Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Prohibitionist * lind Cold Oomfoit in tbo
Work of the Convention.
The Platform Don't ' Mention Prohibi
tion , lli < : Committee In tlio llnmlH of
the I'lilllHtlni'H , and tlic Party
Machinery Out ol'Itcnoli.
I.ivcot.v , S"eb.July2.'i. [ Special Telegram
toTiii'lir.n. ] It Is beginning to dawn upon
the prohibition people that they were
completely out-gcneraled by Koscwnter In the
Into convention. They expected that Hose-
water wwihl try to make himself very con-
Hplcuoui in tlio convention nnd attempt to
force nn endorsement of high In the
convention , mid all their plans werolnld with
n view to boating Koscwnter nt every turn
and substituting a resolution in favor of
prohibition for Ids expected license reso
lution , Hut Koscwatcr was not
demonstrative time and shrewdly held
himself In reserve for the tnoincnt when the
convention was about to begin balloting for
Rflvcrnor , Then ho carried his polntTfor the
adoption of the platform before the nomina
tions wro made , and by Kitting Into the
conmilttc. o on resolutions squelched the pro
hibition people. Ho foiled the prohibitionists
by not Introducing any resolution in'
favor of llecns , , and pot a plat
form adopted which it Is now
known was his own work , anil had been
drafted by him before ho cnmo down from
Oinuhii. On the top of this ho outgeneraled
the prohibition managers In capturing the
organl/ution of the sUite central committee ,
which will not play Into tlio hands of tbo pro
hibitionists us was cxpeetcd. Old politicians
say they never have seen anything
vorkcd so Meek , Omaha may feel sere over
losing her candidate for governor , but she hns
von a more substantial victory In preventing
the party from committing itself to prohibi
tion , nml having Its campaign speakers spout
ing prohibition undcrthe directions of a pro
hibition state central committee.
People's Convention nt Ilcatrlcc.
niMTitKT , Neb. , July ! ! 5. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB EIE. : ] The people's county con
vention will bo held in this city tomorrow
Jtutlcr County Alllniieo.
' CITY , Neb. , July 25. [ Special Tele-
'gram to Tin : BIK. ; ] The alliance convention
hero today nominated AV. II. Tayl ir , repub
lican , and U. C. Carpenter , democrat , for the
legislature ; S. Hustings , democrat , for county
"attorney , desolations favoring the abolition
of national banks , the unlimited free coinage
of ilvorgovorimeiit ; control nnd ownership of
railroad * , coal mines , telegraphs , the Sanford
money loaning bill. Australian system of vet
ing , wcro passed. The delegates to the dif
ferent conventions go instructed.
Tlic I'eopIu'H Allliinco at IIintliiH. (
IlASTixfls , Nob. , July 21. ( Special to
Tin : Bun. ] Tomorrow the people's nl-
llaneii ecnvention will open In this city for
the purpose of placing In noiiiinatlon a full
county ticKot. Inasmuch as tlio republican
county legislative ticket , recently nominated ,
i embraces , u trio of representative farmers ,
thcro Is considerable speculation as to who
the nllianco people will nominate.
Clilciii-o I'rucinot. Delegates.
EI.KHOII.V , Nob. , July 2. . | Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bui ; . ] The following named
gentlemen will represent this precinct , Chicago
cage , nt the democratic countv convention at
Omaha tomorrow ! John W. Hall , A. Uler-
R bach and ( Jeorgo II. Goodhard. They go uu-
An Ovntlun at Itrnkcti How.
BHOKKS Bow , Nob. , July 25. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bm : . | Hon. Gus U.
Humphrey arrived from Lincoln this evenIng -
Ing nnd wis met at tbo dnpot by about live
hundred people headed by u band. Knights
of Pythias , of which society hols n member ,
andthe lire department. Itepubllcnns , dem
ocrats , farmeis1 nllianco nnd men of ovorv
political party wcro prccent , all pushing mill
crowding in their eagerness to grasp the
hand of Mr. Humphrey. The crowd marched
to the court house , where nn enthusiastic re
ception was held.
Mr. Humphrey was called upon , and In a
neat speech expressed his thanks for the corv
dlal reception tendered him , after which lead
ing republicans , democrats nnd members of
'other putties speeches appropriate to
the occasion.
A Tin Uiid.iitno 1'llou
GRAND JSIANU , Neb. , July 25. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : UIK. : ] Ai Englncnr Clark ,
on engine 029 , was pulling into Kearney to-
Hlght , ho discovered that they wore dragging
a tlu under the pilot. This jiad been proba
bly put ou the traclc to derail tbo trnln.which
was seven hours late and making very fast
Standing of the Club * .
I'layod.Voiu Lost. Per Or.
Minneapolis. . . Ti 47
Milwaukee „ . . . 74 40 23 io. .
Denver GO IH III Ml
Kansas City. . . ( M i7at : 111 , M4
Sioux Clly ( VJ at : to .47H
1'es Mollies. , , , 70 atM 40 .4a'
Onmhu 7 : ! M 43 Al'i
fat. I'liul , . . . , , . . ( Ml Jl 43 . 'Ml
Milwaukee f , KIIMHUH City -t.
KVNSVS CITV , Mo. , July 23. [ Special Tclo
groin to Tin : Br.u.J Following is the result
of today's ganio :
it n o A > : U II o A 1
Manning. 2li..O U 'i 4 ( I I'oonnnn , m. . ) 0 1 U
Kuilili. If 1 2 0 0 0 I'olllt , rf 1
llunn.ii I 0300 DiiUvmpli ) , If.I 130
llntm-rrf..O y J 1 0 Shork , us 1 228 > . . . , U I 13 2 I Morrlnuy , ll . .0 180
CariuMiU'r , Sli.O 1 U ' 1 J Kn > lg c 0 I 8 I
llollnnil , v..O 0 1 : i AltorlM. 3t > . . . .0 003
( tuii.iun.r 0 U II 0 0 Welch , SO l > I I S
Thornton , IP..O U 4 3 i
Totnli . 4 10 S TolaN 5 "S SOlT
run inmli ) with nolimly out.
Kinisua City . 0 0000 'J 0200
rMll\viuil > i't ; . 2
Earned runs Jlllwaukool. Two-base lilts
Pwart/cl. Hoover. Thni'liaMbits Smith ,
Kiolir. Stolen bascs-Ciu-iH'iiti'r , Pt-ttlt. llusua
on bulls Suiirtzcl l.Tliofiiton I. Slriiokout
Swartzi-1 " , Thornton 7. 1'nssed lill : < Krcle '
Time Two hour * . Umpliu
National 1/ca uo.
1'ittsburg 3 00000000
Boston I ! l 000800 * 7
Hlts-Plttsburg S , Boston 9. Errors-
l lttsburg 4 , Boston 0. Butteries Hukcr nnd
Decker ; Getzeln and Ilennctt. Umpire
AT cixcixxm.
Ciiielnmitl 1 10
New York 4 0
Hits -New York 8 , Cincinnati 12. Errors
New York2 , Cincinnati 1. Imttcries-
" \VelehundClnrk ; A'iau , Foreman and Har
rington. Umpire Lynch.
