Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1890, Debate Supplement, Image 12

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    - I V
the concensus of nUto.sinanslilp and of
lAglilnUen ninl of Judiciary nnd of clcrK.v.nnd
of ll men nnd nil tronirn who have cas In
their lio.iils to nootho results of the liquor
trnflle In any community h.n boon unanimous
almost that It IsfttmihV tlu\t oiiRht tabs
controlled , mid If It Is found an linmutnbto
ovlllt oiKjht to lianhplisliovtutcrniiUjr from
Mill continent fApplnus,1 ] . I say today
thcllquor trunic h nurli atiovil. No priest
or | uil > ! ' .i ist , no statosnun or server of tlm
pncriinunt bus over Uvn iiblu lo ehatnro It
from mi unmitigated o\ll into n qualified puu-
llcluV slni ; , and wo hnvc recorded behind It ,
IndieU'd in cvrry court from HID court of
conscience to tlio court of high linnrcn for
thone ciliiualu , miseries , Its mnrdorirnnd It
lands today the only critiiltmhiod form of
comm'Mvc in this country. Your Slocumb
Inw to.l.iv puta u label of criminality nn tlio
bark of tlio liquor Irnfllc. ami puts balls nml
chain * ri'ifuhtlon to its hroN , mid you have
to ilo It In oiilor to keep ft within
any posslblo curl ) whatever , nnd
wo sny tlmt tlio nlrato caught
chntned , curbed nnd InbrM In the bold of
thOMhiii It Isrnslcr nnJ safer for the voyagers
to Innu him overboard ut oucuuiullut him
laid ) cam of himself In the midst of Ibo
iiitahty ileon. f ApplniHe. (
I'ersimiil liberty I 'J'niit nliont polnp ilown
to the soutli nml wnstlnir your strength suf
fering In ttio bivonnc niul on tlio bnttlolleid ,
pining away umlor disease , under inhospita
ble skltM , in tbo hospitals nf thosDUtb , uinl In
tha prison pens , und suffering tortures which
linvo undo your tintnes illustrious for \oiir
und fortitude nnd faith in the
grand government \ , 1 honoruvory onoof
you for it. I love tosoo n man stalwart nnd
Blanding willi the Insignia on the laiwl of bin
cent or on his breast thut ha stood for
this g < eminent , for Its integrity imd
for nil it represents , Hut , my country-
incn , 1 wintto tvsk you thu question ; Wlwu
you \vcnt duwn to the south to llborulo llniso
slaves , what was II yon went to dot Yon
went down tlioro beeau-vMlesporntfl men In
ths pursuit of tholr o\\n nmhltlon had
\vrcnchcil apiirtof the territory front the in
tegrity of the union ; they had set up an e-t-
tumlsnirtit nf their own. mid you went down
to dovluiU I'rltnnilly your whole object
\\n to nvover tlio lost territory , reunite it to
tlio pit-lit boily of the union , re-establish tbo
integrity of the union , spread , its authority
safely nvcr nil tlio land uiul give back t-j us
tiianiilon nf our fathers , umllviilpd and indi
visible. You succeeded in doing it , What
uro'vHii'i'o for today I I stand herons niueh
nn ndvneato of liberty us any man who en
listed uudor the ( tug and inmvheil to the
Houth In 16(11. ( I stnuil hero toJay appealing
for llio snma principles for whleh
you fought , for tlie common mlural law of
.America on the liquor s > nlfrt ) Is prohibition
tiny how , anil so would hnvo been to this day
if It hail not been invaded by these liecn-uj
laws , willfli nro H peel Ho in their nature ,
Htatulory in tholr charueter , liable to change
with uny changing legislature or temper of
public hc.ntlinent , nnd by licenio laws this
territory has been wrenched from natural
prohibition nnd Kiven over to the squatter
eovoroiu'nty of the saloon in this country.
" \Vo niv not trying to lug In some Now ICinj-
limd Invention that Is on n parallel with
wooden hams nnd hnstwood luitnu'gs ; vvonro
not trying to put nnytlitn K of a vugary
into the rinld laws of thli coin-
nioiiwealth. butvo are trying to
recover the lost territory of purity ,
lionor inulsobrioty out of the hands of the
soloonNt nnd glvn It hack to constitutional
prohibition , wharo itlnis beloiied | ; from the
ueRlntiliif ; . [ Applauso. 1
The ccntlcinan talus about prohibition
ruIiiiiiRth ! Stnte , nnd ho produces n grunt ar
ray of llruves hero for you , telling you that
Alulno , Xew llampslilro and Vermont and
iisseonn to bo partieulnrly stuelc on tlio-io
states hovrtuoy hnvo not gained In popula
tion , how tlioy linvo been ruined in their nmn-
ufnritunst , how they liavo lo t nianufauturins
cstnbllHlinu'iits , etc. [ Laughter. ] Suppose
you ndinit it in nil tmo. Do you undor-stand
tbo difference between n wsstern conminnlty
like this of Nobmskn that is being filled up
by the pvoplo tnking up the gorcriiincnt laud
innltini ; for themselves homesteads nml habi
tations , ivho uro livlnp very hrRcly upon
that creditof their cbarni-tora and of their
lionosIndustrv \ find the promises and
prophecies of cllmnto nnd soil for tlio future.
You nre living U > tluymnnyof , you from GtolO
3'cars In the future , and you nw doing it , too ,
upon the aceunimulnlions of these people in
tbo onstorn states. Hut lie is talking about
thodocrc'vso in nianufacuux-'s inMtilnoforln-
fitanco , bnttho gentleman does not stand up
ro jiiul tell you thnt in the east , in the state
fti tiie , since prohibition Vna enacted , thnt
the irivai , tijmlnatlnc party of this country
lia.1 lrolccntup the slilpmanufncturine' which
was once thnJsu-coitlnUuaU-.v In the state of
Ulaino. You can go nowfrom HanRor to Kcn-
nobunk nud sco slnpways empty nnd cabins
deserted nnd the men who nro the ship-
xvriffiits hnvo gone from the coast of Malno
solely because the proteotivo policy of this
country has been such ns to drive. American
Bhlp-liuildiiiK out of existence nud ( 'U'o not
only the building of our ships but the carry
ing of our commerce Into foreign hands , ] ust
ni wo nro giving it to the browrs nud diitil-
lera. [ Applauso. ] Let mo tell tuo gentleman
Unit if ho will take away his protective volley
that Is enriching foreign carriers of our pro
ducts und our freight these foreign
fellows who nre charging you f armors
moro to cnrry your corn than yon got for It in
the oik-ii miiritet. If tuoy will glvo you n
chance , it' they will pivo AmoriiMn men n
right to build ships mid will protect them in
It , then I will tell you that nil the way down
tbo coast of Mnlno tbo furnnro llres'will bo
lighted anew , the slilpwnys will bo restored ,
find the hulls will brighten and glisten in the
sunlight us it beams upon the polished pine ,
and the masts will bo sot and the inlll-whocls
will go around and the sails will bovovon
and the breath of God will 1111 them ns they
waft them away over tbo to carry the
corn and wheat nnd the produce of these rich
Holds of iS'ebrnskn nnd the great northwest ,
[ Applanso.l "When the gentleman comes to
talk nrouiuf facts of that Wnd ho willllnd tlm1
tborols n reckoning just of him for
him und this people , tiiutthe farmers of tin ?
country , that the shipbuilders of this conn
try , tlmt tbo moelmnlo nils nnd Industrie. ! o
this country that have been ground down under
dor this infernal system which 1ms been mak
Ing the rich richer and the poor poorer witl :
( very sun nearly that has risen ever you
[ Applause ]
\vouUi that I hnd the tlmo to take the
fuct.s and HjrurM nnd show you why inamifac
lures have been reduced in tho.-'O eastern
elates. 1 want to ask him furthermore why
It is that fromo the state of Ivhode Island niul
the state of Massachusetts mid the btato of
1'omisylv.inin and the stuto of IS'ow York ,
Mios ma niliccut nml glorious high license
itntos inanufnctory after manufactory nre
pulling themselves up by tbo roots to-day
und to thuextont of hundreds and hundreds
nro poingto the south and establishing thorn-
nelves in ( icorgia , Alabima , Tennessee and
Ulicr southern localities. J Applause. ] U'by
u it that men from higb lii-oiiso lioston the
other day Invested three millions of dollars
In six days In Ilurrlman , a prohibition tmvn
In the of Tennessee ; in Cardiff , in Fort
Payne , In Xow ISngland , cities , all of them
within 11 fly miles of each other In the sunny
louthl AVhy doesn't ' ho toll you something
about thntl Why doesn't he glvo you som
facts and llguiw along the other s > ldo of this
nuestionlVell , ho is not on that side.
[ Lnlighter. ) Ho , my follow countrymen , you
cannot charge all the di-.a-.ti'1-s . that com
merce , trade und imuufactory is sutToring In
this country to tbo question of prohibition.
