Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1890, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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    TTTR rWATTA DATTiY StTNDAY. JULY frr 1 < l * > n. STX-'PlflTlNr ' PAflTTR
Look for a Closer Market an the
BCMOU Advances.
Proiluco HJnrltot Well Supplied
Very Knlr Deiiinnd for" All
Kinds of Onrdcn Truck
( lencral N'ntrH.
The clearings for the wcclr , ni reported by
Mr. Hughes , manager of the clearing house
for the associated nntloiml banks of Oinuha ,
footcdl,70lG7.S4 ! ) , nn Increase of 3 8-10 per
cent. Utihnccs wcroSOIM1.07.
The money market 1ms hccn quiet nnd cniy ,
with a fnlr demand for loans and deposits
liberal. Kxehatigols nioro plentiful. Kates
lor money nro steady nnd 8 per cent la the
ruling rule for prime paper. Hunkers lull-
wite llint they look for u clew market us the
Moon advances nnd say thnt should prolil-
iltion carry thcro will undoubtedly bo much
enforced liquidationrmd , thntcnsh settlements
will bo Insisted upon nioro frequently than If
local option la permitted to the people of the
Btato by n majority of the voters at the fall
General trndo is very peed nnd In nmount
fur In excess of thnt of last July. Collections
Ore easy and Jobbers generally report u very
tatlsfactory condition of uffulrs.
Prices nro in seine Instances higher. Su
gars nro flrin nnd , while no actual advance Is
noted , thcro Is no disposition on the part of
brokers to push snles nl present quotations ,
nnd an advance of at least ' { c per pound Is
looked for. Co'Teos are iiuivt und If uny thing
lower. Dried fruits nro nctlvo nnd advancing
nnd the prune market is oxciUd with seine
Indications apparent , that an attempt Is being
jnado to work 11 corner on California Roods ,
which will probably bo met by holders of
I'renrh prunes , who cnn como Into the mnr-
Tfot If iirlces go uny higher. Valencia
raisins uro dull. Turkish prunes nro
quiet and steady ut quotations. Currants
nro unchanged.
Nuts nro llrni and strongly held. Lemons
ore n shmlo lower , but cholco fruit Is firmly
licld , UIco is steady nnd holders look for
tilghcr llgures , us the crop h deficient. Dried
{ y.Qpricot'3 tire very scarce and prices nro rap-
ntily iidvaiieing. Canned California fruits
nud vegetable ? nro llrin niul there will boo
great scarcity both of eastern nnd California
good ? , with uu absolute certainty of higher
The local produce market Is well supplied.
Potatoes hnvo declined , but upon the \vliolo
prices nro steady nnd there is a very fair de
mand forull hinds of pnrden truck and dairy
produce. Kggs are steady nt OQIOc , nnd but
ter is In ample supply. Retail trudo Is dull ,
but a very brisk full business is confidently
The exports of whcnt last week from India
were : > 80UOd bushels against l ) ,000 bushels
for tlio corresponding week hist year. The
total shipments since the close of March are
6.020,000 bushels ngalnst 8r.'lOJO bushels for
the sumo time lust year.
The output of anthracite coal for the year
up to July 13 was libO,0H ( ! ( tons , or ] u.rili )
tons less than for the corresponding tiino in
A letter from Franco says that country
Was visited ( luring the llrst ten days of July
with H succession of storms , which ( lid vast
damage to tlio growing wheat. The nv-
crago of estimates of loss from this cause Is
nbout ; tO,000,000 , bushels.
"U'lllctt & Gray say : "Our European
cables Just received report nn excited nnd ad-
vundngBiignr market , the rlso being Is Jld
. " Ircr hundred weight since Friday , or say
" * Trrcr M ° per pound. It Is more than n year
eluco such n condition existed in Europe ,
nnd the present start may bo the beginning of
a very important movement. The United
States rcllners iiro well Hxcd for ouch condi
tions , having now in stock over UOX)0 ( ) tons of
WW sugar , of which the trust bavo 70,000 tons
In warehouse , and have probably UO.UOO tons
Afloat "
.A Allnnoapnll" paper of'.yostordny ' printed
: ho following,1 snid to have been received
from London | > cr Associated press , ns un ex
tract from n paper published In the latter
city : "Every ono admits that the wheat yield
will bo the worst known since 1S70 and that
Blocks of Enelish wheat ore exhausted. He-
ports of much dnmngo nro coming In from the
continent and oftlcial returns of the Husslun
crop for the month make n very gloomy
showing , " but ndds that the latter fuel Is
iBUsnoctcd inRnrlln to have direct reference
( to the price of Kusslan securities. Thntis ns
much us to Intlmiito that the Kusslan govern
ment Is sending out crop rciiort a colored to suit
t Its own Ideas of what will help Its 11 nnuclul
A private cable from London quoted
Wheat then ) equal to } ( A pur cental , and
stated the strength to bo duo to the French
/Inlying California cargoes olt the English
toast. Thoofllolul cobles from England were
only firmer in tone till the trading was nearly
over. Either the reporters there fall to catch
the true inwardness of the situation or some
tall lying h Indulged In by others. The
Emjllnh markets Imvo been almost uniformly
'Strong nnd ndvnucing for some weeks past ,
wX'i Rood buyingngnlnst decreasing supplies.
The "Dow- Jones cable states tliut the quantity
of wheat nnd llouron ocean passage decreased
2,020,00 ( ) bushels during last week , which Is
even a pi-enter lessening than thnt stated by
the BewlKihm figures reported yesterday.
.Advices from the northwest nro equally
conllletliijr. Severn ! telegrams salil that tlio
situation was Improving , and ono claimed
thnt no material dnmngo 1ms been done by
bad weather , Others told thnt the weather
of yesterday was hot nnd muggy , thnt hall
etornirt have destroyed vast quantities of
growing wheat , nnd ttmt rust Is threatening
the rest.
OJI.tMI.l 1,1 m STOCK.
Saturday July 20.
Estimated roecpts of cattle l.lw , compared
Yrllli I,7W ycsU'nhiy nml 1)77 ! ) Saturdiiyof last
week. Tin * murlu't opened nctlvo and nslmdo
higher on tlio best sti-ers und stonily to linn ou
the poornr Kriuloi. The bcsl grades of butch-
on' htutr , with llsht recelpto opcnud nctlvo
niul htroni ; and atundy on nil ethers.
Tim iprnlpM of feeders W ( < ro light and
Wti iuutlty | pour. Tliu best fi-cdor.i nro In
rulrdoiuiiiidnt steady prices , wlillo the cora-
pionlsh urudes ( if Btookcrs und ( coders uro
tiOKh'fti-d , tlio niurUct being slow and prices
r.stlnmtod receipts of hogs.0,000 , compared
with ( I , ! > r7 yesterday anil 7.811 Saturday of
Jabt wuolc. ' Tim iiinrUol opened ncttvo ( it
steady prices. Towiirds the oloso of the mar *
kct hujcrs attcuiptod tobrunlctlio inarkut.but
fulled. After ushortlullovorythliii : elinnced
liniiiU. cliHini ? linn with all hold. The range
of jirlirs was iHwiIt.'UV.'i. tlio bull ; scllliu ; lu
0.60J iKjavy.'tn.Oxaui.lil. The uVuraso'of'tho
prlci's . . . . paid . . . . was HiW'i. compurud with $ ! . . ' > SH
mu | jiuj ) ( ! Saturday ot last week.
il rocolptfl of shrop , .t22. Good mut
tons are firm mill In domand. A bunch of
iiYfraglng It pounds sold at JI.90.
I'romillnjr I'riccs.
The following Is ntablo ut prices pilil : In
this nnirkut for -nilnattitook immllimod !
rrlninstcun , tiOJto : 1WO ( tti . Ji.vo < A\M \
Gooi UliMirx , UiVMuUWms . 4.00 ® 4.2S
nopii Mwru. IKW t taw n > . :
Coiniiiiin eaimntrs . l.oo HS.oo
Oiillnury to fiUr i-ovvs . l.ra ( li.\a \
Vulrto ifixxU-nwii . } . (
Good to ehnlru raws . 2.7.1 ( KI.U
Choice Kifniiryrnws .
KulrtuKOod bulls . , . 1,75
Oholcoto fancy hull' ' ) . 150
J.lglit ttiii'kurN nud fcedors . V.W
KccderA.UVito IHU 1M . ii..u
Kulr tooboloo lljht IIDKS . 3.M
l-'alr tocliolc'ihr.ivy lie a. . . . . . . . . . : i.OO
$ > 'alr U ) oholco uihod IIOKS . U.57
Coiiipiirntivo Table.
The following tubln sliows the range In
prices on hosi diirlnit this and lust
This Woek. Last Week.
Iklomlnr M 40 IJ W ( * .1 M
rutntnj . . , a 4) 3 40 3 ft )
VrUnt-s.l.iT 8 W . . . 9 40 J M
- yriilay. . . a 41) ) 143 M 3 60 W3 &i
-.Tiftr 3 U ft * : ) M .1 ta ta < u
ritur.lnv a so a 60 M3 MV
Highest an J Ijoivoat S.tlo * or iluifi.
To4uy. Vostordoy.
- Mai IllBhcst 13
. . , . , UCiO I/3WOJI UN
Stock Itooolpts.
, , OfBclal i'Ksterday Kstlnmted Today ,
pkttlo , . . . 77cars , 1,700 Cattle. . . . Hour * . 1,400 I
IB , ln ( , H.f , . , 101 cnrt , C. > V
1 cur. ; ni Hlicop . . 2cnrx , if )
, U cant , 7 < J llnnu-t. , , lear , 2J
Avrrn o Co t of
The following Inlilo KVM ! thn nvprnao
of liozon tin' il-it ( > i niniillon ( I , liU'lildlii ? thor
cost toil ay. lubiisoil IIIMIII sllcs tuportudt
JUMP : w . j.i I7c .inly ti . n r > Q ! (
July 1 . 24i : { July 13 . a B'J
Julys . .1 44U July 10 . 3
, T iiy a . . H4V.f July 17. . . . : i
July I : IM" Inly IB " " "
' July m.Y.Y.,3
.TuiyT : in.S July 21 a 4U
ItilyH. . . . . ' July 2i . 'I ' 48'
.Illlyl ) 3BJH July 21 3 , vn
.luiyio nKi July 21 : i fill
July 11 34 K July 2.1 : i 50'
JulylU 347 July 20 : GO !
Avrrnyo 1'rlon of „ . .
Showing the a veranolirlco p'xld for I . . . . nf
IIOIM nn the duyj iudlontoil In lAil , 1SWS , .
and 19Wi
-Disposition of Stock ,
. Showing the numlior of cattle , boss
boiiRhtliy tliu imckoM amlloaillu buyoM on
toiluy'M inarkot.
Bwlft&Oo . 2(13 (
ThoO. II. llatnnintidOo . i :
The ArinoiirUiidiiliy I'ueklns Co . "VI
IA-O Uothsclilld . 07
I.nJitniiM .V Tiuuuriuaii . f )
I ) i''c ( n . Ill
Other lltiyvrs . 1M
Tlio A rmnur.Cuilnhy Packing Co . 2.RW5
Otiiahul'iiukliizCo . ' . . J.T-O
Swlfl A Co _ V . 007
Tlii ) (3. ( II. MaiumoiidUo . n
J. I1. Siilri& | Co . OH
ItopiTMCtitntlvo SnleH.
