in tlio st ite of KebrasL i pn more ti\
than Iho men in , the stutoof Iowa \Vliy
didn't ho KUO > ou sometMiip ? about tlntj
Whv docs ho Keep on
t-xtiactafiuina fieat iuuabi.r of pipeia hcio eoinea fiom God knows wherol [ Ap-
l > lauso ]
'Jhoj tell jou nbout thn state of Kansis.
Ho tcllb jou it iMli h n minims jdnce , and it
is In suili a tin ib.o condition thnt j'ou u ould
: hinlc thobheull was ( 'ouiK to hingtlic- i -
out of thu sUto capitol nud - > i il it out at nuc-
Litm JJtit 1'iof. Die Ku sajs ICiiiisas his
aeen "jjcttiiu thtio LU , " and it his been
\ % ith u Rootl do il of I3II too Not oalj that ,
lint let mo toll j ou one thing Iho piuichcis
in ItiiHg is till iiu they lu/o been ( 'ottinc ;
nloiiff lwtti > r , they lu\o supported their
pii ahei i and chinches bolter , tlmv hivogot
mote in inev for churches nnd ihuritles thin
t-Mi bcfoic > , and tbo puaclcrs gt-nci-illv got
tlulr sil.inio in full now , an unheard of
thing in my nthei stnto in
the union When the state is
iinpov ciishol and the p < ; opl > ' me poor , thov
Kcncialh cntotT tlu h hiMiiies tirstaiidtno
pu.u bus fcil it before nnjboh t-komtho
fomiiiiinitj . And when thepioichu is full-
handed jou uan&t.ilu you list djllar , mv
iiicnds , thit thlnjaio p < ttinn' alonji in a
\ ctj good condition. I Applause ] A\o \ l > no\v
bow Hut 11 , foive li.uo been tluio. 'Iho
of Kuiias aloio in Isii
money in Touns Jlon J tJlnis.iin ussoc-i itioii
\\nik than tinstito of Nnork , and tla-y
n id It to M > nd. Moio childiut pu capita
me in llio public -ihooU. in tlie Sundiy
sihools in the st.ito of Kmsas than in nay
oil c-i late i i the union , an u Jinjr to the pop-
ul > t ion Tilk about j-oui ] ills I want to
tallc about the schonlsandtiio ihiiri'ies/ibiiut '
the happy homenud the worlisuopj , iiiitead
of t he jails to i inpi ison inea i n .
Tliea oui fin-lid io"3 uloiifj nud Mis moro
thins Iles.ijsif xou had been 111 for alnfj
ti'no and > on had ti led a cci tain i eineily for a
lonrr time nnd It diln't uiro the disease ,
Mould } on keepon tiunslt' 'J h it H w h it is
the nnttct with NcbrasUi now. She has
b"en tniiiUosoatT'a ) huh lieenso for ten
jcirsand she hibtcn p-ttiiiK' Ix mtlfiilly
. and she is soing to quit trxinr'lt
'lhat is xvliit U the matter with this iytn- |
tlon. It has not eurt-d the disc ISP , it has only
a-thrnvatod It , and tliox uro guiivto luiv'o
some of old prohibition 1 lorn ono i id of the
Mite to thootlur , nnd thej nro going to pet
all the vermin nut of the stito nnd bco xvheth-
er cltiulimss dies not mean woiillh , health ,
PL innnd pio--piritv [ Appliuso ]
Mr Uoscivitti sajs th. t tiu-p oplo of Iowa
h ivtu-sc'iitod the m rant Kiiax'i-ry of the pro
hlbltlonlsts by turning Mi l .uiah o out and
iniltingMr Balis in Yes , I know they have
boon hyln ? to make j-ou bellovo that , bin
that is all bosh I Invo got the retuius light
hcio heloio monow fiom the state of lovx'.i ,
mv filend , and I want to mil vour attention
to Inet'Hint Sir Boies , whew
w is elec-te-d governor last , onlv got - ! !
voters more than Oiover Ulcvtlaiid hnd the
jear befdio when Ilnrlson buvt htm 30.0CK )
votes Uovv is it that lr ! > lcs , with the high
Hi onso scheme , toniiuendej himself so highly
to the people of fo\va \ that ho goti l votes
more than Cleveland ! That was n bly hoist ,
wasn't ' Itl How did ho got elci-tult I will
tell you. Vou know that ho got elected ROV-
cn.orbeonuse ! s,010republicans who voted
for Ihrilson in Is stnjed nt homo and re
fused to xoto foi hi h htctibtjiind because ho
was the tool of the railroada and In
their pay and against the interests
of the firmer [ Applause I If j-ou xx-ill
bi-alpn fovv of these fellows In Nebraska who
aio in thosiino pay of the brexvcr , the sv
loon ami the rallroal and give the fanners a
ehame , thov will not onlj' tnvo piohlbition ,
hut they will have llvluyiutes fortbch coin ,
[ Applauto ]
Mvfrlrml says thoywcra selling liquor
OVCM In the state of loxva xxhcn ho xxas over
there , opuily by teuret sale [ Applause ]
Thej vvuw openly vlolaliuy Iho law bj secret
side's out of a loul of hay. Ana bo fouua tha
hay. [ Lnughtrr.J You know xvhat kind of
llvo oa hay , [ Applause ] Hut ho
wad not looking for bay , hoviu looking for
beer , nnd ho found It , and you know what
Mud of auhnuU HM on beer , too. ILauHO-
ter.J It rcuilceli ma ot a little anecdote.
\V\itu I win 1n r land , p hip down to lllnr-
noy L'lstJo vv th i party of fiiondsvo saw
nu ass on the real nt the thistles
Ono of the part said "Look atthonss
oiling thlstln } . ' The dHverHiivs"Hois ,
di xou kiiinx whv the ass ouw thistles I" Ho
Kiiiel"No" > Why benuv "
, ) hols an ass.
nURhtt-r ] .
Now , my f rtoiids ao yru know why Hi other
Kosuwntor fouiid t'iit tx r neuiuso he Is
ouo of these hind of foih \ sj \ \ hou ho is In
iiulriiifr round , I 11 hot my bottom doihir ,
If I wa n betllajr niiu n 1 used to bo , thnt
ho could mol ) up'liroi \ Uio lorners aiul
around the b.ult nlloy d up Uio ilrkely
* UM Tlml is w I era I \ hnvo to no to it till
llinlowi IKiya I it hc ii'id um si no
stliN , sUitv acnls ir tioi-uinonts , xvlint-
tho\ were Hut ho slid they solid all
the iuoni > \ avv.iy from K'uisas to foreign
pi-loos tulnn liijuor ni I are liiipoverishlnfr
and luinlnp tl > penplo Uo down tlio stuvUs
of Ili-ntt irn nnd loik at 10 boer slpnt. VVhero
do they iet ; the bur tl i are selling heiol
TUmu ii Mr Sihlitdo you know Mr.
