Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1890, Part II, Page 9, Image 9

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Hove just opened another large Invoice of Block Silk Mitts , nnd
offer thorn Monday nt 3Bc n pair.
Odd Lots-Lai1 Wow ,
Previous to inventory of our stocU , August 1st , we aim to clear *
out ull odd lots In every department. In Gloves wo have numerous
odd pairs , in nearly every size , we ha vo been selling from 2Bc to 3Bc ,
Monday we place them on sale atlOc n pair.
Ladies' Lisle Gloves , 25c.
Tills has been our DOc quality all season , but everything must go
regardless of cost previous to moving into our new building. We
place them in one lot Monday nt 2Bc a pair.
Silk bound , embroidered neck and arms , marked down specially
for tills sale to 25c.
Monday nTornmg we shall Inaugurate a sweep Ing sale of Ladies
* l3&V3"HoaeSea our east showwindow. . Choice of the . lot 15c . a
palp ; - ' TiVxmtffHw : ; * * vv yv&m + * w + r < f + ' w" - - - ; - % - - -
Bung ; with Ceaseless and Thrilling Effect
bj tlio Tails of Shoshoao ,
niul Incidents in the Vicinity
of tlio Grciit Miracle of Snake
Jdvcraiul ii Visit to Tlieni
by n isco
SIIO.IIIOXK , Idnlio , July 20. [ Staff Corres
pondence of. Tin : Bii.1 : : Our party loft this
little town nt 0X : : ) in the evening , with the
intention of arriving at the colohratcd Shoshone -
ono fulls at about 10:30 : o'clock the snmo
night. There wcro two traveling' men , ono
named Mnguiro from New Y"ork and the
other Moore of St. Louis and two young
women , the older a Chicago schoolnui'aui and
the younger her sister in the gawky ago of
foininino development.
Tbo road to the falls has been cut through
n pliiln of bngo brush and lava. For twcnty-
six inilos thcro Is nothing to rcllovo tlio
monotony of white sand , brush nnd lava , but
the driver's stories nnd the jokes or conver
sational powers of one's companions , AVe
Buffered very little because ) of tlio lack of
versatility of the party nnd became anxious
only where the road beenino obscured under
the starless clouds which had overcast the
scene when the sun disappeared ,
For nearly two hours wo proceeded In the
dni'hncss , some fearing that wo had lost ouv
way , In which rfvt'iit them would bo no alternative -
native but a risky tramp through the desert
umtcr the chill night air.
The driver , however , continued to pick his
way and finally announced that we had at
length reached "tbo rocks. " In this manner
he designated the livn beds which extend
four miles from the falls , and over which , in
the dark , it Is impossible to drive with safety
faster than it walk.
" " Ono weary hour was snout picking our way
through these adamantine labyrinths when
the driver sententioiisly mid informally re
marked : "Here's where you get out ! "
Wo disembarked without n.estloiilng and
tbo driver tied one of the hind wheels to a
side bnico on the wagon.
"ThU Is it steep hill nu' I never hauled a
living being down it In mv lifo. I'll go ahead
with tlio team and you follow. "
"Aro we near the fulls J" petulantlv asked
the younger luily passenger , as if slio wcro
about disk-listed wltli the Journey ,
" Yes , Miss , though they're down at the bet
tom of the hill " ho
, good-naturedly replied , us
ho started oft with his team.
Wo followed. It va * imlark as n dungeon ,
\Vo could jiot se ? two feet In advance.Vo
soon discovered that the descent was most
abrupt , so much so , indeed , that It required
the united efforts of the party to keep us
from breaking Into a run , leaving the road
and going wo know not whew. ' .
When wo reached the bottom of the hill wo
were out of breath and the driver told us wo
had travcleda thousand feet. Wo again took
tha wagon and nt tlmt moment for the llrst
thuo tlio hoarse votes of the fajls grouted our
oars. Almost at thu same Instant tlicro was
u rift In tlio sable covering above us and a
white patch of cloud beeiino vMblo. Whence
It received its light , wo knew not. Thcro wits
not a star visible. Profiled against this er
rant cloud were immense masses of rock ,
bliick ns the night Itself and towering above
seemingly to a distance of thousands of feet.
