Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    nirrnm rMirATTA "nATT.V mmncJTi Ar TTTT.IT on iann
crats held n wild nnd woolly convention this
attornoon. An effort to Introduce resolution *
denunciatory of the fanners' alliance preclp-
itntcil the wildest confusion nnd discontent
among the country delegates. The oppor-
tunlty wai availed to reopen old factional
scores between the democrats of Wymoro
nnd Beatrice nnd personal pyrotechnics worn
exchanged with vehemence. Pandemonium
reljwod for awlillo und on n rote to paw the
resolutions tliov fulled by a vote of fill to fit ,
which as fi ucnr victory for the Wymoro
element. The projioaltloii to nomlnnto a
county ticket by this convention wivs voted
down and the only business Uono was to elect
delegates to the state and congressional con
The state delegation isi , T. U. Harks , Wil
liam Younc. George Hcmpcrly , John Young ,
William \Yykoff , Li. Jlrldcntlinl , Charles
Voorhces , J. li. Locke , I'rank Stiles , L > . K.
Hfeir , O. P. Hnlston , C. H. Kulinalt , G. W.
Puce , , T. K. Delimit.
The following comprises tlio congressional
dclcgntlon : O. P. Marvin , C. Burkhnltor , L.
A , Simmons , K. T. I'ccMmnj , A. Ilnrdy , A.
Pci kins , ( icorgo Ayres , Dr. O. O.V. . Fnrn-
hnm , A. Ha/.lott , .1. V. Allen , J. D. IJnlney ,
It. A. Given , TJ. buhl. '
Tlio convention to notnliiiito n county ticket
will meet September 4.
Ft M.KIITOV , NobMJnly23.-fSpcclnl Tele
gram to Tun Bii.l : : The people's independ-
cnt convention of .Niuico county held rowIng -
Ing meeting In Fullcrton on Saturday and
ntd | overv township but 0110 In the county
wns fully represented. Kcsoluttons wcro
adopted instructing the delegates not to mcd-
rllo with the prohibition question.
The delegation to the stiito convention is
olid for Van Wyck.
TVTI.OH. Neb , July 23 , [ Special to Tun
. 3Ki.J : The people's independent convention
Til session Saturday nluceil in nomination : II.
13. Carter , county attorney ; K. M. Gilbert ,
onmilssloiicr for tlio Seionil district ; O. W.
Abiiott commissioner for the Third district.
Tlio delegation to tlio state convention Is
headed by William Tu.ylor.
SroTH , Nob. , July J > 6. [ Special to TUB
Hun. 1-At a people's convention of Grecloy
county , held at ( Jreeley Center on Saturday ,
Samuel G. Scott , M. 13. Sullivan. James Mor-
ils.H. K. McCarthy , J. N. Hnkcr , Mlclmel
Canlll , John Lowe , Thomas Kyan , Frank
1'Vstvr , II , J. Hull , Prank Anderson nnd J. S.
Inso wcro elected ilelegates to the state con
vention. They go unlnstructed , although the
prevailing sentiment was that they must
nominate men belonging to the alliance. U.
r.Urlflltb was nominated for county nttor-
iicy- ,
Is'oiim Pr.Arrn , Neb , July 23. [ Special
to Tim Bi i.J : The iillinneo nnd Knights of
Labor convention was held hero Saturday
with a fair representation from the various
precincts. Ten delegates wcio chosen to the
nlliiineo state convention. A number of rad
ical speeches-woro made in widen the wnnt
and needs of the laboring elapses were fully
set f01 Ui nnd legislative control and action
recommended as the panacea for all. The
icpresentativonnd senatorial convention is
tailed nt North Platte for August . After
passing u number of resolutions the conven
tion ndjotirncd to meet nb the sumo place
October It to place in nomination n county
O uoit : , Neb. , July 28. [ Special to Tin :
IhiTho : ] people's convention to elect dele-
pates to the convention lit Lincoln \ about
half nnd half Chninborlain , and the other fel
lows , or the Knights of L.abor nnd the alli
ance. I. 1) ) . Chamberlain heads the delega
tion to the stnto convention nnd Doctor Colo-
limn the congressional. No county ticket
was nominated.
Pun > ouTit , Neb , , July 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB I3in.Tho : democratic
county convention met hero today and elected
tbo suto und congressional con-
Tlio following nro the delegates to the state
convention : S. C. Patterson , S. R llockwcll ,
W. A. Hasso , U. B. Wallace , W. B. Shrvoek ,
Jacob Vnllory , Jr. , Elsie Lewis , J. E. OIl-
iroro , J. S. Ciiccu , Georgu Stohlman , J , T.
lUvmlel , II. S. Olillmm , M. O'Kourko , jr. , H.
C. Gi lines , E.L. Slggins , C. M. Butler and J.
L. Farthing.
Tlio Ileunloii Programme.
StTunioii , Nob. , July 23. f Special to Tun
TiKK. ] The intorbtato reunion committee la
doing hcioiu work in the interest of the great
reunion of old soldiers and suitors which Is to
take place In this city on August I to August
0 , Inclusive. It has secured thu presence of
two batteries of artillery und eight companies
of Infantry , being the best drilled companies
of the nntionnl guards In the states of ICunsas
and Nebraska.
The following speakers v > ill bo present to
ail ill ess the camp :
On August C Colonel lid Bnrtlott and
Past Department Commander II. 1C. Pnliner
of Nebraska , Department Commander Ira
Collins , Past Department Commander Henrv
Booth , Judge W. H. McBride , Judge Clark
N. Smith , Hon. Webb McNnll and Captain
John U. Hamilton of Kansas. There will also
bo n parade and drill by the Nntlonal guards.
On August 1 } Oovemor John M. Thayer
nnilstutl of .Nebraska , Governor L , U. Hum-
phroy nml staff of Kansas , Hon. Tjouls Han-
back , Colonel A. It. Green , General J. C.
Caldwell , General J. N. HobertH , Hon. Tim
McCnrty , ox-Uo\crnor George T. Anthony ,
Hon. B. I' . Waggoner and Cnptnln Johnson
of Kansas. There will bo u grand
review nnd a sham battle between the
National Guards of Kansas and Nebraska ,
Governor John M. Thayer and Governor L ,
U. Humphrey In command. This will un
doubtedly bo ono of the most interesting re-
unlnn days known In the history of the Grand
Army of the Kcpubltuof Kansas ami Nebraska.
On August 7 Senator John J. IngtilU ,
Colonel 1) ) . 11. Anthonoy , Colonel S. G. Storcr
of Kansas , nnd General C. II. Vim Wyck ,
General J. C. Kobetts , ex-Governor O"A. .
Abbott , lion. L. 1) ) . HIchards , Colonel
Thomas J. Majors , Hon. G. II. Hustings and
Hon , Church Hoivo of Ncbrnska. A pi-tind
parade gf the National Guards and veteran
soliili'i-s , n sham battle , Held maneuvers nnd
drills \\ill bo the attract Ions.
On August S Governor David Butler , Hon.
John C. Watson. Jud o W , II. Morris , Gen-
enil Tbomns Applegato. Colonel G. M. Hum-
phiey , Captain J K. Hill of Nobraskn. and
Colonel. ! . K Brown of Kansas. A military
priradilllund band contoat will take place
i on this ilny.
i August l > will bo grneml Grand Army day
and bi-Oaklng of camp.
