8 THE CMAHA. DAILY BM3 , FHIDAY. JIEDY 25. 1890 , THE CITY. The bank clearings yesterday amounted to 812,091.40 , Jndgo Waltoloy will hand down a large number of decisions next Monday. Ono cnso of woolens from Scotland Avns received nt tlio custom house for U6lln k I'liompbon. W. J. Ilamil , the mnn wlio died yes- tcrdny , will bo burled from Drcxel & jlnurs Saturday afternoon nt 2:30 : o'clock. Mr. AndrewRosowator took outaljulld Ing permit ycastcrdiiy for n row of Huts' nt the southeast corner of Sixteenth and Vlnton Btrcots to cost 13,000. Tlio fire department \ called to 2018 CnsByesterday morning , by fire in the lioiiHo of Thom-iH Hull. It WHH quickly cxtin gulshcd , nnd only $ IO of usunago was dune. "Nnt Drown , proprietor of the Mer chants' hotel , in east ntlcndliiff the races at Monniouth nark. Ho wltcs that lie Is having u liljh ( old time und seeing Eomo cxccllonl races. Suporlntondont Scott of the Chicago. Bt. Paul , Mlnncnpolis & Omiilm , and Bupcrintciuiont llopoof the telegraph service , were In tlio city yesterday. They arc out on a tour uf inspection. Alexander Ifufinun of Cherry county wnu arrested by lc ) | > iity Miirrilml Hoi- llngoraiidarralgncd boforoJudgo Diuuty on the churgo of soiling llqxior to In dians , Ho gave bonds for his appear- nncc. On the request of the commtinding general department o ( the Missouri pri vate Gcorgo B. Fainnan , company Jt Fourteenth Infantry , now in conlino- ment at FortOmuha , Nub. , under charge of having dusertod the service the United States , July 10th , 1888 , who sur rendered himself nt Fort Omaha , Neb. , July fitli , lb)0 ! ) , will bo released from con finement nnd restored to duty without trial. AVliy It IH I'opnlnr. Uccnuso it lius proven its absolute rncrlt over nnd over ngnln , because It has an uu- ciiuallctl record of cures , bemuse Its business in cniuluctcd In u thoroughly lioncst manner , nnd because it combines economy niu streiiKtli , UeliiR the only tncdiclno of wbldi " 100 Doses One Dollar" Is true these strong points Imvo tnado Hood's Hursapafilla thu most successful iiicillcine of thu day. . ,1 .VA'O UXCi.llJi\TJI , Keats are on sale for "After Dark , " which will have Its first presentation tit tlio new Grand opera bouso this evening. "After Dark" Is a strong play. Its story is not unfamiliar , butsavo m "snap1' produc tions it 1ms not been seen forsomoycarahere. 11 Is by Doucciciiult , written ut bin best time , I11 and It lins the best of Ms stage knowledge. The plot is ono of tlioso substantial ones \vlilch will not dlo RO long as melodrama lives. It contains effects that , perhaps occa sionally useilin other pieces , nvo neither so effectively produced in them nor so legiti mately worked. As the lithograph informs the town , there are. several thrilling situ ations , giving nu opportunity for great bccnio clTt'ctH , which the management lias got up with the best of earo. There are to ho some surprises for the audience. Indeed , from what is said at the theatre , "After Dark" Is to bo a very bljr. well put on , strongly sensa tional piece. The prices arc to bo y. " > to BO cents for reserved seats , tlio lowpriccs being niailo solely on account of tlio midsummer season. IS1 1 0. U. Moore Announcement. & Co. have been appointed I wholesale agents for the celebrated waters of lixcclsior Springs , Missouri. Pence oti Knrth .Awaits'that countless army of martyrs.whose riuiksaro constantly reerulto J from the rlct. tlms of nervousness nnd nervous diseases. 1\\o \ \ prlco of the boon Is n systematic course of Hosteller's Stomach Bittui-stho , ilnostnnil most genial of tonic nervines , pursued with reasonable persistence. Knsler , plc-isantor oiul safer tills than to swash tlio victualing department with pseudo-tonics , alcoholic or the reverse , beet extracts , nerve foods , nar cotics , sedatives and poisons In disguise. "Tired nature's sweet restorer , balmy sleep , " is thoprovldentialrecupcrantofweaknovves , nnd this glorious franchise being usually the conscqiihnccs of sound digestion and Increased vlgortho , great stomachic which insures both is productive also of repose at the required tlmo. Not unrcfrcshed awifTtous tbo Individ ual who xises It , but vigorous , clear headed and tranquil. Use the bitters also la fever nnd ague , rheumatism and kidney troubles , constipation uud biliousness. Iladfjes lr Oas Inspectors. In consequence of the burglary of H. W. Cramer's residence , whore a thief entered the house under the prctenso of wishing to in spect the gas meter , the gas company has provided all inspectors with badge * In order to protect the public from another occurrence of that kind. _ O. A. It. Excursion to Boston via the Wabash Lino. Everybody invited to join the Wnbash cxcuraion for Boston , leaving Omaha August 0-7-8-1) ) and 10 , glvoa choice of routes. Riitos as low us the lowest. Ro- dining chair and Pullman bullet sleep ing cars on all trains. All aponts in the west sell tickets ovtr the Wubash via Bt. Louis or Chicago. * For tickets , Bleoilnp-car | berths nud folders giving routes , limits , time-tables with a correct maj ) of lloston , showing locations of do- jmts , etc. , call at the Wabash ticket oillco , 1502 Fnrnam St. , or write G. N. CLAYTON , Northwestern Puss , aim Ticket Agent. Tjyiich-Ciifteo , At Guclph , CanaJaWednesday morning Miss Sarah ColTeo anil Mr. D , D. Lynch.woro united in marrlngoatlbochurchoIOurLady , Father Uohcrty ofllclating. Mr. T ynch U tbe casblor of tbo Farmers' ' nnd Merchants' bank of I'latto Center , Neb , , nnd his bride Is a sister of Mrs. 