THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , JULY 20 , 1800. TIM'S PIlPfl'T iTIIfH lt41 17HTP THE SPtClLATLVE MARKLTS ANonousandUnBeUled State of Trade In the Wheat Market , NOTHING TO JUSTIFY THE BULL MARKEt , A .Small Dccronsn In ( ho Visible Supply ply A Grout Huljjo In the 1'rlco of Corn No One Sold .Short. CIUCAOO , JuljrSR.--tSpoolil to TUB 1ILR.1 The day in wlitut was ft wild ono the lint hour , and a lively ona all day , The mlvanco of IhopistMCuk wlpod out the bull nnd brarlliios anil left tr.ulo In a nervous nnd unsettled state. The crowd gathered on the curb ready fora rid-hot bull mil lot , bac.iuso the country hid hoon oxtrcinoly hot over Hiindny. : ind the Saturday dlsp itches said tliu whont fluids could not stand It. roroljtn news was pirtly bullish nml pirtly be.irlsli. Liverpool was higher , but continued cables and loiters In tlcttal batter xvoithor nml a\or.i ocro | ) Intimity wheat proJuoln ? countilos. In spltu of hltjli prlcos the provnll- Jnjr. receipts hoio were IOM thin the cstlnrito at lii'Jcars. There was no out Inspection worth inrnllonliiK. The vKlblosiipplyri-port was ex pected before noon , but the fever was on niul tr.ifloiiltid for nothing. September wheat , which ch soil nt 1)14 ) on baturday was upon the curb almoit to ito ) IOIIK before tliu lulu opening on the lloor.Vhon the lima o line for the Hist icjiilnr trades tlio foolliu at a hlKh pltuh and .Sjptoiubor started at O'iMO orni'irly Joovir Hntiirdiy. It wassomo seconds before prk'04 woroostibllshod for the ether months , when September Jumped to Wo on the llrst liuUo. Anoint n.idod In nt OJUe , December nt Ili'ii unil May eontr.icts woioJI.OO'l. ' 'Iliesoworo the hlsli ? pilcos of the morning. I'ho bulls who had Immense iirollts In IDIIK bc an unluidlnz very fast. Hoclic , Illooin , JMX in and many other hulls loadliiK In the early Millliu. William YOIIIIK .xc Co. and Dunham & Co. wore the most conspicuous liiij ers. llefoio 1 o'clock prices iiilcdlovtir. SepH'iubor dropped b-ick from Me toliPiO mid until nirnln ut. ) j'io. ni.comlmr iliopptd tlnr's toWJiC , each time ro- coM-rliiK toWoor bettor. 'I ho whentmarket closed with nnall-ioiind ndvaii'-oof about lo from the t'hiso Snturdiy. The last prices vioto : July quoted atlHoat the high point nnd ( tie nominal at the cloui ; August closed fit Kl'iosfcopli'iiihtr ' ivi c : Dcccinhor 07'fc ; May mild UJ'iciitl ' OO'i ' anil closed nL31. Thuo was no Important news lo Jmllfy tlio oUrcmo bull market only. The visible supply showed a nm.illdecre.isoof ll.OJJ bmhols for the week. on tlio curl ) touched l io for September and eased to DVjo at a oV'ock. The puts ut that liourncrc Dl'iC. callsti''iC. bulijo In tlio prlco of corn this mornliiK ns a HttliiK cuttnlniitlon of the ro- marKabiiinotion for the week pist. lollow- Init an advaniuof lo a diy nil last week there was a very excited in 11 ket at Ihu opening to il iy and iHitilclc advance which put the prices of H'lidlnc futures aboutio ! over the close last woek. TliuKicit force tiiKler Ihom.iikut was thO continued dry wo ithor. Thlsadded to the unoilEh and bullish fcolhu of trado. Mko wheat , tliu .strength xt irttd on Iho curb wheioSeptember pissed the 4 o marlc. 'Iho opi-nliiK wicked with Heptomuor at 4. > 'iO , and with never n Ntop In the wild buying until 47'/ie was touched. AitKust Hold nt4.V ( and Slay sold ubovoMo tlio Ilisl hour. Thoio wi'ru ininy bull Inlliiences In corn , but the bullish foo'lng of the trulo alone undo tlio iidvuiiuo of.lo possible ut the elosj. 'Iho corn bell wii considered In a crltlenl condi tion for the ruin last week ulth two nUhtb In ter vinInirslnio thuclosoof biislnu'jsb.itiird.iy ' hrotiKlit hot \vliiilnaiul little lain anyuhcio. 0\or ihlslhotr.Klo wont wild. 'Ihero was not iiKriatshoit Interest nnd thuro wus no corner or iiiaiilpuliitlon In tilKht. 'Iho oper ators * simply folk that corn wns on Its way to fiOo , ami peril ips to 10i % If the worst CMIIIH to the crop and tlmy hasttned to buy. Iho longs held on ( or hljjhir pi Ices anil no one dared to soil short. The result was a phenomenal advntico. The bin ilocTt'.iso ot I.IJi.OJO biishols In the visible supply with a outwurd mo\o- ini'iit hero and at Ihu scabo.tiil only added lethe the strength. OhlciiKo slilpmonts woio : t3U.iOO biisliulb and Now Orlouns tleaitd 100,000 , bo- ( Ides the 117,000 * from At Km tic pints. No prices xvero quoted for the month. August hOldnHI'ic nnd closed at 4Uc ( ! ; beploinbur closed iit4lTac ( , but sold on the lloor after tno boll'it l'017'ii1. October hales vcio tauslit at < ll'icii7ic. ! hater the closing prices of .May wasOlo nt ono time , closing ntM e.or iPioovorthoclosliuHatnrd.iy. Corn on curb for bcpti'iiiber w as 47 ® ISUo. puts 4" c , calls , . " > 0c. The oat market enjivvoil a uroit tlay also. TlioojMMilhtf was HODTirltfriff unit Jlrst prlcos for the Iciulliu monthl opt mborvoio all the way from ! Uu to ; Uc. against the closing prlco b.iturday at IllSu. Muoli the s uno fooling ex isted In o.its as In coin , regarding the crop and weather , buttburovoni m my who thought top prices wore ro ichod lust week. Not HO , Iho llrst burst of buying sent the pilro of boptembcr to 3J7o nnd i hero wns inlk of sales at Ulo. August was quoted as high us Mo and May at thoMimo hour rose from : r > \ o to ; ic , or.I'.io over the close Saturday. The exoltomcntwas Inoroased by the nnnonncoiiientot tliu falluro ot II , lIiw.Co. . of the Hess elevator com pany , lloss wns chnrKDil with trying to run u corner In oats In May. Uo made money then , hut Interim wentshorlof the uurkut and the blK advance Is tmalimthlm. It Is olalmed the house was 2iviOuO ( ) buslmls short In oats , bo lides bobiK short Incorn. 1'rlcesyielded after the llrst hour nnd the last prices were : July iU c , AiiRiist ll ? o , Soptornbor ai'tu. May : > < 3S.a. liijmnls ois the trade hud a llttlo snrprlwo thlsinoriilnnln tlio fiilluroof It. II. Tonnant , V Co , This \\tia nsmall hoii < o , but frequently cmployid to do buslnois for other larger con- coins. TuniiAiit.ot late , his been pliinKliiK BOIIIO In slioit ribs and some loports HIIV that he had sold corn. The amount of his failure 'a not known , but It Is Hin.ill. The provision uarUotwasdraXrOd tJ better prices .iiKulnst , odiy In the opposition lo p.iekers who told ribs. There were country bnyliu ordoi s. 