Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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OFFICE , NO. 12 PEAttlj ST.
Delivered liy furrier In any pnrtof tlioCMty ,
H. W. T1I/TON , - .MANAUnit.
e. Nn.4J.
Nljslit rdllor.No. SI.
JliMHt Jl i\TlUX : ,
N. V. P. Co.
Coiiiie-ll DlufTs Lumber Co , , coal.
Tholnjiinctloa raio npalnit the city in re-
Bard to i > miiiKwlll ho heard today.
Horn to Mr. mid Mrs , William lllood , cor
ner of F avenue and Ninth strc-ct , a twclto *
| iounil Klri ,
Sain Nohlo , the hlncksnilth. It nurHlngn
dniiiiiirrd knee , tlio result of Jurnplngfroma
mo tort niln.
Ofllccr Johnson nrrostcil Thomas Slovens
jfsU'rilay afternoon for disturbing the pcMeo
by IlKhtlntf.
The Daughters of Urbcknh will fi\o their
fiiunils a picnic In I'alrniount park next
Tuesday afternoon ,
A. Helium settled up with .TiulRO McOco
jestcrdayinoniliiK for his spree of the nlpht
previous. It ( ust him $15 and a nlgnt in the
OCOILTO Illc-ks , son of C. AV. IlleUs , Is lylnj ?
\crylowttlth illjilitlierla. It sccmod yestcr-
illy that lie could not last hut u few hours
.IuilK < ? Dcetner hail another easy time jcs-
ti'iiliu , tlieio heihiR no matters for him to
hear In eouit. IIo will return home this
The motor compiny has not paid for Its
shine or the p.ivin . The city t > eoim afi.ild
to tnrUlo the ooi'iiorutlou and enfoica the
I > .iy incut ,
Thij raw ofllemy vi K\aas , hchiR heard
lipfoio Kcfcrco Htws , Inul a day oft yesterday
on account of the inability of Attowiry Pusoy
to bo present.
Alderman Lack's horse , Nellie Cnffcry ,
made a trial of sjicccl at thoililvliip jnric jes-
tcrduy iifti'iiioon iiKCiust Nellie ! . Doth
liorbis developed aspocd surprised their
owners ,
Shci iff Madden of Clay county was in the
rlty yesterday \\lth a prisoner naiiu'd Hill-
lips , who Is v.intcd tlicre for disposing of
liiortt'iifwl piopeity. The olllccr found his
man In Oiimlin.
.Tames fjiifjuin took out two building per-
IV'e. the erection of two lesl-
dciices on Ills mopeityonthocoiner of Wash
ington anil Oakland avenues , Ono is to cost
t.Jr.OU and theothei $1W.
Thcio It some Inquliy ns to what has been
clone by the committee which was goluii to
labor with the motor compiny in bohdf of u
Ti cent faro between Council IJluffH nnd
Oinnha. It mny bo that the Intense heat has
put the committee to sleep.
In theinpeilor court ycstcrdnj the case of
Otnldo Vlcu MI Fox it ( Jalvhi was on tilnl.
The iuit was to recover on a note of flK ( > ,
Ivc'n to Henry Teller nnd sold to Vlen. 1'ox
c'lainis uhcn tin1 linn dlssolvcil Teller
let him of ! tlio note , holding ( Jalvla alone
resKmslblc. ]
SherilTMaKncrwas In the city vcstoiday
en route to hU homo In Slunx Citj. ha\iiifr
been to Tort Madison to take , thither Mnnsch-
nitlihoso sc-iitciice foi his p.nt in the
Haihlool ; ease was commuted from four vcars
to only tluro mouths. IIo h the nnlyo'iiooT
all concerned who Iris been held in the
A sollt.iry harpist established himself In
the main hall of tlio eouit house osteiclay
and for nn houi or mom the bigbuildliif ; wiis
Illlcd with the melodies of fainlliiu sound.
SheillT O'Nc-ill , near \\hosooilleo tbn h.irpist
located hlnisilf , sild hoiis in grent doubt
whether it vas liitonded foi a serenade or a
churavari. Hut then ho has no ear for music
niij way ,
JudgeHoulton has client. II. K , Kiifjle-
Biun , who has been suing Schoedsnelc of the
dye woilts for ilamages. Now J nglesum
turns up In a new role. Ho Is informant , or
philntifl , in an Injunction niso brought
against the "Oinnha" at IS'o. fcflO West Broad
way , Knglesiiin claims in his nfllelavlt that
Ueit Fouloy nun the saloon and that Dan
if Cairigu Is ono of the owners of the property.
I * A woman with a hnhy in her anus nnd two
little children clinging to her skirts stood at
at thu cntninco of the court house jestcrdav ,
anxiously inimiringhoro she could Hint "a
lawyer who would help her get justice. Some
one had wronged her husband out of ? 5 and
she wanted to find a lawyer. It seemed im
rf possible to get niijono around the building to
admit l-eliig a lawyer when the sue of the
Iv * prospective fee liee-amo known ,
Hi Justice Bui upon jestcrdav
IV' ( to ml just a difficulty between a man named
Kllswotth nnd John Wallace , a teamster.
Ellsworth assaulted Wallace and knocked
out two of his teeth. When ho recovered his
breath ho called upon the justice for assist
ance In ) iunlshiii ( ! his enemy. Upon inquiry
the ass mlt luseoitnined to bo a seiious
ono , and Ellsworth made defendant In a
Btnte case. By agreement it was continued
until July HI.
The tlc'ket oftlco at the southwest corner of
Pearl und Hi-oadwuy , In which Captain
Brown Is the pi-esldinir genius , is rcecfvliiB
mimv rejuvenating touches by paper and
paint. This ticket onico has been established
unit soir-saino corner , with the self-
hnino Cuntaln Iliown , foi twenty-two icars
The i-ont-s jnld iiinoiint to Ixtween 4.JO,0K ( )
anil $ : WiOi , ( ) , and \ot \ tliero has never Ken a
loiiso. Huch a stuyiiiR , solid sott of a tenant
e\Iilently nceilHiio ICMSC" .
Hov. Willlniu ( IrosHinan , who has been eon-
neetcd with the Prosbyteiiun rhureli woik in
this city , chiefly at the Strcctsvillo inlssioii
anil the Sei'oud I'resbyteiinn church on Ilai-
inony stioct , hns left the city since the aban
donment of the lower \\ork. Sineo leaving
ho lnusreccl\ed itnd necopted a eall from the
See-ond I'rcibyterian uhurch at Vllllsca , In ,
nnil will at once outer upon the dlsehaipo of
his duties in pastor of a largo congrciriitlon
in that thrifty little eity.
