Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1890, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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The Most Complete REFERENCE LI 111 the World ,
Tlio "KncycloimUu Brltrmnlca. contains no Diojrruihy ] of versons , no matter
how note dor prominent in mould inf , ' the events of to-du. % thoymay bo , untl' ' eui'h
persons aio DMA 1) , The. Americanized Eiicyclopmdla I3iitiinnici contains tno
THE OMAHA DA1LT BEE offers a year's subscription Ulojirnphics otover . 3,000 iiotodpeitonairosof TO-DAY , not mentioned In the Kiiir-
prllsh edition. The
lliipjclojiL-ilia BiitunnScn says nothing about LUsnmtclc ,
scription the paper including the Sunday issues Glidstono , Victor lingo , illniiio , Cleveland , \\'hlttiur. Chlnusu Gordon , 1'arnoll ,
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sonages living nnd dead , brought down to date. Is is the Encyclo on payment of $ > 2.5O and the balance payable $2.50 "Where the Kiiglitjli edition devotes from three to ten column subout nn EIIR--
paedia Drltonnica latest edition remodeled so as to fit itfor A.rneii- lish re unti orto\\n and from half to two columns to an American State , tlio
can homes. It 1ms been rearranged , by Americans for the xise of per month. The other five volumes to be delivered Kncvc.loDa > din , Jlritannica roveises this order , giving three to ton
Americans. The latest edition of the original "Brltannico , " was -within four months. columns loan American SUite and from half to two columns to tlio Kngliah county.
compiled nearly fifteen ycnrs ago. The Americanized edition has -AN ILLTJSTFiATION.
been revised and corrected to the present year. This Work is a AJ1 our present subscribers are entitled to all the The Uncvclopi-dinBrltiuiiiit-ii i\09 nn exhaustive troatlso on an English
library of the most useful and entertaining reading on an almost in advantages of this great offer. count } , nainclv Hertfordshire . . , and oulv nineteen Hues to an American city , \ \ / . ,
finite variety of subjects. It contains the history of every country in. Montgomery , Alab.irrn.
the world , the biography of every celebrated individual of ancient People living outside of Omaha can a ail them THE AMERICANIZED
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The merits of this liberal and mammoth literary sohenie can only be judged by careful investigation , and "weearnestly solicit every reader to give the attention to this
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THIS WORK " CA.N ONLY BE OBTA.INED in connection-with THE DA ILY BEE. IT MUST BE SEEM TO BE A PFREC1ATE1D. The binding is not as might bV
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Where Pleasure , Leisure and Courtly ItTen
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AliHtocrallo Associations Connected
ultli These Illch Abotles rorget-
lIiiB thoV ) rlcadiiy AVorld
Wlicro DainoH nre Queens.
PAIU , July 17. [ Special Correspondence
of Tnr Ilir. ] Tlicro is a very gcucial idea
that Ufa nt an KiiRllsh countiy liouso Is the
most charming In tliovoild. . So ibis with
ono cxccptlon-aiul that is life In u Trench
chateau. The Trench house has nil tlio lux-
iiiies of the English one , does not hosltito
to iinport inno\.itioiis fi-oin .Atnoilca , and lias
subtle something In the v\y , of hospitil-
lly and considcuition that is impossible in the
tight little Isle thntls so full of Itself It do-
nlos the right ofoveiybody else to live wisely
or hnpplly ,
wiiciin Nomr'Mrs wisrn * xn rnAStnn ,
Coining up to this French chateau , thorols
nnn\cnuu of llmo trees nearly two miles In
length. U'hoyloolc like gicat , tajpscivitors
bowing yon a : iolcoino , as they did years airo
to his eminence , Cardinal Hlchellou , to > the Marshal KUhelleu , Louis lo GL-.ind ,
and lo nil the hosts of bravo men
and beautiful women who ucro their
pucbts. 'llio Picnchonnn understands
the tut of hospitality , the llncst expression of
a welcome. You uio met at C.iliia by a man
servant , and fioin thattlniooa vhoroyouaro
( joint. , or howjouaio to got tlicro is his affair
and iiotjours Attention from him to you ho
liinku you led Is his giontost delight , and , at
ten a loolc of fatigue , he seems to icnow how
to iiiiiUo thing ! ) more ( .hcerM and jou inoro
nt your case.
A rnrxcn v vi rr'.s DUTIES.
