Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1890, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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, , , 1890--SIXTEEN PAGES.
ImmciBo Cash' Furchiso Right Kora la
The J. T. Hold moil ( 'oiiip.'iny , Twelfth
ati < l Hiirnoy SIrcetH , Closed Out ,
tlio 1 In Ik ol * their Notion
Stuck to UH
The .7 , T. Robinson Notion Co. , liiwlnfr
decided to no out of u certain class of
notions , preferred to close them out In
bulk , tlio lots being B ° Inrgo no other
clenlci'H except tlio Boston store could
touch them , The prleo sot was BO lotv
tlinl wo bought them nt onco. Tlio
prices MO hnvo put on thorn for tomor
row will convince you thutvo \ bouyht
them elicat ) .
Tliia Includes every ilo/.on drcbs but
tons this wholesale house hud In their
Btoro. They uro all now goods nnd of
the latest Htyles. 'I'lio entire purchase
divided Into four lots for tomorrow.
LOT 1 AT lo A DO2I2JT.
ThiH Includes nil lone dress buttons ,
composition dress buttons , ivory but
tons , and ninny other stylea of buttons
thai arc worth up to lOc ti dozen \vhulo-
This includes all tlio fancy metal ,
cloth , fcteol , pilt nnd other dress buttons
thut sold as high. a 2oc a dozen whole-
Bale , tomorrow atlo a
This lot includes flno cut steel buttons ,
Inlaid pearl buttoiiH , largo clasp buttons
n.nd numerous stylesof othorbuttons that
sold as high asOOc a dozen wholesale ,
tomorrow fie a dozen.
In this lot wo have placed the finest
imported novelty buttons and very finest
grade of pearl buttons that this house
carried. Some of thorn arc worth $1 $ a
dozen wholesale , tomorrow lOo a dozen.
Wo closed out every corset this
wholesale house hud : Wo bought thuin
low , wo sell them low.
All the ladies' ' corsets In flvo different
styles that were sold wholesale nt from
$0 to $7.50 a doion , tomorrow ; ! c each.
All their Indies' ' corsets that whole
saled at from $ ! ) to $12 included II. it S.'s
nnd imported sateens , nt 5Co each.
All tnoir ilncst corsets that wholesaled
up to $18 n dozen , Including three styles
of iniorted ] ) French woven corsetsaiid.
the best Ainerlcati corsets , tomorrow Too.
Immorifio lot of 800 do/en ladles'lino
Icinslitchcd handkerchiefs that arc
worth up to lOc , your choice tomorrow-
lit 3e.
24 cases fine oil of cocoanutnnQtrliHo
castilu soap at2Jc a cake , regular
Extra largo bars flno costilo soap to
morrow fie a bat * . .
All pins Ic a package.
Largo and bmall safuty iiins 2c dozen.
Lead pencils lie a dozen.
Cotton tape , all sixes , lo a roll.
All other notions at saino proportion
ately low prices.
I' All the real hand made , pure llnon ,
torchon laces thul would sell regular ut
lOc , tomorrow at 2e.
All the wide torchon laces that would
Boll regular at 15c , tomorrow 5c.
All the extra wide , beautiful putlcr-ns
of real hand imulo torchon laces woi-tli
rocfiilarly up to GOc a yard , tomorrow ie. )
114 S. l(5thSt. ( .
A icctnller's Entire Stock of m.iolk
Dress Goods I'urolinsod by Us.
Last week Tovnsond & Mnntxint soli
out at sheriff's sale ono of the rotiti
dress goods stocks in Now York.Vo
purchased all the black goods. Hero
they are :
auinch black caslimoro 18c , wortli
40 inch black hoiirletta 2SJc , worth
42 inch all wool French honrloltaISc , ,
worth "I'M.
41 inch black French serge -ISc , worth
44 inch black silk finished all wool hon-
riottn GI > e , worth 8oc.
40 inch fancy black henrloltu dSc , worth
f)0 ) inch black silk warp hcnrlctli 73c ,
worth $1.25.
48 inch French silk finished black lion-
ricttu 7e ! ) , worth $1.50.
40 inch fancy black hcnrLotta 83c ,
worth $1.35.
60 inch silk warp henrlottu 93e , worth.
48 inch black all wool French serge
85c , worth $ UC > .
W ) inch black brllliaiitino G9c , worth
18 inch silk warp honriottu , best qual
ity. $1.2 ! ) , worth $1.75.
114 S. ICIh st.
Social Dcinouriiey In Germany ,
The tlmo limit of the state of Ecl o in
Lclpsie , Saxony , the birthplace ol thu
German social democratic party , hius just
expired. Many socialists , notably Wil-
helm Liebkncc'lit , who wore exiled from
the city under tlio provisions of the ii.nli-
socialist law , have already returned ,
1'hoy feel that It will not bo renewed.
Bubol , Liobknecht , Auor , Singer anil
Bovoral other bocinl democrutlc loaders
tire said to bo roiuly to move to Berlin
the day it expires tnoro for the purpose
of acquiring and ( liking vhurgo of the
Uorlinor Vollwblutt , which will thence
forth bo the national social democratic !
organ. Koxt October a convention of
thu social democratic party will probably
lo held fu souio middle German city.
"Until Seiit. 1st IRiIi mill Fur 110.111 Af
ter Hopt , IN ! ! ( IO-1H-UO l > niiUlB | St.
On Monday , July 128 wo are uoiiiff to
connnonco the most swooping cut price
Bale of wpotlngs and draperies over
organized in Oniahuaiul our cut sales
amount to somotlilng.
Wo propose to olTer nearly every line of
goods at a discount of ! 50 nor cent from
original prices. "VYu are going to eat 100
carpets iv day inYUtons , Moquottos ,
Hrussoln , Tapestries and TiiKralns up to
Sept. 1. In draperies wo will offer in
particular the following : Chenille cur
tains either figured or plain with heavy
fringe top and bottom , luce curtains of 1 ,
2 and it prlots inHru6sol8)an.tlnuoCliuiy ,
Swi8slrsh ! points , Guipure ana Netting
ham , Madras nnd Madras cro-po cur
tains in grout varieties , liulras , clotted
Swiss and muslin by the ytml , 1 to S
yard lengths of plain and figured Chlm
nilks. Yolour , Chenille tujwHtry mul
felt table covers In all sizes. Silk mil
worsted fringes in all the no\r \ calling *
nnd designs.
