Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THETKSDA'Y , JUIi\r 2-1 , 1800 ;
THE crry.
The bunk clonrlngg yesterday amount
ed to 8091,085.21. . ,
John KinJoyvns yesterday sent up for
thirty duynfor vnginticy ,
The Klovtntli street/ sewer lins teen
completed us fur south us WlHaiua
"WIllloMtGrmv , nn incorrigible hey ,
WUH yofctordny lield to the district court
In the sum of ? oO.
'Two cases of linens for the Morse Dry
Gocils company , v\ero received tvt the
outturn honso yesterday morning.
Henry Grebe , sr. , went to ICcsirnoy
yofllordiiy. tiikinuvltli him I-Yank Mia-
nick , the incorriglblo lad , who will do
tiino at the roforin school.
The- contract for the now ornhnnngo to
ho erected by the Sintorri of Mercy on
lots in Hc-n on iilnco hns been awarded
to Oriilith k Olnipln at t.'JS , 100.
Willlo MeOraw , iif'ed oi lit years , is
In jail chni'Kcil with "disturWnK1 the
iKiiiuo and dignity of Omilw" : by thiow-
n iff HtoncH at u bly fit : policeman.
Thomas Johnson win arrested yestor-
thiy for obtaining pronorty under fulho
pretenses. IIol.s accused by.I. A\r. Clark
of paying' for goods with a worthies : )
The Potter & George company ycstor-
flny Illcd amended nrtidefi of incorpora-
lion , by which the capital stock of the
company is increased to ? oUO,000 , divided
into shnreB of $100 each.
llrnry Spencer , a motonntin on the
North Twenty-fourth line , was the vic
tim of a burglar Moiulny night. Spon-
cur rooms at "Oil Hurt street and bomo
tlino during the night the burglar en-
tcrcil Ills room and atolo S10 In cash and
u ( fold watch.
Up to last night forly-nlno bids liad
bcoii Illcd with Comptiollor Goodrich to
f urniHh lots on which to erect the four
now ciiglno houses. The bids will bo
opened uml acted upon by a joint com-
inltlco from the city council and the iiro
and police commission.
Monday morning , when Jiulgo Clark-
ton'H court convenes , scntoiii'o will bo
pronounced upon Francis Thompson ,
John I'ilts and John Pnrlccr , all of whom
huvo boon convicted of incoriigibllity ,
uml also Albeit Darnell of South Omaha ,
who was. coiiviutod of grand Itucony.
P. 1) ) . Bllm. day clerk at thoMilmrd ,
lias severed hi.s connection with that ,
liouso and goes to take charge of the
Pacific hotel company's ' eating houbo nt
Kidney. Mr. Uilin is a clover joiing
man behind the counter anil knows how
to satisfy as well na please his guests.
During Ills short stay at the Willard ho
lias made a host of very warm Montis.
Deputy County Recorder English was
nt his desk for the Urst time yester
day after a do/.on vacation days tit that
ino.stdelightful of all wcatoin resorts ,
IManilou , Colo. Ho bays there is noth
ing like flliroping under two blankctsnnd
u quilt nnd getting up in the morning ; a
four time winner all while the rest of
the American world is sweltering upon
the outside. Ho met many Omaha people
ple all along the route and particularly
in Colorado.
Charles Moore and "Buck" Keith np-
pearcil before Judge Ilolbloy yesterday
afternoon to answer to n charge of dis
II' ' turbing the pence by lighting. This is
the ease where Keith championed thn
caiibo of a little boy whom .Mooro had
tin-nulled and paid the bully back in his
own coin. Keith was lined $ -3 and costs ,
nnd Moore was lined $10 and coats for as
saulting the boy. Ono of Mooro's wit-
nebscH was absent and his case relating
'i to the tight with Keith was continued
'iI I until Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
< > RVO MIllHOlt'Up.
Ocorgo Smith , tbo partially demented
printer -who escaped from n county Jail guard
Tuesday wbllo being worked in thn court
yard , appeared nttho jail today and gave him
self up.
J. M. Day of Dos Molnes , In. , has written
to Chief Scnvcy asking him to look out forlt.
13. D.iy , n young man twenty-four years of
ncc , who escaped fioin the Insane iisjlum ut
' Mt. 1'lcniant , la. , last wcolcuud la sjpposed
to bo in Onwlia.
Hollcl * ftullrndslinw. .
Tim nn : has received from N. M. Ferjm-
BOH of Br.idshaw an acknowledgment of the
receipt of SJO.'JO ' for the relief fund for the
llrajshaw cyclone sufferer ! ) . This Is the
amount derived by the Uorinan societies
from their recent Hrudshaw concert.
A 1'cclilliM' Assnultcil.
Ilcubon Mushltin , a fruit peddler , was ns-
Bnultcd by n gang of gmuon at Eiiihtocath
nnd Dorcas streets yesterday and beaten
about the head with stones and clubs because
ho would not snpjilv tlietn with apples. Ho
scoured a win rant for tbo arrest of the as
Tlio Unknown Dead.
The body ofV. \ . J. llainlll , the man who
tiled atIDir North Twenty-first street Tues
day morning , still remains at Drcxel & Maul's
Ills supposed tlnit Iltunill hsi > l a\vlfo resid
ing in New York city and a sister in Hentilce ,
but us neither of tboai has answered telo-
Sr.iins tluit have been 3011 ! , the body will to
ny bo burled In a inupcr's gr.ue.
Mi-s. Whislow's Soothing Syrup for chlld-
reii teething tests the child niul comforts the
mother.So a bottle ,
Sir. Itrown'H HttNliii-H ItloeUs.