'Lho pork mnrKot was In J uly sold at JL'.OO nnd closed ut $ U.7. > ; beptcmhcr w is up to 111,71 imrly. but ihoi > pud biuk to til.2" , and eIosuLutll.4t ) . January sold as high us ill.HO thoflrstlioiir. l\u Soplembor contracts rlhs Bullied 10otor > .40 , nnd laid I'-'Sio to W.20. The murUotvas the most actlxo for week ! ! . j/i ira at o CK. f OitiCAno , July 33. [ Tologr.tin to THE IlilE.l OATTI.K The deni.ind was active and w 1th a slight iiptuin on seed und usofnl na tives , hiich 'is the import and dressed beef tindobiiy. Common stock , especially grassy and half finished steers , although bolllns iinlckerthnnon 1'rlil iy or Satitr.lay , iinlor- wont little or no change. Cow stojlc of all classes hold fully as Ion us at anytime last neck and the smrj are llablu to rtilo as long UH Toiuns urilvo In such Inwo nninbors. Tlioru was little or iiothlnKKobig on In the Htooker and feeder trade , hence the variation In price. Choice to extra beeves , itlV)3lsO ) : me dium 10 KDOit H tiler * , 1.150 to IOJ Ibs. H.'J.V l.n ; 1.JIKI to I.'JJJ Ibs. , 81I ) &I.30 ; O.VJ to l..M ) Ibs. . tl'JiX185 ; stookors and feeders. dull at i.VJJiW.I'J : eons , bulls and mixed steady ut * HoaiiO : : bulk , fiiXKft-.MX ) ; Texas cuttle , market steady ; steois , RVJIO 1,0.1) ) His , JiUKaAWiTMto UlOlbs , ? .Mt..7. ( ) . ;'i ' < UU'5 ) : western rangers , Bto.uly ; nullvoj und linlf-brecdsU40aS.'i. lloos-Thodoiiiniid was not I vo with prlcos So hlk'hur , the nomniil m irkt't closlnu stron ; nnd nhont ( uoiitlilni ; Hold , The bulk of mixed bold at $ I.KViU UJ.and host ho i > y at SI HJhlW.OV a tow atfl.Mil.Oj'i. ' I.ldht sorts * .l.8UniJ.lW. and a few of slnglo sort-s at f I.o\2il.o71i. flX.lXCl.lf , , Nr.xr VOIIK , July 23. [ Spoohl Telegram to KlJhK.l STOCKS The btook market opened . , ' this moriiln : , ' with an imusnal amount of mil- mutton anil a decided \\eaknoss \ In sympathy with the lower I.ondoi n-uros. The activity did not hist throughout the hour and only In Suimr Itoflnorles. St. i'aul nnd Atolilson wns them nny n-al acttIty. . I'lratprice * were all lOHorand the docllnvs from Miluidny's llniil prices extended to V per cent hi Sugir tuiil tt , Vniil , AmoiiKsloclvHof the r > "iilar lUtrhow- oxer , there was na nio\ouiont of Importance , wniie jli-hllns Kllghtly fiom openlni : prlcos , but later rvoovorliiK the lois. u as the oulyslooK In which thuruwns Important lluo- tiiiitloiis lid thiil , after ndanclns fn > in73S tote 70'i. retired to 73 , iitterwurds rocovorliu to ulmut Iho npunliix llu-iiro. Trading In the rest of the mm \Misahsolutoly dovold ot 'Stut ture , mid atll o'clook Iho market \MIS , dull but steady to linn at iibotit the oponhi { tlguros , \a. \ The SIH olid hour bronchi buying orders In a.ot I'aul from ClilciiKO. There was no iveovcry ot linH | > rtuiicelii any stooK , anil at noon the nun kut luisfonturolissiignln. Stocks weak- onetl xery iii.iterlnllv after midday , and kKit" cm urn ) inoio bold ihun for iiiimy weeks. Kook iHland f-ohl oir ton ) nnd neovoiod tech in'i. ' AtchlMin. St I'ntil and I'nlon I'.ieltlceach fchowod a lossof 1 percent , buxarus oir 2 points to 74)i ) ut the vloso. Sales were IIJ.WO bllll 1 OS. Tliu tollowliiK were the closln ; quotations : or 4 < roui > on , . . , . .liiv Norlliurn I'Bvlllo Ar > i U r > 4 niilur. . . . . .I''J'i do preferred. . . . . , , , SIM U.H. 4hi rt'itular . , , .U3 " " 1) H. 4)J coupon 1UI4 ilu preferroil ! . ! lll I'nclllouof'W Ill New York Central..loid Coiitrul I'lioltlo J > 3 < { I' . , I ) . At ! -JO Itock lilnml MM Clili-nuo , lIurlhiBton L'.M AKl. I'aul. . . , TOJ .tgulnc-f law Jo prod'rrcJ. 1U ' ' ' ' ' ' St. I'uul t Uuialm. , , . Xi llllnoli ' . . . . . . ito preferred , . . . , , . UiU I.U A\V Union 1'icltli' . . , . . . , . , Ulli Kin ni \ 1'eiat ' "J W.Sl. * ' , UH , ,10" do preferred , 'Jiw Vifilotu Union. , . . . . . tUH , Mo > rr E i-Ql par aaut , I'mwr. Mi iitASTit.r. rxrun ! > < Wl percent K Qlllct Mill ilxlj day billx , il HI ; dcm.ind , Mlnlnc Hlooks. XF.W YoitK. July .1) ) . [ Hpcrlnl Tolcur.ini to Tun HUB. ] The following arothenitnhuatotflc quotation * : Allio ? T7 IVP'IronSllTor'.T. ' . . . . . . IT& AilnimCon IK ) Mptlnn . . .1 133 diliMlaiila II II. . . . I'I iMounl Illnblo I'.U o.MlT . , . . lr > N Hello MO Ill ) Kcri'knron " > Untnrlo Ho. ) ( IniiM.V Ciirrr . . . JV ) . , . . , . . . 110 llnlo.t.Norcrosi. . . . VTl ) I'lnciilx , , Ull , VJ ) ll'Miio < ltko . . . . . .10H ) ' irnso HV ) IKirn Silver 815 glvrm Nurnlt .KM Tlio CoiTeo Market. YOHK. July ! M. fpoolal Tolcjrrun to TUB linn. ] CoiTeo Options opaned Mtruly and imclnngcd to 15 points up , ' ' ntciidy line . . . , n I'M ; Mured. JIVIO ! April , ilVJ. ! Mny. SIVJ3. Spot Klu in thn niul lltiuor ; fair cargoes , tJ'J.TO ; Hut , JlM.JT'i'a.H.,1. ) . Oittooo , July M. ll\ p. m. plow Yl c1t flrini u.i li , me ; ! < cptciiilvr , K.Vc. Corn rinni wish , 4ti\o : hoptoiubur , 4QVo. O.ili 1 Iriii ; cusli , ltiu ; ! ; tiuptutnbcr , : { ) ' c. Hj'o ririn IlnrlovHtcidy. . I'rlino Tltiiulliy rirm nt 31.4231,43. Pliix rirni at il.W'5. : WhiskyH.lo. . I'orkstonily ; ci li , 112.00 : "cntcmbcr. $11.40. Ij'iitl Sluudy ; caalfW.Uli ! Siuptoiiibcr , * J.V7H ! i. . . Pliiiir rirm and lilttlior tlmn Sntitnl.iy. Itulk inonts-blioiiUlcM JiOJ'I'fW.'l. ' fchort clnni. K OXS.1 ! " 3. fclioi t rlbn , t' > . "HiV . 'JO. Ittittor-Qulet ; cruamory , lIOMOj ; dairy , 8 QHc. Olieoto-Tnino ; full oreiiu chcildnn , 7 ® 7'c ( ; Huts , TUSfyo ; YOUIIB Ainurlcus , IH * . ii : as - nnilrr : fresh 1212'c. ( l ' Hides jht 'uly heavy and Unlit Kreen S'llted , niol'io ; a.iltod bulls , , r > 3 ; croon salted calf , ? 'i'37'/4i > ; dry silted hides , Ou ; dry calf , & 5 ? < : icoii - ' Tnlloix-Hteidy ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4c ; caku , 1'Ju. ' Kccolpti. Slilpm'ts. Hour . 1.1,000 21,000 Will ! It . WOO. ) RT..OOO Corn . , . .1S'JOOJ 42S.OOO O.'itl . 170000 'AS.OOO NR\V YOUK. Jiilj'23. Wheit Hceotpts , Ol.oai hiisholss i\port ) > ) , It'JSDO ' lU4liul4 ! spot elosoil buoly stonily ; No. reil , l ViflJl.W In elc \ntoi , Ji.ui'4"ll.01 nHoit. tl.OJ ttl.031 ; f.o.U. ) options I'iisJo hlghor ; No. 'J ted closing at Wic. Oorii Rocolptf.lOl.OOJ bushels ! exports. 03.100 bfishulsjipot linn : No 2. lUi&YMtu In olovu- torj Sl' ( , ® . > Jlio ; uiisraileil mixed , 49ii 5J'oj options ronrirknbly o\tltcd on crop no s nnd cuiee/iiof 8ln > rts , nd\.incccl ( fMti : : closoil yaouit rbcst llijiucs ; July closed ut Wu. ! Outs Hucolpta. 80r > 00 bmliuli ! spot sto uly. optlnns llriu ; July cUHlns ? nt 4w ; cpot .So. J white , l.'llf&tlo ; inl\cd western , JUQ4Jcvlilto ; \\ostin n , 4JJI" ( > c. Collco-Optlons olosod stonily. D to 10 points hlKliur. Hnlcs ; tJ001 biRij.luly , J17.40(317.4.-i ( ! AiiKiist , $17.1V17.'j : spot Ulo Uiinuri fair cnrjjoes , $ l.O1) ) . llrni ; filr rcnnlnfr.I'Vc ; ccntrl- fiiKiils. Otftost , C'iei ni.irloii. 84 test , 4 ? cj , ro- Hind stt idy ; oil "A , " 5 u-K/i yc. 1'etroloum-Uiilted closed tor August at 89c. 89c.Kfss I'lrnr , western , 175J1815C. IMik I'lrni ; mess , tllO > Ml4.uO. Lird Sliuket excited and much higher , with corn active ; western steam , JO.'J.i ; August closed at * ! . 10 bid. llutter I'xttadimothers quiet and weak ; wosk'rn iluliy , tviKllo ; cioamory , IkHTc ; Elsln , 175l7'ie. Chei'sc-Strongci" part HUmsS'ilSc. JdiNNFAi'ons. July S3. Wheat Uccclpts fortwodaya.70 cars ; shipments , 01 cars. The prlco strong e.nly. but wo.iltoned bomu hit or In synipntliy with lower futures Olosln ; ; ! No. 1 bird. July and Au gust , lil'ic ; on tr.iek , U' J'-u ; No. 1 , northern , July nnd AnsiHt , Ol e ; on track , tUo ; fto.'Jiioi thorn , July and Aii5ust , bdUo ; on tinck. b')1i'JOo. Mtr.WAUKHH. July ' 'S Wheat rirm ; No. i spring. c.ish.Ul'iSJ.'u ; No. I noilhcrn , t)3c. ) Corn rirm ; No 't , 43c. Oils rirm ; No S white , JJJ7c. Ityo-bteady ; . i. ; , l"o. Hirloy Quiet : No. ' . ' .r io. I'lovlslous-l'lrm ; I'ork , August , { Il-So. ST. Louis.July 'j. Wheat aiosodlrioaulaij cash , Ux'Sii ; ; hoptembor , tlfjo. Corn IHxhor ; c.ish,4Ui3 ! September. 