'J. A. ICoboo of that place. The bride recently graduated from tbo Sacred Heart convent at London , Canada , mid is a young lady of rare accom plishments. 'Tlio future home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynch bo at PintleCenter. . I'ulillo IiuiirovoniontH. The contracts for some important public Improvements will bo let next month. On August 1 the contracts for grading Thirty- fourth street from Ames n venue to Fowler avcnuo will bo awarded , tu also will ho the sewer contract for constructing nmiiin sewer from Twenty-filth atreot to Krskln , thence northwest to Twenty-seventh and Cumc.-on streets. This sewer will carry away the water IIQW ninninu in n rrccluuut render the property la that neighborhood lo for residence use , The seworou la boulevard to Hurt street will bo also awarded on thnt date. Aup-.ist S the bids for grading Spring street from Pleasant street to Lowe uvcuuo.tihlcago ( Btix-ot from Pleasant to Lowe , anil Grove stivot from Chicago to Davenport , will bo opened ; also the sewer eoatmct to build 1)0a tiuwor on Lowe nvonuofrnuiCninlng to Uodgo will bo let. This sewer is a bailly nvedod Im- lu-oveuieut , niul will furalsh dramiiife for the Vnliiut Hill district. 10S Nervous debility , poor memory , Ulflldonce , fscxunl ' wualtuoss , phni > lescured by Dr , Miles' ' Is'ervinc. bamplca frco ut iCuhu it Co.'s ' 15th und Douglas. DBVITT Margaret Olive , nt 5 a.m. , med ; 4 years , 8 months nud 19 days , Funeral Friday , July 25 , at S p.m. , in family residence , 1111 South Ninth street , to Holy Sepulchre cemetery. An Accident nt tlio Mlllttrd. What entno very nearly being a very seri ous accident occurred at the Mlllard yesterday morning. Workmen hail orcctod a largo licavy scaffolding lu tiio big dlulug rwju prcparatorv to decorating the celling ani borucrs. The Btructuw was not secure and It fell with n loud cnub. All thowaiter * were under t nt the time , but lucidly hot ono of Ihcm was hurt. The duinaga to crockery nud table- waie , however , was quite extensive , though the tables had been stripped of their finest dishes and glass articles. The nolso pro duced quite n lively sensation amonR guests and others about the house for a few mo ments. Mil. 11UIJOWSICV8 HUSK. a Sewer Clicnp From the WnilcruorJts Company. It Is pretty well understood that a man who gets Iho best of a corporation in a personal encounter is somcthttiKof ustar. Accepting this at true John IZudowsky of South Tiveiitlcth street Is a stellar attraction of the first magnitude nnd his dupe Is the American Waterworks company. ludo\vsky ( prosculod a coininunicatlon to the council on Tuesday night compliilnlny of the notion of the waterworks coinpiny In blocking South Twentieth street nciir Pop- plcton avcnuovltli building material. An invest iitnUon of the complaint illseloica tlio details of Mr. Huilowaky'a triumph over the "soulless corporation" as ho terms it. The waterworks jwoplo hud Twentieth street In front of Mr. Kudowsky's ' store rnoro or les.i encumbered with material ana ma chinery for tbe now pumping station on Twentieth street and i'opplcton nvcnuc. Mr. Hudowsky kicked. It would ruin hli busi ness , ho said , and ho was going to carry tlio matter to the council. Superintendent Hunt of tbo waUrwuikH company endeavored to placate the complainant. Mr. Hudowky was willing to bo placated , A Job ni watchman vouldsult him just right and would Musotho withdrawal of the thivatenrd complaint. Mr. Hunt had no such position to offer ; was tltcro anything else that Mr. Kudowsky wanted I There was llttlo else that Mr. It. did not want. Ho wanted a sewer among other things. Air. Hunt had a sewer to spare. Ho had an iron sewer , no ordinary tile sewer , but a tested Iron watcrpipe tcwcr , which ho would put In frcoof cost to Mr. Hudowakv as an offset to bin outraged feelings und at a further protoc-tioil to the water company's mains which would have to bo dis turbed by a sewer put In at any future date. The seuer vroutd cost $100 nud Mr. Kudowsky was supremely satisfied to got It for nothing except his silence. around and watched the vork fc.irful , appar ently , lest the "soulleas corporation" would trick him in some way. Hut the corporation played fair and nt (5 ( o'clock on Tuesday even ing the last shovel of dirt was tr.unpott dawn on Mr , Kudowsky's sewer pipe. Two hours later the city clerk was readme to the council a long complaint from Mr. Uudowsky on the shameless manner in which the waterworks company was blocking South Twentieth street la front of Hudousky'a ' grocery em porium. The waterworks company had been duped. Ivlr. Kudowsky had his sewer nud also liad bis kick properly recorded with