- 4fl THK OMAHA BEiE SUPPLKME.NT. IB BATTLE BEGUN. full Report of the Prohibition -Iligl Li- couau Debate at Beatrice , fllE CHAUTAUQUA GROUNDS THRONGED , 3ix Ttotisitid 1'coplt Liitcti Attentively to tlio Oprosing Chainplons. fllEY CHEER THE ANTI-LICENSE MEN , GisscsantlOronia for the Aelvocatc3of liquor Saloon Kcguhtioa , A QUESTION OF PUBLIC POLICY , Prof , Dick. I e nntl SninS null Armin Llio Cnso fo - I'rolilbllliinVMIu Mr. Jlohcwntrr nnd Jolui Ij.Vcb - Htcr Uphold Hlul > lili.Miso. . n\cry vat In the Ilcatrioo Chantauqua dboinaolo was occupied durlnt ? the to ilayi ( .Hily5 and 7) ) of the grx'it clclutoon prohibi tion lerans hl h Ikeiisc niul fully siithou Hind ptHjple IMoncHl to It with rapt attention The spoiluMi upholding prohibition wore 1'rof Sati'iic-1 Ulclcoy of Michigan , chairman of tin ) naliopiil OM'cutlio i-otumitteo of tlio prohibition pitty , nnd liw yam Small , ivhllo Ivhvanl I { > o\vJtor , nditor of Tin llrn , ntiil.lohn L AVobstcr niKiiodln f.uor of hlKhlleoiise. llio great majnritj woio rank prohibitionists ntul several Imndiiiit of them hod boon Impelled froiiilCansis anil tlw sur- rouiiillnir eountry to cmphnl/o a3 much as possible ? tliit prohibition iviiH In thi'ftsccndanl livery liuh of the platform \vu occupied Each speal.cr vas given foity minutes tlmo nnd the ehilrnnin , \ , W D.v ld on , found it nei-c-vury sovrnil tliiu-sto reprove the aiidieneo for ininife tiiiK dlsiourtivty to the anti-prohlbitloiiUta.iiio ixbuitcd them to treat nil the debaters , no matter \\hat \ tholr i , v\lth tiirno i. rs OIMCVIMO. die Outlines tlio CUM mill Illustrate' ! , IIli Points. Samuel Dlelilo , being iutiod.ii.od by tlio chairman , spolto as follows : IVIr Chdrnnu , luho'sand gontlomon' Tb timont my command It limited and I can vi at > to 110110 of It. Wo nro tut hero for ordl nnrj bponh nuking but for tii3 ellscusslon of n ii'iit question of iiibhe policy I shall limply outline the case , loservin , ? for n later tour stall .thai information and testimony from competent p.utlua 1 stand hoio to ilo- fend Ihe position of legal piolubltiou of the drink ti-.illlo. 1 k'lioin tbo saloon ought to be prohibited bee-ni'-o the saloon , standing as the ropu1- Biiililtvoof the iiholo trafile , presses no po\vir toudd to tlio people's iv o.ilth , but rep- loscnta n vast absorbing poviu1 todostioj- v.-oalth of the nation , f staiil how todoelaro - and will pioduee , before wo are thioiigh with this discussion , & , itis factory o\l- di'iico tl.it the drink trafilo in the stnto of Kobiaskn , from the eoiimiemcinent of thu process of manufuetmo down to the point of hnal consumption. Ins never added ono dollar and never contributed ono dlmo to the aggregate values of this great common wealth. [ Applause. ] I am awaio thit the pentlctneu upon the other sldu of this discussion nny point to wealthy blow era. to men \vlio have grown enormously rich in the m.imifioturo of strong drink , and they may under take todeduco tlio nrpument that becaubo A , H nnd 0 have crown > \enltlivln tlio dunki. fvy tralllo Is verdth producing , out the iiKitrwiio KOOS tonight mid breaks Into a bank of the city of Beatricennd carries avay 100,000 , if ho es capes thooQIccrs of tno law , maj boiiealthy for the Iwlaiico of bin daj % but the burglar Is not engaged inn , -wealth producing business. The gmnl'ler inny accumviluto money , but thognmblcr pioduccs to vealth. ' 1'ho suc cessful pickpocket may acquire vast posses sions , but iic'ithor the burglar , the gambler nor the pickpocket l-scii ngcd in a wealth producing industry. In ovcrjouo of these cases that I Invo refeiteel to by way of Il lustration the party takes the money from his victim and yiics no valuable ) thing as consldciation Now I ask , and I submit It to the Intelli gent judgment of this great nudlcnco , may 1 not Introduce u fourth term Into the proposi tion nnd declare that the burglar , the gambler , tlioph'kpoeket amltho siloonkcoper all take the money from their victims imdgivono valuublo thine m return [ .Ap- pl.msoj. I > t mo tr\ the simplest sort of mental ei- peiliuetit I go to this man bc toro me , Lo poi hups spends foO a v ear for his clothing , and I sai to this man , "ICt'cp light on , glio your tailor ? 1 ovoij' Saturdiy night , but ro- iusoto incept hlsgoodiandvouiiill bowisor and hotter toi thcihaiige. " Jk.iy tothlsludj , who possibly spends $200 n jcar upon hei wanhobo , "Co ! right on , madam , bestow your nionoj upon the drj goods denier nnd the dressmaker , but accept iioproods and take no semeos In return - turn the'ivfor" And you toll mo it would notbo vise : that ho who Riles his money to thobutehor mul tlio baker anil receives iioth- iiigln return Is Riling evidencoof a lack of tii-iictic.il vvibdom ; but I go to this other m m , w lie b pond * what fora thinking nun inn voij bimll sum -Jl.OdO pel year aud I siy to tins mm , "Vein must eontilbuto to the pupiiort of the s.iloonUepcr and his family If jou nould nuke It possible for the Miloonkeep r to diiell In n house more superb than jou can afford to own If jou must contribute to the saloon- Keepor'.sabilitj todress hisivifeandehiUlien In silks and Mtiusvhllo , j oin-s mo clothed in calico ami ( ? oIn raffs , if jouiuu-.tnuiko it pis- BIbio foru faji'ooiiVcepe'i ' to Imvosirloin rout upon his dinner table cen dai , u hilo jou Biicilv lip Iho D.iclstain on a Sulurdai night with a bit of liver under jour nrm-lf jou must do the o things , " I saj to the drinking jnnu , ' 'in God's ' uiimo scad your nionoy to the saloonkeeper as u doniitl m and stiy avny f win his plice of buMiii'ss' [ App'ui ' o ] Ji'ow If th"io pivposllloiisnro tuio thpy but emphnsi/e tliodeilai-ation that the values In- \olu > d in the chink tr.irile aio v tint the economhts call llitltioOT values and not ival values If jeu weio to destroy cveryih-ojiof intoxk'iitlnij itrlnk cqiitiiinedithiti the lim its of Nebraska on this Satunlai afternoon , banish it all , burn It off , consume It m the Jlainos nnd when the flame& luul licked up the last drop o f U the btato of NVbusknould not have lojt ouo iot.iofhor.wtua ! value. [ Applause ] . aiiosoenpago.l In the business misht suffer financial loss hut the total leal laluesof tlm comniouiiealth would sufferno decreisej by the Instantaneous dcilnetlon of the c tithe product ot bieweiy nnd distillery JJut this irnftlc , Mlnlo possessing no poxvar to create woalttiJ.jH8 OaSiiI of a \ * > i jOiver to ab- fc6fb wealth. Ills n fruitful sourcoof povorty. It t ivcs cmplovineat , it Is true , to a considerable number of men , but ho who is not piolltably employe I , mid whoso labor uroduces nouse ful product , Is expending his energy in a prolllless task , audwere 1 to cpend-hnd I that amount of mono-ono million dollars In rearing some vast mound upon your wutern pralrlos , I mlcht bo pajlntj out the money In vages to daj laborers , to teamsters , lo mechanics to reiirnn aitlfldal mouutalu soveial thousand feet In height , I miRlit itceiva rcrcnuo therefrom , pro vided tlio people vioula pay 5 or 10 or SO cents for the privllogo of asicndlupr my nrtlllclal niound , but If I did not contribute to the \vellare of my fellow men , if I did not fur- pish Innocent recreation to the people but , on the contrnrj' , cvory onoliundrcth man vho nsccdod my artlllclal Mountain fell down and hroliO a le ? , evcrv Ilvo hundicdth man In Ids lioadlongtuiiiblo broke his iicvk-thcn I nsk , lias inv 11,00(1,000 ( , , nlthoupli fji'vlup employ- jnent to a laito ii\Biber of luboriiig men , has that nionoy ocen profitably expcndisl ami really co.tt ributed to thilluauclul welfare of the people ! And you tell mono " " bo 1 aftlrm that , while the brevers nnd fllstlllersmnj glvocniployiiioi t to labor , jet la they proeluco a product destitute- real roluo , pewsessod of no \ mvcto \ moot the la- loceut-vuatsof tha jioople , tlut labor aa roll u thfl raw material ls ItUrly sel forever waited from the stand- point o ( th6 economist. N'ny , moro " 3hU triftle > robs hborliothof Its justtewards and of Its fair np | irtuiilUi * i IIIIMJ roiintly Rotnewlnt carefully gene into th" > st'itUliiiloHiMiOPiof