Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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    n TEE OMAJIA DJLEL . .BEETUESDAY - , JIILF 22 , 1896 ,
E. ROSBWATEB , Editor ,
TOMS or st
Dfillv flint J-uiuljj' " < J | > ° Veir . . . . 110 00
Kli r > ui
mititlit 2
y Hi--1 linn War 2 01
Viokljr Mel1 , Uiio Vuut 1 25
on i ci , < .
-uiiili HID i lii. ( VrnvrN und 2 < Hh Streets.
D iime-il ii.iiTH , 131'onrl Mro'U
I li'e-iit-OOtJItc ' , : il ? < lumber or Commerce.
N < w o < , lro'iiiU.lliiidri'l ! rllmnollullilins
Vusli njt jii,6iarouilL'cnth , HtTOnt.
AM < inrimnlintloits rolatlnj lo now and
NlUor'nl nutter hnnlcl le uiWrustcd to tliO
folltoiliil lJiiiilmi-iit | ! ,
IIUhlNKsS LKTrrtl ? .
All brmliii-is liltonnnclrpm ttin"o * Miould
bead lii's * 'i | toTho Ilio 1'ubl ' ililniil'oiiipirij ,
Uliiiil , 'L UrnftHCliutks nnd pintoHIco cjrdors
loinniudo | > ! iyablo totlicoielu o ( tbaUoni-
ji any
flic Bcc PdblisHng Company , Pioprittors ,
riiu Hro IVIl'K. I'lirnain nnd fcivnntcenlh Mi
BVIO : N sn VTIMIM * or
Bl 'c of NVIiraslu , . -
C nut y of Uouitl.u f BS
In. in i : Tehuclf , srrrotary ol Tlic Hcc
Pnl/1 bin j Oiiiiiiiiiylnmsc | > leiiiiilyw > nrtliat
tic dual ilri-iilntnin or III ) : IIAII.V ItiK for
lliu wick oiiillnsJuIylU. 1\K ) , waui follows
Siindar July II . ---IV )
kloii.lny 'nlv II .
lay IiilyP
tt t IK , it ay , . } Illy 10 . HI. l
llui- < \ . inlyl" . I'MC
, till ) If * 111.HI
UC.HV July ! ) l".7il
Avenge lilO7l ) >
GKOIIOKII. Tfsciucit.
Kwotu t > - > l > f fore HID n ill siilworlliccl In my
pi si n c i In 1'Jth ilny or Jul v. A. I ) , 18'tt
t i \i I N.l1. Km. , Jiotuiy Public.
EUI < "f N'c-ir i ski. I _
c cmntjof DniiRliB. f SB
OrouiK IVmhiick , belnc cliilv ivrorn < lc-
pi < i s in'li is Hi it lie Is soi-roliirv of Tlio Ilio
i'nbll-li ini ( ' < inimy | tbnttbu u-tiul ii\orio \
ilnllMiculitIDIIof Tin : DAIIV llti : for tlio
niontliof .Inly H-t'l. ' H.7.SS eoplci ; for Aucust ,
Its'l. ' 1V .M ) ) | ) < ; for Soplonilx-r. ISM ) . 1H.7II )
coii'm ' foi Octoior , ! * < " , H'-'rTiopIo' , for No-
vunlipr lH < i , 111 lid i-npli'M , forl ) < embc-r l sil ,
DOIMH ol | < for .Isinuiiiy , inw. 1' ' > " > eopli-i ,
fir I c ninry IW. lO'ill t-ile-s ( | foi Murtli , Ih'lJ ,
Bisift uipu i , fur April , ln'iiwi mplMj for
JliV tilt , .D.lfrO coplc-s ; | DI Juno. IVJ ) , L'O.yOl
oipios Urwiiir U. ' | / - < I-IIICK
fcw < ni t i I ororo mo mil sill)1 ) ? rllm'l In my
jirc'hf n i tli s -nl da ) of Inly. A IJ INK )
L"i .M.1 N.I' . I'm. , Notary Public.
Tin tension on the ] ) olltlc.vl l > utton-
liolo Ib iniroablngovoiy hour in Lincoln.
KxTHiiir.Nd : sig.iin ( Icmnnstiiitos that
cold uiilci1 und caloric uiinnot 11 out even
the skeleton o ( a
Dn MJ nc i it's in Lincoln was
latlici- \lo-oioitalj aiinouncod , but his
11'jhtiilngioJ' ' ) securely grounded.
TUP inirnor in which the tioops aio
dKpiMin or Aptxche nmrilorurd provotita
nny tlhputo us to their ti-citincnt In the
( utuiu
.Tt lir.i o bj the frantic iippciil for htir-
monj , the Ftuineis' .Alliance ucdgobei1-
ousl oiuhng'ors the [ lolitlual s > olidlty of
IT will tike , i fuojLion o ur seven
inlllioii dollar * to cultiuito idlunoss
ninongtlio Indians during tlio picsent
fiscal year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tin ; work ot g'hlngoxpio'-.sion to the
fiiippiessed vole of tlio south goes mer-
illy on.frvoinoio bliotyun lopresouta-
tlvoaliavo been ousted.
\V\O3iiNo will inaKo her formal bo\v
iw a state tomorrow , und s-iluto her older
fclateiri with u lurid display of pyiotech-
iilcs nud imtilotiocaloilc.
CoiONit : , SouiLSici should not la inls > -
tikon foi Dootoi SloininskI although
buthbem a strikingicsoinblunco to each
other in nsiiiio and in liuno.
"VVirii rlflc'3 and revolvers to punctu-
nto and oinphusl'/.o the spooelios ol
Blunipora , it may bo srld that the politi
cal campaign in Kentucky ] u ) wide open.
TIIA.T ono hundred thousand majority
In Texas Is dwindling with \ongcancc. .
Nine allo bodied murderers \veio faen-
toncotl in a Lunch to bo executed irtParia
aoxt full ,
IT takes four hundiod and fifty birrela
of ocor jwr A\cek \ to supply the doinanc
In Dead wood alone , and furnish foaming'
beakers of pioof that prohibition pro
hibits in a horn ,
.Vmvx.\b inker , uouvi < cd of fraud
fincl eniboxyloinciit , was bcntoneed to
jvcn yours' penal BCTvitudo imd loaa o
( ill tltleoiindofat.ito. Pimnclil Napolo
nibiu tloos not appear Inhijjh finer in
the Aubtrlan capital ,
T5ii"\Mn ; > the real e&tato bpeculatois ,
Bundiiy tlotiiiiff iijittitora nnd ito con
tentlons , tlio world's ' f.rlr jrooct ] is
rapidly deg-oiiorating into a moiconari
bidtiHhow. There is too iriutlr wind auc
too little work on tlio shoio of Lake
Tin : fact that democratic papcts rcfoi
In complimentary tornn to the independent
pendent candidate for 1.011 gross In the
Third dlstilut IB pretty strong pioo
that the democratic nhalo is ivn inging'
Its Intoinal nppaui.tU3forthoswallo\vln < j
net. Mr. Kcium deserves a better firlo.