4l'So , U.its imiicr ; c ish. J3j ; Soptembcr , .J.'HSJtt' . I'oik-IllKliur nt JU'JJ. Lird-lll lior at i .70. Whisky J1.10. Uutter t. isy ; cro.uaory , 1215o ; dairy CI2c. CINCINNATI , July 28. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 roil.lUUUi'ic. , Oorii strong ; No. 2 mixed. JOc. IMs Weaker ; No. S , mixed , U'SMO ? . Whisky $1.11. " KANSAS Crrr , July 'S. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 , cash nnd .IiUy.bJ oiNo 2ie < l , cnsh , b"c , Corn-IllKher ; No. s , cash , U'Jc ; July. : > 8Wc. Outs-fatoady : No. 'Juashund July , .lie. Ijlvuni'UOk I July 28. rinn ; dc- iniintl iioor ; holders olTorspirlii'ly0.tllfornli ; , No. I , < 9.ri4lpor ! centil ; ted vu-tern winter. sprlnu , 7Bi'id : pel ceiitul ; led \\L8tcrn. winter , 7s .Id per cental. Oorn-l''Iim ; a uiaud fulr ; mhcd western , 4s ! ad uorcontil. ; ill'JS STOCK. CIUCAOO , Inly 28.-Cattlo Receipts. J.BSO ; ohlpments. uOt Ji mnrkut netlvo niul higher ; bt-incH , $4JiO4.K ) ; steers , * J.5tKa4.4'j stoekcrs and foedcrs , jSJ.aOS 1.10 ; cows , hulls and mixed , ; Texas cuttlo , 4l.7KW.50 ; vcstcrn rnnjsors , . . ulpts , 2lrrtO ; inarltot uctlvo nnd hlKliur ; mixed , tl.75O.l05 : heavy , $ .J.7l > SJ.Ori ! ; llKlit , W.7.V34W ; skips , SJ 5J5W.7J. tilioup Itueclpts lo.ooaj market dull and lo\vor \ ; until os , tl.75'ir > 0t western , Jl.WO4.tlO ; 'IVxiiiM. f.J.704.80 ; liniibs , $4.7 IC > W. The Droxcro' London cnblo- gram quoits Aniuilvin cittloln heavy supply - ply , but KLMiurul suppllosonly fiilr , clvninuu \\e.ik und jirlcod'ao lower uU l.lSio per 11) fur clioleo Ainvrluaii beo\os. In tliu correspond- Ins wuok last > enr the London mai Uct tul- viincuil le , bet Ameilcan steen helling at Me. Sr. I.OOIS July 23 O.itllo lleuelpts , 3,000 ; shlpnicntB , 000 ; nrirUet Htums : fulr to fancy ifitl\o steers , $ JOJSI.5J ; faiojkers and fifilurs , f-MJttt-HJ. lloas Uct'olots , .1.090 ; blilpmcnts. 1.700 ; market slndo higher ; he ivy. SJ.'jQaM ; paukliw.J.7 iW80 : light , JJ83it..lW. If\r.s\n OITV , July 28. C.utle Itccelpts , 8,000 ; shipments , 0.10J ; murkot htioiiK ; uteers , , $ )4liil4Uj ) cows , $1.50iiJUO ; stookerj.inU fecd- . ' ' ' . * ors , f.'ooili'O'i. Ho s nccolpf 12,200 ; shipments , 4,4'M' nun ket higher ; all giutlus , i. ) ( Vnfr.1.73. Sioux ClTV , July 28. llcws - Uccolnts. 1,110 ; mnrkut steady at S.itiudny a el Qiiotntlons : * > iW.iJ"j.- Uattlo Itecolpts , JOO ; inarUot slo.idy : do- jnind fair , Qiiotutlonst I'rlinc , ti.uv&i.'JO ' ; fair to Kootl. wJ5.JU5 ; atockerd.4J.tyii300 , ; ftodors , WIJaJ 00. OH All A LIVE STOCK. Cattlo. Monday .Inly 28. Estimated receipts of cnltlo 1,000 , compaiod with Il7rt Situid.iy and I.UJJ Mond.iy of last week. The market opancd autlvo und .strong on tno best Ri.ules of stivers nnd sto uly 'fo 'fr htrong on ether uriuloi About twenty cur In ids of conn uro on the market , of ordlnniy nunllly. The cows all changed hinds ouily nt slendy prices. Hulls uio unclian od. Sotno wuntorn fuid- era won ) on salt ) . The best K > < idea of n.i- , tl\o ffidors nra In doninnd at ntculy prices. Mockers and comniou natives und s.IS Hstlmntcd receipts of Moss. 0,100 , compared with 0r > * l b-itnrd.vy ami O.BJ Monday Mlf last week. The markut oponoil uctlvu aiidSj 111O ! O 5 : 10 in oratoo ; ( the prices pnlil was &Hi4V. ciiin- ] i tied \v Ith < JW ( > j buturd.iy nndWlliJ Monduy of last week. Estimated receipts of siieup , 1.3U compared with : r."S-itnrday. Thodoimud forsoodinut. ton Ustron , ; ana prices rule Him. PrevallliiK 1'rluos. The follow liu Is ntiblo of pr.cos pihl In this niiikol forthe Jridoot stojk mJiitlonoil : 1'llmuHtoers. ' 1 tk ) toim tts II.'JJ fbt.m Uood steers , 1'ill to HWlbs 4.0J , I'JVJ to UJ ) 1'ulr. UJU to lt ; > ) Ibs I'omiiion , 8JJ to l.'JO C'omiiion cuiinnurs . 1 .00 Oidlnary tufulr cowd . 1. ( > J Pulr lo Kood cow . 1 U ) tloodtoeholcorows . . . . . .2.75 Oholcotofuncyrows . ' . ' .1 > 5 r.H ) 1'nlr to 0ixl bulls . 1.7. ) Choice to f.inoy bulls . . , , . . . 2 > J I.lKhtHtockoisand ' feeders . 2.Y ) . I'ewhrH ' , UuO toIUVlfts . 2.0J © I..1) 1'ulr to choice llKht 1109 a.s7'ife.i.rki Knlrtoaholuu honvy lions : ui5 ii.1.70 ' 1'ulr to choice ml\odho s J. J'itJ.7 ( ; Uomimrntivo Tublo. The fallowing tnblo shows tlio rnnjro In prlceion lioga during this and lasl k. k.J i \i \ > r > i t Tixlny , Sitilrdny . Highest . . . . t . . . lir. % J07 I < o est . JW Stouk ltcucliti. | Oinohl Sn.tnnl.iy Ultimate 1 Toihy. Onltlo . . ( Wear ) , 1'tTJ Oaltlu . . incurs. l.f K > llozs. . , .lOlcr.tN. 0..17I Mozs . IMU.IIM. IUW Slicup . . acnw , : W Slicoi ) . . . IOCIIM , 1 car , 2 , ' Avcrn o Oust of Hlilo KV ! < H thn uviraio er > U of 11034on the dntvi inimlloiiud , Insliidln , } the couto.luy. us based upon iilos reported : Juno - ID M I7' ( July 11 II " > Ti Jiilyl 84-pj July til : i4'J Julys : i 44'i ' July 17 'I 48V { Julyii T r. ' July H 'I July4 : i M'i July 19 1 l > 0' ' Julys : ir o July 21 a 41' ' July ? ; i ( li'S ' July a. . * . . : i 481 JillyS 3 O7't ' July ai . aw JulyO I OT ? July si . -ir.i' ' . 10 'I 5. ) July 2T . 'I July U . i 44 July ai . ; i no'j ' July u . a 47 July a . a Wf July 14 . 3 oo'i ' A.vprnff ° 1'rlco ot * Hogg. Showing the axjr.iao prlco piM fortmli ot ticui on the days liiilluatoU In I8if. 18 , ISiJ tiiiU 18'JU ; ofStook. the niitnbor of catttu , hois and slicop lioiiKht by the packers and Icadlnjbuy- ' ersou today's iiiarlcm , eiS' CATTtr. Swift ' ACe . : . 2.002 'riioO.II. Hammond Co . 1,01 ! Tlio Armour Uiiilnhy I'acklnir Co . 1,418 Other lluyers . 4'IJ Total . 0,5t9 The Armoiir-OudMiy I'acklnRCo . 14/il3 Omaha I'.ickliiKOo . 12.100 Swift A. Uo . 11,912 HainmondCo . 2.i J.I' . Squires & Go . , - . 4lfi2 Klli 1 < nn& On . S.M11 Cleveland I'acklnsCo . 2.fK ) fonos & Stiles . 2SJ Ilralnnrd llros . 81 Sprlngllcld 1'ackliiB Co . 101 Total . 42,652 puiir. : HwlftAOo . . . IV ) Oeoriio II. KanimnndUo . 110 The George II. Hammond compiny. . 81 Total . _ . . . „ . . . „ . „ . . . . . . . , . , . . 350 Ilcnrcscntntlvo Sales , itis3in ! : UKEF STECHS. 1170 J3 00 in .1101 $ .1 no 10 1101 10.10 3 oo 23 .10r J75 40 107' ) : i 8T < { 8' a co 7" ! UV ) ,1 ' . 402"J 1IS1 HIM , roe : i oo S3. lOfiJ : i' ' 03 ,1081 , S'W 20 I0 < 8 | l7i 114 ! 1)10 ) SO .ll l .1 75 42 14)11 3 ! ,1171 a a 118 1077 ; i BO M .111(1 ( 4 n tl-JO y a- > M 1007 ; i 60 18 .1.JU3 420 .1015 u 40 Bl. 1151 : i 85 8IIIl'PI > 0 AND UXt'OIlT STKErtS , 3 65 CO 1203 4 00 ( W .Wot 4 0.1 12 < v > 3 8J 40..1310 4 00 It. 1305 4 15 1112 300 COWS. 10JO 1 75 1..920 225 1. 1000 2M 700 1 75 27. . tltCl 2 2" CM sa 10 ( 0. ObO 2 IT. RK ) 2M IffW 1 85 1..1003 2 S5 1140 1)11 1 85 2. . 