700 300 21. .1109 2J..10SO 400
irjo : iM 3ft- 400
II 00 400 400
15 II 05 3 a > t 10
; i ll'i . . 3 Si E0..1100 4 15
115..1UUO 3 70 ! il..ltta 3 5 423
Blltl'I'Ih'O AMII KXrOllT STKRU.4.
a..ins $ w 10..1121 200 4 15
. -.lilO 3 80 S. .1210 400 420
17..IM1 3 80 [ M..III3 4 10
'M..l' a 3 00 a ) . .Ian 4 IS 73. . 1407 4M
n. . oca 1 M 2. .1203 2 25 20. . 10.1.1 2 40
12. . tli'i i..iax ) ii- 19. . Ml 350
( i. . ElX ) 1 H5 1..11KM 2 SH 1..1SOJ UfiO
1..I1IO 2 03 a..1077
11. . Dili 2 00 2 2.1 270
1. 1100 2 oo 1..KUO 280
U. . 930 2 00 4..11G7 2 I 17. . 042 28J
22. . 773 2 73 19..1059 2 75
4. . 708 2 20 fi. . 7M 2 20
2. . COO a 3 40. . 81.1 a 70
3. . 037 1 7J
1. . 200 3
No. Ar. Pr.
Jlatcors , Texas talllnss. . . .1121 $2 00
72 focih-rfi . 1H5 it 'JO
1 stci-r , To.xan . KO 2 00
2 stcurs , Tuxiuis . 10.10 2 00
4' ' fopdors . 110.5 2 00
Marsh k Cooper
4 cows . . . . . 1077 2 01
7 fttcurs . 1247 2 IV )
1. steer . Kin 2 ( il )
2 fueilurs . ( i7."i S M
S 75
Carroll HI-CH
Ustuora , Toxuns . 1018 2 00
S bulls . iiw : )
i32 U 00
A. M. Dlobiiiil-
1 steer , Texan 1I.TO 1 W
14 stuurn , Toxaus 10S3 2 IS
81 fueilurs UsJ lid )
No. Ar. Sh. t'r. No. AT. Sli. I'r.
" . . 'Jl ? W ) $ .1 40 . .229 40 ; i IM
71" ! . : ! oo wo : i .10 r > ; ; ; It GO
8U. . . . .2IH 2UO 3M 04. . . 1 (
. .2" 3 no . . .ail [ l M
. .273 100 II CM . . .210 83 21 CO
07. . . .SW 2110 or. . ' oy , 11
( VS. . . .221 120 73. . . . 'an 120
Ofl. . . .2.17 400 01. . 2.U 40 u m
( W. . 12J i 65 tlli. . . .2.VJ 80
( I'l. . . .2.V ) IfiO 70. . . . 5 l
KI. . . .255 120 74. , . . .2'p" li1IX
73. 221 1so > 12T. . . . . .291 1IX ) ; tix )
CM. . . . . ,201 so 3 r , y ( I ! ) . t'43 80 : ice
78 231 1M 3 r 7(4 ( 01 ! ! 5t 40
7-J 2. > t ; t'o 3 r > 7i ; ci am 40 not
f > 7. 120 3 W ) 71 241 40UJ ttGO
70.Gt. . son 240 3 ( M ) o a 240
Gt. 2ft ! ) RO 'I IK )
ra 212 40 3 CO rxs. . .
. 2:11 : ISO 300 MI . . 49 3IBJJ
01 . 240 co. . . i'10
(17 ( . 252 81) ) 3 ( V ) M. . . 318 210
7' . ' . 2.VJ 40 ? 7 ' 2.W 203
r 5 . HIT 80 3 GO 4 ! ) . . . to
- 3D ) M. . .
ra SM 120 3 CO .72. . . 3X1 210
70 213 80 3 Gl ) f 9. . . aw 40 302
( B ! ! 80 300 01. . . 40W
tit 2U1 ( 2HO 300 40
M 27(1 ( SO 3 00 fiO. . .
02 . ' < ; . - > BO 3 no Ki. . .
(17 2IU KW 3 ( M 04. . . . .2iH 1
64 233 80 3 mi 02. . . , . .2711 19)
OS. . . . .240 200 3 CiO 127. . . . 'JSO 2JO
ns , . . . .SM 140 3 ( 01. . . . .211
. . .215 UM 3 mi ( W. . . . aw 100
. . , . ' 0 300 M. . . 41) DOT
BO. . im 3 tie ra. . . 40
m. . . . .2:8) : ) 12D : i n ) sn. . . . rim 1IK )
M. . . . .2SM i2ii 3 no . .avj 120
ra. . . . .2011 2SD 3 ( ) r 4. . . . . . " .I ! ) 40
40. . . . .274 40 3 ( V ) Ott. . ,
2 , ) . . . . .21U 3 00 02. . .
. . - ' M 3 no 02. . . . . .270 40
. . .SS2 ! 80 3 IK ) M. . . . . .278
. . .280 so 3 no 7a. . . : > r < r
r > 4. . . .2Ui KV ) a ) 07. , , ! ! ! 275 3 r " >
07. . , .2 > 210 aiM . . .27:1 :
. .212 4d :10J : OS. . . . .2ijO 3 65
C'J. .247 4 . ,
"t 27il 210 a no CO. . iliiiU 40
KI 2Cl ( 40 a ( v ) 60. . . . . . ' 118 UCTi
IS 2.T7 120 a u ) CO. . . . .3J1 100 3G3
62 201 49 a m
Ontllo stronger.
Mlllur lirothcrs Istlio title nf a now commis
sion linn that liilslH odlco In ruotn ; ir , } , ' \ -
cliino ; liulldlni ; . Tliu firm la cunuiuscil of
JICSMM. O.U. uml V. A. Miller.
II. 0. Outlerof Cowlcs was In with a car of
S. Kluniporlinil two cars of cnttlo In from
Hamilton ,
J. II. Her of
ron Alnsworth was lioro with n
carat hoi's.
Fred A. Allen canio In from Milliard with a
car of lioss.
W. T. Itlulcloy of Colurabui was hero with u
car of untile.
B. H. Wllcox was In from Walioo lookltif ;
orurtlio market.
Fullnr. Htnltli k Fuller bad liogg on the
market from Scrlbncr.
L. 11. Donmnn wus In from Valparaiso with
two cars of cattlo.
Glnirlo.sllollci liuil a oar of hogs on the
mnrkat from Mayweed ,
K. A. .loli u son ot llollwoou , wason tlio market
wlthu uur of lioss.
Kliucr Watts of lloncdlct wus oa tlio marUot
with a cur of cuttle.
Trunk Todd of Todil fe Co. , Slllford , was In
with a car uach of cattle anil ling * .
O. J. Furor , the every day I'alrllold shipper ,
had a uur of IIORMOU tlio market ,
so llootol , the tensive slilppor of
wus down with a car each of cattle and
I ) . Ultclilnpamo In with near of hoes from
North Hciul for the 1 armors' Co-operative ud-
lioth nu'mhcri of the firm of Harris & 7.1m-
muniiiiii of Olinrli'stou were lu with near eauh
of cuttle uml liugu.
J. 1' . Full of the firm of Fall & Wyant. lionvy
iloalcrH of Hllror City , la. , was over with two
curs of cattle and QUO of hogs.
CoilN Ko.
M II.I.STU IT $11.50.
" . .
FISH 1'erlb : I'ercli.Tot buffiilos. To : plolc-
crel.Hei lilVco , Uo ; trout , Do ; white , lei ) oropplo ,
lou ; cut u h. Ho ; cw | Htcalcl"o ; Humidors , iUoj
Oregou wiluiou , 15e ; black buss , 15o ; lobsters ,
lee ,
HIDES , PKLTS AND TALtow-Orocn salted
lililoNf S no ; dry united lildosio ; dry Illnt
id OH , OMfWui caff hides. 4 > Jffl7ic. ! llamiiRcd
Itlfll tl * * flltdkl UliCknn . 1 a , . _ . . _ * . - - -
cnRo. ) Dry liuirulo. per ton. sW.OO3i8.oOi dry
country , blouclied , liofflm.w ) : dry country ,
damp nnd meaty , fe.OOiitlU.CO. )
l'j.UMS-1'urplo Duuno , per box , J2.25.
l'oui < THV l' > r ( In/on , fholco hens , "
cholco mixed , )2..VX 'l.liO ; roosters , i
spring chlokiMiR , 12.00. 2.25 for snuill ;
for nicilluin : Jj.OO'I.Mfor lurKO.
HUTTRR Oroamcry , fancy rolln , print , 10 ®
lOHo ; oruanirry. faiioy , solid picked , l3QI4oi
croainrry , choice , lOnilJo ; dairy , fnncy rttll *
nnilprtuls 133iaut dairy. f.uiovKOlhl packed ,
loaiio ; dairy , choice. [ XfilOo ; country roll ,
fancy , 8i40 ; choice , TOSot Inferior , 2 < 3Jc.
Kuoa-tdiHOo forstrlctly fresii ) stale not sal-
. Strnlno'lOJlbc.uuii | > orlb , OJ ! new
comb lionrv ,
HKAfH lluml plckod navy. ll.7JiW.OOs hnnd-
plckrdimvy , mc'llmn ' , H.t > > 'ttt.'ri . ; liiiinl'tilckeu
coitnlr11.1 " ' ; Roudi'li'an , * UtXi l.8.i.
I'ICKI.K..Medium ) , per bbl , 15.50) ) snull , M.M ;
glirrklni. I7JW. ® ! ! M per 21-nt cns < ,
O , ICf ) lb.
1'cr liu'i.6iii&
cr 24-qt case , M.OOiJI.OO.
( lee ! > Kiimuiir < T\Tu-lii ) < * hclstutid. Jt.OO3J.00.
t'ocoANirrrt 1'or 100 , J.voo.
0.vsTEioirn-L'cr < loz , tl.MtS.vo.
CilRiiniES Southern , per li.iskct , H.75.
1'KACitKrt Arkninas H liifhrl bo * . tl.OOU
1A ) | Cullfortila , JILT box. tS.OiKWJV ) .
LEMONS 1'ur box , Mcaslna , faucr , HOOCB
rour-lasliot crates , ILMtiSM ,
S Now Hiuithprn , per bbl , 14.WB5.00.
I'KAliH-IlartlotiVOulKornlii. lior lxt , Kl.M.
KS Ucrinun , i > crboxJ.2j ( | truiiilypcr ? ; ,
ratc2.7. " > .
per 11) ) . , . _ . .
ViiAii'holce iiicdlilin. G3io ; light ,
-V ic : heavy , 4Q.V. .
I.INMKII Ou/-Knw , Met hollod , Kto.
UiDiiit-1'or lbl ) , roll 11 rd. JUX ) : half bbl , M.23 |
lat-ilfldrr. puro. jiur libl , M.OOi orsince clJur ,
naif Mil , 17 * i-nr elder , iinlf 1)1)1. ) * 7. ( > .
