Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Horn To Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris , a
boy. ,
The bnnk clotirlngs ycstordny were
{ 022,700.25. ,
In the district court John I. Roddick
yesterday commenced suit to recover
1200 from John Tredman , which amount
ho alleges IH duo on rent.
Judtfo ShteldH ycatorilny prantcd Gco.
S. I3olcI < munaKcd thlrty-ono yours , pcr-
iniHDlon to wed Hello I'nrkor , who IB
twenty years of nyo. Both parties tire
residents of Omnlm.
Mrs. Sallie Fuller died Thursday nt
her residence , 1810 North Twenty-sijcth
Htrcol , tifrod Hoventy-slx yours. The re
mains were forwarded to Gllinan , In. ,
ycHtordiiy ovenin .
Fred Htiyc1) ) , who has held the posi
tion of iiiyht ynrdmuBtcr In the IJiir-
Ihik'Um yards over slnco that road cnino
Into the city , him tendered his rcsigmi-
tlon to take thu HUiicrlnlcniL ] < ncy of the
electric street railway of San Francisco.
The BtookholderH of the Glebe loan
nml trust company hold a meeting Tues
day evening and voted lo Increase the
capital stock from $150,000 to 300,000 ,
which will bo sold ns the directors irwy
A warrant was sworn out in .Tutlgo
MorrlHon'ti court yenterdny uflornoon
chnrifiiifr II. V. Puylusy with the crlmo
of udullory. The complaint ullogea that
lie has lied to Clinton county , Mib&oui'i ,
wlicro ho now lingers.
Mian Lucllo Labaortow of Lexington ,
Mo. , who has boon visiting1 her cousin ,
Miss Minnie Bedford , in this city and
was called homo to her brother's death
bed the Ili'Bl of the week , did not arrive
there until an hour after ho had died.
The Illinois improvement company ,
with u capital of $300,000 , filed articles
of Incorporation with the county clerk
yesterday. Governor Fifor of Illinois is
nt the head of the concern , which lias
for its object tlio buying und soiling of
Omaha lots and Nebraska lands.
Uert Knapp , who has hold down the
night operator's desk at tlio Burlington
passenger depot , has boon promoted to
the portion of day operator at the same
place. II. S. McClelltintl , formerly
ngcnt at Gibson station , will perform
the duties of nlghlonarutor. The change
will take ellcct next Monday morning.
Under General Brooke's order Private
John IltiBSoll , Company K , Eighth in
fantry , now In confinement at Fort Rob
inson , Nob. , under charge of having do-
Bcrted the service of the United States
on or about December 11 , 1889 , who sur
rendered himself atFortRobinsoiiNob. ,
July 15 , 18'JO ' , will bo released from con
finement and restored to duty without
Kosnnna Sosaucr has brought suit in
the county court to compel the Hamilton
loan and trust company to cancel some
notes. In the petition she alleges that
ehc and her husband attempted to bor
row $9,000 on some Omaha property and
that at the time of making the applica
tion she signed notes and mortgages to
the amount of . &loO , which wiis in pay
niont of the agent's commission. She
now brings suit to have these notes can
Cleaning Oil ! Alleys. '
Chief Scavoy has ordered Captain Cor-
rolck to have nil vehicles nml other obstruc
tions removed from the alloys of the city. Ho
has also ordered OJllccr Rowdeti to put Ills
chain RUHR nt work donning pnvod alleys Jlrsi
und later cutting all weeds within ten feet o
sidewalks , _
Ha fry IjlntonViuiicd. .
Mrs. C. Mulliorn of San Francisco writes
to the chief of pollca-asking for Information
as to the present whereabouts of her sou
Harry Union , nt one time an ntUieho of th
People's tlicntcr. She rcud of u Jinan numei
Hurry Lintou Jumping from a window mid is
inclined to bcliovo that that Is her son.
Ho. May Hmiquut nt Boston.
Mnyor dishing lias received a very club
orntcly engraved faivitntlon to attend a ban
nuet to bo given In IJoston on Aupnst 12 bj
tno Mayor's club of Mnisiicliusscts In hone
of Pre.sltlent Hnrrlaon , Vice President Mor
ton nnd the cabinet. Sir. dishing has wilt
ton the mayor * of St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
ICunsns City and Denver to enquire whether
thny purpose attending , Should they reply
aflirmatlvcly ho says ho shall most pcrlulnly
attend , aa ho don't propose that , such cities
shall bo represented unk'ss Omaha is also.
The Pui-Ic Coiiooi-t.
The following excellent programme will bo
presented by the Musical Union band at
Hnnscoin puik tills afternoon :
pAirr i.
jrairh "Governor's "
Uimrds" . Knoll
Ovcitnro-"Tlio Hello of tliu Village. lloiililOn
BiOoutlon-"Mlkulo" ! . Sulllviiu
Cornet Solo "Atr Yurie , Tranipl Trump ! "
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uulllbon
Mr. J. I.iH'hlnger ,
I'AitT it.
Wnltz "Dlo Hvdropliati-n" . GimBl
Mcdloy "Tlio Viiukoo TluUIo" . fioyur
OtiiuaotPrlctlo I'lwn "Simplicity" . Moses
"Arnimtl tlio World In TYti MhiiiU"j""lliown
1. TtirKov. " . Dniiulio. a. IJussla. 4 Po-
loiul. 6. Aii'-trln. ( I. Gerinuny. 7. Al-
wico ftiul I.oralno. 8I'runco. . 0.
