2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , JUTAr 27 , 1800.-8IXTEEN PAGES , ioJl Y HP \ Democrat * , Independents and Alliances All Eolcct Delegates , A BAD RAILROAD WRECK AT NORFOLK , J. Ai Scllcnborxcr of York Sustains a ficrlotw Injiii' } ' A Grant ! Inland 21nii Attempt * Suloldo StfllO 2t'l\VM ) , Ji'ob. , July 20.-Speclal [ Tele- gran to Tin : Hnu. ] Tlio r > conlo's Independ ent alUtMico county convention convened In Uio opera house tills afternoon nnd selected H. J. Straight of Voronn towmhip us Hi chairman nnd II. D.McOaw secretary , which organisation nftermirdivai mido pcrnm- nent , It wn.1 apparent to Iho country delo- RatMUpon Uio secretary reading the llstof dc-lepitos entitled to scuts , that tlio delegates representing' Ilio city , \vblch oinbrnccd twenty , or one-fifth of the delegates to the convention , -were principally dcinocr : ti. 1'ho country delegates oxi-hnngod suggoi- tlvoglunrcH nnd were satislled they smelt a largo sized rodent. Their suspicions wcro vorillolwhen the city dele gates ! itturnled ; to force the nomina tion or I'rof. Jones , a democrat , for state senator. The county ilolivntes. principally republicans , had placed Annm lA Powers In iioinlnntioit for senator , but \vcrc forced to eojic-cntmta tlioir strength by nominating Jticob Hill of Ayr township. .After fifteen llcrco talloti the democrats cnine wllhin ono vote of nominating . ( ones. Robert Itatty , tlio ilcinocriitlo war-home , marshalled the city delegates in a bungling manner und wns outgone ruled by the republi can nllianco JelecaloH. Much to thoclmgrln oE ttio democratic strikers present , eleven cumllJates vcro pinned in nomination for representative , iiilnciiully iloniwrats. The prlzo was scoured by W. IIYaldron , ono of .Adaim county's pioneer fanners. The nomination of reprcscntiiti vc wns followed by 11 struggle for county attorney Iwtwecn Sain Brass , .Tulm Stevens and Chris llocppner , thothrw ; candidates being : democrats , After several ballots WITO taken It vns apparent that Stevens \vai tlio coming man , when Delegate L.vnu discovered that Stevens bad not dccUrcd himself in favor of the principles enunciated la thopcoplo's Independent plafc- forni nor signed the constitution. This move caused n general stampede nrnong' democratic candidates , who had been IHrtliiR v.'itli the country delegates. Loud calls for tlio several candidates for county attorney failed to bring- forth a man to de clare. himself , They bail silently stele away. Cltydolcgfitftspresentvouohed for Hocppner'a Binccrity and allegiance to the party , and he xvai nominated by a round majority Iloojipner failed to materialise , however , after hi * nomination , to thank the convention for favors and place himself on record. At no time during the con vcntlcJn did alliance ance- dolomites manifest n deilro to tie uji v.-lth democrats. The conven tion inljoumcd after selecting delegates to the atato and congressional convention. Tlie following ; resolutions woio adopted : Whereas. Tins * pun.l < rr of UHJ house lias the fonuliik'of : ill t lie hoiiiii cumiiiltlcoM , thereby controlling the Uvtlslnturu of Misstate ; anil Wliurciis , In HID pisl : IhL-M'roiiimlttiM'H have nil boon ei own for t helix oil pnrposo of killing all legislation In fnvoro * the people , liesolvcd. Tlitttwu Mill not support any man fnrtlioU'Rlsliitiiri ) tiiui will not pleitao lilm- Mi-lf to not. support any man for si | > : il > er time IHII nu-iiihurnr oltherof thunUl pirtlcs. llGMilvi'd.Thutwa nia iiurtyiiio opposed to convict lalior , nnd that HI ) \\lll siiiport | as cnmlldiitos ( or 1 lin levMivtiiru only siiuli moit iiMVlllnlcdjo thciiihulvc.s to nsa iivw-y effort towards the enactment of sn indent law ) to debar Iho state aulliurltloi frnin hiring out any convict labor to uny individual whomso ever. Kesolved. That wo will support noinan for nomliiatlontliiulma canva * < uU the county In Interest. Cr.AT CiMTinNeb. , July -SpccinlTel- [ - cpramto Tim I3nAt : the people's conven tion toJnv the following ticket was nomi nated ! E. A. Mitchell , county attorney ; S. M. Elder , Logan and M. C. Itcynolds for rop- Tcsentutlvo. The conjjrcsstoual delesation Is unlnstrnctcd , hut fnvon RlcICelghan stronKly. The senatorial delegation Is uninstructed - structed , hut is In favor of Valentino Horn of , Hamilton county. Resolutions were adonttd iu favor of the Australian ballot svs- tern ; the election oE United States senators liy the people ; free colnupo of pllver ; prohib iting nlleiis holding land In theUnitcd States ; also favoring n general reform in all things. A motion to accept a minority report in favor ot the prohibitory amendment was voted down , livery thliiff I'assed ' off harmoniously , ninety-nine delegates being present , Cum : . I\'ob. , .luly 20. [ Special Telegram toTnn II KB I. The farmers' alliance of Sa line county held ttielr convention today nt Wilber. The question ns to whether they should nomhintca full ticket or not brought forth quitou liouted anil spicy discussion. The delegates were In favor of nominating a ticket irrespective of other parties , anil the following were nominated ! Senator , Ed Tur ner olHnish Creole precinct ; representatives , James Smith ot Friend and Steve J. llor- man ; commissioner , M. 0 , liojigs of IDewitt ; county attorney. lion.f , fl , Hustings of Wilber. The platform aVmandod the free coliiiitro of silver , stringent usury laws and ctpaitablo freight rates. i Ain , Nob. , July 2 . fSpccial Tele- pram to Tun HKI ; . ] The farmers' alliance held their county convention tills afternoon nnd nominated nn entire county ami legisla tive ticket , U'liovork throughout was very harmonious. Thu nominations \vero us fol lows1 , "Fur commissioners , .Inines Qulim tuul L. .i.IIill ; for county representative ; , ,1. 11. W right ; for county attorney , John Sason , 'fhrutntodolcjsitionls ' headed byT. K Dotv and the congressional delegation by II. It , IJlIss. Tlio Knights of Labor wcveallbwed to select tlio delegates to the lloat representa tive convention , Rcnviyali of the tilllanco nominees are dcmomits. KIIKMOST , Ts'ob. , July 2(5. ( tSpecInl Tele- Kruin to Tin ; Bun , ] M'lie Doilgo county ullN unco met nt the United 1'rcsbvtorlan church , North liend , this nfternoon nnd selected dole- pa UN to the people's state convention lit Lin coln ns follow : .Iiuncs Ornli'kHli.mk . , l\ II. Scott , Kilwaril Kemp , D. A. Boggs , James Ferimson , ID. C.Vestfall \ , J. A , Harvey , Solomon ( Jnton , jr. There were seventeen delepilos , ropresentluK llvo townships. An other convention -will Iw held tononilnatou ICKislntivo ticket and select delegates to the senatorial convention. 