Cleveland I 5
Philadelphia. . . . ! 005 01 1 lu U
Hits -Cleveland 7. Philadelphia 10. Krrors
Cleveland 8. Philadelphia U. Batteries
llcatia and Zlnnncr ; Lileosou nnd ClemenU.
Umpire JlcQuald.
Chicago 1 000 000 n 1 5
llrooklyn 0 000 03001 a
Hits Chicago r , Brooklyn 0. Errors
Chlc.igo H , Brooklyn 4. Hatteries Hutcliin-
cou und Klttrltlgo ; Lovott Imd Daly , Uui-
l > ire McDorniott.
I'luyers' Ijiuinuc.
AT ui"
Uuftalo..0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 3
Ilrooklyu 3 0 H l ) a 0 0 0 8
Hits-Buffalo 12 , Brooklyn 13. Errors
UufTulo a , Brooklyn 1. Batteries Iluckley
and Mack ; WL'yhhik' mid KiiisloW. UmplrxM
' - " ' "tid
llolbert ,
Plttsbui-g . 0 00000003 3
llostfiu . , , . .a 010501 1 " --lO
v Hit * ijtuburg 0 , Boston IS. Krrors-
Plttsburg C , Boston 2. Batteries Onlviu
nnd Carroll ; Oumbcrt and Murphy. Um
pires Leach nnd Pcnrca.
AT CLitvr.Mxn.
Cleveland 3 01 000 500 8
Now York I ) 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 11
Hlts-Clcvelaml R , Jfow York 13. Krrors-
ClevelandO few York ! ! . Batteries-O'Brien '
and SutelllTc , O'Dav ' nnd Kwlng. Umpires
GafTnoy and Sherlcfnn.
Chicago 3 00000000 3
Philadelphia 0 1 0 3 2 0 1 1 7
Hlts-Chlcai-o 0 , I'hlladclnhia 1 ? . Krrora
ChiriiKO 4. Philadelphia . "IJattcrlcs-IClug
and Furroll ; Bufllnton and HaUimui. Uui-
phi's Knight and Jones.
Anicrleiiii Assoulatloit.
nocheitcr 3 0 0
Toledo 0 0 4 0 0 ,0 1 0 2 7
Hits Itoclicster7 , Toledo 13. Errors Hoch
ester JlTolcdo ! . Hattcrles Barr and Mo
Gulre ; Smith and Sage. Uuiiiiro Currj' .
Ainont ; the Antaleiirs.
AI.JIA , Jscb. , July 35. [ Special Telegram
toTnuBcK. ] The Union Pacific ran nn ex
cursion to Wlleox today , bearing the Altnit
baseball club and several citizens of Alma
nun vicinity , to witness the pamo played lio-
twecn Wilcox and Alma. The score was ,
Alma 10 , Wilcox C. Batterlcs-Hlatt nnd
Slinllcnborgor for Alma , Black and Graham
for Wilcox.
Tlio Diilnth Itngcttn.
Dfu-Tii , Minn. , July 35. Ono of the fea
tures of today's rogetta was the speed contest
between the tugs Hocord , Adams nnd Boutin
for a pursoof $ ' . ' . "i for each boat onterol The
course was ten miles with turn. Itcconl
won hi 41) ) : . " > ! ) , Adams Bl iLI , Boutin r > 2 ; U7. The
afternoon shell races were postponed until to
morrow , The water suddenly became rough
when the crows were nt the Btartinir point
and the Lurllnes boat sank. The crew were
The Apostles Today.
The Omahas and Apostles will meet for the
second game of the present scries nt the local
park this afternoon , nnd notwithstanding it
s a battle between the 'tall-cnders , it will bo
ust n * brilliant and just as oxcltlng a contest
as if the two teams were striving for the lead.
The Saints are nlaylng n really excellent
nrtlclo of ball , mid the wonder Is that they do
: iot win moro Raines. The team Is ono of lhr
most gentlemanly nnd veil behaved out.llts m
the whole association , nnd Is deserving of u
much moro lavish bestowal of Dame Fortune's
Clliio and Itnrdluk Ijct Out.
Monk Cline nnd Burdick , the pitchers ,
wore released by Sioux City last evening.
innl It mny bo that the latter will bo given n
trial by Omaha. But so wags the baseball
world. The clubs all over the country nro
unloading their superfluous talent , nnd within
n few moro weeks thcro will bo more Idle
lii-st-class ball players thtin at any ono time
xvltlilu the history of tbo game. As Cul
BroughtoK says , "Thcso players who Ibid
themselves minus a Job can send what thanks
they have Ui spare to the moguls of the
Brotherhood. "
1 1 In Croat ,
Dnd Clarke has bron reinstated and will go
la the box against the St. Pauls this after
noon. Ho may consider himself in great luck
to get off with a $ M Hue.
Kred Fuller's Feat.
Fred Fuller established his reputation yes.
tcrday afternoon as the champion rlllo shot
In tills part of the country. "William Butts
wagered $10 that thcro was not a man in Ne
braska who could muko 200 center shots out
of a possible 230 , nt a distance of 200 yards.-
Wlllfum ICrug covered the money nnd so
looted Fred Fuller , who rang the bell 202
TllK Sl'KEMt ItlSG.
Brighton Ilcauh Itaccn ,
BuioiiTON' BUACH , July 25. [ Special Tele-
Tain to TUB BIX. ] Summary of today's
races !
Vive-eighths ol a mlle Ilonlotto won , John
M second , Good-Byo third. Time 1 :07. :
Seven-eighths of a railo Julia Miller won ,
Uoso Berry second , Dalesman third. Time
! tf .
Sovcn- eighths of n mile Raf tor won , Jay
F Dee second. Lady Agnes third. Time
1 : ! J3.
Ono nnd one-sixteenth miles General Gor
don won , Bell Wood second , Zephyrus third.
Time 1 :52. :
mileWnhTnWnh Harrison
Ono - - - won ,
soi-ond , Kunesvlllo third. Time 1M .
Ono nnd one-half miles , steeplechase Bos
sanlo won , Tiinniln second , Jim
third Tlmo-2 ; ! ) ! . .
CJiittnnbiirt ; Itaucs.
GuTTnxnuito , N..T. , July 25. [ Special Tele
gram , to Tun DEC ] . Summary of today's
races :
Vive-eighths of a mile Nomad won , Llllio
D second , Cnrlow third. Time Iyt. \ ) \ .
Five-eighths of a milo Pnrolina won ,
PlKCon second , Favnra third. Tlmo 1 :03. :
Six nnd one-half furlongs Uancocas won ,
JuRgler second. Slumber third. Time
1 MX.
Three-fourths of a mlle Facial B won ,
Vance second , Jim Oray third. Time 1:19.
Ono and one-eighth mlliis Germanic won ,
Benefit second , Lonely third. Time 2:00. :
Seven-eighth ! ! of a mlle Lancaster won ,
Qulbbler second , Waudermcnt third. Time
_ _
Detroit llaces.
DCTKOIT , Mich. , July 25. Summary of
today's races :
2:27 : trot , > ,000 , with 5500 to the winner of
the fastest heat if bettor than 2:18 : Alvin
won , Buck Morgan second , Harry Medium
third , Slenlo fourth. Best time 2:20. :
2 : : ) pace , ? 2 , < KX > , $5PO to the winner of the
fastest heat If better than 2:13 : Cricket won ,
QUuldus second. Best time 2:14J .
