Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1890, Debate Supplement, Image 14

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    r-nv/r A TT -
Iho corp o look nspeclablo [ A voice
"U hat's It"
Why , they until thj mined lown nn He
count o ( prohibit inn t passed IVs Molnes
ycjtprdav and I sa\v \ that tnagnlhViMitmpltol
of Ilielrsrhlrh , n fe\v years io vuis un
finished and HUM did not hn\o \ mono } in
tlulr tniisuu to llnMi It , tint Is , uiuler
thdr llunnr ifuinw Ipn od tlicro viwtcr
< Jnrftndw ) \\tlliUsHplrtiilld doiiw riilng
uji Into the iuiill lit on tiiatgloriiMia I'ouith
or July , a gn it monument tothonilturo , llio
enteiprle mil tbotruedljrnlty of thapooiilo
of Iho proluljltlonstatcof I own. Your Milk1
oldilu > ese b \ . f nn iiflilr hue nt Uncolnls
bu'ted half In twono\v In oli'er ' to admit the
ItitdllK nco thnt jou hivepukodlntolt twin
tliiiotollmo ( I .iiik'htcr nnd nnplnusc ] 1
wns up there the other da ) ana thcv have
Rctnnllj got It bolted together tokeoplt fwin
falllni ; down II atiKhlcr ]
Ivvlshlliat I tiad tlmn now to sp nk of
other things , hut I would like to tell jou hn\v \
prcblbitlon don't prohibit I suppose jou
have lienrd of It | Laufhtor ( ) I linve
lC\oi ywhoro 1 go , a-s I ( old ' otno of tnj fellow
citlnns a fo\v weilcs ncro , 1 would
como ocioss sonio ImlUliliial ol that
kind , and ho would ijo "Ynwheo ,
yavvheo , ja\vhco , jiiwhen. [ ImitiitlnR bru-
IIIK ) lam nut ono of tlmtkladof aiiinnifs ,
and thnl is us tie ir as I cnn n l to "
[ Laughter ] Anl the doitrino of all Is
"I'nmibltlon won't prohibit' ' t'liblbit
prohibit. [ IjuiKlilor 1 I Invo hurd It until
I nm RU'kuniltiri'ilof U.
iver ; > tlinoa fi-liow brlngslt np nt mo now
I tell him It rui.iiiils me of thontorj of tlio
Irishman who vint to a Until andvas
brnituht a dish of hash Ilolmd never seen
it before nnd ho wns cautions about tijinglt
After ( xpoilnii'utlng with It hoitilleil tln > .
waller nnd slid. " I'.iko tint bicl < to the
pentleninn tint chnwiil it , and toll him ,
bed id , that ho can swallow It , forl won't do
It. " ILiughtir J
tul sol tUlhtinnlioit this thing that pro
hlbitlonon \ t prohibit 1nntto \ till jou
thntl bavo hem nil over this countn and I
hmo Bcin prohibition Ini'Vir } shupolhiit It
hascomoup , I Invo wn It as .stitntor }
prohibition , ns constitutional prohibition. In
coinmuniUurt tlironrh llio soutli and other
BOillnitMOf thoiountrv , I bavo sun it win w
there iH no licttmo , I hive teen \vlththe1
fonrinilellinlUtion , with the twomilo litni
tatlon ; Ib ivo been ull the forms that It Is In
1 wimt tosuviio\vand siy Itvvitheontldcnio
In Its truth ns I upoet to stand before the
jiuk'tiu'iitbiirof Of , tint prolilMtlon dois
prohibit iv i-rvtt hero inthis coiintiy whew
ihctt ) nriilioiKsl men nnd coiisc-iinllous nun
In ehnriro of thu cxeiutlou of the luu
[ Applause ]
I'lohibltion Is no failure nny where except
In these places vvhcro the ollln'rs of the Imv
are either a sot of jiusill millions puppies
or a set ot perjured sio.inlrels wlui
lire nil lit to bo oflkors for
a pen full of hogs [ LiUBhtoi )
If } ou think that } ou bavuvvisdoiii , Intclll
peiuo ami patriotism enough , if } on think
jouaro able toseliet ollkers who have not
only clear lonschnres nnd honest louiite
nances , but are those who will inforeo the
law , wo will K ° on ndvuicing and then vo
willlot tin-so fellows llnd out whether we
will prohibit or not , ( .Mrs Conga * : "CSivi )
women fico btiffrajo und they vlll infono
\Vo men l < now \ \ oto Itcoji the devil
Btiired up and the vvoincn know liow tokeqi
thouiuiistinvil nilVo aio gDing tokoeii
this vvoiknp until wo ( , it this thing settled
You are like Josh Hillings' littloiteer that
was tied to a stake , ho stiid he noticed him
because he pnwcd iluhtand lift , buthenevei
notlieit tint ho pot iinfnillior \ awnj from
thostnko If ) utt vvntitto hive some fun In
thissttitoou uottei have it now vvhilo tl.o
joint debates uro Ko'ng ' on hcioo will ha\o
Iho fun now , or wo may ho like tlio Irislim in
Who saw u stxer in a Hold and ho Ihou hL it
would bogreatfunto jump over thofeuce ,
grab the little steer by the hot ns and nib his
iio oin thodiit llothoughtlt sofuiim thai
ho .sat down und laughed nnd laughed uboul
It. U'oll , then ho jumped over llio fence
toolt the steer by tha horns and v\aa \ tbrowi
clear over the fence , nnd It ne.u-lv broke him
In two. Ho picked himself xipaads.iiO , "Be
dad , what u good thing ituasl had uij
Ungh first. " [ Laughter J
I thaiil < youmdic4 and gculle'iiicn , for your
Mr. IVelmtcr Disproves the blunders
of the .Prohibit lonl-.ts.
Hon. John Ii .VcOster or Omalm being1 In
traduced by ti" chairman , addressed the as
leinbly tu follows t
Mr. Chairman , Indies and Gentlemen : I
m before you today , not by any solicitation
of ray own , I am not Lew hired h ; nubod } )
or by nny society , lam not hero representing
ny clnsa or any Interest except that \v hich 1
bcliovo to bo honest. I am not hero under
alary from this society or any other. 1 ha\
como to speak to this people because the'
ofllcers ofthis assembly ha\o luvllcd mo to
conic , I am tiero to toll this pcolo | vihut I
believe to bo the truth nnd I am Inroto de-
bounce that which I bcliovo to ho untrue lehe
ITer twenty one } earalhavo lived in the
itateof Kcbrnsltn ; for twenty years Invo heI I
iccii It KTOW f" > n I'-MiOOOto 1. & > ,00 | ) , iiuicas
lug moro rapidly in its population under its
present liquor license system than any other
Btnto lu lids union and MX ) per cent K'c.itci '
tlmn nny prohibition state in this union thnt
bud piohlbitionfor a period ot tlftecii } ears
[ A pplnubc ]
* " 1 Hive seen it Increase In wedth and pros
reritynt such a rapid ratons should iiMonish
ny mini living in the prohibition states of
Mniiie , Veimontor Now IlainpshitoVltj \ olof ,
think a moment U'ho tVT.OOc ) square miles of
territory In the stito of Nohrisin nal < o ofIt
llvtj llvotlmcMis larKO 113 the state of llhode
Island , and i.ipiblo of holding Un times deas
\ \ ninny people .13 tlio state of Mnssielutsotts
and jot if it continues to up en in its present
rate of prosperity until it shall bo-
cotno us tliiclity populated as the state 0of
Mns.sH'hn itt-soui } state of Xebriska will
hive 10UttOUO ) of people vithiii hoi illM
When this state of yours shall hnvo become
popul Ue-il as is , It.ilj' , yon will ha\ U > , iODOUO )
of people within } onrstntevlicn it becomes
popnhtedas HAusttln yon \vill ln\o \ rJleH , > ( ) ,
000 of people wlthitiour } state , if II evil be.
comes as densely populated us uiifliuid , \ Ji.on
will have In the stnto of NcbiiislcaJ : > , OHOuil )
of people onchalftho rut 110present [ > opu
latiou of the United Statis ( , o fintliei If
you were to idiot onc-hdf tuio of K nd
through this M ite as a block for a
house nnd nut in It one fauiU\ lUo pcuoiib
you would have ten itorj eaoi h in this state
to aicomnodato 4lHKXH ( ) Oi people more1
than the entire nmplio ot China mote than
all of ICiirope , and how in my times the
prchcnt population of thol'nitod Stutcsl
I stand hero after twenty } o irs of rest
donoo m this state watching Its growth and
pro-.iieiitjiis a man who loves this state It
ts peed enouprh for n e I e\ peel to live here
1 would advise my friends who como hero
from abroad that H XebrusVa 1-s not good
enougti forthetn as Ills they should t > tay at
homo , [ .Applause ]
There is another very astonishini , proposi
tion when 1 looOMT this qnp.tiui.lth \ \
your more than n million ofpeoplo in this
itiito who have w Ittusscd Its prosperity , who
havopvthcivd whatou } have In ( Ms state ,
ivho have /nrnenl vonr niotiej lere , who
raised , / /iHi / r children hero , hnvo
wed'o'.vour ' wives hcie , builded
your tiotms here has It como to this ,
that this state of ours does not lo\o it-
elf well enough to l.a\e a man stnnd within
Its own borders who bruins enough and
charneter enough to stuudup and talk foi thU
fanatleal doitriiieof pixjhibitlon , butoiihivo }
& to import them from from other suites , \vhoio
\ thov have lieon lepudiate'd bv tbo votfo of
L thoirovv n people ! [ Applause. ]
* a Why , im friend front the stnto > of
5 Michigan talks to this crowd as If hehadfor-
l jotten that down in the state ot Michigan
u nly a llttlo vvhilo ago tlu v proposed n prohl-
f Wtioniimemlmont Just us thev are proposing
Mtlu the state of Nebituku I suppose mv
friend was the i-hnirinanof the piohibition
committee of that state and went ull over
that s-tato tUklng piohibition and trvin ? rte
llduco tint people to aecopt the doctrines
uhlchho htalUtiif ? to you people of mv state
cltNcbiiaska , Did ho foipetor wh'y sit
tilt ho did not tci ; this
auilii-neo thit \ ion
Ite l ooplo of the state of Mic'hli.Mii voted on
thit > quest oi they snowed hit i and hi- * pro
hibition doitrines unJur foot by moio than
fi\e \ thousand majority ) [ Applause ]
M > other friend hero , who lulls fiotntho
jtatoof Gcorpin , but who has uowgonoout
toUtcnlIlollP theMoraions in L'Uih [ lauRh-
rf'e , las a llttlo to\vndo\\n in hU state they
call Atlanta a beautiful eitj-a city , mark
jou , old patriots , over whoso state c.ap'ltoltho
6tai-s and strlpci hnvo uovcr tluntid to the
presentdaj--ovcn that town has npiulhtexl
the doctrine of prohibition In thotowaof
Atlanta and the state of ( leorcl i saloons are
open , and that within the last three mouths ,
tc my personal fcnovvliiltro.