Vou talk about trusts and combines. Why ,
wo yawpandX-allopnround and paw the earth
and get mud when m.ybojy talks about
trusts. AVe tallc about the sugar trust , the
great ootopus susar trust of the country ,
and you c.iu get a fanner on Ills hlh ( horse 111
two minutes , whenever yon mention sugar
trust to him ; but , doyou know yune.ui tlguro
out your trust busiuejsJ Last year
the proilts of the sugar trust were only
fl,000OtX > , putting the Ifgitlmute nnd tUo
Illegitimate tOKClher. Putt in ? your protits of
the sugar trade together it was only $11 > , IKKV
OtX ) . When you tuko tlio whole prollt-s nuido
by the u'rar"trust ' , divide It amuiig the j > eo-
plo of thlseountrv , with tbo consumption of
sugar fifty-four pounds iwr capita , It is only
21 cents iicr nun ; that U , less than one-tif-
tcenthofacontixjrilay. I will tell you that
a man drinking four glasses of bocr per
month pays moro to tbo whisky trust nnd
beer truit In the country than the man does
to the sugtir trust the whole year tbroujrh ,
{ Applause. ) Yes , you talk about your sugar
trust. A mnn douu here in MUsoun the
other day publisher an advertisement , nnd 1
have got It right there in my paper , in which
ho said : 'Am maa in thl town who tauoj
two drams ol liquor iwr day ut 10 cent )
) > or draui , if ha will shut off on hit
liquor und deposit hU money with in
lu my store 1 will furnish him during tbo
year ito wicks of Hour'lUjwuntliof grunu-
latod sugar , T''pounds od tlio and glvo him
tv.M ! ) to go to the circus with whoii the traclo
U over. [ Applauso.j
Talk ntwut tmsts , there 1 $ not a llggor ,
morolnferuul tntst In nil the world and out
of hell than tbls lifjuor tmst that Is grabbing
I'.tOO.OOO.OJO ' a year out of the pockets of thU
jeoplo and giving them uotluag back for It
lut pauperism ana mJbery tnd crime and
taxation. Vou tAlte the Uitntlon on RO-
count of this liquor business In Ibo city of
Oinnha nndwluit d n It niMnt It rncaui
taking CTiO snloons , charging thorn $1,000
year npltw in nrdor to put taxation on tbu
dopravcO nppetltos of the mt > n who jiatrunUiJ
tin' salixnis in order to reduce tln taxes of the
fellows who own the property niul who ought
to pay taxes on the property. It l n direct
robbery. It \ * a t x on nmn-tHr > nnd not a tni
on the pm llogn of selllnp. 1 ttay Uiday If
thorols unjthing In the shape of law that
innkn nngi'ls or men devils by looking ui > on
It , itlsn iilih ; llconsolmv that taxes n nuiti'i
npp 'tluIn.stondof Uxlng the property that
hobasnotgot. [ Applnuso. ]
Not only thnt , null do not bellovo it woulJ
hold good lu any court in this country. 'J'ho
high lii'i'tiHii moil themselves do not dnro to
UilaitULs high lii-enso Inw before tlio supreme
court of the I'mted States. They never have.
They have submitted. They hiivi'gononloni ' ;
and p.ild nnythlng you weuld exart of them
up to the puint of starvation for their ( ratio than go before a court. I am told by
gome nf the most competent lawyers in thli
country if this question was cvrr carried be-
forolho snprnin court of the United Stutcs on
the question of the conttltiitlnnullty uf tlm
high hcetiso net in which it lj segrt gite : < l. It
would notstaml. llecau.v itli peeuliiirln its
chnriirt i'tliov would tjix it } I , XU n yenr ,
while tln-y would let a nun iltiinR { y.tKM.ivw
worth of business in the dry good ! line do
business fur ? lli ) > a They say you can
not miikoany siieh distinction , because the
constitution ivmiiiia that taxation shall bo
uniform and equal upon the saino class of
subjects , nnd when you couid to talk about
commerce beinif a divlsablo thing along
that line ; that It wnut stand in law ,
It may doln inunicipal politics. And sol any
to you today , lluisn men cannot bring before
youiisinglo seintilli of reasonable argument
based upon minttutional ! Inw or b.ised npun
human experience thnt will Justify yon In
turning your back upon this proposition of
prohibition nml give your sulfra es to this
hybrid nnd mongrel thnt has rnninont of the
confused and drunken leghlnMiro of tlio
country with blfrh UCOIISP. What di > s it
promise you I .1 hnvn h ro in Una pl.icw n
copy of n paper in whlchonoof your fellow
citizens says that the taxation of tliohin'i '
Ili-onso does not help the fnrtni > r In the state
of KphrnsUit. Ilo says : "In the cities and
towns where saloom nro licensed tin * money
Is npidledto tbo support of the si'hoo , but
nil the espouses of orlinlnnl courts , jiaufcr-
Ism nnd Insanity huvo to bo jnld by tbo
county , nnd fall heavily upon the farmer. Of
course tlm city papers would not say a word
about thnt. If thocountv has top.iy all the
expenses of tbo trafllo tlien every school In
the county should have Its proportion of tbo
saloon money. " This Is from William
Wilhrd of Gibbon , Nub. , who seems
to bo In a quandary himself. Ho
wants tin * money divided unso that all tbo
schools In the country shall got sonw ; but
ho qucstinn eomes homo to you In Is'o-
mvska , win-11 the city taxing the saloons gets
ho money , puts it into their schonh find
hen bunds paupers and criminals out on yon
'jo ' pay the bunion of trying nmt dispo ing of
bom , nml how much do you got out of III
sn't ' it nbout tiinoyou claimed n fair divvy
r else shut up the drunken factories nnd tbo
rime making establishments and sayo your-
lelvea the unnecessary burden of this tiixa-
ion ! I refer It to your own calm judgment.
Vou have got common .senso along this linn
indyou know the vulunef n dollar a- well in
iuiyotie. 1 sav to you that every dollar you
got yuu dig out of the soil , nml is ono of the
dollars that thu Lord God Almighty Wo-isc *
'DocaiiHoit comas through honiat toll ; b'lt '
iloll.ii-s which nre gathered and lllched
) iit of the pockets of depraved men , put into
he saloon till and seem to bo pmUli'd there ,
.henarotur-ied over to the pnblio treasury
if the city to bo transmitted into education
'or your sons and daughters , they hnvo tbo
3Urso of hell ou them , and if there bo com-
pcnsiitions jn [ this > vorld , moral as well
is phyalc vl ; if the eternal God has
not gene back on his word , there \vill boil
.Inyof reckoning , these saloons will taken
mortgage on your bens and yon will have to
pay back for H every dollar you got and put
, t in spelling ; books , and pay blood Interest
ivith the gray halva that are mingled with
your sorrow M vou KO down to the gravo.
] \ly \ frieud says tlioro Is no prohibition In
the bible. "What bible did you teach when
you ran a Sunday schooH [ Laughter and np-
| ) lauso.1 I do not wonder that you aban
doned tno business anvl went to practicing
; a\v. If you had that sort of a blblo the
sooner you quit the bolter for your immortal
soul. ( Laughter. ] I nm glad , tilr , that you
quit. I thank you for leaving tlio liold ; but
1want ViBay this , that over since the day
when God railed Closes into
the top of Sinnl and drew
around them both the curtains of
mnjesty nnd mystery nnd dropped from his
own oinlpotont lingers tbo sacred wrlthi ? ; of
the ton commandments , God's law against
every form of evil , personal or national , has
been absolute , unconditional and eternal pro
hibition , and you know 1U [ Applauso. I "i'ou
say that I would changfl the blblo ill the In
terest of prohibition , und say because Paul
told Timothy to take a httlo wine for bis
stomach's sake insteadol saying "Now , you
old drunkard , don't ' you taKe it , you drink
water. " I do not knoxv whether Paul was a
doctor or not , but your name is not 1 Mul , nor
nro the people of tlio state of Nebraska named
Timothy. [ Applnuso. ] If Paul did tell
Timothy to use a littlowlnofor his inlirniitiea
ho did not tell him tojjo to Hornborger's nnd
take a cocktail two or tliroo thnos before
breakfast , and then take some of 1'otcr Ilcr's
swill before dinner , some of Schlltz' beer bt > -
fore supper and then fjo homo as drunk and
mean ns a hog about U or 10 o'clock at night.
[ Applause. ]
Talk nbout the blblo having nothing nbout
prohibition it. The blblo has prohibition in
it from lid to lid ngainst every form of evil
nnd of the very appearance of evil. I say to
you that \vo stand today upon the sacred
word of God. Ono of the great objections
these fellows have to us Is luvauso wo have
got so much of the bible on our side and they
have got so littlo. lljimglitor. ] IJcn't you
suppose that the clergy of this country understand -
stand tbo bible well enoiiKh to know their
duty I Has wit every evangelical oliinvh In
this count ry almost from ono end of it to tbo
other , and year after yeir in convention ,
synod , assembly , convocation , conference ,
world without end , repudiated not only the
liquor irnflic , but declared even that tollcc'iitu
it Ha. slu against Cod ? and a crime against
mnn t Don't you believe the Christ inn people
of this country know enough abo'it ' tbo
bible to know whether the spirit of
Almighty God is lending them hell-bent to
wards saloon or whether ho is leading
them to tlio prohibition and peaen , sobriety
nnd prosperity ! You stand up hero IH a
preacher of righteonsneos knowing the. bible
from lid to lid nndyunt to Hank uny be ly
thnt says prohibition U in the biblo. ( letup
and ilo it. [ Applauso. ] Vou will bo n bigger
phenomenon lu this worla than i'aul war. In
his. Prohibition in the bible I What
puttering 1
And then ho jumped on mo and talked tome
mo about attempting to throw slurs and slan
ders upon the great state of Nebraska and
the city ot Omaha. I did not slander th"in.