In tills sniiiouncertnlnlliflit saw or fancied
we > saw tha windings of the Snake , but It was
only fancy , IMVMUSO wo could seiitvcly tee the
ntreani wlu-n the driver announced that wo
hud ivuchod the ferry. Wo boarded the lat
ter which Is about two hundred feet above
lief alb , horse , wiifoii , women and all , Wo
took turns working at the windlass as wo did
ilso in speculatin what would bo
our fate if the ferry's cables should
irenkl Once , while In mid-river , the current
itriick us with unusual force nnd nil the male
innds wcro required at the rope , wlillo the
women clasped each ether in a corner nnd re-
nnlned speechless until the bank was reached ,
1'horo is little pleasure in traveling1 in the
dark and tlicro Is little to reassure the trav
eler when ho encounters dangers the niiigni-
; udo of which must bo determined by conjoe-
Lure. For tills reason , when the ascer.t of
the opposite bank was undertaken , there was
not a member of the party who did not feel
that hu or she. bad accomplished an heroic
( Iced which would bear recounting utter the
return homo.
As wo climbed the hill , ngnln in the densest
darkness , everybody simultaneously re
marked that it had begun to rain. A heavy
mist struck us , rendering wraps necessary.
This , the driver explained , was the spray
from the falls , which the wind was scatter
ing around with lavish generosity. In this
inlst. wo reached the hotel , in which not a
light burned , nnd in which every occupant
must have fallen into the sleep of the just
which oven the crash of the falling water Ue-
iicnth was unable to disturb.
The hostelry stands on a height almost over
the south end of the falls nnd was enveloped
in it cloud of spray which , llmling temporary
lodgment on the roof of the poivli , dropped in
rain to the lloor below. The landlord was
aroused and the party stowed away for the
My apartment was the nearest to the falls
and , despite the mist without , J left the win
dow open to listen to thu deen base voice of
tlio fulls which had not sounded unmusical
from the first moment it reached my
ear. The pitch was ovoa anil the
volume was maintained with but the
slightest variation , save when the sound
waves were wafted to the opnoslto side of the
canon. It then rose nnd fell wltli masterly
sympathy nnd expression In a solo of unturo's-
omtorio to nature's ( ! od.
I had heard that these whoso sense of hear
Ing was most acute or whoso ears had been
attuned to the closest harmonies , could dis
tinguish a variety of sounds ninid the rush of
waters over the fulls. I lay , for a time , and
tnado an attempt to catch tha various sounds ,
with but Indifferent success. Some people
say they hnvo been able to distinguish eight :
others , ton different sounds. I3ut I am not
ono of those so musically constituted , I
thought , however , that 1 could faintly note
Tour or live distinct Intonations , seine of a
compar.ith-ely high treble , nnd then I dUeon-
tlnued tbo Investigation. I let the Imagina
tion have full play and there was no move
ment In music , mechanics or human agency ,
to which that of the falls did not keep nceom-
p.iiiliuent. 1 heard , again , the school bell
\vnicli sounded in my ears ; the chlmoof the
little church in the wood in which rare and
radiant maidens wcro early and sweetly nt-
tuned to carol the praises of their maker ; the
booming of the guns which proclaimed ,
throughout the land , the surrender of Leo
und the close of the rebellion and , with the
Imagination raveling in several of Puttl's
choicest arias , I fell asleep with the ceaseless
volume of sound In my cars and sensible , to
the pulsations of the fall which rocked the
hosulry like a cradle.
When I arose in .tin1 morning , the mist was
sweeping In great clouds over the hotel and
falling In ruin from the porch , It promised
to bo u bad day for sight seeing because it
was utmost Impossible to stand upon the
brink of the precipice or within several hun
dred feet of tlio falls without being drenched.
The fulls uUo , wcro enveloped In the mist
only the ctvst being In any manner visible.
