THE OMAHA DAILY KEE , TUESDAY , JULY 20. 1890. THE CITY. The bnnlt clearings yesterday wcro 1832,1178.78. Tenth street Is now closed to trafllo between Lentonworth nnd Mason. Jack Gillan will sub-ilst on county boiinl for tbo next uoven days for petit larceny , "VcHtcnlny was pay day nt the post- ofllco iintl about 8lUUOO , was distributed among llio employee. Two cnrloails of pickles from London were received at the custom house yestcr- dayfor Pnxloii & Gallagher. A bniall flro tit 014 South Sixteenth Btrcot nt 4 o'clock yesterday morning did a few dollars of damage. Andrew U. Humphrey , n young man of Baltloboro , Vt. , IH missing andhisftitlior Is making inquiry about him. him.lilrdlo lilrdlo Robinson and Florence liny den , a bruoo of colored courtesans wore yesterday feont to the county jail for ten days for disorderly conduct. The cnso against J. J. Casey for ob taining money by false pretenses was yes- tordny dismissed in the police court , the defendant paying costs. Twentieth Btrcot in the vicinity of Pnul is In n dangerous condition. There are several lurpo holes In the roadway where the heavy ruins have caused the trenches to cave In. Two Incorrigible boys , John Crayon nnd John Hiobovoro yesterday dls- po fd of by Judge Ilolsloy. Grnyson was held to the district court In the sum of fcOO nnd Itiebo mis discharged. L. Rlordnn and John Dee are wanted for reckless driving. Dee is Riordnn's delivery man , nnd both are accused by C , I ) . Ncal of driving into his buggy and completely wrecking hia vehicle. General Test of the census bureau enys ho Inn completed returns on mort gage Indebtedness of sixty counties of the state and that the showing is not so bud as politicians have predicted. A warrant has been issued for the nr- rest of Louis Gold by Justice Morrison. Christ. Spccht complains that Louis disposed of n horse , buggy und harness , upon ulilch he , Christ.hud a mortgage. A bill of snlo was filed In the county clerk'solllco yesterday afternoon , show ing Unit the property of the Kentucky liquorcoinp'iny lias boon sold to Moses Kols of liriulford , I'a. Tlio considera tion named in the bill of silo : was 813- 802. GS. Seine unknown but enterprising thief appropriated Dr. Pnrcoll s horse and buggy yesterday afternoon. It was loft in front of the Young Men's Christian association building by the doctor , and when ho returned tin hour later It was gone. Tbo rig is valued at $2oO. The family of W , M. Reed , living nt 807 Howard street , fins of late been In dulging in a series of jamborees to the great annoyance of the neighbors and they have decided that a stop must bo put to it. They have accordingly filed im information in police court charging the Reeds with disturbing the peace. The case against Thomas Johnston for obtaining pronarty under false pretenses from W. J. Clark was called in police court yesterday afternoon. Johnston appeared and ehilmoil that ho could not secure the presence of his witnesses , anil secured another continuance. lie lost no tlmo in leaving the court room. Ho had not been gene ten minutes when S. Mandol- Bon appeared and swore out another war rant lor Ills arrest on.n . similar charge , alleging that Johnston bought $3 worth of merchandise from him March 18 , and in payment gave him -worthless check on tlio OniiinnNational bank. It is a ro- potitlon of the Clark case. Passed n Koi'ttcil Check. A man representing that ho was employed on the South Tenth street grading Job which Is being clone by James Walsh , succecdcil In passing n check for $14.00 yesterday morning on Mr. Pomoy , of Vomoy it Scgolke , bearing the forged signature of Air. Walsh. IKJ'S Wlilslcy Friend. William HattQii was brought to the city from Cherry county. William had camped about twcnty-flvo feet from the line of tlio Hosobud Indian reservation nnd was supply ing iwor Lo with firewater at tliu regular rates. Ho will answer to Judge JJundy for the offense. Complexion powder is nn absolute necessity of the refined toilet in this climate. Pozzoni's combines every clement of beauty nnd purity. Of Sound Minil. J. J. Stcadinan protests that the statement to the effect that ho had purchased nn Inter , cst In tbo Republican Is wholly without foundation. Ho had heard of tbo rumor , but don't know who started it. Some time ago ho looked ever tbo decaying eonccrn In the Inttncst of two Washington newspaper men and iiuulo report to them as requested. They will not buy the prohibit Hopper. Seventeenth Street Property Owners. Tlio property owners of South Seventeenth street , between I.cnvcnworth nnd Center streets , nro hereby Invited to meet this evening at 8 o'clock nt the residence of il.iltuz Kramer , William and Seventeenth streets , for the purpose of tuklng action in regtiul to the protesting of the closing of Seventeenth street by the railroad com panies. The COMMIITUU. Ilnrrilily Inmod. , ) AB. &M. freight brnkcinan , EdE. Tulip , n resident of Omalm , fell under the wheels of n niovhiK