Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Valient Services Being Performed By the
Various Candidates and Lieutenants ,
Xnbor J > ny 'U 111 o Cclcbrntoil
Trlrkoil ntt Inrninc Mnn A Blukly
Nelgliliorliooil Snnipl ( ! li\w Salt
City Nc s anil Notes.
LINCOLN' , Neb , July 21. [ Special to Tun
llEn.J-Thb sccno at the Ciiultnl hotel , the
Croat political headquarters , Is an unlimited
one , to present It in the mildest form. ( Jamil-
Giles JlKhtliiK for tlio leading r osltlons In the
state ntul ilaiic horses nnd steeds of various
other complexions ( isphlny for the sumo
lionoii nro till gathering nt the point of
blvou.ic wlilio an immmcr.ibjo horde of lieutenants -
tenants nru dolnj ? valiant son too skirmishing
oloiiK the lino. ThoKroatcoiiNcntlon Is Uvo
diiy.s off yet , but If It occurred tonight theio
could scarcely bo moro incitement manifested ,
encl statesmen from Omaha to Chadron tire
on Uwsccno picpailng for the mighty strug-
pie. Several linputlcnt delegates mo nlso
licro , c.itfi'rlv mmniiiL' the fr.iv from afar and
tmxious to distinguish thorn-selves
'L'ho sofietnty of tlio ntuto committee -
tee is biwj preparing for the comcntlon. It
J * to lu hem at tlio runko opera homo nnd
tlio knntt.v problem Is how to tUJ delo-
p.itc.s In r.r > cliuir.s. All the boxes tnul the
uitiiostajro will necessarily bo piessod into
fjcrvin * , v\hllo the scenery and othir pnr.i-
] ihorunilii must bo removal. Ninety counties
aio to bo represented nnd another cnlgim
jirescnteil is how to sent cadi delegation so
that Its chilrimn will be near annislo teady
to spiliifj to his feet at n moment's notice.
The pillory h to bo lotnined for the use of
visitor1lstdiiKto witness the great strug
gle , nml the tin ee front lows of scats nro to
bo ivbcrvwl for Indies. All the other cliulrs
in tbo pillery mo free , hut the oaily comers
nro tlio only persons who can bo sure of get-
tliip nchiuico to sit down. 'Jho doors of the
' oper.i huuso open at 7 anil Clmlrtn in Klcluuils
vlll mil the convention to order nt s.
Tlio Ulny county Uolcpites are on tbo sccno
aliondy They Hay Unit some incoriuut ru-
imrts Imvo been puollsbcd conceinliif } tlicin.
Thoj ilccl 110 that they arc Instructed to op-
poai'imy caiidldntofor iccietary of stutoftoin
that ( onnty. The conwiMslonal delegates nio
instiiictod for 1) . M. Nettloton.
] t Is luportcd that llio Lancaster county
delegation Is fuvor.iljlo toward any candidate
for covernor excepting Itlchmds
'J'lilh nfternoou aecntluinnn who Just came
in on tliitinln cntorod the CaplUl hotel , grip
in h'md , and cxelnlined.
"Hello , Kovcinor"
Jt Is ioHirtcil ] that no less tlnn five men
Jumped lothuir feet and ranio fonvaril , piof-
lerini ; tbclr bunds , and let only ono of tlicin ,
luvn Untler , lind ever held a t'ubeni.itoilal
I'i'krotli it Jliaddon , plastorinK eon tractors ,
nsk tin * iild of the dlitiict eouit to collott
f.ii.N ( ) wbkh they daiin is due fiom Albion
) ' . M.irtln for work done on the foundations
ofal-miboln Klnnvood addition t\\o jc.u-i
npo Uoth phdntlff and defendant have .il-
le.idj spent for attorneys' fees 111010 than the
amount at Issno.
Tbo following notarial npiiolntmenls
midotodiy by tbo Ro\ernor : J. N. Hugcs ,
Shohlon ; L. C. Ilcrdrow , Da\hCity ; Thonias
Walker , Ilowells ; Hdmml INT. Kroivenor ,
I'otiv.t , Lesllo SCKVmt , Omaha ; Kll II.
Doutl , Oin.iha ; N. N. Lltsoy. Wallace ; Mills
Day , Wcllslet ; Uoscoo round , .Lincoln ;
Tboroas L , Omulri ; A. C. Montgom
ery , York ; Emil Dcgwlnd , Trimble.
A inimbor of cases of dlplitbciia and other
cpidcmlo ailments are repoitod fiom the
iiciglihorhooil. bounded by Twentieth and
T\\"ciit.v-lldril inid H andQRtrccts. AIHOIIK
tbo diphtheritic patients are two members of
Mr. O'NclH'B family , Mw. Sutton and child
nnd tin i > o of the Shcrott family , besides
otbcm. A nuinborof ciisesof fo\cr nio slid
lo o lst. Thocauso of so much sickness Is
ascribed both to the Btiijjnnnt pools nnd the
illthy f arbago capons In tbo immediate
vicinity. Tlio attention of the health nBUcr
has teen culled to the matter ,
unoit IUY.