Telcgrnpli and postal service has been ex
tended to Camp Lincoln.
T , N"eb. , July 2S.Special [ to THE
BUE. ] For about six weeks there has been
i noi-alu-in this section. A hot south wind |
continued tlirco daya without a stop , did the
crops more damage than weeks of merely drv
weather would have done. Small grain has
mostly been hnrveatod ; in some cases the
crop Was a failure , but In general there was
from uqunitcr to half n crop. Corn Is begin
ning : to look brown nnd diled. The it ) Is con-
siilorablo iu milling among the farmers , yet ,
on the whole * they nro very hoi > oful of oscap-
liij ( nu entlro failure , and It looks as though
they would ,
Them ii more building going on in Calla-
wav this Htunuier than was ever known hero
, before Almost every dav witnesses the
bcglnnfng of n new building. Thu town Is
very lively ; nil the carpenters hnvo their
bands full , und It is hard to secure workmen
enough , lioal estate especially In the busi
ness portion Is steadily rising. The railroad
from Kearney is thorauso. The Iron Is being
luld , nnd it Is said that the track is now lln-
' islicd for over twenty miles from Kearney
nnd Is progressing nt thu rate of half a mlle u
dayv The completion of the road to Calliuvuy
by September or early October is looked for ,
AITuirs ut Alum.
, \i&l , 'Nob. , July 2U.-Bpoclal [ to TUB
HUB. ] Notwithstanding the general drouth
wo huva u lull half crop of small grain and of
a better quality than usual. With favorable
weather from now on wo will have u fair crop
of corn , -with a much greater acreage than
usual , which will give us a lot of grain , nnd
thcroU an abundance of stock hero to feed it
to , and by good management wo hope to get
as much for our crop as wo did last year.
The county alliance held their convention
liero last Saturday and nominated a very ac-
ceptnbla ticket , i\lth Samuel Fulton of
Lmvlslmry for member of the legislature , nnd
V. U. Heal of Alma for county attorney. The
alliance U very strong In this county.
A Ilriikoiunn Klllo I.
PHTTSJJOUTII , Nob. , July Z ) , ( Special
Telegram to TUB Bui. ] Whllo iiialdn ? a
. coupling this morning Ildwnrd Tulip , n
brukcmnn on freight train No. 0,1 , , J. N.
' Dorlty , conductor , met with nn accident here
| which cost him hit life. One arm nnd leg
were horribly mangled. Every attention
viis given the injured mail , but he died nt
iilTi thia afternoon. Mr. Tulip lived in
) mahn. His wlfo Is visiting hi the east.
Mrs. Dorlty , wlfo of the conductor , cnmo
own on the passenger nnd did what she
ould for tlio comfort of her husband's ' brake-
nan nnd friend ,
'Ino Aftnlrn.
1.0x0 I'ixKKob. , July W. [ Special to Tun
) ni.1 : So\-eral gentlemen from Illinois haws
) ecn outing hero for the post two vceks and
among them Hon. S. P. Shopo , chief Justice
of the supreme court of Illinois , They have
iceii camping and flshluc und having a good
line generally.
Ullf ptcparatloniaro being made for the
omlng and the grounds nro in
excellent slmpo. Some of the teachers are
101-0 now and cottngei are being built. Hov ,
T. U. Stewart of Aurora Is nn indefatigable
vorker nnd h now lecturing in all the towns
n the northwest , showlntj the advantages of
attendance ut these cessions nnd Is doing
most cficctho work ,
The Ki 1111011 1 1 amp
FIIUMONT , Nob. , July 2S. [ Siicclnl Tele
gram to TUB BCF. ] The work of the camp
meeting today was Inaugurated as usual by
, lie Go' clock prayer meeting. At 8 o'clock
ho Hov. J. W , Jennings led n blblo service
which wns very interesting. At 10 o'clock Hov ,
lohn Foolmrty preached a s ] > lcndid sermon
which received iruinv eulogies from thobO
Who heard It.- The Kov. T. II. Mnthews
nvached at 'J0 : ! ! , nnd at 1 o'clock an Kpwortli
caguo meeting was hold. Tills evening the
! { ov. J. T. Crooks preached nt the regular
mur. There were n puod number of acces
sions to the permanent tenters today.
Personal Itlghts I
UIUTHICI : , Nob. , July 28. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to Tun BII : . ] A personal rights league
composed exclusively of Gorman voters was
organized , in this city this afternoon. J.
: CleIn wns elected president ; II. O. Stoll , vice
nresldent ; John Scliove , treasurer ; Paul
Springer , secretary. OHO hundred and sev
enty-five signers nttnoliodthoh1 nnmes to the
constitution and committees were appointed
; o sccuie signatures in thosovcrnl townships.
I'holcnguo make a strong light ngninst
the prohibitory amendment. Beatrice will
bo the headquarters for the league.
Snttoii'n Waterworks.
Surrey , Neb , July 2S. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hr.n.J At a mooting of the
etly council tonight a contract was entered
into with Engineer At A. Hicluirdson to getup
up plans for { 130,000watoi works. It will bo
remembered that the bonds were voted two
years ngo to build tlio works , but the state
auditor refused to register them on a techni
cality , which was sustained by the supreme
court. The people nro now very enthusiastic
und the bonds \vlll bo carried almost unani
A I'airlmrj Klro.
, Nob. , July 28. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BIIE.J This morning about 3
o'clock llro was discovered in n largo barn belonging -
longing to Peter Speenberg. The llro depart
ment responded promptly , but the barn was a
mass of Humes , and all attempts to save it
were o [ no avail The llro was communicated
to a Htnall frame houseon the same lot , and
that too was entirely destroyed. The loss Is
about { SOO. The llro was an Incendiary ono.
The bam nnd bouso were both unoccupied.
She \VnntH
HASTINGS , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bin ; . ] An important damage
suit for 5,000 was lllcd In the district court
this morning by Laura Martin , administra
trix of the estate of James Martin , against
the B. & M. railway company. Martin wns
a brnkcmnn on the Grand Island freight
train that was In the wreck nt the St. Joseph
crossing last December. Ho was badly
scalded , and after llnueiliig in dreadful pain
died on January 28. The suit for damages is
brought by his widow.
HOMO Tlilrvcs.
H8Tixas , Nob. , July 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Bnn.J A gang of horse thieves ,
supposed to bo from the Black Hills country ,
have been doing very effective \\ork In this
community for the past two weeks and hnvo
succeeded in running off between thirty nnd
forty horses. Today about sovcnty-Avo
farm era met In secret session in thla city ,
otgnnUcd and nroposo to resort to mob vie
lence if the business is continued and the
thieves are caught.
Attempted Suicide.
GnvEVA , Nob. , July S1 } . [ Special to THE
HUB. ] An old lady named Young living in
this city undertook to end her earthly exist
ence by the rough on rats route. She became
suddenly sick last night , and her son sus
pected something wrong and sent for a doc
tor. She ncicuowledgcd sue had taken poUon.
JIniotlcsorogivcn her und she still lives.
This makes the second attempt for her. She
is said to bo fecblo minded.
A Tail Gud Collision.
