THE OMAHA DADDY BEE , WEDNESDAY , JUXY 30 , 1890. AR1IESTED FOR MIBEM. Warrants Served on Thrco South Omaha Council Boodlers. A STOW OF OFFICIAL CORRUPTION , The ITilbc-Oivcrs ami J3ilhe-Takcrs Jhposcil Co IMiMio Condemna tion A. Uncord of Handed Villainy. County Attorney Mahoney , ycitcrJay , cotnmoncetl the ilrst of the prosecutions against incmlcrs of tbo council of SouUi Otnnlia for alleged booilto tmnsactloas In re lation to the ordinance granting tha right-of- way tlirotish South Omaha to the Chicago , Koclt Island Jit Pacific railway company. Only four laformatlons were lllcd , two flKulmt il. D. Roclio oOmalmcharglnf ( ( hl.n vvltli nttciiiptlnK to brlho : ono against Kd- U-anl Jolmstoa ot SouthOin.ilmcharging him U'ltliBolidtliii ; bilbo money in dcraandlnR T f J.OOO of the olllclals aad representatives of thoChleio , llockhlaaa & Pacific railroad cointuiny im < ] ono agalast CJouncllimn John N. Jlurltc , charging him with hritery and comitioii iu receiving money corruptly to Influence Ills voloon said ordinance. As 11 r.-U mentioned cxoliulvoly In Tin : HIK : Tuesday otliHtvcclc , the factf had all been inailo known , to Mr. Alahonoy and the proofs l > utvvltMti his reach. Slncu the facts vvoro first brought to Mr. Mahouej's olllclal notice , ho has , made sev eral visits to South Omahaand lias confirmed nil stutcriciits uecossary to lusuro succojtt'ul prosecutions. From the tlmo of Mr. Ma- honoy'3 Ilrst , visit to lookup the mitter , his dctcrminitlon to prosocttto the cases was made. Prudential reasons and the nbsciico of Coimciliain Johnston caused prosecution to bo deferred until yesterday. STORY. IIcVeiitllntcjH tlio lloixllclrunsuctloiis ' IMiist TIiorniiKl > l ) ' "noforo I give you any facts for puhllca- tioaiu K' inlto the ) pusago of the Uock Is.- lanJ orJiunnco by the council , " said Council- nun Jams. ! .7 , Dougherty , "I wish to deny the false Innoiiduod and slanderous statements pujilUhol ltutl < 1iiday nioniliiB In na Omaha paiwr. TiiuniiBnccouuL vvis ; torrctt but tfto other ueoouut wus fabo or wio'ig In every- "Iu the lint place therowa3notn$200nor a $ * J21 chcelc Klveii members of the council for their in'lu"uce ' la pajslni ; tint ordinance , Mr. I low loy received a chuck from W. D , Kocho fiiivIO ] nnd a ( hcclc was ( ; lvcn mo by Mr. lloiho fur wore than ( Ji25. Neither did I over so nor ask to huvo that check cashed ns I nni assurol Mr. Hovvloy novcr did , Nclthw did I ovur place my check Into Mr. Mahonoy's hands. Nfithcrdld M. D. Uoiho return before - fore the passage of the ordinance and notify the meini > eis Avhorn ho bribed or tried to bribe , that tlio lloclc Island road would not Hiiiiction ho hud done. On the oontrur ) ivlr. Kocho returned with nionev and wonted to take up the check. This of course 1 re fused. " 11 Without going Into partlcuhrs so as to expose - pose or joopirdizo the prosecutions to bo brought bj County Attorney Mahoney , I Bliall jtlvo you enough of tlio facts to en lighten tlio public , and sufficient to convince any mail who Is acquainted ivlth the mom- bcrb of the council that tlio published stato- xucnts of Tin : Bn : wcro substantially true. "MldiaolD. Hochocnmo to BCO mo Satur day , July f > , meeting mo on tlio street lie ac costed tins hy asking If I had that ordinal ) 10 tvlth mo3 TelllnR him I had ho said that ho \vonld like to see It. I asked him what ho -v\antodthoordlaancofor. IIo replied that BOineol the members of the council who hud not seen the ordinance wanted to ECO It. I nsltcd him to uumo the member wlio had not scon It nnd I would give it to that member. Jilr. Kotti then suited that it began to look us If thcro vvould-boaBticlt. end the ordu > nnco vould not pass , and that hovould \ lllto to see it accepted or rejected. I ftnnklyand plainly informed him that It would bo re jected , hec.mse the ordinance was not made out to the satisfaction of citizens , nnd to pro tect the interests of the cltv and citizens. I Ihcu iiudoarrungoHiciitsto meet Mr. Kocho nt my homo at U o'clock that ovming. IIo eaino as ho agreed , and in the presence of four men , pave 1110 two cheeks , ono for DIr. How- ley for ? 2SO and the other for myself almply stating that the checks ' -\voro for our Influoneo in passing the Reek Islnuilordlannco. Wr. Kocho a-cqucstcd jno notdollvortho chock to Mr. Ilowloy until nftor the ordlfinnco was pissed. I then ro- luscd to support thoordlanncc , but promised if It wro made right , and to yrotcct our rights , that I would do the best I could for it. "Carry Ing out the programme. I left Mr. Jlowloy'o ihoolcat his salooa on Saturday evening , and Mr. Rovvloysaj3 thathosonta Kcntloinunabonco tosoo Mr. Kocho , to see vvhat ho meant hy his choclt and for Mr. Itouha to como and see him. "Immediately after this Mr. Uocho caino .toseorao , excited and mad , asltlup why I # ava Air. llowloy that clieck until after the crdluauco hod passed. Tolling him I could got the check , Mr. Hochq said ho would get the nionoy nudllft the chocks , and for mo to 1)0 ) at homo nt 3 o'clock that day , Monday , July 7. Mr. Uocho caino to my house at ! 1 o'clock as aerccd , with the inony to lift the chocK As understood , Mr. Kowloy ro- lusod to ( jlvo tip his chock nnd I refused to ei-copt for inluo. "Mr. Kocho told mo that Councilman John ston wen tout In the street and ashed Mr. JIvuus , attorney for the Koclc Island rend , tlOCto ( ) iitiHli the onllnnnco throiiRh. Coun- tilEl % John N , Burke , said Mr. Hocho , was wiled In liy a certain cltlrou nnd naked If ho would support the Koch Island ordinance for fJ50. Mr , Burke refused , deniandlnff ? oOO , nnd stating that ho was not hero for his lioalth. Ilio gentleman In quc > tlon stated Unit Mr. Uocho could not clvo him ( llurko ) * , " > 00 us Mi. Itoeho had onlv § 1.600 to push the orditunco through. Mr , IJurko was left for this man to control at n limit ol f'jriO. Mr. Kocho also told mo of hu\lnpr offowil Mr. Eurico S .V ) . which was refused , the Third Ward councilman dciiuindin faOO. "Mr. Kocho further stated that ho had pone to certain packing houses and was assured that Tcwlnnd Connolly would