Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1890, Page 6, Image 7

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    0 THE O3LAHA DAILY FRIDAY , JULY 25 , 1890.
Delivered by dirrlor Irinny linrt of tlicClty.
o , x , u.
Nljiht KlltoiNo.Z , .
N. Y. T , Co.
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , conl ,
Tbo funeral of A , H. ( Jncyvns \ held roster-
tiny morninglicv. . U. C. Frniildliiotllclatliii- .
.Tudh'o Dociiitr hud u light day of It. tbero
bclru' litllu business oven In the line or
Hc''ontliitiopneli ovcnlnp In
tlio lent corner of Avenue 11 and ' ' 1'iveiity-
fourth street.
Miistc'r Tominio Burke , son of Pinlpy
litrite , cdubratcd his birthday yraterJuy bv
u litllu oumpiiny nthls liuinoon .Soutb Si-Nth
Un' . nnd Mrs. 'J , .1. Mnclmy last cvenlnj , '
CJiitertnlni'd tlio invnibon of St. Paul's vestry ,
n Hocinl tii1dnthu | > lncoof the usuul order of
IniHlllCSH ,
Permit to ninrry was ycstcrelay Rranted H.
T. Ilesle.vandL'ora Holnven 'ii , both of Mln-
tletiiiilHoto JlitrryV. . I.ovvh nnd Vim West
of l.oveliuul.
JJr. Conk htu purchased tlie nrcperty whcro
ho lias tK-cn lldn Ioin Icuifttlnionn l will nt
mice remodel It nnd .imku it a plea-siiiitund nt-
triu-livo homo.
.ritilj o Tltornell htis llstcne < l 'to tlm iirgu-
incnts on the motlwi of a now trial in the mse
of l-'llcklnnervs Siedcntopt , He Inn tiilicn
It utidornih'Ucincnt.
M I I { , \Vllliams \ received a tclcirrnni yester
day inforinliK ! him that bis brothur in I'ottu-
villo , Pn , wmdylnif , and holefton tliuinorn-
iiif * train lor Unit ptiicc.
'J'ho ' dciiitH.'i'.itic . i-ouiity convention h culled
to moot in Council Uluflu Wednesday , .luly
UO , at 11 o'clock a in. The ciiucusua will bo
belli next Sulurdny evening ,
'J'hc caw of Tlioiniifl Kltlnnei * , jr. , charged
with selling whisky tit Lnko Maiuiwn , was
enllcd In .lustle-u Hninctt'i ollico ycstcnliiy
nnd continued until Augu-st S by ut'n'eincnt
of the counsel.
Mrs. Klleii Ilolmos now steps into court
nml iiftUs for n divorce from 1C. .1 , Holmes , on
tlio ground that liodosertotllior and her little
child. Hho mils for thu custody of the child ,
wlilcb h now four years old.
The poll tax collector bus bagini the expe
riment of forciiif'delinquents to pay by eoin-
incnclnB suits in thu just leu courts. He will
doubtless it ml Ita pretty slow \viiy and ono
which will not iirovo very lucratfvo to the
The jury In the Emlscn-Sclucdsnck d.itn-
HKC ease retired ntI o't-lotilt j'estcnlay after
noon. At lOo'clock last nlirlit tlioy sent for
the court uinl uslted for sjiuclal Instructions
onsuvcnil points Involved. Tlio vciiltctvas \
uot reached at midnight.
Ollleor llohleii last nlgbthnd a lively tnsscl
with Ifrnnknnd Charles Guun , who werodls-
turblnctliopeneeon upper Broadway. The
pnlrol wiiKon took them to the contra !
station , nnd they will explain the difficulty to
Judge MtCit'U ' this inorniiig.
The iilnn.s and specilleatlona for the new
Methodist church were on oxhlbltioii vcstor-
eluy at Iho oMco of F. M. Ellis A Co. lifda will
bouskeil forut once , nnd ns EOOII a-s the i-on-
tructs can liu iiuulo tlio work of building will
he commenced. The old building will bo torn
Mrs. E. Dennett , 011 North Sixth street ,
was light in ) ; her gasoline stove jesterdny
noon wheniiliid in jiasslnjj by noticed thu
initiatory llaino , mid notwitlisttindlnp : the
process of KCttiiijf a gasoline steve Into action
became alarmed ut what ho supposed VMS a
lire. Ho yelled and tlio lire-alarm was skirled ,
Vic Jeiinliib ( , the well known Upper Broad
way Kroecr , was surprised yesterday by the
visit ofun oftlcernnd u lequcst to eoinu to
the city intiMhur.s ollieo and settle the coats
and puy the customary fee charged common
carriers. One of his doli\ \ cry teams hauled
one loud , lint it proved to bo tin expensive
The flro depaitmcnt wt called out yester
day afternoon tosupprcss 11 bl.izo that had
broken out in a llttlo barn on "Uncolu avcnuo
owned byf. . G , Uttfcrbaek. The run -vvaa n
very long ono for n 11 the eoniinnles , ami by
the time tlioy reached the place the barn was
ubout consumed. Tbo little that was loft wni
saved ,
Wednesday evening three \vomenjhlwd 5.1
rl ( rfronilioiiimt'.sljani on 11 road wayaiid drove
it to Uinalia. They returned about midnight
4ind when they got to Ollleor I'utonou's beat
lie discovered that tlioy nil wcro vcrv drtiult
and ho drove the whole outllt to the central
itntion. Yesterday morulii1 * ; they wore lined
tlU eneh.
The funeral of Uuclo Matt Scanlnnoccurred
resterduy afternoon and vas Itirttely utteiulcdy
Iloth Knights of Py tlilns lodges turneel out in
full force. All the butchers In the oity aj- )
pean-cd In the 'iroeession mounted. Tlio f u-
ncnil services were concluvted by Hov.
Maclcay. The body \vus \ buried la Walnut
Illll ccinetcrv.
It is suld that E.V. . llulnos of the New
I'aeillc Is vi-ep.irliifrto retire from tbo busi
ness , hnviiiB urnuificil to dispdso of his Inter-
, csts to CiiiituiuVilllinn Jones of Idn Orovc.
Mrs. Unities' health Is not Kood , which Is tlio
iimlu i-eusoif for seeking a change , it being
their Intention to taken season of re t and
recreation bofoie nialn ciigugini * ' in business.
The colored people of Council Bluffs , or at
least u few of them , hold u nieotinif on Wed
nesday ovenliij ; for the purpose ot olectinif
ueleKate.s ! to the colored anti-prohibition con
vention to ho held In Diibuquo on August I.
Two delegates weronamctl they are ex-
psotul to go Into the convention with lit least
a beer ko full of fncts about the bporullon of
the prohibition laws in Council Blulfa.
Tlie Courfalii ) ; club held a mooting last
ovcnliiK In Colonel Ualley's oftlco. The IX-KU-
liu-buslncss oftho club was trniisacted ana
when that was linlshcd the dotalls of n l ) %
wolf hunt were urniiiKcd. No dale was llxcd
for the hunt , bat \vlll take place as soon as
Iho trammer dews am on the grass suniciently
lu-avy tocnuhlcthodojs to follow the trail
ana the dues of the members paid In todofi-ay
the cxjionsos.