FUKMOM , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTiiK UEK. ] A tail end colllslon'of
two freight trains on the Union Pacific road
took plncq this afternoon between Fremont
nnd "Valley , near the old C. E. Mayno ranch.
The caboose und ouo or { .wo box cars of the
head train were badly smashed , though no
cart ) were derailed or other da ingo done.
Poor " \Vator at York.
YOUK , Neb. , July 28. [ Special to Tim
Bni : . ] The boanj of health of this city
passed resolutions condemning the water
furnished by the waterworks company ns
unlit anil unhealthy for use in any shape.
The company has been pumping water from
a creek Into the mains. The resolutions
meet with the approval of the entlro com
A Narrow JjNciipc.
NnnitASRA CITV , Neb. , July 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BKE. ] J. P. Kiger , n
brakemun on tlio Missouri Pacillo , fell In
front of the train this afternoon nnd bad a
narrow escape from being killed. Ho got
partly oufof the way , but not until tyvo lin
gers were cut off and his right foot crushed.
, Hurt In a Kunawny.
NcniusKA. Cirv , N b. . , July 23. [ Special
Telegram to Tnu BBK. ] William Buchanan
and daughter this afternoon received serious
tnjuiles by n runaway team , ho sustaining n
fracture of the hip and she a frncturo of the
Grocery Kill lure.
, Neb , July 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK UUH.J The doors of tlio grocery
house of A. J. Nowlln were closed this after
noon by tUo First National bank under a
chattel mortgage. The liabilities wdl roach
Itntllcd Tlilovo * .
NF.HIUSKA Cm , Nob. , July 23. [ Special
Telegram to Tim UKI : . ] Attempts were
maJo last night tobui-glarlzo tlio residences of
James Mulby nnd P. N , Shutnan , but the
thieves secured Uttloor nothing.
ull Feeling tiiVliont and'Corn.
NEW VOIIK , July 23. A Dull fever was
raging in both heat and corn all day long
and both cereals' prices for options advanced
to the highest point of the year , The advuuco
was not so great In wheat as
In corn. The umvunl movement rests solely
upon reports of ( larnngo to the crops hero null
In Kuropo. UroUors. report that most of the
buying orders xvcru received direct from Chi
cago. The total sales of \ vheutvcro 3,0'
and of corn. ' ) , 123,000 bushels.
Striking Cljriiriiuikci'8.
HIXOIHMITOX , N. V. , July 23. The hand
workmen In the cigar fuctmies in this city in
which the buncmnakcrs uud rollers who nro
now on a strike formojiy employed were
called out this morning , A parade was nmda
by the HtrlKers today. There were ucuily
ono thousand men In line ,
lli'fused a Now Trial.
ATLANTA , Qu. , July 28. The supreme court
refused a new trial fpr Tom Woolfola , who
murdered ulno persons lu Bibb county.
A Oaastio Ecply to an Art'olo lu the
Farmers' Alliance.
A Declaration or Intentions for the
Future I'ood for Ilctlcctlon Tor
Nebninkn Kamicr * Tlio
Allliinuo In I'olitics.
Sir.rnn Cunhf , Nob. , July 23. To the
IMItorof TnnUKK ! The Farmei-s'Alllnnco
of July 35 says editorially that "Tin : Hrn ,
from being the foremost champion of the nlll-
nnco nnd tlio farmers , lins como to bo the fore-
moat champion of tie | corporations and is try
ing to deatfoy the alliance. It has the sup
port of ono man who Is n rcncgtida from the
nlllnnco and who Ins violated every obliga
tion ho over took as a member , viz : Charles
1) . Woostcr. "
So far ns Tun Bnu is tonccrned , If It deems
such rccljlcss statements coming from such a
source worthy of notice it Is abundantly ublo
to speak for Itself , nnd , so far 111 1 inn con
cerned , with the permission ol Tin : Br.n , I
will spculc for myself.
Dropping the initial letter , "D , " I will as-
siiinothut I nmmoint , nnd 1 will also assume
that the author of the editorial In question is
Mr. J. Burrow * , and I say to that gentleman , '
nnd would llko nho to have the opportunity
of saying It psisonally to his face , that when
hosay.s thntlnm a raucK'ido from the nllt-
nnco and that I have violated every obliga
tion I over took as n member , bo Is an infam
ous liar , nnd ho know * It. Ho Imow It was a
Ho tthen ho wrote It , and I defy him or any
of his lackeys or deluded followers in the
stnto of Nebraska to show that his assertion
Is true In the least particular.
1 hnvo made numerous and serious cbnrgos
against this man , nnd I hnvo produced evi
dence to sustain them. Ho replies with
nbuso alone. Sometime the fanners of Ne
braska will bctterunderstnnd this ambitious ,
two-faced chnrlatnn , who continually lavs his
hand on Ms lienrt and with upturned eyes
calls on heaven t\a a witness to the rectitude
of his intentions nnd the absolute Incorrupti
bility of his character.
I hero plvo him duo notlcothnt I shall camp
right on his trail until after election , nnd as
food for rollcction for the farmers of Nebraska
J offer the following conildomtlons , which
may throw some light on the < | uostoii ! ns to
who Is the rcnegado and the violator of obli
gations :
"To labor for the education of the agricul
tural classes In the
science of economical gov
ernment In a strictly non-partisan spirit , " is
one of the declared purposes of the farmers'
iilllanco. The constitution of the farmers'
nil Unco declares that "there shall not bo any
political or religious tests of membership. "
in a decision by the ofllcials of the stnto alli
ance , September 11 , 18MI , nnd signed by the
president , secretary and all the members of
the executive committee , referring to
the county nllianco putting In nomination
a county ticket , they say , "Such action Is in
direct contradiction to the principles of the
constitution ot the stnto alliance , nnd also to
the condition of the obligation of the order ,
and fuithor that reason and experience
teaches that such action directly tends to
break up nnd destroy the alliance in any
county taklnp such action. "
fl'hi * * nM ( lnl nrrrmi" nf thn * rttn nllinnnrt nf
ioptctntior SS , lt > bll , says editorially that
'Men ' of all p.irtlos nnd creeds arc invited
ute Its ranks expressly on the ground that
.heir material interests
are identical , no
matter what may bo their political views.
To " invite men to Join In this manner , assur-
"ng them that the nlltanco is strictly mm-
initlsan , and then by n majority vote to turn
.t into a political party , seems , to say the
cast , an unjustiliablo broach of faith. Such
.ctlcm could not fail to huvo iv disastrous
iffcct upon any nllinuco adopting it. The
: > arty tlo Is almost as strong as the tie of
> lood. This is unfoitunato but truo. In
inch nn alliance the men \Uio were willing to
form the new party would bo practically expelling -
polling those who were not , nnd would bo
riolutlng the constitution by establishing a
ixjliticnl test of membership. This applies
jqunlly to acountv and state alliance , " nnd
t miglit properly have been added to a sub-
rdlnato alliance as well.
Now whatdo woseoi Certain high ofll-
; ers of the state alliance under cover of an
anonymous "people's committee , " seeking by
Indirection to inuupnmto a new party move
ment , which Is nt once endorsed by the presi
dent of the state nlllnncu. And no sooner is a
tnto convention called than all thrco of the
ihlcf ofllcers of the alllanco issue nn ofllclal
appeal to all members of the alliance to sup
port the now movement and to take control
of It.