Spain. 10. KiiKlawl. It. Aiuurlcii.
I'Aiir in.
Ovcrturo "Tlio Amazon" . Kclslor
Unvotto "Tlio Itioolv" . ( lloott cr
Holi'Otlon "I'atleiK'o" . Hulllvau
Onion "WlicolinunV . . . Sprint ?
( Intioducus the lii'gitlatloii ' Itlcyolo Whlatlu )
AV'orlc on the Huruoy street motor line Is
pi-ogresshiK rapidly and It is expected that
the line will bo In operation by the ilrst of
the month. The motor cars will run from
Tenth and Harnoy to Twenty-fifth and DoJgo ,
thrncu to CrclKUton collof-o. A horse cav
\vlll uo run on Dodge street west of Twcutv-
Work on the West Lonvcnworth street line
\villboroinmonccd soon und the line will bo
in oponitlon In about thirty davs.
"Ooniplalnt is hoard on all Mdos about the
manner In which tbo motormcn on the
Jlanscom park line stop and start their
trains , " said a patron of that lino. "Hoth
motions are inado vlth sudi suddenness as to
throw unsuspecting passengers entirely ) II
their feet. With one or two exceptions this i
is tlio aiso with every motorman on that lino.
The fnet that there are exceptions to this cus
tom shows that It Is not the fault of the elec
tric system , but of the men. "
Tliu Onttilia IJIMV
County .Attorney T. J. Mnlionoy delivered
n very Interestlnp lecture Thu rsdny evening to
the Onwhnluw class iipon"Tri | > lo Sovoivignlty :
tlio SovcrclKiilty of tlio Federal Govern-
incut , thu Soverelnnlty of the titnto nnd tliu
Sovercltjnlty of the Individual. " Kadi of
thcso several sovcrclKtiltlcs , ho lit Id , wns
supreme In Its respective sphere. The
crnl govoi mneiitexercisessupremoeovet
Ity , which Is delegated to It by the pcoplo 1 ol
the several Btntos nnd is exclusive. Any
Etuto laws inconsistent or concurrent with
any constitutional powers grunted to the fed-
cntl government nru void. The utato oxCr-
clses within its Jurisdiction powers us ultso-
lutu as tliwo exercised by tltovurof Kusshi
or the nilliulo of Jnpan , pow- >
cra with which oven the KCuoml govcmnienl
1ms uo right to Interfciv. The rights of n
Btuto nru Inherent , und the iiutura of otuto
constitutions Is ixvtnctlvo of these rights.
The relation between a state nml n municipal
cariKiruttou Is not unnlogoui to that which
exists between the federal government nnd
the state. The stuto can delegate certain of
Its powers to cities , but the Kuiierul Rovern-
incut cannot delegate nny of Its powers to the
states without violating the national com
pact. In his relative rl uta the Individual 1 I.H
subject to the laws of tlio suto aud imtlomd : :
government only BO lone as they Mib rvo the
jiuriKises for which povcniments are cst.ib-
Ilshcd , In Ills absolute rights the individual
recognizes no suiwrior but God , The sov
ereignty of tbo Individual in cases of neccs-
blty rises stn > erlor to all hunicii laws , statutes
and constitutions. The dlvltio rlchtof revo ;
lution Is man's Brent bulwark of civil liberty.
Ilv nuturo every man U boru as free as
Cu. aar.
lorenrty and IllrlcliaiiHcr Overlooked
by tlio HovcntliViir < 1 DcinoorntH.
The Seventh ward democrats beat the torn-
oin loud nnd long In their wigwam Thursday ,
'hoy ' gat tiered nt Dldnm's hall. II. H. Ncw-
otnb presided and Charles Johnson was
lected secretary. From the outset thcro
rcro evidences of blood on the moon ,
rlorcnrty had tnndo a canvn.1 of the ward for
ds boom us dclopato to the county convcn-
ion nnd longed for n prominent place
n the primary ticket. Then thcro was P.
V. Ulrkhauser , a member of tlio democratic
entral committee , wW > expected nn cndorso-
ncnt from his ncljrhbors of the Hevr Hh to
ho extent of placing him on the ticket as a
delegate to the county convention. But the
mil lots gathered thcro willed otherwise.
When the ticket was nnnoimced It was found
o bodcildcdly njnlnst the faction In which
Morcnrty and Ulikhauscr ara shining lights.
L'lio former nt once protested at the treat
ment accordoil him , nnd snld ho understood
hat GcorpoTownsend , who hud been named
as a delegate , was not n resident
jf the Seventh ward. Then Townscml's
urn oamo. He said a good ninny uncompll-
nontnry things of Morcnrtr , and promised
hat ho would encompnis bis defeat , Then
klorearlty declared that ho would ( ? o out oil
ho byways and highways nnd inaiio another
icket wliich u'ould test steel with the
CRiilnr ticket In the Seventh at the primaries
hit afternoon. This ticket Is inndo up ns
'ollo\VJ ! .T. H. Hughes , W. H. Vaughn , M.
-.niigdon , Georgii Townsend , T , A. AlcGcath
ind II. H. Hull. Alternates , John Dldam ,
llmrlcs Johnson. J. M. McJInnusV. . J.
'ickorlnir , Ham UOTiioynnd F. (1 ( , Ilobdcn.
