Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    1T1E OMAHA DAIIAr BEI TUESDAY" , JCTLY 22 , 1800 ,
A l > VMtTIFrMNT4ft ( > rtlif ocull'Mlirt will
-/V ho lakrn until 12 : j > in. for the ovcnliiz
odlPotiiind until ! Jl > | > in , fur ( tiu tnornliiR
cdltu.nnmUir.Miiv lur.
S Cash Inndunco.
"IJATF.3 AdvoitlnoniflitHOn tliUpnue will bo
Jl < luir ed for nttlioriito of ISf'itpor word
Totth IU-tlni tllon nnd I cent nor word tor
each lulifeiiieiitlnseitlon nnd 11.30 per Ino
jiern ( inth. M > n < l\ertl enient liikonfor IOHI
linn 'JUt nil for llio Hist Inicrtlon.
3N1 rlA IS llmircs. sjiiilMiln , old , count each
nH din word.
ri'HI ' M. adinrtlsemrnti ran st run eonpocu-
J t \ ennd \ under n-CelrcMimstantes will
they lietaltiii ordlseonlliiui'd liy telephone.
1 ) A HI I Knl vorllseliu 1 n these rol iiiuns and
J li'tilni tlmlr aiiHwc-i aJdresvil tnii "niini-
1 cr ( d Irtt r" In care of Tin Ht'r will rooplvo
niiuntlort d chock to enable them touit their
Itlte t , Aniffon will I o dclltcred only on
jiriHciilntldnof ( his cheeV Kiicloso misters
in eiiMlopol | it oiei | ly nddrnsod.
A MJ iidMTtNtmonU- under the lioad of
J\ " tin Inl.votlies" nm published In both ho
morn aiidevinlnsidltlons ( ifTui HKI : : the
flliMilatloiiOf tvliloh iiKsciCjiatM more tluiti
EOtno nit , or dally , nnil lns Iho aiHcrlltor
HID 1 en I tint r lily oltho lintcii-lrou at Inn of
Tun llrr InOmalin , butalsoln ( Jniitu ItliHTs ,
11m oln Hinlothtr eltlM and tovn * In llio vest.
UTHnsiRVT" ! for sitnitlons or for
AnVI ! or female holj ) , not. oxcpi'dlnj 21
or Isnto ln rtel in TllK str.s-inv Urn at half
into * diirliijtlK'iiiniillii of , luly amiAnsimt.
Iho rcjtiiliir inlit will bo rhnritcd for oneh
nddltnii'il word ilxivoSl wordHai vcllmfor
ronse \clnsotllotii ,
Ad-uttlsclntr fortlmo column' wllllm tilcen
fii tin ui mo lotidllloti" , lit ttio following
lm IH si misfs whit 'Hi ! niitlmrlzuil to tike
Hn rial notice" , nt thcsiitno rates M can lo
liinl Millie in i In ollh o
O iiiiiN Snot.I.istir lib If.
IUIIN U .lUi.I : , I'littnuiulst , Wlfcoulh Tenth
/Ill \ P. A nilV. ) H.ifonora and I'r.inlorH ,
< J Ill'-onlli ir.
\\T I IllOlirS , I'lnrniacistCS4 Korth 10th
U . Hrcil. .
/mo W. PA lilt , I'll i rni lolst , 1718 I.oavon-
\ fAorth bit cot , '
Tl ran ICS' I'riAUMACY.SIth nnd I'nrnain.
lor , tlf. , rcliip nli twluiiiii viltltlx taae.
Hull ititn on tiunilaii.
" \\rANTri ) Situation liy a ntonngrnulior
l nnd tynoxvrltorl thru' yeirs ixiiarlincu.
Addicts , I J. , IlK.n olllco , Mncolu , Nib.
ITUAT10N waiiicil by a druvslst of 11
yt irsotporlinuo In Norway and yc.irs In
Ain < > rh'a ; ieetslere < l ) ibiniinclst ; of Dakota ,
liy oximlnitlon.V. . 15. . lloM5 , Vankloii ,
Viinliliin enmity , H. II C'J. . "
A Ncldcily lady vNhesHltmtlon as mirsn
JV. diiilnxcoiillnenunt. loiiuoxpcrloiicciiiid
lost of riforuncos. MIH. i' . Jlono , llJiinnitli
Slst st 617-il *
N'OTIOK to niorfliunt tnllori-l'oiitloii
vinitcilby llrstiliiHs Piitler ; rpft-ruicc" !
tlvcn Alihv II. ( K ) , lluonllUo , - '
lur ,
Hull tutu on Siinttitu.
ID An ollliu boy. Kooin 8 , Coutl-
oatil bloolc. Apiilyuftcr lOa nv.r
\ \ TAXTrit Pnlilllldn , Neb. , for KooU
Miindll. II work..r twtciiiint.ffli : > oriluy ;
80) neil nt $1.M and ? ! ? " > . till ) contr.ictors
11,111 tul. UlcUunnlukllruj , I'apllHon. Nib.
T'lT'ANTHl 'lnoymniK men nnd two I idles
IT tn solicit nn Runr.niticil mlury oC * l ] > or
diy. UoomSti , Cliiinibur olUoiiiniuui ) . CJI-'Jl *
\\TTNT1I ) An active limn for.omli sutloii
I > ulurv i73 to 3100 , to locally iipresoiit : i
iiiucissfiif N. Y. ooinpiiiiy , Incuriionitdl , to
nipjily dry poods , dotlilng , sliooi , Jowolry.
fto. . to coinniiiers nt i'wt. Also a laily of
tiiot.siluiy f-40to cnioll membersSO.OflOnow (
cm oiled , Jino.OOO pnld In ) llofcruiccs ox-
cliuiiRCd. llmplro l'o-Opurall\o association
ciedltnollr.itnl ) look l > o1510 , N. Y.
AIiVANIXOlroncnniloo orlcoH : steady
wurk. wed vusus Jamc-i A. Miller t llio. ,
und nib. oiiiiionst. . uiiionm ) .
W ANTTI ) Oood blucKbiiiltlilioliior at HUD
Dod KC at. CJJ-5- "
\\TANTT1) Silcstnca onsalnry or coinnils-
VV uliiti lohanillo iho now ] iuontchemlual
Ink erislnsponcll. llio Kruatt'st McllliiK nov-
flly upr iirodnccd. Hrases Ink tlioionnhly
In two seconds ; no abrasion of pajinr. ! IW to
W ) ptr cunt pi ollt , Oniuxirint'sfiilijsaiiioiiiitud
tiitti'Uln slxdajs ; unothvr 81W In two hours.
Wo vint onuoiicrKOllogonciMlnguiitfor oipry
Matoanil lorrltory. Siininlo by in all T coutH.
lor tinus nnd full ii'irtlculara addic
Mniniio Krasur JlfK. Oo. , LiUros o , Vis.
_ _
GKMIUAIj stito apint toopcnlioiidiiiiarturs
InsoiiH ! prlnvlplu ( iltj , avsuniu \olusivo i
rontiol of our luisinw and aiinlittli ] | > ual and
tub-ntoiitaln ttoiyclty In tliU hi it o , poods
veil known , Htaplo in 1 lour. In do-
ninnil , mid pi : vii not prolllof Mto JWporpcnt.
Ailrluss 'Ihti Uulon iominny,7l4 llroadnuy ,
h. V. _ 51 8 2.1 *
" \\7"ANTH ) | In
) V \\holosalo grocery busliiossoaillicar
of a iioiltlon by ad dribs I n { ICUlIco oflicoiplvo
refomices. " -il 24
ANT11) ) 'Irnck In VIM anil surfacirs at
. . Kearney , iNnb.j WIIRI-S * I7 > to 82i fiuo
tiuiisiiin tntfon. Ai > ply on the vorlcor atroom
f. ISihtaska lltkl llutili luilldlnif , Omihn.
Wood fc Hincrott. S22 . 'I '
ANTKI ) sTinonut iwlft il'o.lco houses
lul-Dir lalm. S2U il *
WANTI D OidvaiiUed Iron conileo worlc-
U" * : xtoadN work , jiood wa.'os. lainis A ,
> lilUr& . llro. , l."J and lai Soulli Cllnton'st. ,
O'hlo i > . - < l-iS
OAlll'liNI'Klts , plattertN. palnteM , IIUIMIIIS ,
liltoiils , etc , oto , cannot ork and apply
us lint im mm ! on lot , balance six jr.u-.s
Will. J I'jltll , I till1 ! "
" \7"AN Tf I ) Teamsters and 1 iboreis on Kook
IT Island cridu , fonrli-oii mlliM sonlli of
ti\ % n Wiucs Jl.T.'i per dny andt " > ] ii < r inniith
Apply on J.A.iru Abou.ionlr.iutr .
ors. t'JJ-'l *
\\7"AN'ri l--tiveril ) trend city inivasiers.
IT I'or uii tlculaisaddass llox ul" , Omiihn ,
Nob. -'T'.ii'l '
\\TANT1D inoo men for iMilro.ul work
> > \\voinltiff. \ \ DaKota. Utah and Is'ei.i
iMiKisSl.lito SJVj ; steaOy work. Albil ht's
Labtir Agency. 1I2U I'lriinin st , .M'lit ?
\\7ANTfl ) llnoollrstcIassiiKMi to iipro-
' ti'nt Iho Oniaballeo ii , iiiiiliint of theclty
Call at tbospcolnl olllio ofOmiilui , coraor
17tb und 1 in n inn .ground lloor , lii
\\7ANTFD-Jlon totrau-l irourOiui iiillun
i T uiir&irIcs.iiloiici\Vcllliijjto ; ' " in \\'ls
A OP.NTS-$5 nut IHon 'JO days' tlino. 11V ) 1W
/V | uolltlii4 uooUs or no piy. Add. ultli
itaiup : JarvlsS. Uonipany , K.iclnoVls , \
WANTI.D hjlesmtin at $73pur'
try nnil O\IH.'IISM to kcll u llmiof ullvor-
plitteil ate. watchtu , etc , by sainplo onlyi
liorfii and team fin nKliod f roe ; writu atonco
for full inttlciiKrs and suuplo o.isoot fooilj
free , btanilardbllvirwaro ( Jo , Hostoii , Mass
W 7AN1t.lJ ! W lubonrs for extra load
Apply tii IMI , Jolinsoii , ll.t M
pct , Unuiha. K <
mntcil at Norfolk and
i itrlcft , Good - M.T. Murphy
U'A.NTHl ) I'l : HUM. * .
fur inlea. ilf. , ttttopttflnlailutnii nn t/ifo JAIU ,
llaxi \ ( ( oil Siindiii/ .