Mayor \ . ti. nuiiRhnof Ilarlaii was in the
city yesterday , llo says there arohix saloons
In , two of thorn being original pack
age houses. The attempt to dry up Hurlim
hns not proved very successful and ao the nu-
thorlUes endeavored to line the | iroiirictdw
f-J , " > caoli month. The oilulnal i > acltiuc houses
refuse to nay , and the others nro now rlnlm-
liiK1 Unit IfoaoRiilooii docs not have to pay
others ought not to pay.
Airs. T , O. Johnson , the Indywho was so
frightfully burned by falling upon u steve on
the afternoon ot July -1 no her homo on
Twentieth avenue , has been safely curried
through all the dangerous periods that hnvo. '
followed her fearful injuries , nnd Is now
rapidly recovering , City 1'liyslclaii .Jennings
bus nttended her , and ho regards the cuso as
one of the most rcnmrkible on record , Over
lifty pounds ot Foster's burn remedy , mecca
compound , was used in the treatment.
A serious and most painful accident befell
Eunice Onvson , the bright llttlo seven-year-
old daughter of Air. J , C. Grnson of
TUB llii : ! forco. Blio fell from n
hammock on "Wednesday evening anil
sustained a compound fracture of her left
nnu below the elbow. Thofotvo ot the full
wns so grout that the broken bones were
driven through the tender llesh anil Into the
ground. The llttlo ouo's Injuries were in
tended to by Drsr Hnnchutt and Smith.
'J'ho most lainontablopurtof the newspaper ,
railroad and hotel moils' thrco-to-ono blootly
light at Iho I'lU'itlc house Wedncsdiiv evening-
wns the tad effect It liad upon Mrs. Snjjuln ,
wlfoof ono of thoprindpah. Hho bus but
recently returned Ironi nu nsylum , where she
hivs been wutly benotlUHl by a lengthy
cour o of modleallreatinoiit for mental and
nervous troubles. She sustained a severe
shock when her husband was brought homo
hi the evening , bruised and bloody , ana it
wns feared for a tlmo U would tin-owner back
Into thosumo unfortunate condition she was
in before- she went to the asylum. Shu is
still siuioringgi-oitly from nervous prostra
tion and the oxcltenient produced by the
Tlio first prosecution that lia.i been made
for many years to forvo the collection of poll
tiui was successfully inndo before Justice
liarnolt yesterday , J\i't > loix'd iinui. who goes
thi-ougli the worM buiileucd with tlio extra
ordinary nuino of Urant Mopplti ) ' , or Mopping
Grunt , wfUH'd to pay his poll tux after re
ceiving duo notice. Ills refusuH were many
nnd somewhat Impciliucnt , nnd I'ojl ' Tax
Collector McCleran eonoluded to ninio an ex-
ninplo of him. Ho owed onlyfJ , but vlion
the case was concluded In Darnell's court
yesterday afternoon the Judgment docket
bhowed St'-ViS the total costs. JHs em
ployer , ono of the market pnrdenors near
town , liad been gurnishccd , uud uuld tha full
amount frouiMoppliiu's ' wugcs. City Attorney
Stewait uroseeulod tie case.
Ilall Waives Intubation from His Cot in
the Patrol Wagon on the Slreot ,
( icitcrnl Agent McC'lliilnuk . of tlic
Hoclc Muml 1tc.sijiis Mr . IIiill'H
A Had Confidence
I'orHuiial ' N'
yesterday ut 1 o'clock Hull , the wife mur
derer , was taken from the hoipltal and
| > lnectl ! n the patrol \va on , guarded by n
liliitoon of police , nnd taken to .Tustico Bur
nett's oflleo for arraignment for his awful
crime. So fur H-J the removal o ( any pos
sibility ofescnpo w.i3 concerned , the presence
of tlio police \viis unnecessary , The old man
Iny 01111 imitrow In tlm bottom of the patrol
wnirou as helpless us a now born babe , nnd
the three ofllecM who occupied JLlio scats bo-
slilo him , holding an umbrella over him anil
fnmiltitf lilm , wore more like tender ministers
of mercy tliiin.jrrlniKUiinls conducting a mur
derer to Jail. The patrol chovo slowly up to
Baricctt'solllce , and Caiitnln Martin got out
anil went up the nnrrow stops alone1. Tim
newspaper reporters wcro waltini'In the lit
tle olllce for the appearance of thu murderer ,
mid when the trllccr informal the Jusllco that
Hall wits too frail and weak to bo carried up
the narrow step , and uskod the pleasure of
the court , thiicourt anil the reporters went
do\vn stairs nnd climbed Into the wigon , and
ttin briefest iirelliiilmiry cx.milnnllon In the
history of criminal jurlsjiniitoaco was holtl In
the street.
" \Vhatdo \ you wish to do I'1 the court In
Tim old 111:111 slowly raised Ills eyes and
looked Intently Into the kind fuco of the
jtidfrc. His lips moved slightly nnd tin In-
uuillblo sound escaped Ihotn.
"I > o you wMi towalveexainlnatlon or hnvo
a hcnrhigr1
Aguln there was n faint nnd RurRllntr
sound , and tlic justice leaned over and placed
his cnr close to the lips of the murderer.
Tin : DII : man was within threes fuel of the
murderer , with his head bent forward llstcn-
iiiR Intently for the response , but the words ,
articulated with great difilculty , were In
"All right,1' ' said the Judge. "Ho snys ho
don't care what we do , " and ho handed u
nnllmus already prepared to Captain Martin.
Ttiotnltlmus committed Henry Hull to the
county Jail without ball to await his trluL for
murder In the iirst derive ? . The twoolliecrs
who wore holding the uiubrcllu and funning
him did not leave their places. The Justice
and tlio reporters stepped down and
the wanonvna driven slowly
up Broadway nnd down Bancroft
to tlio county Jail. Tlio Bancroft route was
chosen on account of the paving and to
avoid the useless torture to the old mini , oc
casioned by the jolting on the rough , granite
blocks on Main street.
A prcut crowd of peojilo had gathered
around the wijton , anxious to get a look nt
the wan face of the murderer. At least a
hundred of thorn were women , and many of
thorn iiithelrea cniejs to see Uiu who
had so crnellv taken the lifo oC his faithful"
wife , climbed upon the wheels of the wagon.
The sidewalk wm densely ) iacked , but Of-
Jlecr Dc'Spaln , who was shicldingthoprisoncr
with t lie umbrella , nrovolclngly held it so
it shut off every opportunity to catch oven a
glimpse of flio couch upon which the mur
derer was lying.