All tbo effects , tilnkets , cash , biio-n-hrai1 ,
belonging to tbo Hall family and in the pos
session of thu police were'tuined over last
nl ht to ICimna , the daughter
Mho was ile-slgnnteil by the father us the
proper oiio to receive them. Seven dollars of
the money le.dized from the sale of the old
furniture and the cash found on Hall's per
son was given the Siatwsof Mercy to piy for
Ins euro unil kcenlni ; eliiilng his stay la the
hospital. Mrs. Smith , the sister of tbo mur
dered woniun , as given the custody of the
dilldren , mill left \\ith them jestciclay mornIng -
Ing for her home in the country near 'Onawa ,
The medical profession of Shelby county
lias been deeply liitcivstrcl for some time iii
n ciiso that was feared to bo leprosy , nncl yes-
terdny two of tlio iihyHiclaiiH were In the city
c-onsnltlng with doctors hero nbout it anil
cle'serlblng the symptoms'of the lutiont , who
is a Swede t % iu , the head of a numerous
family , who iiivo recently moved near the
town of Shelby. The Dos Molncs Itcglster
of yestoi-diiy announccil tlio fuel thut the
stnteboiuil of health had Investigated the
cu o and pronounced it to ho the genuine !
leprosy in its most dreaded form , Ulio
strictest lilies of the board will ho used to
liolnto the unhappy man , but It U feared the
contiiRlou will iprcMil in spite of all that can
be done to prou'nt It.
The rumor that springs up with perennial
\ Igor every few dajs the Union 1'nclllo
railroad c'oinpmy lias deterinlnod to abamlon
the Hroinlwiii depot ami Union nvc > nue , A\IS
rovhed aKain yesterday. It ivc-el\eil the
usual Honu-ofllil.d quietus from .Agent Ousler.
The Union I'aelllo ndlroiid company Is a cor-
l > oratluti that has not built up a very cxtrn-
slvorepuualoii forgiving things a\\ny , mid
the i > oejilo -\\tio uro cMiiiplug nloug Union
avenue for the puinoso of being the llrst on
the grouml to pro-empt n lot er tuo vhen the
railroad lets gii anil inou's out , may as veil
return to tholr homos. They c-nn uny a coiner
lot on Uio.uUuiy and nay for it at tlio rate of
n com a jcar sooner tiiiin they can get it by
waiting for the Union Pnrltlo to give it to
tlioni by nbaiuloniiif , ' Union avenue.
The expressmen of the city nro having a
rocky time of it lust now , ' .Their position
Bomowliiit resembles that of the dove that
Noah sent out from the ark they cannot
IInel a pliico In tbo city upon which to rest
the weary feet of their horses ouacvountof
the ordinances that followed cacti other in
bwift HUcvosalon during the past few months
preventing them making u stand on the
various streets that inUn > oct Broiul\\iiy.
Yoste'i-day u number of them grow dea [ > crate
und clctermliied to make a stand on the cor
ner of Main nnd llro.uUvay and defy the city
or ut least iiuiko a test ease , Tlio police
nulckly inndo u raid on them , and ono of
their number , Hurt 1'ohind , was arrested and
tiiken to the station. It U said the express
men huvo decided to employ counsel for bis
defense and inukau bitter light for \\hat they
esteem to bo their
An Amateur letcttlvo Attracts Oonaiuornljlo
Attention on Broidway ,
Tlio ParmcrH * CoiiKrpHt lloonipi-fl Want
Help A 1'nliof Aeoldctits Hunt"
AVntits.'Moi-o IVen Minor
IMiitloiis ( ! arid
An amateur dotcctho ntlrnctcel about as
much attention on ilroailwayycaterelny uf tcr-
noonns nclrcm parade , "Whether ho win In
the employ of the city police deii.irlinentor
sonic | iri\ttto ujfcnry , or was working some
ijreat Job of his o\n ! not known , but every
body knew him or heard of him before ho had
uecnoti the street ten minutes , and how ho
Imel cseaied | the patrolmen is ono of the nijs-
lerlM , Unless ho w w in the employ of
Chief ( Jnruy anil the pttrolmcn hudordci's
not to run him in , It is a profound mystery
tiownnyvleleavako \ oftlrcr could pass such
n giiy and not pick It up Ho was elresscd in
woman's attlio , wlthu Idling , Jaunty hat
wlttired andjcllow feathers and bluoiib-
loiison It , and tied under hh uiHhavcn thin
with a brouel black band. A fjold dotted Nell
was druMti aroinul the upper part of tils faec
nnd tied at tlio back of his neck It loft ex
posed to \ lew a pimply clilnvtltun stubby
'rowth of bc.nel upon Itnndnbcut fourlnehes
jf nrek ni red and wattled ns n turkny gob-
bloi's. lie was c\ldetitlv liuntlni ? for
souio bold.bnd man and Imagined that he was
disguised as iiwonun , nnel ills ulscel so well
[ bat nobody \uniMthink of doubting his sex.
! Ie hinifinround the Boston store and tried to
ininglo Ki'iccfullyviththaciovds , but there
was not a ihllel In tbo crewel that diet por-
eei\u at a KluiiL'O that he uus n man and the
uvkwnrdest kind of a man at that , nnd they
( 'itjed him most unmcielfully. Ho nltomptcel
. \\nlkunnmldowti Hroulwny In fiont ot
, bc stoixs and wntch the ciowd of shoppers ,
buttho erowd was watcbiiiff him. He- even
ittnictod the attention of Iho dogs , and sev
eral of thorn liurlccd furiously t lilm. Ho
was onlj visible nbout twenty minutes , and
bohstseeiinf him houis sti idln down
[ Jroulw.iy , swln > : i"K Ids nuns like a fainter
iiouin liiiy , and Ilirnstiiif , ' bis number nine
shoes from the folds of his roil iliess.
IIo was the pi Buy that has been seen
on the stiects for many jears. Inquiry at
ho polieo headijuaitcrs coiucrulni ; him
elielted no inform itlon any fu'tlicrtliuntho
issurnncu that thodcpittnicnt had no secret
igcnts cmplojcd.
It Is now thought tint tbo Chautauqui re
ceipts Mill foot up about cnoiiKh to meet the
expenses of holding the assembly. Tills Is a
very satisfactory allowing considering the
fact that thoenteipriso is only two je.irs old.
At the pmpjortlonito lucre iso over the ftrst
vcar thu third ycir will show a snui'suin In
thotrwmiry with which to make iie'edcel Ini-
; iroeme'iits. . The innuiiKemcntlb to be con-
h-atuluted. The adjourned second annual
inoctiiife'of the stockholeluri , is to bo held ut
the board of trade rooms , Monday , July } * , at
T : I" ) p. m.
Dr. Dowers' ofllco moved to 20 N. Main.
A. Kiokcu
The recent ( lee I did away with all the
on the Moiqtilto creek , beUveon
Neola auel Park mills , except ono nt We&toii.
Widncsdtiy this ono took a tumble. At the
tlinu t\\o sons of Mr. ycldll were urosstiiR
with ate.1111 iindn wagonto.uled vith corn.
Both of tlio sons \voie thiown Into the cicok ,
but fottuiuuely escnpvd uitbout iujiuy. One
of the hurt > es was badly hurt.