The Morcarty forces evlucntly thought
bolter over their kick , after a night's ' lest ,
ind today thcv refused to place an opposition
ickct in thu Held.
Whatstonm Is to the engine , Hood's Sarsa-
parillu Is to tbo body , producing bodily
> owr and furnlbhlag mental forco.
A'lio Twonty-Kljiitors Declare For
Mericr Only to Knife Him.
Itcfcrcnco has been made in thcso columns
jo the duplicity of the Twenty-eight club In
connection with the candidacy of Dr. Mercer.
delegation from the club went down Into
Snrpy county tlio day of the primaries and
lid all In their power to defeat Mercer there ,
In this they were partially successful. Then
the next day the Twenty-eight club met in
O imil in by special call , flfty-thrco stronp.
They passed a resolution warmly endorsing
Mercer for governor , and for the first , time
n the history of the club the fact
that the resolution was passed was carded
around to the Omaha newspapers by certain
devotees of the club.
This act nlouo excited suspicion in Tnr.Bnc
ofllco , and the matter wns treated accordingly
in these columns. In the Issnoof Wednesday
evening nn Interview was printed the effect
of which was to caution Mercer's real friends
against tlio expected treachery and duplicity
of the delegation of Twcnty-clgbtcrs wliich
was booked to invade Lincoln "Wednesday
evening. This gang numbered about fifty
political bushwhackers , led by Wheeler ,
l.wis , 131umer , .Too Redman , Kd Cone , II.
T. Clarke , John T. Clarke nnd others always
found In their company.
It was about the same old crowd that ate
and dranlt nt Llningcr's board , swore by the
eternal stain to support the latter for mayor ,
and then loft his bouso only to betray him
and sell out his friends.
When they reached Lincoln they deployed
to all tbo hotels and lieadqunrters of tlio dif
ferent candidates. They announced openly
that they were for Mercer and that they wcio
there to see that Omaha received proper rec
ognition. But all the while they were cir
culating amotip country delegates and quietly
sinking the stiletto In to Mercer's boom. To
these delegates tbo Tvvcnty-cightora repre
sented themselves to bo ropnlar members of
the Douglas delegation nnd that they were for
Morccr , but , confidentially speaking , they
know Mercer had no allow on earth and they
would ndviso the country delegate to jump to
the winning man when the time came. ' 1'liis
man they claimed would bo McColl. Thus it
will bo seen that nil this industry on the part
of tlioTwcnty-cightors was at the instance
of tuo railroads and Braitch followers wboof
course were dead against Mercer from the
When the convention met tbo gang vns
scattered all over the house , hotvllng down
Mercer mid j'olltng for McOoll , nnd when
HiclmrdH was nominated they had the gall to
claim that they were Kichurds' men , got
Richards' badges and paraded the streets
howling for the successful candidate. Kigut
nt this juncture Ed Oono took njvnntagaof
the opportunity to distinguish himself. Ho
inndo the most disgraceful exhibition of nny
Omaha tnun there. What authority ho hade
o leuvo his post as clerk ia tbo city clerk's
> nice nnd create n Jamboree in Lincoln haslet
lot developed.
Dr. Mercer is nwaro of Just what work this
ang did for him at Lincoln ,
They hud it all slated to nominate Harry
lurkoof Sainy for the lieutenant ovornor-
ship In case JteColl secured first place. This
vas nn exclusive Clurlto boonilct , but it was
lipped before it hnd tlinu to bloom.
Of cow-so the deraocratiocndof the Tam-
nany club was nt Lincoln doing the bidding
of Broiitch nnd Clarlco strilccrj. They worked
side by slilo with these who had gone down
.o defeat Mercerv
Hot AVcnthcr ami Accidents.
Take no chances on headaches or sunstroke
Tiilsliotweather is foarfull , > utlfyou will take
a few of Krauso's Headache Capsules cacb
lay you will llml the tempruturu will bo re
duced and the likelihood of sunstroke or
jirostiiitlon absolutely couutciucted. For
sale by all druggists.
Ilio Solid South
Is solid on the ( font "Gorman Ilomcdy. "
Telegrams nnd letters nro received every day
during this hented term for Kruuso's Ilcud-
ncho Capsules. The people from that section
say they reduce the temperature und prevent
sunstrokes and headaches. 'For sale by all
Sim Stroke.
Now Is the time , the accepted tltno , to pre
vent sunstrokes , headaches , etc. By reducing
the temperature all thcsa distressing evils
will bo provented. Krauso's Headache C.ip-
sulcs aio'tho thing.
Ono or two Knuiso's Headache C.tpiulo
taken during the day will prevent any head
uche , also attacks ot sunstroke. All druggists
Taking Up the Old Grlnil After n Day's
It HUe KottitiK baclc from n vacation to
the police reporters when Jiult'o Ilclsloy
rapped tuo mongrel crowd In the police court
to order yesterday and tolil Court Ofllccr
Kyscrto "bring up the boys. "
Tkuivdny was a holiday in police circles.
The ofllcora aud pntrolincn of tUo force wow
plcnlciiiff titArlltiuton uud Judge Ilolsloy rons
talking politics down nt Lincoln. As u re
sult there were uo arrests niudo anil uo police
court held ,
Clerk LOUR ami the reporters sat around nil
day nnd told lies which they fomlly believed
the others considered true. WoiKiueu took
mlvnntugo ofttio Interim In the busi
ness of the court to plaster
lot of red and yellow paper over the bare spot
that 1ms long been an eyesore hack of the
judge's desk. It Is moro of an eyesore than
over now.