Hull was ntcmco taken Into the Jail and
placed In one of the cells in the cylinder , and
turned over to the sheriff nnd the county
physiclJii. - There Is little prospect Qf him
ever being tried for hi" crime. The wan face ,
expressionless ns that of u corpse , and the
vacmtixed : ! sture of the glazed eyes , Inill-
cnto but too well Unit nature is about re.idy
to appeal his case from earthly courts to the
great nnd Hunt tribunal wliero all n.ust bonr-
iMlgned. Jtla scarcely probable thut ho will
Ion ; ; .stand the conllnemuut and rigors of
prison discipline.
A. new incident In thu case was developed
yesterday by the arrival in the city of Mrs.
Ella Smith , n sister , and the only living- rela
tive of thu murdered woman. She is the
wife ? of u .ivell-to-do farmer living near
Onuwa , In. , nnd tlio first Intimation she had
of the murder of her sister was contained in
ii letter from overseer of the poor Jlnrt
Hurdin , who wrote to her u few days ago.
After recollecting the fact Unit Mrs. Hull had
endeavored to procure transiwrtatlon from
him to go to Onawrt for the purpose ) of visit-
iiiK her sister ho made inquiries among the
children and learned the address of thesistci * .
Ms.Smith 'ciimo down on the first train
after receiving the letter. Slio liad lost , all
trace of her sister and had not heard from
her for twenty-four years. All the facts of
tlio crhno and the existence of the children
were Imparteil to her. She asked to bo taken
to the children nt once , unit Hard in took her
to the residence of G. " 1C. Hesso. who has the
blue-eyed four-year-old baby. She expressed
a desire to take the children homo with her ,
provide them good homes and take care of
them. It is i-ulto probable her request will
1)0 granted , as she says she Is abundantly
ivhle to do so. The older child Is living with
AV. JI. Beck's family.
Xnttco to Contractors
Tlio building committee on the First M. 13.
church of Council Dluits , In. , will receive
sealed proposals for the erection of anew
church on the site of the present church ,
corner Broadway and First street , according
to plans and spccincaliom to bo seen attho
cilices of the architects , Jlerriam block ,
Council Bluffs , 011 ana after Thursday , July
til. The committee reserves the light to re
ject any or all bids. Proposals to bo delivered
to tlio uiulevblgaod orV. . S. Mnyne , 101
Pearl street , Council niuffs , on or before
noon of Saturday , the lid day of August.
If. M. lli.iisit Co. , Architects.
Dr. Hovers' ofllco moved to20 K , Main.
The Itlot , Cases in Court.
II. E. Gtlmni , the AVorld-HoraM reporter
who precipitated the riot at tha PaclHo house
on "Wednesday evening by strangely refusing
to bothuinpoU , was not found by the ofllceH
detailed to arrest him during the night , and
yesterday morning came into court and sur-
'rendered ' Ms handsome person Into its cus
tody. Ills bond was quickly fixed and ho
was permitted to continue His rustic for iic\vs
and business for his paper.
Tlio eases were set for hearing at 5 o'clock
last evening , and nil the principals wcrothero
but Saguln. Ho was represented by his
physician , Dr. Macrae , by n certificate to the
effect that ho was too seriously injured to
appear. All the cases were accordingly con
tinued until today , or until Htvjjuln can bo oa
hand to defend and prosecute.
llo is even -worst ) hurt than it was supposed
ho was utter tlio end of the- bloody fray. The
vicious blows htruckupon his head by Ilayues1
bricks have Induced considerable fever ,
and his physician has dceiucd it ncccessnry
to enjoin quiet and rest ,
If you wish to sell your property cull on the
Judd&Vlls \ \ Co. , U. B , Judd , president , OOii
J. G. 'Upton , real estate , B'7 Broidway.
Parties knowing themselves Indebted to
the Council Blurts carpet company will pleao
call and settle ut ouco with cash or by note ,
Gi ; II or ill Agent Motllntook IOHJIIS. |
Several days ago Jerouio Mediated : , who
bus boon no long the general agent of the
Hock Island iMllroud ut Council Bluffs , neat
his resignation to the company iindyestor-
day ho surprised his friends by informing
them that It 1md been sent and accepted. Tlio
resignation caused almo-it a sensation In rail
road circles , ns Mr. McCllutoels had beeu en-
endly looked upon as ono of the llxturesot
the company lit tills point. Cou | > 16d with the
information from Chicago that Mr. McClln-
tock's resignation had been accepted tauno
theiatclllgenco that his successor would bo
J. X UotIvno lias been Ids able assistant
for many years.
lloththo gentlemen arc among the most
iKiiiulur In the city , and regrets and congratu-
lutloiui are heai-d oil every sldo.
" 1 have resigned und Joe U to succeed mo.
I am going to tuko u ii-st , nfter which 1 don't
know what I nhull do. " But it was learned
from him that ho will bo in uo hurry to cuter
ngntn upon the dutic'of a railroad position ,
ns there nro several tempting offers nwnttlng
his uc-ccptunce
Uurlng the conversation with him Mr. KofT
entered the ticket ofilco nnd upon uolng eon-
firatulatcd tnid only to says "Hove the
Hock Island route , but I think more of .leromo
IcCllntoclUhiinof the whole "
There wcro tx'nru in Joe's eyes us he spoho
the words , nnd the fedlnghoevlnced Isslmred
hy nil the omploj'oi of the road who li.ivo
long boon associated with Mr. McClintook.
The resignation takes effect on the 1st , mid
Jlr. Hell will ( VMiniio the duties of the posi
tion. His appointment is u deserved compll-
nicnt nnd nn uc-knowlcdginont of his fult'iful '
nnd competent services for the company dur
ing the yeaiMhohas hold responsible posi
tions In its employ.
Mnndel k Klein uru otferhiR great induce-
meat to housekecpcn during these hot days.
Wo nro receiving now good ) dntly und can
offer ( treat baraalns In carpets , bedding , coolt
stoves , oto. wo wish to uriko room for our
fall stock.Vo would bo pleaded to have you
flpurowith us for cash or on the installment
Plan. Wo will ship all iwotU free of chnrgo
within u radiuaof 100 tulles. Homombur.
'J O Broadway.
C. Blxby , steam lu'.itlnjr , sanitary en
gineer , 013 Llfo bulldlnif , Ojnlr-i ; liJi Mer
rliim block , Council Itluflj.