And tomorrow the state alllanco will have
_ ts headquarters at the Llndcll hotel In Lin
coln nnd will assume a general oversight of
the organl/atloti.
Jn response to this appeal , alliances , county
and subordinate , jn different parts of tlio
sUte are by a majority vote denouncing the
old parties and declaring fealty to tbo now
From all the above then it necessarily fol-
.ows that these ofllcials nro self-convicted
traitors to their brethren , and that they , to
gether with the alliances follnwlngthclr lead ,
are violators of tbo constitution of their
order , for if such partisan nets on the part
of the alliances nro unconstitutional , as these
same oOlcors have officially declared them to
be , unquestionably similar partisan acts on
the patt of these state ofllcers themselves act
ing in their ofllcial capacity are also uncon-
stitutlonnl , nnd it would bo no valid defense
to say.'ovcn if it were true , which it Is not ,
that these oillccrs and alliances me not form
ing a now party , but only endowing ono that
is already being formed.
It also follokvs from the authorities above
cited that the republican members of the
alliance , \\lio Jo not/ happen to agree wltll
them , nro being practically expelled by tao
partisan acts ol these ottldais and thcso
These men seek to evade their Just responsi
bility In this matter by setting up tno pnorilo
and absurd claim that this new political or-
ganl/ntlonis not a political party. The fact
that it may not and probably will not last
longer than until next election , renders it
none thu less a party \vhllo it docs exist.
Continually parading themselves before tba
people as the apostles of political reform , the
umDitlon of the alliance leaders is to mount to
political power and authority on the mlns of
the republican party ; and to attain this ob
ject , tuey are ready to betray a great organiza
tion of farmers , whoso declaration of pur
poses , as published with their state constitu
tion. Is wholly bcnefklal and every way
They nro using tlio'alllance , n professedly
non-partisan association , to breakup If possi
ble a political party to which thousands of al-
linnco members belong aud tvho&o ticket they
will vote this falL
The nlliuuco men who nro forclncr this now
party movement are the transgressors , and if
U should result In the destruction of the al
liance , y > o responsibility will bo on them.
Down with tyrants , usurpers and dictators ,
whether In the. alliance or olsowhoro.
. Standing of the Clubs.
I'lavud. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
MliinoapolU. , , 71 17 27
.MllwunUce . . TU ID ; .cor.
Kansas City , TO , : e .31 ,5.7
Denver TJ : xt . , M- '
Moux Ulty. . . 71 M M ,4U !
Molnes. "I U 41 .4.1S
Oinnim 74 aa 43
bu 1'uul ,71 81 60 ,20J
National iiunguo.
Pittsburg 3 0 000 000 0-3
Now York I 0000 300 -I
Hits I'ltUburgfl. New York 10. Krrors
Pittsburg 1 , New York 3. Butteries Baker
and Dncker : Welch und Clark. Umpire
Brooklyn ,1 02. 00 400 1 8
Cleveland 0 I ,3 0 0 0 0 0 0- -I
Hits -Cleveland 19 , Brooklyn 5. Krrow
Cleveland 4 , Jlrooklyu 'J. Untunes Boatin
und X.itiiinor ; Cui-ruther * und Dally. Umpire
Cllidunutl 0 0 0 1 U " 0 0 0 ft 1
Uofitou . . .0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3
Hits Cincinnati C , Bostou 9. Errort
Clnclnmill O.TWton 3 HattcrlcsUctzoln
nnd Bennett ) Jtjnes ) ) nnd Harrington. Um
pire McDcmjott ,
Chicago . 1 3 M 1 3 1 0 2 0 10
Philadelphia. , . . ! ) 30000030 4
Hits-Chicago 21 , Phllftdclphln 8. Errors
Chicago a , Philadelphia 4. Uattcrles
Hutchinson nnd ICIttreilpo ; Qlcason and
ClcmenU. Umntro Lynch ,
'r nurrAto.
nufTalo . 0 30 0 12
Philadelphia. . . ,3 30010-103 0
Hits Uuirnlo 13 , Vhlladelp'iltt 0. Erwrs-
Burtalo 7 , 1'hlla/lrlphla / . llattcrlos-Cun.
nhiRlinm nnd ijuJllgan : Knell and Halltuan.
Umpires Leach and Oaffney.
Plttsbure . o 1
New York . 0 00 000 000 0
lllt-s 1'ittsbunrO. Now York fi. Errors
Plttsbtirg 3 , Now York 3. llattcrlcs JlorrU
nnd Fields ; 0' Day and Hwlng. Umpires
Knight nnd Jones ,
Clovelnnd . i o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Boston . I 00080001 6
Hits Cleveland 0 , Boston 0. Errora-
( Jlevolnnd , Boston I. Dattertus O'Hrlon '
nnd SutcllfTc ; Hatlbournoimd Murphy. Um
pires rerguson and Holbcrt.
AT tillCAOO.
Chicago . 0 1 100003008'- "
Brooklyn . 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 1) ) 0 1 0
Hits-Chicago 10 , Hrooklyn 13. Errors-
Chlcneo 5. Hrooklyn 4. 1) ) itterlcs Kin ? and
Fnrroll ; Wevhimfand Klnslow. Umpires
Plcrco und Snydur.
American V
Brooklyn 4 0
Columbus 0 0000000 a 2
Hits Brookljn 10. Columbus 7. Errors-
Brooklyn 5 , Columbus T. Batteries Me-
Cullough and I > itz ; Kntius anil Doyle.
Umpire Peoples.
Athletics 3 a
Toledo 0 0,3 7
Hits-Athletic 7 , Toledo 13. Errors
AthlotloO , Toledo fl. Bnttorles-MoMahon
and Hoblnson ; bmlth and Sage. Umpire-
Docs cher.
Kochester 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Louisville , , , . . . .0 000 1504 * 12
Hits-Koclioster , Louisville 8 , Errors
Rochester ( I , Louisville 8. DnUcrles-Cnlll-
han nnd MeKoougu ; Stratton una Kyaii.
Uinplw Einslic.
Synicuso 0 1
St. Louts I 0 I il U U 1 0 * 13
Hits Syracuse 1 , St. Louis 18. Errors
Sj raciiso ( J , St. Louis 1. Hatterlos ICcofo
and Brlggs ; Humsoy and Alunyan. Umpire
TlieMlulIrt DonoUp.
BI.AIR , JS'ob. , July 23.-Spceial [ Telegram
toTnr. BIE. : ] The Models of CouncilUluffs
and the Blair team played hero this afternoon
with the following icsmlt !
Blair t 0-13
Models , .0 000 003 02 4
HattcriosVcllbnum nnd Bailey forBlulr ,
nd Nichols and Crosby for the Bluffs ,
The Cruuo Brothers team plays here Au
gust 3.
The Hurst Family Today.