\\7AN'rii : ) rnorssctle Indies , Konllomen and
> \ > blurtkiopirs asiwoiiH In ull lections of
the mil 11 try to Intuxlnco and sollan dlioly
new iirtlcloof uinixii'.tloiwd merit ; tuodctl by
cverjbodyi fnst tdpt | : lil nrotlU : llboral
ti-iioi toiilmunUlB uud lilRliu lof rofoifiices
7VTAldii > ss I'rowii Oo , 78 Water St. ,
h , I'n , 040 21 *
\\\J lll > A Ultcbuu Kirli iofiunt.o ( ro-
TT ( iiilad ; peed \\ases. Apply Mrs , 0. ti ,
Raymond , iai Smitliauiirt. > ' >
U A Rood ulrl for concral liouso
Apply tul-vl 1 S. luth Kt. tfl 2 "
U do Kcncral honsc\\oik In nioall
family , IV. . ior. otustlifc Dou lm nts ,
O.1-4J *
\7ANTKI > Olrl fur W'noral hou > o work In
> V small family. 1OT Lamain t. CM 23
VANUKl > At > iu'o. Rlrl for Ke lions ;
V work , D\V. riioli ,5006'o. a a\o.
\\/AN'Ui : > -A coiniictent liouxoUruiiuc at a
> farmbou o tlio city , Apiil.y H1.200J
Hurt st.
t"IA"V ioiils wantudi eiitinuv nouHkirt
.1-Jiiiid jpporter ; rupld seller ; Miuplo
Address Mi-ri. N. U. JUttlo Mf Uo.Uiil-
A ijooil : lrlcall at onout tier *
m a n prof erred. Mn J. \ , Craig. U So ,
Dlst it. 4N.3J-
I AVI LTi pay ladles n ulary of JIO per week
to work fomo In tlielr locality at home ,
lirlit worl.Boodpiiv for part time. U'rlto with
"Hainp. MM. H.I. 1-Vrliutiin. box 7IU C'lilea ii.
\ V'A.N'IIH ) ( Url firhou > oiirl ( atoactJ.liooi ]
> wakospuW. Cnll22u'Uullfoiulaiit. ! MO-
T\rANTli-lInlii-rooin : ) | ! rl at Ulndsor
VjJIotel. TI2
_ _
\VAr 7fiI ) Three otierlpned | dining room
T Rltlint tlio Itxrherhotel 774
, ttt
iMvlit to id
cinwei { 1.2-l.dayi best of reHrenedi.
M l < Maiuer. 1114 Cup. n\o \ * CJ1-2I
E .VnAdHMFNTrilo dod return WIIB In f anil-
Hen < tullcitcd. MIssMurdy , 6VSS * . 2-Mli IIAO
it i.vr ; "itou's ilsr
, tteti > fnf frtt coliiniiioii t/ilt .
" H f It \ I f Ijtf d""w"f flTti JTSTuI Ilii t.s , ii II tart so !
llio ilty. l'i Ices ruiiitl tuftotii * 13 lo ( > ,
iiionllilv. SiniatonA. Allen , IGQiHjrainini st ,
< r > ! MIOOM holdl , tent T7. fnrnltiite * , X ) . TO
> ( ish , hilanco SJliiornifmtli , Co-opetatho
land and lot to. , WiN. I'th ' tA , liQI-22
ITWlt HKNTI'urnlslnd homo oflO rooms In
- Ip.irths vilhout clilldicn , pirt of icnt
- - ' ' icqulrud. ! OJ2 M.
Mary's nvii.
G-IIOOMhoniC fotroiit , iiittro(29 | ( ri. Wh t.
rvv-2"j )
HKNT-IO-room hotm1 , bath room , gal ,
JL ? He. , Sill IMVcinvoilhHt.H" .
ri-motnlioiM' , .lnt.ionet. ncir Ma onlir , .
Ijamo house u IK ! bar n , A inlilor riaco.chenp.
More tor .lOlli atul Arbor , tilth shelviiiK.olly
w tiler.
HiiKhfJ Olirlf. lilBITunoyit. M' 21
TjIDll HUNT S room ( Ottni'e , \ \ block fioni
JU motor. 813 Apply S.BH. S < l st. Ml ! ! . '
FOIt lll'NT-Jl-rootii luiusoln pied repair ,
UI7 N 23thit. sSS1Ibtli. .
( M'J 'Jl
III'NT T i lespnnsililo jiitllci only ,
. . .JHO ( lnciKMtbrltk aiidstono houtes nn
(3coriIn avenue ; fifteen rwnis nnd .ikovnj
iiuiri ) convenli ncc mi'l ' licllur Iliil-tbul thin
anylioiiM' fnnentln tlieclty. II 11. llendir-
HOn , 100 I'll\ton ' UlotK , til v. -4M
"I71DK KHNT 7-roomoil liouso , liatli wmh
J1 tubs. 1'irKcp'i'il cellar , and stable If de-
Klnil , 2 5 l.'t inUllnhU Apply , OOJ iloreliniita 11 u tik. 4."i JJJ"
T710R linrsT Tislrnlile groom house , all
-IJmoddii ! iiipro\oiiiciits ; ctcollent liii'at Inn.
sodded iurd front and lear , ( Jonvunlont lo
wlioli'salo dtslilutiind now iinloiiilcpi't.
loiullcnfor iiliyslclun. Apply 111JS 10th st ,
TTHJIl lir.NT-Soiit. 1st , cottiRu. all modira
J-liiipiovc'inciiLH , 1V-M Slioriniin HM < .
TjlOIl linNT-Ui'sldonccsonllnrnuy ; all llio
JL : lutckt ItnprovtinoiiK at lovcst posslblo
rental. I'uul , ICOyl'ariuni. 4tU
"fjVH ) LUN'I A ( lotiblobulldlnpriroomsearli ,
JL ? I'll ' b nnd Jlison glOper month 22
lOH IlIINT--rooni lionse , city water nnd
JUkcnvns . " ' - " -
, ntu birsalnloie.
st. Apply511) . i'a < tonblock. 331
TTK'lt IliNT-3 room linusc.&lrd aiidCuinlni ;
JL1sis.t.r per month. U. I'MIurrUon.tlll is \ ' .
i ri- . I'tn '
"TjlUIl lll Nl House , U rooms , nil modern Ini-
_ lIitoMiii ? < MiLs , lar o yard S.'lTi nor month.
Conimlstloiilo agiiita. Uoxtor Ii Thomas
11 ! )
' YOU wish to rent nbonso or store boo II.
1' . Cole , Uontlinntal blouk , 778
JIOU ltiNT-10-rootnhousc,2IOilougliis. : , ) lu-
"yj1INr.rosl < loiie , inodorn Improii'inonts , : 'ID3 '
J-fct. Jliry'anvc { ( . ' PIT month liiciutr < 2 jit
pianists or at A.llellir's. lilt K.i
TplOIi ISHNT 5-roomliousf.pooil rejnlr , nlco
JC yard cistern MiitorreiitU2. Apply to HOT
South Till au.or to Jno W. liolldiutgstjotli |
KHNT 7-room with barn ; nom
inal rent lo goxl natty. 0. RllarrUoiiJll
N V. Life. 111
"plUltHISllin liooao on rarnnni Ml. for nnt.
JL ! liiqulro Ueruiaa-AmcrKan tavliiji baulc.
UHKT Clood I ) room house , sower.
watir , KIII , balh , bnrn. furnace. In delimit
. . .ipo , cheap JJ. V. fclioluaL'o. , "II First > , at'l
bank' . : isi
i6it iiKTs'r ROOMS"
Vu\ \ rata , clc.tee fnp of frtt roliiinnoti IMi JM/C. /
1051 Uodcest. IVllBlitfull ) coolroonn , most
eliariulngly furnished ; bo i ixi nu x t duo r.
LEASAMf rooms ; aUoboirdliw. CDS. 17IU.
lUi-all ) *
1JH N.Hth St. , two Inrso olezantly furnished
rooms ; hntamleold running' watei ; otlior
dcsltahlo rooms , rublonndiipixiliitinitits the
Ixst. AecesslbloUii tlireu lines of can. Talilo
bouillon accotnniodatid. 1SJ-LV
TTOU 11HNT-T 0 iilioly fuinl-hoil front
JLmoms ! with allinodein rnnvciiloiues , im-
t rally located , toinis reasonablo. Uall at 703
S. Idtli slrcot.llatl ) . SM-21 *
luniHll > , lOtli st. , 1001111 wllli lionrd lit
ut Mu CI in rub Ill's. GOO
TfilOH 11KNT-A suit ot nicely furnlshid inst
JL ! front i onm wllli bny window at (123so. uth
st , near St. .Mary a aviimo. HO-22
rro IlKNT-NUilv furnished suit of ftont
_ L looms , att ! Jit Marj'rt me. bKl-a'Q
III'NT Nlcaly fiuiiMied moim.l nnd
jpoi week.lUOS hiriiun : , RJ213
Itl'Nl 2 nlcclj fnrnUhcd fiont roonm ,
1 " modern convunlcncci , at 1101 1'ar-
f > . - > 0
"lOOOMb , allcoiiicnlvnccs , 171 ! ) Davenport st.
JLV 5ii-a5l
O HOOMS for liouscleepliiR for nmn mill
Owltoi leutlakuilii board aiON. Kill.
Kl 25 *
U KHNT TJnoui and board for two In
family. 2211 Ittutbt. M < . ) -1 '
rooms for rent. II1II raclflrst. .
'lialfblockftoinllthst. ' motor , tll-i'l'
11OII liKNT Newly fiirnUhcd loonii with
day board. 2OII Uaruuy * t. 4 2a
IIIiKA ANT rooms , moduli linoroiciiienls :
18'Jl 1'arium felreot. 'M
TVlCKIiV Jurnisliod looms , Ih21 1 urnani.
; ' "
2 U1Q.
ST. C'LA I linuiopeanliotel.w Ithdiiiliisrooin.
Uth-Dodso. ipcclil ratis byoikoruio. .