Jlr. C. H. Hi-own , the owner of Urowu'a
pirk nnil nmncroiis clinlco business and resi
dence propeities hi various portions of the
city , has lllo l plain antl specification * with
the bullilIiiK Inspector for n very handsome
thrco-story bi k-U niul stone block to be erected
immediately nt the noithcnst corner of
Txvriity-fomth nmt CiiinliiKbtroats. Thodl-
mcnsloiisarcJOxSS. It will have four lar o
stoio rooms on Ilio llrst floor ami eight beauti
fully appointed ap.irtineuts ubovo forfamllles.
Knell apartineat or suite \vlll consist of hoveti
roiins nnd n bath room. The bullilliiK will
liavo all the modern upaitmeuts , and cost
Although i-eslillng In Now York city ,
Mr , Urowu owns , as noted nbovo , a very
huvo amount of propcity lu Omaha and says
that it Is proving the lineal lu vestment of nny
that bo has ever mado. and Uo has extensive
propelty lioliUncs in all tbo principal cities ol
tlio west. Ho M now having plans mndo for
tuo or three moio business blocks to to lo
cated in the heart of the city.
A Choice Ijlsl ol'.summer Itcsortfl.
Ill tlio lake regions of Wisconsin , Mln-
nctota , Iowa and the two D.ikotas , there
nro hundreds of clmnnlng localities pro
oinlnontly lilted for bummer homos ,
Among the following selected list are
names fiuullluv to miiny of our readers
ns Hie norfcotion ol not thorn sunnnoi' ro-
KOi'ts , Nearly nil of the Wisconsin points
"uf interest are within n short distance
from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none
of thorn are so fur away from the "busy
marts of civilization" that they cannot
bo reached in u few hours of travel ,
by frequent trains , over the llnost road
in the northwest the Chicago ,
Isllhvaukco ft St. Paul railway :
pcouoniow ? ? . WIs. Clear Lake , Iowa.
Mlnocqun , WIs. Luke Okobojl , Iowa.
\Vnukcshn , WIs. Spirit Luke , Iowa.
1'oltnyro , AVis. Krontonae , Minn.
Tamaliawk I-uUos , Lake .Mltmetonlca.
\Vi8. Minn.
Likcsldo , AVIs. Ortonvlllo , Minn.
Ullbouni City , WIs. , 1'rlor Lftko , Minn.
I ( Dells of tboVls - White Uear Lake
consm. ) Minn.
Beaver Dam , AVls. Biff Stone Lalto , Da
Miulison , WIs. Itotu.
For detailed Information , apply nt ticket
cftlco. 1501 Fnrimm street , Uurkor Ulock.
P. A. NASH , Gon. Agent.
J. U , PJIESTOK , Puss.
l > I > UUlSii ; ) AH A GAH ? IVN.
ATlHcf , lix iv Clev r Ituse , Cnptnr s
Hoino VnlunbloiFevclry.
Detectives Dempsey nnd Snvldgo mode
rich flnil wbcn tlioy nrrestcd Louis Coletnnn
on suspicion of beln A burglar.
Kvldcnco wna forthcoming at the jioHco
station yesterday morning which proved con
clusively that Coleman porjictrntcd nncnt
house robber } ' Monday afternoon.
Ho deserves the questionable credit of
Inuring worked a new schema very success
Ho was released from Jill on Monday , a
charge against him of having stolen sonio
brasses having failed of proof.
Monday afternoon Colcmnn called nt tbo
residence of Uuptata II. W. Kramer , U103
Webster street , and found no ono at homo
except tlio servant girl , Miss Alqulst. Ho
told her that ho was an employe of tbo gai
conn.iny and wnntotl to see the meter In the
cellar. Thennsuspcctlngservant conducted
Colcin.ui to the cellar anil left him thcie , re-
tutnlii'horjclf ( to the backyard , whcro slio
was oiiff.tgcil In Uundrv - rlc.
Nothing inoro was thought of tliogai tnaa
until Ute In the afternoon when Captain
Kramer and his wile returned homo and Mr < .
jCr.uncrinlswd npnir of valuable illamond
earrings , two cainco finger lings nnd
a splendid uold watch , 'i'lio loss repotted -
potted , and the servant girl told of tbo visit
of the supjiiHod pas motoi man.
Captain Kramer began nn Inquiry nnd
fouiut that the man had also visited Mrs. 1) ) .
1C. Uablo's home , on the opposite corner of
Twenty-first and Webster streets , ami
wanted to cxiimino tbo gas meter. Mrs.
Cnblo Informed the alleged. Inspeetor that
she did notuse gas. hut clectilc lijjht Instcnd ,
nnil ho rctln-d , expliilnin ? that bo was a new
man nnil was not acquainted with nil the
users of gas. Ills visit to Mrs. Cable's house
\\ns the means , liowovsr , of furnishing
another witness of Coloinau's Identity.
Captain Kramer -went to tbo gas company's
oflleo and inquired lifter the inspector , but
was informed that no jmch man was In the
company's cm ploy. Ho then decided that ho
had been robbed , but nude complaint lo the
police until ho had road in Tuesday's
iiin : an account of Coleman's nr rest
nnd n doscriptlqn of the jewelry that bad
Ijcen iccuvcruti by tlio police.
Detective Savklxo Tuesday afternoon
saw two pawnbrokers examining some
diamond curlings in tv Tenth strict
pawnshop. Ho niailo inquiries and
bceurcd ailcsciiptjon of tbo man who had
jnwned tlio goods , and vltb Detvrttvo Uoinp-
scy dcohlcd Colunun vus the man , and
so arrested him.
Vestcrday Captain ICramer and wife
called nt the police station and fully identified
the canines , rings and watch , as the jewelry
which liu I been stolen from their homo on
Mondiy afternoon.
Miss Alqulst , tbo servant pill , identified
Jolciniin as the nnn who had visited tlio
lousons in nllcKed retircscntivo of the gas
oniDany , and Irs Gaulo ndtlcd her toUi-
nonvtotho identification of Colcnwn who
ms been charged \\ltb the cilino.