Schlit I "Jhoro H ! * r 1'uhst. Do jou
Know Mr 1'abstl 1'hi l Aulicusrr-Lluiih.
I nolico jou did n t glvo a\\ay Mr.
Anhcusei Uuscjrs liti sihcino for evading
the law IB Kansai. 'i a closed nt the light
lilneo , my boy. [ Ap uusi' | . 'I'hey inlght
luuobecn Bcndlnga a bim'iiii ilucoi tcoum
afteryoti from Kiiusas DM you notice how
Mr Ko eu-atcr sti ppc I iu soon as ho saw ho
was about togho n'ir , Anhcuscr Uusch I
Why , ills nbsolutol iljng the stu-eti of
lioitiioe , and I as x J o to toatlfj if It is licit
ti ue , tint these nnionn iu-0 hanging out the
signs of foiilgnbiovvt H biowi rlosof otht-i-
states light on their outer walls nnd show-
in g.vou Iho fact diy v dav thai the dollars
of worldiigiiien nnd o' ' In' pjordohitichod oil-
i/onsof this town thn no being poured into
thc'M'oasy tills of tlu places mo being sent
to tlio binKsof Milvvii'St l.otilsandclae-
xvlieio to pay forlhcor. . From Jlfi.OOD.lHH )
to $ ISW ( I.OOJ a ye ir p .ut . of the Ht ite of Ne
braska , ni'coidliiK to .a calculation , simply
foi the purpose cf pa i ta for the beer xvlilch
is biought in hoi-o , a I ft does not tome biclc
oithcr. These ft llow < inxo nointeicat hero
They have most nf t1 ir Intel cat oa vvheeU
so they can got out. Appluue.J
J11GH Idt U\Ma"iu3PIMO. :
IVIr. Webster 1' plalnM Ucgnlatlon
Amid Piqiifni Interitiptlniifi.
lion. John L Web * i > r spoke as folloxvsi
MdlcsaiiiHjcntlen n : I suppose that I am
fully Instilled in the presumption that I am
speiking to a pe > plo that are assembled for
tlio purpose of con nlerlng this question
fuiilj and honestly , a d not for the mere pur-
i.oso of boimrentiil.i cd by amusing slot Ics ,
because when the tj i-stion comes of voting
prohibition into lUo t tistltutioii of this state '
xnu oomo too-ccu ISP no of thu most serious
ini ' - to Aiueiii-an citizens
\\h 1011 j'ou come to nut jour ballot into the ,
box , it Is not a m itt < i of "fun or of entertain- I
inent , but jou oxpro s j-otir will on a xviitte-n |
"J'X' ' of paper xvln tli r your stnto shall go on-
xMid to ptospuitj ir whotlur j-oti xv.mtto
blast her forever What I have to say this
hall bo 11 i'line ot tlio discussioi
to this i on Siturdiy , and to
) our minds . . lo the seriousness of
the Dinposl ion unit considerilion , and ap-
penl tojoui honi st idgnient by statements
of fuels , hj irguint i s and bj logic , which
mo ' not to bo xvatti d nbout ILS the dust that is
pi Uodtip fioinlho ticets bv cveiv biecw
that comes along and i.urud ami lodged
somovv here else , to tie soiling or injurj ol another -
0t 1'or the first fiftoi i or twentv minutes of
the bj Mi Dickio this morning , I
hbtoncd 1 to him something fiom a littlu
eiirulir 1I 1I xxldch hail iian issued in tlio Mnto of
Kansas I during up itlcal contest in favor of
piohibltioii I or iti ? iiust it. Thov were tx- i
tiacufromn paiiii hlot published upon ono
side i of thrqucstmi , they xxere Iho gathci-
. ings and tlio ollpp. gs from the little Journil
which would not i r let get into it ono scntl-
men t from a man \xho bliovcd in higli license
Never did there uppoar upon its papes ) tlio
scntinioiit or the cxpicsoion of the
opinion of ono man that h opposed -
posed to the doctrine of piohlbition.
ItVM a ono-sidi-d , garbled document. He
might j Ju < .t as well hux'o read from a last
ji-ai'sabianac I observed that ho did not
tell t this audience xvhen ho read these
m i inusci Ipls xvhero thejvvoie talien flora.
Mr Dickio iivoiv oneot thotn
O , they were to him. 1 Icnovv xx-hat
jou tijtl this aMh'ticO when vou stated some-
thing tt t , it was the expression oi HIM uuhium
tv of A B. or C t ) ; but who was A B , xvlio
vvit.0 DI I vviunto toll yoi xvht-ttl answer ,
that t lhat Hey vvei isomoof the people whom
the t pro I ibitionlstsivs apolitical bodj xxcnt
to t as th r friends and iiskd thur opinion ,
ami hint it all pin ted , and it isithiu the ,
lids 1I 1 of a IHtltipu , ilct which is iitllod hj mv
1t brotlu I i fiom this ilatfonn. anu iid lo tln.j
audience as an ai-uncnt IIu imht Justas [
we'll i htxo asked jou people xviio disa-'ic-o |
with \ i.i > , xxlio aio proliibitio-iisU , \
vou think aboil it , and alter g ith-'r-
Ing Ji J ali'iut tvxcntx if j'our slutum nts to put
them i in iliipon-i I lead these st itemuiits as ' .
un mguincat 1 ny aio si-njilj' the txpie-s-
sioiib ul Imlivulu .opinion upon ono side of | '
the ' | ii stion. |
Dow n in the si ito of Knnsn ? , don't vou !
ttiiovv attho sin. tlmo there were issm d I
doi uiiifiits upon 110 other side. Holding the , i
state ! I have tin ill in my loom it the hotel , i
but I liuvc too inn h respect foi an aiiditnco |
ot this kind to bung bjloro xoi nnd road L i
gathtiin's liKotlnt , gathoicd hj a political
botlj tui a pilltU- puipjse , g ithorod fro-ii
ono side is the jiuUincut of a gieut people ,
and us an arKiini11 upon xvliiuh the people of ; I
thissUitonroto ilu-iiloa grunt pohtu nl cuiesi
tiei.i V.'lien hi- had iliushi'd loaclin , ; liom '
thoio things , fiom this little pnniphlct tioin
the btato of K mods , ho bq'im then loading
the sentiment * a d the deolirations of a fcv < r
people from the state of Iowa. Tor vvhatov er I
thoj in ti woith , .ci opt thorn.