CoiUldeiive "VI nn
Onicor ( Juinn , at tlio Union Pacific trans
fer , lias been the means of safely landing be
hind the bars und glvlngono more of tlio con
fidence men who Infest the union depot a
peed start toward the penitentiary. The con
fidence ) sharks hnvo cuught hundreds of vic
tims among the travelers at the transfer and
buvo success fully -worked .every known con-
lldenccnco game there In splto of tbe vif-
Ilimco of the ofllcerj , The latest pinie Is the
"slipper raclict , " und it has caught n score of
victims in the last ten days. The shark'
selects his victim nnd approaches him
familiarly us un old friend. If lie
lias lonritoJ the victim's name so
much the better , but if ho makes n mistake
and calls Drown Smith , Hro\vn thlnU.i It Is
only u ease of mistukon Identity , and it is all
right. The shark 1ms just returned from tlio
west , and Is overjoyed to meet Smith , fur lie
1ms souse very line presents for him. He
lakes him aside and opens his grip and takes
out several pairs of ilncly beaded moccasins
nnd tells Smith ho has brought several pairs
of them for him. but didn't expect to see him
so soon , und is delighted to have the oppor
tunity of giving him tha presents so much
sooner than ho expected. Smith thinks it Is
n case of mistaken Identity , but sees the op
portunity of KCttinu a nlco present mid keeps
still. Unfortunately the slippers lire toosmull
or nil too large , and Smith's heartaches with
disappointment Dnt the fellow 1ms a whole
: runk full of assorted sizes , and bo invites
Smith to RO with him to the buKgago room
uitlgct atlt. On the way tbo shark recol
lects that liWms not paid his excess baggage
charges "and quickly discovers that ho lacks a
few dollars of having enough to pay with.
fie has plenty of stuff , mid ho proposes to
? ivc Smith not only two or three moccasins
for himself , but .for all his relations and
friends if ho will advance him the few dollars
required , Smith feels mean but avaricious
mil he gives up the money. The shark goes
lo hunt the buggagu master niul forgets
to return. This racket has been played
on several prominent gentlemen of this city ,
and it was being successfully played upon a
Bisscngcr from Corning , .Mo. , named P. S.
apgutt , WcJiiesJay evening , when , Ofllccr
Quiiin interfered and put the smooth young
man who was working it under arrest , and
called tlio police patrol wagon and bad him
locked up in the central station. Ho gave the
name of James Bailey.
"yesterday ho was identified in the city Jail
by several of his victims , \vlionthocaso
was called hut evening Judge ) ISlcGoo bad no
dinieulty in securing sulliclent evidence to
liolil hiinto the grand jury. His bond was
llxed at fJOO , and In default ho was taken to
the county Jail.
AVe close our store at ( > p. in. during warm
weather. JMueller music company , 1U2 Main
The Slanhattan sporting headquarters , 418
13 road way.
Mayor Kecd of Mauawa lias gene on a trip
to California.
Jlajer Cole of Pacific Junction was In the
city yesterday.
A. A. Watts of Ncola was greeting iriends
hero yesterday.
M. Holbrook , the Missouri Valley banker ,
visited the Bluffs yesterday.
Mrs. W. L. Baughnof Ilarlan has pone to
Idaho on a visit to relatives and friends.
Harry Hoffmayr , who Is in California ,
writes that ho has regained his old weight ,
and is enjoying himself gardening and hunt
ing , ut thu same tlmo regaining health.
Lieutenant Gallagher is now stationed at
Fort \Vlngntc , N , M. Mrs. Gallagher writes
to her" father , Henry Paschcl , that the
weather there has hoeii very comfortable ,
there 'being no such heated spell as hero.
A good hose reel f rco with every 100 feet of
Uoso purchased at Bixliy's.
The I'rc.sideiit and tlio Guard.
Mouxr Gitr.TXA , Pa. , July 24. There were
two important matters to engngo the utten- '
tion of members of tha national guard ut
Camp Hartran ft today , one bcini ; the arrival
of the presidential party from Snsliington ,
nnd the other the formal appointment
of General Snowden of Philadelphia
to bo and successor to General
Ilartrauft as commander of the Pennsylvania
nrmy. The presence of the president drew u
great crowd , llesidcs tUo president there
wcro In the party Secretary of War Proctor ,
Postmaster General Wanamaker , Attorney
General Miller unel Major General SehofloUl.
The recaption was cordial in the extreme.
President Harrison paid tlio national guard
some high compliments. A review of lOJO ) ,
troop.- ) , including u United States army de
tachment , took plncoat 4:30 : o'clock.
At DiliO the visitors returned to Washing
ton , delighted with the trip.
LONDON , July 21. Through a phonograph ,
today , Mr. Gladstone listened to remarks
from General Sherman nnd others given at a
recent n.eetinjj in Now York. Mr.
Gladstone was deeply interested. Ho
said bo Is so accustomed to
receiving notes of kindness from America
that his vocabulary of gratitude has been ex
hausted. If any tiling could lead him to
question the soundness of their good judg
ment and make bimbelievo .Americans liable
to bo misled from n right understanding of
human nnturo it would bo the exceeding
warmth * with which they are always pleased
to f i-amo their views of bis character.
Tilly NordcU'K Tain of Woe.
Tilly Nor3o.ll , a young Swedish girl of
rattier prepossessing appearance , has en
listed the services of Judge Bnuulos In her
bearcli fora husband. She is anxious to be
come the blushing brldo of Nets Anderson ,
and the judge uccominodiitlngly Issued a
warrant for tlio arrest of the young fellow
an tlio chnrgo of deduction. Anderson was
arrested last evening. Ho is not desirous of
becoming the head of a family Just at too
present time , but thinks it preferable to a
term In the penitentiary , and u wedding in
Justice Brandos' court is nmong the proba
bilities of the near future.
A Great Instate.
CHICAGO , July 24. A dispatch from Butte ,
Mont , , says : A sensation was created hero
today by the tiling of the will of the Into
Judge A.\T. Davis , The document , which
was dated In Iowa In ISSil , makes his brother ,
John Davis of this city , solo heir. Aiimilties
nro also given to two Illegitimate children ,
The estate Is valued at I.OOO.tKK . ) .
Street Clounei-4 Strike ,
NEW Yonic , July 21. All the drivers of thcf
street cloaningdopartment joined the strikers
this morning- and were almost ut a atandstlll ,
Nearly -00 men are out.
1'lro Itocord ,
CHICAGO , July 3-1. The Alston manufactur
ing company's establishment ( paints ) burned
tonight. Loss , fltW.OOO.
Iloth Worn Killed.
CHICAGO , July 24. At Pullman tonight
Miss Zora Warner started across the tracks ,
not scoln ? the MIcliljrAti Central fust ex pro s
coming. William ( . 'nrtv'lKlitspriinK forward
and cmlcnvorod to savd tier , but bet i ho and
tlio young woman \vtro stntclt by tlio tndn
nnd Instantly killed. /
A Xew i * < < flimiRicr. :
"AAf mxoTo.v , July * \ , [ Special TcleKram
to TIIK 13Kn.J J. ! > . Innian lias been ap
pointed a fourth class postmaster at fjuarry ,
Mnrsnnll county , In , , vice K. B. Sinclzer , re-
ntirlinil. . *
liomls Aeuopiecli
WASHIXOTO.V , July \ , [ Special TcloRrnm
loTiu : Hr . : . ] Jlonds nccoptcds SISI , " at
* ' " ' - ' ; $ - > , : n,3.-iO ) atjl.31 and below.
TUB XB\V rit i\8 UllY .NOTI3S.
How Th yVIII I.ookVhcu They Com
From the I'I-RHN.
