Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A JTVJ JITIJ WIRMB for tlu o colutnni will
lie 1 nlcn until jr.M ji in. , for tlioin on I in
cdlt'on ' nail until 8.30 p. hi , for the uioralng
HCa h in itlvaMO.
P-AclTCrilKmtnUonlhl- * illl hi
KATf - pine )
( lilirycd for nt tlicrnicof Hi cent pet word
for Iho i rt Imrrtlrn mull rent per worn for
oncii HuUcqutnt Imettloii. and * ] 'ft p < r line
tirrinnnlh. I\onil rlltiinnint * taken for loM
ilinn'Jl rcnlB for tlio Mist Insertion ,
T MTI Al. . flxuruj , symbols , etc. , count each
J none word ,
f"l"Mirfc'Jiilfrtl ! ( icmenH mn t rim corncctij
JL tlxely and under no clmitnilntird will
thtylw tnUcnor dliroiitlnuedby telephone.
T > AH'r IP' ailurtlieliuln these rolll tuns ami
X linvJnt their on war * add rcssod to a'nutn-
1-ored h'ltrr" In raroofTMK lln : will rccolte
n. i uiiiljirid cliccuto nablolheinlo pot their
lottirM. AnnwntH will In dcllvond only on
prueiitnllonof llili cluck fncloso UMWCM
In envelopes properly nddroved.
AIiTj tihortlspniprits iinilor tlio hefid at
' ppcln.1 s > otlieiiiitnulillsli'vlln both tlio
mornlnjjnud KM n\ns \ edltlonsnf 'Jim Hit. the
clrtiiliit'un ' of wlilch m'urosnU'H moro tliiia
Sn.KO imriTH dnllv , ntiil si in the nil vcrtlsir
thfllei tfltnrilniilynf tin liir/o circulation of
'J'llKlUiln Oiniiliii bii tli No lit r < iiincll HlulTs ,
1 incnln nnil iitlicrtltlosnnd tow in In tlio west.
AD\ ITISfMr.M'Wj for situations or for
tunic or ( email ) help , not exceeding 21
words irn Imrilodlii TIIKSI'M > A\ \ \ nat hnlf
, rules diirliiK the tnontlHof July mul Ausuit
Tin regular tnteswll 1 1 % cliirjicd for enth
ndcllt onal word almvu "I words : is wall us for
eonic ulUu Insoillnns
AcUi itlsolni * forllir-siirol urna * Mil lfltilccn )
on tlm it' ' mo condition * . nt tlio following
liinltu'H IKHUPH who mo authorized to take
hpcclal notice' . tit tlio mtno mtoj as can lo
luid nt tlio jnilti olllco.
n lDMA7iA nu\Ni otrTcr.
j N &t not , list'
J stbaEnutliTontli ,
htn ct.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C HAM' * FDIM , Stnt'oiurs nnil Printers ,
\\r j.nrniins Phnmmci't , osiNoriii iciii
> 1 Mroot ,
0 I'D. ' . I'AUIl , I'll arm : u 1st , 1713 Iciveii-
woilh Strict.
-rrUaiir.S'1'IIAKMAOY , SHU nnd -nrnani
For rate * , etc tec. tup nf frut tiilnmn on tliti
Half wli un Sunday
UAT ON h \ \ an teiYfor ! iool pi rls. I i ao
maldH.iiennral housework.In fiu-tlho lust help
Incll v Is always to bo found atMrs. llroui's ,
U1IVJJ-.11th. 77" ) ST. *
" \\rA.NrKD Hyyoutiumnii postilion us of-
M tlio eKrk , nmlstant r-ooh-l < cipormany
\tot\i \ that Isli-Klllinnti. C.uiBlvo gnu I rofir-
Oncen. Addnss K.J ! ( lice. 7.7--o *
„ . . . .j n reli iblomiiii wltii itood rc-
> i es nnd ten years' eipot Icncu as salcs-
imn illlier In wluilrsalo or retail uiluullsh-
inetit. Address KL"J Ikuolliiu. tlt- ' i'
" \\TANTiii-Sltuitlnn by flist-chss ciko and
11 Ijnid Imkor , Addtoss , 1C yu , Oniiha Die.
( . ( U ri *
VrOTIt'n to nierclnnt tailors 1'osulon
J-X wantedliy flrM-chss eulter ; referuncos
Bl > oii. Aildtess ll.CO , lieo olllce.
/n inrjT.
lor alic , etc , fee tap nf frst rolinmi on this jxi < 7C.
" \ \7 AHT11I ) Slin in nK nt of our putcnt
M sifc : ! / < lB\lrticlSlmliis ; H' > rutnll. All
KZPS | us ) oNtiK styles ; now jutturus ; now
look ; now factory. Not governed bv sifc
iiool. l\ iy safu wiirantid. Itaro clinnec.
Term input business Our tormi and oati-
1'uiiowlll ' iimvlnu- you AisonU clcir.WOto
duo iicrtuoiith. Write foroxe Uisho tuiiitory.
AJplncSiifoCo. . Ohio niia tl O.
" "
$ "ili.lilitii SJil U ) i inontTi oiTn ho iiiuiln work
UiKfoi us Pctsonsiirofcriod who mi fnr-
ulsli ulioisoaiiU lvotholi wbolo tlino tolho
liusInc-4. bp iroinoiiicnt-s may lie prollt.iblv
employed aNo. A fowAticiuolcsln tniTii1" nnd
iltlos It. li'.JoUmoii A Co. , 1009 Miln st , lllch-
inoncl Va.
won. with Kiwi roforcnees to
sell Roods on Init.ilniclits I'art s-ihry
nnlpi > rrt > < > ii iil ) ! > loii.'ilotropolltnii Mfi
l18atMuiy'8ii.Miiuc ? C7-5
W .A 'EP A moiildor and niaolilnlst ,
llinj. bailtliblteimiidoili , l 7l > 'J 8
W. \MT.D--A Rood liliicksinlth.
nil who Is n Rood tin ntr nndfittir.stcidy
fforlc und Kood piy. none but rood worl < nioii
Died appo , Lowiy &Jlarkoy , liciiKint , Nub.
ANT ] I ) A oodhaiUr. Call utMulclilor
l ) 5cxnorloiu-eJ udiortUInK soll-
cltotscan intikutiu tat'.O per day on lom-
mlsshln , Call ntonuo , botffieiiOand7 p. in , at
(00 ( S. 10th Hi. 749 SO'
VS7ANTII ) IT\o | Rood liilolchyots ut Oak-
TT land , Nob.VnR04 no per hour , Apply
itvotK - * . I'littcrson i * . McUlure , ContriiUors.
fVUT fOil1 } itficl tailors' vnntod to addTtvi A.
W 1) ) Kude , Clo\olaud Cutting School. Cloxc-
liind.O. _ 7Ui-7 ' *
\\rANTTD ToaniB on lioolc Island Krude
T near Biirlnnllold.Vnges , * VJ5 per day. J.
\ . \Vnro &BOIV , contractor. 7CO J'
X/TTANTFU / laborers nt Cut-Off hko.
TV Apply to I > S. IlaliiL-s , roniiiiin Tll-'U
W ANTf n M men for Colorado. WURCS $ a
und * - ' J pci day Kreo furo. Albrlitht'a
labor timelier. 11.1) K.iriiam street. _ ( HI
rANTI'I ) AKonts to takoordors for the
I'Jiiiiuiior Kiolinlng thalrUo. Cl N. 15th.
7IS >
\l7ANrin ) A thoroughly competent iiluir-
T in iclst holn iiiflstered. or ciinrojjHtor ,
In 'NYtoinhiir , totaUuchaiKoof ndru hunlness.
QMJ ( | paylni ; ixisltion totlio right num. Ad-
tltesi , aiiilKivoroforinces , Huiiuiuico Drill ! ( Jo. ,
buiidiiico WyonilnK _ UNJ .7
WANTI.D At I'anllllon , Nob. , for Hook
Isliunl U. 1 ! work , r > Jdti'aiiisJ.Vpordiiyj )
(00 men nt $ IV ) and * l " ' > . hub cmitinclora
waiittd. McCormlcklliiu , I'uiillllon. Neb
AIA'ANIXl.l ) Ironcotnlco voikers ; htcacly
vork. sooil WIIROS .lames A Miller & llro. .
1JU nnd lillH. Ollnlonst. . ChlciiKO. C.t'1 37 *
WAN'lllO halesiiieii oa salary or coninils-
elonto litindlo the now pitentehumlcal
liikciimliuponclU 'Iho groaun sellln } * nov-
oltj u\uriroductl. ] ! Ur-isos Ink tlioioiulily
In t o boiondsi no abrasion of paper. .W to
600 perct ntprollt , Ono agent's * lies amounted
to JuO In six ilujs ; tinotlur $ : U la tno hours
\Vo \ want ono iierKttlopenurixliiKQiit for o\ory
ttiitiuind tot illory. b.nuplu tiymall : ir > cunts
Tor teriim and full piirllcul.ira addiuMThu
Muiiroo Irabor.MfK Co. . I..iCro soln. \ .
Gl'N'l"lAIj ! .stuto iipentlo opdiheiidquartors
liisoinu prlnolplo city , a slllllo cxchisUo
roiilrol ofourbiisincss nml ainiolnt local and
nib.aironts In ctoryolty In tills Mate , goods
well luio\ni \ , stuplo us lloiir. In unUei-sid du-
mund , tin I pay a nit piolltof Wto lOOpurccitt ,
Addii'ss Iho Union company , 711 llroiidnny ,
N. 'i. HatS , *
V\7AN'fii : ) uvord Rood city CIIIVIISHCM-S.