1 want to MJ totii'-'soptfopl'j that there la
niiothoi side tc that question , but in the I
comso of half in hour's discussion tima is
not permitted m'to it-id to t'us ' audience L-I I to thn a i uetic'o the Individual opinions i
of citi/ins of tl 'i st.ito of low i 1 want to
gixi ) to this pi jplo on that question ono
ironcial answi i that bcais with a gicitcr
power tnnn all tha
that the > could lead In tlio enliio diyhoin
tlio lining to the { Toiiiff down of tlio sun
Whit is tint ! H la the clii ti in xvhieh mv l
nn fiund s nuht to belittle In n hind of an 'I ' |
oxpl mutton. Hut iut mo tell vouaionouhu |
kn iwh sOiiietlung about the camp in i in tho' !
state of Iowa , lhat the ( luestion in the I '
camp nun wl ou ( Jivernor Hoios was elutedi ' !
WHS a pmo question between piohlbition I
nn I huh 11 n .e ( lUtului looking
to the prospo it > of the stato.
Mr tMliiltl I denit. .
I understiid ho denies It Ilo sits hcroand
it is no' tine I will admit th < - f : cl tli it
\vln never un uivin it nt eomoj fuun the voice
of a fjieit pecplotb itdts down and icpuJI-
ales j our dm rimjoa wnl get up and dcnv
it as ijulek as nnsboily i-lso hut a di'iiul
What istho losulti When
-thi } xotolot thoiiicstion ] in the stntu of
low i , that nun ] } oiuJrau on a th kct in fiver
of liirhliccno asn iinst tlio other side , and
he leceiv ud ft in ijoi-itv of the votes of nil the
people in the bt.ito-xv ho voted at th it oli-i tion
Mr. Small -How about these tint did not
x-oto I
I hear mv ft lend say furthci , ai ho sits in
that chair iM-iido mo , that ho w.mti mo to toll
him about tloso thnt did not , vote , and I will
tell him ube n thoAo thit did not x oto in tliu
stito of loxva , and xshy they dil
not vote 'Iho statement Is thnt
Holes , xv h i elected governor of ttio
htito of J iwn , reeelxed but a small
number of votes niora limn Cleveland re
ceived in Jo v.x in the election in whic-h ho
i m for prosi lent of the United States. I
xvill tell j-ou two faoti ! fivoiy mnn who Is
n poliliu in knows It , and my friend bin-ill
hero , whim ho idoks up that Noxv Yoik
nlmiinac and can-Jos it aioiind ns one of his
documents , knows the same fact tlmt , when
jou aio xoting for the nresiduit of the
Vnltod StaUs , jou always poll moro votes
than in nnj election held In any state of this
nation for the purpose of infrtly electing n
povcinor. Don't jou know ; Itl That gives
jou an explanation why tuoro xvero not so
many votes ( Mat la the cU-ctlon when Gov
ernor Boim was okacd as theio vvorocostal
the pi-esideiitial olcctioa in the sUto of
Mr Small There wore move.
Not moio thuu tint cast in tbo last presi
dential election
Mr Smill Moro for Holes.
No , sir ; moro voice xxeio cast at the presi
dential election In the state of Iowa than
were over cast in that state In a guber
natorial election. If you haxo any documents
to icftito me , produce thorn. I know what I
am talking about.
Mr , Small I xvlll stve yon the evidence.
I said , and I repeat It rlgbt hero now , that
there xvere more coat on the democratic
ticket in the gubonntorlal election than there
woront the presldeuUul election ; that is , i34 !
votes rnoio than Urover Clewline ! nlmeelf
had the year before.
Mr. Wcbt r That h a different proposl
Hon from the oao t stntcil That sustains ma
In mv atntitiifnt vthon 1 declaw the proposl
tion that mon ) voti-s vvcro oust In the presl-
dentlul eloctum thun were east In a guber
natorial election in any Mate.
Mr. famuli Never said that ,
ntl now ho says lie dUl not i y th t.
H.ukintrout of thut , ho sajs nnother tlilu .
Ho BIIJS that llolos n-rctved i'i !
mow votes than I'Uw-i'lan 1 ixvHvod
In othervvotxls , that thodoinoi-riitli'c-iiidiiliito
fet povenior got moro vot01 thin the demo
irutic.iindulnto for president of the United
St HIM * . Thnt is an entlrolv dllTorent propo
sition , ct-itahily. I vxlll admit Unit fact nnd
o\pl un w hj he irot it. 1 lo got that
tin p op'o of lovva hid loainod under the pro
hibition law of tint slate that the stutovviis
not making Its march to prosperity with the
siitno grow-Ill that tlto other suii-mindlng
states vvcro milking , and .10,000 republicans in
the statoof lowi , whoso constionces xvould
not penult them to vote for a demount , and
not having a lopublli-.m candid ito tlit'j' touhl
vote for without votluif npi'nst their Juilg
limit nnd against their cotmii-ncivs on the
question of prohibition , they stajodnt home
and did not vote at all. If my friend will
re id down ths column on the ether
side of that ( tnina iilmanucv , ho
xvill Iind tlinl when they elected
a Roveinor two ji-urs befoi-o , Unit the state
of lovva had u republican inajoilty , hut when
Mi UoicM xvas elected bjicason of the evil
liilliHiiiis of prohibition , thorcpnbllc.inii.irty
In Unit state vv us snowed under and a demo
ci it xv is elei ted , because the lepiihllcans bo-
lievotl iiiohiblticin to bo xvrong and were un
vxIllin'to go to the noils and vote for the rep -
p iiihcan c mdidato and would not prostitute
their consciences to vote for thn clemoil.itlo
i-.iiuliilato for gov ornor. These iii-o the Iruo
ht itistles of tlio pDlltiis of the strttu of Iowa
The re-suit was what ! Your doctrine of pro
hlliitlon was ropidl.ited by a majoilty vote of
the pe'oplc of the st.ito of lovva who voted nt
th it i-In tion ; ami I pioclalm it that that v oto
xvhii h inptid'mted that sciitiiueiitof tlio people
of lovva is wet lu moro lo the people of the
st ito of Ncbtaska than the huhv Ittuitl opinion
of anv ono man-I don't cuu whorohu coiuci
Now , I mn talking , as 1 hope , to th clll-
zcns of the si ito of Nohiaska , and I want
Just ' nmlnulo toe-alt your attention to ono
thought , bec.iuso I do not want the people
xv ho live In this .stjito to tils-
praoo themselves or thn stuto they Hxo
iit , I want to mil your attention to ono thing
that 1 hsioiu'd to ou S it unlay , and 1 listened
, to it. this niduiini ; : That vvlien anj man outside -
I side of this state comes bofoie jou and abuses
xourbl itoorjourmclioolitiincitjoiish.uo ] )
| : it , and the gtvatci the ahnsc , the pu-ater
the slindor , the louder jou give the applause
' iriiiiitdoiiioashntiou r 1 It you people llvo In