33EVTIHCK , Nob. , July 2 V [ Special Tele gram to TIIK lii-ThoC5 ! : ] ago county farmers nlllancu met in convention this afternoon and named tlio following ticket : L-'orstnto sena tor , 0. 1' . Collins : for representatives , Hyroa Taj lor , Thud Williams and JninesE. Huston ; county attorney , J. K. Bush. Delegates were elected to the state , congressional nnd lloat representative conventions , Tin ) dele gation to tlio state convention w instructed to , vote for John Pwcrs for governor. Kdu'iird Arnold of Clago was endorsed for llont representative from ( Jugo and Saline counties , Ninu.Hi.v : CITV , Noli , , July 35. [ Special Tolcuram to Tin : Ilii : , | The inJopondontof people's convention met at Syraeuso today. The ileleKuto.to the roiiKrossionul eonve'n- lion are headed by J.Valkcr. . Those sent to thostatoara headed byV. . U. Tun Valkea- burjr. 0. 11. Van \VyJk \ ami M. V. Towers , president of the fanners' ' alliance , were mimed for uoynrnor , uut further action was postponed to the adjourned meeting. 0 it v NT , Neb. , July att. [ Special Telegram Tint lire , ] A ptxiplo'a Independent conven tion win held ut this place today. It nomi nated a i-ounty ticket und was engineered by the farmers' ' alliance , C. 1) . l-'rnzcr was noinlnnted for commissioner nnd 11. F. In- poM for attonioy , TLo alliance is utroni ? in this county. The convention endorsed Itov. W , ti. Hampton ol thU pluco for state super intendent of schools. WATIMI , Neb. , July ijti. [ Special to TUB BCR. ] Thu people's ln- dcmulcnt county convention met in Ibis city today. Tlia wildcat confusion prevailed from beginning toeiul. The followlni : ticket was put up ; Senator , Sellm I.oin.wtors . , Steve Oivelc ; ropi-csentitlves , Ll. | ( Toild , Liberty ; A. T. IIoiijiuw , Tiptonj county rommw- tilonor , Joseph Cox , Avoca ; county attorney. left blnnlt , Doivgatua to state convention go unlimtruetcd. PAIMILION , Neb. , July iM. [ Special Telegriiin to TIIK JJte. ] The farmers' al- U-nncu couvuntlonmutat Ceu tor school Uouso to.lnyand plated In nomination n full county ticket , K. f. Schnnl , representative ; Conrad Kehobcrt , commissioner : J. P. drove , county iittomey. Di-lczutoi to the state convention nro bonded by Cnurles NoWncs. AfiintN , Neb. , Julv ' . ' ( I. [ Special Tele- pram to Tun HIE. : ] The domocr.itfl of No- inaha county nut in convention today with seven of tlio thirteen praclncti represented , W. II , IColllRar , chairman of the committee on resolutions , read to thu convention a batch of resolutions which were unanimously adopted. The following is 11 synopsis of the same I Wu.tlip democrats of Nomnlia county , de mand the IIIISHIIIO otn law bycongi-ifts for I ho free t-ninnvo of silver. WouVnoiimo tlu > Me- Klnlcy bill , which temN toslilft tin' tariff tax * ntlou from tlio rich to tli poor , Wo favor a cliati'i ! In UK-constitution by Mblchllio Unltcil Stiit 'ispiiator iin y lie rlcctfil liy a dlroct vote liy tno people. H'n are opp'WiI ID tlin Rrantlng of a biinnty for the pr.xliictiun of nny nrtlclo of conMiuiiptlnn.'o bo- lluvo In national law * for tiixln ? In vest inontH In states wlioru thn HIUIIII am iimih' , tliiHciiililliijji ( : tnons i | ual mljiistiiii'iit of tnxatlonns lii-twfi-n inortiMKeonnd inort- KiiKor , by ill-duel Ing thoitinoimt of Iheniort- ( Tii d from tlio Milneof tbu hitnl anil unse lm th < > valiiuof tin ) tniirtsn1ai'alnst tlioowncr thorcnf. Wit belle vein borrowing wisdom nml I'Xjx'rli'tico fifini other slates In rt ulatliiK rail rinds , und iccoimiioiultliOFrlcctlon of non- nartk'in rallrnnil commlssloncrx. with power lollxaiid i-stalill ii ritv. to bo i-cziiliiUd by tlio court- ! when iirovun ( no low. Wo urn op posed to stale tnllltln.V favor eronniny.iiiut elalni It aillitgrnco that tlio leglslatnru - iiloycs moro elcrkw limn tlioru are nicinliers. Wo favor thu Investment of llio state school fiind-iiii | ( linn morUn iM.Vo iircoppo-oil ID nil siininlinii-y lojUliulmi Wo ccnsuru the boaril of traictport'itton < ! | and bollovo the re- ptllillraii piirtydf-Hcrvojiefi-atfor llio nninlnii IOTI of T. II. lloiiton. W favor thu adopt Ion of tlio Anstrnlhn iinllot system , und duiuanil ilawroniilrlnxa-iseiiiiicnl of all property nt t < t c'mli value , The following delegates were then chosen .o the state convention ! A , Moore. Emor Lash , W. M. Hoffman , S. Kced , T. II Cla- pettV. . H. Klllifc'iir , T. R Harris. Conjrcs- ilonul convention : J. W. B.irnrnrt , Frank lobnson , William. Williams , John Kraft , Austin Mute , W. S. Newldrk , Tin1 nomination of the county ticket wa1 * lofeiTcd nntil a later date , when , In the Ian- ruiiROOf ono of tlio delegates , tlio domnnasof Ins pcoplo will have been bettor uscortulned. " \Vvnoo , Nob. , July UO. [ Special Telegram o Tin : I3KK. ] The people's Independent con vention ocouirod hero todny and was very ar cly nttonded. They adopted ns their ilutform the declaration of prineijiles set 'orth in the call for the state convention , and elected twenty-llvo delegates to the state convention , thosamo persons to bo dqlcijatea" .o the congressional convention , and selected .wenty-ono delegates to the aenutorl.il . con- , 'untlon , who will favor the nomination of W. il. Deck for senator. Ed Ivlnnsber icnils both the state nnd senatorial delegations. The convention then'nominnted .ho following ticket : For representatives , Ininca Jf. Gnfllii of AVnhoo and Peter B. 3Isnn of Woslon ; for county commissioner , TolmCumiinKlinin ; forcounty nttornoy , B. [ ' . llinesof AVnhoo. Oaflliihas been a pro- libitlonlst and tin ) other three have In the > ast been democrats. The candidate.- ; for Representatives are clean , honest farmers , nit tlio othnr two nro considered very wealc nen , nines , candidate forcounty attorney , is n school teacher. , Nob. , July 20 , [ Special Tclc- ; ram to THE BEE. ] The fanners' alliance -onvcntlon of Burt county met at this place ; oday nnd placed in nomination for repre sentative II. I-1 , .fones of Lyons , nnd for county attorney W. J. Sbecltoll of Tckaninh. 1'ho motion to appoint a committee on resolu- ions did not prevail and the convention 'ailed to mnlca nny declaration of principles. 1'ho delegates to the state convention are not pledged , but will probably favor Lceso for governor , _ Ai.niov , Neb. . July a ) . [ Special Telegram to Tin : BIB. : j Tlio people's indcuendent con vention met hero today. The following were elected delegates to the state convention : D. K. Calldn , A , G. Klcster , L. W. Uraman , U. J. Ogdin , S. W. Ilutehcus , W. HI. Silvers , W. A.I'ovnter , W.\V. Halter , J , T. Anderson , O. Patterson. Senatorial : O. W. Froisted.N. D. Davis , J. K. Green , N.