> r < ) rpurtlciiltinuiilio- llo.M7 ; Omaha ,
lArAN'11,1) 1,000 , men for railroirt work Jn
TT \ \ voniln-i l > ukota. Utah and Nevada )
races vl.'Ho ) ' > 0 : steauy work. AlhrljUt'i
IjiiJ or Acinoj , lliMlnrinin Bt. ' . * uu.ii
\\rAN'l ) < l ) llireollrs > tcilassiiHii lo represent -
> > sent Iho Omaha lleoln and ou tot thoc-lty
Oallnt tlm spcolul OlllL-u of Oinalui Boo.
17thund I'ariniu . roaiid lloor. 1)77
. _ _ . forixirD.iniuiiiui
mi m-rloabtoiuiWUIInKtou , Madison.VU
AtlPNIS-JVloutlltonJOdays' tlmo. im.OO
piolltln-t wet > ks erne \uy. \ Add. with
> ttani ) ) : Jar\U . Company , lUclnoVls \
at $7) nor mouth
> i uiy tiud cxpoiiu-i tosoll a llnnnf silver-
pliik-d nro. wiueJiis , otc , by b.implo onlyi
hoifo anil team fiiriiMiid trio ; \\nto ntomo
for full pirtlculnrsnnd siniplo oasoof foods
ficc titinilarJ biln-rwaro Oo , Itostou , Mass ,
" \\fA > Tl.Ii-a)0 ) laborers for extra road
V Kimim. Apply to 1M1. Johnson , II > V Jl ,
paisi-iixcr depot. Oiiialiii.
ASONB wanted t Isorfolk und
Ocxxl wages paid MT. Murphy
AVAN'rii : > - 1
e.ite tiipof Jlnt rolumii on tlilt
Half iulM on
"WAiTin > -liuiiieilliilelylaily' torecelvo In-
VT Htfuetlons nml Kip hooks hi Council
nitilT * . UoixUlt nation. J. U.bnillh. WO New
York l.lfo building. 773 a'
TirAKTKD-airlfor smoral homowork. 1011
V > Locmtst. MM
"VA/A ? < rit-tllrlI orl5 yinrs old for llsht
VT hou oworlc. limulrout J17J4 N nth. llutt
7J7 V
Birl for coneral homework
work , t iS.'lib ! at. Mm Louli Holler.
V\7 A T I ) A conipclontjlrl In small famt-
> V ly.callMondiy . morning at 9)1 ) SJStli t.
" " "
- "took. ono who till ! nisUl In
il \ -a hliiunO ) ( Ironing , -jooil vigci itnl l 109
B 17th Ht. i1 *
" \\rANTKI--no ) < Hl Rlrl for Kriiprnl iionio-
work : snniliratiilly. Wru. J , It. Iliijuci ,
K'rls ' at Windsor
Hotel. r.U
7VKAI nnil Htrimt ? girl for HI
-ii work J4 per wick. si ) S. 1'itli.
\\7ANTnil-A. lady with onn ortwocblldrcn
it tokcuiiliuusi . Ilex II Vljllsca. lowi.
7J8 ' >
" \\rAM'K-Ono ! ) flrst-olais lady cook , ono
M ( CiiHlRlrl.iiiiil ( nnnflrst-olnwdlnm-t tnuin
, wane * Call at 111 S. 17th it. t/KJl ) *
] \ Vlliny \ Indies \ salary of ilO per wcolc
lo vork lo1 1110 In their locality at homo ,
lljht MiirU.jiKid tny for putt time , \\rltowlth
mump Mrs.Ij r. I arrliuton. box 7011'hlcigo.
\\rA.NTnll-l-'lrst-class coon for famll ) of
I * : t. Mint hnio rrfiM-cucu. Oooil
a < Ilnini-yst. . near 21th. 7.J . 2.
-P A nur-o Klrl. flood W.IBM to
tight piny , S. K cor > tli and Jones
070 ! fi
LA.DV URonts wiintcrt ; oiitlroiv nox > 8l > lrt
mid lie i'sn pnortrri riplil ft I lor ; siiuilu : |
fitf. Aililtcss Jlis. N II. Mttlo Jir ro.'hl- (
ciso. III. W-l'-'i'
\Vr'\f Tr.l-Giixl ) lrl for RIIHM il liouso-
T -vtorlc lii jtnill family. MXTarinui st.
711 B.T
s , t < ( . , rretop nft ( Atrnlumn nl/iN / pmjc
" " "
boinlor i s blocks fiuni 1' O. , furnlliiro ? " > ou ,
: nrt cash Imlnnco monthly. Co-OpiMntlvu
I , UK ! anil JotCo.WiMOtliat. tui . " 7
inOHUnM' bipt. I , eottiisowlth allinoili'rn
J linpiovoniLMil' , l.l'l blicnuiiti iivo , 71
171O111KN ! I' T o slory 1)1 ) lok More , KixM N'o
Ifcurht. tlnrvH A > c. . nnil llatof Grooms up
tnli-s Korrciit\ery cheaj ) , cmiutru truuiuul
liirinniSI'ui nun t , 7L'0-r >
[ TIOKKKNT llilck honw , nil modem Itn-
L ptoxcmonts. Ajiily llr. Swnrt/Iniuler , on
iicJiilsoH 11/11 Uupltollive , or A.Swarl/lniulur ,
.stNit. . Hank. TJl .
FOI. KKN'T AiiKMstflr'.t , fnmlshcil linuso ,
MIMMI rooiiin , on bo JOth St. , I'urK
ichfiolt bustof ntoicnto uaulinl ; voulil piu-
, 'er ' onoor luo jouiiKiacii to room In house ami
alcu iaro of sun o Address 1C 10 Hue otlke.
moil KHNT HoiibO of ten rnrim , No 20n
JL DoitRlni Ht. , handy to bushiest , also to
nblonnd motor ears ; inodctn cotivctilcnccs
Alsoiottnseof r-uvtii roflins. ho. UI3I ) llarney
t , huiiilre of I ) . T. Moiiiit.-'lia. lllh st. OT !
F M K A111 , Edw H linRtanii fhts , 7ll parts of
tint clly. I'rloesian'InKfroni ' ! li ! to SCO
noiilliiy. Pine itoa i Allen , lWyf I'lirmni st
" ' ' "
Fi"1'11"4 lo iisponilblo pnrtlol only ,
thosullno now lirlck nml slonc hoiiocs on
leoritl i ii\eiiin < ; tldecn rooms und tiliotus ;
iioio oomrnlcnios uncl licttir tinlilioil than
any liouscfor rent Intiieclty. II. 11. tlindor-
son. WO Piston blol , ult\ . 4lHi
$2OM ( ) yforiiOroiim ciltsu'o at : il2 O.ild-
u ell t. C'o-0pciutl\ Land and I ot Co , "OJ
Idtlist. 70127
' ! ! . ' " > A inoiilh. double store hnlldliij.40xJ , ) feet
Plnall. N. K.eor. 19th nnd Mison Ii75
I2" .N.Uthst
077 S3 *
FOU lirNT-Dcilrable 8-iooin house , all
iiiodoin Iniprovcniontsi oxiollont looitlon.
ulilul y.ird ( unit nnil re.n. Convenient to
.iolcHulpdlsttlct and now union depot deed
lociillcii lor physio I in. Apply 1112 S 10th st.
FOU KWP IteslOoiu-cioii Ilarncy ; nil the
latest IniprovrMiients , at lowest possible
iciitiil. I'.uil. ICOy 1 unaiii , Ki
"ITUJIl HT.XTroom liouso. cltv u.itir mid
JLMiei'in , at abarziilii toreaponslblo nutlos
KMTl'arUu st. Apply r.)0 ) I'uitoii hloult. I
FOU Kl NT 8 room Imuso , .flrd nnd Ciiinlrip !
bis , SJi permoiitli. 0.1II irrlson. 1)11 ) N. V.
Llfo 111 %
FOK III NT House. 10 rooms all modem lin-
irovonx nti , Uir'o j ird. $ . ( . " iior month.
Coiiiiiilsslon touijouts. HcKtcr E. . Ihonius.TT8
CK VOUwlslito nut u lionsoor stoic ice 11.
K Cole , Coiillnontiil blouk. ? ? J
POIl KI NT-Hi-room lnmso,2107 UougUs 1n-
_ - " ( iiilro.'IU ' ' DouJj-as. 78.1
FINH icsldinco , inodcrii Improvements , L'lOS
fct. Miuy'sine. . ( OS pn nicntli. hiiuli < ; at
ircmisesor nt A. Jlcllurs Jill Tarnnm. 7S4
FOR UKNT-5-rooni lionsc.irood repair , uico
yurd.tlstt.tii water , rent 82 ! . Apply to 1400
fcoulh 7tli tivtbr toJno.W. Hell , iltuggW , loth
Tj OIl ItRNT T-roniu house with n.irn ! noin-
J-1 ( mil rent to good jiurty. 0 r. II in him , oil
N. Y. Life. Ill
P homo on Fnrnam st. for rent
ltuj.ulri ) bavlnr-9 liixulc.
T5t !
10H RENT Good 10 room liouso , sewer ,
water , BUS , hath , liarn , furnace In cloeant
ape , elioap. D. V. faliolcs Co , 1.13 TlrstNat'l
bank. ,81
KUNl1 1100MS
l'"ortateittc.Motafof column oil f/ih jtaae.
T AllOE front room In private family with
J 'all modernImpiovoinontM Iloiiul next door
If dcslreil. liifcrcnio. 0a Douglas. 771 2 ;
AlTjT\PANT furnished room In cottatro ,
suitable ) forouoor two Rintlunicii. UK ! N ,
1'Jtli HU *
iY furnished rooms from H to $12.322
N. 13th at. bW ) .
TT AllOE room , cast front , 31 ! , small room M ,
JL/u)3 / ) N.vrthst. 720 . - ;
H ItKN'r-ruriilsliccl fiont loom $ l"5 per
71l > ; u *
TWO you nit men can Rot Rood bonril nnd
loom 111 private family for $1.50 per week
each. Address 1C S4 lice. upu
-J10H ItHNT Nicely fiiinlshod room ; nil
-L.1 modem iiiipro > cniunts ; terms roasouablo
Onll at 111 S. 17th 6t , UtfJ L"J
"TTIOll KnN'l--T o nlcily furiiMiud rooms ,
J-1 slnslo or on siiltoinoilcm ; coavonlonccs *
Iiiluliul7J4 > 18thst. CWM *
ILHASANT looms ; ulsoboirdlng. C.SS. 17th
c > ,0-alO *
4ttainl41l ) > 10th St. , rooms with board at
nt Mrs Churchill' * . GOO
ITU rooms , 1908 Oapltol avo.