The Minneapolis team , which Is now In the
ead for the pennant , will moot the Onialms
, t the local pavlc this afternoon and n great
Ight is inevitable. Both Minneapolis nnd
illlwnukec , the lenders In the chuso , are
necting with disaster on their present trip
, nd the Black feox will strain every ncrvo
iiul " Ilbro to keep them on the down grade ,
"f ' Omaha can tnkobtit two out of the three
'rom each of thcso teams hero it will about
ict them even with Kansas City and Denver
mil add much pxeltomunt to the race. The
local 'team i ? in line form now , nnd
Captain Sllanralinn says it will bo throe
straight. The batteries today will bo Claike
ind Moran and Unto and Dugdaio. Mnna-
or Hurst , IB ivitli the Mlnuiuj , nnd ho Is
uch dejected overtho ; reverses that over
took them ut Sioux City. However , not
much consolation can bo offered Tim here ,
! or Omaha is going to surpass even the Com
lluskers' line work. It will bo a great game ,
and no lover of the sport should miss It.
Will Kill 'Gin All.
Manager Dave Kowo of the Denvcrs was
n tbo city yesterday , and ho said that when
10got homo ho was going to kill his whole
team. Dave was hot over the Idea of Dos
Moiucs tuking two out of four.
It IB Captain Ilunnilmii.
Rcddy Hanrahan has been made captain of
ho Omnhas nnd It Is dollars to doughnuts
that ho will fill the bill as it hasn't ' boon
tilled so far this bc.ison.
Tlio Coursing Sfcct.
The interest In tbo coming coursing moot
at the fairgrounds ioxtTUursday uud Friday
isnttiacting considerable attention , and sev
eral prominent citizens In Omaha nnd Coun
cil Bluffs have entered their greyhounds for
the races. Among them may be named
Colonel W. F. Sapp's "Val Orr , " Captain P.
H. Kay's ' "Kelly , " James Stockdalo's
"Prlnco , " Dr. George B. Ayers' ' 'Corslcan , "
William P. Huffslcy's "Mercury , " Dr. M. J.
Bellinger's "Faust , " ami i ? . N. Jaynos ,
"Hidalgo , " Others who may desire to enter
their greyhounds should call on the nmr.nger
of the National association at the Barker
A now consignment of jack rabbits arrived
yesterday morning from Hutchinson , Kan. ,
and Just before they were loosened from the
boxes the tent corral was blown down ,
which , had It occurred a few moments later ,
might have made no end of trouble. The
wild fellows nro now well secured.
NchrnHkir , Iowa and Dakota Pensions ,
" \VASIIINOTOX , July 23. [ Special Telegram
to Tuu BEE. ] Pensions granted Nebraskans -
braskans : Increase Joseph II. Wood , South
Auburn ; Benjamin F. Feather , Wayne ;
Veloso Vonnrd , Pluttbinotith ; William P.
Kcukcaid , Dakota City John II. Drutnmond ,
Franklin ; Thomas II. Collins , Whitney ;
Mordecal B. Joy , Herman ; D.ivld Bryan ,
lown : Increase finer Fowler , ExIIno ;
Frederick Johnson , Modora ; Solomon Hooves ,
Plcasnntvllle ; Frederick J. Croft , Burling
tonTacob ; V. Bishop , Sprlngvillo ; John O ,
Holliduy , Hock Rapids ; Edward
E. Crandall , Marslmlltowii ; Aug
ust Denning , Lcando ; William P. Kellogg ,
Portsmouth ; James McCookin , Magnolia ;
Patrick Boanos , aVimkan ; John Edwards.
Ottumwa ; GeorgliR. Hull , MaUomj David
See , East Bos Alpinoi ; Albert Fife , Tuma ;
William H. HojvV , Alpha.
Sontli DukotAt Jucreoso Henry Tillmnn ,
Hosiuer ; Ceortfo A. Moore , Armour ; Klch-
urd A. HurrigHgtpn , Woonsockct.
The Tlil-iuli Will Not Cnmo.
. .11LUAX , N. Bi , July 2S. [ Si > eclnl Telegram -
gram to TUB Bfi-l | It Is now stated by the
naval authorities Wiat the war shin Thrush.
in command of ( Prince Ocorgo of Wnlos , will
not visit Newport , H. I. , nt all. She loft
Bermuda this'morning for Halifax direct.
The llaffship n flpniphon , wlthAdmlr.ilVat. .
sou and Sir Jobj ; lioso on board , sailed from
St. John's yo4t tay f"1 Newport , and will
bo joined on therrcturn by the Canada ami
Partcidire , whichfeft hero this morning. It
is said Prince 'Ubprgo had no Intention of
going to Ne\vp6 \ , ' (
The Postal Telegraph Hill.
\\AWUXGTON , July US. At the meeting of
the scnato coininlttco on postoaicej und post-
roads today tlio postal telegraph bill prepare
ut the tHWtoflleo department was ii .iin con
aldcrcu. The proviso as to the eleventh sec
tion by Dr. Green , president of the Western
Union comp'iny , in his argument before
the house commlttuo that the proviso would
niicrato to shut out his company from bid
ding for government business , nnd upon thi'
being shown to the committee today It wa <
voted that thu proviso bu stricken out.
! _ _
llulputl by tlio Trip.
HKIIMV , July 28. [ Special Cablegram to
TIIK UKI' . ] Emperor William arrived u
Wllhcltnlmven today on bis return from lib
trlii 1" the Nonvpgian watOH. Ho is looking
oxcretilimly well , and there is no doubt tba'
the trip luu greatly Improved his hoalth.
A Bono of Ooato'utlou Between tba Bail-
roads and Shippers.
The Chief Inspector Find * It Guilty
of a Ornns Manipulation of Itatoa
The Alton Is lit-
Cntrxao , July 23. fSpeelnl Telegram
to Tun Hun. ) The bill of lading squabble
has como to bo of natlonnl Interest to rail
roads nnd shippers. Nearly ono hundred and
twenty-live railroads hnvo accepted the pro
posed bill of lading , w.hlle shippers from all
over the country are arrayed against It.
Chnlrmau Blanchar > t of tlio Central Tralllo
association with I1 , H. Klngsbnry of the
trunk lines and F. J. Forth , representing the
Inko and rail Hues , Into this evening send out
a Ion ; defense of the propoic.l bill of lading.
In brief , they deny any dcjlro to ro.strlet thu
use of the hill of bill it ? a * collateral , ntiil
claim the word * "not negotiable" lire usoi to
meet the requirements of tho7sTcw York and
Pennsylvanln state laws , nml tint the word
"order' ' makes it ns negotiable ns the present
form. They HkowUo disclaim nny wish to
limit their present Habnity for clnmnpo to
freight in transit and clnlm that mnnv lines
haveyieldcd provisions in their bills oflndlng
In order to make the proposed ono uniform.
Chairman Blmu'luird also Issued instructions
today Hint the bills bo made negotiable by
adding thu words "not negotiable except as
provided In condition nlno hereof. " Ho tac
tically refuses the request of the shippers by
leaving it understood that the now bill will
bo operative August 1.
Inn Ilnmllo Manipulations.
CIIIOAUO , July 23. [ Special Telegram to
TimBKH.J Chief Inspector Paul P. Kalner
of tbo joint r.ito and inspection burouu today
gave the stuld old Pennsylvania road n jo It
which shook It up to Its very foundations.