tins t state , ami love Ibis state as 1 do , I would
like to have jou , xvhcn x our state issl.indoicd ,
01 j'otn c-itit-s nro slindoicil , Instead of np-
pliiiullng 1 that sliintlcr , not to hiss It , beg j'our
pudon 1 : , but to sit mutely hy and listen In
slinnloquietude [ Loud applause ]
Thoxoiv Instspoikor mulcrtcok here not
onljto slander year st.ito nnd the city of
Oni'ha , butiiotcoatcitt with that , ho sought
to t drag into tlio in.i.i thn gicat sen-
ator of this statf , living in the boati-
tiful t city of I ! call lea | Moro applause. ]
Not onl\ ' Hint , bat ho coupled It with the
iiiiiu-nf tint otlu-r honorablogontlciuait , who
won fur himself a of fnmo and of
honoi thio ighout the Inttles of the ,
1 : lor 111 lift-of the republic , and slnco
tli"n t us a st itcsman uitting in the halls of
the t United St itc-s Mc-nato 1 mem ( Sciieral
Lli.niis I' M iiiiiosson. [ Appl.iusi- J Has it
loinu i to tins thnt a man max stai.d on n plat-
furni befoio n Xohi uka luidieiu-o and drag
down the mimes cd Senator 1' uldoi'lr ami
Sonalor ' Man let ion as prisons of ill loputo ,
nud llus audicnco shall applaud such vile
dec 1 nations <
Mr Sm ill I didn't Unit.
. MiVelHtei I appeal to tbo prltlo and
sentiment . of ovurj'inan and vvomin here to
loseut nny siuh insinuation as was inalo
liom this platform against jour lopublican
senators. [ A voice , ' -i'liat's right" AI > -
phiuse ' |
I n-n sorrj' , Indies and gontlcnien , that tltno
travels sorapidlv , bocatise the tldnga which
I hnvo to siy to this audience in behalf of the
j p > sitirii ) which I iniiiitain would stretch out
through a w ouk of discussion. Coming back ,
tlioieloro J , to tlio thought- I stalled out in
this discussion on list Situuliy , asking this
pt-oplo 1 , hive vou to snv iu to where the
state , lisa state , as-i politic d bo Iv , Is to be
hiMiohtct ] by piuhihilum' or whcro is It to bo
injured j hy m lint lining high license ? and up
to tlio prosc-nt niinuto I have not hoird ono
man undei t iko to answer tint proposition 1
shall have to go on invsclf. I undertook to
prove 1 list SiUndiv tlmt In all the states
where jo-i had pioliibitwii. stlunation had
str iclc the prosperity of the states , I gave
jou tholr pop.ilation to show It ; nnd
when 1 sti'ppod fiom thib platform a
piolnbition I fnc-nd , vvith honest purpiso
anil : honest intonti n.s. for which Ithnnlc linn ,
said to ni' ' ' , ' Mi We usior , wlijdo vou comp -
p ' m M nno , Vermont and I\ow II impshho
with No1) iski in the line of piospoutvi
Thoio nny be otln-i c nises to u lei the
pioipciltv 1 of iNebi.Hvi Whv don't juu
eo up ire it xxI'll homo of thot.1 lies in the im-
inodiato vioinitv , that-airrouiid Maine , Vermont -
mont nnd Xivv IIvnp liii-'l" 1 said , "Su.i >
iool j ) tlo th it , and that it was iimvotviUj
thob.i'iio thing , then wliitf" The rciiilt
vv as , after n mo unit's convcis ition , that the
prtliibitlon I ft lends would have to explain to
s.itlsfj * this audiciiico as to the stiiffii.ition in i
Maine , Voimoat and Now Ilampduio , or
thi y would lo o ihclr ciso.
I will linden iko to piovomy stdo of tt by
R f > mj a little further. Some in m inny snv to
j'ou 3 pcilups , th it the status of Maine , Vor-
innat and New Himpshhe being old stites ,
are i altv uly tilled up and there u no room for
anv more giavv tli clown thcio A mm stated
to t me the otlior div , in dcbititu tint ipios-
tion'Ono t rc.i.oii down tliero why they
don't ' hive nny moro people theio is bemuse
of the fore-i tinrs lauding down iliore and tlo-
cent people h id to U ive " I piosumo that
ttio t f i lend th it mule thnt st iteiuont did not
know 1 I'm ' t.itt tint foiciiiei- not land In
J the state of iUutio , or rvvx Hampshiu-
Vciinont at all nnd fiotr papula inn does not
iniii-a-e i , lortno c-iiiiv.1-ition BOOS entiiclj to
other states of the union
( ! n n little furtherIn M line they hnvo i
pipnl itlon of .M to the sijiiuo inlleIn , Vei
in nt J. nud in Nou llitnpdiiro i-5 In Mils
saihusrtts , vvhoio , xou hive the gicnt IJerk
shire lulls limning nil IKIO B it Just as
riULjed as m MiiiiP , Nv \ Ilainpiluro
nnd Ve-inioiit , they line a pouul ilion
of J l people to the sitiino
mil" ) ; or , in other words , In tlio stito nf
M issnehusetts , iightdovvnm New Ungland ,
tluro an ) ten f iniilies lixiii ! , ' to the s'lU.uo '
nnlo to vvheio ttie-io Is o-io f unlij livniIn
pi tubitlon Muni'j la Now VoiU , which
billion on Ibi vvetvvait , they h.ixe lei ! jioo
pie ] ) t-r sijnuo indc , to 21 in th - mdlciuirn
stiloof Mamu tint th < 'piohibitum fii'Mils
talk about II Nuvv Yoi'c ' can at ioimno 1 itu
lul and Missn Iwv'tts can iic-ioinmodalo JJI ,
xvhj' is not tin ro room for a few people to
come up in that Go 1 lavoii-il stito of M.iinot
.Alter all tint is said abnut Voimnnt and N > vv
Hainpihtio , how to.nes it tint those highly
iiitt-lli o-it people of Maine , xvho know how to
hop u hot poltci us well us nnj bo Iv else , as
mfiiend taj's , have not dioppod that hut
polcf-rand undciLiken to get some people
flown thete to build a few Hies to iicop tticni
xvarniiu vvmtoil
Out in Illinois , hnlf way across the con
tinent vou have liftv-llvo people per squ.uo
nul'j. In Indiana , the old lloosiei state , jou
h ive fiftj'-llvo , and then in tin ) liimht old
btito of lovva you have suvontv c-iuht , in
l'e-in ! vlv inia , vou lia/o nintUj live per
squaio nulo Duntjousco vvhunjou conn1 '
to thlnlt itover , thnt Alaino , Vc-imont , nnd
Nc-w Hiunbhiro coma piotty near being do-
populited , mid it is no vvondrrthit j-ou have
no piospuitj' down theiol 1 put to jou u
mopotltion , and I want vou to nusvvor it
My piopoiilmii is that iuovuy stito vvhero
juu till ; prohibition vou dtive oiiltho people ,
jou drlv ) out , jou distroy j'our
inanufactui Ing industries , jou destroy jour
coinmc'iciiil industries. If you caiinntuxpluhi
It on any thooiv , i have a right to draw the
com Hisioii that it must b the
icsult of prohibition , which la th
only diseilmimting chnnictoristlo between
these time status and thu ether states of tb ,
U11 lull
Mr Small 0 , ray. [ Laughter. ]
My friend says ' 'O ' , my , " as If that xvere
an answer.