About 10 o'clock , however , the wind vivivd
to the south and the sun came out in all life
clory. und the work of sight bceing was , un
The hotel stands about fifty feet from the
brink of the chasm. The hitter is lined with
dnrk plno trees wlillo the bank Is covered
with u rich matting of grass. This is about
the only departure from the reign of sugo
liKish und is effected by the fruitful libation
of the mist from the abyss ,
From these pines , a rough walk leads
almost from opmwito the door of the hot < > l
downu hundred foot to u ledge from which a
full view of Iho falls mav bo hud. But this
French Satines , 15c ,
Monday morning we place on sale the balance of our fine
French Satines at 150 a yard. These satincs liave been sold
at from 350 to 500 a yard. The lot is limited so come early.
French 'Challis , | 50c.
Tomer-row , the remainder of our stock of best quality French
Challis will be reduced to 500 a yard.
Shirting Prints5c !
5,000 , yards of these fast colors shirting prints , reduced to 50
a yard. On sale at our Domestic counter. ,
Indigo Blue Calico , 6c.
For Monday only we offer 3,500 , yard of Standard Indigo
Blue Calico. There is nothing better to be found. Regular.7 0
quality ; marked down for this sale to 6c.
A. a
Previous to talcing our semi-annual inventory , August ist ,
we shall close out at less than cost , all of our short ends of Ta
ble Linen ; odd lots of one or two dozen Napkins and Towels ;
remnants of Dress Goods , silks , etc. , etc.
Sale commences Jomonw
path was so moist from the spray tlmt Blon-
din himself would have hesitated in its de
scent. Accordingly , our guide took us by a
sinuous path to a bight several hundred feet
above the fulls. There , however , wlillo a
good view could be had of the scene , it lacked
In detail and accordingly another place was
On our way tnlther the guide di
gressed , leading us down the precipice to the
very surface of the river. This descent is
one of t ho most perilous that can bo Imagined.
The side of the chasm is almost perpendicu
lar. Every Jutting piece of rock and foot of
earth was bathed in dew. A single false step
would have hurled the unfortunate to de
struction. Ho would have rolled from rocit to
rock nnd finally found lodgment in the raging
waters which dashed against the base of the
solid walls below. The descent was rendered
possible only by tlio use of a half inch wire
cable which led down the steep sides and
which was fastened at intervals to the rocks
along the route. In n couple of instances ,
slippery ladders wcro employed where the
cable could not have been used for a hand
rail. By means of these agencies the party ,
saturated with rain , perspiring from tugging
at the cable and , to a greater or less degree ,
covered with mud , reached the river , There
men and women passed over a number of
rough rocks .strongly suggestive of gig.mtic .
mussel shells over which the undulating and
angry waters roamed undirected. Between
these rocks were hundreds of varieties of
driftwood which the action of the waters had
worn from angular iuto well-rounded proper
Our path led to "Diana's Bath , " nnd with
knightly pioprluty It was suggested that the
ladies snould enter the place llrst. This they
did and upon Informing us that wo might
enter the sacred precincts , the gentlemen
The inir huntress had evidently finished
her ablutions , because the place was tenant-
less. The bath ij ono of the many caves
formed In the basalt by the action of the
water , and is about thirty feet deep by two
hundred focthlfjh. In the middle of the en
closure Is a pool formed by a crystal stream
welling from the rock beneath. It was la this
that tbo goddess had bathed her shapely
form. This , too , served as her mirror. Her
Jewel casket , hung up the rock , whom a per
petual string of pearls trickled from a crevlco
and another passing over n bank of ferns was
transformed Into the brightest of emerald.
The young women yores unarmed with the
spot and desired to linger , but the men , not
feeling at homo in my lady's chamber , with
draw , followed by the fair ones , after several
cards had been left for the goddess of the
pUtco ,
With much difllculty wo ro-ascemlcd to the
summit of tlio precipice. The sun was shin
ing warmly , the mist was rising perpendicu
larly because the winds had gene to rest.
Shoshone fulls were to bo seen in nil their
glory. ] Jut who can paint that glory ! Six
years ago , when this voniler came into the
l > ossessioii of Duwoy ic Stone , John A.