As good an authority as the Dotuoi
jfVmcs pionouncca the Jfji ) < ilic < of that
city "tlio most infamous und contempti
ble liar and slanderer in the kno\m \
woilil. " This Inherited miilady explains
plains tlio frequent as&oitlnnaof tire lie
publican that Denver's ' population equals
that of Omaha.
TJIIJ consequences of an oxtruray.rn
Inflation of the ciu-roney uro now bolir } ,
keenly foil in Uruguay. In order to
\vitlulra\v \ from circulation the do-pro
elated national lnnk notes , tire govern
inont contemplates the croiitlon of ai
in torn ul debt at ten per cent interest
Contraction , \\hatover \ \ ro&l it must bo
clTettod , must alwajs precede a roud
justiueirt of metallic and paper values to
the ratio existing before Inllitlon ,
Tire Olobc-Democwt turoely states i
partial truth in the Intimation that St
John is pi caching' in Noura-sku mu
ilmning on the doraocratio csunpalijt
luud. Ho iscoitulnly dolnp sonlco as
an u i&tivntilonroerat and blumtlngfoi
reform at ono huadied dollars per re
form and expoiucs , but the sinovva o
war are drawn frorn tire prolrlbitloi
rainpalgn fund. If ho hns not yet heoi
I'onrpoiuivtoJ for his work In electing
Cloiolatul , it is time for lira honoflcliulos
to go do 'n into tlroir Jeans and p.vj
their political debts.
i * Jt/ivc / jLTnK.
For the first time In its history , tire
republican paity of Nebniska is con-
'muted with luimltiQiit d.injjer. For
more than twentyears ) the nomlnitlon
ol a candidate nt astalo convention hns
jccn equivalent to an election. This
jcar , however , success will depend upon
the nnke-up of the ticket "Unless tlio
candidates nominated by the convention
no moii of Irreproachable charactci ,
I'lee from corporate control nnd
[ losspisannuassailabloiccoid , the inrty's '
supromncy in this state will lo imper
The gravity of the situation demands
that personal ambition slnll be raado
subordinate to the ultimate triumph of
To go hoadlonj into the campaign
under Icidornhip tainted by rail-
io.ullsin would dimply bo courting
Usabler. It would be suicidal for the
icpuWleati coiueiillonto Mil defiance-
public sentiment and Ignore the formid
able tovolt among republican fannois.
'Ihc cause ? of discontent aio well Known.
Compliamo with the demands of the
producers , touchliif } the \ltal question ,
of the hour , c.ui aloie s.ivo the
rcpuhlic-an party from defeat In
November. Hut platform platitudes
and higli-soundhij promises of reform
vlll not scue tire purpose , The 10-
pirblicun party must nomimto men n hose
trrecia hive botn in accord with the
principle1 ! it advocates and the reforms
It proposes tolnau ur.ito.
Its standard bearer must he a man
\tho has nothing to explain avay In bis
public rceoid arid upon whom
10 corporation holds n moitgngo.
Abo\o all things , the republican paity
c.miiol afford to nominate tlio iiiescnt
board of ti in portition v.hlch lias
aroused such intense resentment among1
the in oducors of Nebraska. 'To rinoinl-
initotho vholoboiU'd vouldbo afoolhaidy
pro\ot'atlon of a politkal landslide tint
would bury the entire tiHiOt.
TC nil ,
I am tour tint any newspaper iiiOmnha
shouHboiHsi'orii'tcons nml so fai forget tlie
lioi ! tilitj ducto str.insers In oui citj as to
nttnck thoKCiitlPinci ha\o torno hero to
MVO our boys and su'vo our homes without
nuy reooiiiiieiisf.
This ' ' .id and so'ornn ' protest from ono
of tlin e llortel & .it tire proliililtion camp
with r.ithci bad yraco in view of
the utter lack of iroocl breeding which
the tolonolb , imported fionn IContuelty ,
Missouri , Illinois and California , have
exhibited to\wirds eitl/ensof Omaha and
\Vliatkindof a iecoplion would any
man from Nebraska rtcci e in Missouri ,
Kentucky or California if ho vontxired
to vilify , Blander and blaekjju 11 d the pco-
plo of those states , and denounce their
crtica as modem Sodoms and Gomor
rah i ?
What courtcsj or hospitality do we
o\vo to the sw.ish-lmcltlorswhoabiHo the
hospitality ot our city and people by the
most bhaiuolcs-j misrepresentation ?
] Ho\v ( "in any rain \vho has a , grain of
local pride in him listen to sueh blatlier-
skitc1 ? , and ticltlyondor&o the calumnies
they utter about Onuha and
TToljiaslta ? If these colonels come
hero "without pay" to bivo
"our hoj % " they should exhibit some
respect for voracity and fetop Blandoinrg-
the state in which "our boys"voro born
and raised and "tho homos" in which
they live. It scorns to us that "our
boyn" can bobaMid ulthout the help ol
jhn-j.un colonels and koiiiblo cxunplos.
WouiiRht as well tallcaboutbiviny "oui
rjirls" by importinK1 ropontaiit Mag1-
tlalcns to jjoint the way to a life o :
morality and purity ,
'Tho policj of ship subsidies which it
Is v'opoiod ' this go\ernmont shall entoi
upon and maintiiii for a fhed poilotl
would iiiidoubtcilly stimulate bhip build-
in } , ' , Tire bounty pro\ided foi in
the bill that has pushed thosonito ivnt
is i\ow \ in the hou&o would pay a gooc
interest upon the cost of construct
ing vessoU , md there is o\or
reason to upposo that a laiye
amount of capital would at
onto seek investment in tills ay. A
go\ormnont guaranty of ( Ivoor six pci
cent interest on capital imestod for a
peilod of ten ycirs , to bo roduc ilory
Blifihtl.vlhotcaflor for a period of nine
years , orTois an inducement tint coult'
hardly fail to insure a boom lit ship
building. At the end of nineteen yo.irs
the go'\ornment would have about ropait
tliolirst cojt of tlioosbels , and enl >
by the most Inoilicicnt or cxtiMva-
yaut miiiagomont could the owners in
the meantime fail to at least { jet luck
their c.ipital out of the business. That
bulwldics would stimulate shipbuilding'
it. therefore nltogotlior probable.