1 never mndo thorn that way. [ Applauso. ] I
just milled the sheet oft your damnable in
iquities In Omaha and let the sunlight inon
them. | Applause ] , Talk about mo slanderIng -
Ing them. I blundered them because I took
their photograph , [ Laughter. ]
Vou might us well say your photographer
slandered you because ho doia not in.iko you
ns h.iiulunnu ns Apollo liclvidcro when ho
takes your picture , [ Laughter and applause. ]
I will do my friend the Justice to s..iy , how
ever , that be would look a good deal better
than ho dooj If ho was on tbo other side of
this question. [ Applause. ] nut an 111-
lookiiiK figure , ami thu sai'xms ' urn niigiity
liuppy In having a ( jentlomau ut so pleas ing a
countommco for their champion. If they had
got one ef their regular disciples to personally
appear hero you could have transferred him
toBcdloe island , kicked Mrs. Gougav's Irlcud
the goddess off , nnd set him up there ,
and wo need not have put any
wires to hi in cither. [ Ureat anplauso , ]
The gentleman says 1 slandered tlio honor
able seuatori from this state. I want to say
tbU. tint as for tluso gcntlomcn I have no
doubt thov arcamongyourmostiKstingnUhed
fellow citucni. and I would not slander them.
It was simply a little by-play thntl put in
there. When I spolto of thorn this morning
I did not mean to slu'ider ' tlu-ui personally :
but I want to say this , that when I speak of
public men and of their characters and roo-
orJa upan public ijueatiom I spoakof It as I
have a right to speak of It , and I say with
x-efurpnco to the benators fiMin this state ,
however honomblo geutlemen they may bo
in their personal chnractcrUtici and habits ,
however much you may honor thon. ; nnd I
honor tbt-m \ \ lib yuu for all that thev are en-
titlea to , 1 want to tay that while Mr. Pad
dock bas boon n senator of these United
btatcs tlioro has been no reflection In the
east tobbow tn..the has ever seithe Potomao
on Hit' with his brilliant statesmanship. Not
only that , but I will tell you what you have
swuyou have seen many n man stagger out
of the doors of yonder botci with
hli soul set on Ore with tbo damnable ituff
Senator PiuUsak permits to be told
them. [ Great opplnusol. I want to say thnt
on theovo of the lastnntlonnl ; election , where
myself nud wlfo wore domiciled at the Fifth
nvonuo hotel in Now York city , on the street
where tliosa great processions passed through
Fifth avenue and Broadway nullulpatlni ; the
election on Tuesday ; I want to say that whllo
they wore swooping through the ntrooU
thousands upon thousands of them crying out
their war-cries of the two parties , themwas
ono of your senators sitting at the table wit n
Thomas ( J. Platt , \VlllmmB. Chandler and 11.
U. 1'nyntor la my presence drinking
chatnpajfno while Jnmas O. Hlainowlth bis
stalwart form nnd his manly countenance
nnd sobnr head WM nt the front window
bowing to the honomblo plaudits of these
thousands of true men who passed along
through the highways or Now Yorlt. ( Ap-
tlauso ) | . That was llio dKIowiico In record
that day between a Nebraska senator nnd n
senator from the poor old Impoverished probl-
billon stuto of Maiiio. [ Aplilauso ] ,
Now , my fellow countrymen , 1 hnvf simply
this to say , that it tlmo warranted I might
bring these statistics before you in such
tangible form that you could tuka them In
uitu carry tlmm homo with you , ami I want to
pay that whllo these gentlemen stood up here
tiHlav nnd almost bluckguarded my friend
Prof. Dickie because ho said ha had garbled
his extract out of Homebody's little old pirn-
phlot , 1 want to say to you [ turning to Mr.
Webster ) your wliolo wivjech , whotber you
know It or not. has already been formulated
by tbo liquor dealers'association ' of Louisville
nml has been scat nil ever this com.try. They
have got your facts and figures lust as vou have
gut them nud .somethings almost in your
words , nnd they had them in the Dakota
campaign lost year [ iipplnuso ] the saino
old HtulT , thu cmipuiim dose-rated hash of
the brewers and tbo distillers put up in origi
nal pacltaiwi and soul out to ur.itors on de
mand. [ Applause ) . All that a tuff. Yon
cannot bo fooled nor bamboozled nor bull-
doicd by any such trickery us tlmt. Yon
know that the Issue in Ibis contest to the
plain square issue of whcthnr these snlnnns ,
with their drunkenness , with their absorp
tion of the money thai ought tOo ( into homes
to nmko them happy and prosperous and com
fortable ; whether llio innulinuu of your sons
shall IRJ sold out for u price ut tlio public
shambles by the saloons of thla stato. [ Ap-
ant. HosK\v.\rioii's OL.OSI.VG.
iln I'uriilslios Some 'Moro Slniillcint ( ;
Vlgii ITH on I'rolil bit Inn In Iowa ,
The Hon. ISdWtird Itoscwater spoke as fol
lows !
Mr , I'reildent , Lndles and ( icntlomcn : A
few years ngo there appeared In IhU country
a irreat lecturer from Great Hritain , and bis
themowas"\Vliy Don't lied Kill the Dc\iiM :
have been hen ! now for two days and I have
ilmost propounded tlio question , "Why d vs
! od pBiniit a clowu to bo a preacher i'1
Laughter and applause. ] Wliy does the
.ord permit any mnn to de.eer.ito the cloth
hat bo wears in the name of the most sacred
f callings , by turning blackguard and sluu-
.eror . , in the presence of a UhrUtinn uudlunce
issi'inbled at Ch.iutuuqual Wo have heard
'rout the Ui-v. SmnU'H allusions to some of u.s
.hat are tlobating with him that ho wonldlnti-
nuto that wo am in the habit of making
logsof onrselvos , nnd swilling bor : , wlno
.nd . whisky , nnd going homo drunk t/o our
' 1 venture tosuy now in h is pica
iiuu. and I challenge your nttcution , that Air.
Small has drunk inure beer
Mr. Small -S.iy , you stop right thoro. I
m.vei- said that. I said I'nul did not toll
finiolhy to do that. [ Urlos of "Sit down , "
ells , hoots , nnd great demonstration. ]
Mr. Hoaewater will -simply say that if
: n original pnckngo should pass within a
cry snort distance of the room In which
his gentleman has made his headquarters ,
should not want to risk the original package
coming back sealod.
I will now direct myself to the subject in
mud. Tbo people of this state unnctoJ pro-
ilbitinn once before , in the year IS. ! . " ) , and
ifter three years it was repealed bccauso no
Uteuipt was nude to enforce itIn 1ST1 , n
onstitution was framed for tlio
inoplo of Nebraska , and with it was submit-
ed an auiundment sojur.itcly with three
Jtliornniendments , prohlbitiii- * the sale and
naiiufneturo of liiiuor. That qiii"ition w.u
ir-ought - the people of this stale , thor-
jugbly debated , and whui Iho ballots wcro
minted , the proposition to prohibit , tbo man-
ifacturu and sale of liquor snowed under
iy n very UIMC majority , while tlio coiistitu-
loii Itself , by reason of misreprcsontation
and by the combii1 . .ilona made by monopolies
and bankers , was defeated by nbout two or
breo hundred. Now wo ui-o asked. agnUi. , to
naert into the fundamental law ' ot
this state a proposition which , us
fou hnvo already baen infjormad ,
ma been adopted In many states ,
nnd , with the exception of Jvlaino and Ver
mont , repealed after fair trial by nil thnt
lave ever placed it within tholr fundamental
aw. ThoqucjtlQiiis not. shall wo by ona
'ell swoop stop the drunkard factories , but
are we able to keep the drunkard ftirtorles
closed ! I nm not hero representing tbo
Irunlcnrd malii ' . I am not hero
ng the saloon , ot del'enilin z III" wlibl ;
ml 1 am bore < .uiidin g tlio principle
lei use ns thon.ost eitectlvo of two reme
dies to do away with the evil * of Intcinper-
Attention has been called by the speaker to
; ho f.ict the children of this stuto nro
noing educated with bloo.l monoy. I say
iliat , ho probably does not understand tbo
reason whv. The constitution of Nebraska
provides that all money received from llnoi
and licenses of whatever dcacri.ition
shall bo placed to the credit of
the school fund : no matter whether
the license is for a hack , or a billiard ball , a
theater , or a saloon , or any other business.