llto I'iso and I tlml tluit tin1 H une ani'iutit ' of IK'vl rnpll d tlnl stimds boliliul nno u worker , and Kiies piollt ibl > e up1 m mont toimonmtiin tlio drink tritllo , tliatMiiiH'i'iipltil , if Invested iiitho in.iniifae tuii ) ofluniliiiorumitiuotl'ia ' of ftiriiituro or biilMini ! of fi-nmo houses tuij In vooeloik p'tuTiillv , the sumo mpltnl would tt\io \ pmlUnMo otnplojmonttn six and uuiMinlf men iftit- vistoilln the maim failure of boot1 * nnd.shoiM. tollviitiion if in tin1 tnlii.iK'of cn.il niul lion ami in the iron imliistrj In p-m-ril would ulu1 piulltiiulp e'liiplojliiontto fimr anil thive- roiirthsnion , and i-c < ! iplui ( nil the Indn tiU s known Ic , our pcoplo Into ono mass wo llnd Int tin1 sawn iMipitm tliit | ! l\ < s employment .nnuoinaii In tliiMlfinlc tunic * wonM oil the iienipo in v employment lo about dmr nftil iiic-tliliil Him inthf hone.it liiJusliloj ur- rii'il onltv oir p'ipio So I my , from the lulnstrl.il end from tin ( vnnoiiili standpoint , wo Ijolifvoin tlio j'l 11'- tlml niul thi'e-enuplote'kxal prohibition oftlio cliiuk liiillK- JApiilmsi'j 1 cannot tilto tiino to speak from ttwsoelil and tlw moral shtiiliiilnt. Tin ae pioposltlimitnny no ills- custi-il Inter Is'ntt' , vihatnro IK * of the ! ob jections 'Jhoy aioqiillo niimonms 1 hud thought Hi it tlio oil rrv of personal llliei-ty , us ui-.iMu > riilint tlm prohibition Ide.i MIH a'uy of the pi-stil > ut I discover now anil tlii'H wmio nnllip-ailan siMiiitimcl a Kip Vnn WinkleIn tlio liMirinlistlo Hold \vlio has licen so uniilse an to irul liU OVMI nouspnpe'r until lie believes the tiling it rim Mlns. [ Applause | Ho v.ill como foriv iril iiltlia proposition , as they soiiu'titnos ilo InN'ebiiHlc.i , in tin1 muspap'r tliit pudilliltlnn h an miiviirraitli * llnv.uniu ofthoporsuwil lights of tlio individual iIU- 7111. I answer , prohibition Invades imrsonal Iluertv only o-s nil flvtll/ilioti invaleil por- soniil llborti , piiililbltlun Intorfi'iysUlth the ptivato l iKl't1 ' * ut Hie InilU 1 lual i it i/o i onli' as all progress from \vuerj to dilli/iiion lops off tholiull\ldunl \ rights oftho Isolated limn. \Vliy , personal llbc.'rt ) . in u Brent iiiiiny of our Teutonic ! ft lends tulle , about It , exists nowheio outsldo of complete aavainry , niul I trust that no mini viill atiiid nplinst ami pro'inimco nidoitrino an un- .Ainoiiiaii ormmfo iloetiine. Hitllstniiil hue todiy to confess tlrit , In a i rffitly propir sense , prohibition docsin- v ido tinii'ilm of the complete poison nl llb- citv ottholndiiidunleltinn Hut , H CJnlmt tills us in his .idtnii.ible noi-lcon tl.o history of oi\IIUallon.jivili ( atlnii ischaiictLMbiHl bv 110 one thin , ; iiwro diMih thin bj the volnnhry CDiicesslon of thu libci'tns oftlio ImUvlilimldtl/cn tliat ho ui-iv onoy ] sonii'- tMiiKilfhiranil bolter tluui < lvil lllicrtj of oi aiil/od socii-lv " 1 lime very liltlo pitlomo an I but sniall res- sport for tlu ! iiiunimt n'iilnst prohibition , bisoiliipon the irv of p.wmalllbcilv AVhy , joti niul I miy iiilleiouruilrniiit of our pri- Mto rUhUiimllnivo oiir nonou il llL > oitlos Invailtd fuistniitly. It Is nit bin tholfArnony of lhopt itniiallll > vily of tlio Inrllvlilual 1111- restrihifd by social coimldn.itions to pro ulioutllu * stivctiof Hnatllco n l.i A'lain bo- forc the f.ill , but let my mm uiidertiko to dn tliut sort of thinj niU ho llmU out atonoo tli.it the proprieties and tlu deu'iuMos of modciii uhlli/itioii ha\o pro'cribi'd us to hut n man shill \veir , imil oipeeiilly as to wlrit bo shill not v/c'ir. | Apphuso | Win , \\onrotol"l by thi fi'iitli-inon. tlioy lift vip thtir hinds hi Inly horror mul tliov a-.lt in if MO propose to Ic'jislito .n to what mi'ii shall i.it niul what tbinslull ilrlnlc.aud wn.it they shall \vc.ir AYi'll , tot diroi-tlv Seine Inniif'r ilvo miles out of HcattiLO ionics Into jour city ou Noiul n inommmiiul coiihults aiuittorney UK sins , "I ha < l an animal th.it ilioil 011 Sund ly monilnn' Now , " slid ho , "is Iht't'o anrthlni ; that stands in my viay of drosslnj ? that illsraspil annml ami usliig it for food in HIV own fam ily , " and tlio mm , Miso In thoaftali-s oftho liw , tolls him , " 7\'o ' , sir , but as a friend I Monlilnotiilviseyotito doit , but asu imttor of law you iavo a perfect iyht toilofo. " "Hut , " s.iid lie 4'tlioro ' is inoro than Iran consume ; may I not dress It ami put it on uiirkcti " "iQ'o , " snjs tliolavvor. "wo hnvo .1 prohibitory stotuto In the state of No- bnisL" rfv'aiist Ilio scllingof diseased meat. " l'J3ut , ' < 'says the proposal seller , "Iwlllud- ertise it nssuch ; the puichascr sinll buy it Mith full knowledgeof ) the facts " "N'o , " tlio lawyer tells him , "tlio Icnowledgo and consent of the purchaser in 110 wny relieves you of the obllttntlon lou have assumed , and you cannot put diseased moat upon the market and sell H oven with the kuo\vlcdgi ) and con sent of thopurditisci. " Hero oui personal liberties arc hedged agiln. I bee that brmtiful horse passing along the Breonjomlcr , and I have no doubt wore the Ki'utlcinim in thocarilicro behind him to put him tothoiei-y top of Ills sixcd , there would be none to say him nay , but let him tilto that saino horse downtoiho city of Ornaln , hlchundir the hiKhliceiibO regime , arrests onooutof ten of all its population the joar around [ Applmso 1 I cannot Imagine tthatjou nrocheorlnRfor Ithought you \\oulrtt.iko \ out > ourhaiulk ( > r- cldefanndwcepovor that thoiipht. Hut let him goto Mr. KosowUc-v's city and go out on tlio broad streets of that growing city and speed the animal at the virv top ot his -peed and ho vould not co ; t\\o blocks hiforo some poliooman , if ho was diaK his duty , would haio the horse by tbg bits and an other pollcnnan vould have theilrix'cr by the coit collar arid ho i\ould \ IUJT him up to the iwheooniee. his personal llbi'rtj invUod. U'byl At the behest of the public good Sunllpor bri'.ilca out In jour funilyand , your personal libeity is at ouco lestralnod , You i-innot go out of yo-ir door ami up and ilonntho streets as formerly A\hyi \ Bo- causoyoiir personal rifW must j iioay bo- foie the demand of a higher yood , the preser- latio-iof the lultliohi-alth. I will go sumo of tnoso days down to Omalia after ptohibltlon pre\nils and itgct-i lit Itu u Kintleman to livoln [ AppliUbc ] and I u ill bo oa siuh excellenttornis my fuond , Mr Koicwatcr , that I can get his endorsomi nt at thob ink for $100,00) ) : I will spend half of it In bujiiigim elojr.int building lot I'k'Ut in tLohoait of Om.iln and thoa I \MUiuc-unmlatoafjieitquantity \ of buildmg imitfil.il and some ku.tlful nioriilng a con- llonim u 1th a blue coat and brass buttons ivill wait upon mo and he will say : ' Sir , aio these year promises' ' ' I tell him they.110. "la this jour building raiteihli " I asbiiro Win it is. "N'ow , " lie MJS , "will lou show me jour p'ansaud ' spoeilicMtioiis ! " lrefiiao. | liopuriUtbiiiitl Ijk'ld Hebokstlioni o\or "Uovv , sir , " he > sai , "Isoejou iutoiid to build afouvstorj fr.iino houao. " I .issuro him ho is coiroct "Ifow , sir , ' ho adds , 'It is my oftlcial dull to servo upon \ouaiiotiio \ tint jou uimotlmilil a frame house on tliU lot And I \\n\a \ \ boon rculing TUB OMiiiv lUr.aud abaorbed Mr. Uoso u.itci's ' i 'r > niial liberty iduis , and I siy , "tins Is a , straniro pro- wodlng , " and I talk nbout the fourth ol f Julyundo pluribusumun , and tlw blood of f our forefathers , and the stais anil stripes , and the personal liberty of the Indhldua ! ilti/en , ami I bay , "things hue come to a niiHU pasi if on mi o\vnioal estate I omuot build any sort of nhousol pleise. " But 1 rave as long as 1 will , talk as loudly as I inro to , 1 run rifjht up lurd against n prohibition tluit Mitbin the llro linuth of a gieatelty no fraino build- luc hh ill bo civutcd ] .Applause ] . Nohen \ my fiicndst.dk. as they very Illtelj will ibout prohibition Intorfcrmsuitn the private rih'hN of the indliunnl citucn , thiill \ not lie distussins tin ) question wo are here to examine 1'rohibltion does nol contunidato the individual drinklntr man , prohibit ion docs not propo- to