\ Voif..inviishcd ) ) , Hftlfitt incdluiiiutj-
irnslicil , 1' i ; coarse unwashtu , 1S820U ,
MnAT's-I'arkcrs' prices Smoked hini.i.lO-lb
nVvrnK i 10'iei sinouod liilliK , 20 to 2'lbs. ' HJICi
smoked hiiint , 12 to 14 llu , 10'iCj t-\lri ; lionvy
linms , Klto 23 Hia nvi-rniri' , OH" : skinned ulle-
ln 18 to3) ) ItauvoriiKc , ID'ji'i Uidlfornlii. liuini ,
fi'ipjspi-oliil ' lirenUNistbiicoii , ulciit * . 7".ial rib.
7'icliuiiisuii8aioSoplcnl : ! hums , T'U ' * : dried
bcuf hams , sut , l ) > ts ( luiiilar. il'ic ' : cloils.rtio ;
iH'i-f toimiiM. pc-r iloz , KM ; ior ) Ib. U'ic ' : , ilt-
wilt incuts. fl'jteo ' ! muss pork , per bul , t\lMY \ > t
H.73 ; extra . nu'fs beef , } , " > . , riOl tuiusiiire , i cr lb ,
! > oUijtii,4c ! ; slnr. 4'.iq : Mvor , 4ie ! : blooiMJ-ie :
lioiulcliopse , Wto. Add ? io pi > r Hi for 1. . . .
IhaiiWHbi. 1'lK ' pork , lionolr.vs. per bill. $ ia.r 0 ;
lialf bill , (7.23) ) qunrtrr bill. $ . .7.-i ; clulitll I > )1 ,
f.MUi pliM hocks , half libl. (4.73 ! quarter bbl ,
t.G3 ! ; uushtli Lbl. tl.OOi kits.45 His. ; ) ;
reut.half blK ) * i. ' : > ; iiunrtcrbliK StM ; olislith
Iil > l4w > oi kits , la llisuni'h , tAsj boneless itorouk-
faet bacon. 10o ; tioncluss ham. 8o | buimuer
sausase , IGo : cervelat sausaKO , S2c.
BMOKII : > MEATS Dry Salt Curort Haeon ,
. > IIK elears , flUej short clnnrs , U'io ; extra
short clears , OKoj bellies , clear strips , GUci
short ribs fiijo ; , Co.
llixir Steers , 50 ! ) to ( XX ) llw n-vcraR ,
nutbo , ( HiTtO'dO ; Btuon. 400 In fiOD lluavcriiKO ,
native , ( Vii'lJici ' coivsnml liclfors. 400to COO llis
nveriiKO , SVicl hltidiliiartcrs , steors.lOoj liltid-
nu art uro , cons , 801 foieuuartcri , steers , I'/aCi
fDri'niinrters. eo s , 4ej dressed Iiijs,4Uo. !
UIIKSSKII iMuiTON Cholco dressed nititton ,
jo ; rack1' of mutton , lie ; saddles of mutton ,
o : bioiistsof iniittoii. : io ; leftsof iniitton , I0a ,
1'iinsil UiJKFCJOTS llolls , 8'iOj boi'f ttiidcr-
loins , Iho : sirloin , bulls , 7e : lunolcss strips ,
7'/jOj ' rounds , riimiioir.Co ; rounds , rump oii.Cioi
rounds hhanli oil' , B'lc ; bonulcss riiniH | , 4ci
chucks , It1 jo ; iilntcs , L" , e ; back hiilvon , 4"4ci
shoulder eloJs , 4U'i beef lolii ! ' , Js'o. 1. steer ,
iillc : < ; boot lolin , Xo. 2. 104Mk ; beef loln ,
No , 3. ! Vj beef rlljs , OWe ! bfof rlbM , No.l , 119
lie ; sweet bread.i , pi-r ilex , IKc ; kidneys , cuoh ,
lie ; ox tnlU , onch , Xe ; llvors. each. lf > i'l t ) 'i'f
huarts , raci,4e ! ; buef lonsued , each , JUcistrll )
I' i'oiiK Pork lolni. T'io : tenderloin ,
9u ; .spaio rl ! > s,4cshoiildorsr > olioolHtoitrlni' ; :
inlnin. ! 4o : bai'k boiics"c ; droniud hops , ! |
cleaned plRsfi-ut , pordoz , u
plus feet , jiei'doz.iOe.
ljAHiOirs-Hll' ' . extra lard oil , ws , 43c : ox-
trn.Vo.l luidoll , 4lcNo. ! ; I lnrdolir : > o ; No. 2
lanl oil , lilo ! pure noatsfoot oil , 4S < rj.10c ; 5 ( ? al.
eiin , roe ( rail oxtni noutsfoot oil , Ite ; No.l
noatsfoot oil , U7e ! tallow oil , 41c.
HONKVCOMII Tnti'K Ilulf bnnols.t,1.T3n : > tar.
turb.-u-iuls , K.lOj eight barrels , 31,15 ; lilts , 13
Ibs cncli , 0 c.
I'oiiK ToxnuKS ITneookcd-JIlM curel -
Iltilf bnnels , 100 HjsS'.KJ ; iiunrtur barrels , 50
lb. , rl.W.
S.IUSAOB OASiNns Cattle Tiercel anil bar
rels , middle nor Ib , ( i'ie : round , SHc : bunss,4ci
hoficnsliiss. lac pur ib ; hoir. bunss N'o. I , 4'o
each ; rounds , per sot , 100 foot , I'-illc : Jiilddlet ,
porsot , 57 feet. U'io ' : weasunds. less tlirin l.OOO-
pleio lots , yiu eai-li ; small blaildors , liss than
f > i)0dolots ) , be iior Onz ; largo blnddeis , less
than fiUMliu lots , yoc per do/ .
hricr.ii I'lfis' TosnuKs Half barrels. { 11.00 !
quarter liuni'ls , io.'j ; eighth barrels & > .W 'vits ' ,
13 Ibs nanli , $ . ! . > .
'I'.ir.i.ow A No. 1. 4'4'p ; stcnrlnp. C'ie. '
I'lCKi.r.i ) lliiH'T.v : ( UKH Half luirrol' , $3.50 !
iliiurter barrels , f. > .Mi elulitb liurruls , W.OO.
liAiin Tierces Ke lined lard roinpoiinil.fiTto ;
puio loaf , ( > He ; kettle , OJic. Aild Hu to 'io per
Ib for smaller iiaokages. Leaf lurd not run-
I'loictup Tiitrr Half barrel' , 53.W : quarter
barrels. Jt.UJ ; eighth barreU , bOo ; Iclu , 15 Ibs
uaeh , CJc.
Nubrusl ; , 0sC ! | Anibor , OMo ; Golden U ,
JlAi'i.K SuoAii-l'erlb. 5o cakes , : * ) Ibboxos ,
13oi 10 cakes , : tO-lb boxed , I3a ; Mb brlelcs.uO Ibs
In box , puru , 14c ,
Coi'fKK Oreou Fancy eolden Rio , 224c ! ;
fancy old peaborry.SlHcsUlo.choIco to fancy ,
fMcilUo , iirline , 'ci mo , pood. L'l o ! Smtoi :
und L-ominon Itlo , I'M'-'lO ! .Muoha , X1 > i.Tiiva ! ,
CLMiuIno U. U. , iSc ; Java , good intorJor , 23ci
Mexican , Sic.
C'ori'Kr. Honstoil Arlosa , 2. " > V5o : Ilunoln ,
2"iic ! ; JloLaiiKhlln XXXX , rVie ! Gcruian ,
' > li ° : DIUvortli's , j' c ; l.lon , "J'it : ; Mallpoucli ,
2'i e : Jloehn , 33ci O. 0. Java , Sks.
Siriiui'a AnitierSyrui ) In bills. No-TOKrado ,
2i1o ! linlt blH. ) No. 70 zriido , 'J.'oj 4-sal kt'SS , No.
70 urndo , 8 ! . " " ! -pivl Kilts , No. 70 Krnac. ? 5ci
Riilcnns 10 In cast' , pur case , $ I.'JO ; ' ,4:1 ! cans ,
1(1 ( In case , poroase. s'1.75 ; whiteclorur dripsIn
bbN. ; c ! half bills , Ku ; 4-cul keffseach , JJlJH ;
2-cil : palls , cacli.HOo ; rook candy dilps. In bbl * .
: ! Tni halt blN ) , y7c ; 4-tal ! koRS. cneh ," ! - al
juilK. each , 8. ' > c : L'lillfornla lionojbills. . We ;
liiilf bills , yoe ; 4-Riil Uu M ,'-Rnt kltu , OJC !
1-Bal. 10 In case. M.M ; 1-Ral. 16 In uaso. WS3.
Cliocor.ATB IS-lb boxes , ; WJ33t ! ; Oerniaa
swi'ot. SSaSlo : Parisian , llJe.
t'ocoA 1'cr Ib , : X3IOc.
lluuuo I'or Ib , lit'c.
CUCOANL-T 1'cr Ib , In pkps , 20a27c : built , S
&BEDS Mixed bird , 1-lupkns. 5c ; canary , Co ;
hciiip. 4c ! ! anise. 18c ; poppy , loo.
fci'iCKS 1'i'pper binRajioro hlitoil , Ii610o ;
nhdt. 22c. Alsploo , I0c. Cloves 1'ennug. so-
luctod,2lc ) , Oaslu China , 4-lb mats , Oo , Nul-
lui'ss No. 1,7r , > c ; fancy , largo , 83c.
llASKKTS-1'cr doz , 1 oiislicl , narrow l > and
Htiivc , olin , JI.K ) : IVj bushel , nnrroiv band
htiix'o , olin , } 2.r > 0 ; 1 hiHliol , stave litwul biiul ,
olin. $2.2. > ; 1'i ' bushel , Htavo broad band , cilrn ,
S2.7. " > ; lliuihol. clinstnvi1. Iniluliiinille , H. 0 ; 1
InishH. oak Htavo , if-.W ; Itnishul. llrlg s , 12.75 ;
5 duz , $2. < ! Hi bushel , HHi-KS , * a.S3 ! 1 buslirl ,
oak splint. f. > .r > 0j 1 ! } bnihcl , dak splint , $ 'l.ry ' ) ;
1 bnslicl , linmboo , ffUH ) ; Hi bushel , bnmhm ,
87.0. ) ; laundry , willow , lur o , S7."jili Innnclrr ,
willow , niudluiu , J0.30 ; laundry , wlllov- , small ,
8. * > . .V ) ; iiiurltct , elm , split , 4. " > i ; ! inarkot , olin ,
rivet handle , OOc : niarl < etelnicovorod , , 1 peclt ,
d-.W ) ; willow , market , larxn. 3.1.50 ; willow , mar
ket , 2 In nest ( t small , 1 mud I u in ) , per nest. Kin ;
tihh. satchel basket , covered , G In nest , per
iii'.st , { 1.10 ; sinnll bamboo delivery , $1. > : ino-
dluni balnlioo delivery , Kt.7. > ; Inio luiuboo
Ucllvorj' , J.VV ) ; waste piper : b.islcL'ta , $2,10.
I'AiusACEOUts GOODS Ilarloy , 3'ic ; fnrlm.