In order to make room for our fall stock
uhlch Is now arriving , we i111 oiler special
Inducements to all uno eontcmplnto bujing
fiunltuo , carpets , stoves , tiinvarc , crockery ,
flassuarc , bcdilnitr , window bhaeles , cur
tains and other articles too uumerojs to men
tion. You need not go out of our store to
HiaUo jour purchases \Yo elo not offer to sell
belgw cost , but our pikes are Kunrantceel to
oe lower those of our competitors. Ko-
incmber Mimdcl & Klein's , the only install
ment house In the tjity , 3.10 B roadway.
Aceldont to N . ! * I. I'usoy.
N. W. Pusoy , the well known attorney ,
drove out to Ids farm Thuisday and rUurr-
ing lute in the atoning < ] rove into Ids stable ,
\\hiclnviis ( inlto dark. His hired man not
beinpaiound Mr. Pusov cared for bis team
himself , nnd in returning from the second
lloor , v hero ho had bccu aftcruny , ho stepped
unexpectedly into tbo opening and fell. It
was some time Mom ho was able to get up
and BO Into the house. Yesterday ho was veiy
.soio nnel not able to leave his room , but no
bones wore broken , and His thought that the
injuries will not piwo of a vciy serious
J. Q , Tipton , real estate , 5'J" Droidway.
WnatM .More I-'ri'S.
Robert lluiitlngtondocs notsei in to be well
satisfied with the way his accounts as city
clerk were fixed up. IIowas clerk from
j\pril , 188'J , to Uecombor Hi , nnel claims that
during this time ho acted as cleik of the
board of health for eleven meetings , and that
ho issued " ' ) notices , by order ot the board.
Tlio" fees for this \\ork amount to 8175 nc-
coulini ; toll's ' figures , nnd us the eity hns not
piid It ho commences suit in the superior
eourt , Judge Ajlosuorth being his attorney.
Notice toConli'iittoiH.
ThobnildliiKConimittco on tbo First M. K.
church of Council Blurts , In. , will receive
sealed proposals for the election of u new
ehureh on tbo site of the present church ,
corner Broulwiy and First street , according
to plans and spccitlcatioiH to be seen ut thu
onlccs of the architects , Morilani block ,
Council Bluffs , on iinti after Thursday , July
! ! l. The committee reserve the rlpht to re
ject any or all bids. Proposals to bo delivered
to the undersigned or W. S. Majno , 10 1
1'cail street , Council Bluffs , on orbefoio
noon of Saturdiy , the iiddayofAugust. .
F M. -Aiehltcots. .
lliroo liiulloH Kurt.
Vcsterdaj' afternoon Mrs. Oeorpe Hewitt ,
wlfoof Attorney Ilowitt , was driving ahorse
on tiinlvUli the intention of bujlag the ani
mal If ho suited. The horse was fuinlslicd
by Dr. Cady , and was Icnown to bo very gen
tle. The lady Invited her two sisters to ac-
coniNiiy her on the elrivo. They got nlon
nicely until they tinned up South Fmtstriot
\ \ itli tbo intention of KoliiK up to Mrs Iletv-
Itt's residence'Vhcii about naif way up the
street thej imagined a mot or train vias com-
Injr downalic'ul of them , and they attempted
to turn around quickly to a\oid it by getting
on aside street nntll passed The tuiu was
made too abruptly , Tlracnmupo WHS over
turned and the thico ladles \\cro thrown out
on the puUngwlthu nm\l of foiu * . All
of them wore considerably binUed , but ! Mrs.
Houltt Mineivd n dislocation of the shoulder.
ThobiiRt-'V badly broken up The horse
did not. become excited or attempt to run
away or much moro serious consequences
would ha\o resulted.
A good hose ivol free with every 103 feet of
hos > c purehaseil at nixliY'.s.
Tlio New llotc-l Nninocl.
Those watching the proga'ss of the vork
on the now hotel jostcrt'ny had their curios
ity satisfied us to the chrlsteningof the build
ing. A larjjo stone , was hoisted Into Its pluco
overtho entrance beailmr upon its surface
the woi-di "U'ho CSrand , " The hotel will bo
rightly iiiuned Judging from tbo work as it
lias thus far progressed , and from the prom
ises itmuu from u look at the plans.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters
B road way.
Iho Koliemu NVodH llnlp ,
It Is dcllulU'ly decided thut Council Bluffs
will luuo no ii'pi-oaciitallon la ttioCrvston
HI no Grass palace this season. The board ol
tnido but season gave f750 tovvui'ds defraying
the expenses of the exhibit made , but there
will not be a dollar from that source this
year. In fact tlio probability leenis to bo
growing into an uuplcasuntslzo thattho boat'd
will do nothing towards assisting , or even
encouraging the horticultural exhibit deter
mined upon nsa feMtiircof the * national fiirm-
crs'congress to bo held hcrotic-xt tocwlh
Notndollur has Ixfn c-emtrlbutcd to tlio cn-
tcrprlso by the boiud so far , and nothing lias
been done by It as a body towards ccurtng ;
aid. The uholo work of entertaining1 thu
farmers of the congress has IHJOU thrown
upon the Fruit ( Irowcra1 and Gardners' so-
eietv , nnd only ono tnomber of that or-
( fanuatlcn tuw shown any derive of energy
In making un effort maldnsf the con
gress u success.
J. C. Illxby , steam boating , lanlUry en-
Kliiccr , WJ IJfo bJlldlni , ' , Oiiilu ; JJJ Mcr
ilam block , Council UlufTs.
> .
Dlc'd of Her Injiitles.
Mrs. 'f O. Johnson , the woman who was so
foarfiiliy burneel by falling upon a hot steve
on the afternoon of July I In an epileptic tit ,
and who was thought to bo getting aloni ; no
nicely and all danger , died suddenly last
night from internal Inllamimitioi that sud
denly developed. She htm bccu a fearful suf
ferer for the lust tbreo v\ceks and niaJo u
bravo a light for life , nnd fell vlien her
friends nnd physician thought she \MIS safely
through the dunggrous pcilods that follow
such accidents. She was tncnty-oixht jears
oldimd luulbeen iniUTiedfhoyciiH. Sliolcavcs
n husband and one child. The funeiil will beheld
held from the residence , 191- South Tenth
street , nt 5 o'clock this evcnliii : . Huv. IWeli-
en luck olllciiUiij , She vlll bo buried in
lie Got No lj niujc"i.
Iho Jury In the Schpodsaek-nnglcson
renehcd a conclusion at li'lO o'cloelc ycster-
clay uftcinoon after being out twenty-six
tioms. Their verdict was thutMr. Unglcson
hud sustained no personal damages on no-
count of the compulsoiy use of gasoline for
Lho purpose of cleaning clothes In the Twin
City dye \vorks. The case \\as stubbornly
conic-sled in the court , but tlio Jury had the
longest mid hardest tussle over it. Tvo of
them wanted to ullou Knglcsou small dam
ages on cencrid principles to throw the costs
upon the defendant.