Mr. Small 'T'aln't nn answer
AVe will go a Httlo farther : With the sUte
of Vermont , that only Increased its popula
lion by ono half of ono per cent from 1870 to
lst > 0i thoavoiago Incrciso of population per
centage was moro than . 'O per cent In nil the
high llccnso states of tlio union , und down in
old whUky piodueing Kentucky it was'.4.
In winegrowing California it wai Dlnor
coat. Now , mat U what 1 f > ny : In the lilgh
license etuUt of Nebraska , to which you
puoplo belong , In this atato xvhcro they ask
> ou to alllx piohlbltion to jonr constitution ,
ttio incicaso of i ) rcentaK6 of population for
tliOBume ten yean wa4 207 per cent , und
from 1HSO to 16'XJ It xras moro than 800 per
coat ; u record which oanuot be pointed out
hy mr prohlhttlon frlemls In nnv olhor tnt
xvlthln tha limits of the Utiltni Stitcsfov
ernmont ,
Hero Is another fuel about your old prohl
bitlnn statoof Midnot In IbTO tliero vvoiii
f , .ViO mamifiu'turlDit Inslltutinns in Hint
tnt < \ as repot ted bv tlio i-ensits of the
UiilU-d States I'ovonimcnt for that voir In
l M ) , in limit unii stntonf Main , ' , there were
alnnt 4tsi muiiufnctiiiiinf Indiistilos
'rhetofint' . In ten xoirs of prohibition lu
Mulno , jou dostrov 'd and vvtiu'd out I.OtlJ
in inuLu luring imlnstilcs , and I wnnt to hay
tovou that Ihoro was not ono > .f them n
bii-vvorv oru dlstllli'iv , riihor
Mr. HmiH : No , sir , didn't luvn them
In New Iliiinpshirovoiidcitrit oilli\l \
> nmtni-
fneturliiff Indiistilos , lu Voimnnt jou d *
slroyt-d 119(1 ( in uiufiioturiiig hidiistiles I toll
you tint In the nt itcs miiiounillag Vi-uuoiit ,
Mulno nnd Now Ilnnipthiio. vvlun-o von hnd
high license , nnd did not Invo prohibition ,
that tli'Miiuinfii ' tin Ing Institutions Itii-iiasc-d
ini'vetv 0110 of tin-in liistcul of tlot'iv.iHiii ( * I
will | Mv ° vou a stutoor two hi Musmu-hus.
scUs , for tlioNiuno te-n yens , Its Institutions
ini ivased lii iititnlii'r ll 10 In the Blnto of
i. ti'll ' ; In the state of New Yoik ,
li.Wl ; In Marjluml , U7' ; In Illinois , lir , > ; lu
MliiutMota , l.yjl , nnd lu the lit tlo , as 'hev
HIIV.stato of IV'brashn , cuvsoil with high
llionso , you iuoro iscd your munii ftu lining in-
stlttillons to the number of ? ! , ) [ Applause ]
Allow mo. in coiii-lusloB , to siiv that In
every proliliiitumstito tint 1 liivonunied , by
joiirprohtbitlcn doituno t contend tt to bo ,
jou destiov jour manufiii luring itulushlos In
tlii'stalo , M vvliu-h [ mom to any .vou drain
upon j our lltmiH inl jirosperltv , and in ovuiy
stuto of tlmtmioii v\hero vou hid high license
tlio mmiif u lining Institutions lin-ienvil In
number and lliot-clnro finnlshed
, , cinplov-
iiii-nt lo moio mon ; therefore p ild out nuun
numov ' and inoto vvigos , thttfoio sciinvd
ninro'for jnnr produit ; therefore put mnio
inoiH-v In iiioiil.itIon , and thoii fine pavt-tl tin )
way to unlvoisiil prosperltv , which stands
fate to fnoo with the depreciation vvliKh jou
put upon thn ilniinclil Inilustrios of states
xvliciu prohibition o\lst.s Now , if mv filunds
upon the othoi side can ex plain thitawu.x bv
nigumciit , let tliPiiiexpl iln It It Is for mo testate
state facts , and this Intclllgonl audience can
dnivv conclusions from Iheiu.
A xolooi How about ICnnsiw ?
The Piesldent I xvant to remind the
audicnco tliat only the four speakers vv ill ba
allowed tn take p.ut In this debate.