No matter whether a person Is lined In the
police court for lighting on the streets , ur
whether ho is there for putting a barrel of
ashc.s in a back alloy , the money Is bound tube
bo placed to the audit of the school fund.
And lot mo say to yon tlmt this talk of Wool
tnoiuy isnll nontonso ; it is fol-de-rol. Th"
congress nf th' ) United St.uo , the supreme
court of tbo United Stilus , the president nf
the United States , the army of tlip Ui.itnl
Suites and its navy are all paid with blood
money , for all money dnriyou from revenues
collected from thu miiiiiifiicturo und sale of
liquor placed in the national treasury Is paid
out regardless of wluTo it comes from.
And what is the difference , 1 w.iat
to know , whether Mr. Ilor's money
that went to the Omaha Young Men's
Christian association building was not ac
ceptable just as much ns any money , and my
own went in there liiit in well. [ 'Applause. |
I want to know , for instance , whether if a
woman of ill-repute should step Into one of
your millinery shops to buy a bonnet , nnd the
lady that has the shop should stop Into church
on i ott Sunday and drop a half dollar that
shu roeelvivl from this scarlet woman into the
contribution Los whether the minister will
throw it out. and mark it blood money. I
have nnver known such a case. They will ac
cept what money they get , nnd there Is noth
ing wroii''abjut ' It , provided that the money
was properly contributed by people toward
chnnty or benevolence. There is not a church
building in the city of Omaha , und there U
scarcely one in any largo city lu this
state tint bus not been built with
money gat ten from men who have dealt
in llipior , money gotten from men who do
not bi-liwo as many of you do. And what li
there about this matter ! AV'hy has not tbo
Lord prohibited outright the temptation of
drink * Why hi Ho crc.itod tbo grape ,
and allowed it to grow ; nud tbo com , nnd
allowed it to growl \Vobavo boon cio.Uod
with illusions nnd appetites. Shall men bo
considered sinin-rs and outlaws , just because
tboy have indulged in a few gl.issw of wino
or beer !
I will say right here , nnd It may shock my
friend who has paid such a high eulogy to
Abraham Lincoln , that , of tlio very few
people probably in the United States that
over did drink a glass of beer with Abraham
Lincoln , I nm one. [ faint apphuiso.l It
was on the d.iy of the kittlo of Fredericks-
burg. Abraham Lincoln came Into the ofUco
of tbo war departmentona Sunday morning
in hU slippers. The battle was very ilorco
and raging till the Jay and Mr. Lincoln re.
innlnod In the oflleo nil day asi ho was ox-
tremuly anxious in to the result. Thirteen
thousand union soldiers laid down their lives
In that slaughter pen. I happened to bo the
only man on duty receiving tbo dispatches
from the battlefield , nnd Lincoln stood sldo
by side with Stanton and C.lptaln Fox ,
assistant secretary of the navy , watching the
news from the battlollold. At noon Air.
Stanton sent out and got an leo pitcher full
of beer , and ho handed us some crackers , and
the beer was partaken of , by President Lin
coln , Htauton , l-'ox , and I renu'inber ilr.
Seward also was there. There was no great
crime in that ; for the Lord manes no crime
of drinking liquor , but ha docs of
drunkenness , just as Ho docs of gluttonv. In
oldea times gluttons were stoned to death ,
just the same as drunkards. The other day
the tolegr.ipb announced thut u man bad died
after eating twenty-six eggs. Now , I do
noi believe that anybody would b crazy
" ' to propoio a constitutional amend-
mcnt to stop hens from laying [ U < f Wer ] rte
to stop the propagation of honn. Th am
reasoning would npply to m ny things thnt
hnvo caused death on J dosolat Ion. On th
Fourth of July not lost thnn thrca thousand
men nnd boys , mid possibly omo women ,
wera nialtned nnd BOUIO killed In didareal
parts of the country in celebrating. Would
anybody propose to prohibit the mannfaotur *
ntnl sale of llrocraekxTs nnd firearm * nml
pnnpowder Just IH'-.IUSO such accidents h.ivs
uappouodl A a police ro .illationnnd ths
supreme court has outlined thnt very distinct
ly ; all Its decisions upon prohibition have
l5oen outlined lu a pollco regulation , we
might sny no gunpowder shall be. stored
In our cities , that nn crackers shall IHJ Hred
In the town on tlio Fourth of July under
aovoro jicnaltic's. H'lt the iiianufiicttiro of
Ih-earms and powder , or the prodiu'tion of ot death will not bj
prohibited solonn na man is compelled to USD
thcso thliiKs ; nnd I uy that liquor must be
utill/.ed Just llio saino. It must bo manu
factured for medicinal purposes ; It must bo
manufactured for the purpiuu of meehanie.i ;
nnd whoa It ti manufactured , It will
bo very difficult to say that the
men who make It shall not taste of It
If human nnturo wai such that the mere pro
hibition by stntuto could swcnp nwav vice ,
why , 1 should certainly favor laws to do away
with every species o'vlco nml crluio.
Now , I um going to shnw yon ami quote
from the most reliable authorities that the
effect of liquor HIM been very mueli cx.iffRer-
nted with regard to the porceiiUigo of crimn
and Insanity which It produces. 1 shill ; ivad
u note In die returns that 1 received from the
penitentiary nt Hmnarek : "Thero are two
women eontlncd in the penitentiary , ono fJr
ninrdi-rnnd one for manslaughter. " I do not
suppose for ono moment that either of thorn
committed the crime on account of Intomper.
mice ,
It Is n favorite nri ; uncut to iny thnt crimes
arc caused nllo e'liiv by alcohol. A compu
tation has been made that out of 1,000 mur
ders perpetrated , leaving out liiO came * un
known , " 00 were i msod by love and lust ;
t'kj of them for meauy ; lW ! of them for mallco
and rovciijii ; ; ! U of them out of polities and
religion ; ! 10 by religl Jii and insanity ; 113 by
various other cau "i ; S'J ' by Intoxication less
than 10 per cent of the total number by In
The report of the superintendent of the
Insane asylum at Mount 1'leasant , la. , shows
that out of I'.H ' ) patients , whoso symptoms
have been carefully diagnosed , the following
is the result :
Diseases ofvern n , 90 ; sunstroke , 43 ;
religious oxttninenU 4 ; gtlof and lois of
friends , 20 ; intemperance. Vi't ; domestic
trouble , 10 ; busim. s anxiety , 14 ; disap
pointed affection-I innlo and 3 female so
that shows that men nro n little moro tender
about disappoint''in ' ! ) In love than women ;
opium habit , 5 ; oi'cxcrtiou. \ < . 15.
Of intemperance among that number of
insatio there is orl > ti per cent. The highest
number that I h ivo noted in the various
returns Is in the Minnesota asylum , where ills
11 par cent. Amii ) < : the 1 < ! : > fncnr.iblo insane ,
nt [ histhifjs , N'ebr.ukn , l ; ) are temperate. Ill
intemperate and lu whose former hnuiu wcro
Hero is a statement ns to the proportion of
insane lu Iowa , Ka.isas nnd Nebraska. In
the slnto of Kansas there are 1'JTT , Insane
persons , or ono to l.'ttl ' ) of the population. In
the state of lowal.-CO , or one to 1,011 of tbo
population. In Kubrnska ( hO , or one to 1,018
of the population. So that , for two msano
peuplo In Nebraska , there are very nearly
lour in Iowa and tinet in Kansas. I do not
ascribe that diffcrctKo to prohibition , but I
simply assert that Nehruslu under hlsh 11-
cense am certainly make very favorable
c.iiinparison with sbiKi.1 that have tried pro
Lot us teiko the .ninno statistics of the
United States : Ou' of a total number of
01.930 In the United States In LSSsO , 05'J3 ( !
wcro natives and iii.lidt wore foreigners , The
ratio of Insane to tlo ( population was 1SK , ! ) to
each 1OJJOJO. lu'jKuusns It was 1X , ( > 1 ; in
Iowa 1,5M. ( and In flobraika 1)95 ) out of
1OU ) ,000. So Nebra-iua stunds very high In
that regard
Now , In regard to pvjpow cin almsbonses :
In 1SO ! there were ( i'U.'l ) paupers In the nlm-
houses of the United ot.Ues , of which Kansas
hnd35.V , Maine , I..VJ5 Iowa , 1,1K ( ; Nebraska ,
11 ! ) . And out of ri iV. . ) nrisonors In the ] ) rij-
oiis of various kiudk m the United Stat-s ,
Kaasin , in 18W. hadj. i'J5 ; Iowa , .S03 ; Maine ,
JU : > ; Neoraska. J174. And Maine hnd2ua,0K ; )
more population in l > than Nebraska.