'Iho plaintiff anil his lawyer aio satisfied
with the verdict and aio willing to lob tbo
innttcr drop but the defendant is not , and
snjs howlllcoinmcnro cilminal piocc'cJIngs
Lothy against the joiing man for failuie to
turn in money collected \\liilo In his employ
An Orlghml I'nckatjo Case Set'lotl. '
Judtjo Carson , who has had the original
[ mckngo case of 1'rcd Ollin m of Essex county ,
Io n , under adlseincut for sometime , has
rendered a decision releasing the pilsoncr on
a writ of coruns. The decision in
cognUnnce with the federal supreme couit
If you wish to sell jour property call on the
JudilVclls \ Co , C. IJ. Judd , president , W
JPK.SMAMJMsi.KJH.ii'ii.s. .
Mrs. P. C. DcVol null her daughter , Miss
Hnttio DeVol , left last evening for Salt Luke
City to bo absent two months In the hcpa cf
bctte'rintj Mrs. Devol's ' health.
Mrs. J. A. Hot nnd children ha\o returned
from "Watselni , 111. , xvlicro they have bcei
visiting relatives and fi lends for a fen-
weeks. Mr , Koft met his family In Chicago
and uccompinicd them homo.
Dr. AV. A. Kills of Silver City was at tbo
Bluffs yesterday air.mglng for n ple.isuio
tiip for \\lfeandson , who expect to stsnt
nest veek for lontanahcrothcvwlll Join
relatives and then proceed to the "Yellow stone
for an outing in the National park ,
The bomd of diicctois of tbo Masonic
temple hold u meeting lust c\eniiitf for the
purpose of electing otlliers for the ensuing
year. The former ofllcers wcio re elected.
Johnnie , the infant son of lr. and ftlrs. N.
C. Peterson , dieel jcstciday evening , aged
sc011 months. The funeral \\illtukoplnco
from the residence , KiOl Tenth street , at-
o'clock this afternoon. The body v , 111 bo
buried In 1'nirviow.
A case of diphtheiln that ! has not boon ie-
ported to the health authorities h locnted at
l'7 ! Beaten street. The sufferer is Willie
Smith , the little Western Union telegraph ,
messenger bo > " . Ho as considered to be
daiigcnmslv tiek jestciduy ntteuioon , and
tils motticr had gnuo fcara that ho would not
The members of the local ledge of Modern
AVoodmen have decided to have a grand midsummer -
summer pienic , and have concluded to invite
their brctlicrii In Omaha and South Omaha.
It will be held In Fall-mount park next Tues
day afternoon. A platform will bo built for
those who desire to dance , and splendid
music will bo furnished.
Chmles Kissel , whoso name is not unknown
on the polite court records , had nn exciting
chnso with Onlcer Bowlingon Pierce street
jestcidny afternoon. Kissel was anxious to
clean out the street , and bad been the ag
gressor in two or three ultoicntioas wbcn the
ofllccr left his beat on Uroadwuy to arrest
him. At the sight of the blue coat his cour
age cvupoiated , and ho started to run The
chose continued for about thiitcen blocks
\vltli Kisstl constantly widening the space
between them , when thooiMccr gave it np.
The need of a dirt bank inspector icceivrel
another vivid illustration jostoiciay after
noon. A pang of men and several teams
were working on an excavation for J. Q. An
derson on upper Pierce street , and duihig
tbo interval when ono team was drhingout
and another AMIS coming , a muss of about
twenty tons of earth came tumbling doun ,
falling a clUtanco of tweiity-flvo feet. If the
full bad oecuried uniliiuto sooncror a minute
later it would have burled the men and teams
C ntliiii.itloa of tlio Great Clearing
Salo-.V row Saturday Itnrgiilns.
The Boston store's gieat clearing bile this
week bus been a decided success Hundicds
of bargains left for today however. Hero
aio n few of them :
40 Inch silk warp hcurietta 83c ; former
New black satin baibcr-striped licnrietta
reduced tobOc , foimer pricel.
Knglish sateens , good styles , sold for 15c ;
sulo price S c ISyaiels for 81 .
Dress ginghams , now sacarappa , sold for
lOn nnd I''Ufcisaloprlco'Jo. '
Imported Scotch zephyi-s which sold forlOc
rcduted for this sale to 1'JKc.
Best ( itmlity seersucker in stripe ? , checks
nnd plains , sold forite ; sale price So.
French sateens , 100 styles , also In solid
colors in Mulhouso goods , reduced fiom' ' c
to V.tfc.
75 dozen ladles' kid gloves , 5 hooks , Tes
ter's , in colois ,
-Odo/.cn ladles' ' kid gloves , 5 bjtton , in
100 dozen ladies' ' kid golvcs , undicsscd , 5
\Yo are agents for Foster's Mil gloves and
will guarantee all our goods froml to { 1,75
a pair.
Kemnants of silks , satins , velvets and plusli
nt remnant prices ,
1X ( ) cloven Dei by ribbed hose , sizes from 0 to
flj./ , extra long , sold for 1'Jc ' , prlcoj duilny
sale ial c.
Our TCeTown Talk coi-set reduced foi the
Council Uluffs.
"Slio Isn Mlniplo Home Body. "
Sometimes ono iienrs It snlel of u peed
wife and wither that "nho's a regular
homo body. " The phr.iso ishlinnlo , but
what n world of ennobling qualities it
indicates , and what a universe of frholl-
ties it excludes , wys tlio New "York
Ledger. The mationly homo-boilv is ,
indeed , "heaven's best ( , 'ift to man , ' and
tlio husband capable of mnl treat ing so
true a helpmeet is only fit for such coin-
punlonsliiptiB Kubuchtidncmnr found In
the Babylonish postures.
D.uihlng ; liullcB , whoso mission it Is tenet
not the fashions , won't you look hi upon
your gcntlo nister us sha Hits in her well
ordered nursery making' the children
liniipy with her presenceNbtohowshe
adJuBts their little elitlicultics , and uel-
inuiiisln'ri , oiicouraxeB , liiHtiucts , ainubos
them , as the cnt.o may requtro. Do you
think any iiurhO-iniild could nroducobuch
tun many in that little clrclui * Is bho not
an oncliantrcBsV Verily , jcs , and her
chnrmlB "lovo stronger than death" for
thorfo sweet yountr faces , where you may
HCO her smiles and frowns ( though Bho
boldom litis occasion to frown ) rollcctcd
in glen and eorrotv , HUe BiinllLrht and
cloud shadow in a quiet pool. What she
IB she will teach her ihiughtcrd to bo ,
aud blessed are the t > om tliat Lave such
u mother.
How u Bright Qhlcigo Boy Journeyed
Acrosi thq Oontincnt.