the council. S'ipeiintondcnt Hunt has not yet fully recovered from tbo shock. Miss Bench's ' Curling fluid 50c. Sher man & iMcConnoirs pharmacy. ThcyMnki a Formal Demand I'ornii jiKl ; > tlIoiuAVorlt Day. Tbcro is dissatisfaction amotifj the men at tlio bincltlng works. They have requested of the company Unit the force bo divided Into three shifts , each to work eight hours. Tlio disposition to arbitrate , rather than strike , seems to prevail. Tlio follow IIIR communication was handed In for publication iti Tun Ben , It comes cUiectly from the men em ployed in the smelter : OMMIA , Nol.Tuly 24. To the Kditor of TiinBnE ! Mr. Kash's having gone Into print to deny tlio "dissatisfaction existing in the company's woiks onaccount of lonfjhouro" has made many mlstakct , which tund to mislead the public mind. Wo , therefore- , beg leave to correct his "mistakes" through ttw columns of rJ.'nu Btn. Mr. Nnshstiys the men have miiila no "formal demand. " No person err newspaper said they did. Tin : Btu said : "It is claimed a inovorncnt is on foot for an eight-hour shift. " Tun Bun was perfectly correct. Mr. Nash savs the men are satis fied. Ho must have 'iskect some of his bosses or men who could only reply by a shako of head , not understanding a word lie suid. If the men stand a tiilrtcon-hour.shift easy bow is it that they are known on the street by their physically broken down condition. It Is no trouble topointoutnsmcltcrmau among a thousand others. If they "stand it easy" howls it that during the hot spell the smelter oflleo boy was nightly running the boarding nouses looking for men to go there to work and trying to induce thorn to do so. If tboy stand it easy , how is It so immv men have nuit and others bclnp continually hired. The tlmo roll for the months of Juno and July , giving tbo number of men hired , quit , paid off , the hours they worked and wages earned , would bo an amusing correction of Mr. Nosh's statement of how they "stand It. " The truth of the matter Is that a man at the cunola's or roasters works an actual shift of thirteen bom's. As to Iho hours worked byshovclcrs , etc. , "there is no kick coming , " hut when ho says that a thirteen hour shift inthoabovo del artineats Is "stood easy" and will not drive the men Intopromaturograves hocither knows llttlo of its effects or makes a deliber ate and wilful "mistake. " Ho also says that the men get a lay oft of four days ia n month with full p ay. Ho Is mistaken In this as the pay roll will prove. The men get SI a day and they must have put in. u certain number of days during tbo month to entitle thorn TO a lay-off , and the number of those physically able to comply with the conditions becomes gradually less. The truth Is that smelters in Omaha nnd other places , -whether from sickness or "lay-offs , " work less days than any other chiss of men and they are continually ilmtrglng and doo- toriug while at work. Since the first para graph appoired In Tin : Um : Mr , Xfash has been begging tlio question and the \Vorld- Ilcrald rushed to his defense. It would bavo UvCn tlmo enough to defend when attacked. The smelting company has constructed a bath bouso for the prostrated nnd over-worked men , for which the men feel grateful. The thlrleen-hour shift can bo altered with great and hurnano benefit to the men and little loss to the company , The men think that the present prollts of smelting nnd those likely to accrue froinfuvomblo legislation on the silver question \\-ill enable- the company to grant an eight-hour shlfMn those departments where it Is so sorely" nodded. It is needless for Mr , Nash to expect Individual men to give themselves awny If questioned as' to their being satisfied or otherwise. They know how corporations ostracize In dividuals. Wo therefore submit this statement to tbo company and the public and bog them to accept It as a formal request for eight hours in the above departments. Al though It is argued by tbo men that It would lo moro profitable to work eight hours in all departments and that the company would sulforuo loss , but actual gain , in submitting the cnso , wo wish to say tlmt wo don't dcsiro to cripple or injure the interests of Iho con corn In anyway , boo.iuso wo earn oar bread there , hut dpu't lilto to wear our lives out prematurely trying lo keep it in. Wo thoro- fore earnestly request Mr. E. Kosowater to select another fair-minded business man with himself to arbitrate tlio matter on our behalf with the smelting company , In the hope that it will tjrant the much nectloj re form. .SMKt.TIXQ WOIIKS MEN' . Fits , opiums , 01. Titus dance , nervousness nnd hysteriti are soon cured by Dr. Mies' Xorvlno. Tree stunplcs.3 at ICuhn & Co. , 15tU mid Dougliw. r a Wliulo In A 1'rliiccss Annolottcr In tlio I3nltimoro American says : 1'iu-ts of \vliulo are on exhibition hero -which did much to dis turb the peace of mind of the crow of the Btoamor Florence , of the Munoldn rlvor line , us elio ntmroacheJ her Mmldox Isl- niul wharf. The young loviutlmn was uiscovorcil about where the steamer raula'a her landing. Alter the fright was over the wluilo wus driven