Why , wo are told here in opolnff this dls-
esiHoattiAtprohlbltlwi III etner&l lav oft
nntittf tint dcvplopo * vvlth theproprcss of
ilvlli/atlon nml the moro wo nro clvilled
iinil llio ( 'rentei mhniuo wcf hnvo midolti
iitlUatioti , the greiU-rliocomfs the doctrine
of prohibition mid ) m llnd avlptulout the doc-
ti'lneof pirs. mil lihortj U'oll , now. tint ismi
as touNhlng sliUMiutit for utiv sinsibls nun
to mi < to in iiidiini'c An iiHtonlshlni ?
stutiiiie-nl \\b\l \ vi'iiUl ' hku to tell mv
vvcMtlij fib-lid that With thopi-.nicssof civ-
Ill/ntloii has t'oino personal llbeilv , and with
oKtisH of < l\ll > 7itluii hnvo wo done
\ \ lib laws tint restrained mau of his
uil lll > < * rlv.
Ciolimk to old Ilu i < = h , If vou plcisf , fo
Inch to the time of I'cter the ( ire it. go
to the time of Fit dcrlck the Orcit , KO bade
to the cnilv hl-tur } of Austria , grow hero
kliij ; ' amf emperors svvn.vd tlulr power
I'lu u histoiy was ono continued sirics of
cdicli iifditst the porsonil libortyof the
snbjat. As dxillmtlon alvnnced
iiiltutc'd pi opleerossod the Alltiiitie ocom and
I'stabllshftl n tcimblit1 , and with il estab
lish * d pcisonnl libertj * nml abandoned tlio
iloctiiiu- that a nun was subjut to some
oidtror pinnliodo ut the dictation of any
miitiorit of men.
\\liy , not IGIIR since It was mj ! privilege to
wattle * ! * threiufch some ot tlui natiou.xl conio-
U't-iisof tins union , through the stitiw of
renmssooiindof lleorgli , w hero \valkedto 1
see Ihc llttlo murk tbo rustIng -
Ing plu-osof Ihousmds upon thousiinds of
} inu fellow soldkisvlto died that their
I'ounhy might llv Oiiud that norsoiml llbeit }
should beiii'hlivcdfor four millions of people
- the lust grand lesult of luluticliif civilisa
tion ( Apidiuisn J
Why , vvlicn } ou propose to set your foot
iipiiith * piopeaitioiiof personal llbeilv as i
tluii ) , ' of the pest , and to v , irn out tlio nd
vuiKotidcof dvUI/itlon , I Ull .voti jou ute
putting foi Ih this iiist dictilno tint leiils to
imauli\ and despotUm in tbo United Mutes
I would Just as willingbco ! } a nnti tiitnplo
upnntho itirs and stripes at omo as to tell
mo tint ho lo\ei his country and In thosaino
iiriMith tolls mo thnt ho wants to stamp out
the ) theorj or the doitrino of pei&ouul llbert }
( Applnuso )
A word more wlt'i rcfeieneo tooneortwo
of thoadviucinB thoughls which are simplj ,
1 u pn isc , tlio prccuisory rein irks of the do-
bite vvluchls tofollow hereafter , nsnelvancud
by Prof Dickie 011 the doctilnoof prohibl
tion. 1 simplj want to answer A suggestion ,
and Ilcasotnj-ausMer to thogcnenl propnsl
tion atsu h time oa bo sees tit to advance it
Hut so fat as It has been suggested to this
people ihnt prohibit ! in isn Invv of our nature
mil n law of our civilization bo jroposed to
illnstrito It
\Vliv , ho pave two or three Illustrations of
whatbe b.ild vcro restraints of our personal
llbcrt } , bull w nnt to tell this audience If
vou look iitntiy Illustiatlon that he pave j"c > ,
that 1s but an Illustration of a doctrine of
leguhtlon , nnd diiimetiicillv opposed to th )
doc-tiinu of piohibltion Why. mjfiiend
siys Unit ho could not build n house In the
dtyof Omiha four stoilcs high-n finino
huildlng. 1 want to till my ftlenl
that we do not prohibit the bulldlnn
ol homes In O.nnhn , but wo tegnlato It It
Isnotbecauso wo hive got prohibition up
there Woltulto Tiof. Dieltio to cuiao there ,
\vuiiivitohimtopntup.a \ building All wo
suy to I'rof Dlildo is we will do with him
just ns \ \ edoith the saloon inteicst , that
which Is lieit foi thu wolf tire of the uitiio
rotiiniunit } . and wo will rogultito the thing
JApplaUbO I
Now , in } other friend hero from Utah , or
Gcorgli , Ido not know vvhcio to looatohim
toeing , 1 hu o not Kot Quito used to him yet
Ho suggested the thought that wo could not
say mi } thin about the Sivioi In this case be
riu-iovvo vcro lliilcin him with the saloon
Interest 1 want to suy to him that I nia not
heio to advocate the saloon inteicbt
Has ho ucuir found out \et any dlf
f iron co between prohibition nnd the question
of rexi'lnting u sort of evil that eannot bo
wiped out of cxlsteniei If ho has not Icirnod
th it distinction 1 will tti\u linn tune to thiiili
it ovei until next Moiutaj inondpg , but until
then 1 want to cill his attention to the fact < ivhun ho * .vus talking nbout the wino
tniiaele ntCnnatlmtlt Kcv bun bmall had
been tlicie. bo would hive taken up the
w.atei and liisteid of tiiusfoiinlng It Into
wino lie would luivo said , " \\atcr \ is good
oiioucli for this fea t , take that and \'ole for
When Paul put fortn that little statement
to Timothy , "Dilnlt no longer -water , but
talco n llttlo wino foi tlij stomach's salio , "
lov ! Small would ha\o \ changed the bible , lie
would hu\o hud 1'ml a prohibitionist , ho
would have had 1'aul say to limothy "You
uro un old drunkard , don't diiulc any more
\vluo , but diink water nod vote
for prohibition. " In olhor vords
ho woull have ttansforincd that
bible aad made a no\v ono for his own purpose -
pose and put prohibition la It.
EVCTJ where thit the bible spoke about the
use ofvvino , ! do not earoivhetlier created by
miracle or handed out by the apostles , the
fiet remains that ho would have prohibition
instead Ye' . , I defy any man to contrdlet il
from the bible , thnt the doctrine of prohibi
tion is not found within the lids of the bible
[ Hisses , applause and laughter and cries of
older ] 1 want simply to s.i } to my fiiends
vho bcem toh.ivo di > sented from my state
ment th it von nny look it up If you vvnnl to.
" \on nnfnttush j our representatives hero
the aittlioi it } ifouvvisb Uhe bibles is not
ui unfimilhr book mid I prettj nearly know
\vluit I am talkin ? about wheii 1 make that
.statement. | Applause ] .
When a mm stands ou this platform under-
tnkiiujto show mo tint m } statement is false
I wiuitio snv to him nglu now ind hero I am
nuly to answer It and moot it from the lids
of tlio bible ) \vhoiicver votl prodiuo it , 1 do
not euro who > ou aio. [ App'ause ] , 1 am
not hero as a cow ird to bo cued down because
men do not think as Ido , but lain lighthoro
tou > xiesetitvvhit I bchevo an I to tell this
aiulienio whit I think and whenever vou
\vant to disagree with mo the platform is the
plieo to do It [ Applmso ] ,
1 wain touilltlio attention of thisaudlence
toono pc'iieial pioposition I mubt nilmit
tint so far wo hnu * not gel vciv fur into Iho
red disiusslon of lhis < iu < stion becmse.ns it
wuo , wo hive beenslvhnii-.hiiif' : aiound on
the outskirts Ub-gin it that and I
hive bocii obliged to follow % it , bat
the lime is pttitij , ' pretty near
at hniul when I want to begin
to tell tins woplosomething about the fic'ts
tone-hill , , ' the roil question in eontiovcrsy.
wlueli la simply thit. , whether the people of
this Mite nrofuitlllcd in voting piohibltiou
into sour omttltutipn at , a political doctrine ,
not a leltnious doetrino
When..ou put It into jour state constitu
tion jou malic it p.irt of thosiatoconstltii-
tion It is a question of politics That is
what 1 u.nit to talk about j\ul * .vhen Ibe-
l iti to htanih out on tint sub.eet it Is notun-
bCionihtK tint 1 should tell this vast andienco
of pe pie fiom the Mate of Xiunibki what
thepcuplo ofuthet stilus liavethoiiKht ofthis
same subject wheio they 1m oh id it debated
and eoihideied ( ! o hick if } ou please , as
finite * , Samuel Small would tn\ ito j-ou , to
the state of I'onas.vlMinia vvhue ho 1ms met
with the ponjilo vvhouio opposed to prohibi
tion and weie afraid to get out and debate it
with hint
Lot me toll von that In the state of Pennsyl
vania they \oteddovii pn'ubttian ' without
the nciis itv ' of nny s culies on Iho other
s ido. With'nil the prohibition talkers they
could Impoit liltJtb < state of I'ennsvHaiua
tbtouKh a whole campaign tliev * could not
convertuh * ? [ eoplo of suite to vote in
favor of that proposition. Uhc } did Lot need
am nnswor
I usnu little memormduTi , bccauso when I
t > tate tlgurcatn nniuullenco 1 vvimtto Icnow
tint I state themlornctly nnd that I btito
them fiom authotityso that if any lennrlc
tint I make on thlssubjectU con'ittdlcted by
onvbodv I shall lo i > iipaiod to fur
nish the proof to suppoit of what 1
say lu the state ot Connecticut , ono
of youi oil New llngland states vith
Itsmthi 'ily nJv.imed dvillatiunvvlth
its ( treat Vale college ) , and Its highly cU iized !
people , with its Ions expe'ilemoith \ the
fiiiuor busimss , when In isiO the people prot
po < ed , as they did in that state , to vote pro-
Uibltion Into the constitution of the
Wjis bcMten I ) a vote era mijorlty of over
tvcntj seven thousand of the \otinB populat
tion oi the state , or in other words theio
wore nine tli in twice as many votes In thut
sUto l.iat j-c ir against prohibition than
wuo cast in Its favor. Well , U
woith something I do not know whether
nn frleudon the other side will take a Us-
so'n from that or not. To mo it means something -
thing It is the judgment of a great people
upon this idcntli al political question.