When Ills Father Clinicd Him Kroin
Homo U'llh u iintolicr ln I To
Joseph IV ! iiil btriick Out
For iiinisctr.
It was n diminutive specimen of hu
inanity that Htood Mora Ciller of Pollco
Cio\vley the other day In San
Francisco and said his n.itno
WHS Joseph Aided t-'riend , njjod fourteen
years this niotitli. Hut ho hud the
biiiiusof a full grown in in , and had scon
moio life thnn thousands of men five
times his ngo , pnyn tlio Examiner , Ilia
foito is travel , ho having slnco October
hist wandered from Chicago , hi' homo ,
to.Ttickfeonvilk , mid from tliuro to thin
city ( it a toliil OXDCIIB'O for iiillro.ul furas
of $1.113. At present ho is bain ; ? cared
for by Mrs. HuloNon who conducts u
bonbon store jit2o" Ivearny street , but it
ih iirobablothnt before many da.\H ho will
blurt on n jouinoy liomowiucl.
Joseph worked in Chicago us cnshboy
in thooblablhliinontofUhnrles Gossngo
on the eoniur of "Washington mid State
stiootf. Ono ( Iny ho hud n lljjht with
another boy and caiuo \Iutoiioii9but
minus his position.Vhon \ his father ,
\\lio is a iiriiitor , loiutiod Hint .To < opli
had boon ultiuliargcil , lioclinscdtho boy-
out of the paronttil abode at 12S1 South
Itovoy street with iv butiilier Icnlfe.
The liltlo fellow not wishing to luivo
his anatomy divided Into tnictlons con
cluded to tibblo nlono "vith tlio big
vurld , and with oml in view bo wont
tn Now York. Tlioro ho was sol/ed with
In grippe and stayed for months in the
! No\v York hospittd.
On liis Recovery ho started homo on
foot , but sebinjr a sign which read "To
Jacksonville , nti. , " lie tuinocl his stops
ill the diiectioii the linger pointed. Ho
found railroad conductors generally to bo
n good hearted set of men , who allowed
him to ride fieo. Whenever lie encoun
tered a knight of the punch who insisted
upon him paj Ing fare , the boy usually
forsook the coinfoitaWo interior of the
tiiiin and continued his journey on the
brake-beams beneath the ears.
The Hist lurgo city ho encountered
nfter leading ; Novr York vas Clovclnnd ,
0. , fiom wlioro ho wont to C'lmttimoo-
pi , Tenn. IIa\lng read of Lookout
mountain , Joseph decided to visit the
famous battloliold , and went there.
Looking over the ground was a pretty
jounjj hidy , accompanied bv lier father.
Joseph told thorn of his adventured , and
the liidy Ivlbbcd him and took him to din
ner."Did you object to the kiss ? " asked
the chief of police.
" \Voll \ , I don't think you'd Idck about
being Idbsocl by lier If you'd scon how
pretty she , " answered the bo , and
the chief joined in the laugh.
Macon , Ga. , was the no.\t place -visited
by tlio youthful globo-trottor , who wont
from thoio toCoidallo , in tlio samostate ,
wlieio ho worked in a hotel , Leaving
Cordnllohojcmtto Luke City , Fin. , and
frornthoio to Jacksonville in the I'oiiin-
( itilar state. Between the two points
lust named ho paid1 his first railroad
fare , the amount being $1,25 , which was
all the money ho possessed. Ho ar
rived at St. Augustine , Fin. , with empty
poekots and stomach , but a boy was
vanted ivt the Cordova hotel and Joseph
bocured the position.
Ptesident Ilnriison's wife vns a guest
at the hotel , but Joseph did not care to
become personally acquainted with her ,
"because , " said ho : "I didn't want bur
hubbund to know that I'd run away from
lunne. "
Ho saved his life , however. There
was n fire in the hotel one- night and
Joseph gave the iiluim , besides assisting
to Loop tlio Humes in check until the en
gines anivcd. HoMIS lowaidod with
J5 given by a jeweler.
Tlio next place in which Josopli found
himself wan Mobile , Ala. Tbon ho con-
coned the idea of coming to California ,
and with Sacramento as his objective
point , ho started out. Along tlio south
ern route ho tuivoled , nevei1 paying a
cent for railroad faro , no\or walking a
mile , but very often hungry and v lulling
himself homo again.
Sacramento was icnolicd finally , and
employment was secured in the service
of Chief of Police Diow. In the capital
city Joseph b.iw the Examiner's special
train and achieved the tare distinction
of lending one of tlio prize heifers in tlio
paiade. Iho manager of the train
wanted to talco the lad to Oregon and of
fered to give lilm employment on this
pa. ] > or , but Joseph did not think howas
built for a journalist.
"I left Sacramento nnd came to
'Fiisco'bald ' the little follow. "I got
heio the dav after the Charleston Bailed
for Honolulu. For n few dajs it was a
ease of ' "Who steals my pur&o steals
trash. ' "
"It was -what ? "
"O that's what Shakespeare makes
lago say. Don't you think I know any
thing about Shakespeare ? I can quote
from all his plays ; my mother roud them
to mo , and she tnuglit mo to load music
and play the piano. I'm educated ,
I urn. "
Soiling papoissupplied him with the
staff of life for u while nnd then ho mis
taken to the Bo s and Girls' Aid so
"I like my ficcdom , " quoth Joseph ;
"so I put up a job to go down town \\ith
another boy. Iguvohiintho slipthough ,
and did not go back to the society , I
went to woik as messenger for tlio San
Fianclseo telegraph company , but they
discharged mo beom&o I was not ac
quainted \\lili the city.
"About a month ago MM. Itulofeon
took mo in , and us EIO ! gave mo a good
homo and treated mo very kindly 110-
malned with her. "
Joseph's accomplishments testify thus
ho has a good motliurlio cared for his
mental welfare. ? Jrs. luilofson vouchot
for the fact that ho is a fair pianist and
thai ho reads music'at ' sight , besides being -
ing a mnnlv * , bright and thoroughly
honest lad. Mr * . Kulofoon communi
cated with Mrs. Frloml , who I'enllod to
the offset that her husband mid loft
licrnu and hud not boon lie inl from forever
over throe moilthH. Mis. Friend is anx
ious to lia\o her only child nt homo
again , but has not iho money to nay Ills
fiiro. When Joseph learned that his
father hud left his wife ho wanted to
"beat'1 his way to Chicago , sajing his
mother would need bit. support , but Mrs.
IJulofson will keep him hero until siitU-
clent money can bo secured by bubscrlp-
tloa to send him home.
When Joseph was be\on jours old ho
\Mib dilvenuway from homo by lili > fath
er and made his way as fur west as Mon
tana , but became disgusted and returned
to Chicago.
Theory Very XI T , Jlut I'riicllco Par
Irmn I l--nhluj , ' .
UO , tluit it might bo ghon mo to toll
the oxaot truth about the divided sltlrll"
nulled a charmincwoinan the othorday ,
biivs the Now York World.