Four-year-olds , Chicago Horseman's stake ,
? 9)00 ! , with WOO to winner of the fastest heat
I f better than 3:1 : A Margarets won , others
distanced. Best time 3:10 : > f.
Free-for-all pace , $2,000 , with J500 to the
winner of the fastest heat If better than
3lljK : AdonU won , Gray Harry second , Wll-
lurd M third. Best tlmo-2:10 > .
Free-for-all trot , ? 3,000 , with $1,000 to the
winner of the fastest heat If hotter than
2:18Jj : Palo Alto won , Suslo S second ,
Hour ! third. Best time 2 : 15 > .
I'ltMliur Haecs.
Pmnuno , July 23. Summary of to-dny's
races :
2:27 trot , $1,000 YOSU.IS Ian won , Kcolcoo
second , Mlkngan third , " hers drawn , Bcsl
2:23 : trot , $1,000 , ( unfinished from yester
day ) Semicolon won , AbbloV second , Kins
man third. Best tlmo 3:24 %
2 : 17 pace 1,000 Scioto CJIrl won , Klmon-
arch second , Snllio C third , liluck York
lourth. Best tlmo 2:21. :
2 2-J trot , * lOM-Iandy ) won , St. Hectoi
sofoiul , 1'eter Whetstone tldiil , Loulo O
fourth. Bo3ttlmo-2aiJ : ; < ; .
HI. 1'atil ItueeH.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 25. Summary of to
day's races :
Three-year-olds , ono mile Heller Skelter
won. PHng second , Twilight third. Tlmo
1 : t'Y .
II tgh weight , free handicap sweepstakes
threo-yeur-olds and upwards , mlle nnd one-
sixteenth Cashier won , Catalna Boeond , In
science third. Time 1 :4Uf : ,
Canilvnl stakes , two-ycar-olu colts ant
peldlnss , thrco-qunrtcn of a mile Browi
Fox won , Doualtallo second. Sir Abncr thhtl
Time 1 :1.V-i. The value ol the stake to the
winner was fd,340.
Tliree-ycar-olds and upward , mlle and ono
furlong Oklahoma Kid won , Put Shecdy
second. Time 3:00. :
All ages , ono milo Iloscmont won.'Pldlora
second , Motul third. Tluio-1 :47. :
Favor Mrs. MeClollini'H Ponslon. .
WASIIIXUTOV , July 2S. The house commit
tee on invalid pensions today ordered a favor
able ix i > ort upon the bill granting ? , 000 IHJI
annum to the widow of the late General Me-
Uli-llun. .
OIIKSSA , July J . It Is ofllclally unuouuccd
that there have been fifty coses of Ablutlo
cholera lu Baker and vicinity.
A Sioux City 8toekynril Kick.
Sioux CiTr , la. , July 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BF.R.I Thcro was n grand kick
nt the Union stockyards which- brought
about a settlement of long standing com-
ilulnts against the Sioux City live stock
market. The shrinking has been on an un-
ireccdpntcd and exorbitant scale , and has
caused great compliant from shippers , while
ho dockage on cripples was equally unjust.
Then the violent fluctuations of the market
invo involved shippers in several losses ,
: ho packers hnvlng made a pntctlco
of running prices up nbovo the
Dmaha quotations when the receipts were
Ight. 'J'hls would cause a rush of hogs nntl
hen the prices would drop far below n proper
Igure. The result has been to Impair eonfl-
lenco in this market and the receipts for sov-
nil weeks have fallen off to a skeleton. The
stock exchange held u meeting today nnd the
result was an arrangement to correct the
Thomas Flew Ton High.
MAUSIIAI.I.TOW.V , In. , July 2. " ) . [ Special
Telon-am to Tun UIK. : ] W. H. Thomas , who
came hero from Kansas City Into last spring
o take charge of the Odeon opera house , bos
eft the city for an Indefinite period. Thomas
low high at llrst , cuttlnir a wldo swath In
various directions , but failed to meet his Con
tracts and urailunlly ran In debt. Ills wife
was compelled to turn over a trunk full of
Ino wearing apparel for a board bill , ntid
joth are now presumably in Chicago.
A Fatal .Stabbing Affray.
DM Mot.Mis , In. , July 25. [ Special Tclo-
rram to Tun BIK. : ] During a quarrel early
his morning over a woman Frank Doty was
seriously and prob.iblv fatally stabbed "in the
oft breaft by .lames DiHid , who has disap
peared. Uoth ara well known lu pollco
Guard lOiicaiiipnicnt ,
Tr.3 MOIXIS : , lu. , July 25. fSpoclal Telo-
gnim to Tun BKR.I It wiis dellnltely de-
.ermlned today by Adjutant General Green
.hat the encampment of the First brigade of
Iowa National guards will bo held hero the
last week in August.
Jtavngcs of t .o Cut Worm.
Four DODOK , la. , July 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKK , ] , Tlio cut worm has ap-
[ > earcd in the south part of Webster county.
tt cuts off tbo roots , c.iusing the corn to full ,
and Is doing much damage.
Brooklyn Imbor Troubles.
Nnw YOIIK , July 23. In Brooklyn the
trouble engendered by the roofers' strike
several weeks ago is extending rapidly to
other trades , 'tills morning a meeting of
walking delegates of the building trades' sec
tions of Brooklyn was held , when the ques
tion of putting n boycott on bricks manu
factured at Havcrstruw aud Verplnuk's
Point was discussed. The reason assigned
was because the Brick Manufacturers' asso
ciation were employing non-union men. The
movement will bo far reaching , as it ties up
work on almost all buildings in Brooklyn
nnd Jersey City. Plumbers nnd gasllttciy
have been ordered to tlo up tomorrow. Their
action is iu sympathy with the roofers and
sheet Iron workers , who are striking for
eight hours.
Haw Jfcr Children Burn.
MOIIK&TK , Cnl. , July 25. At Ilipon , San
Jocquin county , last night , Warren , the
seven-year-old son of G. W. Martin , while
playing with mutches .set fire to a can of coal
oil and the house took Jiro and was entirely
destroyed with the contents. George War
ren , the two boys and a buby girl perished iu
thollnmcs. A seventeen-year-old girl was
badly burned trying to rescue the baby. Tlio
mother was within a hundred yards of the
house but was unable to reach it iu time to
save the children.
1 lie Fire on the Kgypt.
LONDON- , July 25. Ttio crew and cattlemen
from the National line steamer Egypt , which
was abandoned at sea on fire , have arrived
hero. The carpenter of the steamer says ho
believes the cotton on the Egypt was on flro
whoa sue left Now Yorlc. Ho. says the boats of
the steamer , with the exception of ono or two ,
wcro worthless.
The Crew in Danger.
SOUTHWEST POINT , AuUcostl , July 25.
The steamer Idaho , ashore ut South Point ,
will prove total loss. Two wrecking
schooners arrived at the the scene and at
tempted to tale olt the cattle , but could not
owing to the hiih , sea and heavy galo. Grave
fears are entertained for the safety of the
crow , who nro still on board , unless they have
managed to reach ono of the wrecking schoon
Will Kubsldlzo tlio Steamer * .
