THE OiAIAHA [ DAILY TOEEJ , SATURDAY , JULY" 20 , 1890. Till ! SPECULATIVE MARKETS , j ' "Wheat Acts Like It "Was Going to a ' Dollar a Bushel , " CORN KEEPS UP WONDERFUL STRENGTH , \ Ilio Onls Market MnUi-H flood Pro- Toniiril III lKT I'rloe I'rotisloiiN Iroia SlIlT Uil ] > or M p. CrurAoo. July -Special [ Telojruni to Tun Ili.c ) ' ' lie-lit netslll < o It will K ) lru to a dollar lar a bushi'l , " fald n tomml-Mon nnn About noon. Tlio curly Hurry in tlio iniirkct wiiHllionovpr , but tlio nmrki't * a- nervous nndfttroiifr. Tlio RroHt ino\cwent of Ilio day In tlin win ut rimrkit took plneo tlio llrit lioiir. There wns a moHt sitrnrlslnj turn In prices nrnlllio liortt wcto vlctlrm of tlio ndvrinco. Wlicn tbothiy opciicil tlio weather conditions nt lionio niul nliroiiilworeroportciliiiorefaw- nblc Tlio HtronKtli on the curb , bowmen , caufpd tlio first pile-on t < > lo a fnict'on ' otor tliolnp iirlcn riHcluil on n ! e atltiinieof v * Ii'tiliy. This vvim rrtftildod IIH u duo cliniiu ) by limps to unloiul wlimt nndioiill/o piofllH. Tlic ilit t fonliirojvas Ilio frcoi-ollliiK liy holdi rs of wlout bought clur- Inu'lho just tuodnys. It found na'ly tnlars. tt hen tlio otTtilms ce foil them wns still a Rood ( Ionium ! ( or wheat ttniis not to no had. At llilH point trulo IHKIIII to tic nt'tvotis. Kviry bid put tlo pike ii | > flist lirsnull frnctlon" , thin 1)J luifcir niiliisiitilll shmts took aliirw. tln'ii iirlci'swi'iit up ' { ami Ic a inliiiito. wltli Hlmils big nnd llttlu bidding w lldly for % > litnt. ' 'top loss ordirs MI re cxo- cutiif by fiiinniKsloii mun In many ciiis nfttr tlio prko mis lo beyond tlio limit. I..OIIKS who sold out early hnsttncil to not in. AfltralMiljronf Soonu nr t i > lioiivv slinrls uoMH'il , nml this nn ii Ilio Ilinil liulpisliluh ; put tliuprlui nf ki titiinbiir IJciniT tliu top jii-kiiof ji stuiliiy 'llii'iict IniDf Ihi ) nnikitiip tel n. in wnsiiH fullovn : fciptitnboi 1)17,0 ) to Hl'.c tollPiiilolU'iC toldUcIn tuVc to Ol e to IH'iu ' ; Dici'inlur , in'io InOIV tolo to Ol'ieto ir.i' . I'lllibuiylrtd limits' ' ) inrs nf iinUnt ( lour linilboin uucitt ) ( liibroiid nt top figure" . KM n afltr iiruiiuirUiililo uilvuuio tliu innikut litlil up Htront : . 'Ibcrowm Kcni-ral sellltiK < int of nbiMit li 'firo ( tlio closu. Mnivuftlio butcrson tlic mlvaiHii tonic prnfltM Tlio n1- mifliis in ] i ell IHI ( or nil iiKiiitlii Ilio liiHtlnilt hour. Inly was quottiltit Iliu ilosoiit W = ( c , Anitiibtnt Ul'iU ' , i-iiitoiiiborlr..Uoaiid Hiccinbur IH'fc. ' Ilio iiilviinea liuornwiis not w wonderful ns In whi'iil , biitoti liny other day t.hln ninrki-t would lm > attriiti ( > il Kcnvril atlciitlon. It H but u fiw d.ijs sliitc < iirn wns lionvy nroiinil rtf < ofoi'Klituiili'r TiKlay tlu > pi ice loiuliod 4lefurScptiinburnml4 u for May. mil Iliuio \NIlf 110 % lllll lit IC.ICtloil fl-lllll tlll'SU OX- trinius Iliu iiuilKut links to bo iii | on n RiKxl roiiiidutlon , \MIS lulpfultoilny nsllio uliloimvo nidl ] and fvliiioslil diiri'r nnd tliosftiiitlon ntn > Mfr In ciiipnt < ui tluron4EomucliiiiiKu flUlll tllQC-OllllltlllllS wIllullOIUIMll tllO IlllMUICO to4io ) yistcrilay , Hiuclptolii'ivnuiilusstliiiii tlioL'Hllinato ut (01 ( tars. In this In viuitlu ] , > \u\iMtlu ; MiiirpnilMiiiCDCiirlv wai One to tliu ilTorti of uliorls to protect thorn- nflvoH Soptoinbt r ( . .ill's wi'ri'iit. ( luionlnn' | ) ( Hi' , the top prlcijcslordnv. . ami sold straight to4luolT to ( ) : ' , up IO-WBC nml eisi'ilolT to 40So btforo I p.m. The olmlns prlcis forcorn vi ro gonirully 3 u to T o oior last nlKbt , oxcL'pt for May , vhluli v.-ii up l"4o. Tlio last prices wnru July 4Uo , Ausnst W WO'tC , optimbcr 40IO'fi ! . Octoui'r41lir2Hllto ( mill M iy 44'go 'J'ho hlh pikes fet tlio iliv , us Kiithorul nt tlio ole * ! ! ' . HCIO : .luly4iV ) > Au iistlO v , * - 'p- timber 41 Ho and Alay4" c. The coin trulo Is now conipii'cil of ton bulls for one l > eii. A will nilvlMil binkur snjs : 'I'lioro tsutlrin liclluf | ii lies vill lie furllior ailMiict'd niul t lint on a situation ultliout nianipulii- " tlon. ThcontsiiinrliOt undo coot ! pro riss toward lilRlui ptlid iMily In thod.iy and it tlicclovn tliu piltn ( if ' i-iili inbir wns ' { oovi-rlast nlijlit , nftii sollliik'I'st lilflu r tlio llrst liuur July Mas qiiot IM | only nt.X'lJo. with no liisliu"5 for tlio niontlil Anuii t inlil up lo Uc nnd closed nt.lloi hciituinliir sold nt Ito'.c to .ll'lc mil olosoillit .OSc ! Oitolor ilosul with tptoin- liu ; May outs opi'iitd at ! lja < 3'.l'8t.uiiltlostd ' ntltic. Tlio opinion Is Unit this uuuktt ln : ) lltllolop ) ica\ > . I'roilslons did not gut excited toihy oior tlio ( Ini ry In nllioi pltH. Wlillo tlicro Mas afli inir ftolliu nml blKiiur prlci-sln ntav ? \ > u tlculurs tlii'roIIHIIO KinoitdndMinco Iniunsi porlc niiniihlilillnt , ' In shorts ranprlci'S of July up Id HJ.lUiit tlio ulosc , vItli Iliu Aimli ) ciiiiipaiiy lilildirH. ioptoinbor porlt w is up but So lit ll'V-'l ' , whlloiiKust wns Bll.-htly lover it 110.05 I iiril fi.liiuil liio/mm Ilio openhiK and rjusid/JUc nlflior than yt > sturdi.y ut $005 Bhortrlos ircrunp Oc. aracK. OntCAOO , Iiilj 21. [ Special Tolosrim to TUB IlnE.l OATrr.K-Thtro wns a fxlr demand for till ciissi.3if ( cittle. iiotnlthstiiullns tlio con tinued tii'ivy supplies. Good to choke fut buo cs , not too hca y.wcro I naotlvo request at strong pilics , doslriblo 1 , "il-poiuul avornce coniiniiiidliiK a lltllo more money , an this Is the fuoilto export woUht ut present us veil IIH mi uilrauthu au'ruco foreaxtirn.hlppera nnd tlio In ttur olnss of diiissudittt \ triulo. ( Jriiwy Hticrswld inioxcnly and gnnornlly us futIsfiiftDrv , usburitoforo ripoitid tbls\ 1'rotly K"id nr uli'swuro no inoio limn stonily , nnd btioh wns tlio CIIHO with coirs niul nil uhissps of butchering nnd cin- ' nlnR < lin'rlitlom | , c\c pt poiliups 'il tldv , biuidy miiillly of ullllni ? liclfor , oowor hull Tlio.1.800TOXIIIIS nn Bile nculMil eon- Bl < lirahloiitt iitlon fioiiicniiiHirs.ilti's'i.'il . beef men , nnd oven outturn shlppors , and st mn prhiH jin alkd , Xo western rancors ni rlu-d aodny , UlioUo to oxtru beovcs.$4riKi4ljO ( ; UiC'diuni HJ jood stcer , 1 IV ) to IWO _ lbs. . ' ' l.'JO'JIbs..1608185. h'tockcrs'and feodcra , lius- xi Ino's llKlit at ( MW1 ( tloo\ ( ! bulls and mixed Blow at tl.