"When I bought one , certainly the
fool and her money parted like the
bifurcated tmrni"iit I acquired by tlio
piiu'lut'o. 1'oUto Iniiguigo' fails to do
juslloo to whtitlhnvo cndiucd since I
donned it. Talk about n divided nldrt
being easy to wall : in and not impeding
ono's movement * ! "NYhy , It's Iho clunisl-
est , llopplost , most dinggcry artitlo thut
n \umiimuniiputon. Each swtion gota
wrapped round anil round like n loose
sail winding about a boat's must. When
you go up and downstnlis It wig ! ) down
until jou trojid on the hoin and
trip up If you're not careful.
Tlio fullnc 9 Id sot onti ) a circular
yoke , \\liicli \ is foiover hunching up
ajjout jotirttiiiHt. And tlion the ugliness
or the garment ! Venus heti-olf would
scare crown clad In Its ungainly vohnno
of silk or cotton that bangs vlthout form
and might as well bo void , since It oWlt- .
orator all distiiutionof beauty , a woman
with the most exquisitely molded limbs
and an old girl with piops lilco hlto-
sticks being nllko hideous \thoncmul-
ojied In it.
"Since tlio llrst time T caught sljilit of
mjself In the horrid tiling 1 TmveahMiys
sent my timid out of tlio loom when I put
It on orotV , mid I've never hud tlio cour-
nj'o to lake a second look at it in the
glass. Uoully , the divorce laws In this
state oiifrht to bo amondcd for tlio relief
of men who-o ul\es to disfigure them
selves. Why do I continue to vear it ?
13i > cnusa I am icsolvcd to got my 7
worth out of that bad baigain and at the
same time touch myself not to run after
stiango gods in tlio matter of so-called
dioss leforni. ' '
To tlio youtiK' f'U'o ' I'o/zoni'i Comiloxlon |
Powder ttlvM frosliur iliurms , to the old ra
il e oil ) on tb Tiy it. _
A Scrloim Itlot.
Lovnov , July 'J.V Ts'uwahas been received
r details of a recent riot at Eivoroum :
On .lime ! .M tlio soldiers wcra onlcrcil to
disperse the Armenians who wcro lioliliiip a
meeting tn the church ynnl. The soldiers
began the massacre of Ainicnluns , nnd
tlio Turkish populace Joined in the
attack. The shops nnj houses of tbo
Armenians worn nlllainxl. The sack
luttod four IIOUH. Tlio llritlsh consulate
atwhiih on the sniioiilKlita fttoiis Ijcinp
Klren for tlio bonclit of the poor Armenians
\MIS stoned and its gates m1i lutlows bio-
kcti. ' 1 ho consul nnd members of hU fuinily
took refupo lu thccclhrs of the building ancl
the futo was ubuiuloiHil. Iho Amcilcan mis
sion served us a icfugo for Hfty fugitives.
Numbers of Arinciiiuns rcHiiigon the piom-
ises of the Turks to escort tlioin to places of
safety wore murdered m the streets. 1'ifty
bed Ics have boon found , mostlj of persons
who vcro biiyonotted , { BO jwrsons Hero
\\ounded anil KM ) arc
Tits , spasms , St , A'itus dance , ncivousness
and listeii.v are soon luivdliy Dr. Mies'
Xs'ervino. I'lvo samplcss utlCuhn iScCo.,15tli
autl Doughis.
A. CnseoP Sights
JA-MESTOWV , N , D. , July 25. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB Ilm.J AINs Hell Hess of
1'ittsijurtj , Pa. , nrrhecl hero this morning
and was mirried to Sinnuel McDowell of
Is'oxv lioekfonl. Neither had ever seen the
other before todny. The union was effected
thiough a Chicago niatrlmoiiiil journal , in
\Uiicli McDowell inseited a peiKonul to Mlilrli
Jliss Uoss replied Jlo is a well-to do f.uinei
of thnty-elght , has TN" ) lures of vhoat ami
. iO < ) held ofc < ittlontul sbccp. M'ss Koss ii
tncnty-ci ht , cry iutulllgcnt and
pretty ,
Thiity years a o Isaac Cook started the
celebi itoel Imperial Champagne. They now
make 10,000 bottles n day. It's extra dry.
P.UIIS , .Tuly . " [ Spccinl Cublcffram to Tin.
Iii ) : : . ] It hofllrlully announced ttiat the ne
gotiations with Englmel rcfruiiliaK Zanzibnt
\\lll \ \ jirobuhly bo favorably coueludcd within
a few elays The question of Rlnilngascnr
nnd JjUko Tchad are belli ? discussed. The
renunciation of the Atiglo-U'usiun comjact
will not bo included in the Angto-Iriench
/V / Tjtihor Convoiidori ,
ST. Louii , July 25. Tlio national conven
tion of the union labor pmty h called for this
eity September 3. The greenback part ) ,
farmers' nlliances , nnd praugcrs and othtr
kindred labor orKiiuUatlona are Invited to
send representatives
Mis. "Wlnslow's Soothing syrup for
children teething reliovesthoehUdfruinptin
25 cents abottlo
Denver NPWH Not For Sale.
DENVKII , Cole , July " 5.-- [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BEF. ] The statement that bus been
telegraphed from this city tlint the Hocky
Mountains News had been sold , is absolutely
without foundation. The Neivs has not been
sold and Is uot for sale.
Sajjar I rust Protcctor-j.
Ni.w YOHK , July 25. The tuistces of the
sugar trust today issued a cheulnr to cot-till-
catu holdcis aiiuoundntr tlio npnoiiitinont of a
cominlttooto form anew orKani/atloii for the
purpose of protection , Ko details of tlio plan
nro ( , 'lvejn In
For beauty , for conifoit , for impro\omcnt
of the complexion , use only Pozzoni's I'ow-
der ; there s iiothiut'equjl to.
.L K t tiUAVHS.
F. L. Wllcins of Davcnpoit , la , is at the
Pax ton.
II.C. Chadbourn of Chicago is a guest at
the Paxton.
t > . B. Boultonof Now York is stopiilng at
the Paxton.
W , L. Pierre of 1'eorhis at the Paxton.
.T. M. Cirey of Chcyonuo is stopping at the
A. Nash of Lincoln Is a Murray guest.
P.V. \ . Olmstrod of Norfolk is at the Mer
A. C. Corliiu of Beaver City Is at the
H , II. Thorp of Sioux City Is a guest at the
Marshal Harder of ICansas City Is at the
II. N. Leach of Hurv\cll is registcicd nt
the Casey ,
M S. Adams of LoupCity is stopping at
the Casey.
VV , N. Kcllcy of Creston , la , Is at the Mur
ray today ,
C II. hlinoro of Beatilco Is a .guest at the
A J Tnylor of Ithodo Island is a guest nt
II M. Iloonmn of Atlantic , la , Is a guest
nt the Casey.