C'rclghton , of Omaha , mid II , I-\ Clark of
Huttc , Mont , , I read a description of it for
the llrst tlmo. Hlucotlicni have road wlmt
has been written of the falls by Judge Good
win of Salt Lake , Lieutenant hhnr , formerly
of the army , und our own lion. It. II. Bar
rows. It Is needless to btato the descrip
tive efforts of these gentlemen are in them *
selves gems , But the grandeur mid glory
and Impresilvencss of Sliosbono fulls , never
theless , will bo experienced by no muit who
falls to see the great miracle itself , The
Union 1'acillo sends two trains daily eaeh
wnv within twcnty-llvo miles of the place ,
and the triii will repay anyone who run ap
preciate what is both beautiful and sublime.
Two hundred fevt above the falls thcSnnko
flows between basaltic banks SIM foot high.
Its surface is scarcely more milled than tlmt
of a mill poml. Suddenly , however , It en
counters rocky upheavals against which it
has been ( lowing for centuries. The trans
parent waters are divided , Some flow to the
right , sonio to the loft , und others are Im
peded und lushed into foam , but the stream ,
with its wonderful power , dashes , forming
within u short distance three small falls , two
of which faeo the west ami the other , larger
than both , describes an ellipse toward the
south. A short distance in udvuncoof the
two falls lint mentioned uud on a lotvcrnluuo
are t\vo inoro small falls , the ( low from the
more northerly of which passes the entrance
to a ( jothio cave , the threshold of which no
man has transcended. Somewhat to the
north and west of the cave rock , describing
an imperfect crescent. Is what , is known as
the llritlal Veil , Iho fall of wliic-h is esti
mated at eighty foot. This nnmo is inappro
priate , beenuso the width is not proportioned
to the height mid because the laec-lllco trans
parency peculiar to the bridal veil is
scarcely If ever visible in tlio fall. This
fall , however , Ii imposing , and , of
Itself , would bo coiildercd a curiosity.
But it is tUvarfcit into nothingness
by the cataract of which It is but one of the
forerunners. A hundred feet south hangs
another wall of water , and still to the south
stands an irregular pillar fifty feet high , sur
rounded by swirling waters , on the summit
of which for generations , it is presumed , has
stood an eyrie. Tlicro today tlio poud bird
oflho mountain is training the pinions of
licr eaglets to rise to the sun from the midst
of n ehaos , siifllcient to uxvo the stoutest
heart , so that hero.iftir , ni the symbols of
their country , they may bo fearless amid the
most trying dangers.
Down tlieso steppes , around these pillars ,
past those caves , tlio inuin stream la swollen
"by others nieGtiiijj it , until n torrent , power
ful and strong it sweeps to the abyss where
nil is rain. " For an instant before the fatal
phingo isinado. the waters , tired from the
passage o'er the innumerable falls of the
Snake , hesitate as if fearful of the deadly
pluugo. Their hesitancy it displayed in a
snow-decked surface , which , however , is
berne along by tuorcsiUloss tide from behind.
Then It shoots far over the brink with a force
.scoiningly curable of penetrating the center
of the earth , und indeed of furnishing motive
; power to the machinery of the world. This
' wall of water Is 210 foot high , forty-live feet
higher than that of Niagara , while the
crescent described by iUls , 11.10 feet from point
to point. When tlio sun shines from the west
within these miraculous waters may
bo scon coral caves , the grotto of
An ti pares clcainlng' with cvoii grcatei
than its fabled richness mul the dwp ro.
cesses where a hundroJ.Monto Crtstos could
have found long-buried treasures.