( io down to Massachusetts with its great
lavversand Its sreat doctors nnd It-s minis
ter aud Its professors , Its colleges and Its
scloots , Its manafaeturinjjlndustiiesandlts
preat population , aud jet in.MussachuettsIn
Iss9inovv , mirk , only list fall ) there wcro
cast for piohibltion 65,000 , vote as apralnst
131.WJ , or in othei words in the state of Massachusetts -
sachusetts out of a total \ oto on the prohibl-
tion ( juestlon of Jltl.OOO there was a majonty
of As20 against the doctriuo of prohibition.
I all uil od avvhllongo to the vote lu the
state of Mleblcua. the Jtato fiom which my
frlcud Trof. Dickie catuo. Wo will now no
to Now Hampshire , wtcro they huve had
stalutox ; yr U.tilUaa kmicr than. I Uar
lived In the state of Xcbraskn , nnd longer
than imv of these ponplo hnvo been Uvtuiing
from mi bile platformsjet , nevcrthulcs . In the
prohibition state of Now llampshlro with Its
Senator llhiir , vho writes books In fuvor of
prohibition , who is the gtvit champion of
prohibition throughout the United Stales ,
vet In tint mite after mem tlmn twenty
voarsof euxMlencoof statutory prohibition
llio itutoof New llamiislilmln UMi defonted
piolilultlon in Its const lint ion by ti tunjoilty
of ft.l'K ' ) votes Ho over to Orcuon , u new
state whkh h is latel > started out in the west ,
where thov wuo cotiHlderliiir this mime ques
tion , nml In Onvoti In l ! > sr prohibition was
defolted bv 7. ' J votes
itoihwn to llio irroit state of I'entujl-
vtinli In IbMiv lien the } voted on that ques
tion tliPt-evv ere Jl iXXi ( votes foi prohibition
and ivt.OOO against prohibition , or In other
words issixxi niijnrlty nKiiinst pmliibitlon In
the lonstltutionof the tjit'ut kttiti ) of I'cnii-
s.v lanln. .
Ciodowti to Texns , around whlih mj friend
Ikv Small was going to build that * rruit pro
hlbltion Inrso wo con M not not to it except
to pothroinjU the Cltilf of Mexico I suppose-
ho leeturt'ddo'Ui there They voted there
for prohibit Ion In iv" and they suowed It
UtuUrbj llTiTliinollty ) ]
Goto Tennessee , through which ho must
( rnvelbofoio lie can got to his old htato of
( ieorgln. 1'hoy voted on | irohlbltlon down
there lu ItbT and tin1 } ' defeated It by S7 > . 'J '
How nbout West Virginia I \Vliy last fill
( hey defeated Ittheto b } a unjorltj of 4Si7
Vet 'S
No\v \ , RO over to little llhodo Island , that
othersi.ito where thoj had cotislittitional
niohlhition , 'llio stitc-of Uhodo Island put
piohibition In their constitution InlbSO They
voted on it ngniii In IbS'.i , after thrco ycirs of
piohibition life ntul when they voted on the
question In IM'J ' Ihoy snowed It under by
h.Ho'i ' majority
1 want to tell thoirood people of this audi
ence < of the state of Nobr.nk.1 that the judg
ment of all these slates vvhcio they hi\u deli -
li itod this question , where the } hnvo con
sidered tits question , they hnvo % 'oted ltdovn
as a pernicious iloclilnc , destriictlvo of the
velf.iro nnd prospiritj of these states. I
made my dosing statement in the closing sen-
unco of my remark Just made lu icfeiincoto
the vote of thebO respec'tivo stiites that It was
voted down bciatiso In the Judgment of thu
| not > lo It w is destructive of the \velfnio and
pic spoilt' * , of the states. I think I am pro
puod to piovo that pi-oiwsltiou. Uudcistund
MlnI I suy ,
I elonottnennto tell this audience , mid I
am iiotheiondvocMtlug the doctrine tint the
use oJstliiiul.ints to an excess Isti benolltto the
people U bat Is not the proposition. It Is
not tint. I am as much opposed to tint as
JOU aie , lint the red question is , when you
Inactas a pirt ot tbo futnl imcntil hw of
jour state the doc'tiitio of prohibition ; vhatis
its generaloffeill Of couiso in deciding that
question jou must take Into consideration
them results vv hich neecssnily piovv outof it.
Wmtaio they I Just a few of them weiouu-
nouuced b } my fiicud in opening tlds discus-
Sid' They asset t the proposition tli it tbo
siloons (1 ( suppose thov mean tindei hijh
license ) Ullcd oui state -with paupers.'cll ,
before I got done I vill show
these people , if the tlino over
happens to bo long enough to get through
vvith this dlscussotithatln ! , btates vvhcio you
have got piohibltion } ou have got mow pco-
jilo ] inoiir iilm.s houses , nionoitionito to
jour populition , than j on n.ivo got lu tno
good and glouotis state of Nohnwlu
Tht ? } snj It fills jour penilentiury. I will
tell these people of li0nircs copied from ofllcial
reports | that they hnvo moio people in the
penitentialics in proportion to the population
inM.iiiio , Vermont und IS'evv IIampsliiicth.iu
wo evil had in the state of Ncbiasln. I will
show < } on furthermore , if yon want to know
it , Unit \\hllo Kcv. Siniuel Small talks about
tin people In the penitentiary of tins st.ito ,
tint ono of the persons testing now in that
penitentiary W.H a prohibitionist by piofcs-
slo and a minister of tbo gospel by occupa
tloi . [ L.uii'htci ]
Why i , thcv siv further ns oce of tehl
propositions that the having of saloons under
high ! license produced illiteracy , and I can
piovctovott , and I shall bjfoio 1 atndono ,
that in the state of Maine jou have got as
man > people over sixteen } e.iis of * ago that
c.iniiotvvrito as In almost any other state in
ah union , and fuitbcimoioin the high license
state ! of Nohrasln thcro is a smaller pcicent-
age of people unable to read und write th in In
anne other state lu the entire union , nnd I do
notcaiowhtio jou polo find il [ Applause. ]
Lot mo tell vou a few things that this doc-
tlino of prohibition has done for some of
these states Let mo go bad ; to the state of
Maine ! , the father of prohibition states
IC read the other dny that General Neal
Cow , iu the city of New York , made a
speech to a piohibltion assembly in which ho
n ido the statement that they hud piohibi-
Jon in the state of Iilaliio thirty-four jcnrs ,
and in each of the thirty-four j ears or yiohi-
bitten they had saved to the people $ -21,000- ,
,1 , went nnn turnciiover some of tne
i-ciorcts to llnd out about the -we ilth they had
down in tbo state of Maine , and 1 thought if
Neal Dow had told the tiulh about it il
would bo one of Iho wealthiest states In the
union , but lo and behold , from the time of
the landing on Plymouth roc k down to the
pieseiit time the cutito accumulation of the
state of Maine , according to the assessed
valuation of proportj , is but f.M.- , iJXX ( ) all
told. Nc l Low ) would hmo saved till th it in
itivtteii vetrp , aid II toolt that poor little
stito of Maine two cent Miles to aivunmlato
what Nenl Uovv said it was saved iu ten
j-eiis Let us PCO what they have.
'Ihc susrgettionis thiown out that If we
would in iko Nebraska , n prohibition state
men prohibition Dickio would como over
lieto and build n house Why don't he go to
Maine ntul build a house wheio they have
what j oil w nit prohibition 1 In IbW in the
state of Mnino tiny hid 0i,000 people , 'ihoj
hud prohibition them. In hTO thej still had
ptohiliiilon and they had but GIS.OOJ , nnd in
IsW , the present } enr , under the census Just
taken , thov hive slmplv trot the sntnoGHOOO
peopleor in othoi- words } our stntoof .Maine
under jour piohibition Imv engrafted in vour
cot stitution , with Neil Dow nt the head and
the father of it , the state of Mainolns been
as stagnant In the growth of Its population
as th'it mudd } stioatn that runs by journtj-
1 do not mean nny rellectlon on the avatcr
down here , cither , beeausu.Malno uses poor
witer I apptchend the valor thej drink in
piilabitlon Maine must bo as dlitj * as that
stream or else tiny would have some kind of
prospont } and piogtcss down thcio The
ijucstionioines to you people with that kind
otarccoul of thomciMso In population in
the si.ito of Mamo If theie is a man in this
uudle'ito that wants to stop the Krovvth nud
pniulation of the stito ot Nebraska nnd
bi in.'In rte a standstill that man Is willing
to vote for prohibition
Co ! over to Vermont , another of the pro
hibition statewliero the } have statutory
prohibition Down in that little bt.ito of
VcimonUhc } had31JOOO people * a\vay \ lack
In bi > O , they had .UO.UUO in isn ) , JL'.OiW in
16bOamia.tiWO in this jiar of our Lord
lt > 'JO It does not prow a bit.