Interfere with the private rights of unj citi/m. It takes a broad , comprebpuslie , t > tatesuiatililiO view ol the situation. Prohibition says the saloon Is a bad thing ; prohibition snjs the saloon creates no values ] prohibition sajs thosaloon absorbs vast val ues ; prohibition snjs thosaloon coirupts the poopliJ , terrorizes the politicians , suborns wit- nobacs , buys legislatures ; the saloon tears dovn what the best forces of modirn ciilllza- lion would build up ; prohibition says , ami proposes to saj it hero in Nebraska , that tbo saloon miiit go [ appiuso ] and if in the process or the banishment of thosaloon thoiudlvldual driulicr slnll suiTersomo cuitalluient of his former rlght-s.homust cspectthisand receive it as the necessity of the case anil clrcum- stiuuo an ituldeiit and not the objective point , Tlw object Is the suppression of the saloon system because the saloon system li the enemy of the commonwealth' ' ] bo t welfare , [ Applmso ] WellI heard nman the other day on the caw object to prohibition because ho said yea cannot raakopooplo peed bj * law , and I was sorely tempted to remind that self same man that to my personal knowledge ho ivns made peed and sober for the lint time in live ) ears uy beliiff placed In the clutches of the hw and locked up In the 13 an go r JaiL [ Applause ) HoU frolnp to lecture somewherotomorrow night , [ Applause. ] Xot that it would not bo aery greatmlsiortuno if 110 wcro tomako people good by law , hudaulo though such an t bo , but it U to inako tbo coadl- lions favoniWo to goodness. Ai KnKll h M-itesninn , tJlidstono fald ! "Itli I'm duty of tlio sUite to nni'io ' llns liird iw pr > 3 iiiU ) > to do ivroiiu an I as easy us posalblo to dorijrM , _ . . , , Niiw in the Uvo or tliii o mlntitri nllll loft mo 1 de lm toiu-osiiit one item ot statlHtidl 1 ' Information 1 hal oev isloii this tnornliifito mo can-fully pippnml statistic liu roisn of % alno under prohibl- the stale of ICmisas as eomp.iivdvllli lioir im'ii'asiMmilir hlRh Itienseln tlio state of IS'i'ttrmlm. ' niul I found this to be true : Talcing th ) sivorn st.iteine-it of tlio state auditors In both ea ei , tliit ho stito of Kansas , durltiR iilno eiiM of piohlbltlon , bin imivascd h'H' ' issi sod valiiitim HKHJ. ( ( ) ) mow thin .hototnlinlintlonof the state of Ncbraski. [ Applnine1 ] I llnd that the state of Kaunas lus In- rinsed her nsso-wd vduatloii during tlio .lino Jill's of pmhlliiliritt nt I'm rate of OiVmn.tWi n jiiir \Mtitjou 1 to heir it iCniwis hu'u'nsiiii ; her v line * -joiHO.kK ) ( ) evotv yi'iir , si'id I llnd aeeordlnir lo the sumo : oxrt Unit the ktatc of N'obr.Hk.lhns In- n-oi'i'd her total v.ihliitioti Viet > OHJO per ie'iir , sot'lut ' Idl'isis , under prohibition , his ncii'iisid hoi inluoH $ | | , iiixooi ) > per nnniiiii iioiii r.iiillly lli.mlho Inerejso of vnlucs In I'ouvown state u.idor higli llcoaso [ Ap- ) ti Inve oonsliliu-alilei injro lo say along this line , but I simply puisolinroto niv'iio how 1,111 a bwliu'si produdiiK " " vnluiblo pimluet aid to the vului's nf llio statulloiieanii trnllli * loiitrlbutluir to llio jurpotiiitloiiof piup. ilsm , of cilinoof , ilisuse , llm tluvaunin ? of lininui llfo nnd tholioircii'y of .v v ist multitude of j-o r popu lation -how Mich binlnoss tint ' - i in u , 'un- itseiitlie trifllc on theoronumiepi-iiii'i- ploof pitting Hoiiu'thiiig for imtliin ; luw i-antliat business ilel to the totil v lines nf Uiepo > | ic nf tlio statol And yoiiimsiior me , It is impi > siie. ) | Veil , v > niilim M the-iii gentlotiiun on the oUiir .ililo 110 dlspniul to tell us thut pro'u- ' bilhn elm's not prohibit , tint it Is novvhu'o put intopraitu-alelToet 1 hive no tlmo at proicutto I'li'ivjisstliatqut'stinnnt Ir.igtb 1 do lie toealljourattintionto tlio cluiactcr- istlis surrounding tint proportion \Yho nnikes tlie stnteiiiiiit \VhoillMims J \ that pio- liibitioniloesnot piolilhiti 1'eter Her sii pnililbill m docs not prohibit , Imt 1'oler Her spends Inn rnonoy freeh to H. O that pro'il- ' hitiim clws not huvo a clianco to prove a loil- ut-i'ln .Ni'br.iska. [ Applause ] 'Iho iiiitinnnl liquor dealers , through the ! pllil n itioin of tholr hou.o at Ininsulle , K > , are telling the ponplo lint prohibition does'not prohibit , but thty n ls d SI fUMMKHo sio toll th-it prohibition In O'llo ' did not luvo a ehmco to proves dismal fuil- uro 'llicy are spuding out rtoi'iitnonts f 10111 fi it publication hentso telling you on one 10saiiiopigo two rttuirluhlo thing1 * : K"lrit , tint loiva hcuiscd viilh v leant build ings , wlicro the ailoonsit \ bocn driven oil , andsocondlj , Unit then ) is IIIDIV Iniuor in the si nlo of Iowa thin tlmo over wua before. Isiiy.iitiiloubteitly the nnn who -wrote tint e-t i i'ii l.ir hail bHMipra < tlein , ; his own ilotrtiliin before Iw satdoxvii totho duk and was pretty th HDiiulily rmddlod in the uppu1 stoiy. Lot im iiflltm 1 knoiv nillimillion K noiiroof but in my hnitu , In my List inlimtolot me * iininn tliit pnihl'iltlun ' In prohibitioi stitis ( and I mil piovo it bi'foio 1 am done1) ) is boiler wiforiL'd fun hlh lleenso in the stito ofNebiisk.i [ Ap'il.niso. ] [ AvoieoVo : \ knniv it ] IJiorjbody knows it 'Jhuroii mt a smslo rostiictiio feituro of your hiv'li licoiiho law in this state that is not \iolited continuilly ilgbtln the city of Otiiiha , tint pir.ieliso , th.it model titj % [ apmause1- ] tint most repuUbloaboelo wlaio bei mrKO a perci itayo of her people nro annuallj ariestod Liquori& sold thereon Sunday , liquor is sold there onlo iilholilays , lio.nor is sold to minors , liquor is sold to mem in the hibit of beioining intOKieiteel j\dulteuitcd drinks arobold-marlc you , not a sln lei dofuidoi of hiyli licuibo 11 bo mil appeir on thli plat- fonn has e-vcr unilortikun the task of en- foidn lilghlleemo in the city of OniaUa or .u tUo .state of Xobraski. fA.ppUu.so ] IDAYAltl ) JlOSJJiVATEK. Ho Qnotos Fuct3 nntl ritj ros In Hup- p rt of Iligli Iilcjense. The Iloa. IMward IJoscMaterthonspokoas follows : Jlr. President nnd ladles and gentlemen : In this era of our civilization , on the np- proiehof tbo twentieth century , it will scorn stntiROto these viho nro iioll read and ncll Informed that any man should nppeir before as Intelligent an audience as this and nnlco thoassertion that the liberties of individuals ha.o been continuously inoro aud more"cur tailed as civilization has adiiinccd. It does SCLIU to mo a paradox in the fico of the fact that the people of New UnKtand , who hwo repealed so many of the laws thit their ancestors en- noted iiithoeirlier part of the satenteuitli cciitiiry ; of these , In f.iet , viho liavo tiled pro hibition in the'ir own grand state of Massa chusetts , and after triin Itfuiily repudhtccl it , and have adopted- system of reuulatlvej locil option and high licoiiso. Many of jou are notaxvnio , porhins , that the l-'uiitans , who came over fiom llnfjland , cmcteda series of laws tlut Mould , in the light oftho piosmt ccntuiy , soein obnoxious. 