Crrr ov Mexico , July 25. Guatemalan
dispatches state that the Pacific Mall steam
ers will ivceivo a subsidy from the Guate
malan government , which .gives the authori
ties of that country tlio right to search for
contraband goods arms for uatlous at war
with her.
_ _
Americans Kni. 'itcd In Franco.
July 25. Messrs. KIggS' and Relt-
llngcr , Americans , have been created knights
of the Lesion of Honor for their services to
the French trade , but more especially for the
work they dltt in connection with the French
exposition of last year.
Dr. SussdorfE treats succosqfully all
diseases of the kidneys , bladder and
rectum. 1501 Farnam st.
The Strike Still On.
MILWAVKKK , July 25. The strike of mill
men , which was supposed to have been fully
settled last evening , was renewed with In
creased vigor this morning and the mills are
still idle.
Clonkinnkcrs Itc.sunic Work.
NKW Yonic , July 25. All tlio cloakmakers
who have been on n strike since Juno 10 re
sumed work this morning in all the manu
factories and shops. Tlio manufacturers now
say they will bo able to meet ull contracts.
Steamship Arrivals.
At Hamburg The Columbia , from Now
At Kmsalo Passed : The Etrurln , from
Now Ycrk for Liverpool.
At Now York The City of Berlin , from
Liverpool ; tbo Normnndla , from Hamburg ;
the Hugia , from Hamburg.
Frcnuh Crops Itnincd.
PAIUS , July W. The crops throughout the
country , except In the eastern section of the
Uhoue , have been destroyed by the inccs
satit rains. The losses are estimated at
500,000,000 francs. The nrleo of bread Is ris
Dock Laborers Win.
TiONiiox , July 25. The trouble at the Lon
don nnd SUICntherlno docks has boon settled ,
the directors conceding to the demands of
the men.
A Postmaster Appointed.
WASHINGTON , July 25. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BHE. ] S. S. Marcy was today ap
pointed u fourth-class postmaster at lioso-
crans , Sheridan county , Neb , , vice I' , Moran ,
removed ,
A I'rcHH Klcotlon. , hid. , July 25. The National
Amateur Press association elected William
Dunlop of Milwaukee president for the ciu
suing year. Thu next annual meeting will
bo held In Boston ,
A I''at nl hxploslon.
LINCOLN , 111. , July 25. An explosion of coal
gas occurred tub morning in u room of the
coal nnd mining company , Joseph Schober
was fatally burned other men had
narrow escapes.
Tlio Aniilo Rood win InqunHt.
NKW YOIIK , July ,25. The inquest In ttio
cnso of Annlo Goodwin , the young girl w-hc
died from the etTects of an abortion performed
by Dr. McC < onlgal , began here today ,
A Pnol-Hellor Fined.
Cllif.Uio , July 25. Joseph Ullnmn , the
well known pool-Hcllpr was lined $200 today
for selling i > eels nt the West side truck on
ovcuts in other cities.
A SatiaGod and Confident Touo Pervades
the Business World ,
n _
Speculative 'IMarkets ' For Products
Hliow n T indoii3y to Ailv.nnco
101) Failure * Jtcportcd
Fdr tiio 1'nst Woek.
YortK. , July 2. . [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK , ] H. O. Dunn Si Co.'a
Weekly Review of Trudo says : Moro money
and higher prices meet the wishes of most
traders , and accordingly the tone of the busl-
ics * world is mow sutlsfted and confident.
Meanwhile silver Is accumulating , having
risen a cent per ounce by Monday , and slnco
declined three-quarters of u cent , nnd ship
ments hither from Hussla hnvo become
icnowu because of a speculation In grain and
cotton nnd higher prices for some manufac
tured goods. The general average has risen
luring the week a half of 1 per cent
and thcro are Indications of renewal of the
speculative fever which the prospect of mon
etary expansion produced some time ago.
But in other respects the outlook Is good.
Business Is large for the season and the great
industries are on the whole improving In con
dition. Latest reports of exchanges through
clearing houses outside of New York shows
a gala of 15 per cent over lust The
woolen manufacture shows the least Improve
ment of all the great industries. Tlio failure
of the senate to go on with the tariff bill
operated as a wet blanket , dealers say. The
boot and shoo trade is particularly healthy
and active for the season. A most cheering
statement Is made by the iron nnd steel asso
ciation , showing that stocks of plglron
unsold have Increased only HH.OtX ) tons siaco
January 1 , though the production in the six
mouths is reckoned by the Iron Ago at
4,1W,000 ( tons , which would indicate an in
crease of nearly u half million tons in the
Tlio market for pig and rails Is waiting at
former prices , but bar iron Is firmer and
moro demand is seen In structural , plate nnd
bridge Iran. The coal trade is phenomenally
dull nnd the output for July hns been re
stricted to a,000,000 tons. Copper rises
steadily with thu ( 'rowing demand , while tin
is an eighth lower nnd lead quiet. Wheat
bus been hoisted again by grout
persistency in circulating unfnvora-
able reports of a yield nt homo
and abroad. But exports are not largo and
the prospect in most of the spring wheat re
gions Is very bright. Prices advanced 2'I4' ;
cents for wheat , 2W cents for corn and 3
cents on oats on smtill transactions. Cotton
also rose 3-10 of n centon sales of 230,000 , bales
in spite of highly favorable crop reports.
Coffed was steady , and dealers claim that a
better distributive demand begins to bo felt.
Oil is a fraction higher with small trading ,
but hogs nnd pork product' are lower.
Haw sugar has been lifted a fraction in
spite of the depression of rellued by
Spreckles * sales. In general , the speculative
markets for products show a tendency to
advance , of more money anil
more speculation. The state of business at
other cities Is everywhere us favorable and at
some moro favfcniUlo than n week ago. Bos
ton notes a trade steadily exceeding lust
year's , but quiet in some branches , and great
activity expected. Philadelphia liuds a bet
ter demand for Iron product , with difficulty
hi obtaining prompt deliveries. The tobacco
business ts fair nud the trade iu chemicals ,
drugs am1 linuora , though quiet as usual ut
this season , is in good condition.
Chicago enjoys , , according to board of
trade returns , a largo increase in all grains
and considerable in cured meats nnd cattle ,
with a dressed brief movement three times
that of lost years" , and sales of dry goods and
clothing larger tliun u year ago. Wool re
ceipts are small unit the shoe trade quiet. St.
Louis reports u fair volume of trade in nearly
all lines and coed prospects for 'the fall. At
Kansas City Business is better and ut Mil-
waukeo'aiul Detroit , fuirly maintained for the
season with good presets. At Pittsburg
iron Is slightly weaker for a few grades , but
manufactured proilUcts are iu good demand
nnd the glass trade steady.
There is a rcmarkublo nbienco of com
plaints regarding collections la the reports
received ami tlio money markets are now
stringent. With nearly nil conditions thus
favoring business activity , there is a con
stantly growing embarrassment in all depart
ments of trade and Industry which nro likely
to'bo affected by the passage or failure of the
tariff bill. Foreign trade is naturally ad
verse under such circumstances , while ex
ports from New York for three weeks of
July show it decrease pf 151-2 per cent. Com
pared with last year there is an increase of
no less than 3 ! ) per cent in imports hero.