The president mid Sot-rotary AVlndoin
have approved the designs of the now
treasury notcH provided for by tlio no\v
silver bill. These notes will boot oitflit
clllforcnt ilonomhmliotis us follows : One-
dollar , two-dollar , live-dollar , ton-uollur ,
twenty-dollar , uttv-dollar , ono-huml red-
dollar and otiothoiisanddollnt1.Vhllo
eacli note has a distinctive deslffii out-
sldo of its viiluo designation , they will
all resoluble in ironenil form and clinniu-
tcrlstles tlio present le < rnl-tender notM.
'Ihoy will bo printed in muck on the face
a nil in green on tlio back.
A no\v feature of the notes , intended
to prevent rntaingor nltoratlon , is tlio
printing of their value In l > lr ( blituk lot-
turs across the kit'lc. .Tills will be done
in tho.cnso of tlio ones , two- - * , lives , tciiH ,
twenties atiil fifties. Block flyurea will
boused in the case of the one latmlrcd
nnd ono-tliou iind-dollnr notes , as the
width of the imto will not admit of the
use of letters of the desired size.
The notes will dllYor from all previous
issues in bearing the words "United
States of America" instead of simply
"United .Slates. " They will say on their
face that they are redeemable In coin
and on tlielr backs that they are legal
tender for nil deb In , public and private.
Portraits will ba displayed on the dilTor-
cnt notes , so fur as selected , as follows :
Ex-Secretary Slanton on the ones , Gen
eral Thomas pn thu fives , General Shori-
( lun on tlio tens , Admiral Farragut on
the one-hundreds ami General JMoado on
the one-thousands. The vignettes for
the two , twenty anil fifty dollar notes
will probably contain the portraits of
General Meijh err-on , ex-President "Will-
lam Henry Harrison and ox-Sccrotury
Moi'rill respectively. The vignettes of
Thomas nnu Shoriittin will bo placed ox-
netly in the center of the face of the
notes , all the others being- placed on the
Iiiflniimmtioa of the lUudder
Is promptly enred by the -\vatcrs of Excel
sior Springs , Missouri.
Karly Da j H In Jlenehvooil.
In recalling the memory of the early
days at Doadwook Colonel Patrick said
to a reporter for the Denver News :
"There will novel * ho another Dead-
wood. Prom every state nnel territory
of the union thousands Hooked to the
spot , and yet it was the bost-natured
crowd I over saw. At one son son it was
during- the campaign for county shoril !
it was customary every dayiromll to
2 o'clock to see from 3,000 to 7,000 men
collected at ono of tlio wtreot corners ,
the main gathorinp place of the town.
A platform made of cordwood wis a permanent -
manont fixture at the spot , and behind it
was a blackboard. Every day before
noon somebody ascomlod the platform
and wrote the "names of ton to twenty
persons who would bo expected to de
liver addresses from the rostrum for the
edification of the people. It mattered
not whether a mun coulel speak : no ox-
cijso was received , and if any victim at
tempted to escape ho was seized and car
ried to the spot by main force. Once
there ho could advance any sentiments
ho liked and was always accorded a re
spectful hearing until somebody began
to tli inlc ho had talked long enough.
The ii rat intimation ho received of the
fact was a blow from behind which sent
him headlong from his perch. Ho was
knocked down with an empty tea chest
which was attached to a rope and drawn
back into the store to bo used upon the
next STJoaker. Tlio crowd screamed with
laughter at the odd appearance of the
speaker as ho fell forward , and another
victim was produced. I know whereof
I speak , ' Vontinued ; the colonel , "for I
felt the weight of the tea chebt myself. "
It Is very important in this ago of vast ma
terial progress that a remedy bo pleasing to
tlio taste and to tbo eye , easily taken , accept
able to the stomach and healthy in its natura
and effects. Possessing these qualities.
Syrup of Figi is the ono perfect laxative and
most gentle diuretic Icnown.
Iocam ! 5 Mad on n Train.
"For heaven's sake call an officer , "
cried Conductor Wanjon , leaping from
the Little \liaml \ passenger train before
it came to a stop in the depot at Colum
bus , O. , followed by a score of bxctitcd
passengers. "Thero is a man raving
with hydrophobia in the car. " Two
weeks ago Vance S. Sollloy of London ,
O. , was bitten on the cheek by a hound
which ho was attempting to put out of
his house , hays a dispatch to the Chicago
Herald. Saturday tlio dog showed signs
of hydrophobia and Sollloy , much
alarmed , was on his way to the city to
place himself for treatment in a hos
pital. As the train neared the city ho
sullered .a fit nt tlio sight of a glass of
water , anil , barking and snarling , at
tacked the passengers , who Hod to the
platforms and , as soon iw tlio train's '
speed admitted it , jumped olT. The im-
fortunnto man was safely taken to the
oontrnl station to await advices from his
friends , where ho now lies sulTering
spasm after spasm. _
Tlio AVoiunn Imvyer.
Tlio American female bar Is just now
receiving Its first substantial boom , snys
the Illustrated American , The novelty
of the situation is wearing oil , the preju
dice In the common ml nil against the
woman lawyer Is disappearing' ; the law
departments in the colleges and univer
sities are opening 1q her ; there has come
a demand for her services In every sub
stantial legal firm ; and the women her
self has learned thut , tlio profession is not
only possible and practical , but elevating
anil remunerative. To draft the will or
take the acknowledgment or antl-mor-
tom examination of the dying womnn ,
her presence is esUucjially welcome. In
drafting the details , of bills of sale , tak
ing an inventory of house-hold goods ,
reading the record * ) of real estate ,
drafting ami recording deeds , she is also
The Glrl'H'Otlicr Knot.
" \Vhoroou curtli'lp ' that girl's other
footV" This remitt'lc * was uttered in an
audible whisper by an excited individual
in a loading up-lown cafe the other
afternoon , and the person addressed
looked in amazement at Ills questioner ,
s-iyn the Now York Star. Hut examina
tion showed only ono tiny buttoned gal-
tor in sight , and the fair owner did not
have a pair of crutches or two canes to
assist her either. Tlio young woman
was sitting on her right foot , which was
coiled up on the clinir. Tlio peculiarity
of women was subsequently brought up
for discussion In , a party of married
people , and the ladles present declared
that the practice was no worse than for
men to cross their logn in public convey
ances or places , Ilosides , If ns moil baid ,
thoii1 logs are rested by Biich a proceed.
Ing , surely women have the tumio right
to tuko a portion which will render
them more comfortable than by having
their feet dangling from a chair und
beiiig uuftblo to touch , the lloor.
A Sppplos oriiiHiinlty t > AVhlch Young
How often , alaal docs a mnn do things
when hols IIwt innrricd which lie sub *
frequently regrets. This la especially
true of lirooklyn inon , and a ease re
ported from there only goes to conlml !
this general observation. David Sulli
van was up before the Duller street
police court In that city charged with
striking his wife , says the Now York
Tribune. Certainly no man , whether
ho lives In Brooklyn or elsewhere , Is
over jiiHtllluil under .any circumstances
In striking his wife , wo are glad Mr.
Sullivan denies the charge. Ills lan
guage in sneaking of his wife , ho ad
mits , may have been , like that employed
by the Into Truthful James , "plain , " but
ho Is sure that ho did not stiiko her.