1 Invohero nconciso eompendlum of these laiis and \vill real you two or thioo of tltc'n : " o food or lodging shall bo offered , a Qinker , Adimitoor other heretic. " 'If ' any poison shall turn Quaker , ha shill bo baiiUhod and not suffered lo return , on pain of death " [ Luughtcil "No ono shall mn on the Sabbath day , or walk lit his g.n-elen or clseivheto except lov- craitij to and fiom meeting. " ' N't * one &hill tniv cl , cook vktuals , raiko beds , siiecphouse , cut hilr orshmoontho Sabbath daj " "Xoiioimn slnll kl lier children on the Sabbath daj or fai.t ehj * . " How would j-ou like such 1 iws liitjraftod upm our constitution ) ' Whooverwe-at s clothes trimmed vilth pold , slliev w bono line tibove two bhilllns | per yaid , shall bo piesunted hy tlio grand jiuors mil the select men shall tax the offender on his estate. " "Xo ono shall rend tlio common prayer boolc , lieopChrutiufis or set diys orplnyoii anv iiutruinout except the duini or lows haip. " ' The mngistrito o.tly shall join them In- mirria'o , aUhfi do it iiltli leas scandal to Chris t s church " ' Mnriledpersons must live together or bo imprisined In Jill. " [ A voluo : "That's Kood , that'agooil , lin > t rato. " Laughter and applanso ] If all tbo nmnied persons hid to Ilvo to- fjethoror bo impiUoned in jail iiynat niiny pel sons whonovi tr.ucl througli this state and pleach prohibition would now bo in jail , 1.1 lUKli'er ' mul applnuso. ] Now I submit whether or not Individual liberty has not been broadened siniothoora oftho blue hws of the Puritans But right In 10 kt mo remark that I nm amazed at t1n > statement of my predecossn- tint piohi- bltinn does not reach to t'io ' individual or the saving oftho individual-tliatitsimply svioopiaoro > 3 the horizon , so tospeik , oftlio ciitlro stnto anil imposes ppttalties utxn ) tlioso \\liodaro to dealer trafili ! in inlusicmts. Lorel M.icauley oaco wioto that the Puri tans vuro not so inn eh opposed to bear biit- nif , oum-e-ouiit of thototturo nud pain that tncy B.IVO to the boar , but on account of the pleisuro It pave to the lookers on. And nith onuil imliBiutjso to speak , these people vt ho nro now carryIng - Ing on this crusade all over this state , or a ( jreat rainy of them at least , are very much put out -when they llnd anv body enjoying u social glass of \\ino. They nro veiy much put out iihon thejllnd people bavin R rcci cation. They vnnt to be like these old Purl tins Aiho cilcd "all llcih Is grass , nnd all grass is hay"who tortured women and burnt them at the stiUo , dtovo men out because they differed vlth them In their religious views and pilloried men for doing tilings thit today would bo comldend honorable ; and I am equollj pained to sco that ray prede cessor has the nmlncitv , so to speak , to ro- flcut upon n man who has saved inoro Indi viduals from the degradation of drunkenness nnd the misery caused hy Intcintioranco , from the gicit craving which car ries men Into dens of infamy nud into jallj than all the prohibitionists that hive cier trod on the soil of Nebraska. [ Applause. ] That man perhaps did go through the nsonlcsof the same craving , perhaps ho did sutler nnd was arrested donu in Bailer , Mo , Hut why has not Mr , Dick ie referred to another wan who has published n book known as 'Tiftccn Years fn Hell , " and who Is DOW upheld by the pro hibitionists of Nebraska)1' ) ' [ Mr. Murphy , rlsinpin tbenlslo ] : "My naino is Francis Murphy , and the statement thut Ulr. Dickie made iibout ma U absolutely false. " [ Ap plause ] , 1 refer to Luther Benson , who has by his own confession la his own book declared that he U * tlU urcachln | ( prohibition bs tivecn ilrunW tliit tlrno nnd tlmo luruln. after ' wrestling with nil his liiiijril nnd ranln to keep sober In liidlirm , inMnlhv , la NOIT Hnmpshlro and In P\I I-JT Ht.ito iilruost. prohibitory and Hi'iMi'so tluit oicrv llttlo \ \ hlle , when he had that grout craving , n oruvliiBlhnlH nothini ! mi-vn'or less thin an inherited disease , ho fell fiom gi-aciN npoutcd uud ivsiiincd hli I lionorhlnvfor tint Vxv.imo I honor every mixtinhosooliito bcu mm mill uplift other inpiito tlii'h-vclof manluwl. Prohibitionists do iinttiMo sa\o UK' Itulii idinl. 'Ibey tay in dividuals mo uotlilntr. AVIint any urn , ministers 'of Nebraska , on thatl Vou are eii apdiinox'ervehuivh In this Ian 1 Irvinit tosivotho Individual , tryinc toruiso him nnd Vrlnghlmto thu path of ilrttie , the p.it h of right von mi1" and the path of Chris- lluiiltv You aw liliorinjf directly with the In ill \fdtinl \ ami right hero is the line of denial- l > at ion. 'Pino tiMi'iperince does not mean pvohlbl- tli > ntriK'tempi'nimo mdiis the diillngwltli I'.ifh indiildu.il man or oni in \ll \ the pro- fessloiialiii\hlbltI < inivKlt > t'ii who milto a IU ing out of it cannot 11:11110 : mo n single ; man or iionnii that they have smed or sought to save Tiu'iitytboiisiiiul women ate nm-eli- IIIK Hi" streets of Clile.i ; o ovirv ihv Iinvant of biwid.sullinj thi-ir bollus , nnd noboly in thu prohililtioncrond nilsos hU llttlo Ilinror or melcs tu .saAO thoin from an untimely grino nnd from n ilislmnnmblo shanu ful life. [ Ai > - plame and c-rks of i'hat's su"J Noiv no mo IIPIO to Itij to discuss this prolileni' Has piohibitliin , .iftoi duo trill nnd a fairtri il In llio iliffi rent st itos nheio It li.w b vi ! onu'ted , in ttully brouuht abuit a liettir state of innriK , bf It doue.isod tl.o ainount of drunkenness or the qmin- tity of lliUfir | t-iinuiMil ; lias it las it c mp.ied the Jails , innie , h.isit Ui'pt inoro p'opb'iuit of prison or aise 1 up theliiwlv.iml thow who fro the dltej and dens whoio thiMvont hiiior is 'old. iJcfiHijvo pot through I vill s'lhmlt ID the candid and Mr judgment of tnery man , uul iinmini lion tint ( shall PIM\U bojond i ) > IM i lv'"iitnreof a dnnbt what prolilbiti'm hauitl ily fdlol to do , us coin- p.ircil on the tails of thostnto of Ncbiiska Ami I am he 10 ted 11. not onlv uplinliUni ; the luw whlfli iiis ii'i-n la fnive since issi , not only upholding the light of our people In loiitlniioinvell dointr , but I i'ii ' her < in tlm nanio of Nebiiska to uphold her ag.iinst tlio slunderen aiuldofniiiers Who hau- all ovir this land 1'lroulutcd libehoods coi cornlntr oar depravity , ( onccrniii' ' ; o'ir lininoniliti , coiiiorniiiK our poverty nnd iMiicfi dnjj our general cusaid- ness fl-ond IniiKliter.l I im hero tiliy , ilso , to defen < l the fame of Omahl [ IjliiKliter.J 1 \l \ uit U ) siy to tinandli'iice , nnd In thopr , > ii-r of the pci sons who liavo ehn-r ct thcsithln -i , thai tbr-y hue shndoi d oir ity ; that th 7 IIIINO mlsquptnl tin pollro rounds , that thej li-ivomisuiotul the facU relitliij-to the sale nf llpior , thsittbi'i liavomiMUoted | thecrun in il statistics , ami th.it Ihei have puiposelv ialsi | > d tie p o | > bi.otonly , in thwf , ite , but in other st.it us , thu insinuate that Omaha Is tlimorynty of h 11 aliiiost. nnd thomcst ter riblepl.uu lor viu ) and ininior.i'ity ' on the fat 'i ! of tue lobe. lc'cT instaiiii' , c'ory ' eltbni ofXehrasln nuyht to take s mo pride h the citj in whUi ho Ives I hive live'd in this stito tu'cnty-heieii p.ns I linM'holppd Imdd tills stite. I hue done inv flhnie in twentiseven jrarato inereiso our population [ hud'lUKiitorJ nnd that is a frrcit deil rniiw - tH-in iialf of these pi oh IW- tionlsta lu % o ilonu lor it I do not btxl'ivo that half of thoin hn\o IneniseJ the population of unv state. [ Lnti ntor. ] T-tt mo read from tlio.Mohne linio\vii ciispiteliof Jlij lJ ! , ls H ) , whit one of the prohlbltioi lettnrcis has said' "Jiitbolocg tandiuKhltfh lleenso city of Omalii" ( llilH I' n report of n lecture which hid bet n delivered in Moline by a ladj whom In-ill not name * , nho had lectured in Omaha three ivecks before and had ample opportunity to inf o-ni herself fully m lefj.nd to vhatsho MAS ijllving illicit , luivini * as sisted inthe Kobr ikii araoi diiieiiti.unpilsn ] " \vero 270 of the 11 est appointed and most al- lurmp saloons shfMud e\or seen licensed ut 81,000 each. In tlo rear of each wus a homo of assignation ta a further attraction 'L'hcso and oihor deus of vice were openly licensed , tlio women keeping the plaee being allowed to run open house. The dtv fois by this means mis d $50,000 , whiili < iil J.2ltj > the $ . ' 70OOJ , fiom the saloons , goes to tlie suppiit ol - he free sohoola. Omaba ivith its multi- nlicity of -v ice and cilmo , and unobserianeo of Sunday , came nearer ro- inindinRtlio lictunrof aminhturo Paris than ntiycitysho hid eier seea in the country ' [ A.ioico : 'MYliatishorniimoi" ] What did she know about lj.ns morally , and what did she know about Oimiha imnioralh'l Ifivhatshochnrfrod tuie , if there wore 270 bad houses in Omaha , lic/nibcd ntid pay- inf. , as she sajs $34 $10 per month for the keepers and $ s per month for the in mates , tlio sigcreijate would amount tofi7,000 if there weio only ono keeper nnd ono innate iacacli house. 