Samuel Burns just paid cluly on thrco
casks "King Charles" ware , SUM ) ; eotlint
these who have been waiting so piitleut-
ly for it can now got what they want ,
either in full sets or odd pieces. Call
mil BOO it.
Sco our clegmit cnblnots. Potersca ,
photographer , 1012 Furiuim.
Will Ho it Grent Dny fnr Ui r-
Forcing bho prices ellll lowor. Wo are
overslocked on suntxaci1 drcs * goods and
are forced tosollthcsw.
Your choice onJIomluy of all our linen
lawni only 121 c yard , less than half for-
3110 r price.
200plecc9 of find Canton lawns forced
down to lie vard.
CO places Chatsworth lawna Jtt plnin
colors , forced down toocjiird.
100 pieces of Piielfio lawn and corilod
jaconet. In dark or light grounds , only
7jc mrd.
Ave itro slioxvlnr the largest nnd best
assorted stock of illicit wash dress goods
In OiniLlm.
On Hominy morning wo will offer to
close :
Plain black chnllisSa vard.
lliin ; blrick batiste 80 yard.
Plain black Pacific ) luwns lOc.v.nrd.
Pliia blade India , llnoii lee yard.
1'1'iln black India , linen 18e yard.
Phln black Indlit linen 20c yard.
Plain black India , linen 25e yard.
Pliiln black lace striped lawns 20c
Plain black checked nainsooks 20e
Plain black Bitecns lOc , 15c , lOc , 25o
nnd U , > o yard.
A vor.v largo nreortmcnt of black
grotincl eutcons in tvlllhodilTuront innkcs
and styles , neat iljfurcs. chocks , stripes ,
and tlio htrgest figures out at 123c , Ifle ,
CTIiorois and has loon all this season
a greitt demand ( or this of dress
goods Jiml wo wouldndrlso you to bo on
lin-ml promptly as soinoof thcso bargains
aroBiifo to bo carried awiy early in the
liosuro sind ECO those cream ground
cliallls M'lileh TO are eellitip ut 5o yard ,
There Is noplaco in Omaha , whore you.
can duplicate them , "Wo wako no ox-
eo lit ion.
I'Drclnff down tlio prices on good dress
Btylaof gingham tuiil seersuckers to SB
yard ,
Just received , four more eascaof black
ground elullis , on snlo Monday at 7jc
and lOtfynrd.
Out- special low prices on white flrcss
goods ivill continue until our stock is re
Choice of summer Inn' robes to close ,
Fh/iiotH for liorscsto close , $ l.5caclu
Suirnner bed comforts , covered witla
chalLis anil lined ivith cliccso clotk ,
lllled with cotlon , worth S2.SC ; forced
doiwi to 81,2,3 , ciicli ,
A. full line ofwliite llannel nl 7c , 8c ,
lOc , 32c. } 15c , 20o , SKJ , 30e , 3r ,40c , 46o ,
SOc , 5/ic / , GOe , $ IOO mul $1.35 yniil.
Ontliiff flannel GJc , 8c , lOo and 12c |
\Vo \ hibvo received a , sarnplo line of
comfort * from the largest manufacturer
and shall place tlicin on sale Monday
morning' .
Wo arc forcingtlio sale on blankets ,
Wowill soil you unicc , clean , ivhito all-
wool California "blanket ret $8.85 tv pair
on Monday. Thli same blunkot will
bring $12,00 a pair later in the season.
Wo sire also oflorhu ? extra values Ln
blial : < cts at $ y,2o , D.GO , $3. So and W.OO a
\Vo are coniellcd | ) to fo > rco do\ra the
prices on rcinmtrits ; they must go ; there
are "too many of them ; look them over ;
you are bound to save inonov by doing
so. HA.YDEN : IJROS. ,
Dry Goods and Carpets ,
the finest line ofpatent tip
shoes in Iho country for from S2 to 35.
A , D. MOUSE , 1-ltli and Furnnm.
Try Schodply's $3 Shoes ,
14J5 Douglas street.
100 Tlixtio Hcjxes.
A. . Ilospo , 1-513 Douglas street , lina LOO
piano boxes to soil nt $2 each ,
Fine oxford ties , 93c , $ L. 25. $1,50 Mid
$2OO $ , Monday , atIIAYDEN
Dryyooids and shoes.
Groa.t sale of linona at Fnlconor's.
] lel\uiuH of Sloriiumlsiii.
' 'Tho Arormonelement in Salt Lake
City and \lclnily , " snya 1'rof. H ,
Mayo in the St. Louis Globo-emocratv
"is ao\v in tlie minority , and they no
longer Imvoavcn a hanfl. in the government -
mont of the community -which , tlioy
once ruled supremo. The municipal
government a.nd tlio control of the
scliooLs have passed into the hands of
tko gentiles , tmjIQ ( pr sonco und
navor of the Mormons are felt only to a
limited extent. Tlio churches still retain
much of their former grandeur , nnd their
mode ol conducting religious exorcise *
and maintaining the churches is iin
changed , but manyof their former social
customs are disappearing , They nc
longer dare to live openly in nolyjfiuny ,
Tlio lavs on this point itro wall enforced. .
A wealthy and inllucntinlMorinoalcado
lius just served n six nioiiths'tonn in. the
lionltontinry for polygamy. Ilioy nro
bocominy nioro oiiliffhtened , nnd oven
thocliurchIs , tosomo extent , diseour-
- iiolygiiiny , There is a society of
youngMoriium Indies maintained in the
city in which a , distinctive feature is si
pledge not to marry a polygn-inlst. "
Seixinan'sciiri'lajjos ' best nnd cheapest.