train at I'hittfimouth Sunday night nnd hud his light leg and right nrm cut oil. ' .Tulip has wwlt'o and child who are now visiltlng in Canada. Ho was u steady , Industrious employe nnd the company will look after him. Ho Is be ing cared for In I'luttsinoutli at present. , The ( irndliiK Coinplotnil. The work of grading the grounds for the n < ? \v orphan asylum iu Reason has been com- pletcd , and in order to meet the assessinunt the Sisters who have tbo worlc in charge. In the nbscnco of Mr , J. L Miles , hope that these who have kindly o ( fere J to contilbuto toward the good work will ileposltthoamount of the suhsiMlptioii'j ' in the Nebraska Savings bank or seuil it by check to the Convent of Mercy , Fifteenth anil Castcllar streets. 1002. Sixteenth and Parnam streets Is the now Rock Islund tlekot otllco. Tick ets to ull points east tit lowest mtos. Wmllollcrlliiftbnnil ? . JIary Olbcu of Minneapolis writes to Chlnf Scavey tltiit she had Just rend In nn old copy of TIIK Hint of the boiler ox plosion Iu the Anuour-Cud.\hy packing \\orjw In South Omaha. She sajs Unit she believes that Huns Olsen , the engineer then killed , was her husband , who left her hi Wisconsin in 16S7. She says that Hans was fifty years old. dark coiiilo.\louoil | , blue ccs , inoustucho aimchlu whlikorsnuUuf incdf Vnodmniibcc'H Snloon Koltl , Peter Woodmnnsco of the ExDosltlon sa loon , Flftctinth and Capitol avenue , guvon bill of sale yesterday to William Darst , wholc- Kulo liquor dealer of Omaha , conveying the furniture in his blllard rooms and In addition u chattel mortgage on the sumu property of fl'JI5,8U. TUo mortgagee , Pawl , Is Iu jiosscsslon and Is ongJged ta talc * ini nn Inventory. . , , , Thin Is tllo pluco started In 1SS < 1 by Murphv nnd Woodmansoos Murphy sold out to Wood- niansey In IbttT , who has blnco conducted It alone , Vlio business was generally sopixiseil to bo prosperous , but purchase inoneyHublU Ities imvcd too heavy for Woodmansco to carry and meet. The tnulo Is said to bo In terested to a counldcrublo extent , * Dr. SussdorfT mnUca a specialty of dla- tasea peculiar to women. 1501 Furnaiu Bt. MAO'S I'ACKAOKS. The Union 1'nclllo 1'eoplo Inquiring IMlo Ills Impress Comptroller Mink , Acting PurchaslnK \gcnt Anderson , nnd thrco or four expert accountants are hard at work on the McICib * bin matter. Last week one man wont through all the express offices and took from their books a carefully prepared Hat of the packages received by the ex-purchasing agent during hU administration. What such packages contained , however , or whether they were accounted for to the company Is not nnd probably will not bo known until an other b.iteh of petitions shall have been Hied with the courts. It is understood , however , that many of thcio pickup contained money sent by supply men to McIClbbln , this means of sending it being adopted to divert suspi cion. cion.The The Investigators are rnoro chary in giving Information regarding this matter than for merly Ono of them snld that the number of express pncluges was considerably larger than any other puichaslng agent over had occasion to receive. Supplies of every de scription are generally bought In such lurgo quantities as to require their shipment by freight. This , therefore , leads the oHlcials to conclude most of tbocxprcss mutter con signed to McKlnbin on account of the Union 1'aeillc railway wag for him personally. Judge Davis , ono or AlcICibbin's attorneys , was asked what action hail been taken to- w.irds making a defense. Ho replied , "Nothing. It I ? nottitnoyct for us to make a showing. Why doyouuskl Uo you want n sensation I" "It has been rumored that you propose to make some very developments in your answer to the'3 charges agulnst McKlbbln. " " 1 think wo will nnd they may Implicate ofllclals higher up than was. If wo could get a chance to examine the books and accounts I am sure that some very interest ing f.icts could bo secured that will probably novcr bo brought out. " The express people decline to say much. When questioned , they pretend to know nothing more than that n man from tbo Union Paclllo bcailrmuitcrs had made an ex amination of their books , as far back as tbo time whoa ilcICihbln became purchasing ngent. The Coal Mine Troubles. OWclals of the Union Pacific have stated repeatedly that the trouble among their coal miners at Rock Springs was virtually settled nud that work had been resumed. This statement is only partially correct. About one week ago , General Manager Teh- belts of the coal department gave notice to the miners that they could continue work until August 1 under the old rule. At that time , he assured them , prices under the screening system would bo agreed upon ; also that iu no case shall the prices lixcd bo such as to either reduce or increase the wages. On the strength of this assurance , all the English-speaking mlncis and the Chinamen returned to work , but the Finn's , Austrians and Italians remained