GT > 7 n21 *
"TjlOIt IiHNl 2 nlcoly furnl-he l front rooms ,
JL' with nil modern coinunluiccs , at 210.1 l'ir-
tinni. C&O
" 1DOOMS , ullcon\cnlonci.3 , 1719 Davonnortst.
JL\ M-iiS *
( I.ljA'ANT rooms , niodetu liuuro\oinoiila ;
1821 rarnim snoot. : M
furiilslied 1XHJU13,18Jir.ii num.
" | " ) OOM for Blnglo goiitloniati , S41i Dodgo.
-It . ' * ! ilO *
ST. CI.AnilUiropeanhoUUItliainliisroom
Uth-Dotlgo. fcpeelal latis bysuikormo. .
IJ10U llENT-Kumtslied rooms. lOOODoiislia
TOll KKNT [ 'uriilhlioa rooms ] Bas.bnthand
JL1 stoam. 1SU Howard , 78J
l\OR \ ItHNT-Nlcoly fiirnhlied room.ill niod-
JL'oriiionvinlvncc.4. OlSSI'thst. 700
I'ur ititti , eteiee top of flrxt rolumn on tills page.
" | ? OH UHIsT t unfurnished rooms stiltiblo
JL' for lioiiMkoopliiK. moduli ImpiineiiiintH ,
to family without ehllilren ; no obleitiou to
children uwlor .lhrt- > ears old. North eat
curnurlTlli inuebt.lcrfats \ 7
C ltOOMs inifiirnlslicd and rooms furnished
for nut In Ougjtiu block , cor. Utli und Pacific
cific- . 0M !
_ _
O NICT. rooms with all conv. Oil N 1'lh st.
O fo7 " . ' 0'
0 HI 'I front rooms OUT inystoto store. 1CI
> J Homird. btoet/cl. Co" .
1 Pit 1U3ST ! - STOlliaS AX1) ) OFK
fur rcittt , etc , tee lop of first column on thtt fane ,
r The 4-slory brick hullilhiK.wlth
J. ' or without po or. formerly ocouplid oj the
llco I'uhllshliiK Co , Uliruruunxt. Uho bulld-
IIIK tlreproof cement tmsoniont.comploto
( tea in heating tliturvs , u ator on all the lloorx.
ga .jc. | Atiil ut thu union of The IIco 1)15 )
KK.vr-.n SIo V lloyTlii.ra 2
hrlek build I ti.- with bnmiiicnt. auso hist
nsliusis corner In the elty , Inquire of I ) . U.
llcarn , Mo. Valley , la 7077
OTOltl S t 7O38 10th. ' . ' 0x00 nach. hrsoihow
lj lndowsbtouni luiit furalalicd. Tlun. K.
Ilull.Jll l-JUoublook. 7iU
FOIt KENT I'lnn corner store , 16tli and
Jones. ( U ) ; low rent , Rood location nnd cut-
tlos btttturi\eryduyUeorgoClou.ser.7ulSlUth )
HOTTI 23 rooin , all c-onTPtilonecs. lirloV,3 ,
blksfroni I1 , o. 11. II lr < y , N.V. Mfc.a .
l ! -a
FOH IttNT-l'iiioKtonrKiiii in Aorfolk , Nil ) .
Hielvcd jiiltnlilo for clothliu liiislne i
lectrlc llslits , sloiitn holt , etc. . Atldrcs * f A.
.31011 llKN'T-lincK Mnn > linu o. two toriM
JU Andbasomunt , ' . > 7OiM unuaro fn-t , tilth IW
'eotof donblo track oa IT. P , railway , wnith
gthiind I'letxo ' streets. Adclross U. Oikniup ,
rnalni. Nob. lilt !
* r rnfr * , lie. , tcf top of fnt column on
"T E. COM' , rentil iigeut , Contliiontnl blk
. 1 771)
lOUTO.Vs- rental tiKcacy.MT I'aUon block.
M'Oullocli , . ciia
\\rAXTFn-To rent. 1'ropcrty owners will
Vi lliullt to their nJatitiiii ( [ t < llm , all \u-
llli biiicutuu& . Allen , Itcnlul
\gcnti. KUt"jruriiuin st _ f.7
l-CK . ) I'Atl.lwirTnniani , house * , stonn
mid Huts for rt-nt , nntn mlluUuil , li'Hiiblu
IroliiMtirancc , Monuvto lonn. " 17
B j
'i > natr , foio/ |
\UAM'niJ-l.MO ScinilliinvliiM to attend
iiui'H niictlnit nt tonijaMiiio liiiiliiuii-
s , lWJUoub'la38t , PrlUuy o\iuln . Inlj'JJ.
7 U ! iV
DIVOKC H9 Bpcidltvi q-ilitly. Tor parties
In nny state. Dcscrtloiii nil CUIMCI , lUiinlc
nppllcntlon free , liobirt Mhltc , attoriiiy , W
UioicUMiy , N r. oil 2.
" | MN vork.roollnn.sixHitiiHSvjilleya. ftc.iood
woi lianu low prices K. bauii'iyOlSt'titnln ' , ; .
ISO al *
For mttt , etc. , fee tup of flrtt cdliiinii on lli ( '
irAMTSD-Ciooil eomincrclal paper. No-
i biaslca Mortuigo hoauLo.OU L'uxton lillc.
Un , household goods , etc. lllalicst
1 c.ish prlco. U17b. lath. 7m >
JVrmJw , ctf , fce ( op of fiKt column on Hit * jxiffe.
"i\f AfcSAOlUruntmoiitiUlcclio.tliornml.bnllis.
-LHscalp.t Inlr trc.itim litm.inlcnioi.chirop
odist , Mrs. 1'ost , i SO-jl , Wltlmell blk
I'orratu , etcetc fof > of frxt titlitnn onilila jaae.
I > nNSIONi ! New pension Inwj ovprlft ycirs *
c.\pirl'jnco lit the prosiciitloti of ponslons
nml ( oM'riuniMit clnlms ; li.ivoseciirid < nor
; ! 000 pdislons for soMlers In NobrisKti and
Iowa , tlicilr widows nnil holrsj latest dtclslons :
lilist luus ; no nilvunco fee , new blanks nnd
c-lriiilnrs fieo ; coiHiiltntloii nlwnjs (100. (
lllr.unA. fcturtics , H'lUiuljhton block , nuxt
south of P. 0. Omaha 'ilo. *
n lawi pensions for almost till soldiers ;
futhors , niothiTO , widows nnd minor ihll-
drcn of hoUllcn vlilms puslicd by I' N.
ClIiiKtimn.lli.inil.'l rnn/crhlk.
/ . Uyeira ixpu-
rlincu. _ Only pciiiiloiiolllculn Oinaln 17
T. 1'A'J.CH , cxclnsl\o pension lind claim
attorney ; IJyciirs'oxiioiicnco ; liao
all the latest Itiws nntl decisions. Ulllociu-
Kned fronirronzcrhlooktoOliainticrof f om-
tonatn , ri ( , ecclop of ftrnlcolumn ontlili
SlOllAOlr-Kor niLrclmmllsQuml fuinllunt.
coldstoia o nnd friO liij * ; traokugo Ji\ld )
Cole , S13-817 llowaril st. -TJ
rPUAOICAnn sloiaRO at lowest rates. AV. M. .
JL Itiibliiiiiiii. l.lll I.o.ueii\\urth 71B
I'oi raid , etc , Hccttijj n/flml column on this ) > a/ ( ( * .
LOST A smnll russet hind baa between
l'a\toii lioti-1 mcl Uunilni ; btCUMi ise leave
it MldliiidStiito bunk , ICth and Oillfornta
Ms 77IJ-2I *
For rate * elc , ecc lap of fli'stcoltimn on tliii pnoo.
toniuKo tlioncquiilntancoof u lady
with inc.iiis > toJJyurs of age ; object
Imslncs and perhaps matrimony , A llioss (
1C 1,1 , lleo olllco. r > 7. >
E 0. L. . plouso send your nildrc&ito A.
- . , Dcnvir. & : > *
For rates , etc , net tup uf } li [ oulumii oil tlila jxii/e.
I71OII SALH Horse gooddil cr , bound , hay ,
J.'wtUht 1050. Also , wagon , J RjirhiKS , liar-
niss , itc.H11 sell clieap. ( JulUWJ Wobsterst.
POltSAT.K I'lno drlvlnzhoiMVS. . llyan ,
room G U. b. Nut'l liulldhiR174 Jl
OO hind iiiulL" ! , i.isytoniH , l'irt llphtdrlv
iJhiK mules suIt iblu for nil dclUory busliiL' &
lliliincu work mules , % V , b. fcilby , r 1J , board
HOltSKS Llslit ( lrl\ers , Dai'iiin Tlio late
llio hasniauo them chcip. 11. K Cole , < on-
llnenlal block. MC
rpEAM Jlcdluiu sl/ed horses cliPip. Sound
JL and Rood work turn. $150 W. L. Selliy , r
U , bond tr.ido.
rpN\0 bt'AN heavy nnd two sp 111 light mules
i fors ilo. on t o years'tlino it ? per ctnt In-
toiest with tiist or second niortK'U'o ' Om.iha
real estate sc curlty , or othnr approvud ectirs-
Ity. Sclby , room 13. Hoard Trado. HI
TPEAM voik horses , will ta e buggy us part
X p iy. It li ) . board of trade. 710
FOKbAl.k 1 platform surinjleatlur top
cairlapto almost new , 1 mn'lclxard now ,
1 doulilo ItiRBy or carriage harucss. Apply
nt ZZl'i Webster Ktrcet. Omaha fv/J.
lJAM Kxtra largo heavy horses. W L
hiltiy. r 1.1. board trade. CT
HOUSES ISM and up * II. E. Cole.