In. KnglnnO.licro the man servant Is so
much to the ioiethoj nio apt to forgot that
In J'limeo ho la o\en n RixMter pou-ir , but a
power restrained by u nil on hand encased in
avehet glove , or , to icacliup to tbla nino-
tccntli ccntuiy , an undressed Uid one. To the
bncbelor ho brings up his cup of eoltee , fivsh
( gtf mid ioil In Uionioinhig , then hotlxcshis
balhanil , if liolumioMiletof liHo n , assists
hlinla diesslnp. A little ) htorho is gottlni ?
the loom in oidcratid later in the diy lie is
DUO la a low of Uuuldos , radiant lu gold lace ,
ready to attend to your wants at dinner , to
pick nil a tiuly's fan , or to elo whatever his
mind liudeth for him to do. Poison ally 1
prefer men seivants , and I wish wo could in
troduce this rromh custom In America. Tlioy
are more polite , inoi'o exucl , and more to bo
depended on than women.
i.iri : ix A niL\cn in I.TEHJ.
How does life go through nil the long- sum
mer day IYell I , suy that your hostess is n
duthess la Uuchesso Belle-Yeuvo , In the
moinlng , Just when the sun's lays nvuker
, \ ou , thciv Is brought a cup of tc.i or a cup ol
collie , as you may deslro , imel witli it , if vou
lime ) a bit of nn n pi'tlto , au ogR and a pluco
of biuad nnd butter orn roll. After that you
dally n\\ay the inoinlng hours dressing- ,
writing' loiters or rending llio iwpew About
1'J o'clock you go elo\ui stairs. Hero in tbo
great blj ; , bo.uitifiil library , n llbraiy rieh In
old books and with that curious Biiull of Uus-
sin leather that should poniulo a libnu-y , you
inoct the jest of tlio pe'oplo.
About 1 : 3 comes the dejeuner a In
fourohctto. The table would delight tlio 03 o
of an artist. On It there Is no cover-tho
mahogany glittering and reflecting things
liken minor. Llltlo senl ttci iiro placed
hero and there under the dishes , uiu :
fruits , such as you can Kit only In
Franco. are piled high up tu
silver b.isltets and bowls , vhllo there is n
beautiful display of class and china. rir t ,
of course , yon uro turned \\lthegij8 , Cooked
BOII I Well , onh the chef knows , but you
liny bo icrtnln tnat everyday fora month
bey HID cooked In Homo inoro different and
-vo liilrlcJto way. After tbr- follow the
usual courses that -would bo ser\ed atnn
elaborate lunch.
WIILKI : ii.isiui : IVD ri.Kkstruc AIIOUXD
Then wo nil drift in to the 9 Uon ; this is a
long , beautiful furnished loom having ;
spe'chl puts of it fledicUed to special niitlon-
alitiM , ai.d about , \\hicb , prottlly oiiougii , the
women dispose theinsehos , if they think thuir
gowns are in older A young American ulrl ,
who Is in bur tennis get-up , i < sitting stlnty
on a quaint old c'hnir tint might have been
carved foi a father confessor ; an English.
\ \ oiniiilth lullllko the r-uen's wing ( by-
the-by , why dowoovei say that ! Whoever
sees a raven close enough to know just the
color of Ills whip ( } , n icl wliois pletui-csquo In
a white gown , has gene off into an nlcovo ,
uhero a Moorish effect is produced by the
use of deep iich colois , while the hostess
herself , hcsscd in u jnuslin , is seated on a
sprigged couth tint cortaiuly must have been
niado in the days of Louis KtV. ow
cvcijbocly is arranging Mhat they will do
with themselves. Some to dike , some to
pla > tennis , some \9iy energetic souls to
show their sltill nt cricket , loained from the
Ihiullsli tutor , and some ) men , on sclcntilio
mm bent , to show ulint expert billiardists
tboj ui-c So you dohat jou please. Vou gossip about the fashions or you can read
the hlstoiy of the old house You can pain
health and sticiiKtli by buttling with the ten
nis or ciiclcot balls , or you drive out be
hind a uotidtiful piir of ponies innnngoJ by
tliomostbo.iutifulof 1'arlsluuiies and visit nt
a neighbor hit' chiteau.
\\irn \ iiiuTrr OM WTO rouiirnv ,
Tivo o'clock IrlntH every bodj ) togotho
ngiln to have tei and see the tlilldien. Tci
Is really tea , nothing lelngservedwith It but
brc id and butter , some simple caltes and a
little fuilt. The hostess is in a .Tanpiaeso
get-up , for Picric Loll has made the Japan-
cso uruzo bpicad ufivsh , and the arabor-
lined bcvcuigo Is soncd ut a quaint
little table from under a hugo Jap
anese umbiellu occupies ono corner cf
tlio draw ing room. Uvt-rybody his some
thing to tell about whit 1ms happened since
thej last met , and the something to tell when
it comes from a 1'iencli buln is aUvij's intei-
estlng. The children are simply dicssed and
pleiMint , plump littlodots. Tlioy nio handed
about something after the fashion of sugar
plums , nnd nro ready for u lompornplav
with whoever may bo roidy to romp with
them. This Is the tlmo when Ics convenances
aio f 01 cotton that ii , in their disigive.iblo
sense , for u rrcnth notmin never forgets to
bo polite under nny eiiui instances. When
she is jouii } ; she has gi.ieo of manner nnd
wondei fid tact by inheritance , as she frroMs
older ills all Increased , until ills marvellous ,
fiom expciienco
( lOSNllor A. fit \TflU DIXMR.