Cioo-vir toNe * . * , Hampshire , v.lth statutory
prohibition- huvo preeusely iho sa-no
state of affairs , except Ihoy luiNO got fJJu.OUO
in b70 , tlD.OOO m IbsO aud Jli , CNi ) m Ib'JO , or ,
in other woids , let inotell } ou , people ol No-
br.isKa , there nro the onljluieo old prohibi
tion statca in the entire union , and these
thieo states , hav o not grown In population
from the tin.o tin v adopted prohlbltlun clown
to tlio piesont vo'Ing hour Jsow , righl In
the face of thit fact , ovcrv other ttulo in
New Uiihindsuiiouudiig thorn , thnt did not
have piuhlbjtlon , inereased In iwpalatlou at a
wonderful rate of speed
Is'w , in thofncoof all that , look vvhntNe-
braska did in the same period of time In I'VTO
wo had l , " , OJOpe pic , m Ib O wohad-ir > ,0X , ( ) ,
or. In other \vouls , wo grew ut the rate of
nboat four hundrol per cent Fiotn ISbOwo
increased from -i,000 ' to lr'5.JOO ( in IbW , or
In I other words tluco hundied per cent was
added to the populition of this state In these
teujcnrs t , when jour llttlo prohibition stites
do\vn in that cnrticr of the continent did not
prow ( at nil. Now , that is but ono phase 3tf
Ihoijucstlon. t [ At Ibis point tbero wcro eiles
from I the audience calling for the couditioa of
alTalrs in Kansas ]
Somebody wants to add Kansas I will
give f them a llttlo on 1C msas Lot ns po dovv 11n
to t Kansas. You h..d prohibition in Kansas
firstla i ISil , cnforud rrubably in Ih's1 ' , so that
maiicjou i , for the ilr t jcar of the | resent
census i dec-ado piohibltion did not luterfeio
with i ICnnsas , and vet the fact Is that in le
state of Kaunas todaj they have put but ltiJ- I
< ll people , in other woids they have Just got
45iWX ) moro people IB tha state of Kansas
than I you bavo got lu the state of Nebraska ,
vvhilo in IbTO they hud inoro than four times |
jour populnticn.
I onlv have left just four minutes of tlm" ,
butl 1 want tosho * , * , m tiiat connection that
the i state of Kansas , as shtnvn bv the vote for
president of the United States in IBM and In
lbi > 8 , as compared with Nebraska , nnd as
compared with Minnesota , and likewise Iho
state of Iowa as compared with Nebraska :
and Minnesota , did act increase In popula
tion at one-half the percentage of lacreaso
( eu&d In tlUia Uu tU to ol Nuhrisk * or the
stntcof MlnnosoM , nnd < .et lawn nnd ICnnm
WON both proliibtlou * atos ami Minnesota
nnd Nibniakt turo both high ll .u-n estates
states There Is a fmU J pU o that to
voiifrom two data icuifrlvo tlitit to jou
from the iciord cither tacwtat tlio pnal-
ilontliil clectl m 1 ( * nn p vo tlic sivmc facts to
you froinn writ ton lot ! r ilffneil bv .ludtfo
roster , n mnn wli a 1 ppHOtiully know , of
the highest charn < . r nn I Intogrltv , Iho fed
eral Judge of the tivto f Kimsas , vho tells
proilselj the suti stoij anil a grout deal
inoiv to It
The fuel Is Ivn I ' to toll my people tint
v\ hen they talk lib it tin lnroiisoof ( weallh ,
us somolHuly did. n thct-tnti ) of Kansas ns
compared w th tin mcnasoof wcnlth in the
sttiloof Ncbinsknt ml 1 will show these pee
ple- when I ccvno t < iv next nrKuniont Hint
the Increase Invi i fi In the st.ita of No-
brasku iseroiter t nti thnt of miy other
state In the union n tj I do not can ) vvhero
von hunt to llnd it tueon the Atlantic unit
nidlle oeenns Ori \ \ other words the prop
osition comes btuk > tills , anil remember It
until Moudny , nnd I vill show jou Unit In
NVbrnsla , under .v > r hlph license law , 3011
hnvo hnd greater li rciso in population , jou
hnvo hud gioiter IKHMSO Ineallh \ , 3011
buvolind the least n mhor of pooiilo In your
penitentiary , lu yen poor houses , in jour Insane -
sane asylum , and .1 ! , s number of Iillota pro-
portloiw'oto.vourp nliiloiithiin tluyhino
had In tlielr piohllit n states nbout which
hey tulk that the mil > iiluui U just holding
Is bhulovvy wings jr thom
\Vhcii Ihenrsoini' r tlio o prohibitionists
tulklt mikes mo tli n t that nil uo will hmo
to do to rciehtho miiilinn Is to vvrito pro-
hlbitlon en n rard , mi It to your cent tails.
llnp jonr \ \ IURS nnd il to heivoti "When I
como to leek over tin ilstoryof this country
nolitlcnllv , look at it i rein Its nctutil Mowtli
train statistics thnt n < ofllclil , I want to say
to tills people thnt th loctrlno of prohibition
nslttAisls inthis i mtrv Is destnutlvo of
tlio vvelfnio and pros | ntj of evuiv state tint
adopts it , nml If jou i lopt Itln the sUiteof
Nobiasknlt will bl it j our prospirlty as
bail as tlio Riasshoi | H rs" which took away
} our crops wllhhi tin memory of the people
\\lio3ltinthisauJlu . ( .Applause. ]
Tlio president Ju ! > t i nounied toiijothatl
have but one inlnuto ire In this discussion ,
and for the putposoi using that ono rainuto
1 can not enter upon i i tu'xt topic In the liuo
of iin uiKiunint nc ut piohlbitlon , but I
will state It. If Uini M muts mo , hereafter ,
1 will 10 fcr tills nnJl > o to the proof of tha
facts I Mill piovotoou tint in thostatca
whcioUiiy ha\o \ ailoj -1 prohibition , that In
onc-lulfof than , tin li ivo moro people pio-
portiounto to tlielr tn mlntion selling H
than vou liuvohi la. state of Kebru'ika or
ever hud. [ Applanso
Why , my filend li < v , tlio Rev. Simuol
Sm.illbiiidho hid pot t iod of henrhiB people.
talk. ubouttho qi.csti that prohibition did
not piohibil. I do not euro liow thcdho li ,
1 want to toll him U i before this debate
shall end , If this aitcl 'iiiovill glvo mo the
tlino ind listen to it , 1 M 11 prove to him by
the iicords which win nol bo answered Unit
piohibltion In Maine , Vw Hampshire. Ver
mont , Kansas , lovuni 1 the two Daltotas ,
the only placcajoulnx It on thisconUnuut ,
ttmt Ithusnovcr piolu ited , and I will show
jou thnt iioropcoplo 1 ivo been licensed bv
tlio K0\ornuioutof the I nitcil States to sell
liqnoi in the state of lo\\a \ tluinvoroovcr
lliensul to bull it iutl ostuto of Nubraska.
Dots : I'lioiuumnv preomnirv
I'rof , Dioldo AiitoH at. Length In tlie
. \illrmali\o.
Prof Dickiospokoas follovvsi
Ladies und Gentlcmon I desire at the out
set to c.ill attention to Iho criticism passed
upon ] a point in my oponi 4 address In which
j laid ] down the proposit jii that civilization
was marked by no ono thins moro clearly
than h } the transferor c jeesslon of the per
sonal liberties of tholndlv dual thnt ho might
enjoy something richer anl bettor-tho civil
libel tics of organised soeitv. ( Bull cannot
icstruin the expiesslon ol my surprise that
these gentlemen so utt rly failed to dis
tinguish between the personal libcity of the
savngoand the civil liberty of the cultivated
citizen. Prohibition doci not hitrinch upon
any man's civil liberties , but piotlbltion , so
far as it docs debar the prinking man from
the practice of his former habits , is a per
fectly proper nnd , nltoi/othcr vn. "inabla
nnd on tntlrcly < lefou iblo intrencliment
upon the abstiact personal liberty of the in
dividual that the self-same Individual may
have his civil liberties en arged.
I want to address mvidf this nornlng to
the aiisvveilttg of ono or tuo questions. Tirst ,
does prohibition prohibit Now , this Is n
question of fact , not a m itter of theory. It
Is to bo answered not bv falsclj Juggling
with statistics , but by the presentation of
the truth nnd b } recelvinu the testimony of
the o persons most qualiled to sptnkwith
authority. I am hero to nat -ni that if human
tistimony Iscninblo of 'roving anv thing It
can bcproed to the satisiiction of Him Jury
tint ptohihitlon docs prohibit. Tbocosoison
trial. I am not hero to ndlress vou , but
slmpl } to call tlio witnesses and let them
speak In vour hearing , and I call first in this
co o the I Ion John A. Martin , ox governor
of the state of Kansas. Hear him "Fully
nine-tenths ol the drinking nnd drunkenness
pievalent in ICnnsas eight yen-s ago
has been obliterated , notwithstanding the
fait that the population of tlio state
Is steadily Increasing , the number of crim
inals confined in our penitentiary is steadily
decreasing ; many of our j uls are empty , nnd
nil show n marked falling off in tlio number
of prisoners confined "
borne ol jou hive heard of the gentleman
fiom .Maine , the Bontleinni who defeated St.
John inlbbl Air. Blalno. In a snefcb do-
livcn'dtti r.irmlnffton on September 11 , 1SSS ,
3 > Ir I3hlnou3es these words : "Maino foi the
last thiity-si-ven } ears has been under apro-
hlbitoi } l.ivv. Uho state 1 is derived
advantage ftom it. 1 thluk Iho state Is far
richer and far letter bcumso of that law
than it would have been without it" I
w ender if tlicso ( .eiitlemcn will tell vou that
Mr Hlimelsnn uutiubtvvotthy witness in
this important ca > o.