ashore by the crow with the assisttincs of parties on ' land , hauled out , and tlio valunblo parts reduced. Tha monster meitsnred thlrtj- . two feet lonu and six foot across. This is the first whale over seen In the Mtmo- kin , and it Is roinnrknblo that It should have found Its way up the bay nnd Tangier Sound and twenty uilleauptho Munokln rivoi- . Stftlcd by II. B. Cochron , druggist. lian. raster , Pa , I Invo Buuranteou over iiOO bottles of Durdook Blood llittora for dyspepsia , sour I Btoiuacb , bilious attacks , liver ana klduoy | I trouble. I i ON DOAVIE. A 1'nstor AlisolvcR llantlit.s Iroin nil OMAHA , July 21. To the llditor of TUB Bun : It lini never bow tny practice to bandy words with ncwspipors. But I feel that truth nnd justice demand that you allow mete tonl say through your columns a Ictv things nbouttho "Dovlo meetings. " In the first place , \vlsh till your readers to undorstind that my friend nnd brother , Hov. A.V. . Clarlc , is Innocent of nny rcspon. slblllty for the Dowlo meetings. Ho was vie lently ' prejudiced against Mr. Uowlo and his meetings from the outset , nnd. so far as I know , tins attended but two of the meetings , Moreover , the Baptist denomination Is not dl3fji" ced , orcii If It could boshowi thnt the meetings were not nil they should have hoen , They , as a denomination , hadnothlnir what' over to do with the visit of Mr , Jo\vlo mid are In no way respon sible for his visit. " I hOH3 | everybody sic believe this statement. 1 suppose your average reader Is able to tituloistund how a religious mcettni ; can bo hold In a church without the ncopla who worship thcifl bocoinliiB < responslblo for tlio way the meet- In Is oondttcted or being hold responsible for nil that. Is suld. hot everybody therefore fully understand tlmt neither Pastor Clark nor the Baptlsta nsti inioplonro In any way responsible. rew Again , I protest against the fashion in which the reports of these meetings have been tmulo. 11'liiit thcro have been some novel things H.ild and done is not surprising , but for a reporter to select these things and these only It unpardonable. Ono can reply to argu ment and statement of facts , but Ills' impossi ble ! to reply to ridicule. I could mention the names of a oodly num ber < of cultivated , oiniest , sensible minlstois who Imvo been to most of the meetings , who heartily approve of much that has been said , and who In common with a largo number of inA i tell I trcnto filters of churches tcstllloJ on Monday : nlRht to the spiritual benefits they bad received In thcso meetings. Your reporter snld nothing of Mils. Ho aUo failed to note SIP' sonio pOoplo , whoso testimony Is unim peachable ' , told of their being healed of vari ous slchniisscss. Most of thi'so people llvo In Onuha , are well known to many juoplo and their rcsldonco wus Riven. Somoof them are beloved monibers of my own church. I should bullevo them about nny mat ter with -which tlioy are acquainted. finally , if those who bcliovo that .lesus Christ is the Healer of his people , see pro-pet to nssoclnto tliomsclvestotfethor tostuuy the word of God on this tc.iehinif , to pr.iy with nnd for o.ioh other ; to pray for thosicU whit Is therein this to 1111 anybody with holy horror ? Wo nro In formed that the Branch associa tion for the promotion of the to idling us to Divine Healing , T./03 / .Angeles , CJl. , numbers over ( iOO members ; thut it meets lu the L ii-at Baptist t'liurch ; that Dr. Heed , n distin guished Baptist toucher and preacher. Is promlnrat in it , uud tint ministers of many dcmoninations ami pistors of churches nro active In these associations. A. W. LtM.vn. The Duirle Sliniv , OMAIM , Neb. , July 21. To the Editor of Tin : BEU : l or some unknown nuson rhero was a break In the Dowlo se.incoliistmghtut tbo Baptist church. The "healer" had to look to other quarters for aid and comfort. The Salvation army doors were also clo3ol against him , so he hied himself to the prohi bition tent on Twenty-eighth street. Heroho wa in demand , nnd ho began to harangue his score of hearers. His hands and face had the usual nervous twitching , and Ills vcleo the snmo old cadaverous ring. Ho led off by a lunge at the press -with the frenzied rage of a wouudud jackal. Ho little imagined his unlcnotvn filend was hanging hard on his flank. He suld wo had ono of the foulest presses In Omaha thcro was in Iho lind. After using up the press and alt other parties opposed to him , by a series of gymnastics diaraclorlstu of his blade art , ho Indulged In wmo Incoher ent gush about the president and constitution of the United States. Harrison , according to Dowic , is a bad man because he drinks just u little wine now and then for his stomach's sake. Politics nro all bad all good men of the persuasion of healers should "get a move on them" und doHoinethimr. Ho declared , however. If our legislature would not pass some law to punish his oppo nents he'd see that the devil would wipu iiis enemies and the legisiaturo off the faccofthn earth. Even Tin : BI.I ; bulldlngcaiinot stand. Then ho throw cold water on the prohibition ists by slating thnt In the Australian homo the people had un idea that prohibition was not a success and had recently declared ill favor of hhrh license. Dowlo will organize n branch of Ills healing association nt the Baptist church tonight if ho isu't-vhoked ' off. Oiimiviu. : TIic Quiok uixltho Do ad. OMAHA , Neb. , July 34.