Seven o'clock finds the phco deserted ,
everybody Is dicsslng for dinner , nnd S
oVlock sees lovely women in most boautlf id
frocks and men in linnijculato dress suits
scitodat a tablothnt would have delighted
the e > es of Lu callus The dinner is more
thin elaborate , but the amount of gold , sil
ver , ihio glass , and china on tlio table makes
it not only a joy forever , but to the English
oje possessed of special \aluo-a value
counted by it far bojond the beauty , \ftcr
your soup and fish jou begin to talk witti
jour neighbor.
She Is an American married to a French-
mm , nnd t-ho tells jou this liinny llttlostoiy
aiicn t a famous boiuty , who hnl been be
trothed to lier husband before she over met
Said she , "I was n little under the weather ,
and so when she called I hal toaslc her to
coitio to my loudoir , Oa \witing-desk
htonel n plitiiuiof my husband , one , ha hiil
given mo when I th t mot him , and which
uas > tiamod very gorgeously In silver. After
she had talked about herself u whllo she )
\\cnt over to this picture , giveIt the most
loving look , nnd said , 'Ah ' I ho liad
that talicn for niol1 Angry I Of
course I was niifry , but my natlvo wit
didn't descit mo. I waited for a few minutes
after saying , 'Uid ho ! ' And then I reached
out and got a little case from the tublo just
beside mo , opened It , and showed her tholc | -
turo InsUlo. It was the of IBJliusbnnd
and mjself taken togotbcr on our -wedding
trip , imel then I announced , 'Ho had that
taken for mo. ' 1 don't thlnls she will boroma
again , " You couldn't help but lough , Itwas
such nn SnteiibUyomnuly thing to do , and I
really thluk it took nn American woman to
me rnrxciiMANorTomr.
Opposite you Is the Pi-cnchmun of today.
Ho is no longer the rutlicr cffemlnato , rather
undonlzed man with the waxed nmsuiche.but
be is a \\ill built , big fellow , w bo has beeu
-mined after the English fashion with tbo
French ideas. That Is , bo has the Kiulish-
nan's manliness and the I'lonelinitn's uoui-
: esy , tlio .Englishman's good lojls and the
L ivnchinan's ' oxquibito iicituuss. Ho is ncni-
5st to poifection a man can get uu-
ess ho went up nnd sat on
i plllnr nnd made all the women ia the
world unhappy. Voirs ago this tj pe'uis un-
Icnown in l r.mcc , but it Is ciuious to see how
the men have sci/od on the Kuglishirtucs
without losing their own , nnd with whit ap
proval the women look on. IJvin Modaino
Bernhardt's git-at desire was to have her son
look like an Englishman.
Whenever wo Englishspoaklncpeople pet
among the Fiench wo ought to kick our-
sUves-metaporically If wo nro women ami
physically if wo are mca. Why I Bec.iuso
if a Frenchwoman Imows tonljngltshv\orJs
sbo will do lior best to helii you out it you
don't speak much Fioncb. She will never
smllo at your utioclous accent , and .she will
oncourigo joti until you thiiilc jour words ,
which ha'vo n flavor of South Fifth avenue
with a stiong cocknoj element adJcd to
them , are the purcat Parisian. Then you
RIOVV courigeous and plunge in , and alter
tint you hive nvory good tinio In a sunihr
situation au l iig'ishu-oman ' thinks it's ' very
funny when a Fu'iiolnmui trios to spem
Knglish ; bhu doesn't ' hcsltnto to laugh , nod
she shows no sympathy -whatever in his
struggles to bo polite to her.
Till ! MODKHN rillNCIlVlOMlV.
Cnglish women do not compare well with
Trontli ones. The Inttor lsci\ilizcl , the otluir
is on the road toll , v 1th the odds against
lier getting thcro. Ifor idea of wit Is a pric-
tlcal joke ; her idea of aftor-dlnner conveisa-
tlon is nn off-co'ur ' fatory , She his few big
\iituc3 and no littloones The Ficiicbwoniaa
vould die for n cause ) 01 a belief , would work
for it , would Intrigue for it. and would bo
capnblo of doing almost anything for the sake
of a friend
Slioundcrstnnds the art of smnll tallc with
out indulging in a scandal , and gossip to her
possesses no attraction unless it Is witty ; for
leMUty , bi lins and brawn she 1ms a gioat nd-
inlratioa , but she can bo gentle and kind ,
sweet nnd syinpitbetio vvhcro none exists
Shoiovcromes blood , and an impoverislioil
hdy fioin the Tnubourg is tie.ited as a guest
of honor , vvheio milllonniieswhoso titles no
recent , uro counted of little worth. Iho
Amciiean womin Is nearer to the French
than is the English , but oven the Ainorieaii
woman might Imitate hcrlnsomoiespcutsad-
vnntagcousiy. litno uro some of her vir
tues !