Hon Ohatles Dauforth of .Augusta , Mo. ,
Judges of thebiipie'nieiourtof that state , says
these voids. "Ic-an verj well remember the
condition of the conmunitj * In ivpird to
tc \ nporunco before nnd ut the tlino the pro-
htbitoi } law was pissed Financial evils
weio pionhesled , but so far ns i-an bo per-
coivcd noncof them have como to pass. Ills
evidently tiuo tint \vholC3omobusiness
is done now , audit is true tlut taxes are i
less under piuhilliiou than they were for-
mcily. "
Hon. W'lll.un Larrabee , ex-go-.crnor of
Iowa , ne\t times the sttmd nnd testilics as
follov * . s : 'Thousands of these who voted
n'dnst thocoiiitltutlonal amendment and
be Hexed that such a law would piwoa dead
letter mo uovv convinced that It can boon-
foreed and demand its reti ntlon Sioux
Oitj.lles Nohns , Cedar Hapids and Ot-
tumwu have banished the saloon nnd yet arc
among the most prospeious cities of the
t-tito. The benefits vh'Ich bavo 10-
sulted to the btato from
the cnfore'cncnt of this law
are far reaching indeed. It Is a well rceog-
ni/cd fait thit cilnio is on the ini'tcaso in the
United States , but lowu docs not contribute
to thiitlncicaso. Whllo the number of con-
viitb in the country atlnrxowos in IbSOono
to ! ,4-lJ , It was inlbSOlu the cnimtryat largo
ono to fcGO , but lu Iowa it wiuouoto HUO.
The jnils of m my counties or. now onmty
dining a Rood poitie > n of the jear , nnd the
numbci of convicts in our peintcnthilcshas
been reduced from 750 In J\Jnri \ b , ISbil , to 004
In Jul } , ISiO. It Is the testimony
of the Judges of our couits that
crlmln il business has been reduced frowSO
to 7. " > per cent. The poorer classes have
better fare , better cl < > thiu , bet
ter schooling nnd , better houses.
Bievveiics hive beia con\cited Into oat
mi al mill.- , and canning faotuiles and ito
opt rated as such by their ovvm-rs "
Now who knows moio about this question
In Iowa thoci-govcrnor of Iowa or the edl-
torof Tins OstAiiAllcfl [ Applauso. ] lo
I glvo j ou another. Governor Larrnbeo
nlsobiij's : "Itlssifoto say that not one-
tenth and piobably not ono twentieth of lO
liquor is consume din Iho state now ns IS
consumed ll\o j-cjis or'o " Lmrabeo says
thatprobabl } notouo-tvventleithandot } } 3y
v.'ill llnd some on this platfonn beforothoday
is done tiinKto makojou beliejo thit Iowa
clrliikb moi o liquor toihv thin shodid bcfoio
thoj pnssngo of the prohibitory law.
.Another , lion. Mr Humphrey , the present
po\cmorof Kansasi " '
"I'rohibltion is neither
ft fan o nor a ( allure. The open saloon is out
lawed , tbo nwatlon of thebatUcoperls KOno.
binco prohibition inactcd in the sUto 0.It
has Increased In wealth , In population and In
iiroHpority , aud crlmo has erutly diinln-
Isheu "
Hon. J J Inirnlli
, United States senator
from ICnnsas. I nm too good tin nttornoy tote
stop and linpeaehlbo tebtimony ot my \ \ ton >
wltcesscs or I might say somuthluer to
him , but here li the testimony t
[ 'until tn iboliihed ULM i&Uxiaj
open drum shop Is in extinct iw tlif inlcof
ndulgetu'i" * . A drunknrdls a vhetuuneiion.
he barluvpcrhns joined tlio crusnders nnd
ho nioiiiui builder * 1'ho bro\\or \ and the
Itstlllor , ntul the bonded watehotnoa are
uiown only to tlicarcheolojiist An mvhool-
ipist cry likely edits Tim OMAIII Urt : . "
A'pllU ] ! 0 |
Some more\er7v1 \ speilflo te tlmonr. II It.
McCluivolerk of O .IKO county "liierol- *
no inlooii In the cointy , druiikennoss hns
boon entirely done1 IIWHV with , t ho population
of the county hui doubled ilneo i > mhibltlon
wc-m , biiilims h.n Iccpt pnoo with the popu-
.Uion and cipltal can bo hid from Iho oist
wlthijreitor i.ise and at about tivo-thlrdsof
the fornur rnto of hit * rest "
M V Wood , tioasiiror of Montgonrry
eouiitv , Indi'iHiidoni'i' , Kim "rnoUw Im
irn'iit sucioss Tbiro Is not ono barrel of
whisky oronoltcpof beer sold in thoi-ouiity
for Uu ofeiichsohlbofoiv prohibition"
I \\.int\ou \ \ to uoto the icpresentnthoclnr-
ni'tcrof tuoto men Count ) clerks , county
trc uuivw , Judircs and publlo men.
C'harlcs.Sl Hovev , trcosuror of Thoim
rounty "I'rohibltlon luia beonenforccilns
ell as any other hw in the state 'lliorols
not n saloon or itriiK stoio in tha county
wlicra liquor cm boboiiKht for tlilnklnir pur
poses 1 do not believe prohibition has driven
luvm n sln lu capitalist and 1 know that
much money 1ms been spent In the piymint
of debts thnt would Mvo been spent for
Ilipior vlthont prohibition Our people
would bo poorer wire it not for prohibitioni "
The next la J A Hec-mim , ticnsurcrol ( n-
berne county : "I'lohlbltlmi Is a glorious , iic-
icss anil is enforced as veil as mi ) other
stuUite.Vo \ have no silooii3 or joints 'llio
dlsavpcannco of ilumkuntuis and drinking
for beverage purposci Is almost totallv nbol-
Ishod The tir.ito has been dccio i ul vj per
cent Our proportj is insossod ut about ono-
llfth In vuluo. I'nupeilsmhaabeoiidouo isid
\Vohivonbotter \ ilisnof people Hundreds
Unit IHO < 1 to sjienil their moiiPV for liquor uro
uovv sober , honest and imlnstilous"
\V II. Smith , tieasurei of Aiarsball
count } : 'OurcxpcrionuMvith ' piolilnltlon Is
thnt ltdrhus out the men wo do not and
brings In Ihoso wo do want" [ Apiiluito ]
Henrthls' "It sends our \vorst eiti/cns to
Nelii wka and brings us their best people , "
u F. Adamson. trcisupr of Jackson
comity : "Our business Inteiesta nro on n
llimer bnsls. Cnpltnl is coiniiiK uninvited
Mono } that used to Had IUvv i > to the saloon
tills is employed to feed , clothe and
the chllcUui "
I h ivo not titno to rend all
aloiifj this line , but 1 wish to i ill jour atten
tion in p.vss.iifrto tlia teMlinonj tint comes to
us from unfiii ndly sources. Lot mo rend n
letter from bol IMlller , editor of tlio Troy ,
Kim , Chief , \\lio vas a vlolmt opponent of
piohibltion IloBavs "If had the-
; wo thepower
MO would not icpenl the prohibitory Knv. It
has done pieat peed Kven vith the dilnk
hiK that still exists \\o \ can sco the yood ef
fects of piohibition. "
I'oidvalM. Lowe , a demoeratlo tncmbor
of thu state seiiuto in Kansas , n violent op
ponent of mohiWtion nt tbo beBlnnln , says
'I opposed prohibition nnd voted n iiiibt Iho
amendment I advocated res ubmisslon The
sentiment , however , is B < ' ° tt'"f ' evoiy d.vv
Demagogues may sneer it the la\v , but I toll
jou ills as fixed as llio liw of the Medcb nnd
the Persians. Hntidicds of men who bo
lieved this law would nrovo Ininrnctlcnblo
aniloik more evil than < { oou would not now
% oto for an open siloon for any thing under
the sun , and I am ono of those men "
I nollcodln Tim OuvmUKE of February
24 a pnugriph that luuus as follows : "Tho
sentiment of the Judges of thoeourt-s of Io\\i
on prohibition his undergone arndkal change
intwooar3 , .1 ehnngo no le s icin iilc.iblo
thin tint Kgisteied at the billet box last
November. A mnjouty of the judges con
ceilo that the cnfoiunwnt of the law is itn
possible and urge 1hu substitution of
Ikenso as the only effective moms tosup
piess the hideous joints witli their hoi-Jcs of
ireo t > haiks"
Now , I want to bo respectful I shall Irn
peach no nun's veracity. Newspapers some
times tnako mistakes , aud that statement is
utterly fnlso In over } , and 1 have
no doubt that on the morning after that state
ment saw daylight thit Annul is turned ovei
in his gravoauel grow green with eavy. [ Ap
piau o.l
Wo took : great pains to ( jet at the f nets In
the case and so sent out from Now v"ork to
every ono of the Judges in the state of Iowa
asking the truthfulness of this paragraph nnd
giving them a copy of Iho same : . Wo re
ceived responses from twentj-four persons
Out of the twenty-four judges of the district
courts all of theta are in favor of retaining
prohibition In Iowa. [ Applause ] Of thucn
tire number but three favor rcpetl , and of
tboso who have changed their sentiments
there scorns to bo only ono , and be formerly
oppose J but now sustains prohibition. [ Applause
plauso 1
1 want to ask a second question : Does pro
hlbltion injure business ? It Is said that pro
hibition has ruined Iowa On Juno 'M , Is87 ,
thcro were U irt-sovcn } savings banks , with
total assets of $1,200,000 $ , Ititvvo > ears of
prohibition thcv have increased to llfty sav
ings banks , vvithnssots of ? 1,71S , " > 00 Uuilng
the satno period state banks increased from
sixty-five tocighty-ono and their assets from
$10J7,000 ( to $ ia,170,000 , In other -words-tho
last two j'cars , vvhilo prohibition has boon
ruining Iowa , wo have had an iiie-ieaso of
tv\ctitj--uiiiobanks and an incieasoiu their
assets of S.fcOO.OUJ f Applauso. ]
Governor Lariabco snjs fuitbcri " .More
mortgages hive been lifted In Iowa lost
thin have been placed , a fact which cannot bo
stated of nny previousyeai In the entire hlb-
torv of the stato.Applause [ ] ,
The Topeka Capital , whose editor at the
outset was uufricncilj- , January 3 , IS'JO ' ,
uses this language : "ICnnsas has a popula
tion today four times as crent as It had in
1S70 'llio population of the state in IbSOvvas
090,090 , ; toutv , l,4M,000 , , an incieaso In nine
j-ears of n tifllo over W per cent. The as
sessed valuation of nil property in 1870 was
91,600,000 , , and for l&SO , $100,000,000 , , an in
crease in tenears of 715 pa * cent. lut ! fiom
IbSJto 1SSS it mounted up to $ rn , 210,000 , , an
Ineteaso In eight j'cars under prohibition of
1S20 per lout" [ Applause ] ,
1 have how the sworn statement ot Tho-iias
II. Bcnton , auditor of Ncbriska , andof Tim
othy MiUarty , auditor of Kansis. I want to
gho you thofigures inlSbi 'lite totilalu -
atlon of Nehrablnwiu ? .K,4nOOOi ) ) , of
$ t W 170,000 , , In 1 M9 , of Nehi i l ( i $1 SJ,7i M,000 ,
or Kniisis ? liO.S15)00 ( ) , thatls un incioaso in
Kansas undo- prohibition of $ -JOJ..M 1,000 , , and
an increase in Nebraska und r hiKh license
of S'L''Jikl.OOO ' , n dhTuruiro in favor of Kansas
ovei Nebraska ol f 107'J70,000. , ' [ Applanso ] ,
Ihavocnrcfull } tonoover the tallgntes
I vaut to real to } ou the report on the state
tuxes foi a number of 5 ears In these two
states. 1 begin vith ISSO and give vou Ih-st
Nebrnsin mil secondly Kmsas : Auhrislc.i
8UU cunts , Kansas 55 cents r notice 1C. iiisas
higher in 1 0 than N'ebi isln ) ; 1SSI , Ne-
hraskn b ! cents , Kaiisu 50 , ItshJ , obrislc t
(17 ( eents Ivans is n ; T > St , ebrislca TS , Kan
sas 4.i ; 16 1 , Kebraslti TdU-lO , ICansns 15 ;
Ncbr.iski 7 , ICansis , ) J ; A'ebr.wka " ( ! , Knn-
s.uslO , KobiMska N ) , Kiuibiis 10 ; Nobraski75 ,
Kansas ,11 ; Nebraska 01 , Kmsas 40 , the last
tv/o being for Ibs9 Oroupliij { the last llvo
jears in cacti stn to. wetlnul an avenge nto
of taxation upon llio ilOO asbcssed forstito
puiposes to bo as follows : In Nobrasta ,
7 'J 10 cents ; In Kansas , Jb b-lOients , a tilllc
more than ono-hulf.