vote for the ordinance , but anyway ho puvo them $200 each as ho dlda't ' want to see thorn left out In the cold. " ii'T 10 itiuun I'at' Sojs 3ioVoiildii't Acuojit tlio Polluted Coin. Conncllinan Patrick Ilo\\loy was jvosltlvo ami vigorous in his douunclntlou of the falsa atiUomenU made In the publlcatloa referred to hy Mr. Dougherty. "Mr. Itocho Is off when ho Intimates that I cvor vvantoil to have that check cashed that ho made out and tent to me , " said Mr. Kowley. " .Ask him it I did not at ouco send n man to see him to know what horantcd \ nndhat ho meant by that check. .Ask Jlr. Kocho If ho did not ro- JJT pc.itddly tay that ho coutil not get mo to sup port that ordinance. Ask him about that incotlnp in the Murray hotel , Omaha , nnd about Mr , Johnston asking $3,000 $ to support the onlinnnco. "r 'o sir , I never received a cent , directly nor indirectly , la this transaction , and when Mr. Itocho sent to got my chock to pay it In money I refused to surrender It or accept the ttiouey. " CA.IU3VS JllL Ho-xv n liot Chviior wns llireatonccl and Sued. Thomas. Carey , of Choyone , "NVyo. , lias had an unfnrtunuto oxnoricnoo In this matter. Mr. C.xroy owns lots nlao and ton , block ono , KonJIs & Lewis'addition to South Oranha , located south of tlio city in Surpy county , Mr. Iloclio telegraphed to know the least prlwMr. Carey would take for hU lota. After soiao corrospondcaco by telegraph and. mull Mr. Curey consented to corao hero pro [ J . vided n pass be sent him. .Arriving liero July B , on a pass sent by Mr. Rccho , negotiations begun for the purchnio of the loU. After threats of condemnation bv Mr Itochn , olTora to buy at less than half their vuluo an l hulf what holind paid for olherndiolnlng lot for thorauroad companynnd deceiving him in pycry statctncnt maac , Mr. Carey met Mr. Itocho In the latter'3 oflico to close the iicuo- tlntlons , Mr. Kocho refused Mr. Cnroy's oiler and Mr. Curoy re fused Mr , Roche's bid. As Mr. Carey left the ofllco n .u-altlnp eonslablo scn-ed nsuinmons on him forW > .ltio value of the pws from Chcjenno and return. Tlu-n Mr. Kocho took a continuance and } estordny. when the matter came up. sued him for ( I ID commission on the wlo of the lol-j. Mr. Carov thinks it passing stranpo that the bouth Omntii council can close streeti and by ordinance conflscato property located away down in Sarpy county. UOUUIJ TAIjliS 1IACIC. Uo Tlirous Another PInsli Llfflit enl l nrk TrniiHatitious. Mr. 3) , Uoche , ono of the ncet.scd parties , made the following statement List night ! "For the past two month ? I have been em ployed assisting the liock Island in purchas ing the right of way from South Oinnhn. south through Sarpy county. After having purchased the land , the contract was let for tliogrmllnR , ami the next stop was to seouro the right of way from the council , crossing certain streets and alleys In South Omaha. The attorney for the Kock Island drew up nn ordinance shoving ; what wns needed and ncctasnry , tind of course I went to see the different counclhnoii undnskcil them how they felt nhout the matter. Ihoy informed ino that they would have to see what theordinuncc contained -vvouldhavo to study It a little. The ordinance was re- fcircdto the ordlnunuj committee , of which Daughorty was iliauman. "The council , ou the cvcnlnp when the ordinunco vas Ilrst introduced , adjourned for Uvo days to consider It. Just before the meeting I understand that Mr. UouRhcrty wns not going to appear at the council meeting and maku a report , but pnld no attention to this. The meeting wn ? summoned to order and the ordi nance , mllcd far. It could not ho found , Mr. Dougherty having pocketed the document. The council authorized the ma.v or to senil nn olllccr after the paper. The ofllccr returned , saying tlmt Dougherty refused to give it up. The chief of police nho went after him , but Mr. Uoughcrty maintained h'sllrst ' position. The council then adjourned until the follow ing evening. I met Mr. Dotighoily the next day nnd nsked him what ho meant Ijy taking the ordinance axvny , as ho should bo manly , If ho didn't want to vote for the ordinance ho could vote acuinst it , and that ho hud no business with the ordinance In his pocket , ns the proper place for it wns with the city clerk , \\ho \ U the proper custodian for suih papers. I also told him that thcio vas a resolution to that effect on the records. I stated that the reason I wanted the ordi nance leftvith the clerk was tlmt I desired the other couiicilnicn to see and examine it , ns they claimed that they had never been able to do so beloio. "Mr. Johnson nor Mr. Burke were never offered ono dollar by ino , nnd I novcr puld them ono cent. The only ones that wanted money are the ones that are now kicking. Thoy'told mo time and URaiti that they know that 1 had given from $3,001) , to $0,000 to other coundlmcn andhadignorcd them. AVhy did they send a particular friend of theirs to ino asking * ir llttlo' for their trouble , nnd threatening that unless they re ceived something they would make a kick on other members of the council whom they suspected of having received moneyy \ answer to them was to lilclc , that I would bet them } . )00 to a cent that tho.v could not prove where 1 had ottered u cent to a councilman ; that 1 did not Intend to bribe the council ; that it was not necessary. "The great trouble with these men was that after the council hid fully understood the oidinanco they could plainly sco , as their fueiidi told then , and also the heads of the different packing houses , that the railroad was asking nothing unreasonable , and it was n lilg tiling for South Omaha , and that they minted to sou It through. After a careful study by the council , the ordinance was pissed. Then commenced the howl. Such rumors as ono councilman Betting J,000 nnd others so and so and so nnd so wcro spread. I shall , upon the stand tomorrow , take an o.ith. . that I never : tendered a dollar to nuy monitor of the council ofSouth Omaha. " Progress. It Is very Important In this ago of vast rai- teriol progress that a remedy bo pleasing to the taste nnd