She looks well , -which means not In n fussy
way , after her household.
She is the best of mothers and the most
affectionate of daughter * .
Sheis patient with her liusbnnd , ghlnp
him n sinllo when she knows ho ilcscives
something else , but belio\lug that it isnl-
wuvsa better weapon thnii a cross word.
She can talk for one hour In a pleasant way
about things nnd places and uevcr say u dis
agreeable woid about people ,
Slio mnv bo the center of attraction at the
dinncr-tuhlo or in the ball room , and slio is
beautifully unconscious of It
She can wear a cotton frock so well that
you will wonder why you ovoi thoughtslllc
or velvet \\oitli consideration.
Sha shows respect for oviry man's religion ,
all that she shudders nt Is laek of it ,
She has read the last new book , seen the
Inst now picture , heard the last ncs\v \ opera ,
hut If you bmvon't she uoAer unites you con
scious of her greater alvantnges.
She rules in n countiy whoio Salic law docs
not exist , and nilcs by making her sons aJoro
lior , her father love her , and her husband
resect her. 13 ui.
TPlko's peak Is clobrated for its elec
trical storms. Aceoidlng1 to the mo-
teoiolo < , 'lca.l observations reported from
thcio tliobtorinsonly occur when thoalr
Is inolbt ; the mcbt favorable condition ia
tlurlncr the tiinotilifht,6oftfuovv' ; is lull
ing , Whoii the hands uiolicld up sparkH
oinnniito from the tips o ( the flgers. At
such times , with coiisidonililolnd , tlio
uncmomotor cups look lil < o a clrclo of
lire. Enuli llakoof tino\vti3 , It alights 011
n niulo'j or hurra's back , g-i\os ft spark
llko ti tlrobiifr , The station \uis once
struuk by llfflituliijj. The oloctriolty
caino down the nnoinomotor rod , follow *
ingulonptho vviro runninir to the bat
tery. Uveiy plaoo the vviro ciosscd n
nail the head of the nail % MIB f u0ed and
the who melted at tlio tame point.
It DOJS Not Consist in La-vish Erpjadituro
or Loud Disphy.
iVvold llrilllant Colors , I'rotioimcuil
ns a.iul Slnlllncss
AVilh Conqu rlnjj .Inns AVo-
nian's hit llcuttiiillty.
It requires soiiicthins more than a long
purse and n fnsliionablo TOillinor to cinblo
ono alvvajs to bo dressed just as ouoought to
bo. The best drosied vvonnn is by no me ins
always the ono wlio Is irrajed with the most
splendor and costliness ; and to know how
t clicks aecoiillngto tlio occasion is as much
an nit as to know how to dross tit all , says
Harper's Bazar. In one's own ho me to out-
diess one's yuc t Is a iiidtaess and unkind-
ness' , the house , the equipage , the ictinuo ,
the entouraio ; tlioholo oatiblitjliincnt , is
thera to speiilc foi ono ; tlio pcrsoirU attire
can bo of the inot niodut Onoecrtainlj
would never icvivo thi ! shifulm rretieh cus
tomof rccohhiLj m ono's ntsrht-droas and in
bed , nu afCcctation of simplicity \\hlch win
roully an extrava aneo of luxury , since it
served tlio pnrposo of oxbibitlng npiofusion
of rich laces in curtains , coverlet , cap and
dress , tmd gcncril eouipnicnt , livaling the
spider's voik , au \voith 1 a king's r.msoni ;
for , upait from tlio Indelicacy .md Inproprio
ty of that fashion , It is not vviso to usjumo
anj slniilicity | whoso subtoifugo can ho seen
through 'llio oicss that is not conspicuous
with , uur liiif , nor an object of env.v. and yet
line enough lo show jvipcct for ono's guests ,
is cisilj urraiiKcil by tlio vvonnnlio \ hno\\s
how to dress at all Hut on the other
hand , an attire tint is too modest is
equally out of phuo on the guest , for it
seoins to assume that the entei ttiliuncnt ii
Infeiior. nndthoc'on\i\esof no consequence
It is belter for the ( 'uest to lo overdressed
than for tlio lw > tcjs b ttei for the guoat
Uian to bo uudoidressed ; she need not fed
uncomfoi table if shohas comoin adress out
shining of every ono eKe present , since
the worst that can bo slid of It is that she
thoufrht the occasion worthy of it.