( ale * . ( ( < „ scctupof Jliit column onUiti paut.
"IT1OU SALi-On account offilllns heilt
Jtlio now and olCRint fuinlturo of a -I-
room liouso , occupiiits llr t-o'ass , incoino
Hourly $1,000 per month , IInu-,1 location In the
illy. Addre-,3 J 'M. llio olliue. 37--.i t
i SAI.I :
Hir rate * , etc , we fop nfret column OH thd jaat
71OUSt.I" J billiard tables cheap , rooms
J 10i > < S407 llrown lilook , b-o cor. Kith and
Dounlns. 770 'JO
PO11 SAIiE A Rood tvo-horso nonor hollci
and eiulno nearly now ; will soil cheap ,
Addiiss. lv , . lleo olML-o. 711 M
t Ahn Just arrlM'd. uiurload ot fresli
milk iiiws , calMS by their sides. N. 1' ,
Kussell , llidford IMuce , near Druid Ililldopot ,
74530 *
171OII fa.\In .100 eoid-i of coed cottoiivood at
J3 * iw ) tKoid P. O II. Aildnsj , A.U. limng ,
1'oihis , 31o. ( XK- *
GOOU ilear lil.o ao forbaloln Inrso quanti
ties , lliu r\ubr.iska \ Uo Uo , Kiiimey , r
hrnsk.1. .CITnil
171011 SAln--N'ow stulnway It bon planoj bt t
J liinkoi party Ipax-lngolty ! part cash , balance -
anco tliuo If dislrod. Imiulroat Oltir.ixloii blU
rc. , ire tonnf Jint ciilunuiciii t/th
PAltAPOLS and umbrcllaa rocrod nnd ic-
palred ll.llulor , 11(1 ( b. 15th bt. , M door fro
1 * . O. Only man In town _ 34' )
UM11HEI.I > A3 und inrat-ols ripaliiu nnil
eo\erid. Key lIltlnKand gcnoul ropali'
at HellIn'h Kim shop. JI'J.N. ' lull. Uvn'-'l
WANTii ; TO HI2M' .
1'or rate * , etc. , tee ioi > or Jtitt column on tM i > agf.
\xrANTKI > Uooin anil boird forcontlonun.
> i nnd wlfoln i > rl\atofiiiullvorMheru tluro
are tow other boiirdors , coinenlint to South
Oinahii motor ; want lirenkfust at 0 o'clock.
Adlti"-s "H. " care Adams & . llurko , U. b.
VariU. fcou hpmnhari b. 7J < 'JH
\VANTr.D-Two furnished or unfurnished
> > itioins. pit asant location , with bonrd. or
niiar boardliishouso. Addits S mall cnrrlir
' J. 7CI-27 *
" \ \1 A NTKIJ-OIHcoronm , fl rst or kooontl lloor ;
> > central ; Uioup. Address J. U. Montulih ,
lleo olllco. 7M--'C *
T ENTLKMAN nnd lfo. no ililldriu. vlll
vTltalvO care of furiiMiod IIOIUD. Add KM
wltliteims K3I. II.HI olllco. TX ! G
Korrnfw , tie ite top otfilrst cnlmn on thtt
AYOUNO ladv recently from the l > ct con-
sorvatoiUaof muolo In Kuropo wishes to
teacn tlio pluuo. 60U M. gkl at. tiDl 21
BEKOltFT Iniylin * a plnnooxuniinu tlio now t
iculolvliiiball | iluuo , A. Hospo,15lJ Itmulas
G F.O. r.Or.LI.nMIECK. teacherof tuo banjo
with lloape , 15U Douglas 21U
for rulM , fjf. . rtc top of Jlr * rolnmii onili
RT.\t , FSTATK loiiij. N'cry loweil rates.
c. j. c' < uil. ioy.jl.ifo. . fica-nia
1 "OAN'S-l'lty ninl TiinS loam , "niortcnjo pv
JJper boutrlit.MeC _ _ iiouivitnuMitJJa _ *
MONE\-To loan oh , Onmlm nnd Bintli
Omaha real estate. Ao ilclajri or rxion *
K" . Money on hnnd nt nil time * , llntcs
Smith & Co , Coniincrclal National bank bldj.
_ _ _ ' - "
) I.NU loiiisiniidoat lonett rutts. l\7
Jl , Harris , tooiuai , Trin ir blk , ojiu. P.O.
KAh rSTATirU'aiiA-l'asli on hind , ' Cl olio
Jom A Trust , Co ! > 07 S Kith s.t No rteliy
i > o utraihaui-s. Ilou-s a/or tentiRood list.
" \r ° tf-'Y ; .0,00orllidn-l ) < on fiirntliiro.plnnos ,
i JLhor e < . houses , etc. J. J , Wllldnsun. 018
1'axUin blk. 8J
TVf"OSnV to loin hy It P Masters In any
.llJL. amount from } 10 toslo.ouo , und for any
tlnui from ono to six mouths.
Ijoms iniKle on hcnitduild poods , pianos ,
oijtnns , liof e mules lieu e < , lease * , ware
house rcrelpK etc. at the lowest pinslulo
rates w Ithout publicity ur remouil of pi-op-
Loans so an iiiRed that 5011 can miKoa piy-
mental any time and riduco both prlnulpil
andlntenst. Voupiy Interist only fur the
time j ou ifollic inoni-y. If jou 00 a halanco
on } our prororty or ha\e > n. loan vou wish
changed , I will pay It oil and c.uiy It for
1 'do not advertise to loin you money tit
bank rates , but confidently clnlni to s\\o \ juil
lower rates and easier Units than can bo ob
tained olsew hero In thocltv
Money nlttaj son hind. Is'oclolay. No puh-
Hulty , Lowest rate3.
11 I Masters.
IJooiu 4 , Wlthncll hilt. , 13th mil llnrncy MC
4 w.
MONIIV loaiiort nt lovt-st rntosloiiRtlin im
Imiiroti-clOmalin real osl iti , no "oxtiai , "
no delay , Uloho Loiu&Tru > tCo.lU7 f H > th.
Bl'tljIIIN'O loans > to 7 iiprccnf no nddl-
tlorinlilinrpos JorcointnisMoiiiir uttoriuj's
fees W , 11. Jlolklc , I'ltst National bank l > ld .
FIHbT and socoiid niorti-iiups on \ nrant and
liiiio\c | < l city jiroptrty. C'ounty wnrratiW
boucht. Money on hand , 1' , M. Ululiurdsun ,
bI8N. Y.LIfo. UO
/ 11IATTVJj loins at lonoHrutos ; business
Wconlldcutlal.SlOl'axton blk J. U. rmlngor.
/ 10MMiKOIAIj : nnd short t line paper
V lioiiKliti also regular U\vronr loans innilo
oulmi > ro\oil property. Ooo. r. Ulust A. Co. , 'MS
QrCOM ) innrtsaRO loins. Second
lOboiiKht. Ijoniison v leant lots. Hood
Solhy , room H lloird Trim , HU
KRVSTONH MortirnRO Co-Loins of $10 to
{ 1,01)0 ) ; set our rates before borrowln1 * ; nnd
sa-to money : loiiion horto furnltitro ornny
apirovcd | security without pulillclty ! notes
bought , for nu\v loin , ancwiil of old unit lo\v-
catiatcs , call 11203 , falicely llk,15tli & llownrd.
jlIUST morteapo loins at low ntci and no
! delay. U V. fcholes Co. . .Ho 1st Nut.l b ink.
"JVfONnV to loan on horses , waKons. mules ,
J'Jhoxifehold Roods , phnos oi-iuis , < ll imomlH ,
n t lowest r.itcs. 'Iho llrst or .iul/on Icianof-
lloc In tlio city. Make loans from ' < 0 to ! lfi5
clns\N ) hlcli ciin be pa Id In put or whole at any
time , thus low or I UK thu litlnilptiliind Intotest.
Call nnd oo us A\hen jou wint inoncv.Vuian
assist you promptly ind to your niUaiitiiKo
without ronioMil of property or jiulillilty.
Blonty alttiiyH on hand. Jiodoliv in making
loans. 0. K Ilocd : Co , J1U b Uthht. . mur
Ulnghnm & fccns. ' S17
TTNUStJALLY low iaes |
vJOf Intoicst on first nioi tsiROSof Imprmcd
real ostito for tlio ncxf t'l il lys by the ICniis is
( Mty Iiivostincnt C'o . llootn JO Hoird ofTridu.
J. 11. I'oisu. mann ur b J
MONEV toloanon i * .
for short time at low
rates. Lowest , rates
on personalpropotty.
The Henderson MorUntiit lavcalmcnt Com-
piny , room 400 , Piixtun blk. 818
WAJfTED Klrst-class Insldo loans Inmost
intcs. Cill and si6 us. Mutual Intcst-
incnt Co. IWI Itanium SID *
ClinAP > ! istorn nioiioj *
I'ldladolplila JIortRaEO nnd Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and iiiy jiromptly ; first
mortjja es vnntcd George W. 1' . Coites. rop-
rociitatlvo. room 7. Ho rd of Trado. S21
EASTKUN money to loan on elty property ;
moitgiiKeiiugcr bought. II.B Ircy.N.'i .Mfo
2IIOKT tlmo loans on vjicmt lots. Sclhy ,
3 * . Kied. U Hoard of Trade. 833
" 13111 VAT n money to loan cho ip. 0. r. Ilar-
X risen , Oil N. y. Life. 84. '
"pRIVATi ; funds to lo 111 on cliolco city prop-
JiTtj at lowest ratis. Ktinball , Ohnmi > A.