ITlOIi RHNT Kuralsliul rooms. IGQOPoiuUs
J.1 7j
T71OU UKN I I'urulslicd i wins ; gas.bitb nnd
JLblown. ? 131J lloivaid TbO
"fjlOH UENf Nltoly fiimlslied room.ill . mod-
JL1 urn ionvrnlontcs. us S 17th bt. 70J
fnrnUlipd roomsnnd board for > , cv-
- titM1.I llainoy st. ; two niln-
tni's' walk from center of buslmss. nnd tool
place for bununul MUi UavliilbiValbrldno. .
f > 7U-yi..t ) *
VOlt U13M' bi'OltKS ANDOPriCUS ]
Fvriattt , etetcc lop oj frt colitraii onl/ils / jwi/e.
TTIOH UnNT The brick corner Htow M and
J'-lthsts. , toutliOiinha. cull bo routed liy a
Rftxl pirty nt ittasonallo terms , bpluidlillo-
cattoufor srocoiy or bakiry. Appk to 12.
ahck. IJQd I'lirnamstreet.-I77--U *
"li OIIUHNT Tlio 4-story krlokhuIlOlnir.Mlth
JL' or without po or. formerly oeeupled bj the
HAi l nbllsliln Co , 1)111 ) Tarn im st , The bulld-
1 us hut a tlrcproofcoinent bdsoinciit.coinpleto
Htuim hunting ilxtutes , water on nil the Hours ,
pas , etc.jApply HtthoolliCHOf Tlio Hep UI5
* Tj1Oll ItHM'T'lrsttlISM oflloc , corner llth
-L' andlloard &H. , Krolmd lloor , sulliblofor
merchandise broker , liiiulri ) L > ockullros ) Uo
"rbllKS BtTOOS 10th , 20MiOpaeli , lariroshow
windowsBtenm heit furuUued. Thoi V ,
Hill. 'Ill I'inMon liloclt. 7tXl
filOU KHM' I'lno corner store , Ktti and
-L Joins , $ < ( ! ; low icnt , Rood location and cut
ting belter noryday.tlcorjoUluusor.TiJl S.lijtli
OTFfj SD rooms , nil convenieticos , brill , 2
bll , from P. 0. 11 . Iroy , A V. Ufo.
. ; UNT Kino storeroom jiiNorfollf. ob.
bholvod bulliblo for clotliliijr Business ;
lectrlulliliu. t > t ui , etc. . Address O.A.
Nut. 57(1 (
"IjlOH UK T Urtc-K warrliou- ( . two stora-s
Jmill basement , 27,000 snuarofoot , with 10J
feetofdoublo triok oa u. I' , railway , houth
20th and 1'lere.o kltootj VJdrcaj O.Osknuij ) ,
Omaha , Neb , 51.
> 'yr TII ( , ctc , geliii | oj flrat foliumi itnOiti
"II" ECOLE , rtutal ugout , Coutlucntnl Mk.
JtL 77 ! )
/ EO.J. PAULj. 1IWO Karntm. lionsei , stores
\Jaiidllutiifiir nut , runts collii'todrollnblo
Ilto tiiburaiico. Monoyto loan. 21 ?
\\7ANTKI ) To rent , Vroporty o\\iiornlll
M 11 ml It to their adraiilaxo to lUt nil va
cant dnolllnsH lth Smouton & Allen , Kentul
Jlf l-'ataauiit
XrOUTOH'S rental nitotur , OlTI'aston Mock ,
111 7VI
\\rri.HIIANS4 MTnflooli , M. cnn
I T tlun bidir. K
| J.fur.V , rental tsetilIMGV. V.UfoT"
Fur nilf . ttt. , fftlnp n ! .flrtlcofiimn onf/iU I
w \ ANrlJ-- ) adlto rot t R'niiil
teacher liiUniuhi. Adtlriu but SiflI1. O.
DMOUrf.S speedily ; quietly. 1'or pntloi
InanvnUtc , Uoiortlon : allean es. Hliink
nt Ion free Htibort White , atlormy , 0. )
, .V. Y ft" ? ! '
ll OO reward olTerodfor the tippi-olidi-jlmi cil
tlio oil limlo of ti'aiii
Hi Klnst't roHtiiirnnt , Cuinlnit HI , ,
l - 'l\MIII ! l t mid ill. AiIdriVH J. It. > kii\v ,
Irvlnmon.N'uli. CM-SI * _ _ _
fpI > worlroolliijt.siiiitins. ] vnlliy i tc. zooil
J. work and lowprlcM. K.tuvaso.l'JIJC'ui
( V-O ul
1'iir rules , tit. . Ml t | ) ii ) 'fit ' tt rotiiniii on Hi tit jxij/ft
\ ITTANTH ) llor-,0 about 1,100 iiniincU d "
IT JlvorywiiiMii and lurnm. Call lornor
Jltli and Csldill HU , upstnlrs , after 0 p in.
flood ootumorclal pipor. No-
MottKUKO Loan Uo,51'J , 1'txto
culi ijrli-c. .117 fc.llth.
J'nr ralr * , elf. , wdijjifittlcolmnn an Hit * j
\HAli ( : t n itiiifiitolcctio.thormiil.bitlis
sciilpAlialrtrealiiKMil , manlcuii' &
Mis 1'thl , ra)21 ) , l\ltiini'll \ llk. )
_ _
fill in I nillan doctor ftunriiiitPcntn euro all
J kinds of illiim tea thy * * : No nil ill * i- " <
of tlio Hi roil anil IUIIITS lntho > iimulliiiu Taiio
\\orin4tiiUn \ ( it lnilliiiursnltbont h i\ lint
olllce : and nil dlseavos Hut nro cnrabli. Ul ?
IJ , lUtliat. Call and seu lilin.
for iflfr-t , tie. , KKtHitef Jlul coliimu on tlitt
OKVSIOVy New pension Ituvl OMT KljiMiis' '
JL cxperkneo In the piihecimoii of ponsloiH
nd itovunmint chlmsi bansecuicrt ovtr
,0O , ( ) pensions for soldiers In Nobr.isKt anil
O\MI Hielrwldows and liilrs itestdeuWons !
ntcst laMS ! no id vaiico do ; now bliuilu anil
lioul.irs froi'i coiwiiltitlon alw.iys fieo
.Irnin . A. bl urires , Wt Crclfjl ton lilouk , ne-xt
mthof 1' ' O. Umnlii. Js-'alO'
VT1AV Inwj niitslniit for almost nil soldiers ,
1 fathots mollieis widows and minor dill *
ion of soldlir-t. Uiilnn pushed by I' . I > .
lltiRinaii III uiiJ'-I rrcii7ir blk. 15 jearsexin-
. once. Only iciislun olllco liiOniiiliii. Se7 _
TT PATCH oxcliihlvo pension nnd elalm
attoiney ; ovorllyoirs * ei | > oriciice , ha > 0
11 the latest hws and declslona. Ollleo it-
lovul from Krcii/orliloclrtoCliainlier ofConi-
lene , loom 51 Uninlin.
'or IUF , < . tic. , * t fop of JliA colmnvn tills JHW
STOIt A ( III 1 or jiici olnnd Isi1 and f ti rnlt u 11.
uolil stnrusu iiul Iroo/lng : ttuukigu. D.ivld
Colo,8r Iliraiirdst. L'Ti
T HAOKVOI'ltOIMtl ! ( litloWOIt lillCH. W. Jl
IliHlniiin.lill l-i i\cimirth. V.W
S'rOUAOn Iliuiiiltvl : Co. , iai llowai l
'or intettc. , vt titjiof Jlitl column mi this jwiu' .
STItiVYlO orstolin July HI. llslit liy [ i 'l-
dliiK : ) ears old. Id IIUIKIS lilKli , welylit Oil
' .Im. . liltiukiiiniinaiiilliiysln tlio loft , niul loni
) Iick ; tail , l > liclc ! loss , hurofootul nnil liluil
fii'olsliuriit with roie | , 1 our -nlt. | Miltnblo re
iMirilforliifuinutloii. Ceo. 1 , II ri ant. 21111 ti
(1 .st.fco. Oiiniln < r f > "Hi *
LOsT A puckiiRoof contrncls ! 'lonlini lo
.1 .1. Molfa > V Cu. , list ruMilug nbiitit (1 (
I'elock. liitwcui l > uiiRlis.uil Doiliw sm or il
"ithud DuilKO. Klmli'r ] > | UIIM retuin sinio to
1U I'lixtonbniMliiKiind ' ( ct niriird ' "t
LOiT Oold Miitcli jilnlii cnso with diiimoinl
Mir illliinltiiliol In foil HuMitillf i I'
ll nuil toll. 1' Dnncl. fith uiul.IoiM. 1IHI
' "or mtex de. , s ( j > oflrA / roliinni on f/i/t /
WISH lo innkn tlio luiiiiiilntuimxif n Iinly
Itli nil-nib , "rilolftyt'lirs of use ; objoit
liiislnoss uiul iiurlnns intitrliiiuny. Aililiesi
1C ji : , lloo ollic-c. f > 7i.T : *
EO. ciso scud your ail tints to A. I/ ,
.pi > stIIIcHomer. ) . BUS 'I *
on sAM3-uoisisjVA.GONsiTC ;
, tie. , xti < < > jmjtitt lohnnim
AfiOUl ) toim : of lioiM-s for-Sill , on tlino
wltn Kooti su'iirlly nl > ueooildrlMr fur
K > 5. Oo-oiiirutlio luml and lotto..203N. liith l.
"ITIOIt SAI.K--llt > rsi' , WHOM , li.imess etc ,
t ? lldtNUN yoiniK'.suniiil , pcntlu , K il * l'ii
iiiul ( ( lior.untl in extra Rood tra\uloi \ ( . 'nit
lit au > Cuidw oil st. Ofo-IM *
POI ! SAI.R line drlvlns horse.V. \ . S.Kynn ,
loom o U. b Nat'i' ' > build im. 47 < : ii
iTTeiiil nmle. , oasytoinis , 1'art lluhtdrb-
InsniiiKsultabli for all dillvory biKlaosi
laliinuo oi k muluj.i. . iitetiy \ , r i , hoaiil
HOUSIs Llht drlvtrs t > uiain The laic
II111 liniiiiiilu tlicm cliuap U. I. Co It , t on-
: b u. nt ajjiloc K fcOJ
' | 15l Medium sl/ed liorsn elu ip. ' ounil
JL nnd peed voi k team. $130 V , , lj. Silbyr ,
1.1 , 1)011
_ _
ri > MO Si'A ' > r liouvyiuultwo spun Hunt mil ifi
-L fur Hah' , on two'tlnio it7iur | cent interest -
torost wllli tint or second mortise Unialii
caUstatOHcenrlti.or . other iiipiovodtuiii
ly ! ? olliy. room 13 Itoanl Triih * Ill.t
l'AM norklior-ii , w III tale bugg. , * us part
] nv. U. ii.boaiilof : trade , 710
171011 t-ALr. 1 plalfonn spring IcitlKr top
-L * diiiliKO almost new , I linclihoaiil neu ,
ii c ) or I'n nl ipo harness. Appl )
.it \\ibhttrhtinit.Oumlii \ pj. _
T -IXtri larzo heavy hurae . W 1 ,
[ . jjr KJ. lioa i dt _ rude. . ' "
TJOHfc'ls fjOund up , 11. G. Colo.