1KB 2 III ) RM , GIT ) 1 8"i 1215 270 1 1. 810 2 : KJ TOT 2 75 2 00 1 . 70) 2 30 13T ) 27' . K',7 2 OJ 2 : io OJO 2 7-i * 8JO 2 10 1030 2 : n aw 27" > IIM : II1G 2 40 .1110 27"i loio 225 2 40 14110 : tw Oil 2 15 000 2 40 ,1115 , 300 STOCK 12113 ANI ) FBI DEIIS. 5SO 2 fiO 3 07J 2r 4,10 253 3. . 850 2 7o SJ . U73 aw 1 .1010 1 7. 1. 1140 . 17r. i .nio 1 75 4..1J70 1..12JJ 1S5 1. . W3 175 STAGS. i. roe 1 50 I . 001 2 25 1..1260 275 i..1100 200 1..1400 2 50 CANNKIIS. 0. . 00 1 53 25. 007 1 Co 6 . 743 1 05 CAI/VES 1. . 420 165 B. . 325 275 It. 22) 3 25 OXEX , 2..1010 260 MIXED. 12. . 030 2 70 WESTEIIN CATILE. No. Av. Tr. , 10 stpori , cornfed . 1.473 17 steers , corn fed . 1,242 3G5 30 steers , cornfed . 1,105 ac > s 1 steur , Texus . 1,000 1C5 Ralnsford k 1'nlmcr 20 cows . 8 = 10 175 4Jco\vs . WO 200 Scanners . 78:1 : J W Ssteeis . 1.100 2:15 : 1 hull . 1'teO 1 75 1 steer . 1.1JO S25 5 steers . 1,2 > M 1100 ic.tif . lee HOD 81 stock heifers . 4'K ) 175 3 feeders . 737 240 A.V. . Mclntlro 07 feeders , . 703 280 nous. No. Av. Sh. nous.No. . Av. Sh. Pr. No.M. . . .181 80 t. ) 57i ! M. . , . .MS 1M : & > . . . . .251) ) 40 3 liO 7.r . . .2.V5 IfX ) bl. . 40 II CO Wl . . . J41. 1JO 3U" 78 . . . .215 200 : t ( , o Ut , . .i'TO 3W CO. . . . .257 200 3 ( iO OU. . , , .2)1 SO 305 78. . . . .ISO 4' ' , ° 3 00 80 . , . . ' . ' 40 1M 30- 71 . . . .23.1 01. . . . . .Ml 40 30" ' . . .201 120 3 00 7U . . .310 40 305 ( A. . . . . ' "JO 40 3 Cxi r > c ) . , .2SI 2IW .165 80 . 3 ( W f > 7 , . . M H ) 3 < H tfi. . 120 3 00 72. , 73 . HO 3 ( > 0 M ! ! fll2 M 305 .2JJ 21)0 ) 3 00 07 . . .9(4 ( 80 3 05 .SM 100 J 05 07. , . . ! 120 JIB 70 . .210 200 3 00 ,2 > > S hO * i C5 07 . . .241 40 3 CO fi . .217 410 305 70 . . .101 40 3 ( iO : , 2:17 : l.'O 3(5 ( HI . . .1S7 400 3 00 dt. . .Slil 40 305 d7. . 11,0 3 CO 74 . .5IS kO l\K > ( . 'I ' . SO 3 CO .7Ml ( . .2.V ) 120 30.-1 77. . .227 3 ( X ) Ml . , , 'ift 100 305 74 . .2111 IbO 3 liO , .24'i KiO 305 6. . 3 I , ) . .274 81) : iC5 5. . 3 ( .0 . * ' * " ' ( > ! I ( 3 1 ( . > : l.250 3 00 01 . . .2 < i 410 3(5 ( 3 IX ) 71 . . .21(1 ( 40 305 .200 3 00 71 .201 40 3 CO 7" * ' .2017 . . ' . -7 1 ( > 0 3 00 65' . .241 120 3 00 . .2TJ 120 3 M'i ' . .241 3 IU'4 ' < , ,2dJ 80 3u ( . .24J 100 a U'i ' 57 , .2J1 120 : iG3 2.B 3 ( J'i ' 01 . , .207 40 3b5 120 3 ( U'i ' ( VI , . . " 11 40 3 05 100M 3 ( j. " < . . .215 M 2 OJii 01 . 2hO 1105 .2/J 120 3 ( L"i 01 . .OT 40 a 05 .27 : ! 200 3 dj'i ' 07 ,273 SO J05 .219 100 3 . " ' , 50 . ,277 80 a 05 .241 KJ ) 3 OJ'i CO , ,2'K ) 120 305 .214 120 3 O.'Vi 07 .240 40 'IC7' < 4 . .2.2,11 ( / ) SO 3 < > "i 53 , : m ijrj , io7s .2,11 bO 3 K'i ' l > 3 . . ' . " 5 I 80 . ' 170 .244 120 3 fii'i 411 . . .in 80 370 .25.1 80 3 Cl'i ' 51 . . . . 17 40 370 120 3 I'J'i ' ' 51 . . .JI1 N ) 370 100 3 I'1 . } ( .J 180 J70 80 3 li'i ! in . l.'O 370 280 3 C3 40 . .145 LM 370 120 3 U3 53 . 80 J70 Market Mention. ITogsSohlshor. Catllo nctUo anil stroiis. HnrnoyA 1/itta huU thrco cars of cattle down from ToUiini ill. AV. W. I.attaoiinio down from Tokamuli with flvociirunf c.ittlc , OcorKoUlxoncamo o\or from .Muhorn , Iu. , with llvociusof cuttle. Chain lci ) > > A. llunllutof llcrmnn luul a car of lioxson tliu in irkut , John I'Vostiom ACo. of Malmohada car of the in irKot. .1. W. Cliundlor c.nnodown from BroUonDow wllli llireo ours of liu s , Itclsuh IlrollicM-t Co hart four ears of cattle on tlio urirkit from Iknlon. li. A. Tuinplotonliud a cur of hogj on the market froml'ukumali , J.I' . L'ltta IYIIS on tliu market with two cars of cuttle ( torn Tiikiiinali , T , . I. Taylor of fchulton wus hero with a car of cornfiil wcslfrn cuttlu. Htovunson llrotliors. ovtonslvo Ansley eliip- pun , marketed a car ot IH > XJ. Pir M. Iliuiniuvolil was on the market with four cnru.of catt IB from Aurora. John I.oniUo , the well known Mlllurd ihlp- per , was In with near of hogs. Pid T , W. Dean nnd sloven llutmafnrd cicli had a cur of cattle on the market from Arcadia. idn Al Dexter , tliorull Iriiown Jlliilr stoelonun , was on thuuurkct with a car caoli of cattle niul hogs. Kulnsfoid A , I'ulmor had six cars ot ranee cnttlo on tlio market from Medicine llotr , \V j o. I.H. Hturs of Aurora wni lioro with icvcn cari of choke , high grnclo Btoer o ( his own ftiedlng , Since March 1 Omaha lint packed 03,503 hofsor a gain of 71,5'JO ever the smiotliuolubl Oru Haley of Tinunlo. Wyo.IM In with thrioearnof corU'fedueKtcrn cattle slilppod froiuMaxwoll , The Vlsllilo Supply. Cmwao , July 23. The vlsiblo supply for the \vcclc ciulliip July iO , Wti jmplU'Jby the secretory of the Clilea o boaril of triula li us llnolirk . . Corn . . il.H.VK)0 ) ( ) < > it , . Uvu . - . llurlty . . . . . . . . . ) .inA ; jr.imiiiTti. I'rixlnuc. Cons.1V3 1I.\V-S VK701. M ) 11100. I'tsii I'or lb-1'crcli , 7ct JjdlTalo * , 7ci ntcV- orol,8o ! iilko.Oo ! ; : ivliito.uo : cioni lee ; catthh , lie ) ccxlHteak. 1J ) | MoiindcM. i..i Oroson snhnun , 15c ) black ba < , iVsj lobster , ISo. HiHK' . I'Ki.TS AM ) TU.onOroeti sallod lihli-9 , r Cdl'toj dry wilted hldi , 5ol ilry Mint hhlL",0'itt ! ! < e : c.iUlildos.4'fl7'ic ' , Uamniicil hides , Uu lcs-4. Hliecp pcltj. KI con , ciich , | i.'J5 ! slu-op pvlls. ilry. ] icr TAU.OW-X .No. l,4J e ! whlic , : iH4uellow ; , 2Wcc ) ! stiailnc , . HoNKlJitliitlon < ) nrofiiriIuH iiry In Chl- CHKO ) IJrv biillalo , p r ton , tlil.i" ( < itltiooj thy country , liluncliod , * ( ® lw ) | dry country , ( lainp and mciily , 1 < 00 ID.iX ) . 1'i.UMS I'uriilo Diinno box ' ' , pur , f.'il. 1'oufjTiiv 1'cr do/on , cliolcohom , W cholio nilxeil , $ V'J.I.OO | tooster < . JJj uprlnit olilckous , 8JIHKDW8.1 for small ! for iiicdlnm : MOiKIUVj for ln e. HtTTKit-Oc.imi'ry ! : , fancy roll . print. IB ® 'it'l creiunury , fancy , solid pickud. U Mlc : tiuuiiierVi i-liolei ! , lll.'ci ) < lniy , faiuy rolls and prints , 13 We ; dairy , fiin-y. olld piukcd , lOlM.'c ' ; ilulry. eholco , 0lJc ( ; country roll , fancy , HCR'io ' : uiolcc , 74t8j ; Inferior ! iQ > * ic. i : < ius MMOo for strlulv fresh ; stale not sult- nhle. HovKv-Slnilncd-CO-ll ) ean , per Ib , Do ; now comb honov , B'i/iIbC. lUHNS-lland-plckcd nnvy , J.7.Vl.00 | ; | Imttd- plelud n.ivy , medium , < l Wfiji.- , . Imnd-pIeUcd V CKia/r Medluiu , porbbl , J3.5U ) biuuTl.'jfliO ; gherkins t'.tXl , _ lli.ACKiiuiiiuq $1502.r > 0 per24-nt onso. RVAi'OlltiKliAiM'M.'ri rniict,10U' [ lleporlb. llLUKiitiiiiiis I'cr tin , $ i.riOBI.OO ( JUIIHAPTS 1'ur ' 'Jl-llt C.lfM' . J.UHK3I 00. UOOSKIII turns Ttto-hilahtlstiindt.400iWOO. OocoAMiTS-l'erlOO. WOO. WATKIW.I.OXS I'or ' 100 , ? J.'iOOTyw00. OANTKiiiui-K-rtrdoz , Sl.'wgt..oo , I'ncius Aikansiis ! Imshol box , $1.003 1..V ) ; O.illfornln. per IXIY , t..Ui&.SO ) , I i Mo.vs-1'or hox- , Molina , fancy , ff TOM ATOI s roiir-hiikct or itos'r > T OMON.S New southern , pvrbhl , ) l.vjiii.uo I'mis ii'iillottt/allfoinli , pur box , W.r > 0 l'jiUNK4-ii > rin in , per bov , S..J3 ; tragedy , lortr.its , W.7 > .1 hr.tiM 3'i'iJ'c ' ' per Ib. 10 Viui , tlijlm medium , d''c' llglit , heavy , 4 Wo.tVW tVW ; billedClo. Oiiihii-l'urbbl , rolliud , T.IOJ ; hnlf iilil , $ )3.