5o | pi'as , acj nntinenl , ? ® ! ; iiiaunronl. 103 >
lie ; vcrrnlculll. 10f.llo ( ; rlco , choice , f ! jo ;
fiuicy.l.c ; headnviui sajo mid taploua , ( XB7o ;
llir.u buansGo : splitju-as , 3o ; Siflttl | , lie.
MOLASSKS Hbls. N O fanoy , pori ! : > I..V2fr37o ;
oholoo , 4.s47c ; KoodoWfflXc ; Cuba baking. 2a
uUu ; black Ktrap , tl ( > ii'"o.
WiiAi-i' I'Ai-Kii-Straw. per lb. liiaSHo ;
nut. Iltfo ; Slanllla ll.56oi No , 1,8c ,
OILS 150prlina white. Ho ; 13U vater whlto ,
lUc ; 173 lieadllKht. lll-ic ; 74 Kiiiollnc , llio ,
SAI.SOOA Itbls. , 17iOi gninulateil,2oi In bbls ,
SODA rkgs. CO Iba to box , tm&'ftiai kegs ,
I UTS Almonds , 15o ; Urnr.lU , Ilo ; filberti ,
12'io ' ; pecans lie ; walnuts , 12o ! { ; peanut cocks ,
V Au < ; roastcil , 12yio : Temios .euponniits.8c.
llnooMS 5-tle , parlor , il.oO4-tln ! , fcl.73 ; U-tlc ,
fc'.M ; 3-tlp , jilnln , * 1 > 3 ; warehouse-Kt-OO ; toy ,
JI.25 ; whisk , Jl.ouffll.55.
OMVKS Qunrta. poriloz , $1.00 ; pints , pordoz ,
K.VJj hulk , perRal , U3c.
ConiiAnB Manilla rene nil sbes fiom7-IO
tel In , ir > c8lsnl ! rope , nil sl/cs from 710 to I
In , ll'ie ; "now process , " all slfos from 7-16 to
? i In , bo ; fisl/otio udvnnco 'i ' unit 5-lti slies
loadviincooveriihnru prices.
COTTON lloi'is Cotton roiip.M In , JCc.
TwiNK. Uotlon twine "itilib. "
, . very line , 5
lb bnloji , 22c ; cotton twine , "Daisy" iirniid , 5
Ibhnlei. 18c ; honip twine , 'i Ibbalea , lie ; Mil
twine , 20os cnndlu wick , 22o ; JO ft eotton
clothes lines , d"x-0) ; ) ft cotton clotlifs llnci 1b
Jl.r. . ; M u I'oquot cotton lines , $1.40 ; 00 ft b
hlial lines$1.73 ; ( Xft Jute , 31.00 ; wood twine ,
MKArs-Oornca licof , 1 11) , SI.50 :
corned beef. S Ib , i-MO ; lunch tongue , 1 Ib ,
J-J.KO ; lunch tnnitiin. 2 Ib , J4.7S ; brawn , 3 Ib.
il'M ; bruwn , 'J Ib , $ . ' . ( * ) ; ox toimui-s. Hi II ) . * > . :
ox toiKiics. 2 Ib , 10.00 ! t-lilppuil bc-uf , liilb.
round onus ifl.SO ; roast bcof , "Ib , roiuul cans.
> .W ) ; potted 1mm , Ulb , loundcaiH , luci potted
linm , U Ib. round cuns , ii.'ji ) ; duvllcd luini , ! i
It ) , rounil cans , Gooi duvlled ham. ! i Ib , round
cans , M.'JO ; potted ox tongue , U Ib , round cans.
( i.V ; ixilted ox toiiuiHi ! i Ib , round c-iins , * l.t ) ;
couire.sst > d ham , 1 Ib , hquarecnin. (1.75 ; coiu-
prcMcd hnin. Q Ib , snunrii cum , S-"i ! irlpc , Sib.
round cnm , $1. fei ) ; mlncttd collops , It ) , round
cans , JS/.DJ boneless ils' feet , L1 Ib.sfjuaro
cnn.s , te . \
1'isii UiKlflsli , extra Goorccs , new , fi'io ;
Knind bank , now , 4c ! ( ; silver , --Ib blocks , Cu ! ;
SHOW whlto.Hi brlckB , now.b'io : Tiukoy cod ,
Inrsoiulddlo brlcknft3j snow wlillo , criitQs.r.-
Mb boxes , t > ' * c ; incdluin scaled horrlnjf , llio ;
Nn. 1 healed liorrlnif , 'JOo ; domostlo llollnnd
licrrlnj ; . 40o ; llambnri ? spiced herrhiR , Wo ;
] ( ! sardines , tplccd , iVlu : ! .slan
< llii ( > s , iilnln , . " > "o ! Iniportod Holland hurrln ? ,
crown brund. Ho ) ; lit ) fancy milker * . OOc : niack-
orol. No. 1 shore , half hbls , * 12.00i blontors ,
half bbls , flH.OO ; wbltoflsh , half bbli , 47.00 ;
tnmt , half bbls , tS.OO ; family wbltoOsh , J.50 ;
, . , .
n\'iiifn-Anr.KR Tomatoes 3-lb extra , 11.00 ;
U-lb stinularil weslnrn brands. ( K ; ! gallons.
strictly Ntandard , I..W , Corn rino > t KI-OWU.
tt.i'iO ; pllt rdKed siiKiir corn , very line , 1\M \ ;
olioIcoiMhaucarcorn. jl.10 ; S-lbcxtra western
brnnil.s , avifMi.OOIb ; titandurd nostom
braniU , ( WI7Sc. Slmhrooms I-ib Krcnuh , ( x-
tra. ' tine , 'i'-aV ; ! 1-11) ) l-'rench. lino. INSWki ; Mb
1'roiu'li , ordinary , li'/itlso. l'en Tres. flao ,
per can , 25o ; ilem.fln | . purcan , KlojU-lb sifted ,
Jl.00 ; Mb early June , lib ) L'-lb marrow , stand
ard brimH SI 10 ; Mb n ? i1. Me. Plrlnn !
brnn < i Mb liljlhtrade ( , Itq/utCiNH.K-iS-llidiild. '
en armt f * . ImM J . TOci a-llmtrliitt'iifain.inp. > Lima 4
bvniin 3-lb winVc'J. 7r * . HtWtonbaki'il ' boons
a-ll ) l.owU. ll.'Oj t rowu hciind < . ! . ; . Rivpct
niitfttnclyll ) New Jersey , U.W. I'um likln
'i-lt ) . 81,10. Okru nml tohih.Toi'3 llto ; oUra ,
tLCMHiKcntiuIi. 11.20. ' ;
UAxrri ( > < . .ioi2lii ( ) ! s-lb
Btr wlcrrlc9 , I.U : 1Mb.r . ipl/errU'sfl.S / | | S-lb
blwln-trlcs. mn'i S-lb
Httiwl > ( 'rrlc , $ i.Nl ! 1Mb
blackberries. 11.25.
chopped. ; ll.ihuma Mluod , J1.S5) ) llnluunu
nllcoil. choice. > ! . ! : - ' ll > llalmimv grati'd , K.W |
2-11) ) itnhntnnHlJocil , : S-lli ulumhitl ullecd ,
* l.SV2ll..V ) . chcrrli'v-Mbrcd.JUOi Mbwlilto ,
61.00. lVnrs-2-lb. 11.30. IVuuhi's ; i lb emtern
Rtmutnnls. $1.851 : i-lli cnjtijrii * wonils.Jl. a
wlni' , I.V : fntic.Vi fruit. Ho.
HrovE ror.l ! it.OU@ . ' " .97 VPr f ro < ; ,
llAjis-Aiii , per 100 , * l7.i ; U'Wistoti , iicrlOO ,
HAJS-T"nloii siwire. SWtt per cent on INt.
S.M/r-1 nlry. Sit ) Ibs lit bltl , bulk. fc > .ll ) |
, m / * , fj.wt best Kriuli * . Iiw ; K $2.4111 host
. 11 IIM , sfi.SOj wok t > tiUi urufcliudUl.tiJ |
cotuiiinn. lbl , il.'i'i.
rin.U'-l'nstllo , mottled , per Ib , OSlOoi lo.
, Ho.
II.\SMI : > I'isii-MljmafkprclihorrlnB ) , H-OOj
1-lb II mmii huddles. $1.00 ! l-llj louvers. . fcisa
SiB ; I-lli Alaikiisiiliuon , Aloin , 31.3.1 : 2-11) oys-
tiT-t. lOiiz. tun j l-lli < iyslir. ; , ft 07 , M.lSj 2-lb
selucti , 107. . if-U'i ; l-llClim ! < tlllt I c > iiL ol .tl .2.'i |
L'-lli clnnis , llttlu ni't'ks. $1.7. i 'i-lli Minllrtcii
Imported , per oii o , IOK tlX.OOa4 . ( ! J4-1I ) Ini-
liortodlionoleimavtllncf. k ) .v. ( i" . ) | 'i-lli Rir- :
dine * . Atncilrmi , purcnM1. iocs 1 ' iviich style ,
fl..VJic."i.OO ; U-lbsiirdlnes , Amort'-an ' , per ruse ,
JOtis , rrcncli btrlc. J7.RW.OOi ( 'i-lh sanllnes ,
tniiHtanl , per cuie. nils. SJ.73T8I.OO : Mb cnilx ,
if'.VJ.21 ; b cml > . } : iM | ! ' . & W. 1-ltillniianhuiI-
Olt's , sfUM ) : .Molr's linporlcd 1-lb Ulpjiurud licr-
On'iiiiiiK Wisconsin K. P. , twin ( lain , per lb ,
O'ici ' WKcoiiKln ! ' . t' . . yoiiint Amcrluii , niwi
Uriel ; , I2'ac ; doineatlu Swiss , lie ; Kd.iui lu foil ,
each , JI.WJ.
rntriTS TnrUI ' , IMS than hhdi ,
7'ics original hint * , ! ( o Ie < i | Iliwnla
t'i , GO Ib bo < ci" ) , 11)0 ) l" 110 , ? ? ic ; n | ) | > li" ,
ova IHIM toil , now , rliin choice , Wes cm poratril ,
u4u , UII IM I uiiaKn , r-lu A1
runts , o.Mra , Inbo.xci. liic. ?
DATBS I'orrtl.'in , WIb box , 7c ,
U.V.ISINH London laycm , Oalifornln utanil-
ard , IHT bot. Jfo ; "liorso shoo. " tt.CO ; loose
jiiudcatols , dnllfornla HtanUaid , K.IHIJ "bor. o
shoe. " & .MI5 : "star , " IIMWO niiiscatol , .
sci'illcss OailCornln , $ l.i. ( > ! California , seed loss
aid tunas , lasncks , pcrlb,8o ; Ciillfornla ums-
cntols. In racks 8u ; now rnlrncMn , Out ittlun-
clas , old , Co ; omlura layer , old , 7c ,
l > ry Goods.