-toaJ.XM , built. t3.tOJ.U ) , Ttxiis cattle , iniirltot strong nnd notl\i ; BtiorslOO to itr > o itis. jJTwasato ; TW to two ilw , $ 'iiisj ' : cow a , * i waiiS. n. lines I'bo oponlnK was uncortntn and rather "driiKKi "In tlio Xoi thw t-slom ill vision. Mu tied out to fill up nt tlT.r for ilublrablc heavy ho is niul irot a Rood > niiiny , loo. In ItocU Islnml mid ItnrlliiKlim d lhlonsJl.l'xP 85 wcro the opi'tilii ) ; quota tions for peed licniy. I.utcrstrtnstli wnsilo- volnpodiill over tliu y.tuls. nnd ly tlio nildilln uf the forenoon t lie biillc of liouvy lio.'inf Kood ainillty oi oselllnp .vrjioo liUliur tliun yolei - uj's close , unit ( | sr . ttltlniti otiuslomil silo orniof soiiulliln. fiincv at't.W/.llX ) , nnd ono lot nt $ .111 'Jlio sontliMist ilMslon lind ida KOI d ninny lo ids on sale tliateio inoiu orliss irrissy , and sneli tterone lietod nt or a i on nil M.7tleurlJ anil * I.1 lulc. Tlo llilit hi brmcli _ opened at $ IM f nr sorts n nil suloi led lutuliois , lint soon \\iirktdiip to J.IIOliluli [ iroM'il u Voimltu tradlnc ( iKiiic , a few finoy inukliiK : i'H ' , Mnlit-llc'itiiiid ' sklppy pin hohl mnlnly in on nil (1.70 ( \\urulnpourdtjiiminl at tills low Heine , riio H'ncriil inarUutcluMd btrong , with tliesupply well clcuroil. Nr\v VOIIK , J > ilyi.l-fBppoIul Tolfsrnm to THE HEi'.l STOCKS Opportunities for hears tosnmsh tlioinnrkut nro fust sllpiiltii ; ii rsy. Tliodcmnrnllrcdcontlltlon of railroad rites , doubt nhoutslUu innltors uiuortulnty about Kohl oxpui ts , bond puruliasos uiul f enrol sorl- onssluirtUKoIn empshiboniOMil , nro all fast Viuonilni ; thlnpsof the past. Wltli tbcso In * ( Itiencts apalnit tlio in irKU , nml vlth many of tlio usual aotlio supporters ot uctlvo stocks out of the street , piofi slonal dears still did uot Ki'eu sufu iilncii tobull any furtlicr lines IIIof ( BtccUsshort o\v tluu o are tunny Klein ofof linprou'inuit. btundaril slinres advanced re id I ly on \iry llwlit trailing. , UI e bull eiiiiiiialpn Is u nut Is expected ; It limy conn * plonlv , u - tliu Lxpunsloiiot tlu'llii.'inolal I risouiu's of Ibis ciniiitiy KOCH on. Tliu mar- 1.U did not slui twIthanvfrosliactlTlty loduy Ilio ( oiuiiiiatho nctlvltv Hhou u yesterday Mi'tneil to ha\o e\h instill tridlnc po or In the strict this niornliu' , for tbo dullnosi \ \ ns npiilii riiunllo mi ) thine siun ihtrln ; tbopio-j- < nt dull inrlod , t-iik'iir Kollncrloa unil Now 1 nclnml w ro nwiln the only stocks dlspluj * Int ; .in ) anlinatluii. ninl In tliesu trailing u-i't < lliiiltilslit > d f i om tliat of j-estunlay. I'lrst ] irlct > s , In vontlniliineoof iho unction o ( last ivenliiK , nero Kt'iicr.illy from > a to ! i Mr lint lo\\tr tliun last nWit'a lljr- ures. but the nuuliiusi dlsippearedltli tliu tlriithiihc , iinil imfur ut siuh limited mar ket could show any tun pir , Itnus llrm. biijar. liowu i > r , veiiktncd iiKaliiliitoln the hour and declined flom I8H to 77"i. At llu'eloik tlio ninrUct us Intensely d nil umlutaKiiaiit at tin ) oiionlnsiirlieH. TriiillnBiliirlnir. tlio hour till IIIHIII IUIH llilitiiiid cliaiiiit" * In values not lin- iiortnnt. bilenof hloeks today ixaulud but t\UOUihaiU. 'J hero wns a weak , heavy feel- Inc. ulllioti.'li tln < it MIS no Mieclnl bnir In- IHieiuv. fciiKarltelli 'ile * , AnM.niiinlliek : - nun nun ciieli vlo-i'd at u luis. I'lioru M us llttlo fiututo totlio market. Tlio followlii ! ; \ * nro Ilio closing quotations ! I' ' H 4i coupon . , , . , orltit'm 1'n Itlo V rt lircRulur , , , no lyfftrroil , . . . , , . , K'I U S 4 > < t ruiular . . . HJVi l < r * Ci coupon , , , lai ; do prvforrcil . . . . , , ,141 1'icltlcu ol'iii Ill j > cw Vork Central.ItrM ( fiitrnl ruiltto MVfl ri ) it : -.I ) ' Korlr lilnnd wU IhknKii , Ilurllncion ( , ' , M. , VSl. I mil. , , . ti\l \ gulncy . . do prefi'rrcj . . . , .118 n.u\\\- ii.'a SI. fniil.V OmaJin . . . rti9 ' llllnoUlVnlriil ta preferred , v& I , II. \ VV. t'nloil I'ncttlc , . bi'j ' \ \ .StU A. I' u4 Uku . . . . . . . . . . ) ilo | irci > rrixl .M Mlrlilcnn Cintrn ) , . . HI \U lorn Union So1 Ulnnmrl I'icllle . . TJi KV Easy at aa3 < 4 per cent. 1'miii : JlEiu'ANTm I'Ai KU-iau'i per cent. hTEiu.iM ) K niAvaii Qulut but itroull lUtj-Uuj-liUls , 4.tJ | Uuuaud , , VIIIIK Jmy 1 ttpt hi Tclriinto TMKlIrt : * Tiiofo'lowliijarU'isiiiiiiIrnst ' jck quotntluni , Alice . " " . , ia 7li < > im'rbr \ \ M 1nnii-in ( . . . 1W Iron i ilf er. , Hello Ills W MPXIU Holla . . . IU 'Miuntlllnlil ' ) 1 < ) lulmtnnlii II II. . 1 II Hello Iulo l > ) Don ttl XVa . . H > N CnmiiiuiKOiItli . 2.1) ) liolinonln . 19) ) ( MtnTlo 41'J ) llBiuliTciocI r . til llVnl li > ntnl . . . . . IN KurpknCon . . . . O I llia-nli , Arlt IK llonieilnko . . . .IIM ) I Tlic Hoit ) iiVot > l Ilo'TON , Mini , July SI tPpuclnl lo THIS Hurl llioro li s h1on inoro at-thltv In wool Ilio pist week. Silt-n of all hlinl .T/Kri.iiti)2. ? ) r0)J ponniU , linltiilliis H,00) ) pounds of forolmi A sllsilit ( Icclliic In Mli'hUini X lleec-oH Is notlecd. wltli mips of about 4 WO * i iHitiniU nl a < In IMc. Ohio mid l'iMiiiHyl % inla X amiX lloocii lm\u sold Mcmilly at . .lli'.IKl"iiHa ' - licd coinlilnf viltl nt /i.ikl. / . Tiriltorltil. IIIXIH and ( Jillfornlii un isbod IIUM ! sold lo u fall ettcnt nt Ifi-BIJo. I'ulhd ivi ils huvo boon eislor. wlttisilui of oxtriMutid snHis | ! alSliTiS ' Hulii ot fonUn liiclutlu 6 ) , UJU pounds o ( iVintrallun ' 1 liooin- Muicct. YORK. July lil.-f-iiccl'il Telegram to Tin ni:1 : 0otr < o Options Mtoidy niul nn- cluinsid to ft piitnu up. Saloi. lHTr , o lmn . Inilndlinr. July , H7WiM735 ! ; Auaiist , JI7.IO ! r-1'puinlx.T , JII..V ( > tmM ! Oetoliur , * I.- > . ) f&tnoij ) liiuinihorfil" > TliW ) ) ! Mnroli. fl.'i ftvai. IV Spot Kin ( iiilot lint stu.nly ; fair uaigoos , l .iw No. 7IIutbo.ui118 rfii. rMtoif i UK . .111fr. . Cute \no.Tiily 2.1-1:15 p. m. close Wheat uly ; eish , ixj'iaoiu ' AiiKiist , lH'ie ; top- . . Corn StuinJy ! cisb. lOei Soptcinbor.(0'iio. ( . Oils Kisy ) etisli , JJ'tCi ' September , 30i ! < 2 > Ilye I'lriii nt fWyiO'-Jc , llirloy Noiiiluiil. I'llinu I'huoth v-Tlrm at il.lC. 10. 1'orlc-Moaily ; ci b. JI2.00 , lurd-Ilrni ! cash , Wsr' s fcopteintjcr , $ uBJ14 © i 1(1.1. ( rioiir-ririnor , nltli nn ailvnnco it lOo to I'cnn nituiiliiiiidS.'ionn Inkur hraiuls : win- , sprlne , JI 00 483 ; red , KX)3.'BO ! blioulih rs-Jl < i'JliW " VI. hliort cluar V > VXit-l TO. HIOI t rlbs-ll.OVi.1.10 Ilntter UnuluiiKcdj creamery , lOOIJHc ) dairy , sl4f. Cliooxo-Unclinnacdi full chcddar < ) . 7 © "He. ; llits'iiT'tu ' ; Jounj , ' Aiiioilcu11 , 7'iSc ' liKs-UiKli infill : tutli. . USll'io. ' llhlos Hiiiliiuii.1 il ; ho.n > nml llslit ircon ? snllud , RrodUiti siltodhnlN , . " > 3 , rein silted cnir.TijWt'i < lry Hvllod lihloOu ) ; ilry e.ilf , rlc ) ; ih icons.Ooo n'li Tnlloft iJiiebiuuodiN'o. t , solid iiickcu , 4oj No 2. Il'io ' ; cako.l'BO. UnL-ilpta Sli I pin ts Klniir Orn . L"HXn ( 101. tWO asi ) on ) ICvN As OITV. July Si. Whont IIlBheri No. Slmid Mr > ;'ic ; ISo 2 nxt. c isli l' c. I'orn-lllghor ; Vo. i1 , cash anil luly , .C-'c Uats-Stouly : No. X'Lisli..1)cJuly ) ; , BUUc. OixciVNATt , July 23. StrouKi No. "l'oiii-strons : N'o. Snilxcil. 