- ) ; Irud elder , pine , ior libl , $ \J ) ! a unlur , half libl , r.i) ) ; elder , h.ilf hhl i7.UJ Woor , rinuiitiwiHliid , Ifill'U ; medium ua- illc ; coirso unwashed , I'ackors'sprlcos hinoKoil hums , IC-lb , 10n ! , i Htiioked limns , a ) tiiiSJ Ibs. H'io ; smoked hann. K to 14 Ibs , 10'u ' ; oxtr % heavy liani * , ) In ! i. > Ibs uiora''o. ll'io ' ; tklnneit slle- Ins , H to3i ) Ibs average , lOUc ; Uallfot nl.i hams , 8'ici special breiilifastbieon. clear , 7'c : ill ) . 7He : liiims.iU'.iKO,8e ; picnic hanii , 7Uii ! ill led beef hams , set , OHc ; icgulnr , O'ac : clods , 7io ( ; beet toiiguos per do ? , { 0.00 ! purlh , O'ie ' ; dry silt moats , S'i&oe ! mi'ss porlc , pir bhl , $11.10 ® 12.71 ; oxtia moss beef , $5.r > 0 ; sati aso. pel 11) , lioluiMiu.lo : star , 4'jo ' ; llver,4'Jc ; blood. 4'ic ' ; jicailchroso , l'o ' ? ; add ' 40 per Ib for lots less - ' ' r 1)1)1. ) * Ur > 0 ; , lihl , . quarter bbl. . , _ . , _ . HiSlljj plus feet , hal ? hhHJ.71 ; quait Tbbls , t.fiOj libls , S > " \ klm , in UH enoli , < Vie ; lionolts bn'.ik- f ast bacon , lOcj bonclesslrini.Se ; bunnnersan- ha o , Kit1 ! ccrtulut saus ipe 83c. SMOKIII AltATrf-Uiy alt Ciirocl Rntnn , lonu clears , O'se ; slfort * tlours ti icj extra short eleiiM , 1140 ; bellies , clear strips , < ! 'Se ' ; short rllw. O'Scj slionhlers. do. UHKSSI n HrKf Mouis. . , QOU > 0000 Ibs average , nallvo , b'lfl.'l'ic ' ! steeri , 400 to . " > OJ 11)9 ) iivoiake. natlxe , Cftii'Je ; cois and Iiclfom,400 to NK ) Ibs avi'm e , S'aC ! hlndiinarters , htei'is , lUc ; lilnil- iiuarloi- > 3 , Mo ; foicqnartoiM , steers , 4He ; foniinnitjr * uo\\s.4c ; ihi > s < ed lie s , 4J e. Inu > hrti MUTTON Oliolco ( lrts ed mutton , O ic ; racks of mutton , lie ; saddles of mnttiin , 10e ; hruasts of niuttun..lo ; legs of mutton , inc. Fursii HUIK Con Itolls , 8 0 ; beuf tenclui- lolns , 18ei siilolii , butts , 7ci boneless strips , 7VScj rounds , rump oil' , Coj rimiidsriunpoiir > c ; rounds , shank olT , r > 'ic ; boncloss rumps , 4e ; elincks , , l'c j plates , 'Jo : luck halves , 41ie ; shoulder cloch , 4 u : beuf loins , No. 1 steer , Itraite : beef loins , No. 2 , MOlIe : boot loins , No . ) , Do ; botf ribs , OViftSct beef rlhs. No. 1 , loa Jle ! s cct breads per dozi" > u ; KldnojR. each. : ic ; OK lulls , each. : ic ; ) lerH ) , eacli. 15cboof hoarts. cicli,4o ; beet Ouguus , uach , 40e ; stilp loins. U'Je. ' I'liKnn 1'onn rorlc loJn < 7Hc ! tenderloins , Oo ; spare ribs , 4cj shoulders , 5o ; hocks ye ; trlmmliiKS , 4oj biolc bonus.Sc : dressed ho/s , 4J c ; cleaned plus' f > ot , per doz , UOci rough , uncleaned plgs % feet , per doz. ac. ) J/tilDUrr.s-Hbls , e.xlr.i Inrd oil , \VB , 48c : ox- traNo. llaidoil.lto ; ; Xo. 2 lard oil , Ulo ; piuonoatsfoot oil , ( SS' c ; t > Ka.\ can , C * > o ? al ; u.\tra ncat.sfoot oil. 41o ; Xo. 1 nuatsfoot oil , ! 17o ; tallow oil , 41o. HONUVCOMiiTitll'K Half barrels. $ .175 ; nuar- torbariels , JJ.10 ; olKhth ban els , $1.15 ; kits , 15 Ibso.ieli , 'He ) , 1'OHK TONOUKS Uncooked Mild cured Hnlf birrels , 100 Ibs , 17.5J ; quarter barrels , DO Ibs. $1.00. bAUsini : CASIXIS Cattle TIcrfcs rulj , mlilcllo per Ib , O'/ic : round , ll'lo ; limits. 4c ; hoxcaslnss , I8e porlb ! liotbiings , Ko. 1 , 4Vio each ; rounds , porsot , 100 fuut , li'ios ' middles , per set , 57 feet , J3o : weasands , less than 1000- plcco lots II'lc cncli ; small bladders , less than iVKlolots , 18o per dohrgo ; bladders , less tlinn fioo-do ? lots. .Oo per doz. I'm * , ' TONOUFS Half barrels. $11.00j quai tor barrels. $ J,75 ; eighth barrels , * ! . Oil kits , JSlbseioli. S3'J- . TArr < onA No 1 , 4' c ; steirlne , OUc. I'lCKiin HMP TONiiti:4 ( Halt banuls , $3.50 ; timrtor barrels , $ . " > 10 ; eighth barrels , $ .1.0) ) . IjAlin Tloiees Kellncd lird < oiiiouiilr | > ? 'o ; pure loaf , lliio ; I.ettle , O'jO. Add ! 4e to 7aC per Ib for smaller packages. Lvaf laid not leii- dercd , fl'Je. ' 1'lCKUO TiuiT Half barrels , $2."i1 ; quarter barrels , } ; eighth banols , bOc ; kits , 13 Ibs eath , Ooc. Groceries. Sco n-Porlb.-Ontlonf , jVoi Cubes. T'loj Standard , powdered , 7'jc ; XXAX , powdeied , 8c ; Onuiiilalcd , stand nd. To ; Uomcctlonors' AriWhite \ ; ; K\tiaU , Climax. G'tv ' ; llxtr.i O. N'obraikn , li'aC ! Ainbor , 5J o ; Ooldea O , fi'ic. llAt'WsSunAii I'ur Ib. 5oealcs , UOlb bo\os , 13c ; 10 ciki-s.lO-lb boxes , Uo ; 1-lb bricks , 3J Iba In box- , pure , 14e. COKFI.B Choeii rancy tfolden Ulo , 'li'S-Jc ; fnncy old pcnberrv , 24'o { ; Klo , choice to fancy , 2J'iu ; Itlo , prime , S2o ; Itlo , good , 2U'c ; Knntos and common Itlo , lU&'lo ; .Mocha. 2Jc ; Java , ppiiulno O. 0. , Sia ; J.n.i , good Intcilor , 25c ; Muvluan , 2.c. toFfiK lloastcd Arosla , 2."i' ' c ; Iliuioln , 25'ic ' ; MoLauelilln XX.VX , 2VJu : Gorman , 2. " > Uc ; nilworth's.S'i'oO ! I.lon/2- ; Jlallpoufh , 25'io ' ; .Vocli.iBc , : | O. tl Java. 2)c. ) Hi IIUPK Amlicr Syrup Inbbl , No. 70fjrade , 2i'.c ; hull bll-I Xo 70 cr ido , .No ; 4al kegs , No , 7JKr.iilo , $125 ; 2-Kal kltt-s , No. 7U Kr.ide , 75e ; K.'ucans , 10 In en - , per case , $100 ; H-ual cans , Kiln ease , PITense , * l1 ; vililtoclovordrlps , In bhls. 30c ; half buls , 3-'c ; I-KII ! kcss. caoh. Jl.r : ; 2-Ml pills , each We ; lock tandy drips , Inbbls , : r . ! hnlf hl > Hi7c4-iriil : ; ke s , piich , JI.I13 : 2-Kiil ) ) nlls , tueli , 85e ; Cnlltornla honey , bbl s , 37e ; half bhls.3to ) ; l-jul ko-s , il.dl ; .Bui kltts 05o ; l-8.ll , lOln C1-.0. } l " > J ; l-Kiillll lnc.iso$4 2,1. CiiocnijVrn 1211) boxes , 32JtJ5ei Qerman sweet , 223.240 ! I'nrlslnn , iljfl. C'OCOA 1'tr Ib , J'vaiDc. ' , rerlliKe. "i , In pkgs , 20 270 ! built , 22 ® Mlxotl bird. 1-lb pkgs. 5o : canary , 5cj hemp. 4'Sc ; anise , IKos poppy. lOo. fcl'icis I'enpei Sliuiijioru blftod , ISOIOci shot , x"'c. Allsplcp , lOo. Ulnvia 1'enanu , so- lecled,80c. Oassla China , 4-lh mats , Oo. NutS - S Xo. 1,7r c ; fancy , larse , Kic. URUbTd I'or Aoe , I bustlel , narrow band stmo. elm , $1.6(1 ( ; 1J ! biiihol. niurow bind 8tiMMilni.r..r > 0 ; 1 hiisliol , Httno broad mind 1 , elmJ25 ; 1 ! } bushel , stavu , hand , I'liu * - ! , ; ; > ; 1 Imshi'l , elm HtiHLlilu \ handle , busheloak fit'i\e , * JOO ; 1 bislii | l. llrlRK . . . ij r > iloz , ? ' (15 ( ; 1'i ' hiHln-l , Ui-Ift-s , fj.2.i ; 1 busliol i , oakhpllut , 15,50 ; 1'i bushel , oak hpllnt , l\.M \ ) ; I. bushel ' "b.iiii b'oo , , * 100 ; 1'i bushel , baiuhoo , * 7il ) ; laundry , willow , IIIIKO , } 7.iO ! ! laundry , willow , inedlilin , fL'.Mi laundiy , w lilow , biuall i : , inarkit , elm , split , 4oc ; mnrkot , elm i , rivet hindle , UJc ; iiinrket)0lnicaveri. > ( l , Ipock , * 'OJ ; willow , market , luriif. tJ.50 ; willow , mar- kit , 2 In nestd smull , ! mtOliunl , perncst,0. > oi | ash. Hitohel basket , cov'yiod , o In nest , per mil , $1.10 ; email bamboo delivery , Jl.