- Silvers , J. II. Me- Cutchen , W. A. 1'oyiiier. The following were nominated : Representative , W. A. Mc- Cutchen ; commissioner , E. A. Hall ; county attorney , M. W. McGarr. VAtixTtNE , Neb. , July 26. [ Special Tolc- priiun to Tun BtK.l About twenty ropro- scjitativcs of the union labor-farmers' alli ance met hero today and selected J.V. . Steele and Walter Uurnloy to represent this county at the state convention on theSilth Inst. They perfected n o permanent organization , bu t have culled n mass meeting for August 10 , when it will bo decided whether or not they will put a ticket in the field in the 'fall. TucuMsnii , Neb. , July 2ft. [ Special Tele gram toTiiE BGK.I At the people's joint convention held nt Johnson today by No- inaha nnd Johnson counties , C.V. . Williams of Johnson county was placed In nomination for state senator nnd Hov. Scammon of No- inaha for lloat representative , Everything was harmonious , there being only a small crowd present. Leer City , N"eb. , July 91. [ Special Tele- Ki-am toTimllRB.J Tito psoplo's independ ent county convention was held hero today and Emerson Smith nominated for county attorney - tornoy and Albert Diclcson of Litohlleld , who declined the recent democratic nomination , was nominated for representative. The dele gation ? to state and other coaventic-ni go unlnstruetod. _ Oitn , Nob. , July 2(1. ( [ Special Telegram to 'Inn BKK. ] The Independent people's county convention met hero today. J. V. Johnson wns nominated for representative nnd C. A , Ahum for county attorney. Nine delegates were chosen to the state convent ion. They KO unlnstructcd , but are probably for.T. II , Powers for governor , AunoiiA , Neb. , July 2(5. ( [ Special Tele gram to Tun Ilr.n. ] The Hamilton county people's ' convention today elected delegates to the state , congressional , senatorial mid Judicial conventions. Fredrick Jsewbtiry and Henry England were nominated for representatives r.iid .lames Cameron for county commissioner , Delegates are unlnstmctcil. NnnuAbK * CITV , NbbJul.v 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun HKI : . ] Tlio democratic ccuinty convention mot at Syracuse today. The delegates to the state convention are headed by C , Clmstod and to the congres sional convention by George Led'ht ( , Tbo convention adjourned until tlio last Tuesday In Seitembor | , to bo licld at Syracuse. UI.VSSKS , Nob. , Julv 20. [ Special Telegram to Tnc Br.E.J The nlllancu senatorial conven tion for Scwurd and Butler counties met hero today. Ktill delegations were present. J. Sister , an old time f-reenbaclibr , was nomin ated. The enthusiasm was unbounded. HKXICI.RMANNob. . , July 21 ! . [ Special Tolo- cram to TIIK HKK.J Tbo farmers' nlllaiu-o met hero today nnd nominated J , U. Graves for county attorney , Herman. . Cannon for county commissioner , and elected delegates to the various conventions. P.UV.VKK CITY , Neb. , July 2(1. ( [ Special Telegram to Tun Hsr. ] Thu democrats hold thelrconvcntion this nfternoon , and after appointing a few committees nnd passing a few resolutions adjourned. Neb. , July SO. [ Special Telo- pram to Tin : Dii.J-At : the Tliuwton county ltuleXudcnt | ! convention hold here todny , four delegates , headed byT. H. Graves , were sent to tlioutnto convention. A I'nil Wrcolt nt. Xorfollc. Nouroi.it , Neb. , July W.-iSpccIal Telo- pnunto Tun Ilr.r. . ] A bad wreck occurred In the Fremont , KlUhorn & Missouri Valley yards in this city lust night about midnight. The switch engine -with several cars was standing on the main track while n freight wns being unloaded , when the west bound freight train came In , Engineer illattenbcrir , of the latter , hitd cvldomlv lost control of Ids train , as ho dashed at full speed Into the switch engine , badly wrecking It. An empty cattle car wns tin-own nerosi the traclc anil cut In two ; ono end of the car was driven into the depot platform , tearing It up for n dis tance of thirty feet. The Klkhorn's niirht watehmnn wns caupht between the car nnd thoilopot , but esi-aped uninjured , although Ids watch was torn from his i > ocUot nnd ho was squeezed up into a space of seven 01 eight Inches. There were no fatalities , Tim l/rniinnt Camp Mcnthi'i. l KCMONT , Neb. , July " | rSpechl Tclo- grnmlo TIIK nisK. ] The val spiritual work of the big cnmi ) mooting begun today , ant fram this tlmo fonvard the nmiartn of sutan will bo vigorously storannl. The oxnrclses were inaugurated with a prayer meeting at 0 o'clock this morning. At 8 o'clock Hov. F1. W. Urtua of I'ullerUm delivered a iplenuli sermon , in which ho spottc to his hearers of Ih.T . iniportani-o of the full consecration of thcmselvcj to the work of Oed nt the opening j [ this infi'tlnK , and expressed the belief that If they did so the results tvould bo most satis factory. At ll ( : : Ifev. H. A. Cnmo of Omnhn delivered nnothcr of bis strong and cluirac- teristlo sormons. Mr. Crane is n very forcible speaker and his efforts were listened to with much Interest. At ysll'j Hcv. E. C. IIarpr oC Wool lilvcr preached nn able sermon to n largo audience. At I oVlock Itcv. .f. "Will Miller of Decntur led n soelnl pravcr nnd pr.ilso meeting , whk-a wa.4 an unusimllv inlerestltigoue. TonlghtHov.il. 0. Meyers preached at 8 ) 'clock to a largo eotiRrcgatlon , Tbe nt- ; endnneo is increasing. Tomorrow there will bo preaching utO , Sand lOioOn. in. and ! ii.TO , 4 and S p. m. Killed \Vlillc Iliiitliis ; . W Kr.rini.t ) , Neb , , July 2(1 ( , [ Special Tel egram to Tun Hen. ] Frank Hlec , Dr. Clark nnd Dr. J. J. T eng were out hunting today between and 5 o'clock. ' Clnrk killed a bird which the dog picked up , and In endeavoring : o mnke the dog lay It down I'r. Lonir's gun iccidentallyvcnt off , the whole charge en- .orlng under his left arm. Ho was nt once .alcon . back to Wakefleld and placed In cure of three doctors , but dlcit in half an hour. llprc'fl ' "Temperance" for Yon. 1'i.u.vviKW , Neb. , July 2rt. [ Special to TIIK Uin.-C. ] J. 