Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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AnvHlTlSKMENTS for tlienc columns will
lie t liken until 12sn ; | > , in. , for the evening
< ( I It 'on and until 8-Ji : p. in , , for tlio morning
edition rtiil tiMAr ( lire.
rpKllMS-Cuili In advance.
Aclvortliemrntfl on Hits pngo
tcitnvcil for nt the rnioof lucent per word
for the it m Insertion nml I cent prr word for
each ftulifoqiiciil Insertion , nntl tl.M per line
iicr until th < iu > ail crtlsonints ( ; taken for less
than : ! ! rents for tlio Hut Insertion.
'I N1TIAI.H , figures. symbols , etc , , countoach
X in olin word.
rplirhl'ncl\rrtf pinrn'ti must run corsecn-
JL tlvolr and under no clroummnncrs will
they IIP taken or discontinued by tclopliono.
IJAIH I EH ndvertlselm ? InthctP columns and
J hnvliit tlirlr answers nrdrt'Mcd to u "iiiiui-
tori-il Ii'tlM' " In care of Tim Itr.B will rceoho
n iiunilurril check to cmtliliMiciu t ruttht'lr
letter" . AHHWHI-S will lt > dollforril only on
iircHonttitloti of this clioeU , Kiioloso answers
In envelopes properly addressed. _
1,1 , iidvartlscinpnts' tindrr tlio head of
A nodal .VJtlros" urn published In both the
irnwifiiiia ovc-nlii ? edition nfTHH Um. the
rlrcMilHt'ciiiof which agcicsrute. * mete than
W.uitipaicrs dully , mulshes the iidvfrtlner
Iho iMH-ft lint only of llii'liiriioa'rciiliitlonof
Tun Hi rln Otniiliu. Imtn l' In Council Illutls ,
Jlnculn nntl otlic-rcltlos nnd to us In the west.
AIlVKHTISKMKNTf ! ; for Mutations or for
tnalo OP female. l'd | > , not oxieodlntc 21
v.orJa n rn Inir-rU-il In TiiKSt'MiAV DKK at hnlf
int M during tlio munlliBof .Inly nml August.
The regular rate * xvlll Id clnrgi'd for oncli
nddlt'onal word abov 21 norUstm well as for
( on ? ( > ! ! 1 1 vc Insertions
Advpitlsclnd for tlipspnolu inns w III bn taken
< m tli tttovu condition' , at tlio following
kjiiHlne- houses who 1110 iiutlorlicd to take
t'Otce ' ! , < it tlio mi mo ratca as can Le
ad at the main onicc ,
O iV.r.i X Street. I.lstfi' l ock-
J" 7)IINV."UKLI1 fUn cU \ harmaelst,620 SoiuhTontli
OIIAfK t nnilV. Ftatlonuis and Printers ,
lii : . ' ( iiitliinLliHtu-ut.
: ? , l'liarnncl-lOI , , North ICth
/ 1io. ; W.J'AUU , riiaimaclst , 1718 I.cavon-
worlli Street.
H UoTlES'l'UAUMACY.SItlinndKurnam.
l'ormltitlei'tflapof fnlroliunnontliti 7x138.
I la If utttJ ; i
WANTED Situation by reclstcrcd nliar-
maclst ! eight years ' uYpcrlcnco. Address
1C S7 lleo olllcc. OSU 2Ti"
ITTATION liy a reliable man vdtn ? oed re-
foriMi urt and ten years' evperloiice as sales
man either In wholesale or retail establish
ment. AddrevtK SO Iteo olllcc. 7I7-1 ! ' > *
\7 rA NTEn-Sltuatlonq for girls ! my olllee Is
V > ill ltd with Koodulrlsof all natlonnlltlos
every city. Mrs , llrcjtu. : ill'Sl.'ith. . li'fl 2a
\ArANTnu Situation hy ( list-classcaUo and
T > bread baker. Address , K so , Omaha Ilco.
"XATANTni ) Situation by a stonoRrajihor
V > and typoxvrltcr ! tliree years cxpoi-lenco.
Address , F.J. , HKEofllce , Lincoln , Noli.
A N elderly Indy wishes situation us inirso
during confinement. experience and
brat of ruferoncoa. MM j. T. llone , 14W north
lstst. 517-21 *
N OTICE to nuirohnnt tailors Position
wanted by flrst-clnsi cutteri refetonces
Address II. CO , Itco ofllco. tJIJyS.1 *
\VANTKI * a -J JIELil' .
I'onalf , etc. , rc'topof flnl cnlinnji on this
* Half rrilM on Siintlaii ,
WANTED J men with good references to
soil goods on Instalments. Pint salary
nnd part commission. Slotropolltan Mfg. Co. ,
1718 8 U Mary'navcmc. : C71-27 *
OUTTEUS and tailors wanted to address A.
I ) . Itude , Ulovoland Cutting School , Clcvo-
Intid. U. 7ll-'J7 (
ANTED : W laborers nt Cut-OIT Inko.
Apply to ] j. 8. llalncs. Foreman. 71R-0
,7 ' , ANTED 50 men for Colorado. Wages $2
Tirid ( fJ.- > ierilay , Free fare , Albright's
labor oirenov. 1120 Viirnani stiuat.
-n * * d to < tt , ! > M ln o , la. .
wages six dollars. Apply Kvans' cafo.
„ ' % 713 23 *
ANTII > Ycgotnblo cook. KiO ; hotel
butcher. S10 ; pastry cook , 11) ; 10 men to
build fence , laborers , farm bunds , laundry
man , etc. . Mrs , llrega. ; i H H 15tli. 713 2i : *
"V\7 ANTED Immediately. 2 persons to roT -
T > eelvo Instruction and keen uookslnCoun-
ollllluir.s ; cnoil situations. J. II. Smith , 040
Now York Mfo building. 700 24'
VlTANTKll A nrstcliiss bhcltsmltli. Fislior
T V 5c Wcslovci. tbo "Two Johns" blaoksmlth
Bhou. Lincoln _ 7IS-LN'
" \ \7ANTr.h--Ar. InlclIlBcntyoiing tnim for n
T > rlist class rostaunnit , to clean fillvurand
iualo lilnisolf generally useful , must have
EOIIIO experience , call early. 1-121'urimrn fit.
" \ ITANTni ) AKUIIU to tnko orders for the
IT L'luniiuor KuollntngUhidr ( Jo. : r.'l N. 15th.
_ _ 701 ! su *
\\7ANTKI ) A thoroughly competent phar-
T > niaclst vrlio Is reRlatorod. or can re Utcr ,
In Wyonilnir , to tnl < ccliaiBoof a (
Cooil paylin ; position to the rlslit man. Ad-
ilirss , and ulvu rcfcicncuSiiiidanco DrugCo. ,
Huiul a ri co. Wyoming. _ CA" > .7
HIOKTA.YEH wnntdly lllclianls & Co ,
at KoU Oalc , la , Uood wages to the tight
men. ( fa 21
WANTED At I'anllllon. Neb. , for Hock
Island n. U. Wdrk.M1) teams $3.fiOir | ! day ;
CO ) n.nn nt "ilM nnd 51.75. Suli conlraotora
vanteu. McCormlck llros. , I'aiillllon. Neb.
/"I AIjVANIZED Iron cornice workers ; steady
VI work , trod waRci. .lames A. Miller & Uro. .
3D and till H. Clinton St. . Chicago. fi.1'.l i7' !
WANTED SnlMiiiPii on salary or cornmli-
hlon to hand Jo the now patent diunilcul
Ink uraMliii ; prncll. ThuKreutost soiling nov-
< ilty ever produced , llranos Ink thorouchly
In two seconds : no abrasion of paper. L'00 to
cm per cunt piollt. Ono mccnl'ii bales ninountod
1iJXtln ( ) hlv diiys ; another < .t ! In two hours.
" \\o want one energetic ininoral agent for every
Miitonnd toriltory. Hainplo by mall ; ir > cents.
1'orti'i in * nnil full pnltlciilara address The
Jlunioo leaser Alfg , Uo. , LaCrosse , A\is. \
Ol'r *
/ i I M1. UAlj tale ngonttooponlieadiiuartcra
vKlii some principle city , unstnno ovclnsivo
cnntiol of our business unil appoint local and
Mili-iiccnts In every city in this stnto , ttoods
\H'll l > uov'ii , Htuplo us llmir , In nnlMTsal do-
innncl , and pnv a net prolllof M to 100 percent.
Address The union company , 711 llroailwuy ,
N.V. _ Htta *
\\rANTii : ) A shlpplns ulerk fxpoilonced In
T > tbo wholesale grocery biislnubscan licnr
cxa poslt'on by addicting 1C Ullco odicoiplvo
references. 5''lI
Ti\TANTED Oalvnnlzed Iron cornlco work-
t > ers ; steady work , iwotl wascst. James A.