Anon , the mist arises nnd blots out the
prospect from below , bqt leaves untouched
the marvelous richness bf the civst. Tliore
the water by hidden njmiclo.j ; is trinsiniitci ]
into snowJIalics. cut lujo diamonds , woven
Into llhigrco nnd finest I co , carved intointor-
Inclngs of marine , and vfronght Into mobile.-
of crystal and emerald finer than over graced
a Moorish temple or inspired an artlst'.s
dream , only to ho hurled to destruction the
next moment beneath. ,
There Is no cessation to the Iconlclnsm
although , momentarily quo hopes the powoi
which is precipitating both the riot ami the
ruin might bo destroyed. Hecovorlng fron
Its shoc'.r , th.o water , grconor than tliu
eniemld , Hews .silently away umld a halo o
glory. The sun never shines on She-mono
without imparting to it the characteristics
which have often been pictured in the now
Jerusalem , The otTecls of llcht und color ai-o
such that , It may well ba doubtud If they ma )
bo clwwhovo excelled. 1 Jain bows rise fron
half.i dozen points , the arches springln ( ,
sotnctlinns from the banks on tlher { side , urn
at others rosliiiRon no moi-o stjiblo founda
tlon than thoshlftlngHjrfaca of the river
Through thiwu iircs of color , the weird
frowning , liro-bunied walls of the canon
blasted and distorted latocoluinns , pinnacles
mounds , parapets , and other forms innunier
able uro softened with u fresco
ing by the bund of Omnipotence
for the time being shutting out the repulsive
ness which nt otlior times is an element o
their grandeur. Between these walls o
alabaster and jasper , { i thousand feet high
the river moves slowly , ami wo leuvo it on it
smooth , gliding way to the sea.
The falls hud n number of visitors thi
year und many of thorn have bcoil fron
Omaha. At thohead. of ono party win Mr
( ! uy Bi'rton , whoso daring recalled onu's ail
venturous boyhood when an oaglu'a cliff cuuh
ho scaled In the absence of tlio parent bird
for predatory purposes ,
Air. J. C. Cowles.a jiupll of the gren
nicrstadt , la skctHiiag the falls , nnd expects
pects to have his work dona to bo ruvlwei
and Mulshed under the direction of his nmstf
hi the whiter. K , A. O'UitiuN.
Ladies' Waists , $2.98.
Ladies' ' fine gauze Outing Flannel "Waistswith belts , neat
patterns in light shades , tucked yoke and sleeves , very stylish ,
sold during the season at $4.50 each. Choice for this week 52.98
Ladies' Silk Waists , $8.
Ladies'fine Black Sill * Waists , very latest styles , sizes 32 to
40 inches , usual price $10. For a few days $ S.
White Suits , $3.75.
Monday , all of our ladies' White Suits , formerly $7.50 , $10 ,
$12.50 and $15 each , will be offered at one price , $3.75.
Silk Capes , $3.50.
Ladies' Black Silk Netted Capes , with deep silk fringe , very
desirable for mid summer wear , price cut for this week's sale to
Ladies' Wool Suits , $5.00 $
We have a few light colored Wool Suits for ladies , ranging
in price from $10 to $20 , To close the lot Monday's ' price will
. , . . . . . . . , . . .j.- . , . f.
DC Only S .JN - ; „ i. > v < * < * ; * kyj M viw * S * i >
In Germany it is Made a Distinct Branch of
An Interesting Heport on the Subject
from tlio "UnlLeil Stares Consul
at M'iniilicliii 'Hie
Course of Study.
There are no hotter trained nnd drilled
housekeepers than ( Jcrman women. Tliotiino
Geminii boys give to Groolf , Latin , matlio-
maties and "tho military" the girls give to
simpler tasks and to learning how to bo
good , careful , saving , industrious wives and
mothers , writes J. 0. Monnghan , consul at
Mannheim , In his report to bho fje-vcrninont ,
I iniistconfesslnever saw anything like it.
Kvcry town , city and dUtrict has its house-
hauuiigs-schulo ( Tiousclcecping- school ) .
Kvery once In a wlillo they exhibit , the oxer-
being practical and thcorutiual , the
latter usually covering such themes as gea-
oral knowledge of housekeeping ; Instruction
in the nutritions of various foods , their qual
ities and ratios to n certain standard , ttieir
effects as blood , flesh and fat producers , etc. ;
care of the sick , hnowlcdgo of and nursing
and caring for children ; household arith
metic , mental and on shtos , The
part nt the exhibitions consist of exercises In
sowing by ham ! and with a machine , ironing ,
mending ( p-itchlng ) , knitting ( th.oy are bora
knlttors , sceinto do it imtinctlvely ) , crochet
ing , etc. , and the making aiv. ' keeping of
butter and cheese ,
It is astonishing how carefully , cleanly ,
tirelessly , hnpplly tlioy work , singing all the
time some lullabv song of Schiller or other
national poet. Order is aUcrinanliousofrau's
lirst law. Tlioy develop a skill that seems
astonishing. The scholars o to Iho schools ,
not as to a task , hutas In a playpronnJ , wltli
zest and interest. M the exhibitions ono
sees all kinds ol products , which , llku valua
ble works of ait which reveal their beauties
onlv on close liisiivtlon , nwnlio most interest
uiuler it rareful and ininuto cxainiiiation.