Yesteiday the KnlKhts of Labor and trades
unions met and decided to piupoily celebrate
labor ilny .All labor .societies m the county
have boon Imltcd to take p.ut.
lliCAUSB Hi : \S IS'SAM ! .
JCIP 0. Wincgardner is latstng a dlsturb-
niu'o about tbo action of biswlfo In surion-
iloriup toaceitaintlrm Known as Sawyer &
Hnrdls the ilfiht to valuable property in
Allen county , Ohio. At tbo time Mrs. Wlno-
pimlncr ( jnvo the power of attorney to these
fcllim.s her husbiind was Insane , but now
ho IMS recovered Ills mind nnd todny asked
that the deeds to the property bo sot aside.
Ho il.iims thntSa\syer t Buidlsentered into
n consphncy with his \\lfo to rob him. They
sold tlio html for only $ -00 , although it Is
ivnrlli nvpi'SI nftO.
Mr. C. M. Hianson , formerly an aspirant
for senatorial honors , ILLS caused a warrant
to \ > o issii' " ! for the arrust of L.V. . Urovlor ,
chm'ini ( ; him with Btcatinifia-worth of liny.
.liimlo Admns is a gill only blxtecn years
old , who has apparently pone Irretriovubly to
tbo bad. l\lr. \ Philander W. llowo , who
wishes her to bo snatched as a liiiuid fiom
the burning , today caused a wairanbto bo is
sued for her arrest so that shu may bo tried
on the Kiound of hicorrlgiblllty and seat to
tboietoim school.
Kiastus W.Pyikcrt will not bollovo that
his son bold his hogs to I. W. IJolltip and
Tom Hooiiu of Princeton without permission ,
nnd toifav ho caused the Issuiinco of a war
rant for the nnest of Howling1 and Boonc ,
cliiutrinj.'them with grand luiecny a peni
tentiary oflVnso.
DSomo thlof broke into .T. T. Macdonald's
cellar at Twenty-ninth and O streets last
evening , hut all they succeeded In ( jetting
was the dirty linen for today's vaulting.
The humane society , through Officer A. M.
Bui tram , has caused tlio arrest of D. Allclotz ,
O teamster , for abusing his horses.
I'r < niU t Payment ol * 1i\l'o \ Insurance.
II. t * . llitchio , who died at Phitts-
moulh , hold a policy lu the llankors * lifo
Insuraiieo company of Nebraska.
1'ho following letter is an evidence of
tlio company's prompt method of doing1
PiATTSMOUTiiNob. , July 1G,1S90.
"W. A. Lindloy , Esq. , Set-rotary Hunkers'
Lifo Iiibiii'iinco Company , Lincoln , Nob.
Dear Sir : I am in receipt , through your
general agent , Mr. II. D. Hroolcs , of your
draft for ii,000 , payment in full of policy
No. Ill ) , Issued liy tlio Hnnkoi-a' lifo in-
Biiranco coniptiny of . , on the
llfpof my huabaiul , HariyU. Uitchio , do-
Penult mo tothnnl ; both jouivolf anil
the IJnnkors' llfo insurance company for
Btich prompt ami generous suttlomont of
my I'lalni. The nioiioyia \ paid to mo in
jubt llvo (5) ( ) days Jumi my husband.s
ucntli. without uiiyoxponso of collection ,
or deduction for advance pajmont , orun-
pivid balance of annual premiums , al
though by the terms of the policy it was
not duo for ninety days. Yours grate
fully , MAUY JobKi'iiiM : RITCHII : ,
AiTCHtml 1'or Ij.iruiMiy.
Albert McDonald wasoloverlycaptured Sun
flay night by Olllcor llcardon. S. P. McCor-
lidckof Oiuulia drew about $100 out of b.mlc ,
nnd whtlo prcpni-lnt ? for a go-out Mr. McDon
ald fiikcil tbo wild and bled himself to the
jUc-isuros of South Omaha society. Scarcely
mid ho commenced pomllti ( * .Sir. McCor-
jnU'k'w nioiioy when tl o oftlcor nrrostcxl him
and pit t.V ) of the money. SautU Onmliu U u
poor Held foi Omaha crooki toUlt. .
i Verooii IMnnlo.