out. Another , and what may prove n serious dilllculty 1ms been encountered. It is HOW charged that the company is having its big engines on the Wyoming di vision supplied with lire boxes which will burn coal screenings. Inasmuch therefore as the miners , under tbo screen system will receive no pay for mining , screening or steam coal , they naturally pro test against the company malting such use of it. They claim that this is a scheme on tlio nart of the comp my to get as much fuel as possible for nothing or almost nothing be cause the cost of this mitcrial is estimated at not more than 10 cents per ton. Itntcs Will Go Up. The committee of presidents and general managers has sent out notice to all the western roads that an agreement was finally reached to advance rates between Missouri river points and Chicago. This , however , will not affect Omahn so much as Kansas City. The cnttlo rate down there Is , and for several months bus been 12J cents. It will now bo put back to 2. " ) cents a hundred. The corn rate , however , is to he reduced in accordance wllli the recommendations of the Interstate commerce commission , from 'JO to IT cents. The adjustment of tralllc divisions has been left to a committed composed of the chairman of the various associatfous. Don't Onrotto Eat. " It Is with the greatest confidence that Hood's Snrsaparllln Is recommended for loss of anpctito , Indigestion , sick headache , and similar troubles This inciilctuo gently tones the stomach , assists digestion , and makes ono "real hungry. " Persons in delicate health , after taking Hood's ' SarsapariUu a few days , ilnd themselves longing for and eating the plainest food with unexpected relish. The Sacred Heart academy for day pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue and 27th &t. , Is an institution devoted to the moral and Intellectual education of young girls. The course includes ovory- thlnpf from an elementary department tea a finished cliiisslcal education. Besides the ordinary academical coursfo , music , painting , drawing and the languages are taught. French is included in the ordi nary course. DHTeroneo of-rollglon Is no obstacle to the receiving of pupils , pro vided they conform to the general regu lations of the school. The scholastic term commences the first Tuesday in September. Classes begin at On. m. , and pupils are dismissed at S''M p. m. THL3 XMsTlUuT COURT. A Lively Hun of Uiibiucss Attends the Closing. The grand cltoso of the present term of the district couit occurred yesterday and pvovol the occasion for transacting n very largo amount of business , Ono hundred big pages of minutes wore icad l > y Clerk Moores , and , despite the clear cuuncUUlonof the reader ana a flood of cool which poured through the many open windows , the proceeding caino very near putting half the largo number of auditors asleep. Clerk Moorcs having finished his dry nnd tlresomo act , Judge Clarkson took the floor and delivered a number of opinions , princi pally on motions. Ho overruled tlio motion fora new trial In Hiiwloy vs I'.ittcrson ; grunted a decree of divorce in Stewart vs Stownrt , nnd In Stovcimon vs the American water works company ho said that the plain tiff's remedy was in an action for damages , the action having been brought to compel de fendant to make a certain connection. A group of six candidates for tlio reform school , 11 vo boys to ono girl were brought before - fore the bar. Willie MtGrow , a nlno year old runaway ; Johnny Parker and Lizzie Hog- nor were scntcncet ) , while Billy Flu , Fmnkio Thomas and Albert Gibbons were given n new lease of opportunity to t > o good. Four prisoners wcro next sentenced to the penitentiary as follows : Albert Darnell , ono jenrj Thomas King and John Howard , con victed of stealing jJO worth of Jewelry , were given two years npleco : Lewis Coiemun , Mealing $ " 200 worth of diamonds and Jewelry , ono year. Judge Hopcwcll announced a number of decisions , many of which wcro of Importance simply to these Interested. Motions for new tilai were overruled in the following cases : O. A. rishlng vs PoyckoIUw. , John E. Hurt vs Arinour-Cudahy packing company , Connelly vs Omaha. Judge Uouno overruled the motion for anew now trial In Thomas vs IMgerton. In Murphy vs Omaha , n suit to recover on n sewer contract , Judge Doauo decided for defendant. Mvud et ol vs Fisher printing company , proceedings iu error from county court , ' the order of the lower court was aQlrmcil. Ivilpatrlck-Koeh dry goods company , vs II. II. Cook , a Judgement for $ St-10 ! ) was ren dered ugnlnbt Mrs. Cook , the wife , who llg- ured so prominently In the Idontilicntlon of the Mlllard hotel suicide , and she was given six months In which to pay the Judgement. The Interesting- case of ox-County Commis sioner Timmlo us'.ilnst the- county for $ WO bacUsnluiy was decided iu favor of the plaintiff. In Smlthson vs Smlthson nn apullcatioa for temporary alimony of 1100 , $25 a month , pending proceeding ) to set aside a dlvorco alleged to have been obtained by fraud , tuo urnilleatlon was allowed. Tlio petition to show error In connec tion with an Illegitimate son. Iu the case of Fisher , guardian , vs Daniel Swobodo , was and a decrco of right of property was entered. In the cuso of the Democrat publishing company vs Douglas county , nn appeal from the award of $700 by the county commission ers , of n claim for 1,000 for printing this tax lists , etc. . the appeal was illsniNsrd. Juilgo Wakeley announced the granting of decrees of divorce in Olldcr vs Olldcrand Kelson vs Nelson , Motions for now trial were overruled in Hunter vs. Savldgo. Dcgroff vs. Wichon ham nnd Ilojiplo vs. Omaha. Trio appraisement and sale In Kennedy vs. Upton wore sot asldo. C. J. Duff , sccrotnry of tlu Denver live stock commission company , yesterday Hied n petition with the cleik of the district court to show that his company had been beaten out of * 1- 71.70. Mr. Duff alleges that Leo Uoths- cbllds of South Omahn , on NovemberUO , 1887 , was n live stock commission man , and as such his company shipped him a consignment of fat steers , and , moreover , that ho , as secre tary of thocompany , ndviincedsunisof money ttylullus Rothschilds , brother of the said I/ce. Ho further alleges that Julius has loft for parts unknown nnil that his brother , Leo , ought to pay the claim. Frank Uolpetzer ot al. have brought suit against J. 1 ! . Curtis to recover $ l'J.iU duo on n promissory note bearing date May 20 , 1blX ) . Thomas H. Patterson has brought suit against William Patterson and others to quiet title to various lots in the city of Omaha. George Schmidt has sued the Omaha lum ber company for ? 10 ( ) . The plulntlfT alleges that ono of the defendant's lumber teams drove into his buggy and damaged It to that amount. The wedded life of Hichard and Ella Olvcr has npt been ns happy as It should lmvobc < ii , During the month of November the two people ple were mnnlcd , and for years , Hichard' claims , ho was a loving husband , devoted and true , while Ella was quite the reverse. The husband noiv comes into court and flies a pe tition in which ho alleges that la April. ISs : . ' , the defendant was not only guilty of extreme cruelty , but without Just cause or provoca tion attempted to destroy his llfo by adminis tering a dose of poison. The plaintiff would not die , so ho continued to live along with Klla the best ho could until May , 1888 , when they separated , nnd since that date have con tinued to live npir.t. Kichtmt now asks for a divorce and sucli other relief as equity may require. Open to Kvcryliody. On August 0 to 10 inclusive , the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will ell round trip tickets to Boston , Mass. , iu nd return for $ ol.7o. Good to return until September 30. Tlio cheapest ox- Cl urslon of the year. Don't fall to take I in. For further information apply at Til Ion ticket ollleo 1501 Fitrnnin btroot. . E. PHEST'OS , F. A. NASH , Pass. Agt. Gon. Agt. sour n oji.tii.t. A AVifo Heater. John Gorman , the prince of the Third ward vifo beaters , was run In Sunday for the bird time this year for indulging in this domestic luxury. Ilroko a IJCK. William Thomas , nn Omaha lad , while winging iu Syndicate park Sunday fell 'racturing ' ono of the bones in his loft leg uelow the knee. A surgeon dressed the ivound and the lad was taken homo. U AV. Jllller Heart. L. W. Miller , aged 18 , a popular member of South Omaha camp , No. 1095.Modcrn Wood men of America , died ata7 o'clock Sunday , nornlng after a week's illness with typhoid f 'ever. As an engineer at the Omaha , and .atcrat the Armour-Cudahy packing com pany , Mr. Miller won lots of friends and the cbnlldcnco of his employers. A mother , brother and two sisters hero and o o In Min nesota are left to mourn his demise. Funeral services at tlio residence of his brother j , Benjamin Miller , Twenty-eighth DO- tween J nnd 1C streets , Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock , under the nuspicles of the Mod ern Woodmen of America. Interment ta Laurdl Hill cemetery. Arm Rrolccn. Reuben Crippcn while hauling wood from Bcllovuo to tills ultywas yostordny forenoon thrown oft his wagon and received a fracture of both bones of the right forearm. Mr. Crippcr J caino to this city and had a surgeon reduce ; thu fracture. Notes About the City. Edward Knin bos gene to Kansas City. Mrs. Frank Burness and family have gone to Cuicnio. Mrs. W. N. Babcock has arrived from Julesburg , Col. Bohemian citizens gave a pleasant social and ilanco In National hall Sunday evening. Messrs. C. W. Miller , S. D. Rynoimon and Rev. Robert L. Wheeler , delegates , nnd Joseph W. Edgorton , Z. P. Hedges , S. W. Dennis nnd J. S. Turnoy will lo.ivo for Lin coln this morning to attend the Independent paity state convention. The delegates from Douglas county to tbo independent party state convention will sup port Joseph W. Edgertou of this city , for at torney