It was an awfnllvnulct day in tha police I
ftcourt Thursday. Spiders wcavcd their wehs .
soacross the judge's chuir und even the old
cloclt thut has regulated tbo operations of the
wcourt day by day was permitted to run down ,
Ho It was relief yesterday morning when
1 Judge Helsley resumed the grind ,
Tito mother of McCoy was a caller before
I court opened. McCoy is nn all-round crook
i and Is hold by the police on suspicion. Ills
! mother put In a pathetic plea for her boy , but
j the judge couldn't see his \\s\y \ clear to ro
leasing'McCoy and tbo mother went away
t disappointed.
| Thu Uoscnblntts , father , mother and clill-
nnIron ( , were in court airing n family row.
Thuy talked aud talked and monopolized the
J tlino of the court. Finally Jndgo Ilolsloy
told them to depart and return ut 4 o'clock
I this afternoon ,
I KJ Smith made complaint n alnst John
iOVYalloy ' , n South Thirteenth street saloon *
eskeeper , charging the lutur with slugging
him with u slimy-shot. alloy's case will I bo
vodecided today , The Avcajwn used woa on
exhibition in court and it nia J j Ulerlt'r
head ucho to looic at it.
iVauU LJcuilbh is young but
tough. A short time npo ho was
In trouUo over n girl nnd yesterday mornlntf
ho was up on achnrpo of viiamncr , The Juilpo
told him to find work Immediately or tnko tuo
Hachel Olll'ittc , a Prcnchvromnn , com-
ninlncd that Smith lown , u ncpro. had hit her
, in the head with n brick. lown ( i n bad inim
all nround und tbo court assessed him $10 nnd
costs. In default of the money ho went to
Thomas IClnf. Jolm Howard nnd Louis Cole-
mnn have been held to the district court In the
sum of ffjOJ for crund larceny. Colcman
waived n preliminary hearing on ft clmrgo of
stealing Jewelry from Captain Kramer's res
idence , H hero ho represented himself ns nn
cmployo of the pns company , KltiK and
Howard stole Henry Ilornberser's cash
drnwor , nnd were arrested with the property
still In their possession. In default of bail
the trio went to jail.
Steve Dalley's mall should bo sent lo the
county jail for the next thirty days. Whisky
is responsible for it.
Jutlpo Helslov heard the wind up of the
Moorc-Kclth ns < ? nult case yostcrduy and im
posed unothcr line of $1 nnd costs on Moot c.
I'ctcrlJallard wasiirrcstcd last cvenliiR for
tHirjtir.v. Hois licensed of testifying falicly
in the Don Carlos lumber case. Ho fjave bonds
tor his tippearance aud was released.
8OVTI1 UJl.ltr.t A'lWS ,
Union 1'lcnlo.
.Arrangements havabccn completed for the
excursion to Waterloo and picnic Sunday hy
tbo employes of the Union stock ynrds , the
Arinour-Cuduliy packing company , the O. II.
Hammond company , Swift & Co. , nnd the
Omaha pacltlng company. .Adam
Snyder and J. P. Hamilton have
been npuolntcd judf-ca of the
killing contests. Larry Nooonan , champion
of the state , cattle-killer nt the Armoua-
Cutlnhy packing houses , and fteorco Baust ,
the champion nt Swift & Co.'s packing
bouses , have entered nnd ncreed , in the event
that no other entries nro made , to allow all
tbo prizes to go to the winner. This
contest will bo for tlio cham
pionship of tbo stato. Champion William
Crowfonl and Frank Comptou nave entered
In the sheen slaughtering contest. The clu-
pant prize for the waltz contest can ho seen in
C. A. Mclchor's window. Tickets will ho for
sale on tlio train and at all depots nnd stop-
plnp stations.
Tlio committees bavo made nrranfieincnts
for the biggest picnic over held In the county.
The first section of the train will have twenty
caw. Tbo A. 0. II. band of Omaha and the
Mnpic City cornet baud will furnish the
The committees will hold their flnnl com
mittee meeting this evening In the baud
room , Twenty-sixth near ! ' streets.
Independent Delegate1) .
At the pilmary caucus held Thursday night
In Knight of Labor hall Messrs. Joseph Edger-
ton , Z. P. HcdgOT , George Br.icofleld , A. II.
Miller , Ucv. Kobort L. Wheeler , Christian
Christiansen , John Ulondon , C. "W. Sillier ,
S. D. Hyiicarson , J. W. Adams , J. S. Turncy
aud Samuel P. Brighnrn were elected dele
gates to the county convention to bo held in
"Washington hall , Omaha , at'J o'clock this
A resolution was parsed allowing no prox
ies but authorizing these present to cast the
full vote of tuo delegation.
St. Acnes' ' Picnic.
The second annual picnic by the congrega
tions | , of St , Bridgets nnd St. Agnes will beheld
held In Syndicate Park Saturday , August 10.