Ilyun , 1JUS 1'urnam st. 703-Jy H
Oil ATTEL Hank , . ' 119 S. 15th st. will loan you
monov on thattols at bnnlc rates. Call 449
1\rrattt , etc , tcetoii < > / flii ( titlumn on
"VTOTIOR The special mimmcr session of the
JL > classes In penmanship nnd shorthand w 111
eomininco Monday , July 14. Classes will beheld
held In the niornfnK , afternoon and cvenlnj ;
Call on or address for Inform Jtlon , Standard
bliorthind lluslncss College , Now Vork blfo
bulldliK. . Oniiiha , Neb 1S8
SECOND HAND Ca'lRriphs ' , llaiiiinond and
Keinlnctoiis Joliii II Comes Co Letter
lllos und olllco 8eplaltli"s | ) , ICanuo bids. Ri7
etc. , see top of flr t column nn tht jxi < > e
LHIIj Clayton , cliilroant find mugnotlo
hoalcr. Uan by \\ondorftil will power
Krant any request. COSS. IClh. ( > W-ilU *
im EDtiV Tlio ( INtlnsnlslied trance
-bvoynnt , late of Iiostun. Whllo en-
trincedlll CM-'ry hidden mystery In I
llfo. 1'rop iros IVyptl in t.illsinnn uiileh will
oorcomo your onciiilcs , remove family
troubles , re-toro lo t altectlons , unites tlio
separated , holpa all In tionnlo , otc. 1'ce. { 1
tind upwards. N. ll l'crftct sitlsfaetlon
tuarnnteocl by nmll. Kend sump for Illus
trated circular. Mrs Dr. Lddy , JL.4N. IMh st ,
Umaha , .M3- ill
D U. NANNIE V. WAHHKN. clairvoyant ,
medltil nnd business medium. I'minlo
cabcs axpcuLilty. Ill ) N.lOlh bt , ioonis2uiil !
lor i atCK , etc , nee top of jint column nn tlili
"ITlOIlPAfil'llicbtst cdiifuctlimory.iioKsiuicl
-L elgti stand In the olty. Address. 1C : ! , ULO
no ) 'J7 *
WANTW ) 1'artncr In the poultry biislnoss.
( Jill oraddicbslnunculatcly , B.IIJIO84tli _ ,
FOltSA Ir A No. 1 grocery busliipss.'j cash ,
Inlamo trade or time. .Stock at In
voice pilots. Moyor.V , ILuipkc , Oinalin. Nob.
ROTHLi for silo. Two-story brick : Is ono of
the best hotels , ioliu | un oxcollunt Rood
business , on ono of tlio best corners In-tho city ,
Address Commercial Hotel , Hrokei > Uow. Neb
GOOD piylns bu lnQfUf veil oitalillshrd.
Owner wishes to iliuiuc. Worth JJ.dxi. but
vlll taUo lias onuashduaL Addles. K U.Hco.
FOIt SAlr.-t-Oao-lnlf.latorost Mock and fix
tures of only saloon rn town. It ire ehanio.
Add ass Daniel Kburhatd. Hampton , Nib.
- 11 r-JS-S *
FOUSAI.K Ifirst-olasjsoli-nrand confection
ary , Koud location , ( iiodjiiollts foi Hinall
Investment , deed roasun tor silling. 11.
Mtiniittoilor , s. c. 15th ujulUoiiRlus , loom I. _ .
POH "SAIiE Clgarstoronnd pool room dolnt ,
peed bnslnes- , , lust Im'utlon , owner has go
lo leaxe illy. Inquire " l14 1'ark uenim. .
. ' , 7l l 25 *
171OKSALE The only bakery with building'
A ? in a llvolj town , county teat , about 1'M.
InhnbllaiitK ! iiasons foi.solllng , slikness. Ad
dress 1C 28 lloo. ' 7H'O *
FOH SAtn Half late'r t best mylng busi
ness In On ) ilia for } | 'K ' ) ; owner hisother
business. IiKj.C. \Valworth.a ; JjoiuihiH blk.
ivo 1T7 *
FOH SAM : A j-ood saloon In South Oinalm.
Addrtus , 1C' " , ' , llio olllce , uV ) 'M *
A TWO chair barber shop for sale P. 0
Ilenrdurir , David City , Nub. HM-litl *
TTIOU SAIE Dalrv on Ames a\o. open for
i ? nut or trade , J. 1' . llooli. KWul7
DliUQ store , widow lady wishes tosellnt
once her Into husband s halt Inteiest In
poodpaylns d'UR liuslncss. Involclu , * about
17,000 , In l.inili-r , Wyo , as Khonlttlios UIRO
east , Address Mrs. \V.hulllvau , Lander ! Wyo
f21 |
POHSAliH Stoekandnxtiires of n wholc-
s-ilo coiiiiiil.vslou liouso. Addriss K. 17. llco
olllce , Oil
Oll 8AI.UMuiit iiiurkut.iloliiK good bum-
. In town of 1'JUUInhaliltants In eutcrn
Netiruska ; only tUO cuuh ncimrcd. Ad Ureas
U. r , Turner , trciuoiit. Neb. & > J u-J
ASSA1' for sntnobody vrinlltiR to bur ri
lockof confectionery , cigars nnd lobaero ,
cluHd hooks und notions , itood trade e t b-
llslird ! U' < t of rcasiim fondling. AtldrcM ,
' . I' . M , llroomvooil , Neb. _ OI7-a >
TOTKIi ' i rooms , nil rontonlonrcs now.
hrlck , S blocks from 1' . O , 11. II. livy. Ni V.
Ifolmlldlnir. _ . _ TUG
liibKSAhli ore\clmti e a planuiK ndll coin-
Jplcte. . Iwenty horsu power eiwlue and inn-
ehlnrry n'Rcxnl amic'w. AddroiaU. l > . I'lnn ,
llcdfonl. In. OI1-7 *
OU bALK-On easy ttrint , llrnt cl isa
nMiiurantaiul fixtures and No. 1 location ,
.nciulru 013 1'axton block , "U
TIOKSAIiF-Chcip. a b-ihery In peed liwi-
- lion vrllh a nice ilnu of custom. Inquire of
' . 1' . l > a\is C'o , l.Wi rarnnni . 71. ( I t
' 01nic ( . ffc. . tct fop / fnt culitinn nn IM
\7"AN"ir.l > Vucnnt lots or acies for two of
I > the llnost and he-U pivluK blocks In the
ty , Will Rlru hlilod | If niado soon , with
11110 cash .1 OT , llco olllce. 4U
71011 TKA UK Olio new rcslilrncn liiOinnlm.
. IM-b. , one In ( Jiiniidl Illuirs , laaliiia ! ,
: , ,000 and r..OW ) ; will tr.ulu oiuiorhoth for uelt
nprmed loua farm or clem inertIruullte ,
ddress II10 , tleo oJllce , Council " ' -
.VTANTHD-A stooK of incrchiuillto wliloli
Y V will IIINolio from ft2,000 to r.UOWi In PX-
liuiiijo for u brlt'l < nmlilunci1 nml IIIIOMOIO lot
n O-ic'coh , In , Thl liouiu lost I1" > .UUO nnil Is
oinjiU'to nnd inodi-rii In o > oiy iinrtlciilir ,
iu\fiij ) wiitor supply , stcnin heat , b.itli fiKiin ,
tc , uiHl Is flo n of Inuimibnni'cithiiuifoct
ttlCClltllllllltOtl | ) lin.V IIIITCIPIIOO Wllll ( IlKXl
It tnuirtKnuiMHipct * Appl ) at o. llJON."Jlh
t. . fioin U toJJ dully , j K K. 7J8
I710K i\'t'riANir/ l > POOstooUof liiiil uro ,
J-1 from lit st hinds , ut wlioli"-nliM > rki's ; WVH )
iisliriHinlioil Jim I , 1MU ; Hill taUo for biil-
nruof iiuitty Kiii'd ' clear Nubr.isUn or Iowa
'aimliuid ' or Oniiiha ( iroportv with hiiuill In-
ninlirnniu ; full llnoof sainploi can UOFOOII
n Oniulin , Addtiss Kill , llio otllcc. ? ' !
no r. OIIANOI100 acies laud , deal , for
1- Omaha propirty. 0. J , C.isnoll , iiu N , \ .
< lffl fiOl-2. )
BIiVI.N-room lioiiso.nmr'Itth st. iml nllli.
Oiimhtt motor , uoilh W"H ) . for lo a f „ "
C. 1' . lliirilson. till X. V. Life. 7H 2fla" "
r\71IAr Imtnynn too\eliiiiufor Ssectlnns
T ? of clearwustorn hud ; malco mean offer.
WO , blionnndoili. 11. H7. " , '
ATlima you toc\clmiiKofor liuu cind
lot In Oni ihti Vlow. O. J. Ciibwcll. 81i N
Y. 1,1 . -
FOU cxoliniuo a few lots and lioiiios. etc ? . ,
forgood fitni3 ! or lands. > V. J. I'.iul , 1 ( > 00
. 'nrnani 411
71 fOKTOAOKS Notes , cish lands , etc1 , for
-l--leloar lots Gun use qulto u nuinbor. \ \ J.
" 'aul ' , IdOOKnrnaiii st. 411
TjlOK iXUIIANOK-ool ; ! ( f irin . city nropor-
JLJ ty and wild lunds In Nob. nnd lo\\n rorgood
iron'Iiii'd'soi property ili'.ir , lltlo porfuut. Ail-
drissl oak lldtij fremont , Noli 839
sAru-itiAr < KST/VTIO.