Hut would coinrneiuo bo thereby pro
moledV Tills is the really import int
question , for unless there it > reason rblo
ground for expecting an improvement
in our foreign trade by iMuon of oui
haUngour ownmoins ot tiMiispJi'tatlon
wo should not use the public moroj
iu ciicourayiiig-shipbuUdlnjj , Of cour o
the advoutm of aubildy iibls >
th.rt the croition of traiwporLitioa lines
of our own Is an indispensable ire-requls
itoto the onlarKjmoiit of ourcomniciuo ,
and this idoi h-w IMOII encouraged bj
the countries whoso trade wo are ospjc-
ially tinxious to secure , AVlion uirdor
the atlinlnlstratlon of President A.r
tliur a cornrilbsioii vialtod Soutl
America tolnvesti jito and icport upan
trade lolatlons , it was ovoiywlroro tolc
that the fjroit noodof the United Slate
was adequate moans of dlrec
transportation. A similar \lo\\ \
was expressed qntto gonorrlly by
the souther n delegate * , in the Pan-Amor-
lean co'iforonco ' , Those Intelligent gen
tlemen did not think it the proper thing
for thorn to recomnund n subiidy policy
forthl9'ovorninontbutthoyworonoarli (
all of the opinion tint lines at comnudi-
o us ant ] rapid btoamora sillinij undortho
Ainoricin flag would very mntorhlly
help in impi < o\lngi our trade with the
countries they roprosontod.
These opinions are entitled to rospot-
ful consideration , but Itiuuat boob [ ous
to tiny 010 who will tuko a practical
\lowof \ the nutter tint direct communi
cation could not ol itself luuo nny mi-
toriallufluonco In oirlargln-jour coin-
merco with the South -AnuHl.M.n ( coun
tries. Us value would depend wholly
upon our ability to offer our products to
the countriosof South Ainericv ontormi
as favorable as these of the Euiopcin
countries , with \ > hlchwoinust , compete
lor their trado. Manifestly the question
of first impoitanio to the merchants of
South America is not whether the
L'oods tlroy tt-nirt 111 bo shipped In
\es \ cls cirrjlng the American , English
or Gerniaa flnr ? , but vhoro they cm ob
tain them at the most aduintigeons
prices and upon the most ucoomniodit-
ing terms. It Is not a matter ol senti
ment that will control in this biuliio s ,
but ono of convenience and pioflt. l\'ot \
onlyh the South American merchant
practical , but ho has very ird-
Userd in the slirc\\d and cxpciloncod
agents ofEuiopcrn oountrlcs , invhurn
ho Ins Ic.imod toroposo confldonco.
The establishment of steamship lines
may bo a. fuctor in the
problem of enlarging1 our
foreign commerce , but it Is liy no me ins
the mostimjwi't int. Tlio country is not
entiiely without c'cpciicnco In this
] ) .irtieulrr. From 18)7 ) to 1877
the government paid subsidies innount-
lag lo over six inlllien. dollnr.-j to
the Pacific hil bteamshlp company and
to the line botwo-n the United St-itos
and Brazil , but therols no o\ldonco that
our commerce v is In tire lerst dogico
boticdtod. liuildlng vessels ni'l ' mount
to very llttloln. promoting tudeso long
as vo rnilntiln utartlf pilicy that pjts
us nta dlsaduiutigotu competition with
European countilos.
-t CJllCK TO IltH
The action of tlio United States senate
lu amending the sundry civil appropiia-
tionbillhy striking out the item of
seven bundled and tivonty tliousind dollars
lars voted by the house for the irriga
tion suriey , and also In adopting an
amendniontto the bill repealing-so much
of the ail of ISVi as provides lor the
selection and location of reservoirs and
canrls upon tlio public lands
and the reservation of irrrga-
blo lands nuy bo accepted as
condusho agilnst any approinia-
tionby tbo presort congioss ilireotlj In
tholntcrodtof irrigation Such > i result
\ vaaforc4htidowcilhon an nttaok was
made inthohomto upon the chief of the
geological feurvcy , Jtlajor Powell , charg
ing thai the tnonays aiipropriated had
been vastcd. The determination of
certain boiiators to curtail tbo ponois of
thogeologi < al bureau or to punish its
chief is largely iot > puasiblo for the action
of tho'senate. *
There was a very vigorous fight
made by Senator Ftaigun and
a few othcis for the house
iippiopilatioa. The Texas senator , in
oppoding tlio amendment to lupoal fao
rnudi of the act of 18SS as pro\ldes for
the selection and location of rcsoivoirs
and canals u pen the public lands , de
clared that the proposal bra boon in
spired by land speculators and stitod
that ho had personal knowledge of Ihe
presence in Washington of the rcpro-
bentatbos of land syndicates laboring for
tlioropo.vl ot the act of 18S8. "AVhonwo
tallc of puljlic boutimoiit , " biid Jlr. Rea
gan , " \\o \ oujjhtto hivothobcntiineiitof
tno cultivators of the toil , and not of
land speculators who combine their in-
llueneo , activity ajd wealth to mike
mcmbcis of congress bollevo that their
ovui inlore ts and their own focllng'dnro
tho'-o of the people. " Seiutoi ALllbon
opposed anj appropriation boiug irmdo
in the dlreitionof ion tinning the irriga
tion survey , Ho said if thosurioy wore
conllnuod It would iot morolhun twenty
million dollars , ind would invoho now
and untold problems of government , totting -
ting slates \vu-vlth cncb other and
iii\olvlng- contiol of "a 11 the Interior
watorsiby the govoinmcnt of the United
Stiles , Tie was ihinl ) convimcd that
an immediate stop should bo put to the
CsTlio house may insist upan its appro
priation for continuing the iirig.ition
buivoy , hut iniovof \ the stand talcon
by the tipproinlatioiis comniitteo of the
somitonnd approved Tjy that body , the
cliuicosaio agniiifit any money baing
appropriated bj tills congiess for piosc-
cullngthosur\oy , und It nuy safely bo
concluded that this important enter-
piino iiiu&t wait until such indeflnltotlmo
abthuiu is a ionj , < mere firvoi.rhly
di pob.d ( toward it. The couiuo tirlcen
will certainly lia a oryijrc.itdisnpiMint-
nicnt to the people of tlio i\est \ holiavo
male suohii valiant and hopeful light
for irrigation. MANtoisu CLAHIC of the
MKaouri Pacifle puts an end to the talli
of the company extending noith from
Om.ihn to Dakota , Ho declares that the
company Ihis no buch intention , and that
Omaha will remain the northern termi
nus of the.MibsourlPiuliicBy&tcni. This
decision narrows the quosllon of a Da
kota road to -iiropositions \ \ the con-
stiuetlon of an indop'endeirt line , or the
o : tciiblon of the lllkhorii or Omaha A
St. 1'uul roads to the Dakota
boundary. * Under existing condi
tions tlio construction of an Inde
pendent line by local capitalists
is not at all probable.Vhllo counties
and products along the vould
undoubtedly llborally aid euch a line ,
monojed men cannot bo induced to take
hold of a project \\bich \ vould eventu
ally bo swallowed by bomo ono of the
tiunk lines. It is o\Idont , therefore ,
that tire do&iied connection \slth South
Dakota , must lia hud through the OKton-
slon of the r.lklrorn or Omaha roads.