The Hcv. Father Morlarty has presided at
two preliminary meetings , oao by the ladles
nnd ono by tliu gentlemen members , held In
St. Agnes' hall. The next meeting will bo
a general 'one in St. Agnes' hall Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Cliri.stluii dim-oil Social. *
The social given hy the Christian church ,
Albright , Thursday night was ns well
attended ns it was an enjoyable affair. The
Mugic ' City cornet band furnished excellent
music , while the choir rendered a num
ber of plantation melodies and gospel
SOUKS so as to win hearty encores and much
praise. An inviting tnhlo was loaded with
loads ! [ of provisions. The receipts were as
liberal as the energetic offoits of Kldcr Mack
C. Hancock and Uis zealous member * could
After the muslral entertainment Elder
Hancock announced tbnt on Friday , August
Ifi , Knight of Labor Union , of Omaba , would
give a mo'tor car excursion and hold an ox
roast and picnic in Syndicate park. Supper
will to ) given In Kowley's hall in the evening.
Tbo Lincoln cornet band will accompany the
excursion , leaving Omaha ut 0:15 : o'clock in
the morning' .
Xotes About tlic City.
O. W. Miller of this city has boon elected
commander of Omaha Legion No. fl , Select
ICniphta , A. 0. U. W. , aud Harry B. Meae-
fee of this city senior workman.
fll. A. Daughterly of Eagle Canon ranch ,
Kicth county , a prominent western republi
can politicianvisited the AIngie City yester
Jlrs. Glnsqo.v. wife of Dr. J. M. Glasgow ,
and daughter , Miss Gertrude , who have been
visiting friends in Auburn and Peru , have re
turned home.
Joseph W. Edgcrton has returned from Col-
fax Springs , la.
$ iO.OOtn HostTii nnd He turn.
Tlio Ohio & Mississipi railway will sell
tickets from St. Louia to Boston nnd re
turn , going August 8 , I ) , 10 , and returning -
ing until jSoptoinber 'JO , at the low rate
of $20.00 , Corresponding reduction from
all points west. Ask for tickers vin the
Ohio & Mississippi railway. For sale at
103 N. Broadway , St. Louis , nnd at olllco
of connectinglinos. . A. J. LVTLE ,
General Western Passenger Ajjont , St.
Louis , Mo.
KioUcd Hy n Horse.
Oscar Pickard , who lives Just north of
Pickard's Grove , met with a very serious ac
cident yesterday morning. Ho was woiking
about the stable when ono of bis horses IBd
denly kicked him in the fuco , fracturing his
lower Jaw.
Itn nuporloroxcclloncoproTOn In millions of homes
for moro tlun n qunrterof n cunturr. It U usotl br
the Unltod Bin toi ( Jojernmont. Knitornt'd by tlio :
liendj of llio urcMt iinlvcrsltlcs nt tlio Stroncnit ,
' . . . ' ' ' IV :
I'lirHitiillil.MoatlleiHhtiil. 1) . l'ilco' Crouiii link-
1'uwituriloca not contain oiumonla , llruo ur alum. i
Hold only In P ins ,
Now York. ClilcnKo. Ban Kranclnco. Ull
THE CUCAT . ( rt'JU M Allli
BIJV. An unfiill *
Inucurn for Hum *
Inul WunlmtMS ,
mjHitoncy , nii't
nil UUtmat ! ) tin'
follow m n a-
queiU'O ot Self ,
I'aln In Iho Hick , | ) | UIIK > uf Vllun , I'ronialuro OI'I '
AK , nnit niinjr otlicr illnoaioj that lo.ul to Iniunltjr
or iwniiiiitloiinn | ) I apruiunturoEniTu ,
( XfKullmrtlriilHrjn | | uuriKimphlat , wlilchwo no-
ilroto > nini ( rt'uky null to eiory uno. tifttiy ripu-
clllo inodlclna U inlilnt ( t l > ar picknuo , or l < p-ic < -
naoi for tor nlll bo lout ( rco by mall on tlo receipt
uf tbo munejr. br nilflroiitiu
On account of counterfeit * wo liuvo adoftcU tlio
luUutr wrtvpvr , Uie vair ii Quliia ,
Sink Headache
IS a complaint from wlilch nmuy suffer
1 nml fewnroentlrelyfroo. Its cnuso
In Indigestion and a sluggish liver , ttio
euro tor which in readily found In tin )
use of Aycr's nils ,
" I linvo founilitliat for sick hcadnclio ,
caused by a ilkmrilercd condition of the
Moimcli , Ayct's Tills lire the most 10-
llnblo reinmly.-Sauiuol O. llrauburn ,
" .After the imo of Aycr's ' I'llls for
ninny ycnrs , in my practice ntul family ,
I am InstllltMl In snylntt tnnt they nro an
excellent cnt iiartlc mm liver medicine
aimtaliiiiieiillthoclaluiitimilofortliutn. "
\V , A. WcHtfall , M. J > . , V. 1 * . AiiHtln
& N. W. linlluny Co. , llurnct , Texas.
" .Ayer's 1'llls nro tlio best incdlclno
known to mo for n > iiiIntltiK ; the bowels ,
anil for nil dlsunsea cnnscil by a ills-
ortlorril stomach nii < l liver. I suffered
forever tluoo yenra fiom lionilncho , In-
tllKustlon , nml constipation. I liail no
npH'tlto | nml was weak and nervous
most of the tlino. By using three boxes
of .Ayor's 1'llH , nml at tlio sruno tlino
dlutlni ! inysolf , ! was conipktoly cured. "
Philip Loclcwood , TOMOKO , Knnsna.