to the eye , easily taken , nccopt- nblo to the stomach and healthy In its nature nnd effects. Possessing these qualities. Syrup of Tigs Is the ono perfect laxative and most gcutie diuretic known. OK .HIE crrir. The Uircct They Have Jlacl Upon Jes- Slo lias-worth. Detective Vaughn la engaged In investigat ing a case of mysterious disappearance which may evolve Into a sensation. Six weeks ago , Jessie Boaworth , a young girl of seventeen , pretty and innocent , left the old homestead at Bradish , Neb , and came to Omaha to live. Her parents In the old homo are eminently respectable but poor , and the young girl thought it would b'o possible for her to sccuro somollgbt employment hero , which would cr.ublo her not only to support herself but to assist thoold folks also. Sue thought proba bly she could find employment insotno milli nery establishment , After she had been la the city a few days , she wrotehouio that she had been unable to nrocuro such employmeat nsshodcsiied nnd had hcen forced to tuko a position as cham bermaid in a boarding "house , which , she said , was located at 1313 Chicago street. She wrote homo every few days and letters wore written to her here" , but addressed to the general delivery. Last week she wrote her mother nnd told her that she vins sick and that the work she was doing wns too hard for her. The mother Immediately answered , telling her ihiuRh- ter to corno homo at once. ' .This was ten days ago , and hearing nothing from her daughter the mother" bo- e.imovory much alarmed , and Unfitly the ' brotherinlawVlllinm Baker girl's - - , , decided to como to the city and look for lier. IIo arrived hero yesterday nnd at once wont to 1313 Chicago stioot. The house Is oc cupied by Frank Uoffuun , the engineer ut IJoyd's opera houso. linker Inquired for tlio girl and wns struck dumb with astonishment when told that buch glrlasJcjslo Dos\vorth was not only not a member of the household , but that she never had boon , Baker hocamo ( jroatly alarmed and searched all through that neighborhood and enquired at every house for the girl , but his search was fruitless and he nt lost repor ted the ir-attcr to the pollco , BaUer says that the girl wis notvv lid. but there are fears thnt she became sick , tired , vvoraout and discouraged and did some desperate - porato deed. _ Cliiuiibcrlnln's Cello , Cliolcra nnd Dlnrrhocm Remedy. This is the most successful preparation yet discovered for towel complaints. It acts quick , can always bo depended upon , oven In hi tlio most seven ) uud dangerous cases nnd when reduced with water Is pleasant to take. One dose will promptly relieve a pain in the stomach , Cello In Its various forms seldom requires more thnn ono or two doses. Chol era morbus , which Is ono of the most painful nnd dangerous diseases that aflllets mankind , yields readily to it. although in the most se vere cases several doses are sometimes re quired , hut it has never yet beou known to fall , which is saying a deal when It is remembered that over L'00,000 bottles of tlio remedy Imvobeensoldduilug the past jear and many of thoin used for cholera morbus. Dysentery Is another disease for which this remedy U especially adapted , liven In its worst form , and when epidemic , it has completely controlled the disease and cured cases after cases , without a sluelo failure. Dlarrhoju Is promptly and effectually checked hy It. It Is the only remedy , we bo- llovo. that will euro chronlo dl.irrhtua. Wo could 1111 this page with testimonials from persons who have been cured of chronlo clinr- rliu'a by this remedy ; many of Ihoni had lost all hopoof ever recovering from the disease , and felt that life at best was only * a buiJcu. Per cholera infautura , no other remedy has met with so much success , especially in the hands of phjjlciana. It la always best to rail a physician In coses of cholera infautum , many of whom use Chamberlain's ' colic , chol- ere and diarrhoea remedy , and aUvays with the best results. Dr. Sussdorfl treats successfully all diseases of the kidneys , bladder aud roctum. 1601 Farmm at DI23IA.NI ) EIGHT HOUItS. "Why the Smelting "World > fcn Insist on a llcilucllotiof Jjfxbor. On August I the men at the smelting works will make a formal demand for an eight-hour shift with thesamo pay -which they nro now receiving. In tlio event their demand Is not granted they Mill walk out. The feeling Is very strong among the men that there must bo a change , nnd they have united and will m.iko the ilcmnnd as stated. If the \\alicoutltvvlllsorlouslycrlp- \ - pie , it Is thought , the imclicr , as it will be neeessiry to Import men to t > il < o their pliees , West of the work reijutrcs considerable skill and is of n peculiar nature , Oncof the most intelligent of themcnsatd that it wns a question of life or dcith with them. If the continued working thirteen hours at night they vould soon he dead. lie vv ns asked If they were not allowed lour days lay off each month \\lth full ptj" . "We nro allowed four days lay oil with half pw , " ho replied. "If wo could have an cliht-hourshiftvvo ! wouldnotask for any lay olT , .As the work is now. n mun , no matter how strati ? ho Is , cnunot stand It a full mouth.Vo do not get any allowance for lost tlmo unless wo work over fifteen days In In the month. Some of tlio men tire so fur ROIIO from exhaustion that they can not do the work , nnd In order to Itccp them from losing time when they can not afford to do so , the stronger help them in tliotr work ' They a.iy there are no fumes from the works , " ho continued , ' 'hero In the roaitcr , "When the wind Is fiom the west or south- vest the fumes and smoke nro suffocating , and the men arc soon knocked out. Tlio fumes uct on the bowels , producing Ilio most severe constipation , and then a man has to remain oil until he recovers , "Look nt that man , " ho continual , pointing to ono In the roaster who seemed scarcely nhlo to stand. "Hols nearly played out , but' ho bus to vtorkjust the saino , l-'or the post two weeks he , as well as the rest ot us , worked thlrteca hours every night , and lie is pretty nearly dead. It