Hut , In fact , tlio aitistin dress will ft vol I
either of these extremes , vcarlinr nothing too
rich or too poor , too fanciful nnd tuthetlc , or
toojilaln and couso ( Joispicuous dn'ssinr
Inn been ono of tlio disorders of tlio ago , and
if the tailor-mndo dress lind not run into tbo
region of costliness , It ouldluna wiought
wondoii for women of till grides Tbo pei-
fectly dressed \\oiaan causes no ono to tuia
the head and glance at her , unless
for her clinruln ? eiibcniblo , but If bv
any acildciit the glance ia nritotcd niidllxtd
on her toilette , then it is scon to bo faultless.
Only in the private doptlii ot one's ' boudoir ,
where none but intimates have ncces ? , can
any ecconlilcitlo- drcts bo Indulged , ami
tiicro ono can cultivate the picturesque at
ono's OVMI sweet will , If It Is roully ivortli
while to give tlio sultjocl .so inuoh attention.
The chief tlilngto iciaeinbci Is that a stjlo
of dreas becomes a virt of ono's own per
sonality , ot ouo'i liulhlduallhtn , unJ ono
would aluajs picfe'i- that tUat should bo
Kllincnts VH. I'nriilttirc ) .
It used to bo furniture , now it is the flt-
incnts that inalco rooms bright and charmiug
tmd produce , luxury , It
must not bo inferred by Oils that splendor is
essential , sijs llio Now VorVWoild. Many
a houscwllo liaaniado a Ustinj liniircssloii on
tha mind of lior guest bj the blnipllcity and
liannoniouj arrang-cinent of a recaption hall
or sleeping room. Who docs not ivinembor a
country house furnished In niaUiu ? onvllloiv
orthodolii'titful night's rest in a blua bed
room , with white Swiss curtains that every
hrwttiof uli-Btlned , with the little cliamher
Ion tarn nulled vvith mo-lB ! " ' that gleamed
softly all night from tlio bureau top. with
snowy bed linen that breathed sweet clover )
If ono-hulf of the money i > pcut for moauotto
carpets , plush covcicd pnior sets and coin-
paniou pictures vvoroused on ' lifiwiits" tha
homo voulclbo aniuea sweeter place than It
When : Mr * . Cleveland was Ihlng at the
Victorh , she took up the studv of intorlou ,
ntnl instead of writing to fumltino dcalcin
for pi ice lists , stia wioto to decorators for hi-
tenor designs.Vith \ these for suggestions
she thought up her homo waichis an Ideal
one. This jiicco of advice f loin an interior
nitlst she laid to henit : "Have : w to
pieces ot anything ilia room , nor in the house ,
it'joii ( an lielp It.- If n woman lives In her
OMII liouso she ii in dee 1 blessed for she cnn
d mini oflnit she vouldlilce to hive , which
nftor sill is the keynote to domestic content.
The wood ilnlsher will uiranso
the flrojlace , carry the mantel
cclling\v.ini \ , annex shelves for
boolcs and prescivo tlio frie/o line by flttinij
Aloorisli trniboias in the doors and over tlio
vindoi&Vithhisaidcouche3 \ cm bo built ,
oablnets stationed and nntlijuo seats and
uhcsits plmed In odd corners. This done , the
house Is almost ready lei oceiipinov nnd the
furniture , If bought as needed , will in time
complete tlio homo 'llieio are too many
Jininclilly ilecor.itcd houses and too few
restful homes With nn innito scnscoC llt-
ncss avvoniia vlth a fe\vdolhrs ( in beautify
a parlor , appoint a libiary or a dininif room
and llx u chamber in n way that will satisfy
any inoital In the quiet combination tint
ono associates vvith "htinents" thoioshould
bo soft lights and mellow tints ; thodr.ipcr-
ice must lung loosely nnd liido their beauty
spots ; thovvall must ba too modest to taunt
tno pictuus mid the caipet too lowly to pio-
tcit that it is expensive Uvciy ailieloof
furnitiue must hino n re as in for its exist
ence , and plenty of soft cushions aiencoiled
to iiiMte leposo. The moment the eye is
irritated or tlio f nicy arrested a chmgo Is
Ji"cded. Somtthhig is theio which should
not bo tolerated. Flatlilo its ndvan-
tigc'sbutlliit-furnhbeu , toooften fatult their
loomi until thcro is no loom to move and no
tilr tobre.ithe. The caipot lounn'o should ba
liltehed out the window ; llio hand painted
plariucs and velvet tidUs put inthokitchon
lingo , tno tripods slionld bo jumped on , and
the cheap slabs Java and china va os dropped
down the air shalt liip up 30111 bnitacls
cirpct anil lay duvn m.itting , hnolouinor
terry If vein fiunltuto is worth renovating
hivotlio liisidis UiKcn out and thonlleijed
tipcslry icphi ed byUnglHli cutomio ; pro-
fur kither and ratlin to upholstered gools ,
and don't ohoko tlio doorway a by hanglair
cheap tuicom ins there
Mrs nila DiLtz Clynvr owes much of her
icputitlon us tbo "beautiful1 president of
Korosls to her use of hei urnnt siys tlio Ko\v
yorl < MoruhiKiIournnl Jf she disposes her
self statuesquely a'uniit thihlgli b.ulc of lior
cirvcil eluir she Itoiitont witli so much
plctuicsciuoncii ni is compatible with the
cilmpoiso ofa good piL'sidlng ofllcjor Ifoo-
cnsion arises for lier to throw an nitlvoox-
presslon Into herpobtine bho gets just the
jiernilssabto olfeet , no more , no less , out of
nor graceful armi I Jut no woman off the
suigohnstho ac-trcss'
Lillian Hnssell has splendid , rips , full-
coloicd nuns , a little hea\y , perhaps , and
suggesting the Tuildsh bath i.ither than the
BUifldno , but stiong throughout nad llun ;
such arms as tpeakof tlio fulnosi of recogni
tion , before the coming of the nnrlcsof time.