-To the Editor of Tin : Bin : : According to your report of the _ imprecation pronounced on molt is probtbly duo to my friends that I report myself ns yet lingering on this terrestrial ball. I was not 'ftveptofl ' the face of the earth July -.1 , " to any appreciable extent , nor docs my mind present any grave symptoms of withering. If the Ird were in the swwping-off business against rank blasphemy the coroner would have had a cnso In the First Baptist church JulyS'J ; indeed a certain personiflc.ition of egotism , error , bigotry , vituperation and fanaticism would bav'o fallen on sloop long ago ia far away Australia. ' 1'ho ' spirit and language of this man vindlcatomy good setiso in this case. As a Christian teacher It Is my duty to disavow heretics and heresies. I feel that I have rendered some service to the gul- jliblopublio In this Instance. Of coin-so I did not expect the approbation of "our friends , 'the enemy , " It is July 2-1 , and I am as much alive and as sane , I believe , as Dowio and his followers. Respectfully yours , 1 > , S. JIuiiiiu.L. The- Stored Heart academy for flay pupils , bituatod on St. Mary's ' avenue and U" tli st. , Is an institution do voted to the moral anil Intellectual education of young Kirls. The course includes every thing from m oloiuonUry department to n linisihcd claissical education. 13oaiTjj the ordinary aciulomlcnl cour o , mimic , painting , drawIn < Mindtliohmgiiajo.3 are taught. iJYonohls included in the ordi nary ootirso. Dlirorpni'o ot religion Is no obi-tiirlo to the roioiving- pupils pro vided tlioy conform to the general regu lations of the beliool. The seholiistio term commences tlio first Tuesday In September. Glasses bofin at I ) n. ru , , nnd pupils ara dlsmi&od at ! > :30 p. m. Why Clrls P'tonld IloGnoil Swimmers. "It is remarkable , " said a tcnchor in n natatorlum to a ro port or for the Phila delphia Press , "how tlio women , es pecially the young ones , are developing their ability and skill ns swimmers. Wo have had this season nearly ono- third moro pupils than wo had ut this time lust year , and many of them are turning out splendidly. 1 don't want anybuttor scholar than a plucky girl who is not titmid of the rater , ami yr into it with the deterinliiation to learn how toswiiii. This class of learners nro away up In the majority , and It is a rare thing1 to llnd a timid younff woman , or ono whp wants to treat after the first fo\v \ lessons. .As n ruia they are im en thusiastic ns they are vigorous , and they quickly take tu nil thc . various styles of and floating- . You must ro- motnberthat a girl has , in proportion to her size , a Inrjrcr expanse of chest than a man , which moans inhercasonn increased buoyant capacity. They have coino to know this , which perhaps no- counts for their growing fearlessness In the wator. Just teach n courageous i iri tlio proper motion of the arms antl legs and you hnvo in1 her the nmking of a good swimmer. " A Notullo Ileport. . "For disordered inensturatlon , annrnila and sterility , It may pi-opcrly bo. termed a spceitle. " Extract from Dr.V P. Mason's report on the waters of Excelsior Springs Missouri. Jlowdy BlaoCrJKor. Dr. Jainoa MacGrogor , Queen Arlc- torla's Scotch chaplain , is a brilliant preacher , nnd ho is nlso n , man of very small stature nnd slightly doforinod , u defect which liaa gained for him in Hd- JuburgU the title ol "Bowdy" Uac- Gregor. Once , v.hen . n minister of a rurnl parish , hodn.Uoil at a farm house , and as the momlxsoeof his congregation ho wanted to eoit-wcro all nthoino , ho peed mturodly consented .to bo taken around the promises by the farmer's boy. After ho1 had scon the minor sights about thniiHtico , lie was taken to the pigsty to see Itho pies , vrlloro a cu riously shaped ranltnal was proudly pointed out to ihjm as "JJowdjr lac- Gregor , ca'il after oor inlnlster , jo ken. " The story Is told by the worthy old doc tor himself , To New Vork.-anil Itotiim JJI2O. The Ohio & .Mississippi Ky. vlll btjll , tickets from St. Louis to Noiv York city and return nt tlio low rate of $110 , good going August 8 , 0 , 10 and 11 nnd return ing leaving New York until AiiLMist25 , inclusive. For further iufonimtlon nd- dress A. J , Lyttlo , general western pns- BcngeriiK'cnt , lO-i North Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. AV. B. Sii-ATTUl' , G. I' . A. TlioHiiinincr Girl of 1BDO. Among the lullesof today the Lyditi Languishes would not stand a ghost of a show , snys the t'inclnnnto Commercial. The pale , Interesting , anil elm- lioritiL' beauty of the pnst , vho vopt uo- llously ) and fainted on tlio smallust provocation , has gone , lot us hope , for- ovor. The ehnsoii and admired hello of today lias bright o\cs \ and rosy checks. She laughs , and dtvos , and swims , nnd rides , nnd is as eager in