HEAVT rinoww COTTONS' Atlantic U , r e ;
Alliinllo II , Tei Allaiitlo I > . ( ) ? . ! < ! Atlantic I1 ,
fie ; i\uroraO , 4ic ? ; Iliiok's Head. C'n-j Ciili
Vi. tt'ic ; DiirllnctonCi icj 1'uriiiOM1 No , 1 , 4' 5S
4'iu ' ; llooslur lil > , Ti'tUj ' Indian Iloul , TUc ;
r/iwroin-o till , fi'ic : Ik'iirlct tnLIMfc. .
I-'IM ; It IIOWN COTTONS At Inn tii-Mi , Go ; Au
rora II , fiiic ; Aurora It , O.Vo : At las 0 Nil , 7'ic ;
clioo'-ocloth , Jc : Ullnton rlsSJiej 1'cjipcroll ' 1C ,
G'ju ; I.million ( I 11,1k ; .
Iti.r.ACiu ; ! ) OOTTOSH Hcrkeloy cambric No.
G ) . ! )0 ) ! llo- Vet , ( P c : lluttnii-lotb XXI'ic ;
Cabot , 7'lc ! rirstCall.O'-iu ' : I'm It of tlio Loom ,
Not roiincroll , 45-ln , 10c ; rppiieroll , 8-4. 18c ;
lVMpcrulIl4,20fl ) ; I'onpcrel 1,10-1. 2Utlca ! ,
4s-lii , ir.o ; Utlea.ftH.ln , 17 c ; Vtlcn , 78-ln , Ulc :
ttlcaPii-ln , SOci Utlcu , fO-lii,2S'ic. Jtlciicliwl
4Mn , 10c ! I'oppPtxMI , 4ti-In ,
lit' ! 1'epDcrol 1,6-4 , 14'ic ' ! rcnpoivll.ilI.UhI.'cp -
non > ll.l-J'Ji ) , ! ! ! : l > oiipi > rcll , ID- ) , i cUtlca \ , 8-4 ,
5lc ; lltloaB-l..1c , ! ! : Utlcn , 10-4. t.N'c. '
ULsniiAM's AniosUcair , OVaci Anioslccaj ,
drcs ,8'ioi Itatot , , ( i ic ; U'arwlck , dross , 7io ! ;
Lancaster , O C ! Olennlre , Cic ! ; Wlilttctiton ,
d rut " , 8'jc.
-sJ In llo blue Xct Maltha Wash ,
liiKlna , Cc ; Atiii'rlcan.ti'If ' ; Arnold , ( i c : Ar
nold II , IOHK elotli. L-Oo ! Stlfcl A , li'ci Jlorrl-
ninuk , ? > , lee ; Oold lonf , WiU ] Ilainllion.
Allen I'lnks , tliii't Allen Ohainliraj' , ( ic ; Glou
cester. r > " e.
I'lUXTS-l-'anclcs Kddystono , O' cj Stcc-1
Klror , lie ; limnnpn. 4'.icM. ' ; . Ledger , TiViC !
HilrtltiRs-Murllin U'nslilnittnii , 4'ii" ' Morrl-
mack , 4'iL1 , I'lirkcy tod.s-'FiMiitulii , OJiOi
Uiirncr , 7ci rreiillcld. S'ir ' : llofllii.llVjc.
\V lO.VNH-N'ot , ThUtlo. 7'lc ; Ki-d L'roiS. 7o.
COIORKII I'Aunuics ( Jrown , 4lie ; lied S-tnr ,
V/sQ' rolled ( 'luvur , So ; Slater , Oc ; hlgb colors ,
lu o.\tra.
Oiusu Stevens' II , Ifl-ln. 5'/5c ' ! Stevens' D ,
H-ln.Bo . ; Slovens' A , HMn. 7u ; Slovens' I' . H-
lu.7i'o ; SlovenM. . 18-ln , 8 1Slcvons1 ; N. Ul-
In.S ic ! Stovuns' K.V.HO-ln. OSJc ; Slovens' Sill' ,
i1)-lii ) , llHci blciit'hnl , lo oxtra.
IKXi > is-Nul-AiiioslL'aK. 0-oz , lo c ; York ,
camlet , U'o ; Kvorott , standird. 12'4ci Jlay-
innl < cr's , 7 o ; Old Vork , XA" , lOWej Iiawrvnco.
ISO , 1'UJe ; I.iiwrcucc , 0-ui , 15JJo ; fancy stripes
anil chocks , 1 If jo.
OOTroxAuK * Voik Kanltln , ] 0joi ! Everett.
& -axiio : I.owhton , 10-c , --'ii' : NY'
Ho ; CorUicrow cahlimuro , iK'-
N Small pig , 30c per Ib ; barSOc per ,
Ooi-pnn-l'lanlshi'd bollor size' , Kto per lb ;
cold IKionnt Ib ; blicctlng , Ulo pur lb ;
ptttsaiKl lints , file pur lb.
G iA'ANl7.iiSiiinT ) : iiiox Discount 50-10 per
cent pat. plan , iron , 'JIuiuK'T , A , lOJSoi LI.
Tlid' ATK Colcc,14s2fl. 11J. $ .2V
ItoflPLSd Cliurcoal , IO.llx20 , IK , W.COl I.
X. . W3.
S ntur IKON-NO , : n , SI.TO ; No. 27 , $ : s.CO ,
Soi.UKU-Htrlctlyhalf nnd balf. lOo.
f-TEKI. NAlC.8-tll ] 0. * i.iO. !
Wini : NAILS llasi > , $ . ' .0. .
. barb , $ J.a ; galv. , S3.SS
Nr Per oz , , 1' . k\f. . 45c ; German. Mo ;
Inilljti ) , IHT H ) . 7."e ; Insect powder , 31c | opium ,
Sl.u-Ji morphine , per oz.J.l.K ) ; hops , perl l > . Me :
ltly iTlne,20oi duxtrlnu , lOc ; cuttUibnne. " > o :
criMim tnitur , pnro , IfJc ! t-oiniiiurclal , ISe ; cain-
phorROtnin.ciiL ! ! > bl4c ; blue vitriol. 7c. ! (
A-cir > Carbolic. : ni'c : ; citric , 434So : tar
tar Ic , 37Me ; mil pliurlc , per lb. So , Sperm oil.
11.10 ; tnrpi > iitlni , 4So ;
balsam tolu. 4JJ413C ! calomel , lMiQ'J7c ; eantlia-
. 3l.i00l.i."i : ; ; cassia buds , SUQ'i2o ; clilnro-
forin'lD)2o ; crsot , 470. > -C ! RIIIH arable.
Ujc ; Blywrlne , l xS Jc ; lycopodluiu ,
inorcury , SCo.
l > y the Jtensts AITlcr an
of Kivo Years ,
" \Vhen tlio celebrated animal tamer ,
\vhoilLcd \ lately , hud retired to pi-ivtito
lifo , ono day ho took n notloa tliat ho
would visit liis former hit-go menagerie ,
which he hntl not seen for live years. It
was in Brussels , nnd ho started for that
city from Ills couutry scat near Rolor-
tlain ,
.At 4 o'clock ' , the tlmo for feedingho
Altered tlio monngorio. Being winter
tinio I Iartln was wrapped in n cloalc.
Ilo mingled with the crowd and waited
until the animals would rccolvo tholr
food , for which tlioy were waiting wltli
wild impatience. While they wcro cat-
ing lie. began to cough , Suddenly the
animals paused in tholr treat and lis
tened , then broke into wild howls of joy
und toro ut the iron bars , so that many
of the timid visitors ilei.from the mo-
lingerie , Tholnarrots , ! kangaroos , polL
cans stud monlcoys begun tp screech , mid
scream , the liyena : in4 the wolves
howled in short , 't ' jva's a perfect bod-
lain. . ,
Then Martin stopped forward.Vitli
n movement of his hand , . .and with his
powerful voice ho comhmndod silcnco
andsuddenly ovorytliiuK..wa8nuiot. Ilo
him&oU over the bur which sepa
rated the visitors from tUonnlmals , iind
put his hand in tlio cagv * to fondle Iho
animals , A mighty tiwosrt showed nioro
jo.y than any of the otljeiy.Vhca lar-
tin's hand glided over lim'tnagnlficont
fur hoi * liuihs trembled 'nervously , she
uttered weak , tender prcua sand throuph
the iron bars , with liyr , i-oug-li tongue ,
she licked the fat-o of li'erCformor master.
"When lie wont uway she lay down without -
out eatinpr any more food.
There was ti lion named Nero which
had once bitten Martin in the hip nnd
hud been severely punished by him for
it. The lion hnd an unroconcllnblo
hatred for the animal tanior. Koro niado
no other motion nt Martin's aiiproacli
thaa to lift Ills homl and eye lilin in
tently. Ho remained in his place , hlng
Btill in the back of his caj'o , when Jlar-
tlncamo iieniMiirtin apoko to him.
Ilo did not answer nnd viewed Martin
with apparent IndifforoiKX ) . But , when
MavtlnwnH going away , the lion with u
mlchty spring , entirely unexpected ,
throw liinwolf ngalnst the grating ,
pushed hts claws through the iron Imvi ,
and with Ills flaws toro off upartof Mar
tin's cloalc. By a quick movement Mar
tin escaped another injury from the
Cereals AscoaJ tie Scale of Pilcca Hind In
K Mnelict In Onts , Hut It U'nsOtrcr-
Bhnd owed t jr tlio l&ccltciiintt lu
Whcnt niul Corn Cnttlo
mill 3lops.
riiCAOJulv20.-SiicelfitTolezrimtqTitH ! [ :
IliK.-Tboltijlu : ] ( hcat va a lively" 0110.
Tlio rniiuoof urlocswiiMiiot BO great an ycs-
rrdny , but tliu sltunlluii wis none Ilio loss tlioinnrkct ivus broad. Tlitro was
still a sliail Interest In tliu Jiiarkot ami it few
of tliu leading bill ! . ' * , \\o\l \ followed by tlia
croivd , wont i\.tlev thotrj. Tlioro wurono sur-
dotolopiiioiits , nml lilla sliorls worn
niulopouvcru Kreat niiinjr IOHJS who
fmlously ycstoiday ivoro qnlclly tin-
atfnncy inlces. CuiisDldioiHatuoiig
buyers wcro I.oaan A Co. ,
llakor fc Co. iiml Uoclio. They voro
niter wlioxt niul nftcr short seller * ,
thvy KOI a pllo ofvlu > ixt from Itlooninnd
nuny others , who took out blji profits Blnco
c.-U'nl y inntiiliK ! . J-.atop In tlio iluy Otin- )
-tiek , Ulirord niul nmnyotlicw sold out Rood
ines and omiM-il a iFiiiirary | ( rcnclion In
tirlecs. . 'J'lio uclloti of ttio market In tlio tend-
IIK inotitlis up t.ol o't'Inulvns us follows ! unld iitlM o onllio
lrst liiilicOftlH'iiotltoUI'lo ' , up to tlio to lJIic ,
to MCI Docc'inlior owned ub Ki'io , OP Jo mor
lasbnllitlsuMnlKouirtoDI.9jo [ ( , up ti ) O'i\io |
Wiiy wheat t.oit ! al iit O-'c ' tlio llrst IIOUP.