The chnrgo of grand larceny has been pro-
erred against Colcnun.
Another Wateh Thlof Cnpturctl.
Frank Toguctti was arrested jojtcrday by
Jctectivo Vauijlin. lie is wanted for dlspos-
ng of a gold watch which ho induced n boy
0 steal from nhouso In the north pait of the
ity. Toguctti sold the watch to n pnwn-
iroker. Ho vas arrested by Vaughn about
1 wcelt ago , but escaped froni him.
Hot Wcatlicr and Accidents.
Take no chances on headaches or sunstroke
hishot-we.ithcr Is feavfulbutif you will talto
few of ICranso's Headache C.ipsulei each
lay you will Hud the temperature will bo ro-
luccd and the likelihood of sunstroke or
irostration absolutely couutcraetod. For
ale by all druggists.
Tlio Solid South
_ 's solid on the gro t "German Remedy. "
L'elt'ur.uns nnd letters are received every day
luring this heated term for Kranso'3 llead-
iclio Capsules , The people from that section
say they reduce the temperature and prevent
sunstrokes and headaches. For s > ale by all
Sun StroJ ' .
Now is the time , the accepted tlino , to pro-
ont sunstrolics , hcadachca , etc. liyruUucing
Ibo tonipcrutin-o all these distressing evils
will bo prevented. Krause's Headache Cap
sules are tlio thing.
Ono or two ICrauso's ' Ileadaeho Capsule
taken during the day will prevent any head
aehe , uUo attacks ot sunstroke. All druggists
THU K < YlIjllO.Yl > CUDGIH' .
r. Holuoinli ' "ays Ilio Union 1'n.cidu
Is Out of 1'olltics Other Notes.
'If the Union Pacific Is taking any part in
this convention , or has its cohorts at Lincoln
woildnfffor MacColl , Boiiton and Hastings ,
said Vice President Holeomb , "I know abso
lutely nothing about it. My opinion is , however
over , that tliero must b * some mistake , bo-
MUISO 110 one can accuse the ro.ul under its
present management of uolng Interested it
polities. Ho far as rate matters arc concernoi
it is my theory and my belief that vtitli the
number of rouis wo liavo and ai'o getting
they will regulate themselves.
"The chances are ten to one , " ex
claimed A. J. Poppletou , "that
If the Union Pacific Is taking u hand at Liu
coin , Holeomb would not know anything
about it , Tliurston Is the man who tnaulpu
lates that fenturo of the business. Trtiev
he's not here , but it's ' safe to piedict thn1
John Manchester nncl Herb Leuvltt nro eon
btnntly in close communication with anil
keeping him well posted on tlio situation. ]
presume they are at the capital. Itliusbcci
my belief all nlong , " continued Juilgo Pop-
pleton , "that fiercer stands a very gooi
cbaneo of secnrinp the nomination , bill
If the railroads aio against him the }
can reach so many inoio inuu nut
make so many more promises that Its him'
for any one man and his filentls to compote
with them. "
General Manager Holdrego of the B. & M ,
is nt Lincoln , though the attaches of hl <
olllco declared that ho went down solely on
private business mid would not RO near tlio
convention. As nu excuse lor his presence
theio ut this p.utlcuUr time It Is stated that
matters pcitninln ? to the building of the
company's now thopiat Itavoloclc , live mile1
thU side , required his hnmcdlato persona !
iittentian ,
Ijlvoly SceneH ,
It begins to look hko business In tha vlein
Ity of Tenth and Miuon streati. "I shoult
think" observed President Holeomb , "tha !
tlio newspapers would lot up In their attacks
upon us when wo nrodoin ? everything la our
power to help Omahn. That union depot,1
ho coiitinuodvlll bo the illicit in this conn
try. .After it has been bunging by the gills
nnd been a , source of nuuoyuuca usvoli as
agitation so many years Ii4 oreo
tion now ou h' , to satisfy the
people that wo nro not working
us hns often been i barged , araiiist ; the bes
interests of the city. "
When the incoming and outgoing trains o
both roads nro at the little Joint depot now
they produce < niita a lively scene. AtSiir
y.cstenUy morning the Omnha-Llncoh
oral went out with aix car-loads of politicians
bound for the state convention.
Ihu O. A. It. lluslnccg.
War has been declined among westori
roads on the U. A , H. business to lloston
Ever slnco John Fronds nnd Major Clarkson
gave it out that they bad mailo the Burling
ton the route for the Nebraskt
vctomni trouble has been brewing. Gen
eral Agent Itltcliio says : "That's nl
vljjht about the ofllcial route , but you jusi
vnlt ; I'll show you a train out of hero thn
\\l\l \ bo ItlKblv credltabloto the Northwestern
rcait. " M'hc Milwaukee and Hock Is
land also expect to secure i
good portion of tha business. Innsmiicl
ivs there will not bo over about three bundrcd
old soldiers , and this 1s .Major Chirk-inn's esti
mate , go to the reunion , none of them cat
get enough out of it to boast over ,
A $ nOUOOOO , Contract.
Ivllpatrick Bros. & Collins of Beutrlcohavo
been , given the contract to build the Union
1'nclilo extension of 185 miles from Portland ,
Ore. , to Titcom.1. The amount involved In
their contract agffre iittis about $ .1,000,000. , It
Includes 1'mdliiK , truck-luylng and nil the
bridges except the Columbia river bridge.
J , Il.Kilp.Urick , hc.ul roan of the linn , -was
in town today consulting Vice President Hoi-
comb aud BVn'.M ' uy tltc deal , Inasmuch us
the Is to bo completed early next year
they propose to conimcnco work nt otico.
A Mlnntr l Attraction.