Got prices on lots in East Omaha from
Pottorfc Gcoi-go Co , Kith & Furaum.
Tlic AVurlit Io afore.
And fco do the elcg-antly o.pnointed
trains of the Burlington route. By this
favorite line , selected by the U. S , ROV-
ornincnt to carry the fast mail , you have
blio choice of three daily trains for
Chicago nnd the east ; two for Kansas
City and the south ; t\vo for Denver nnd
tlio west.
. The Burlington No. 2 Fiist Express ,
-vcstibuled throughout ; , equipped -with
oloyant I'ullniaii cars fm'iiishodwith
vvoll Boleclcd libraries , reclining chuir
car * ( seats free ) , nnd flining oar loaves
Oiualni : ! ! ( ) p.m. , arrived Chicago 8 a.
, , serving brcukfast before ai'rlvitl.
No. 0 , the fast innil , lonvos Omaha
9:10 : p , in. , arrives Chicago 1 p. in. , equip
ment mid dining Ciir service up to the
highest standard. Ticket onico ,
1'amam st , \Y. F. ViLill , ngoat.
t'l'aHslnii Dross.
A Jupanoso lady residing at Toltio and
quite ignorant of the dress of Euronean
ladies desired to iirrny herself In
I'urislan alii ro , says t ho Leaden Figaro.
She vasnlitdfol high de-grco niulsho
iirosbod into litr service n member of the
i'ronch Icjutioii , who undertook to pro
cure for lior from Parisacomplota outfit
sin edition in fact , of "I'lio Scon nnd
the Unseen , " Promptly ho did her bid-
dlnp , andtliero urrlvod from the Hhuo
do liivoll it niystio bos full of weird
things , carefully arranged , ns per ro-
quo t , in the order , when the bo > xvns
upside doivn , In which 1hoy should bo
nutoa the dross on Uho top and the rest >
below. The upside down ai-niiifoniont
wiua soniehowinidiindorstood. The lady
put on the dress first and other tilings us
tlioy cuino ; tind , nrrayed in a , eyinpliony
of laee niitl Initiate , eho drove to thu
French cinbmsy to thank her friend for
his * gallant ntlontlon. The poor Bentlo-
manissalA to have been ill for some
time after ,
Omaha Real Estate Is Trust Co. , re
moved to 208 ITtUst. , Due buildlnff ,
ladles' Blouses nnd Shirts at Greatly
Reduced Prices.
Hosiery , Undcrwcnr , Wnsli Gooilfl ,
Cliniillll ) ' , l loutioln fl niul Drapery
Nets , I iiibroldcry , id : liiKfl < etc , ,
on Specliil Snlo Jloiuluy.
Ladies' fancy striped flannel blouses
reduced to$1.2o.
Lndioa' fnnov llannol blouses reduced
to $1.05 ,
Ladles' while llnnnol blouses reduced
to $2.15 ,
Ladles white Norfolk blouses reduced
to 82. 33.
Ladles' fanc/slllc and wool blouses re
duced to S2.US.
Ladles' silk Houses reduced to $ : ) .25.
Ladles' silk shirts reduced to ? ; ) .0o.
Ladles' fancy Jlannol shirts reduced to
Ladies' white shirt vralsts at SI. 15 all
Ladies' night gowns with rufllo nt
2oc , worth 40c.
Ladies' fine muslin night go\vns \ with
rulllo and tucldng at 48c , worth Cc. .
Ladles' line muslin night gowns , ex tra
quality muslin , trimmed with horn-
stitched embroidery nnd tucks , $1.00 ,
worth S1.-10.
100 do/.oii Indies'lisle lioso in stripes
nnd block at Sou. U pairs for $1.00.
50 do/.en Indies' Swiss rihbed vests ,
low nock , no sleeves , ribbon in neck und
arm , 2ocworth 'loc.
2o dozen ladles' ' lisle thread vests , low
neck , no sleeve , ribbon in neck and arm
at 50o , reduced from S > e.
French sateens lOc , reduced from 3oc.
French and Scotch zephyr ginghams
all at 23e , reduced from ! { . j and 40o.
White India linen at lOc , llc ! ! , loc , 0c
and 2oc.
Checked white lawns at lOe , 121 nnd
Black lawns ( spccinl ) at 2oc , worth 3oc.
Wool challlos nt 1J ( } , worth 2oc.
Entire -toek : of
At greatly reduced prices.
Point lace , Fedora , Ohantilly , vnl and
oriental laces , astonishing values , at 8Jc ,
lOc , 12c } , 20o ami 3)is iv yard.
15-inch heinstitclied embroidered lawn
skirtings Sou , SI , $1.2-3 and $1.50 yard.
15-iueh. hemstitched lawn skirting at
loc , worth GOc.
Entire stock of Nainsook and Swiss
embroidery edging all at greatly re
duced prices.
Ladies' -white la\m handkerchiefs ( five
lines drawn work ) only oc , worth lOc.
Ladies'white-nnd colorcil embroidered
llnon lawn handkerchief sat 20e , reduced
from 30c.
Monday wo will sell our $7 seal bals for
$5.2$5 goat bals for $ y. 5 , $4 goat bals
for S3 , $5 russett Oxford for $1 , S3.50
russott Oxford forL',50.
A. D. MOUSE , 14tli and Farnam.
If you have a heating steve or cook
steve or range or gasoline steve that you
would like to trade on a , gas steve or on
the now Quick Meal gasoline steve , I will
give you a good trade.
W. STOKTXKt , 1G21 Howard.
Wrought Steel Ranges and Stoves.
This \Voiiilcri'iil \ Phenomenon Actu
ally Dili Happen Once.
It seems nlmost incredible tliat at onetime
time in its history llio greatest and most
wonderful waterfall in the world actu
ally ran dry. Nevertheless it is an es
tablished fact that this occurred on
March 9,1848 , and for a few hours
scarcely any water passed over Niagara
The winter of that year had been an
exceptionally severe ono and ice of unu
sual thickness had formed , on Lake Erie ,
says Goldea Days. The warm spring
ranu loosened this congealed mass and
on the day In question a brisk cast wind
drove the Ice farupinto the lake. About
sunset the ivind suddenly veered around
and blow a heavy gale from the west.