Julia Ahilowo lias a litho , graceful youiiK
arm , it reminds ono of Mau'arctMathcr'sbo-
fore that young woman qiwrieled with lior
niiimgcrand began to grow Hesliy. Atidyet
Miss Mather's aim AVUB alwiijs too long.
Miss Marlowe's ' is oxqulsltlrcly proportioned
nnd eleurly , daintily modeled. It isa Diana
arm , or lathcrtlnit of ono of Dliiiu'cnvnmhs
mow youthful tli.m tlio huutiess. It has
about it no mark of passion
Mrs. Kcndnl's linn \thensho U onlhcslngo
Is llko her f uco as ono sees it off the stage ,
serenely and hcdttifully matronly llcsr
upper arm Is peculiarlv muscular Itorskin
has a cream/ tint and tha elbow is Ino-
CanncncItaconlJ not ha'vo become the mgo
that she Is but for her soft , olive-tinted , ex
pressive anus , tint dance quite ) nsmucli as
her feet , but are even inoro graceful , as they
llo heavily on her knees after the Impusloned
performance , than duiingttieirinusio-qulck-
eneJlifons tlioy wave and uiiclo above her
' iiant.durkoycd faco.
-Jill Lchinann has extremely handsome
arms. A sculptor inlk'ht. model fioin them.
Youno\er appreciate their beuuty when Bho
Is on tliostayc , because your attention Udls-
trailed by tier orange colored wit , ' unel the
yardsoii jirdsof roll mere with wblc-h slio
curiously disJUnres the goldes'cs of "tt'nl-
hilla If she would only Rivothciii hnlf n
chance , licr arms aio splendidly wnrm-
sklmicel , m.xj optically stionK-tha very anus
of Bumhildo or Isolde.
IMtti's arms uro lilco pcirl sntln In color
nud tovturo. Alb.mi's are not vvollfonnod.
Mrs. Hodgson IHnnctt treats hci arms about
tlio least skilfully , and Gcncriwo blobbing
lias .ibout the best arms of coiitcinpouuicous
Of society bells , Mabel "Wright , now Ivtrs.
Y > 111711 , luis perhaps tliovldes t-spre id icpu-
tition for ariiH.
Miss Ellmbcth lilslind hit the prettiest
arinsof nny writla ? vvomanltU n youtu *
and \irfflnal delicacy of round inir.