The best way to give our ncoplo an ideaoJ
these schools , nd their work is to present a
whole course !
1 The course has for Its object the teach-
ins of housekeeping
( a ) Cooking , baking , washluic , milking ,
utes of milk , making of butter and cheeses ,
and cure : of uhltchcuor'vcgutablogiii'doii.
( h ) Ironing , seeing , inonding , patching ,
knitting , dotlics ( dress ) tnaking , etc. The
scholars bring their own working tools and
fatufC to worlc with and on. Tlw o tilings
made und ir.cudt'd are exhibited on 11101,111
day of school , anil afterward * given to the
scholar who madothcm ,
lc ) CiiMierul Instruction in lioiwclteeping ,
nnd in regard to pwiorvlng healtli when pj < -
scssed and obtaining when lost ; also , housu-
holil bookkeeping.
! ) j\t tlio head of each Is a special com
mittee of live , chosen from the district com-
nilttec. Tin * spec-la ! voimltteo lias cliargo of
the ml mission , dismissal , etc. , of cholur * ;
also of tlio iwms , the food , clothing , etc. , of
the Ijo.irdltijr scholars , und liasuho tin active
part to play In swing that tlio scholars are
properly and carefully Instructed. They
care fully Inspoctall work performed , for this
Kwo vlsitlnir the school from time to time
iig hournof Instruction.
Children m-o cspeclcii to visit the school
of their own dlbtrict , though exceptions are
som''tlinos inadoaud children nut of ono dis
trict admitted Into the school of another , The
glrlH must bo Bhtecn years old mid of good
character ,
1. Hoarding scholars ( and most uro such )
pay 1 nmrk per day for lu > anl. This ROCS into
the district fund. The payments nro inudo in
two Installments , ono after the first two
months , tlio second at the end of cncli term.
fi. There arc two courses , In summer and in
winter. The summer course logins May 1
and continues till the time of harvest , when
the girls rotum to help In the Jleldsamlon the
farm nt lioino. The whitcrm toglns In No
vember nnd continues till Kiistor , or there
abouts , \\-ith n two weeks' vacation lit Christ
mas and Kow Year's. Eachteraitios a length
of about IK-o months.
Tlio plan of studies Is prepared by the
special coniinlttco of the district nnd the
teiicliors. It nltns to bo ns near practical as
possible. Anything like theso-e.illod . French
or line coohing is seldom , If ntall , Indulged
In. The manner of cooking taught is that
based upon a seienUlic knowledge of nil Idnds
of foods , nnliml mid vegetable , and the best
manner of producing them to sc-curo pleasant
taste und health.
Eneh school has n system or plan of rogula
tlons which the girls have to observe ,
I The scholars must bo moral , industrious ,
etc. , nnd no girl is allowed to leave the
school day or evening without permission
from the principal or teacher.
3 "Visitors aw allowed to call , and nro re
ceived oaSunJaysand holid.ivs.
'I .All damages or destruction of propcrty
romUIng from carelessness , willfulness , etc. ,
shall bo made oed nt the expense of the
party or person doing the sanio.
4 As tlio scholars get enough of peed ,
wholesome , veil-prepared food in Iho school ,
they will not bo allowed to liuv food or drink
outside , or to have It sent to them.
5 All changes nnd arraiiffomcnts between
scholars are allowed only with the consent of
principal or teachers.
0 The scholars will got np In the morning
on work-days at fiiO ; ; ; on SnadnyandhollUiiys
nti ( o'clock. A.S soon a ? thu scholars are
dressed they will assemble for morning
prayer , aftoir which they will fro each to her
daily taslt or study , ns appointed in the plan
of studios. JVt 7 u. m. nreiikfnstls served , nt
' . ) lunch , at 12 lunch , at1 croning meal ( n
lunch ) , mid nt p. in. suriwr. Hraco Is sold
before dinner und supper , and thanks to the
Creator of alt when rising from the table at
these two meals. Kvcnimr prayer anil "ijo-
iiiff to hod , " diUO p. in. Ulffoivneos of relig
ious belief will bu carefully rngarded.
