HMiiH THE OMAJIA DAILY BEB jVTEDOTESDAY , JULY 23. 1890. 5 JHE UN MINES OF DAKOTA , V toinaka Gntlemon Bring Back Glariotts Ra- portl of Their Ras /ITIISEATENED / STRIKE AT THE SMELTER. L > protcliltnn Declare for > Xrlulccil IjjrTrirttlci 'Ilia Inelcpond- cut 1'urtj'H Call-A. Hull ; Whlp- Iicel Oilier Jjounl. President IMirtln awl Secretary Nnsonof Ihc board of traaohavo returned from a * , litt to ttio Bitch Hills tin minim ; district , which Is now attmcllnfjBO much attention , not only In ttli cojntiy , but throughout Europe. . One of the questions so often rcpcitcdby the tin Importers la lupjioiotl to bo unan swerable ) "Jf thcro Ii tin In tlio Black IlllU why ! " H not mined and sent to market } " And ttio Importers ndl : "When It is pro duced tucommorchl qutmtltloj wo willbe- llev-e tht'M In tin in D.ikoUi" Tlio count ryuroJiicl the tin mlnciwasnot open to jottlomontto any extent vhon ( lie doposltdwuit ) discovered. The Boscrnmmit had not surveyed the district , and It WAS nccc5s.ilto proceed slowly uud vllh cau tion rXhls tin dhlrlcth anobloifr nrc.i from flfty to sixty mile * in clrumfoimco Hal there becnn tlioroujh d'velopin : nt of a half dizen mines uttlio befcinnlnglt v.ouldha/o put up thepriciof : ill other pioportles to exorbitant figure * * . 'J'o succeed uttm mining HU iirces- Biuyto contuil n IirgoOAUmt oftbo territory. 'Iho torporatlon known n lh i Iliimoy Peak conpun ) , " said Mr. Kuson intpmiMiiR of hli tilp toiBir. reporter"now pnctlcilly OWIH tlicchlcf tlndejmiH , together with a majoilt * , of the v.iluublo furiumg rnuchestlru- , boi ilainis and water iirlvilCRc-s otuuj nctuunt Jn the llurncy 1' : distilot. 'JL'hU r > nijiiny hm nlte.iJy expended overt-WilM ) on their timber In this district \villcoiitiiiuolo expoivl S-ofl.UOO . or moio n ycai foi two or three yoavi moio beloro tlioj expect to begin inukctluK thoiroro At the cndof this tune theyllguro to n nicety how they will hnto tlicir propeily in shnpo to pro duce all tlio tin ticceibaiy to supply the innrKptsof the cntliovoild. . I never Imvo hail nij c > es opened sotldo In nil inj Hfo before. ' , not so niULh I hcird in bj \vlnt J actually saw , in this Eakoti tin niinlny business. This compnny to wlilch na\r \ refer Id n f ibulemslviloh onocotnnoseil of both Ainciiuns and lUiropiMtis Ilcnrj C. " \ \ > el r , the gcnarul munieor , nnd Jlyion Wlllslo , funeral superin tendent , as well ni ctlior oftlccn gi\\a \ usllio benefit of thoirpersonal attention , ( roliifT lieio , tliereiuieliiliabouttlieirpi-opettv , fthiouRliialn nnd shine , 01 iniul nndiillt vfrav , explaining avorvtliliiK , politely \\lth- lioidiiiRliifounaUoii only ulicntho Inquiries oujTtfested ndosiio to 1mv Into ( lie mines ' Vhodevclopimmtof these tin mines fonlso cnlllnKimbllo attention totho mint-nil in tlio nine-It Hilb Ki-norally. Castor onoof the most bo.iutlfiil nml pliturcsquo towns In the ullls wu originally laid in those cxcitiiifc'ihijsvlicn Oencnl custcr camped umonptlio mountains niiil proclaimed that tlioliilH wno rich In mineral xvcilth. The pold seekon built n town In n night , tinned tlio lonely valleys Into plaser mines , mid sluiced the wild strawberry mellows for polil. That wnt jcars npo The oiicninsof the tin mines is now woilctiig a cli. iip > . The recrnt pa\mcnts of hundreds of tliowniicU of dollais lor tin chillis lias luuiUeiiul tlio country into actho life , and business of all Iclails Is on a ow basis. "Thcio li nomoicdoubt tint vwt tiei of sin venneato the hills and mountains around IIaiacy'4loik tlun that there h coal in coimnuiihd quantities in I'otmsyhnui.i Indeed theio Is moiotnlUninoncf the inlneis nnd otherIn the southern hills about these tin dcjxwitsthan atiout allthuothcucsouroos oIBoulli Dakota. 'Jho tin is IhoroamUhcic is so niuvhof it , and It is so c jy tooxtrict It from the 010 found In thtj outiiopilnps that oulluniy f.trmcis hnvo iiodllVicult } in crush ing ttii ) i o < It wilh a lianiiuor and molting out tla In a bUu'ksmlth shop. "Homo iiloa of tlio extent of the Harncy poalc piopertics tnny bo fonned fiom the statement that between nine and tea ( lions- and inrea of tluquiutz clihmiuo coatrollcd by the company The principal groups , em- liraco from li\o \ to foity IcJges or claims , each containing mines showing llssurovelns assayhif ( from loity to tvohtindicdand fifty pounds of tin too.ichtonof 010. Ihe Sunday gulch group assays from thirty to ono hun dred pounds per ton , Thcso are only nvorago nuays ; others p > ushlgliiw ono huudi-cd ana lllty pouiuls. ] n the Suinelhis ii-oup tlio us- Biys mil aihlRlias six liutulml toiovcuhun- dicel [ Kjuiiils of tin pec ton. The ttcm- Ington mines Invo sliown cxtraor- clliuir.i nssa s. Tlio siuiio Is true o ( tlioMiutha Wnsliliifjton mines. Tlio Hob Jnpc-rsoll , Iho Last Ulianco , tlio Can Held anil Call lonil.i min i. tlio B luck Diamond uiul the Xvorgiooii contain llssuw veins bcnrlntj an extraordinary wealth of tin. "An Interesting llttlo fact ns showing wlnt this industry must , rompcto Mith , at inittcrs nou- stun 0 , Is this , namclr , that half the bar tin produced In the woild Is the result of Chinese ) and Coolla shvo hbor , and that jiearl ) nil Ilio liar tlnnowonteilngthoUultcd States free of duty U solely tlio production of the sumo slave labor. "But thcao Dakota tin mines arc being prepared - pared not only to compete with , but to ob- lltorulo computltlop The fnrt that ono com- jnuy tilauo has a'tojly ' put ocr W,000OOO Into their cMclopmcut , is cmploylii } * 100 men , anil contracted for SsJ.OOOautiual ctpenJItxuo for ycira to toinuU Itself enough to convince am t > ano man tlmt tlicso tin mini's nru de < itliicl ( to ttai tla every commercial maiitot intboUiioua Vorlil hi tu-o or thico ycai s. "Tills ou will , however , piobahly never bo treated uttlio