The business failures occurring throughout
the country during the last seven days num-
Ixsr 199 as compared with 207 lust weelc.
For the corresponding week of last year the
figures were 210.
1602. Sixteenth and Farnam streets Is
the now Rock Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rutos.
Against lotteries.
WASUIXGTON' , July 25. The house post-
olllco committee today agreed upon a substi
tute bill in Heu of a number ot pending bills
adverse to lotteries and ordered it reported to
the houso. The substitute prohibits lottery
circulars and tickets , lists of drawings , money
or drafts for the purchase of lottery tickets
or newspapers containing lottery advertise
ments or drawings from being carried In the
mails or delivered by carriers ; nnd n penalty
01 line not exceeding ? 3OUO and imprisonment
not exceeding one year is Imposed upon any
person depositing snob matter in the malls.
The postmaster general is also to bo author
ized , upon evidence of the existence of n lot
tery or gift enterprise , to cause registered
letters directed to the company to bo stamped
"fraudulent" and returned to the senders ,
nnd ho may also forbid the payment of money
orders addressed to the lottery or gift enter
prise company.
The house committee on military nffalrs
has authorized a favorable report upon the
bill authorizing the secretary of war to per
mit Lieutenant Colonel Corbln , United
States army , to assume his duties In connec
tion with the world's Columbian exposition
with n provision that while acting In u civil
capacity the oflicor is not to receive pay from
the government.
After tlio Klevntors.
AVASIIIXOTON , July 25. The following reso
lution has been introduced by Senator Cull ,
ho being moved thereto by reports of combi
nations In the northwest. The resolution lies
on the table for tho'present :
Hesolved , $ . ( | > o'a > inuilUo on Interstate
commerce bo au'iMhoy nro Instructed to in
quire nnd reporLito1jtbo senate whether any
arrangements hnvevbeen made between per
sons-owning electors and transportation
companies In niy'of the western states
which will Imv'tf 'thn effect or which are in
tended to have tlia effect of preventing the
storage of grain ituid of compelling farmers to
sell their grain ; aVsuch prices as may bo of
fered , and whether such arrangements have
the elevator com'pa'ines and all persons en
gugcd In the business of storing grain and
other farm prod < kt for Interstate commerce
to the extent of'their capacity on reasonable-
charges , and wifl and punish com
binations betwc6n persons engaged in sucli
business nnd transportation companies 01
their agents which have been effected ant
hnvo been made or shall bo made with the In
tent of farcing farmers to sell tholr products
or In nny way to uttect the market , price ol
farm products.
Tickets nt lowest rates nnd superior
accommodations via tho. great Hook IH-
land route- Ticket olHue , 1GOU Six-
couth and Farnam streets , Omaha.
Tlio Congo Convention.
Biif.s iii.s , July 25. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim BIE. : ] In the chamber of reproaouta
lives today M. Hotizew : naked the govern
mcnt what attitude Franco would adopt
toward the Congo convention. Premier
Bccrnart replied that In 1SI the Inter
nation ! Congo association has assured to
Franco the right to Congo in the event o
associations relinquishing a portion of its
territory in 1BV7 , The Congo hud Informed
franco that In granting thU right It did not
ntcnd to Imply that the right could bo used
in opposition to Belgium , and Franco had
formally noted this condition , The Congo
bill was adopted , thcro being only ono dissenting
sentingvote. .
The Donth Itoll.
IJITTLK ROCK , Ark. , July 25. A Lohono ,
Wash. , spccliil nuuouiicc * the death of Bon.
W. R Anderson , ox-attorney gcnnnit of Ar
kansas. He was federal Judge in Now Mexico
uurlng the Cleveland administration ,
Tomno , O. , July 2. . Nathaniel It. Loeko ,
father of the late 1) . 1 { . Locke , better known
us "Petroleum V , Nashy , " died hero today at
Lhoanvaucod ago of ninety-seven years , IIo
nid been a zealous and consistent member of
the Methodist cnurch since his fifteenth year ,
and was probably the oldest Methodist In the
United States. Bo was anold-tlmo abolition
ist , one of the founders of the republican
party in 1850 and all his llfo ua advocate of
In Chicago
BOSTON , July 25. A business meeting was
lield in this city today by the member. * of the
committee appointed at the lost cougroM of
.ho Catholic laity of America to decide on the
natter of future em grosses of a similar char-
ictor. Judge O'Brien ' of Now York pre
sided. The congress was held with elo.-etl
loom nnd win In session for three hours.
\flor adjournment U was ascertained that
: ho committee had decided to hold the con-
vcnttouln Chicago in IS'J. .
Tlio Sen AVI n WUH Overloaded.
ST. Pit * * . , July 25. Inspectors Sloan , Yea-
crnnd ICnnpp returned from Lake City and ,
tied Wing lost night , after making a success
ful search for nil the survivors of the Sen
Wing wreck , The Inspectors secured nflt-
davits of 10 , " > persons who swear they wore
ipon the when the cyclone struck it ,
Ninety-eight dead bodies have been identified ,
which makes a total of 20. ' ) . The Sea Wing
\vii9 authorised to carry only US passengers ,
inless she towed two b.irgcs. Captain
Wctheivn and others testified that they
inrricd less than the allowed number of pia- ;
scngers. _ _
I < 'al HO Kopoi'ls ol' Victories.
CiTr OP AInxico , July US. Yesterday the
Salvndorluu General , Kzcta , brother of Presi
dent * Ezotti , defeated the Guatemalans at
Atczcatompo , Cblngo , in Guatemala , twenty
eaguca from the frontier , obliging : the Ouatc-
nalaiiB to abandon their fortifications at
3oco. The Sulvadorians captured an 1m-
nenso amount ef booty , including the corre
spondence bet ween the Guatemalan generals
and Salvadorinn traitors. GcnoralEzetascnt
a personal challenge to President Harillos of
Guatemala , neoording to a special to the El
Universal. The Guatemalan agents are
spreading fiilso reports of victories.
Opcnlnj * Old Wounds.
HALIFAX , N. S. , July 25. [ Special Tele-
ram to Tim BISK. ] Thcro is Indignation
here over the coming to this garrison of ttio
Seventeenth Leicester regiment. The cause
is that bad blood has existed for n quarter of
n century between Ilaligoiiinns and the regi
ment in question owing to the mutiny and
riots of thirty years ago. It Is said n petition
will bo presented to the authorities asking
the exiled "Uronudicr guards'1 bo sent hero
in place of the Seventeenth. Should the
Seventeenth come there is al most sure to bo
mi outbreak of the old hostilities.
A Kcniiilo Incendiary.
PATTKKSO.V , X. J. , July 25. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bin. : ] Buildings Nos. ,11 and
8(1 ( north Third street were destroyed by lire
tills morning the work of an incendiary.
Jlrs. Snnpo declared yesterday that she
would burn her husband and attempted to
put her threat into execution. Fortunately
tbo man utvoko before being cremated. Kero
sene was freely used in causing the lire , nnd
the other tenants had a narrow escape. The
Snupo woman was arrested this afternoon
und committed to jail in dofuult of bail.
I'rlnco ' .