TI B estiniiito for Monday wus 1'A ' c.\ra.
t. TjuulsTOi'ulred I17.UM lU ) lit'U ' anil nlroa
thiitRRroiMiieroiiso' In rwolpti Is utpcctutl
Monday. M IniiuHpolIs dl. i > atchus asaln ro-
liortecl ll"btrilnRccitiiiicos ; | of Hour at tliu nd-
Yuncvd i > rleo. I'lttslniri ! whcil tliat trail o will
licir of more dnina o from ln'at bo.-
forotho end of no.xt vcnk , Dunham ft On.
liiil n dlpntcli roiiortliiR ICJ3 ixt 1'arU ilvu-r , N.
II. . niul suyiiij.'Uuit wlicat cannot Ktaiul DX-
trt'nio lit-nl now. HraiUtioets f nvo OApotts of
vlioat unl Hour for Ihu wuuk nt 1&I.1,0M , (
1m * lids tiKiilust , 1,1K)7OCO last wotlc niul
lwr : > , OX ) llio Bnnio work hist jcar.
Xe\v VopkcleariMl 40.000 bushi-Is of wlii at unit
S.OOObnrri'ls t > ( Hour , and roiioitvil 1 i > i'lv ' > boab
lontlsof fn-sli uxporb buHlncss. Tlioio wns n
ri'iiowod ollort on tlio t > iirt ) f tlio bulls In
wlicnt bpfure llio close , TJio pit b < < i'iiiiit > very
iinlmuU'diind prices went to tlio hlulii-st HK-
ili'i > s of tlio day and rlotril lint a Irnctlon
under 1Uo top , .Tulv closed lit Die. AiiR
loucliuvl Win , doting ufc 02' ' it ! Hi'litom
woiitusnln tolll' c. clo-lnirat'.vi.'li1) ' ) Dti'Cio
touclicil iNi'uo ' , closing at 107,1- { May Mold at
atou'ic. On tlio curl ) boforo.'I p.
affftln at We ! | puts fc\c , to DJ 'idt'JJX ' o :
Ciil Is We. In IHi'ic ' , to ! ) > ' , , i : .
Cora Iti Ililriiiiiirli't Ins a romarknblo icconl
for flvo clays. OH Tnc8diy Sopteiiilioc corn
soltl ntiwo , Wi'diiesdnyltsold atll'o ) , Tliursdiiy
It J list toiiolioil lOk'iKriday llio uMicinu prlto
ff < is4l1ic.Aiitlbofora 1 o cluck tmlay llio prluo
tonohcd 4to ftirScplojiiliur iind47c for Maycon-
ti-iicH.1 Thurubas Uuoiiuu man Ipulutloii in tlio
sbiipcof nconii'i- and ncRivat linyliiK by uny
cuts mail nr any one liousu. Only OIL one or two
occuslou-iiviis tlu ro any nn'iit com tun I. Ion in
llio pit , noltluT lins theio Ijecn nay violent ru-
auLloim. A > Cow who talked 4lc ) for
September at tlio opening of tlio
w 'ck ' WITO lauglic < l nt , but sliowrs in
n f jw Dl : KO.S ilo not HIIVP tlio wliolt ; er < > | ) and
tlio fo\v ulici fell sure ot It kppl on biiylnsc.
Attor nnKlvancoHf Sosborls In-tan Mil Ins Jn
'intl that liclin'il tlni advance- ] 'ii'U < lay added
totlio p TU ! > a. Li I ICy tluvtdry wontlior over tliu
corn boltmlKhturmiist prove Inliiilous. Then
Ciitiu'Ut-ucnilliiiyliiK ' on tin' infills of I liocmii
ami a stinng rlso In tlioinnrkot hldo by MUo
\vltlnvheat. \ llcforo tlio clo o corn niado a bulte nnd unit beyond the blirli jirloes
curly , tfiptoinlior touclioil JJiTiC , clntlnic nt
fie , and MavwunttoIT.'ic.cIosliw nt4"o , July
Wits qiKitcil nt 4iJaC , nml Auuiist lit 4340
at tlio pliM' . Oetolir tnuolii'd JVjC , doslni ; nt
4.'tlsi ; . TliDiMWiis-no mir-prlslng news hlmiily
twuntly liullsto ono licar on tlio cmp situ-
atfon. ( hiLttors w ro but IT4.HOO bushels.
Ooinsoldoii the curb for tji'iiLrinbor nt 4iliO :
an < Hl.t.c ! ! imti-HiU ? to4 icto 4'o ' ; calls 44Ho
tot.Vio tolic. .
1'liuru va * iblKtnarlot In oat ? nil day , but
H-\VH ; oiorbliuiluivi'U by llio excltoniunt In
ivheit ; uml corn. Thiu was n liiilllsli feellnc ; ,
as lu other iiinrljcts , and prices WON
lulviiiicoil to Htlll blKliur llxurcs.
Tliomvns no tnidliiu for the
iiioilth nml the prtco was merely iiomlnul
uromul K'/io. VuKnsl sold nt Dl4i ! : mid : t'o ' ,
closliiK at Ulip ? ; ht'pleiubcr openud } i' over
lastnlxlit atWnC , si > ldat-molo ; 111 'it ; l : n'/o
to Dl ? u nt tliacloiu ; May oats tiiucliril Mo an
closed Dt34.ji ! ! October olosud ivlt
No charier for oats was reported.
provision murltct wiis d rnujjod nlonff to
slightly totter prices today. Whltocorn hus
udvanucd Ticln ufow days , provisions lia > usold
but a t llio lilKhcr. Tliuro WUH nioro craln
today t.lian at any other time. I'orli Is still a
rinvcrcictl mid the ndvaiici ) In July today In
* ; ( , September to $11.10 nml .Iiiniinrr tojll.20
o.cdteiL no tiitoriht beyoiitln f w. I.iudAhowocl
asaln ofl Mi ) to W.lfti for Si'iitombor mid
sliort ribtu llko advunco to 5. i 1 ortliu sumo
, July M. [ Special Telo rain to Tin
K.I CATTLE Tlio frequent arrivals of na
tives were not largo enough to call out much
competition , even had thcrobuon a demand ,
but as Jt was nearly all orders for tlio week
v jro fillfd ucforotlioclosoof yostcrdiiy , and
sellers foumlii iioor outlet at pooier prices.
Utilto jLiiuiiibur of heavy fat cnttlo were cur-
rlc'd ovtr Imin yosli-rclay liecauso tullers
tliouclLtblls ; > vcro too low , Today tlioy hnd
to coax : reporters to absorb tlioin aitu wcro
plad toubtuln oirers mad n yesterday. Of : ) , ( )
' 1'u.xas I''Lltlo ou Bale aDout onc-luilf
were consigned lodrt'ssudbcofnien ' had
contracted for tliom ou range. What wcro
In coninilsslon turn's Hands sold stcndy to
strong. Inoludoillu Iho days arrlrnhwcio
forty-tiljbt ears of iioittiwe.storn rnnKofitcora
niulcow. t'attlo wore Jju'.xcelleiitcondltlon ,
honif nt tliu stuois volKblng aa much
ns l.ftOO llw. They won ) not placed on
Male , Cliolco to c.itrn beeves , f4.453).bO ) ;
iiioiliuni ro KOoil sleor , l.Ui ) to l.rXM Hii ,
fl-'ttiW.Hi J.S > to 1.3M Ibs. . il.yjtlX > ; O.V ) to
l.ilW llu , . 8I.KVS1.80 ; Btockors and ftoileri ,
did ! at > ! CCOWH , bulls ami mixed
t-low ut tlta'afisi ; bulk , SiOO-ai. ! . ! ) ; Tuxns
eatlli' , market- sliadu unslcr ; hli'cis , UJO
to 1,031 , Ibs. . f..noan.-JOi7fiO to lK lbs..MOaS.T | } !
cows , SI JfKf 5. : i.
Hoos-Tliomnrkotopenod steady nt.yostcr-
i1iy'a disii ] ( , ' pi'loc ; In iinn Insmncrj
strwiBtliwaiobtalncd. Tlio tone of tlio niiu-
liot , bowovcr.v s decldc'dly vveuU and bofoio
thullnlsli IOHQLiirlocs prnviiilcil ; pnrtlcularly
wiisisncoalo intlio northwest division.
M'hcro Jato arrivals ofgoixl , beavy liujjs could
not call out inoio tliaiL a (3,72 ( bid.
The liiilk of tlio lu'iivy , anil nil
other nttbo yardi sold botwecn'jVJ.
vrlth JIW'i'/S tlxs popular UKUIO. l aler. Kock
Jslaiul mid UiirllnKton could not cirect a
clearance tit f.J.M ) for tlio bt'st Jieivy , wlillo ( Trades nobody seemed to ivanC at 3t t
any tiflro. l.lsht weights hold up piotty well ,
opening ut l-'JJ lor sortiui ll ht find
luitcliors1. nnd cioslnjc nt SJ.HViKf.tXvlth ) tills
dim of ptes K norally ulnorbpU , UKlit nnd
sldppyluts raiiKcd fruiu fJ.0 ) .7j , largely at
Nnw YOIIK , July ! il. [ Special Telcxram to
TiiKllxi.1 STOCKS There was a disappointed
Idill coiilliit'ciit nftorliours Iist night anil on
tliostrcut early totlny. Tlio failure of tlio
mnrUc-t to lold up ycHtcidaywos Iho cause.
Jinny oltli * bestsuiiporters of the Ikt left tlio
city tolio ulm > iit until Jlonclny. tlllothura
illdiiottiidlt xvorthb1lo \ vIsltbiR tlio room
tliliinornliu Eteopt wliero Iho Imldolritrr-
I'.stmanlijulato.sfiicar liPllncrlos to irull the
tTailo Ilicro Is no life lo llio market. ItusInrsH
: ut the-Mouke.vdiiiiijfi ! oontliiui-a to Olinlnlih
hi voUimo nnd thin morning cvon SiiKar Ite-
llnirles. N ) iv rCiiKlunil , Jvaulmwaiiiu. and At'
rhlson. vvfii dull and Htuxuant with the ro-
umliuLcrof tliu list. Tlinnpunlnn was rather
liviirv'i DIKI Bujrar licllniTlusvii4ilown \ H per
cent from last nUht'ti price. Hut Eiib oquunt
ilcnlliici fallcil tii ( ] ivclopniiy apparent tone.
Siiiiar ItullnerU'Mrci.'ovui-i'd -
? per n-nt of Us
i > l > vnln'loMaiid Cltl/on'i GUM of lliooklyn
fontluiipd lu nilviiiii'o , hut the chanxos In
other Atoclciln no case expccdivl ! i iier e nt.
Atll o'l'loi'ktlio market was still intensely
dull and lisirel steiuly at about llio ononluK'
i > rK'es. The bunk htali'nirnt Hindu iiiildlo dur-
limtliosiioiccflln I ma r did not liulp tlio ninr-
k'1 ! p < 'rootlhly. | Jtwor-vrs Iner > ako0 ( , 10,11110 ,
ivhllo loans ( luiTPa-sed tt.3'MlO ' ) uml dcpoilts
f\iiii o , Husitrronloiiiil luWJ. closing with
u. net lov f I't. ' 1'aclllo .Vail am ) LncUnwitiina
WITH ' : ich ui | iwlillu I.oiilsvllln. N'ow Kn-
Innd , Uloelv Isliunl , : ind ( Jlilc'tiga Gas vvcru oil a i
Mini n mini I , im < l other st-oeksot tlio royu-
1 n r Us t ircro iio lcutfd.