PluttdcuUschea Veroen gave a picnic and
garden party at tbo ( lonn.mia pirdrns Sun
day , The committee- , consisting of
Messrs. Henry Martin , Julius Mueller and
Peter llellman , was successful In making
complete mrimpciui'nts for as pleos-
uut u social t'athcriiiK iu was over
lield In the city , The Foresters'
bum ! furnished the music. In the bowling
fullest , ( Jus Wardcmaucot ttoflrat prize f3 ;
William Mueller the second prl , | 3 ; nml
linns Linlwi-R third prl/o , $1 , .folia SU'Prcn
cnpturoil the Rreiiodg. \ . Mr Mnry
Wlcso won n flno { 10 album for plcttlng the
cpCT. Vaclav 1'lvonlw won the sack r.ico. '
The nttoiulanco WIM very lario. in tha
evening ( lorninnlii hull w.n not largo enough
to aorommodato the dancoM. The members
of the vorcln anil tholr frioniU claim to Have
hnd the pleaianteat dnnco nnd largest plcnlo
ever held la tlioff.irdens. Addre < sea worn
made by Huns Llubcrg and Uov. 1'ctcnou of
Mliulcn , lu.
A Oratlfylnj ; Inuronsc.
President . N. IJ.ibcock has Just made a
compirisou of the receipts of stock nt the
jardstlmt ho Justly feels proud of. Sir.
IJabcock took cargo of the yards.July 1 , 13Sr ,
and during the followlnc nineteen dnvi
the receipts of hogs woro7 , iTJ , wlillotho ro-
tcipts during the corrcipondltiK period this
} ear wore ! ) i , 15S , a gain of 'JJ.IUO , or 31.1(5 ( par
cent. DiirlntfUio soveu months ending June
30 , 1SVJ , tlio hog receipts \voro'033,03" ) , com
pared \\lth 730 , 1)5 ) this year , a pain
of 51.SIO or T.nipT cent. The cattle iccclpU
for the same period inoronsod from 'Jl'i.-S'J ' in
1SSJI to HM.UIO In ISW , a f.xla of OJ'J53 , or 37'Jl '
per iont.
Not Admitted Hero.
Saturday three cars of stock fiom "Wichita ,
ICan. , were received In a tram load , but
Inasmuch as Texas cattle are quarantined ,
President W. N. Uabrock refused to
allow them to bo brought into the
yards. They \\cro run on through
without unloading or stopping over.
Nebraska stoi-k deale-is m ly feel snfo tint
no doubtful cattle will bo revived at tbo
yards , nor will contusion * diseases bo chcu-
lated mining their stock by stock shipped In
here ,
Tlin Unidentified Dead.
Coroner Hiirilffaii yesterday held an inquest
on the body found In the river at the mouth
of the how or Saturday evening. Dr. ICelloy
icldn postmoitcm examination nnd oa the
evidences the Jmy fouiul death from drowning.
The body has uot been Identified.
NPUH Notes and Personals.
South Omaha baiters union No 31 , held a
special meeting Sunday afternoon to act encases
cases of Infringement of rules. The matter
w as amicably settled.
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
. Lane.
The * Sobotiter bnll i-ltib wont unto Otnaha
Sunday and taught the West Lawns how
to play bill. The scoio wiuS to 7 In favor of
tbo Sobotltcrs
The dedication of the Christian church , Al poUpoaed till next Sunday utll
A call has been issued by C.V. \ . Miller and
Joseph \V ICdpm ton for n meeting in ICnlu'lit
of Label hull , Twenty-sixth sticet , Tuesday
evening of all Knights of Labor , tradcsunlons
and fainicis' alliance nnd ullelectora favoilng
the Independent political pnity.
David Loosehor has rotui nod from Hammond
mend , 1ml , with his family.
ICilwanlUunn , formcilv with the Chicaro
No\s , is now with thoArmour-Cudahy pack
ing company.
Deputy Sheriff Alfred C. McCrackcn ,
after his tilp through the west , has returned.
John , assistant chief of the lire de
partment , mid Sewer Inspector James Ilalo
of Chicago aioisitinjj rodler Allen and
Peter Dicimnn ,
Mrs II. llrower has gene to Mlnden to
spend the summer with her parents.
' Leo N Tmltt , of the commission firm of
S. J Coffman , Smlloy & Co. , has retuineil
liom Uhltago , and was accompanied by W.
F. Luklus , who will inaUo bis homo among
John Condon while nt work grading nt
Twenty-second nnd .f street yesterdaj niora-
ing , icecivcd a sciious strain in the hack.
Mrs. Sargent , nifo of Yurdmastcr T. D.
Sargent , has gouo to spt'ml the summer with
fi leads In I3ost6a , Mass. , and Moatpelier , Vt.
L. T. Martin has returned from Chicago.
H. L. Kobcrts of Giinnell , In , is visiting
11. A. Carpenter.
George Shaffer of Muscatino , In. , is visit
ing Hodio Heilmond.
The young son of J. 0. Hardesty , Albright ,
who has been 111 with inalaiial fever , is
II. L. WooJ , tbo young mnn lying nt the
Ucod , hoiiso suffering with injuries on the
head" received when diving nt the Nutato-
olum , Omaha , Is likely to pull tluough.