"orriitrn , etc. re < b > i > of flixt column on iltltKue \ \ -
Ol'TII Omiihn Do J on Know the "liocli
lilaiid" IMKOIIIS to inaKo liiiiiiiuisu linpun -
nients In South Oniiili v Miiilh of O stiot't ? We
liaxololsl and S , lotU 4 , l > otttr > v L'olib'xscc-
> nd [ ulillllon , and lots 18 mid H , blocU --.11110
xldlllon. Ihcso an > bj o.istnn p.irtv
ilioniils to soII If t.ilv < .n ntnncu , M.OOO ulll
Jiiy tin1 foui lots
Also lot 4. block 1. lots 1 'incl 22. block 3 and
T nid It block 0 , llroMi 1'aik , WQJO \ \ 111 buy
liolloluts ,
Jxiolc these lots up. Thcro Is i Rrmt bnrffalu
u thoni. M. A. Upton Co
74J IM
TilOll SALK A now piano-box bciK ) . ' ! ' ; hl h
IKiah > : tlnio or cisli ; paity Icu\liiR rlty ,
Addio&s 1C . ) ; , HLO. 7.M-'Jo
OU frAIjK-Lot OnxlOO footRood bnlldlnij
sltt > , f 0. Toiiiisoisy. 0. I * , llairlson , Oil
N. V. llfo. 7UJ X
T71 10U faAlji : J < inv lioii c , 4 rooms , fence ,
Jt ; tiocs , cltj water nnd corni-r lot , "Oth and
Sahlcr. I'ors.ilo at a ImiKnln and on easy
Miniuel Hums , 1J18 I'ninniii si
AC'IIOICHsltoon rarnim. opiioslto Jlr. T
I , . Mono'R ( Ino rcslcloniu , ] 00\H7 foot , that
wo 111 \prycliiMp If tnkcn bcfoio AUK. 1.
Omaha Koal Hstnto and Tiu t toinp uiy , 'u S
17th St. , lleobulldhiji. 70 , '
GHBATbiirBiilns JSOOOnlll buy a llnuioM-
clonio , W500 dnnn , bilniico on time.
Also nlliio rcslclrnto lot cheap forensh.
Also n line rcslclcaio In Kuunt/o 1'liicc
Im pirtliulars apply nt tlio Nob. Steam
nundry , H-O coi , ICth i. Ilonaiil sis. ffU
illOU SALE $700 for hon o and lot rcatlnir.
L fortlSncrinoatli on the tii cslincnt. O. 1 ,
Harrison. Oil N. Y. IMa. 70025
"rnOK&ArE Ono choluolot In HrlKRs'lilaco
J3 nn 1'arnaia st , $ tbOO. C. V. llarrlaon. Oil M.
Y.Ufe. 708 r
IOK HAIiH The iholco resldonco nt No ,
_ lOllOcorula u\o. , ji\140 : ft 12 fronMlniRo
rooms , bath , cus , sewer , hot nnd cold water ,
elosetaud all conveniences , owner KoliiK to
leave city. D V. Sholos Co , 2U 1st Nat. bank.
Iion SAIiT : Fist front lot lii llnnscom
I'lnie WxlSOfcot ' . V Harrison.
, , J-.rKM. C. , .
Oil N. V. Life. 701 25
AUAHQAIN To any ono w intins a doslra-
able hMiiu. Woli.uou tilno room house ,
111 K" bin n and ouirhKii house , ono block flora
the motor line , but twelve minute's from
1'arnam Ht , that wo can fell cheap , nnil will
tnko a lot or a small liotiso and lot , In part
iynunl. anil sl\o onsv terms on thobalincc.
mnliii I3Ht Uo and 'inibt company.M b.
17th at , Hoc bulldliii- . 7J (
$10 CASH and ? 8 per month for honso and
full lot at fioin H853 to JI.500 each. W
.7. Paul , 10U ramaiii. 4lt
OK RALE lot O.'Kl.Vi , nnar West Tarnum
-LA and.Mth Hts , $7,001) ) , H cash. O. I1. Harrison ,
Oil N. Y. Ife. | 7U"'r
T71O11 SAID 1'our pee < l lots InValnnt Hill ,
JJ WlxlV ) ( iub , on Kr.ulo. Price * . " > 00 each ,
wortlidonblo the inonoy. Stringer & Penny ,
] ) OHK.IS ! block , IGth and Dod c. 400
LOGIC Ci-foot lot In Clark's addition , just
north of bt. Mary's a\e , for fcV-'OO. M. A.
Upton Uo. 741 2i )
FOJl SALH- room house anil lot , Hanboom
placo. Vacant lot foi tlrst p lymciit Hal-
ancu to anil. U. J. Uaswill , 810 N. V. Llfo.
ASMAIjIiiiayiiiontdnnrn anctfn per month
\ % 111 buy u 4-room house and lot on l ( > th , 2
blocks from inotoi ; llrst-olais to ac-
qulroahomo on easy torms. Apply to H. K
tolo , block. Kit
LIMXJI'hco and Cnitlnco lots pilco
f 1,0CO , iiiHIimii , balancd $ r iiontlily , w. J ,
feilby , room 11. llo.inl of Tinilo. Bit
FOit f-AIn Choke homo I'.uk
and Cuinin.'Rt. H-room niodoinlioiisp$4,000.
E lay terms. 0. ! ' Ilurrlson , Oil N. Y. Life.
\\7 AKI3up itnrt nuy iv noinoon monthly p ly-
T > ments Cholcoof hovoii dllTi'rontliciusuf ,
south fronts on 1'ai n im bt , Kuiry tunvxnluncc ,
Inoludliii ; furnato anil gus 1'i.uiscan ho scon
utmyolllio. Cull In. 1) . V.Sholcs Oo.-'Mlst
National b inU. 8.15
POU SALE l'lerant homo In Ilinscoii
I'laee.H-rooni liouse ; all modern lninro\o
: uouts , W.WO. C. K llairlson Oil N. V. Life.
70' > . ' . - >
/1OTTAOE homes In most any addition for
vAalo at from f 1,00 ] up on eisy monthly nij-
ments. I1. K. lUrJIn , ' . 41 Itarker blk. b.El
TJ1OH bAhlNlco 7 mom liouso nady to
I ? mo\e Into with full lot , 4J.IWO , W 0.
I' . Ilnrrlhon. Oil N. Y. l ife. 1U
IK YOU hii\o anything to sell or exolianzo
call at 018 I'uUon liloiU 8ir
VTOTICH Is herohy Kl en that hy virtue of a
1 > chattel mortgage dated on the "ad day
of SI iy , A. I ) . 1MX ) . n trno eopv of whlih mort-
gaKoMisdnly lllcd In the ollke of thu lounty
dork of Donjil IH county i Nebraska , on t he LI II
duyof May , A.I ) . UflO , al : : ) in , of that day
andoxeeiiti-d hy Cioro K , Mnrolioiihii nnd
ItavO , Morehouse ( O-pirtimrs us Moichousu
andCoinpiio , to Mollrldo A. Oompiiny , tohu-
niru thu payment of the nun tliitiulii mi-n-
tlonid , and tliosiiniof > hihtj-four dollarsani
fort-ono ui-ntH now holng due and nnpili
t lien ( in. nnd default hnvhiKhoen niadii In the
condition nf said morUa o that nalil inon-
gasor bhould acuount and pay o\cr to the
inorlRtiRoo to npply on the inorlRagoilobt at
the end of eiuh thirty duystho amount rml-
Izedfroni thehiileof the mortgaged goodias
ftKcnts of the mortgagee , und bald morl agK
deemlnuhorsi'lf Insecure and no suit 01 ether
liroieeillnKS nt law having ht-en liislllntid ti
rocoior suld debtor any pint thcieof , thero-
forul will hull the property thoicln doscilbei
orHininili theieof asinay bo nccessaiy toiny
the moi tgtice debt and thuoutts for t bu t iikliiK
KeuiiliiK , tnucrtUlnj and tolliiii ? al public
niiitlon at Nn. Till Uodvo street. In the ittyo
Onnilia. Nebraska , un the -Itli day of July a
1 o'llookp. in ot i.ald nay , Mild inoitciiKK
property bolnc dosorlb'-d us nil undsliiKUIn
the poods and merchandise of said morUa
gors located nnd hltnatid In the hiilldliis , .No
1M4 Dodge utioot. in bald clly of Onnilia , am
which consists of u stock of sheet miiilc
nicihlo'lookh , llxturoa and musical nicrchin
dlse , Tornibof Hiiloto bn tui > li.
.MillnitmX Co. . Mortgagors.
Notion U hereby ulvin that , the abovu HID ) I
horebv postponud to MitnriUv , tlio'.NHIulny o
July , A.I ) . I8.O , at thu hour of ono p. in , of tlm
day , to luke plneo at thu lilni-o abovodml- !
nuttd , to-wltt nt No. HI4 liodKo strict , In the
city of Onmhii , Ndiriiskii.
It MolliciUB 4 Co. , Mortgngcis ,
VnJcr the MBi-nfetnenl r r ( ho
tlejlcin Inttrnitlonal Hanking Co. , Contcxilonarlts.
ncorporalcd By the Stnto of Chihuahua , Mo -
Ice , ( or Clnrltablo Purposes.
I IMtopHco In public nt the city ot Juarc * ( foi
rly 1'iuuOoltiurtoj Mo-lcu.
Wednesday Aug.'ZOth 1890
, . , ,
S , Uolli Koiillcmcn of hlttti i
CAPITAL PRIZE , 560,000.
Only60,000 , Tickets ! Only60,000 , Tickets !
I Prize of S60.COO $60,000
ll'rlrooj' 10,001) ) 10,000
Il'rl70of MHX ) OHM
Ill'll/OSOf l.OOOllU'll J.OOl' '
lOl'il/esof SOOpuch .000
60I'll/is of IDOtMCll 60"0
lOOPrbesof no e.ioh fi.OOO
! G01'ri7i8Of BO uich 7,000
Aliproilinalliiti 1'rl/n.