" I was troiiblud for years with indi
gestion , coiiHtlpatlon , mid licaducliu. A.
lew boxes of Ayor's Pills , used In sninll
dally doses , restored mo to licnltli.
They arc prompt and effective. " W.II.
Strout , Moadmlc , 1'a.
Ayer's Pills ,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co , , Lowell , Mass.
Bold by nil Drugglsti and Dealers in Medicine.
LieMq Company's '
X > I A.I
For improved and economic
cookery , use it for Smtps , Sauce ?
and Mnilo Dishes. In llivvor in
comparable , and dissolves perfectly
clour in water. Makes delicious
13eof Ton and keeps in all climates
for any length of timo. 1 Ib cqunl
to10 Ibs of lean beef. Only sort
guaranteed goiiniiio
by Justus von Lie-
big and boars his
sl'nnturo { in blue , s\ v \
thus : '
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
Tlio most v.'Hely and favorably known spec
ialists in tlio United Mates. Their 10113 ex-
liorlcnec , ronuirkiiblo Hldll and niilversiil suc
cess In the treatment and euro of Nervous ,
Chronic nnd Surgical nson ! es. entitle tlieso
uintiiuiitpliy.slulans to tlio full cunUdonroof
the alllleled ovorywliuie. They Riiurantco :
thoawfnlolt'ui'ts ot early vice and thu numer
ous evils that follow lulls train ,
spoofllly , comiilotply nml iiennnnpntlv cuied.
OHIii ) S y luld roadlty lo tholp skillful treat-
" " '
Kuurunlced oui-cd without pain or detention
mntnrrlioa , Seminal \Vcalcnnss , Lost Jlanliood ,
Nisht Kiiilb-jlons. Decayed racullles , Kum.xlo
Weakness and all delicate disorders peuiillur
lo either so * positively cured , us vrullnsiill
functional dl'orileis that result from youth
ful folllosurtho excess of tnuturo ye.irs.
< CTP If" Mil ? 17 Oitaraiiti-ed .porimmo ntly
O livlVjl Ulxl-/ oared , remo\al coinjileto ,
wlthoutcuttliiff. c.iii > > tlu ordllatatlon. Cures
atlcetod at homo by patient without a mo-
ACTTIM ? fMTIIJ The awful effects of
oUKli l/UMi o.ii-ly vleo which brlnss
orpanlowonknossduilroylns both mind and
body , with all Ha dreaded ills , pcrimuicnty
T M ? s nTJ'riX Address these who hiwolin-
U1\O. Dljl lOpnirml thomsnlvot by Im
proper IndulKoncii ami solitary li ihlls , which
ruin both mind nnd body , uiillttlni ! them for
biislnosi. studv or mairhiK'C.
MAKHIK1) ) JIIIN or 11IO-.0 ontorliisoiitliat
happy life , awaroof physical debility , quickly
Is based upon facts , rirst Practical oxperl-
onco. b'CL'oiid Tivory cnso Is specially sttullod ,
thus starting rlglit. Thltd Mudlclnos are
prepared in our Inlinrnlory exactly to suit
uacn eiiso , thus I'lTeotlnsciiieHwItlioiit Injury.
Drs. Belts & Betts ,
Perkins , Gatfih &
We have the finest as O
sortment of Wares in 3j j -
the west , and 3cr
Bottom PriGBS 1CD /
C/ / )
See Us Before You Buy.
Crockcrjr and Glassware.
i5i4Farnam Street.
in either tex , Involuntary lo § M , inJ bi nnMorrt < r *
cautol by oTcir-eiorllo.A or llm bioln , reUiLiim or
. ' -
m nt 31 a boi. or lit for 6\ lent ly i
With mill orJcr for ilx loin * , will cml lunhunr
iru rinUlo ufunil o-jnty If Ibo truimrntfalUW
1110 Furtiuui Street. - OuiuUa , Keb
je Entire Season's '
Accumulations of odd Suit Pants arc now on sale. This will be a picnic for all who need
pants , and for those who do not need them
right away , as it always pays to buy our
Suit Pants and put them away for future use. We had several sales of odd Suit
Pants before , and our patrons know what
bargains they arc. This season we have not sold a
single pair of these pants , but as fast as the coats and vests of a suit lot were closed out , the
pants were put away , We reserved them all for the express purpose of making a grand sale in
July. This is the month when
extra pants are needed and our customers will appreciate the op
portunity to get them at less half what they arc worth.
There are nearly fifteen hundred pair of these pants.Vc have placed them on separate ta
bles and divided them up into four different lots from which you can take your pick.
Lot Number One we marked 41.90 ; not a pair in this lot but what is worth at least $3.00.
Lot Number Two is $2.75 ; all very fine worsted and cassimcrc , in light and dark shades.
Lot Number Three is marked $3.50. This lot contains about 5oo pairs very fine Pants , in ; ,
excellent patterns ; the poorest in the lot would cost you elsewhere from $5.00 to $6.00.
Lot Number Four is a small lot of very choice Pants , all of the finest fancy worsteds.
These are from our very best suits , such as have been selling from $22.00 to $25.00.Ve
marked these Pants $4.25 , the real value of every pair is from § 7.00 to $9,00.
Take our word for it , these are the greatest values ever offered , in
the Pants line.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Our store closes at 6:3O : P. M. : : : Saturclav at 10 P , M.