is a common sight to see men stagger out of here scarcely able to Htnnd. " \\a are going to demand nchnnRC on the first of the month aadwe must have it , If the company \\ould \ give us clghthours MO Mould not nshfor any piy when wo lav off. This would neatly wakuup the difference. " Thosmcltingcomp.inyhas put on n night nnd day watchman since the articles on this subject have appeared In thu ppon and lnnc given the watchmen and all the foremen orders to allow no one to stop and talk to the men. _ ATrl d Itcmcily fur Illllonsticss. These who suffer from disorder or inaction of ttio liver will never get the upper hand of the unruly organ so long us they use such Ir rational remedies as blue pills , calomel and podophyllln. Hut fiom the tried and popular medicine , Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , they muy expect relief tilth a certainty of obtain ing it. The Influence of the Hitters upon the great biliary gluud is direct , powerful mid speedily ftlt. Tlio teliof nffoided Is not spasmodic medic , but complete uud permanent. The sallovvncssof thu skin , furred nppeur.inco of the tongue , indigestion , costlveness , heaj- ache , nausea , pilns through the right side and shoulder , In fact every nccompaiiimcntof the obstinalo eompl.iintnro entirely and promptly removed hy a course of this incstimablcniudt- line , in behalf of which testimony Is con stantly emanating from every quarter , and fiom all classes of society. SOUTH j/.i/r. . x The City Council. Vehicle licenses vvoro" granted to A. Stew art , N. Johnson and M. P. Smothers , and drain-laying licenses to M.Vhoedou , Briggs & Dare , C. M. Brown and J. lBurt. . The finance committee recommended payIng - Ing ! Eggors & Hock $39.40 , in full on their clai m for $120 , nnd returned the following approved bills : Charles Splltt , $23.50 ; Oliver Davis , ? 1315 ; II. Pierce , 63 ; E. J. Davis. . ' , and HIchard Ilarrlpau , $2. Complaint was made that the Pacific rail road company had built a section house under L street viaduct. Councilman 'fowl's ' request to have the Koclc Island boodle question Investigated , was granted and the city attorney was instructed accordingly. Ordinance Uo. 2:23calllnfrnspecial : election to vote on giving the Omaha li Southwestern street railway company the right to lay tracks , was referred. Ordinances creating paving district No.3 , for paving Twenty-fourth street , and for cs- tablishlne then-ado of Missouri avenue , were loferred ; thoorduioncofor pavinf * Twenty- fifth street from M to N street will bo drawn. Reeves & Stanley's ' hid on the Q street sewer was lover than Haniion & McDotiaPs or Brennan & Homing's. For the sloping of banks John O'Brien bid 10 4-5 cents , John Condon 125 cents. A. Koland 24J31 cents and Samuel W. Dennis 2T cents. Thocontiactvvas awarded to Mr. O'Brien. Twenty-ilfth street will bo paved with Colorado sandstone Bcrnaid .McDermott's petition to bo ap pointed sewer inspector was referred to the mayor ; Q.iW. Louis' lor liquor license \nis referred. ISdvvard O'Connor ' nnd Thomas Bcrming- hum asked to withdraw from Thomas ICcn- sclln's license bond. The city attorney % vas asked forau opinion on the matter. Bids will bo received for gradlag the allev between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets from Ii to M streets. An estimate will bo made for grading Twenty-eighth street from Q to Eggers streets , and U street from Tn-enty-soventhto Thirty-third streets. An estimate of $1,447,60 for the boulevard made nnd bids for its construction will bo received. Notes About tlio City , James Carey of Choyouno , Wyo. , is In the city looking after property interests. Ivlr. and Mrs. J. P. Cornish have returned from Tekamah. Andrew Haas , stock buyer at the yards , hosgonoto Chicago , S. J. Smiley , who has been traveling through the southwest of the state , has re turnee ! and reports poor crops iu that section. : Mr. and Mrs. David L. Campbell , who took the remains of their jafant lo Kansas City for Interment , have returned. The committees oC the Bohemian lodges io build a temple , will meet In KutlonuL hall uost Monday evening. County Clerk II. Jamison , of Osceola , la. , Is visiting Frank E. Scott of the Drovers Journal. HobertT. Maxwell has removed to Twen tieth and I streets. The Kov. Bolno A. Drown , pastor of St. Sa\ior's Eplscopil church , announces serv ices at 11 o'clock In the forenoon. The church has been painted and papered. Ttio public Is cordially Invited to attend Iho services. Wr. and Mrs. A. J. Caughoy have gone to Spirit Lake , la. , for an outing. .At the bride's residence la Albright Sun day evening Uev. Mark C. Hancock oftlclated ut the marriai.'o of ITrank Holdtn and Jllss Georgia Ilutmnct. The Christian church , Albrgnt | , will bo dedicated at 11 o'clock Sunday. Prof. D , K. Dungnn , D.D. , of Drake's university , Dos Molues , will preach tha sermon both mornIng - Ing and evening. The Uov. Robert L. Wheeler will preach at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Au ox will bo roasted Saturday night. Sunday morning nt 9 o'clock a special excursion train will leave the Union Pnelilo dojiot for Albright , returning at U o'clock In the evening. Faro for the round trip Me. The Uxcclslor band of Omaha will accompany the oxcurslpn and furnish music. At the list meeting of South Omaha Camp Uo. l,09r , W. W.of A , Messrs.Charles H.Danucl , Samuel Ilendra , Albert Jacobs , William A. Bennett , A. N. Shriver and Charles L. Armstrong wcro appointed pall- bcarera and Ell XI. Doud master of ceremonies at the funeral of the late L. W. Miller. The camp will meet nt its hall , Twenty-fifth and N streets , at 1:30 : o'clock this afternoon , and will mu'rch to the residence of llenjamiu Mlllor , and after the religious services the ritualistic services of the camp will follow. Omaha camps nnd visiting brethren are in vited to attend. To Nervous Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address we will eend you Dr. Dye's ' Celebrated Voltaic Holt and Appliances oil trial. They will quickly res to 1x3 you to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Mai-shall , MlcU- . 