Stone has arrived for the ainoko stack at
thu packing house of Sif t & Co , and work
will bo pushed till the struttuio is be com
Miss Maud T.e\\ls of Atlantic. la , Is the
charming guest of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Car
Mrs. M. J , Kcnney , of Bolso City , Io. ,
who has been visiting her niece , Mrs. II. C.
\VaylandaiidielativesInSt.Louis , will re-
turii homo this evening.
Charles Crum and little daughter , who
have been ill with malarial fever , aie bettor.
lint \Vcathcr mill Acoldoiits.
Take no chances on headaches or sunstroke
Thlshotwe.ithor is fcarful.tmt If you will take
a few of ICnmso's Headache Capsules each
day you will find the tomperuturo will bo ro-
ihueil nnd the likelihood of bimstroko or
lirostr.itIon nbsolutily counteracted. For
sale by all druggists.
The Solid South
Is solid on the groit "Gorman Remedy. "
Telegrams nnd letters are received every uay
dining this heated term for Kruuso's Hcad-
ache Capsules. The i > ooplo from thnt section
say they reduce the tcnipoiaturo and prevent
sunstrokes and headaches. For sale by all
Sun Stroke.
Now Is the tune , tha accepted time , to pre
vent sunstrokes , headaches , etc. By icducliig
the temperature all these distressing evils
will bo prevented , Krauso's Hcaducho Cap- ,
sales nro the thing.
Ono or two ICratiso'a Headache Cipiulo
takgi during the day will prevent nay head
ache , also attacks of sunstroke. All druggists
Cliurulies In linmloii.
There is an uncommon number of
churches in Loudon ; they nro marvel
lously common objects , wiitcs Julian
Ralph la tlnvpor'a Weekly. They are
almost all stone , nnd railed in with
Rrnuito posts and iron fences. Two
things about the Episcopal churches
( which are In the majority ) strike an
American as peculiar. Ono ib that fire
apparatus Is often stored in the little
enclosures , so that up ngainnt n dingy
church wall jou BOO a bright red ladder
orntlaminj ; tool or a hose cait. The
llro laddoid are on wheels. Church
yards are sometimes regular llro station -
tion , and ia nuuh cases a red lantern is
hung on the railings at night
with the words "Firo Station"
glaring In its lighted front. The ether
peculiar thing about the churches
is that public notices and plncauls nro
posted oik the doors and railings. There
you reiul the tax ratings for the parish ,
and that nmrringo licenses are obtain
able somuwhoro on the premises , and
that men aio wanted for the army , nnd
Htokorti will got good p.iy In the navy.
In notices the branch of public fcer-
vice that cnllrt for recruits usually posts
a colored plctuie of the uniform of that
wing of the service , chromes that are in
tended to look very alluring. We Amer
icans lira reminded by this treatment
of tbo lioitbos of worship that perhaps It
win not bO H trim go , uftor all , for the
British to use the churches hi New York
and Bqston for garrifeons nnd nribons ,
nnd whatever else they needed them for
during the revolutionary war. Where
church and state are joined , the btato
puts the mooting-houbca to its own uses.
Mr.V. . A. Baldwin , a hardware merchant
of IJoouville , Dallas county , Iowa , says : "For
the past two or three ) ears I have been sub
ject to cramping pains In the stomach. I
have tried u number of different remedies ,
the best one being Chamlrcrlatn's Colic ,
Cholera and Dianhu-a Heinedy ; one or two
doses of it always cures uio. "
Through conches Pullman palnco
uleepord , dining car * , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and intervening polnta
via the great Rock Island route. Ticket
otllco 100- , Sixteenth and Farnum.
More Men Will Bo Needed Soon In tLo Union
Pacific Shops.
Work Co m I HE In Unplilly None of * the
Foroo Goliii : lo LlicjciiiK ! Tlio
Joint Depot Force
Hull Notes.
John Wilson , assistant superintendent of
motive power , says there are moro men nt
woik in the Union Pacific shops now than
were employed dut lug June , July and Au
gust last year. AtulluT oftlclalof the same
coriwratlon states that tlio agitation in cer
tain circles because of a 25 per cent reduction
In cxponica Is really uncalled for. The num
ber of men let out Is leu than 251) ) instead of
100 as at llrst reported. Thcro are still
nearly 1,000 , on tlio piy roll. The way In
which work is coming In and piling up this
force , will , itls thought , have to bo mcrc.Hcd
In sooner than was expected. The shops
ro actually crowded now but It Is pro-
oscd to get through the hot weather
Jason , if possible , without incuuhiK
liyheaUor outlay than tbo expenses side of
; io lodger shows at the present time.