Jilllori Uro. , 130 and 131 South Clinton St. ,
_ _
71AUIrEfrKH8 ? , plastiri'is , painters , masons ,
V/ laborer * , etc. , etc , , ean cut \vorlc nnd apply
us lirsl payment on lot , balunco six ) cirs. :
Win. J. Paul. 1COU rariiaiii. _ jll
W ANl'El > fcovcrnl coed city canvassers.
I'orpartlcnlara nddrvai Hex 'M , Omaha ,
Neb. )
1.01)0 ) men for railroad work ! in
\\.voniln \ \ ? , Unkotn , Utah and Nevada ;
. . . _ : > s 1.7J toJJ.M : steady work. Albright's
Lnbor Agonoy. ll'Jill'iirniini st. iMBaT
\\7'AN"Tin ) Tlirco llrst class men to rcprti-
I > sent Iho Omaha lieu In and out of thoelty
Hall at tlin special olllco of Dinnba Lice , cornur
Itlh and I'liiiiain .Kionnd floor. . 1C7
AV ' . Men to " trayrl foronrOan ndlan
" "
AOr.NTS-SM outfit on at ) days' tlnin. JIW.OO
pioUtlni weeks or no nav. Add. wltb
itnnip : Jarvls.V Uoinpauy , UacliioVls \ , Mn
771 ,
" \ \ 7ANTKISalesnen al75 per month salary n
ary mid PNpenscsto sell a lln of sllvor-
tilated wine , watches , etc. . by sample onlyi \
liurxi nnd team furnished free ; wntoatoneo
for full p.irtlculari and sample nasuof roods
frco. standard Silverware Co. , lUmen , Mass.
"V\7AM'1'.U-20J laliorors for extra road
> > gimp * . Apply to I * . 11 , Johnson , H.A : M ,
1'' depot. Onuiliii. < S8
STONKMAiONH wanted at Norfolk and
IJculrlco Good wages paid. M. T , Murphy
luriates , cte. , tee top of fret column mi Uiti IHIOC ,
llafratcton ( Sunday ,
\ \ 7A NTEU-Ono ( Irst-oinss Indy cook , oiio
T 1 it'L'ond Kirl , nnd onu llril-i-liivs illiuinf room
plrl. Uood wncos. Call ut 111 S. Kill ut. CtWW *
ANTRD-Good gill for Roiiornlhouso ork
monco. Apply XU"J l-'aruani. urti Si *
Gllllj for general lioiisovork , otin who Is nrnt
end ran cook , omull family , H , o. cor. 1'Jlli
anil Itorhjrjili. , . _ (178 ( 1 *
7ijlT'I < for K0iror.\l housuworK , must oe good
U cook .RH UujiUaUvo. _ li'SI-Sl *
* " '
t "EVv'FTiuT troiiii Klrl for general housu-
J- > work II per week. CO ) S. IDtli. ux )
WANTKD nurse girl. Oowl wages to
right party. 8. K. cor. 2Tth and Jones ;
W illlrlforTionsuwnrkntoncc. . Hood"
wiigps | > nltl.GiiIggT _ California t. lilO-
" \\TANTKD S irnotT ulrl for RcncTraTTioTino
VV work , Apply to 1811 8.10th it. KH 2:1 : *
\VANTKD Olrl for general house work In
> mnll family , 1000 I uriiani nt. ( SW si
- uirl lor lU'iicriii
ininll family. Iiujiilro ISlHCorljy t.
t.Xil (
\\rANThn-Olrl for kltchon work. No care
_ > > j > r children. ll oSSUtb. _ C7 < _
WANTHD-At oneo , ilrl for general lionso-
work. I ) . W. I'lii-lps , M So. IlT.tb nve.
t _ | _ ii03t
WANTIll ) A competent boutekwiiur nt. n
farinliouso near tlio city. Apply nt ? OC3
ois-ZI _
LADY agents wanted ; entirety now skirt
and linen supporter : rapid M'llrr ; siiniplo
free. Addirss Jim. N. U. Llttlo Mf | ? Co. , f.'lil-
f go. 1 1 1 ,
_ _ _
AtlOI > fcook ) Infainlly of three , mipiriivo
references , good wages , soul llnrneytt.
701 5.1
\\7ANTKD-Onml Rlrl for c"iii'ril : house-
M nork In small family. 20OI''irnainsl. :
7H av
WANTHU-A ijood Klrl. rail nt onrw ! lU-r-
tnim preferred. Mrs. . .1.V , Oral * . IJW tin.
31st nt. 4.V-.I
YY ANTKO-Nurso girl at 7IU.NV2MHt.1 _
cmi 21 :
l\7ANTni ) A cnod Rill lodoKuucliO lion
work. anBaithm _ _ w > Ji
\\T\NT'RU-Dlnliis-rnoui girl * atvlii7l
> > lintel. riV
l-'itr nite * , tr. , ttr Iwji j flrl column on t/iM / [
aollclled. MlisSlurdy.f.U ! ? . Soili UNO
CW Iv24 *
Kor irietc. / . , see ( up ul finl rntumn < mil ( < JHTT/C. /
hovi'ii IOOIIK , on to. ' , 'Jth . t. . iiour I'nrli
suliool ; lii's tnf rufofonco required ; would pic-
feronu or two yoimp IMCII In loinn Inliniisuiind
tuUouiiruof tame Address IC4U lluc.1 olllco.
171011 ItHNT-IIoUHO of ten rnrnn , No. SO IS
JPoiijilas St. ; linndy to bntlness. nlko to
otorcars : iniilcrn conveniences.
. .
St. l.'iuiuliuof 1) ) . T. Mount , S S. IKh t. 17J
l.K. dwollliiKHaiid Hats , all partsof
Ilio elty. 1'rlcGii ranging fniin Sl'J to * fO
montlily. bmoiilon JL. Allen , JWJJi rnriiam st.
Open oxiiiltiBH IUS-3T
llVI'Kuriilblied lieu nof II ) riximVTo
i > ; u-iliH ! ullliiiut ehlldien , pnrt of rent
tulcen In bo.'iid. Hoferences required. CO."J , t.
Miiry'ttnvu. 6I1-S3 *
lilOlt HKNI' 'l-rooni house In jjood repair.
JO 037 N. 'JTith ht. luijtilru tliero or at h''S S. IMh.
IjlUll UKNT To ii'HpDiislblo parties only ,
J- ? tlio u line new lirlirk and stone houses on
UciirKln avenue ! llflcun looms and nleovos ;
morn coiivenlonce-j and Letter Iliilshcd tlian
any house for lent In tlmclty. U. II. llemlcr-
soii.40 ( ) I'uMoii lloel. . cltv. 401
t > IJ-A niontli. double stole building. 4l\4tJ ! feet
Pin all. N. II. eor. Wth and Mason. ( ! 7J
LS-room house , 2 ± . ' N. 1'Hh st
077 28 *
T710U KENT Dcslralilo 8-rnom house , all
Jt ? modem liiitiinvciiients ; o.M'uIlent location ,
sodded yard noiit nnd rear. Coiivuiilunt to
wholesale district , and new union depot , ( .ood
locatlcn for phynlclaii. Apply UK'S loth st.
FOK HKNT Sept. 1st. cottase , all modern
Improvements , 1031 thcriuna live. 4" > (1-2I' (
'fj ) i ; ItENT Itesldenecton Hiirnoy ; all tlio
JL ; latest liuprovciiieiitH , at lowest posslblo
rental. 1'niil. 119 Kiiinum. 41'J
TTOU nKNT ri-ioom house , city water nnd
JD scrt'eim , at u biirpuln to responslltlo 11:11 : ties ,
3.C7 ! 1'arker At. Apply DID , I'axtou lilocfc. Ii8
TplWIt U1CNT SKMtin house , , vid ! and Cumin ?
JD s > ts. , J35 per juonth. O. ! ' . Ilairlson. Ull N.V.
I.lfo. 01.1
"fj OK KENT House. 10 rooms , all modern Im-
-1 } prnvemcnls , larso yiucl. 8.0 nor month.
Conmission to agent.1 * . Dexter L. Thomas.
773 _
It' VOU wish to rent ft lionso or btoro seiII ,
R. Cole , Continental block. 779
IOKKKNT ID-room bouse,2107 UoiiKlaa. Tn-
J1INE rckldcnce , modern Improvements , ' . '
L1 at. Mary's avo. . tt . " > per montlu I iUlr | at
1I1OH KENT .1-room house , peed repair , nice
JL1 yard , cistern water , rent 12. Applv to 14)0 ( )
eoutb 7th ave.or to Jno. W. Hell , druggist , loth
TjUHl HKNT 7-room lioiibo with Darn ; noni-
JP Innl rent to good parly. 0. I' ' ' . Harrison , Olt
N. Y. Life. _ _ _ _ 111
PUItNISIIED homo on Fiirnr.m st. for rent.