open air sports as her brother , with privileges scarcely less tlmn his , nnd borstrongyoung heart boats with the regular emphasis of health and happiness. Doubtless God might have miido something sweeter than the summer gli-1 of tlio season of 18)0 ! ) , but doubtless God never did , and the young man of the benson should bo reverently thankful in his heart for the exalted privilege which Is Ills ol wooing und winning her. To tbo young face Pozzonl's ' Complexion Powder Kivcs f icshor chnnns , to the old ro- iiewod youth. Try It. Poetry M'nlc'h Pays. If you Intend following literature ns a livelihood , and can write prose with the same onho as poetry , by all means follow prose , says a writer in the Ladles' Home Journal. Except where an author hits n world-wide renown , or hits ti peculiar style of verse , nsVill Carleton uud J , \\hllcoinb Rlloy , poetry is a very poor bi'ciul-oanilnf ! product , although it is a delightful and elevating recreation if it can bo followed us such In connection with eonio other work or business. Itisupcrloroxccllcncuproron In million 'orniiim ( Intn niiiirl"r | or n rontnry. ltiu o < Iby Mo Dnltc'l ' Statii Government. KmloncJtor Iha K-ndl of the unfit imlvnnttlua in t'm Stroiixu't. : 'iilTat mill.MfMtlloiltliful. Dr. Prieoi Cruani Itiik- 11 IT 1'oivilorilonsnol column nnimonlu.llmo or aluui. Hoi J only l.-icniii. 1'UICK MAKING I'OWDHIl CO. , N'uw Yorlt ClilcuRO. San Frunclsco. Et. Louis To cure nillonsnesj. Sick Ilendaclio.ConstlrnUos , Muhrl.-i. Llvor Complaints , tnlco the c tnd cortnlu remedy , S.'MIIll'S Use tlio BMAI.Tj SKE (40 ( lllllo bcann tofho lict- tlu ) . Tlicy nrotlio most convenient ; tulL all agKi. I'rlcaoclthcelz6. ii3 ccnH ii " " ' / ! 7. 70 : . pancUlzo of Uila pioturo for 4 cccta ( ccpporj or stamps ) . J. r. SMITH ACO. . Mokcmof "mioCeaus. ' St. Ixrnb. Sto. DrsB6ttsJcB6tts Physicians , Surgeons anil Specialists. 14OO OOUGLA.S S O.MA1IA , Nini. Tha most widely nnl fJivoralilr Icnown'spSo- litllHtilii Iho Uu 1 1. nil Suites , rliclr loin ox- ] ) L'rk-ii'o , rjiuriikabloHkllluiul nut verbal suo- I'oss In tlio troitincnt and uiiro of. Nurrnuo ( Jlironlu and Kur lual Dlstinsri , ontltlu Iliusi cmliu'iit iiliysloliiiiH lo tlio full confident ? ! ) ol tlio iiilllutoa every whf r < . They miaranlco : A UKUTAtN A S'I ) I'OSITIVK OUliB fet tlm a fill cll'ucli of airly vlc-o and tliu numcr * OUH ovlls thnt fiillowlu Hi train , 1'JtlVATE. 111.001) ) AND SKIX IIISKVSES HH'odlly , coniiiU'Hil v null ppriniiiontly curi'il , NUUVOtla IlKIUUTV ANDHK.MIAI/n ' . OKUCKS yield reudliy totlioir sUillful truat- nii'iit , i > iu:9 : , nsTirrjA AXD KEOTAL UJ.CKHS Riiuiniiteul cuicd without pain or detention from liiislnoss. IIYDUOUKLH A2W VAItlCOC'EIiR ncntly niul sut'ousi > ( iilly I'tuvil In I'VOI-VL-IISC. BVl'lllJilS. OONOUlUinA , HMii'/8ior. : : tniitiirrlioa , Bonliiuli\Voakimssl ; , > o t.MHiihood , NJKlit Ktnlsslom. Uuraynl Kncultlos , IVmalo \ \Vt.'iikni- uud nil ilcllculo dl-DrdCM pcciillnr toollliur soc pu ltltuly riir > il , us trulliis all functional dlsordura tfint result , fiotu jouVli- fill full IPS or tlio c.trevt " ' iiiatnro jeitrs. TI/ir"'II / Wl ? Uini-anti'od i ormuiiontly Ol Kiwi u i.\\j \ cured , roniniul conwlote , wltliout cutting , i-aiistlunr dilatation , Uurm nirei-lecl ut liuniu bv iiiillunt without u niu inciit'H nnln or miiioyuii'ii. JO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. VlIIElJ T1'0 ' of /V oUl\L UKI/oarly vlou whloli organic vonkncss. ilnstroylntt both mini uml body , wlili ul | its druuileil ills , pcrinauonly curnl. h K nUTTI AiWicn these who have lin L 1\J. 1)1 , I IO jiirocl tlieinsolvi-s by ini- Iiropor IndiilKcnoo mid Rolltary lubltnvlilch riiinbotluiilriil und body , unllttliis tliprii fur biiHlnoHS. Btudr nr iiiiirrlsKi' . MAKKIEU .MKN or tli ( o int irliinn thu liujipy llfca\varuui ( > liy lcaldabllity , nsshtcd. OUR STJCOB5S Is liased upon facts. Klr t I'motln.il ' fKi > orl- cncc. Surand-Kvury cao iHsiiuolully Kindled , thin Btnrtlng rl lit. Tlilnl Mvllolnci iiro prcpjroU lu our laboratory pviictly tu suit each case , tliu-i olU'ctlngcurosvltliuutlnjiny , Drs. . Belts & Betts , H09 DOUQUS STREET , - OMAHA. NEO. Pears'Soap ' been established in London IOO YEARS botli as a COWPLEXION and as a SHAVING SOAP , 1ms obtained 19 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS , and is now sold in every city' " of the1 world. It is tin ) purest , cleanest , jlncst , TJic most ccanojnical , and thcrcforo Tha Itcstatitl innst popular of all soaps for GENERAL ToiLUT ruKPosF.s ; mid for use in the NURSERY It is recom mended by thousands of intelligent mothers throughout the civilized world , because while serving as a cleanser nnd detergent , its emollient properties prevent the chafing and discomforts to vliich fitfanis are so liable. FHAJRS' SOAP can now be had of nearly all Druggists in the United Stales , HUTDEsuimTHAT iou CETIIIE OEKUINKasthreareztxrt/ilessimitations. . . wins Irheeyes.wins &JI. ' If you regard " you will cerbwnly use in house-clean ing- ise solid cakeo sco ring- © your Jiousajust as nnicJi ( is fo/y i/oiir dress. Jit'cjfiC ) ticat