ICIOPrlresor tfiOcieh 85,000
Jiwrrljwof 'Woach < l.OOO
1001'rizisor SSoncli S.WO
Teriiilniit 1'rlzos.
WlTonnlnalstotroOOill'rl/eorj.'Oeach. Sll.OSO
SODTeruilnalsto 810,0001'rlzootlJlOoaoli. 6WO
1914 Prizes amounting to $125,970
Wo , tlio iinilprolencil. horobr Cfrtlfr thm Iho
Ilnnro Nncloimlof Jti-xlroln Cliihiinhim limonrto-
> o lt from the MPXICIHI Inloriuitlonnl llnnklnir Co ,
lioncco'iiry luliiUlo pimrantco llio | iniucnt of
nil prlrcn ilrnwn In tlio < Jriin l.iiU-ilii .nun KZ.
Wo riirthirccrtlfirtliiuwu will i > upervli-p nil the
arranurnicnw , nnrtln IUTKOII inanimo nnd cuntrol
nil the dnivlmranrililH lottery , una Unit tlio hnmo
nroconJuctort wlttilionetty , Jnlrnct ! , uiul In teed
llU townrdi nil tmrtlc" . .
JOHN S. MOSBY , Commissioner.
Sujicrvldor for the Uoeminent. .
If ony ticket drawing n nrlro l ont to ttia iinrtcr.
Biiml. leu fiico \ aliio will bo collcrtcd nnd roiulltcnl
to the ownurllicraof , ' ' '
'JJ5 A' ? , „ , , , „ , ,
l > rC9.ii I'n-oNuUoii.iUliuili , El 1'aio.Toz
For club rnto or nny other Information , wrlto to
tlie underslKiioit , Htiilmtr ymir nJilrc-s clearly , nan
buto. Lonntr , Street nnd Number. Mure rapid ( In-
lUcry nilllianmnirM by yoiircuolonliii * an uuvel-
opo beorlni * your full ruldrefls.
City of J unrez , Mexico.
Penrtromltlancesfor llekotd hr ordlnnry letter ,
coiitiilnlMK Alonoy ( lrilorl--ilcd Iiy all nzprons com-
innles , Now ork riehunuo , liinfc draft or postal
note , Arirtrenanllreeliitcroil leaornto
City ot Juarez , Mexico , via hi I'aso , 'lor.
tfblch II amranttui to tirlp a ( argir
ftrtml ortimtbu MlMmllKde
fied combined. TH < am lo Hl Karl
at aldJi'J art to | A t ti , I'Dilllrol ; la *
visible llom tnon'AiwUhoalrcmorBj.
II. A. WALLS , Urlilgupotti C nifc
Fealod proposals w 111 bo received at thoofflco
of A. II. Dioi , O'Neill. Neb , Aiuust 1st , 18'X ' ) ,
ate p. m. , for furnishing nmtorliil nnd labor
nceossirv for the oioition and pompletlon of
St. Marys Academy , accoidiug to plans and
speclllcntlons to ho seen at thu Onuiha. hlato
and HootliiK Co , Oni iha , Neb A ceitlHod
cheek for INOO.OO must accompany each bid , and
tlio committee. ri'Sor-,0 therichtto reject nny
or all bills. A. II , , Aichltoot.
Notice to Contrnctorn ,
Notlco Is liorohy ghon that sealed proposils
111 bo received hy the oily cleric of the olty
of bouth Omaha , on or before the ISth day of
July , Ib'JO. ' at 1 oclouk p. in . for Hloplni * and
rcino\lnc the dirt on the followlni ; lot" , nc-
oordliiR to the provlsloiiH of Ordliuuioo No. 129 ,
Lot J , block 80 , South Omaha.
Lots 1 and U , block 81. South Ornahn.
l/ot.s 1 anil U , block - ' , first addition to South
Lots , block 1 , first icldltlon to South Omaha , .
I.otll , block H.mst. addition to South Omaha.
Lots I ) , 10,11. U and U , block s , lint addition
to bouth Oniah.i.
Lots I.1 : niicl J , block 7 , first addition to South
West nc-.onty-flvo feet of lot 1 , block 4 ,
Brown's I'uk.
Last soventy-flvo feet of lot 21 , block 4 ,
llrown's I'nilc.
J'aht 8o-\cnty-flvo feet of lot 8 , block 8 ,
llrown's 1'ark. . . , ,
Iot7 , block 8 , Brown H Park.
Lot9 block 111 , bouth Omaha ,
Lot 10 , block 114 , South Omaha.
Loto , blockss bonth Oni.ihu.
Lots 1 , ! t und -1 block M , bouth Omaha.
Lots 1 , U und 4 block UO. South Onuiha.
Lots'I and 4 , blooUM , bouth Omaha.
LotG , block TJ , South Dm iha
No-iionn * ill will ho considered unless ac
companied by a certified cheek for $10000. to
ho iiturncd on all bids not accented. The
rlKbtls iesor % ed to reject nny or all bids.
Jl'dlOt JOHN J , 11VAN , Olty Clerk.
otiuo tn hewer Contractor * .
S. Om iha , Neb , July 10th , 1S90. f
Scaled inoposils vlll bo reeuhed hy the nn-
d , at this olllie. until tuoho o'clock
noon , of July aith , IbUO , for fnrnlshliiK nil the
matirlalsiind dolny nil the work nicossnry to
loinplete tno folloulni ? oltv linpioeiuuntsvlz
Conit rnclliiK 'i twcntj-foiir In h storm
water hO\M r , In " ( ) " Btiect , aUo inittliiK In a
pile hulk he id null nppinich to t no LSIml
of "Q'HtrdOt vIiiliKt. I'l ins and sptclllea-
tlonsniay ho s'cn. and all Information rula-
theto tliuucul , ohtiilniMl ut thlsollko.
( ) ] ) ( | Hsfioiiiiiliyiontiiic'loi In dnf.mH
v 1th thu illy on unj pluvious icmti iut will bo
Nopropoinl from any eontrictor will ho
considered unless .ii-iomp inhd bn cortllloil
chuck for Iho hundred dollnis ( * . ) W.OU ) to he
returned on all bids not iccopted.
TlioilKlitls uiMjivod to rnjiet any or all
piopo alsoilc , to ho complete within blvty
AiiproNliiiatoestlni ito Is SW fent twonty-
foni Inch pipe. 400 fiot twuho Inch plpo , All
lilds mint bu on blanks furnished by the olty
liy order of the council , Cominltleo on
stieets and alleys. i : . CONMILM' ,
Jl'Kll.'t ( Jhalrman.
'Iho Omaha & K-piibllc.ui Valid }
llilKvny Coainaii\ .
Notlco Is heielo KlMin that a Hpeolul nicMit-
liiK of thoslocldioldei- thu Oni ilia fKu -
liublle in Vullcy Iliillwiy Oomininy wl'I Im
he'd at thoollliuof tlm coin jinny In thn Union
1'aolflo Itulldhin' , Om.ihi : , Nebiastcu , on Wed-
nesd.iy. July : ) , lh' , at liio'cloi-lc a in. , fin thu
purpoxu of actlni ; on ,1 cuitnln IrioKiiEo
aciuemont t > y and Loluion tlm Union I'.ioillu
Itallnny Uoriipinv the Uinalia At lEepuhlleiin
Valley llallwny Ooiup my , Ui < iMillim .vHmtli-
westun Itillway Coinpanj , tin ( Jhlu i o Ko Ic
Islanil > v 1'iiellie. Unllwii ) ( . 'impui\ ) , and the
Ulilia 'o , Kaiiiis . 'i Nuhrasld Italtway Coiu-
panj dattdAIny 1 , 1H' ) ! , tind for the tr.ins le-
tlon of hue h other business as may loyally
comn liefoio the niii-tlii , ; ,
Omaha , July IN , ! ) . ) .
j-KMil _ AihXAM > iu liMAii , Korctiiry.
Iiiiportorland Miolcsalo Hciilcrsln
V/atchcs , Jowclrj , rullcry
? i llons , Xotcltlcs , Allitims ,
Coat-Collar Hprlii 's ,
Fancy ( iootls , .Ic.
Ijr/ ( ulaorlnii n ( fur
Illifvarlit ) of { c , lOc nml : Sc countrr
Our Inrqc HIM ! fully Illli-lrntcU
illi'ill'rfc- ililrri > mil ) .
' '
st < LouB | <
fun locurcil In 3) tom
clnyn hy use of the mar
velous .Miielullinnedy. J.VKiljifor ucuso It will
not cure. C'Al'TION t < ) gut tint KCIIIU mi mm-
edy. Wrlto or null nn P. ( ' . Joiyi | , "OU llur-
ney Htreit , Omalu , Nubraff
_ iflsor
A trhnal for lhi > hiclipr ivlucfttlon nTnmK la
tinniuAUr fine eorin of I roffwnm for 1990 91 LltarA *
turn Art nml Mutlelir nf < cull u Ixiotlun Ool-
nniWn , Mo , In n cr f > rk juit north of city limit ) .
Vorrit trroiKbnuml , Mac ttrsM AnMiiinilitnfoof p c
for out iloor oirrrUo ll nil < oin bullJli.Vi Mortl
tnnmf nchool nffllcnt A thrl ll n lionn xlth > l )
Hi * ( n itnm i > ml All t l i * rn KimnH of * ll vnl t d
bamt Write rorpMnlopm A .trp" .
> N. A.ULUIIAM , rrcilUcnl , COLUMBIA , MO.
Now IhtlUlit { ; < i , Now Kurnlturo , Now Tlauos
New Kqulp'iKmtH , Uonutiful S.tuntlon.
Opoii * lopt Til Full mul KIII crl < ir I nniillr I'cmtt- '
nionls for himllili , Killn dttvk iliriutn ITIMICII ,
biloiH-o , .MuMc , Art , oto oiiil fur litfucmntliin U >
MISd II X II\ Prlnclfnl ,
. In i son.