LJut If it wore nosslblo for a man to ho
justified In striking his wife gently and
then saying Unit lie was sorry and
smoothing itovei'Boino way , \vo \ bellovo
that Mr. Sullivan would b ( fully pro
vided with an 'excuse.
If there is one thing which Mr. Sulli
van likes above other things It is break
fast. If ho eiiu gut a good hearty break
fast early in the morning ho feels com
paratively independent of the other twn
monln. Air. Sullivan likes to lie In bed
of a morning and hear the gentle slx./.lo
of ham as it is being- fried in the skillet
for his brciilcfiiht. It delights him to
have the aroma of boiling colTeo lloat
about his pillow IIH ho takes his last
slumber. Tie loves to bo roused from Ills
last morning dream by the sharp Hop of
the tlapjauk. Uo dresses himself with a
quiet feeling of inward joy if ho hears
the welcome clang of _ the walllo-
iron , nnd us ho werids his way
toward the dinning room ho feels
prepared for the day's trials and
duties if ho notes that the flavor of beef
steak and onions rides on the morning
breeze. Mr Sullivan is no gourmand ,
yet ho doenliko his beefsteak. But will
Mrs. Sullivan prepare her husband's
breakfast ? Nof Hho claims that it
hurts her complexion. Jt is different
with a man no mutter about his com
plexion so she has insisted that h1.
Sullivan get up In the morning and got
his own breakfast. And the unfortunate
Sullivan has either been doing it or go
ing without for twenty-one years. JSJifijg
A few weeks iifjo wo noted the case of
a lirooklyn man who , getting n good
cook , in an insane moment married her ,
the natural result following : sjie refused
to cook as soon as married , anil shortly
after left him entirely , on thu plea that
she could not endure the poor cooking of
the cool : hired In her place. "When a
Brooklyn man is in love ho seems to bo
a very foolish creature. For how did
Mrs. Sullivan got her peculiar notions
concerning thopropa.l.ig of the family
breakfast ? From the inisiruldcd Sulli
van himself , wo blush to say" Whim they
were first married , twenty-one years ago ,
she of course expected "to got tlio
breakfast like any dutiful wifo. IJut no ;
Sulllvun would not hoar of it , Ho crtild
not bear the idea of his precious work
ing with the material sausage or manip
ulating the prosaic grlddie-cako. Ho
would get breakfast. So ho did , and to
day ho iy in the Butler street police
court with a lawyer appointed by the
judge to defend him.
Of course Sullivan only intended his
brcakfnst-gotting operations n a pleasant
little way of marking the honeymoon.
Mrs. Sullivan , with the perversity
of woman , looked on thorn differently.
She was willing to call it u permanent
arrangements. More she insisted. It
has lasted twenty-one cheerless years.
Sometimes , us wo said before , Mr. Sulli
van lias had breakfast sometimes ho
lias not. Tlio worm wo refer to Sulli
van turned at last ; and , as wo also re
marked before , ho is today being prac
tised on by a young lawyer in the Butler
street police court. Alas ! poor Sullivan.
How foolish a thing is man in his honey
moon !
All of which we trust will servo as a
warning to young men now in their
hono.vmoons. Do nothing that you can
not standby twenty-one years from now.
Remember Sullivan's condition today.
The now offices of the great Rock Is
land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Parnam
street , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call nnd see thdm. Tickets to all points
cast at lowest rates
Setting a Trap For tlie
At Wutorvillo , Mo. , lad tells the Sen-
lenol astoiy of the remarkable saga
city of a pot cat which ho owns. The
cat has a great fondness for the llesh of
hirels , and in order to make her quest
for the satno successful employs a strat
agem. Evidently understanding-
bird's fondness for angle worms , she col
lects a bunch of sumo and buries them in
the ground. She then takes her places
In a convenient place of ambush nnd
when the birds aught to secure their co
veted morsel she springs from her con
cealment and pounces upon them. . Inny
n bird thus falls a prey to pussy's '
Tickets at lowest rates nnd superior
accommodations via the great Hock Is
land route- Ticket ottteo , 1002 Six
teenth and Fai-nam jstrcots , Omiiha.
Luxuries oil tbo Kail.
The Illustrated American thinks that
the Llestcr system of serving meals on
Knglibh railroads would bo a delightful
plan to adopt hero for the benefit of
women traveling without escorts. Most
Americans who , make the trip from
Liverpool to London on the Mid
land railway have been filled with
pleased surprise to have the rosy guard
hand them in a basket of steaming lunch
at 1 o'clock. Seated comfortably in the
coach , the train rushing along past
flowery meadows , crystal brooks and
and picturesque hamlets , one investigates
the hamper In leisurely comfort.
Behold , inside a napkin , plato , knife ,
fork , glass and spoons nro discovered , all
spotlessly clean and of good quality.
Then with growing appetite ono'flnds
the half of a hot , tender chicken ncbtliug
beside two sunny rolls , with hum , but
ter , crackers , spinach , a _ rich salad , a
tart and a bottle of good wine. There is
not the slightest hurry ; ono eats at one's
convenience , 'complimenting English
cookery and landscape In a breath.
When lunch Is over the paraphornalla
and fragments are replaced , nnd ut the
next station the guard relieves ono of
the basket and receives the it shillings
(76 ( cents ) charged for this luxurious re
HmV tc.Mnke CofTeo.
All raw material is to ho hud in per
fection in tills wonderful world's mart ,
yet how poor are the results obtained.
Take the case of colfeo. Is there ono
English cook out of fifty who can niako
it well , writes Max O'Kell ' to the Chicago
cage Herald. And yet all that is re
quired for the operation Is a llttlo nicety
and intelligence. What could bo easier ,
for Instance , than the making of colTeo
as the Arabs do it ? And what more de
licious ? Despairing of over getting oof-
fee fit to drink in hplto of hav
ing provided colTce pots to suit
tlio demands of each fresh qucon of
the kitchen , wo have gone back to the
simple saucepan of the Arab and been
rewarded with many a smllo of approba
tion from friends who have tasted the
Ixivorago , to say nothing of the comfort
of having good colTeo every diiy. In ciiho
any of my readers should bo as curious
as my personal friends , I may as well ex
plain Hint the process is this : Pleasure
the water and innko It boil in n wmeopun
taut U will uot fill , IIuvo ready two
tciiflpooiifiils of freshly ground coffee
mill ono of sugar to caeMi colToo
cupful of water. Throw this Into
the boiling wntor niul stir for n moment
" \Vntcli \ tlio coffee , tintl immodlntoly It
begins to bubble ami vine lift elY the pun
for half u minute. Give ono stir und nut
Uon the lire - ignlti.Mion on tlio point
of boiling remove It again. It must ho
live tlinog brought lo the boiling point in
this way and then poured into cups and
allowed to Hotlle. The frothy croaml-
itoss thiitcnpSLMioheup contains till the
iior-fumo of the cotton. For morning uof-
fee Borvo in ti lug , and allow it lo slaiiel
live mlnnles Lo f oru pouring into cups
with hot milk.