Gcorjsio's Coining.
Bo3ToyMass. , July 2. > . [ Special Telegram
to THE BKK. ] A Halifax special quotes New
Fundland advices as showing that the feel
ing of the people there Is so bitter against the
British government for the abandonment of the
rights of tno colony , thntit has becomoaques-
tlon as to how Prince George , whoso coming
visit has been announced , would bo received.
This feeling suggested the prudence of the
government , which now announces the.prlnco
will not como to St. John's.
Kmptied Three Kevolvers.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , July 23. John G. Harris ,
United . States deputy marshal , and John
Uleary wcro fatally shot nt a farmers' nllianco
picnic nt Oliver , Ga. , toduy. The sliooting
was the result of nquarrclover family affairs.
Cleary and his father noth shot Harris , who
returned the lire , fatally wounding young
Cleury. The father started to ride off. but
was captured by the sheriff. IIo had three
revolvers on his person , and nil had been
The Salvadoi-lans Driven Out.
Ei , PASO , Tex. , July 2" > . The troops of Salvador
vader Invaded Guatemala and planted their
Hag upon Guatemalan soil. Guatemala was
insulted aud declared war. The Guatemalan
troops fought with great courage at Coote-
pcquo nnd Clilngo. The loss was great on
both sides. Yesterday the troops of Salvador
wcro driven out of Guatemala.
ATcrriilu Storm.
CAIISOX CITT , Nov. , July 25. A torlflc
thunder storm is reported from Jack's valley.
Hocks were upheaved , sand was thrown a
hundred feet in tlio nlr , trees were torn up
and the ground rent ten feet deep. Two
Pluto Indiana und several animals are re
ported to have been killed. The thunder
storm was an acre in area.
Arrested for lUnrdor.
Louisrii.i.1 ! , ICy. , July 25. At Bloomington -
ton , Ind. , today Freight Conductor Charles
Arnold of the Monon route was arrested ,
charged with the murder of William Iliblcr ,
a urakciiiun. Arnold claimed thut Illbler
went crazy and Jumped off. I Ilblor's father
says ho can prove that Arnold throw Ids soon
from the train.
A Night Kiiiprisc.
Losnox , July 25. A band of Arnnuts re
cently made a night attack upon the Mont -
nequlro vlllngo of Kogmore , surprising the
Inhabitants , many of whom wcro murdered.
The Arnauts plundered the village and then
left. Afterward thu bund was attacked by
Turkish troops and in the fight which ensued
sixty Arnauts wcro killed and many wounded.
By an Agency Unknown.
SAVANNAH , Gn. , July 2Ti. The co ronor's Jury
concluded its investigation tonight of the
blowing up of Dullard's hoarding linuso in
which throe persons wore killed , and returned
a verdict that the disaster was the result of
an explosion by &omu ngency unknown. IQvi-
deuce was discovered today in the debris of
the wrecked building which points strongly
to dynamite or iiitro-t'lyccrlno as the agent"
In tlio , Chamber of
PAWS , July 25. [ Special Cablegram to Tin :
Btn. ] In the chamber of deputies today M ,
Uocho , minister of commerce , uskcd n credit
of 400,000 , francs to lay a cable between
Franco and Kngluud. He stated that 1DK , ( ! ( > , .
( XJO words had been telegraphed in ISi'.i ' as
against 17,717,000 in IbSS , He also asked a
credit of 21 0,0 , < X ) francs for telephone lines be
tween Paris and London.
The now mile' ; : * ol tuo { j''eat Rock Is
land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam
Btroot , Oinuhii , nro the llnost in the city.
Cull and see thorn. Tickets to all
cast at lowest rates
A Polltlcilan Arrewtfd l ir . . .
UAI.TIMOIII : , Md. , July vi-'j , Ex-Congress
man EH J. Honklo was arrested today on a
charge of forging an endorsement of Thomas
Humphrey , the well known farmer , to three
notes of $1 a ) ouch. IIo was released on KI.OiM .
bonds. Hcnkle IH ono of the bust known poli
ticians in the state.
Thirty Ariiln Killed.
MA.IIIIII ) , July titi. Thirty Arabi were
nillod In the recent fighting ut Mclliluo ,
s Sclocleil Vostordny to the
County Convention.
The democratic primaries wcro hold In the
various wards yesterday to select delegates
to the county convention at Washington hall
tills afternoon. The county convention will
select fifty-six delegates to the state conven
tion , which will bo held InOnmlm Thursday
evening , August 1-1.
There was but little excitement attending
the primary elections , there being no contest
between aspiring delegated and no Issue cal
culated to enthuse the unlerrlllcd.
There was no contest and a deeldedly light
vote east , less than 2,500 , In tbo cltv.
Tlio following Is a list of the delegates to
today's convention :
Hrst Ward Uhnrlos Comiover , Charles
Branded. William Herman , John Xeur/nn ,
John Xc'ller.i , Owen Slaveii , Torreneo llnvlo.
Second Ward J. K. Shnvllk , Stephen
S. Carroll Af , I John . . . . * f. . . . Andrltt . . I . . t. , tit Louh A * Klerstgardt i * . ,
M Martlnovlteh , T. A. Capok , John
Spoerlj alternates , Martin Honhnd , John
Schroedcr. , Fred Hrmilng , sr. , John lit iiiila
Paul Lour. Joseph SiindliofTner , Max Grimm.
Third Wurd-Januw ( Jarr , HUH Carey , A.
Mi-Andrews. 13d Miller , J. Mover , J. IJo'uglas ,
Dick Durdlsli.
Fourth Ward J , J. O'Connor , W. J.
Mount , Jerome INmtzcl , ChuruM 11. Brown ,
James Godfrey , P. H , ( Jury , Andy Movnlhnu.
Fifth Ward K. C. Krllfng , T. H. Datlv ,
Kd O'Connor , Kdwin Dnvl.i , II. Osthorf , I1.
.1. Couway and W. K. O'Slnmghnossv ;
alternates , Thomas Bermiiiglmni , .lolmMc-
Gerry , James Cosgrove , Gomw Dunn , Kd
Qiiliin. I. Biitiii and George Mcdlock.
Sixth Ward Jaeob Ilauck , Harry Oilmen ? ,
John Heed , T. F. O'Brien , Paulson ,
John Coder and George W. Tlcrnoy.
Seventh Ward J. II , Hughes , AV. U.
"Vatiglmn , M. Langton , George Town-
Bend , Jeff Magcath , II. K. Hall ; alternates ,
John Uidmn , Churlc * .luliiumn , James Mo-
ZMunus.W. . J. Pickering , Sam Cosney , F. 0.
Eighth Ward C. A. Lcury , AV. Ji
Hughes , Henry Schi'oeder , C'corgo J. Sterns-
dorlT , Charles M. I'rimeau , A. F. Wollf ,
Paul 1'futz ; nltermites-L. II. McCownu ,
James McCarthy , Kd A. Shaw , N. II. Brown ,
George JO , Stratmann , A. H , Ilouser , J. P.
Ninth Ward-Euclid Martin , AV. A. Gard
ner , Adam Snyder , Charles Ogdcn , T. J. Mahoney -
honey , 11. E. Whitney , and C. S. Mont
The primaries held lastcvoning resulted In
the election of the following delegates tj the
county democratic convention that will beheld
held today !