mines but will bo brouyht our illrct tlon to llnd a smelter. Whether Omaha li to Kot this Klgiintie joli depends upon Omaha's rnpltallsta ulono. Well , very well. will It bo for our xiionicl men If they today , this ycrr , bopln casting about with a iwoUo to cutch unil hold for not * this mighty business wlilch Is iio.v iihnutto IM given tosomccitjlu ourdliection. Jslncetul.vhoiw that our blsnionled men will bCKliitno\liiK in this mattor. Nota day is to bo lost. Stated hy II. B.Cochuin , drujfslst. Lw- cistcr , P.i "tlavo Riiiirante * a over .100 bottles f Hunloek Blooel lllltcrs f < * i dyspcpbla , sour Itomach , bilious attaeks , liver and kidney double. A Comity Cotivontinu to Sclpol Uolc- fV t H to Uo Hold Snturd'iy , At Green's hill Monday iilpht the county central committee of thopeoplo'a Indepondcht jiolltlcal | iiitymotand ( orinulntelthlscallfor nconiciitlon : ' WcirUliiznionof DnuKlii cwintji AMiercas. The fiiinius ami world n/nion throughout Iho Blntoof > Lbrnkii lnvlnulinost im.mliiioimy nvioiil tlinl a ( luuplo's iinlepcndenl party 1 } a uii e'liity. ' 1 tiii < tore , Vo hcruliye ill a caucus and prl- nant'liHtlon lo ho hold In t lie rt I Here inwards iif tlici'ltyof Omahi on Thurscliy , July . ' 4. l- ' . In \MVII Ilio hours ol 7 ntiel li n , in. , to iioniiiuteiiunlilictle ! ( .leiatosto aeounty con- ulllllll , to bo Iicll at Exposition hall In Iho elt > of Oniuln on fMvtnnluy , J uly .tl 1803 , at 8 p. in LliisHlitcoiiiityiotiMiitlaii ( loU'cutfilo the state uiul uniinoislonal con- i U'lilnnsto b lild nttlio e'ltyof llnuolii , ' Tui'-auv.Jnly.y , boo. : iud elwt n county u > n- tral luiiiinlttti ) u il iiurroruiiiieliuthrr busl- IUIKSIIS miy lijiilly cdtno bcliiru U. 'Jho dcle - ( .utMto tin ; slnto and lonniissloniil conscu- tlomttll pl.ieiihi mmilimtlon u dillstrto and coiin'm sloiiaUloUU. 'Iho \ > nl cauomipstiul lirlniirlutvvlUbo lu'ld : it tluifolluivliigiilnccs : Plr t Mir < l , oornur t-avoiith and 1'lorco stroflu , Tibrln's shoo tOiop. Sofonilttunl , ISO houtli Sixteenth street , U'iU hnnl are store * . Tlilid luiril.KVS noitliT\vollhtttce [ > tllliilo'a CIll IKIItt'lSllOII. Poiirth iriit-d. plan * not ret nnnicil. rilluvnnl. . ' 07 iurtlibl\t ) * eutli street , Krank- blUli wiiwl , corner Twe'iity-sLxtli nuil Lake ltrtrt > * . lliyorlnilMlnn St\cntii wiml. northeast corner TwoiitU- 11 1 n Ih unit Diiiiont.t'aH' * Ktiro Hl.'lithwaru , 1'J ' Uunilns street. U ut lie r- forilV i.toro , Is lut h. anli corner rorty-slxth ami Durt Olivets. H. V , Miiiuit.C'luilriiuiii , J. WKixiLuiox , t > < ( . rotary. Couity CoutiulCouimlttco. At Iho buicllor , KotwIttisUiulliiK statements to tbo con- trnry , ttU iic\orthelo3s a fact Ihnt Iho men at the Omaha & Grant \votks are onlhccrfroof nitrite. The rant- tor has Icon hike IJofjtor about two weeks , oiulft preat clonl oldHjatlsIictlcn exists KpoaWip of tlio 'atcmcnt In alon D r , liv hleh Mr. Nn h ld the \vork cny and the men all satlsilcd. ono ofthomen laufhfd derisively ami siilcl ! ' 'Jlo thinks the work K easy , doei ho IVoll I , Ut me toll you thotnaiuvhostiitiils Iho worlc hero for two yon vUhout broaklni ? down Is A duiuly. Thoday shift vtorks twelve hours and the nlpht mm thirteen hours every day , nnd nvcry month wo change shifts , ono gang working twenty-four hourjat attretch. TKICKI2I ) HY " : rilUSTn8. ; " Tvo Jull Ulrd llnslljr I ini ( > from One or tlio Guards. .About S o'c'lock jcsterJay morning Pat Line.'h , ono of thcfjuanlsattho count ) ' Jail , had two supposed "trusties" cut In thcjuil } urd helplnshhndocliO"C3 1'at'a back was tuined they gave him tlio slip and cicnpcil. Ono \vus \ Kcl Lyneh , a freckle- faced boy about nineteen years old , scntup last ueolf from South Omaha to servo llfty ono days for stealing n quantltv ol brail He wore vorv olJ , dark eoloicd clothes anil a dirty , striped shirt 'Ilio otl.erwns GCOI-RO Smith , ipartlnlly elomcntcd prln tor who baellho greater pirt of a tncntj'-scncn diy * sfiiteneo for drunkenness ahcul ( il him. It want Isiovpifd thtt he had worn olt two suits of ( ulsou clothes Lvudi , thu panl , Is doliig some tall rvistllnc to Und his men , aid is aldcel br the police. J'itZKCralelu'iiscaufjht inthc afternoon nt his homo iu South Oiualn , and returned to Jill. an 12V KAVOU jurcii3itv Tlie Tivcnty-IIlKlit tJlub llnilorscs tlie Doiijjlns Oiniilldiilc. 1'iftj three incmbcrs of the Twenty eight club met at the Pax ton hotel Moudaj night and were in session until midnight All ol the faithful \\oro \ on Imnd and the political situation dlsuusacd at length Api > llcation for membership , rcslimntlons , assessments , now ami unlliiljlicel hit'lncs , WHO nil hhlc-tricUcil for ft full anil frco discussion of tliouoliilc-alsituation e-spaiull)1 ) lUttfYemngliielhuUiillv nnd collectively tlia mcinbcis ofthc'loe-alTaiiininiij rinally aiesolutton wusoltcied icqucit as many meiuhcHof the elub ni iiossiliU to pete to Ulmoln today und vatic n .ilnst piohi- billon and in la\or of tlio tioiniuutbu ol Dr Wtioei The resolution vis dlsetmcil at. g , at lcnithand was Inmlly adopted hy a vote ot'S tel t. ThoheailllKhts of the club , Broatch.CUrUe , DuIsnieinier , mid Ch.iiTto vlll attcnl tlie convention DUCK noU > OIJI ) ( V IJUUjV. Tci-rni * of lliiulcnicn'fl lloix'Oets AVorstc'd itiuii V.ii con itlci * . There was a fat light of consldcnbleinag nituront the hack stand near the Milliard hotel Mondiy c\cniiif. Chaillo Slooro , a Oliver of ono of thcUond rortipany's hnclu , hit Ions been tlio tenor the block , and the other hiekdrivws btooel in mortal feat of him. Monday inoining , Just foi excic'lse , the great bully t hi allied ujouiiij boy bobadlj that ho was iinnMo to walk dur- inir Iho day The hey Ls Industrious uud supiiotts his mother Ho found a friend In Uuck ICelth , nirent of thoo\Mieranf K.