InqulrnUorman-Anicrlcau Sarlu s ban' : .
IT1OH KENT Good 10 room house , sewer ,
J. water , gas , batb.bnrn , furrtUce. In elegant
Bhapo , cheap. U. V. SUolcs Co. , ai3 First Nat'l
For rates , etc. , set ton of finl column on this
REST Nicely furnished room ; all
JL'modern Improvements ; terms reasonnblo
Call tit HIS. 17th st. WO 2 ! ) '
"llion llKST Two nicely furnlsbod rooms ,
JL1 single or en suite ; modern conveniences *
Inquire 1724 N 18th st. C82 28
LK1 ( lloelco St. Delightfully cool rooms , most
charmingly furnished ; board next door.
' 1
JLEASANT rooms ; also boarding. KSS. 17th.
1008 Capitol avo.
057 aSl
\TICF.IA'furnished rooms fiouiJ to 12. 323
1 > N. IXth St. lBOai
/OO ( nnd-411N. Iflth St. , looms with board at
Jat : Jlrs. ChunhIll's. ( WO
M1O KENT Nlcolv f urnlshod suit of front
J. rooms. y < XSSt. Jlary's avc.
FOU KENT 2 nicely furnished front rooms
with all modern conveniences , at210T Tar-
"OOOMS , all conveniences , 1710 Davenport st.
JLV fu'-aO *
31100MS for houBCkeupIng for man aiu
wife ; teat taken in board. 31 < J N. 17th.
FOIl KENT Newly furnished rooms will
day board. SOU llnrnoy ht , 4.M Si1
P jKASANT rooms modern hnurovoinents
1S21 Furnuin street. UoO
"XT ICELY furnished rooms , 1S211'arnain.
> OOM for single gentleman , 24i1 Uoclgc.
J'01.AIU ] Kuropeanhntel.wlthdlnlngroom
JIUtb-Uodgo. Special rates by week or mo
1OU KENT rurnlshcd rooms. 1000 Douglas
TjlOH KKNT rurnlshcdrooms ; gaBuathan
J : bteani , 1510 UowarU. 7H'J '
TJ1OI1 UTNTNlceljfurnished roomall mod
X' orn conveniences , CIS a 17th st. 7M
VTEWLY furnished rooms nnd board forsov
1 > oral n.irtle ) at MIU llnrnoy St. ; two mln
tucs1 wa'lk from center of Inrslnoss. and coo
( Uuedfor tuiumcr. Miss ( JuvlutsiValbrldge
Tor ivtto , ( tc.t tee top of flrst column on tht * page
OltOOMaiinfiirnUlicd anil rooms
for lent in Uuggau blook , eor.l tli and I'a
cllie. Cltt
O NICK looms with all coinGil N ISth si.
O Cb7 iS *
SUIT fintit rooms over inysto o iiton1 , 1C3
llowuid. btoel/ol. GOT.
1'or tatet , etc. , tee top nf flitt column on tlilt ] xii ; e
71OH Itr.NT-Tho brick corner store M and
- IMlhsH. , South Onialia. ean tt > rented by n
good party atreiiM > nablo tornis. Splendid lo
cation for grncery or bakery. Apply to "
Mack. JIWiPnrniiiiiBtrcct. 477-I3'
171UU ' ItKNT-'I'ho 4-story brick biillOlnewill
Jor without power , formerly occuiilcd bj the
lleo I'ublKhliiK Co. , Ulfl raraani nt. The build
liiK has ullrcproof cement busoment , complotc
steuin heitluu 11 xlures , uater on all tlio Hours
pus , etc. Applr at tbo olllco of The lleo Ul
STOUL3 nt 700 S IGth. 'JOMSOoach. larcoshovf
wlndoirs , hteam hunt furulalied. Thoi. F
Hallan I'nxtoii block. ? iu
FOU BKNT Kino corner store. , Ifltn nnd
JOIICB , JtX ) ; low rent , cocxl locution nnd Rtit
tins butter 0'cry day. OeorBoOlousor,70lS.lGtl
HOTKI/ rooms , nil c-oiivoiiienccs , brick ,
blk ( roui 1' . U. 11. U. Itoy , N. V. Ufo.
TTlOn RKNT I'lno MOroroom in Norfolk. Nob.
J-1 fhelvcd sultabln for cluthlni IniidiiPttl
rlcctrlu llglitn. stuaiii liont , oto. . Addru I'.A. '
Jiunt. 670
"TilOH KENT llneK warehouse , two Merles
J.1 nnd baspincnt , 7,004 Mjmvro feet , with 100
fcetof double track on u. P. railway , south
Jith nnd I'lerco Htreots. AddroM C. O.sknmp ,
Umaba. Neb. dill
For rale * , ttf. , nt foji of Jlitt column on tlit *
" \\7ANTr.D To rent. Ptoporty.owners will
find It to thplrndvantnito to list nil va
cant ilui'lllliKSlth fliH'iiton i Allen , Rental
Agent * . 1WWH I'limam -
TfK. . COLK , lentaf agent , Continental flu.
771) )
GtlO. , L PAtll , . 1GC9 rnrnnm. houses , storps
and lints for rtMit , rents collected , reliable
( Ire Insurance. Money to loiin. "IT
M OUTO.Vcj rental agency , 517 1'uxtoii block
71.1 .
Wir : iSIIAN3 & M'Cullooli ' . cna n
J. lliUY. rental agent , 200 N. Y. Mfo.
for rait * , tit. , tee top of fit tiiluinnnntlit *
In any .state. Ilcsuttlou ; all cau-es. Illaiik
'ippllcatlun frec. Itoberl Wdto , attorney , KJ
lltciailwtiy , N. Y. Ml3'
WAVrKD Two young men can get good
board and ion m in pilvate family tit
1.50 per week each. Address 1C 21 Hie. UV
T7ANTiiTo : teach ladles tlip "Perfect
Tailor Ulovo I'll ting dicss system.vs ! -
ein given with full Instructions , & > .lO ! syslcni
and self'liistnii'tlmi book , $15' ) . Perfect lilting
iitti'rn fill. Agents wanted. Call or uddrot
Urs. T. J. Kllsberry , 807 ho. 20th it. , Omaha.
JMOO rewind oirercd for the apprehension of
Ptlio man who stabbed thcolT muluof team
landing at King's restaurant , ( Jiimlm ; st. ,
ictweenNt and 22d. Address J. II. .slow ,
rvlngtoti , Neb , C5J-2D *
XUN wolk.roolliiK.Mpoutinsvalleys.etc.Rool (
vroik anil K. havagetlOlSCumlng.
GSO at *
[ 'or ntcr , etc. , see tuft of ylnst roluniii on tliln
W AMTKD ( Jood eoiunieietal papor. No-
bra ka lort age I.oanl'o.,510 I'uxtoiijilk.
tv t
[ JltMlNITliHE , liousehold goods , etc , lllirbcst
L : cash price. 317 S. 1 Jtb. 7l
for nitcs , etc. , ste top of flrxt fdliimn on WiM
MASS AC Etrcatiiienl.oleot lo.l hernia Ibat lis.
"calr - balr lrc.ilincutniunlcuro.tchliou-
odlst. Blrs. 1'ost , rt'0-21 , Wltlincll blk.NBnt
NB-nt *
Indian doctor puaiantees to euro all
Kinds of piles in ten da ) * : also nil diseases
of the throat and limps In Iho snino linn1. Tapu
norms tiikcn out In H\ | hours without leavInK
olllcc ; anil nil diseases tbat aio curable. 017
S. 10th st. Uall nnd sou him. ( WlJySI *
Formica , etc. , tec top nf cnliiran on tlili
PENSIONS Now pension law ; over 10 j ears'
expcilonee In tlio JIMsicutlon of pensions
and KO > eminent claims ; have seemed over
: ioon pensions for soldiers In Nobr.i Ua and
Iowa , their \\ldows anil heirs ; latest decisions :
latest laws ; no advance fee ; new llanls ) ; ami
circulars fiee ; consultation always free.
llliamA. KtnrKc.s , Hli Uielshton blnelc , next
south of P. 0. Omaha. tv.'alu'
" \TK\Vhiw ; pensions for nlmost all soldiers ;
-LN fat hew , mothers , widows and inlnur uhll-
drcn of soldiers. Claims pushed hy I' . N. ,
ClIiisiiian.tliaiKU'l Krenzerblk. 15 years expc-
rlence. Only pension ulllcu In Oiiinlia. M7
TT. 1'ATCII , cvelnslvo pension and claim
nttornoyj over ISyearV o.xpcrieiiee ! hate
all the latest la\vA and deulslons. Olllee re
moved from I'lenzer block of L'om-
invrco , loom 54 , Omaha. 700jy'.f *
* , etc. , per lop nf flrxl rnlumii on tilts
STOIIAOE For meiohnndlseand furniture ,
cold storuse and frt'O/.ln i tracUage. David
Cole , 815-817 Howard st. , 278
THAOICAGK storage at lowest rates. W. M.