F , D. Iyon of Dinghainton , N. Y. , Iiat
.7 II. McGcoof WiUvaukco is logistercelat
IJuirono Cunfluld of Boston is stopping at
John I'erry of San Francisco Is a guest at
O B. Hcxton of St. Louis was at the Mll-
lunl last night.
1) , II. Cramer of Yoikvas nt the Mer
chants last night.
J , F. Itowlcy of Dos Momoj Is la the city ,
at the IMcrchants ,
Warren Delano of New "York was at the
Murray last night ,
K. P. Newell of Howaid h in the city ,
stopping ut thei Mlllard ,
II , G , Hopp , editor of the Nws at Lake
Preston , S. I ) , Is at the Merchants.
M. Hortoti , E. A. Stoiiehlll and Dave Liv
ingston of Clilcugo are at the Murray.
John Perry , Jr. , resident of the San
Fraiiciseo street rnllxuy compnny. Is in the
city looking over the electrio lines , with a
view of supplanting the undo power on his
railway with ele < triritv. Hu VMS the guest
of Superintendent UeynohU of tlio bridge
TAXnint , July 2r-SpetialCablo'i-nin [ ( to
Tin : T5tB. ] Tlio 1'iviuh minister to Morocco
hns Btnrtoel for Habuton u special mission to
At tlio meeting of the Omah.i Association
of Stationary Englnein last night Jolin.W.
Matthwss was elected delegate to the
iinttonnl roiiMMitlon A\hteli will bo held in
Now York city on September U , Oioar
Hondwcll wiw elceteel altcmnto ,
Tlio following pjr.nltsvoro IsJiioJ by Iho
uuildintnusiwc tor yesterday :
Jew. Teuton. t citnry ( raina dnellln ? .
. Tiiiitiitimnii risHsta'oti . . , . $ ,1,500
Ji'in.loiHcn. twtMtorr frame ( liM-llliip ,
TMttlitli iiml Oiiss stroon . WOO
l.mlK'ln , nno-Htory fr.ihiitut -
tnijooveine'oiilli uiilClnrU lreots . COO
1. . II. Allen , fniino barn , Twenty-ninth
. tinii l.i ivoimoilliHttuuts. . . . . . . . 00
Joxfiih U. Polly , twolorv mlek store.
' 1 ilrt\tiststrotl | and Ami's iiu-iivo . l00 ,
II. I. riickoy.onu iinilouo ( unrlli-story
fniiioie'sileiieol'llfloii | , Hill . I.SOO
II. 1. liiki-y , ono imdnni'-fouttli-stury
friiiiioivsUli'iifo , Ullflun Mill . 1,400
I lU'iiilnor lumilu . JIT.- ,
Through coiehes I'ullinin ' palace
Hlcopoi'8 , ilinlngcai'8 , fnerecliniiifr chair
emu toUhicayo and iiitorvciiiti ) , ' points
vliilho great Ltneilc Island run to. Ticltot
olllco 10UU , Sixteenth nnd
llcllo Dratidon and JvssioCtii'cii ' got into n
row In an IShj-h tli street bagnio lust night , in
wlile'h the latter was liullycnt about the face
with n piece of ghss. lloth wcro iinesteil.
HKDIVOTOV , Neb. , July 35To the ISJitor
ofTiiiHiii AVIll jou bo kind enough to
letme know through the columns ofonr )
puporvhcw tlio ucaicst inndstono can b
ound. Hi
Answer Dr. Garten of Lincoln Ins amael-
\Vlnit Killed UN U'i\vii. )
At Fort Scott I mot an iie'qinlnt.mco
whom I know litul gone further west to
found a future cityiiml niitunillj ciiotitli
I iniulo inquiries IIH to how hu piogrcs otl
in his enterprise , biya , i wrltor in tlio
New York Sun ,
"I'romiwcd to bo the biggest tiling on
enitli , " hoioplleel.
"You Mere to have tlirco railiuad
lines ? "
"Yes. "
" fnotoilesero \
to bo established1
"Yes. "
"And there was to boiui avenue nnmcd
after e\or\btntoy"
"Yo . "
"And four dltTeront stioot car llios
wcro to be in onor.itioii within n year ? "
"Yes. "
"Tvo banlvs , two colleges , four
churches , a union ilenot , u uty hull ,
t\vo opor.i Ileuses ana u t o\ernmont
building woroon jour list for early com-
"Tlioy voro. "
"Well , whntluno you tlonov
"Not a lilaincd thing. "
"Not oven inadoii bcgiiinlnpr } "
"No. I WIIH going to buy OOOncios of
hind for the silo , hut while the owner
was getting an abstract of titlett niin
cninu along with a rot.irv wn"hiiij'niii-
chino , oilorotlino fem county liffhts for
$10 and n shotgun , nncl I kllleel the town
and since ! the machine man from goiii ) ;
ton paipcr's giuvc. I've ' got fcoliiip& } , , 1
linvo.V7hon I been iniiii btriijfK'lliif tn
make an honest li\iny , but ineetiuy with
udvoislty nt oveiy turn , mj feelinysi
force mo to stiotcli out a helping hand
nnel let this giuat iiiul gloiioua werit pad
dle her o\\n \ canoe.
With your name nncl address , mailed to
the Swift Soecific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. , ifl
necessary to obtain an interesting treat
ise on tlio blood and the d teases incident
Colt ,
Skm Eruption Cured.
Ono omy ! customcra , 1 hlsUjr rctpoctcd and
Influential citizen , bat who In now nliscut from
( be city , has uscj Stvift'a SpcclflcIth excellent
rciulL HoEmja itcurcdlittn of a eklu eruption
tint bo had ban tormented wllhforthlrtyycars ,
and had resisted tlio curative qualities of miny
BOIUUT CLKoa.Drti-Ms4' , l ! " Kty , t
Boarding and Day School ,
Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street.
Gun bo reached from any of tlio depots
on motor ,
Conducted by the Sibters of Charity
D. V. M.
TERMS For board and tuition em
" of Unit-heel education
bracing" nil Ijiatiehes a -
tion for joiiHjf Indies $75 for .schsioii of
flva mouths , coinmunuhig Hist lonelily
In Scptemboi and Fobruiuy respectively.
For fuithor piiiticularH adeliosH
tl St. Francis Academy ,
Council Ulntfe , Iowa.
Architects and
Ioom2" ! > OMorrl.iin IHoek , Council IMulT . fowa.
HoomOiON. Y , MfoHiilliIliU , Oniilia , Nob.
Corner Maine nnil Ilronilwnjr.
UoiiU'riln forolsn and doim-stlo oxehanso.
Collections mule und Interest p.ild ou tlnio
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
A-ffjntB Wv i ted. Dr. p.O. Judd.
606 Hioadway , Council Bluffs , la
Newloii. III. , > f y C3I8 < . .
From 18CJ to 1KIV about 'it ) cum 1 uilToni
with tlicurontlfin of Iho hl | > . I uos cured If
Iho iisuufM. JmohaOII. T.UDOUD.