This naturally turned the ice in its
course and bringing- down to the
mouth of the Niagara river piled it up
in a solid , impenetrable wall.
So closely was it packed and so great
was its force that in a short time the
outlet to the lake , was completely choked
up anil little or no water could possibly
oscapo. In a. very short space of time
tlio vrator below 'this fro/con barrier
passed over the falls , and the next morn
ing-tho people residing in the neighbor-
uood wuro treated to a most extraordi
nary spectacle- .
The roaring , tumbling rapids above
tbo falls wore almost obliterated , and
nothing hut the cold , black rocks was
visjblo in ill directions , Tlio news
quickly spread and crowds of spectators
Jiookeil to view the scene , the banks on
eaeh side of the river being lined with
people during tlio whole day. At lasl
there came a break in the ice ; it was re
leased from its restraint ; tlio pontuf
wall of water rushed downward and Ni
agara , was itself again.
Shoes $1.8-3 $ , S2.-15 , $2.75 and $3.-13 Mon
day at HAYDKN 11ROS. ,
Dry goods und shoes.
Umbrella- man moved 2iul.door So.P.O ,
Another Omaha Sleeping Car null <
Now Train.
The Chicago & North western railway
lias now added to its 0:10 : p. in. fast trail
from Omaha a now and clog-ant slcopliif ,
car for the exclusive use of Omnhi
Tills train leaves Omaha after hnsincs ;
hours and makes close connections ii
Chicago with the limited eastern train
on nil lines.
The Omaha anil Chicago sleeper on
tho'1:30 : p. m. vestlbuled llyorisstill con
tinned in service.
Another entirely now fast tr.iln ha
been scheduled , leaving1 Omaha 1:15 p
in.arriving Chicago 0:50 : the next morn
lug , This Is avery convenient train fo
Boone , Marshalltown , Dubuque , Cedar
RapidsClinton and Intermediate points.
City .ticket olllco , 1401 Farnam street.
It. It. ItiTcmi- : , General Agent.
Q. P.VJiST \ , City Passenger Agent ,
Seaman's buggies best and cheapest.
Dr. SiiHHdorff treats successfully all
diseases of the kidneys , bladder ami
rectum. 1501 Farnam at.
1G02. Ststconth and Farnam streets is
the now Rock Island ticket ofllco. Tick-
eta to nil points east ut lowest rates.
Genuine Colfax Magnetic Rock spring
mineral water for sale by David Cole ,
815-817 Howard street. Telephone Hill.
Sco adv. on another page.
Try Sohoolply's $ U Shoos ,
1415 Douglas btrcot.
A Bankrupt Stock Bought at Tb.irtj-tb.wo
n the Dollar ,
ilx Thousand Flvo Jtuiidrctl Dollars
Worth i r Goods lotto Slaughtered ,
nnd tt'oVtll Sill nt tlio Sumo
Unto 'JlioyVoro IUough ( <
17 pieces of fast black French satinos
nt 13jc , worth 2oc.
J-l pieces extra quality imported
atlno , regular price U Hoc , will go at
his sale at IDc.
! to pieces single and double fold ,
tripes and plaids dress goods worth 15o
.nd 200 a yard , at 4Je.
A lot ot zephyr glnghnnw and fine
corsuckers worth louand "Do , nt Vic ,
I- ! ! ) pieces of outlnj ; flannel ut the fol-
owing prices :
The regular oOc quality , extra fine , at
A fine quality worth 3."c , at Me.
A lot worth 2oc will go nt He.
The 16o and 2M ( grade will ho slaugh-
ercd at T e.
A lot of light colored calico at ,1Jc.
18 pieces of white goods at 42o , worth
Our loc and 20 < 3 white goods at file.
A line quality worth 2-jo and o-3c , at
16 pieces of fine French percale at Sic ,
vortli 20c.
"Wo still keep up our sale of mosquito
ir at Mo u piece ; wo have lots of it.
t 100 dozen black silk mitts at Ho a pair ,
vorth ! ioc.
"Wo only have a few left of our flno silk
imbrollas sit 81.13 ; they are worth $2,00.
"Wo have only thrco eases loft of fine
Cantons , wo close them out Monday at
Our millinery stock -will po nt your
iwn price ; investigiito this , It will pay
50 pieces of line embroidered flouncing ,
ull42 inches wide , nt 3ic , worth 81.00.
\ . big bargain.
00 pieces of the finest quality silk
ibbon , this lot Includes blacks and coi
n's , fancy &tripcs , pla-ids and plain rib-
> on. They nro worth "oc a , yard , but
' .hoy go at 2oc a yard.
lour choice of any colored hat in our
louse for 25c , many of these are worth
U and $ 1.
Will offer about 00 pairs of lace cur-
ains tomorrow ut one-hnlf their value ,
ask to bee them. STOUEHILLS.
new oflicoa of the jjreat Rock Is-
and route , 1U02 , Sixteenth and Farnam
street , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call and see thorn. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates
All join in praising the flno finish nnd
accurate likeness of our special SI a
do oii photos. Proof showed , satisfuo
, ion guaranteed. Kcim & Moltz.
IMg Iron in Stock.
The American Iron nnd Steel associa
tion reports that the quantity of all kinds
of pig iron hold for sale by the manufac
turers or their agents on Juuo 30
amounted to 380,714 net tons , or 239,050
gross tons , which is an increase since
January 1 of 02,271 gross tons. Com
pared with the unsold stocks held a year
ago , however , the quantity reported on
.Tune 30 bus decreased 102US4 gross tons ,
In addition to the quantity of pig iron
hold by the makers OP tlioir agents on
.Tune 80 the American pip iron storage
warrant company reports 03,500 gross
tons stored in its warrant yards on thut
date which , ndded to the 3311,050 gross
tons in iirst hands , makes a total of 403- ,
-450 tons.