Advance ' Agent IIolc6mb , of Cleveland's
JInmi'noth Cousolldiitcd Colored Mln trcts ,
mndo a contract with General Passenger
.Agent Loniax yesterday morning to take
them all over tbo Union I'aMlle system.
Sceond Wnnlcrt IryliiK to Keep
Seventeenth S.rcct Open ,
A resolution , Introduced by Mr. Donnelly ,
was passed at the last council meeting In
structing the chairman of tbo board of public
works to order the Union Paclllo to stop fill
ing up Seventeenth sticet , between Paclllo
nnd Alnson streets.
Tbo resolution was simply another move
ment on the part of the cttlrcns living south
of tbo tracks In their efforts to prevent the
railroads from getting possession of Seven
teenth street whcro their tracks cross that
thorough faro.
Some weeks slnco tbo Union Pacific
and U. & M. asked the onuicil to
vacate Seventeenth street at the railroad
crossing. In consideration tbo companies
n.jrccd to vncato and grade nuproaehes on
cither stdo of thu traffics to Sixteenth street.
The property owners entered a vigorous pro
test , claiming that Seventeenth street was
the only thoroughfare oncn totho.n hot wean
Sixteenth and Twenty-fourth streets , across
the tracks. U'lio proposition was rejected by
the council.
The companies then began grading along
their right of way , on cither side of Seven
teenth street , pieparatory to laying sldo
tracks. They had a strip of about biuy feet
graded up ty Seventeenth street , and yester
day the graders b-jiran allotting tbo dirt I'rom
their dumps to fall over and cover the side
walks. It was at this stigo In
the iirocicdines that Councilman Donnelly's
resolation was ottered. The companies vrre
notified yesterday mornlngof tbo action of the
council nnd men \voro put nt work throwing
the dirt from the sidewalks , Tlio side-track
space In cither side of Seventeenth street is
graded about si\ feet higher than the street
and the Second warders are In constant fear
lost the rail raids work a little over time some
evening during the datk of the moon and take
possession of the street with their side-tracks.
Such proceeding1 , they claim , would render
the street linpassiolo nnd dangerous as there
nro already as many tracks running as an or
dinal ily agile passerby cares to dodge.
The Sacred Heart academy for duy
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
ntul U7lh at. , is an institution devoted to
the moral and Intellectual education of
young' girls. The oourso includes every
thing from an elementary department tea
a llnl&hed chilssical oJuu.ttlon. ljaldo- >
the ordinary academical course , music ,
painting , drawing nnd the Innguigca nro
taught. French is Included in the ordl-
naiy coin-no. DHTcronco of roliylon Is no
obstacle to the receiving of pupils , pro
vided tlioy conform to the general repu
tations of the school. The schobibtie
term commences the llrst Tuesday in
September. Classes begin at ( J a. in. ,
and pupils are dismUsed at ItioO p. in.
It AV111 He Taken to Ills Homo in
Chicago I'mItiirlnl. .
" \V. F. Frank arrived from Chicago yes
terday morning , and returned in the
oven Ing , taking with him the body of
bis brother , Paul frank , the lad
who was drowned at tile foot of
Jones street Sunday inoinlng , In compinv
with another boy , Paul left his homo in Ulil-
cagi ) hut Thursday , nnd his whereabouts
wuro unknown to his relatives until Tuesday
morning , when his brother read an account
of tbo boy's death , aspubllshul in TuiBni : ; ,
that ho bought at the Palmer liouso.
Pours' Soap istheiuostclcgaattoilotadjuiut
A Two Day's C.nir ing Meat.
Omaha is to have a lasts of a new sport a
clean , Invigorating , exciting out-door spsit
tint cannot bat prove moit attractive. M-in-
ngcr Allison , of the nttlonul coursing associ
ation , of whom mention was made in Tues
day's ' Bur , assisted by tbo .rocrottuy
ottho association , D. C. Luce , and DA Unyco
of Topeka , succeeded this morning in making
the at rangcmcnts for a Uvo days' coJi'ihn ;
meet nt tbo fair grounds on Thursday and
ITiiduy of nc.xt week , and at the Council
Bluffs fair grounds the Sunday following.
' .These meets uio lo consist often chases e.uh
day , commencing ntiliUOaiid closing at about
53I ; ) . Of these ten events eight will bo the
regular scheduled races , whith will bo sup
plemented with a special run or U\o , and
the extra heats which are always
inevitable nt a meet of this description makes
a rare mid Interesting programme Indeed.
The counting is done by grey hounds and
jack rabbits , and the present meet K open to
all. There a largo number of gicy hounds
owned here , among whlih is Captdn Uuj's
thoroughbred courser , wlilch will bo filtered ,
and Mr. Allison snys there will also bo sev
eral relays of bounds hero from Way no ,
" \Vindsido , Uandolph , Lincoln , Hastings , Ilo-
atrico uml other cities. Cash
parses ill bo hung up , nnd the
sport will bo such as can bo safely
attended and enjoyed by the very best class
of people , ladles , gentlemen nnd children ,
Wossri Allison , Luco nnd Koyco nro gentlo-
incn of national reputations , and their super-
intendcncy of the affair Is a full guarantee of
its high class character anu unobjectionable
Nerve ami tiivor Pilli.
An important discovery. They net on the
liver , btomach and bowels through the
nerves. A new principle. Tlioy speedily
euro billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles niul constipation. Splendid for men ,
ViOiucn nnd children. Smallest , mllde-l ,
surest. 'M doses for " , " > cents , Samples fieo
at Kulm A : Co.'a 10th and Douglas.
Dr. I3irnoyprnctico limited to catarrhal -
al diseases of nose and Bea bldjf.
Tlio I'o'ioo LMeiiie.