1C1. Oits-Htioim ; No. , inl.xul , IX. \\ \ ) . Livmt'OOU Jnlv 25 Whcit Firm ! dc- mind fiilrtholdiis olTor fipirln.'ly jlHIIforuli ? < o I , Ts a dttTs fid per ii'ntil ; red vestorn , 7s. Id ; ml uusiorii winter. Ts.'d. ' Corn Di-inaiul full for ipot and aotho for futiirts , spot and July. SslO il. linn , August , 34 lid , &U on ? ; beptomber , Js ll'id. strong. be. Louie. .1 nly s ! " > Who it Closing hlgbtr ; cash , liu'icibuptiiiibir ' , OI'Jo. ' C'orn Uasli , .tT'jc ' ; ' epteinber , 'IStii. . ( ) iits-Illjheriash ; .iU ; buptumbir , : ilic. ? 1'orkStudy m ? 1IX ( ) . I/'ud-Qnlot at W.W Whisky11.10 llnttLr Qulot , creuiiory , Ullj ; dairy MlNVKAi'OM Jul ) 2S Whcit Receipts , W cirs ; slilpinonts 1 I cuij ca h opuncil llrm. iiilvaiii-ed lorisldoriblu liitoi to Loiro- sponil xI'll ' lil.'luT pikes la fntuics , Vint ton mil tineloo lowir iitleos wuio iiecoptid. Oloilns. > o 1 liiitl.Julv anilAiiiiiist.U.'u ; on tr.iel. ! ) | < HIKJ ; l > . 1 , noi'tlii'rn , July , hSAC ! Au- Kii t.8S5 ; on tiiolf , DJo. No. Snorllictn , July and Auirust , frits on track. 81t o MIIWAUKPI * , luly 1 * > . Who-it Nervous ; Jio. 2 spring. < islt , Mu ; No. 1 iiurtliotnIUc. Coin Mini ; No. II , We Outs Sti ulM N'o 2 while , yoJO'Je. ' Kyo-Flnn ; .No l , lie llailoy rtiini No 2. CTc. ProvisionsTinner , l'ork-110 10. NK\V \ VOIIK. lulyii Whont-Ilieelpls , r.OMO iiMbels ; oxpoits , UI.70U bu4ols , Hpot clo'cu ouily ; No. 3 rod InoloMitor ; fl.OO'i Wl.OH'j illloatl IWliecai ni'i f. o b ; options clostd IJiolilBlier ; Nu.'icd July , closed ut We. We.Jorn ( Jorn Ttecoljits TC710 husliels ; exports 2.CX ) bushels ; spot tlrin : No. 2 , ( GViJlTcln elevator ; 4754 < 3l"JXoulIoit ; ungrmlcil mUod , 45W 71ic ; ojitlims stL.idy , lilphur , JnlyclosbiKat40' ' c Onts Itcolit ( ] < i Sl.UOO huslids ; exports I25 spotiloscd oasvj No 2 white , H Wic ; inlxud western , xST&4lo ; white wosttiu , 4l4fllsc ; op tions Hi in , .1 uly eloicd at4Uo Coffco Options htently ; unchnnxod to 5 points hlih < r. tili-i , 1(11 ( > 0 biRSi July. IIT..M3iT..i ; August $1710 ; spot Itlo steady ; siunr Kaw , Urnii iiinseov.ido,80 tlstl e ; rellnid , llrinor , oil "A. " 6i@ . " > iy-10c ; Brauu- Intcd , It : i-10e. I'etrolouni United closed for August at SO Il4t. n s Choice fair to Rood , 1017c. I'ork III ni ! mess , $12 W. ' " , _ StioiiK at idvitnco ; clos-cd easy ; ivcst- ei iis'tniiin , twit ( ) ; AiiKiutolosiil ntti.U HiittiT-U'enlc : wistorn dairy , ( l llci crcam- 01 l V-UfcU'iC ; 1 lslii,17'/4i : . ( Jlitese-1 irm ; p.irt hkliiis. j'.ic. L1M1 .1TOVK. CIIICAOO. .Inly 25 Cattlo-Uccclpti , inaikut sloady ; bcoios J1.501I 0 ; stiois. t.150 < 3rlM ; btoehoM and fecdeia fi.IDJJ.t10 ; CD' > H , hulls and mind. flltXSJ''O ; Texas cattle , JI. llo s Itoeolnts. IVOM1 nurlcet a-jtlvo nnd hlKhcr ; inlxoil. 8I71XIM'JO : llpa y , } JG5 < aiUj ; iiiiiiUSiJT00jri" ( : skips tJ7.VJI.70. bluoij Uotclpts , S.flOO ; rnirkot Htcady ; na tl\cs * .17V < il ) ; tti'stur W.OOffil.75 , lambs , $1753.175. fcT. I ouis , July ai.'attlo ( liceolpts , 1,700. shlpmonts. 1 , )0 ; nnrkot stion ? : fair to fancy niitlvo stons , 4JbOifl5U ; Btocliurd and nsW.SOSWai ) . s Itocrllitn , ! ! , . ' 00 ; ildpment ? , ? 400 ; market hlulior ; heavy , flTO iJSO ; packing , * J i-'Xii.'J.W ; llRlit , KANS43 CITV. July -Oattlo Uocelpts , n.100 , shipments , JfiOU , market MtMiriy , steers , $ JSVi4 ll ; cows , JU'j'lS- ; sloe ki.ra and. feud- llo s-ICeccllits , 1.500 ! Bhlpincnts. 4,500 , ; mar- ket stron ; ; all si ile ( , M.ST'i'J&JWi. ' Sioux OITV , July & . -Hots Kecclpts I.IDJ ; inarlvct opened steady .it yestoiilay's t'liftu nnd closed stivmz at in advanou ofHi 10criiotntloiis : | : ; loads of stoekors brought fioin JJ.S'Xi-W ' Jhlt'JE STOCK. Cnttlu. V i Id ay July 21. F tlnuitod rcoepts of onttlo l.COO coinpired with IV.1I \ ostirdny auilaWl rldny of hst wook. The niaikotoponiil Q to lOohluliiT on tbo best Briiilo9 of bluets and Jtcady to stron on others , Theui'stgrades olcowi were strong Common tiiilcliurstint.slow and about atcady , Tlieto cro * ory few io. > d foodera on thuiiiai- Kit flio best feoilii-s are In demand and Him. the pooi qinlltlosof itjckers. and fecdois ale neglected and slow. HOJIH. Fstlnmtod rouliits of hojs. Hr > 00 , conparci1 with 7ib ) yestuifuy and a 117 I'rlday oi lust NM'Ok. Clio marhot opened .lutlio nml 5 to lOiunts hl hor. the market ulo ln Hrm at tliu tliu ndvanio with all sold Ilio ran o of ptlies was tt W7.1 ( L" , the built Mjlllnj at iWlT'siuVKiO. Maht. * I.1.IM ) : mixed , miK ® ; tJ ( ( % ; ho.i\j , fliiOlfii. Thu iiM > n o of the prluos paid was Jt.Wll , compirod lth.l 51U yutuiduy and ills'i I'rlday of Itibt week. Slieop. Estimated roeelpts Of sheep 274 compared with iiono yistirdiijr nntl JOO I rl < hy of lust mole. Thuroi'ilnts todaj were hhlnpoUdlrLit ton pickln ? liouie , The doninnd for co mutton foiitliiiitj slfpiiK and prlix's rule M The following Is nt-iblo of prices jnlil In this iniirkttfortlio fr.iduot stojlc muiiilonrd : I'rlmostows. l.tlltolW ) Ibs SI'-M " ' - ' Gooil slix-rs , li" ) to llVjtba 40J ( loodstours. IIM ) tolJU R JA" > lillr. 1UUU toll.V ) Ibs .iW t'oiiiiiion , blJ ) toUMOllif. Coiiiinoii oannnerti , 1.00 ( iiillniry tu fair cows I i > U I'alr to good uonn , 1 IO ( iiod Uicliileo nnv . ' .75 ( holeoto fiineyeuxxH , Jt)5 ) Kiilr tocoTl luilU 1.75 Choleeto fiuci bulls ff.V ) l.tKhtntiKkvi'd nnd feeilura .W ) IiodeiH. UiOto IIW Ifcs LMK ) rulrlncholeo ' Ikht IIOKS . JJi5 . I'alr ' tuoliolco hui\y IIOKJ . . . .JdO { oJ.ui I'ulr tb uliolco juKul lie j . J.57'ii ! ) CoiupaiiUivo The followlnz tahlo sliows the ranso la prlcoson ho a durlni ; tblnaiidlaatvecl > ; Avrrnjje CoU of Tlio following tnlilo Riven tlio vi two erst of lnviuii tin'd itp4iiii < iillonrcl , InMiilln Jtlio 20 ztii 21 21 1. 1430 180 180STOCK STOCK Fit ? 1 . WO 225 It 700 2 4" 7 . 721 SCO S . 431 3 25 a 817 2 50 OANNIIIS. 1. . 500 125 4 787 1 00 5 . S93 1W STFHIS 23. . 1000 375 % 3 10t > 2 SO STOCK IltlPKIH t ) . . 477 140 1 500 1 BJ j. 2r 2 23 1 100 3 73 COMS .Mtr.KLItS. 2. . 43 00 1. . 000 300 4 loio a 11 No. Av , fr. Wild Co Land nnd St CittloCo.- 41 co s 1010 $210 67fp li'i . ( Join 1140 J 00 Whllo Ulvor LimlA. Cattle Co. SX fOcdors 081 2fiO 5 feeders Ott ! 200 No. Av Sli I r No. Av. Sli. Pr. 7. . . . .2:11 : * ) 40 70 . . 211 IM . . .278WO .1 41 CO . . 20t 120 J GO WO 81 a .w .2iH SO 300 . .277 40 < n 70 . .2.KJ 3iO ( . .2U 40o a n CD . . 202 SbO 100 . .SM o JB. , 281 120 100 120 II W JB.d'l .2S4 200 JOO .Sll aooso a d'lCO .210 80 . . . .SB so a ru CO . .2.VS BO 07. . . . 'M 80 a K 0(1 ( . . 2.V ) 240 100 40. . .2IB - a . 827 100 fit .SIB so a w 2.10 80 103 C9. . . -1)7 ) 210 a w OS .270 SO 100 05 , , a w 68 . , { ( U 40 100 05. .t'CI a v > 47 , .40t 40 .100 04 .21 : ! 80uo a Ki . . 272 120 .100 .177 uo a us M . 20-3 40 i no .231 120 a w fc.1 . .248 ICO IM ) 2)12 ) - a M ( X ) . . .248V 210 JOO .217 280 a is ( El ' 221 120 1 00 . . .202 240 a 5715 ElOS . 