It Is still contended by every ono connected
\ 1th the mechanical department uuthoibod
) speak that the new shoin being elected at
3hcjenno will neither reduce the amount of
vork done nor lessen the number of men cm-
lo.ved hero. Ono man said ho could see
vork enough uheail on the Wyoming division
vhich never comes to Onmba to keep the
Jhejcnno shops busy ono year. All the vood
ngfitcs mid there uio several hundred of
tiem need new Uio bo\cs as well as a gcn-
ral overhauling. Mr , Middleton , the
upcrlutendent of motlvo power , has
ot yet moved his olllco to Cheyenne ,
hough ho cxpectst to bo there by August 1.
ohn Hovey , the master mechanic , ends hii
onncctioii with the Ointha shops August 1 ,
o take similar position at soiuo other point
n the system.
Tlio Joint Depot Korcc.
Wednesday Is the day that has Anally been
greed upon on for moving the Union Pacific
ickct agent , depot m liter , b iggago outfit
.ndthodopot expiess ollice , Into the tom-
lor.iry station house. This woik wa ? to have
toea done yesterday , but owing to soinoun-
ixpeoted delay in putting down new tracks
md platforms , it was louml necssary this
Homing to postpone the time. All prellml-
inty art igoinents , such as organiratlon of a
union depot lone and divisions among cm-
> lojcs have been made. It Is
low positively known that Jim Chambers ,
ho Union Pacific ticket agent , will bo at the
icad of the ticket tlepaitincnt ; also thnt Ud
Innoy will Lo the depot in later and bagcago
igent. The working force is to bo dmdod
jotweenold employes of tbotwocorjwratlons.
Tills will retain nenily all of them and put
matters In good shape
Hupld Advaiicrinont.
Three years SKOheu Hairy Deuol was
city ticket apent of the Duilingtou road , ho
md a very bright j'oimg man In the olllco
with him by the name of duties P. Dily.
A.bout the time , or shortly niter , I\lr. \ Ucuel
went o\er to the Union I'acltle , Daly was
sent to , Du'iivcr , whcro ho looked after the
Huillngton'.s Lity pasbPiigei' business n short
time and then look a position in the ranks of
the Lake Eiio & Western at Indianapolis. Ho
has Just been appointed pissenger
agent of that asull as the Fort AVuyiio &
"inclmuti road. The appointment took ef
fect yesterday. _
Notes and I'ersonnU.
General- Manager Clarke of the Union Pn-
illonnd wifoha\o gone to Lnko Geneva In
stead of Sphlt hike.
Glllctt'9 "Held by the nnemy" company
ivont through on the Builingtoa jestoiday
nouilng en loutoto Now York.
The 13. Ac M. has made a round-trip ruto of
one faro and nthlrd to delegates nnd o\ory-
body else attending the republican atato con
vention nt Lincoln.
The old St. James hotel has disappeared
entirely and the bank on which it stood is
being biougkt down to a grade with the
Superintendent Bnrr rcpoits thnt corn
along the Union Pixcillo line in Nebraska has
grown nt least \\clvo inches \\lthin the past
fortj'-olRht hours.
Mrs. Kd. Dickinson and John LIchteberger
loft tot Chicago Sunday evening to join Mr.
Miles' Nerve nnd Ltvor PHI * .
An important discovery. They ait on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
norves. A now principle. 1'hoy speedily
euro billlousncss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. 80 doses for 25 cents. Samples free
ut Kuhn & Co..s IDth nnd Douglas.
To Postmasters.
For sale , a full sot of llrst quality post-
ofllco fixtures , In good order , 528 bronze
lock and call lioxos , hard wood finish ;
all Yale work , nut up with screws , to bo
takou down. Can bo fitted to any olllco.
Cost over 82,000 ; will soil for $2oO and
pay $40 commission. Address I. II.
Soars , Davenport , la.
A. Cniiuok
The Halifax Herald says that wo ought
to adopt another name , as it thinks tlio
United States of America is about cnunl
to no niuno at all. "If our cousins,1' ' it
remarks , without even the suggestion of
a smile , "icnlly intend to porpotuatotho
mistake they made u. century ago in
feoparating themselves from their kins
men of tlio Anglo-Saxon rues , they
should try and gho themselves a name
belllting their ancestry and the land
which LJritlsh prowess \\on for them. "
Both tlio method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plcasaut
nnd refreshing to the tnsto , nnd acts
ccntly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem oflbctimlly , dispels colds , hcnd-
aclies and fevers nnd cures habitunl
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptably to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly hcnoficinl in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have inndo it tlio mosj
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa is for sale in 50o
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one \vho
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
a AH raAHcisco. CAI.