Drs. Merill & Merill ,
Cnronlc.Xcrvotn , lllooitnnrt Snrflcpl Dl'p.-noi nnd
cllscnH' of the ] J > c. Unr , Nose , Timt and Chest.
Special Attention to DlHcasos of Wo
men nnd ClillilriMi.
Tlioiloctorn Imo hnd ynnrs of experience In the
ho * [ > ! Uls of llrooklrn nnd New York , ami lira nnioiig
tliu most Hiucusjlui nnd widely kuonn tpeclulllsU lu
lilH countrj- .
'lo Yiiiinaalttl Mlililln-.Vsrcil Men.
Ix t Mnntiooil. Nervous Debility , Sperrantorrhr ,
gomlnnl Josics , I'liyslcnl Iceiy : , nrMnu from Indis
cretion , producing Hlccploii ni3i > . rtcapomlencr , I > lra-
pie * on tliofnco , nvunlon tonoclcty , cosily dhcour-
uKL-d , lurU of conlMence , dull , unlit fur study or busl-
ncn , nnd llmln life a burden , safuly , permanently and
epocdlly cured.
iilnoil nnd Skin DIscnACH.
n rtlseaio most dreadful In Its result' ,
complete ) ; erucllcatpil.
tJ.-iiiiii-Urlnnny KiiPKory.
Oonorrliic , Glout , Syplilll < , Hydroccle , Vnrlcncolo
nnd fctrlcture rmllcally iind xnfely cured wHluiut
pain or detention from li > Blncs . All actual Uofor-
inltlcs nndluiycdhuonts to miirrlnuubmcesslully re
All Uectaldl eii'ossnfoly nnd pcrmnnontly cured.
Jlonra. tin. in. till S p. m. bumlays , 1U till I. .
N. li. 1'cruons unnblo to visit us tuny bo trcntod at
their hornet by correspond nco. .Medicines nnd In-
Btruclloiissent b oxpress. Coniultnlloa free.
Homl 4 cents In stumps to Insure roplf.
U1S rilloL-ntli nt. , Oimoslto Uoytl's
House , Onmlin , .N'r.l ) .
Pajsagolo andlrom Great Br aln and art
parls of Europe. Monlreal-Llvprnool routo. Uy the
waters of St. Lawtcnco. shortest olall. OUBCOW to
lloaton. tol'hlMdelphia. Liverpool to and from
llultlmori- . Thirty itearaere. Class otcclslor
Accomuioiliitliiu § unsurpassed. WeoHy sailings
AM M .V . .con WcBUAK'tB.
C.J.Simdcll ," iri.n. Mioht. . Chlcnno , li
'Hi * turpfit
| tl ? * . | . * |
KTIIIoriA , JiilySiJ. | DKVOXIA. Ang P.
rUUNKSSIA , Auu.2. 1 C1UCAS-SIA , Ann , 111.
New York , Qucenstown nnd Liverpool.
The rUnbrateit I July Kill.
C1TV W HUM 13. | Antr. 1U. ! topt Mill.
raictionloncidi tinitoamifrnmth * vrlnclinl
l.xiunlonllckiM icUucrU , motto uv llaliio to return
by tllLvrdio idclurtMitittClyde , Kitrrilcmj Iioitli or Sapliior < illiiKllHr. _ _ . , . .
nt lunt-it curmrt mic . Aiplr many of our lorul
airvnuor tu HEHDliftSON BHOS. , Clilcoco.
Local in'i'iits ut Omaha : Harr I : . Moore
ChnilPs.Mai.-s W. 1' Vulll , H , 1' .
ten s Hank , Utto Wolf.
Cabin Pamne $35 to $50. according to location d
itaterocm. Excunlon $63 ( o $9a. $
Btcernao to nn. | I rom lluropa nt I/wcit Itutei.
AUSTIH OALDWIH & CO. , General Afjenli.
63 Oroadway , NEW YORK.
Jnn. Hlo n , Oi-ncrnl Wi U-rn Agent. 121
Kundolpli - < ti-cct , C'hlc.i30. Hurry t. Moore
os , Cauuu j
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bo'nsr manufacturers , importers and Jobbers , ns well as to-
tail dealers , our purchasing faollltlos are second to no house In
this country. Hono3 our oxlromo iow prices on ovorythlne
sell. Special attention is called to our laigo and olojant line of
Fine Mantel O.ocka ( over GO different styles ) at $5.OO and up
wards. Pine Banquet and Piano Lamps , wi'li ' silk parasol
Ebadcsinall the no\v colors , from 85.OO up. Buy yourTab'.o
Cutlery of us and save monoy. Rogers' Best Triple Plated
Kulvoa and Pork3 only $1,75 per sot. Stool Oarvini S3tsUnifo ( ,
fork and stool ) , $2.0O and upvrard. Spoons , &o. , in proportion.
Our Great Mld-Summor Bargain Sale of Diamond ? , Wutoboa
and Fine Jewelry Is still in progress. Genuine Diamond Pingor
Rings from $2.50 up. Solid Gold Watches from 015.0O up.
6OOO flno solid gold , plain , band and aot Kings from $1 to $1O
each. Go'.d Spactaclos and Bye Glasses from $3 up. Fine Steel
Bpeotaolos 6)1 ) up.
, Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For the treatment of nil CIIHONIO AND SUIKJICAI. DISKASKS. Hinoss , Appllnnrcii fnr noformltlos , nn < l
Triinc . ] Iu t Kacllltlos , Apimrntiia and llpnicilloa for uccci. fiil trcntmont or ovcry form of dloonsca ro-
tliill-lDK Slodlciil or Surglcnl Trcntinpnt. K1NKTV HOO.MS KH I'ATIUNTS. llonnl of nttouiliinco , Hc b
AcroiuinoiliitlnntVeit M'lllo f r clrculnrnon DcforiiiltlUK . '
nnd llraccg. Trus cs , Club Kc'ct , C'llrvutnrc ) ol
Kplno , rilon , Tumors Cancer. Catarrh llronclrltu , Iglinlntlon , Kloctrlclty , ] 'nr.ilv l" , Kiiyh'i1"Klilnoy
lllfiddcr. Kye , Ihr , Skin mid Illnod , nud nil nur ioil oiiorntlonn , DISBASCU ( ) ! ' AVOMIi.N a nprclnltr llool )
of Ulspiisos ofVonirn l''roj. Wo Imvo Intel ) ' milled r.ylim-ln Dvinrtnicnl fur Women iliirlnit Coiillnomcut
( Utrlrlly I'rlvnlo ) . Only lIcllnbloModlral Jmtltiiti ) mnklni ; n rpcclolty of I'ltlVATK DI IIASDH.
All Iliood Ilheiisp Hcccisfnlly fronted. Pyplillltlc noHim removed from tlio nyiilom wllhout rcorrurr
NowHittor.ithuTreiliiientforl.osaof Vllnl 1'nncr. I'artli'S unnblo lovUltim innjr ho trontc'il nl huuiu by
corrcsiKimlcnfe. Allroniraunlrntluniicoiillilciitlnl , Mcdlolnnorln triimoiitsscnt by mull or express , to *
curt'ly pmkdl , no murks tulndlcatu contents or fender Onopuronil : Inlorirlow pieVrinl. Call nnd commit
li B orxcinl history of ) cmrciM ; > , nm ! nn wlllxcr.dln iilnln wrniipiiruur IKJOIv TO .MD.V Ml UK. upon 1'rlvtt *
tipccbl or.N'ervous Dlacittoi , liui'JH-'iicy ' , Syplillla.Uicuturnl VurluocuIcMvltli riuustlun lint. Address
Omaha Medidal and Surgical Institute ,
Cor'nei'Oth nnd HarnoySts. , Omnhn. Neb.
IsutmirpnBi.dlln Iho tioatincnt tf nil forms uf I'ltlVATi : JHBCAI-KH. IxiU ilmiliooil , BTlllCTIJIll ! , or
pnln inrpllovlnxlliobliuli-or. bVI'lllLIScuicillii XlloU. ' dnyK Hkm I IIOMM. OitiirrJi. nndnll DNcnHji of
llio Illooil , llenrt iinrl l.tvor FiMinilo DIHUIIOI riiroil nltlinut liislriiiiiinti or "Jocil trt-ntiiioiit , " Ladle * from
fi'inl Baiiiiforolrciil'irii | | lvliii.'l' > irllciiliir iil > JUtciiilioriliOiibOTijill ; uiiHCiiiilil ( liowlri iniinr
of thoiioat rciuartjUlo euros. Ulllcc , N U. Cor lltliuuil KunminSta-.t'iitriiiicooiiultliorHruet , Om.ilm , Nob.
- 1OH-
Itlir.l'MiTIHU ,
. . ) MI'I.AI.STd.
rA I r \ I w.Hti *
I l\\ \ 1-1 il I ijCfl DuilJInif , * Uai Neb
"Ily n tlinroiiKh kno.vloUc of tlio natural laws
wlildi uorurn llio oijenitloni ( ittllumtluri aid nutri
tion nndliy u dire till np | lli'-K Ion nf lliu tlno pr pur-
tli : nr well aclertvd ( 'in'na. .Mr K | > ! > lux profldoil
our liriikfuitliiblu : wltiitil'lliituly : ( Muvurcil borer.
IIKO wlildi innymivu UK many licnvy iluitur'nlillli. li
la l > y tliojiiillcloiii USD of u''linrlli'loi of Ulct Hint u
ciiimtltutluri may boKniilunlly ljullt up until utrunie
onoufliturm-Ut every lo.iiliirioy to illea > v. Him-
du'ilH < , f iiiilluiiiMlaiHiinrilljnUinnruiinliiii ready
tuntluik'wlicwrortlicnihii MU point. Wo unr
o in ! > o nmny nfutnlnliHftby kjoiilnxoiiriiolvo'4 well
rortlllol with iniru lilnoil , ami u properly uourliuea
rruinu ' - < Ullhcrvlcolinietto ,
Jluiliuhnplr wlthbulllnt waiter nrmlllc. Bold only
In liiilfpiiurid HUB , by uruicrk , luliokvl tlinii
JAMbS EW'S ' & V
TBHKif WrtN-
I ,
N5 voua xani :
uirrntiii > i > niiKL > uifrEiui > ruiKiiMi.iliTiiorcoDr. ( .
Jbululllr .f.llU HIJat 'IKEiTUKKT-D. . . ! ! . la Id./ .
tin I lillfr Inm < J > lll < * r.ln t nlri i. VfriK Ikio.
tl * * n k * iiti ll n d prttr nUU < ] ( i AlcdrrMto )
i cniE M8010AL GOn QUPFAlO. Ni V0