Chcumstancca favor tlio latter road , and
there Is iibtronfr probability that ono ol
its branches w ill bo extended to "i'arik-
ton at an curly day. Various InJluonco )
aio vorklng to thlb end , and the organ
ized shippers and Inislnoasinon of Omaha
should bring all possible jnossuro to
bear on the company tooxnodlto the
TlIKdihcovery of usphnltuui beds on
the Ulo rCbOr\iitton , and tlio iinpoilunco
of that as an article of commerce -
morco Induced the Interior department
to take steps looking to the extinguish
ment of the Indian title. A new bill has
boon framed to meet tlio objections
rained by 1'rosldont Ilirrrihon in a recent
veto , and prompt aotlo'r is expected in
congress. It provides that the coal , as-
[ ihnlluni or iniirjoral land sliull bo dis
posal ofnt publlj auction , i 11 lots not ox-
ceodlngonor\ii(3roil ! ( ami sixty acres to
onopurchasoiy ut n price not lots tlinti
Ion dollars par rotho prooeods tope
to tire fund fyr jtho cducntioiinndcivlll-
/atlon ol the , Miicoinpaj'hro Ute . lx- !
porlnienUltli tire nsplnltuin loforred
to prove It to equal tlio Tiliilcliul aitl-
clc. If fa-somWo nttion is hsul fioni
congreas on llwblll | , the productive In-
dustriosof I'tjJjwili receive a prolHa-
hlo boost from the olopment of tlroso
7iin ofTottB . f the bo.ird of public
works to curb the polo evil meets the
hearty appiovnlof o\ory property owner.
There isnodotiU the rights imd pilvi-
legcs granted to the franchi < ed corpor
ations liavoboon grossly abused. Iiitho
business section the conicniciri'c of piop-
orty ovMiordiuidinorchanls have boonlg-
nored , Bldovalks torn up and poles
placed \vhci3vcr \ the companloH willed.
The rait of nial < j flankInp ovor-y bticot
and crowding1 allojs is BO grout that
meisuies should bo taken lit once to
clue-k and legulato tire evil. Tlio right-
to erect poles and stiliig wiies certainly
docs not carry vlthlt the right to phco
hideous double braces in front of stores
and reside mo- .
Tiiciu : must bo no steps backward in
the iiianiiffcmont oltho puhllcschools.
The people In-iM tint ila change of HU-
peilntcnilenU is to bo iiinilo.unniibliould
bo chosen hose oxporicnco nnd reputa
tion as an eduoitor will bo a guaranty
Unit tlio present high standird and dis
cipline will be iniUntnincd.
Mr. llr.cus imy boa fair mamgor of
bcliools in a citj of fortj thousand popu
lation , but hen iteoiiicsto superintend
ing tlio tcliooN of a city of ono hundred
and tlilrtj-fU e thousand people , his
ability is anunliiioMii quantity.
Snnr-ni iCTiD legoiiorntors of the
world In tlieso parts are traveling over
barren paths in their clToi-ts to induce
labor unions to abandon their principles
and wreck lhuiihol\cs on the looks of
politics _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A TwnNTV-'MVO per cent increase in
bank clcailngt is strong ovidunco of
midsummer activitj in Omaha business
imd projected improve
ments , Oimha holds it ovn Mith any
city of equal population la the ve = t.
Tin : usefulness- the public schools
must not be impaired to satisfy priuito
Indiscrimlnat < ! dbuso of aldermen should
not bo oriocuragCd. Ihoy hn\o \ tlieir good
jjoints. An iildfmian counts in much In a
census as anybody.
PI ziiros Cnir't Stiiitl It.
( lifrno IVciiH.
Mr. Cnrlislo sajs tliat tlio trcisuiy surplus
has boon oxluustul , and Jlr. Ciuiion sajs it
basii't. nvcu litres lese thilr icputatlon
for truth and veracity hon they get Into
politics. '
I'liclm Cumin lleiaU.
* Tlint illsroputablq moiicy-ma'tlugmoddler ,
the Volte or Iifew York , is lolnp : sovcrcly
scored by tlio prohibition jiapcraot Kobraslca ,
\vlio x-cacnt its Intoiforcneo In tlio prcsoitt
fight. The Lincoln Herald Jecl iros it to bo
"llio ointoinoof intolcrantaiid upjustbij otry ,
a one aided , uuJovclopcd , half-bliuil nud
wholly deaf poi-sonillntionoC fiuatklsru"
I'oimlonlns ; tlic World.
Ono of tbo lutciostinfr features oC social lifo
in Gormiiry Is tlio number of people in that
coiiutrj who draw pensions from the United
States government. In the Strasburf , district
alone there uro more tlraii fifty pardons < liaw-
ing United .Statci pensions Spending , as wo
do , half tlio national ivncnuo in pensions ,
tlicio isscak-clyanoo'corcoriicr ' of the plebe
wliero ttio government bounty deed not pcno-
irnnornblc UiihlncHS Men.
fiidt < l Mtinl Inhtcnlcnt. ]
Aftci roaJliiKtho list ol thoofllchls ot tbo
Nctu-nilta State liuslnuss Moil's aiidBnnkurs1
association , atij man \vlio has any personal
aniualutainoIth the gentlemen , who will
denounce It aa a "whisky organization" is
iidthitig short of a Immo , as tlio list coin
pilscssomoof tlio most prominent and hon
or rblo business men in Nebraska , m will as
some of tbomost consistent and omncsttom-
poraiico men , who ba\e \ l.iborcd yc rs iu the
inturesU of promoting tcmpciauco lu this
Tlio ' -
The National Eloctloa la\v iiino i\lsc Inter
feres vlth tire loul nltaira oC tire states It
is Intended to insure to all A-tiierican citLsom
tie right to cast tiieir votes In all national
elections f too from Intimidation and outrage
and have thorn honestly couiitcj , and to secure
cure tonli dtl/.eis representation in congress
in plnco of the inrtial system \ , hich now pre
vails in coihiu ( itatilcts , und \vbic.h places
the public nltiilK of cntlro coniniunities in
the hands ot simll ollganhios , wlioso Inter
est It | j to suppress the sentiments of tboso
\vhodoiiotngrcowiththeia. It Is also in
tended to remoly the manifest Inequality
vhlc'h no\v exists botveoii the north and
tlrojsouth , by vblcli a representative from
tlio latter sectioa co.uuta for two and & half
tinu i n much ni his brother repi03o\itativo
from the north.