2ut ! she sajs the receipts wcro $30,000 $ , whn.li dlsproics the ehargo lighten i la fa to. It isutteily untrue that any sincrlo liquor dealing establishment In Omaha is permitted by the police uu the cities to havcnnj * connec tion or iclation with disorderly houses. On thocontiary , llio thlof of police ha for years rigidly c\cl dcd all that cl.iss of business into n part of the city where saloons are not in proximity. .And nhat is more , evcirxr complaint to tlia board of police commissioners and tbo board is appointed b > thoKOvernorlJf Nebraska and has nothing to do wth Oinat.i politicd every ono of these complaints is kllowed by the revocation of the license. Thfl facts about Oiuahii r.ro these During the yeir ISS'I ' tlw Oiniha police m.ido 8,11'J , ' nuosta ; of these 710 iiero nirson fuinlahcd with tern- poiary lodKings intho Jtatioii house , \vbeio they had sought shelter , which leaves 7,739 arusts for violition of btato la-\s Instead of 'J70 houses of assignation and ill repute , as charged livthulef inters of Omaha , thouuniber of such known to our polieo Is thiity-tiix , and 110.11 v * ulof them are isolated in nsppnatodistilit. Kovv there ureut a matter of fact In the cityof OinahvJ-lShiuor dealers at thlstimo Of thatnumbtr 18" are saloons. The olhirb nro hotels , wholesale dealers and it'bt.iurants. So far as lic-ensinfj a hotel to sell liquor is com < rued , Omaln lias done nothing moro than has been done by the eity \VasbhiKton \ , for n hotel Is now o\\nod by the vlio picsideiit of the United States. [ Cilos o"t ( > hamo. " | IS'ovv jou siy "Shamoon him. " [ A voice : "Yes , it is n shame on hlio. " ] In what cliilizcd nation or great citj can a first class hotel exist -wlthi ut some liquor being furnished foriU , picsul rilisses.J Wo llrat clisa hotel without wines nnd liquors exists la nuy city on the faoo of the tflobo outside , possib y , of Constantinople , and I doubt very much if Constantinople ovir had a first-class lotol. Unt jon liKa and malto yourselves appi ironly ridiculous when I tdl you thofiiotth.i'j ' Iwjisdo\in In Mount Vcrnoii seven or ci > 'lit years ago , tbo pbno \vlilch lias the homo md resldcnte of ( JeoiTO Washington , and 'thi-ro I saw decanters in which rum vas held , the bi ? jugs In whidi wino was hndnml in ivhlUi wino and ruin wcro served by ( joorgo Washington to his friends and Rucstanndto slrimgors Mho vis ited Mount vornoa. [ A voice : "Times are changed ' ] Ho was president of the United States and probinly Just as good as any man in this hnuso.Vo hive here , It semis , anowclvillz.iiion. Wo hwo arrived at a stap > of morals that nreso exalted and so BOOil that even George Washington ap- pcirs to bo a Tory common sinner nnd very great crhnliial. I presume Abraham Lincoln would have appeared la the sumo light. And that Ood-iaan Jesus Christ , came Into this world anil bo' ' c ima eating bread and drinking wine , fermi'nted wino , nnd not uuft-rmentod wlni. ' Ho came into this world nnd attended tlio inurriago fe.ist at Gaua and thcio partUlpited with his apos- tics ' 1'hoy took vine the wine of joy the same wino of Joy that Is drunk at every Jciv- Ishmarringoand has been for Unco thousand years , and the other diy when the grand lodge of Alisons came to Omaha to lay the corner stonoof the city hall they nouicd upon that stone corn , oil and vine the corn of plenty , the oil of pcnco and the Mine of Joy. .And no Mo&onio corner etons lias ever been laid or ever i\lll bo through the generations that are to como without the wiuo bolng pUcodsldoby aldo with the oil. Jiow tbo question simply nrlses , have wo reached that stao ( ; In the history of the world where men are letter than the law giver ivho g.ivo tlia ton commandments from Mount Sinai and did not Include the elcicuth commandment : "Thou shaltnot drink tormented wino. " .Are M'o any bettor turn Christ , who came and. ut the last supper partook of wino , tlio paschal wino , which was used In these days by Iho Jews nnd had been used for thousands of ycirs lioforo bn came , and Is mod ntthls day ntovcry orthodox Jonish tablol livery man nnd o\ory iioman at the table Is proilded Mlth four cups of wins at the puisovor feist. Vou srem to think that this is 11 great sin , and what rich I lint oiou ID do line slul What ri ht luvo jou to forbid vlmt Christ himself luw tuhM Hod andivhnt lioliuaiiot piolill > lt4iU It his bivn Mutoil IIITO that prohibition propises lo rem-h out and euit ill llio prnllegis ol tlm inillvldnnl for the bcnelltof the nasscs and it has been cited tluit the diseased meat fnuiiillit the buti her shop is taken nw.iy bjf the polieo mul uuillM-nti'd 1viint 1 t4)knoiv ) whether they nrciroliu ; to jifiihiblt Iho Bile of iniMt oetMiiso llleio n ionie meit tint Is diseitoitl [ l.niKlitor | ArothovRoiivto hivuiiH bn-k intheilvil- intionof the Ashtii'i'ountriosln , vhlolimeat isentliely disused and wlu-ro tlio pun v , mis- oiiblop'-XMiliitlunot ' 100,11111,000 liio on rico niul viK'etublesI Assuivill ) nut U'ohavo boon told tl.at UT.V poisonous Illinois nro beini ; solil by silo'on men mid theivln tbnho illh of the liulliiduil islieliii ; viiilormlnivl ( it.int It. Hut whtru lus tbo piolilliillonlst ever mi'.i'd Idaoiio or introduced a alnt'lo Mil , or sougbl tn liitiodmo one , to prohibit the adiiltcuitinn of liquorsJustin liewnnts to piuhlolt and should prohibit the introJuctiou ot diseased iii' ' at. And , again , lie iw told by our filond if lu < iM'ro to build ahoiiso li < Oniihn iind tlioro Is no doubt nbout mi niliatiilng lilin n SliNi.m ) clu-elt , not la the lust | luiiKlitr | Hlietlitr ho gits pud or not is another in it 101 [ Loud langhtor.j Ilo si\s tint If hoinnts to build that four- stnry building In Onialiii ho will liwu to tilcii out a pnnit. Well , that is true , but w - me not gulinj toensut n lav probililtinv him Ironi iiiiniii pivpeilv in Omalii Ihe pumitis simply a ron'tdatlon. It isa liii'iisoine.iMiro for the enlist ruction of buildings , mil wosny lie cnild not build his foil stuivfi itncMiousn In Oinaln If lie did ln\t Slo.XHl. ( ) ( for tliorca-iui tint a fnuvston Moodin hoiso Mould not , ln > allowedumliroui lo ulatioiis l 'iiiir story fr.iinu houses can im longer lo built in Omnli.i boeanio MO tlo mt ii.mt to burn up unj body ali\ < i But the fact Is potent that the building permit is nllconv1 and liu'iiso isiulitioii Now let me fiiiiit" tothi'iiiainiiiKMioii la tbo ( imdillnn ot N'lln.isLiliit it has been do- pii'toilby ray luend fiom IVlieliipin. As n Viofessor of iislcoiioiny he Is in the h.ibit uflooiiiiig it things it some dlstaiue and bo sees tilings on the pl.nii'ts M.us and .lupltei afocnUlealileau'r and plilnui than ho does ( in Uibeaith. Ilo seea a pi eat deal pi ilnor away off than ho dois when ho gtta ueaivr to tlio things ot this iiorld i nines In cunhu't with them Whath.ivo in Nebiaskal Ihvo no a leryl.irnopoji ulition of p.mpei-s * HaioM' a lery linu'o ' populitienof iliimlmdsl ll.ue Mo'nlurgo iiipuliitioiuif ciimiiuls < Haio they In tbo state of 21 line or in tlio stito of I OHM 01 in Ihitstato of Kansis h.iotlioj in those stitesfeucr I'liininils , havu they inthero Matesu 111010 intelligent potiulatiuii or better dtic.ition.il fnulitusj llm > they in tliesa states a better flmncinl inditioii of the musseni If any one i in proio this to lo true then I MIioidnndl ) will yield pnn-cfull > , but I | iiop se lopivnc > before ive pit tlirough Aillh this debate that on overj ono of thcho iitiNoliia'.lii is supedor'to eu'ry prohl- lutioiist.itoiii Ameilea. Thcro are fewer criminals in the statfl of Nebraska , proportionate to h i population , thin there nre in the st.s.tc of K.nis.i.sthest.itoof Idnoor the stito of Iowa 'I'huo nre foner driinliiidslii tlio rltj of O.nihain , piupoition to her popimtien , than there are In the city of I'oitl.ind , Me. Time an1 fewer insanopeopln in the state of Ni'bl.islvi , jio ) > r > i lion ate totho pOulition | , than theieiiio In the state uf Iowa The fact is this : The state of lon.i has 1.K70 plnnoM in her ins mo asylum , Kansas has Ij , ; insane , M Idle the Btato of Ncbr.i&ln only Ins ( Ml , nnd these &titistls ( are of.lcial 1 li.ue the original doiuincnt-s In my pos session , and lotltrs fiom the siipoimtendeiib of the asylum , and Ihavothom Ironi all parts of the union There uro in the state of Kansas today 905 convicts in the Dcnitcutility , there are in thopotiiteatiiry ot Iowa today 034 convicts and in the state of Nebraska there are 3SS. [ Applauso.J That is n fact. Let mo clvo jou another little bit of Infer mation. This giiitlcinim tilkcdso much nbout cniptjint ? the jails and pcnitcntiarios in prohibition btatcs. They have emptied the Jails of Iowa and ICansasand ol Malno , and if jou believe them the millcnlum has tome As a matter of fact , I sent a letter to every sheriff in the state of Nebraska ivitbln the last ton days and I have the answers from eightv-ci > 'ht counties , nil but tivo , aud there .ue llfty-ono counties la No- brasl < a that haio not a prisoner in Jill. [ Ap- pluuse.1 Can anybody In Iowa say as muctil I will namotho counties and 1 will mine the num ber of prisoners in Iowa presently. 