Ire id again , from the Philadelphia Press
of Rlnj 10 : "A Kansas conip my which
has negotiated f7OOiOJO ) of loans since
ItbbT has foreclosed los > 3 than ono per cent of
its loim A fcolid fact llko this Is worth tons
of blather about the debt ii Iden fanner. "
That ia what the Philadelphia Press s-ys
now , but it talked nbout the debt ridden fur-
inerduiing the Pennstvlvnnia campaign.
I have another from that lemai leaUo sheet ,
THE OMAHA Hir. [ Laughter 1 On the
7th day of Inst Aiull Tin : OMVIU Ilisi !
publlahcd nn unsigned letter fiom IXeter ,
Neb , which alined to show duilng two
years of no license llio town hid suffuod
greatly : business . ; pioputj *
declined and Industry was piostiated 'Iho
anonymous letter closed with thebo woids :
"Our business jnen and .ill d > pendent on
county trade have been solid for high 11- ,
como" A number of ro'iiitablo gentlemen
prepared a lengthy reply and hnudod it '
up to mo to real , plvinif the Ho '
to tlio anonymous Ivtttr of Apt II 7 In 'luu
Omuv 111 r , and clobinn' with thlb language '
"Tint the fnKo statements may bo cot reeled ,
and the * . the citliciisof 15 < e- I
ctcr , would rctpcitfull } u l ( you to publish ; .
the above. 11. ( J bmlth , pwsldoit Hrst
National bank ; C A. Wullbiandt , p neral
merchandise.U. Sonpstcr , cod nul lum
berV. : . HVallneo caihier IXitcr National
bank , Sanford \VillIann , haidwaio and Im
plements , Jaeob I'lluf ' , ab'iieultural litiplo-
uicnta , "
Asanilo , when you llnd nn anonymous
letter In fnu OMAIIV I3rr , or nnjnhuo 'No ,
thcro is someseoundichit the back of It thit
knows hols not telling tbo tiuth [ Applnuso ] i
Tito Omaha u'oild-llcrald tolls us thnt tbo
taxcs hi Omaha last year weio .H.WO , and T
further than that , tlio said tax has thcie-
tor Uxoruied , nu > that J > ff S , 60 jtr ccat
over i thcyonr before. Is It not time to ull n
halt 1 I
, Jlmvcnnotlior * I rather like to quote
fi-oniTin I : OMMIHi i ! [ InnKhtcr | I want
you ; to hour all thU boc-ame. the a'poitei-a
\\illreprintlf '
" 1'e'tcr Kuhlmnn wnntod to start 1 saloon
nt I No 117 Noith N stm < t , ne\t doer to
tin i pveuliiR piper The buslnosi men In that
noli'hborhood i protestel , anl the fuss unto
npv i \ hc n the pivtstants were jlv ; on a hear-
ItiK I livery business man In the blook , o\-
repl ( the owner of the building wlioro the
proposed | snhwuVIH to bo locn'od ' testllloJ
the i tuloon would kill their trade. The II-
I'euiso i wivs refused " I am nstonlibcd that
this i par.iijii vh found Its vny Into the i-ol-
timns i of Tim OMVIIA llhi : . | LiniKlitcr
nndiipphuso i ) And Icanonly ni'ivunt for
It ' on thuthoory tint Mr Kosow itor.usont \
thatafteiiiocmhavliiR hH photoprnih l.ikoii
for"IJab" ILiiiijhter Uenowi'd hmgbltr |
Don't consuino my time. On tlio Idtb
day of l.Ht lAbru.iry Hon. JiVlllltm I.urrnbee ,
ov-pncinor of IOH i , in a length } letter , uses
this LiiiKiniLro "As to the doircclitlon In
vnluo of real ostito , oeciuslonod byproliibl-
bltion , It Is sheer nonsense " Now , who
Itnoivs best , o\-Cloveinor Lumber or the
editor of n nr\ \ | ) r vvillliiu to soil its spu-o
to iiubllo fulwhools concocted In Uouis\lllo ,
ICy I [ Apphmso loud nnd piDlonnod | Vul-
uea luvc , I Inllove , bemi nustalni'il In Invv.i
ns vi 11 ns adjoining states whore prohibition
Is not the ruleMonov Is now spt'nt for tluv
noeissHiii's of llfoand ( or hgitiniiitouscsln-
Btoal of being spuit ut tlio siloon llio
banlvltig business of the state is afairbniotn-
" 'llio number of Innks In the state has
( freiitly Inrtcisod , und tlie-ir cnpital rapidly
nmllipllod 1 think inaro thin Inlf Iho Jills
of tliostilo nwonllicl.v omp'v nt thopic-Piit
tlino. There ue nlubtj right loss rom lets In
ono peniUntlaiv thin there vverothroo yeirs
ago lj\penses lu cilmliial couita Invo dev
n ciued ver.v hirpclv ilurtiij the last few
jenu" Ainl nil this fiom ( lovn nor i-
bee , whoileiliivs tlio tillc nboutthode-
ci eased values of icul estate lu lenva Is the
bhcoiost iioii'.eiiso.
I Invo not tlino to tnlto tip the next Item
now I de-sho toiall vonr attention to aio-
mnrli made b.j my friend , Air Kovow.iter.vho
alllrmed that In the state of Nibr.isUa
there are ril jalls-or rather , ho sild. M
routillcs that hnvo no priwners In thdr
Jills And Mr Kosew.Ucr iia viiy fingotful
man and ho das not remember to till von
thnt of those .11 counties fi of them Invo no
) nl nt all [ Uoiid Inifflitor ] lie foigot to
remind jou Ad mis county , with
Hustings as its chief city , is vet ctitliely
without njull It has pilwiieis , but Itlm nds
them out la the jails of surrounding counties.
ll'U let county , of ( 'ieut prominence In your
state , bus no jail , but sends its piboueis to
adjacent counties
Now , gentlemen , 1 call your attention to
these facts -the testimony of the most relli-
bio nnd the most competent witnesses In
Mniuo , ICnnsas and lou a. and I hmo them
lict o from Nillampshli'e and from Ver
mont , an din the judgment of tlicso persons
piohibition is protitiblo mil In .119 place Ins
prohibition depieciatod values 01 Infimgcd
upon business Interests I sh. ill this after
noon present crnnlnd stitistics showing the
utter ind confessed failuiv of liln'h llecnso
andpiovoltbj tcitlmony a ? ccneluslve as
the ) testimony presented hcio this motulng
SO.U13 S-TAH'IhlNO fc
Mr. UfK'\vitcr AfaKcs Coinpnrlbons
Ite vvetMi N'ebiasKu nnd lo\v.i.
Edward IloscnaUr spolie ns follows :
Mr Chilrinin , Indies and Oentle-nen.
Itaimzes me that Iho gentleman who Ins
scarcely tojc-hod the sod of Nebraska , who
Ins si irccly b an hero moro th in two or
threodays , undeitaltes to question the sti
tistlcsthat I presented hero on Saturday
abouttho Jill Inniatca of the state of No
uiaslu ' Ho tells you that there aio tUIrt- }
livecountiej in this state In which thcio are
no Jails , weie true , it Is the highest
testimonial that hlgti Ilcon.o could gtt.
There are not thirty llvo counties la the Btuto
of Iowa that get along without a Jail. Them
are not thirty-five counties in the state of
Kansas that can show that they are without
ajail. But the truth is that there are about
six counties In this slate thnt have no jail.
nuiJ-OTircOTntyilint has a Jail has novcr hod
an ininnto. la It. That Is Banner county.