1G02. Sixteenth nnd Furnam filrooU Is tlio now Rock Island ticket oQlco. 'Tick- eta to ull points cost ut lowest ratoa. THE PROPOSED AJIEJDJE8TS , Pull Text of Propositions to Ainond the State danstitation. MEMORIALS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS , /luts Piiljinlttlnn"l'rohllIoii | , Liccnsr llctfitlittluii , I'rovUlliifr Tor Flvo Hiiproinc Judaea aiul incrcit.4 * Injj Bnlnrlei ) Thereof , Etc. Folio wing is presented a full text ol the nets submitting to the voters ol Nebraska tUo propositions to amend the state constitution. I I'HOIIIIIITION-IUCII I.ICCNSt. An net to inbuilt tuthu ilucMors olthoitate for ii'Jeetkm orappim-al , an anujmltnont to tliu constitution of tlio slate to prohlult thn manufacture , sale nml kcoplnit for sale , of ' ' ' itlns llquorsas n bovor.iitc , anil pro- . . . orthe iiiiitiiitTofotliu otisuoliuro- . . . . jdu.incnaiiiciit.ttid an ainoiitlinenttolho lonstltutloti otthisutatc to Ilce > n oaridro2. ututetliuiiiniiufiifiiirt * . silo amJ hooping for salc.ot iiitivlc.itlnglIfiiur- a hovvrngc , unil providing for Iho manner of votlns on Mieli proposedaiiicmliiu'iit. , Ho itemictcd by the legislature o ( tlio state ol Nebraska : Section 1 , That at the gcnet-il election to beheld held on the Tucsdav supccwlltii ? the Ilrst Atoudnr of N'ovciubor , A. D. 1WK ) , therostiall Iw submitted to the doctors of this state for approval or rejection an amendment to the constitution of this itato in vvonla us fol lows : "Tbo imtiufaituw , sulo and keeping for sale of Intoxicating liquors as u bcv- crago are forever iimhibltod In this state , nnd the leghlaturo shull provldo by law for onforccnicnt of tills pro vision " \ntl there shall also at a aid election Inseparably submitted to the electors of this state for their approval or rejection nn amendment to the constitution of the state in wordsas follows : 'Tho ' manufacture , sale , anil lircping lor sale of Intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall bo licensed a ud regulated by law. " Section 3. At such election , on the ballot of each elector voting for the proposed amendment to the constitution , shall bo writ ten tlio words ' 'for or printed ! proposed amendment to thoconstitiitloi prolilbitliig tlio inauufjutuio , sale , nnd keeping for sale of in- toxieatlngllquora i bovcniBC , " or "nir.iiiist said iiroiMjied nmendinent to tlio constitution iirohUiltinKtho manufacture , mlo mid keeping - ing for sulo of intoxicating li iuors as u bov- There shallalso | bo written or'prlntcdon the ballot of each elector voting for the proposal amendment to the constitution , the vordsi "for proposed amendment to the. constitution that the in.uiuf.ictiuo , sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating'liquors as n IICVUIIIKO in this state , shall bo llccabcd and regulated by la\v"or "uiralmt said proposed , aniendincnt to the constitution that the manufacture , silo and keeping for sale of Intoxicating l | < ) UOMasa beverugu shall bo licensed and ie/guUtcdhy law. " Sec. 8. If cither of the said proposed amendments shill boapprovcdby n majority of the electors toting at said election , then It sliullcoiistltutosection twenty-seven ( " ' ) , of 81-110100110(1) ( ) of the constitution otthostatc. Thh bill having rcr.ainoil with the cover- noril\o (5) ) days Sundays oxccptod , the legislature being in session , the Rovurnor hav ing failed to return this bill to the legislature during its session , and having failed to lllo it iu myofllco with hlsflbjcctlons within flvo (5) ( ) d.iys after the adjournment of the legislature , It has therohy become ft law. Witness my hand this 13th day of February A. D. 1389. ( I. L. LA. us , J Secretary of State. rou-nvE SUPHEMB jfnans. To amend sections tro (2) ( ) , four(4) ( ) , nnci flve (5) ( ) , of article ( U ) of thornmtlttitlim ot the state of Nobraskn , ontltled "JniUclil Depart ment , " and providing for flvo ( V Judges of the suuromo court , and to repeal said original sections. ' Bo it resolved and enacted by tho'ogislaturo ' of the state of Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ) of article six ( ( I ) of the constitution of the state of Ne braska , Iw amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 2. The supreme court shall consist of flvo (5) ( ) judges , a majority of whom , shall bo necessary to form a quorum or to pronouncoa decision. It shall have original jurisdiction in cases relating to , civil cases In \vhl th the state shall bo a party , mandamus , quo wtirrimto. halx.45 corpus , and such ap- pollute Jurisdiction as may bo provided by law. law.Sec. Sec. 2. "That section four 0) ) of article six (6) ( ) , of the constitution of the state of Nebraska , lie amended so as to read as follons : Sec. 4. The Indtres of tlio sunremo courtshnll boelectal by tlio elcctorsof the state at large and their teuns of office , ex cept as hereinafter provided , shall LC f or a period of flvo (5) ( ) years. " Sec. 3. That section flvo (5) ) of article six (0) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska , bo amended so as to read as fol lows ! Sco. 5. "At the first general election , to bo hold In the year 1891 , and after the adoption , of this amendment to tbo constitu tion , there shall boclcctcd three (3) ( ) Judpesof the supreme court , ono of whom shall bo elected for the tcim of ono (1) ) year , ono for the term , of thrco (3) ( years , and ono for the terra of Uro (5) ( ) jearsandat , each general election there after , there shall 1)0 elected ono judge 0f the supreme court for the term of flvo (5) years. Provided , that the judges of tbo supreme court whoso terms have not expired at the tlmo of holding the general election of 1S91 shall continue to hold their oflico for the re mainder of the term for which they were re spectively elected under the present consti tution. " Sec.1. . That each person voting In favor of this amendment shall have witte ! or printed upon his ballot the following : "For the proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to thonuniber ot supreme Judges. " Approved JlarchSO , 1SS9. TO INCHEVSR BAI .UItnS OF JUDOM. Joint resolution proposing un amendment to bi-ctlon thirteen ( II ) o ( article sU (0) ( ) of tlio constltutlonoC the stntn of Nebraska , nnd IHIng tlio salary of Judges of the supreme and district com U in this Mate. Be it resolved by tlio legislature of the state of Nobrasica : Section 1. That section thirteen (13) ( of article six (0) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska bo amended so as to read as fol lows ; Sec. 13. The judges of the supreme court shall each receive a salary of thlrty-flvo hun dred dollars ( KJWO ) per annum , and the Judges of tlio district couit shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars ( ? 