'Sl 120 3 00 74 . IS ) a w/4 2)0 ) 40 J OO 74 80 a w/5 . .251 200 1 00 fiS 280 a 5714 (10 ( . IM ) 1 OO 70 .218 IB ) a w 5 Mffi 40 3 GO 72 . .210 1JO a 'i7ii ffi . . . 2U ( HO 70 .237 2W a 57(5 ( fiT . , .250 .1 00 04. .S7 ! 80 a p)7is fu . 2.K ! SO ,1 00 7' ) .2-17 120 a r > 7i5 ( J . , 2'KS 210 ,1 CO 07 .sn ICO a Wi (0 ( . , , .242 SO 3 CO 74 .218 40W a wis (11 ( . l.'O ,1 00 .210 W a w i 70 so j no .218 210 a 5714 70M 40 J ( M 5,1 - a W14 M . hO 3 ( > 0 80 40 a 5714 8.1 . O.V ) 1JO 3 CO rxS .us 1JO M . I.855 SO 3 M ) 51 .XI a i7ij G.1 , .27'J 40 3 G ) 78 .240 a w/4 57 . , JI01 12O ,1 Wi 74 80 a -.7ii W 40 , i r ; ' ; 50 a i-/i 111 . 40 .1 ( > . " ' , r 2K w > awn U . ! ! sr i 120 II 0"i ( K ) . . .5.15 - 117 .20 I ' * WI 117W 117S .277 40 'l r2 5 4 ! ) . ! In ! > u hiii ) ( S , 250 3 ft ! ' , 0. . SB wo a co W ' 3 (15 07 . . .ui 40 ii ( a 49 l'JJ5S 120 a m 04 . . ' 'MI to : i M 61. 40 3 m G.I . . . " 'J 4a : i no 5(1 ( . 80 II ( M 1 . . . . ' 12 80 3 00 55 . li'llO 80 J 0.1 07 . . 270 ( W II W ) 41 ino 3 m T.7 . . . . io ice ma 41M i.aio it m T.7w . . ffiU 40 .1 CO 68 BO a ( vi . . KH 80 II W ) 58. 1S50 ! 3 W w , . it ax'o jw ) JMarkct Mention. aulvo. C.ittlo higher. M. A Oniuhorty caino In from on rinoli , Keith comity , Mr Doiuhcrty reports tlio uro ] s in ICultli county utmost ruined , W. A , Khiloy sentlna carof liogsfrowGtocn- vrood. Charles Llpp was Infioin Sterling with a car of onttlo. M S Adams was hero with near of hogs from J > nup''lty. ' L. AV Deutonmarketed a carof cattle from Waterloo. . Mr. Hlgorcaino In fioni Inio one , lulth Mode. O. II Diitrowsentovorn carof cilttlo from Crusuint. In. J. II AIoMitllcn marketed liogs from Ores cent , In. The Infant ion of Sir. nml Jlr . DavidL. CnniiilHill illeriytHtiiiility , 'Ilio p'iroiils have ' taken the body to K'unsas City for Interim lit. J. G rinn 121111 hi ouy lit over u car of cattle fiomSllvu IJIty , I.i J. J lloinliulmci was In with a car of cattle J. T Kvins hul ot hogs on the market I N. L S irtuftod of Scotlu wis on thomarkot with 11 oitriif liogs. K. K. Underwood , the well known Danliury Moc'liiiiiin , hunt In near of ho's. J. AV. Iviplornns on llio mnrlet with two curs of e.'Utlo from Dorcliostir. John Noli , tlio well knownUliirksonshipper , liud a eurof cnttloon the market Kullor , Smith fc Puller , dally shippers of Surllinur , hud i Lai of hois on the market. William GIllKplr , u iiroinlnont ftcdor of C'nsscouiityi HUH at tliu jards looklni ; for fueilsrs. AV.r. Dcmlyof tlio AAhlto IM\cr land nnd cnttlo company win hero \\llh uUht uam of Colorado ftt-tlirs. E. 0. J.ioksonof Clilo.ijo. wlio lias boon In California for the pist Uo joirs , Is tlio Kucst Of iiljbrutlier In-law , Gcorso Jackson K. K. Di\cnport of Norfoikwasn visitor at thoy.iuls. II.0. Lincoln , lioj buyer for Siilrci ( | t& Co. nt Chlcasii , wns at the yards vltliVllll.ini I'arfcons , tlio local buj or for the sumo lom- P wfX. DoWItt. representing the Pally East Ort'BoiiInn , nas u visitor ut the yaids A\\ll. A'unlstinc , tlie well Known Arcadia shluuvr. wns In with a car OIOK ( | . J.I ) . Konl , nf ( he well known slilpplns flrm of Adiiinsoii A I'ow. I.oimC'lly , as lu-ro Iwk- liiK after two curs of oiittlu and ono of liox . . M. Kelly nnd A. K. Aires oinio In from Norn Xcb , tlio former nltii u load ot cattle and tlio latter wltli liojs. S.S. Huilloy , a iiroinlnont cltUcn and Inisl- ncsimannt I'odur Kaplds.ivns In Mlth four loads ot IMHIVCS of hlit OH n f ted I HIT. I'runW Mulhon. an uxtuimlre and siioceufnl farniDr and fceduroflsuckolls county , > % as In from NeUcm with llvo cars of prliuu io a. I'roiltiu * . flAY-M V it7"ofl . A"1 ! : ? ? ' . ? . ' . ' ? ' < ! . ' . . .7cn > lok. oicl , 8c | tillc. 1VI triint , IKI ulilte. Mt crupple , Kill cnt llsli , HvlPoilMoiiK , IS < ; lloumUM. l.Vi Orc ; oiisaluoii,15o : bl.iok ban I5oi lubstom , ltnr , ANP TatOM-Ottcn hldosSUfflf * ; dry mi ted hliin. rc | dry Hint hldi'M.O'jijJH , ! ; clff Mde < , 4t ( 7'c ' Itaniiinul Jir > rVhooi ) Jii'ils , dry. , ' ' | ' . ' r\iio\v A JM > ! 4' c ; No t , { jic | ( ; dronse , vhltc , l'j ' ( tlc ; jellow , S' rUo.stitnrFin.Cl ; c. IIOMH ( ( juotitloMiirufor nell\erv lu old- cwi.-l ) > ry buff ilo. per lo , , in coaiSOO : dry country , bleached , tl m1 \ 1 00 | ilry country , ilainp nnd meaty. J OXffclilOO. i'MHH 1'urple Lnnui\i | ) < r IHX , $2.25. $ I'OUITIlY-l'LTllO/lll. OllDleclllMI - cliolecmlxcil , j'VKiM > 0 | rontei sprlnzth likens OOSS.'JJ for small ! for i in dl uni ! f.lOOI&JK ) forluri > . llt'Triai-Uiuiiinory , fniiev rjills print , IG'Je ; iroiiinor * , fancy , tolld plokul 114 creiiiiii'iy.tliolie. 1)3 ) > isci dnlry , faniy rolls nnd printsI.M3lc ! ; dairy , fiincv solid iiiekril , lO&lici dairy , choke. wilOtj country roll , linoj.Kfl'ij ' cliolco , 'Sfi > c | Infirlor.MWc , ioin : KJIOo for strictly frc li ; slnlo not sil- Ili'm : Strnlncd-CO-lb cans , per lu.Oe ; now eoniblioney , iMJlsc HKANS lliiinl ploknl nivy } | .7.VM.oOjhand- plckidntny. tiieilluni , siiii'oi"i : ninil.tilcktd iDiinlry. $11 Krtiw ) : uooOcle < iii fi.waiii. ' " - " perbbl , H.vjisintill , 4053 ; )033W jiirSI-nt ctso. - , riimy 10'itJlli'ppurlb. Ili.tninniir lir bu.O : ruiWAMSI'lTSIqteise. ' . WU051IOO. UnosKiiiiiiiiisTftoluishcKtaiid.SlOOGJOO. . COCOAMTM 1'ur liK ) , J.100. s d r MB , ? J.i oo < ryjo oo. "u.w I'liniiuis froiitliirn. IIIT biskct$1.7'i. , 1'KttllH Aikiinms 'j busliol bo\ , ! " ) ; L'nlltoriili , per box fJ flO&iO. . LniONS-1'or uot , Ksslin , fancy , 8900 < 3 > 1000 TOMATOES Kourhasket critcifl.50(7 ( J 00 ) MONS-Now loiitlu'ru , perbbl , Jl.60j5.00 I'Miis-Il.utlutt , U.illmrnh , per box , J.I.M. I'nivns-Oerinaiiiperuox.fJiij tragedyper erate , IJ.7J. aie peril ) l > i s > fn \ HI. I'lioiic i n od I u in , O3ic ; llsbt , CW.'iC ' : he i vj , 4.ric. I.INSKI 11 OilICiw. . f * " . . lioli'd.Cc. ! ! ClliMi-l'erbbl , lelliud. 8100 ; half Mil , H2S ; liunlolder . , pure . . , ) nr . 1)1)1. ) , . Ji)0 . . ( ) . : . . oriiniiu elder , linIfliblt"iKpeiirclder. ) , liilf bbl , jji " jnt ) \\ooi.