Iliislinmn , inn l.Diivonwortli. 7la )
JTOKAaE-Urnncb & Co. , Ull Howard.
Forratfsctc. , see top of first column on this
WISH to make the neinaliitanco of a lady
with means , 25 to 'SI years of age ; object
.business and perhaps matrimony. Address
K 13. Iteo olllco. 573 B7 *
EO , Ji. . pleasosond your address to A. I/ . ,
postoftlce , Hcuvur. KB25 *
Z''orra ( , etc. , see tup of flnl CO/IIHIII / UH tliii
C1AMILV liorsc. biiRgy and spring WIIKOII for
JL. Halo or trade for harness stock and saddles
linrdwaio. Addioss IC'Jl , Hcoolllce. WJl-"l'
TmOH SAMl-KIno drlvlnshorse.V. \ . S. Ilyaii.
-t ? room 0 U. S. Nat'l Drink bulldlni ; . 474 31
OO bond mules , easy terms , Part llchtdrlv-
OinK mules suitable for all delivery business.
ItaliuK'u work mules.V. . L. tfclbj- 13 , hoard i
trade. _ . ' 7
HOKSr.S Liulit drivers , iiaiKiiin. The Into
flrohaHinado them cheap. If. . Colo. Con
tinental bloclc. 602
rilEAM Medium sized horses ohcnn. Hound
JL nnd Rood work team. SI 30. W. L. Eclby , r
111 , board trade. 227
riWO Sl'AN heavy and two span llRlit unties
JL for salo. on two years , ' time at 7 per cent In-
toiest with Hrtit or second niortKaeo Umaba
real estate security , or other approved euurs-
Ity. SclUy. loom 1.1. Hoard Tradu. _ CI3
[ 1KAM work burses , will tnl-e ouggy as part
Lpay , K. 111. board of trade. 710
T71OKt > AIjK 1 platform spring lontlier top
JL' carrliiKO almost new , 1 ImckUiard new ,
1 donblu buzcy or carrlago harness. Apply
at 2215 Webster street. Omaha. ffi'j.
niRAM Kxtra largo licavy horses. W L ,
Jbelby , r 1.1. boaid trado. 227
TTOHSJJS JJO and up. 11. E. Colo.
Foriattt.eteece _ ( oi > of first column on thti
T71OU SAT.K At a bargain and easy terms.
- * } Knrnltiiro ( new ) of aton-ioorn house , ecn-
1 rally located and filled with roomers. .1. U.
y.lltlc.lllt N. V. Mfo Ifld'K. Kit
AUCTION This furniture of a ll-room
J-Vhouso at ] r l."i Invenport ) st. , Satiinlay , July
2fi , at II ) a. in. Gate City Auction Cu , T. \ , .
Hull , auctioneer. W)7 ) ISP
On account offalllns lioalt
the now and olcxiuit fitinlturo of ail-
room house , occupants tint-class , mconio
nearly f 1.000 per month , finest location In the
city. AdttressJ 20 , lleo olllco. 3-ai :
Fur rate * , fir. , tec fojj of flnl column on this jiaije.
TTio of "pood cotton oed at
JU Jl.CO a eord ! ' , O. II. Address A. O. Voitni. %
l'oibe > , Mo. GOWi- . *
ODD clear lake tco for sale In larso iuantl- ]
tles. Tbu Nebraska Ice Co. , Kearney. Nebraska -
braska > _ : ci7ail
T7IOH SAl.H Now Stolnway Ic Son piano ; best
JL1 imiUo : party leaving city ; part cnsh , bal
ance tune It deslied , Inquire at ( lli 1'uMou bile
, f/f. / , nee fojioJlnt column on Wifs page.
TTMnHKWjAS and parasols repaired nnd
U covered. Key tlttln and general repalilus
utlloflln'a gun shop. 119N. IGth. ( Oa''l
IAHASOI.S and umbrella's covered nnd re
paired. ll.Ilalor. 110 a. IMli St. , : d door from
l'.u. Unly man In town , U4U
Forratei , fir. , set top of ftrtt column on thtAfMit .
" \\rANTr.D to rent A second hand typo-
I T writer , llunawa Sc Co. GM 24
" \\rANTED-a or 4 unfiirnUlicd rooms for
M family of 2 , central locution. Address ,
K 2U , lieu olllee. CM gl
WANTED To rent paying hotel or will
tannage hotel on shares : references fur-
nUlicd. Addrua * Lock Uox 71 , Ida Orove , Iowa ,
073-21 *
Forrattf. lie tee fop of Jltrtt colmn on 1/itj / j > age.
A YOUNG lady recently from the best con
servatories of inuslo hi f.urope wlshos to
tUacu tbo piano. fcOU a. 2kl : si , 101 23
BKl'OKE buying n piano cxamino tbo now
bcalu Ulmball piano. A. llospe.IilJ Douglas
Gno.F.aKLI.r.NHKOK.tcachorof the banjo
with Uospo , lita Douifia * . 243
Furtvtetrtt.'trt t'of flrtl ( vi
lI'II.DINO Jeans tiiajfc at lowest rates. W.
> M. Harris , room aiMrfrnzer blk.opo , P.O.
on liaiul. lllobo
. . . . llilli .t No delay.
No extra elinrFes. House ? for rcntigmxl list.
' ' ' '
\ \ ONHTo ! . ' amr Sinith
JJloinnlin real . ' 'No
cstntp. tlelays or expcn-
RO . Money on hamli nt. all times. Hates
Kmltli & Co. , Oommcrclu | atloual bank bldg.
, . . _ _
111 r.AI. ITATK loans. vy |
0. J. CuswolUl _ _ NLVi Life.
MONKY" lojn oyTill ! , P. Masters In any
amount from $10 to 10,00) , und for any
time from one to nix months.
Loans nnido on household poods , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , wiirc- receipts' , etc. , at. Ibo lowest | H > sslbn !
rnle.s , without publicity or rrmotut of propi
Loans so arranged that yon ean make a payy
ineiit at any time and reduce Initli
and Inlerest. Yon pay Interest only fur Ilio
time yon u etho money. It you owe a balance
on your property or hntu n loan you wish
changed , I will pay It on nnd carry It for
I do not advertise to loan you money at
bank rates , but confidently elalm lo giro .von
lower rate1 ? nnd easier terms than can be ob
tained elsewhere In the elty.
Money nhvavson band. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
11. V. Masters.
IJoom 4 , Wlthncll blk. , 13th and llarncy Sti.
MONK V Ion tied nt lowest rates , IOIIK time on
Improved Omaha real cstato , no "extras , "
no delay. Olobo LOHII. & Trust l'o..UO" ti. llilli.
T > lTlIjIMNO Ioan . 0 to "percent ; no adill-
-IJtlonal pint rises forcoiiiniNslon or attornoy's
fees. W. II. MelUlu , Tlrst National hank bld .
" 1J1I11ST anrt second tnorla"es on vacant and
J Improved elty pioperty. t'ounty warrntita
lioiiL-ht. Jloney on liund. I1. M. Hlehard-oii ,
618 N. V. Life. lUKi
TTONKV a'.fldor ' 1)0dayson ) furnltnre.pianos.
U horses , houses , etc. J. \VIIlvluson. . 61S
Va\tonblk. , tt"IJ _
/ ( HATTEMoans at lowest rates ; business
\Jconlldentlal,51t > I'iixton hlk. J. 11. Emlnger.
COMMKKCIAlj < and Keneral short time paper
bought ; also regular llvo-junr loans ni'idu
on Improved property. Oco. r , lllust & Oti. , SiXl
lianiKc bid'- . HII
S ? "CONInioilKaKO loans. Second mortgages
longht , Ijoanson viip.tnt lots , Kond &
t-olby.rooiu ii.Jl : ( > ard 'IMaue _ 812
KEVSTONK MorlBngM Co.-Loans of 910 to
SI.OJO ; gutoiir rates before liorronliiK and
save money ; loan on lioixos , furniture or any
approved bocurlty without publicity ; notes
botiuht , for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , call 1(203 ( , Shecly blkl5th Ac Howard.
jilltST niorteago loans at low tales and no
J-1 delay. U. V. Sholes Co. . ' . ' 101st Nut.l bank.
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules.
household goods , pi nnos. organs , diamonds.
nt lowest rut cs. Tliu llrsl or ar/zed loan of
fice In the city , Alako loans from X to .TO
diya. : which enn ho p'tld In i > aitorwholoatany
time , thus lowering the principal ami Intoiost.