The prettiest wilst level sa\v belonged to
n mite of school tcichcr loss tlnn live foot
high , who was hiiilt hand anil foot like tin In-
tii' lie Venus Tlio commonest fault of n
vvoiiuu'sarinls excessive largeness at tlio el
bow , tluro is petulance niitl not strength In
suuliiiiv aiticiiutioii. Kverjl > ody rumombors
tlio struggle of Mu .Tames Brown ljottci's
te.i.elior.3 with her lireprussiblos ,
Woman' * 1 iilf > l Irul nut
Tlio woni \vliojo intellect haibooiitmlnea
will not bo nuccisiu'Ily n podintteboio 01 an
oveipowunigforie in the tumil ) , tlio bettor
her tr.iinliifr , the bett M her balance ; thobot-
tcr her uiidcMtaiiilinn' of hci houseUold'a
needs and her ability to meet them , tlio bet
tor ill she Unow bo\v to iiUlnainUncie.iso
the affection oiico sccuiud and to inilco lior
honw alltliattho Uo.ilhoniocoull be Beauty
ivlllstill bo b'autj.chann uIll still bo cliirm ,
andm-adenuul honors etui not btnp nomen of
cither ; uid tlio lo\o \ tint isnttrneteilhy thoui
when uriomiiiiiioiby thorouKli Intellectual
dux-cloptnoiit h a live Mhleli will outlust that
cuptuioilby tbo tili'lcsnud artnvhldi \ Itlndlo
bnta tcinpoiary ( liuio , for the development
of tlio mind devtlones nnd onlii cs
nil the icit ol tlioboliij , other thitijs being
cquil. It is well luioivn tliut tlmtu aio no
better inothcH , nor nioro faltliful wives , nor
moie ncLOiiiiilishcd liouiolieopcrs , nor moro
delightful guasts , than can bo found nmotif ;
out present nilturcd , loauicd and literary
women. All the eJucition lu tlio Morlilwill
notcr.idluiitofioin the fcininiiio unturo the
household iiibtinpU ortholovoof liomo and
chlMton No\vb.eio \ is ical lutollectiiil train-
iaKfouinl tou-o.ilicn the fiminiao t\pobut ; ,
on llio contrary , lioines arc liner , Huioi-moro
exalted , .mil happier under its po\vor \ It
brinjjs about a pa-ceptlon of mutual lights
that docs not uomo to tlio ignorant ; it prevents -
vents cncronrtnnint ; it rondois duo liouor ;
,1111(111 lmo\vs how to proli c-o comfort nnd
joy , and puts the ltio\vlodn'o \ to use. When
nt last nnyvido nuniljcr ol wonion thus
trulned for gcnoratloni hnvo married for it
innrriti e is not tabo tlio nlin oftheso womoii ,
it Ii , utatiy i.ito , tlio destined end of these 111
of nil otliou- . nut have | innrilcd men who
dldnotsuffci1 themschosi to bo outsti only bo a iniijlity race of men nad voincn
which Mill bo bout uiiilrcatediompiied\vith
whoso null ic\em \ it nil tint \vcha\o at pre
sent will scan rudlmcntaiy.
"XYuiiirti us A.i-.hItcutH ( ,
About the broadest , rlilie tfleld for fom-
inlno taloiitln tbis countiy is offoiod in the
architctts's protosion It presents countless
adiantijcs and scarcely aslnxlo diiab'ility to
the sex Jn fiicilltj and skill in the use ol
tluir win-Ill uomnn are ulKuilj Uviils of
men , ami yet for lack of piopei direction they
fritter away their abilities duorallnty chini
teacups , with iv lot of other trumpery , while
thomuwullno aitlst scu liiinsojf to innldng
his art pay , sa\s \ the Illustrated American
Talcen for ( , ' ! tcl tint neither onohas u suf-
Helen t gift a ? n wlorlst , anatomist , or oilslnnl
dcslgtur to pnint woithy pictures , thuir tactics -
tics uronlbwiihcr dlffoioiit 'llio maa linino-
( liatclyapprccIaUs his limitation nnd Htudlm
some of the lesser branches , whllo the voincu
maintains n hopeless stiu 'lo against fate. It
would bo but Httlni ; that women HliouUl excel
In tlio sclenco oj hoiue-phniilni ? and house
building , for their hcirUi and iloarest Inter
ests aio centered thcio. In llio adaption of
cloiota , cupboard * and bultorleu , In sun ants'
departments nnd kltclicu conveni
ences , tloy nro born connoisseurs ,
AVby , then , none , or so very few. turn
their attention to architecture ft Is dlfllcult
to explain unless , IndcoJ , they ha\o \ lacked
spur toset thoinon the right pith. There U
sinill doubttliatlf n clctcr druughtoinun ,
one who hut studied tlio primary nnd Inter-
xnedlatt de rcci tborouKlily , ihoulil ajiprcn-
tiio heraolfto ono of the inuiiv tlnns esUib-
lisliccl throughout tlio country , slo would In
tlmo stand just us fall a tbunco iw any inulo
cinployoofiaiiing1 \ pioinotion anil Unanoia
distinction i
'VVhorotlioUflllinnt Olrls Oo ,
Jllss Tiuvictt's triinnph In the mathcml >
tic-.d tripos puts the crowi on a loiif ? series
of successes bv lulv stiukuts nt Cimhildgo ,
the 1'all Mnll Oazotto ' '
bajs 1'horo ha\o now
been lady "seniors" In all the Impoituut
triposes ( except I uv ) llcio istholist :
C .Moral Science Trijios In ISSrt Jiiss , Tonn ?
win br.iclcoUd senior In ISSI Miss Moberly
W.H s Miler , mil so in 13SI w.\s Miss I IiiKlies.
lllstoiieal Tripos In lto(5 ( Miss Holloaon
( daiiBhtor of the Into Oxfoid piofessor o !
zoolofrjvni ) Inuckded senior , and In 1837
Miss IJhneho Paull vns similarly placed.