In a long and detailed ropoit hotlnds the
Pan Handle line of the Pennsylvania guilty
of the grossest manipulation of r.itos , extend
ing over n period of several months. Ho
quotes figures at length on the coke tr.ifllc ,
giving car number , date , shipment and con
signee. To tbo Illinois steel company nlono
ho gives llgures on 1,010 cars of coke and
charges that on these cars the Pan Handle
roduciul the rate to the extent of $ l'J'll.7t. !
The Pan Handle , Fort Wayne , Luke Shore ,
Utiltlmoio & Ohio , and Chicago it Atlantic
are all competitors for this coke trnlllc.
Thc o lines have in vain tried to secure their
rabbcd the lion's shnro continually. An In-
estigatlon was then set on foot with the
bovo result. Thn manipulation wns In all
' ' done bv charging the Illinois steel com-
> any the proportion of the through rate to
Jhicago Instead of the local rate , The regu-
nr rate to Chicago Is f ! . i > per ton , .Toliot Ink-
ng the Chicago rate. The proportion of the
hraigh rate to Chicago is $ ) . ; . > . All the bills
f lading read to Chicago "destined to Jollet. "
Of the 1,010 , cars mentioned fi''l were turned
ver to the Alton road to bo switched to local
iHU of Mio Illinois steel compniiy. Mr.
taluor exonerates the Alton from nil shnro In
he manipulation , ) iovcor , as It was impos-
Iblo for thnt road to know what rate the
eke took to Chicago or to charge more than
ogiilnr switching ehnigcs on tbo coko. An
ittcmpt will bo made to pigeon-hole the
linriro against the Pnnlmndlu , but its com-
'Ctitor.s ' nro so warm over tbo exposure that
ho attention of the Interstate commerce com-
ulsslon may bo called to it.
Kcduccd tlio
CIIICAOO , July 2S. [ Special Telegram to
TanBiiB. ] The Chicago commltteo of tbo
Jeutral Trafllc association concluded not to
vnlt for the conference of Chairman Blanch-
rd with the St. Louis lines and today ro
uccit the basis from Chicago to Now York
> o ai | cents , taking effect August 4. The
jrcsont basis Is . " 0 cents. Conespondlng re
ductions will follow to all seaboard and Inter
mediate points. The prevailing opinion Is
hat this rate will not ba advanced this year.
In spite of the Alton reductions to SJO
scuts on the wheat rate und 15 cents on other
grain f lorn. Kansas City to Chicago , all lines
"n saying that the contemplated advance in
jtber rates cast bound from Kansas City
will bo ofllcially ordered nt Wednesday's
inciting. The Important mutter of the lum
ber rate is still to bo adjusted nnd a con
clusion will probably bo reached by Wednoi
day. The nutter is o > io wholly of a relative
rate between northern und southern pine.
The competition Is so Intense us to demand n
rate ot about 0 cents per 101) higher on the
yellow pine. The point of dispute now Is ns
to whotnor the southern loads shall charge 0
to 8 cents inoro than the northern roads. The
southom lines insist en making a iU-cvut ruto
If the northern lines advance to 10 cents ,
while the northern lines Insist the southern
incs should mnko a 24 cent rate. A compro
mise ou ) cents will be probably cITectcd.tho
northern lines advancing their rates to 10
ents from the ptesent 10 cent figures.
< Y Clmngj nt' Dnsc.
Cuictoo , July 2 j. [ Special Telegram to TUG
Bi.n. ] The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad began business this morning in its
new general olllcos in Chicago , havener trans-
feircd them from Milwaukee to this city.
The now quarters of the company mo lo
cated in the Hnnd-McNiilly building ou Mon
roe street , of which they occupy the entire
second nnd third doors.
President Miller nnd his assistants , Messrs.
Lennox nnd Morrison , General Manager
Kai'llng , with Mr. Stubbs and the whole
working force of that dopiitment , alf the
freight department , law department , pur
chasing agent's force anil the administrative
force generally occupied the new ofllces to
day. The increase of Chicago's population
by this move v\ll \ reach nnnily , If not quito ,
nftccn hundred souls , as between twelve
hundred and fifty nuil thirteen hundred em
ployes nnd ofllcers of the roul with their
families nccompanlod the change of head
quarters from Milwaukee to Chicago.
New Ijocnl Hntos.
IVAJSAS CITV , Rio , , July 23. Representa
tives of Kansas nnd Nebraska lines in the
Trans-Missouri Freight association met today
to arrange a new local distance rate sheet to
present to the Kansas board of railroad com
missioners August 21 , The work of making
up the sheet wHl bo completed tomorrow.
The Union 1'aclflc Statement.
BOSTON , Moss , , July US. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bnn. ] Following Is the Union I'nclllc
preliminary statement for Juno : Gross enrn-
Collision lietwcoii
BAI.TIMOHI : , July 23. Thostoamor Virginia
this evening collided with the excursion
steamer Louise , on which fifteen bun
dreed excursionists were gathered. The
collision occurred off Foit Cunol
about five miles from Baltimore. It
Is said the collision resulted from the efforts
of the steamers to avoid a schooner ami a tug
boat. Both vessels were badly damaged.
Many excursionists nro missing ; and somu
painfully Injured. Three bodies had been lu
coveted up to U o'clock , It is supposed that
others were lott.
Photograph of u \\lll.
HEI.BXI , Mont. , July 28. A photographic
copy of the will ot the Into A. J , Davis was
fllcd In the supreme court today. Thouccom
panylng will Is n copy of a petition llled
In tlio Silver How cotnt praying tbur
John S. Davis bo upjiolnu-d nd
minljtrntur. Heating of the nrf/uinent
on th6 appeal from the district court win
postponed un.l October II next nnd John A
Bavin forbidden by order of the court iron
qualifying as ndinmUtrator.
1li Dimtb Jtnll.
CmcAflo , July 21.Mrs. . Mnrthn M , Drown
nn old resident of BlnoinhiKton und contra
Illinois , iiml sislur of the tint wife of lion
U-ouurd .Swell , died hery lust night. Ho
rumams were taken to Uloonilnulou for liitcr
Today's ICntrlcfl nt Saratoga.
SAnvroaA , N , Y. , July ! JJ. ( Spoclal Tclo-
toTinlJnn.J The entries for the races
it-re tomorrow are ns follows :
First rnco , throo-qunrteri of n mile Ltuly
'ulslfer , Plnnchctte , 1'nlry Queen , Vosburu
lalnbow , Bltto Itock.
Second i-oco , one mlle , American hotel
takes Cancan , Alarm Bell. Isaac LowH ,
aistralltz , Utiporta , Clio , Aumlral , Daisy F ,
Sir John.
" Third raw , ftra-oltfitta of a mlle Don
> ' 0r , Mnggio Wniil , Lmighter , National ,
lyilm , Void , Uallot , Llttlo Scissors , Kutrcat
! 'ill.v , Margheritn. Ban Boy , Silver Prince ,
turthn Campbell , Sir Kuu , Hlmyar , Uosiilliio
L'ourth race , ono and one-fourth inllo ,
ixcolslor stakes-W. ( ? . Morris , Admiral ,
Cliigston , Longstreet , Conio-To-Tnw , Los
Yneolcs , Teuton.
rlfth nice , ono mile. sclllng-HntTy Wol-
on , Hoyal Gutter , iSliic.inlev , Whftenose ,
Dyer , IJuiideo , Hopeful , Lctretlu.