At a inootiiij ; of the committee of arrange
ments in ehar o of the pilicemon's picnic
the following appointments were mndo :
Captain Connie' : , of the day ;
Sergeant Ormsby , nun tor of coramonloi ;
cominlttco on music , Oillc rs ICoysor a
Cook ; privileges , Oftlcars Curry , Hudson
and S. S. Druinmy ; bolts , OlUcurs Mtirm
Fahey ami Illnrhoy ; lloor , Oniccrs Cullen.
Cot , Hobout , O'Ciornmn , IJlbben , Green anil
Willinni O'Brien ; sports , Captain Mostyn ,
Sergeant Wludon , Doteotivos lonipsoy ) nnil
Savage , Olllccrs Dillon , ICelloy , Kussell ,
nnright and Shoup.
Throj judges , referee , starter nnd time
keeper \\lll Lie selected from the citizens on
the t'lounds.
lliiupcrlor cicclloncoproTon In inllltomof liomc
fnruiornllmn itquurtvraf a rciuiirr , Itli u oil ti ;
the United titntus Uurommont. Kn.lorifil tir th
licudi.of Uio great nnlvertltles ni tlio Htroncont ,
1'uri'Ht mid .Moil Itiuliliful. Dr. I'l loo's Croitiu link
In if I'owilor ilos nulcontiln utmuonU , lltue uraluui
bold only In rnni.
New Vork. Clilca a. ban fr ucl co. t. Ixjul
lleo UullUlof , Omaha ! eb
Sick ffeadache
IS ft coinplnlntft-om which many suitor
1 nntl few are'oiftlrolyfroc. Its cnuso
Is Indigestion uiU A BlUfTglsli Ihcr , the
euro ( or which tl tcaillly found in thu
USD of Aycr'a Itlllf.
" Iliavofounilitaiat for sick hcatlnclio ,
cniisti ! byuiliixmlfrcilcoiiilltloiiof Ilio
Mouiftcli , AyerNr Tills MO tlio most to
llable reiiidly. " , uuuol O. ttraainiru ,
Wurtlilngtoii , Micas.
"Altur thu uio of Ayct'fl ' Tills for
many yi'nrn , In tnTiirnttluo niul family ,
1 nm liiHtlllul In HIIntf tl t they nro nn
exec-Hunt vntlmrtic niul liver medicine
tustnlnlni : nil tlio cl.ilmsiimilefortlioiii. "
-\V.A. AVostf.ill , M. ! . . "VI' . Austin
& N.W. Kaihuiy Co. , Unmet. Texas.
"Ayor's I'llla nrn tliu lust nioilltliio
kiiovn toino for npiilntliiK " ' ' bowils ,
ntul for nil lisctuu" tiiuat'il ' by n dls-
nnlcicd ami llvur. I Miffi'teil '
for OUT tlneojunrs from liciulniliis.ln-
illnostlon , and constipation , 1 lintl no
ni | | 'tll ) nnil was weak nwl nervous
must of the tlino. Hv tisiiiKtlino bosun
( if A\cr'H , IMIli , iiwl nt the HIUIIO tlino
illutliiKiiivself.l wmoompUtulyinml.
I'lillip Joeluooil , TOJIOKU , Kansas.
" Ivns troubled for jc-ai3 with imll-
pestlott , constitution , nn < l liinilncho. A
few boxes of .Ayi-r's Tills , nscil In Hii.nll .
dally doses , restored mo to hcnllh.
They are prompt anil effoctho.-\\ , .
Strout , aiciullllo , I'll.
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ajor & Co , Lowell , Mass.
Bold by nil iJrugsleHonil Ilcolcr lu Medicine.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
Tbo most \vldily \ nntl favorably known spcc-
lallsti In tlio I lilted Status Tbi'lr loiui'V-
lierli'ii" ! ' . renuirltiililp skill mid nnlvcisil sue-
< eiS In the t iiMtineiit and cnrouf rtoi von * .
Clironlo anil Musical I ) sotisps. entitle I | KD
"inliitnl jilivslil.ins lo the full ( imflilcnuuof
the alllleU'l i-M ryulicio , Tliev utnirnntcn'
A I'ltllTAIN AM ) I'OSITIVK ' CUIli : ( or
thu awful i > iu > < m > f carlin leu and iliunumel
ons ( Mils that follow In IK tr.ilit.
riuvA'ii ; . iii.ooiMJ ) M\IN f > r rAsn :
fiioodlly. I'nmiiloti'lt' iinil iiciniiiunit 1 } uiiiril.
NEitvors iiiiurlJiTY AM > suxrAi , UN.
Olcm.IiS j lold readily to their skillful
ini'tit ,
PIM'-s , ririTl'LAAN'n UECTAL tl.criSS
Kiini.ititeeU eitad vHliuut ptln or detention
"uYDiroonLr AM ) VAlUrocCLr : perma
nently n nl s neussfiillv c'tifL'tl In every e.H'j.
SSVl'UIIil" . OUNOItUllIJA , UI.nEI' . , . ii -
ni Uoirlic.i , Ben.'mil ' U'o.ikiii . I.iixt , Ahttilmoil ,
MRlil KniKilnns. llcstijcd ructilllcs. rotiulL-
WuaUncstiil.ill : ilellenlu < llsonlerpocullnr
loeltlicr BUV ) > o < ttlvity cuivd , in well tisall
functional dlMiiclri-i that rfsultfrnin yotith-
fnl fo'.lli'snf tliu i-xcossof mitiiro vuna. :
'I'K'lP'n * lil' O.iirnntt'ol pjiniuno it tly
ji l\iv i L , I\U cured u-inin al cininlclB.
nllliouLc'iittlns. cuit-tluor itlon Guru
nITeeli'd nt homo bv iiitletitlllioilt a mo-
nientS Tiiltt ) 01 iviiiuytni f * .