S VM : 1'uiivrj.uiii !
lrnitc .ctc , , BC ( ojioJnt \ lolumitou tlili
F'Oll PAW ? At nharKilii and easy torim ,
riiiiiltiiroinowliit aton-room house , cen.
ti ally loiatcd and tilled with looraers. I. H.
/ I tlio. I'll ' N. Y.l Ifolfldif. Kit
POU sAI < K Un iia-ount off.illlns lie.ilt
llio new mid elegant fiiiiilturo of a 21-
room hoii-o , oeciiiiuit | < Hnt-clnw. inuoino
neaily ? IUOO per month. lim"t locatlotiln tliu
city , Alltc ( sJ 20 , lice olllco. D7.-il ' !
roil H
Foruifcadr. , ire fono/ f. coliiiiuton
171011 SAIjB-L'heiip , 2 MCOii'Miaml ' bliyclH ,
Jt ; Inijulio at llayts' drujc store , i'lt N.jMh kt ,
FOlt SALE -.UK ) cords of poxl cottoninod at
* MiO : ilord 1' . O.U. Addiiss A.ll. Vouiis ,
Porbes , Wu. OOW
SODA fountain' fur .saloon easy instalments ;
m\v this bC oiionly 173. J. A , Uabcll. Hi
N. 10th si , 07021
GOOD clear laUo ice forsaloln Inr o Humili
ties , llio .Vbrasliu Uo Co , ICtariuy , Ne
braska. jf7.ill :
"ITtOIt SAI < i--XowStoln riiv Sonplano ; best
-L ? niaU' ; party leaving city ; part cash , bil-
antotnuiit ) desired lunulioat Oliil'axton bile
Jrratctlr. . , Kt tofof Jlnt column oil t/iln
H > AHAPur.S and umbrellas covered and re-
JL mired n.lUlor.lltl S IStlist. , 2d door from
1' . U Only man In town , 1'J
AVVJL'ii : > 10 HKNT.
, etc. , w tojioJint column mi thl paqt.
\\7ANTKlJ-To rfllt 'iirnlslied liotcl or noi-
TTJtlon as inaniKor or active parlour In
hotel. Adilioa Uox2ialtcd Oat , low.
" \\7ANTKU 3 unfurnished front rooms wllli
T ' board , pliusaiit locality , Margaret Vla-
coiit , 70UN. 22dst. . ( | ty. Wl K *
A"\rANTKO-In fotitli Onmhn , furnlsbcd
> > room by yoiin man , with or Mlthout
board , In Htrlitly urliatu fdtalljr , Addicu ,
BtatluR iirlce.ctc. . K10lr.K. \ . OA'-ai"
V\ 7ANTnn A furnished or uiifiirnlnhcil
room for mini and wife , coiivonletit lo
lnubd , Statoprlco. AdilicatlC 10 , licootllig.
i , etc ftt fojiofillat eolin on Oib ) tait.
BrKOHK buyliiii a iiUnocvaiuino tlio new
luluKlmtall jilano. A. Ho iio3tJ |
G FO. V.OKUnNIIKOK , toncborof tlnbuuja
with llonpo , ISlJUougluj * . 'J4'J
I.CMV. .
Inltwn bjiW. K
mnoum front * 10)0iOWi ) > t and for any
tlino fiiiia ono tii lx
Lou ti < inmle on litHI oliild ( iHl < ,
| easnre -
liniiso tecolpts. flc. . at tliu lotto * t poslblo
mles , vltliout piibllolly or ronmvaluf iirop-
nrra njed tbt you cnn mnke a ) ny-
mtnt ijlliii Biifl > P liinj bith | irliulial |
and Inlen-st , Ve.u linfTUitrtost only for the
tlino yon mcthoinoiK/ lou ewe abtiliiico
( in your iimpetly 01 IMHO a loan you with
i-liiiiKiJ , L KlH l" > y ll Ul1 and cairy It for
I 'do not nd'urtlno ( / > lotui youmoiioyat
link rales , but nmtldntitli claim toitlxo jou
l ( cr rate * and ci-doi.iv' M thin cnn bo ob-
tnlnedelsowliorclii tliWcltv
Money alwnvnoii haud. No delay. No pub-
llilty. Lowest rates.
Kootnl , Mlthiioll blk. , ISHiaii'dHarney . H
_ 4. > 2
3OAN" Clly nnd farm loinsinorltaKCpi-
Jporboughl. aicUaniio I mestmontt'o. SUP
"UHAI ; KSTATr ! lows Very lowst rates.
Jl U. J Ulis cll10 ! Is V. Life. JIB-aH
1HIIIII > 0 loans maito il lovutt nt3. W.
JSI. llunlj , room iW , I'iiMizor bllf. . . opu.J' . O.
. _
Tin Atr > TATK l.oaiiH"t ish nn haml. Oliiho
Jtl.oin vt frusl , Co I7 > Hitlut No cliluy.
Isooxlfa ulnrcvi Homes hi rout ; Kood lltt.
T\O [ > r'V : lo Iniin on niiinlii nnil Siuth
-I'LOjiiiiha ri'al ftiitf jMMlnlayi ur tMit-n- |
M < JlDiioy on liiinil at all lltnoi llilcs ,
fcmlthS CoiUuiuiiiuiclul > illonal linik l > ldg.
_ | ) -.ij ; _
] \I \ OM'V loiinrtiit lowi-ti iiitti , IOIIK tlini'on
-WLlniirovil | ( CiiihiiH'iil ! i t.ito. no'Wlrn , "
nodoliy. OloboLoan.V Trust CO..IJ07S. Hilh.
_ _
TH'IlDlM ! IOIIK. ( Ito 7iii < r lint ; no iiildl-
-I'tlonil cliirKororiiiiiitiiUsloiinr allot noy's
fus. IV. liMolkln , HIM ! Nillond bmk UilK.
_ _
J ( \ \ IJSP umlsowiid inn rt 2 1 cos on vinmtiiid
liiiiniivdl city in opi'iti l oniity wtirnnts
hniichl Mniioyoii liaiul. 1 M Itlilnit ilson ,
V < 1 > , t50orOOdiy' nii fuinlt itro , pillion ,
l h ) | iL-i. houses , etc. J J. W Old
1'ixtuiihlk. ' sw
nt loui'it rites ; business
I Paxtoiililk. J. ll.KinliiBor.
Sit )
1OMMI3KIIA liiiridBOiHtil slnrt time ini" |
J\M\ii\it \ \ ; nlso rcijiilir ilM'-voir lo inn initlo
onliiiliiovotl pfiiurty. ) | Oeo r. llluitA. Cn"JJ
. . . . . * ; loins Seiond inortciaes
- . , , , , , , . .1. Loin * on vac int lots. Hoeil , t
Slliv.iouinl , ! . llo.irdTr.iui HU
JtortsiRO lo. Ijiain ( if 110 to
i.Oiio ; set our rntos Ixtoro iKirranliiKnncl
mo inonoyi loiiiion hofvoi. f urn I turn urnny
im\cd | ) | \ htumlty vllhoiit piilillclt ) : notus
Imiinlit , forno\vloiti : rotuniil of old.indlow-
l rulis , cell UJW , felu-olj blk.lHh Altontrd.
ji ) loins at low rales nnil no
' dulay. 1) . V.Sholn Uu J1U 1st Nat.l Inulf .
1I"C.M'V In loin on IIOMS. \ \ I OM. tiiuli" * ,
-111 lioiiHi'lioUl K"'l ' .ll"i'm | < > fiii".ill.iiiionils ,
nlloviit rales. Thu llrst ormnl/on loan of-
Pie intlio rlty. Mali' linns doin M tn IJn.1
liys.vlilclu'im Im pild : liipirt or w Imlo nt.iny
line , thus low orlnij tliu ptlin | ) mill Intiiusi ,
ill inul - < iiis ) lu > iiou wintmoiu ) ' . oi-an
niilstoii ) inoinntly nnd to
Mlthout iiniovil o ( | troi | i
Jlonoj ul wins nn Ii mil. No dcluv In
loins O. I' lliut A Co , ,110 i llitli st..nvor
Illtifrliiin Asrm fcl ?
i T rs i' ' > r.\ii > yiow rues
U Oflntoiist on first iitoilctcrs of Impiovod
rril I'siiitofor tlio iic\'i Oldij shy ilio Kansas
tlty Ini fstineiili'o. Kooin Jo llo.irduf Trido.
I II. I'o ' isi' nianijci tm )
"AfOMlV lo loin oniny sicuilty
JlL for boil tlmi .it hnv
rales. Lowst rain
onpcrsomil pmperty.
7ho Ileiidcr-ion Morlvitfit1 lii'.istment rom-
paii ) , lOdin 400 I'aMim 'illc. hit
) --rirst-diss li ldcloam l.onest
' laics. L'till nidw'o Mutual lincst-
ii'lit Co. . 1 < I4 Knrniilil' ' b'J '
CIITM * ( istorn niniioj-
1'lilladtlphli Mortjrio ami Trust Co. ,
IWHJI ready tnlntinnnil | iiy promptly ; first
iiirtKiirosviaiititl. ( leorww. I' , 'olto rop-
isetilitlM. tixjniT. IWardof Ttulo. b'l
EA&TKHN inonoy to loan on ilty proiiirtyj
nioitgnceimgur bouglit 11 lllioy.N'.VUfo.