Now , us araw.tsroi net , wo have scarcely
nercased the iniiiatciof otir penltontlary In
\ > W * 14 I'i * * * ir AU J * , I * * * l A H VJWt tt * v lUt/W JJk
IS'obrasIca , wo huVfl AlflSO , 101 jin 18DO , &S3 ;
jolnff an increase of yO per'cent ; thopopulo-
: lon increased 171 porcout ( n that tlmo ; nnd
"proportion to luo population there wa , a
decrease of ! M per cett in tbo number of the
Lob us look into pdiltonthriei and see the
causes of crime. Tin nunilinr of convicts lu
: ho Nebraska pnit/iithir.\ / 3& . Tliey had
: hem polled nt Uncd.ii th'1 other day and this
is the stiito of facw. Toul abstaincrj , 112 ;
inod. > rate drink.'rs , ] 135 ; intempenite , UO ;
aljlu to read and write , ; ? ( ) ; : able to wad but
nnablo to write , W ; tunable to read and write ,
ill. So that the asfiertlun that Ignorance 13
the cause of crime lulls to tbo ground ; In
fact , some of tbosmuytest rascals unhung are
in prison some who'can cxecuto a draft or
check , orTorgo the n.tmo of a man , or open a
safe , ordouuything that nnymanof ingenuity
could do.
There are two college graduates in prison
ut Lincoln , lloth ware convicted of criminal
anlls on women. Ono convict , a forger ,
in college a abort tlmo. Four of the
convicts are graduated of high schools , nnd
tlio crimes for which they are convicted
arc forgery , burglary and grand larceny.
Of Uu 5(5 ( pors.ins convicted of murder and
manslaughter only 14 wore of intemperate
habitsi and only 4 were under thp inllsenco of
liquor ut t ho time of ibo commission of their
crimes. The remalniiig J mu rdeivra were of
temperate habits , Only 111 of tha murderers
nro non-professors of religion. Of the 12
p.n-ons . hcnton.n.i for murderous assaults
only H were of intemperate habits. Of the
remaining III , with .1 singl exception , nil
were of teinpeiMto habits and mostly teeto
talers. Of the 87 burglars only 0 were men
of drinking baWU. The remaining 81 were
all men of tei'iporato ' habits. There mo 4
persons ine ircera.ed for arson and none use
liquor as a bev.ITVJO. Thorn are 1 fellows
serving doutenc.M fcr criminal assaults on
women. Only J 'vnro of intemperate habits.
Neither of those Mnino liquor for their down
fall. Of thotw ffrgers , only 0 wcro men who
wcro addicted to'ho use of liquor. Ono only
nseribcs his fall to drink , a lawyer , and ho
el'iims ho waa .Irunk wbau hu forged the
The clasilflcatia of thocunvlcta In regard
to their religious faith is as follows : No professed -
fessed religion , lie ; Cnlholii. ! > ' ! ; Methodist ,
5j ; 13nptist , 21 ; Dunkard , I ; Kpiscopal , 5 ;
Lutheran , 23 ; Juvish , 1 ; I'l-usbytorliiu , 17 ;
S ilvalion Army , 1 ; Christian , 8 ; Congrega
tional , I ; UmvtrsalUt , 1 ; Adventist , I ;
United Hrctliron 1 ; German Unformed , 1 ;
Koformod churct. 1Q , Now , you have some
insight Into v.
So much has lotjn said from tlmo to tlmo
that latuinperamc is the chief cause of sui
cide that 1 watt to iiall your attention to
that. The Now York Worlil almanac for the
year 1S9U , talclnc the basis of lifo Insurance
ronurts'ivos ( the. . whole nuinbor of
suifldoi of llvjyoarsfroai IsS'Jto lisiT , In
cluded , as 8,2 0. Of thnt njinhsr ( " > 'J com
mitted suicide on . account of business
troubles ; 5S5 , Ic.'e trouble ; 571 , dissipation ;
2."i7 , fear of puu hmput ; nud ono because she
had n plmplo oq Lur.uotio. [ daughter.J Wo
ought to have as iiinpudmont to the consti
tution that a twoinan shall uot bo alllictccl
with apimplo ol. U'or nose tvio pUnple shall
hereafter bu biinshodfrom : t tie stato. The
fact remains tint "doro | p" 'pl ° kill thora-
selvcson nccouutofiillsappuiiitmcnl In love
than kill thom. clvosoi , | account of intemper-
Lot mo now coma .lo the main issue ! Is
m-ohlbltlon in the atitca In which it has
neon tried a failure or a success I Will II
butter the condition of our pi-oplo or will it
makolt worsoiVillltdrlvo out the saloon
or close the dlvel Will It m iku free whisky
In plnco of rog alatlng a liccnsi-il saloon I Yoi
have boon told here , nnd it has boon preachec
from pulpit and platform , that the cities
alone got the benefit of the nv 'iiey ' that goes
Into the scuoo' ' fund. Now , I deny thnt. I
claim lu the flrut place that the cities of Nebraska
braska pay iixoro than ono-b'df of all tbo
taxes of the aUito. The city of Omaha alone
nays one-tenth of the entire stat * taxes ever
1100,000 a year. And the building up of your
cities U as Imp-alant to yon as tbo building
up of the stato. Whatever conduces to the
prosperity of oiia coniuces to the prosperity
Omalm has todar | % 0.000,000 , worth of prop
erty , although it Is not nsiessod perhnpi 10
city of Omaha , and ojt less thot I Od of tha
amount la tor sUU tUea. Wh t vir
u prosper makes you prospor. If the ohll-
ron In your towns find clues ar educated
vlth this license money , the money that
voulil liavo bad to ooiuo from Iho taxpayer *
towards the education of your children Is we-
ended to beautify your cities , towards PAT-
* , toward * grading , to tank * them better
I larger ntul moro vnluaido. And when you
nercaso thu vnluo of city J > reporty you in-
tvaso the amount o ( state taxes from the
iiles uud you incre.130 thu value of the uroi >
lint Indepr-ndent of nil that : I find , for in-
taneo , that , while Omaha in the last year
ollccled $277,000 from the licenses granted to
: quor saloons , the citioi nnd towns of No-
iruslin , outside of Omaha , had over KHM,000 )
rointho RUUII > sonrvo ; and the counties col-
ivtdl ever $7,1,000 fnun the saloons located
utsldo of towns and villages. Out of the
111 towns that are incorporated , I Iln d that
Hilton number of them have collected anoo -
upation tax. " Tboy have been nblotoput
hat money into their cjty treasuries and
maintain order , for there would bo Just us
mien danger of disorder there whether there
iw an onoii saloon or a whisky Joint.
Now , let us look nt the stnto of low * . 1
vant to show to you by statistics thnt ran
not bo controverted , that In the
tate of Iowa there has boon pun-
nil disregard a total disregard ,
Inuvt , of the prohibition luwi. and therefore
he Ihiug bus been a farce , and the state bus
est enormous amounts of money , a great deal
f population , nnd no return , ( Heading ]
'The. police authorities of CJodur Kupids p.iy
o attention lo the llcpjor sales ; the sale Is
irnctlciilly free. Thei-o nro very iie.irly two
iiindivd places In Cedar'uls where liquor
s sold in ono shape or another. Several
uu'kiigo houses are running wide open. None
f these places p.iy nny regularllnoor license ,
n IS1 * " there was u nominal flue of &W t > er
lonth exacted , but nt present they pay noth-
ug. In 1SVJ twi-uty-fnur whisky coses wei-e
iroughl to tlio county nl ji.YJ ( expense , leav-
ng it with a burdensome shortage.
"Tlio population of Cedar Kaplds , la. , in
SS5 was 'J'.OOO ; in Itsoo there nre less than
SOrx ) . Property uud reut.lisuvo depreciated
SO per cent ,
' The attempt by the county authorities to
ontrol the liquor trullle. results only in in-
irenscd expense to tlio county. In ISSl tbo
arm lands of Lynn comity were assessed at
ii')7OS3. ) In ISS'J ' they bud gene down to jii. > 0-
05. "
At Siotix City , la. , there la a very largo
lumber of open saloons. Tha pollca
md city authorities pay no ntton-
lou to thorn. tJltu-o Covington , Neb. ,
mrnod the number greatly Increased ,
'opulation of' Sioux City , nbout : ir > , ( MO.
'here are about twohuii'hvd places in Slmix
" "y that piy n United States license to sell
uors. About llfty placc.s pay T 0 a nionth
is taxes ; but for nil pr.ictlcnl purposes Iho
aloons ot'Sionx City nre wide open. "
Sioux City is the onlv town in Iowa , by
he way , that you migfit sav has [ really in-
roaspil in population and in wealth since
> ruhihitinn came. Hut this is chlolly
iccaiiso iilonx City has a largo trade in
mrthi-rn Nebraska , nnd because Omaha is
n ti rely cut olT from that section. The nuni-
j'T ' of drug stores in Sioux t'ity in lbS7 was
oven ; and now them nro eighteen. Allot
heso hold permits und nro In a very good
endUiou financially. SolI'Mg ' liquor , of
llc-re ai-o the exj > enso3 \Voodbury coun ty
ho cmtnty In which Sioux City is local cd
\ > r the 1SS4 court expenses I.'NO ;
wtfi.SVW ) ; ISSt ! , S7.II7 ; in IhST , 6-.i,52U ; in
iis , &M.-JOJ ; and in ISstf. S''T.'Wa.SO. And
et court expenses , Governor Lnrrabeo says ,
cereiised so wonderfully in the slate of
Uurllngton has l ! > r > saloons positively free ,
xcept tbo money they pay to the temper-
, nco alliance lawyers to lot them idone. In
bb-'J the license was $100. In that year , the
otal number of nrrests was III"i for diinken-
less , J31. hi 1SSO , total arrests. l,03o ; for
runkennoss118. . This is certified to by
"ohn A. Mercer , city elorlc.