Wo hnvo heard so much hero us to the
lion. ox-Governor I/arrabeo and his testi
mony with regard to the opciatioas of
prohibition in Iowa ; hut Oo\ernor
Larrabeo , like I3en Butler , sees both
ways at the same litno , nnd ho sees very
rcmntknbl } outof line when ho looks at llg-
ures. I hnvc hero the ofllcinl publication U }
thosocretniy of stnto of the state of lowi
representing tie. ciitninil statistics of that
suite , and the expense Incurred in prosecut
ing criminals ineich of the sacral counties
for the last four years , and I will show by
thom that the expenses of prosecuting cilinl-
nalsinlovva have increased by moro than
SJOJ,0JO ( within the last two v-cirs. The
county of I'olk , In which Iho governor lived
so long , In which DosiMoIncs , the capital clt }
is located , spent over &iOOJO list j ear In the
prosecution of states enmiiuals , and fJOOJ ! foi
tlio prosecution of police court offenses over
$ ' .11,000 In ono county when the whole state
of Nchioska spent only f lu7tHjO foi prosceut
Ing ci nninnls. Hut I suppose that an ex go\-
ciuor Li no better thin a governor. Ibiip
pose tint the governor ot Iowa u ho has been
mule the successor of Lirnbeoby tlio people
of Iowa u ho resented the hjpocrisy and the
nu mt knaverj which the&o piohibitionlsts
have sought to itnposo upon tlio people of
their oiv n state and states generally 1 s.iy
tint his testimony ought to bo eonsldeied us
good as thnt of Mr Linrabeennd when I ptovo
Mr. Lnii-.ibco to have fa sided the icc-oul in
ich'.ird to criminil courts , all Ins statements
fall to the gionnd.
Let nio call year attention tol.astfall , v.hcn
Govenior Lurahee \ \ is < lellveriug a lecture
or an address lauding prohibition in the town
of Ottu awn , in which ho , 1 suppose , was
cleitioieerlns ; nndhile he was talking thnt
piohibition was a gical suiecss a vv icon load
of hay slood vv ithin tweut } j-nids of him full
of bottles of beci and bcci was being dealt
out to the ciovvd Tint is a fact. 1 was In
Iowa at the time mjsclf. [ Long ami loud
l.iushUr ] It is not neeossirj for mo to say
tint I Mas iu Sioux City when this happened
[ Laughter. ] And Ah. Lnrr.ibeo vas tliero
on the oee.islon of the reception of the I'an
American congress , and men came over fioin
Ottumwa toieceivo the I'.in-Amerlcans-eyo
witnesses , thntvcto pieseut at that very
Jew , herols n letter from Governor Doles
Ills JIoivis. Ju hi in .H , bio-K Ilnsv ( itor ,
j'si | Diir ' Ir llio piaitlen ) opcritlon of
pnhlbltlun In this st.ili mis ID I y nu > rd-
In ; to tlm pi ) Itli il st.intlpnhit fnuii nhk-li the
cinst oils vltivvt i | , our n pitblH in frlomls In-
sisl It lii sinct'ss ihniloiiiiienil'i Hi il It Is a
fallnin I'lio I'oiiM'i \ illd eli meat In both
n.utli s reach llieuMi't tiulli.lnn tln-y do-
el.lietint in Iho nu il ilMiltts tlio KitIs ,
fairly veil iiifurul mil In tlio IIILJC'
cities UN opi'iili mil totally iKiinn I. oi ion-
Mnutly vliilatttii. by sm.-t hiles imply suf
lleli nl to nail tin ili > iii ind 'I lilsli.iiui i 11 n ilic
ti no situ itlun in lo\v aslniotlii * law HUM IMI-
nc-ted. Ucc.isluii illj sumo uf thu cltli * will
niaku nil mini > ry etluit tn ciifotco tliol i\v ,
lint stu li i Units nio spisiiidllc * . und Inn III Ho
vv hlli * tin1 bubliiCMls leiiovveU c'llliui opunl ) or
1 fi ul iprt.tin that moro dKtllldl spirits nr < i
usul usa lieu r.uu In lowniindir the nn-i nt
1 ivv tli nn oir bun \crv\oitld boun-
dorn llii'iist'sj stun , lint , on tlio otliet hind
lluro Isliss mult lni < inr u nl I inn i < | iiilly
pure lliiispiius ; uo thu v.oist kind
TitUn. ; tlio si in'td , ' ( ilii'r tin 10 IB no doubt
but thai piiililliltlini bus f illid In hsscn tlio
nIU of liiioiiiiH'i is n t ink d linnili.i-
linii Intn iiini histi mil cniUi Uion from tlm
htinc , nml tint ithiis ifstiiii't | most of the
tniltal | liiM'stnl In I < H sciles ami ( IMIIlerk'K ,
[ 14111 it ImitfhU'rl , t ilmd tin liulustrlus and
.s uiiistintiyili iiliiln tlio st no of li
sm is of inui ey si nt toot hi'i states for tlio pur-
cbusu of iuloxlc illn Illinois
hot ussaj one w did hero Mv jiredecessor
hiustutod t'ut ' alltholitc\vciksln lovv.i have
been converted or rather , poilnps ( iovornor
Unruibcosnld It that all thu biuvvtiles hnve
been co i veiled Into oat meal fuctc-ies , anil
the } nro run by the IIKIIvlio own Uioin I
forono will bay that 1 Know ntle.istono
p.ntv tint uent from Council Hlullb and lo-
c.itul in ( Jhittnnoo i mul Is rimnini , ' n
bicworj thcMo , and the CouncilHInlTs bro\\-
crj lias not hien Into anvthliitf In
pjiili ulir , w far us I lii.ovv ( CiuJ of
" ( Juod " "f iood " .
, | U is. a ptetty ditllenlt
thini.'toeonvcit - '
ubi-cvverj'li upioso )
1 will lead hero' :
I do not bolli'v o Hint crime hanboen dlmln-
Isliul nreiln in il oviciisi | s liy this law , in tliit
erinlii.'ili ijiiMcl Ionam li-.s n nr tlun ( hey .
VTCIII brf ire the l.uv VM ut Into cl'ii't. Inslo ul
tin n of \\niuunt | ioi untluns ( .nulutuiiB
nnd i\i iis s liiMiir < * il iiinl < r this jaw Ihoy >
Jin vi'boiii itinitly Inoroisiid
Tin ci our luihiind pi'iilicntliirlfSitro
In nui niiilU'il Is ndi liision \ \ irnudli'd
imti'iH" | n nil iitiiny in t tils st illanil Miiiui
wo bnllttvvo mure wo hud uiif moio tluin iv us
iii'tiiiilly iioiilcil. This .
WUBK i bifoioprolilhl-
lion wiMinmeU'd anil Isso Mill ton. lirgotix-
lent Moio wlvenand children ha\o Icon Im-
povtrULftl Ij oiurUHant Qnes linuo oil iiy
, IkU U th u % viw trit * rulutdLu uU § Ut *
tiynUllin evils of ( ntoinionitictn | eotnbliiwl.
I liuirlilnil iind ihioili ) ( tlin SMIIIO iiicnns nier *
nnn I Id hmo IIIIMI sppiritcd tititl dlsfrnctii
b ) tin1 liiiirisiiiiini | > tii nf imsliimlsimil broth'
cts Die Mite N fuller oisosof silt'11 ' mlrotii *
iurd iiip i lint tuy piulei'issiT mm consliuillj *
compclli'd in cnli'inl o\u'iitlMi eloiniMii'y to
s no vvliolcf iiiillli't from llio | ni < r In HI- " ' ana
1 nm do iiotlilm ; liss tlian fullinv In hU foot ;
Hti'H | I'lio mom I kiniir < if llio pin'tloul
vxiirUliKH of Ibis ln\r \ tlio moro tliin-iiiiiblf
c'linvliiiod I nil tint Us oiui'tnii'iil wan k
Htiipoiiiloiisliluiiiloi lluit loui will not ro *
eo\c'i \ from In i oils. Vc < i ) trnlv , v our ,
Hun set : Iloir.B ,
U'hlio I \\i\t .slttltKon this phi t form i > let *
tor was hnn leil lo mo this mori'JiiK voluntJir-
llstxnid , bv a banUct from the town o !
iipu * , and I will to.ul It tojou It Is dl
ivited fromhomin dlivi-tlo Hiiitrhoi
IOIMV In .luu 7. I1-X ) Hour Ifoscirntei * ,
l Iliuti lie , > ili IV trill Ulllyuii pur'
dun a MI i ! i ; H ! Ion In ni' ml lo in } lilt l ul pro
hibit tnnr" I vvoiilil I iko to liiivu s nu nsk Hit
t Miiii | ritico fnIVslnt tlu > v me * Kiilnv to cli
vvllli tlo hlllliiril lulls' ' and tnnpininc *
piml roiunVurti'r thi'i Ki < t u ptiihltillni 5 lavfi
Our o\iii t IIMII'O Istbni Ibi M < m > I'ulliil ti'inuor *
nnoe tlllltiril lialUato us .luil us tluin'n ' sa <
loim A tirohllilloi v livr nil I not I-IKVO Mi *
lo illiiR liliiios MIITO | loiiini'riini'o ilrliVIs nil
sold , and It Is tnv oplnlun lluit i plnlii Hilnon.
vv llhnul "Dunn's or 1111 } hind , 1s tutu r that
b I 111 ltd saloons or 'pirlius" nhi'tit tiMiipoi *
niiin drinks tire iilono tsnli ! \ snui * nisti
tholdiMliottci tluin I't'iin I'xiililn | lt [ lnixli ; >
toil I vUll uil ) bolhorjon nllh u Inner liitor ,
Your- * , I'liiiitisI 1,1-if ,
I'liiprli'loi I.OKUII Kunk.