A IIIJ | < 'I1II < Tll ° awful olTo-t < 5 of
toUll v l/ i\\j \ curly vice which brlirjH
oipnnle weakness. ilestMyliu both mini .mil
body , with all Its diended ills , porunmciity
cm oil.
n ! ? Hl"i'T's Adilivs * tlmso lie liiiyolin-
Ui\j. IJL I l.j juiroil tlicinsfhos by Itn-
prupcr InilnlKCtieo uml 'olltu v lublls wlileli
ruin botli iiilnil anil buly. unilulii' Ihcnifor
biislni'ss. tii < lor intt i rl.iiti' ,
.M.\KltIii : ) MKX cir Ilioso i-iilcrliinn tlmt
lt.i ] > | iy lift1 ii\MiructihjhlcililollitytiiiU'lily ) :
Is unccd upon f.iets I-'Irtt I'ractUjal ovjwrl-
inec..setiind livery CMH * Istpocl illystiulled ,
thus stnithi ? ils'it. ' Thinl-Jo ! Hollies tuo
ptt'piH'd In unr laboMtory o-ut-tl ) to suit
uiteb case , IhtH cMTrct lueiiics wllhont Injury.
Drs. Bctts & Betts )
The Purest and Best Drink In tlw World
Appotlzizins , Delicious , Sjiarlillni ; nnd
theBe&tBlooa Purifier n a Toil ? .
A Package [ llquldl ! 5c , inokcsS ualloi
EVERY BOTTLE Gunranteecl.
No Trouble. uatily Hade. Try It
AsKyourDriigsl- Grocer for Itnndtaku
no oilier , tic that you i
Mndo by C. C. IIIUO. I'lilladclolih , 1'cnn.
Patjsnoto arJIrnra Croat Britain and all
parts ol Europe. Honlreal-Lhcrpco roiijo. If the
wlcr ; , > . cISt. Limrereo. sliortsst otali. OliiBcow to I'lilliiilolphli. Micrpool to ami from
Hsltltnoti' . Vhlrl ) btoamcra. Clio escdslor ,
Accommodcllnnfl unsnrpatfcd. VIf eMi sailings ,
AIIAN # C'S . . on U'cit. As'tB.
uMllnht. . Clilcnqu IJ
C-LSimilpll v > M trnlliI < ,
Lurrc l , Ful t nn.l rinc ' In Iliu Ma
raabiiiirura M > nii > .lrttl < iii uncxucllttl.
ETHIOPIA , juir . I nnvoN'iA , AUJ o.
Hm.NTSSIA , A | ! .2. I CIKCAfcSI.1 , AUB , 10.
New Yoilc , Qaccustowu nnil Liverpool.
TlioGilfbrntnl I lulyWth.
CITV Of UO.MK. I Aupr , IM. fcoj t Win.
rale j on ion tf tin until uli I from III * prliiclpfil
SCOTCH , tnCllbH. HUH ( NO 111 COldlKlllTAL POIBlf
CxcMirrloiitlrkctl rudutnl , in lo ati.llubl tori turn
I y < itlier the i ictureiiiun t'li ilo , Ul\tr Jl emy , > oi tn or
hotithof Irelinil > iiiliiorIlllimllnr.
it luuiit curifiit riix Athlv tu ttny of our IIMI
KUittur to IIEIiDdnOON UnOS. , ChlcOKO.
l.iK'til ii'Tcnti ill Oinuli.i : H.iiTV L. Moore
Cliiilt' ! Muri-i , W. I-.Valll , U. 1' . liouol , Cltl
Hunk.UIKIYiiU ,
Cabin Pittana $35 toJSO. accordln.i lo location d
staleroom. Eicurtion $ Co to $95.
Steemca tonnj ironi Kuropont IjOwoUntcj. .
AUSTIN GAIDWIH IL CO. , General Anenls.
53 ClOJdway. NEW YORK.
Jno. lUoscn. Ooncral Wi-jtcrii A sent , 131
Randolph Struct , CJjIoiso. llarrj 1. . Jluofo
Joa , Caunu
The Entire Season's ' -
Accumulations of odd Suit Pants are now on sale. This will be a picnic for all \vlio need S
pants , and for those -who do not need them right away , as it always pays to buy our
Suit Pants and put them away for future use , \Vc had several sales of odd Suit
Pants before , and our patrons know what bargains they arc. This season we have not sold a
single pair of these pants , but as fast as the coats and vcstsof a suit lot \vcrc closed out , tlio
pants \verc put away , We reserved them all for the express purpose of making a giaml sale in
July , This is the month when extra pants are needed and our customers will appreciate the op
portunity to get them at less than half what they arc \voith. \
There arc neaily fifteen bundled pair of these pants. We have placed them on separate ta
bles and divided them up into four different lots from \vhiehyoucan \ take your pick ,
Lot Number One \ve \ marked $1.90 ; not a pair in this lot but- what is worth at least $3.00 ,
Lot Number Two is $2.75 $ ; all very line worsted and cassimcrc , in light and dark shades.
Lot Number Three is marked $3.50. This lot contains about 5oo pairs very fine Pants , in <
excellent patterns ; the poorest in the lot would cost you elsewhere from $5.00 $ to $6.00.
Lot Number Four is a small lot of very choice Pants , all of the finest fancy \vorstecls ,
These arc from ourveiy best suits , such as have been selling from $22.00 $ to $25.00. \Va
maikecl these Pants $4,25 , the ical value of every pair is from $7.00 to $9.00. $
Take our -word , for it , these are the greatest values ever offered in
the Pants line.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Our store closes at 6:30 : P. M. : : : Saturday at 1O P. M.