-riiiii uiiMuslxil , llffiKx1 , , inodlnniun- W llhlltd , 1 I'rovMoni. iV prlu's Smoked h iin" , W-lb riiKi'.lO'lo , smoked hums .1) ) to 2-Jlb , i'iv ; limited liann 12 to 14 IK W'io ' ; oxtri hi ivy hams , 2ito ; 2Jllm n\oniv. | ! ll'ii1 ' : sUlnnud slle- IntilS to.HI llHiiviriKe,10'4LUnllfoiiila , limns , fe4c , spulnl broakfiistlineim. ok ir. 7'Jc , rib , 7'4c ! liamuaii3.iK ( < c ; jilcnli , limns , 7'iut ' dried buif hams , sit , o'ji'j itiiulur , ( l'tc , I'lmK,7'iej ' buiftuiiKiics pordoiriOaior ( , | 11) , tl4e ! : dry suit ini'iitM. r > ' ( liOc , ini'.s pork , pir bbl , $11 r > 0 ® 12.7' ) , uxtr.i inch's btef. K 50 suiisnui , pir Ib , boloiin,4D ; stur.l'-Jc ' lvir 4' j blnod.4Jc } ; lu'iidflucso , 4' ' e. AddVc pi-r Hi for lots less tlmii r > 0 HM. 1'lK iwrk , pur Mil. 5ll..r.t ) | half bblJ7.S'i , inurtcrhbl. M.7i , elulith bbl , JJ.10j pls hoiks , luilf bbl H 7.1 , qnii terbbl , * _ . ; ulxhtli bbl , II W ) : kitsr Ibs. SI 15 ; pl s foil , hnlf bbls. * J7r > ; quiutir bbls , $1 W ; elgbth lil > U , h5i | kin , 15 His eioli , ( A.1 ! boneless IbroaU- fait b.Kon. lOc ; boneless bain. 80 ; mimmor ' ' ' . " . ' . Klc'cerM'latBuusice , 'u. auoKtu .MfATh- Dry bill C'ur > o : ihoon loiijf ck irs , O'sC , Hliort cluan , OUe ; cvtri short cleirs , 6'8c , bolllcs , clear strips , CHc , short i Ib" , ( ( 'ic ' ; ftliouldurs ( io. i n lln.f-Stoirs , r M to 000 Ibi average , O'iffWte ' ; steer < , 4UOto WK ) llnavtratte , .lWO'ic ; cows and lulfun , 400to WO llw O , 54i ! ; Iiliulipiirtor * , htecrs.lOc ; hind- ( jHirtu , co s , 8c | foreqiiarti-rs stiers , 4Vic | foiiquartei' cow , 4t , d risked lie f : lIt Piu-sim Murm.v Uholco drcsbtd mutton , O'jc ; racks of nuitton , 14c ; Riddles of mutton , 10j bn istsof nuitton , .Ic livsof nuitton , lOe I'm SH Hi K Otis Kollt 8'jti but under- loins , Isu : sirloin butts , 7o : lonekss strlpi 7Jt ! , | rounds iiitnpolTCc ; ruutiiK rump onr > e , KMinds shiink oil , Ti'jc ' ; lioricless rnniiis , 4i , eliuckii4t , : , pl.itos4o ; liuek hahes , 4ijc ; sliotildir clods , 4ycj beef loins Jio. 1. steer. KKJUci Ix-ef lolnx , I\o 2 10Sllc ; beef lolm , No .1. Ik ! ! botf i Its O'i8obeef ribs , No 1 , 111 ® IK ; sweet lic.ids per doJ5c , kUliuivsi'aci. ) ac ! ota.lU , eaeli , a. ; H\eis each 15u , beef hiarts c.icli , 4c ; beef ton/uus , incli , 40cstilp , loins , b'iu. ' IHKMI I'oiiK 1'orl. lolm 7'jo ; tenderloins , Ocjsp.iro rlbs,4eshouldoijr > clio < < ks , .ktrliii- niliis,4o ( ; Ijiukbonei 'o ; lituiscd lie s 4J.fc ; clcancil plcsficlpe > rdoiJOc : lOUKliuntlcuiiul pigs ftit , pirdoJOc fjAitnOiis IJbU. extralirdoll , irs. 4 c : cx- tri No 1 Isnil oil , 4.'t , No 1 liud oll. . ci No 2 laid oil , au , puroncatsfoirt oil 4sO.Oc ; 5 al. can , r c iral ; extra nenlsfoot oil , 4.1c ; No 1 iicutsfoot oil , li'ci tullow ll , 41e. i-i.-lluit linriulH M.73n nr- tcr barrels Ji.iOj olght bariils , $1.15 ; kits , 15 His each , We. I'oitK ToNniFS UncooKcd Mlhl cured llnlf liriels , lJ01bsJ7.5J , quarter barrolb , 50 Hi , * 4 ( K ) . SAU8AO.iOASiNfls-Cnttlo Tloices and bnr- rcls , inlildlo porlb , G'So ' : rouiiilIl'ic ! bungs,4o : IIOK cnsbiKs. Isoper Ib ; hobunnnNo. . 1. 4'O ' cioli ; ronniK. ptr sit , JOOfeot , IJ'ic ; niludli- , , pir stt,57loot , Boiensiiids \ loss tbnn I.OUO- pleeolots , J'/c eiehsmall | bladilcrs , liss tliin noo-tliir lots , Igopcr dolurgo ; bladdiis , less thiiii 5JO-duz lots , aoopcrdoi. bricm 1'ms * ToMitiua-lInlf barrolH JllOO ; quarter luiuels , K > .75 | eighth birrns , $ JOOUIts , fi Ibs eicli , $ J.Si I'lCKMUiBilPi TovnVris Half iJirieK $850 ; quurlci linirels , J5.W : eljrlith barrels , ifJOO. LAUD 'llorcis Hcllnod luiil i'oiiiponiiI.55io ( ; tiuro Iciif.ll'ie ; kettle. ( iic. Add 'ic ' to8Oiiir | Ib forsnialler pieknges. Leaf l.ird not ren dered , ( iic ! I'lCKi.KiiTiniP IIilf barrels , S.'TO ; ( jimrtor binils , $1J5 : ilghthbarrels , Wo ; kits , 15 lb-f Nebusk , 1'Se ' ; Ambti , & 'iu ; tioldin O , 'iic. ( MAPI.V : St'OAit 1'er ll-5o ciUesao Ibbotos , lo ! ; locales , ao-lb boxes , Uc ; 1-lb In leKs , auibs lu hot , pitiii. He. , CottKK-anon Inncy coldon UIo , S2'Je ' ; fancj oldpealerrj',21'ieHloeholeo ; to fancy. ! l-9CIUo , prime. I'-e : Itlo , eoud.Sliic , bantos and coiiiinon Itlo , I' ' -'lc ' ; Moebi , SOc ; Javn ( , eoniiliio 0 G. , Iteii JaMi , good Interior , 2Jo ; Mexican , ilc. UoiHiK-Koastod Arlosi , S-VJe : Ilnnola , l"jc , McLaushlln XA\X , 251e ; doriiini ! , 2.1'ici DlUoitlis , 2.i' u ; Mon,55 , > Sci Mallpouch , A1J4C' , Media , XV : C ) O. JiviiiMo. ! bviiui's-Ambur Sy iui > IiibblHNo 70 grade , dm ; hilf bbls. No. Tuer.ulb , 20e ; 4-inl ] , PRH , No. 70 crido , ll.2. > | S-K < ll Kills , No. 7(1 ( Rrndf. 7.1c : Kill cans , 10 iiuase , pur ease. W.UO , V4-iil ! ems , II ! liicusu pur case , fl.TJhlte elm erdilp" . In bbls. Wo ; half bbls C'ol-Bnl ; kojjs , each. ! . : 2-Kiiiimlli , oiuli , KOc ; rock onndy drips In bbls. Liu : liilfbuls , I7o ; 4-Kiilkogs , each , flu ) ; 2-cal palls , oacli. 8'c , California honey , libls. J7e ; bilHOcHral ! : ko 3 , Jl.iii ; 2-gal Ultts , We ; 1-cnl 10 IncaiO $15U ; 1-Biil , iaiiicuse , 1.25 OiiocotATK-lJ-lb boxes , J2Jjo ; Gorman i Parisian , J5c. OocoA-ror Ib , .SSC40C. HnoMO-l'urlb , A'c. § i _ ' -1'oflb , In pUgs , SCS27c | bulk , 22 tjrrtm Mixed blnl , 1-lb plisi , Bci cnimry , Co ; hnrnp , 4Vie ; anlsi > .18o ; poppy , lOe Sl'iCBS-roppor SlnRiiporo Bitted , IWllOc ; shot , 2Se Alsplue , Itli Glovi-s-l'eiiiinf ; so- Ifotullie , Ci la-Ohlna , 4 Ib mats , DC. Nut- mc s No. 1,7'o ; finoy.Iuigp. 85e. 1U8KMS 1'cr do ? , 1 ninlio ] , narrow band stine , dm. Jl.SOi 115 bnsbol , nnrrow band sta\i ) , olin , 83W ; 1 busliul. stivo broul liind , olin W.Sj , IHuushul. ftu\o broad bniul , nltn , * 2.71 ; 1 buslul , eliiistmo. bale handle , SloO ; 1 liiihhel. link Htiivo-.O'li 1 hnshcl , HrlKKS.75 ( ; Sdii ? , JSK ; I'ibiishe' ' , llil gs. USSi 1 liusbel , ouk | illnt , WM ; 1'i ' busliol. oak spllnf. fiiWJj 1 busliol , bamboo M.OO ; Hi bushel , bamboo , J7.0J , laundry , willow , lar.'o , J7.M ) ; laiinilry , ulllow , medlnni , W-W ; hiundrynlllotr. biniill : $5.51 ; nuirkiit , olin , Hpllt , r > c ; market , dm , rlvit hiinlli ( 1Weiiiarl.oelin. ( eoiend , 1 peek , ! -MW ; n lllow. inurkot , laiBOf.l..r ! 0 , willow , niur- Uot , i In nest ll sin ill. 1 inoilluni ) , per nest. b" > e | UBli , Riitthol h.islat , uiMMiil. 0 In nest , per nest1.10 ; Kiiiiillbiiniliop dolHery , 14.25 , mo- ilium bainuno delivery. H75 ; Inrsn nnmboo ilnlli ri. * "i.Mvisto i > inor ImkknlH.IJ.40 rAHiMAOKOUS OooiH Hirloy , a'io ; f irlnn Ro ; peastu : ; oat nicMil , l Si.l'iei marironl. 101J 1U ; Normleclll. 10@llc ; rim , choice , Viu , fancy , Gu ; lu id , Vtu ; si o and tapioca. C7c | llniibeins. ( in ; split mas , , lo ; spiKlttl , lie. Jlnr.Aisus-llbls. N 0 fancy , per mil , r .vi.l7ci choice , * i47ci ) d , mXS'eoi Uubu baking , 2 a UUu , 111 lick stniii. 0" . ViiAi'i'iNnl'MHi strsiAT/ Ib strsiATper , nif , .I'-ad Mnnlllu 11. .Tijiiu : , No. 1 Be. OILS IK ) prliiio white , 14o ; ira water white , 13c ; 175 headlight , I ivc ; ; HAi.seiiA llblsl ? c , BruniilaleU.ic ; In bbls , ISc.hoi hoi A-PkKS. CO Ibs to 1m , SUffil io ; itogs , ir c | Hn/lls , 14e ; 12'iu ' ; pecans , \Miliultrilit : ; injaimK OS-jc ; loastod , 12'(0 ( ; Tumesseojioaiiuts. bo. llitoo\is \ S-tle , parlor , t-100 ; 4-tlo. l'.75j J-tle , ; : wie. plain , JUKI ) warehouse , M.IW , toy , Slil ; whisk.oai.a. ( . ! Oi.tvrsQunrts jiordoz , ll.CKJ , pints , pcrdoz , Coitmni : Manilla ropo-ull sizes from 7-15 tel In , tta : slsalropo , till sl/ei from 7-1(1 ( tel In HWuj "iiinv pmco5S , " nil sl/es from ? ! ( ' to 'a In , be ; ' klzo ' | H adumca - > 4 and S-lt bUia lvadvunv o\oriil > eve prices. ( 'OTTOS Ilni'K-Uottau rope , ' ( In , Iiic. THIMSS Cotton twlno , Mlibb. " vry line , 5 Ibbulus , 22c ; eollon tnlne , "D.ilsy" lirund , S Iblmloi lbC | homii twlno , 'i ' Ib bales , 18o ; K.dl twlnu. 