'Holt is holding forth here In a lent and delivering prohibition "lec- .tircs. " Ho has only appeared three times , Kit prohibitionists nro disgusted nnd the lulls are mad. Ills discourses nro nothing jut tirades of abuse , and Tin ; ] Hi : ; ind Hoscwatcr are tlio themes to which ic devotes the most attention. "Dirty , stlnlc- ng liar" nnd "ruin purchased" nro favorite ipitbets with Holt. Ho repeats the exploded les about TniiUnK's how write-up of prohi bition doesn't prohibit Iu Iowa and Kansas , ind offers to bet $ . * ) ( ) ( ) tiiat there isn't a town n the latter state where Itnuor Is sold openly. Ho Intends to remain In Plain view a week , and If ho carries out his Intention there will bo rcry few prohibitionists loft hero when ho eaves. CoiignititliitlotiH For Richards. FIICHOXT , Neb. , July 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BKK. ] Slnco receiving the Domination for governor at Lincoln Thurs day morning , congratulatory telegrams have icon pouring In on Hon. Li. D. Ulehards from all portions of the country. Among those re ceived today were the following : Secretary of AVnr Procter , a life-Ions friend of Mr. iichards , telegraphed In this language : "No words of congratulation can express .ho ] oy and pride I feel In your nomina tion. " Congressman G. Li. Laws of the Second district : "Warmest congratulations success is sure. " Hon. B. 1C. Valentine , scrgennt-nt-arms of the United States senate : "Sincere congratulations ; great victory ; served you rlpht ; glad of it ; will help you during the campaign. " Cattle thieves In Custody. Gnvxn iMAXi ) , Neb. , Julj'Sii. [ Special Telegram to Tin : llr.i : . [ The sheriff of Koya Paha county passed through lioro today hav ing In charge George Seaman and Oscar Jcn- clns , who are charged with stealing cattle and running them across the stale line Into the Sioux reservation. They wore captured In the southwestern part of the state. A. York Man Injured. YOIIK , Neb. , July 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BF.E. ] J. A. Sollcnbergerwhile at tempting to raise a balcony window nt the Methodist church this afternoon , pushed the sash out and fell a distance of thirty feet to the ground. Ho received n severe contu sion of the head , shoulder and hip. ' Ho Was Tired of Ijlfo. GRAND IM..INT * , Nob. , July 2t ( . [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Bun. ] Fred Grinned , a laborei' , attempted suicide today by the mor phine route. Ho was discovered before it was too Into and Is now recovering r.ipldly. Ho cnmo lioro about a year ago f mm Missouri , and has been employed on. the sewer nnd as a hod carrier. Ho has been on a dobauoh for a couplu of weeks and it is tboughtho was under ttio influence of liquor when ho com mitted the act. A Strike Soon Settled. OIIASD ISLAND , Nob. , Juno 26. [ Special Telegram to Tim Br.E. ] The men nt work upon the sewer struck today , claiming they were to work only eight hours per day under a special contract. The work Is being super vised by the city and the matter was referred to the city attorney , who decided that they were laboring under n misunderstanding , nnd all returned to work without nny further trouble. Mortuary. CRETR , Neb. , July 2(1. ( [ Special Telegram toTnnBnn. ] Miss Julia Johnston , sister of J , II. Johnston , president of tlio State bank , died this noon after a short illness. The deceased was highly esteemed in this city. Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota I'oiislons , WASHINGTON' , July 20. [ Special Telegram to Tan OKI : . ] The following pensions wcro granted today : Nobr.isiia Increase : Jacob A. IS'Isley. Lexington ; John DanlbcrryVldttlcr \ ; Hart- sell Martin. Ilcnnlev ; Charles B. Jones , Stratum ; Frank McDunicls , Hoselnnd ; Oliver II. Dyer , Addlson. Original widows , cto. Minors of Alex Patterson , Ainsworth. Iowa Original : JnhnM. Taylor , Albla ; James HaUoway , Morse ; Lcvl J. Bates , Hiceland. Increase : John M. Fates , Mew- ton : Martin Waldron , Bnonevlllo ; Crandisou Tucker , Croton ; Christopher Ford , Marshall- town : G. John Fan-is , Mt. Ayr ; Alfred E. Harrison , Burehinal ; James Lewis , Aukcnoy ; Thomas H. Scott. Harvard ; James IJ. Sullivan , Davenport : Nelson Phin- noy , Cedar Falls ; Joseph Hradloy , Fail-child ; Major H. II. Kiildor , Mondnmin ; Thomas J. Tucker , Hock Knpids ; Hugh O. Adams , Albla ; .Irnne : * W. Higliee , Mineral Uldge ; Andrew J , Vogel , Slgournoy ; John Ogles- bee , Wintcrset ; I'.iul Bezcloy , Yorhtown ; Abram Holder , Cniitrlll ; Hobert Mitchell , Farmlugton ; Charles L. . Perslnper , Whiting ; Harrison C. JdcFnrlaml , Newmarket ; John Eastman , hnogcno ; Samuel P. Carter , Kidon ; Jnmcs F. Ilrair.ble , Newmarket ; Charles S. Donne , Kellogg ; Vilroy Wilson , Cedar Falls , Original widows , etc Adalino 1C. , widow of Hobert J. Cronk , Boono. South D.ikota Increase : Halley V. Hicks , Volga ; George W. Allen , Naples. Nebraska. nn < l Iowa I'ost maulers. X , July " 0 , [ Special Telegram to TIIK IJiE.J The following Nebraska postmasters were appointed today : II. II. Jordan at Wallace , Lincoln county , and 13d- ward Hoberts at Dunlnp , Dawes county. The following fourth-class Iowa post masters were appointed today : Granvlllo , Sioux county , J. I i. Downing , vice A. W. ICorsoy , resigned : Tiffin , Johnson county , A. H. Long , vice M. L , Cordon , resigned ; "Ver- non , Van Huron county , O. H. P.Armstrong , vice II. Ehrniau , resigned. Hiiic-ldi ) at DCH Moliioi. DKS MOINES , la. , July litJ , [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HUB. ] P. Hammond , n butcher of this city , committed suicide this evening by lying upon the floor , placing a re volver in his mouth , anil blowing his head off. Business reverses led to the deed , UobbiMlVlnlo Asleep. MISSOVIII VAU.IV , In. , July 20. [ Special to Tin : Bun. ] A daring robbery wns com mitted hero Friday evening by a man named Ivunezwho was rooming with n man named Sehulter , from whom ho took about fcHK ) In inonov and drafts while asleep. Ho Imino- dlatofy skipped , but very foolishly returned this morning nnd was promptly arrested and Is now lying in Jail. Ho returned with a portion tion of the money. Population of DIM Moinos. DCS Moixm , Iu. , July 30. [ Spocl.il . Tclo- ( fnun to TIIK linn. ] The census enumeration has been Dually closed for DCS Molnes , The total llguros will show a trlllo less than fifty- two thousand , a gain in ten years of nearly thirty thousand , nnd in llvo years of nearly twenty thousand. They AVcro Not Organized , CINCINNATI , O. , July 2(1. ( The otriko of freight handlers of the various roadi of this city Is today virtually at nn end. The rail roads conceded nothing and will take hack such of the old men as they chooso. The strikers attribute their defeat to u luck of or ganization. II \ TTI V At1 Tftn T It T XTrvfnn HATiIl Ol' ' THE TAIL ENDERS , * , t n Second Game of tlio Sorioi Bshvoen tlia Black Bos' ' and the Apostles , AH EASY VICTORY- FOR THE LOCALS , Jncl Clnrkc Gives Ono of HI * Old Tlmo lO.-xlilbltlons in ttio Box A lijulicr Dull Contest. Tor Ot..Oil .Oil ! lBl I4.-I7 1'cr 01. jilt . ( .17 .tm Par Ct. ifra 14.V7 Per Ct..fill .fill .574 Ml IBM ' . 