The VAX HOUTENS process renders their cocoa easy of
digestion and develops In the highest degree its delicious
aroma It fsnn excellent flcsh-fonucr , fi/iyper cent , greater
than the best of other cocoas.
or VAN "notTTCN-S OOCOA. ( "onc trlej alwarsmci" ) llM wbn < ifpart. lolubU
Cocol , luri-iitut , nm.leuuil imtcntLMl lu Itollimd , unit | . to.diiv liellrr nnd
mmohibU ( him uiiynrtlio niinicrotii IriiKullniii. Inl ct. ltl Rtnorallj mlinlU
| dtll otorniuopoind [ acompiratlt * t st will ! ! /tito ) that no oilier Coeoi equals Hill
ftiTent < ii' la solobllllj , iiRritablt tail * and nutrlllro qualllljs. "LArcut ale In the
world. " Jit til ' .
I i ke 'S&po.rto.rThey ' waste. eworld
O is Hie' '
" & ' " k
nnd old methods are not tlio easiest by far. Many people tiwol thorn
bocanso they IMVO not tried tlio liottcrvay. . It is n relief from n sort
of slavery to break nway from old-fiisliionccl iiiotliods nnd uilopt tbo
labor-saving nnd strength-spmjng inventions of modoru limes. Got out
of old ruts nnd into now ways byisiug a cnko of SAPOLIO in your
housecleaning. . C *
Pliyslciaus , Surgeons and Specialists.
The most widely and f.ivorablv known spec
ialists In the t'nltod buites. rhi'lr loust ox-
porlenci1. , roniarldiblo , sUll and uuhrrsal suc-
C'CVH In the trcutmunt anil onro of NtT\om ,
Cliiimlcniid Surgical IMsiMSi-i , entitle ) UIUMJ
cnitnunt jilntlolnns t | tbo full coiitldeiiee of
tbo aniluti'dovoiywhiio. They Kinr.inteo ;
A. umirAiNvxni'biiTivn / ouiin tot
tbo awful iilluctsnf uiirly > leu : mcl thu niiiacr-
ous evils I lint follow In imtraln.
sppidlly , eomplutnly anil norinanontlv iiiii'd.
xr.itvoiib uKuiMpr ANnsi-MJAi- -
Ollliibyield ) ! readily totbolr skillful tiout-
' " '
"f'iilia , riSTuiiA A D UEOTAIJ ULCHRS
Kimiantecdeiiicd without palu ot detention
' ' '
'Tl'nJuocBb'n AND VAlUCOOnLE pnrma-
iieiillv md sticcossfiillv Hired In i'\i rv csiso.
SYiMiibis ooNoituiiEA , r.hnr.i1. .por-
niatorihuii , MouUnovj , LostJlanliood ,
NlRht Liiilsiliins Dopiyud P.uiiltlos 1'uiualo
Wc'.ilcnoss mill all dollr.ito disorders pueitll'ir
loi'ltbor poiltUely iurtd as wullnsull
fuiiitlonid disorders ( but lusult finni juutli-
ful follies or tbpoti'i'is of nmtitrn ju.irs.
'Pl ? If "PI II ? P Oinrunteud pormanunt ly
Ol i\.l\j I VJlVLi oiiud , leiuoiiil cuninlote.
\\ltlioutcuttlnff.eau-tlo \ 01 dllat ition. OurtM
uffocted ut homo by pntlctit nltliout a mo
ment's pain or uiuinyjino
Tbo awful olTocts of
ACII117 flTPlJ
OUKli UUKl/oii-ly \\lilcbbrlnRs
oipanlowonknoM , doitroyliiK both mini anil
body , with all Its draadcd ilU , permanent/
cm I'd.
T"\IQ \ RTJT'P Addrcsitlioso wbo Imvo Irn-
U1\O. IJIwl 1 > J piiimti tlioiiHClvos by Ini-
proiorliiduloiico | ( mid Holltuiy habits , which
ruin both mind and body , unilttlns them for
business , study nrin nrlaRO.
MA.KKIKD MKN or Uiiiie Patorlnj ; on tbat
happy life , aw.u-oof phyalcaUdobllity , quIoUly
Isbiscil upon facts. Plr-it I'riotlp-il experi
ence. M'cond K > ory ca'-o Isspcoliilly stiiillod ,
thus Htartln rUht. TlilrU-Modlclim uru
pitMiaud In our laboratory ovtuMly to suit
uacli LM-.U , thus vlloutlu cures without , Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Acrrnui Debility.
Voutlifnl IndlNCrelfoni ,
Lull ; > I nliooJ.
Be Your Own Physician I i
Muijr men , from tin tflectt of youlliful
t Imprudence , linre brought About a itnte of [
I vrtukl oil that liiu rudurml Uio ecnerol ly - ;
> toro to murh M to Ituluco almost eT rr
\ other dlitiue , indlo \ rrnl cauw of tht >
f truublo ncarci'lj ur b Iuiciu r ted , th r ;
i nre doctonvl for nvvrythlni ; but the right !
f one. NotwIthaUnilliur the many T&luati'
i for the roller ofthl cl n ol ii&Utntl. nnnu ;
i of the ordinary mod l of tnatment tlTtct a
f cur . During nriti1 lulTapoll Keandtin
WB hare 8xp riinpDt4Ml vlth '
I new one ! roncentrattHl rrniA * <
UlJei Th accoinr'An/lnrf prescription iiof- !
fertil u a certain anil cpeedy curt1 , a * ;
hun Irxtzof ca-uft la our practice l o l * n .
la _ portrct . . _ - . health . kr lt uio alter ' ,
, hie prosrrlptlnn.