Tickets at lowest rates and superior'
accommodations the great Rock Is
land route- Ticket oilico , ICOi Six-
eoiith and Farnam streets , Omaha.
"Window shades at Falconer's.
For fine watch repairing go to C. L.
Erickson , 200 N. 18th , Masonic block.
Try School ply's $3 Shoes ,
1415 Douglas street.
Fine wedding rings nt A. Edholin's.
If you have a healing steve or cook
stove or range or gasoline steve that you
would like to trade on a pis steve or on
the now Quick ! Mcal gasoline-stovo , 1 will
give you a good trade.
"W. 1 \ STOETXBU , 1G21 Howard.
Wrought Steel Ranges and Stoves ,
A. Choice Ijlst ol' Hiiiimir-r Kesorls ,
111 the lake regions of Wisconsin , Min
nesota , Iowa nniUho two Dnkotns , there
are hundreds of charming- localities pre
eminently fitted for summer homes.
Among the following selected list are
names familiar to niaiiy of our readers
us the perfection of northern summer re
sorts. Kearly all of the Wisconsin points
of interest are within a short distance
from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none
of them are so far away from the "busy-
marts of civilization" that they cannot
bo reached in a , few hours of travel ,
by frequent trains , over the finest raid
in the northwest the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway :
Oeonoinowoc. Wis. Clear LaUo , Town.
Mlnocinm , "Wis. LaUoOkolioji , Iowa.
Waukcslm , Wis. Spirit Lako. Iowa.
Polmyra , Wis. Fi-ontenac , Minn.
Tamauawk Late , Lnko Minuetonlca ,
AVls. Minn.
Lakeside , "WU. Ortonvlllo , Minn.
Kilbourn City , \Vis. , Prior Lake , Jllnn.
( Dells of the VYIsWhllo Bear Lakes ,
cousin. ) Minn ,
Beaver Dam , Wis , Big Stone Lake , Da-
Mn.Hson . , Wis. kola.
1'or detailed information , apply nt ticket
oftlce , 1501 Farmim street , Uurker Jtlock.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agent.
J. E. PIUJSTOX , 1'ass. Aeiit. (
An Alleged Oiirc lor leprosy.
From two different parts of India
Calcutta i\nd Jlangaloro como reports
announehif , ' that several cases of leprosy
have been cured , suys the Newcastle
( Eng. ) Chronicle. There are various
kinds of leprosy , and medical exports
have promulHfltod as many and more
contllcting theories ' ns to Its ciiuso , the
contagiousness o'r otherwise , jind as to
its curability er incurability. What is
certain is that the disease may continue
for vprv nwmy yczirs without causing
death , n"nd that when the disease has
reached an advanced fclajro It is probably
incurable. Itlias becnclaimoa that the
malady is horuditary , but this has been
approved. Jt is also iiosorted that
women are Icnalinblo to the disease than
, mon.
Bl'oor living , want of cleanliness and
exposure to cold and damp these arc
soinoof the conditions generally attend' '
ant on victims of leprosy. Ono authority
says that It is contagious , another that t
its" characteristic Is extremely problem I-
atical , Amid BO nuxny contlietlng opin } '
ions details of the several cures whicf
nro reported to have been effected ii
India will bo awaited with interest. Th
cost of Hucco&afiil treatment is said to b
only 10 rupees ,
Tor Unrcalns in
GotoMcnrlilo &t'o. , Hiii'cob'aors to Al
fred Moinbui-B Co. , 151Dodge. .
Wo take jiartleulnr pains with dill-
dren. Peterson , lGI2Farnum.
Greatsuloof llueua ut Falconer's.
l"lio Orcot Korccil Snle ,
Potted ox toiiguo Sc , potted ham 5c ,
deviled liani Cc , potted ohlckcn , largo
cans , lOc , worth ; 5oi potted turkey ,
largo cans , 10c , worth SCe ; chipped beef
lOc , roast beef lOo , worth UOc ; lunch
tongues Soc , 2 Ib can corn beef 16c. You
must pay 800 for it any place but
here , Very best condensed milk
lOo per can , worth 2oc. 21 Ib
stone jar of all kinds of jams
1'Jc ; you cannot buy thorn for less than
50c ; U-lb can very best California , apri
cots. 15c ; egg plums , Damson plums.
all tlio same , 15oor 3-lb can ; mustard
sardines , ICc ; oil sardines , Gc ; boneless
hiinis , 10c ; picnic hams , 80 ; best sugar-
cared Lams , 12jc ; dried beef , tjc ) ; full
cream cheese , lOc ; brick cheese , 12c } !
good country butter , So , lOoi ami ISJcj
bust ercamery butter , 15c , ITjcand lc ! ) ;
very best Minneapolis best Superlative
Hour , $ l.-3 ! ! ; Saowllako Hour , $1.00 ; large
pall jelly , SJou.
\Yo glvo you the best value In tea in
the city. Tea slfUngx lee ; tills is tlio
siftings of the best grade of xiacoloroil
Japan. Sun tlrioil tcv ; 25s , i0c ! , ! ! oc.
worth twice the money. Uncolorcd
Japan tea 2oe , 30c , 3ScISe and 00c , Do
not miss this great forced sale.Vo \
must soil the goods.