Davenport. ITU saloons , wide open day nnd
light , under a popular ordinance paying
100 per year. Report of police dopartmcnl
otal number ot arrests , 1SS-I , 7 1 ; on account
f drunkenness , 01. in 18SO , total num-
j'-r of arrests , 7SO ; from Intoxication ,
S"o figures are given. In Davenport tbo re
corder says "intoxication" means a dead
Irunk. This is cortiQud to by Frank Kess-
cr , city ck-rk.
Iowa City , in ISSl , hnd n population of
1,000 , ; the number -saloons then "was forly-
our ; In 1WO tbo population is less than 7,000 ,
and tlm number of drain she 3 , " i'jiu yt
Them h no attempt tj > control Ihcm ; occa-V
i-mniiv erne is lined , vihllo'jothors lOro-poiVj
mlttod to i-ilu on lavoruisra. < ' . ' ! " - - ' "
Diibuquo. Here Is a letter from the city-
clerk of Oubuquo , directed -officially to mo :
'Dearsir : In reply to yours of Iho 10th
.nst. , ( that means tlio lutb of Juno this is
latcd Iho 2d ; ) , ) would trtato that there are
SO sal-ions In this cit.v at present , nil paying
n license of $10. ) per ye u' , p.ivnblo in two
equal installrients , soini-annuiilly in advance ,
Tbo city licen-ici tno saloons as places of pub
lic resort ; the city marshal looks nftor the
collection of the licen-io ; that. H , nil saloons
lot having thcroquiriM license are pro.soculcil
jy him. Ucspoctfully , John O'Cuuncll ,
clerk. "
Now , hero Is the certificate from the re
corder of the city of Dubuque , saying that
; bo authorities , In tbo fucoof prohibitory en
actment , huvo gone to work and licensed 1 0
saloons for the year liSK ) ni places of publlo
resort. Ami they have licensed them ou tbo
myinont of SlOO a year. That accounts lor
t. That Is why IbO suloonn exist in a town
Iko Dubuiiie ] ; while down hero in Lincoln ,
: n a city that has at least t > UOOU
; nero t'jpulatlon ' than Dnbuque , there
nre only thlrty-soven liceusod liquor
dealers , of whom Iwo are wholesalers , nnd nt
: east nine are hotel men. That Is the dif
ferences between high license uud low license
"u prohibition states.
fn the city of Marshnlltown the city
marshal In IsflO made iiK arrests , of whleh
1S1 were for drunkenness. 1'ropcrty , rents
and business in Alurshulltown bavodecrcisi-d
VJ per dent since 1SSJ. Ilnndrodsof people
have left everytbinc and sought , their for
tunes t-l'-cwhern. It should bo remembered
that Mur.dialltown is wll located , has a largo
country tributary to it , has stone and good
water jmwcr , and beautiful location. Prohi
bition has f ullon like a blight on this , ono of
the fairest and best towns in Iowa. The
population today is only U.diH ) .
iM.iyor Ames \iarslmlltown proilict-5
that from now on the amount of drunken
ness will bo much less on account of the
opriimess and freedom with which beer is
sold , thus supplanting the poison ( creosote
mixture ) the bootlegger. ' sold , wliieh often
nunle inon so cra/.y that his o Ulcers nnd a phy-
bician worked all night to save their lives.
Farm jiroporty in the county in 1 6. > wis :
worth Sl.ll'.I.KS , city property in Marshall-
town , Sl.lUljSu'J. In lisU the farm propiriy
was worth $3,020,00. , ! , and the city property
There are sixty places in Council Bluffs
where liquor i ? sold , idl of them paying $ J3
Ihif-s per month to run as disorderly houses.
Hosides these there nro ten more wlio osten
sibly run groceries nud keep a bar in the rear
for the accommodation of customers. There
are from fifteen to twenty other places whore
whisky is sold besides the above mentioned ,
which neither pay line nor license.
In IS-sS , the number of arrests In Council
IJlulTs , taken from the police record , war.
l.SI.'i ; fnrdrunkenness , M'J ; disturbing the
peace , -J. ; disorderly conduct , H7 ; vagrancy ,
4K ( ) . The record of minor otfeiifiok was not
taken. '
Tlio number of arrests In Council ninffs
for isv.i , taken directly from the police rec
ord , was , l.O.'iO ; for drunkenness , 557 ; disor
derly conduct , 105 ,
I want to tnlk lo you about the government
licenses issued In Iowa. Captain Lalhrop.
United States collector of internal
revenue for the northern dis
trict of Iowa , embracing furty-nlna
counties , said that at the beginning of pro
hibition there were In his district 5,001
licenses In force. That nuinbor was reduced
lo 3'JtK , ' ) In 1SS7. That the number has gradu
ally Increased until It now exceeds fl.oiid.
Tliero was an increase in the month of May.
l > jOO , of CM , all now men , presumably origiiia1
package men. The increase has reached I,0u0
since April , Ihls your.
. The following figures from the collector o
the Hurllnglon district tdiow the number of
retail liquor dealers In that half of Iowa :
Year ending April 30 , 1SS5 , y.M'J ' ; April HO ,
18bl ) , B,7C'J ' ; April 30. ' IStf , a.f&l ; April tiO ,
18 > > S , SJ.ttJS ; April 80 , IbsU , U,57o , ; April SO ,
law. a'jw. ;
"Besides the licenses ns sot forth herein ,
we have prosecuted over four hundred ruses
of selling without a llccntu in tbu third dis
trict , which if figured on the saino proportion
which existed bolweon the two districts from
18aS to IVj'J , would tnnko over onu thousand
cases of prosecution by tbls department In
tbo atnto. It U roisonable to suppose that
many got away.
"I-'rom May 1 to Juns 13 there have oeen
1,227 retail licenses issued In the three dis
tricts , whleh on a basil of lt > 39 ni comjurod
with the other district would make 8,070 ro-
Uill llcoaiM Ittv * 'a tliH auto hi furt/-four
l y , which li far l excess of the number
ssuod during uuj jvrlod of nuy previous
"Ninety-seven lleomc * have boon Isiucd to
rectltlers , whole.ialori nnd brewers from
April 31 of this rear to date , Juno 1.1 , In this
bird district , which on the ISSfl basis would
nakoS40 In the state or at moro 1 linn were
sstied last year nltopcthpr. The worst of It
s the tutt Is neiirlyall shipped In from
other Btales , the product of browi-rles - in
neil ) jn-ospci-ous stutrs and handled tluvunh
nfjencies , the principals of which come hew
and tuko out the stumn. The dealers here
are simply audits for lorolpu brewers. "
1 wnntto dovoton iiltlf of my tlmo to nn-
iwerltirfoneiiuesllon , nud tliat'ls \\hat has
) een sniil ticro In ivgiutl to the Mate of Ne-
nuHka as compared with the state of Kansas
n the matter of property. Tim facts nio : lu Nobrnskn the nssesstuonl repro-
cnts fi-oin ono-nevonth to onu-tentli of the
ictuiil market valuation of the properly , ntnl
n linva nml tu the state-of It repnv
cuts from one-half to one-third. Now , yen
vlll nil rc.dl/o when you make the us-
usstnont only i-opreient one-half of the
iroporty value , the iiito of taxation must be
orrosjximllHuly lower than when you asses.- ,
on one-sixth or one-tenth. Twenty-llvo cents
on the $100 In Kansas Is no lower than ( ill or
TironU per ildO in Nebraska , lu Kansas
'IUJorth ' of properly Is assessed
'II. which makes the tux 814 cents. In
Nebraska $100 worth of property would bo
asoossnd at nliontfl'.r > 0 mid llio tan nt I'M
vnta per hundred would be 8' ' cents or
ibout the sunn' thing as Kiunas. As U > Ni -
iraska's debt this state compares luvorulily
vith nny olhor. Kansas has a bonded lii-
lebtednc.HS of fS1.1X)0 ( ) , of which $ .Vt.s , < MO IH In
ii'rscliiMil fund ; Nebrask.i has a bonded lu-
lebttMlniss of $ .VjrUOO , andUMlKX ) ) Is In the
t-tiite .school fund. In other words the stnto
of Nebraska only owes Slv7,00 ! ( ) , held by one
illiplo person living in the cast who luis re-
'uscd to suriviider Ids bonds on a premium of
' " > fonts on tlm dollar , the bonds boiiiR an old
ssuo bearing 10 percent interest.