general. C. A. Lyons of Valley , spent Sunday hero the guest of E. C. Hay wood and C. M. Man- Icy.Mrs. Mrs. Llnihan , widow of Thomas Llnahan , who was killed at the Armour-Cudahy explo sion , left Sunday for Chicago. Tbo Nonpariel b.ill club defeated the So- botkers Sunday by a Jug-handled score of IS to 4. The Sobotker ball club next Sunday will .ay the Shamrocks of Omaha at the Forest ers' ' picaic at Plattsniouth. William Burness has removed to Franli Burness' house , Seventeenth street and Mis souri avenue. John Condon Saturday finished his J street grading contract. Yesterday Mr.Condon tool his outfit to Pa pillion to work on thoChicago Rock Island & P.iciilc grade. Clark D. Forsyth of the Armour-Cudahy traveling force Is bacit for a short visit. A pleasant social dance was given Satur day evening at Dougherty's , Twenty-fourth and Q streets. George J. Scltzor. Jr. , nnd sister , Miss Ilnu nab Seltzer , arrived from Chicago yesterday Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Adams nnd son , Frank of lioono , ta , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank n. Aitams. MIssFredrikaGoohcn bos returned from Atlantic , la. Mrs. J. B , Erion is visiting her daughter in Furmont , Mesdamcs W. B. Cheek and O. I ? . Taylor have returned from Colorado. llorncss , Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs L , B. Wilsou of Albright , was buried ii Laurel Hill cemetery at 4 o'clock Sundaj afternoon. Mrs. James A. Bellow and son Oscar hav gene to Wahoo to visit friends. A atrangolndy , with her baby , while driv ing on Twenty-fourth street Sunday , wa thrown out of the buggy backward hy th seat breaking down. Slia was so stunuci that for some time she was unconscious. The boolts of the Exchange bank show that on last Friday the deposits weio gSli UVi.ltti. The business of the bank averages a half million dully. It * mptrlor ezctllonc pratci In ralllloni of home * for morotlinnu quarter of n contorr. It ! uiuJ l > r the UulttMl BttUo' totrDrnin > nt Kndonoil l > r ( no lindi of llm uroit unlvttrilties > i the Htroneu.t , 1'urot and Mont lloali fill. Dr 1'ilco'i Cruuin H kIna - ' Ina I'owilurdo ? ! nut cunlala auimonla , lluo or alum. i I Hold onlr In rum , nilCK I1AKINO I'OWDKH Ctt , i ii w Voile. Clilcmta , am 1'tuacucs. SULouli I ' $ ick tfeadache IS a coinplMiUiliom which many Buffer 1 nnil few nro entirely itco. Its cation Is Indigestion anil n shiRgls" Hvor , the euro ( or whloh'la readily found in the iiso of Aycr's TOls. " I have found Hint for sick licmhcho , owned by n illsottlcrcil condition ol the Momncli , Avert Tills nro the most re liable remedy.Simuiol 0. llradburn , Worthlugtun , Jlnna. "After the wit .of Aycr'a Pills for jimny yearn , in BIT practice nml family , I mn Instilled in Rnjl K tllxt ( tllo > ' nro an excellent uiUiiutlc nml Hvor inodlclno giistnlnlni ; all tlio claims made for t liem. " -W. A. VVcstfnll , M. ! > . . V. 1' . Austin & N. W. Hallway Co. , 13lirnot. Texas. "Ayer's Tills nro the best ineillclno known to mo for reKiilatintf the bowejH , mid for nil dlscasi't caused liy n dis ordered Rtomncli mill IlMir. I Buffered for over thu-o Ji-nrs from headache , in. dhrestlon , mid constipation. I had no upputllo nml WHH ww k n"d nervous most of tiiii time , lly using three boxes of Ajeity I'illn , anil at the sumo tlrno illotinc inysolf , 1 win roinplutely cured. " Philip Lockuooil.Topclta . , Kansas. " I was troubled for years with hull. Restion , constipation , and headache. A few boxoH of Ajcr's Tills , used in small dally doses , restored mo to health. They are prompt and offccuvo. " W. II. Strout , Meadvlllo , l'a. Ayer's Pills , rBEPAJlID Dt Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold ty all Drugtfita and Dealers la Medicine. "THIS is AN Aoc OF APOLLINARIS WATER. " If alter Jlriant. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " . The filing al ( fie Afollinan's Spring ( Rhenish Prussia ) amounted to 11,894,000 bottles in 1887 , 12,720,000 lotllts in 1888 and 15,822,000 & " / fc'sag. ' , , JTOTIOE. The wellkno-Jin Yellow Labels of the Apallinaris Company , Limited , are f rot f ( ted by l\-rpetual Injunctions of the Supreme Court. BEWARB OP IMITATIONS- G-KATUITOXJS Tlilt species of nclvlrn Innotnlwnjsaorppt- ttblo , but In nmny Instances niutli liuurllt Wotiiilboileriieil-iTero It uclcil upon. No octlon of the country Is cxrtn jit from dlsciisc. To know tlio bent inciing of conibuttliiK tlilo common enemy , with tlio It-out Injury to our puukrtit nnil tnitcn. It certainly it ( front nti- MMitni ; < > . \ \ 'oiiiiiHtcxctTorplil | J.Ucr.Con- pt-Hlnl Spleen , VltHtecI llllo lilul Iiiacllvo Sloweli , anil nil prudent poraons vIllHtipply thciiKcliecnllliViiirii I'llU , vI lch Ktlmu- Into the Liver , relieve tlio etiRnrfjoil Spleen , determine a Iicnltliy flow of llllp. thus n-R- nlatliijttlioboivcl'iamlcauitlnifiilluiilii'altliy secretions to piiMaofflti n natural iniiniier. "An ounce ufpnivrntlvolsworth n pound of cure. " llo udvJttil uinl use Tutt's liver Fills , Price , 25c. Ollicc. 