\st Omaha , or 'No Man's ' Land. " ICeith took liim to look Jlooroup nnel iibout" o'lloe'lc ho found htm rJlioiovvasno lucllnilnai ) woilc atall. ICulth .simply fullupou Ivloore nnd smolo him hip ami thi h and continued tosuioto until tliu bully of lluelinieii'i ' luke bciame very sore nnil tired , nnd then his mcic'tlcss nsullant pithoreil lilm up and nmiHcel himself houno ing the Ini'knnn on tlio asphalt pavement. A\heii \ he llnully elcdiledto htop Moom was an iix * . full \ whipped mnn Dothot the men \\iio .urcstcJ. Tlio Pceloi- Tlnnsdaj is Iho ehy oltho policeman's pic nic , aid incinbirs of "the Hiicst" have been u'ry husih engaged hi iiaklti ; llnal au-.iugo- infiitsToi. the uuMit ' . Twotrulns vlll leave the \Voi \ toi * street dupotThursdi'n morning , oncnt 7 JO mil the other atT'l roturnlnif utbo'clooltp in K.ich tnilnwilleonsl t of ten loacliCa and a big- gatro uir , so tint thcro Mill bo ainnlo aecom- uiodatloni for cvorjono. A iiiirshil ol tlio day , i master of ceremon ies anil Judces of the laces ami vaiious com mittees A\lll ha\e charge of the piiulc. 'L'hochlcl husoiducd nil lovolrcrs lof t at homo. DuiliiRtho { ilcnicthc city will ho gunrdeil by volunteers , \\lio will bo entitled to a clay elf together next mouth 'Ihe ihy detail will bo allowed thirty minutes for dinner , anil alter getting their supper they will como to the smtlnn and remain during Iho night , after which they will bo excused for tttontj'four horns. Thonlplit men yill lemnlnonduM untilrollevodPriday moming , when they .will bo relieved for twenty-four hours _ _ _ _ _ A beautiful woii'an must bo healthv , nnel to remain hcnlthy and beautiful she bhould take Dr. J. H McLean's ' Strengthening Cor dial nnd JJlood Putlllcr. It linpaits tone and flush to the skin , streiiKth , vltor und puio Hood ; la equally adapted for all ages , Horn the tube to thonged , of cither sex. Teiu'hors nnil fleiitlo Tolcc . That "excellent thing in. woman" nnd In man , uho , Mhon in thcsehool- looin the " 'fiontlo"olce , though not nocosStnUy "ooft"or"lo\\ \ si means orpjiacolo tcaohor and taught ttliko , 5 > iyi ) the Ltidics' ' Homo Join mil Few toachor3 rcilivco how occnuitcly their fftvlnor bbs In inlluoiicocan bo incnauied by the quality of Iho tone in whieli tlioy talk , I'hufo ' Is no cvcu'o foi the hum , blimp , jasj > ing tnno , BO common as to bo usually loclwnud ono ot tlio chjfacter- Ibtics ol.i "ichool-mVaia , " o > on In the noisiest I'oom or amen ? tlio ino t unduly childron. The law of slmilh , faimllibus ctu-niitui1 docs not hold good in such n ease. Screaming and shouting at chil dren is to rnako demons oven of little ungels , nnd theyinubtboniig-ellc , liulcod , \vl\o can cscapo siiuh ti-ansforiniitlon. The toadiershould ldio\v lioiv to make lUhtlnctncssvorvo in place of force to the and of spiring hot * own throat und the nerves of her pupils. To Notion * nchillntcd Mca It you will send us jour ndelressvo \ will send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic licit und Appliances on trial. They will nuiikly lestoro jou to vior , manhood and health. I'ainphlct free. Voi.rjio BELT Co. , Wai-shall , Mich. " \VIic-io n.itliln r U UnC ehloiiiiblc. His no lonpot fabhlonabloto Intho in the suit at Newport , t > ay-i the Ltidics' Homo Journal. Madiuno ITaut Ton ills- co\oteil that \\aspodsllilo \ to meet her neighboi-'n nuiiil in ( lie water and tlion , too , shoeiuiio in contact with the btim- moi toui-Ibts , whom she icprtuds as oij- undosiiablo to know , bo uho concluded that suif-bathtiip must no longei bo rec ognized in "our set. " The pconlo in bathing nro u&imlly these who do not cuuo for th6 opinion of the ( aslitonnbla \voild 01 * tlioso from tlio hotels , llotol life Is not Intoicsting. Unlike some of the otlior summoi * places , life does not contoi * In the gioat uauvuiit > arlcH , and BO unless one has tin extensive acquaint ance among thoNowpoit people It isox- trcmolj stupid to bout n hotel. lints In 13nrly Dnjs. Pope Innocent , in the thirteenth con- tiny , allowed the cardinals tlio use of scarlet hats , and about tlio jour 1140 thousoof luitn by persons on ajoutnoy appears to htuo Iwon introduced Into France , and soon after 1hoy becnmo com mon In that country , \\honco , probably , Ilio faahloii STJiead to tlio other Euro pean states , sajs the Div Goods Chion- ielo. When Cluulc3 Vll. , of Franco , tuailo Ills triumphal ontiy into Itoucn in 110 ho woio a felted hat. Clirnulo Innuiuiiiatluiior the ItlniUIor Is protiipti- ) cured by the waters of KiceV Blor SprltiBs , Missouri THE SPORTS OF MIDSUMMER , Some Interesting Information Touching Pitcher Ohrke , THE COMING RACES AT FAIRBORY , The Return of ttio 'jrc.iin Paal and itmvilciH Sltjiicit \ liraco or New 1'ltulicrs Mis- tcllancoiifj Gossip. It dcvohcs upon THE BEE as usual to furnish the fuels icgardlnff IMtchor Clarke's desertion from the Omaha tcun. As to the mere f ict ho iliJ leave the tenni on ac count of a difficulty utth Manager Leonard , 'Jim BLC published as Ion ? ugo Saturday , v\hile \ ( itlicrcnUrpiljiiig Jouinals of the City hid lljostciilaynioiniiip Ulaiko tallied ficely to TUB DKC , and this Ishl3\crslon of thodlftlcillty "Last FilJ.iy'9 pamo at St , Paul , which vo won hy ix scoic of 5 to 3 , " explained Und , "should hmo h n n shut out , had one or two ofourlntlcUeralia'JIlicIr heads about thorn j\s it was vo hail a narrow escape froai de feat. I wm pitching uooil hall , asthoscoro tcstitlcd , tlio Apostles only KcttiiiB three lilts oil ol me In tlie eighth inning is vhero we Mine within an a < .o of go'nt ' ; to pieces , and It lookcl to ,1110 as if ono or tvo of our men wnnteuto lo o the ginio. \uiner\vii3lveii ( n base on bills , und rv'irtinhltto ' Cleveland a ) Farmer was UMlln < seoiul. Thu bill plckolup leinlj tin 1 thrown to aojoiul , hut Fui.nor vas thoicnhcntloC it. Murphy then hit a grounder to Walsh , nho nssistcil llatinilinn imdndicws toictlro tvo men. Farina talt- inj ; tliltcl. Mains drove tlio bill to Ilanr.i Inn , \vlio \ fumbled It lontj enough to let 1'uritier homo and Milnsto llist. Abbcr Kot ubiisoon bills ind lliutuctt bit ono to Han- riliuiitoo fist to iUld , Mann .scoiiii ) , ' mill .Abbe ) Kohi to thhd. Ilaitnott went to seiond on the lint ball pitchcil , nnil \ \ hen tlio bill tin OH n to ciU-h hiinAbbc } ran anosuho plate" " \Mionvoc.imeinoff the fleM I asUeJ Hniiwh.ini\h.