* * * t
QIIOKT time lonnsoi ! t'-ieint lots Solby &
a& lla-d. 11. llcii d 6f-Ti lilo. _ K3
"PRIVATE money tnlcrrinchcMii. 0. F. liar-
1 i-Isoii. HUN. } . J..lo. ( Hi
"T > RlVATr fluids toloiinon clioleuclty prop-
J ertyat. Inwiit riitui. Klmball. Uhim [ ) A
llyuiil.'U. riirinin si 7fl-Jy .T
t 1IATTKL Hank. : il | S. IStli st. will loan yon
nirmpv on cliiltols it liulc rites Call -440
for ntiM. ctt , , fetlnp ; ttrtlcolumn oil t
\tOflOK-L'lK'sjMiii | snmnVir session ofTTio
-L > clntsesln icniniinhlp and slu-rilmml will
toiniiiciivu Monil.iy , July 14. Classes will beheld
held In HID morning , nftirnoon and ovuilnp ,
fill on or address for Itilornutloii Standard
Miortliand Itiislness College , haw \'orl > Life
tin I Idlnif. Omaliii. Neb. frS
S Kt ON OIIA rsl ) Cjllfrnplis , llainmoinl und
Itciiiliulons Jtilin II Cornos Co Jitter
files nnd -.noi.'Inltlo-.Kaiino bill ; . K.T
DCralrg , ctr , nccli / i > if jtrrt column
Cliyton , clalrojnnt nnd in
I'nn liy \vnndcrfiil will towisr
teiiutit. fto S. Wth. Uta-ilO *
\rAliMMi : OII/.iri { . Omaln's only Ilioi-
-l' ' oiiKh nuissiigo and iiuinotlit ijailonovur
110 S. lltli M. 4. - I'
Mill 1 > II ii > DV llio ( llstliiMtlslied trinco
( slali vmniit Into of Ho- > ton.Vliilooti \ -
tr.iiKiil vlll iocalocrlitdduii \ injstuy In
lift' . Propues r ypllin I illsm inlileli \ \ \ III
( iiort'oino jour oni'uilis , HIIIOM ) fjiully
liniilili'i , ristoio loit iiroutlons. unltij the
M'liai.itod.liulin all In Iron Die. olc. Kco. Si
nnd iiiwnrils. | N. II. I'eifut Ratlsf.utlon
suariintocd hy mull. Send Btiinij for Illni-
tratodislKular. Mrs Di.l.ddj , J-4 X. l.'illi st. ,
Onialii. hj-.ill
DK. NANNIK \VAUUiv clalrvnyuiit ,
inodictl nnd bushier iiudUiin Kinnilo
sis as > * ? ulalty. HUN bth st.ioonisS ind J
H > * i
fur iii/r.i. / ( If. , mctt > i > iJit ft column oiiUifi | i me ,
Llult s-AlK nnt Kit. ( loin ; ? Rood bus- !
1 iii' > . I'lr-telass tlMiues , hoi > c- , , i\a \ on
and eierylliliiscomploto Good icisoni for
soiling. Addnss s 21 , Hco otllcc , Ciuiiiell
lllulls WI-4
FOHSA1K lease and part furniture 22-
loom lintel , only hottl in town ; $ UOj n 111
liny If tiilcii woii Kent , $ , H. ( Joiniiitrclal
lintel. Uainptoii Noli _ j.14 Of
171OHSAIE Iltlrvon Ames ave opin for
-L rent in liad ( J. I' , lloili. _ 5 . 'tali ' *
\\7 ANTI.D I'osltloii ' In Brain and lumber
IT Ijiisltins. vould InvistWOOa to S.J.OOO or
work on sal iry. llestof ixforcnccsclvcn Ad-
iltChS'X"Ural. , Neb. _ _
sTore , \ > ldo\v \ linljr wKhei to Mil nt
onutbir latu lniibamls liiilf Into I'M t In
fixid piylin dm ? ImsliiiM. Invoking about
jr.OOO , In liindprU'o. \ . , iis \\Miostoso
cusuAddicsa Alh. J. Wlaillll van , Lander U'yo
_ _ _ ' _ rn _ til
ITIOIISAl'K Sloclf ind. SUurn of a vliolo-
-1. silo coiuiiil loiiliuiiit' AddrobdlC. 1 ? lice
oiiico. en
_ _
iriOll-AIK ! ortrtulo for ne.vnpai ] ) > r iiliiiit-
L1 UcluuiibtucUufinusc. ItutblU , forli Neb ,
_ _
A SNA I1 for koiiicbqiTy wmitlng to buy a
iv. stock of confcot lonorylclKars ami tobacco ,
silioo ) books mid notloiii ; HWM ! trido fstali-
IM'iod't beit of ronions tort > elln | { ; Address ,
A r.JI. , Uroonwood , Neh. ' UI7.'G *
O.-llOOMhotellnsooinvcatlon.hinpatilnoll ,
& Kuraltiiro * < jHallontluio ( ) , Ueuourlty libat-
hfaclnry. Uo-oporatlvO"limU and lot c'o , 205
X. ItilliBt. f l tAHI."J
1 JTOT rTCvis iitlliconiiinlcnocs ,
rooms , , now
I Lbrluk. 3 blocks fion > A'O. ' | II. li.lroy.N. Y.
Life lulldlii ! ? . _ TO
TjTOltSAI K OUariloioln llrstolnsilocitlon ,
-L' diiluii Rood buklnuss ; roasnn ( or silllii ; ,
, to attend to. Aililru- , . !
_ _ Aililrujb'J ' If _
Iflu U slv I.ft .Meat niarlot. ( lolajr jood'b n s !
1 ms4 , liitownof I.W iiiluihllintHla eastein
Xobraslciii only SIOO cash icijiilrcd Addrosi
0.1'M _ urni _ r. Ijoinont , P cb. Wit ) 'J ' *
YfWtiPAFrlll Per balo-Ual y and wcuUy
i > Tlio foluinliis Ildly Telmain has boon
CitablMit'd 15 laoiillu , Mb iixid lire-ill it Ion
and U'lveillilnjinitroiiapL' ' . Uho vrfeUlyU an
old vttablNhod pajiur. Jab oflluohiia u uooJ
pitronitKO. 'H'liiiB sitU fuo tor1) ) , r. Duvb ,
Uluinbuh , Noli _ _ _ KMil '
ITIOllBAIr , orcxclun o-a pUiiliuiuIllcotii'
* plite. Iwonly lior u iioworeajrlno iviiilmn *
clilncry aijooila * now. Address u It. 1'liin ,
liodturd.u ; ens- ; ; '
_ ' : _
TTIOH SA'LE On ciisy terms. Jr t ulaM
> rt'ita umit nnd II Uu res uud No. | location ,
liK iiIro mil 1 8 I'u ' xt mi blink. 'JO
'l.TOflUjfor hiilo. Two-srorylirldk ! Is onu of
tlio best hololn. dilo' ) uii rxcullunt
. ( in onoof the bust cornuru In the ulty ,
iddrui Conuncrolal Hotel , Urokuullow Null
Fomittt , ttott < : fni | offxt tvlmmonM * i iu .
rpo rUilANTn tVir hits hi Twin Olty
JLl'Incc , I'ouiu'lllllutr * , In , worth , for
MliiiiciiHjllsi'roDcrty. | U. 1' , llnrrlson till N.
V.l.lft * . 617-31
riW r.M'ltANai' norn land , clpar.for
JL OmilinproiHrty. U. J , Oasnoll.MO N , V ,
Mfc. Ml-Ui
_ _
A ri t'MHKU nnil fononl inrcbniilo will
Jrtrailo onoor two ruldences nnd M HO easli
fnrlntrrt'-a In pluniblni ; and lientlno or nov
elty iiiKlilno bmlnosi. Aildnsn lIt , lice
Otlll'O. f > ' . 'J-'J2 '
_ _ . . . -l,000 ) worth of Improved
. niulMicnnt clly itoieily. | clear of ( mum-
hrini'o and In u ilvn town , for Otnalia iirop-
oily ; \ lll asiumeordlimry Incuiiibriiiiee. Ad-
ImnKU. Ihrtl m , CtcttsNobriskn ,
Oll-2t *
VtlCKMttlolioinfl InValtmt \ llllt worth
-Lil,2ililnoilii.biiiiii.'e } ) , for Mie.liit lots ehar ,
O.l' . lUdlsQii. uil.N. Y I.lfo. 1.17-a .
" \\rHAT hn\e you toprcliiiiRofor Jtoclloni
l of ileanvestein liuuli tiiiiKo 11101111 olVor.
IlmlWfl , r > heiiaiito.iti. In. 1W 27
\ \ A Il-Tolralc , anew ll-tonm resl-
Tdonue \ on rarniiiiiit. . vlth nil iiioilprnltn-
piinoinuits.for Nebr. land or Omalia iin > i > -
erly to nulld colt.iKcJ on Address "K 12 , "
IMOtlleo. ft.M Jl *
\\Ml.\Tlinu' you tooxolniiffofor liouminiul
' lolin UmiihaVlow. U.J. Cns\\ull. MH N.
V.Llfo MI-SI
T7O11 r\cbnneo-a few loU mil hon es. fto. .
JL1 for seed farnH or laiuN. V J. Paul ICOt )
I'liiiiiiin -ill
" \OHTOAtlK' | - Votn , ci li luids pte .for
-i'lclenr U > t < C'm iiinutillo a iiuinljcr.V \ J.
I'niil. ll/n / l.-arnuni t. 41J
" \\rAM KIl-Vac.iiitlotH or ncres for tvnof
TI thi'lliu-t mil be-t pajlnjj hloi-ls In the
cllv Mill glvo lild drill II mndo .SIHJII , nltli
some oiOi. J Oil. lion tilllec. 11. '
IIAXtli : ( looil fiiriiii , city propor-
\\IM lands luNoli ninllo'x iforjntod
fji'ii'l mirsoiiirniii'rtycle ir , tltlu porfoct. Ad-
driss IjOi-U UDX Ui Prcnunit , Noli rt-W
Fartatti , etc t-rrlui > of Jlrxttiihtiim oniht-x jii'K.