First AVard-Mayor William G. Sioanc ,
Judge Patrick J. King and Peter llroimun.
Second Ward George J. Seltzer , James II ,
Fleming nnd Alfred A. Donnelly.
Third AVnrd-Dnvid lloban , Fred Itowlcy
nutl Thomas Kvan.
Fourth Ward Divld niooni , Michael Con-
ners and Thomas Gillespio.
Joe Iiockwood Hot urns to Omaha and
Is Immediately Arrcutcd.
.Too Lockwood is back ngnin.
Joels none other than the thief who stele
the Qarncau diamonds about two years ago.
Ho was sentenced two two years In tlio pen ,
but was given credit for the three months ho
was in the county Jull from the time that the
term of court opened until tbo close , when ho
was sentenced. This , with four months
gained by good behavior , secured his release
two months ago.
The pollco received word yesterday morn
ing from Lincoln that a snouk thief bad stolen
n watch the preceding night from a room in
the Capital hotel , so when they heard last
evening that a man answering to the descrip
tion of the thief was endeavoring to
dispose of a watch .011 Douglas street ,
they lost no time in taking him
in. IIo was found In a saloon at
tlio corner of Fourteenth and Dodge.
AVlieii ho saw the ofllcers approaching ho was
seen to slip something across the bar to the
bartender. IIo was hustled into tbo patrol
wagon and the ofliccrs then found that tlio
property ho bad gotten rid of was a watch.
It was secured ami was lounU to tally exactly
with the ( Inscription of tbo ono stolen the
night before at Lincoln. TUo prisoner was
taken to the station , where ho gave * ho name
of George Fox.
Captain Mostyn Immediately Identified him
as Joe Lockwood , as did aLso Chief of Detec
tives Hazo. Joe denied It for a while , but
finally acknowledged that ho was indeed
Lockwood. Ho said ho arrived in the city
yesterday morning from Denver , where
he bought the wrttch from a tender-
loot who was broke and wanted
to raise money to get back home.
Ho denied having been In Lincoln since ho
was released from the penitentiary in May.
Lockwood is < io of the most dangerous
biicak thieves and thoroughly bud men In the
country. Ho has barely attained Ids ma
jority , but ho is a crook from the ground up.
At the time of the Garncau robbery he were
rubber soles on his shoes. AVhon arrested
last night ho had on u now pair of shoos , but
ho had already put on a pair of rubber heels
in anticipation of any opportunity that might
Ho was as unconcerned as ever after his
arrest , and nonchalantly Inquired whether
the now police Judgu was any worse than the
old one. IIo decided thut ho would give
Judge Ilclsley a "stilt song nnd danco" this
moniingjustforluck and sco how It would go.
Ho talked freely of Ids prison life , undchattcd
for an nonr with the police about his cell
mates und the convicts sent from this comity
during the mist few yours. Ho declared
prison llfo to bo hard , and expressed a doslro
to have no more of it , but the indications are
that it will bo but ushort time until ho Is
again nt work In the penitentiary harness
If any of last night's big audience at the
Grand ever attended a good old-fashioned
blood and thunder play in tlio Ilowcry , they
must have strong reminders of it. "After
Dark" h thu kind of play one can always sco
in the theatres on that famous New York
street. It has all the teeth gritting
speeches , tearful declamations and studied
gestures necessary to set a gallery wild
and delight gum chewing patrons of tlio
parquctte , und AVllllnm A. Brady , the star of
this coimiany , who plays the part of un an
cient , rag covered bum who has seen bettor
days , Is Just the kind of actor to make the
p loco go.Ho knows how to work up tlio
critical scenes and rouse the interest of his
iiudienco to tlio proper pitch of en
thusiasm. When the climax comes
thcro are several clever features
to "After Dark , " not the least of which Is the
great tank of water representing the Thames
river , nnd into which the short whiskered
villain throws the suffering und deeply
wronged heroine. In the fourth act two line
specialties are introduced. Ono is nn exhibi
tion of boxing by Kelly and Murphy , line ex
ponents of thu art , and the other an Irish song
and dance turn. . In which Bobby Gnylor has
an opportunity to display his talent in
that lino. It would not bo an exaggeration ,
cither , to Bay that Mr ! Gaylor Is a very clever
Imitator of Iho every day , side-whiskered
Irishman. Mr. Brady Is Bup-oundod by a
company of very peed actors , nnd Ids show
gives excellent satisfaction.
Don't. Mko the 1IIII.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , July 25. The mass
meeting of democrats tonight adopted resolu
tions deprecating the passage of the federal
election bill. The resolutions say In parti
"As the city Is cntirelv cosmopolitan , neither
allied to the north nor the south ,
wo believe it will bo for the interests
of the whole country that no laws bo cnuctod
which will stir up strife und engender sec
tional feeling , und wo denounce tbo attempt
IIHS ; this bill us a deliberate ! blow at ttio
liberties of the people and their Inalienable
right to elect their own representatives , "
No Hey colt.
M.UONGn. . , July 25.-- The Telegraph today
made a careful canvass of the business com.
inunlty nnd found not n slnglo firm in fuvcr
of tbo Iwycott proiwsed by the Atlanta Con-
Htltutlon. All of them opposed it and many
expressed In th.o strongest po-islblu torini
their indignation thut a reckless newspaper
should have t o misrepresented the feelings
Of thU HOUtll.
' 1 wo Hurl h < | iinke >
A'IKX.VA , July 8-1 [ Special Cablegram to
Tun BuK.,1 TWO earthquake fdioeks were
fult lu the Muclil district yoslerduy. An
other shock wai felt touity at TUchorna Mo-
PecuJiar In combination , proportion , neil
preparation of Ingrcdlcnti ) , Howl's S.irsap.v
rlll.t possesses the curative vahin of the best
known renieI.Jr > rkrB > c. dies o' ' lll °
vegetable HfiQOu S kin Rilom.
1'ccullarln Its strength and economy , Hood' ' *
S.itsaparlllal3thGonlymcdlclnoYf which
truly lie said , " Ono llumlroit Doses Ono Deb
Inr. " 1'ccullar In Its medicinal merits , Hood's
Sarsaparlllu accomplishes cures liltlicrto tin-
known , mul 1M
Q 1
Ma n p sia
vonfor pan itself
tliotltloot "TlioRrenlest Mood purifier ever
discovered. " In Us "good nanio
at IIOIHC , " Ilicro l.i moro ot IIooil's Surs >
parllla sold In Lowell than o ( nil other
lilooil imrlllors. I'coullnr la Its phenomenal
record ° , * . alc3 a1" 11
no ether IT vJt'Ullcirpioparatloii
ever attained to rapidly nor liclil < o
jtentfuty : ; ! tlio confidence of all classes
of people. Peculiar In llio brain-work wlilcli
It represents , Hood's S.usaparllla com
bines nil tlio knowledge wlilcli inoilurn
research ! * * * Di ltf'11 ' medical
science lias D O DISCI I developed ,
\ltli many years practical cxporlenco In
preparing medicines. lie sure to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ItjU. 1. HOOD A ; CO. , Aiiotliixurlua , Lowell , Muu.