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
L'o'm manufacturers , importers nnd j- bliors.nsvoll
tall doaleis , our purchasing laollitlos are nocoiiclto no liouss in
th's coun'ry. rionoi our ox'romolo-wr-rioraoa ovorythbcrwo
Ecll. Srco'nl ' ttltent'oii ' is called toourlnitro ncdologantlino of
FhisMnn'olO O3lcaovor ( 50 dlfTerant styles ) at$5.0O nnclup-
warJp. Fine Banquet nnl Piano Lamps , \vi h Sik pa n3Ol
chadcs In all tin now colors , frcm 85 OO up , Buy yoor Inb'o
Cutlery of ua nnd Bavo money. ROJC.TO' Boat Trlpio Pln'od '
Krii-voa and Forks only $1.75 per sot. Stool Ou-vhi rS3ts ( Hire ,
lorlcardBtool ) , $2.00 and upward. Epoocs , &o. , In proportion.
Our Great M d-Sumtno-Bnrpraln Sale of D amend , \Vatclog
nnd Fine Jewelry is still inprojros ? . G-snu'no JDIamoTdFiug'ar
E'rss ' from $2.5O up. Sol d Gclcl Watch s ftoai $16.OOup.
5OOO flue solid gold , p' d and , sot Eln s fr jm $1 tolO
oacli Go'dBp3ct2clo ; 3oniByo Qlaesas from$3up. Fine St3cl
Epectnc'DS ' § 1 up.
-iSFRcpaiiingof batches , Clocks ancljewcliy a
Th.e Onaalia Medical and Surgical Institute
Sana ?
For tneirontmrnt if nllCITTWNlO AKDHUniilC U DI3RABES. Hi e i , Apiillnnrei for Dt'ornltlctii.ino
TrniBGi Kelt I'Mdiltli'i , Aiipirntlis nnd Itnnipitlei for ucct nf ullr.'nlmcnt uf every forinur ( llsonnoro-
qnlrlnuMiMt'oili rStin/luil Trantinmt. NINWV IIOOM3 Foil I'ATIUVI'S IIooM aid utt nilnnco. lloel
Accuinmoclntlniia Vi'iBl.Vrlto forclrouliir on Uefc mltlo' * tail Bnicei TriU'oi , Club 1'ccl , Curtaturo ol
Bplno , I'l'.uf , Tumor * , tanc-tr , Otirrli , llronrhlllj , Inlinlnllon , Kloelrlcltj , 1'nmlynls Ki > llep y , Kldncr
lllvlilcr , Ki e Knr Sklnniul Woodand all NiirKlcnl opunitloni , II3K 8KH 0VVO.MIC.V n peoliillr , llooli
of DIxGiisLB of'i ucn Irec. Wo Hve htulrrlilciln J-jlnK-ln Dcfirtiwnt fur Woiiionilurlnu Conllnoincnl
IBlilcllyl'rlMtaK Onljltulhlilo yoilUil IiislltntumiiKInK .upcolnlty cl I'llU'ATI ! nifliAHIS.
All IIloortl/1-.C'asDS > ii'co itiilly trrnlcd. "rplillltlc poUoo reiuovcxl from Ilia By Ml cm xvlllinnt mercury
Ncvr Ucitcirillvft Treatment for I ii * of Vltnll'oncr. rnrtlounublo to visitUM nny bo tri-n'cd nt hninob )
corrof pmilcno All c.iu.iaiinlriitloiin rntinilMtlnl Mvllclnt 01 Instruiaonti Hunt bymnll or eipirss >
curtly nckcl nomnrkito Irnll'i.itocontcntuor aomlor. On > iml lnli
| er < < rvli"r iirefonnl. Cull aid ri > iiiull
umr send hhtory of yoir cn > o nnd no will send inpl ilnnrnp.ior our 1IUOIC 19 .VK.V HIIJJ1 upoa I'rlvato
alor Ncnous Diseases , laiputcncyHyplillU , , Ulcutcixlarlcoiclo \ , ultli qunsllon Hit. Mdrua
Omalm Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 9th and Homey Sts. , Omnha , Neb
Denver Colo.
, . ,
Capital Prize $7,500. ,
$26,3 $ 0 PAID IiACII MOXT1I
Address , II. V , R1IOUUS ,
It ran l > o nit vn In mu f tir op Iru. r hi r-
tickuf f. jJ , without l-io kuowKclBO ot tnepaUwit.
inoo ( s rj , It liabiolutclyliarrnleim na wllottcct
i paruinea ; and ipecdy cure , wlietuer tlio rjtlc ui
mod Mtadrmkeror naloolioliowrock , I t SK > HI
tAII.4. Itopor tone guiotly md vnth vuoli Cr-
Unity lhat inn ji.tiont undcr oe no JaoonTCiiloiw.
and ire Inn -ware , lit * comiiltto rilorroition u
rtrootpd 4tpafiebooicorparuoular free * lot > oi.cul !
KuilN o W. . ism . roucl .il"l > , ft Uunmctii' .
" - to. . ua
c HUBS iiiuram-iimni. u d , ; .
CoaDlrlii. tttj.
u&ti eniE i EOlCAU CO , ,
JJ. cured In liitouudiyn
llupaitlllctied III J gjEPUENU.Ulmmmlo.
1 Perkins , Oatcli &
LaJman ,
\Vc Imvc the finest assortment o
: r
sortment ofVarcs in P
CO the \vcst , and 3cr
1 Bottom Prices CDS in
b r- -
Sec Us Before Von I3uy ,
Crockery and Glasswaie.
1514 Parnarn Street.
Under thcKunuzoiiiciit c ( tlio
Uletfciuilntcrational I'.adingfo. , fcnccs-IonarlcS ;
IncorporalcdBy Iho Slate ol Chihuahua , Mex *
ico.lor Charilabln Purposes.
pnbllonttliaclty ol Juarez ( for *
tucrly L'lao delNurtoMctlco ,
Wednesday , Aug. 20tli , 1890 ,
unilor tM > portonnl . nipcrTl lon of Ooli . , .lOIIMi J
rv 4 MI - , H .A w lt JHMX * i .J MJta * fil
JL.J.1 : , , belli
CAPITAL PRIZE. $60,000. $ ,
n nniii BiiMi i M '
Only 60,000 , Tictals ! OnlyGO.OQOTIcketsl .