2Uo ; onnillo < vluk , 22c | 40 ft fottnii elotliL-a lines 8.i ; ( > 0ft cotton ulotlies linn , tld.1 ; ( JO ft 1'oo.ucitcotton linn , 11.40 ; 00 ft sud lines , 11.73 ; CO ft jut , il.W ; vuod lulne , 8J40.UAK UAK > ED ME\TS Oorncn beef , 1 Ib , $ I.20 | corned beef , 2 Hi , tJ.10 : lunch tonk'ue , 1 Ib , t.'ljQ ; lunch toiiKuo. t Ib , $ l.73 | brawn , 1 Ib , H20 ; limwn , 8 11. JJ.OOj ostoiiKiies , l'i Ib , $500 ; 01 tongues , - ibi N-W ; chipped kef , 1V4 ll , rmitido in , ? 130 ; roa t beif. 31b , round oin . [ . ' . ( Ml ) iiu t tul hnin U ll > , round rnii , llool pntli-d 'mm ' , 'i 11) ) rounil enn * . II . ' i ile\lleil linin , U jjij riiiiiiiU'.in , ( Wit dc\ lied luni.'i ' Ib , roinm c . ins , ( l soi potlod (1t tongue , ' Ib , roilnil cni , r > et potted otonfiii < , U Ib , round inn" , ? IW ; eotnpii'sieil him. lib , Niunrecntisft ' , ' < , ' com * liri""ii ! Ib. siiuarn enn , W7' > ! ttlpe,9lb. round ( % an , fCflj inlncid rolloiH , 2 Ib , round c.inx , ts.0 ; boneliss pigs/ foist , 2 Ib , siiuaro cnns , U.33. I'MII Codfish , extra Oeorst , new , B'io ' ; Km ml bunk new. 4'ie ' ; > ller , 2-lb blocks C'Si ' % : snow Hhllo , S'lb bricksnow.S'icl , Tinkoyiod , Itirco inbuiltbrlek , IV ) snow white , critu 12- InX boxrs. S' ci ineiHiini si'ilod lierrhiB , 'V : N'o. I < * cilul lii'rrln ? . Ma ; doniistlo lloinnd herring. 40e ; Iliuiilniri ; sp'ocil ' hi'i-rlns , VUo ; lUtHsluii snrdliii's spliul. ftV t Uusslin > ar- dlnis , jihln , VMj hiiportc.l llollanil herrlnKt crown hriind.Kio ; dofniiev nillkrrsl > 0ej inieU- en l. No 1 slioro , halt bbls tl.'W : lilonlers , hull bbK. $ I W ; whlli-llsli , hnlt bbK i'CO ; trout , huff bbls , 1500 ; fuiiillylittulUli , 1)50 ) ; sal moil. fsv ) . Tomiitoc 3 Ib extra , 1100 ; 3-lb ftiuidanl wistern brands. IMos gallons , strictly itnndnrd , tJ..X ) Ourn 1'lnosl crown , fl.W ( ! Kilt edited nujtar e nn. Mry line. IIW ) ; cliolm 2.llisugnr corn , tl.10lbutra ! eslirii Inbr mills. < i5H.Hii ( 2 Ib ntnndirdoviein brands , ( > Vit7.v. SIniliriHiiiis 1-11) Prrncli ox- Ira line.1 2.101 1-lb Kipncli , line , IMW.'o ; Ulb rrc'iich , ordln.iiy , lOfBlSo. 1'eas - ' 1 res. line , tier can. "lo ; ileml-fliK * . porc.ui , IwMb ; silted , fl.i02-lboarly ( | June. JI Jj ; . ' Ib imirrow , Htand- nrd brands , (1.10 ; 2-lb soaked , COo. blrlng bonus ' . ' .Ib liluli grnd ' , UL f im'eMo'Mb ; ( lolil- enu \ \ beans , 70o-lbstrltiK | bems. CUu. Lima bouii" 2-lb soiiked , 7.V' . Itoston b iked bo IMS il-lli howls , tl" ; ( Ironn brands fl.B. hneut potatoes -'l-lli Now .Hrsey I'umpKliis ri-lli , CI.IO. Ukta nnd tomatois-tlbO ; okru , ( l.iisuceitn ( ( | li , JIAt. ( JtNMU TunlIb inacUetel diprrlns ) . II 00 ! l-lullniiin liuldlisfliu ; Mb InrisUrx. V..i : < ® 2.2,1 , 1-lb Alnska sidnion , } : , J-lloys- tors , 10 otl'fi ' ; Mb oysters fi oII.O ; 2-11) ) Helccts , U o ? . { . ' Ill 1-lliciaiiH. little tiicUs M.2.11 2-llielains little necKs * I71 ; 'j-lb ' H.inllnus Importid. inrcase , lMsfiluii& ( ) ( ! > ( X ) ; ' 5-111 ll11' portul bonolisssitdincs , li'\ , J.'IOO ' ; 'i-lbsar' ' dltic * . Anieilean , per case. 100s , rrmch style , Jl.fiM. > Wt ! ij'lb sir < linis , Aiiiurt'Mii. ' per etiso , lees ritnuli stvli. jrVKUou ; 't-lb ' hiiiJInes , innstiud , per case , nos $ .1 7" > iftl.iO ( ! Mb cr.ibs , J2.fl | 2-lbcnibs. II. V ) ; 1' . AV. . Mb llniianliiul- dUs.JIM ! Jloli'slmiiortedl-lb klppirod hei- rlus , J-'lkl. tiiKKSh Wl coMlul' O. , twin flats per 11) ) , O'ScMseonsln ; 1' , O , yomiK Amulaii , loci brick , Ij'ie ; doniistlo5\vlbs ! 14c ; Kdim lu foil , endi , $100. Dm iii KimiTS-Turklsli , less thin hhds , ISft , 7'ic ; orlnlnil hlids , * 4o less ; llosnli piiinos , dO Ib boxes , IX ( ) to 110 , 7J4C ! iipplos evioriteduo\\iliijt | choke , llo ) ; CMiporatod , new , rlir" , ] irliiiclc ) ; apricots , ( uicj , In sielts 17c . , ! hliiukliorrles now. ta tbs to box , f > 4c , raspberries , ! il His to box. k > c ; currants , now , OMd origin il casks , 'ju ' liss ; Vostlziii cur rants. c\tr.i , In boxi-s , u c DATIS Persian , u ) Ib box , 7c Kurtisi Uindnii li > ois , Onllfornln tnml- ard , IKI box , J2 15 ; 'lior ' o shoo , " ! , ' ( iO | loose muscatels. Callfoinli htnnUaid , I-'WI ' ; 'Inirso Hlioe. " $ J.:5s "slur , " loose niuseitel , M Ml ; stedlcss Unllfoinlu. 11 ( > 'i ; U.illfoi nil sudlcss siiltains , Insai'lts , ) ) ir Ib , fcc ; Cillfomla niiis- ciitcN , la hicks , bo ; now \nliMiuln , Oo ; vnlen- old. Gi ; ondnra layer , old , 7o. VNM'li OOOIM 2-lb Kim-obiiilis $1.10 ; 2-lb str.iwberrlts JI Hi 2-lb ristiberrlcs , fl 11 ; 2-lb bliich < nlt % IKc ; 2-lb lilicUburle * , SI.IW ; 2-lb 1(3 , $1 K ) ; 2-lb i ispbiirlos , JI.M ) ; 2-lb bliiclcliorihs (1.2.1 I'lnoapples lliliaina elioppid , $ JOO ; llihamn sllc-etf , $1.8.1 ; Ilaliaina slicedchoice , $ IIKu2-lb ) llalinnin Riiitod , JJ.01 ; 2-lb Itiiliaiii i sliced , J. 10 : J-lb statidimlsllcid , SianaiV ) . C'herrles--lb red. JI.IO , 2-lb white , $100. l'ears-2-lb. $1 W. reacbts J-Ib iistern stand irds , J1.S.1 ; a-lb eastern secondsi.Jl 4j ® 18.1 ; : Mli pie , * HO ; fieri a .M.idro , JJ > J , apri cots 310.1 ; pears$2.0'i ; plunmCSK , II .V > ; pluina , Breen RIIRIS Sl.Vi ; elienlishltu , ll.Vi ViNiOAit-.til ( , elder. lOc ; good , I2t , wlilto \vlno. lie ; hnev , fruit , fee STO\ . POMS n JJ ( XX3. > b7 per gi oss. HA < IS Am , per 100 , t77J ; Luwlston.pcr 100 , ? I7 75. HAOS-Union square , 30 ® . ! % per cent olt list HM.T Diliy.iw Ibs in bbl , bulk. $210 ; best gride.fiOSslf-'lil ; bist gr.ide 100 HMO ; bist grade IS Ids , f.H ) ; leek salt , ciushcd , flM ) ; ( .DIIllllOll , 1)1)1 ) , 1 . ' . " ) . ' rtAi'-Cistllc mottled , per 11) , CK3100J do. vlilteperil ) , Hi. Dry Oiiods , HKAVY llitov.v COTTONS Atlantic K. 7'c- ' ( ; \tlnntlo II. 7c ! Alliintlo I > . b ci Atlmtitr. fc ; Ainoril ) , 4J4e ; HiR-k's Hind. C'ti'i t'alint \ \ , ( > 'ii ; Dulliuton ii'iij I'arinors1 No 1 , 4"iO 4'is ' ( ; HooslorA \ > , 1'4tsi ' Inillui Head , 7'ic ' ; Liw iineeblj , ri'ic ; llenrli tt i lil ' c I'lM HnowNCoiiONS-AtlintkL ! . f > c ; Au- 101 a II. O'e ( : Autoi i K , 0'4o : Atlas U N It , 7ic | ; ( liecs-o cloth , IL | U lint on Pi' , ri)4o ) ; I'opptrcll 1C , ( Ac ; I. insilotill ItHo. Itr.i.U'iiHi COTTONS Ilorlcclcy cambric Xo. O , lici Host Vit , 0'4e : Iluttiri'lotli V. 1'it ' ; Cnliot , 7'Aa ; First Oull.l'ta ( ' : 1 rultof tlio Loom , 8 0 ; Hill ' unipor Iiloin.hi , ; Iluiib0l > eoicr | , H'ic ' ; Klnc 1'hllllp iiiinbrlc. We ; I.iiiik-ilon OH , li'iu ' ; lionsdali * . b'ji. I inisiliilo cainbrlc , 10o ; lW ) Vork Mills , 10'Jc ' ; Oik Li\\n,7c. SllM'TlMIS AM ) I'lI.LOW CASIVOS HrOVfll Not I'uimcrcMI,4Vin , l"c ; 1'eppeiell , 8-4. N ; ; I'uppcrull,0-4,0-4.SOo , l'i.i.rolI.10-4 | ) | , ffl. Utlcn , 4S-lnlr.o ! titlei.rvs.ln. 17'So ; Ullca. 