Nr.w YOHK , July ! H ( .Special Tolegwni to
run Bsn. ] The weather was clear nnd tlio
rack In good condition.
I'lrat race , three-fourths mile Ilrndford
von by four length * . Oevpoto second , Vldctto
hlnl. Tiino-l:13. :
Second race , one and one-sixteenth miles
jolden Keel won bv seven lengths , Puzzle
ecoml , Austcrlltr third. Time 1 sril'f. '
Third race , one-half mile Stratagem won ,
3nptplpes second , Hello of Ornngo third.
rime KJitf.
1'otirth i-ace , ono-half mlle Modjeska won ,
uscado sccoiul , Tom Donahue third. Time
I'lfth race , ono mlle Longshore won , Llt-
lo Urelo second , Major Tom third. Time
MTU" .
" Sixth race , three-quarters of n mlle U. B.
"Million won , Bnllyhoo second. Time 1 : 10.
, N.J. , July 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu HUB ] , Summary of today's
aces :
Three quaitors of n milo .lugglor won ,
Biscuit second , Ho third. Time liUI , .
Tlireo-qunrtcrs of a mlle I'aclnl B won ,
Tim Gray second , Fov IHU third. Time
1:110 : .
One nnd one-quarter miles Unncocas won ,
vimborly second , Talcon third. Time
One-half mlle Refraction won , 1'olydora
second , Octagon third. Time W.
Threo-quaitow of a mile lago won , Prince
2dwnrd second. Little Minnie third. Time
lai : > tf.
Soven-cighths of n mlle T/ineastcr won ,
Quibble second , ICutlo third. Time 1:31J : .
Brighton Itcach llnucs.
X Uiucir , July 23. [ Special Tele-
pram to TIIK llui : . ] Summary of today's
races :
Ono mile Nfcwburg won , Extravagance
econd , Cheney third. Time 1 : 15.
Seven-eighths of a mlle Hose Berry won ,
ese Mary Murray ( gelding ) second , Go-
norm third. Time I ! : %
Seven-eights of a mlle Lizzie won , Young
3 race second , Lucky Clover third. Time
One nnd one-eighth mlle Bndgo won , *
Brian Horn second , Signature third. Time
Two miles Krncst won , Elcvo second ,
Jewni'd third. Tlmc-fl.1 : ! * .
Steepleohttse , full course Tnrnuln won ,
Clltiirney second , Dr. Uhase third. Time
:2'J. : '
HnnolVII1 Trot In
CHICAGO , July 23. [ Special Telegram to
I'IIK UGI : . ] Ono of the directors of tlio
Northwestern Hrcedors' association , which
jives n ti'ottlng meeting next month at Wash-
ngton park , has returned from n trip to Do-
.roll , In which city ho tnndo nvrangoinonts
\\ith Marvin , the driver ot Sunol , to trot the
great fllly here against the a iD 'i of Mnud S ,
which Is tbo fastest iccoid for a trotter.
She Has n Ijlyoly TinHlo with n
" \Vho Owes Her lonoy.
Mnry Dee In tliennme.sliejynvo nt tlio polko
tatlon last night , but tint isn't tha ono her
nothcr gave her.
She appeared nt a saloon nt the corner of
Tenth and Howard about 10 o'clock la t nlsrlit
nnd wanted to sco the bartender , I'nul Tomy ,
Ho sent out word that ho was not thurti , but
she happened to catch a glimpse of him and
mmedlatcly waltzed inside without waiting
'or an Invitation. She demanded the pay-
nent of some money that she alleged he owed
icr , nnd when ho refused to pay she seized a
jeer glass and attempted to brain him. Tomy
caught her hand and escaped unhurt. In
cjcctlnit her from the building ho happened
to blow his breath In her face and the lell In
Ult. The patrol wagon took her to tlio sta
tion , where the city physician attondcd her.
She hud a violent attack of hysterics ,
which lasted nearly un hour. She said that
she had given Tomy money nt vaiious times ,
und that ho now has over SJOO of her cash ,
which she has been trying to get buck. Ilo
Inut put her "oil from time to time and is tryIng -
Ing to avoid repaying It , ] ha lefusul lust
night so angered her that who assaulted him.
No chnrgo was piofoired against her , nnd
after she had recoveiecl she was bent homo In
the natrol wagon , She resides near tbo corner
of.Twenty-fifth and Franklin streets.
Death of 3frx. N. I' , Berlin.
Mrs. Nancy P. Berlin , mother of Hon. R. S.
Berlin , died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock
after a lingering Illness of months'
duration. The end came quietly , the sufferer
passing away without pain , surrounded by
her chlldion , nnd having every care nnd at
tention that loving lianils could bestow , The
end was not unexpected , ni thq jrrcntloveler
had been slowly but suiely gaining a hold
upon ttic hcait andlluully gained the mastery.
Mrs. Berlin was bora in Plttabui ? ; , Pa. . In
181i ( and veinovcd to Nebraska with her hus
band and children in 1WJ. The settled on
what is now known as Dundee IMuco and
lived there until a few years ago.
Six children sun ivo Mrs. Bcilln , the hus
band and father having died several years
ngo. The children arc , Mrs. A. H. Baker of
Gnmd Island , Mrs , W. H. S. Hughes. Mis.
H. A. Worley , Miss Asncs Herlln mid liich-
nra S. Beilin of this city and Mrs. George
Knight-White of San Francisco. Mrs. Ber
lin was n sister of Mrs , J. N. H. 1'atiick.
The funeral will occur from the residence
of Mr. Herhu. corner of Nineteenth ana
Davenport streets , tomorrow afternoon ut
'J o'clock.Interment f nt Prospect IHU ,
For Passing J''orcil Checks.
Charles antt George CricK were arrested
nibt night on u charge of obtaining goods un
der false pretenses. The complaining wltncs
is August Schmcllng , who runs a store ou
North Twenty-fain th street. Ho claims that
two men giving the names of C , McDonald
And Johnson swindled him on a bogus check
on July 18. They bousht two suits of clothes
nnd some other material , nnd gave hint a
check forlSon McCaguo Bros. ' banlc. Tbu
pa per wiw worthless.
When in-roslcd , George Crick had another
similar chuck on ids person. It was lor $5
aud was drawn by W. M. Garret on .MtCaijuo
Bros.'bank In favor of C. McUonulJ. 'iho
detectives have secured several of these
checks nnd there promises to ha several caws
of swindling brought iigalnst Crick , ullas Mc
Donald , In sliort Older ,
POTTKK Monday , July 23 , 1300 , Edna
Sprague 1'otter , daughter of Charlc.s A
and Anna K. Potter , ago two years unt
two mouths
Jler Jewels Stolen ,
LOXDO.V , July 23. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim BED. ] Miss Eartluke , an actress whc
bus just arrived in England from New York
lost a quantity of Jewelry , valued ut300 , 01
the voyage. It Is bellovcd that some tide
among the passengers on the steamer 01
which shu traveled stole tbo jewelry ,
Vcrdlut In Aniiht GoodwIn'H CIINC.