1G02. Sixteenth unit Pnrinin Btroots la
the now Itunltislanil ticket ollleo. Tick
ets to all points east tit lowest ratoi
TIII : Ai.usTiTTiiiiTvrni-JTi.iN.h.vM' .
How Ono llnw ; ht Ijiiok to n Ilau'o-
Traok I'ltniKcr.
"Intu thankful to soo.1 said a Now
Ybrkor of considerable experience the
other day , to n Times reporter "lluit
tlio iiopulnf aiitlpalhy to mothers-in-law
Is becoming- n nieusuro exllnet. It
was always , of course , oonlined to tTio
more vulgar classes , but the poor
abused 'relative' wns inost umuorciftillv
drubbed hi every nowsnpor mill comic
magazine , nnd it got lobe most disgusting -
ing to nnyboily of ileconey mul common
" "Why , I know of numberless in-
Bttinccsvhoroti 111:111 : lmbcon bonolltoil
by H motlior-liiw. A frlondof inltio-aml
by the way this story is perfectly true -
came to mo just tlio ether day complain
ing of tlio nuitnbllitv of this world's
fortunes , especially In the mutter of racing , llo wild that ho really hail
no right to complain , for in a liimncinl
way ho had coiuo out ahead. The
worst of Iho mat tot- was Unit his ono and
only iitlentliinco at a bin-so race had ro-
suited in a complete clomolitloii of his
hitherto superstitious Imlroil of his
"This may bo hard lo umlurtirm1 , but
it is truo. My friuiul had noroi-Indulged
In the wild dissipation of attunling a
horse rncoandvasatlviseilby his friends
that ho could not expec.t to retain his
position in society unless ho underwent
this form of mental excitement at lonst
onoo. llo accordingly went. Like till
novices , ho wts c.oinplolol.v swept oil' his
foot by the clieoi-s and oxeitoimmt in tbo
great crowd , and would iloubless hnvo
BiilTeroclsovero losses hnel ho not boon
nroviously prevented from carrying with
him nioro than $2o besides onougli for
his car furo.
"As it wns , ho ilotormined tobot o on
each of the live races of tlio day. Some
how he failed to got his money upon
the llrst rtioo and then ho was iionrly
crazy to bet on the feeoiid. Of coui-so
ho had with him an export who intiatoil
him into tlio mysteries of odds , Vlioti
ho-ses' and the like , and this dignitary
was very badly shot-lied when my frioiul
neixoil him by tlm arm , and pointing
eagerly at the board whore tbo naiiios of
the horses in the next race were ported ,
shouted ; "There's tbo horse I am going
to but on ID to 1 I'll ho shot If I don't , '
and then struggled off with si ton-dollar
bill in bis hiiml intent on hotting
ting on ono of tlio rankest outsiders in
tbo i-acu.
"The ad visor ot my friend.was horri
fied and protested against such a foolish
oxpondiluro of money , but to no pur
pose. Uo was bent on bolting on Unit
particular liorso , anil fenu very particu
lar reason. ItVIIB \ a her o we call , for
bliort , Matilda .Iiino , and was no
possible cbaiicoof her winning , out the
uotwas mailo. .Then my friend explained -
plained that ho was more than ylafl to
uot on her , bocaiiHO HSfntilila .fano wns the
name of his tlctirly-lintcd mothor-in-linv ,
and ho was willing to pay $10 just for the
pleasure which ho hint been sui-o of get
ting in seeing hoi1 beaten.
" \Vcll , would you believe it ? Jlntildti
Juno was in tbo very worst part of tlio
'ruolc. ' The favorites were forging nway
ahead and Matilda .liino wns concealed
by tbo distance , when the first horse
slipped nnd foil. The others swerved
and stumbled over him , while Matilihi
Juno sailed camly by them anil won the
"My frioml found him&olf the unfortu
nate winner of $400 , and loft tbo track ,
moody and disheartened to think that ,
after nil , the uncertainty of a horse race
crushed his pot scheme of glorying at
tha small cost of $10 in the 'loss of
money on his motiior-ln-liiw'H name.
Ills whole theory of existence has bcon
so altered since that is not the Htimo
mail ; "
Have used Dr. Thomas' Kclcetrio Oil for
croup nnd colds , uinl declare It u positive
cure. Contributed by "Win. Kay , 570 Ply
mouth nve , Uuffalo , N , V.
Scimorl ( < "nr\vcll'f * 1'rovinion I'oi-Kstuli-
liHhiiiK i lie Olllec : ol'Caiiouari.
A special from Washington says : " \Vh
would have believed it possible that the
progressive United States would go to
backward India for n sclontilio idea ap-
pllcuoio to the public welfare.
In certain villages in the Indian cen
tral provinces there is an ofllchil termed
the gnpoguri , whoao duly it is lo iiuiko
It probably will surprise the great
mass of tlio American public to learn
that wo are to establish in this country
the ollico of gapogarl.
The provision for the now ollico occurs
in a most innocent-looking amendment
which was tacked on by the senate to the
bill making appropriations for the de
partment of agriculture , where the gen
erous sum of S-,000 is sot apart for the
uses of tlio forestry division in making-
"experiments in the production of rain-
full. " Inquiry develops the fact that
this is a sober , serious , bonti lido pro
posal , and Unit the experiments are ex
pected to bo made ; furthermore , that
forestry has nothing to do with it ,
hut that dynamite guns , electricity ,
nnd other similar instrumentalities
nro to ho employed in the solu
tion of the pi'oblpin Moreover , the ro -
ports Trom insielo of the committee
rooms show that" Senator Harwell of Illi
nois is the father of this remarkable pro
vision. "Thocaubo of Ills Interest , re
marked a colleague of his today , "mny
ho gue scd whoa it is remembered that
lie was n meinbor ofu syndicate who
built the Texas state capital , nnd that ,
in payment for tlio work , 1ho state
turned over to the syndicate HOI.IIO ! t,00- ( )
000 acres of land in the 1'an-llandlo re
gion , which , for a Inrgo part , is devoid
of llowing water , and which HiilTors also
from a deficient rainfall. The soil of
the arid sections Is of excellent quality ,
deeding only a copious mipply of water
to niako It richly fortilo. "
It will therefore ) bo the business of Dr.
Fornow , tlio chief of the forest-y division ,
to undertake the task of oxplodlng&lho
rain-clouds. When approach ! with an
inquiry the ( apogari-uleot did not express -
press himself elated nt the prospect or
oven very hopeful.
"Tlio tubjcct of inquiry is not alto
gether devoid of legittmiito Interest , "
said ho , "but , in my opinion , our knowl *
edj-o of physical forces and meteorologi
cal phenomena is scarcely yet equal to
the task which U set before us here. I
am reluctant to make experiments with *
out having first Investigated the basis
for tht'in. "
Krom another : Fouri'o it itt learned tlmfc
ono of the pliuiH dlHcusscd is lo mirchnsd
a quantity of dynanilto and semi It up In
parcels of twenlvfTVo pounds ouch at
tached to a toy balloon , nrrimgod with
tlmo fuses so us to uxplodo nt certain
heights and Intervals. Tlio whole
Kflcntillc cirolo in "Washington Is mak
ing merry over Sonulor Purwoll'a
scliomu , ami such inquiries .as , "IIuvo
you consulted the Gapogari today ? " or
"What kind of weather docs the
GnpoRurl intend to give us tomorrow ? "
threaten to relieve Iho convuivatlonul
tedium for the rest of the drv season.