39 & 41 Park Placo. N. Y , . Physicians , Surgeons anil Specialists. DOUGLxAS STREELT OMAHA , NEB. The most widely nnd favorably known spec ialists In the United States. Their Ions ox- porlcncoi remarkable Hlilll unit universal suc cess In llio.tioutinont nnd curoof Nervous , Chronic and burRlcnl Dlaeiiscs , cntlllo thcso eminent physicians to the full vnnililrncoof thoallllctod inorywherc. Tlioy Kiiiinintpo : A OEUTAIN AND POSITIVE CUKE for the nwf ill ollucts of early vlco nml the numer ous evils Unit follow in Its train , 1'UIVATE , 111,001) AND SKIN DISHA-SIM speedily , ooinplotoly nnd pnmmiieiitly cured. N1MIVOUS UEHIUTV AND SlIXUAIj IJIrf- OltDKUS ylold rcudlly to their skillful trout- " ' ' 'I'lL'Es , FisTrjrA AND UEOTA& UMJRKS Kuarantei'd cured without pain or detention tlfl"1'imotMiK ; AND VAUIOOOnr.E perma nently mid successfully riireil In pycry cuse. BYIUMMS. GOMWUIIKA , GIiKT : , Spur- inntnrflicii , Scir.Jn \Ve.ikimss , IvOitilanhood , Nlclit Emissions. Douuytd r.icultlos , I'Otniilo ' \Vo.ilcnoi.3iiiidHll dollcnto dlsordora peculiar to cither positively ouri'd , us well us all functional disorders that resuIt from youth ful follies or tin ) excess of inituniycnis. : Tl ) ir"l'l Il'l ? Onivranteud. ponniino ntly O 1 IxlVjl Ulvlj oiircd , rnnjo\ ill conilili'to , without cuttlns , c.iustloor illlntntlou. Oures ulToeled nt , homo ! ) > lutlent without a mo- IIICTO & GANDy'MIDDLE-AGED ' MLN. A SURE CURli 2aBy'Vioollw.SKinS-f ' . orpnnlowonl no islostroylMr ! both mind mill body , vlth all Its Uro.uled ills , pormunonty cured. cured.Q > IH7'l"rC Address those who havohn- \O. 1)11 I lO paired themselves by Im proper Indiilconon and solltiirv hiblts , which ruin both mliid and body , uniittliig them for business , study oriiiairl.iKO. JIAKHIEDM1CN or thoio c-nt rln < { on t hat hnppy llfo.uwaroof phjsloaldebilityqulokly llMUtcd > OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts , rirst-l'ractlpal oxpprl- enco. econd-K cry case Issiieclallystudled , thus starting rJnlit. Third Jlodlulnog aio pitpared In our laboratory exactly to milt uuch ftiso , thus flffuctlHgcuies without Injury. Drs. Bctts & Betts , UK ) DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA. NEB. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "llr n thoroiiKh knowlolito of the nntninl laws which Kovorn the oiiorntlnns of tllROstlon anil nutri tion , uiiilbr u carulul application of Iho line proiwr- tlcxif well aelectoJ Coc i Mr. K | > pi lm protl.lcd our lirenkfunUuUloiwithmlolloalnly ilavoru.l bjypr- HKO which ni.'iymvi ) us liiiiny licavy iloctur nbllH. U la bytlio ludlcloiu usu of uchnrttclo of illct tlint u oonUltutlun inajr lie urartimlly built up until ulroiiK cnniiKli to ri-slit orcrr temlonry to dl.enn , llun- ilrctls of lUlitlunmlnilUn nrotloallnirarouii'liis ' ri'iuly tunltnck irlitrovorlliLTOlin e.ik imliit. Wo mar OKiinio many n fatnl hnf t by ksepliiuoursehet wt > ll furlllloil vrlili nuro liluoil , ami o pruperljr iiomlihoJ traiim."Clvlgorvlcuuotto. | ! .MiKlo ilmplr \ \ UlitxjIUnK wntU-r ormllk. gold only In Imlf pound llnj. by grocers , IsbHliM linn : JAMbS EPPS & CO./'orn00n.'i.rD7i'un"u18' / ' ? . ! ! ' ? FRESCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE and permanent CURE for nil Jlieasei of tl URINARY ORGANS. Ourci where othertreataientlalli. Foildirecttomwltlieach iflttle. 1'il'e , ono dollarEc siKnatnre of & L. &TAUL. For Sale By All Druealato. A.OOOIMU li , Lay r ll'IDeir'K rii St. , . CliUaito , S.M ymrH1 ku i f"l ptni-lco. Advloolr ; i'n ' jpubliCity dpciiaHuuilUlosi. lumuuy btu.i. : = ' ' - "he Entire Season's. ' ' , Accumulations of odd Suit Pants arc now on sale. This will be a picnic for all who ncec < pants , and for those who do not need them right away , as it always pays to buy our Suit Pants and put them away for future use. We had several sales of odd Suit Pants before , and our patrons know what bargains they arc. This season we have not sold a single pair of these pants , but as fast as the coats and vests of a suit lot were closed out , the pants were put away , We reserved them all for the express purpose of making a grand sale in July. This is the month when extra pants arc needed and our customers will appreciate the op portunity to get them at less than half what they arc worth. There are nearly fifteen hundred pair of these pants.Ve have placed them on separate ta bles and divided them into four different lots up from which you can take your pick. Lot Number One we-marked $1.90 ; not a pair in this lot but what is worth at least 3.00. Lot Number Two is $2.75 ; all very fine worsted and cassimcrc , in light and dark shades. f Lot Number Three is marked $3-5o. This lot contains about Coo pairs very fine Pants , in excellent patterns ; the poorest in the lot would cost you elsewhere from $5.00 to $6.00. Lot Number Four is a small lot of very choice Pants , all of the finest fancy worsteds. These