Mr. Webster-IIid It not boon for the
cnfonciuciit of llio piesldcnt , I should have
answered llio goiilleincn from Kansas at
once Hut out of lospoct to the oidorof the
pu'sldont , I slnll not nllovv injsclf at this
time to cng.igo In altercation with any
individual outside of thcso debaters. In thu
imirso of the discussion , I shall
deal with Kansas , und I xvlll dlsposo
of that question with nbout the
simo goneial icsult piopoitlonato lo popu-
It was s lid that prohibition W.H ono of the
tilings tint stopped idiocy und iiisanitv , and
bo foitti. I vvnnt to make n suggestion that my
fi j iomls in this discussion seem ncv cr to be able
to t discriminate between the rogulatloa of tlio
business [ and the itiiiulng of open saloons ;
or , in other words , thoj' cannot disciimlnalo
liftwccm legitimate tuinpcr.uiCQ and absolulo
ditiukunnuss. . That is not the discussion at
all. No high licenio filend is hero to ntlvo-
catodruiikonncss nnd intompjranco. Wo nro
1i here 1 for the ptirposo of dob.iting how to
le-iich the best manner of dealing vv ith a cou-
ri'dod ( ovll , and tint Is the only thing wo
have to talk about.
I want to go lo ftlulno a moment , tvhero
thoj say that , bccnuso they have prohibition
down "there , piohibition snves cwery-
lliing. 1 get tills light fromn piohibl'ion
book , tint thi'-o-liftbs of nil the idiota
weio cither dnmkaids or the diiect
dosididants of duink.irds. How u in Maine
according to the census of IbiO , they had
1'ti ) idiots Cither ptc.hibition don't pro
hibit , 01 else piohlbltion don't stop producing
idiots. If idiots iiro tbo lesult of think , they
drink inoro h id whisky In Maine than
in nny other stnto with iho snmo population
In Now Hampshire Uicv hnd70.l , In Vciinont ,
Mt ) ; niidln pinhiDitlon Iowa they hnd lll ! , ! J.
Up hero is Minnesota , which has htsli license ,
with a gri'itir population than Maine has , a
giontor popnlition than Now Hampshire , a
Ki-o itor popul ition than Vermont , yet it has
7-ilt. or ono-half the number of idiots , poi hips ,
in Alaino , out of the s uno population. IIovv
about high llccnso in West Virginia , and
Florida , and Connecticut , nnd oveiy ether
stnto The piopoition is agiiMtdr-al smnller
than in the stito of Mulno , Now Ilunipahirc ,
Vcimont , or Iowa
lean answer , if jou v111 allow mn time to
( jctthiough a table inahilf n iiilnutol 1
cannot do it. I xvill shnplj conclude with the
stitciicnt tint thcro vvoio in the insanoasy-
hini of M uno , in 18 0 , after thirty v ears of
prnliibitio'i. JOJ insane persons ind in the
state of Nebt.iski but ! " " > Or , in other
xxonU , In Ui > ld h Iicensp statoof Nolnaslcn ,
vxhi 10 jou siv liquor is Ilk ly to c.iuso ins in-
itx , jou hive hut one-lnlf the number
olp-rsunsin the insnno asylum that vv010
brought tlu-ru in the pidlubltory btato of
My f i lends can take which horn of the dl
lemma thev please cither admit thit whiskj
( 'oes not produce Insniiity , or else admit
prohibition in M imo doc-i not piohibit , and
mow people are inn lo insino by the drinking
of liquor in piohibition Maine than are ) made
ins mo iindui the high lice-iso laws of th
state of Nebrask i [ Applause ]
lie Abuses AVohster , Attaokfl I'rDtec-
tlim.nnil Kninblos Oonor.illj' .
Ladics and Gentlemen- dPsito on this
my lust app" iranco In this dc-hato to thank
you most coi Jmllv for your kind rccoption of
mjse-lf , for jour strict attention tothodobato
and lot the generil ootirtoiy xvhlt-h j-ou have
shown. I cettuinlj * appreciate it ou my put ,
and I tnist I shall so i onduct mj'self in thN
discussion to the end us to ment jourl.ind-
ness and as lo loceivo j-our coiilial suppoit
fin mj propositions hi-foro I llnish I dcsiio
aso to bay that for the gentleuu-n who have
en 'aged in the dclnto on the ether .sulo
of this qucition th it I cntut.dn the mo t
proloiniil p isonil icspoct 1 think Ihat lhnbo
gtntliiiu-ii luxo eomo ln'toni jou with a
sun e-ie ileslio to put -fore . > ou those things
xv an h have nppo ik ,1 to thuiii as b-ing consid-
ei itions woithj of dctormiaiiu their pillion
xv ith KfciMico to this fii it qnration I j iold
to them llio ri ht to entertain these views
nnd tooxpioss tlicm It it. tlir-u injht , and
thoj' have show n the coinage of their conxic--
tions , ind thoj hnvostoid hi 10 with a ( Inn-
ness nnd with a hiihliifsuiad with an ividcnt
consciiat.un to then vvoik tint ivllocli honor
upon them vvhillior It does upon their cause
( U not , Thtjh ix-o done wh it vci.v fovv in
tlii-h poiti m h ivo cvc'i'had the U incilty or
biavcij todiiin tin ir plnccs. And for that
icisonthoj are uiitilled lo our respect , add
they an unuilcd to it fair In mm ; I trust
that wo shall give it to them As
tor tnvsclf I tioit their mgu-
mi'iit with thn r"sp ct vvhn-h I think
i-i dun to it and I diMio to tloso to thocnd
isow , 1 lux op ml i httlo moro than duo or
mdinii > atti iition toinvdiitlmrmshcd fiicnd ,
the Inmot ihlo editor ol 'I'nr. CM in \ liri , in
mj two | ) iev mus spii lies I ain nfiaid mj'
hi other \\Vbsteriinj tlnnk I h ivo nt-glectod
him altogtithei | Appl nisi- ) . I do not nro to
hive bun go awuv with tholmjucbslon tint
hi ) ai iimcnts have nociT < it upon mo Ho
siomed to think vt-sti-idav that ho was In
doubt as lo vx he-it' Ic.iinofium , whotliei liom
( ! i oin'ii or Litah , lint I piopo-io to bhovv him
bc-foiotio loaves Inn ) lodnj thai I am lure
Just the siiiio | buughlc'-niiil applause ] . Ho
took eec ision also to slui at mjself and
Ilrotlii'r Dit hio as being hnpuited enters
fioniothor stitiM I am an oiigmul puhago
anil hnxe a lonstitutiomd ii ht hc-io [ Ap
pluuso ] I cm RO whoio 1 jiloiso unde-r
tliu rci-eit deiinion of the suiii-cmo couit
without wilt oi liuiiso , nud not anj-
light to stand up he-re and question my tluht
to stand upon this platform mid defend this
matter of piululiition bofcro the people of
Nebraska , unless he pioposcs tochango front
cntiicly , go bai-k on the suiiromo court nail
stand whcro wo stood some month , ago do-
clnring that tlio state alonovvMssovert iga in
this mutter nnd lijil a light to decide H for
hoi-ac-lf. And ho Is lee good n livvycr to
question the dii turn of the siipioinu c-oiirt
Uo ioiifcs-ed hiinsi If he was no original
pnckngo ( Applause ] Ilo his onljlieen
iioro twentx ono jcars , and tlio only ilifftr-
ciieo botwic-n him and mo in Nebraska
his carpet hag is a little older than mine I
do not bee that ho has obtained a dlvlnu light
rte splutter over ovorj follow tint c-otncb Into
the state to in lice a fovv remuika upon tint
IH rtinent subject
Jdy distinguished friend , the editor of
the OMUIA. Hi i' , IH not nn oiigind pm k-
ncoflthor , that is not original with Ntbias.