1 ha\c already gel returns fronifttty ono counties in Iowa and 1 vt ill have the others bufoi e tomoi- row nornltiK. In loiva in the lift ) ono coun ties already returned they hnio more prison ers in jail than wo have In the lYiiolo stale and there nro still foitv-ei'lit counties in Iowa to heir from. KOM thi'j toll you they ate going to doKIeat thins1 * for Nebraska Ithinlc they have cone with their wares to Iho wonfiinarliet ; the Mares that they are peddling hero are not ucidcd , Wo have already an orderly , moral , iiell behived and prosperous ( onunonvualth and wo hive pro hibition in sixty odd cities anil toiuis in this state todaj , and I is.Ill boablo to namothem for you next Jlonday if nut sooner. ( Ap plause ] Wo have a state of fac t-s iith hiKli IlcPiibo that can not bo piralUed anjwhcro under prohibition. M Irlcml hwo has said thcio isnotasluglo man of thu high liecnso advocales th.it has cvorRono and niado complaint to en force hlfjh Iiceiiso I say that I am ono of these men th.it did do this. When high lleenso IVMS first introduced in Nebraska it lias tesisted by the saloonliPepU's , by tlio bre\urs and bj the rum power , as my friend li picisedto call it , and tlio inmiter - > of No- br.isla all endorsed It. 'Ihe ' Wotum's Chris tian Tomper.iiico union cndoiied it. 1 Joined the in uud attended tbo mlnUtcia' meotlng iiiOiiuh.i. IohinU > ored to muko the com pi lint against , the sa'oonlv'epcis ' and I niddo it pL'rfliiallj ai.d lit the risk of ni ) life , as they said at that time f-Applaibe | I in iilo i complaint against thu Utnahi Turner hall ; 1 nuido eotnpliiint against a man by the iiamu ofllornbe.-r'er } , liw.iuso holiepta ( . ' .imliling plnce , and I in complaint i.e'.iinst a man by the n.imo of Kie-hicel Uurty , and two of tliosei three licenses iiero u-fused by the boaid. The other Mas eventually granted. But the high license of 1831 and ISS'-i is not the high license of today. In ] yd , when high lleenso came into Nobiaskn , Omaha lad a fraction o\cr luo huudiod siluuns , with , a population of ro.tHJ , Today bho his IMS all told , including' brciveiws , wholesale ami ict.iil dealers , hotels and le.staiii.uiU. audo have now a population of 1.11,71 , ' 1 defy any nnn to name a city In a prohibi tion state that has a bettei round for law and cider , anil a bettor recoiel for enforcing bund ly laws , than Om.ilin has hid for the pjsttno ju.u3Yohino lad a greatstrng- glo in enforcing high ller-iisu buMusonlmv lleenso was nnturallj the fi orlta thing with the bdoonkoepir. nnd as an example I will cite jou the ulllcronce bftwe.cn Omahi and some of the cities of the country tint piss for model citiea Th city of Cleveland , la the heart oftho iiostcrn 10- serve , from whleh probably a verj largo per- coiitat'o of my audience hails , a city tint has been the Lomo of Oarfleld nnd some of the ablest nnd host mi-n this country has o'ver pioduccU the city of Cleveland today , according to thoiopoit thutls right licro iumypossubion , has over 1C.W ( saloons Mith a population of'5OiOO. ' ( Now Mhat u marked dillerctuo between - tween Omaha and Cleveland : Iletc Is n city that has liss than double the population of Omaha aud nearly seven timed the number of saloons. And then Hartford , Conn , right In the heart of Now Knt'- lund , in the tenter of im Intelligent niul enlightened peoplo. and the capital of the stnte-tho capltil of tlio st.ito of Con necticut has 2 , " > 3 saloons today , ll\o inoro saloons than the city of Omaha The popu lation of Hartford , Conn. , Is f > y,000 , , against 11T ! ,000 for Omaha. What is the uao in be deluded } The distressing picture * that wore shown to you of the suffering and nils- fry uj reason of liquor wo all admit \vo know that men have made bcist-s of themselves , wo know that men have cone down to their giavosj nnd wo know that hundreds of thousands of people are Impoverished. Tlio quostlon is , how will you relieve them what lu the host remedy for promoting t-ctu pcranco and lobrittyt Suppose you hJil Uocii 111 with some dlsoaso nml jou had tried some particular runedi ; and hid tried it for n numborof jc.u-s and Toniiil ituntlroly Hotlhlo-u. would jun Insistiipmi trihifjlt tip iln , and Itei-p on'ttj iiii ; It lien jou knew llmt It wns woillilost ) Wb ) , thoenett of prolillut Inn In Iho states vhero It bis bn-n tntiodiiccil , NO fur as the suppression of the liquor ti-aftli' is toiie-i'ined , Is noniealer lliau If M > IIM'H > to tnko nho of the piiimis plustirs "that me ad- Mitlsid in tin' ' nouspniiri-x so ettenslvoly and paste It IUMMSS tin1 solos of } our booUs. 1IP.V. SAM SAIAMj. Ilo Aihlrcs'SOH Mm A itillfiien ( nun tlio Sliinilpiilnt ill * IVoJilliHIoti. Lndlcs aiiiUJintlomen , My IVllem Count ry men oftho SUilo of Nobr.iskt : I tun sorry tint the e.xUoiules of trainl Kept mo from liilngpivsuit jou this imu-nlnu , tlmligh I am sit Is lied Hint you snih-nvl noihing by inv nbsemo , but I iinu'i-alllled Unit I was iiWo toivailt j mt oven aslito In the dav as this and t iilio n I'.trtkip'iut mi this most aus- pii ions oeiasion in otuisionhlch , 1 am iinllsllcd , isof jiivat linpcit.mio to everyone of yon , or else it could > thuvo drill n so tniLriillli'i'titiin niullcnc'u of the Inteimonco nnd christiuiity of the jjiv.it state of No- biaskato this jilice In thU burning ho it of the summer I know that you aw Intensely interested u lion. vein are lulling tocoitwnnd listen In lisas MO stand hero and attempt to clcbntn the pros and cons of llio proposition Mldch has been subndtti'd fiiini this plat- lY'i ' m. I did not have the honor nnd the phMsuro ofliouiltiKllip < tpccchiti full iibiih has Just been eimc ludoil , hull cot herein tlmo towil- luss some1 ol tbo i ; < > ntkiii m's nppto U'lii's to Miird the in mi question. I mil sonyliedid iiotmtidl thi u.iy \ppl.mso f \ ] . I iioulil luvo iH-en ( 'ratified if lie toitld hnio roiclied tlm point lii'lorotbej callnl "time'1 on him [ I auubloil I did fit in In I i me' , Imevor , to lio.ir him us Im biiiiiKht forth tbo 1ml ) Se > n o ( ( < oil imdsot Htm up nsone nf tlio oup irt- nits nith the lion IMor Her , iMe ( Sooloy , .VCr > 1 -lunbtc't- 1 - and Andl wint right Inro , In the a.iiiiu of the Christian ill of llio country , and of the iipiistli < s , aid tlio blnml-Masliid t IIIDIIH ho me following in llio louUtops of tile ) mee-k and liuinlilo .lisim , to prntist agnnstllis iiiino IK m c d r.u'h'od In as the ill-fonder of the llimoi tia tile in i.ny shape , manner or fnrm ( lieiti'iuldus iipphniso j It Isinoniliblu to think that the man who stands Inn In bis fame before his filluw citi- yens JIM ! occii pus thu evrtlteil position of an alleged im iilic e In.ator , Mould in this noon tide nli/o ol thoninHconth oenturv halo to .peak of the Nm of C5oel , \ \ ho eainn tej earth tusa\o inc'ti fi-din their sins , bi'iiift tlio oiitri iiiitor and tlieileffiidoriind lite u\pniilar uf thu brcneniis niul dlstilluie's , the ilo gu'ii-s nml iliiinnablo hell bolei ot Ameilca. [ Ap- pi in so ) It is , true , us rreoiiled In holy writ , that .lisas look llio ou.ision of Iheiiuiriiaijefeiist , niiDi-dlnt ; to tliei oretnonliU Inch then wore invoRiio upon e irth , and in tlw. le-.iish house. hold Mliort Ilo HUH the trm'st , iilicn tbouiiia that hid bei n piopned fur the fe.ist had i itled 1 1 otoolc occasion to tutti tolheulors of piulliciitlon tli.it