Call nnd ee us wben you want money.
assist you promptly nnd to your advantage
without lemoval of property or publicity ,
Money always mi band. Nndoliiv in maKlns
loans. O. l\ Heed & Co. , 319 S. mh Bt. . over
lllngbarn X Pr.ns. 817
U Of Intciest on Hist ihortaasesof Improved
renl cstato for tlie no.ID dny.s by the Kansas
City Investment Co. . Uoiim ' * ' > liourd of Tr.ido.
.1. 11.I'ensc. manager bti ! )
MONEY to loan on any security
for sborti time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
Tbo Ilonderxin Mortgage Investment Com
pany , room 4DO. I'nxtpn bll > , SIS
WANTF.D I'lrst-clnsis Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and sec us. ilutual linest-
inont Co. . l.'l4 ! I'ariiaiii. HI1) )
PIHEAI * enslcrn money
\J I'lilindelplila Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan nid | pay piomptly ; llrst
mortBagrs wanted. Ocpniew. P. Uoatos. rep
resentative , room 7. IJoard of Tradu. Bit
TT'ASTEHN money to loan on city property ;
- ; orbought. ll.ll.hey.N.Y.Ufo.
SHORT time loans on yaeant lots. Sol by &
& Ifoed. lit. Hoard of t'nide. 821
PtllVATK nuincy to lhan clieap. O. R Har-
rNon. Oil N. Y. Jlfo. . , 843
PIUVATK funds to loan on oliolco city prop
erty at , lowest rates. Klmbull. Champ &
Ityan , 12tii rarnam st. 708-Jy W
CHATTEL Dank , 310 H. 15th st , will loan you
v money on cbattels at bank rates. Uall 44'J
for rattx , etc. , tee tup of fist eoltimn on t/i / ( prtoc.
/ Tlio spcciliTsuiiiiiier session of the
classes In penmanship nnd &hi > rtiand ) will
comnienco Monday , .Inly 14. Classes will bo
held In the morn In ; : , afternoon and evening ,
( 'all nn or address for Information. Pliindard
Shorthand Huslness College , Now York Life
building. Omaha. Nob. V ®
Ki'OND HANU-Uallu'raphs. Hammond and
liomlmUons. John II. Cornea Co. Letter
flics and ollleo specialties llimiRO bldg. b27
For rates , etc. , ten lop nf flivt eithimn on thin pane.
LKIL Clayton , clnlr\oyant and nia nctlo
healer. Can by her wonderful will uowor
granUiny rerjuest.JiO SJCtli. CM-itlU *
MUSfDU. iiDY : ) The distinguished tr.ineo
clalivoyant , late of llostou. While en
tranced will 10veal every hidden mystery In
life. Prepares Egyptian talisman which will
overcome your enemies , lemovo family
tioubles , restore lost nlft'ctlons , unites the
separated , helps all In tioutilo , etc. l''ee. 81
nnd upwards. N. 1 ! . 1'erfect satisfaction
guaranteed ! ) y mull. Send stamp for Illus
trated elreular. Mrs. Dr. iddy,3JI N. 15th st. ,
Omana. - : crall
DU. NANNIE V. WA1WEN. clairvoyant ,
medical and business medium. FcmUlo
dlscasesn.speclalty. ll'JN.llith ' ut.iooms2andu ,
Forrnlcs , etc. , err tup nf JHft column on tlilx j > < ni ( .
F OK SALK-Wcll estal'llshed elirnr store ;
best location In Omaha , llcst of rc.isons
forsulllng. AddlesK2 , lleo. C'.n ' 21
POK SALE The only bakery with huIldTns
In n lively town , county seat , about 1.503
Inliahltauts ; leasoiib for selllii" , ulckness. Add -
d i lc. 71429 *
biTsALE-lInlf Interest best payliiK busi
ness In Omaha for flW ; owner hits other
business. Inn. O. \Yalworth , W IJouclasblk.
C f > ! ! ! *
_ _
$1,000 will buy U hit. In inimufactiirliiK busi
ness. 1'aylng 100 per eent not piollt. No
eompetltlon. 8150 pel month Kuaranteed. Ad
dress K 2V lice , GG'J-SI *
1710H f-ALK A peed saloon In South Omaha.
J Address K 22 , lleo olllcc. . UV. ) iiO'
A TWO ehalr barber sbop for salo. 1' . 0 ,
DeaidurIT , David City , Nob. IKl-Sh *
" 1T10U HALi : Meat market , dohiR good busl-
-I- nets. rir"tcl.issjlxtiiros , | IOIM > S wairon
andevctytlilm ; coiiipfet * } , ( Jood reasons for
sollhiff. Address a 21 , Boo olllee , Council
Itluira. Cil-24
TTtOIt SALE Dairy on ! Ames avo. open for
JD rent or trado. .1. F. jlooli. fftial ? *
ICUO store , wldowViiidy wishes to sell at
oneeher late husbands half Interest in
peed paying drug l i ) iiu > .i. Invoicing about
7UOO , In Lander , \\'V < k. as she wishes to go
cast. Address Mrs. J. W , Sullivan , Lander U'yo
* 424
TTIOIl SAl7r-Stoclc anil fixtures of a whole-
JU Halo commission liouho , Addiuss 1C. 17. lieu
Olllco. jy , Bll
"ITIOU SALIi ortradnfor newspaper iilant
Jt ? 2 olcun stocks of rndie. lto.x 51W , York. Neb.
ASNAl * for somclx/dy wanting to buy a
stock of confectionery , clgais nnd tobacco ,
school books and notions ; good Undo estab
lished : best of reasons foi sollliiB , Address ,
A I' . M , , Urci'iixvood. rrcb. 017-20 *
UTEIj W rooms , Mil conveniences , now ,
brick. S blocks f roin-l' . 0. II , H. ircy.N. V.
L Ito biiliain _ 700
1J10H bALK A No. 1 barber shop ; good loca-
J-J tloni doing llrst class biiHlness ; owner leav
ing cliy ; has other business ; part cash , bal
"inc. Address .171 lleo ollleo. jQO a *
ITIUK SALK-ClparhlorTi In lii tuhiss location ,
- dolnir good business ; reason for sclllns ,
other business to attend lo. Address J 72 lieu.
4S02a *
TJ10R BALK Meat market , doing good busi-
-U ness. In town of 1,200 Inhabitants In nstein
Nebraska ; oulv KKX ) casb required , Address
0.1' . 'rurner.J'rpnioiit ; , Neb. f < * M n'J
T OffSXKE or cxrTliaiigtt planing mill cum-
JL plote , Txenty here iwiweri-nslno and ma
chinery as good us new. Address 0 , L , Kluo ,
Ilcdford , la. CIfl-27 *
"IjlOIt KALrOn easy toniis ] jfrst "tlaVi
- - ' restaurant nnd rlxturos unU No. 1 location ,
Kniiilro ) at lilH 1'nxton block. 20
Y-l OTKL for sal" , Two-ttory brick ; iaiinti of
-I J-thnbost lioiol.s. doing an excellent good
business , on ono of the best corners la the city ,
Adiirc 4 Commercial Howl , UruUcn How. Neb
i -ou n
For nitfMttr..KCtop nf flift fotiimn on tht * | iu .
m 0 K X ( 'II AN O K Clear lots In Twin City
JL Place. l'rniiiclt Illuft * , la , , worth fl.ixm. for
Minneapolis proucrty. C. r. Harrison , Oil N ,
Y. Life. t47-2il
I A farm for liormi nnd cnr-
Co. ( Ws SI
CNCIIANair - aerot land , clear , for
Unialia prop erty. C. J. Oasweil , sin N. Y.
f po KXl'HANliK JID.WH ) worth of Imnrovod
JL and vacant elty properly , clearof Ineuin-
hrance and In a I'vo town , for Omaha prop
erty ; will aisiimo ordinary Inennihranee , Ad
dress , 1'raiikK. llartlg.iii , Crete , oblaska.
MiMrntTn'Ti"nTirrnT\raTniit ( \ lllll
tl.-'O" ) ItuMin.hiatma for vacant lot.s cle
0 , I' . II ai'rJ iMuBllN.Y. Life. 047-2:1 :
_ _ _
\ \ fIlA1' have jrotf toit' atiK < > for 2 sections
TT of clear western laud ! make meanoU'er.
\ \ ' It AT have you toexobaugo for house and
> ' lot In Omaha Yiew. UJ.Cnswtll. 8I N.
y lfo.
- < _ 601-23
"IJ OIS oxclianuo a few lots and houses , cte. .
J-A fnrKood faiiiu or lands. W , J , I'anl , lOVJ
I'll 111:1111 : , 441
MOUTHAGKS Notes , cash land * , etc. . for
clear lots. Can use iiultu u nuiubor. V > , J.
1'aul , UTO I'arimin st. 413
V\rANI KD Vacant lots or acres for two of
> < tint lines ! and best paving blocks In tlin
city. Will give Ills deal If nude noon , with
-line eash. J Oil , llec olllee. 41 j
17 > 01l K.\oTlT\NJT-Oood farms , elty proper-
JL1 ty and wild lands In Neb. and low.i forgood
gon'lm'd'se ; property clear , title perfect. Ad
dress Lo'k Hex 10. Kremont. Neb. 8.1 ! )
I'nrmte * , etc. ' t > 'f top nf flrxt roFiiiini on / / ( < jmof.