1'ho followlngwcrothQelo'iliii ; ipiotntlonsi
I' , 8. 4 ipjiulnr Ui.Ui ( to im'fi'rruj ' MW
U.S. 4iiiri ! alftr M < 4 CfcN.W HIM
17. S. mirini in KVi : do profcrro , ! Ill
t'.xtllcwoif 'US ' 114 i > ( w YcirlcCentral.1M
Cfiitral I'ncino . 2H I1. , H. A13 SO
iwo if Alton . ISO Iilnnit , lluillllirton ( , ' . . .M. , \ ht , I'uil. . . , Wi
.101 do prefi-rrc'l ' 1 lii )
. . . . . . , , ft. i'nul.Ni Oinntin. . . , SJ
llllh"lMContral . 11 - | ilo prolurnvl . Vl
1. . II&V . I'nlonl'uclllc . (3
KanHOMi Tens . W { M'.rtt.IAt' . U
Ijiln fliorn . 1r. ( ( do pref orroit . %
Mldileat O-ntrnl. . . . l i i Western Uuluii . fcoj
JIONtv Kasy ivitlino loan * ,
1'niaii ' 3lr.KANTii.r , l'\tr.H--ySAVt per cent ,
hrciuiKd I'.AiiiAMiK gulot and steady ;
HUty-tliy bill.s , Jl.rtll domuml , Sl.sili-
VOIIK , July 50. IBpuclal 7ol jra n to
Tlio foltovtlnit tire tliomtiilnK sloolt
Iron silver. ir. %
liu.lii ) . , . . . log Mptlonn > . ' > A
Cnlcitniitnll. It. , . . , , 9i > N. llclln Into 110
Con.Cnl. A VA . v > Ontnrlo . .HIM
. I'i.v Plymouth .CM )
llurokn Con I'li.rnl.xrlt IU
I'utoll CO
IloinoiLnlc . , . . ] ( Slurtu Xuiiuln 3UO
ItornSlltcr . & < >
OTIio Cotrco > l rl < ct.
New VOUK , July W.-L peolnl to
Tun n E. ] CoiTee Option ? opened ste.iily
an l tini'lianKCd to f > lOlnUa upl closed steady
nnilitm'linniril1o ; 10 polnH win chill. Riles
> liicliullni ? July , * l7n , > ; AUK-
Fuptcinbcr , lifl.rci < ii5.fiO | uct ii > i r ,
. - , .
Mny , eu.l.'vai.i.xii. Spot Hlo dull lii
fnlr cargoes , KO.W , No.7 llntbc-nu , lsa"S. !
Weekly llAtilc sSlntciiiont.
New VOIIK , July 20. fc'uooliil 'IVItijrnni to
TUB UKE , ] The rti'okdy bank
llp ervc. liicreiiso . I
. . . . . 2aiMlofl ,
doorcase . . . irivi.nx , )
Icnilori , laoroaso . JCT.tfM
, 0iit.OW , :
UlnUlrttlon.ileoieaso ! . ,
" The banks now hoUl Mic.lIS. , > In oaoess of tlio
" ' wile.
The export of ppecMo from the port olXcw
i orlc lii t week iitiioiin-Uil in 82.iiS. ! : ll , of
yrhli'li ty.SV.rjO MnsliiKolU niuim.4KSII hllvor.
Llin lrnoMsof | sjicc'ln fur the MeiMi niiiountvil
tolJlKH , of which 61M.727 . Wns hi gold utid
660,107 silver.
Jl'IKfJHH'i : M.lHttllT ,
Cllig.lopv Jnlj-SO. lilSjii , in. closo-WJjKxt
unwilled ; casli , i > ; t > ) Suiitniulior , OIWI o.
l'orii-1'lrin : ci , h , JJUu ; h < optuiiilicr , 4V.
O.ita-rirni ! cash. IWic ; Stiituniljor. 31i(3 (
Kye Firm at .We.
llartoy Nointiial.
J'rlino ' Tlniotliy-rinn atll. ,
I'liiv-Stondy ut am
Whisky 81.10.
1'orU Stnin ; catli. JI2..V ) ; Poiitnniuor. SI1.03 ,
3nrit-Klrin , ; cmli1.00 ; September , S,13 ,
Tlonr Ulfin nnd hither.
llullc im nlH Slioiiiaors-W.lH'iffM.TS. ' Short
rlH g.l.KXftAt.'i. Shcitt ulpar JVIIKIJ.UTO.
lluttvr ijulut ) civaiuery , IWJlGJic ; dairy , !
OhcosoJ niloTi full cmnm cliedilnn. 7
: llntH.T'iltti'ic ' I I'm ing Ainprlcaa , TiiifrSc' ,
heavy niul lUlit Rroon
Balled. ftTTUi'iCi Nidtt'ilbiilK tie ; mo. . .
ciilf ' " , T'lilT'Jdi dry silled lildiw , Ou : drr oilf ; ,
. 2)oOiich. )
Tallow InirhitiisrcMliNo. ) , solid pucld'd , 4o |
> > o. 2 , Uie ! ; cuku , 1'ic.
Hocolpt ? , Slilpm'K
TImir 7Hi ( ) 11,000
Corn S41UKW fiiVJ.OOO
Outs J7S.OOO 152.00) )
ST. T.ouisJuly25.Vlicat Closing
cimhi Bit' : Scntmiibur , 02'ie.
Com IHshori cnili.I'.ta . ; Soplonibor ,
0itl 1 teller i casli. iMc ! ! Boptonibcr , J24o. !
I'ork-SI niHR ! c.-isli , IIL.OO.
Lard-lllsliopat Ri.O''Jt.
Whl-ilsy J1.IO.
lluLtcr Uiiclaanscdero.iiiicry ; , lJ3HoJiilry ;
CINCINNATI , July 20. "Wheat-Stronger ; No.
2 rod. Wftlt.
t'orn-Stwidyi No.Smlxnl , 4o. ?
Outs-ISu.sler : Xo. SmljccdWo. .
Whisky tl. tu ,
KANSAS rirr.Jnljr SI. IVhMt Hlshefi No.
2 liai lcibliK.V : ; July , bdobld ; .Vo , Srcil.caili ,
OJo ,
Corn Higher ; No.S , e.-x li ntid.Tiily , .ITiio.
Oats Higher ; No. 2ciish , ! ! ! ; July , Me.
Mis Evi'oi.ts , July ' .M.Vlieat \ llooclpts. 52
cars ; slilpinonls , Gt onra ; thcro was n lirottjr
u'i l dcinunilor pond whuit and thcio MIH
little outside biiylnicof poor \vhoit : , but such
rv.-ii KPnorilly vcrrsliuv lo neil ; tlio tn-irkct
: ciicd sit tlicefo-olii sj-iu nut liy with lower
tc'i. Clolnii No. 1 liiinl , July mid An-
. . . - . ! Uo ; on t.r.ick . , O.V ; No. 1. northern , July
: ind Ausust.s 'ic ; on track. Die ; No. 1 ! north-
cm , July Jiiid AugustSj i on track , 85087o.
Mir.VAVKKK , .Tilly L'fl. IVlu-at I'lrni ; No. 2
sprln , cash , P ! > CI N .l noitliurn , .K < 1 ,
1'orn I llx'hoi i X v. ! l , 41 c ,
( > -ils-Steiilyi : No.Svlillo. \ . 3 > S3GJo. !
lty l'"lrin ; So. 1. Omt-iMo.
Hut ley 1'lrin ; No. 'i ' , fi o ,
Provisions firmer. 1'nrlc , August , ? 11.50.
Nmv YOIIK. July Id. Wheat K cclits,00.700 |
liiislio ] ? ; ( tu ] > it4. D,10l ( biiHlicN ; Mint llrni !
No. 2 red , Od'i Wc In olwvator , t\.wgilM \
iifln.-i.tlOlK'l-00 ) , ' f.o. l > ! opLlmis closed linn
lil ( 3ililini'i Ko.Srcil. July , clobCil lit Wp.
iM.'in liimhc'Is ; fnort.i , KMOO
t strong | N'o. 2 , 4S048HU Intlora-
tor ; * 8 ® 4lki alloat ; unsratlnl inKcd , 4UU1&
Ma ; options less autlrc , lilghcr , Julyolualng at
iSliO ,
OiiLs Itccelnts , TO.300 bushels ; oxnorti , 730 ;
miot &ti > n < ly ; Dio. 2 ivhlte. 4ici in I veil vest ern ,
us41viilio ; wust iu , dliS4Sooiiloiis ; ilrmur ;
July oloslni ; nt40u.
Coffco Opt Ions clospclsloady. tineliADEOd to
10 points up. Saks , 8.731 liiiRH ; .July ,
S17.UO ; A-iigiiMt , $17.15 ; spot Itlo steady ; Jalr
carffocs , Sai.UO-
Kusar Itnw. flrin ; rcdnod , firm ; "O"5 f18 f
fij. > 13-1605 otni "C. " Wift.'Vfio ; hlto oxtni
U" JiJ/c / : yellow , 4 VMtsto l-'t-lxi.
I'titroloum Unlt d closed for iViijust lit
KITRS T lrm ; western , fair to fancy , JC18Mo.
I'orlt Stnin er ; mess. } lJoiII.i)0 ) ) ,
Ljtiil Stninxpi'on advance In corn ; quiet ;
ttrstornsteam , W.L5j August , (1.13. (
lluttor Kasys woilurn dairy , iVUllc'j croam-
cry. Wine ; Elaln , 17tai7Mc.
rhetisc Stcsidy ; part skims , JSiJ'.ic. '
Lirniivoor. , .Tuly 20. Wligat-FlTinl do-
Jiinnd poor ; holders otrcrsiiarhiKly ; Oallfornla
Ji'o. 3 , ,9 5dier | uontal ; red vi-stcrn wlntor.fs
SJ jd per contikl.
Oorn b'lrni ; dcniund ialr ; mixed western , Ca
Did tcr cuntu.1.
OHiOAfiO , .7 > ily 2fi.Cntthnocclpt3 , 4,000 :
innrket slow and sloacly ; licovt's , $ ! .4VJft4M ;
sloors , W. lxa .l'J ' ; stoekurs nnd feeders , Ki.l
( JIUO ! CO H , bulls and ndxod , '
jins ,
Hheep Jleceipti , 2Wd ) : Hiilimieiit's , Cixli'iiinr-
Itct Mi'ndyi imtlvoi , ftJ.7va3.W : ; wnstorn. $1,00
H.Mi T xansl.ryiil.fiOlaiiil | > n. fl.751i.VBO.