10-inch fumy handled broad trays l , > c ,
worth 7oc ; breakfast , dinner and tea
plates , Cc each ; gluts mugs , S for lOo ;
glass sauce dishes , (1 ( for lOc ; glass butter
' dishes with swinging cover , Doc , worth
$1 ; sauce boats , 15o : jelllo glasses , 2oc
per dozen ; uinsoii fruit iars , 92o per doz
en ; tumblers , "ie each , butter dishes , 5c ;
Bpoonholders , Cc. sugar bowls , Cc ; nnd
creamers Cc ; milk puns , Ic ; pie plates ,
Ic ; pint cups , Ic ; pudding pans , Ic ; cake
cutter , le ; C boxes of tacks , 5e ; the sur
prise egg beater , Cc ; dippers , 2Jo each ;
comb and brush cases , 6c ; glass half gul-
lou water pitehorri , lOe : porcelain lined
Iron kettles and pots , thuso are the finest
pots and kettles in the world , for
putting up fruits and preserves they sell
from 26o to ( Co each , clothes wringers
SI.50 , wash machines $ -1.60 , 100 feet
wire clothes lino10c , n copper
bottom wash boiler fi9c , 5 uo .
clothes plus Cc , tubs Coc , 0-jo , Too
each , wash boards ICc each , folding iron
ing tables 05c , clothes forks lOc , nicldo
plated cuspdorosUScchair seatsSc , toilet
paper lijc per package , rolling ping Cc ,
wooden spoons 6c , carving knlfo and fork
llc ) , worth S1.50 ; uerubldors brushes lOc ,
i-opo ICcper noiuiti , towel raclcs oc , hat
raclolOc , 4 milk crocks ICc , tin fruit cans
for putting up tomatoes OOc per dozen.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
1'lanos !
Do not bo missled by the so-called now
scale pianos , but got our prices on the
celebrated Ilardman , Decker Brothers ,
Fischer & livcrott pianos. Muelloe &
Schmollcr , 1401 Dodge street.
Block & Eloynmn are selling black
shirts , color g-uarantccd , at $2. 100 N.
If you have a heating1 steve or cook
stove or range or gnsollno steve that you
would like to trade on a gas stove OLon
tlio now Quick Meal gasoline stove , -will
give you a good trade.
W. I1. STOKTZI : ! , , 1021 Howard.
Wrought Steel Itangcs and Stoves.
Shoes S1.85 , S2.4C , $2.7Cand iM5 ? : Mon
day at IIAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry goods and shoes.
" \\'lmt Happened to Tivo Athletes Who
AVcrc .Komi of Untiling ,
There is ono point in favor of athlet
ics wh'.ch ' cannot be disputed , an athlete )
can never bo nn anarchist. The 2\rov i
York Sun assigns as u reason that ho ia
too fond of cold water. Herr Idlest
would have hud a fit could ho have seen
the trouble two prominent athletes prac
ticing at the grounds at the national
athletic club , at lUdfjewood Park , took
hist Sunday to obtain the luxury of a
bath. Ono of thcso athletes was a prom
inent member of the nationals , known UB
the silver-tongued announcer ; tlio other
is chielly noted for the wear and tear ho
constantly imposes on the A. A. U. board
of managers to lind charges against him.
The story sis told by an eye witness
was this : As the club luul no shower
baths in operation at the time , the ath
letes performed their ablutions as best
they could under n pump in front of nn
adjacent hotel , but the two aforesaid
athletes wore not satisfied with anything
Ics * than total submersion , so they iillod
the horse trough with water , carried it
behind the hotel and emptied it into nn
empty hogshead which was standing
there. Alter it had been filled , ho of
the metallic tongue undre&sed and
jumped in , A moment after two young
ladies appeared , just in time
to see some handsome features
and a neatly combed bang disappear be
hind the edge of the cask. The head re
appeared shortly , however , and from
the cask came the announcement : fc'This
event will bo found on page 01) ) of the
programme. An attempt to bent the
record for staying under water of four
minutes twenty-nine and a quartcx' seconds
ends by James Finnoy , " whoreiLt the
head disappeared again and so did the
ladies. The attempt tame within four
minutes twenty-seven and u quarter seconds
ends of the record.
Ojion ti > Kvcrj'loily ,
On Aupust 0 to 10 inclusive , the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will
neil round trip tickets to Boston , 2tluss. ,
and return for $31.75. Good to re-turn
until September 30 , The cheapest ex
cursion of the year , Don't fail to take
it in. Itor further information apply nt
Union ticket oillce 1GOI Farnam street ,
Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt.
( Continental Cantonment I. O , O. 1 : ' ,
( it Chicago ,
For this occasion tickets will bo sold
August 2 to ( ( , good to return August 7
to 11 , via. the Burlington , at ono fare for
the round trip plus $1 for admission
The Omaha Daughters of Hobccca nnd
Canton have chosen this line , nnd nil
members of the I. O. O. I1' , and their
friends nro Invited to join the excursion
which will leave Aujfust 2. Ticket of
fice 1223 Farnam &t. V7. F. Viiill , agent.
Falconer's linen sale still on.
A. Max Hol/.licinicr Co.
Flno watch repairing ,
1413 Douglas st.
Seaman's wagons best and cheapest.
Jloney loaned on diamonds , jewelry ,
etc. , Fred Mohlo , cor. Farnam & 1Kb.
Killed ) > u 1'erttirmliiK Lcnjmrcl.
At the nalaeo of Bangkok the othoi
day a perform Ing leopard was lirouglit
in for tlionmuiicinoiitof ono of the young
Sliiinosio princes. In ono priiu'o'n ' roll-
nuo was u young ( jirl of about fourteen
years of ago , sayit the London Jfowu
The leopard jumped on her breast. It
was merely In piny , said the animal's
eiirotnkerH , who bogged her not to bo
frightened , but in another moment thu
leopard had eolzfrt the ( 'irl by the
throat , and she died In bight of the hoi1-
rillod upoctutors , who lied iu panic.
10 to 40 Per Cent to Bo Given to Our
AVe Flml A\"o Have Too
a Stoolc of Goods on Iluntl
lur Hits Time of
the Venr.
To reduce stock wo nropopo , instead of
giving big iirlce-s lo tlio newspapers to
tidverttso us , to give it to our customers.
In this way \vo \ will give from 10 to 40
per eont olT a very dollar's worth of goods
bought in our store for the next two
Remember , this includes all of our
choicest goods , and wo httvo n store
packed full of the best goods inado.
Wo have just got in a large lot of very
desirable white waists and dressing
Backs , hemstitched nnd embroidered.
Wo will sell these very ehunp in consequence
quenceof their coming In solute. .
See our prices on 411-ineh flouncing1 and
black lace net.
Our line of Children's Caps wo will
sell at just half price.
Former price , $ ; i.2. " > ; now , $1.02.
Former price , $2.75 ; now , $1.83.