Nun' YOIIK , July Hi The verdict of th
coroner's jury in Annie Goodwin's case llnd
that she rama to nor ilcntli from an nbortloi
j > ( > rformed by Dr. McGoirigun. Augustu
flnrrlson , Mrs. Sluiw and Davis , the coach
man , were held '
TLo Uuton Fnciflo Attempts to Lay a Track J
on Seventeenth Street ,
MV-K H * J
The ItCHiilt Is n .Short , Slmrp Hat tin
In thn Dark In Which the
Is Itoulcd.
The city nnd the Union Pacific railroad
ockcil honn over the Sovciitucnth tivct
ci-osslni ; lost night , and nftcr n short struggle
hoclty won ,
Some time ago the railroad company con
ceived the idea of building1 another track
o\er South Seventeenth street , in the vicinity
of I'ieive. Tlio movement tuct with opposi
tion from the property holders nlong that
loillonof Seventeenth street where It was
imposed to lay the trnolr. They wont before
.ho city council and asked thnt Unit body tuko
some action In the premises.
Last Tuesday night the council pni.sed a
. asolullon pioblbltlng the company from go
iiil ? on with the woik , but nolhwlthstimiling
this the gindo was established and the wotic
of piittlni- down the track commenced ,
The chnhnmn of the bo.nil of public works
MCiitonl to the company to discontinue the
work nnd Inu Thursday that gentlenum re
ceived a letter from the railroad ofllcluU stat-
itut thnt nil work hud been .stopped. To
make himself safe the chairman List Satur
day secured nn Injunction from the district
court nnd had it served the enmo afternoon ,
This ' did not hmc tbo desired effect , lor at i )
o'clock Sunday morning n gang of trneklm-
ots were on tno ground , nnd ntS o'clock the
track wns In and rcnily for trains.
yesterday Mr. Uirkliatiser declared for
war , nnd all day , m company with Street
Commissioner I'lannory , ho hunted
Tor i\blo bodied men , Instruct-
ng them to bo nt the corner ,
of Seventeenth nnd Pierce promptly at 0" " * >
o'clock. Six o'clock came , anil with the hour
came sovcnty-ilvo men , nrmod with shovels
nnd crowbirs. They throw off their coats
mil commenced tluowlng dirt like a lot ot
paid shovelors.
The switchmen In the yards notified the
railroad oniclali , and in ten minutes ( hey nnd
i detail of police were on the ground. Blik-
hanscr was ordered to pull bis men olT , but
with a "bogaiP1 ho said ho Mould not , and
they commenced to work all the lurdcr.
Two engines were then ordered up and
[ hey at once commenced to run buck and
forth over the crossing to prevent the street
gang- from carrying out tbo plan laid nut bv
their chief. But the chief won , nnd Jintt as
in engine * wns hacking oil thccroisingoncof
the men Rot his crowbar under the etui of the
Vltl ntlft * tml { t111 * rtf \ * 'Plltlt nt l\tl , .i.1
.ho train , nnd while oatns continued to bu
[ loured forth , the rails were torn up nnd thu
street dug down to lU former level , the police
n the meantime sitting In the patrol wagon
and watching the fun.
ThU much of the
work linvlntr been nc-
complhheil , both parties withdrew their
"orces , the city leaving oniccrFnhey on gumd
o see that the tiuck was not rclald during
the night.
fi I'A HA ('SlH.
Hon. M. II. DoVonng , owner nnd editor of
ho Kan Francisco Chronicle , passed throntli ;
the city ycstcrauy afternoon on Ills way west.
P. 13. Whitney was a Sunday guest at thu
Coates lu Kansas City ,
joti.t Mits.
Shot forl wiMtty-ll\a ConlM. s
DBS MOIXI : " , la. , July M , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : DEI : . ] Shortly before mldnipht
last night Herman Carlson and John Peter
bon , ulio had boon drinking , engaguil In a
qtmricl about K cents , the result of which
wns ho shooting of Carlson by Peterson , the
ball striking him just ibov'o the > ri'lit ( cyo
mil ] nH3iii tliTOiprlitho I < Io of hiftiliomJ. Ho
Is lying ill a critical condition , Putci'son
shotonreln thonlrto frighten CarlKon , but
, ho l.ittoi' nuiking u swoop at him with a
Imifo , lie llred the Hccondshot. Putei-son was
brought before Police Judge liggleston today
. .barged with Intent to kill. Ho was crying
lilttorly , und told the court that liquor \\ius
the cause of the trouble , but that ho acted In
self-defense. He was held to tbo grand jury.
Itoi-r Jlatilers AxHcrt Their ItlghtH.
, In. , July i.3.-Specint [ Telo-
Bus. ] There Is a prospect of a
lively contest hero over the Sunday law In
this city. Several beer haulers were ar
rested yesterday and claim they have as
much right to do business as have tbo Hticet
curs , hackmen , liverymen , fruit dealers ,
cigar stoics or druggists , the advent of the
original package making their work noccs-
sary ,
They Were Qlnud to Ihclr Heats.
Four Donor , la. , July ! iS. [ Special Tclo-
Rramto Tins Uku. ] The subst'intlal
Congrogatlonul church at Moorland was det-
lentod yesterday with iiiipresalvocercmoulos.
IJev , Ij. li. Westof Wlnona , Minn. , oniclatctl ,
assisted by a number of visitors from this vi
cinity. When the contribution pinto was
passed not a single persons nroso to leave his
scat. Ono reason xvns the vnmlslr on tbu
Beats was notstitlluontly dried , nml the on-
the congregation found itself tightly glued
down. j\t the close of the services It took
three-quurtoi-H of nn hour to free all of the
prisoners. All the Indies' handsome toilets
wore ruined , nnd largo portions of them still
ilccorato tbo newly painted pows of the
Wont to Sleep on tint
r , In , July 2i [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HIK.J : Near Mystic , la. , at a
ifclock this morning , Frank Vex , a coal
miner , was Instantly killed byaChlc.igo ,
Minneapolis ft St. Paul tialn. Ho was intoxi
cated and had lulu down on the track. Ho
leaves a wife and two children.
Tried to AVi-ock tlio Train.
Conn. , July iiS. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tin : Hun. ] An attempt was made to
wreck tbo through passenger train from Harrisburg -
risburg to Boston , in Wlnnlcd , Thuwday
moinhiK at 0 o'clock , by putting rullrdad
tlo on the track. Friday , nt ! i o'clock , a lurgo
rock was tin-own through the window of a
passenger car on the same train , The tlo
was discovered nnd removed by n switch
man , Slneu the attempt officers have pa
trolled the ti ack , and though certain pat ties
urosubpcctod no arrests have boon made.
Derailed lly 11 HIII-HO. < >
Louisnu.B , ICy. , July 84 A freight train
on the Louisville & Nashville was derailed
tlih mornliiKon'abrldtfo near KnlphUr , Ky. ,
by n homo tMiicht botwocn the ties. Tbo ei.-
glncor and fireman jumped , Tdo cnginu fell
upon the latter , CJcorgo Darker , killing him
Instantly , tlio ciiKlnucr escaping with both
legs urokcn. A bralccinun was scilously in-
Absolutely Pure.
A oreani of turl'ir imUinn ixnulor , Hlgheit
ot leavunliU'itrciii.'tli- . tf. ( lovoruuiout U *
port Auv , 17 , i