kn , and If it had not been lei the fin t that No-
hraslia \ * not so much of nnoiiglnal slalo
nujhuvva iood many of xou would not bo
hoio Vou have emigrated from other places
and come to thl : . portion of tha umniiy to
make your homes und to build UD for jour-
eehca habiiutlout and to { 'iilhor around your
firesides your rbllilron unit toarh Ihom lu
honor anil truth and nohtluty nnd rlRhtooils-
ness wliit-h will nuiko for thorn ininhoiHl , wo-
imuihuod nn.l fultiio pivipi'tltv , and It hist
beou vour toll and .vottr consivnitlon , jour
riiltuie , your relhiciiii'idand j-otiiveal for Iho
thitigi w lili-li in'1 good nud tiim und ho.iutlfitl
thit lins in uio N'oliniskiiti ) hlnssom us sh ill is
nnd his givc'n her this pr > i not It valid ln'oiiilit ;
tohor nil tills xvondoiful | ire ie's.s vv-lili-U
th < MogiMitli'iurii hnvo 1 m li > I froin thl < pli' ' "
form Antl whiMi von , nfli'r doliiK tinn
vvnrki , nftiu nuviiipllshiug Un-so vvoiksn't ' r
liiuiKlug Ni tiriskii to this st itetif pro ipoi-
Hy. vvhi'ii VDII turn u round and lUnuiml thu
ilglit that the pnoplohuvo to i > iss ii | > ou a
ijiii'stloa of mull prufoiind Importniuv in
dolling with the Uipmr sulijivt , jou hive fret
111 Inht to deal with It on vmir own niotlon ,
niul iltt'rvour own eon i-lem-os and nftor
jour nvvu understanding of the tight i of m-u
nn I Iho will of ( JoI , and thli Is the iv.Hnn us
I sidd j nstordiiv nflc-momi. whv this ipi ainu
Is biifm o tlm poupio of Ncbris ) ( i today \ \ o
did not Import it In fiom any ether stil '
Urothor DiiKki nn , | 1 did lint come hi-ro iin.l
stiuul vomli-r In thn t-ilvof Mnc-uln d' inaiul
liitf nf the li'uhlatuio of isvitlut it Hh.mld
glv o tins inn -.lion to the people nf N , . | . , i u i ,
hut I want to siy to , vou tint it was iho p.- "
mo of Nebraska llu'inxolvi's thut < H I it. nud
In thi' dmiissum of
Hint tnn-stiun tlu-so em
sidei lUunu of liiinio and of in-iu o und of
piosp ritv and of sobiii-tv an I
of ( Jhilstdmlty ; of Iho Htu-iiimg |
put of ' of .
, the Bt > | .pii o
of cilmi'.of thu lifting of Ihn buiiii'tis < , f IIM
iicccssiuy taxation fiom thu hind' IKUU > n , (
inusilo of tlds countij weio thn fonsil"-u
lions whlili in uio tliuio
people of iVln i U v
ili'imind ' for thomstilvos tlui light to Hni < tt
thlsquostlon at the ballot box without tun | n.
ti't-ventloii of llm Insist unto and the hu ior
lobbj , and they forctvl it theio
I icad to jou from the Iowa Slati Ili't-islnr
that In the gic-nt llclit for prohibit Ion 10 the
Nobraski Icglslntuio Iho same mural rm-u
and noble Inlluoiu-os
xvoro in vvoikthit w > to
BC'i'ii in lovviiwhen the
contest vv as going on
then ) You will roinombor th it llio lovva
Htnto Kt-glster is ttio great loulini ; I.IKIUI . . .f
that state published nt thu uipitnl ut 1)- . )
Molnns ami ciltlod In pirt by Mr ( . 'laikson ,
llio pniscnt Ihst assistant postmaster I'ouoral
of the United Stales , lie savs
, "I'lioiovs as the same but tlo foi HIP hninonaa
the , lire-side , the -inmo fight for helpless wonir-n
and little chlldion who could not proUn t
themselves , calh-d out all the chivalry , the
true manhood ; the pleadings of wives an I
mothers won many votes that would nothuvo
been cast against the s ilooiu. "
.A report of the llnnl vote in thohou-u'glvps
nn Incident of alToetinir intoiost that reudls
voij xividlx some sc-enos In Iowa hut u fovv
years ago. Kt-pie-soiilatlvo MNicklo of dago
county arose niter the vote had bion talton ,
hutbcfoio the result hud been announced ,
and -said :
I1 top resent two count lot in this housn nnd
I hive luoiiii'e-d them both that I would volu
against submission , but this question n pie
sented In a pccullir fonn i hive piw-n tins
subject much thought , and i Ii iv o rumimined
with a higher power nnd askul His pmdaino
lathis ciitieui hou i , : uul now , friends if I
vote for hubmission I shall dlsrc'Liird thn
Instructions of my constituent : ! , buk I
have B hey , and that boy appeal ; )
to me with all a father's love and
tcndi-iness , nnd as 1 look Into his fmc I feel I
ewe him ndutv hi/he-r / thun any ollur and
that is to Hnvo him fiom the awful fate of thn
drunkard's life , and God helping mo , 1 have
roiolvcd that if my vote can give the penpiu
a clmnte to hnnish the saloon from our st u o ,
lot cniuo what maj it shill bo f m-lx- given ,
and 1 change my vote and ask thut it 1 > 9
recorded In favor of thu mea.suio. " [ Ap
plausc ]
That , I believe , wn.i Uio represent atlvo of
tills vt-rv county la vvhlt-h wo iiro That win
tlio repinseiitativo coming fiom the iniilst of
tlio people , listening Hist to the blanlish
nients , to the appeals and arguments of the
politic-nils ami sajing that ho would not vote
lor the submission of this ( juu tion , but when
It wns bioivht homo with the art-'Uinonts of
tbo w Iv cs and of the molhcrs an-1 of the hus
bands und of the cbildiua who vvcia
he-ing piven over to the Mo
loch de-stiiietlon , of disaster and
dumn.itioii that man standing theronndor the
dome of v our capitol whcro the pleading ayes
of his little boy and the possibilities of his
fate bi t > i o him , bald "l hnvo communed ,
xith a higher power , and now If my vote can
glvo to the people of Nebiaska the opportu
nity to cnst out the luin dev il I give it , " and
ho pave it like a man , and I bclive you xvW
rullfj' his decision nn November 4 , and with
your little ( hildren loommf , before j our oyqi-'J
In their pleadings for protection from tUis f
Hind r'liucd ' so niniy homos , poC
Hated bo many men , brought disaaler , panEt
pcrism nnd cnino into so many of the happy * !