\ he liidn'tthrown Mains out at lirsl , when Lcotuul bpolcuup aniril ) and silil , 'Uoti't ' ' you KO to hi lining ainboclj , you weio i.itlloil jouuL'lf , you didn't Know whether 3ou vuie inthebov or inj ill. You wet call rattled' licloituil b ) c.illinchiina \Vcthuiiliudivcij \ hciteu talk , nnd ho sajs. 'Vounl \ nnd J'll ch.iso you olt the ' I said , 'Vou 11 near do , you , because I'll quit jou light here , and I'll ' never pitch another K'liue Jor OmUr.iu hiloyou arc man ager of tlio team ' Vou sue \\holote.ini \ liboioon Loon.ud , and jou Icuow enough about b.nchallairiiiii licio in Oiiulia to he ttoll ni re of thcMuit lint c\er slaco I'mtilc Solcos ailvcnt the Unnli.i to.iin hnn hem ( .loomed uiul run hy that cistun illiiuc Scleeiiuitanndl-eoiiirdis hiiod , antl It Is tlio sunioolil gang of Xuw lliitfl melon who m.ikouD the num. Well , thatovuilauat the hotolLcon , utl ( nut to inn anil s > aiu. 'You yet ic.ulj to o to AIilu inkoi ! ' 1 said ' 1 am not Koiiifc'to .Milwaukee , 1'iiigoliii ; to Om.ih.i and hy this matter before rtkCormlclt anj llrandt. ' llo icplied'Vou go to.\lil\i lukio or I'll line > ou61UU , md suspuulyon brides' I told hi'a to go to h , uud that's all thcie is of it. I'm sony for what I did , for Ivis JuU beiriniilng to pitchgood h.illfor the liibt time this soasc ; : , and was villiiu to RO hi the box ovoiy day fionithlson out , If I could Mand It luould h.iveh.ivov.'ontwoK'anu'ifroiii AI1U\au'tee ' , 1 think , But theio's no iiscciyin1 ovcrsnilt milk I nm tlie \\lio\\illsuffei most. I'll ' problbly bo hilil oil for the balance of the iuinmor , nnd that incins $001) out of my pocket. HwiM foolish In mo to lea\o tlio tcanion aicount of nnjthiiijj that stllt of a mamgcr may hiveilonoor s ml. Them isn't a man in the teun who wants to pluy under him. " That is Clarlio'3 story Thititis highly diseieditiblo to him , and that ho is deserving of the most condign punishment , no falr-uilmicd pit- ion or the Omahi club will deny. That ho should dosett the tcun at tlio juncture In tlio whole season's lighten account of u little merited admoni tion at thohuiuls of an exasperated manager , is something that uuKUlnotunil piobablj nill not bjsptodily ovei looked. It the highest pi iced rnaion the team , or in the wholousio- elation for thai mutter , U allowed to sctbuch ait example , uhat \ > to bo expected of players \\hoare \ itiehin ; , ell , b.iy a fourth , of the salar ) ClailcuU , and nt thes.vniothnodoiiiK' four tinus m inuihorlc forthciiteams. WasClurlco'B talair withheld all throuirh his this kpiiiiu , when \\celts Avint by without luS oiico bhowing liiafacoin tno bovl Not much llo got every cent of it as freely anil as promptly as if he hud won it by haid , ncti\o \ service in behalf of this tcaid Besides this , ho 1m been potted , pnniporcd and c ioled ] , coixed and threatened , but all to no puipoae. ills un grateful niitl rebellious spirit has already cropped out on sDMral former otc.isious , und it is high time if the management possesses a spailc of icsptit for itsdf , or the slljlitcst ; c'bteom lor its pitronj , tint they take the young min in hand and read him the riot act In several different languages. Is lie to bo allowed to thoioaghly demoralize nnd dibia- tCKratothoeiithotc.ini , simply becinuo ho Is tlio highest pi icid man , Him ot the leist used , tluro is in thu club I It is to bo hoped not Tbeio nio remedies in abundance , ilnc him , cutdown his salary ithi vigor that will iinpicss tilin at oncoltti the clili-acy ot such a procedure. If that does not answer lay hi in oil'ithout pay or bhck list him. His oflVnso it > ono that ould juittfyauy mensuro the club inlghtseo piopor tot.iko MiCoimluktinnot nfiord to allow mi } onoplajer toiuiihls team. Now about Uact himself. While ho is the best paid man hi the \Vostom ussocliitloii , ho is also the very best pltcha. In fuel , thu oulj rcully lust cliss nun the body c.iu bout of.Vlicn lushiipo hols > ascoodus the Ust of them. llo pitches vith skill nnd judgnunt and llclds his position most ndmliibly , bolides battliiR and lunnlnK' bases \\ith ( 'ood icsults. In fict hols alinoall-ionndball pli cr , and his temper Is his ono enornv. ThN is not said to concillito the jounginan for miyttilnp that precedes It , or is It offered in extenuation of his conduct Uo U a Kenllo- uuinly , pletuint little fello\r to meet socially , buta crank , a creiUei nnd a dlsorganl/cr In the team Ho can couect this fault If lie would , unit ho must , or bid good bjototho profession Iti whicii lie should bo a star ol'tlio tlrat magnitude. , He Haj Ho ItlavkliMcd. President McCormUk was at Spirit Lake when hoiccelvedu telegram Sunday in form- Ins him of Chrko's bad break. That ho was Incensed but mildly express it. Ho wired Brandt imincdiatoly to line Clarke one month1 ! ) salniy , a trillo over § 100 , nnd lay him off without piy until ho arrived homo. Mr. MxCorinlck got In Monday to Und that Secretarv Brandt had Illicit Clarke 3 JOO be fore the receipt of McOormlck's telegraphic Instructions , but ho diclarcd that vas imnf- jiclent and ho did not luio\v Mhat would ho his linal action In thu mutter. Ho sent for UlarUe , and thosccno betnc-en them Is said to have been so tropical , so far a ? Uncle Diilc's hngingo uas concernedtlmtIt curled up the window i > incs In hisoftlco llko o many snavlngs. llo not oily endorsed Hmiult's assessment of § 200 , but ilochuedthathoinUht vet double it , In addition tobhuldistlng' him. This catacalalsmilUd \ the rebellious pitcher and ho was glad to slug anothci song. Ills promises , Uotvover , itis fearedcomoto lite , as President McCorrnlck Isvor ) angrj- and is liable to cany out his thrcatof putting Claiko oil the black list. A ConrsliieMeet. . M. E , Allison , manager of the National Coursing association , whoso headquarters nro aillutcliluson , Kansas , together with D C. Luso , thoseeictary , nnd Dr. G. Invm Royce a inember , of Topeka , are la the city cn-routo frin Peorla to Denver , These gentlemen are gitlug- scries of couralug exhibitions throughout the countryt "ad through thocf- ITorLs of Dr.Ayra and a number of other gen tlemen Interested In this magnificent sport , have stopped off hero and will probably plvo a grand run at the fair grounds ono day next week. Thopeiitlemi'n hmo with thorn the famous greyhound Chnmplon Trails , the win ner of the C.TO prlzo aad the championship at the national meet at Bind , Kansas , this spring ; also the Lady-in-Wlilto , Ilumnnnfr Bird and Cholerine , together with Jlfteen or twenty rabbit ) la excellent counlng condition. Champion Trails , Inn , ! i tlio property of Dr Uojco , u U also Ui ipoedr bltcli , ifum. uilng-lllrd. The L.a < hMn.\Vlilto and Choi- crlno lelorif to Mr , i.tice Cholerlno nnd Htimmlnp-lllrd nro lh get of Champion Tialls , dam Dick's Uanlng , Imp. The gen. tlemon mentioned , toratliT with several gen tlemen of this city , will \ lew the fair grouuds this afternoon , nnd also oiulea\or tonintotlio prcltinlnnrj arranBemcnts for the meeting , A\hlcU will bo of the liiffli'dass order. The run nt ht. LouLiwasn innirnlllcciit succccss , ami the effort will bemndoto dupll- cato It hero. Thcio wivs a Rrancl , good class of untitci In the \arlous events , nnd the running , was cxceptloiiallv peed \Vednwilny , the Kith , there wn ? not a hare touched throughout the entli-o claj's coursing eight courses beingrundallv. Iho hares wcroastrong lot la manv cu'iits fairly running the dou < to a standstill before tlicv reached the escape. The dogs nro muzrled la nil the enclosed rnnuin ? , and rmy ( jucstion of cruelty Is alto gether out of. the question. II the do ? teaches the haw. an attendant secures him before serious Injury Is douo Mi Kibbit ; , 'Jho inuzrlc malica no pciceptlblo dlftlerence vUlh the dops , n < thcro Is apparently as much satisfaction to them la tasting fur as in get ting a kill. Thcro was a Miry largo attendance during the mectlnr and on the closing day it was estimated tbnt over ten thousand uouldhavi ) attended had the wcatheriennluedpleasant , but rain Interfered and the coursing wus clone in thu mud very Into in the duy. Sev- cial very dlstitigaishcd vUltois wciu present , Including Ooveinor Tram Is of Missouri , Governor Ross , Colonel Uelo. lion , ilohn Iirtln , nnd Colonel Annstrong of Te\ii' , vlth inanyothcis of note In tlielr vniious lines. Colonel Arnutrong , who is prct.1- dent ot thoToxas fair association , caino to the malingers tosco If arruigcinonM could 1)0 ) in nlo for a meeting in Dallas the coming fall. A. Ittaco ofNVw Tutriers. Manager Leonard has succeeded , slneo Clarke's desertion of the team , hi adding t o new pitchers toOimha'sfoicis. I'.igln , who \ias vlth P-ouvcr last year , and just released hy thoBrooUlyii'S Is one of the incn.audHllly Sowderslio vlth St Paul In Is3 and \\lth the Pittsburg National league last 5 ear , nnd the Pittsburg biothcrs this season , Is the other. It Is to bo hoped that they will fill tlio bill , utid thcto Is no lea'on why they rliould not , Both Invo been effective men li their day nnd theio Is nothing to inteifero vlth their doing good Mink In the future. Sowders is young und will certainly iinpiwo if his nrm is all light Doth join the team at Milwaukee , and \ \ 111 bo hero with tliomtoda.t.l Knli hut ) * s Uoinliit ; Kaci's. The Nelirashi association of trotting horse bicedcis nro anticlpiting a most success.nil n cot at Kali bury on August 19 , SO , ai and 2 ! . 'Ilio nominations 111 are fir in excess of thoHOoC anj preNiou ? season , and the nnnnge- laeutsnj tlio displaj will be > loinuicnsuititciy improved. , The ntUeiu of l-\ilrbuiv aio much Interested In the comingnvcnt , and will lend the association ovei\ all in m.udnn itn line success. No Ailiistiu | ill Till Kali. The directors of the U'oslcin association filled to meet nt Sphit LikoMonday to adjust the dinieultles bt\\om Kansas Citv and Jes ) lollies Amitnbcrof the numbers considered the matter of too little Importance to make the tiip , and it will no\\ hold over until Ihe llnal raectliiK jmt before the close of the season. ICiimat. City wantsPresldi'iit McCormuk to call a meeting for this city next iveelt , hut the le ucatill not be com plied with j Do\uiK Iho Itlulfr. Bi.itn , July 23. [ SpccUl to THE The Dluirnnel Council lilufh team played here toduj , thoganw resulting as follows : Illulr 4 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 * -ll Council IlluIN U 0020000 .1-6 Batteries Bluffs , Nlihols unel Groisloj ; niair , Wclbaun uiul Ililey. llnso lilts-Blair II , Mluffsfl. Struck out B Wclbaum II ; by Nluhols ( ! . fuobuso hit Klley. Home run Rlloy. Umplrcs flibbon and Martins. 