8,000) , ) per annum , and the salary of each shall bo pay able tiuartorly , Sec. 2 , Each person \otlnf In favor of this amendment shall have written or printed upon his ballot the following : "For the proposed nmondment to the con stitution , relating to the salary of judges of thosuprcine and district court. ' " .Approved March BCf 1830. Tlio IMatforiu. The republican * ot Nebraska reiterate and cordially endorse the fundamental principle * ) ot the republican partyas enunciated by a succession of uatlonat republican conventions from IS. * ) to 18.18 , and \va\bcllovo tlio repub lican parly capable of.dpallnp wllhovcry > ltal Issue tliat runccrns tlio American iiooiilu , whenever tlicrank undilleot the patty nriumlmniuioliwUii tln-oxcrelsoof their politi M'ohoartUyoiidorso'the ' vvUo and conserva tive ndmlnlMratlon ol President Ihrrlmn. \Voalrtofnlly approve the vvlso action of the ropubtlvan inuiuhers of both IIOIIHOS of con- crm In ( iiltlllliifr tlio ipledes of the party In losblatlon upon tho. colnago of Hlhor and other measures of natlpiial importance , and conjnituliitotlio counuy iinou the continued reduction of the iiutlovil debt. A\o \ most heartily endorse the action of the republican : onsri'ss lii1 pnssliiBtlio disability pcniloiililll and the rc'puullcati president who approvrd thesaine. and regard H us nn juMlco too loiii ; delayed , lH > caiiHO of the oppo sition to ull just poiiHlon legislation by- it democratic president and a democratic consuls ) yelwo do not regard It as tlio full recognition of the great debt of obligation. wlilcli tbo covprnmcut and tlio pcoplo own to tliiho homlu moil by roisonofTliosu nerllleod and devotion the iiiilgn was bured uuU the KOMTiiinent restored. \io hold uiilioiit'st. popular halWt and ujnst andeiiuat representation of all Ilio peoplu to bo the foundation of our rcpuMlenn Rovcrn- nicnt , nnd demand ctfcctlvolnirtslatloti to fu- oure Integrity anl purity of elect Ions , which urothnrouinmtlonot all public authority , \\'o \ \ lavur uioha revision of the oleetlon la of the state as will guarantee to oiery votw tlio greatpst possible socruey In tlio cast ing of Ills ballot , niidboturo tlio punUhiuorit of any who may attempt tlio corrupt Ion or Intimidation of votore ; and MU favor the Australian hallot system for nil Incorporatuil towns and cities , npplloalilo both to primary and rcxular olectlouj , bo fur as It conforms tooiir oritaulo law , We ojjuobvlunduiouopolyluorery . nund tlio forfeiture of uiie.irnrd IMIH ! grants nml tlicrvsfrvatlon of the publlu tlonntln for Wo reeojsiiUo tliorltht of labor tn organize for IUsprotection , nn < l by nil l.twfuliiu I\M to Kci'ittij to Ituctt tlio Rrcitett roinril for Its thrift itnd Industry. Uo nro In ( n or of laws t'Otiipi'lllniiratlnmU nml inniiufnctun-rs to use npplliuuT * wlili-h for tin' ttroUvilim " " . - . . VeiTonmiidtlioiimiMim'tit ota liiw ilolliiliixtno Iliitilllty of employer * for Injuries Ntistulncd by cm phi ) i ilii MII-M caxpt where properMifi-guards luvo not been ti'-ed In niMipallons ilaiiKoroiM tn life , limber or limit Ii , Itallroid iintl other rublUi corporations should bo inbjcet to control through the lofNIntlvo powt-r that i-ivatoil them. Tliclr tiniluu lullnonou lit Icitlslutltin nml co'irt.s.uiul ot uiin < 'ct's ; iry tumli'iii upon tlio poiiple and the Illogltlninto of stock or capital , yhoutd bn pro- lilblted by 9trliijont laws.Vo tin- imnd of tlio otato that the property of corpora lions ; . | iall bo taxiHl tlmsuniu asthtit otlndhldtials ; that the iniivlsluus ol our con stitution rontilrlnvr the n > > ses < iiuiit ot ( run- eliKes shall ho enforced by suitable leitlsla- tlon. Vfo do further repeat our declaration In fi\or : of n ju t anil fiilr crvlou luMislon , Kiudod itci'oullnv tn loniith H ! scrloo. . for cicry siildlcr and tailor v\lio foimht In lu-liulf of the un Ion. ami by icainnof hosesorvk'i'M , ' " and devotion Ilio Rovurnmont now , tt'o tleiunnil tlio rcduv tlon of seiiRor rates on nillin.ulsto cont' pond with rates nmv ptovallliiKln I lie udj icnnt stnti's to tlio MlMlssliipUand wo further dvinaudthiit tJkiujjaboiitii dollar In chiiu o , they helped themselves to several choice steaks nnd loft , U'u ( leriinnil tlio c. til : > lUli-Mnt of a system ofpostd telpjiraphy , nnd rcqiii'st our inciii- lurs InioitKressto vote for KovurniiioiiU'on * trol oflho tult Krrih. | Owners of public elevators that ro- celvo and hnndln ) ! ialn for stor- IIKU should bo dc'vlinrd publlo witre- lioiibcinon , and compelliMl under penalty to tecilvt- , store , shli | unr liiuulln't ho Kr.iln of all persons alike , without discrimination , the htiito rugutntluir cliarsei forstot-isn : nnd In spection. All railroad ooinp.iules should ho ruiulrul to Hultcli. linul , hivinllc. revi'Uo nnd HI ! | | > tlio Krnlii of nllpursons , without ( ll-crltu- liKitlon. \Ve \ ( .ivorlho onriPtment of more slrlnsont usury laws and their cnforcenu'iit under severe pt-nultles , The ri'iinulk'.in parlj li'is nI'L'n ' thu Ainorlrnn poopiu a stublu anil olastlccurrciicy of Bold , silver and piper , and lus rnKcd tlio vrvdlt ( if the n.itlon to ono of tlio highest of nuy eotintiy of tlio world , and tliolr elTorts to fully IUIIICHHM lo nllver fhinild Iw cuntliiiied iinlll it Is on n perfeet equality , ilia money metal , with jolil. \Volivorlhoiiioillflcutlunottho \ stntutc' nf our stale liiMirliinnnnerns slrill prevent tlio liiylni ? of Judgments > ccitrud for vvoik and hboi-iind tint ennotiiirntorHtieh laws asslmll piovldo for the speedy eollectlon of the wajjes ofourlalxiror-s. \Vo fivorn reilslonof the tariff Intholntur * cstt otthui > r < iilueernnd Inboicr. The linpoit dtitleson articles of liuiiiinon n o should tic nUcjodits low as Is eonslstciit with a iitotec- tlfin of A tiiorlcan Indnstrlt'S. \Vo Liulorso tlio action of the Interstate com mission liiurderltiK n reduction of the grain iitcs butviueu thu Mtsiutu-1 liver unil luke U'odcuotincoall organizations of capltili ls to limit production , font nil supplies of the necpsiirlc * of llfo ami lo > ndv.itieo prlcei detrimental to the best iiitunsts of society , untl un unjusllllablo Inturferuiico with tbo iintuinl ni\\t \ ot competition nnd tiado , and : isk tliolr prumiitbiiiiprusiloii by law. Sudilen chanRo of tompcr.ituro and humidi ty of the ntinnsnhcio often pioduco disorders of the Uidnoys and bladder. 'Use Dr. J. H. McLc.iu'a Liver and Kidaoy Balm to check tlicso troubles in their inciplciicy. MOHTUAUY. Dentil ol'AIr. Kdwnrii IvrcCrcary After nSliort Illness. The announcement of the death of Edward McCrenry , son pi Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Crcary of 303-1 North Tvrciity-fourtli st reel will occaMoii surprise to hundreds of his frienJs and inspire deep regret among these who had been Intimately acfiuahitcd with him In life , The announcement will be moro painful because - cause the young man had scarcely been missed from tbo circles of his fiionds. IIo died Sunday nlpht about Jlo'clockof lung trouble superinduced by a severe cold con tracted some tlmo ago. The deceased was born in Page county , In , JunoSU , IbOO. He came with his parents to this city In 1SIH and attended the old puro- chialsehool on Eighth street. IIo then went lo the high school , later to Uathhurn's col- lope , still later to the celebrated college nt Toronto , Canada , where ho hoio oft the sold medal in the studios of rhetoric and the classics. IIo then at tended the collepo nt Mount Hoyc , Mil , and slnc-olus retuin hai roinaiucil in this city. Mr. McCreiiry was a jouus man of gener ous Impulses and until shortly before his death , was blessed with a manly aticngth which was considered remarkable. Ho was endowed with not less great mental qualities which enabled him to oxccl In all his studies as thev also perfected him in the various ac- eompllshtnents which distinguished him. Ho was an excellent pianist and a supurb vocal ist. Ids sweet , robust tenor voice frequently being heard iu concert ami choral music la this city. Mr. McCreary was the oldest son ot a fam ily which deeply mourns his death. The funeral vlll take place today at 9 o'clock from the church of the Holy Family. Inter ment will ho In Holy Sepulchre. Van Houton's ' Cocoa Largest sale in tha world. Pliysicians , Surgeons and Specialists. 1-5.0D DOUGLxAS STR.EE1T 06IAIIA , NEU. The most wldoly nnd favorably known spec ialists In the United States. Tliolr long ex perience , roinarkaolo Mklll nnd universal suo- ocsi In the treatment nnd euro of Nervous , Olirouloutid Kurnlcal Dlsoasos , ontltlo thuso oinlmnit pliyslcliins to the full coiitldoiico of tliontllloiod ovorywhurp. They cuurantoo : A OKUTAIN AND I'OSITIVH O1IUI3 for the awful oil cots of uarly vice and thonumcr- oiisovllstliut follow lulls train , I'KI ' VATE , 111,001) ANUHK1N D1SKASH9 spoodlly. ci > iilllntcly ) nnd iioriunnoutly cured. NIIKVOUS IIEIIlfjITV AND HCXUAIj 1)18- ) OUDIUtSylcld readily to their nldllful treat- 1'IUnS. FISTULA AND HEC'TAt , L guarantied cnied without pain or dctoulloii from Ijiislnos1 * , HVUKOUKliB AND YAIUCOOEhE normu- nnntly and snucessfiilly eiirod In \ ery casts. 8Y1MIILIS. liUNUUKIIIJA , GLHET , Hpor- inntnrrhcn. BDinlnalVcaknnss , Lost Manhood , Nljlit Kinlssliins , Dooaycd I'uciiiltlos , Konmlo Weakness a fill all dulluato dUordora pouullar to cither sex positively clued , as well mall functional disorders that result from youtli- ftil follies or the excess of m.ituro years. Tl ? Ifl'l II ? P Uiinrantccd iioruiatio ntly O 11V1U1 UlXLj cured , roiuovul coinnloto , wlllioutcuttliiK. caustlo or dilatation , Ouros utlcctod ut homo by patient without u mo rn cut's pilti or annoyanco. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MbN. A QTTRr ? f'lIPl ? Tll ° ttwful nfrcp "f * - k > vj IVLJ wU IVLJ early vluo which lirln s organic weakness , destroying Iwth mind itncl body , with all Its dreaded ilia , porinuncuty cured. nl IH'Tr Address thoBO wholiuvolm- LJl\iJ. IlLf I i o pulrrd themselves by Im proper Indulsonco and solitary liillta , \ ! iloh ruin botli ruliid and body , unllttlnx them for business , Htnilv nr nuirrluKi' . JIA 1(111101) ) MEN or tho'o onlurlnjon that linppy llto , awaruof pliyslcaldobllity.iiulckly OTJB SUCOB38 la based upon facts. 1'Irst I'raotlonl oxperl- OIHO. s'eeoiKl-Evpry ' cano UHpoolallysluclIed , thus Blartlng right. Third Medicines nro prctmrcd in our laboratory oxiiutly txi suit uucli case , thus tsffootlngoiiros wltliout Injury. Drs. Bctts & Belts , HW DOUGLAS STREET , . OMAHA. IIEB. BETTER 1KAN GOLD. For S5 jar 3 I tatTcrcd from bollt , tnd other blood affections , taking during tint tlmo great quantities cldlflcrcnlroixllcliics with out siring mo any perceptible relief. Frlcnil * Icdncol mole try 8. M. 8. It Improved mo from tbo ttart , anil ! tcr likms tcttsbottles , w itorcd my hi nlth as far us I could hope for a < my agr , which Is nowtovcnty-fl > o years. Mas. 8. 21. LUCAS , Uovtllng Green , Ky. o on ll ! < x\l iiml Fkln DNcnfC mnllcil fn . SWltT Hl'KCiriO CO. . Athiitu , Oa. If. DONITO JUAREZ. Vndcrtho .Vonastmciitof the Fletiran Intrrnallcnal banking Co. , fonrcsslonarico. Incorpornlcd By Iho Slate of Chihuahua , Mexico ice , tor Charitable Purposes. GRAND MONTHLY BBAV/IHG / , will tnkn plico InpnblhRt tlio city of Jimroi ( for * murljrl'iiaoUel NortoMuxlco. ) Wednesday , Aug. 20th , 1890 , KS , botllBentleiuuLlot hlsli BtuntllnK. Only60,000 Tickets ! Only 60,000Tickets , ! WHOLE TICKETS $4 , HALF TICKETS 52 , QUARTER TICKETS , SI. I Prize of 860,000 $60,000 11'rlzo of 10i K ) 1 1'rl o of r > , ( XX ) C.IHX ) : i Prizes of 1,01X1 each 3.W ) 10 Vrlzesof JOO each SKM ( BOl'rlzcsof 1M1 ( cicb 6,000 llWTrHusof M each 6,1)00 2M ) Prizes of SO cncli 7,500 JOOTrlrosof trocich . JB.OOO 100Trl7CSOf 30 each . il.OOO lOOPrlzusof So each , . . .r. . 