'Zil Oinnlm H , St. I'aitl U. The St. Pauls went out to the ball park yes terday afternoon haughty and delhmt and with a very revengeful look in their .Apostolic oycj. Omaha was getting a trifle too familiar , and they determined to take a little of the conceit out of her. But when they left the Hold they were as quiet and subdued as so many lambs belong ing to Mary. For the Black Sox gave them another lam basting. Bight to two that was the exact dimen sions of the victory. Easy , wasn't ' it I However , it was anything but a lively or Interesting game , both teams going at their worlc like section hands with a big cut before them. Clarke was in the box for the locals and pitched about the best game of the. season. It caino high , but the management had to have it. Two hits was the sum total made off of him n three-bagger bv Abbey and n scratch single by McLaughlm , That shows what this young man can do when hois compelled : to. The lidding on both sides , but particularly on Omaha's , was quick , sharn nnd brilliant. It was another lovely day lor ball playing , and yet the audience was as light as a s'traw hat. hat.Hut Hut it's ' all right. - Omaha won again , and tills afternoon the town will turn out. Omaha opened up with a vigor that was as refreshing us the evening breeze from Cut- Ofl lake. i Mcoklu tried hard , but ho couldn't "put 'em over , " and Canavan trotted to llrst on balls. Ho stele second , and then Walsh , Kearns and Cleveland followed with safe drives in breathless succession , and the three llrst runners sailed Into port by easy stages. Newman advanced Cleveland to second on his out to Hawes , : and after Andrews had also perished at first , Grover caino homo on a lucky slnRla by Will ! * . It was a hot one , with red side whiskers on It , and Colonel Sweeney allowed it to get away from him. Moran's high fly to Lord Murphy ended the Inning. For the vlsitory Abbey got his base on balls. Dad's ' convolutions spherical , gyra tions and reticulations were too soon for the sluggers from the homo of the walrus nnd the polar bear. The second , too , began auspiciously for the Black Sox , for Clarke's grounder was fum bled long enough oy MeLaughlin to allow him to ranch llrst in safety. But nothing came of this piece of good luck , as the next three men went down like so many McGSin- ties before any ono was oven ready for the performance. The visitors' half was marked by a neat double play bv Clovelnnd and Andrews. Me- Laughlm made a hit. O'Brien then sent a foul to Cleveland which tlio high , ex-presi dent embraced , and by a deft throw caught Mao off of first. It was brilliantly executed , and n few mild mannered yells in tlio grand stand startled the sparrows from among the rafters. Howes followed suit on a foul to Jtloran , and as ho turned fiercely and endeavored to knockdown the grand stand with his club , ho exclaimed : "Oh , no , you dubs hnvn't any luck ! " Mr. Howes was exasperated , The third wns a Louisana lottery ticket for Omaha , but in her half St. Paul saved herself a whitewash. Farmer reached ilrst by the grace of Cleve land's romantic throw , but was forced at second by Meekin's crouuder to Canavan. Murphy's rainbow fly was attended to by Willis , but Shep.ird was presented with first by Clarke. Then Charlie Abbey made the second nnd last lilt the Saints secured. It was n Jnpoaica and netted two runs. The only ones they got. In the fourth , fifth , eighth and ninth Omaha added a single tally to her total each , and thus the maddening contest closed. The run made in the eighth was of the Andrews architecture , rare enougn In these modern days. It was a four-badger over the right field fence. fc And It made the crowd shout lustily. The Apostles tried hard to do something In the ninth , but It wns useless , and as the lust uian went out Farmer exclaimed : "Well , I guess Hope has gene nnd com mitted Huleldol" And It looks as if tlio major was correct. The score : OMAHA. All. II. 111. SII. 811. I'O. A. K. 6U3IMA11V. Karned runs-Omaha ft. Thren-bnso bin Abbey. Homo runs Andrew * . Double pliyn : Clovnlnml to Andrews ; Oanavnn to Walsh to And rows , llii.su on unlln-OIT ( Jlnrkii S , off Mcokln 1. Illtby plteliur-lty Olurko 1. Struck ont-Ily Clarke 1 , bv Meoldn : i. Tiino of Kiiino Duo hour and llfty minutes , uiaplru Andy Cusick. St. f'nnl AVantH Uriiinhtrt. | iMannKer Catkins of tit. Paul Is negotia ting for Catcher Unjuahart's services for the b.danco of the season. As Omaha has more catchers than she needs , Urquahurt will probably bo transferred , nnd It Is possible Hint he may catch today's game for the visitors , Kaunas City fi , nril\vankco > 2. KANSAS Cur , .Mo. , July 33. [ Special Tele- gram to Tim Due.Following ] b the result of today's game ! ICANKAS rirr. MIMV.irKE ( . ( liinonn. c U 0 7 J Ol Welch , > b U 1140 Uunwnjr , I > . , . .3 J 2 II 0 l.irli ) > > , P I ) 0 U 4 0 Toluli & It .11 Tntnli 2 f 57 1'J ' 2 11Y 1N.MM1 * . Ifnnais City . 0 02 10020 0 n Milwaukee . 0 00000101-2 StlMMAttV. Knrncd rniK-Knnias Olty 2. Milwaukee 5. Two-two liltn Mnnnlni ? , Smith , Con way , I'ettlt , Mnrrl3 < i < y. llotnu run Jantzen. Haic * nn balls Oir Conwny I. olT Davlrs fi. Btrnek out-llv Conway il. by l > avli'H. " > . Hit by pitcher -Smltfi. Wild pitch Uivlfs. I'assuil ball- .11111(7011. Time Onu hour and forty minutes. uiitnlro llaiiHwhiu. , DPH lollies ( I , Denver ! . Dnxvr.n , Col. , .Inly 'JO. [ Special Telegram to THE BKK. ] Following is tlio result of to day's game : St'MMVHV. Karned rnns-Dcnvor : ) , Dei Mnlnos 4. T\vo- baioliltsMcClollanVlilto.Jtnciillar , Homo runi-ltart. UIIHCS stolen-Ilcnvcr I ! , lei ) Jlolnnsa. Doiililo and trlplo plnys Miu-ullnr to I'lielnn , Clare to Pntton. Wliltn to llcy- nohls. llartuson linlls Whlli'liuuil : i , lloneh 2. Passed balls Tralllcy 1 , Tlino of KIIIIIU Uno boar and thirty-live minutes. Umpire Hoover. Hloiix City 14 , MiniKMipollH 7. Sioux CITY , la. , July 20 , [ Special Tele gram to TIIU DUE , ] -rollowlng 13 the result of today's ' game : blTMMAUV , Earned runs Sioux City 10 , Jllnneapolls 5. Two-bnsu lilts lllnck. llroiison , Jllller. Tln-iMj- lut.o lilts Strauss. Powell. Glenn , Day. Kyn 2. Hasp-4 on balls-OlT WldnerJ , oir Klfleiiii. olV MUclu-111. Struck out Hy Wldnorl ! , bv Ivll- Ii-ii' ' , by MUcholl 2. liases on errors Hloiix City2. Minneapolis4 ( lcft on bases Sioux UltyT. Minneapolis II. Wild iiltohes-Klllen II. Mltchpll I. .Sacrifice hits Ivappel. Tropey. Mlnniiluin , Klllen. lilt by pltcbrr Oli-nii , An- drows. Passed balls Tropey 4. HIM : > Sstolen Sioux City a , Minneapolis : i. Iloablo play.s Kuppel , llronson anil I'owcll. Tlmi ! Two hours and ten minutes. Unipltu-llciiglo. National Ijcanue. AT 1'ITTSIlL'lia. Pittsburg 3 00000010 4 Boston 0 10 'J 00000 a Hits Pittsburg 8 , Boston 3. Errors Pittsburg 15 , Boston y. JJ.itteriea Cttiniliert and Decker ; Clarkson und Uennott. Umpire - piro Powers. AT CINCINNATI. Cincinnati 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 * fi New Vork 0 00000010 1 lilts Cincinnati t ) , Now Vork : i. Errors Cincinnati 1 , : No\v York it. Batteries Mullano ami Harrington ; Burkett , Hussio and Buckley. Umpire Lynch. AT CI.KVKI.AXn. Cleveland 0 00101000 2 Philadelphia..0 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 * 5 Hits Cleveland fi , Philadelphia 0. Errors r-Cleveland ! , Plilliululphla 4. Ilatterios Smith and Zimmer ; VIckery und Clemauts. Umpire McQuaid. AT CHICAGO. Chicago . 