-"i ; me dium bunboo delivery , SJ.7B ; Iario bamboo de livery , (5.50 ; waste paper baskets , JJ49. GOODS Itqrloy ,1'io farina , 5e ; poasU < jnatiiical ; Ili54tic ! ; maeaionl. lie ; vcrmlcllll , IDfiillc ; rice , choice ft'io ' ; fancy ikii hoauS'icj sag , ) and tapfoja , O To ; limn bi.uis.Cu ; hlt. | ( pius .lo ; fiiwlttl | Uo , Mor.AssKS-llbls. NOfanuyper sal , 6VJV > 7e ; clioluonrilJc ; ( 'odil : i > aL'o : UuLa b.iklng , M'lt 3flo ; black htrap.'xaf.'o. WiiAiTiNOl'Ai'fcii Strav. per Ib. lJJ3 ! ( ! > ioi rasf : iHc ; Minllla l , MXoXo. \ \ . I. Sc. Oits ir > 0 pi linu while , llu IM water white , lk' ; I'Jlieuillluht , H'io ; 74uasollno , lie. -IJbla , I'.e ; ururiuIatLd 'c | In bbls , bbt > A I'ltss. COlbs to box , 5'iO.l'io ; kegs 4'c. N'UTS-Ahiiniil < , Mo ; Uriizlls , lie ; filberts , 12'io ' ; pecans lie ; wahmtH , U > ie ; pennut cooks U'tc ; roibtcd 12'Q ; TcnnosM.-e lieiiiiuu 80. IliiooMs 3-tlo , pailor , W.OJ ; 4-tlo. $ . ' .75 ; 3-tie , ! ? iil ? Vvhi ! ? ; l11"-.8 ! ! warehouse. ) .OJ ; toy , $125 lVo V.M' ; Vi Tl.w 3JI.3i. Oiavcs yuiiits. ptrdoz.W.0-3 ; pints , per doz , IJV ) ; bulk , per gal. UJO. ( . 'oiuuoK-.Munllm rope all sizes from 7-19 to 1 In , io ; sliul rope , nil Dili's from 7-1C to I In. IHio ; "now procens , " ullfclm from 710 to [ j. In , tie. COTTON m Itoi-K-Cotton ropo. ; < In , I6o. - - twine , "llluii , " very lino. 5 ID bales , 22oi eottou twine , "Daisy" uraiid , 5 11) ) baler , isoj homy twlau , U 11) balci , iSci kail I ItrliK , 2 < VJ oniullc wick , 3.Vi 49-ft cntloii riot IIP * Unix , MCJ ( fl.ft cotton cloth * llui"i , ll.l ! ! ( , . - . ; ti. n cotton line * . (1.40) ( ) ( V-ft ) < Nnl lliui , il 71 | ( ki-tt Jttlv. 11.10)ixil ) CAXSKII MKATS t'oriicd liccf , I 11) , f 1 3D ) rornul beef , 3lb . IJ.IOi liinoh liiuxur , 1 ' t..O'ij lunch IOIIKUC , 'J ll > , JI7 , " > ; liru II SO ) liravMi , Slus IJi j ox tutitui IVOOi ox toninioH , S II ) . * I OJt clilpiK-il bi-i-f. IS Ib , rounU-nii < i. $120 ; nm't htof . alb . roiinil omn , ti1001 lut 11 Ml ham , 'III' , rnuiidcans ( Wo ) potted liaui , 4 Hi , round onus. il'JU : itovlled ham , U ib , roundrnnsMedn\ ; him , 'i ' II ) , touiul cans , fl.20 ; polled n toniiio , 'i ' Ib. round -iin , Mo ; pottnl otoiiKiic , Hll ) . roiiiiiU'iun , S1.20 ; eoniirpi | cd h tin. lib , iipiir : caiii $1.731 com- iiri'swd him. Ml ) , sijitiiro ( mn , tfi.75 ; tripe , 2 Ib , round ciinsJI.HOjmliiLod lollops ! ! lbiounil cans $ . ' .S ) ) boneless pigs' fict , 2 Ib , suu ire cansK.Vi'i. l'i n Codfl li , extra Ocorzc" , now .Tje ; Krand bank , uo\v. \ 4 < io ; silver , 8-lbhlofK ( i'ic ; unow while. 2-lb nrlckM ,'fo ; Turkey col , Inrso mlddlo brick" , IH ? ; no\ > white , er.ites. I.1- 5-lbtiovos 83/c ) niedliini sealed liorrlnp. SH ) ; No. 1 herrlnz , aoei ilimioitlo llullnml licrilnir , )0e ) ; llatnbur iplurt herring , Wd ; Hiixiluti nardlncs , spleed , Wo ) llusslan sir- ( lliu-s plain , noc ; linportml Holland liui-rln , ' , crown brand. Wo ; ilofnnn' nillki-r1' ' , "Ooimnck- rrol. Xo. I shoio. half libls , J120J ! lie ! lor , lialf bbli. risoQ. HliltclUh. halt libli. - ; , ) trotit , hnlf bbls , J5.W ) ; family wliltellsli , JV ) ; Hiilinon , $ * M. VbdiiTAiit.r.s-Tomatoos-n Ib extrn , S103 ; ,1-lb standard noslcru brands. Do ; gallons , strictly sliindird , JJ.iij. Corn l'Mnest grown , JI.OO ) silted m < l Hinrar corn , very llm1. 5I.VJ ; choloo 2-lb suKar corn , 11.10 ; J-lh extra western brands , R" > < - < 3il.OO | 2-lb stnndiird wostiin hintuta , oVB75c , Mii'hrooins-1-lu Trench. e\- tra ; line , & 'irJ.V | 1-lb Pretich. lino. l ' .V ; Mb rrciich , ordinary , 103180. 1'e.wtros. . lintpur cani" > o ; ilcnil'llne , per can , I0j ; 2-lb sifted , } lr o2 ; ll ) early Juno , 81.252-lb ; nuiriow.stnnd- ard brands il.10 ; 2-lb soiltod. Co. Stilus bt'lliis \ 2II ) lil h Krnile , Iti'fllKCC , K" j ; .Mb „ ( lohlen , xvii\ beans , 7uc ; 2-lh strlm ; hems , ( We. Mini beans 2-lh sonktil , 7jc ; lloston baked beans-1Mb rcwl , JI r > ij CIWHI lirniuN , S > I.1S. Hwoit potatoi-U-lb New .Torsoy. fl.OO. I'unip- Min-3-Ili , SI.10. Ok rn and tomatoes SUM ; okr.i , Si.GO ; succotnsh , ? 120. CAV.SKP PiuinsSlbpoo cborrlc4. $110 ; Mb ntr.ivtbeirlcs , tl,15 | 2-ltirasiilierrlcs , SI H ; 2-lb blncboirlrs , I ) L' ; 2-lb blaeklicrrlc" , ? IOO ; 2-lb strnwberllos , ) ! 2-lbrisplorrIes , * IM ) ; 21b hluckboirlcs. si 2.1. I'l iif , ip plus llihnma cliowieil.t.'UU ! llahimaslleod , $115 ; Ililinina slleKi , choicel.t J | 2-lb Huh imti united , $ . ' 0.1 ; 2-lblliihinia slli-od , $2.40 ; 2-lb stnndnid sliced , f l. > ftl.r l Olion h'i-2-lb red , $1.10 ; 2-lb w hllc. $1.00. IVirs 2-lb1.30 , I'enclies-.t-lbcastern standards. $1.M ; : M1 > enslorn seconds $1.4135 lU-:3-lhple : , JI.40 ; hlerii Mtulre , < KMnpil \ - cots , Ji.tB ; pe us , $ . ' 05 : plums , u KiM ( . " > ! plums , green KIIZOS , $1.55 ; chorrlos. ivhlto , $ I.fw ViNiciAU-UKr , cldor.ioe ; good , 12o ; wlilto wine , 15cs fancy , frnlt.Sc. STOVI : I'or.tsn KOOJfil1 * * persniss. liAns Am , per 100,417,75 ; Lowlstun , per 100 , $17.71. llios Union Rnnire,30't5poreont olT IM. HALT D.ilrv.2hO Ibs In bbl , hulk , f2 III ; list Rrnilo , OOfts , } > 'Q ; best ( 'null1,100 i * . $ .MO ; hest Krudo , 1810s. JJ.SO : rock unit , crushed , 2180 ; common , bhl1.25. , SOAIOastilo. . mottled , per Ib , 1 > 3103 ; do whltiperillie. . Olv.Niu Tisii 1-lb mackerel ( licirlin ) . ? IOO : 1-lbllnnin huddles.$1.CJ ; 1-lh lolMors * J.IVB > 2.25 , 1-lbAlnskiiflilinon , Aleut. iri."i2-ll ) oya- tor , 10-oz , J1.91 ; 1-lb otsteri , 5oSI 15 : 2-lb sohctslor \ , W.i1 : : 1-lb el mis. llttlo necks , tl.21 ; 2-lb el.ims , llttlo necks , * t 71 ; 'Mb sar dines , linuorlcd , pcrcaso , 100s , S110 > ) fL'0.00 ] [ ' ! li- Ib linportrd boneless sardine ) , lcoy,9JitlO ; nj-lb sarillncsAinirIennpercasoOOsI ) renclistlo , $ l.riOft" ooilb ; saiiilncs , Aniirlciii. per cuse. 100s , L'ronuli style. J7.50i6H.COiilb sai-dlnes , mustard , per ea > o. Ws ) , fi.7' : > 'i54.0J ; 1-lberibs , - ' . ; S-lborabs. SPIV ) ; I1. & W. 1-lblliiinn Imd- .00 ; Slolr's Imported 1-lb klppciod horn - n . CIII.KSE Wisconsin I' , 0. , twin tints , per Ib. OS ies Wisconsin 1 < * . ( J.oting Anicilean , We ; brick , lU'ic ' : domestlo Swiss , Ho ; Kdmu in foil , oaih , $1.00. Uiuuu 1'innrs Turkish prunes , less than lihds , 16 0 , 7'ic ' ; oilslniil liluis , 140 less ; lloinla luiutcs , 00 Ib boxes , 100 to 110 , 8e ; apples , evaporated , now ring choice , lOo ; oiaporatcd now , tliij. , prime , Oo ; apricots , fniiay , In naclis , 17c ; biaehljer- rles nun.fij Ibs to box , 5Jc ; la pberrles , 25 Ibstobox , 33e ; currants , nuw , o'icj original casks , Jiu less ; VoitUza currauts , txtia , In boxes. ( i'4'e. IIITBS lVt lanCO Ibbov , 7c. London lasers. Catlfornli stnml- nrJ. porbov , f2.i'i : ; "borso shoo" $ "iO ; loose * musj.itels. Cilltornla stand ud , $ .1 OJ : "linrsu shoo , " $ , ' ; B ; 'still , " loose iiuiseattl , $ IU ) ; &iol- lossCallfoinh , $165 ; California scodksi sul tanas , In sacks , per tb , So ; California nuiwa- tcls , In sicUs , 8c ; ncxv vileiicla , Do.ileiiclab ; , old , Oc ; oad ura lajcr , old. 7e , Dry COT-TONS Atl int Iu R. 71 c ; Atlantbll. 