How Is It about our bunks and business
Nuinbor of failure * In Kansas In
1-oi-B.W 8'W..2.J ) . ) 00
Number of failures In Iowa In IS1 * ! )
: y ; . . . . i7i ; .7ii ! oo
Nnmt ! > ref failures In Nobr.isku In
] \s.l - 1.KM.7I9 00
Cnpltal and xiiriilus lu National ,
.SI nt o ana Savings banks In Iowa
Gniiltal and surplus In National ,
Slutc ami Savings batiks lu No-
Iowa's population limned at -hW.cO.l (
Nebraska s population UKIIml at I.-WOOO
( lovornor Lnrrnboo has certified that there
Is a decrease In crime In lown. This Is daily
disproved bv tbo record. The number of
convictions In the courts in IHSM was 8tS : ; in
HSU tliero were 1,1H ( convictions , an In
n-ease of J78. In IvM there were sentenced
o the county Jnili of Iowa 1"7 persons and in
SMI there were I'.U ; an iiicrensn of ( Ml. in
W tliero were sentonecd to the Iowa peni-
onllnrios HHI persons ; in | si ! ( there were sen-
need HIS , an Incre.isoof l-Ji.
Now let ns look at the marked difference
ictweon tbo cost of criminal prosecutions In
owa , Kansas and Nebraska. The report ot
ho secretary of state of Iowa I860 contains
ho following exhibit :
B5.S , roiinty attorney's fee- ! t.Yl.fllt 08
83U , county attorney's fees 1)7,81)7 ) 3
Increase JM.tKS 40
Ssfl , total iixjicnso to counties for
criminal piosociillon 3.11,01)03
& -9 , total e\ponSQ to comities fur
criminal prosecution 1(17,227 ( 01
Increase JIH.284 1)2
'ncnvisoovcr 1S87 Jlli.880 01
Sss , lines lniHscd | ) to.,171 80
oo3 , lines eolluetcd JJ9.700 t&
Deficit KB. 70 tO
R19 , lines linjiotnrt $ it'inM : ' : oo
SiJ9 , tines eolluoted 117,009 US
Deficit fOO.ttl ! 93
oiirt expenses , prosecutions , IRS7. . Si .877 Gfl
, 'ourt. ovpcnses , prosecutions , 1HSS. . . U00.421 00
! ourt o.\pen--es , prosecutions , 18t > 9. . . ,100,420 Hi )
'nunty attorney's fecsp'ftitfT fll,4J9 ( IH
. 'ouiity attomey's fecn , 1SSS Kt.filS KG
County attornov's fees , 18SU C7.877 30
The total expenses of the courts of Iowa
'or last vetir were W78,517 , ; average expense
> er county0,735. In the county of jolk alone
the total court costs for 1SS9 were $03.040.ot :
vhlch $37,753 Is Justice nnd.poUco court costs ,
nccVnatvu ol U.e salary of three Judges. This
is certified td mo by.C. O. Loonils , the sheriff i
ofdPolk 'couflty"The1 population' Iolk'
county Is nbast eighty , thousand. Contrast"
tbU with" the court erncnsos of Douglas1
county. In which Onlaha is located. Douglas
county has a population of 105,000 , moro than
double that of Polk county , and her criminal
? ourt expenses are computed at u
, ioii above S32.000 for IbsO . The total ex-
xmso of Nebraska courts for ISbO
was SIS2SO : ; averaging ? 'JC"d per county. In
Iowa they huvo forty-six district Judges. My
"riOnd , Mr. Dickie , tried lo deceive you by
stating that thera wro only twenty-four
udpes and thut twe.nry-two of them had
. ertiiled that prohibition does prohibit in
Iowa twenty-two ore not quite one half of
forty-six. Why did ho not tell you there
were fortv-six Juclycsf In Kansas the coin- *
expenses aggregate $ -U ! > , ( K ( ) . It is an itidls-
> utablo fact that the criminal expenses of
: owu have increased over ? , ' 00,000 within tbo
ast two years. Tbo superior condition of
! - ebrnska is strikingly shown in the reports
nado to mo by the sheriffs of Iowa , Nebraska
and Kansas within Iho last two days
as regards the relative number in
ilioir | county jails. lu Sllcountiesof this state
51 Jails are vacant , nnd in the remaining 113
county Jails ItfT prisoners wore confined on
the first day of July of this year. In the 7fi
out of y. ) counties of lown that have reported
there were U29 prisoners in 5 , ' ) Jails , only ! J'J
county Jails were vacant. In Kansas , very
much the same proportion prevails.
Now , fellow citizens , I appeal to you to ffo
to the ballot box in November , not under tbo
impulse ol emotional Insanity , but with tlio
calm , clear Judgment of men who have to de
termine a grave question for themselves ,
whet bur you want to vote for n stnto umoml-
iHejit to the constitution , which Is sure
to result hern as It has in all
the other states , or whether you
want to lot well enough nlono.
Put on tbo screws , if you want to , make
our license laws more rl id and educate your
people in the different towns to kccji u'way
from liciuor. I have boys , nud 1 nm no' afraid
to let them pass by n saloon. I would rather
let them jmss by u saloon than by a club
house , or no Into ono. There are moro people
ruined by club bouses In our cities than there
are in thu saloons I moan moro boys. [ Ap
plauso. ) Vou hear so much about the boys.
It reminds mo of tbo boy that never saw a
girl. I think that such boys finally become
worse than the boys that mix in society , who
Krapple with the evils nnd vices
of tbo world and fifibt them down. Teach
your boys to stnnd up. I once lived duwn
Koutb wit bin a hundred miles of wharo Mr.
Hmalll lives ; there whun I win eighteen
years old , in Stevenson , .Aln. , I lived tliero
nineteen months , and I never drunk a drop of
liquor there , because I made up my mind tenet
not do it , mid f slopped smoking , because 1
made up my mind to dp so , and I have never
smuked u cigar or a ptoo of tobacco sinco.
But 1 want that done"not by law , but by
suasion , 1 want to see you put your statutes
in the condition that men can enjoy tlmm ,
and that you do not put your laws indU-
Rruee and disregard. I ot mo remind tbo
reverend Mr. Small that In Hoston ulghly
nroh'stunlL'lprKyinen signed n a .ilnst
prohibition nnd In favor of hi h liceiibo when
lhi ( question was submitted last year , nnd I
have their names ri ht here.
( The speaker was then stopped by the
chuicman , oa the allotted time bad expired ,
and took hb scat.j
Ho UriCH CJiiTi'i'iiinent Itcorclw to DC-
I'-IK I llltll ; fillXMISe.
Ladles and Gentlemen : 'Iho president
makes the announcement that ( have forty-
live minuteto t.ilk In favor of high license.
AVlien this inciting opened tbisafu-rnoon thai
same president said , when be Introduced the
first sneaker , that ho should have forty-llvo
minutes to I.ilk In favor of pivhihilion. I
listened to him for the forty-five mlnutes.und
I did not hear anything said atiotit prohibition
or the constitutional amendment. I hard a
good deal said nbout John L. Webster. I
furnished this "original package" q'llto a
subject for discussion , And I ciimo protly
near to tbo conclusion that If I bad not boi-n
hero Mr. Hinall would not have had anything
to talk about for the last forty-live minutes
of thlsdebato. ( Applause. ]
Now , I want to s.iy simply to this pnoplo
that tlio original package decision thut ho
talked annul broke tlio backixmi * of prohibi
tion IntboRlato of Iowa , in the stntu nf
Kansas , nnd everywhere else ; anil if this
little original package which sits at my left
hamlsh.Ul keeji running on , ha shall break
thu backbone of lha state of Nebraska , [ A
voice i YM , sir. ]
Do you know what an ordinal package hi
It Is cue of these little things that you put up
In A great big bottlr , with Ihn cork in eAUal
up , that you hhlp around the country M )
ceiled p ichiiKi' , niul when yon want to ktinw-A
the contents , nil vou have to do Is to pay tie
price and pull the cork nml let tha 'lawe ' * ' !
run , So this prohiblllon Mnlna hiw
hired thli little pacuagi' , " nnd shipped yott
outto Is'cbni.ha ( applauso' , and I Hiippoa * at
thu rnto jf about f-'Hiur Jsftfl a day , and you
can pull the cork Iur forty ue 'iilnutoa
lol It run , [ 1/uughtor. |
lint , hulies and pctittonion , 1 hnvo aoinB-
thing tnnre serious to talk about this nftsr-
eon than to waste my forty-IUo minutes In
ulliini : about nnd mlvi-rtislnj1 it1. ) Uttlofrlenuj
Ilito him , I would HUH to < i-u-rt.iln htm , I
vouhl like to advertise him , but I i-iiwodovra
ore to talk about u giont subject which ha
coins to run away fiMiii , nnil i want to WU
o you n little wlnlo. II" did lane about man-
faciurlng nbniil two mlnutoa , after I h A
hewn this audienci1 of IntrllljMit pnoplnthat *
rohlbitinn hnd wr ckud miunifacturlnjc'.lfl-A
nstrioH In tlm throe jiiMlub''km ' states jof
Sew Kngl.ind ; and my friend 1 < t-ro thought Ui
scape my argument , not by t nswor , bulto
uilt about ship building , nn if to toll this nue > '
lonco that i.o.V.i ship building Institutions *
ad been driven out of tbo utato of MnlnOl T- , '
Vhy , Cod ! , dnn't you km w thai thur Kf
overbad but two ship buddiuu Instltnthuii , i
n the state of Maine in Ihlity years ! Where ' .