Tj"OU SAU3--S nlco cotluici on Plvtliuvoimo
AJ bctjri'uSlvili nndHovt'iitlislri'oK Very
( lii'tip Iftnkvii liiiiiu'tllnluly. Inmilro ot .Mri.
K. Nuiick , : WcH. Dili st.
"TOOK SAM-Or will for n pool rend
A'tcain--t.illloii No. IHI.I. riMliti'rod InVnl -
Inro. lly Mr , AivhlbaM , dam l > y Kentucky
Way , u years old. Ajijily to Dr. Jlucrue * .
\VAM'rl--nonditrlfofi | ! < iior.ilhotiiviirki
"M WIRUS } l. NIL mo yet-olid uu . Ml * . I ) . II.
I 1 < I 111 *
. i-ltitid Klrl by MM. A. I' . Uim-
cliott , ISO bum-Ill street ,
. P11SK for i-onl N'Icii.V-rnOMi .
11 ! - roKlagc. plt-ns-
.1 liinlly IcH-.itfdi nil eonxi'iiliMii'rs. ' In.iuliu
on preuil-es , I'ouilli slii'i't and Ttvulflli ; uu-
" "filOU KENT Two BOO ! nioilorii Mouses. W.
JL1V. \ . llllu'or , 2.S 1'i'iirl street.
TilOH S.VU3 or Uotit-tinrdon land. wltU
JL1 liuiiio * , byj. It. K loo. lU.'Mulii st , , Council
" \\rtn piy : re'iit wiiunroucuii Imy itliomoou
IT tlio&iitim terms , nml Inciisuuf yuuicliwth
iitniiy tlmo It'll vo your dually the noimi ulcur
on thu folio ivlni ; terms :
A lioinu worth .il.lKW ul * 12 per month.
A homo worth flfnj at JlHJior month.
A homt worth $ . ' .nHl utj l | ior mouth ,
A homo wurlh : f.MW nt # Miur | mouth.
A homo worth jl.UJJ ut J-HJ.ur inoutli ,
OtliL-r priri'd lionius on thulium term1 * . Tha
nliuro monthly payment ? Ineludu prl/i
mill Interest , Kor fii'll iKiilli.'ulars cull on or
ii < ldressthu.Midd& Co. . CJil linxidwny ,
t'uiinoll Illtifls , In.
"lj"IOH HKNT Tim storu ronsn. .No. IS , fronting
J. on I'niirl st.V. \ . C. James.
"I\/"R IxvnitlMlmo lorn h
M tliut wo wllltrailofiir I'li'utiilmroJ v tun
lots liiOiiiiiliunrC'oiincll lilulVs. Tliu Judd < h
AYollsOo. . Council Bluir.s. In.
F. M. Ellis & Co. ,
AndBullJinc Suporlntor.donts.
liooins I'M und t'.K lloo ItnlldliiK , Oinnh.a ,
Noh. , mill Iliiotns-'II und SI'i ' iMi-rrliun Itlock ,
C'oiinull lUuira , la. Corrospoiitlciico solU'lloil.
DR. J. D. JACKSON , Surgor/ .
AH lilndsof work < liino. Von con B-IVC one-
ludf on your Kolil anil silver IHIIiit ; liy eulll
ut room-J.1 : Mori'limi blouk. Council Itlulls.
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital.
Cor. Broadway and 2Hh ( Street.
c'ouiiuil itiuiN , la
ForthotraatinuiitoCitUsuralcal and elironlo
dlsoiisus and ( llsvascinf the hluiil.
PrlviitodlspiiM-s it tlm nrlnnry , uid Ncxiial
nr iiin , an syplilllH , Hlrli'tuiv , uytltls. sper-
iiiaiorrolioa ) , lo > t. niiinhooil , soMiiil Impotence
anil treated mii-i-us fully.
rnrtlenliiratluiitlnii paid tixllsuiiscs of tlio
luiiL'M , ns Astliniii , CiiiihiiiMiilIoii. HronehltlB
( utairli , Ktu. Paralysis. Klilnoy dlttiusi-i in
Dlalietes. llrlulit'H lllxoaM1 , UlieiiiiintlKin , Piles ,
Utincor. Viiriocido. llylrou"lo , Jrm sy , Tu
mor , l I-.oisesof : tlio eye utitl ear. Olun feet.
Hplniil eiirviiliiro and allillscaso-tof tbomiiH" ) .
WoliaveMi dcpiirimiMitduviiicil exclusively
to thu lii'iitincut of I'loi-liii ' ) ( ll i'iihi'ij.
JIiMllelnoKeiithueiirelyiiin-SiL'd anu free from
Conusionilvnco coiifldoiitlal , A < lilro-s :
Surgical In dilute an I Private Hospital ,
Ccr. llru.uluMjuiuUJtli tt , , Council lllulla , In.
J. l ) . il K , irn , K. I. . Hiitn.\ur : , vi
CIIA m.ns II. HA.NXAK , Cnililcr.
Of Ooimall I
Paid up Capital . $1BOOOO
Surplus and Profits . BO.OOO
Liability to Depositors. . 85O.OOO .
DlKKCTOiisA.JIIIlcr. . 1' . 0. GIviiHon , B. I/ .
Slni'irt ; , K. K. Halt , . I. I ) , ICdnuiiHon , ( 'liurloa
O. lliiiinaii. TriiiisiiulKonural hiinUInx ImM-
nust l.iudHt capltul anil KiirphiK of liny
banlc In tout liwcstoni luivu.
Architects and
Itnnin 2W Mtiirlnin Illork. I'liiiiu-llllliilR
Koiiiii till ) N. V. Llfo lliillilln Oniulm , .Nub.
CornerJhlno and
Tlpulcrsln foreign iinJ doinoHtte o.M'lisinjo. '
Collout Ions nridu und Interest paid on tlmo
co , ,
l t ATcnuoaiu
Sash , Doors and Blinds
llnnd nnd Roroll Siwbr. . Ilu-Siuvliix find
I'lunlni ; , Suwhii ; of nil kinds , I'nreb UriicUi.lH.
Hludl'm wood J ' . .W | iur loml ilollvi'i-o.l , Clean
H.iwdmtby tli liurrel. i ! . " > 3. All woik to bu
11 ml uliiss. Tuloilionur.M. ]
\VliolcHitlo and Kutall I'l-alonilii
f.urgcht Ktoekund Lowest I'rlcos. Donlers , send for Cutaloxuo.
Nos. 205 and 1207 Broadway , and 201 mid 203 1'iorejo Street , Council BlulTa , I