awl nii and your reputation- will pJiliic. "Pfculcct dMl your f/ooil tuiino will sttJI'cr. Do not think that lioiiHC'Clcanlnff too trouble some ; itis tuortJi nil it costs , especially if j/oit / reduce the outlay of time and strength by itstny S + LVOLIO. * ? ri' > r > rYCxrfrcir * x Pr V/IT/I / .Stf ( pflPLETE ILLUSTRATED ANDMANY 9T/1ER / ENTERTAINING FEATURE6 CENTS JP-r < x ) Jewelers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND FABl ATkl STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB. PIONEERS IN LOW PRICES. Bo'iis manufacturers , Importers and Jobbers , as well as ro- tall dealers , our parciasin ? iaoilltlos arc second to no liousi in tli's ' country. Houoa our oxiramo low prlcea oa overythluc wo sdl. Special attention is called to our Inrga and elegant line of Fina Man'ol ' Ooska ( ovorSO dlfTeront styles ) at85.0O andup- ward ? , Pine Banquet and Piano Lamps , wi h s Ik pa aaol cfcadcB inall the no-w coloro , from $5.OO up. Buy your Tab'.o Cutlery of us nnd save money , Eo eM * Best Trlplo Plntod Knives and Forks only $1.75 per sot. Stool Ou-vlnsSatsC ulfo , fork end steel ) , $2.0O and upward. Epoons , fee. , In proportion. Our Great Mid-Sumnior Bargain Saloof Diamond3 , "Watchsd ar.d Fine Jewelry Is still in progress. Q-snu'no Diamond Finger B'i ' gs from $2.50 up. Eol'.d Gold Watchrs from $15.OO up. S.OOOfliio . solid gold , plain , band and sot Dinars from $1 tolO oaon. Go'd SpDcticloa and Eye OHaesos from $3 up. Flno Stool Speotaolos 01 up. { "Repairing jfYalches ] , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty. The Omalia Ivled.ical and Surgical Institute ( " orthowimiiicnt ofnll CIinONIO-AND StmaiCAl. ni3KA8tS. Fiiares. Appllnnce * for nforrnltlonuno Vriusca. Bo-ttlnciiaiea , Apparatus and lleimxll * * for miwoisful Iroatuient of cvorj foriuof illnMsi ! ro- qtilrliiK Mcil'oilor SmglonlTrwtinuiit. NIN15TT IIOOMS FOU I'ATlBNT.-i , IloiM anil ntteixliinco. Host Accominoilntloii ! ! Wist. Wrltoforclrculntion Dofcrmltloi and llriiiti. Tniinci , Club KniU Ciitrnturool Hplno. Wat , Tumciri , Ctncer , Cntnrrli , llrondiltlo , Inlinlatlon , Klcdrlcllf. 1'Briilrvi Kici | | | ; y , Klilncj llljililer.lJre.Knr , fekln imd iilroil , nnrt nllnur laal opcrntloni. DlSHASKdOb * WO.MK.Sin tpcolnllr , JJook of lilbcaiii nfWou'n Free. Wo lioialntdrnddod l.yliis-ln Dcj.-irlmuiitror Woinundarlnir Gimllnoiaonl JBtrlctlyl'rlvnle ) . Only HulTaWo Moillonl liutlWIo nmkln pcilnlty of 1'ItlVATE 1JIS13ASKS. All Jllootl l/hcini'HMUCco3Bullr trentod. Syphilitic polnon itiuovcd from the yntern wllliontmorcurr New Hc-jloriitlro Trrntnient forl.osiof Vital I'nwor. l-nrtles uimblo to visit UB may Lo tn-nlcd nt hornolij correi-n.Dilcnco llciiniuiinlraltonn rniifldentlnl. Mcillrlno or IriHliumocti Hint byinnll or oiiron | , so. curtly imrkiMl no narks tu Incllo.ito contonls onciidpr. Ono perionnllntpnli'w iiruforro.1. Cull nnd consult tuorfcuml liUlr.ry fcfronrca o ana xo wlllsondlu i > liln wrapper our HOOK TO MWN KIlliK , upon 1'rltnto Si'Odal ' c ; NorvouuDltcaiOJ , Impotonrr , Syplillli , UJuotnnd Varkoculo , with quodlon list. Aildruu Omah.a Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner9th and Harney Sts.Omnl-in , Neb. EPH BILilTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFEGT OF PENS , CARRIAGES DELIVERED totnr I > * lii i > " I"I ' M" " . * l . lU'.t luniitii , Hicl.i , b.r.u. . ml Gitli' Irlcj Irs. On irniori t wltcliMl * rrira ttil t , 0 , H. ( liHtt fn i I. U Kp.t'tr' * > . WM.J , q St. , Ct'ie | , f J lo n nipfor H Denver , Colo. , Capital Prize $7,500. , rjricBiri's no CII.VT.S ij.vc'ii. $26,370 $ 1MIU I-ACII MONTH BANK OF COMMERCE RAYS ALL PHIZES , Address , II. O110DUS , DENVER , - - COLORADO , THE ONLY LOTTERY PROTECTED ' UY THB J MEXICAN .NATIONAL GOVERNMENT , T LOTTERY ] ' OF THE BENEFICENCIA PUBLICA , ( PUBLIC CHARITY ) 33SCCl .3Dai.aSHEIJ : ! IN" 107O , ( JET A ii tl In n < ml e rnnnrolcit wHIi nnjr utbtv Company nl n ir Iho itiruo imniv * THE NEXT MONTHLY OWING Will DE HUP IX THE AUGUST 7U ) , 1800. CAPITAL PItIZE , - $60,000 $0,000 Tlckotsnl Jl , 1120,000. 1'ilco of TlclcL'td , American Money , Wholes , $1 ; llnlVfN , : $ ; uartcr.v , 1. LIST Of I'illZLS. ICnpltal PrIflMir fiVI.OO ) . l < fi',1,000 lOiplinll'rlioof ' suw l li J.l ) O lt'nilliil | 1'rl/oof lO.IMtl In ] o ntm IHriiiKl I'rljcof 2WU In z.tu > aio JOJO ( Il'rlrtKif UK ) . . .i ail ) 80JO 241'rl/riinr am are 1001'rlr.oior lee aru Id.UUO UUI'rlKt'iof M . , BM IMUO .t ) BIO I'lttzt : * . IMt'rlrcia . . , . . . . - , , . . . _ | il o H.003 IfiOI'rlrciur " WnpirovliimllnKo ( stittKI prlio 1H ' "fiOI'rlKi'iiuf Mnpproxlnmtliiutu lOUi' ( ) prim Il.TOO WTornilmils uf t.D ilocl.k-a by fUJ.DOO . prliu 1J.WO _ _ Price * nmounlliiK to JlT9,5CO All I'rln-s noKl In tlio Unltod Stales fully pnlil ID 17. a , Currencj. AC3 K.VTS WAV ! ' 1C I ) . t Toi : cum IUTKH or nny other tnfortnitlon dralrwl , wrlto lojjlbly to tlm iimlcrilstic.l . , i-limrly ntntlMK four retltluiuv , with ntnti ! . i-imnty , stroclnnd numl'or. ' Mire rnp'it ' ri'liirn mill dvllvvry will bo ii'virvilbjr yuiir unilosiiignu utvulupo buurlnmuur lulliulilru.18. IMPORTANT. Address