8t. Mam's Bohool , KiH\\lllo ) , ll
A rhutxli School foi Ulrls ,
SI , Albnn's Bchool. Ifnov vlllc , 111. ( l.X >
A Chin oh Solicml for lU > ) s.
Now iMilldliiRs , now furiilturo , nnw niiinrt |
tils. Tlio Intuit im'tliiHls of incntii I mul pin
leal cnlluto. l.M'i.vtliliic up tn tlio tlinu
lloiiiu Kiinfin H nnil lioiiiiu'n to form crj iiuul
KI.V.OV. . M'.ri 1M1WI 1,1. , . II l >
Itoi'tni 'im ! I'l'umli'r
1'rpinro forCClltCt. forTEACIIIMQforBUS1HESS.
mul onYrn excellent omiorliinllliii fnrthu rum rot
MiMlo , Art , Mhorl lluiiit ninl Tj powrlllna niut lilo *
iMitlon lliillillnu In ntn1 litntrtiiii. I'urcutnlo sai-
jOrcsMlorJJ. C. LOt'JOV , A. M. , Auriitti , III.
, .
rllll hHII VI IUI1 , tllfll tU. A JU KSIKT. ) .
All brim lies r Miulp Drinmllo Ml I ) , lunrtp'loieli *
rrx 'Irtlnlntr School I n tirpn iMt n Until ituj ; ut
luoiU'ratucC't ( nliiliiuuiMiiiiilliiil fn > i <
J .1 II \ I IMAKIir
JlllwauKei WIs
'or You tie Women Tor e.iliilo uo atlcl O. U
CIMibl.LV. 1'h. 1) 1'ies l
a M ni iinl'iii UlnLtirC'hIciico ) . l
ythoiil for ( ilrls nml i mini ! I.n.110" . . lorl I
cnMloimn oddrotx U. ' 1IIAYKH. I.I. . I ) . .
iiinl'aru,111 , urT7MadlaunbtructCHIcup
All ( ! > ! urtnu nt * ut Musical Instnunloil , Minlirll tall'
VUio Alt * , HO. if i.UuixiHD , jAiknuui 1110,111.
'I ! III ! F APUWMY NnrSt. . J/onls A
< II Illlib m/illSlnill ihst-ilnss boys'
ionic P < heel I'ftulpnicntfl perfci t , lui'pnrnformtjr
rolUKtf or for liiulnnu , Imrkwnid hoyre ( olriMl : 81 ti
your open * Sii't ' 8 ( . ' MUM Adilic-n Her. 8 ) > .
' . \ .M , Himkir Illll III
Clrcuhirof 1IKNIIY J. BTISVIINy , A. II. I'rln ,
TN&TKUMn.NTS pl.iuucl oa rucurd duiliu
JL jestenlav :
herwood 1'ark llitlldlnt * nssoolitlon to
U I ) Nnsh. lots iHand
, , 11 , ullcl.shi'r-
\M > od I'd i It , wd . . , . ? ll,000
i bihrodlir , trustee. toM Dowlliu- etui ,
lot ) , blk I , llroun I'uiU , \ \ d . . 000
Allioitliniiiciman and vlfo to ,1 II
Johnson , lot n , hlk 111 , bouth Oniahli ,
\v d . . . . . . . . . sot
South Omaha l.vnil oonipaiiy to Jlhnilo
/liiiinot , lot 4. block IM , bouth Cm.ilia ,
South ( Jiirilu land loniiiuiiy to 1' I'
I'leeiuin , lots 0 and 7 , hlk 01 , South
Omaha , w d
Minnie /liiiinot to J I1 Mlloney , lot 4 ,
blMK ) , South Onuiha. w d 754
J li llltickaiiil wlfo to William Uoiiahoe ,
lotr. . bin-unit Illll. wd GOQ
William Dominoo to J L lllaclc , lot 5.
bumnilt Illll. wd 701
J A Mobli mo ot al to J II Conto , part of
lot 7 , nnd part ot lot 8 , Improvement
association add , wd 1,751
S rbinlth nncl hmluml to 7111 and K 1C
blliwon , lot T mul part of lotN Sami-
durs & . .lllmobiui'h'a add to Walnut
Hill , wd 3,00
J Iternstcln and wlfo to Mrs Mary Stone ,
lot 18blk 2 , Knsh & bclby'u ad to South
Omaha , wd 400
L 1' I'l uyn and w Ifo to 0f Gardner , o IB
fietof lotl.1 , blk 7 , Patrick's 2nd add ,
wd 3,000
A H I'oltcr nnd huslmiid to L A lioiison ,
oPSftlot 1 , IturrO.ik , w d 1,000
O A Potter and wife to C A Ilunson , w 03
ft lotl , IJurrOik , wd 4,003
O I ! Warner nnd lUre to V 3 Hotchklss ,
lot 18 , hlkl , Lnko Vlow , wd S.00g
PJ liotchUlss and n Ifo to LAI Dlgorton , .
lot 18 , hlkl , LakoViow. wd 4,000
Aucnst Wlbori * to O E7c.irfoss , pt lot 13 ,
Koiintzo'aSu add , wd J
O I' Harrison to I'tta Harrison , lots 3 , 4 ,
HI andW , bile 8 , Kckcnnan I'Ince. w d. . 2,009
J W li'eud to V L Cotton , lot 10 , blkO ,
I'opploton I'lirlc. w d > . . . 4,504
Union I'aclllor.illuay cninpiiny to 1'etur
Horonson , s Vt Hw2ri10 ) , wd 20) )
Alhort bwart/lander , Hjmcliil nirtsler , to
Snniuol I'rnyu , lot 4 , Ludwlulc Place ,
dbed av
Kiuiik Ilonnlson nnd wlfo to li\lo : llon-
ulRon. lot 13 , blk2 , J Iltudlck'ssubof J
I Hecllok'sadd , wd 20 (
Twenty-two transfers
miles' Ncrto and Liver Pills.
An-lmpoitnnt discovery. They act on tin
Ihcr , Btbinnch nucl bowoh tlrrouijU tliB
nerves. A now principle. They Bneodlly
euro bllllousness , bid tftsto , toipld liver ,
piles and ronstlintloii. Hplcndld for men ,
women nnd children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. ! > 0 doses for " ' cents. Samples Iron
ntKulm & Co.'s IC-tli and Douglas.
An ntiKlihh Sjiidiuiilu Hopes to "Work
Them \\ltliOi-fat I'rollt.
From jnc cnt inilictitioim CiiUfornia
will lnuo in tlio noiii1 futnro a now intliiM-
try , rivaling in iinporliiiico oven the
tnlcint ; of ( { old from the bowels of the
enrth , Ba\B u San Fi.uiclbco diHpiitoli.
Tlio now iiulubti-y is the mining ut great
profit of tin 010 at San .Inrinto ,
Snn Boinartlino county. Tvventy-
seven jcais HKO tin dopoqits wcio
found in tills noipfhborliood , but
the vuliio of tlio disco\oiiesdid nothoom
to bo nppiecintod. hi fnet hltlo i Idioun
in this country about mining ami work-
Injr tin ores. Nc'trotKilioim lm\ jiiHt
buon concluded Mheroby tlio San Jan-
clnto tin minus will pns into tlio lituids
of an English pyncUcato witli lai-jo o\-
pciionco in Iho tjcatntont of llioso oroH ,
nnd these HUM ) , wlio own tin mines netir
Swansea , Wales , iironouiieo the full-
fni-niti - tm-eo timoa rich
OI-CH nearly itj as
the \Voluli 01 oa they linvo been
ciiioi-utii ) } , ' with fair jirollt. Tito
foriiuitlon of tlio ecnnitt-y uliuia
the mines tire Riluiitul Is aim-
iluito that wlioro the bust tin mlnoa
oxint , Within tlio radius of a few inllca
there ui-o over fifty voliH bi'iirinj ; oic.
| ] \ieitH ) h.iy tlio oio has nil Iho clmrac- ;
luiiHtius of a nyrmtiiiont duposit. Thu
tio.itmont of tin oto.s in in many rospocti
HKo thai glvon Hihnr-Moiuliifr load oios ,
'J'lio hiyh ptli'o | ) ru\ulin ( < ; for tin will
inaUo thin n most valuublo industry fet
tlio htato nnd thn raihonil now nmnliif ;
in the vicinity of the mines intikt-j t 'uiu-
portaUcm etiby.
Dr. niinoypraotico limited tofiVtrrh-
al diseases of nose tind tluo it. ioo ! I' "
A ( JIlOHt II H \VltllCNH. .
There was oneo u "ghost in court , "
cnnncottullth the inoinoiabloUolteasn !
Hinco then tno phantoms hiuo tiotihlcd
the lilgh court much , t > ayi > the J.ondonTol <
egniiih. Hut thoio is an notion pending ,
all ahout a will , in which a Kpector foniu
a loading feature , and will ] ) iMlbly ba
eallod a v.itnesH. A ghost in the wltncsi
box uouhl cause a fotonsio .sciiH.illon o (
the llrst 01 dor , and would "clear the
coin t" moi o speedily than the efforts oi
aldo/on ushers. 'J'hu way in wlikli tin
phantom comes In to this p-iiMoulai
CIIHO BeoniH to bo that the te.'ilator , bolnq
( llssiitibllod with | IH ! ti'nlamenlary dlnpo-
Hltloni , tevlhilod the glimpses of thoinooo
and told the noxton all about It. "But1
Lord JiiHttcu Bowen puitlnontly ) n
qniied , "can what a ghost Bajs to a BOX-
ion ho taken as ovldonco aialiiBt any
body ? " The legal vlow would bo tlm (
Hitch teHtlinony required substantial ror <
lobnratlon ; but wo know , fioin "Hllai
Mai nor , " tluit tlg\ionlcnwM" \ do not car
about being bollovod In by thy liojiolusiil ]
"ignoiant. "
DlHlnl'uct with I'latt'a CliloiltlcH
every busplcloua nook und corner.