7 Sundays nnd holidays the scholars visit
each the church In which bho has
been reared , I'rotcutnnls the Prote.s-
taut chureli , Cnthollcs tlio" Catholic , etc.
S Will to and outdoor exercises , etc. , nro
allowed only In company with the teachers ,
'J Opposition to or contempt for rules nnd
regulations , willful destruction or damaging
of property , unbearable temper , untruthfulness -
ness and ( li-ihonesty-will be warned , punished ,
anil linnlly result , when carried too far , or
when no sign of inform orudeslro to reform
appear , in expulsion from the school ,
10 Protracted nbsenco from the school
must bo by permission from the district com-
inittco nnd upon request of parent * or guar
dians In writing.
The sjeclal | cominltteo will arrange the
school pi in and vacations.
I1 Tlio vlrttic.1 ospeolnlly recommended
to the scholars to cxcltu rivalry and oinulu-
tion nru elomllness of mind , body mid In
their work , piety , obciliunci } , diligence , fru
gality , carefulness , honesty In all things ,
littlo'as well as K.iuut , and patience ) .
Kllclicii Class.Krom lilW to .I : : W o'clock ,
KHtlnci > l > i dressing nnd hnl malting ; TuW to
II , cookinir coltco ; ii to 9 , cookliiK nnd general
worlc In the kitchen ; dto till ; , liiiicliuoiiiin ; ' )
to Il(0 ( , cooldnj'and general \vork \ In the
kltchoiuol : ! ) top,1 , dinner ; I'Jto 1H : ! ) , work
in tholiilchen ; 1 : : ) ( ) toil , all kinds of hiind-
workni ) ; ; : t toil : il ) , iunclicon ; : ( ; : { ( ) to > liii ! , in
struction ; -I'M tolii.'to. cooltliifj und kitchen
Second elnft From 5 to rnl.'i ' o'clock , Kot-
Hut , ' up , drcssinir , nnd boil making ; 5:15 to
7JO : ! , breakfast , room clo.inliir ( , lamp trim ,
nilnjr ; 7SO : tot ) , womanly liaiid-worlilng , Unit-
tin ( r , inciullnc , etc. ; 'Jtodilfi , lunclieon ; Uin :
to ll : 0hiuiil-woik of all kinds : lllto : ! ( I ! ; ,
dinner ; 1 toll , hand-work8 ; toiir : > huicliojii ;
: ! : : ( ( ) to IW ; ! , Instruction ; lilldtoO , liand work
for women ; ' ) toil ; : ) < ) , arrangements of roaniit ;
II U ) 11:110 : , for hoth climes , \ippor ,
livenlngs Fii-st chusi 7 to 8 o'clock , work
In liltclicu : Sto'J , llttht hand-work unil tliiisu-
Our regular $1 .OO quality , mndo
offcast Utlcn muslin , wltli nil the
latest modern improvements in
shape and finish. Limit , one-half
dozen to each customer.
Every pair warranted , to b
genuine Itlcl , especially adapted
for both street and driving glo\ca.
Sale price 87c.
Leather Lined
Any one contemplating n jour
ney sliould visit our Gents'Fur
nishing Department , and got our
pr.ces . on Traveling Hand Bogs.
Examine our $1.76 quality.
Pears' Soap , 12c n cnlie ; $1,4O
a dozen.
Oakley's Cornelia Soap , lOc a
Oakley's Sweet Violet Soap , 12ja
a cake.
CuticuraSoap. 17o n cnko.
Castile Seep , 3Oc n bnr.
Machine Oil , Gen bottle.
Hand Brushes , Be each.
, /Writing Paper , 25c a box.