100 Docos Ono Dollar
, A Number of Conti-ncls Awarded anil
liHtliniilc.s < Mloweil.
The board of public works hold Its meeting
yesterday afternoon , with ull of tlio members
In nttcnilnnco.
Tbc contract for grading 'Tenth street wni
awarded to Funning Si Slnvcn ut \ ' fj rents
per yard , wbilo John O'ICccfo secnrcil tbo
contract for grading Mlllnrd street ut KIJtf
cents per yard.
The following estimates were allowed :
Eil Callahan , grading Chicago street from
Twenty-sixth to Thirtieth streets , and Twen
ty-ninth street , from Cuming to Hamilton ,
SSO. > .M ; Kd Phelnn , grading Ames nvenuo
from Thirtieth street tif Florence avenue ,
? ; il0.f > 0 ; Hickory street , from Fourteenth to
Sixteenth , Martha street , from SUteenth to
Twentieth , $807.42 j I'ucillc and Thirty-second
streets mid Thirtieth avenue , SttKI.-iri ;
Kd Callnhiui , grading Fourteenth street , from
\VeUitor to Nldiolas , ll.1.o ( ; ; Twenty-second
street , from Le.ivonworth street to St. .Mnrv's
nveiiuo.l > " > .07 ; Knight llros. , grading Dtulgo
street , from Grove to Spring , jl 7.H ( ; Spring
street , from Funnim to First , & 'iH.ji | ; Kan-
mug tt binvia , grading Nintli street , from
south line of Coodiiian pmpcrty to Castolhi
street.SI 12.50 : John O'Kcorcgrading liluinu
street from Tenth to Thirteenth , $174.IB ;
iMcKlnnoy & Co. , grading Izard Mreol , from
Twelfth to Fourteenth , WKJ.Ti ; John
0'ICcufe , grading Huncroft ntruot. from Sixth
to Tenth , &i < U.Sl ; James Uimncllny & Co. ,
grading Jlunderson and Commercial Directs ,
& ! .M.77 ; Lainoroiiux Bros. , grading Louo
avenue , from Ilainilton to Johnson street ,
1,807,07 ; Hugh Murphy.curbiiig 1'urlcstreet ,
from Heed street to Thirty-sec
end avenue , $8(10.09 ( ; FrancU street.
from Heed street to Thirty-second
avenue , $ Sil.SO ( ; Kced street. from
I'nrlt to Burton street , $1,648 , ! ) ' ] : Smith street ,
from Park to Uurton streets , $ lf , > -'W.-IO ; .I. E.
Hiley As Co. , paving Thlrtictli .street , from
Spudding street to Ames avenue , flOjhw.lWj
Thirtieth street , from llristol tuSpuuldlng
streets. uaVj ; Hugh Jlurphy , * 7,10lj IMc-
Iltigli it McGuvock , constructing sewer lu
Leiivenworth street , froinTlilrtieth to Thirty-
bixtli street , : fi.7t ; ; .70 ; J.O. Corbv , repairing
catch bnsliis , SM0.70. ' . .
The following reserves wcro allo : Uilcy
, t Co. , alloy paving in districts ! ! t and SW ,
$ : H7. S ; Hugh Murphy , alley paving In dis-
tricts US , : ! > , 4J { , 44 , 51 , frf , fill , 04 and ft ! ,
$ tui'J.07J. ; ' ; 13. Fitzgerald , 8cwer.sin I districts
IU , l and 01 , $ .V.Hi.i7 ( ; Canlleld & Slaveu ,
grading Thirteenth street from Vlnton street
to the south limits of tbo city , $ r SO.f > U.
Tlio bill of Kdivanl Jhii-iu for fUdcwnlkn
laid during tbo month ending July'in , 1SDO ,
was allowed nt Si.ttlfl.-l2.
For painting the Klovcnth street viaduct
the Omaha wall paper und paint com pan v bid
SJ'MU.-H > ; Sherlock tt AVagner. 1,31)3 ; VOM
Brothers , * : > , ' - ' * ; Henry A. ICostcrs , $ . ' ( ,000 ,
and Curl Stofun , $1,150. The contract was
awarded to Stefan.
C. K. Squires presented his
monthly bill amounting to 31.3C4.iU ,
for sweeping IK ) S ) 1-100 miles of
paved streets during the month of June , but
the hill was not allowed , simply because Mr.
Squires has fulled to sweep and clean Twen
tieth street from Uodgo to Ciunlng. The
money will bo withhold until the city council
can tiiko some action in the promises.
A number of the creditors of F. Uuysschnrt
wow before the board tousk that some action
bo taken in regard to the payment of their
wngen. List : October Kuysschnrt took the
contract to grade Eminett and Spring streets
from Sixteenth to Twcnty-tirst for J,4l)0. ) IIo
went to work hiring men and teams , and
putting them onto the grade , The next moyo
was when ho went to Herman Kountzo nnd _ .
borrowed 1,030 on his contract. Work _ /
was continued for some time ancV
until board bills and labor hire becatno due ,
when ho threw up the job , leaving S7iO , ! < ) of
unpaid claimsinuludiiigthntof Air. Kountzo.
Yesterday the members of the board
thought they should stand by the laborer ,
and instructed the chairman nnd the city
attorney to investigate and see If anything
bo collected of Kuysschart's bondsmen.
Upon motion the chairman \yiis instructed to
declare the gradlmr contract cancelled and tt )
hire men ami teams to complete the work.
An Entrance Scottr.'tl.
KANSAS Cm * , Mo. , July 2. . The announce ,
is made that the Kansas City , Wyimdotto &
Northwestern has at lost secured an cn
trance into the union depot. Those fiicllitios
wcro acquired through the Missouri 1'aellie.
This fact leads to the conclusion that Gould
will shortly acquire u controlling Interest in
the road ,
General Alnnngcr Sunimerfleld , who re
turned front Is'uw York tonight , con-
Hrms thu report of tbo sale of the system
to Jay Gould. Summerlleld says Uoufd will ,
build a line between Carbondale and Osngo
City and ono between Hastings and Crete ,
Neb. , which will give the Missouri Pacillc a
short line to Denver , ( iould has also bought
sixty-four acres in Kansas City , Kan. , near
the shops of the AVyawlotto & Northwestern ,
and will iniiko this plucu the hcudquurton ol
the Missouri Pacific.
Dr. Sussdorfl'nuikca a spoelult.y of did-
cases pocultar to women. IftOlFarnaniHt.
I'rlnco Kordliiiind Will Hotiirn.
SoriA , July iJ5. [ Special Cablegram to Tim
Bui : . ] The government denies the truth of
the reports emanating from Buchiirost of tlnr "
execution of commissioned and lion commis
sioned oillcc and soldiers. It is expected
that Prince Ferdinand will return to Solhi in
a fortnight.
Alter Ilio MnnniivrrH.
Iliui.iN' : , July 25. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin ; Jlni ! . ] After thoKrasnoo Selo maneu
vers Emperor William will spend a few tluya
on his chtato in Holland.
Absolutely Pure.
A ornamof tartiirliukim * polor. . Highest
of louvuiilnxNiroiiKlli U , 3. uoteinmuiU Uu <
port Aug. 17 , liii