AmUlAILIho Cltialiiiift.
D lair I'll it.
ThoinoulJors and manipulators of state
politics seem tof > antoutvltb a lousldora-
tioa oftheono iiuostion , who shall ba gov-
cmorl ButanilJiiJlthoilasliliifT of contend
ing interests , tliOj bnylnff of trumpets and
the sliyluyof castors Into the ling , the Pilot
is still of the opinion that the veteiaii icpuli-
liiaii vlieelhorjdJjCeneial Tluycr , is just a
fc\v \ points nourv'f.Ho { goal thmi uny of his
compttltoi-3 , Ho'hmthoconlllBneo ' and sup-
jwifcot the old jylJior oloiiunt boyotid a
doubt , as none or tnocundlilatos have over
alro\vnanynhcritic r the deletion to their
Interests that Qorfinor Thnyor has. The
nnti-reonopoly clomcnt ought surely to trust
Win inproferoiiro to any otlior nnti so far men
tion ed as n ( jubornatorlnl candidate , for tire
nasonthatbo istho only ono oflhomlhiU
lias taken asquaro-twi position on f rot girt
rates or has made dcnundi for roductlon
thoreof. Jhny delc atloas elected specially
in seine otlior interest arosuldto hold'I'lruycr
for aeiond choice wten their man is suffi
ciently coinpllmeiitoJ. Wo mention tliOoO
thlnga , not ( is oxpiwslnu ti pioforonco , bo-
causowo bcllevotho proforenro of a straight
republican piper ahoild bo indicated only oy
the nomuinthigconciitloii , but ualiidlcitln
rather what booms at tliUrftin ; to bo tlio
most jirobablo result "With rmincroua excel
lent men In the fluid , the outlook Is jot do-
cldedljr fa\orublo toUoncral Thayor's uoml-
Luxintos bccomo convciilcnfe * lind con
veniences iKtomonccmailes ns olilllvatloii
na\ancc4. AVhontho llrst enojelo.rJlii wiw
nuMlshoil it una ir luxury for the ikh. The
orlfinalciHtlon of the Uiltnnnlo.x , | nx pirecl
with vail lalior and espouse , vas sold at0 n
volume or $150 for the set A | > plot0n'H cost
fl'Ji , itndas a set could not bo uiupk'to vlth-
outthe iwuiinh todute , thooxpenso ln n
fev years greater thunthntof the 13rltnnnk-a.
It uns nhca\j' ttixon ill oxcopttho loryrlcli
hutthelncaliulaUo nscfuliiOAs to all lltciary
woilteraimdOther * who desire 1 available information -
formation that "I.OOO.OOO . . Uw bjoix sent out
of this country forthoIH-ltumluv.
felneolbo imblluitiou of Iho IlnUitmlci In
vestigations hnvo disioveied so many new
facts and vhuiiRCil old ones that It eon no
longer bo trusted to contain a complete num
mary of prmtlcnl know ledge. In its original
f oiin itvai \ not enough for this country since
a preatilenl of IU information consisted of
details aboutobsiuro HritUh places and its
treitmcnt of American loplisas \ \ory \
fie iiciv compilation or a fullcncjcloiiwllc
nature has been ruudj rciently cucpltliat
\vlilch Till ! BKf has seuirol for itssub
sc-rlbors The imblisliors of this AmcMlcan-
i cd KiityelopaiilU llrlt.inalca Invo pro
sor\cd \ nil the vuluuUo features of tnoorig
inalhlulr was utniucstlounUy the great
est \voilt of the Und over made , and hir\a re-
modcleJlt to suit the latest nsoauhes and
paitleulnrlyto satisfj American bujursvlro
wish but ono emjeloiia-dir
An cncyclopJuJlti has Ix'corao necessnry in
all educated families Ihero has been for
years adonnnd for a \ vorkwhhhouldsup \ -
pi ) all that the Britiiunlca did , A\Ith \ addl-
tions to date , at a pilco A\lrleli \ would enable
familioof inodomto nicansto piirchaic.
lo use tlio .Encyclopedia Biltaimlcn as a
basis for an Improved ami clieapci worlc is
quite as honorable as to print and sell copies
of Dlclfcns , Seott , Victor Huso or Dumas
It Is part of the world's stoelsof linowledgo
open to tbo American public. Cooper , Long
fellow and U'hittler hive been reprinted In
KnglarJ in the same way.
llio publishers of the American ired 1'ney-
clopiudii Biitiinnlca have cmiloycd the best
talent and the highest knowledge to edit ,
amend and 1111 out the -work To bring an
install 10 homo it may bo strted Unit they requested
quested , wlien the rcUslonvas in progress ,
that Tin , Un ; deilg-nato the best authority in
OinnhutoMlte ahistory of tno cit ) . Other
cit'es ' ve'ro looked utter with the M me care
and llljciality. " .
Soon nftcr the announcement of the wdor-
taking I'm : ! : : investigated it thoroughly ,
and dtrldoil that the won : couiel bo undo a
gun. uooii 10 biiDsiiiucn. j.'aew line me
Chie-pgi ) Hciilel.St. I'.iull'Ioncer 1'ioss , San
ri inciscj r\ninlnur : and DCIIM.IliopuWlcau
\vtio glid after tlio same examination to cuter
into an nriimgeraciit for exclusivecoiitiol ol
tliowoilc. Hie publishers admitted ouh' the
lc.uliii ( , ' and beat paper In cicli elty. Tire
BIP , tbo lealing pnjiar of Omaha , controls
tire \\ork in Nebraska and vestorn Iowa
It cjin * to obtained in that torrl
tory only tlnouKli Tin. Bru After theuioi
inousaluoor tlio Aiiierlemi7Cil I ncyelo [ > a >
diaBrltaunlea bocanio known there vas a
rush of papers for Uro privilege. But onlj
tlio best wcro admitted and it U natural that
thoiiifulorpapcn show their resentment by
llnding fault with thouseof tlio Brltaniiica's
Theiopyfor this aldltion as allmndo up
oilRinally. Fi\o \ volumes of the American
izeil aieissucel and the other il\o vill lw out
insldo of four months
TirnltBUiofcn to the opinions of many
Iciding professional and literary -workers in
Omaha who ba\oexmiiiicd tliovork. . THE
Bn : also invites eveiybody to compare it ,
topic by topic , -ulth the English edition
Tlio Amoiicaiilzcel Encyolopajdla Drrtan-
ulca is u mngutUotit ! and inluablo possession
lorevciv houscliolcl. It incsonts fortboJlrst
time aiompluto refcicncoltbrau- si price
nnd on turuis withiir icucli of every faiuil )
tint owns a Lome.