7k-ln , J4c ; Utlca , Wl-ln , V.V ; Utloa , iw-ln , iWJJe. llleiiclied Nit L'nipoiill. l--ln , 10o , I'enpeiill , 4C-In , lie ; l'eppciellfi-4,14'c ' ; I'oppoioll 8-l.aks ; 1'cp- ' norcll. U-i'J3o ; 1'oplioroll , IM , tte ! ; UtIoub-4 , i4u : Utlea.U-1,200 , , Utlc.i , 10-4. L'g'ie. ' UiNdiiAMS Ainoskcin , O'ie ; Aniosltcas , ilross , 8 iO ! liites.llViui Waralclf , dress. 7" e ; Uleiialre , Ol.c ; Wbltteiiton , drotsSJic. blue-Net Martha \Vash , lii lon , fo ;'ic ! Arnold. CUes Ar nold It , IOIIK Cloth 20c ; htlfol A , 12cMorrl ; - inaik. 78 , lue ; Gold lo.if , h'ic ; Iliinillton. 'ic ' ; Allin I'lnks , G'io ' Allen ( . ; Jli.iiubuy , be ; Glou- ccstir. r > 14c. _ .i'nneles Ildilystone , O'-Jc ; Eteol Hl\cr , Do ; Itiinnpo. 4lie ; bt. Ledger , 5'/ic ; bblrtliiKS Mu rt I \Vushlnetiiii , 41ii. Alcrrl- iniiili , 4'ie. Turkey ie < ls-Koiiiit .iln , lilio ; U.unor , 7c ; Cnntlelil , 8'ie ' : Hot lln , d'-c. \VinAMt-Nct. Tblstle , 7'ie ; I id Cinss , 7e. C'OLOitui OAMiiiita-4 CroHii , 4'Je ' ; Hod Mur. 41icj rolled Clover , Co ; felater , Oc ; hlh eolors , lo extra CiiASH-Stctpiis' n , IB-ln C' c , Stevens' D , 18-ln,0c ; Stticns'A , ld-ln.7o ; Stevens' I1. 18- In. 7to ; Sto\cnst M , tfi-In , 8ce ; SIo\ens' X 20- In , 8'Jo ; htovuis * NX.iU-ln.U'iui btOMiis'fcKT , 'A-ln ) , ll'io ' : hleueliod , lo i\liii. Dl MSIS - Nit " Amosko.iK , fl-oz , In'io ; lork , caiulot , 12o ; nvorott , standard , IS'io ' ; llny- ninkor's,714ii | Old Vork , XV" , 10Sc ; Liwi leneo , 2JOlil/4c : liiiviunco , t-o ) , l > ! 5c ; fnnoy stripes nnd checks , llSr- ! . . . . _ COTTOvAi'iiV Yorlc NnnUn , lO'Jo ' ; nvcrott , 8-oz,18c ! Luwlston , 10-o < . .U3'icoiklngiuan' ' \ \ , 14cj Corkbciow uusliincic , 4.M'jL' ' . iMeials. TlrocKTijf-Sniall pis. aoepcrlb ; Iar30cpor ) , Ib. i I'hnlshcd holler sl7cs , 3 % per 11) , cold rolled , Slo litr Ib , sluotlng , Uk pir Ib , pltts and lints , .Ilo porlb. Ou.vANi/Ei ) Siicnr IKON DiscouiitfiO-IO per cent pat. plan , iron , IMM.'Iui ; < l27 , A , 10u ! ; 11. I'.OV.I'ATEI. . 0,10x.'lJ 15S17) ! I. X..10X14 , 2.2.-I W fiO. UN 1'l.ATE-Colo , 14x20. 112. $ 2S' 1ioo iNO Chaiioul , ! , C,14\A 112 , $ )53 ; I X..M.71 fiilin.Tlitov Ko. 2t ) , Kl.W , No 57 , $1X ( > . Sni.iH'H htilolly hnlf and half. lOc. hlf Kb NAIIS HIIHO J.SO SihKlVilu N Ul.s-H.ise , $2. < Si Wiiu.-Jup bulb , Jfvl.-'i ; galv.Jj65 , OtiiMMS 1'or o ? , , 1' , il AV. , 40e ; Gerrnnn , . lei ; IiidUo , pur Ih , ; Insoet powder , 21o ; opium , i.l'i" ' ) , nun plihu' , per oz. ? .l 10 ; tiops. per Ib , : ! 0i ; Klycorlno , 20o ; doxtilnc. We ; ciittkbone. Il5c ; cieiini tartar , pure , We ; cninnicrclal lhc | cam phor , fiOc : am. curb. He ; blno ltrlol 7'/Jc. AciD-Oarhollo , iUl42c ; citric , 4j4Sc ; tar- tnrlc , J'l&'i'te ; sulphuric , ) in Hi , 'Jc. Sperm oil , $110 ; tnrpontliu > .48ct TOUCH beins JlsWW.Sl ; balsam loin , 42flllo ; ciiloini.'l.liyrwiTc ; cintha- r.idh-s l. : vai.i'i : : castla tnids , 2J'l. > o ; ihloro- fnrm , l' ' 2u" > Jc ; omot. 47toVo ; KIIIII ar.iblo. r roJci ; slyuorlno , JOCWIc ; lycopodliim , Jci mercury , bdc. "WANT VIVISECTION PItOJIIUITI < : 1) i . A War Afjalnst tlio Practice "K Ciiiiiiueiicril In llostiiu. A movcmont hits been faturtcil lioro to bcpiuo tlio abolition of vivisection in all inediuil bchools of the country by legal ciiiiutmont. stus ti Boston dimntch As u piolliiiiniiiy stop a iKiinphlot on the hubject hits boon issued In this city for widespread gmtu- itoua circ'ilittion , which IB mnlc- iiij { no small.ttir itmon the medical fiu- tornily , for ma ctuoltj on the pnit of the university in structors but tiluo on many oidinnry prnctitionors. Letters tire published Itoni many noted persons expioaslny ab- liorrcnco of the practice. Mr. I'hillip I'otibody doclnrcs that "theso ciuoltlcs itro terrible bayond mortal conception. ) " Htfv. i'hllllps Brooks joins in the domm- I'iittlon. william T.loyd Gitii'lBon Hnys tliat "ovory feolliifj ohuman / ity roiolts nt the uxpeiiments an dcsciibcd by tlio medical rnon who prnctlco vi\iftoctloiuind ono roatH fioin a ] ) ortisitl of tholr iccords with stHa doubt a.H to whU'li IH the brute animal. " The Hov. Dr. C. A. Harton fiivors logls- s.ition against tlio pntutlco ; ulbo Honii- terri Davos and ( Jhiindlorof XowIIump * thiro. Lottora Imvoalso boon iuooi\etl \ fioin Gi' ] iutier , Senator Instills , Senator Plumb , II. \Vintluop nnd many ether noted pcrrionngos. The list of viviHoctionlstH contains tlio nmnos of the following professors nf IJarvnnl unl- voi-Blty : Dr. II. 0. llowdltoh , Dr. M. nlM. . Ourlaiitl , Dr. S. W.Vunon und Drl II. 0. llrubkad , SIIROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks" , BASEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK , 803 South 13th Street , - Omahn. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL.00OOO SURPLUS OOO.OOO Accounts ofltnnks Hankori nuU Corrorntlou KO lUlloil. Our rncllltlc forroi.lKCTMONSnro oipnllcnt.nnJ wcrellicoiint forlunk ) wlion lloittm Is n llc'erro City , nnd bnlinre' vllb i from bunks ( not locnteJ lu other Itcscrvo Cities ) count inn rocrvc \\o 1rnw our own ontlmwo on I-onlcm nml tlic Cuntlnrnt , nml mn\o cnlilu tmn for > iiiiitJnionionej' | ' btvlcrih | lliroinhoul tliu United Stiilos uiiil Civil nila. \Vohmo \ nnmrkct forprttna flr t cln > lnvc < linent bccurlllc ! " . nnd Invlto iropomli from States Conn- tlo nnJCltlci wlion Hiulmt loiuli \ \ e ilo a Koncrnlbanking tiislm K , mil tiivllo cor- rwponiloiiccASA ASA P. POTTKK , Piiisipixr. : JOS. W.VO1UC \ , CASIUIII. : RfllLlrYfiYTIMKBHRD "J/cnvci itlW.'kg nitl.n Umihs Pejiol Wlh unit Mxoii itrouli I Onmln loOtlnil . ( lilcvo Kiiro | i „ 8UU il in M5 ninl . . . llilcnifO Fi | > riii . D M p ni ( ill ) p m Uiicnuo btprun . . . . l < 'ill a m IHpiu | . , . _ ( ' ) \lt iio loeiil j . . 8U1 nm i TUimnis'p.Tov A MIT itivpit Arrlvcr Unmba. | HeiH'tlOtli ninl Misunilrouli Otunlu lilll n in lcn\er Dny < ai pii ) 1015 am . . . Pouter 1'inron 0 II | i in C < ( ) pin . Denver Mxlit "i\inv 1 C ) n in 811 nn IHW inn 7u ciT T 7T . "S I' .Tt XVii " \rrlfoi Omaln | DupollOth mill Mi < oiiit troct Onialit. T.'C. nml ICiiiKiHdlr Jhy iiiren | ) I lTp ( m Mi pni'K ' C. JSIiilit l p Tin tJ. I * Trnivt Ml mil ArrTris Oninlii Onmlia 2 Ml v in" . v . , in 7 HO f in I'nilllo Kiprut ) . . Ii 4' , ji ni 10 VU i in . Donrir Mprois I IS p in 6 ( ) in . . .Knimin Cllj l.xproso. IJ Ui n 111 lOJft n in _ i ljrtlelci I jn H xpi-jit Sun ) T'lill'MKr. It rSl'ACfl-'lO. " \rrlios Umnlm V I' , depot , lOtli mil \tnreHt jOnuilia. f. ! . " > p in I'tprix * II ) a > n in 1 > r > ii in , Atlnntlc Klproo I ! K ) p in 4J5 p In . lo < tllmlo I.linllicl IOJ' > il in Xcafej I " llUX ) ( Il'Vt i AFrTfot | ll 1' ilu'Qt. ' luth anil Mnruy Sti Oimhfi. 