7c ; Atlantlo U HJ e : Atlautlu t' . Co ; Aurar.i U. 4"Uc ; Itiuk's Huail , tt\o ; Ca'iot \Vr > ' , o ; Darlington , O' ' o ; I'lii-mois' o. 1 , 4'a'tO ( 4'lc ; llosleiAi 5V5c , Intla-i Hold. 7'ic ' ; Luffr n o rIi. ri'e ; llinilelt.i , ri'c. { 1'iNB HaoxKV COTTONS Atlantis 1i\i \ Cc ; Au- lora Ulilc ; Aurora It , ( . , ' ! Aths O N IJ , 7 o : oheeso cloth , 4c ; Olliiton l'l > 5'io ' ; roppcroli . . . j liorko'ovcatnbrlo No. OO.Oo ; licit Vot. nvi" , Ituttortbth XX.44c ! ; Cabot , 74cHist ! Oal 1,05e ! ; I't tilt of t'.o ' Loom , B'io ; Hill .Semper Idem. 8clloiis3kcfp3r,8'4 ! < j ; KliiK I'lilIIlnoambrlc. lOc ; I , intdon UH.MJe ; I.oiigilnlo. a'ia ; I.on ilalo cambric , lOc ; New York illlls. lie ; O.ik I.iwn,7o. SlIUKTINO ANI ) 1'lf.LOW OA'SINOS-BrOWn Nit I'oppi-roll , 4Vn | , lOe ; Pepporoll , 8-4 , 18e ; I'cppeioll. 0-1. 0-1 , SOc ; I'ODDUIOH. 10-4. 22e ; Utlcn , 48-In. Wo ) Utlcn , W-ln , 17"o ; Utlea , 78-111,210 ! Utloii,8l-lnJlio ; Utlcn , UJ-ln , 28ic ! Hle.icheil Not I'opporcll , 4Mn , lOu ; I'ep. peroll , 4U-hi , Ho : I'epproll , 0-1 , UVto ; rcii- pcroll.8-1. 20o ; 1'cppi'roll. fl-l. 22o ; 1'oppurull ' , 10-1 , 2-Jo ; Utlcn , 8-4 , 24c ; Utlca , ! ) - > , 2Cc ; Ullen , 10-4. 23'ic. ' GlNfJilAxts AmosKeap. 0aO ! Anio > ) > paK , dross. 8'o ; Hates , ( > ! , Jo ; Warwick , dross,7'Jo ) Lancaster. O' c ; Gleaalro , OVioVhIttcntoii ; , dress ; 8l5e. 1'HiiHTS IndlKo bine Net Martha Wash ingtoni > o ; American , d'io ; Ainold , U'in ; Ar nold II , long cloth. 20ci Htlfol A , I2u ; Blerrl- inack , it , lOc ; Gold leif , KYo ; Hamilton. V.iC ! Allen I'lnksGi ci Allen Cbimbray , Gc ; Glou cester , .I'/Je. 1'iiiMis rancles ndcljstono , 0Jo [ ; Stool Rltor , Co ; Unmipo. 4'ie ' ; St. I.iMU'or. S'jc. Hldrtin.'S Martin \Vashhntoii , 4'ic ; Jleirl- muck , 4'Jc. ' Turkey rod * roiintiin , CJJc ; Uirnor , 7orreiiflolf , S cjllorlln. O'io. ' S Not , Thistle , 7Mc ; lied Orov * . To. Coi.oiiii : > \MDiiia4-Uruwn , 4'le ' ; Ituu htar. 4'e { ; lolled Clover , roi&Iatcr , Cci high colors' , luo\tru. CIIASII Stovotn' n , 10-In , fi'ic : Btovoni1 D , 18-lii. ( ! Ptovons' A. IS-ln. 7o ; SlovenI1 , 18 In , 7Uc ! Slovens' M , IS-ln. fi'ic ' ; Slovins' X 2O- In , 8'sc | btoiens' NN , J3-lnUS-iO ! S tokens' MIT , 20-ln. W/iO ; hloudiod luostia. DI.NIVII .Not AmoskoaR , 0-oz , 10'jcj York , cnnilot , I2c ; Evcrutt , standard , 12Jo ( : lluy- ni lUei's 7'xjc ! Olil York , XX , JOlJe ; l.iwicneo , 2iO 1 1'ic ; Lawrence , 'J-o' , 155o ! | fancy stripes and ohccUs. ll'/c. UorroN ni-s Voik Nnnldn , lO ci I'vcrott , R-oz , Ihc ; Lenlston , I0-oz , Ili'Jo ' ; WurkliiKiuan's , lUiie ; Coiksirowt.ishiiioioSili ! , Alotals. Ilr.ocK TIN Small pig , 'Wo per Ibj bar , 30o l r 11) . Coi'iTii rianlshed boiler fil/os , tlopcrlbi cold rolled , 2.o ! per Ib ; ( .hooting , 31o pel Ib ; o per Hi. SniKf IiioJi-PIscoiiiH M-10or ] cent ; pit. il.iii. ) Iron , Nos. 21 und 27 , A0ya \ ; IJ.O'Jc. ' JIN 1'LATE-1. 0 , 10x21 , 10.75 ; I. X. , 1014 , TIN 1'r.ATB-Coko , 11x20 , 11J , W55. UnoFiNd-Churcoul , 1. 0. , ll i ) , 112. J.530 I. X . W.71. No. 2t1 , H50 ; No. 57. 81W. boMhii fell lolly half anil half , ICc. hTKKl , NAIIS 11 iso , t.2J. ; brunt , Wiiii ! NAII.H lla e , Wuifc-Jup. burb. Kl 25 ; t" > QIJININK Per oz , P. A , AV..4CC ! Onrmnn , .T IiuilKO , per 11) ) . 75c ; Inseut powder , 2lc ; oiilnni , $100 ; inorpldno , per 0' , $ JH ( ; hops , per It , 30oi , 2Jo ; duAtilue , too ; ciittlchono , i5ui ! oie.ini tiirtar , ptne,3-Jcj connncrelal.lSe ; c.ini- plior. flJe ; am. c.irb. Ho ; blue vitriol , 7'Se. Acin-Onibollo , .i.KQL'0 ; cltrlo , 4. > aiJo ; tar- tiirlo , IWpl'Dc ; snlphuilo , per Ib . 'o. \Ut-iv i LII I "i m i Ji uii tfu-i.ui uij iu , * I.J.L ; i ftii in aiublc.53lOo ; lycopudlum,4i3Ucj mercury , bJa. ( Goliath in Htonc. Vinalhnvon , o. , claims to liavo pro- dticod tlio largest slono over brougla to light. The Uodwoll fnuilto company recently riuun'icd a flluift of granite \\liiolilH the lat'KCst piece of stone over quiirrled anywhot-o , and , if erected , will bo tlio highest , larpcst tind heaviest ploco of Blono stiindii'g1 ' or that over Blood , so far as tiny record can bo found , In height It considerably exceeds - coeds any of the Egyptian obelisks. Tlio tnlloat of these , which waa brought from Huliopolia to Alexandria by Ihuporor Constantine and afterward taken to Rome , where It is Btill Btiuxling , is 105 foot 7 inches high , while the Vinitlhavon shaft id 115 fcut long , ut anil weighs 850 tons. Itiaunilor stood that the oompnny quurrlocl thia imtncnso monolith of ils own account , not hnving tin order for unythlntf ol the klutl , and it HiigostH ( that it would bo a fitting contribution from Muino for the monument to bo erected in honor of Gen eral Gmnt. I'curs' Soap Isthoraostelcyant toilet adjunct AH Iimoct The P rsiun entomologist \\hoso col lection ol ineeuts uttractcil BO much at- tcntion ut the Paris oxposltlon last jcur I 13 propuriiif a landscape , tbo subject 4 being a bntor mill , n river nnil ( itin , whli'liin b , < i'otiiiei ) ( ) 'il\\lolly ) of Insect * . KOIIP luimluMl Htid llfly thou- Mndnljjht Hying huci'ts will foim the foreground , tlio rctnnliulor of Iho ploturo lo bom-ulu tip of 500,000 lii oclu , compo : ) * lng'ovui'olght ' thouwuid tpeulcs. npiniilinn , dln/fiiM * , wrvotu- spurns , loctos9hcss | , emv-l liv * Dr. Mllci1 Norvlne. Simples fwo nt Kmiti & , Co. ' , 10th and Uouglin. Tlckoti ut lo\\cst iato9 unil stiporlor nceointnoilullous vliv the aroni Koclc Is land routeTiekol oifco , 100. SU- conth and I'.irnam streets , Oinalrt THIS IlISAIiTY MV11KI3T , IM playol on roojrJ J. yMteiiliy ; J N Casoniullfo \ to S ' Hrjrantlot 10 , Dlk"H."l.o\\o's Sml mil. wil . . . . . . * 5,000 Coi'tlllciito to | irob ttolll of A 12 Ton in- lln Matliow Mt-nrilh to.I I1 McOrutli , loll , bik" IV I O O'H Snil niM. wit 3,000 , MnryVlllliiunlo lIisiiliHprlncern.r , > Jt ( , lot 10 , U k 1,1'nrk pliiri' , qc d 1 n A lluiionn , tr , to UM I'ouur ' , lotsl to,1 , bill IW. llensoii , wil 1,000 , Ishioro I'r.itiUmid wlfo lo y Homnn , loULM itntl'I , ICetii's sill ) In lot 0 Clipl- tolndd.lot 11 In lot t > , t'npltol n > ld , lot , S. Mk 10Ve Oinihi\v : , < l I Henry Meyer to .Ineolj r 'in , s'5 ' , lot HiMirv Mover lorfl' ' t-ottiisoii u > , j , lot \i \ , lliii/otiK Johnson's sul ) , \vtl . , . . CJO I" It Kooslersto Iliiuy llleokdibOfl , lots , blkL'OO'i ' , Uiiuinu , w (1 12 W Nine transfers $2I)2 , ) SIIROEDER & DEM , GRAIN . , Provisions and Stocks , BASEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; 3O3 South 13th Street , - Omalm. PRINCPiL POINTS EAST , "WEST , NORTH and'SOUTH , _ _ 1302 Farrara Stroofc. HARRY P. DELJEL , Oily Pasaoneor nnd. Tlckot Agent. THE . " The Hsnrc91n our dutcs will mnko n. l nj ( ilny. No mnn or ttoman now living vlll over dnto n document without usinj the 0ure 9. It stand * In the third phcoln 18W , wlioru It 111 remain tec jcars and tlicn move up to kccoml pines In 1900 xvhcro It will rest ( or onohunlrcdjcars. There Is another' 