"TjIDll ' M.IVirv flno Inline on HiNenport
-Astiect ? inur IlUh t-tliool b-ioiiin lioiiM.all
niDilcrn lniirov | ( < inutil < , one of Iho choicest
nluces nn thostrcot , 4 < , UOO. 0. 1' 11 an Son. Ull
N Y. Llfo. dl7-2l
S for salt ! or trade Tliroo line lin-
JjpioMd farms eontnliilinft'D ncriNlii llos-
Dircounty \Vllllradothowlioh ! orpirt
for iiuioh'imllsp dniRs or Inrduiio lue-
ferrod. Address U. II. Hollainy , Aiapnboo ,
Kumtisco . Nob. M'l 2.1'
TTIDU " "A hi' Tlio chntcti resilience at No.
JUlinlflcorjIa sun. , llvllOft I ! front.f. hrso
nioiiisbith.iras , sosur. lint and cold witor ,
elihet nnd alt eiinvt'iileiKvs. ( ntner aalut to
loivo city. I ) V Sholes Co , ' 'Ulst .N it. liiak.
5CI )
"I(1OIt kAKIr-A Iniilt lot.binldliiK Minlt.iifc
X'liiidllxt uri'H , liiKonl lo .i to'.ui. . only liink
tlicie. diiluitun neollent biisliu-s , territory
iilmut llmllo-i In ( Ibiini'ler .mil said to be In
t lu < best faiuilnu tountiv In the world. I'ol-
- ( ) . . ( < m .s : Lov ron , womll , Clinnbirof
Coiiimiiee , f0 51
CIIKAP. lor 2 lots on Jo o live. , betiu' < > ti
r.un uu nnd lo.iv 'wortli U. : > , IiiiilHlillv.
fjVm AT.H Oiolcn corner lot , ) fo M east
JUfioiil , bliili iiiilslditly.notliln flnur Intho
ell ) . A li.iliuln it i."jOJ. AIIKN 150i 1 aiii.iin
CJJIOsHnndB \ pir month for luiusu nnd
P full lot lit from JN" > J lo SI/UO / i.ichV
.l.l'.uil lOriranmiii. 411
r I'our Rend lots In U alnilt Hill ,
Mib. on HI ido i'rloe } > ) ' ) eioh ,
in Hi doublet lie money , ' 'trlmor Jl 1'iiiiiy ,
K , IWh Illil 1 > ( ) I 0. 4Ki
TTjlOK SX LI. 8 room liousi1 nnd lot , llaiiM'oni
J iilaii1. X licit nt lot for ilr > t piyiiiint.
unio tostllt C. J. ( Jti < moll,8li ( V.Llfo
r ii-a
enth -Jlllperinonth uonlll build
yoitn licit four , hvo ur sk i onm liouso ,
uuincilot. Uheap. Cleo. 1'iul ' , loO'J Iiirnain.
IN < II/N I'lato anil ( JnitliaTO lots , prlcu
fl.Odl , irWIclown. biiliinc-ctiri montlly. W. I
olby , loom I.I. lloardof 'liailu. 8-11
" \\7"AKK tipandlinyn nouio on tnoiiihlyi-iy- |
II moats ( Uinlio of SOMII dllTeriMit homes ,
south fioiition I urnmn Ht.Kvi'ryt'onvMnli'iicc
iiKlndln ? fiiiniKiMiiid ias I'liin c'ui boseei.
titniy olllco O.illln. U.V. blioloa Co.'It ' 1st
Kitloml bank. 80
THOU SA LE A line now Viooni
JL' ' uluftrlo iar line onN. 27tli st Will kc a
nirt ot cash payment a Rood hoi-sc or ho
and pluuton. 1'r > Ut r.iriuiii st M
K-ROOM cittaKC ) < . ? 1WI ) Oich. JI03 rish down.
'Jlialanee i\'i \ tnr moiitli. Tlnn. 1' , Hull , 111 !
I'lUonbloiL Mi
AL'CJ ' IH WfttorHcld.iv il estato.b.Oin . ilia
COTTAOniioinos In most am- addition fo
s'xluat fmni Jl.OOJnp , on oisj monthly n.iy-
nicnts K. 1C. Hirlliip , l.i Ilirkirblk , AK
SA1K Meo 7 room liouso ready t < :
mote Into wllli full lot,2UJ { , f JJJ cash U
V Iliurlson Oil .V. Y.Mfo. T | !
Jl1 YOU luvo iinythln to sell orcvcliinso
callDtlllUL'axtoii Woclc Wi
"WOK SAIL > ow buslnoss block on Ifith
J-stnpt , icnts mo lOpor tent of nrlco asked
iJOOOiisli.h ) ilanco liniW tlino.Vllllio on tliu
ni.ulvctunlya fuwdajs. Adduss 117. , lieu.
ftiiticjc to Oonlrn ttort
Notice Is lioreliy jl\oii that s
Hill boroctlvedliy tliu city clerk ol tlio ulty
ofboulh Din ihi ( in or bc'foro tlio " lh diy o"
.Inly , 1VW , nt 1 oilouK p. in. , foi sloplm ; ,1111
nmo\lii llio ( lilt on tlio follnvln ; lots ac
( widlii ; to tlio provisions of Ordinance No , 1-8 ,
tll-U il
Lot J bloikfcO.'onthOninliti.
l.otslaiid. . block .M. Souib Omulu.
l.otsl and1. , blouk 2 , Ilr4 adJttlon to Soutl
lot i < block ] . Cist .ulil It Ion tnS iiilhOiniba
1 ot 11 , block S.lli-,1 .iddltloa toSiulli Oin.iliu
l.ot-i'.i. ' lli.ll. fJunitU , bloclc t , Ili-jt addition
tnhoiilli Om ilia
l.utM , U and l.blooKT , fibt addition to South
\Vosl \ se\ciity-llvo feet of lot 1 , block 4 ,
llious 1'arU.
I a * t sovnity-lvo feet , of lot 21 , block 4
llimv MI I'arl ; . > t noMiity-lho fuct of lot 8 , bloUc 8 ,
llp\v ) n's I'ark.
Lot 7 IHoik S. IltownM 1'irlc.
1,0LI1 bloil. Ill Sonlh Omah.i
Lot I ) , block 111 , South Omaha.
Lot II bloc' ' , hwSouth Oniiilia.
Lot si , a and UilockUJ , SiutliOimlia. , _ and 4 bloiklN ) . hiiutliOin ih.u
I.ols 1 ami 4 , lihcU II.1. South Ouialu.
Lot Ii , hloik Tll.i'outli U tn ilia.
No jimuouls will liu considered unlo ao-
coinp.uiUidby ucertlllfd iliock forllDUO ) . to
Ira rutuiniil on till hldH not accenlid. The
rl.'lit Uio crvodto rejo tanyorullbUU ,
jlTJIOfc Jon.v J Kv v , Ulty Olcrk.
\oticr ) toS MVpr Con tractors.
E Oinilni.Xob.JulylOtli.ISOO. f
Smiled proposals will boruuuhud liy tlioim-
( lerslsncd. at thN olll'O. until twolvu o'clock
niKiii.of July Sutli , iwo. for fnrnlsliliu all tliu
nutoilils and didn ail tlio wotlc necessary to
( 'iiinpUto tin' followliii ; oltr Iniprovciiiont4vl2
( 'oiislriu'lliii u twonty-fonr liuli ttorin
witoi sewer , In 'Q" ' ktroot , alio piittlnjlii a
] ill bulk lie id and approach to tlio wo-a mid
nf"i2"biioit vliilnct I'lins und spoilllcu-
tlnns miiy bo h"on , and all Information rclu-
tliu totlio orl < obtained nt this olllco
No iiroponN from uny eoiitrautot In dcfnnlt
vlth tlio ulty onan > 'piovloiid loatraot will bo
No jiroposal from nny eontriotor will bo
miisldiioUiiiilciss iiicoinpinlul by n certlfloil
choc U for II vn liiiiidnd dollars ( UU.UOju > bo
itliirni'd on n 11 bids not aieoplid.
TliorlKlitlb roiurvid to rojcot nny or till
pioposaU ; nurlao be compluto within lxt.y
Approxltntopstltinto U 2S70 feet twenty-
four Inch iilpo. 100 ftut twelx ulncliplpo All
LliU imiSLbu on blanks runilshtd liy thoalty
( .nslnior.
liy order of the council , Coniinlttrn on
struoUaudulloyn. K. tUNM-i.l : < V ,
JlfkllJt Chairman.
Foaled prnpouls will bo reeoUed nt the Dvor , D'Ndll. Nob. , iitlyL'ltli.
lit * noon , for fiiinlnlilnv nialcrial and
labor iiot'OfHiiry tor the uructloa and comulu-
lion olht. Miiry'nAoailoniy.iicoordlni ! topluiH
nnd siMi'lll'.itlnns lo bo been nt tlio Omahn
blutomid Kootlnu 'u , Untalia , Nob. A cot ti
lled clii'i'k for IJuO 00 iniut airompiny each
Mil , uutl thu couiuilllou ruse no the rljlit to
ri'joutnnyor ull bldi ,
Jlsdlt A. II. Dvrii. Arohlloot.
t i'ontraoior .
IHdi will bo ricolvpd ly tbol'iirk Comml'-
slotiHU , I'lty of Unulia. d > r Uo olitthin ot , i
in\llliii In "IIiiihiMini I'ark. " up to U o'clock
uooii llio.HI i day of Jnlv , lt > M ,
I'luiu , dulikllri lad ipttelllc > utloii4 can bosnon
at thoolllLoof MiiKonJi lloinxKolit irchltoots ,
Rooiin < W7 and 9W N Y. l.lfullullillnu , 'IMm ;
coiniuli louord rtsoi'to tlio iluhl torujmt arwr
or ull LIU d. jlOdt ?
Wltliyourimmo nntl rulilrcss , mnlled lo
llio StrtftStMXlQc Co. , Atlnntn , Qa.lJ
necessary lo olilain an Interesting treat-
bo on ttio blood and the diseases incident
Skiii Erupliou ( Ourod.
One at my cnslonor * , n Iifelily rejpcctwl aid
Influential citizen , but who h mm absent froa
iho clly , hMiitoJBulrt'iJ i3pcciac lth cicc'.ctt
tcenlt , llowyo Ucunilhltnof ntkhicruptkin
liat IwhmltHMsit tomunttxl vlth fottlilrljyimr * ,
tnd luil rcdlitnl llio curative quolltlcd of m-uy
llownr CI.EOO ,
Operated under n lirotitr yrv't eontrnft by tlio
IMcilcnn liitcrimtlniml linprovuiiKUt
Coini 1111 %
( Irnncl Monthly drinlni ! * hdil In tlio Mnrc | iin
I'mlllon In ilia Alimi'iln I'nrli Cltyor 'MexluiMiiul
pill.llcly . cuiHlurlc , ; ay uiiurtiiiiuit ulllUiiti iipiiitm-
t' l tor tlo iHirHisoljr | tliofeucictai } it ! tlio lutcrlur
mil ttio lrua , iry.
will bo liclil In tlio llt'V 111MU.MOO. .