communities of this state , I believe you , too ,
xvill commune with a higher power , that jou
will listen to the calls of the monitor of uod
pi ii-ed Within , and-nureh giandly up to thu
t ) .Hot bov and forever lush thobo dovib from
the tciritorj' of the stateof Nebraska. f Ap
pi mse |
The gentleman tnlks about personal liberty.
And ho stood up hero joiieidiv' and at
tempt > d to flaunt thu bloody shirt in your
fnco over my head because 1 came from tln <
statoof Georgia 1 want to siy to you that
ho 1 , living for twentj-ouo yeais in the btato of
1f Nohi iska , seems to know more about the
state house of Georgia than I do , llv ing under
its i shndow , and I have mv wife nnd childieu
there now. I icpudinto the insinuation that
wo nio not loj-al to Iho pi .mil old stars and
btnpes. [ Applause ] On ttio Fouithof Julv ,
in i the cltjof Chattanooga , on Friday last ,
Oovcinor Gordon , who is the chief executive
of our state , a gallnnt Christian gcutlctnan ,
stood betoro thousands of the blue and iKtf-
giav In the city ot Chattanooga nnd uttcicil
sentiments of patriotism and of lov-
tilty 8t I and of devotion to the ting mid
Iho government that xvcro the equal
of any spoken anywhere in this cotintrj" .
[ Applauso. ] I want to say to you todaj' , my
loiinti vinen , that while that bloody war w 11
being fought I was but ouo of tliteo little
hoj'smjbclf , ten yenrs old when it began and
foiiitcc-ii vvhc'ii It ceased ; but I saw it fiom
the beginning to the end I was In the tiack
of it. t vv us Keeping my safety ahead of the
inmvdnj-alter dnj und month after month.
I want to saj to xou , my countrymen , that
fiom the horn that I became able to under
stand the gi eat issues vv hit h xvero involved
and llio ir-sulls whnh xvi-io achieved ,
by tin-so men who inuehed out from the
homes and from the fmiows of this country
under the Hag of the union to kcop the sanc
tity of th it union undivided and indivisible
forever , vvhon I undoistood what tboj hnd
ni'comiiiisliod , hnvv thov sti liken 4OOuOUO
bhackli-s fiom 4OUU.UIJO of our brethtca in
blac'c ' , I thanked ( ! od for the day , and I haxo
thaiiki-dlliinin Uiopreseuroof mj-peoloas ] ) I
do befoie jou , nnd I thank Him foi the dny
when ho gave to this country Abraham Lin
coln , that tj American who with his tw
in ) itnl hind , signed the omnncipitlon pi octa
nt ition and not unlv mule overj- black man In
this countrj' fioo , hut miiilo overj' xvhlto man
ficcr fi oui the daj that ho did the net. [ Ap-
pl.itiso |
1 bcliovo in personal liberty. I bollevo In
that nhcrtx which has been bauctillcd hy the
success of the American constitution and
which is gunr.mtx-i d by the mighty povv or that
Is int'-rwoven w ith the forty tlneo stai-a und
Hinteuiistilpcs of thnt glorious Hug , I nmln
f ivor of it to the fullest extent compatlblo
w ith the publio peace , the public safety nnd
the public progiess Hut for n man vv ho Is a
lawji-r and who Mauds with fair fame beforu
the judic-Uuy nnd courts of this Mute ,
for a in in who his fitood befote the
biiproino couit and plead xvlth hnnorahlo
fen or the causes of his clients , and who has
made for liiinsolf a reputation that tbn , my
friend , h is made in the st.ito of Nebraska.
to stand here iind trj to befuddle the Intellect
of his fellow-citl/ons by a species of-pettlfog-
King with tint phitso , "uorsonal liberty , " is
unboooming to him and I do not believe ho
would ho guilty of It in nny ether place ex
cept upon the discussion of this prohibition
tssuo. vvhoro pettifogginj is a necessity in
oidcr to defend the snloon [ Applause ! Ho
hnmvs what poraoiuil liberty is , nnd ho know *
ns well as ho know a his own honorable name
th it ttio prohibition of the liquor trnnio does
notstuko nnvvvhei-o in a thousand miles of
jn-rbunl llbcitj The prohibition of tr
liquor traflle btiikos nt tlio tiafllo , it strll
ut HID sj stem of coinmcn-i ) , and there U D t
alavvjor with a thhnbloful of brains '
Amori a vvtio dtucs to deny < - *
piopobitlon that t : H corapo l
lor tlie congress or liv >
turn of the people la the cxcrclso of "
sovereign powi r to regulate the eonu ' '
our v erv t.u iff 1 iws to dny aio IC-RU *
of conimnivn. Yotircinbirgoos and pi *
orj tJinlTs against coituin lutlclodin '
pooplu mo piotilbitnry taiilTs ' ! ' v "
t-xt-iclscs of the right to contiul n tr t
with this muter It Is simply ntiuostT !
xv hither this ti illlc , vvhuthor this Hj-st m ot *
CD iiiiieice , without lofciotuo to th lull.I-
dual who en 'n0-os in tt , without rofoionc to
the individual who is in fnvor of its h ,1
continued with all Its
pissloiu niul dc-pra-cd
nppotitos-lt piovidos whi'thi-r this sxn'n i
of coiuiiiirc-o ua sjhtcm whU-h nidi to iln
pihllo wealth and the publio Ue.ilIU an ' t <
and upon thit o.ue u a