Former price , $2.50 ; now , $1.25.
Former price , Sl.GO ; now , 7oc.
Former price , 76c ; now , t)8e. )
Children's sun bonnets and hatsat-lSc.
Sizes , 38 and 40 only. Former prlco ,
$2.00 , $1.60 undSl.OO. All reduced to 48o.
Summer corsets from JS ! cents up.
This 38-conb corset is just the thing for
jathlnijpurposes. .
purposes.HOSIERY. .
"SVo nro soiling a guaranteed fast black
lioo for 2otf , worth 40c.
A line of children's lioso , best quality
[ not guaranteed fast color ] , at just ono-
half former prlco.
"Wo are giving big bargains in fancy
goods department , Underwent1 nnd all
over the store. MRS. J. BENSON ,
Fifteenth st , near Douglas.
I'laiios ! 1 iauoa ! IMimns !
Do not bo misled by the so-called now
scale piano. , but get our prices on the
celebrated Ilardman , Decker Brothers ,
Pischer & Kvcrott pianos. Mueller &
Schmollor , 1101 Dodge street.
Attend Iho opening tomorrow morn
ing 1 ( Monday ) of W. R Bennett & Co.'s
now i and elegant drug department. Pro
scriptions accurately compounded by our
licensed pharmacist of twenty-five years
experience.3Jatcnt medicines at lowest
A flno line of flannels and silk shirts
at half their value nt Block & Iloyniuii'tf ,
109 N , 10th.
The Xocdoil Common Pronoun.
The necessity of a personal pronoun of
: ommon gender cannot much longer bo
ignored by writers. Tlio awkward and
ungramnmtieal methods of expression
which the Inclc of such a pronoun com
pels have become intolerable , nnd , espe
cially in thodepnvtmentof criticism , the
need is one which is daily growing more
pressing. What is required is u word
wliieh will ho readily taken up and as
similated spontaneously. With this in
view , a contemporary offers one which
may meet with favor. It is as follows :
Nominative , hi ; possessive , lies ; objec
tive , hem. The advantages of this pro
noun are first , brevity ; second , resem
blance to botli the masculine and fem
inine forms of the third person singular ;
and. third , conformity io tlio oxifltiiiff
endings. To the book reviewer , who is
often sorely vexed as to the sex of an un
known author , what a boon it would bo
to I bo able to write : "Tho author of this
poem I is unknown to us , bat hi exhibits
mch undeniable talent and many of lies
lines I are so strong that wo may confi
dently look to hem for notublo work in
tbo i future.1 Of course the eye and ear
experience a shock at first , but this will
bo the case with any word which can bo
O. A. It.
Excursion to Boston
via the
Wabash Line.
Everybody invited to join the Wabash
excursion for .Boston , leaving Omaha
August 0-7-8-9 and 10 , gives choice of
routes. Tates as low as tlio lowest. Redlining
dlining- chair and Pullman buffet sleep-
jig cars on all trains. All agents in the
west sell tickets over the Wabash via
St. Louis or Chicago. For tickets ,
sleoping-ear berths and folders giving
routes , limits , time-tables with a correct
map of Boston , showing' locations of depots -
pots , etc. , call at the Wabash ticket
ollleo , 1C02 Farnam St. , or write
Northwestern Pass , anci Ticket Agent.
| I5JH' (
flno button shoes , sizes 2 to C , $1.4.5 , $1.75
and $2 , Monday atIIAYDEN
Dry goods and shoes.
. . _
Through coaches Pullman palace *
sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and intervening points
via the grout llock Island route. Ticket
olllco 1JU2 ( , Sixteenth anci Farnam ,
. Try Sohoelply's S3 Shoos ,
1415 Douglas street.
A piano examine * the now sca-lo Klin
ball piano. A. IIospo , 1513 Douglas.
Seaman phaetons best and cheapest.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council BlulTs , lcs Molucs and
Chicago business is iho Rock Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 4:1.5 :
p. in. daily. Ticket oilico 1002 , Sixteenth
mul Fa mam sts. , Otniihu ,
Dr. SussclorJT makes a specially of dis
eases peculiar lo women. 1601 Farnam Bt.
When you are down town , have your
watches repaired at U. L. lirieUbon'w ,
20CJ N. ICth , Mabonio block.
If .Man Must Drlnlr.
If a man must drink the best thing ho
can taUo with his meals IH a little claret
or light llhlno wine , and if ho wants
something a little stronger , Scotch
whisky with water in the best thing ho
can have , savs the Medical Record. The
habit of taking a drink early in the
morning cocktail or stimulant of that
kind commonly called an oyo-oponcr Is
ono of the worst things that cun bodino ,
The ofl'ect of alcohol is to inllniiiO the
Htomncli , and it will do this oven when
diluted , and will ilu so a great deal nioro
when tulion on an empty btimich early
int ho morning. The best drink a man
can possibly tnko Is milk. Milk , though ,
is hardly n driulc. Ono can live longer
on it than on any one thing. Mlllcn \
more nearly a perfect food thiui any
thing ; it contains more elements that go
to build up the system than any other
article , liarl.v In tlio morning the best
ilrlnlf to take is water. Ton and colTeo
driinlc In moderation will not hurt any
body , although they are both Bthnu-
hints ,
Miss Clarn JuckHon wc-nllo Fremont , Neb. ,
last Monday , wliero she expects to remain a
lew wet-Its with Dr. and Mrs. Devrces ,
imos ,
Motiilnjr to Oleum Up All
[ Hummer Goods. ,
10 ynrds lawn for Ifio ,
All our I'uclflu lawnf , sold lOo , 12lo
Monday Cc.
Outing lliumols reduced to half price *
Co .
yard. i
100 pieces chambrcy to close , fi < ? ynvA.Jr'
Wo shall olTor for Monday only thjo
choice * of all our imported French sn
lines lit ISc yard. They are beautiful
dark stylea for fall wear.
At our Mlk conn tor we shall make a
great nliuiiflitor.