AUGUST 7Lli , 180O.
CAPITAL PRIZE , - $60,000
R0l n Ticket" t < Jr.MWO.
Price of Ticket s Annr'cnn Mtinoy ,
Vw'holi'H ' , 1SI ; llul fH , $ V ! ; ymutorJ , 1 ,
r HT oi rum. * .
irnplhll riranf liOOUO . " . U JrtOOO
irmiimi I'ritoof JO.OH it .DIKXI
ICiip'til I'rl/oof 10IWII ( t KliiiW
lliriml 1'rlredf i'.OUU Is l'ix > i )
: ! ) ' Iruiuf jlirx ) uio ,10)0
iil'rlziMiir WKI nro n OTO
Edl'rl/ciof MK ) nro IOOO
; iJI'il/tKir ( M . nro IT.OXI
ViUPrlciof"U . uiu ll.OtfO
Jtt'lMlllXIM.UKI I'lll/IM.
IWll'rl/omf $ Hniriixliiiitliiito | ) JHI nn prlo 1)00) ) )
WII'ri/ 6lii | > , ri > YliimiliiKlo ; 00)lirlo ) T.noO
irui'rl/iinr lliii'lT'iJliintliiito ' IOJIilH/o | I.IKW
ilMluriiilnulH of s.l ) ilciUlnl tiy tlllUOJirlzo 1'iiM
2SiJ I'rl/csTinniunllnir to fl7sr > u |
An I'rlunnit in tlio Inltol Bl.V.ea fully lull ) In
U. 8 Cuirunc )
AG KM'S U'.v.ST I ! l > .
Cfl'on Cilii ItlTKs or nny ollinr Infornntlnn
tU'Mri'tl. wrlto lo lbljr til tlio inulrrHluiim ! , ilwirly
itntliiK your riililKiim * . llliHinti fountj Mr , MI nnil
iiiimlur Morn r.i"l | mum in ill ili'llMrs lll tin
lr > our ciulo iiisnii
Addiess U. liASbf/r ,1 ,
c Ity ! ' I lp.\lcn , Blcxlro. MANTIUI , .V.CO. , Kooin IJIN. Y.
Ufi > llnlldlii' ' . UiiuUin , Nib.
Ur orillniir ) lottir rnntnlnlnu JIONUl" OIlHIl !
Issiiu t l > y nil h\iic | < t ( "iii | > inU'3. ) .Now Voik Hv-
cliniiKU.Dr.ittor 1'ottul .Null )
Il/tprum ofcuiitra t tliu ionii | in } inustilppoilt tlio
s \ini of nil | irl' > M liklinKil In tlin t-olioinit loloinai'll-
liK'n slniilu t ckot , uiul imulvo UiuMluuiiij ; uinclnl
ptrnilt :
( .KIITIIICAIC I ncroliy corllfr tlmt the Hunk of
I.nnilini nnil Muxlio Inn on ii'i ! | < iilt the iiuccixury
fnniN tiiKiiiiriintciitlii ) inijrinont of nil ITliUM Jrn\vn
hyt'io iiOtortailo Inltciulicnnilii I'nhllon
AIULIAAII U win ui , InKrronor.
lurtlior ttioroniimny liiri'ijnlri'il toilittiltnitollfty.
nUKir | mil of tlio viiluuof ulltlio tlikitliln prliiM-
u I ir or i > orllin tlmn Is irlvon bv nny otlior Inttory
Hnillr llinniitTiliiT of Ilikuh In Ilinllcil to HCtH )
) ( IX ) IOH thniiuro lolit by ollior lutturln usliiKtho
Ilils Ii to cprtlfr Hint tliu llnnk of Coinnicrco ,
Ninlivlllc ' 1'inn.illl pnf oil prlzciln uliim- .
'J'aFAnnAM ST ! | s :
Tin ; un.viA'v .UAUicir. ;
fNSTHUMKN'W plutoil on ruuara dutlns
JL jostirduv :
R 0 nnd O II Ballon to I S Cm Nm.lot 11 ,
lilk T.Aiiililur I'l.ico ' . .11,500
O ( ! r isiiu'll : ] : iid wlfo to J W Lynn , lot
II hllU' , Jloilforil 1'hco . 2,500
G II Bill's nnd vlfo to 1' L ) Mulr , lot U.
lilk L'l. ( Jiniiliii Vliiw o\t . 1'J-Jo
Mliluui Hall ilu and wlfo to C. It t H V
inllivuy uuiuiiny | : , lot II. hlk 11 , Al-
liilKlitw AimoAto South Oinnh.i. 1,500
August i Chnllni m toU I * Ilutlky , s Ul ft ,
lot ! ! , t'liolliiiiin'i add . 500
I'J Conlraii , trustui' . to O IIUusao.jlot |
7. hll > r > , UunlKin I'lli'O ' . 5T)0
UllUnssoyto KM Miyllcld , lot 7 , blk
l' > , Corrlunn 1'Uco . 550
L'tlcr Uhrlsllaiisi'il und wlfo to P D
Mulr.w y lot 7blk I , Ki-ril's 1st mid . . 2,000
A.V l"ri > erliJ 0 Italliny , lot t , hlk I ,
May no's add. . . 1,000
ut , lint and vlfu tot ; 1 , Hail , nnd M
Vt nn C-IVIH. nnd 'jlonl'i ' ' lo labile
8 , Culshtoii lldKhts , nnil und Ii lot IT ,
lilU7lvllliy I'lniu . 7,000
ON Ivkks and vlfu to.1 HU'olhtoi ital.
lots 1 1 1) 10 hll < 7 , Ij.inntlrld ndil . . . . 5,000
Mi : Hull and hmbanil to 11 A Nolto ot
nl , s 0-1 VII . . . . 4,800
I hlrvln and wlfu to William Dndluv ,
lots SfuiNliN. lilk l.Northlh'ldudd . . 1,500
I'U.lonviMi und wlfo to .Nuls bou-muii ,
lot IS , lilUnn , < 1iniuMu\\ . 800
Alfii'llliillloiii ) to IV I Ihovn , lotbl )
, uid 11 , IU1. ) ( Jklohoiiia I'arlc , Iot3l , 0
nnd 7 , bile.1. OWohoni.i I'aik . 43,000
V I ) Mulr ami u-Kntol , I > Kunncdy ittil ,
lot 8 , hlk 21. Kiiillit/a i'lneo . . . .12,001
I'll Mulr anil \ \ Ifo to I'i'torUhilillaiison ,
lot li.liUc 'ii , Unulia Vlott , o\t . 1,500
AO I'iinlsi'iu't aluxrHto Iihnimd Jlnr-
nhy , lot 1,1)1UI.llllam , lliyodorn's
ihld . IJoO
AU I'anlhonut nl i\is to I ilioiinil Mm
pliy.lot 18 , hill 4 , Mlllani lIugudoin'B
uild . IlTiO
AJ I'opiilotoa anil wife to A J Hunt , lot
7 , hlUS I'oppkton ' 1'nrU ' . 1,200
K i' UIIK | I and nlfo lo Anna I'lckctt ' , w
Jl ft lot ISl lilhl , Diiiiiinn I'lnio . SCO
A 1C Stunsilorf nnd liush.ind to I ) f/.Mc-
Unuldln , lot 'J , lilli I , KdKiiHood pnrlt . . S23
South Uniali i liuiil eonipnny tuA Illlu-
hi I'linii , lutt ; , M Ik ( 'A bontli Oniaha . . . 515
Simo to < J Ii iMiimkTs , lot U , hlk ir. : ,
f.iiiu ; . 010
South Oniiiha I ind cuinniiiy to U W
U'ounils. lot 10. IjlU W , South Omaha. . 000
lloli sot .1 d tfliull to IturtliiiMlttiiuur ,
lntL'llll l' , fc > lmira.M udil . 000
lill Tuylorto AIC SlciiisJoif , lot Ubllc ,
I , KtlKOWoixl . UOO
UiitoiiktoekyuiiU uoinpany to 1'atrlulc
Da van null , lot U , bile 13 , lit add to
South OniiliR . 200
\iJ Viiiinx to Uldoiijo , Itnolc Island St
1'aollli ) railway eoinp.iny , lot.'l. blk Hi.
' toaoulliOiiuhu . . . . 1,100
iiruirt ,
JIl Ffrroo nmlwlfo to Mts Murgmut
McDonald , lot 10 , Iillc IJ , U K M.ijnu'ri
mid In Vulloy . 350
JU. ( Jnrllolii to J 11 Duo , lot .blkJOr-
cliardlllll . 1
Jll 'I'lioinp nu to U Li ICIng , lot J. ' ) , blk 5 ,
I'ndilork 1'lno ' . 1
OPVllllain3 to Uoynold lliotlwrs , hw - - ! -
n-iu . i
DfiiS :
Snyder , Adnm county tr asurir to
1 : i riuers hud i uiul oom.uiy | , lot B ,
Mk JH , Oinihn .
Sjiao to t > iuuu , lot 7 , lilk Jii , MUIIIU .
SjlllO lOBUIllU , lilt 1 1111(1 ( If. Ill 11-11-11. . .
r-uiuu to same , H > IBO nw L'T-IG-I- .
hJino tosrinu , lot II In ll-H-l I .
hmno lohiinio , IIH HO JI-Ki-'l ' .
to same , n'iJliJlU '
UT Vllllunia , itiianlUn , to Uuynulds SM5-1) ) 1,03) )
Total amount of transfers
CholoM Morbitu at Cellar
Cuinu liti'ins , In. , Juno UO , Mr. "Cicorgo
Jolmsoii'a boy.about eight jean old , wm
taken \ \ 1th cholera iiiorliiiH uiul lAvon up to
die by the attonlliigptiyali'lnn , JItMurk. .
crt called at the liouso with u bottle of Cliain-
beilain's colic , tlmlni.j and dlnrrhu'i r ( mody ,
and they KUVO tlio boy tvvu doses of It , 'J'lio
effect , was a prompt rorovory anil ttio next
d.iy ho was up imd about , l vu'yboJy in thnt
I JHlt'libothooJ uo\v uses it
IlciunrlcnMo Advontnro oT nit Io\vi\
Cllv Mnu In Onlirornln ,
\V. \ 0. Oitsjtoii , "Piofi-sjoi- Mno-
monk' * , " In the Y. M , C. A. Hull , nt
Onlcltimi , Oil. , jtiuiiioil from tliu fourth
story vrlmlow of tlio Urinmnldt Jiotol
rcceiilly ami fell to the stioot below , n
totrillotiiinblo of moro thtin foity foot.