"I7M1K SAI.K Very line boino on Davenport
JL1 stifit. nt'iir IllKh Scliool , .vioom lionsi > , all
inoiU'in IniproveiiiciiN , one of tbo chorccst
plnres on thostroeUJJ.UOO. U.I' . llarrNon. Oil
X. V. Life. 1U7-KI
1710U SALII-Lol fKUIOO feot. irood bnlldlna
J. 'llo. KK ) . Tornis easy. U. 1' . Harrison. Ull
N. V. Llfo. TO-l.rl.-
GHEAT baigalns T.'UX)0 ) will buy u line resi
lience. U.riOi ) down , balance < > n t line.
ANo a line residence lot ebi'iip for cash.
AKo a IliiinealileiiCP.lii Konnt'i ) I'laot' .
I'nr pnrtIciilars apply nt the Nob. Steam
hiumljjfH-imm Ilitli AJIona ljils. ir l
I IOIt SALi-7UU ; for'houso and lot icntlng
-L for jl-oer niontli on thu Investment. l\ 1' .
Harrison , nil N. Y. Llfo. 7i ) 25
"IjlAUSI.s for sale or trade Three line liu-
JL ; pru\cd farms eontalnltiK 5' ! ) acres In Gos-
per county. Neb , Will trade the nlmlu or p.ut
for ini'iohniidliiC drugs or hardivaio pre
ferred. Address U. 11. llollamy , Aiiipnlioe ,
rurnnaro. . Neb. RCIS ! *
TjlOltSALK-Ono choice lot In llrlggs'iilnee
JU on l'irnainst ' , $ lbW. ( 0. F. Harrison , lilt N.
V. Idfo. 7W _
Y/lOIt HA L'U Tlio eholcu n ldi-nco at No ,
JU 10JI ( icorrflu avo. , J.K14) ) ft 1 ! front.O largo
rooms , bath , gas , sever , hot and cold water ,
i-lospt and all euiivenU > iict > . owner going to
luave city. I ) Y. Hholes Co. , WJ 1st Nut. bank.
"JjlOU SAM' front lot In llanscoin
JL1 Pliu-e , MM50fect , * . ' , ! . 0. F. Ilairlson.
1)1 ) IN. Y. Life. 701 2.-I
$10 CASH and M per month for homo nnd
full lot at from i&H to ftl.AJO each. W
.1. Paul , li'iOt ) 1'arnam. 4jl
T7IOH SALK-Lnt IKIxirCi. near West rarnam
-1 ? andilMlists : , 17,500 , J-i cash. U. 1' , Ilairlson ,
011X. V Life. ' 7072.- .
T710II SA LK-l'onr Rood lot.s IIIalnut lllll.
JL W.vlV ) uiiuli. on grade. . Price 8Vi ) each ,
wmth double the moimy. Slrlngor & Penny ,
Douglanhlofk , tiilh ami DO'.ltic. 400
" 1J10H HA LK 8 room house and lot. Hansi-om
JL1 plaee. Vacnnt. lot for llrst payment. H.d-
irnco to suit. U. J. U.iswcll , 610 N. V. Llfo.
A H JIALIipnyiiu'titdown and # ! . " > pur month
jVwIll buy a 4-rooin lionso and lot on lOtb , 2
blocks from motor ; llrst-class chance , to ( io-
rjulio nlioine on easy tornis. Apply to U.K.
Cole , t.'oiitjncntal block. Ktt
LINCOLN I'lnco and Ciutliaiu lots , pilco
M.Otfl , ? .Vdown ) , Imlanee * lr ) montlily.V. . L
Si-lliy , loom Kl , Hoard of Tnulo. Kit
p OK : SALE Choice homo near lleinls I'aik
and Cumins st. 8-rooln iiioilci nlinuxe. f 1,000 ,
Kasy teiYnsi 0. ! ' Harrison , 1)11 ) N. Y. Mfo. '
E up and nuy a nomoon inonthiy pay-
T incuts Choice of seven dllToicnt houses ,
south fronts on Farnam st , Exory convenience ,
int'Iudlns fnrnacn and gas. ! ' ! .uiscui ; bo seen
lit my ollic-e. Call In. 1) . V. Sboles Oo. , 21U 1st
National bulk. t > O
THOU MALI' A flno new rrooni cottaxo near
JL1 electric car line on N. 27tb st.Vlll \ ko. as
p.irL of cash p.iynicnt a gond horse or homo
and iihacton. P 1MI Knrnain st st : !
pr-HOOM cottages , $ lr > 0fl each. $ IOJ cash down ,
* > bahmco tl'i IX.T month. Thos. V. Hall. 311
Pax ton block. K1T >
8 = 10
"WOU SAI/E Elcpant homo la Ilanscom
JL Place. K-room IIOIIMJ ; all modern Inmrovo
menu , Jl.fKW. 0. K Harrison.1)11 ) N. Y. Mfc.
COTTAGi ; boines In most any addition for
sale at fiomSlCOup.nn easy monthly pay
ments. IMv. Iarllnz.4ilarkor ) ; ! blk. Ki-'J
I1OII SAI.K Mco 7 room House ready to
tno\e Into with full lot , iWAM , $ : cash. 0.
V. Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life. 133
II'1 YOU have anything to soil or exchange
call ut U18 I'axton block 84.1
IllOIc SAljl'New buMncss bloclc on Kith
street , rents uro 10 pur cent of price- asked
$30,00)1 ) cahh. balance long tlmo.lll \ bo on the
markctonly a few days , Address 11 72 , Hoe.
Mtidi ) to Com motors.
Kotlco Is hereby given that scaled proposals
will bi < teeelved by the eltv cliirk of the city
of Houth Uuinlia. < m or before thu''sth ( lay ol
July , h'M ' , at 1 o'clock p. m. . for sloplm ? and
removing tlio dirt on tlio following lot , ae-
cordlni ; to the provisions of Uidltmnce No , 128 ,
to-wlt :
Lot J , block SO , Soiith Omaha.
Lots 1 8nd2 , block HI. South Omaha.
I/otsl and2 , blook2 , llrst addition to South
Omaha ,
LotH , block 1 , first addition toSouthOmaha.
Lot 14 , block S.lirst addition to NmthOmalm.
Lots ! * . Ill , 11.12 and 13 , block 8 , llrst addition
to South Omaha.
Lotsl , a and 4 , block 7 , addition to South
West soienty-flve feet of lot 1 , block 1
Ilioun's 1'ark ,
Last seventy-llvo feel of lot 24 , block 4
llro n's I'.nk.
I'asl se > inity-ll\o feet of lot 8 , block 8 ,
Ilrown's Park.
Lot 7. block S , Ilrown's Park ,
Lot ! ) , block lii. : South Omulia.
Lot 10 , block 114 , Houth Omaha.
Lota , blockKS , fMHith Omaha.
Lois 1. 'in 11(14 , block l > l. South Omaha.
Lots 1 , 2and 4 , bluck W. Eolith Omaha.
Lois , 'l nnd 4. block UJ. Simtli Unialia.
Lot II , block n. South Omaha.
No pioDocils will be consldeied unless nc-
nimpuulvd by a eeitltled ehouk for ifKU.OO. to
bo returned on all bids nut accepted. The
right Is icserved to roje't any or all bids.
J17dlOt Jens J. ItvAN , Olty Olerlf.
Notlco of Incoriiurutlun.
State of Nebraska , I _
County of Douglas. I
Toall wli in It may concern :
Tal > o notleo that a coiporatlon has bcot
created , and ( lcd ! Its aitluks of Incorporntloi
as required by law ,
1 , Tlio nainn of said corporation Is Th-
Dnlte.l States Labyrinth Company of Omaha
2 , Its olllco for iiunsautlng its business I
Omnlia , Nob.
: i. Thi general naturoof Its business shall IK
to build and opcram poitablo and slatlonar >
I.abyilntlis. througliout thu Tidied States
afterthu plnns and spcullicatlons of patent
now pundlnir In the rnlled Mates I'atuiit Of
flee , and entitled , "Stationary and I'orlabl
I.abytlntlis. "
I. I ho capital stock of the corporation shal
boi10.000.iX ) , divided Into one- hundred share
of fit" ) each , to bo patd In full w lien Issued.
5. The time of commeiiceiuont of saltl cor
poratlon is .lilly 12th , 16'JO ' , and shall terminal' '
January 1st , liw" .
U. The lilKhesl amount of Indebtedness o
liability tohtcli \ this corporation shall n
nny tlmosubject Itfolf. Bhali l > o two-llftlis o
. i paid tip capital stock.