A lot of brocade silk and BatliiB sold na
high ns7t > eyurd. Munday grasp them nfl
2oo yard.
\vo are making some torrlblo cuts la
dress goods Monuny.
28 pieces imported chiillta , sold nt 17o |
Mniuluy Inko them at 10 cts yard.
Wo shall also innlco a spcelnl sale of 0
lot of ulnck dress goods.
All wool line goods nt 49 ets yard. la
tills lot you will 11 ml somoraro bargains.
100 doicn summer corsets ab 50 ct9
( h-ont bargains in corsets to close.
If you want , iv fine baby carriage
can buy ono Monday at a price.
them , only i cost. They must bo Bold.
10 dozen children's dresses Monday at
2o cts each.
2. ) dozen ladies' dressing sncquca nt
CSu , 8oV , DSe , S1.2oandSl.iO eacli , worth
7fijtoU.Cle ( ) ch.
23 clo/.on children's muslin drawora ,
vorhed buttonholes , clearing sale Moil *
day 1-Jc pair , all sixes.
Great bargains in ladles' muslin un
dor wear tit COcand "oeoach , only ipricu.
Great tewol sale Monday.
All our line damask and luick towels.
vorth 35o to 50e , cliolco Monday 2-jii
200 doTOii ! blenched dimity iiapkiii9 |
only 31.83 dozen , cheap at $2.
Harffaim in our bnsomont Monday.
Don't ' forgot our great clearing- sale In
our carpal department.
Illlllil-H *
Fine oxford ties , 95c , $1.25 , $1,00 and
62.00 , Monday , atIIAYDEN
Dry goods and shoes.
I ! ut an ICiluofUotl and
Doctor of.
OMAHA , July 20 , To the Killtor of TUB
line : In your issue of the 21st inst. the
writer of nn unoiiyinous loiter includes
among his list of quarks , "Chlticio doctors.1' '
The only Chinese doctor in the city is Or ,
0. Gee \vo , and lie must allude to liltn ,
Now , tlioact / Ii the doctor is a regular gmil *
ante of incclleino. a registered physician who
has compiled -with all iho requirements of tbo
law anil who can produce his credentials ai
any time to nuy iutorcstcd party.
I wlto this unsolieileil , through n feeling
of gratitude , as tlio doctor cured mo of a case
of sciatic rheumatism when Hot Springs and
several yliyslcluns failed.
Numerous other cures have como under my
observation , und t have scon uiuiiy tostiinou *
ials in His olllco.
I consider him a sldllful physician nnd a
clover man. J. I' . S.
Conl Vcrmis OH Gas.
Buy 110 coal until you sco our gas bur
ners for furnaces. Stoain heaters and
fctovos of all kinds. Edwards Burnoi ?
company , 1021 Farnam street.
< - i
Our cabinet photo : ) cannot bo
Peterson , 1612 Fnrnam.
Falconer's linen sale still on.
fine button shoes , sinus 2 to5 , 81.-I5 , $1.75
and $2 , Monday , at
Dry goods and ohocs.
I'or Kni-ffniim Iu Vliuios
GotoMcBrido A Co. , successors to A.I *
frcd Moluberg'Co. ' , 15M Dodge.
"Window Bliados at Falconer's.
Attend the opening tomorrow morn
ing ( Monday ) ofV. . H. Bennett & Co.'a
now nnd clogaiit drug department. Prcf
scriptions accurately compounded byouv
licensed pharmaeist of twenty-five ycara
oxpcrionco. Patent medicines a lowest
We are closinp out our summer clotty1"
ingrejrardloss of prices. Block & Hey * *
Ho YD & HAV.NBS , Maiiascra.
Krlilay , Snturdiiv and Siiuiluy , Aug. 1 , ? , ' !
And D.itiinliiv Mitllnce ,
OOl.0.u8Ab , COIOKii : ) , OAUNlVAIi ,
Tlio IllH Jlontliccl Conicillnn. TOM Mal.NTOSir , 11)0
lillllii'StHnliirlcil ffilnrsil iirlldt In tlio world. Jniiic *
A , llliiml.Hlllv Fnrroll , Will KldrMKU. Doa Snylol.
tl > 3 I llro or IJrotlicr.i nut I'.lollior colou-u iiiliinr ( l
iiutnljloi. Tlio .Mnrcli < > f tlio Muznuill'iuu illiiilliu
torsi , tin urlglnitl nnd iintiiiu ] nuvulty , 'Mltb
correct roiiru.viitntloix of thu nnllvo African ,
Tin ) uniiully ri'nllillc , i-l imld I'.iHt part HK-tacle ] ,
"TillVOKIMIMHtS : , " lllicillulli | l 111 ItnillMpluy.
t'catitori BnluTiiurnlay , July 'il , Hc'b'ulur i-rlccl ,
nil HUM UJo.
* After Da.r k
A K > cal hcnlu success ut popular
, r > li > cacunt .
Oioylmtmds anfi
.Tucli Itiibblls at
, July
mill Krliliiy.AiiK. ! > ( > >
nl Con u all
Sun lay. Anil , Snl.
' ' '
licfon ) tlio rat-oft
Ui-iliiKirlf-rH ; | a fe
"nrkor Jlotul , Oina-
Springs Min
eral Water.
A cert > In euro for Klimi-
uiiHlMii in nil lt riiiins ;
llyxtii-Iiilii , Olntxiti'H. ' h'Ut-
riuy'l'ioiihk1 111' oil I'uUon.
.NurvoiiN I'roblrutliin , mill
CoiiHllputlaii. Holt u 1 onl/
liy Cilsnnm & llall.ut i of-
fuv , Iowa , mid not wild t
nrliy any luttloiHln Unm-
liu or f-ciilh Diuiiliii. Tin
UiUloaml luliol nf wlilcli H
ri-prcHKiiU-d by lliu u 'IHH-
iianyliiK ' 'ut. i < ) I < 1 l > ) f
lliivlil Cole , from MM Culil
htornKO llodiiiM ut bl" > mul
H7 HowaiU fclrcot. Tult-
, O. Davis , Salesman ,