7 15 n nil ilonx 1'nisoiiKor | lpj ) > n m imeT ; j giiiuXTYrrv IVATII it. i ArrTios Uin.ilii I Depot IStli nmlVubilur MH [ Oainhn l > OU p in J _ . . _ st 1'iuil l.llnlKMl _ A I II 25 mil I'lituAiKTs < roitrrnvi5Ti'7us i U P jtopot.JOllijuiil Mirojan I 0 n iH . . Chlcnuo Kxprcis . 62n p m . _ , Veillbulo Ilinll < Ht 1) ) fjO a ni eiftpin lown Sum 7 0i p in t ) 10 | > ml . Hiuti-rii l'l > or 2 15 i > in JI5 [ i in | . .list K ntom itjiri" s H 05 n ni _ Unnlm JJJ Jl iKjiot , lOlhjiml Mnrcy ht I Omalii. til' ) n 1111 riilcniTo Mill ( ciceptyunilay ) I U OJ p m COUp nil . . . ( "lilciiKU Kxpross . . U 43 a m 9 'W p m ! . _ _ 1U"S ! ' ? vprc'i L * * 0 P > lxnios OMAHA .vsr ArrlvoJ Ouintiix. I ilupol lOth imitlurcr St _ ln li\ Ill ) p in .bt Louis ( annon Hull I. Ill p MI 1 ontcs I 13 t MO V VM < SY Arrlroi Onnjm Hoint ; llfi O niV OivHTiii . .Illiuk HUH rfxprus * A2UP ut OWn in llnitll i Kr | . ( KSniiihr ) J > M p ni 6 10 | > ni \\"nhoo t Lincoln III . ' (111 ( m _ 6 10 p ill _ Voik fc ItorfolkiKx Snnjiiy ) jKiaOiv in TenTfisTl" . . . - I 1 O I ArfTvei Oimlm | 1 > < pot l.'illi olstor Sti Ornnhn UNION I'ACIHC-SUnUIUIA'S TIU NSs These tralni nlao utopat l.'ln , Ulli , 20th n utrcets , Summit nut bnTlclxo Croailng. WorUnu- da nut run Siliiilnr M llnvoi i "ll l7T l'Ati'iU I rriTOs TranHfcrj Union liupol Council lllilH < I'i'raiiafer 6 < U p in Nlttlit Kxirm11 1 lltt i * ni ' J U a m Mlunllo KJi'ro'S fW p nim SOO pin _ . . . . . > eitlbnli' I/iultcJ .j. . . | 10JO j m ! IllBA"Cu tt. MKTlUVIft IK list Arrives Unli > g Depot , Council 11111111 I'lnnatcr VIII II 111 . Uitciuo lljprcisj . ilu p "inm COO | > m . \OHlltJuli ! llmlteil . 1)10 ) n m 10IX ) | > u . . Knilorn llyoi , , 210 p in l > m , Atl ntt < ) ' ' " 710 11 111m ( IT ) ji inJlowHA ooiiiniO'liitlin ' (1 if Sun ) 1J ? I' " ' 1A Ui TArrlr " ' t Transfer "i'iiloti'uoriot ' Cornell HlutTi _ rirmmfcr firm Ii lu p m V15 m JU ) ii inm cT for liflfi ml Kiinins Clljr Dor KxiiroaH , I Ml p m 11H5 n nil Knnw Cllj Nlklit Kiprej ! | CJO ji m for form > m . A. TrtHNLV I rrlvc rl Union lioiKit. rmmcII llliini jlrnnsfer U < 0 Hill . . . . . . . OilcaRO KipreBi . . e M i m 10 uo p 11 UiicMio ISiprom , . 9(1) ) nm JJO j > _ n , . . & Cxiotnii Uic-al II n ) n _ m . Union Doint , Council llliiffi 'Iranil . , bloui CltJ AcroiumoJatlon . 915 i m 8t. 1'iiul Kiprc i . . . . Hi * pro i MISSOUltl 1'AOIHC SUIIUIIUAN TK.AIN3. 2 U fit PRINCIPAL POINTS ' EAST , WEST , 'SH NORTH and SOUTH 1QOH Farnam Stroot. HARRY P. DEUEL , Oily raesoneor aocl Ticket Acont. NEBHASKA National Bank U. 8 , DEPOSITORY , OSIAHA , NKU. CnpKnl. - - - - $40OOOO SuppluaJnn , 1st , 180O - 07OOO oliir ltpiity \ \ * Vi t ? I'ro < MontJ .y Hi-oil Vlci'-rrcditi'iit IniictW "n nn' , W V Mono .lolm S ( VlMm It C tuslilnf , J. N. U L'ttrlck W II B lluulici.cnslilvr. T1-11A 11.ON UA.MK. Corner 12tli unit V'arnain Pt . A Guioril llnnUln ? HiuluoMTrnniiioliMl OOjMMI National Bank Cnplttil , - $ 'tOOOOO Sur-plus , 4A.OOO Oniein nml Directors-K M Mor onmn , ( J \l lllUlinirk , lo < i''l > ( iiktiuvin Ir. , V Ilinry , K > l Anilcrtui Hllllnni O Mini ! , \ Uv prenl.lonti Ii. II \Ullliuui , , \ I * . Hopkins. | ire lil nti A. .MilllurJ cKliKnl' II llnaul. lslniit ovhlor Drnaha ManUfaotilrers , niul HlioeH. KII1K12NDAIL , JONES Wholesale Maiuifacliinrs of Roots Aitcntifor llontonlliiMor Blion r < i , IIM , 1101 nut 1100 llarncy Miu t , HiunlmNob ItiexveiH. STO11Z kV IL.EH , Laftr Beer Brews , 1(31 Null. . 18th Street , Omibn.Knb Cornice. I 12AOLE C011NICE3 WOliKS , JIaBnfiiclurcrs of Gahdniml Iron Cornice \Vliulaw \ rni | mil nietnlle .Mm IiM\clcr | , liroirlctor HMmut loili mrut AlttbtN' IMllttM Illt.S , A. 1IOSPE , Jr. , | Arlists' ' Materials , ri.uios . anil Organs , IMt I ) iiklniBtrerl , Onmhn , Nib. Conl , Coke , IHo. OMAHA COAL. , C'OKK AND LIME CO , Jolilicrs of Hard and Soil Coil. B 1' Cur ICtliniul Uotlul.11 Street * , Oiimln , Nol ) . NEHUASICA FUKL. CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 114 Boutli Ulli Street , Omiihn Neb UEAN , AHMsTRONO It CO , Wholesale Cigars , 402 If lttliEtroct "Ilcllol'Mno. DI-J G } < ) ( ! n niid NotloiiH , M. E. SMITH A ; CO , Drj Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner llllmnil llownnl Strcoti. 31LPATRICK-ICOCII DUV QOOUS CO , Importers and Jobliers in Dry Goods , Cunts' KumNhlnttGooil * . Corner II111 unJ llnnicj- UtrutK , Oiimlin , Neb riirnltiiic. DK\VEY k STON13 , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , ( nruain Street , Onnilni , Nebraska. CUA.HLES SHIYEKICK , Furniture. Omahn , Noiiriukn. Orotcrics. McCOnb , BRADY & CO , " Wholesale Grocers , 1 Hi nnil I.oavomrortli Slrooli , Oninhn , Nobrmlm. Jjiimlior , Kto. G.v. . buaLAs & ca , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , _ Itril 1310 N ICth iit , Oiinlia. JOHN A. WAEEFIEI.D , Wholesale LuDihcr , Etc , , Etc. Importcil mi I Amcrlcnn rortlnnil Conicnt. BtatJ ascot lurMllwaukuallritraiillu Couicnt , and Qulnoy nflltol.lliio CIIA8 R. LEE , Dealer io Hardwood Liunlicr. Wood c rpot nnd parquet flooring. Dili oudDouglal btrooli , Omalia , Nelmnk.u * FflED W. , lomlicr lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , ) Corner Dth anil DouKlni Streets , Omntm . , , a Millinery mid Notions. | I , OEEUFELDEU & CO , Importers anil Jobbers in Millinery , 208,210 anil 212 South llth'trtnt. Notion * ) : J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , I Wholesale Notions and Fuinishliig Goods , 1124 Ilarncy atrcct , Omilin OllB. _ _ _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , ' Wholesale Helloed and Lubricating Oils , Ax ID groaio , etc , 011)1110. ) A. II. lllahop , Mini igor. J 1'npcr. CAUPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale-Paper Dealers , * , Carrja nlcontockor irlntlnK , wrapiilnininl wrlttaf poper. B | > oilul atlcntluu flvin to cunt papir. . Dolls Albums Goods Toys , , , Fancy , Home Purnlalilng Courts , Clillilron' Oirrlnjci iyj9 Tlillliitiy wlnliiillli 018 anil IKOJoneiit. , Omnlifc i U Ii Hull , Attlnit Jlniiiitir \ Iron AVorliH. PAXTON If VIUHLINQ IRON WORKS , | Wrought arid Cast Iron Building Work , Kntlnp .bramiKork ucncrnl foundnrnhlnoaaii ! bluckkuillli work Oltico ami wirku , U 1' . , Hr unUHtli itruot , Omalia. J OMA.HA. SAVE ( c IRON WORKS , I Manl'rs of Fire and Burnlar I'roof ' Safes,1 Vault" . Jail work. Iron ilintters nnl llro U. Atarui.'iiiJiup | r. Cur Iltli uiHlJuc iuii bli. i Hftwli , Doin-H , N , A. DISUKOW & CO. , AMiolontloinanufaauronof Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch oWif , 12lliftn < l Itara itrceli , Omaha , .Nob. So i-3tli Q rn gvh , gj ' UNION STOCK YARDS CO , { Of South Omalia LlinUcil. ' ' _ NCOS CUHeDiir fi.'ii . - lll l HIUBUIU tAJ CUSHIBIH m .nlwbcr .11