; U-Erythrozylan cot * , I
Joru'jtbln.l t tlntrhin
Ilelonlaj l'lolc/v ' , 1 ' '
Oetiwmln , IffrnlDi
Vtt.litn tlwanmrronlcoholl.lErilca ( ) ;
lit. lentanlra , 1 icmplti.
( .lyoirinu.i . Ult.
, VakuCOpllli. UkelpniotSp.n.anOnn- ;
t other on trotna : to luxl JriBcmecai s ItHlll
IMI nenvuary f ortho nitfent la tnko two I III'
\ nt twUtlino. maklnit lh number three a day.
( TlilimnftlrU Alflptc * ) to * ? ery coadltlon of ,
and eipwhlly in thoiflca tirt utlntfroiii '
Ituvrulonen. 7he rv uporatlve povrLM ot , '
thlirritoratlTe&ro truly artnnt hln .nn 1 ltd
u o contlrued f or a > hnrt tliuo chiuirri the '
lanmiUl. tlablllt loilii rv l ( a condition to !
one of rtnonrnl life nnrl '
Inquiry rtlntlvt to tmi rcinc-ilj , wewouM
ny to ihoii ) who would prefer to oh tain It of .
ua , t/n-'initllnir ( laitfCU ljBeal l peck- {
off * oontalnlng 60 fulls , rarvfutly compounded - <
pounded , will l * iientpjr return * n all from I
uurprlrate lahoratorr o * we Hlllfurnlih 0
, which will ct\r inoxt ca&es , for * 3 ,
Hew England Medical Institule ,
31 Tromont How , lloiton , Man.
f } CooirlHht W > . liT'P. 11. HIUEK.
S Y P H II I Q Oa bo Clircd ' " * J
I r I lllilv.7 dnjs byusuof tlio niiir-
\UM.nur \ ( uoaHOlt will
notcurn. UAITIION to got tlio cuiiuiiio roiu-
i'0y. Wrltuoroll on I" . 0. Joslyn. 2J13 llur-
iioyKtroct , Oiiiiiliu , Nelira < k .
> on LADU'S OVI.V Ir. I duci 1'orlodlcal P > lll
tlietruncli on the mumtrual y tsi nnU
cure BUi | | > ru > lon iroiu wlmtevor raiing. rruiniHo
mcnitruatlun Thfio iilllolioulil not b luktin Our-
Ing pruKiittnujr. Aw I'lll Co. Itoyallr I'roin. . Hpon-
cer , Clay Ci > . la. ( Jcnulnt by dhuriuan & McCuntiull ,
t , noor 1' . C.Ocuiliii C. A Melclier , NoulU
ai U 1 * . Kills , Couiic.ll lllullj. t. , or J fur $ J.
ITtulcr tlioMunnrt'i > fnt of tlio
Plexiratflntcrnational Banking Co. , Cent cssionarlcs.
Incorporated By the Slalo ol ChiMiahua , Mexico
ice , tor Charitable Purposes.
GR/iHQ / DBAWiliG ,
will take plneo In public nt tha city ot Juarez < ( or-
rucrly 1'usu ilulKortc ) Mexico.
Wednesday 23d 1890
, July , ,
I.IiS , botli umitlcincu or blgU
CAPITAL PRIZE , .860,000. ,
OnlyGO.OOO Tickets ! Only 60,000 , Tickets !
( Prize of SGO.OOD . S8Q.GOQ
ll'llzoof 10,000
& , ( HX ) . CXH ( )
i.owipiioii. . . nooo
SOOcucli . ' ,000
601'rl7osor ' lOOcudl . COOO
WUl'rUcaof TiO pacli . COOO
SjOPrlzcsor 30 cncli . 7,600 ,
Approximation l'rls < rf.
1001'rlzosor S nor.icih . 8 fiOOO
IDOl'rl/caof IHtcucli . JIOOO
lOOl'ilzcsor ' . - cach . " ,500 ,
Terminal I'rl/ns.
fiOnTormlmlstoSunO'iDl'riroofKOcacli. 311.0SO
1914 Prize ) amounting to . $120.970
\Vc , tlio iindcrslunert. lierrliy ccillfy tlmt Uio
IlnncuN rl < < iiilot Sloxlcoln ( hihuiiliua hnsunilo-
tioMltlroinrtio Moxiran liicrnnlluiinllliiiiklnu l' < > .
the ii ( < co iirr fiintln t ) ( riinriinteo tliu pnrnitiit ) of
all prltu * ilrmvn In tlio < 9iiui Intoila .liinici.