7. alTii Irs of the corporation are to b
CLiiiliK led by a board of dlicctom.
H. The otilecri of this corporation shall bo ;
president , vlco-presldcnt , sociotary an
treasurer , of which the two lust named filial
glvo bonds wllh Rood mid sulilclent fliirltles.
0 The boaid of of directors shall maUooiic
bv-lawn and regulations for the novel-union
or the corporation and thotnuiiugpinent of It
alTnlrhas they may deem necessary ,
0. U , NKI.SON , it. r , MADSKN ,
J , T , MAII.KNUEII , H. . .
B. JOIKIK.SSK.V , 1' . S , 11OIKV.
Ineorporatorsand Directors ,
T , A.MEdEATll , 1'resldiint.
8 , JOAN.SKV. VIco-I'resldent
0 , II. NEMON , Secretary and Manager ,
II. MADat.v , Tronsuror
Signed , Omaha. July K , IM'J. jlG-23-uai : )
ron RENT-
Jos.RMeccATH ,
Notlco to Rrwor Conlrnclors.
Our KNOtarni'.iOrriOK I
3. Onnihii , Nub , Julr I ( Hli. 1800. f
lfu proposuls will bo reoelvod by the un
dersigned , nt this nnico. until twelve o'clock
niHin.of .Inly ? Sth. I * . * ) , for fiiriiHiln ) all tlio
materials nml doing all the work necessary to
complete tne foIlowliiK elty iiuumomentsvl /
I'onttructliiit n twenty-four Iiu'h storm
nle.rco.wer , ln"J" street , nlso putt Ing Inn
pile hulk head nml appnvtch to the western !
it "Q" street viaduct. I'lana ' nnd peclllea-
tloasmny bes"en. and all Information rela
tive to tlio work obtained nt this oltlcu.
No proposals from any contractor la default
with the elty on any previous eontra--l will bo
No proposal from any contractor will bn
considered unless accompanied bvn ccrtllldl
cheek for llv hundred doll'irs i'tmi ) to bu
returned on a'l bids not accepted.
Thurlurht Is reserved In reject any or nil
prnpiml.s ; work to bo complete within sixty
( In vs.
Approximate estimate Is 2370 feet twentv-
our Inch plpo. 400 feet twelve , Inch plpn. All
bids must be on blanks furnished by the elty
aglneer ,
IIV order of the couno'l. rommltteo on
Ireots and alleys. U. CONNIILI.Y.
.MfMlU't Chairman , _
Iho Oiimhn .V : U-ptibllcnn Valley
It ilhvny Conumuv ,
Notlco l hereby glvon that a special moot-
MIS of thostoeliliylners nf tliii Umahu k llo-
iiibllenn Vnlley K.illway Company win be
ic'tl nt Iheolllceof tlm conipaliy. In the I'nluii
'in-1 lie Hiilldlng , Utnahn , rselirasX.i. on Wed-
lesday , July ; u , ISUO , at lOo'etock a. m..tortlio
I'irpose of iietlnc on a certain traukino
rjri-c'iienlby nnd between tlio X'nlon 1'aelllo
lulUny Company. Ilio Omaha A HopiiMlean
\nlley I'-illvvny I'oinpiiny , thoSalliiivASouth-
vestern Itallw.iy ( . 'ompiiuy. tlio Ohlo.igo. Hock
sland .t Paolllc Kallwny Uompnny , nml the
/'lik-niio. haiKas & Nebraska Hallway t'om-
mny , ( luted Mny L1MI1 , nud for the trnns'ie-
lon of such ( itlicr litislnoss as may legally
Ciimehefore t.lio meeting ; ,
Omaha. July IS. 1K ) .
J2id7t : AuvAXHKit : Mti.t.Aii. Peprelary.
Not lee.
Sealed proposals will heiocelvodat tliooflleo
of A. 11. Dyor. O'Neill. Neb. . Auatisl 1st. Is'H ) .
it r p. ut. , for fiirnlililiiit material and labor
leeessary for Ilio erection nnd completion of
St. Mary s Academy , according lo pl.mnnd
peellleatlons to boseoii at the Omaha Slate
mil Hooting Co. , Omuliii , Neb. A certllled
'heck fortJOD.ik ) must tiecoinpanyeaehlild. mid
lie committee reserve tlio right to I elect any
ul all bids. A. U. DVEU , Aicnlluut.
IiHlepciidont Political Parly.
The In ilcpetident political party hold a mcot-
ff lit ICnlghti of Labor Hull Tuesday night.
\vithS. 1) . UviiPiiwon in thoeliiilrand Chi'ls-
fun ( JtifisliaiKuii ns seeretary. Under the
call the ( .MUCUS wns entitled to &end six clelo-
to the county convcnttoii.
\fter naniinp ; cnitilldatus nml
, hu toiiiporaiy olllccrs ponnatient , the
tiiiK adjourned to meet Thursday ovcn-
in the sumo place to elect the full iitiin-
of dclctfiites and nl termites to tlio county
oiiveiitlonvlilch will moot In Washington
ull , Omaha , Saturday nrtcrnoon ut - o'clock.
X. ti-s About tlie City.
Miss .Tc.iuuctto n. Mullen hits Rene to
tiliM , Mo. , lo spend a luoiilh vialtluuvlth
Samuel 12. Gibson , George Warrli'l : , .Tamos
1. Yrju Uuscn and Juiiici \ \ ' . Lowi'y nro in
-lllCdll ) .
AlplmloilpoNo. 41 , Dauplitors of Hebolfah ,
will visit tlio Plattsniotith IndRoAuKtiat 12.
Licutonent S. Walton of the Minneapolis
police foiw is in the ol ty , thoiruestof Mai-sha
lames P. Mulonoy. Mr. Walton , since ho ar-
U'od hero , met a man whom ho run In as a
: rainp llvoyuars ngo , nnd today that man has
SIJI.WH ) ill hank , a pooJ business and a good
A siiarrltiB contest v.'lll talto plnco Tliurs-
cvuninK ia Gerinniii.i hall , between .hiclc
und linmlull HaiHs.
Pctor nrcnnnn nnd Thomas Rock tied ,
osslmjslx thousand as Uioniiinherof beans
in the Jur at llrcwer vt Sullivan's , They raino
within seventeen beans oT bcinRconeet , hut
no\v cannot decide who shnll tulco tbo parlor
D , C. Crimth lias arrived from Buttle
Crock. Mich. , to visit his p.irenta , Mr. nnd
Mra. It. H. Grittltli , and will go from hereto
Sioux City.
ICarl 0. Congar. of the Avmour-Cudaily
force , tins returned from Ccdur Itapids , Ja.
Ivlisa Wyriclr , of Tipion , on hoi" way to
Japan , us a missionary , is thu guest of Mr.
nnd Mrs. S. I ) . Kyuearsoii.
Tie ) now offices of the pro'tt Hock Is
land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Fiiritatn
Btrcot , Omaha , are ( lift lino-st in the city.
Cull and fee thorn. Tickets to ull points
oust at lowest rates
Doctor DIsiciiKHes tlm Rnbjout I rein
a Sanitary t tmidpoliit. .
For mtinyycnrs tlio only important ob
ject in rog.'tnl to so\vn < ' , 0 seemed to bo
how to got it out of the wny ; anil that ,
indeed , with .soino variation IB still tlio
burdonof the inquiries on the subject in
all jiopulouB places where the retention
of ulFunalvo refuse is rccognb.od us an
evil , iiiul whom many , oilier things tire
postponed to thij irretit cuiiso of public
health , writes u.V. . Hosmor , JI. D. , in
Ilurpor's \Vcoltly. In seine comrautilticb
the solution of this problem , oven in very
aiiciont times , was biibstniitliilly what it
is now in the bi\st sowored cities ; that is ,
sowugo wus curried to flistiint points by
a current of wntur ilowing1 through close
I > lpo3. Kvcn in the city of Jerusalem
this Bj'stom was in operation in the days
of Solomon , and modern engineers have
discovered the remains of the system ,
and thus proved an interesting1 fact as to
which history was sllont save for a few
vague phrases hero and thcro.
.But not all the older world has mot
the dilllculty in the sumo way. For
thousand of .years China lias douo
without sowcrd , appears to bo mme the
woi'ho for their nbsonce , In that coun
try men carrying1 pails on n yoke go from
liouso to hotibo in nil cities. Their palls
are moving substitutes for severs , and
what they gathered in the city they Hell
to farmers and gardeners in the country.
Ills said that typhoid fever is unknown
there ; but a recent epidemic nl ljodn !
proves that this is not altogether true.
This , however , even If it wore true ,
docs not nncssirily prove that China is
free from Iho causey of typhoid fever.
On the contrary , it may prove their ox-
trenic lire valence , for the exemption of a
rttL'o of men from a malady of HUH na
ture suggests that may have lived where
tlio iitino'sphoro were fuirly loaded with
tlio gonna of the diboiibo , and that
natural faolection played its part in pro-
ducting a type that was proof against it.