SAIjE-S tile'o collnBisun Sixth iivrtiuo
tKi'ontlxtli iiiidboMiitliHtrooH. Very
( limp K tul.iii liiinuMtlitoIji Iniulru of Mrs.
T710U S.VIill-OrwIll Ir.ulo for ft KCHH ! Mid
JL1 teiain , siiillloiiN'o. liMit , ii'tflsti'rod In \\nl \
line. Hy Dr. Archll.ilil. ilim by Itontucky
Clr.y , .r > ) ours old. Apply to Dr. ) lauine < .
1 OST-l'oilu-t boolt , eontiilnliiKiilunlilo
II I > : IKMS. | Uoturii to llliituiiCoiiiicll \ \ ,
low a.
" \\rAM'KH-CJ ii'lKlilfornt ( < ncriillniii.i > workj
' ' \MiKfsd. iNo. tllObucond n\o. Jll-t. II. H.
.idoil jjlrl by MM. A , 1' . linn-
clic'lt.lJO Kcullt
I ICl'SI ' ! for ieiil--Xle'oA-nHiin rottiigc.
! liinlly lix.itoilt till eon\eiiUiiros. Inqnlro
onptouiNus , rcniith sticot and 1'uoHtli ; i\c-
n ue.
IJ1OK KiNT T o K M 1 moctorn \V.
If. \ . HIlKvrSd 1'onrlstreet ,
"IJ1OU S/VI.R or Itc'iit Onrtlon Imul. with
-L1 Kleu. lll-J.Mulii st,0ouncll
lllillTs. '
_ _ _
" \\ril\ | ii ) runt wnon voiiean buy nhoincou
tliusaino turins. ami limisuof voiir cloutli
utiiny tlniolo ivo your family tbo liuniu clear
on tlio fnl lowing lernn :
A homo worth ( * l3por month
A homo worth < lr > 3 nt Jllpor moiitli
A liciine uaith tMKM nt fJI pur month.
A homo uortli ( .I.O.KTnt f II pur month ,
A home unrlh ilOKut f-Hl.i > r montb.
UtlicTprlie'il lionu'soii tliosnino tanni. Tlia
nbiiva Mioiilhlvpiyiuctit ; liioliulo
iiml Intpnist , Vorfu'll ) ) ullutilnrs cull on oe
HildroMtheludiUt Co. . WM llru.idway ,
UninelllUiiirs. lu _ _ _ _ _
"WOH KENT The stn rn nioiii. No. IS , duntluz
-L'nn I'niiil sfc. W. 0. James.
" \\rKII.VVBs < ! > oral bountiful mo lira hnsa
M tint wo wllltr.iclufor riiiMiinliurol V.DVII
lots InOiiialri orC'oinu'll blulls. Thu Judd it
Veils Co. , Council ItlnlTs. h.
F. M. Ellis & , Co. ,
UoomsI'M mid -KW lleo Hulldliis , Oniahii ,
ol > . , and liooni is 84 uncl'Stil Mi'rrliiin lllnclr ,
Council lllulI'H , It. Coiiuipondonuo holleltud ,
DU. J. D. JACKSON , Dentil Surgery.
AlHImliof vnrlc ilono. Voiicon s.ivo one-
hairuiiyoui geM ! iiiilsll\er tilling by ciillluK
at i ouni U'UJ.Murrhun block , Coiniull llhilfa.
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital ,
Cor. Dread wuy and UCth Street.
Connell Hliills , U
Forlhalrontniuiitof iillHiirjiloal and clironlo
ill C'ise-s anil cllsi'nw'for Hie liltocl.
1'rluitcillsuisos of thu uilniry iiml sexual
organs , in Hyjilillls BtrletaiP , oyMltlH , spur-
inutoriolio.u. lnt nianhooil , suMial Impotence
nnd vonhno-istruntul siuc'pssfully.
I'nrtlculnr iittnntlnii pnlil toillnunsi'4 of tlio
IniiK . ns AHtliinn. LoiiMiiniitlon. llroiuhttl *
Ciu.iirli , Pte. I'ar.iljHlH Klilnuy illscviscs as
Dliibotos Hi light's DKoase , | { liiiiiiiitNnil'llo8 ( ,
Caiicor. Vurlueulo. llyilrocole , ln > lrJf , Tu-
PUT. Dlsoascnor thn invalid cmr. Olun feet ,
biiliiil onrviitnro anil allillso.isosif llusliiinos.
Wi'haMiii dfparlmniitcliivnicd cselnslvoly
to 11m t i-i'itnuclof I'toiluu ilNra n
Mcilleliiosuiilbecurulypaelail anil fice'fiom
ohsi ivutlnii.
Coriospmdcnco confldcntlal. AiWres'i ' !
Surgical In slltulc an ! Private Hospital ,
Cur , Ilreudivur n'iJ2itli el , Council llliillH , In.
J , D IIIMUVI ; ' < O1'rcs Vlcu-prcs
ClIAIIIVS H UA\NAXt'llnlllir.
Of Oounolt DItiffs.
Paid up Capital $16OOOO
Surplus ona Profits BO.OOO .
Liability to Depositors. . 33O.OOO .
DiH.crnim- ! Miller. li'.O. OlcaHon , H. I/ .
Blnuait.i : . H Mail. . ! . I ) ndmiin- . Clunks
C. lliiiiinn. Tr.iniiot Kcniiial Uankttij linsl-
IHSH ; largitt cnpltul and surplus of any
hank In S-outliwostorii Iowa.
OO , ,
lit Aunuo nnd 2lit Bt.
Sasli , Doors and Blinds
Hand and Scroll Htiwlng. Ho-Snvln nnd
PlnnliiiSUMII | of all kinds 1'onli llrii-kc > n.
Klndl n ; wooil i-'Oi > urliadilnllu ( > toJ Uluin
haviiiiHtliy iho lurrtil , 'J. " > o , All work to bo
Uibl olavt. Toluphnno ' . .
"youit I'ATitoxAau &OMCITKH. "
Our O.II. Co'u Jcnolrjr Store.
nil lie and Sanitary lint'I , near. I'lniiH ,
H , " lions , und Supervision of Public \Vorlc Brown
, Council UlulTd , la.
N Justlco of tlio ljoaco. Ollloo over American KxpioBB , No.121
, Uroailivay. Council llluiTu , IOMI.
IP _
Qr 0-imn Altornovsnt Jaw. Pniotico in tbo St-ito imci Peclera
( V iSI [ IS-C'ourts. . " KooinaT and 8 Sliugiirt-Uano Uloclc , Crmnol
* * A4iK / I i
. Iowa.
- \Uicilesalo \ unil Kotull Diulom In
Urxut Stoolc uuil Iost I'rlcei. Duulcra , send for Catalogue. '
N03. 05 and 207 Droadwuy , und 201 and 200 1'iorco Street , Couucll Dluflu , I