KANSAS CiTr , .Tidy 2(1. ( O.ittlc Kesolpts
; shipments , 1,4 * : market steady lowcnk ;
ftoersiriflii : ( ) : cows , tUiOSUOO ; stoeUtrsmill
IfoxH Jccuiit4. | ; slilpmonti , 0,100 ; rnnr-
liet lilnliur ; a Jl grades , $ J..1iiiJ.07)i. )
PT. l.ouisInly 24. Oattlo-ilccolpts , 1,100 ,
jnienls. 2m , : ; niarkvt Bioidy : Ulr to
fancy nalv ( HI eon , SZI.W'SJI.W ; slockers tnicl
HI SS Ui'culiits , 900 ; shipments. 2,400 ;
mnclict htrons ; Iie.ivy , .W.T.v&M ; paeklns ,
JJ.70St3.0 ; llKlit , S.S3itfl.Ki. !
Sioux CITV , Tuly 2(1. ( llosi Rccolpt < ,
1,561)8 ) inarlrnt oponnl strotis with : u 5o ud-
Vinicci Quotations : ? 3.C.VW.7.1 ; liilllc. * .l,70.
1'liu trudliisliic'iittlo today wascoufliicil to
cows and hclCersvlileh som about steady.
THE ijn'noviJ iii.vr iucoiii : > .
.V Vcck's Hcsiinio of Itcalty and
ICliilillnt ;
"If prohibLtloii docs not carry h Nebraska ,
Omaha will scotha best year for real estate
In 1801 in the history of the city , " said a leadIng 1-
Ing real cstato flcalcr to aJun reporter jcs-
tcrdny. "I'lio splcndUl showing nn < to by the
census returns gives us a solidity In actual
] x > i > ulntlon which cannot bo mot liy nnj' other
western city. Them li no doubt bub tliab
eastern speculators , who at all times ibo
watching for safe ( ini3 remunerative Uivot-
ineiits , nro alrc-ad y famillnr with the returns
from nil m'stern to\rna. \ So long na wo lead
all other places thcro can bo no room for qtica-
tionliif , ' tlio fiict tbat caitcrn cnpltal ivill bo
placiil licrn In larjro tiumittlies. "
Architects visited during the nmt vcolc
declared that n larxo number oriuildlnfrs are
contcmplatu-d for the near futura but tlioy
are in ninny Instances ordered to wait a short
tlrno lieforo Lcttlnirtlia contracts.
Tliu silo ; bjMux.Moycr of lilspropci-tvnt
the northeast corner of llth nud Furnarn
streets for f 0WO ( ia not considered nt all out
of tlio wjiy.
O. II. Ilrlyffs , - q. , h contomiilatinfr put-
tliiK on tlio market his valiwblo property oa
Twentieth atnx-t , south of Iavcn worth.
TlioHiirkftrlirjithcra have let the contract
fortholjullillnj ; ota Woclc ut Scveuth and
Jaclisoii streets.
Boyd'n thoilcv , will 1)0 ) veil under way by
AURUSt 1 ,
The following fluures show the total of real
cstuto transfer ! * , uullilliifr permlti ami banlc
cUiariiipsfortlio past wiH-k , coiuparod with
the corresponding we K last yo.u ;
Pair. JH < 1. JSC"
Monilay . . -Kim 5JOO.H18
Tiu-sdiiy . SUKifJ liVM
\Vudnosilay . mjMM 3iil : ) I
Thursday . ia',870 J > IKVJ
I'rldny . : t.VJ77 * ai
Saturday . ,
fotnli . WnVj7 , ert.4510
. .
Monday . $ 7V > Q
'I'liOMlny . ii'.KKl as
\Vmliiosday . Jt'soo asM
Tl.nriday. . . . -Ijtou IX )
I'rlilay . H.II.VJ 7.1
. . HIXK , > 70
eC7,800 ,
The l > ankcloarlnga tlio week \vcru nitol-
VrldilV , " . . ' ? IV . ! B
Total HTOI,0lM4
Ati Inoixwo over the wrwsmoiiJluitvoelt
of last yvorof 3S percent.
Tlir ; Kind \vlth Heading iMntlrr nn the
There bus been Irotii tlio very Iwprln-
ln r ot missionary work In tlio Hermit
nation a ( lestro to nrosonla bllilo to tlio
Idngsnys , tlio Independent. Tliu time
ciiiuo scomhijrly. TJio minister ot ( ho
lolt VHP jrh'oiia copy tot nl < o to the royal
pnliu'o , ilo did to , told hlHina.joMy what
it wis niul then , in llio pfcsonoo'of tlio
liinpr , lo show his disapproval and eoii-
tcmpt , toro It to p lives , Ills not had
royal sanction , \Vlion the royal eolloKo
was opened In 1SSO sill ivforoni'o In tlio
lost byolis to led ! was carefully stricken
Prince MtnjjVoit - lie \n\g the fti'.it
Ooreiin ambassador to the LTnlknl Stated.
Diirittc Ills visit lo tlio United States ) u
dlsttnifulsliivl ffontloinim froniKoutueky ,
hipli lit Mielnlimilolllelal Hfo , presented
tlio prince , tw the chief product o ( tlmt
stitotv : high brand of old bourbon. Somu
was also son t to tlio lilntr ,
. The Christians of Kentucky naturnlly
felt lliit : vhisliy was not llio only im > -
iluetof tlii'lrsta to anil resen ted tlio tin-
warnmtod I not of the Bolf-nppuintcd
representative. 1t 1 They wmted to show
Unit t they had other niul bolteringn ( \
Limn bourbon ,
They had lo wait several years , but
tlioir t opportunity canto. roroa. . bent her
first I roiiroscntaUvo to AVaphitiKton In
the t winter of 1SS7 , Ilo was received HH
Llio t minister of uny olbor country , nnd
was deeply imprctuoil with our Christian
civilization Ci , instead of Hnd Inc.tliu
scum i of t-ix'iety believers and nttendtintH
upon tlio Hoi-vires of the ehinvh , ho
found the highest ollloials devout vor-
HliipjK'i'f. Keolnyf vii9 believing. The
preconceived notions of tlio Corenns hud
to lie inoditicd. Christianity was not
ili'ffKidlnif and only fit for coolies , IKS
tlio.\ worn truifflit , at home , lint rolhittiK1
and ennobling , niul adaploil to tlio
weultliy mul lutolllK-cMit : isvoll nHtothi )
poor anil i noiiint. Tlio clitiipo. ; ; that
cainoovoi1 tlio oinbashy vns raduiil , not
Hlbluji and clnuvhcsvcro /oiiuila / nnrt
nnd parcel of our civlllisntlon and not a
nioro accident. When our frlomls In
Ivontucliy wrote to the foreign seorotiiry
of tlio legation nsliinyaitl to show C'orca
that tlioir stale produced Eoniotliiii } olmi
besides whisiliy , and the mutter was pro-
scnti'd to the minister , the proposition
wus looked upon with fuvor , nnd ho uc-
I'optt'd 1lio tnslc of presenting' ' a blblo to
Ills Ulng. Throe bibles , ono for tlio IcliiK1
of Coroii , ouofor the ininlntor nnd tuiu
for tlio foreign socrolaryverosont to
" \\'iisliinnlon \ , wlieueo they in due tiino
reached the throne. The pi-OHcntalloa
wid made , jiocojitcd , and the friends lu
Kontueky HIM to bo congratulated ,
Stanley us a Companion.
' "Mr. Stanley , " says tlio givat pxjilor-
cr's SLHM'ctur.v , "is a delightful conipnn-
ion. IJig tonipor Inmost equablo. It
takes : i great detl to reuse hitiiin or ,
but -\vhon \ nngry It Is bust to { jotout of
his wiy as quickly as possible. Yet ho
is most generovH to all ronlly in need ,
nnd never tires of doliifr anything wJileh
lie bclioves will bo of bonoliL to uny one.
When wo wcro nt Cannes tv IIIOH-
eoiigcr canio 0110 flay anil told
him that Jlr. Iluutlngton , the
American financier , was lying
HOflously ill at Lin ivsidoneoiindit wtm
feared lie \vns on the point of death , and
lie had expressed a uooi ) closiru to BOO
MLStsviiloy. . Mr. Stainoy , though ho
had hardly n moment 1o spare from his
boo ] ; , at once went around to the sick
infill and roinjunod talking to liim for
nearly two hours. Aniilo in Paris vru
wore ngain simply inundated by re-
povtcra and would-bo Intoi'viev.-ors , but
ilr. Stanley would BOO nobody. Oh ,
and I mtirft toll you of an incident which
occurrciil wlillo we were In Cairo. Ono
morning a gentleman eaino to the
hotel where wo were staying and
sent In his card , asking to BOO
.Mr. Stanlor. Tlio porter sent the curd
to mo. Of COUI-MO , I had only to qboy
orders , mul Itold him Mr. Stanley would
6co no one. Ilo went away in high dug-
geon , and Llio noxb morning' tlioro up-
netirutl in ono of the pa pars tlireo eol-
niniis of infllgiiiition in Italian ono de
voted 1p anathcinatl/.liig tlio porturfor
notlnhing' the card at once to Air. Stan
ley , one to mo Jor not allowing the yon-
lletnan to intrude upon M > . Stanlo.y and
the third against Stanley himsulf for
not seeing tlio { fcntloiiuvn ami for kcou-
Ing such a porter and hiiuh a pccrelury.
And it , was all translated into Arabic IIH
well , That will show -you Low ineoiisid-
nrjito seine jiooplo : iro.5' '
C/'nrlylc'M Had iVliiiiimurlpt.
IBalzno hus bcn ( conslilcrud all along
thu I'hiiinplon terror of the iiilclllfrotil ,
compositor. Ills manuscript ami em-roe-
tioiu on the proof : tvo wild tohavo driven
thotyosottcr.sto ] ) despair. N'owCJjirlvlo
comus to tie front In rivalry of him.
Tlio8ngc4IC'lielttLnis | ! wild to Imvo boon
quilo equal to the great Frondinum in
this way. It in tolil of him that ono day
ho went to his printer to rate him
for some < loliy. "Why , ulr , "
said the typesetter , "you really
are so very hard upon ua
with your corrections. They tiik-e un so
much thnL\ youeo. . " Carlyle replied
that hownsacc'iistoinoil to that kind of
excuse that lie hnd hud work printed
In.Scotland and ' 'Yes , indeed , Bir , " in
terrupted tlio printer , "wo nro mvnro of
that. Wa liayoa man hero from Kuin-
burgh , and when ho took n hit of your
copv- lie dropped it llko a red-hot cinder ,
oxcliiimln'Oh } , : , pro.sorvo us ! Have
you got that mini to print for ?
only knows when voBhall bo done with
hiacoi'i'uclioni.1" )
The Lnrmca I' , Prtiyn comiinnj' fllcil arti
cles of Incorporation with tlio couu t.y rlurlc
yestordar. Tlio comiwiy starts with n capllnl
stock of S10,0X ( ) aim \vlll do a ifonoiul reid
cstato anil loan business.
bulldinc inspector yesterday i
Tiilni l.nvls , DUO n tul a ( iiiiirlor f-tory
fmrii id olllfit ' , , Tvi't'iitlt'lli ' nnd l.ulril
stri'i'ti . 1,50
I.IMIII Olson , nun nml n halt story frninu
ilwullln , Thirtieth uml ( 'ulirurnlu
hirncn . . Ii00
J , N. I'loKtHl , oiuiHtory frninu uo
Tlilm-thlrd and Taylorstn-oU
Four minor | H' nulls