Canvas Belts , lOo each.
ing of tasks. Second class : to 9 o'clock' '
light hand-work.
first class , plan of theoretical Instruction
From ililW toI JO o'clock ' , Mondays , progrcss-
Ivoinstructions ; 3:110 : to4H : ! ) , Tuesdays , hand ,
work ; 7 to 8 , care of the side ; SW ! to ! l:3W : ,
Wednesdays , conking lessons ; : JUO to 4:30 : ,
instructions for further improvcnient ; : ilO : ! to
1:30. : Tliursdays , lessons In housekeeping ;
! 1:30 : to 1:110 : , Frldayfi , Improvement instruc
tions ; : tii : : ) to t : : w , Saturdays , Instmctloas in
the relative values of foods , their parts , ef
fects , etc ,
Anything morothnn a more idea of thogood.
done and being done by these schools it is not
In tlio power of a pen to give ; they are a part
of that splendid system of education which is
at the bottom of Germany's wonderful prog ; ,
ress inoro than wonderful wlicn ono thinks
of her very limited resources , the niggardliness -
ness * of her soil , Inclemency of her climate ,
and large areas of swamps and land good for
little or nothing' . I linvo myself iieoii so
many x'rautlcal examples of their good that
I not only approve .of , but most
heartily commend them to the consideration
of out- school boards. I have scon young girls
from eighteen to twonty-llvo take hold of and
direct and run largo households , superintend
ing the. buying , arranging , cooking and serv
ing of meals nnd a hundred household duties.
These schools , however , give training to nil
classes , nnd lit girl * to till almost any station
in life , whether it wlfo or housekeeper , cooker
or general servant. They deserve u trial in
the states.
Vnstqiifintltlrsnf fertilizers are imjiortod
and manufactured ,
Dr. Blrnoy cures uiitnrrh , Boohhly.
Uncrowned llroliiR < 3 ,
The last story I told you also leads mo to a
point on which altogether too little Is Hiild or
written , and that Is tlio modern tendency to
bullttto or deride those women who 0
through lifo , unmarried ; or , us the world
calls them , "old maids , " There nro by for
too ninny careless jests made of this class of
women , says a writer in the Ladies' ' Homo
Journal. In the minds of many it MCCIIIS n
Buttled fact , that because u woman run-hot
the age of forty , llfty or sixty uninarrlod ,
thitt nt some time In her early life she wits
the victim of ulthcr disappointed love or un
reciprocated affection. This is n common
mistake , ns thousands of Instances , both in
history nnd in our ovorv-day Ufa can prove ,
There are hundreds or women to-day who
have never married bccauso of some special
mission in life , cither In their own families ,
or to the world at largo , which they full they
conlit better accomplish If untrainimslcd by
domestic cares. ] ly their self wacrUIco tlieso
women are. . heroines ; mid the very last por-
HOII on God's ' footstool of whom ] cst shoula be
made. Two of tlio sweetest women who
have ever honored mo with their friundslilp.
mid wltli whom to como in contact
ii lllio u benediction of good
ness and grace , are nddrcssoi
bythoUtloof "miss,11 From their lifohls-
torles hnvo I drawn many a lesson ; and to
the sweotfrajii'iiucoof theirllvos Is duoinany
n gracious net. of chaiity , nnd many n liurna
word has been left unsaid. Should su < > h
women bo ridiculed ) < Vh , nollel us rather lie
the scholars of their teaching * , adapting tlio
lessons they run often give us to our own
live * . You and I iinty liellevo Unit It Is for
the greatest Inipplnossofiill women that they
.should marry ; but that It Is no reason whir
wo Bhould not respect the o who by their
lives show that they hnvo decided otherwise. '
Homo of tliu noblest women of the pint , whoso
very names recall the greatest triumphs In
the world's ' history , never married , and It
needs no stretch of tlio imagination to bcliovo
that an gooii nnd great women are llvlnfT
right among us today as linvo ever llgured In.
history. There are countless fainlllcM today
who will lose their brightest and most com-
fortlnir members when the breath of her whenever
never uttered the nnirriago vow , returim to
Its maker. Angels of comfort are these * "old
maids" of American homes , ovorv day oC
tholr live * teaching us anew some noble trul
of Kelf-sacrlllciiig uud over t'lorloui woman
DrlnU Kxc Misioirl watoni