2,500 Tcrinliml rrl/cN. 500Termlml9tot ) . (100Pr/oof$20oach. ( ! J1I180 ! tUgToruiliialatuilO.COOI'i-lzuoftlOoiich. B.UW ISHPrlzos amounting lo . $125,970 Wo , the unclernlKiied. licruby rcitirr tlu't tlio llancoNuclnniiloMuilcoln'lilliiuihiiahii9unilfl- ( posit frnm the Jloxlcon Inicnnitloiml llmihlnK Co , the necoHarf fiinil * to Rimrontco tlin piMiient or nil prlien iltawnln tlieWi-nn l.atci-liiiliiiiiPic. Wolurthcr certify tlmt owlll ui > erTl n all the arrnnseinontB , iiml In pprmin mnnnuo nml control all tboUniPlnirsor thl Lottery , nml tint the mine are conducted vltli honest ; , Inlrness , and Iu uooa faltlitownrilB nllunrtlps. JOHNS. N1OSBY. Commlsiloner. CAMII.O Aiinuii.i.r.fl : , Supervisor for the Government. If nr ticket clmwlnjn prlzo Intent to tlio ni.lor- KlRnod , Itafncninlnn will bncollrcti-dand rcailttou to tha owner thereof , tree of chark-o. KIKI.MI H HIIOVSON , Pros. El Paso National Jlank , III 1'aso , Tex A.OENTS Forcliibrnt < > or nn ? other Information , wrlto to the nnilcrtlKiiod , KtiitlnK ynur nrtitronHcloarlf , wltu btmte.Counir. Mroctnnd Number. JUnro rapid < lj- ( llTcrywillbn nmuruflbr your oiicloslnir uu cnvcl- opubcurlnn your full ud < lrc i. JlEXIOlN lNIlillAT10r/ATin ! VNKINO CO. , City ot Juuu-z , SOXJCE. Bond romlttnnccB for tickets \ > r ordinary letter , conulnlnuJlonor Order , l up < l by ulli-iprcss eora- p nles. New York KxcrmtiiM1 , hunk rtnitt or postal uote. AildroKsnll reclitored Ictti-rn to MEJtll-ANlXTKHVATIONAI.IlANKIVn CO . City o ( J uurcz. Aloxlco , via LI 1'uno , Toz. COURSING. Grcyluionds and Jack Jluhblf ) a Omaha 1'alr grounds Thursday , July Utst , and I'rlday. AUK 1st Also nt Coti 11 el niults Driving 1'ark Mituliiy. Au . 3rd. Kiicuti begin at U:3C : p. in. Kiitrlei eloso dn ] lioforo the r.iccs. lloadqiiarturti Hurkut- Hotel , Onia- M. E. ALLISON , Primary , ( Secondary or Tcrtlm-v permanently cured In SOlo DO days. Wo cllmlnato nil poison from tlio tjHtcm , solhat tbcro cenncui b nutmnor tin (111- case In any form. 1'artlca can to treated fit home , ( for ihoffino i > rlco 3. jg B&B B M jnt nnd under tl o ramo [ run nil fijijjy 01 If ) I H I U > tec , ( liulvrtlli llioM ) Iio pro xV Bv&Cjl H I . ftr to como hero , 1,0 vlll RJD H B I tlP P SCO ) contract to euro them or * * u * l-JaBIe' rcf unil nil money and I ay cntlro cipcnboof cflmlnfr , railroad fnr anil hotel LI1U. Wo ohAUonro the uorltl for a cuso vro cm not euro. MrntltnithlB impor. Additiu , COOK COt , Omahn , JfcbraiJ.a , OVLY-nr. IiMlncn I'rrlortlcil Pill tliu rrpnulirutmiil/ on the incnstriuil syetotn and euro Bupprc'Nslon from Mrlutovcr cnuio , Promote monstruntlon. Tticsuplllfl Hhouldiiot b"3 " ttikt-n ilur- Inn prcgnnncy. Am. I'll ! Co , Hoynlty 1'ropi , Hpon cer , Clay Co , In ( Innuliin l > r Blicrmnnft JVlcConiicIt , DoiU-i ) St. , Hour I1. U,0mnlui U. A.Moltlicr , Houtl : Oiuulia ; At 1 * . Kills. Ouuucll lluBJNJJ.or .1 for fi. CARRIAGES _ DELIVERED toanjr flic * lnlli Ultllpil butts. Alia , Ilibj ' iuri | , liryele t fcifrtletind nir lei Onior liioritt wholt lg C , 0. I > . direct from t. . U. Hpvicrr'a Ito- loty.IllH. M.dir , bl.Chi taN lo IIOMVCH ! handle. Ktimp far new ! . lci ( . Tbi Ur ( t nctwjr la Ut worli Bt , Maru'9 Bohool , Knovvlllo. II. , (1803) ( ) A Church School ( or Girls. Bt. A.lbnn.'n Sohool. Knoxvlllo , III. (1800 ( ACIiurch School for Hoys. Now buildIns , now furniture , now nppira tus. The latest methods of meiit'i 1 anu pliyn lunl culture. Everything up to the tlmo Homo comforts miuhomo rimi forovery jiupl ItnV.O W.LKlTINUWKUj , I > . 1) Hcotoraiiil I'omulor. BUKKBR HILL- ACADEMY homo Koliool. Kqitl | > iuant ] porfttt ; 1'rupitrosfor any culleyo or for tmilnoii ; biickwurd lior rocclveil i Bill ybn , npcin Hf.t | M frSSUOuAilclrcss Ituv. H. 1 > . HT1VEH.A..M .IliinUcr Hill , 111. STEPHEN'S ( OILLF F BfatT iBBaSfl \ $ B DtyftiQatlijytl vrOR YOUNG LADIES. Muilul mil Ait lie. partjn. utilii lirit oru .itUevt Auicrliait 1 urul.ean'Ieaclicril Iteautiful piutiti Ii , n * buiMm v. li ateil Iv lut vralrr. A > Uib Utr. r.U.UAUKkTT.l'K..COLUMBIA , MO. Slnrtrnnl'arlKucarClilcajo ) . IloardlnKf y bchool for Olil nncl vcunx I jiillcs. Kur L cm losoo addrcB ( I. TIIAVKH. J , I ) . , * JlorK nl' rkIll.or77 Walloon Bi.rud1 ' " 11 pOHStRVATDRT. i * I'rurvtftun. vtooo Jli § erouniU . NICOMD. [ | FEMALE ACADEMY d colli' lAU * courtM-K , Hu-niturplunruBiv ( , c , mt. K.l.lui.uiu > , ritucljal. JwLiumUle. III. VTEWYORK MILITAHY.ACADEMY. l > fol. U. J. Wright. II.U.AL.CuriiwnlI.N.Y ILLINOIS MILITARY ACADEMY , " "m& " " ClrcuUrollIKNItY J. 8TKVISNB , A. IU 1'rln , lvillM. II ) Ul ll tA CUSHIONS tlii > nk > * rdfl > IUillunfoiuUi. . SOMETHING EVERY ONE SHOULD 11AVU THE AIOST COMPLETE Reference Library IN TllliVORU \ ) , The Culture anil Gcnious of tlio Hcst Minds of the Century. Hi vis eel and Amended For American Readers , up to June 1st , 1890. Offered in Connection with THE OMAHA. DA1UV BEE. OUR PROPOSITION THEOMAHA. DAILY BEE offers n year's subscription to the paper , including the Sun day issues delivered at your address nnd a complete sot or the Americanized Encyclo paedia Brltannica lor $2.5O per month for ono year. The first five volumes delivered on payment or $2.50 and the balance payable 52'50 per month. The other five vol umes to bo delivered within , Tour months. All our present subscribers arc entitled to all the advan tages of this great offer. People living outside of Omaha can avail themselves of above liberal offer by hav ing the monthly payments guaranteed by some respon sible banker or merchant in their town. Sheep and hair morocco bindings can bo had at a slight advance on above price. A Special Feature The Encycloim-dlu llrltannlca eont'ilns no Itloprapliy of persons no nmttor how noted or prominent In niuulilinir the events of to-day they may ho , until such poisons nro 1)12 ) AD. 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