The following Is n sjnoibls of thoN'ebuiska
high Ucciibo local option law :
Section 1 provides that tlio county board of
each countymivj grant license for the sale of
malt , spirituous and \iirous \ liquors , If ileuned
expedient , upon the applintionby petition of
tlrlity of tlio rcaielciit deolioldeis of tbo
to\ni \ If the county Is imdir toiuiblrlp orgaii-
izatlon The count } lipaid shall not h.ivo
axithoiity to Issue anj liceii'so for the sale ) ol
liquors in uny city or Incoipoiatodilhigo or
\\ithliitwoinllosof thu same.
Section t3 provides for tlio Ulinp of the ap
plication ana for publication of the nppllca
tion for at le ist Uvo weeks before the grant
ing of the license
Section Upro\Iilo < i for the hearing of the
case if u nmomtranco h tllcil ngiinst the
glinting of a licinso to the applicant.
Turther sctions ( provide for the appealing
of the remonstrance to the elistuct court ; the
lonn of thohccuso ; tbo giving of a } 5,000
bond by the successful upplicant for tlio 11
Sections 8 , 9 nnd lOmalvolt an offensepun ,
ishnblo by a nno o [ § i"i , for any licensed
ISimordcalor to sell Intoxicitirig liciuor to
minors or Jndhuis.
Suction ll provides that any pcrion selling
liquor without a license shall boilned not
loss tlr in 6101) ) nor iiioiei thiin ? 500 for each
otoiifao , and hcttloir U piovidea foi the trial
of such olluiilou.
Section llmukcs it nn offense , jninishnblo
byn line ofSlOOand a forfeiture of Incuse ,
for am licensed liquor \endcr to soil ndul-
tc.itellq.iir. ! ! )
Section 14 makes Itiinoffomo ii\inislmblo \
bj n linn ofHoUfor nny iiorion to ell or ivo
away any lliuoroii Simurv , 01 on the day of
any general or spoe-iiil olocllon
Sections 15 to23 inclusivedoflno , tlw lln-
bllrty of suloonlieopois for dninigcs sustained
bj mi ) 0110In consequimcoof the Untllo und
provlelo the steps necessary to collect such
Section 24 relates to tlio Issuance of drug
gists' permits.
The local option tcituroof the law Is con
tained in scetion"5 , tlio salient paitofUica \ \
leads ,
"Tho corporate authorities of all cities nnd
villages shall have po\ver \ to license , regulate
and prohibit tno selling or glvlnj niuy of
any intoxintiiip , mnlt , hpiritnous aird Unoin
llquoivwithiii the limits of buch ilty or vil-
l n'o. This section also ihes tlio amount of
thu license fee , which shall not ho loss thaa
sflXl in villiRos nuit cities liaving less than
10,000 luhaWtairts tiorli-ss than f.1,000 iialtics
hiving a population of more than 10,000
bectlous 'i ' ! niid i loluto to druggists' rog-
liters nnd penalties for violation of the rules
governing tlio s nno.
Section yi makes drunkenness nn ofTaiiso
punishable by nlluoof lO nnd costs or ini-
lulsoniuont notcxcce'illng thiitr das. .
Section ' 'J pro ldci Unit thodooH and windows
dews of suloonsshallboUcpt lieu lioiasiicciis
or blinds.
ri/zer Is tbo natno of a candidate for gov
ernor of Arlwmas.
Hmporor Willlani Is Ilko Frclc > rlcl { tlo
tiri'utin ono thing. Ho like lUiltehor.ics.
Ohnunroy TDjpowvho , lately has seen
CJuecn Victoria for the Hist time , thinlis " .sho
isnondcrful woman" bocaj o "her tuco
llKlitsujUioiisho hintloi"
Pranels Murphy , din-luff lUo months' ' woik
in IOKU , Bocuroil ST.OOI .sigmitmos to to ! ,
jiledgo ; and this It * not taking into account
the ne ! < lgo ho obtained fro a a dimming
\\lilo\\totecoinohlswifo. \ .
\V Joanlngji Den orest is the prohibition
canelldato for mayor of New Vorh I ill
ticket will bo cut on the bias , milled mid
tucked , und gored at the polls
Lord Tciinyson , thoufjli hlahoalth ha ? ini-
rrovod ro.'ontl } , Is said lo bo much Inokon
ly UKoiiiulilliKss , and irutehcs hh pliHlcal
tlouroptttudo bj a very obvious mental slow
Colhnol nthan Allen of Now Vorlt nn-
noiinrM in vorj atcntorian tones that 'Cubi '
nmstbo ouri. " The Impetuous rolonol Is a
dosconcluntof the funinusatul llcry old ' ] !
tgndoroga Allen , anlthorhancos aio that If
congress doewii't tuho stops pretty noon to
tmnoxUuluhovlllyo down und inptuiu It ,
Colonel Hob IngGNoll said tlio ottiorday to
n reporter ot tbC Ho hotter Union1 "I lif.
llcvo In prcteotlnjf vliat flrv callctltholnfnnt
Industries , hut oftorthojo 'Iiiliints' ' j ? < * tto bo
sh foot Mgh nud weir Ko. 1'J boots It Is
nboiu tlruo to stop Me. Id IK the iradlo. o-
p 1 nl ly w lien the Infiuittc'Ilaiou that If yon
stop ruokiiiK holll got out olthocradlo und
klilt your lioad olT. "
1 1) ) Wlli
A new sittings hank bin been orjaulttHl nl
rho hooUltec > peri of DM Abtntfi hnvo or-
Schiilti of Iteokuk liw two lie
tues In iilstard One Ins 4W nnJ thoutlur
SSil 11 gi , which vlll soon bo ilpe.
I'ho iiiiiuMnc-oiin'iittliiil.liKk'e Ijenelmii ot
Tilniiiio ) | htcl dfcldc'J to ictlw from the dll-
tilit buicliiinel wii tlioriforonot neuinllduto
for roiiomluatloii and rielcitlonvaauiiau -
\Vhllo \ bathtni ; In the Mii < Uslppt ntHur-
lliiK'tonn bo ) found n curious i-oln of n very
nut lent pattornnlilch loeiil sniniiUthlnlt Isu
rello otthoUe boto expedition up tlio river
I'ho lown Veterans' ' nswlntloii vlll bo tlio
giii'st of tlio JJintou County Votc'mns'asso- '
cirtlon nt Ihoii rueinoi-lal roimloii at A'lnton ,
August 27 and 'Jj. Oonc'lll lllbson vlll bo
the oiutor.
rhojouiiR sonof MiiHml 1 ! igan o f Wash-
Ingtoiiianitolilnwelf famous the other ihy by
JiiinpiiiK' fi-oin tlia top of the houwvlth nu
unibrcllii pirnclmto. Tlio umbrella turned
and hcllt on Ills head , biralcing his nose and
jaw and Icnoekliifc out suortil tooth.