Id they go to ! Driven out. 'Ins hotmtnodViT
ou onol Why , no , but bo th ows out | b < *
oinark as If they had all gout ( town In the '
uuthern stnloi thcru in sonn as Hie war win
vcr. Have you got imliip hiilMlng IiiHtltu.
ion In the state of Cicoivml I want to loll
ly friend thntl know ono thlna to bo truni -
bank tied for Iho iiorsonnl liberty of 'i '
oi-th ; wo hnvo gene iiuwn into sjino of thosn
tnte.s in the south after the wur WM over ,
k-o have Riven you niaiiiifuctorios , wo havn
; lvcn you Industries , we huvo mven you
iiinks , ami Increasnd the high el ilUatfon '
bejieople ; but wo did It after wo had injc i
ei-ional liberty down Ihereut the end of tro
Another word nbout tbls great stale of
Georgia , from which was shlppod lhl little
rlghml jiac.lcitfo MnuuhtorJ , and I want to
peak of It simply because I B--O that he and
Ills lady nro .so closely United together. I
upposo It In a mutual undcrslni ) lu.g und a
oniblnntlon to roast me ; one spcUia for pro-
ihltloii and Iho other for woman nuffi-ngo ,
nil neither ono of them ever speaks unless
lu'.v link both subjects together , like a pleco
' dress cloth. Hut , down in that
Into of ( Jeorglu , with which Mra. Oougnr ,
rom the stale of Indinmi. would link the lit-
lo package -down from tbo state of ( leorgla ,
liutOovornor CJonlon tlmt you talk about ,
lalrlot thai ho Is , talklnir to thn confedorntos
mil the federals together at thnt snmo coro-
louy was tlio same ( loveniur ( inrdon who ,
n the nionih of last April Issued u coinmls-
ion from bis nllK-n ns governor of the Htute of
ieorgiii. uudor the state enpltol that I
allied about , appoint ing a mnn down there asj
vhlpping master , whoso duty It wai TI-J ,
uttind whin tbo women who weifrnt ti
ho penitentiary ns i-onvlcts. At.d if Ihy
iolati-d the prison ruins of the stale of
leoiyin , the whippitiR master nppolntod by
no great fiovcrnor CJonlon Indicts the lashes
pen their backs. Jit that la the kind of
oman siilTrngo you want ( turning to Mrs.
Jougar ) , and if ho is the man to defend it ,
on nre welcome to him , [ Applause. ]
[ Mr. SmallWo are iolnir to change nil
; mt when wo cot woman sulTrago. I
I want to talk ngalnst prohibition n little
hllo ; that Is the thing that I was brought
own hero for , and I expect to go homo with
bo declaration and u clear conscience that t
ave at leant talked about U a part of theme
, mo since 1 liavo been down hero , as much
s these people would let me. l-'or the two
eriods of time which wcro allowed to this
iscussion and which have already gene by ,
vo have been talking uboiit everything , pcr-
aps , excepl the simple question whether
rohioltlon prohibits.
I do not behove there Is nny sensible man
r woman here that wants to vote prohibition
ilo a constitution if you bclievo thaMtis
olng to bo n dead letter when it Is there and
not KolnK to do anybody any good. If you
re going to put It there simply for the sake
f the Idcn , without accomplishing Ntyifr
ult , then I wanl to tell you that you ftfe trifts
npwith the great fundamental Instrument
y wnTch your ( 'ovcrnmont is maintained.
tell you prohibition is wronf ? In principle.
ind when my friend talks uboiit prohi * ' " ' * *
einp a law of nature , -
an finds prohibition In
with the "very gci
' ' : "J
ilng , thoyUjtm , , ! ,
evidence ot the
mcnt My friend Small
rnvo you came 'about as noargivn !
ration as anybody hai Bluco.tlmidWcJlj ; ;
pened , when ho was . tbfi-.fpi
rs of Ibis stuto nTalnst rallroadsj nu.d ri
n with Ha little about the tariff protect !
as if that was to carry prohibition I '
Have yon ever hoard or read of an uot of
congress which prohibited the importuUon of
commerce into the I'nited States } I toll you
10. What you road in the great tariff Inwa
of the country was nlmply a production , and
'f you import a certain article you should j > ay
i certain revenue upon it in the form of a
nrilT. What was It ? Why , I tell you it was
simply a reputation llxed upon the Importn-
.ion of merchandise , Just tlm kind of n rcgu-
ation wo nut upon tbo man who sees
our high license city If you run u saloon you
shall pay a license to the government for tha
irivilegoof doing it. Why , It U regulation ,
not prohibition.
Go a little further : The thought was
hrown out that because soiuewhert in tha
ilblo , during the time of Moses , that tortuln
.hings wore prohibited , thai Hint wat prohi-
iltlon. Let me sea Just a minute nbcut that
ort of thing. Wo have in the bible a great
nany things which are denounced nn wrong.
VmotiK tin-be is Iarcenylasciviousno3sdnmk-
onnoss , and a host of other nvils.but nowhere ,
I tell you , liov. Samuel Small , within the lids
of the bible , do yon Hnd laid down any law
> y wbich it is declared that you shall bo pro-
libited to tbo extent of carrying on all thcsa
things out ofvhlcb these evils come. You
are talking nbout the prohibition of the inan-
ifneuiro and the sale of liquor. I tell you
tbo man cannot lay his linger upon the words
where there is a prohibition against the man
ufacture of wlno In the biblo. Drunkenness
denounced , crime 13 denounced , Jusl pre
cisely ns the civil law of this state denounces
crime , it denounces larceny , it denounces
forgery , it denounces theft , It denounces
uurglnry , and these are Mmply punishments
iiillk'tcd upon the man who commits lh
crime Itself under process of regulation.
Let mo illustr.ita the f.u.-t a littla : V.'o
hnvo it put down in our statutes thnt tbo man
who steals property and is convicted of tb
crime , shall bo sent to the penitentiary. It Is
made a penitentiary crime and why is lar
ceny committed I It is because the man who
steals my property bus no right to It ; ho
wants it for his own use. He misappropri
ates it ; ho takes It from mo wiUiout uny
equivalent. Wo punish him , ami bccunsaha
loved tin ! money which he stole , have wo any
law in tbo great state of Nebraska prohibit-
man from having money ?
AVhcn n man commits the e.rimn of forgery
ho is sentenced to tlio penitentiary. If ha
forges u check upon the bank upon which I
happen to have a little dcpjsit , dots the law
step In with tbo constitutional amendment ,
mid say that yon shall not write cheeks for
fear that a man who is disposed to criminality
will commit turnery I We convict pjrsons o'f
passing con nturfcit money , and for the cor
rection nf It , nml because they love money ,
too , do wo prohibit llio use and having of
money I 1 tell you , gentlemen , if you pro
hibit the use and having of inminy by constl.
tullnnnl innciiilincul or otherwise , and vou
could not pay It out Mr services , your llttla
"original package" from the stale of Licorgi *
would not bo boio at all. ( Applause. !
Mr. Sinull I will cumo for nothing whe-ii-
cver you nro up.
Why. the thing Is wrong In principle from
beginning to end. I ask t'io ' people simply to
consider uny suggestions which may bo muds
by these who follow mo in lids prohibition
camp meeting which I am advised will las
for two cr three days after I go away , for I shall have converted some of yonrpeo-
nlc.nndyou want to got thorn back In lliofotil.
In that great prohibition camtMiicotliiK , wlion
tlmy give their illustrations about pniln 1)1-
bition , I want you to probe thorn and son
whotber or not they ore simple matters ot
Does it ever prohibit ) Bomohody in thli
niullcnro was anxious on onu ortwoocr-a lou *
to ask mo about thu state nf ICunsas and tin
state of Iowa , At tlmt time I could not say
anything nliout those two prohibition statcj ,
ns I did not have sufllcienl tlmo. I want uoM
to give you a little table on thut subject , and
1 will commence with Urn state of lo\vi. :
You had prohibition , con titutiounl prohibi
tion tbcro beginning in I'sM , and you had
constitutional prohibition in the btalo of
Inwa for n great many years prior to thnl
tlmo. Wi'll , UH- > have ainvu tuu'o in the i < y
of New Y.irh a nowapapor ; they c.dl a Hit
Yuleo ; they ship It here to the state of N
hrnska to convert those ] H > oplo In ftnor of
jirohibltlon and ns against high llo-u-.c. , I
will turn lo thu punur called the Voice , undci
date of July U , and find In U a prtutcJ tabll