are from our very best suits , such as have been selling from $22.00 to $25.00. Wo marked these Pants $4.25 , the real value of every pair is from $7,00 to $9.00. Take our word for it , these are the greatest values ever offered in the Pants line. Nebraska Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. Our store closes at 6:3O : P. M. : : : Saturclav at 1O P. M. THE ONLY LOTTERY PROTECTED DY THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT , OF THE BENEF1GENG1A PUBLICA , ( PUBLIC CHARITY ) 1878 , UTAnil In noulio cnniirclr l wllli niiy Couipunj ubhiff tlio 0uuo numu. THE HEKT MOHTHLY DRAWING WILL BE HELD IN THE AUGUST 7th , 1890. CAPITAL PRIZE , - $60,000 50,000 Tickets nt l , TW,000. Price of Tickets , American Money , Wholes , $1 ; HnlvcH , $2j Quartern , 1. LIST Of 1MIIZK9. ICapltnl Prlio of KiO.ttM ' l > fOT.OM i riipimi I'rlzo r 2oi w is - 1 Capital 1'rlro uf 10UUO ta 1U.WJ I Ciantl I'rlzo of 2,1X10 li 2OIK ) 8 riltoi of (1,000 inn ( XM fi I'rlr.'S of &UI nto 20 I'rlzciiof 2 < JO nro 4 , ! l ) 1W 1'rlrei of 100 nro 10,0.10 MO 1'rlzes of M ) nro Ml ) 1'rlzes of su mo II fed AI'PHOXIMATIOX I'ltlZKS. 1M I'rlros of M ) : ipproxlnintln ( ; tof JO/JO ) prlzo 0,00) 1501'rlzosof SOiip.iroxIumtlnKto SOOJOinlzo 7VK ) UOl'rlzcsof 40 npiiroxlinntln ? to 1UOOJ prlzo ( iffJO * VJ Tcriulniils of I'M docklcd by iUOW ) prlzo 2,271 ! I'rlzcs amounting to (173,5(0 All 1'rlzca sola In tlio United Btntes fully mild In U. H. Currency. AGKM'JB S Cl.un KATrs , or nny other Informntlon Joalrol , wrlto Icilbly to tlio umlcrslKncd , clu.irly titlnKyourroalilcnreiTlti : ! state , county , street nml mimbor. Moro rjp'd return uiull dollvury 111 be aiiiuvilliy yuur cncloatngun uuvelopa liuarlne your full uJJroja. IMPORTANT. Address U. I1AHSIST.I , City of Mexico , Mexico. Or to OitAS. n. MANTBr.t , k Co. , Room 431 N , Y. 1,1 fo llulldliii ! , ( Jinnliii , Nub. lly onllmry letter , coiit.ilnliig JION'nV OHDKR Issuol liy nil ixnots | L'otnpitnltia. .Now Voik Kx- cbungjc , Uralt or 1'ostul Notu. lly terms of contrnet tlio coiiip.iny mtiitdcposlttlio sum of nil prl/iM Incluilod In tlm rrliumo bolero ncll- Inn n > ln lo ticket , un < l ruculru tliu fulluwiUK oniclal pi'rmlt ! CHIITIFIOATC-I nercby certify that the Hunk of London anil Mexico tuia on ilujuislt the nocuM nry fluids to Kuarutitce tlio puyiucnt of nil i > rlzoj drawn by the LoturU do In Hanullccncln t'ntjllca. Al'OI.iNAHUAHlIl.Lo , Intcrvonor. Fu rtlier.tho company la required to distribute tifty- lx per cent of tiu ! vuluo of all tliu tkkuts In prl/ui - portion tliiiu Is Klvuu by any uthur lottery , Klinlly , tlio number of tkkuts Is llmllcdto O.UOJ 'JO OJOIu.iH tli. in uro bold by other lottorlua uBlngtlio name sthuuio. SIMICIAr , . Tlih Is to nwtlfv that the I ! ink of Commerce , Nnshvlllu , Tenn. , n III pny ull [ irlies In above. ERRORS OF YOUTH. BUFFEnEKS FItOSI AcrvoiiN Dcbllllr , , i - | t , Youthful Intllnrrclloni , I /A I j I'0 * ' Maoliood. /Bo Your Own Physician i j llruiy men , fiom the effecti of youthful ; f Impnutt-ncc , ha\t'brouu'ht atwut nitato of c wcftlfiie j llipft hai leduceil thocvncrnl tjgJ J J tern vo much A lo induce tlmut ev ty < ' . other UI IK ; ASP , an 1 the real ru o of the 1 t noublo scarcely vrer bilnv iuiiwtcttnl , they ' t are doctoral fur * vcrjthtntf but tlip rip lit ' t ono. Notwlthitrtii'lln tliu iimny Taluablo ; ) reiimlle * thAtmHIcateclcnrtiliatt produced > \ for the relief of tlilt clui * of itatlento , none 1 { uf lUeorUIniiry tnodeti uf trtat nenttdnrtft f cure. DuriniroiireicUnilvocollPtruAnaiioi- I pltrtl practlco wo hare experimented with ! [ and dI coTcred inw n < l conctntrati * 1 reinv. $ ille The aofomp nylwe iireucriptlim 1 * cf- I M a rvrtatu ami sprrJv euro. M . Jmluo ciu In uur practice h&roiM'ru ; ro to porfcct licalthlirlU uw after ' S allGtherrtmetl ) < JSfAllctl. 1'erfectlypurein- ' rrrdlfiiUmu < tbouiieaintUotreparatlouof , ' , IhU prc < * rlf lion. ; t ErythnuyJon co-a , 11 drachm JtrulK'Un , 11 Urarhiu. . Ilclonltj tMotea , IZUracunu Oi < l mlri. 8 i Tftfns. Kit. Iffniul * ) anmrn falpohoUct ) Kit. Ut tundra , 8 acruplci. ( Jlycirinp.n . Wit , ! Make GO if It * . Itkelrlll ntSp. ra , anii nn- | { othrroa Koln ? tolMNt. Inaomoc&SiSlt 11I < , banocff aryforh ( < ipati < nttntakotwol'lK ) . | at lwdtlrneniaklntivnunil ( ) ) rthiveafiyt ] ; ( TI > l rtm j/.liul4p < NjooTeiTconfllllonof _ , ltynnd , I find f fn iso ruses reiultlnif from i ! Imprudence. Tito recuwratlr0 [ itontrs of ; E thUrf > t ratlTO8re tiulyattrmlshrnr'.aiullti ; [ ti conttiiu6l for ncltoit ttiadchanirrn the < I languid , ildiim/iti.I. nmclCFi conlitiou t * ! 