0 00101020 4 Brooklyn . 0 1000900 * 10 Hits Chicago 4 , Brooklyn 9. Errors- Chicago ( I , Brooklyn 1. Batteries Luby , Demmarcstand KitJrcdgo ; Terry and Daly. Umpire McDeruiott. Players' AT C'LEVKUXD. First game Cleveland . 0 00010401 0 New Vork . 0 00000001 1 lilts Cleveland 10 , New York 7. Errors Cleveland , New York 5. Batteries Grubor and Sutcllffo ; Keofo and Ewlng. Umpires GafTney and Sheridan. Second game- Cleveland . 0 .T 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 New York . 3 00001302 7 Hits-Cleveland 12 , Now York 8. Errors Cleveland U , New York 2. Batteries Grubcr and SutcUlto ; EwIngundEwing. Umpires GarTncy nnd Sheridan , AT nurr.ii-o. Buffalo . 1 01000304 fl Brooklyn . 1 0030550 * la Hits Buffalo 15 , Brooklyn 18. Errors- BulTalo r > , Brooklyn 1. Batteries ICrock and Mack ; Sowdors and Cook. Umpires Ferguson nnd Holbort. AT riT Pittsburg . 0 0000000 n 3 Boston . 0 4 Hits Pittsburg 5 , Boston 4. Errors- Pittsburg 3 , Boston a. Butteries Staler , Carroll and Fields ; Gumbert , Kllroy and Slurphy. Umpires Leach and Pearco. AT CHICAGO. Chicago . 5 1 12 Philadelphia . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I Hits ChlcaKO 11 , PhlhidclnhiaO. Krrors Chicago 1 , Philadelplila : ) . Buttorlcs Bold- win nnd Farrcll ; Sanders and Mllligan , Urn- plros Knight nnd Jones. American Association. AT imOOKI.YX. Tlio St. Louis game \vis poitponod on ac count of wet grounds. AT I'lIllADKI.lMIU. Athletics . 0 210081 01 7 Louisville . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I lilts Athletic 8 , Louisville 4. Errors Athlctio 4 , Louisville 2. Batteries Mc- Muhon and Koblnson ; Mcakln , liyuu and Ehrct. Umpire 1'eoplcs. ATSVUACUSr ! , Syracuse 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-a Coiumom o oooooooo o Hits Syracuse 5. Columbus 5. Krrors Syraeuso 1 , Columbus 5. Batteries Casey niul Brlggs ; Kastoa und Doyle , Umiiro Emsllo. AT ItOCIICaTCII. Hochestcr 0 I.130000 0-0 Toledo. 0 3 Hits Kochcstei-8 , Toledo ( J , Errors-Roch ester 3 , Toledo 8. Batteries Callahun and McKough ; CuShinan and Sage , Uiaplru Curry. \VincliNter'H Shoot. The Winchester gun club's weekly shoot was held yesterday afternoon ut Uusor's park , twenty-live blue rocks each , twenty- one yards rise. The sc-oro : iM'niioiurn urn inn mm 11111-21 Him PanUrn Illtl Hill Illll III1I 11111"-V > \V. U. I'aiilscn.lllll Hill Illll Illll INIIOI-- " . ' Her. l'niilsi > ii..lllll 01111 10111 Illll 10111-21. II. I'nulsc Illll Illll ( KM 11 nun ot'in-ui ' K. Snore null Illll Illll Illll IIiHI-2-l Mlebiiol Po Illll Illll JIIIO 0KMl 11110-10 U. I'lokard . . .Illll Illll Illll Illol tllll-'l IPloknril . .11)111 ) Illll HIM uilll id : Iunder. . .unit inn nut 11110 o Jonen.lllll Illll loill Illll WlllKronir. . 01101) ) IIIIKM 10(101 ( 11011-10 L. Jolui ! > on. . 11111 inn i ion i inn OIIH---J N. .Tolmsim. .11011 mil tun linn noil-- : ) ' . Hunt . . . .11111 11111 nun inn uim-24 J. O-lm . . . . tun inn 11111 inn 11001- 1 WilliamMaok.iiooll IOIII OHIO OIIOI 11000-14 11. UOIIMM- . . . . 11110 Illll ( Mill 0111 ! dllll--- ! I'.Wo-din'MS.H'.liilll Illll Hill 11100 11IIO--.M o. itiiiihrlR. . . mil Illll ( will liooi mni--'O C.O.IMIriiwn , 11101 IOIII ) Illll OIIOI IIHIlt 14 Fred Duvv Him ullli ) Ollll 1"1UI Illll-li Among llio Ainiitoiii-H. NrnniSKA Cirr , Neb. , .luly 20.Si [ > ocliil Telegram to TUB Bee.I Tim t'-imo of ball today between the City Steams of Omnlia and the N'obnuk.i City ttvim , i-Mullcd in a victory for the visitors uy n seoro of 0 to 0. Shall It boThrca Straight. O mainland St. I'.ud will in jet for the last game of the present sorlo * at the Iiicul park this afternoon , play being culled at : i30 ; sharp. Doth teams are putting up nn excel lent nrtlclo of bull , notwithstanding they are last Iu the race. But why shouldn't n con test between the tail-endow ha as exciting and InterCAttn ) ! iw one between the louden ) ! Following are the positions of the two teams : Omahas. Positions. t-t. Pauls. Canavan . orimd. . . . . . . . .O' Hi Ion Wnhli . Short . Mol/uiililln : KtMitiH . Illzht . Shepird C'lovclaml . Third . Swconcy Ncwmnn . Left . , . Abbey Andrews . l-'lrtl. . . . llawes Wlllli . Middle . Murphy Mrir.-in . < 'at eli . rnrmer Sowilui-s . Pitch . Allans Andrew ! ) snya It shall be three stmlght. Jackson Stills for Australia. S.vx Fit.vxcuro , Cal. , JulySH. i'etor Jack son , the colored pugilist , sailed today for Australia , Ho expects to return In u few months. _ TlIK S l'J-1 K It II I XI ) . St. I'niil Km : en. ST , PAUI , Minn. , July 8i5. Sumiimry of to day's races : Mnldon live I\Iar- \ two-year-olds , furlongs - inora won , Mnnnoia second , V/uluut third. Time 1 :03. : Three-year-olds and upwai-Jj , mile and ono hundred yards Warpik won , Khafton see- end , Dtilw of Highlands third. Tlme-1 :4 : J/ . Swccpstnicc.1 for gentlemen riders , ono mile Bertha won , l-'actus second , Parldll third. Tltno-1 :4SV. : Ilamlin stakes , tnrce-ycnr-oldj , mile nnd three furlongs -Prlnco Fonso won , Kooes- pierre serond , Davidson third. Tlmo 3 : J3f . The value of the stakes to the winner win S-XSIO. Thrco-year-nlds and upwards , mile bents Lonirshot won In two str.ilKhts. Metid second , MeUetli II. third. Tlmo UKIJi nnd l:4 .f. -1 Itneos , SMIATOOA , N' , Y. , .Inly 30. The track wnn very muddy. Summary : Six furlong * Granite won , II. B. Million second. Isaac Lewis third. Tlwo 1:10' : . i > Spinnway stakes , two-year-old Jillies , fl vo furlongs Snlho McClelland won , Helen Wallace ( lllly ) second , Ayrshire Lass third. Time 1:00. : iilo and ono furlong I.avlni Uell won , Daisy E second , Ilnmlet third. Time 3:01 : * . . California stakes , all ngcs , ono inltn Los Au 'oles won , il.'llo D'Or second , Hindoo Craft third. Time 1 : WV . Mile and sevcntv yards Lctritia won , Royal GiirtcrBecoud.Dyorthird. Time 1 : 10. Moiiinontli I'ark Knees. Moxyorrn PAKIC , July M. The track wns a sea of mud nnd water combined. Sum mary : I'ossale stakes , all aes , throo-fourths of a mile Volunteer Heiiortcioccoud won , , Tip- stnlT third. Time 1:1 : IWf. Sapling stakes , two-j'ear-olds , three-fourths ot a mile Necromancy colt won. Uussell second , Fosford third. Time- : 1014. Stevens stakes , three-year-old i. inllo and five furlong.IJantiuet won , Kings Own second , Jersey Pat third. TiinoJi.V.)1 ) j. One mile Khono won , Ken second. Eiablo third. Time1:10. : . Mile and one-quarter Eunts won , Cliuos second , Philosophy third. Time 'l\'A : } { . Three-year-fdcU and npwoitl , seven fur longs Arao woi , Satisfaction second , Ueu- zniico third. Time Is'i'J. Soud stake , five welter weight handicap , llvo ftirlotiKs yiy Fellow won , Sirocco sec ond. Guard third. Time-l:0i. : : Two year-olds , llvo furlong.i Blithe won , Peter second , Exclusion third. Time 1 :0 : ; ! . llacos. PiTTiuruo , July 81) ) . Closingda.v of the Homowood driving parlr races. Summary : 2'J5 : trot , $1,000 Munilo Woods won , Uhiek Hawk second , Orander third. Best time 3i' : . Free-for-all trot , Sl.OM-Rosallml Wilkcs won , Pamllco second , Nobby third. Best time Bil03f. iiJO : ! pace , SI , 000 Dall.is won , Mui-cndcs second , .1 K thirl : , Bob Taylor fourth. Best time Dslujf. TtlK LOyTJt What Kffect.s it Will Have On tlio Gambling Institutions. WASHINOTOX , July 20. The report of the house committee on postofllecs and postroads to accompany tlio substitute anti-lottery bill agreed upon yesterday was filed this after noon. The committee says that present legis lation is inadequate and more forcible laws must bo enacted to prevent the use of the mails by lottery companies. The present law can bo enforced by courts only and conveys no power to tlio postmaster general. Olio of the main bcnellts to bo de rived from the substitute bill , if it becomes n law , is that which makes the act of mailing lottery letters and circulars a continuous of fense , triable by the courts in any jurisdic tion through which they nmy p.iss or into which they may go. A greater benefit , If possible , will bo the cloning of the malls to newspapers which contain lottorv advertise ments and lists of prizes , thus partially cutting elf communication between the lottery and its customers , and reducing thu number of Its victims. Tlio substitute bill , thn committee says , proposed to cure tlio existing detects hi the law by means of which the letters intended for the lottery company roach their destination through u third person or aifcnt. The sub stitute , if enacted , would permit the poll- master general to deny to nny ngont of the lottery company tlio beneilts of the registry and money order system and would result In compelling the lottery company to obtain ro- mlttnnccsthroiigh express companies or simi lar channels. A lleununl Ordered. W.IMIIXOTO.V , .luly 80. Tlio secretary of the interior today ordered a recount of the population of the cities of St. Paul and Min neapolis. , Prior to issuing tills order tlio secretary had received from Superintendent of Census Porter n letter detailing the trouble regard ing the count of the Twin cities and an In vestigation wns made by his bureau. In It hosnvs In partThe : evidence before mo inov bo summarized as follows : In all prob ability there exlste.l in Minneapolis a wide spread organized consplraoy for inflating the census of that city. This conspiracy wns only partially carried through , owing to Its early discovery. To what extent , however , the schedules are fraudulent c.m bo at pros- cut only a matter of conjecture. These fraudulcntschcdulcs take all manner of forms. Families have been swollen to nn ( norinoiln sl/oby the addition of children and boarders ; .tho capacities of existing houses have been taxed far beyond their limits by the addition of families , and houses with their contents , have been invented by the hundred.In ad dition to these p.dpablo frauds transients and mentors have been enumerated at hotels and boarding houses and employes huvo bcn enumerated nt their shops ns well us nt their bouses , in lar onumbers. . In St , Paul there has been discovered no evidence of an organ- 1/ed conspiracy , but numerous cases of Illegal additions to schedules are found. Those additions are similar in character to these discovered In Minneap olis , but lire not by any mean.a.s widespread or extensive. "In view of tills condition of things It scorns Iniiosslblj | ( to ho assured of the correct census of these two cities without making a recount tbrouirliout. " Superintendent Porter says no protest whatever has been presented that the super visors in St. I'aul or Minneapolis were par ties to the frauds , James II. Wurdle , assistant chlnf clerk of tlio census buroau"wlll , have chjirgo of the work at St. Paul , and I1.V. . Id-use , a special agent , atMlnneapolis. The Miner * ' Klglit-IInur Day. PITT.SIU.-HO , Pa. , July 2(1. ( The national ex ecutive board of the united mine workers has llxed April ! JO , IS'.II. as the date when the present system of mining coivscs and the eight-hour movement will ha Instituted. Minors everywhere are mkod to make no contract that will Interfere with tlio move ment , us the eight-hour day will not only ben- clit miners , but nilno owners as well , as It will tend to prevent frequent lapses In work nnd conduce to a U-ndy output , rather than by fits and starts us now. THE m IS STILL AFAR OFF. No Ohanoo ofn Disposition of tie ! Tariff Bill for Six Weeks SENATOR TELLEn MAKES A FEW REMARKS Mr. O.vnnnl Does Not Wnnt HtiRnr on the Krco hist Ito Only Wants a Id ttio I'm tout Ion MIsocllatiootiH. WASHINGTON ntrrtr.\u TUB OMUII Bur , ) r > i ; ( li'ouiiTKHXTii i ti-riir.r.T , X WASIIINOTO.V , D. 0. , July SO. j "I do not expect to see the tnriiTbltl posed of by the senate under six weeks , " said Senator Teller to your uoi'rcM'onilentlhiH afternoon , "nnd it Li not likely Hint the bill will become n law before the Inttor part of September , as HOHIO days will ho consumed In conference. The proposition of Mr. Hlalno will undoubtedly cut a conspicuous Ilnro | in the debate , hut 1 douht whether it will re sult In niiy kind of ultimate r-cllon. Thosuu- Kcstlon of rcdprural rolntlon.i with the American countries to the soutli of us for the purpose of opening the markets for our sur plus products is fjood and may bo prac- tlc.ible , but coiiBivjs Is Impressed with the Idea that it must do somclhlni ; itninodiately to modify thu existing tarllt laws in mi essen tial piirtleuliir iiiul this it is believed by nuny cannot bo done without placing ; seine import ant artido on the free list. I douht whether the federal elections bill will come up this sonalon. 