Ho stutoU an awulityr I n hla tlcscotit ,
bivaklnjj the fall , niul mi ciotibtedly ( < ivv-
ItiL' hisllfo , Old lovu C'llyatH , and OSIUH * -
itilly our nllortu\V8 , will foiitoitihiT thla
"ineniboi1 of tlio hap" who iinutlood in
this clly , BomcthliiK llko Aftont yoira
nye , fiys the Iowa City roiiiibllcitti ,
llo\vii it lilfjlily oiluoali'il ontloiiuii.
and \vliou not tintlcv the lulliionvo of hla
bcwltlnj1 sin , tlflnlf , win a jwrfwl CliUK-
toillold , courteous , iillnblo nnil roll nod.
lloilld not enjoy the nuwt Ituu-ntlvo
piitctito , liowotor , itlthfltijTli a lulontoil
atlofitoy , Iccuuso of hlnHl nul vloo. Ho
lliully loft lima Clly uiul our tnto ,
frolny to OroRon , foil owl tig hla jwifoH-
sloil III 1'llt'tllllUl. ' Ho C8U11O llltl'lf to
Totva Jintl a aln fulled , nftor HOIUO iirne-
tiro. 1 \\aslltuilly \ dlvonvd front hia
wife nml le.iviii hop mid hU il.iti lttot * ,
Ada (11 ( bountiful ( 'lfloll Irnown hi
lo\ui \ City ) , ho wont \\ost \ \ once nuiro.
Slnco tliouho hits jttiiroiod the fa to of
so tunny nb-ont ones lm boon forgotten -
ton , iiiothi'i1 vimls , xinlll Ihows \ ot
tint filjjhlfnl loiip , in-rivoil In OIIP i'lty.
The story of tlio lo.ip IH u strati o otio ,
indeed , anil shows \\lu\t \ foiirfuliiloti -
aiy ideas tli'lnKponopjitM lulls vietlin'M
illioriloivd brnln. UsiHtou vts nintiticoil
bolofoa jtultroiind two iihy li'lnii ! ) , who
inqulivd in to hib natiitv. Drink was
found to bo thooanio o ( his iniul leap.
IJo uouly , iMhnly nnd lolloiloilly furotl
Ills exiiniiiorsuiul\\ith ffliHsyo\oil \ lu-
dlirofiiR'o lolil Iho follvliijr stoV ) , \ % hloh
wotuKo from tlio Oiklutul lliuiiilror ;
"t did it with dollhopatloii. For two
days thud boon in the iiimvr of Iho ttovll
anil Ills iniiH. Thoj Inulbovii innij loom
niuuint ; with 1110 1 wits an njriuwlii'iitid
tlmdo\ll \ tiled to piovoto mo tint .k'sns
C'hfirtt win dhlno noeordlnj to Iho
Nli-eno croi'd. I snid II HODIIIS hlfaiijo
tint joti , the do\ll , fhonltl trj lo 1011-
vlace 1110 Iliat Christ isdlvlnu. Hntthat
\\lll uppesti' anoti. "
"Tlw dotII , op what \vo vlll mil ( ho
di'vil for this puppo'-o , noi'tumilcd inoniul
sliowed nwnlfi'.stntlotis of his powor.
Alter hotus of ni' tiiuont , I bocniuo ooti-
vlnced. ] lo8iildVoiild.vtuUkotobu : ' \ -
coino HI rappoit with Chi-lst nnd loino
Into communion \vilh tlio DlvlnoSphlt ? '
Tic sniil : VoiinitiyivtU'li upiindlay hold
of It. ' I did so.
"Iloiaid , 'WiMilil you lilw to i > o join-
iloul fithpr , iiiiiUioi1 , ihiiiL'hk'forffiend'i"
"I hdd , 'yen. ' " ,
' "J'lii'ii ho wild , 'you ' shall too tlioiu
mid talk vlth llioju. '
"Tlion Tsaw tluin all bofot'o ino and
talked with tliPin. 1 talked \\lthniy \
dantflitor for nn hour. At the chwo C
said , 'A nn i , tint vas the lonyest tallc
vo over hud Kinot lior. '
"Tliero L'ouhl bout ) mom for doubt , "
said Clinton einphalii'itlly.
Thou the devil , orlint \ apiionrcil to
bo hijn , Hiiid to ino : It is my dtttj to
it'll you that I nm not the do\Hlnit
.riMiiH CliilHt. Ate you willing to
trust nu'V
" [ wild 'JOH. ' ' "
"llosnitl. 'I will i\o \ jnu n so\oro \
test. Ha\o you ftilth to jump fioiu thnt
window1' ' " 1 said 'jos. ' "
"Ilothcn bald : Muni ] ) from the window
and you hliall not lie hurt. 1 nm JobUH
UhriHl. ' "
" 1 Ind fnith and did so. When I do-
scoudtd T planned oil the awning , mid
whoii within a foot of the pa\oiiiciit ]
was lit down with the softnobti of a pil
low. "
Ga&lon then pointed tliroo men
canio runniug aeiosa the stieot , who
thought tlmt ho liiul boon killi-d. Ho
was tinhuit , and Christ had told him to
go up In the elevator. AB ho did so ho
saw Christ appear through tholioor of
tlio elevator and ascoiid. "IIo can pass
i-l ht through a will , " rcmarliud ( ! iih-
ton. "I liavo been him do it a dozou
times. "
When ho found ldn door looked , Christ
told him tn call. IIo did bo bill no ono
came. Tlioa ho told him tocajl louder ,
and ho did HO. when BOIUO people canio
and took him lo jail.
Tlio Sacred Heart nuadomy for day
pupils , situated on St , Mnry't avoiiuu
and li'th bt , , isnn Institution dovotud to
tlic moral and intellectual education of
youiiHffli'ls. Tlio cotuvo includes d\ory-
tldnjj from an oloinonttiry ( lopailmunt to
aliaisliod olaissical education. Besides
the oiiliniiry aradoinind courtM , music ,
piiutiiijdraviiijjiind the lun tiifjosaro
taiif lit. IVonch in inuludcd iti the ordi
nary lourrto. DltV4tenco of lolijjlon IB ad
olwtaile to the rocelvinp of pupils , pro
vided tnoi conform to the goiiQiul io u-
lalioin of the bohool. The Hcholnstlo
term coimuencc-i the first Tncbday in
September. ( Jlusnei bo ln at I ) a. in. ,
and pupils are dismissed at ,5:30 : p. in.
Mil VIM Mill I H K.
I have hoon btii'iiriBcd anil disgusted at
the way n great ui.iny of my business )
acquaintances have acted Iti logaul to
buyinjr "hlido mining' btock , " nnd from
what I heir a great many of them hnvo
listened to ami taken Iho udvico of idle
gabbling frioudi who nro nlwajs icady
and willing toglvoud\lca and uhoKnow
about as much about sllvor ndneyasa
\i\ \ < r does nbout thoSnhbiith day ,
Now I wish to bin- that 1 hnvo yotsomo
slldo stock for sale tit $ - ) per Hhafo if
taken before July 20. This utotlc at this
piioolbtho very boht iiivoHlnientyou
can possibly milco. If jou do not bellovu
the nbo o sUtttiaont in regard to
Slldostock , you can wiHo to any of the
follovlnj'r well l < no\sa gi'iitloamn of
Ourtvj , Col. :
K. J , Beat , cashier Jllnora' and Mer
chant's bank.
llaipy Lee , mamjjor Beaumont t-atup-
ling work ) .
L. A. DuuliiiTi , manujjorinoilciui'
bottle uiliio.
Gcopgoll , Kcdxlo , manager Calli < > po
inlnoitndbtttto ( ; cole ittt.
Prof. bM. . Kndlloh , uianajjei1 Yaiilcoo
Lov mino.
1NT. . Soott , mill contpactor.
B. C. IDIckcnfion. iisfuyoi ,
Huilbuit , United States
tloputy inlnornl aurvoyor.
.loliii Mc.MnliunJofuintiti Cnllopo nilno ,
J. D. Coplon , C'oplon's ' concontiMllnu
10. 1C. Erunion of Bnrlwdl fe Hi'iuiion ,
or tiny biwinosH or miiiliiinjr man In thin
district , nnd iwcoitulnlf lulu nilno has
lice 11 mimopiosoiited In the least , nnd
albO ask it ,5,0)0 ) shares tit $ il5 each in not
avery low value oa the pionoi'ty.
Prof. IM. ] . Audi lull , u iiilnoivliolmt
mined itllovui1 tills country , todny , after
u thcioiili ( ; o.xiimlnation , hiiyu wo have n
uoiHloffuliniiionnil tlmt I liavonovcr told
lialf. IIo nlsosnyi that the Htndc at 825
iioiuliiiroia as { food nabujlny silver del
lars for ii ) ccntb.
1 Imvo liuttid of Bbvoral persons hem
l8Uin ] ) > vilvoio ! my frlondithlackinallliii ;
the hlliloiniiu ) to tlio beat of their nlilllty ,
I wish to fctuto in thin luttor lo nny
poraon who wishes toliuy } < rXX ) or$10- ,
WO vortliof Slltloatodc , Iwillngrco to
jiay tholroxiwiiscj to Onr.iy If the Slldo
mhiu In not oxuotly us I represent It.
Noiv , if j'ou hnvo unybpnio 11101103 * ,
from $100 to $1.000 , nnil wish to inako n
wfo and iirolltublo InvtHtiiioiit , botnl
( IrafLtomo at oncu until will funvurd
SAM W. ( iiticnoiiY.
Prcrtltloiit Slldo AIlnltiK' Co. ,
Ouniy , Col ,
As for mjf personal ivfoirmo 1 refer
without jiornilaslon to 11113 * wholosulo firm
nf Kansas City , No ,