\\eIiirthiTtiTtirytlint\iowlll8iiporMbO \ nil llio
nrrutiLCincntH , utid In iiormii naniike unit control
nil tlioilnirlnusiir tills Jxiltcry. unit Hint tlio pmno
nro foiuUirtntl with lioncsly , lulrncss , and In lioou
taltb townnts ull luirtlfn.
JOHNS. MOSBY , Commissioner.
OiMir.i ) Aiinur.ii.r.s ,
Supervisor for the Government.
If any tlcknt dniwtnR n vrlto In ont to tlio nrnlor-
dll-ncil , It'fiirdVHliio will bn runt'clujnndremltiocl
to ilia OMT nor tlicroof , f rooof otmrB .
1'rcs. Kl 1'aso Natlonttl Hank , III 1'uno , lei
rortlubr'xtoior nny otlior Information , wrlto to
the unclimlBiioil , ntullnir jour nadroi ; clearly , tvltu
SlntP , County. Mreetniiit NuinbiT. Jluro rnplililc-
ItTorjr willbw unnureil by your enclosing un uiiTCl-
ouu beurliu > o r fiilluddreas.
City of Juarez , Mexico.
ppnd reralttnncoa for llcket'i hy ordlnnry loiter ,
comalnliiii.Miinoy Onlor , Isnuedby nlloxpri'sa com-
IKinles , New Vcrk Uiclmnse , hank tlmft ur poital
note Adlressnll rc'iilitrrecl Ittli-rs to
Mn.\irAVlvTiiVArniN.\i. : ( IIAMCIVO Co .
City ol Juarez , Mexico , via hi Tate , 'Jcr.
Drs. Merill & Merill ,
Chronic , Norvoiu , Illnoilniil BnrKlci > I DlHrainn nnd
dl > L iu'g oftlio K/o. Kar , Nuao , 'Jiu it and C'liott.
Special Attention to lllsnnscd of Wo
men null Ulilldrnn ,
Tlioiloctnr * Invo Inl yoirs n ( oxpcrlonco In tlio
hospitals otllrouklrn mil flntvutk tnil nro niiiani ;
tlio IU031 xucioisfui umlUJoly knownBpoclilHtU 111
this ooiintrif
'Jo Voununixl M iiIllc-Aioil M < ; II ,
licit Manhood NnrrniiH DolJlllly , Spnrnmtorihtc ,
Fi'inlnal I.UOIM. l'h > Hlril llnuynrislnn from lnll -
iriUlon , prutlnclii Hlooiilosiiiiu1 * ' * . ( lunputiilcnc ) . plin *
lOnt tin tliufuco , nrcrflon M nouletjr , Lixlly illsi oiir-
ntioil , luck of iMiniiilonni dull , cnrlt forshidjur Imil-
IKBS , unit tliiilH 11(0 ( a burJon , uufilf , pcrnmnoiillyanJ
Bpoedil ) ctueU.
liloiul and Sldn Pmor.Hen ,
KyplillU n ilUfun most drcnKul lu Ita rojults ,
comi > letolr cruilkutoil
( nin.-Urlnnay Surunry.
Gonorrliu1 filoct , Brplillli , llyilrocolo , Vnrlcocclo
encl strklurn ralluiiUy nnd r.ifcly cured wltliout
l > iln ordotintlun ( nun liuiiliiCMH Allto-xunl Dufor-
uiltlniunU ImpeOliuuula lu imirrhuo uuccjsifully ru-
AllltcctnldlHCuos nfolyanrt pormtnontlr cured
llouru , tu in llll 8 pin. Huml\y . Ill till L
N II rir'imiitmitlo to vMt m m r tjo Iruntol nt
tliulr lioiuoi Ijy tirroi | > onil mo. Mcdlclnm nnd lu-
atrnillunaiiiit liroxiiroix Conitiltntloii frou.
Bond 1 tcnli ln > taiui > 9 to Insure reply.
iilH Klftociun St. , Oioslto | Hoyd's
Opnrn Jloiisc , Omaha , .Sri ) .
TirrsoN's '
Doyd'a Opera House Block.
Of a. Lifetime.
If you haven't already subscribed for THE
BEE and the "Americanized Encyclopnediaf
Britannica" you should do so at once. Such a
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If you haven't time to call , telephone us
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People living outside of Oinnlin can avnll
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Send for descriptive onvulai * .
Between Messrs. Rosewatcr and Webster
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Mas ft Spared in The Daily Bee ,
From complete stenographic reports , with
out abridgment or alteration ,
This debate has attracted special attention ,
not only in Nebraskabutall over the United
States. It is conceded on all hands to be
the greatest debate upon the prohibition is
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bled the anti-prohibition arguments when
printed at all , THE BEE prints every
word of argument presented in the great
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