Medieval md Modem LanraiiKO Tilpoa '
IIoo theio luivobucn foul lady suitois. Ii ( *
ISVi two ladles nnd no men wcra plated in tha' '
tlist class , riiolulltshn \ uoru placed in
nlphabetionl order , \voro Miss Cliamborlla
and MUs bkeat ( diiUKhtir of Pro ! Skoat ) .
In IbST lUIss Iioroyms \ senior , and In ;
IbiS IMIss TuUo ( whoso fiitlicrisell
inconiiec'tiou with sUioines of Irish
tion ) . Finally , thoicurothrco siiCL-esso. ot
Miss limibav in the classical Tiipos , Ib87 ,
and of MissKavuult in the mutlioniitlcal ,
IbW. Of tlioio eleven lad ) hcuiors , tvo
cjiino fioin Oiiton , Miss Jones nnd Miss
Katnsay , tlio real fi oni Kcwiiliani
it is often asked what hivoiuoi of lady
students \\hfii they Icivo ( .ollogo A fo\r \
particulars about some of these l.idy bcniuu
may therufoio be ruldod IVlIss Hnni'.iy ii
now J > Irs. WontiignoIIntlor , the -\vlfo of tlio
master of 1'iinitv. Miss Aloboily is head ,
iniiUoss of the 'lonbiidga Wtlls hfeh sdiool
f 01 Kills. JIissIIuf'bo4 is lieul of u tialniiij (
college nt Cunbiidfro Miss Chiinbeillnls
instructor in Gciinnn ntltryn Mtmr inlloL/t' / ,
Pliiladclphii , and Alias .loncsls nioial selenco
Icctutci at ( Jirtori.
for Ilnslaml .
Ainonp other pi city ceremonies nnd cus <
tonis oiteinatitii , ' in mitinntioold Oornianylt
tbo fashion for u husband to don a wedding
rinf ? as well as the -\\ifo , and It is becoming
quite the piopei thins for the wlfo to picscnt
her husband with a tou\uiirof the weddiug
ilay In tlio shape of n rliiu , as tlio Nwfc'
YorUblar. Tbo blond plain band , with Its
date nnd inscription of tender woitls. Is still
sacred to tbolfo , nnd tbo husband s
u blmplo cord of gold inoto 01 loss heavy ,
twisted Into a true low's knot and woia
upon the llngorwlilch women ha\o lout ; cou-
slderod Uiowedtllni , ' linger. As time pro
gresses husbands may become of winoac )
count In tlio wedding ceremony bosldos a iieo
msaiy adjunct to the brldo's sjili-ndor nnd
impoitance , and a , duo bill for tlio pi list's 10-
\\ard \ Already liiidegioom's ' pu-sents nro
oicasionully found ninoiif the teaspoons and
iiec'hluces.nnd nowho is to bo honored with
u token of the imptl d pkdfjo
AYImt ImdiPH In lli'A bull t.
When tno orthrco or more iiiiuiled ladled
nro Kiilhcicd together inn con ( Hen till \\aj\
tboy almost itnariubly tallc nbout servants , '
babies , and sometimes husbands aio dis
cussed ; but cooks. chambermaids and waiters
mo , upon the vholoAufr ( subjects , SIJH thu
Now i'orlf IjcdKor , nilfercnees of opinion.
Invo ahvjijs existed and ahvaya will exist lu
mixed society ai to llio merits of Infuiil piod-
lulesand model spouses , but In rclntion
shoitcotnlntfs of domestics the lidica n
hut unanimous
Now , tlwoyci ofseriaats innj bo full ol
motes , but are those of their oiriplnvis ficu
fiomfieainsJ It must kconfisscil that the
nnjoilty ofladlos do not tieitthch iloim ile3
on the "iJo-untonthers-asjouui'Uld tlioy <
bhould-dountojou" piliu Iplo. If tluioiii
any ( , 'iound for uIaitliat } good liu bnnda
makcjcfood wives , lliuii ) is certainly oiual |
reason to expect tb it just nnd ecinsldi-riito
cinploj era will bo fiitbmlly senod In thu
troutniontof dotnutlcs , the fainlllailty that
bioed * contempt , Bbouldbociiofiilli inoidod ,
but Ills ijulto jiossiblo to nnko thosowho da
jourbehists jour ft lends without making
ilium your coutldmtH Hi tliQUKhtful fou
tholr comfort end welfiro. Do not lequlru
too much or thorn Kancy yoinselvis kcr-
\unts now and then , liidioH , In order to realize
ANotnlilu ICoporl.
"For dlsordured incristuwtlon , anannUi
ami Btorlllty , It may properly bo tti mcd u.
ipeclllo. "
JSxtmclfrora Dr.V I' . Muson'n repoitoa
tlio waters of HxctlsIorHprliiKB Mlaboiiri ,
Dr. Elrnoycuiob cntuirh , lice bldy ,