U'hllci John Ilnlton , n scvonly-ycnr-old
Indoponclenco firmer , WKJ dtli Ing a rt'iipcr
tlie scat gino&y and tlnuw him In front of
tlio siiltlo. A lirKOpiecijof Ills sltull vas cut
out , oiposlng hh briin , nnd IOIIK gishci wcio
nmilo In his arm , chwt uud tlil h. Ho cannot
Uoono hoists of the eldest ma rite el couple
in the state They are btophcn and Surah
Ouninilns , oged rosiiectitely nlnetjlouiand
ninety jean , nho Invo bucn ni.iuled over
sixty-light j cars , lloth cnjov good healtli
and bid fail to live to c-elcbrato tliclr ccntou-
nliil aimlvorsnilM.
There is within the cwporition limits of
Ileiitonsport wlnt siomslo bo n nitunl gas
csc'iipoindlt isso stioui-Uiiit a person walk
ing oicr It will ilutect It as roidil.y us to pa
aiioptn gasjejt In n builillnit The fumes
coor a Ini gn niea and so far all cflorta to lo
cites tlio vent liave boon uiiiucvcssftrl
expcrtwillbu oinplmcd lo test tlio g.u and
itlic source of the How.
Tlio Tvo .
Union couuti has it cish balance In the
tiuisury of8ia,0)0. , (
L'onsus biipr'ivisor rbclds estimates the
population of KortliDalcota nt 1M,000. ) ,
U B Anderson , cwhiuof ft baric ntCalo-
doiria , tooted onn comet so loirg that ho died
fiom exhauition
Thobullloii outiiitof tlio 'belt'1 ' mines of
the ISliolc llillsfor , the lltst tuowocks of
July amounted to 8140,000.
Duilng the put quirt er tbo nudrtnr of Li
riourocountjjuld ooiuitr on 1 1 : ilOO , ) gopher
bcilps , amounting toovci $2,1/1) ) .
The two Ucklinrt bojs , convicted of com-
plicltjiu tlio murder of llii'lrfatherati'iiulk-
ton , liu-e loon trken to the I'lunkititon it1- '
form school
N'eilJohiison .1 fifteen \oar old Dc-11 Knpiils
boy , challenges nny boy niulci sixteen \CMH
of ago In bmthDalcota to run a lOJyai , ! foot
ueei fcr ja side and the chuuiplomhin of
Tholllack Hills mo just now o\ernin with
n\crj tougli lotof jnou as tlio icsultof the
inllroids in e-ouiso of coiistiue-tiun. I'hio- ;
inp , Ijurgl.ny and lilghvay ixibbuiy are corn-
mon oreuriences.
The farmers and business men of Keith
Dikoti hmo foimedn mutual orgini/.ntioii to
pioteettlicmschcs from the enforcement of
ftiuduleiitund Illegal contracts and the fore
closure of mortgages without caibo by 1111-
idnciplcd men Tlio order \\ill bo known is
the Independent Order of Mutual 1'rotccton
nndlll coii'jlstof jn unlimiteel nuinlicr of
linuuh unions In all puiti of the state The
oieler Is stilctlj non political
Thoothcr duj thoboeljof an unknown rnin
IMS founclln tli" Horrt river Maudlin ,
nnd but ioel without being idctitiliid , rrom
tlio description t'lvun of the tody tliewarden
ofthoBIsmarclt pcnltcntlnrj bellovea it to
invo boon that of Wolf , tlio pmomilio
escaped iilwut tno socles ugo Avilh Fianla
Ills thought tint ho commute ! suiuido.foni-
inp tliiuhowus about tobo cnpturcd.Volf
v is sent upfor u lift torn for murder.
Thori'pieseiitiitivo or a 1'ioricsvndloato
is looking over tlie coil iigions in tho' vicinity
of Coil Huibor with the purixbo of bclcotintf
si site for iimiuc It is inopowcl topuiLluiso
four beotiorrs of land In tlio best location
lusslUo and uphill operations nt once Vlio
coil vlll botransDoitoil to Pioironnel other
lower liver points by means of n. line of
bnges on the Missouri This It tliolli < t
-step towiuds do\oloplngtlrc \ ait coil rcuiom
olXoith Uruota
LiglitnliKph ed ! aquter ficalc at Tower
City the otlior dry. Ulnulos Spiiik W.H bit
ting in his kitchen leading n uuwhpipci ,
vhilolilswife ? was propariiif ! suppor. Sud
denly an electric bolt descended through tlio
roof , pissiner tbrouuh the piper hs w.w
holding In his lands and striking ono of his
little toes It , then followed tlio limb to
uliovotho ankle , \vbci-o It penetrated , takiiig
ndo\\ coin-so uud eioiiiing outof tlio
solo of the foot , leaving a lingo liolo. Hoth
feet wro piraljiod but the doctou think lie
vlll fully recover.
A. soni\\lmt novel civil sultlms been com-
niencod m tlio bloux ITiills courts , und nl.
though the umouiit of money involu-d is
small tlio ciso is attracting consiilurablu nt.
teution , csiiochilly nmonjwoiid-boben ; ! < diets
In Dicomlwr , 1SS8 , .luMioo Stiikunj pel-
foi mod 11 inarringe icroinany fbr Priink C
Boaruri ? , aid Tiauk , lcing fliuinclaU ) cm-
luirassod at thotime , to ut.o \ulgnlsni ,
stood tire justice off for Ills fee , amounting-
S3U5. Thojusllco now thinks sutUuiunt tinio
lus ehpseilforrriuik toluivollciuldntul and
Ins biouglt suit foi the ntiiouirt , with In
- * -
1-MC5 IS.
Population Ihivni Anuy from ICnnsas
mill nusiiirSH htutnut il.
SAIIVA , Kim , Jul ; ID To the Udltor of
Tiiullui : : Vour ablcdifcnsooC lilglr llconw
hhoulddo muclito prevent jonr stuto from
laving tbo incubus of prohibition fastened
upon her. The arguments 111.0 unanswerable ,
uut jiiohlbltionlsts will not listen to argu
ment. They have not llitonod to arguments
h Kansas , but the stern logic of fault. 13 now
staring them in the face , "With > city heio
that ought to lie growing , wo are losing pop
ulation every day. Men ara selling oil at
lulf price their effects and Ic'aviiig this local-
itv and the stuto dally. If asked why they
aio Icivlnu , their uniform reply Ii that tbey
urmot .stand prohibition They say tint thcv
MO 110 imraediato liopcs that the people of
the stuto will or can throw off the
joke of intolci nice anil fanaticism
mm ili-ili uuoiUL-33 13 so llllll
mrd laborers sosc-aicei tint tliey ECO no pros
pect fir business or success In anjtliim ; that ,
tlroy mi Klit unluruko.