U. HASSI'/l'i I , Clly ol * lilc.vico , nio.Ylco. Orto CHAR. 11. MVNTn.t , &Co. , Itoom 401 N. V. T.Ifo HiiiMliitf. Oiniilin , Ni-b. lly orillnnrjr lotlor , containing JIONKV OllDHll Ifiucil by nil i.xwcs : CoiiipnnluH. Xo Vork l.'x- , limit or 1'ostul S\ilo. Ilj-trnn ofcontrnct thuuoiiiiMiiiyiiiiiitilopoilttlio sum of nil pil'Pt Included In Iho xcliumol'i'toieiivll. ' initn xliiKlu tlckut , iiinl ruculM ) UiulollowliiK clllclal IHTUlIt : ( .Kirm-iOATE Inerolj certify that tlio Hnnk of Txnilon nixl iloxleo hna on dopoilt tlio ncci nry finids tOKitiirnnteiitliu pi : > inc'nt of nil prlzus drawn L ) ' tlio IxjteiH Uu la lluncllcencln Piililli'n. /M-OMXAII O 8Tin.o , Inlervcnor. Kurthcr.tlii ! company Isrcrnilrrd to rtinttlbiitotlfty- sIxpcrci'Tit of thoTiiluoof ii'ltho tlckcti In prliuii nlnrKur portion t linn In Klvoi by nny otlii'r lotliiry. rinnlly , tlioimiiilvrotlrk ) ( ' .H In llmllcil to W.UW JOOH ) IMS tlmn urunultl by olbor Ijtlurlca i 81'KCIAU ' Thl Is tn ccrtlfv Unit tlio Hunk of Commerce , Nauhvlile. 'JVnn. . "Ill | iy nllnl7.oj | In bo\o. Drs. Merill & Merill , SI'KUl.\IjlSTS IN Clironlc , Norvoui , liloadnml BurideM Dlionsos nnd discuses oftlio I'.sc. Kar , Nusc , Treat uml Chen. Special Attention lo Dini'iiscs uf Wo men null ( Jllllraii. Tlioiloctorn hnro liail yoirn of oxpcrlonro In lh liONpltnli of llruuklyiinnil N-.MV York , uml the most successful ami widely knuim ( | ieclulllatu la this cuuntrf. Vnangand M iilille-AiiciI Alcn. Ix t .Mnnliood , NITIOIIS Itelillltf , fiiorninlorrliw , Seminal Io osl > liyMlcnUccay , nrisIiiH fruin liulls- crctlon , proiluclDK Hlc'CpU'HsiiL'dH , iluspuniluiu1pirn - jilu on thulncu , nvcriloa to nuclcty , unilly illxuuur- ageil , lack of conilili'iico , ilull , iintlt for Uiulyor buil- ncsM , niul llnils life u tuidun.balcly.pormiinc'utly and itpccJlly cured. Illond mill Skin DIsonscH. Syplillla n illxi'n o most , ilicudful In Ha U.'iJtii.-Urinivi.v Siirncry. Gonorrln1 , Gloet , Brplillln , Jlyilroccto , Vnrleocola nnd Htrlclurii imllually uml mifcly rure < l p.-ilnor ( k'IciHIon from liiiHlncss. All Soxunl niltlcHiiiiUlinpuilluiuulB tumiirrlaijOtiiiccoaHfiilly ro- niocil. AllltectaldlscniOHiinroIynrKl | icrinnnontlr curciL lldllrn , Do. in. 11118 p. in. biitiilas , 10 till 12. N. H. 1'irsoimiimljlu to visit iimniiylio trcutodat thclrlionicj by corro iiuiifi nto. MedlclniH aail lu- Htruclon80ent ( Gy ovprosH , Cini ultatluii ( nu. tjuiul I touts Inatuiupa to lnsuru reply. 1118 Ml'toeiitli . - > ! . , Ojipusltu Iloyil' Oiionv House , Oainlin , > c.l ) . i1AWaOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " tha \Viiiic lorf u 1 Simnltb IIi'incMljr , In dolilwltti U'rltli-n < 1 mi i iin- l < 'o to cnru ullNvrv * old Dlpcast-p.siiclioi . \VcnIc Memory , I.08S ' -w IAN j-1s > * rs iIA/ ct Wnkofnliicif , . Bpfero & A lof UsoT t ilnnlK.oJ Norv- riiolopuimtil fiuin Lttc. oii8iicHfl , T.aosltudo , oil drains mid IOCH of power ol llio ( Jcncratlve Or.- Knrin.lneltUurflux , cftiiHcilby ovcr-oicillou , youth. fiiHiidlecietlond , ortho csct-pflvo mo ( i7 lotmico. , opium , or Htlmiilnnta , vhlch ultimately K-ad to- lunruilly , Ciin > ninitlun | ami IPanilrot up In convenient form ti > coi ry In tlio vent poektt. Pilco SUpackncQnrOf.irS5. , . With every $3onlorwo jilvon iti'lttcn ynartuiteo to CHID urrrfuwb llio ilium'hcntby mall lu nuy aililrus. Cir cular flic. Mi-iitloli this pnjicr.ildross MADRID CHEMICAL CO. " "V.'f.V ' ? ? rii'iJSl 417 Ili'gihoin htrit , CIllCAdO , ILL. VoitRAM : iv OMAIU. NTH. nv ICulm A Co. , Cor. 11th nnd J. A. l-'ullor A Co. , Cor. lllli anil Ihnmlas Si. A. I ) . Tester iO'o..Uouiiell lllnirs.lowj.t . J I'rlimry , Sccomlary or- Turtlary pcriimru-ntljf ' rntctl In SO to to ihya * 'W B I B II C B < WI Wocllinlnato all polion. fiuni iioiiv. , Uln , so Ihut tluru tnnnoMir bo a ret urn of tlioilltcur In any foim. I'arlks can lie ln-atcJ a liomoni veil as here , ( forlhc sumo inlco nd under tlio Biinio cimmntrc , ) lint > vllli llioto who ( nufrrto coino Iicro , t\iMtlll ( cntrurt to euro tlipui oriifiyiil i } inuncy mat I > iy 4-ntlio t > | > uit4t of conUHtfi lullrot fnio utKl Jiottl Fillip. toeuiuthu inoht cibfltliiMlo ta iB.Vo clialenco tli * vorhl for a cnsournu notcuir. Hltice tholkiitoryof inctX clnoa truoFixHlllc fur Hj | 4illl ) mi liui KJUBI ! - forlitiitiiuviirfimtnluiitllour Jliirlo lcuuly ! vra < ill- ( nvi-rfl Koruntlurifcniiluu. Wrltu for irfcrtnica * ttHUt JiKMKDY CO. , Omiilm. * ebii l.tt ffiRUE AND BM TREATMEIIL Bpcrlflo for JljriUsrli , Dl7rlno < iiF.'l , , Kt-nrnl U. W l ( ulnossMental iMirrcinlonh'tlltnlnunr tliv Hrnln , rncnt. li'almx. or tlz for 8J. f rut by imllprtpaltU. XVIII , AMAl. onlnr frtr f.11 LaXl I. Will fbtul | , Urvlia or" criaranf-u to iurun.1 money ir iuo irniijitnv laiam lain. iJunrantoonUauodiuiJu-umiiiuium ml ) u GOODMAN DIIUO CO. , 1110 ruriiiimStrcut. Onmhii , Neb CNCLISH PILLS. BCD cnooa DIAMOND DBAMD. AiSfti" : ? " , ! .1 - * ' U.i.Milcl timl L.r-i'koo. TMli-Mnollier. find - ! < . | . .i.r jmleul M i J"llllif fur .u.ll , " ( I.Her l./ri-lurniKul1 ' * " ' TO WEAK . eurTrrlui frnni UierlfivUiif youtliful " rrrir , ' ' , t Jenay ' > nH" ru VlMJ