1 believe , in point of fact , that H will not , although Mr. Hoar , tin ) chairman of the committee on privileges and elections , of which I am : i incmher , says that ho intends to do nil within his power to bring It up Im mediately after the disposal of the tariff bill. Ho may succeed but , 1 hardly HUO how ho can. 1 nni Inclined to bullovo that both ends of coiiRrcsR will bo very much worn out by the tiino the tariff 'hill is out of the way and 1 really do not bellevo it will be possible to keep a quorum of republicans in either house hero for any purjMso ultor September 1 and it may take until October 1 to dually dispose of the tariff alone. " .Senator Teller , It will bo remembered , was the lead ing frco coinage advocate during the silver discussion uml is probably better posted than any man in Washington on the subject. Con tinuing ho said : " 1 note with pleasure that cablegrams from London quo to Mr. Chaplin , the Ill-Utah minister of uKricullurc , as saying tli.it the recent rise in pi-ices of iitfriculturnl products is due to the advance In the price of silver which was occasioned by llio adoption of a silver bill by the A merlean congress , Sliver will even bo higher than it is at jircbcnt quoted and you will see farm products go up proportionately. There is nothing that will umko times easier and help the country nt larps more lastingly than t ho advance in prices for the products of farms. The silver bill will alone. In my judgment , ho snfllcient to save the republican party nt the polls in November. 1 am ono of those who believe that wo will elect a innortr ] ! of the Fifty-second congress , and if wo do 1 shall at tribute it to the effect of the silver bill. An administration that niaUes times better can succeed Itself. There may bo those who pro- nouncothia 'intlimmiMon , ' but it is business senseas well as i oed polities. I expect to see silver KO up considerably higher and to see the fat-mom get higher prices for their products the coinlii } , ' season Unin they have since the wiir , excepting probably the season * when there wore crop failures. " DON'T WAM- rums bffiAi1. . \ Mr. Oxnard at Grand Island , Keb. , who U establishing n hu'go sugar industry iu the northwest , after talks with men in the senate today expressed the belief that sugar would not bo put upon the frco list. Mr. Oxnanl Is ashing Umt at least one-half of the present duty on raw su ar shall bo maintained and ho hello vc3 that as a compromise on the proposi tion of Mr. lihilim M per rent of tho. . duty on sugar will actually bo i-ctalueU. Ho guys that the lur o acreage of augur beets wldeh Is growing in Nebraska looks very Hue and ho believes that the result will ho thoroughly satisfactory in every particular. lie only asks that congress will afford him protection fora short time Iu order that ho , may get his establishment upon its feet and enc-ourajo the farmers in sugar beet culture. nontr.Y'ri IIANKIXO HIM , , Chairman Dorsoy of the bouse committee on banking and currency today made a unanimous report from his coinmitto recom mending the adoption of his bill forthorcth-e- incut of national b.uik circulation , and says bo has assurances from Senator Sherman that it will receive unanimous action at Uio bands of the senate committee on liminco and will bo promptly passed after tlio bouso has ncteil. Tlio bill provides that the compulsory requirement of deposits of beads with the treasurer to secure national bank circulation shall bo limited to SI 0,030 for every national bank , provided that thu voluntary with drawal of bonds for tlio retirement of national bank notes shall not exceed the sum of .y < , U)0ii [ ) ( ) ) ) in any month , nndthis act shall not apply to deposits of bonds which may bo required - quired by the secretary of the treasury to secure - cure deposits of public moneys in the national banks. The bill further provides thnt ther.j shall bu Issued to the national banks circula tion to the full par value of the bond ? de posited , hut at no lime shall the amount of such notes issued to any bank exceed tlio amount actually paid iu of Its capital stock. Mr. Horsey says that h llnds quite nil tlio objection made to tlio issuance of bank notes to the full par value of bonds deposited within tlio belief that the bank circulation Is profitable to banking associations , wbllo In point of fact the circulation ha loss , nnd now that the banks may not Im required to ISMIU moro than ? I.OUO each in circulation , it will bo plain to any one that the circulation Is simply a nominal matter In tended only to create a link between private affairs ami the federal government so that tlio Inltor may have supervision over the In terests of private individuals for their pro tection. Undoes not believe that there will In- any objection or that there could bo any objection of a soi-ions or Intelligent nliuractor to a measure of this kind and he Is confident of the adoption of the bill nt tlio present ses sion. Mr , Dofuy baa been directed by bH committal to calf Uio inoasuru up at tlio llrst opportunity and put It upon Its passage. , Mit * . t HOOK'S ITS-MOX. Senator Paddock arniiiued tldi morning with Senator 'jornmn to olTur an amendment to his bill pensioning Airs. Crook , the widow of tlio late General Crook , which had been cut down bv the petitions committee from tf..OW ) togl.'JOO a your.Vlicn tlio calendar was reached tills afternoon Senator Clonnaa accordingly made the motion that the pen- tdon bo ilxcd atiXl ( ) ) . Senator 1'adiloclc made an address to the senate on the subject , aiulon liobalf the committee on pensions iu'- copted the bill. The bill will now ( " ' to thu liouso for ita concurrence. Upon motion Ot Senator 1'addock this afternoon tlio bill pen sioning off Mrs. Mum' ' } Miller of Ulair wiu called and passed. nn.u- riiiiTiiu' Di.M.v : > ; ris. ( Jreat pressure Is being brought to boar by the deaf soldiers , snllorsandmarlues through out tlio country to Induce tlio house commit tee on rules to give a hearing to thu bill to in- creasy th < ? vvii'siou for total deafness to ? W u month. Tids proposition oiily contemplates it slight increase of expenditures each year , us the army of deaf soldiers Is very small. Under the proposed increase the annual ex penditures for pensions to deaf soldiers will only aggregate alioat t-'i.i,00l ( ) , Some very potent arguments \vero mailo last winter in favor of the bill by Captain Foster of Indian apolis , who Is set-rotary and treasurer of thti " .silent army of deaf soldiers , sailors and marines , " The bcncilclarii's are addresnlng luttors to tlio cornmittco en rules , nml especially Speaker Itced , and are making seine very ctfcctlvn appeals , but thoronppeniu to bo little Impo for action before the next session of congress , A favorable report bas boon nmdo upon th bill of Mr. Dolllver removing tlio chat-go of desertion from the military ruonlof f.oonzoS Coltln , late chaplain of the Thirty-second Iowa volunteers , coxrmifiNcn. Them was n secret conference between tlio republican members of the liouso committee on ways and moans today over Mr. IHalno's attitude regard I IIR Iho sugar section in the tmilT bill. It was ( Urocd ( that no action should be taken cm thu part of the liouso till thu bill reaches the conforoneo committee and no aetioa at nil unless the senate modi-