5 one of rviuwoil llfnanjTl _ it , ' t Aiivoancui < stanUrln > cili > tofl > ttenof , ) Inquiry inlollieto thli rirnixly , t > wci j MS. tijrernlttlliB fl airuiclr a Alict ; pack- ! I nze conUlnlna H > till' , ewefullr pom- < t n > undcd. lll t rcntli > lelura 'nail from ! > -mrpHiaU laboratory , or wu will furnlth 0 ; : u oi ic' , hl , li PUpuroinuitcuucfor5. or call on tlew England Medical Institute , 21 Trcmont lUnv , ! lutlon.tlaiii. : porrl ht , W . by F. J > lin i t PILLS. BCD CnOtB DIAMOND GRAND. Nftfc , r a l. alwivinlliMc I JIri , n 1 ( Jewelers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND FARNAM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB. PIONEERS IN LOW PRICES. Being manufaotuvors , Importsrs and jobbers , asvoll as ro- tall dealers , our purchasing faoilitios are socoiid to 110 house in this country. Honoa our extreme low prices on ovorythins wo Bell. Special attention Is called to our largo and elegant line of Fine Man'ol O ocka ( over 60 different styles ) nt $5.OO and up wards. Flno Banquet and Piano Lamps , wi li s ik pn asol EliadcB in all the now colors , from _ $5.0O up. Buy your Table Cutlery of us and save monoy. Rotors' Best Trlplo Piatod Knives and Forka only $1.76 per sot. Stool OarvlniS3tshnifo ( fork and stool ) , $2.DO and upward. Spoons , Ssc. , In proportion. Our Great Mid-Summor Bargain Sale of Diamond > , Waiohos and Fine Jewelry Is still in progroas. Geiiuino Diamond Finger Rings from $2.5O up. Solid Gold Watches from $15.00 up 5,000 Quo solid gold , plain , band and sot RintjB from 81 to $1O each. Go'.d Spectacles and Eye Glusoos from $3 up. Pine Stool Spectacles $1 up. CSF'Repairing ; of Watches , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty. \ The Omatia Medical and Surgical Institute IpMMSl ! S iC ] raiii ? i3iHiaa ! J 5 > ; wfiilisy imm r 1 IIMterM ! s5 i * > * KJi | SwalsSii ! = S' ? r.fl ; For the trontmcnl of nil CIIHONIC AND fitinOICAI. DISRASI'8. nrncai , Appllancoi for Doforniltln , n4 Truvscn. llcst tncllltlce , ApnaiuttiH nnd ] l mc < llna fcirnuccc-fful trpatniont of ctcry form uf dl can" re- ijulrlng Jlcdlcnl or Surgical Treatment. NIN1.TV JtOOMS I'OH PATIKNTS. Hoard of ntlouilanco. lle l Accommodations Wc'tVrlto for clrntlnr on Doformltlea nnd llrncos , 'l'ru cn , Club Krot , Curvntura ol Hplne , I'llo , Tuinoig. Cnnccr. Ca.nrrh llroncliltln , Inhnlatloo , Kli-Hrlcltr , I'lrilvsln , ISjiyleimy. Klilner llladiler , Cyc , i : r , bkln nnd lllnoii , nn.l nllmirrfoit oporiitloiu. DISK \SICS OK\VOMi.V : u upeclilty , Hook cf DIspnuM of Women I'los. Vchntalnt ly niMeil nl.ylnln Ic ) | nrtinont for Wimicn diirlnu Cunllncuioat ( Strictly 1'rlTiito ) . Only llillntilaJtuiIlcnllnitltiito making a fpscLilty of I'll I VAT I" DISICASKS , AlllllooU I > l oiisp8succc 'fiily ! trinlpil. Hyrlilllllc polion rinuiTcd from tlio nynoinlthootir.orciiry Now HesKMtUoTrcnlincnt for Loss of Vltnl 1'owur. I'nrllos iniiilila to visit il irny tig tioitcil nt lii'iua ' by coricspunilcnco. AlUoinmunlrntlonsconllilentlnl , Medicine orIntlriimuntu ncnt by mall or expruns , n t curely packed , no innrk to Inillcitu tontuntu omondiT. Onopurton illntor\lor/p o < < rri > d. Callnnil coniiill us or ncnil hlaury of your cave , nnd wo will noidln plain wriipporoui 11DOK TO M10N I'ltKK. upon 1'rhata Bpcdul orNervuus Ilicata ) < , Ircpotcncy , Sj-pIillU.Olect nml vnrlcocule , with quuitlun list. Address Omaha Medidal and Surgical Institute , Corner 9th nnd HarnoySts. , Omaha. Neb. Tlie SpocirLlist , , I * misiirimmoit In tlio troiiltnont o ( nil fOrni" of PHIVATK IHSKAMW. I t Vnn ion.1 . hJUK lUllK. uriwln In relieving llio Umliler. 811'lllUB curuil In IU to W clny . Wkln llio , Culurrli nnd nil ! ) ! IIJBI of llm Illooil lludrlnnil l.lvr Keiuulo lilions. rsciiriMl Mitlinut InilrunjenU or "Weil trviitniont " Lnrtlus from 2to 4 only tend Innip for rlrculirj KlTlnit nnrlli'ulHn iiboiil rnclinf Ilie iitioro illxi'.ixjs , unit iluiwlni * mnn > af tha men rcnmrkuMtt emeu , onicc , N i : for Mill "ml tarnatu sis , entrance on cltliurBtrciit , Omnlm , I\cU , DBauer Lotteri [ Denver , Colo. , Capital Prize $7,500. TEciiiiTs ao esi.vrs IACII. ; $20,3ro PAID EACH MONTH BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PHIZES , Address , B. F.IUIODUS , Di NVEK , - - - COLORADO , NERVE AND BRAIN j for ? Iyt4 rlft , DlnlneM.Kiti.litninOfrln.WaVM iulW * , Mental linpniviiioii * HoftenluKot the Uralu , rtn tultMirf la umanlty anil Ibatltnir to misery rttav anc | utlh. I'r matuia Old Agv , JUirenncB * . l.ota or 1'owof IncUlier BCX , Involuntary LOICPB , nn't ' Hi > uimtorrLce caun t tir orerHjiertlo v of llio train , relr-tlut- VYvr iuditfence. ! ( K&ch box ccntalninnBinnntL' * II rirnt. 81 < it > ox. or alx tor $ i , ( unt t.y mail nri'l V.'Uh caeb orJor for rlx Loifs , win njm ) imrrh- . . , p'taranteo ' lo refnua raoncy If the ( ro tmvntrtll4Ul GOODMAN DUUO CO. , lllorurnam Street , - Omahn , Neb OritU u < 1 > r lrnC iBlH \rillttb * 4 ; ipl n tea ! aa4 vrotftMtll'dficilidirr * * * MGDICAU CO. . DUFrAilQtNY * DR. ELECTRIC BELT oiiTV . BUT AND trllIH.M > r vTJ , rHuiTieI , Mill for till iiml > < f . . t r nl Oinmlli. Vtitki.M , il > lo | r il ( . lld , . . ( . ( . ! < . > i < irrt > li ' Klxlllellr lhro , h .11 Wl i liiriMl rll I.HMtl ; , r w tottH li.Ouu In < d tUt > * Birf C * < pM li * ' ! > HAi I tttt * if * * > itti.