9" nlilcli IKIS iilsocorae to tiny Ills unlllcu the ri'urojln ( ) ourdutdln tliorospco' that it has alrond ) movO uplo Rrst plnco , where ltwlllcrraanciitlyrtini'iln. | ) ' It Is called the "Xo D"IIIcliAriuWli lcr AWllton Sewing Mnolilnc The "No. 9" wni endorsed lor ( list plica by the cipcrtior Iluropoat the Paris Exposition of 18 0 \\licre \ , alcrasc\crococtcKtivlth ( tlio Icidlngmn- clilncs of tlioorld , It wns awnrdud the enl > Grand Prize given to family tow lug inuclilncs , all ctbcrson exhibit liavloR received loucr n\vnr < U cJ goW mcilais , do. The Trench Government Blso rctognhcJ lUsurmrlorltyby lliodcconitionof Hr. NntlmnicnVlncIorrrcslilcntcIthocompan > with tlio Cruss of the Lctriouof Honor. Too "No. 0" is not ou old machine Improved ujon , but i ! an entirely ncir mncbino , und the Grand 1'rUcat Puns was awarded It as the grind cst advance In zowmc machine mechanism oltlic ogo. Ihoso ho buy It can rest assured , there fore , of having tLo very lalcit and btiit , \9ffEELEU & WILSON ll'F'O CO , 185 and 187Vabanh \ Avo. , Ohicao'o P. E. TLODMAN k CO. 220 North Sixteenth Street. NO RIBBON PcrmancDt Alignment SPEED , Strength. Sold Under a POSITIVE GUAR- A.ISTEE. & CO. . General Agents Nebraska and Iowa , S1O S. IGth St. , - - Omalia \\rAIITKn-ABenn to ( Oil the IMnlom ( lotliei I.'no 'I UiDonly line ocr liui'iiti'ltliatliolditliu cluilici Mltlioiitilna | , n porfnct TVT fMHCOSS \ ! pntcnt re cently l Hiic' < l | solilonly 1 > w UyuisonHto vlioin tlio oxiluil vo rlulit In ] ) I Q1 ilvcnt on rocolpt otW cd no vcntl a 11 o.iij Nnniplo line lij mill ; nlso clrciilnn. pi Ice llxlj'Ul ' terms lo mTnti fo nro ) our torrltoty atmico. AiltlruHH tlio liMi ] t < CLorjns I > INKCu,17 IKrmonSt. . UorucUor M i i BulTciliiR from thocflictn of jouthful criora , tu\T \ iecor , woilln-r vcakncw , loillnuiiJuxKl.rlc. , Ivslll tend a valuabld Irtatlta ( jualeil nartlculan for Imrno curt * . FHKK of rhurnr A plcnillil inertlcnlworkiiilioiilcl l ivad liy rif mnn wh U u-rToun ind dehlllitl-il. I'rof. j , Ix lYle rantllnaltliIully , r > rM f l f rr < l. ) artacnluiTerl trr HUM Tr iil > cii ( fremna wilrJ in rti IJJreM UClaitllK IMHTITV , lit * 111 Hlllhn 6LI.T. , QVDWFI I Q Oan bo cured In 20toO ) * J I r ni Ll J dajshyiiso orthomnr . . . . . . . . Ilenipd/ , > ) MOJfur acaso U will noteurn. OAU'ilONto get rem edy.Vrltoor \ call oa 10. . Joilyn. 2J1U Hur- ney Street , Uniuliu , Nebraska. BABY gf lg FREE Ul plia In tin Unll.r uii Ajio , n L , Jum ii , hiejcl.i , tul.i ; , . .rjnirli Trier * If On * crlnor * II wholdil * piirtltnl C' . O II dlr trroiilU. . tfrmn , , ) . . ' i W.l.rtl o St. . n' , $3 it FEMALE BEANS lutelr reliable , pcrfwtly Mfe. inoit powerfulfemaJi litorKnown [ te Tfilfi tla loipuntiiif , ] i on boj lumclea * ' ' ' * " 'iasvy 4 < ftM aa 'ctt'- Omaha Manufacturers , Wholesale JMnufaclnrcrs ot Boots JSliots PbooCo , ltd , 1 101 mil UM llnrnpy Micct.Onmlm , Jsob BTOltZ Iv ILT.U , Lager Beer Bracrs , 11)1 ) Ntilli IMIiStnrt , OnmlinS'oh. Cornice. Haimfaclurcrs oIGahanind lion Cornice < ntul itu'lullo "krllu'hli. Jnhn lYcncler , r > roMrtor | IWninl no South tutli i > trtiU AttlSlH1 " " " * "A. IIOSI'K , Jr , Arlists1 MalcriJls , Pliinos anil Orpins , 111,1 DdUKlniHtrorl , Onnlm. .Neb. Coal , Coin1 , Me. OMAHA. COAL , COKB AND UBIH CO. , JoMcrs of Hard and Soft Coal. D. E Cur IGtlinnil IKmuliu Htnel % Orauln Nob. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and ( Me , IIIBoutli LllhStnct. OmitinVob. BEAK , AllMsafKONa & CO. , Wholesale Cigars. IW N ICtli Hreot "Iltllot"ll1t > . Drj Goods niul XotloiiH. KTE. swim &co Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods anil Xotions Corner lltlintul llownrj Strict * . KILFJlTttlCIC-KOCH DHV GOODS CO , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , KurQlshlntnowlH. forncr lltli auil llarccr btruiK , Unmlin , Neb. l < * ttriilturc , BEWEV & STONE , Wliolcsalc Dealers in Furniture , larnnu Strrcl , CniilmNnlirnkn. , siuvLiircic , rurniturc , Onulm , hebrnrkix. Oroccrles , McCORD , I3UA.DY ff CO , Mioltsalc Grocers , lulhnndl.c.Ttonwotlli StrrotH.Omalii , Nctrnibi. Liilinbcr , I2to. Q. W. DOUGLAS & CO , Dealers in Hanhvood Lumber , YtntniON lllh St.Om.ilifV. JOHN A. WAKEFIEI.D , MliokStilc Lumber , Etc. , lite , Imported nml American I'ortlnul ( cinunt Pht ( liouttur Mllwiitikra llidnuillo Conical , and ( julncy \ > lilto Ihim. CHAS. n. LEE , Dealer in Hanhvood Lumber , Wood carrot * urn ] prirquotflonrlnir Oth andDauglu Streets , Unmlu , Nibraski. FRED \V. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Elc. , Etc. Corner fill nndDouglna SlrcctsOninha. , IMIllliicry niul Notions. I. OBEIIFELDEK is CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Hilliocry , 208 , 210 and 212 South lltli Blrcot. Notloiisi jTr. ROBINSON NOTipF'CO Wholesale Kolioos and Fnniisliing Goods , 1121 Hornoy itrcntOmnlis. CONSOLIDATED TANIC LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , -A lo Krcaao , etc. , Omaha. A. II Ktvliop , N.umccr. - I'njicr. OABPENTEH PAPER CO. , Wholesale Taper Dealers. rnnr n nice slock ol printing , wrniniliiu nnd wrl yiipcr Hprclitl ttlcnllon clTOn to card paper. fin fee , I3to. & CO , Ucncral Aricnl ) ( or Halls' ' Safes , S21 mill C31 Bull III 10th St. . Omalm TOJ-H , 13tc. H. HARDT & CO. , Jobbers ot Toys , Eolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Home lumlshlMK Uoucl , Clilldron'iiCnrrla2os. 1209 Inrmuuitrucl , Ounluicl > . \VolcrHupiillcH , U. S. WIND ENGINE ic PUMP CO , Steam aod Yfatcr Supplies , Ilallldly win * nillli. OlSninI WO Jones at , Omabik ( J F. Unas , ActttiL'Miininor. I Iron Woikn. "PAXTON & 'VIERLINQ IRON WORHB , " Wrouislit and Cast Iron Building Work , Knglncjl , > rn work , Roncnil touiitrjr ( , niachlntaad blackaiiilliwrlc. | ( ) Olllooand works , U. 1' . Kf unil ITtli UruLt , Oiunliu. j OMAHA SAFE to IRON WOHKS , I Manl'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , VimltH , jail work , Iron iliutlcr * tm < \ tire owciims. -AiiJrcini > ij ( } > 'r. Cor. lltli undjnckion bn SiiHli , Ioor , ICtc. II. A. DISIIKOW & : CO. , lo iiKiuifuiturcnof Sash , Doors , Bliods and Mouldings , Branch olllcc , 12th und Uurd itroeti , Omoha , .Neb. So Qrngil UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , OfSoulliOraaba , Limited , COlMMiariOIA.34 National Bank Capital , - $400,000 Surplus , 44,000 omrcn nnd nirpi-ton- . f. Morxcmnn , 0 , tlltchcwlc , Jin ( ( . | > h Oiiniwui. Jr. . A , lloiiry. K > iulor un , Vlllliim II. llniil , vice | ire lileiit : U \Mlllaun , A. I * , lloiiklni. iirnldcnt : i. Milliard cmhluri K. U llrrant. iiulstunl uaililor NEfiRASI-CA National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NED. Capllnl. - - - - $40OOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - B7,8OO Onic < > ninn < U > lrortnrfl..lIonir . Vnl < * < rrciljonll l wUH Uun4 , Vlco-I'roililont , JnneiW Snvur , W , V , 51 one , John H. Oolllm , It U. Cu.Ulni , J. M , W 1'tlrlckV , II , 8. HuKlui , ouillvr. OM-ILL IKOK BA.1N1C. Corner 12th ma FtrnaraBts. A. Oeaoral