( Prize of $60.000 $60.000
11'rlMOl1 1W,0K ( ) 10.UOO
ll'rlOOfi.lWO / C.OOO
ai'll'/MOf l.OlMfUCll SIXX , >
Ifll'rl/OSOt L'ttlciiell S,000 ,
" ] ( IOo.ich 6,000 ,
KKU'i-l/isol. no each 6,000
" 50l'rl7i'd oL' at ) cncli 7KX , >
oilmntloii rrlion.
Mleach 85,000 ,
JWl'ri7is of aooo i
of Wench 2 , XJ
TVimliuil 1'ilioH.
6'Jiii'oi-iiiiiiuisibiKOOOi'iizcuf810oacli. ) tffJO
10l4Prlies amounting to $125,970
\\c \ , tlio undnrtlinctt , lionbv rcitlfy that Ilio
Ilnnco llclcllll\l fittluxlrodii IhlliuiliniibiiB onrt < v >
po lt rruin tlioMoilciin lilurnalloiiiil HiinliliiHt < < i
thoni-cMiiryfiinUdo pimrunloo tliu pjjiiiont or
ull ! > rl7C ilrnwn liitlm ( linn l.ottilw .Iiintci.
Wo turtliorcertllr tlialno nIll nupurvlw nil Ilio
arraiiurin ntiiiiiilln porion uutmcD nnl control
ulltlio ilrin-lniis < ililil / , limp
urc roiiilnctod with lHiiu'ft > , lalrillK , and lu cuoa
fultU tinriirilinll inirtli'i
JOHN S. MIOSBY , Commlwioncr.
t'i.MIM ) j\WUlM.ifl ! ,
Suporvborfor tlio ( Jo v rumen t.
lfnnrllokctilrn lnirmirlz lii sent to tlio iinilor-
riuu vnliiii wllllifi iilU ( > itcaunaruiiitlc ! < 3
tulUo cmiiui lliurmf , " " " '
I'ros.I'.l I'lito IsstloiiBl Jliink , KI'ui ] oToX
( or club rnlo * ornny othi-r Infdrniatlon , wrllo ta
lliauiiikrHlunul. Hnliiiir jrinuiiUlrciH irlyi > ltU
Sl tu. ( 'iiiiiitrS-tna lunlNuinlMT. Jluro ruplilclo-
llvory Mill ixinoMiircil itj yuiirvnclotlnt : mi cuvcl-
opolienrtn ) nnr lull inllrcBH
MEXICANiNiuiwAiicmr. HANKIVO Co. ,
City or Jutiroz , Moilco.
Fend tcmlllancofor tlokoH hy nrrtlmry Idler ,
cnntiillilMK'Hiif'l l > .v ll Jproocoinj
| i nlcBN"Wlorkl ! i liinuo.lniiiKilriitl or I'OntoJ '
iiole. AiMrmiillri-ulMeri-fllriti'rilit
Cltr or JuiirwMoilco , Ml KllMBO.'iox. '
Drs. Merill &
fJinmlr NVnmi * , IJIooilnml SurielcM Dlinisc ! nnil
illMusciof tlio 1C0 , Kur.N'oBV , Trout mill L'liott ,
Hijc'iiil | AIN ; mloii to Ills M > : N oi"Vo
IIICMI nil I Ulillilron.
Tlio iliidornh ivn linil in irl of oipi'rlPnro In thuf
li < j < | itiilioi ! llruolihii niul Nuw Vurk , unil uru niCTf'
tllUIIH ) l UC'lt lullllll WlllUlj kllUWIl l'lC-llll ' lita tl
thlt country.
lo iiiniit ; nnd . ! | | : - . ; Alrn.
Ixist Ilunliiiuil , Nervoui Dilillltr , Hiimiiiitirrlun ,
Hlllllinl | ) HH'8 , I'llJHlflillllKMr , Ull.llIU Illllll Illllll-
) , | ( ( | ] ; liniii'ixiii | < , ilixiiiiillcui-l' | > lin <
pin onllio fuit' . nuiHluii tt > " < lolir cn lly < lliiour >
iiliul. link ordinlliU'iiuviliill.iiiilltliir flmly orbiiNl.
iitf , nnil lluili llfon Ijiinljii , iifc'lJMit'riimiiuiUly unit
biiuctllycurtil ,
liKiuil nnd Sliiii ItmanHtit ,
Prplillli n ill i.i < mail ilaiKlfnl In Iti lOmlts ,
c < Hiiilvoiy | cruillctiti'il
li nn i-Urliiii > Siiriroiy.
nonorrliio.IMOBl H > I'lilMillyilroiolfl ' Vnrlcnrali
niulMill line rii'lliiilli ' niul miidr i-uml vltliuu )
lulu iiriii'K'iitUin from lni liu All Hoiinil llutor'
iul I "i iiuil lmi'0lnniit ' | tu iHvrlnadiucfWiirulljr re-
All Il'ital ill i n p nnfrly nnl p < nniirifiitly cured
iliiuriI'll , in tills i > . in. f-uniltiyi , lu till 1 .
N n. I'cinunit uuiiblotii vlfll u nniy lo trujt"il l
tliplr liomui liy ccinuiiHiiil no .Mi-ilUliirM nail liu
tuiiillcunliln tniiii | o lui'iro riply " .
" t H Klllot'lilli hi. , O.iiiKi | to IJoyil'4
< ) | I < MM llll.lhC , Oill'ltlfli ' N 'll. '