Hut wo may come nearer homo anil
find cities that nourished for a long time
witlmut Boworfi , and even without so
fjood iiBubbtltuto as the Cliinoso system.
Many American cities have neither , and
that undent abomination , the privy
vault , is u universal domestic institution
in bitch cities. It is , as time files , but n
very few ootirti since this city \vas in the
Bamo predicament : that is to say , in
stead of adopting the system
and sending olTonslvo refufeo out of town ,
lobo worked into the ground and ex
hausted by vegetation , wo retained it in
enormous quantities in pits near our
houses , \vliuro it contaminated nil the
ground near and imiJotho atmosphere of
the summer nights horrible. It is probable -
able that a fever much known in the
city , and which lies on the line between
Intermittent and typhoid fovcro , is pro
duced by breathing emanations from the
boil thut ) contaminated ,
Dr. SussdorIT treats successfully all
diseases of the kidneys , bladder and
rectum. 1501 Farmimut.
Tlio l/nst "Words nt llabel.
According to tradition , Back a bag-
was the last word utlorcd before tlio
tongues were confounded at Babel. Tlio
derivation of the word is us follows
Saxon , sere ; ( Jonnan , Bach ; Welsh , each ;
Irish , sue ; French , sac ; Ltitln , saecus ;
Italian , Riicco ; Spanhli , BIICO ; Greek ,
biilvkos ; Hebrew , biik ; Swedish , sack ,
Tickets at lowest rates and Huporlor
nccoimnodntlonft via the grout Hoelc Is
land routo- Ticket ouluo , 1002-Six
teentli and Farnam utrouts , Omuhu.
Homo of the Uci | < ilfllu < < t to KuorcHH In
Gooil honlth la p jirtlcularly necessary
for the tonelu r. ns tlio labors of the
H'hoolrooin dmwpo '
lly on the vocal , mental and nervous
forces. Tetu'hoM need to bo continually
on their guard against anything : whluh
t-an luterforo with theh- physical well-
being. Thlsprci'imtlim IKIH also a mural
blgiilllcnncoiuul Impo rtnnco.
Of course , the more lllwral and thor
ough the education , the bolter the
foundation on which the teacher's work
Is ba.sod ; but there have bconiminyjjroat
scholars who have proved very poor
tenchors , for the possosslon ofkuowloilgo
by no moans Implies the ability to Impart -
part it , HII.VH u writer In the Ladlos'
Homo .Tourntil. It iHfiife to nsitimnthnt
notural talent In this direction Is th- >
best possible test of thu "born toucher "
in t unlit km to what Is usually included
in a liberal education , a knowledge
of the comparatively , modern
ftcienco of psychology is imlo.spoitsablo ,
familiarity with Iho laws whlca control
the development of mind , the material
upon which the Icaclier exclusively
works , if idio guci'codii in l or work
wltbotit this knowledge , her success will
result "more from good luck tliiui good
looking to , " or bo the outcome of a
happy Intuition which , unfortunately ,
few posses. This branch of sclutico mitt
but lately boon accorded Us proper phieo
In our curriculum , but every day
strcngthonsits cltiliu to bo considered
the corner stone of every educational
lUttrtin Luther assorted In his cast-
Iron htylo of rhetoric , "Unless a school-
in astor knows how losing 1 thlnkhimof
no account. ' ' Such a test would materi
ally decrease the number of pedagogues ;
nevertheless , it Is true that such ability
lu of tll rri.mitd f m.t'Vli.n iiIlio , .
The physical benoiit rontilt ing from Hing
ing Is suniclont reason for its use ,
3vcn if no other existed ; but It Is poctt-
Itirlyvaluable as a source of enjoyment
o children , and a great nid In thu prcs-
irvation of order. Even a little knowl-
id'o ( of drawing places u mighty power
n the hand of the teacher. Nothing so
nuch helps to make Instruction clear
mil linprosislvo as dimple and rapid II-
ustratlon , particularly in the primary- ,
grade * . At present these two nccoiup-
ishmonts improperly so termed , for
.hey arc really Chhenuals are required
u most schools , Tlio children of today ,
.vhoare . the touchers of tomorrow , arc
'ocolvinjj ' thorough instruction in tlicno
wo mitttoiv , and extiericnco proves that
t is almost as instinctive for them to
ling and draw as for a bird to Hy.
To the yomiR face I'ozzoul's Complexion
'owdor gives fivslior iliurms , to the old re-
ie\veil youth. Try it.
i Knli > vccmcnt of the Ijiixv Ijiirgely
Itcsponsllilo for I lie-in.
It isnt once a reproach to the corpora
tion and an evidence of the dcspcratu
iceds of the millionswho toil , that every
nan engaged in mining feels that ho
alces his life In his hand when ho em
barks in the business for his daily bread.
Inileed , when the conditions of mining
ind the bestowal of the miner tire ex-
iniliied , it fairly looks us if improvidence
mil reclvlessness were deliberately in-
ulcatcd upon tlio musses dedicated to
the garnering of treasures of the earth ,
says u writer in Harper's \Vookly. The
hamlets bousing tlio miner and his
family are capriciously set in narrow
gorges , which servo us waterways in
asonti of Hood , or if not in these death
traps , upon the thin crust of
covering actual or arched out excava
tions. Kntiro cities like Scrnnton , Pitts-
ton , "Wllkcsbarro , are built upon thin
trusts of rock and roll. When ,
is often happens , hinglo houses ,
whole streets etivo in , there IB little
ajlo inndo over it ; life is lost , properly
destroyed ; there iiro no words of reproach
preach in the local press , no awaken
ing of the great corporations to set about
a now order of things. A la guerre ,
comino a la guerre , beoius to bo the
maxim of the barons who command the
conscripts of Pennsylvania. A more
gllmpso of the fabrication and construc
tion of the mountain railways , the hillside -
side breakers , tlio subterranean gal
leries , Impresses tills upon the observer.
Everything is put together for the blnglo
object of producing the coal at its small
a cost as possible ; little or nothing seems
to bo done to make the mining of it se
cure , the lives of the toilers caslur. The
ingenuities of science adapted to speedy
results are well paid for by the coal men ;
but , save In rare cases , thcro is no spur
for those who seek to make llfo secure
for the toilers in the shafts.
"Flro-damps , " Hooded galleries , crum
bling supports , are manifestly
regarded as major forces of nature that
the cunning of man is Incapable of con
tending with. And yet , for moro than
a thousand years , the Halt-miners of Bar-
vnria have been worked farther into the
bowels of the earth than any shafts
known in this country , and Iho records
show no accident Involving human lift ) .
This , however , is duo no much to the
more active philanthropy of the owners
as to the precision of the laws and their
zealous enforcement. Tliero are laws
for the security of the minors' ' lives in
Pennsylvania but they uro little regar
ded. Tlio men whoso Mifotyand comfort
depend upon their enforcement are nat
urally the least able to fjut thorn ap
plied. It might bo naturally bo supposed
that under a condition of things where
the operators find It for their interest to
cease mining for throe or four months
every year , the Idle hnnds might bo hu
manely employed in .securing the shafts
against such uruughtors.
Fits , spasms , Bt. Vims ilnncc. nervousnesi
nnd hysteria are soon cuivdoyPr Miles'
Nervine. Free siinmlc&s at Kuliti & Co , , I5tu
and Douglas.
Tlio Host on Olrl'H Itrlghr Trick.
The Boston girlmny wear glasses , but
hho has energy and push when she de
sires to reach an end. Ono of them re
cently dovlbod a neat tchcmo to got hoi *
vorHui , which were usually "declined
with thanks , " published , lays HID
Manchester Union. Hho would
frond a line or a verse from ono of hoi ?
poems to tlio query column of uoinu pa
per and ask from what poem such a line
came , the nuino of the poem , and that of
the author. A friend , also a rhyinstcr ,
would send the querist's own poem to
the paper with the desired information ,
and of course It would appear In print.
Tlio querists would do the same for the
"friend , " and so on until between them
Ihey had moct of their effusions printed ,
if that doewi't show genius wo are no
judge of that Boston commodity.
. Tins.
Pins , such ns we now ube , hcora to
have been unknown in England till
about the middle of Iho liftwnth cen
tury , says the Dry Goods Chronicle.
I'rovIoitH to that time they were nuido of
ivory , bono , box-wood , and a few of sil
ver , and were nocoss'irlly of largo Bizo ;
brunches and hooks and eyes were much
employed In holding together parts ot
dross. In Iftlil thu manufacture of mod
ern pins bccamo HO considerable as to
claim the attention of the Urlthh par
ltV)2. ) Sixteenth and Fnrmun ntroots is
the now llock Island ticket ollleo. Tick-
eU to ull points east at lowest ratoa.