'I tin llcln i n ol tlio Tcnui. The Oni.ihn team v > lll ixturn from their second uoithcru trly this morning , nnd loolctd at dispassionately It Ins not been aueh n disastrous 0110 , ns tliny hiuo thus far u on flvo .uid lost seven of tjio total number of K.IUUS plivcd. The gumus played thus fir wcrcnsfollows : 'C\\o \ victories und oncdofmt it Des Molnvs , thiee straight defeats at Mln- neniwlts ; thico straight % lctoilcs. at St. I'.iul , and three stnlfjht defeats nt 3Iil\vnu- lao. It slionldbo remeniljaicd , too , In tevkrt- Ing this tilp , tlmt the Oinnhas liivobecnlti a deplornbly weak condition , so far as pi tellers Mororoncciiied. Kelthcr Mai tin or Willis n tro in first e-lasi condition , and Eld Ulaiko was Just rounding to nftera long spell of symptoms Then to cap the dimiv , on nciountof a trhlal diffeiencoof opinion with Maniger Leonard , ho deserts the team Incontinent ! } after the St Paul contests , leaving the Uvo invalids , Martin and Willis , to battle alone und single handed , \\itliMll\vnulieo , piob.ibly the strongest team of all those In the north But t\\o new men have been signed , so let thcro bo u general hope for better things at homo. A long scries of games begins Thurs day afternoon with the St. Pauls. The Apostles also play hero Saturday and Sunday , the SHh nnd 2Wh. On the Stlth Min- nuajiolis arrKcs forthwo games , and on August gust- the Milwaukee- three. Then comes IJesMoines on tho'th.Oth 10th , and on the llth tins team goes to , City and Den\cr for a seiiesof tluee games e.uh. They return to Oiniha on the ttti ) and play three games -\\lth bloiix Citj ; these aio then rcturued In the Corn 1'alaeo to\\n , the team again i caching homo on the 'Jdth , when they me booked for three games each nith Demur audlCatisas City. On Monday , September 1 , lodoput \ for St I'anl on their lust trip of tho"season. . The } i\ ill bo absent until the Kith , then return and \Uudup the beacon on tlie homo grounds vlth thirteen straight games , in which they meet for the Kst time in UUO c\ery \ team In the association. TO THE EIGHT. Do not lw Impoacd < n by any of the numerous Imitationssubstitutes , etc. , wlilch are Hooding the -world. There io only cno Swift's BpoclCc , and Ihcro li nothing llko It Our remedy con tains no Blcrcnry , 1'otuhncnlc , or any pois onous cubslnnco tvhaicrcr. It bnlljg up the ccn- cral health from the flrut dose , and liaa nucr fallcj to ciulicatfi coutagio.ii blood poison and itacficcta from tbo eyiUm. llo euro to get Iho genuine. Send you r address f or our Treatise on Blood and SUn nineties , vhlch 1H freo. SWIFT BPFCITIOCV * . JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , FOR MEN ONLY 3UGIC CURE VOUS nnniMTV. Menknos of Jlotly and N Ind ; FlTccls of Errors or cxcofiscs In old or V iuiif. ! Uobusl.Noblo MANHOOD fully ro- sUirod.VoBUtiraiitceoviry cases or money rufundcd. numplo course , flo dnja treat- iiKnt , SI ; full course * . IV fcocurolj1 scaled Iroro olnorvatloii. Ooolc Itimcdx Uo , Omaha , Nob. IB LAN CARDS PILLS IODIDE OF IRON. . the Ac&dcdf oT | SCnOFULAKING'&EVlLCONSTITUTIOMAL , IWEAKNESS , CONSUMPTION ( INI ITS EARLY I STAGES ) ; POORNESS OF THE BLOOD , Bant ] for reKnliitlnir Id periodic cuiirie. loni ult iiNl * * ] ILAMCJIRU. 40 rue MOLD 11V AU UULu6lSlH. .Y. Ageplifotltic U. M. Physicians , Snr ons and Specialists. 14OO DQUQlAA OMAHA , NED The mo ; t widely nml fntorublv known pcc- Inllstilii Ilio tnltcl bmtes. Their loiu ox- jierlenec . mii'iik'ililesKlll und uiil\rstl sue- ee s In the tn itiiirnt .ind emu of Nirvom , llininlo nml Htir lc'il n en CH. entitle the < o einlnciit ijlijsleluns to the full eonlhleiie-uot tlio iilllle-tcil ocrivluio , Tliey triuranloo : A tr.KTAIN AM ) l'0 I livn CUltn for tlio iivful eiroe'lioreuli * , leuiinUthu iiinue'r- ( jus o\lU 111 it filllowlii lntiiln. ; 1'uiVA'ii : . iii.uoi ) AM > aKisniPKASis srt | * < llly. rntniili l * lj nnil liciiu.iiitntlvcuroil. NiilVOli. ! ! hKUlll'l'Y ANII Si\t < Ad DIs- OUD1 life jlfUlio.ielliy tothelr in i' i it , 1'llXS. USTUr.A AX1) ) RFCTAI , Ur.CHliS Riinr inte'td cured without j ) ilu or detention from ImslniMS. iiviutoi'ii < K AM ) V\IUOCIM : : noinn- tiont li- und HiiCi" ( nlly I'Uicd linn ory e'tise1. bVl'lllUOONOUIllIHA , auiT : , | ) er- iiintorrlie i , Son ! iiiil\Viil : > nii , I.n > t.Minltuoil : , MKlit nniMlotri. Deciiyril l'iiultles. IVtnilu ttuiiliiicssiuidttll ilcllu.ito ( llwrUirt pecullir looltlior < oc inMlthbly eurnl , us well as ill fiiiietlonalilNiiiileis tfint result fiom juulli- fill f < illli > snr tliooxoi---- iiiHtutojenia TIJIP'1 111 1' Oiiiiiiiiteed pornituion tly 01 l\l\j > 1 U l\i < oure'd , HMno\nl c'otuplote. without cutting , eamtloor ( III it illon. Oiiros nlle'C'tul nt luiiiio liy inlte \\Ulieiut a mo ments pnln or .uiuojiiiiu1. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MtN. A Q1IP1 ? Pill ? 1 ? ' ! ' > n 'ul ' ofToits of A. OUKIUUlXlicjuH - % | t0 viiichlirlnzi 01 Mule \VO.UCIIL ss , ilostiii ) In , ' both inliiil nml body , niih nil Its dreadcil ills , i ciue'd n i ? RUTTQ Aillr ( ° " lioso v | 1HN.O. lJU 1 IO jnlnvl theiii-i'Ivus by liu- propei Indiildcnoo ind solit ny Inbllshlih min hoth niliKl nml body , iinuttln them ( or iisliii . " . fliulvni in urhco. MAUKI1 I ) JIP.N ( it Vlui-i * pntt'rlnsnn tint e , uu iiooliilijslcaldohllitj , i . OUR SUCCESS Isb i ed upon Mrts rirst rruelli"vl o\norl- eiic-u t-e-eond i\ : < * ry ctuo Ksye'clillv stuflkil , thus RturllliK ilslil ThirdMcillelnci no liH'piiod In our Intiorilorj exactly to suit ejeliuic . thui oil eitlti eii 104 \ \ 1 1 bout Injury. Drs. Betts & /Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - - OMAHA. NEB. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH - A.T - 13O2Fnrnnm Stroot. H/VRRY / P. DEUEL , Olty Passonffor nnd Tlckot St. Clara's ' Academy , SInilnnwa Mound , Grant Co , Win , This spndonsniidclpRintlv furnished ncnd- mi v alVonls \ OIIHK hilltM tivery fnelHly foi a thoruilgh uid aie-oinplShi'd oduentlon. 