had \voii \ ptoMiled , mul , Li Mini ; the sonants to diaw tin mo and heat to tln'gov iuu > ] tit tlio place v. hit tnriie'd out lobe niiioiihi'ii it tame into llio h mils oftho Kovoinor Aii < l to & , iy that the hna nfCiod tiiim d Ilnniejll in tea distiller and \orkcd tlie titstmir ii'l < of nvntioii in the priseno1 of the people liu came to sa\e , and turned \vateraof puiiiicition , ninety-sK trallons , into tlioateisof dininitlon , U a blnspliemj upon the bivieii of the woild. [ Applueiic J And I saj it to the gentleman now , and to the people who luck him , that ho cannot prove trom holy vuit oranothei writ outside - side ofthes.doon orlhe ihstlllci v , that.lesm Cluist cier niado any wino except that which was In the cup iihen it eamo to the governor. [ Applmso ) Il.itlier bliexo with Milton tint it was slmplj a ciso of "tlio conscious water blush- IIIR as it mogul/oil its Lord" And if lie hid dcliburitcl ) iiroiiilcdtbomo.iiis of damnation - nation to the pnest3\\itlu\hom Ilo had as- scmblod , and dihtrojcd the M itei-s ot puri- ik'iitiun , it would haio boon \iolatlnn of tLo .lc wish law sulijecliiii , ' llitn to puiiisbineiit Ilimstlf , and is , I repeat , an incredible thing. It is not only incredible , but it never hap pened , audit is not to besought hue asu de fense of the old Willow Springs sewer pas iniinufiictory down hero on the banks of the jMissouri river at Oiuatia. [ Laughter aud ap plause ] Wbj. hosays they were pnthnrcd around the table at the time of the lust supper and beeamo "incarnited In Mine" I Lnuf'hlor | AVhy , I haio recently been elorted president ota univcislty ; ! think bo ought to cornoand join. [ Laufjhtor ] Ilo not "incarnated in the Mine. " [ IjiUKliter ] Well , thit is too good to bo lost. Nevertheless , whatever Ho may Invo mndoat Cana , when Ilo sat there on that awful occasion , presiding the jIooin ; of llio fatal 1'itdaj when Helnuij upon the ac- , ursod treo. and when , gut horlnj ; His bcv ovedilise-ip'iPs nbout Him , He Instituted that most blusbiil and bciutiful sierntnent that ns c-oino down the ages , tlu-ro was ono dis ciple who mis a traitor to his Lord , nud tbo jioodhos not died out jot. [ Laughter uud applause. ] Their lineal descendants me still seeking osoll Ilia followois for loss thin thirty iloces of silver. But , when Hosattlicio on li.it occasion , iihateier Ho miy hive done Mith uiuohofoio that time , on tbat solemn occasion , In the xlUa | ° | | CO ° f * - 8 otniiiff passion and death upon the iioss , and consecrated it to holy uses , nnd siid , 'As ' oft aayo tike of it , do It nrcincmbr.inioof mo , " Irotn tint div to .his viino has become a consecrated thing from the liuiidsof the ble > sed Cbilbt of Iho .lorld . Anil now , vihen wo do puitakeof it , ihosowhouio filthful tohisioiclswill pai- : iko of it only in romenibiann ) of linn and thereby they doshon foith IlUdeith. Hut , lo you mi in to toll tno th it the crowd tli.it is [ iitroiii/niK tlio hlli ) liceiijo M'OOIIS of jinahi dunk in ronii inl > i nice of t'jo ' Lord ! [ Appliusunnd laiif-hler | ' 1 1 11 mo nil the placets that the centloninn us bj iinlication | uiltji/ed ; as coiitribiitury to thtdet-eiioy , good oidirainl respectability of tnocreat citi of Oint'lia are pl.ucs of sac- ilmc-iilarj nssoi intlon i [ L > nughti'r.j Out v Ith such bush I lepcilt , it Is an insult to llio nujesti of God and His n l > la pltoinv en the hulv iiilssieinof the Sou of ( Jed [ A loico ' "A mm' , " ] Wohuvoa slicriffilownln Ilnnl , In Geor gia , nnd I temi'inbci asking him how they ueroifettlner .ilon r with lei al option down in llunl county. "Will , " bo sins , 'We-nthm ? Is jTCttiiiKiilonp wolli'Mipt me , IM business U nearly busted. " [ Lau l NT I And ! think if n inin luntsa pooil aiciriunt arraiiist pri- lilliition the best U'llow h e.in ( , ' 0 tu on dud's ' KH'onoarth is aslu-riir in a . > cow and calf lustuo of the ] iiii-ola\\ cr. [ Lui'-htoi ' ] 'riipyaiothoejiv.it sMcethiarts of tlie sv loon pi'oploandiionoof the polioo court lav- JPI-S nantlo sco prohibition como In , bi cause , n lie-in on nun the silooii U < cL-rS | ) biiiinoss \ou lum bis. 'Iho sluu-ilT don't ' \\int prohi bit ion to lomo in , IKV.UISO whi'iiox'er j oa In in K ii : j ) ohibitioniind bioak up the sile > un ki ows1 business , why , the lawjor loses business lo Od foe-s I'lio pontlonnn snjs tint there are flfty-ono rountles in this state that haio no prlsniir-M In the Jails 1 mil fc'uuiMiiti'Oto jou now , If lie \\ill roul our bis list , tluit hi > iilllllnd out that near'v every ono of those llftj-ono conn- tK s me tlio rui il countlis , run b the con si U piitioiis , lionudt , sober lai mow of tbisujuu- liy , 11 ho aio piling to loto for prohibition tins fall. | ( iroit anl loiu apnl.iuiiO. ] I thin1 : I caiiKiiarantoolt lo you further tint the counties uf this stuto tint furnish thu inuit piisoncrsaro the otuslin hi\o pot tlio most saloon1. , nnd aio making u Hwht to keen thorn. 1'iootot the piiddinj ; is In uliowni0' tlio ba , ; bomcttmes luuf.'htor | | 1 duiy that the Women's Christian Tom- per.irco union evrr ondorsi'd any lilifh li- icnsotiilk. liut , if It lus been tiled lor the luiiKlhof tlinulhiitlt has been in Nebiaski , 1 want tosay this inudi for It ; that hlRh II- conse.itho principle of hi0'h license , thopr-.c- tlceothlRh license , the promise of hlph 11- ccnsonoNcr ot a jri eater defeat , a nwro fi- lid stab nnyvliernln Ainoiica , fiom frioml or foe , f 1 0111 prohibitionist , fmntlcor crank , IhnnltKot when the people of the state of Kobiaska , aft * r ton yc-ira of trill , after an oxpcrU'iiio with it , mart hod up tothodoms of Bender capltol at IJneoln anil said , "Wo nro tired of fraud and Intemperance , nnd no want a clnnootooto foi'i > rouibilluu out. " [ Api.luuso | And they coerced a IriRlslaturo that was not In favor of prohibition to submit the question. lAvole.o. " 'I hat's sV ] Tliov .ib- solulolv forced a croud tluit was dnlliiii , ' with tlio saloon toputtho iiiestlon | out into the opennlr Mhorotho | > eopo | could i-et at It , and It is out hero now. By whoso di'inmidl The Rontloinan certainly mil tot stunil up hero and contend thut the Icjjlslituionf the state of Nebraska submitted the prolnbltma amendment at Iho demand of the third paity cranks. CorUmly uot. Wo uro too nlflonrl. ( I.nujrhtor | SJ bo It. I repeal that hccaiuipt iy that it was MUlimit UH ! a ) our demand mul lo nlowso and pl.ionlo us , Hyihosi'ilenuiiil ' wnslt submitted ! Hy tin ) doiiiiinili'f ' the honi'st pi ople of ( Ills slnUl \\lio had trintodto the PIMIIIISO.S madii by tbfl filen Is niul projeet < irs of It ; 11)10 ) hud L'll'on it a fair and biiicvst and fatlhfnl trial , nnd hid fimtid It a fraud oonsuinniato from it i hind to U.s not Is , and they naid Hint they \\mtod no iiiniviif it Wo wanted tlio pliln niiestlon , niibmlttod of prohibit Inn or im piohlbltloii nndtho h is. bit u ro 11 us fori'od to submit It nnd they did not daio ire liomc "uitb tholr tails behind tln'in1' without .siilnnliliUK'lt ll.iiii htot'iind npiiliui o ] Tlu-i thoiiijtit tho\ had b > ltoreot nllttletnU nnd put It on them 11 auetbtnr. ] A lilllo old liij'h HUM se niniiidini'ilt. | laiiuhler | lll h lli-ensi' and tliu j'i ntlo , nun i-iiino.s out itihin puixr this nioiiibitanil s.ivs tli.it this debate1 is to furnish a most oompril.i'nsho 11111101x11111111111 * of the ( 'leal ijuest mil u lilt h ts noiv wiliinllted lo the in- tilllcoiico of the jiotiplo of rvi'hrnslia , as to \\bethir ! ) ( il option or ldili UIMIHO shalj pun ail , or iibotltor pixhlbibition shall pro- vail. Audit is on n falsa footing fortlio ques. tlon , nosmlt ( ] iiostUui ia lii-ro todav , and no siuh iiuemiiin is before the people of Una utito. U'hv docs ho KO nnd repiiblish u Hinopsls of the Hlociiinb law lids inoi-niitjl Dues ho want to say that It Is UioSloe'imiti law , \\IICMI llicu-e Is nothing of that kind In the fontiiiMisyl Nol u bit of It. You mint .Miur Moeniiih Inw with a hl | > h llcensi' nnioiid- iM'iit , end Ills lineollne ; at tin1 lihuk of i'\o- cutleii lias minute , \\iin the guillotine1 r.iisod aliovolt , iissnonas that lil