Ninv , I want tosay tijjiitlioiD thnt so inuolj
hat been mild about llio * , vondn fill Imioasi
of liuiUi und Imnlcci shiv liiKHlnps In tin
st.ito of Iowa , vou will bo very iniuli ro.
jolted to thai thoHtuto of lo\\i li is iol u
moio money than tliostatoof NubrisUn but
thnt Is not tiuo. for nil that , 'Ihctv Inishoca
tvvico as muih iiitreaso in b ittl ( capit it in tin
stale ! of iVcbiiwlu duilnif the satin < | ii i Ind us
thcio has bun In thu stnlo ol Una AH I
e\iL\'t ] to tnlic on the ulnto of lu\vainor
fnllv , I will devote 111 } si'lf to thoslato oi
Knis.ii business mr favored prohibition ,
liotfi-oiun niiilallnt fioinii business stand'
point , bilienltn ; thnt tlio phiMuf tin
iinvstion would uttrnit the nmst ile-ilribl
cli.iuutirot einiyiiitioii At lltNl this vva
true , but SCAPII m ol > * ht jiais of netiml cx
poneticclinsknoilcpd nil tin' sftitimuit out eleven
even the pieihlblluuiisUi thcinsclM's wlicn
thcv H(0 the K.lUiotl BIIpUMIIMUCil | ) b } t llO
] ( Untvhieh is the most dniiinnbU * fintuot
iissninc-il by lite diinmiof Int'-iiip'rnnci' f'h
onlv loitslottiit ti'inpiiiinio state utlliu In
ICanias lod.i } Is tlulr Attorney CHIIMUI
It I' KilloiTiMl the test from tin cc'V-
i'1-iioi iluivn nio ( o.isnmcis of Intuxlciitna
lUl not s This Is a fact , nnd can bo verlllod.
Tbonioent ( 'ovcinoi dls > , iii < 1 himself nna
st.iti hist sniiiinci whllo in Colmudonml WIM
udMitibid ; u u drunken bunt iiiCoioiado
About thrriM'.o ks a o tint wonnorful nt-
tornev pnci il of Kansis , who hus s lid sa
much upon the p-ohilntim qiiostlini , and
nmdo a llvmt'outof it liv liituiliii ; lu olhcB
states al o , bind a plumhci to look afir | lomo
trouble or Ic.ik In his IKIIISO , iindlhopliiinbov
strink MVO orthc hoxcsof .do and Ixcr Ivlnfif
In hlsccllir. and jncsontly the \\hclo town
bi'ciuno ivviite ) ol it. This is what n pea
man } others .nc that nd\uiato prohibition
on one div and dothuh ihIiikinifon the uox
Itlssnld here naln thnt prohibition ha
ntc./0nt li ttlitiilit'Jitil ttiit tinftjiv * Itnt.iMi'iL.a ( r
I the state of K.msns 1 soul n man by
the nnno of Thompson , n tbeiouthly
sob < r , iclliibloinnn , outof tln'cilv of OniiUa
and hit spint tliu'ov * . celts InlCniiins and KO *
liark only 1 ist wei'lf I have a in my of
the repoits tint I propose to real n j\v. \
"Jn niitiv towns in Knnsns the csprcsa
comi inks have built nldittons to their ware
houses foi thoipicss purpose of caring tor
the Jug ti ule and h ivo put on extra wagon *
of a pcuiliiiilv low build In vvhhh thesa
hevciagcs nru dcllvcied at ulyht to Joint * ,
clnbs.mdpiiMto ousn.
"A brew i r > In JlilwatiUro ships three ca
loads of bottled botr into ICansas oviry diy ,
which alone \vonldnmoutit tomoro than \\hut
the prohibitionists cinliu is the total con
sumption in the st ito.
" 'llio .AiiheuHer-Uiisch bottling company
AVdl , I won't ' go further , hecauso it Is not
necessary ' to detail all [ Liugntor. ] Well ,
j1'm simply refers to other brewoi ies , and 1 uta
not going to advertise thom. [ Laughter , j It
costs money. [ Renewed laughter. ]
" 'Jho drag business Is prostltntca so that
Iho good nieu arc tratund'p'bW ones In. Soins
druggists sell over thrco gallons "ol" UlC _ 3t > _ _
tract or essence of Jamaica ginger , ttire * -p
ounces a dose. The druggists buy- ono bar
rel of alcohol and a Imriol of whisky , or
rather twenty-three of alcohol to ono ot
w Miiky. Buy ruin Is 50 per cent aleoliol Th *
sdcsaio to people of prohibition piccllvitlo *
who cannot get nctcss to clubs.
"A ear load of beer was closed out between
12 in nnd',1 ' p in of the same ilajby an
original pn-lcuo man In 'iopctai The cr-
presscoinpinies o } 1'opekn cnn during scm
mouths of the vcar JiJ.'iOO per month each.
(1'heie ( nro three of them , 01 $7ill ) pe
month ) Supposing the rxpiess chawes to
reptcscntJU per cent of the lost of gooils , vv
would huvo not far from $ .10,000 spentfor In
toxicating liquors , or about il cadi pity ° a
for oerjmnii , vv0111 m and child in 'lopck *
Kim .population nbout foitv thoumid
Topelc.i Is fullof club hou MShii hlnclud *
among their members bovs fiom fifteen vcara
up togi.ij hniied men , vvhoaio supplied by
the Jug houses of Kmsns City. Diinhng tb
excess ia common , hnndieds of } oniif ( men
uro becoming ilcmomlmd and losi In MOD-
mouth to\vnihlp , thiscountj' [ Sh.inco county !
four joungbojs rniin'inf'from Uvilvo to & (
Uen jc.irs.onteied . a chinch duimg scrvlc
icellni'drunk and spoweil nil over the lloor.
heats , elc. , of ciinr-iO supplied from Kaua *
City. 'Tho bos hnvo caught on. "
A number of ret.pectabli.jt Swedish vornif
men vhuin the prolilbitioiiisls dtnlcdov
deplivcd of bcci , took tomoionoiUablo vvhtj-
Ity nnd me today toiiliiincd drunknrda In
iNot th Topekn the hos and men chip In5
cents to Kansas Ultv , gct.i Ice. ; of beorvvhlcbi ,
isstouel inn stibloor bntdur whop and at
nightdutnk by this eiiinjo club. About
liftconUcgj pei week is Iho averaio fiom th
Is'oi thsldc
Tin te nio eleven plneos on Commercial
slicetvvhcto luiu.Jr is sold On onlmtir/
dis , iload of deer is disliibuted on thit
bhect , und on S itnrd.i } nlfiht four vvagoa
loids aio left at dives nlon this siioeL
Uheieis ono butcher , \vho sells about tw
pounds of a div , his .1 joint In tlio re *
fiom which ho gets his rivcnuo I'lirth * i up
the sticct thcio is a lugo e.i-vowhUh \
utilised in a saloon. Time is n beer ( idea
\vith bhado tues and a niorr ) go t.'i.nel.
11 is Bnidth.itlv\o wagon loids of l > * i aia
disposed of thcio ali 110. Lo\vn ) along I lie i.lhV
icul tiacks there . .iivdUiMvliercnninle. . hi *
been lomtnlttAil fniii ] < ntlyandof ourso ,
b } reison uf tlierubciiiK'no icgnlatho ri
t'liltc'iiitnt b , the polu e , Iho wont clli > s ofl
men are. dc ilniKontthn dea 11 } pobon.
"bhivv me count j'ICans , is , is called the ban *
piuiiliition itiunty of Iho Uniteel States.
. /Martini investigation on thogiotmd piove *
tint pmuibltionls nut ulli'i-lini ? tlio nu mis oi
Kmsiisa pirtule , tl.ero bcinn'ns imic h If noS
positively moie erltno now than foimorly.
Jsliuc tlio nloiitlun of the piohibition mm net
m lit in ISM the ciiminnl cases hive moro
tlun dutililed This st itemcnt \erilled tjr
the lout iciotds. The coat of cnninal
piusc'cuticin has been kept a nu found tccruft
withnp'otilbition aiidltui smdby aeomiiittoe
on stiiiiii.iion | during UP lu-iuonte.i'iipilgn.
Huvvever , ho will bo eomji lkd to elt'ietf
niiko nioriect stitcmuntur Muse to , cithea
ofvvluehsould bo nn admission of ifiiilL
Abinitoiio } caraj'o Itww pnhlishod hi tha
pi di i bit ion pipers of t'lohind , iniludiiu tha
N'oii o , New Yolk , thnt In Su.ivvii'c ' c.omty ,
Kan-m , in otlii-i words , ia rop-lin , there
wen * nociliiiinals fci trial
'Tno ' iialful tuithw.M that the old county
nttoii.i } wt- . going out aid the n vv ciuaty
nttuiiitv VMS Koing In The outcoitiL , ' aU
torn' j ill 1 not h.ivo the cases docluaod ,
Tin rt was iho Uaiinl number ready for tiiaL
At tholiibtttrinof tom tin USU there v.cro
iiilit'line ; cinnlnal cases on the docket.
st vi r.dof which repiesentcd moio than ouo
piisoncr , iniUing oer ono hundred pi i oners
i < nlj for tiial Oflhcio o\er foity vvcra
fi leiiiiosuiidat leisttvvo vvoro muulcreaoci.
Since .lanuiiv 1. IbV ) . tlute have been-J10
c.isos ou thudocki't of tlio dUliht cuintlck
Kliiivvni'o caaiitj , ICsusas , andut least thirty *
llvo hnve bu n hint to the penitent ! uy "
\Vo \ hive bec-n told that prohibition doea
nol Injuio business , 1 \ % ill lead the follow iutf
ujnti that aubjcet.
' 1 hu follovin capitalists nnd piomlni-nt
buslncbs nun in tlio st.itinftoi ha\ni ; aU
mint ruined llu li homo town of Tope Kit li.vv *
ull for muie euiu'iiuiil cluuM a'.d luiva
souifhtinoioproinltfin oiipoitunltles fur in *
vesting their vcallh li M Davius. \ io
ptiiidiut bank of Topt-Ui , gouo to C'lli'iiga
b.'eauso of the dcpii > ilun In bisinoss nt
Topi'k.u uukul b } | > iMhilHioii ) , Ui Mulvani * )
violent | > ruhibitii mil , wealth } ' , gouo to ( nl
ciip'O , cM ioi M tsirur of 'lupela , j'i n * to
Sclalia , Mo stinu ) n i _ > oii , Julin \ oi * < lima ,
ccniontaiitl briik buMiit s , guuo to 1)nvcii )
C'cilo , lame iajon , on Knnsns nvciui .
TupoK.i , ON cr ono nnlo long , iU o out uf urn
buslticis men and clcrlu declare for re.'iui > -
tulssloii ,
TUaold tOffuWuu B hibltlca part ; 1