'riH'i'kMatLHlsituiiiloiiof the acidoiny. to pclliirHli an excellent fcjrsti > m of water oil < sandso\\cia e' , lusuro per feet hu.illli ful ness The school jonr begins 'opt em bor 1st Telo- nlmnlccnniic'cMloiia \ Duliuquo , lon.i and U ilu Illlnol * rortouiis und other particnlnrsaildress. Mother uupci lor St. Maru' * Bohool , Knoxvllle , II , A Church School for Girls. St. Altom'w Sohool , lCno\\lllo , III. ( TO A ( hit i eh School for Hoys NCR buildings , new furniture , ncwappari Ins. TluU'Ue.-t iiutliodior mi'iit'i 1 aiiif plijs leal eultuto. Kvcrythlng up to the tlnio Home comforts iiiul lioniccuri' for over ) puul KiA' . ov. . iiniNtn\ri-hi , , n i > Hector and Pounder R mi i . IM\\ \ * . \ l IllLb nv.ll/JjU I iii-a-cl iss hoys' lioinureliool riniliicntrcrfod , ptoi'uro'for ' nny cullc'iraiir tor titislnuaj biukiMirillioyarccolvi'il ! Fill tour iipoiis b'cit b. 12JO ) Adilrcts lUr S U 9li\Sii , A M. , lluukcrJUIUIl. K " ! VOS ( YOU NO LADIIuS. WMi ltil nnlArt-lk- .lrtti it lithe I imlcr I ttti rt ai 1 urupr'xnlclclieril lit lut fill cri mi h new lullluc * * ! 'c I I v h t itrr. AJJuu Uc < T. 11 Kl i li < . > .OOLUMBIA , MO. h.le loiclirr > , l nlisxiti Jt l nolol'Cll.Mll lcl'upll rintnniinll A ijiii .bk > m Iliitericto. MtllCO.MO FEMALE ACADEMY j nml collcR-lnto coiirfn litorntwro , Innffiincfii . h. 1 1 tLLARU , lllllLlput.J IckAlQVllli. Ill u nniortr : il'i > fli"oarCtilci\co ( \ ) . llonntlni ; tip lAflfHchcol for OlrH unit \oniu ln < llo , lor Ma ' " "catalOBUoixUdrisn G ' 1 11A\ nil I.TJ. I ) . Kia McrsanlErlilll.ort7 SlujlBOiittrcet.ClilcafO. 111. ILllflOIS MILITARY ACADEMY , " 'W , : " " tlrtularof IIKNUV J. 8Ti\KNS , A. IIH 1'tln. tol. UJ. Urlght , II SAM.toriiM.ill .Y THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures nil l iBiirtlors of tlio btomnuli , ljl\cr , Jlowd , KidneyHlnilelor.Ncrv - ous | ) | HCIS < > > . CJKH ol1 Appcilio. llcmliichi * , C'niistmutinn , Coil ivoiioss , liuliu'H- MOII , llilliiiKiicsj , I ov r , IMlc-i , ll'eanil renders tun .system less liable to ciui- ' ' tract IMLT Snio ncui-cfor this eoiniihlnt. Tlioy tout ) up the InternnlsPoictlom to In'.iltliy notion reMoiuitioiuth to tlxiBtoin icu , indoiiiMn : It ti > i rfoira Its functions I'llcei'io nlioxt boll by all clniKjjMs , or milled by llYD\'iA\ &OOdiNY.iricii , btuot , Row Vork , on ii'rHpt otpi leu. MAX Jewelers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AUD FAHNAM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB. PIONEERS INT LOW PRICES. Eo'ng manufacturers , Importers and jobbers , osvoll ns re tail dealers , our purchasing facilities are aocoud to nohouso In this country. Hencsour exlremo low prices on ovoiythlny sell. Special attention la called to our largo n.rd oloprant line of Flno Mantel C'ooka ( over 50 different styles ) at 85.OO and up- wards. Fine Bauciiiot nnd Plaio Lamps , -wl'li allk pn asol shades in all the now colors , from 85.0O up. Buy your Tab'o Cutlery of us end sava nionoy. Rosora * Best li-lplo IJlatod Knives nnd Forks only § 1.76 per sot. StoelO rvlnjS3tslnlfo , fork andBteol ) , 02.OO and upward. Spoons , &c. , in proportion. Our Great Mid-SummerBarpcalnSaloof Diamond" , Watclioa nnd Flno Jewelry is still in progress. Ganuliio Diamond Flngrcr Blngs from $2.6O up. Solid Gold "Watches from 615.00 up. 5OOO flno solid gold , plain , band and eat Rings froml to $10 each Qo'.d Spectacles and Bye Glasses from $3 up. INno Stool Spectacles 81 up. iIlT'Repaiiiiigof Watches , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty. The Ornaiia Medical and Surgical Institute rorthoucntrapnt otntt CimONIC AND BtiaOIPAt DIBPA8K3 nufes.Appllancei for Pirotmltlti , an Vrnno * lien 1-iHllltlHH Appiratuiana U iiicdl 3 [ or -osiful ttmtraeat ol ovetr form of illnejio re qulrlnu Jlo < l'oilor 8iirijlOsl Trtatment. NINKTV IIOOMU toil 1'ATIKNIH. llonrd ani ] nitouilancu lioa Accoinniodutl.mi . \Vrllo lorcltcuhri on Uotomltlei and Driuei. Trusiei , rlub 1-rct , Curvaliiro o . All Bloodl/lse ic ncee tulljrtreated tjniUIIUIa poison itmoTod from tlo Hjilom vltlinut mfrourj New llcitornllvo Trf tinont for IAJIS of Mtalloner I'attlea unable tu vUlt ui may bo trcated&t home b | corrovpjndence. All conimunlcatlona corifldontlnl. Medicine or Imtruuiintd pent bf mall or oxprcis , e curtly racked no ti rk lu InOlcato contents or fonder. Ono personal Intcrrlonproftrrcii Cnllind consul uiur eenit hlitory of yo > ircaii and wo will Bond In nlnln rrnpper our HOOK T JI1CV UttH. urori I'nvute JVMlAlor Ncr ouiUlieaies , Imootencr , Brphllli , Q'oot and \ mlcocclo , wlin qumtlon Hit. Aci Jr < j Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 9th and HnrneySts. , Omoho. Neb. WATCHE NPREOEDENTED ATTRAOTIOi ; u O\r.u \ .01 uLION Loulsana State Lottery Company : ln < otpor.nlM lij Itio l Khlituro fur riltintlunM iul rhnrlhblo inino It * tmnclilx * nm > lo purl otllio | re onlnli ( i-onnimtloi ) . In lb. . ' , ty ovoruhcluilni ! poi'iilnruto ' nnd To continuo until Jnnttnry 1st , 18OO. Its MAMMOTH DUAWINOS Hlco l > lac Prial'Aniiii'xlly ( June anil Uocombor ) and 1U Orand SliiRlo Nuinbor DfAvtiiES talt i > lficd In each of the other ten months of thoycar , nnd te A\\ \ \ drawn in public , at the Addemy cfliluslc. Now OrlOnns , Ln. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , For Integrity of Its Drawing sand Prompt Payment of Prize's. < UU'ttiM no follows ! ' \Voitolicrofoycertlfiruintwoiuixml9O Ilio nt. Miiwrniont ! lor nil llm numtlil ; nml lonil-innutl drnnlnK ol tinlAUtlnnn Mnt U > lt < rr Ciiiuimniri nml In poiion umiiiuo ninl runlrul I'm Uriwlngi Ihpin'fhix nml tlKit ilio "tna ute conhiriil lili Idni-Mr. f lnif < i niitlln it' ml ftllh townnlnll | r < llt < , nn I trcoiitliorl/o Iho innliinf tomi. t'il ' - cff IIMLilonlthfAi-rhnlUiuf cur aUnntuici uluohoJ , In CJMMmtOVB I Wo Iho inlpr < ljnpillii < nk nn < l hniihcn wlllptr ll irlii'itlrnnn In tin. l/4)il niu M UO l.ullorlo-i nhlc'i tnnv le iin ft > nloilnt otir riinntoti U. \\AM-ir.lA' . Vw * louisum Nat T.ank I'lrilUHIANArX ' I'le-i MntoNnl 1 IliuU A. min\UNl'ici No\\Urloins N'nt U ink UAIIhKOIIN.I'roo Union NMIoiul Unnk. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING At the A en demy of l\Iuilc \ , No\vOrloaiu , Tuobdiy , August 18 , 1800. CAPITAL PRIZE , $3OOOOO JOO.OOO Tleluls nt Tnenty l > olliin oueli. IIul\cx. 3Uj ejuiutirs , < 3 , Tenths , 4J ; Twen- llelln , * 1. USTOK I MKMI I I'HI/.KOK IUIO > ! U . IK ) ( HI 1 IHI/.UUK lOUOJIt . . ' DCII 1 VHI/.HUh" J.'iK ( lll . Vtllll 2 I'KI/.MOP UUKMnrp . aittM n IMIIXI soi- ' r.iKxinro . . si MI 53 I'lll/.l SDK I.lieWnro . - iWU ( HI I'UI/.MOP WKInro . NMUI M ) riti/.i'sor . .eioiiiu . . NIIUI WK ) Wnro . . . . . 10UM ) Al IIIO.MMA1 ION I'lll/I. " OOrrlrri ofkMMaro . )0ilil IKI I'rUus of .KHInru . IJiiu ) UO I'lUus uf V00nri > . SOOJU n inns \i iMtirrs l 0 IVIio offlOdnro . . . . . WO ) "J 1'ilios of lUUniu 3,131 Ptlzps iiuoimtln" to Jl.OSl.SOe NtiTl llokpliilniitlnij tuplt il t'rlioj are mil on- Itlcdtu Uriiiliiiil 1'rl/rj AGENisVyVNTED. . . , ornny furtlitr Itiforiiintlon Icilrnl , > trlti > I't'lhly In llm in U-i < IBIIO.I rlo illy itnt Inn your i u l 111110ithilntr ( Oiinlc strpot nml iiiiulir Muro ruiilil rrturii null ilill\trj will lo nHxtirril byyutircMicluiIni ; mi oniolntiu be.uliiit juur full uUlro < uUlroIMPORTANT. . AddicsiJI A OAIIIMII.N . Or Jl \Vaihttulon.l ) C HjrortUniry letter , oul.ilntni ; MosrOininit , li- BuitLiy ] nil p\pri' ! i cooip uilc'd , orurk l.tcliuiifOp Ir.illui iwilul uulo AeldrrsaUoElstoroil LottaraContllnlns Cnr- oncy to NKV OltlJ A.NS NATIOVAI , BA.MC , Now Oilcans , IA. . that tli'i imjiiKinCnfiirlips It TibUlltui'ltXAiliiNAl. : . \Ml-i ol .Now Orlunm , nnil Iho llrkotinn * ifyiiiHlbjr lliopnisMcnlot uiilii- lltiillou ivlio'O cliurloruit rlKlit.i nru rei ofnlxpd In ho lilKliLMltoutti ; thcruforu , lowiiro nit of linlU- tlomur iinnniiymouiiehoiuuH. HFMn.MllKIl Unit the proncnt rlinrtor of The [ .onNlaiiit Mnto J.oltpry ( nuiinii ) , nhUhtho MU > 'ltl'Mi : ( ill HT Lit IHK II. Hlui ( liclilel to lull COMllAeT wlllitliobt itoof l.oiiNlniii mil purl of tliiilonstltiillniuir IlicMnlo. 1)1)1 ) S Mil' UAIIO | | UN- rn , rni.i iitsi u : .IAMIAUI , it-n , , rri o ljrfMutiiri * of I oiil > > tititi , whh h ndJonrnoO on hn 10th uf hilyiif tills yiir lmsor < liirilimAMIJNI > - .MiM' tolliu limitllutlonur 111) htilo to 1 > O ub- iilthHl to tlio luipl'i lit n ulcdlon In IS'J ' , ivlilrli wlllmrryllii cliui > or < if 'llli : IUIT1AN | \ rtTAfK I.OII iilCOMI'AM ill' li ) tlio jenr MM .TI bN HUMllUI ) AM > NIMri'lIIN. Prlmtiy , Ssconlnry or Tcrttnt ) pcniiiinciitly ciucl In 30 to 10 < 1 jf > . - _ _ 'otllinliiato oil vol oil f ivm tllO } btln , oi > Hint litre can no * tr be flu tuinof 1liicll | < .uo In nny form. In tin cnn bo tuntril nt liurno an cll ( ulu i-c ( forlho same inko nrnl under tli miino ciiamnlcc ) liut with tlioro wboiirofnto tomolirir , oulll cintriittociiio tlicii 01 nrttnlnl ! iiionoy onil pay entlio . | * > " ' < i or loiulng. rallioad fnroniiUliotvllillla. tocurolho inoit obtlnnlo cnncs. o chnlrnKo tlio > voi'Id fern ca.'o utnil lid cine Bltuo tlio history of incu ctnoa tmoffpcrftlc Tir B i IIIN Imn btcii nought foi blutncvorfoiuul until our Jhclo Itrtnoly wnr ilia. covcrnl KnnontlurgLiiuliiu. Write , for irfuithrra. HJj\iiii \ co. , oiiHtiut , MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATHO , " the oiukrf ill Spnnlsli licnieily , In mill nlth n \VrlltoiiGiinrnu- Ice to euro OIH D ] ( .uBieiiciaa ! Wonli Mi'inory , Ixus of IJmln Po erllcuil. ' BeforeVar./Cner / U ? oIjOBt il * i" * lt M"v- riiuli.ra.hta | duiii Die. OI IUM , I.nBBItudo , oil drains unil lumiut ) in\rer \ ol the Qi'iicrallvu Or pinIn cltbirBoXiCiiuccdhyover-aprUoD , youttt. fulliietUcretlniiH , or thucxcc-fflve IIBG oflonncco , opium , or rtlinnlintB , utilch ultimately K'lid to liflrmily. Coneinnptlon nn < l Innaill1'ut up In couvtn'cnt ' form to tarry In the vuft pocket. 1'rlcu § 1 a pnckncc , or ilfoi SVltlioiry gjortlcnvo pl\o ntii ittui t/uai'itnlfo to cuio fit refund tlin IIIIIIIL'U. ! ? oiitby innlI to uuy adilriBS. Uli- cnhr Inc. Mention tills pii'iir. Ailelr < (9 NADRIB CHEMIC/L / CO , "ranch OBIco fc ; U.S. A 417 l > .inl..rn Mint. C'llR'AIIO , ILL. 10I8\U ! IV OMAHA , Mil Jli ICiihn A To , Por. 11th nnd Do J. A I'liHor A ( Jo , I'or I lib nnil UntuliiH Hi. A.l ) . Kostoi J , Co.C/'ouiicll UUills , loua.t Denver Colo. , . , Capital Prize $7,500. TBCKi/tt's so < 'flvirs IACHI. $26,30 ? PAID EACH MONTH DANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES , Address , 13. F. HIIODUS , DENVER COLORADO. , - - - . L.XQ Of OH. I CA.231T. IN AIL THE WOHLU THEHEIb BUT ONE CURE DR. IIMMEii1 GOLDEN 8PEOIFIC. It Gun do clti > i In il up uf coffi vr l o. or In i r. < ! > ! > ufruuil , without tie knowluriioot Hie pailcnt. llneooaury. H Imboolutely haruilru andwlllcncel oporraaaoxit&ail pdudyoure.utiethvr thopntum In modetatadtlnKnroruu > lcotiolluwrook. 11.VHI 1C 1\IL. * < It operatoi no qulutluilj with Biiull ctr- Uintyllut the putlant uuilorsocti no Inconvcnlcnoo. a nl am no u uwira. ) il > compleit rclormullon lu rfleoted 48pi2O book oltiariloilarMtr o lobobnnoi XU11N& CO.iaihfe ZouRlan. llm Cuniic Htn. a uupplled by UUAKK. Ill UOU U CO , and UaiN IIHUO L'U . Omaht CHICHCSTCn'Q ENGLISH PENKYUOYftL PILI.S. RID CROSS DIAMOND GRAND. lni , wtle4 vlth blQflrll.txn 'I ubr ilu nllier. j < ud IMit | ) lor lirllouUti > i l | tillir lur ' " " ' ' ' thicL''i * rlknuiVa..Ul"ilUa"k < .lTi'u.i' > > . . Mi.r . ? .i Or. > TKik. iM'HKiurKiiiiiiiakiiii'iaB ' ( - hut. ltlr ui.liHInw III ) H IIIWATJUhT-ll.n.tli . illfr frc 6O tfltlii * fcfd ! t.rljo Cnuttrlf * . Ifllttlh r . cll * * Itnok , r jpltn lloafci.ii ICO BABYS Bbf I ( Ml lit Ilu Ll.U' < lM Kl AI .X Juu | r * bivyrlnb d.ll * t dUln tr lei On * or A c.t ( til ! M ) | irc O I dlrtflfroiQ | 4J hnvnrvri nt W Modu n lit ( t t "