h lleenso nnii'iul- nti'iit cirrte's , tonit it otr , mul to put liquor into eiei-y county nud loinmiinily of this stito , ii.hothur the people mint It or not , ami I licDcit , tluro is 110 loi'il option nbout It , there is no Meal opt urn hi li HePiisoahoilt it. it Is a simple iUvno of llm devil folitod tlniniKli the leLrishitiuo anil init asan tilter- nitlvo , nnd t'uo ile\ll o\crstoppod lilinsclf , ami tla host thing tint prohibition eiur done I n t lus slut on as the supnrt | of Midi n tiling as that , 1 toll you rU-lit noitluit la It. ( Set sti f-i'stlons otiou > * ii from evrrywhoro and c'lsi'ihere , and defeat piolilbltioii in this utnte. inn Mill ncu'r carry tbo hljjh lli'cnsu aiMeiulinent I till you that riuht now.Vo \ill trmmphon tnpoflt 01 wo will dlo to- Kdlior ( Applause. | Tlm intelllifunt , cir- dci-U , iiiid ilueiil people oftho slulo of N'o- brasUnaie lint KIIIIK | tti voluntailly put thotn- sihos In am siuli yolio as that You cin't seii-o them or bullile/o thuin iw i.vfroin piohi- bltlnn. and tell them out , bndlas. bioUs mid biieebcs , tothe ilistilleiles , mid Iho bioiior- ies. mil thoilonjeries ; Dnt that is not all. They have scc > n tluuuKli thoihcam , and they aio ropudlallnt ; it "I britiRyou jrood tidliis-s of Riv.it jo } " tills aflenuiiin , th it , tlio tlueo weolu Unit I hill u spent , lu the \eatern portion of this stito imioiii , ' these ioniiiiiiiiltii'3ihorotbo pmploiie thinking and ronliii iindstudjiiit ; this subject , tbo enthusiasm of the crouds tint li.uo t'lthoti'ilillli the cimsoriatlon of the u onion and uith the limit Ion oftlio men , \\ithtliccOiir.iKUiitultlio Riit that is bcitif cliii'l ' l Cll upon this siibjo't , in comimmlty after iimimuinty. 1 stand heie today nnd sav thut tlio c.iuso of piiihlbiilott tniirlts a hi'her lido in Nebraska this far fiom olcc- I mn dm thin it b is ever m u-Kod In any ntliei- Mate befoio thoj went to bittle. [ Ap- plinsc. \'cs , you can talk about prohibition bcitiK a hobbi for lone ; haired mm mil Tboit halted \\oinoiito pit upon and K"around ( laughter ] but tbo old hobbv has tuini'd Into a war hore. [ Lmefhtcr ] And he Is piwlni ? up tlioe.irth Anil tint's iihat's the inattor. That's what's ' causing the iif ltitlen in the cimp. ir.iiiiK'bUr ] Th ills the reuon why tliiso p n'leiiiun ' nro Millini , ' to tfo baolt on tlie ndiei ) nnd counsel of tholr nmro waiv ftionds of I'onnsyU.inia and otltur stitesuho told them "Don't jou ROout md ilubato this question : ilon'tjou Kit up ind tnlk about It. " [ Aiipliusu iind laurhtci'j. Ves , the tuliljou not to do it , anil if you deliberately tfonnd uisblnhero anijolsfearto trend , uliy jou must tuko tbo consequ1 noes. | ljaufliteij. ; KOM , 1 Know the tliliiR is taxing hot , niv counti.uiiPii The signs are in t ho sky , thu voice of the people is in the iiir , there Is u burning of brush all around the lion/on ; the ) piiiploare p'ttlnt ; reuly to sr ttlo this ques tion and setllo it ilejht. AMiy , you are situ ated in the very houit of the great prohibi tion Uuitoiv oftlio country ; iiith the ' „ old states of the South and Noith DaV the nortliMarel of } JUlt'n ; the gi - state of Iowa totho c"i3t\\ard ; w th i and tlio Incllia territory to the sojtu' , rt " 'Ji an impassable Uno of prairie dog hjies botVi < v- , I ou and the west why , you atevrwi besj intcd people on the face of the earth forpffr * * ' liibltioa and I think jou nro equally intelli gent , equally cultured , oquilly regardful of your family and your homis , nnd for the safety of your sons and the comfort of your daughters , and mindful of their future and of their fulfilling your hopes and the destiny tbnt ( ! od has written for thorn , as well as your neighbors the Dakotas , and Iowa , nnd Kansas , mul 1 believe that \ on can Jnstta'co this vhole soopa of country , carrying No- ura-.k i in the lap of the piol.lbitionlsts oftho Kieat 11 est , nnd on the fouith diy of Novem ber 1 am satislleJ she will wheel grandly Into line and sin iv a solid fiont from the Canada bouioi to the hues of Tcxis for prohibition. . [ Applause ] And jou gentlemen that lo\e bars so well , voyill puta bar of prohibition across this continent tint you will haio tow.ulo thoGulf of Mexico to fjet n round..Applause ] , But tne\ will imur get mound It , lor they don't take \iatet thutcasj. [ Laughter nnd applause. ] No. sir ; you bettor got jo-ir ciowdIn. inirchtncoider. Thinss aiocomluy ton pass in tills btato when tlio people are satlslicd th.it simply because Omaha wants to KCt some hi.'h lieenso inonej in order to help her to inn her schools , tlm balance of the people do not pronoso to bo ti\ed tokeop those UiS critnlnids In the penltcntlarr in older to contiibuta to its population. [ 1/iunhter. ] Yes , Omahi gits ? 'i > JWO ( a jeir lor tbo prhllegoof .illo\\hiLr the siloon dealers to stiy there , nnd then you have to suppoit the criminals in llio peiiltentluiy by ti\cs on your propeitv out in the country. Sav , vthy dun't ion LM Om ilia her own pni- tcntnm ( JUaniihtei ] fciho oucht to have one an individiiil , cunsolklated , sjndicatod Utnahi penitentiary with 1'otcr llor for piiaMiiit. | lircat laughter ] I toll you , If jon M nit ouo , whcrn you can iind one. 'Hie state of loiia used toliuvo two inu'ontinrle's iilieti they had the whLsky di don In that state , hut now the-y liavo only on" , ai d they have ubiolutuly irot a peniton- tnry for s.ilo. | l.auihter ; ] 'Iliat'3 a fact , 'Ihe o\eriior ; at the Iwt ses 'onof ' tlm leglr , . litiirn reconnuinded to tlio committed on h.'isl.ituroth.it the > .i enter into negotiation * vlthtlioiiiitinn.il jfo\ eminent to sell it for a f'o\criimMitpnipse. And if jou folks pio- IHIe to ket p tlu > liquor liiilMcIn this state , iihy , > ou wiMnceiliinnilior prison piottj soun , utd 1 thought I would till ion vhero jou i ould get oiiu rciJy m.ido [ f , mslitor.j If you want loial option why don't ' you say local option ! The linuor dealers In Omaha M.u.t luiuoi boe-iube Uiuali.i cannot i un iiith- out liquor. If jou are built illiloiontlj from the bdaiico of the people of Ki la-aska : if tlpcitwcns of Omaha c.inuol 'li\ennd brentbu and move , and hive tholr be'intr , ' n nl run their Ihiimees and tholr met- i mtilo business , and the-ii tranin'oitutlon in- tciests , ulthout s\\lll bills in convenient places , 1 think they oiiRlitto luvo local option tiiouuh to inn then- own concernspcnlton - tlarifs , pa ip. rsniul all and not tax them on the biliimoof the people ho want to st.iy Foherand Km pinl of th s things that aid r ineub'is ' after incubus piled upon them by tlm saloeilis. 1 pickedip a New Yortc Worll nud 1 looked to see how it was , and I saw that the jwjpln of tlia Matoof lovn the poor , piupeii/ed , impovoi- Ishudntatoof Iinva weiopa\lnej M con's ' oa tlio SHXI taxes. Twonty-Jlio cents on the J1O01 1 sav I want to see how Nobriskals Rcttiiiij iilons , Sim has so much money from hi h liccnip , she has such an dopant time , he'r lieasniv is so full and ovorlleivlai ; , nml they am fittini ; alotiff so nicely lin.inclally ; ' [ w.mtto see bow iiiiuli bunion It lins taken elf the peoplo. And I looked doiin toward Xobratknimd I suu that she was paying la cents on the SIOO. Thntwasull. lApnluusii and Imghicr. ] Poor , lmpo\erlslieil , piupcrl/od Iowa , 23 rents on Iho flOO1 C ! ivat , splomhd , hlsh- ' licensed Tt'ubraska , ift cents cm thu fUWI In otborwoiils , , 'IKJ ' worth of pioporty In No- liniHka is p ivini * mow taxes for the support of tlio state than $ "iii ) \\itth of pripeity I- ni.Miifr. . tntho htitoof IDIMI. IIoIs tlmtff lilcjhlieoiisol | lauit.'htor [ Don't you thuu I aniuerbtnbout it If I siy hlli ( 'license U nothing but a meat bin Ho ( I < \\lthout l > any sun el | ApiiliUbo and gicut laughter | Hln'h license' , my countiyinon , from the In- \estlationtliat ( 1 Invo bivn able to tjivo it all o\or this country , nnd especially In No- br.wli.i , iiiiotluiiK undir Clod's siin but ill Invoiitloiiof thodoiil , obtained bj the p > - tiel.m , and run m the state M a s. rt > > f i > iiiiutinii maebiiio to jjiliul out oM In' > rd dimes lo 1 ly oa thd oyu * of lUu dud