The taxis m cities nudtoivns fiioincro.isiiin
chlly , liithlsilty they roach the ueit Ilttlu
tiiuroof about U iwr rout. Nine-tenths of
our Industrious and cutoiprlstiijf ( iorinm
populitloii would lervollils city If thet could
got Tli'cmU ontliu dolliir foi their innpurtj.
A riMlc'stito fcdels unkiionn tit tbli tliui.
' 1 lieu1 Is int ulmlliliiiK goltiitup In tills e-ity.
Mcclnnicj urc leaving us last us tU-v ein nml
tliosothuti.inudn lav o nothing to do. Tlmo
scoinsno piosiaut foi- business in tills unction
Of thiiHtato. 'Jlru vlioutc'ruptliiij-pui Is ono
of tbo bc.-tovci b.mested iutliis ifurlot tin
stuto Tlio tioublu is ( hut prolilbitlDn Imi
k'Oii fiistcnud HOiitUo | state by pn'iticalpnrty '
Inllucnco , nnd ono of tbo most corrupt ihrirh tlrntcvoroxistcd Isdoitijc ulllt
cm do to inovciit tlio jxuplo from luulutj n
\otu \ upoiribo miestlun of re.iubiukslon
AIIJ utiito w to bo pitied tliiit Iras prohibi
tion iot tel ution itthrougli pirtiiiui ] illtlid
Inlluciic-c. Tire pcoplo of Idibr.tflcu , If they
could npincc-lnto the ltulltlou In Kiinsas ,
\vouU \ no cr ullo\v prohibition to curry ut tbo
polls 11 should bo r nn-rnbciod tbitt these
\\bo leuvuKansas toud(0c-ato ( prohibition In
KobrisUmrro not tire liouoiod mon of thin
ktnt nor their rcprosrntntUOK. They oio
tlroso win nuke It u business of ajfltntlnir
wliut their bdlovo to bo moral icforiiu.
MIIIIJ of tliombolon ; ; totluit climvho have
succ-wdod iu liavlnu wlloscs built by tbo
people of cltlc-3 In tlili atJilo foivhlc'b tbo
people uro in iinii" liistimi-oi jet In-
ciubtcd und are jut taxed to biippoit.
'IhlMclussilo no Iftfior , produe-o notlilnjr nml
niru loss ho\v binlium men , driniTs nml
liboii > r- > got nlong.Ho . Hint the ti-hoDlt und
projects of moral loform ura c-ontilbutueito ,
Tlieso uro cold tiutUs utiJ fucb. Kuiisus
today should < liowim lneroiwo of populntlrtn
for the hut ton yclrs of 1.10 per c-onl , wiillo
( lie onlj rliown , 1 > > llio ivevnteiiim , nn In-
cre'aio of Hi nor i't nt. 'Hie' M.iU > of i
MioxM liWpe'nc'tit ' , nnfxcx'wovir ICimsniof
IlX ) per oont. .Vobnlt.ihiMlind llbonrl lain ,
KnnsiH lias Iwii rnlcM b ) iiitoloranc'O mid
fnnntlrUni , This scttloi Inn not rou'n til 11
coed ( U'finnn Or .Swe'dolinmlijraiit foi JO.IN
If tlioy ronie ) to look nt tlie country tln-y
' '
leave sajliigi "I Ilko ) our conutrj'hul [
tiiunot stiind | ioblbllan | " Tliono nn < objcvt
IMSOIII , but tlio iiitnlpniiit won't thoin
lUitlmust c-lose. If ) ou lincl df biul-
ncss IIICMI \\hom \ou conlO write1 you couiel
liiivollic'sostati'ini'nts bjidnootitot
ton. A ntl prohibitionist * he'io hnio | und pi IN
tlmt N'obntsk-.i iimj bo i.ivol I win pwitllil-
lion nnd suiimtumv l\\vs \ Tlio pconlo of
Nohi.nkno\vot ( totli todt > fiit inn
hlbitlon nnd not only tothortm-lvii but to tlio
fii'alc'ountry Unite \ oill the United Stntc-t
of Amcriii usell \ \ Veins , K. I ) . 'Joiim
run OMAHA i/AM > niijii.
Texlol'tlio Moii urcVliloIi Ilin Ilccn
Iiilrcxliu'c'd l j Mr , DiiHr-j ,
Following- the bill lutioiluiocl 1 > . \
Mr. Dot-toy ot.UMiiHni * the time of pi-
miMitto iiurclrascTs of land of thoOin.iha
Iriboof Jiulimiti In N'obiiiskn , nml ( in-
othoi pmpot' ' * :
Holt omiHcd hj tire Bemitriind hou < o
of representatives of the United Stntca
of America in etmjf rxsi siiseinblod ,
the seorclarj of the liitoilor Iw , and ho
Is herobj , imlhori/.ed niul dlrcclod to
OKtond thetlnro ol piymentsof tlio
purc'hasiunoiii'y duo lor It.ncl sold on Ihu
Onisilia Inilliri rosoiuitlon under ijio
hilosmndo bj viituoof "nu nit to pu > -
\ldofor \ the t.ilo of a par ( of the iv-i'mi-
tlonof tire Oimilu tilbo of liuUiiiis in
the statoof Kebiisk.M , and foi no otlior
mirnosos , " npproiiHl Aujjust 7 , 1SSU , us
lollons : The ti mo foi1 tbo Hint pijnunt
h heroliy extended until DereWrbrr 1 ,
lbl ! ) , the second p.inrnnt to becninc- duo
In ono ycnr lliore.iftc'i1 and the thlul pn\
muni to lie duo nnd piynlilo in one -\ir (
fronitlietlnro ll.vd foi-tlio M-COIII ! pi\ -
monl : Provided , Tint lire Intoiest on
sricl payment : ) slnll lo p.nicl jinminlly at
llic tnnufiaid payments ol inturots arc
duo ; tuicl thoBoc'iotaty of the tioitKur
shallrottln In tire tiim ury nil monrvs
hurclofoio anil tlrnt innj "imvufior In
] i.iicliis iH'inilptilundoi * tlio ailapiiroNrcl
August 7.1SSand sir ill jny oior llvo ] ioi
cuntiuii thereof inmuilly to tin1 ae civUn ,
of tlio interior , to he o\pciicl < il by hliii
nninullj fortho hoiicllt cf biild ] iulima
us pioscvibeel in Mi-c'tiou thv'io of siiil
netinui the oiMct.nj ol tlio tnMMii\
shall IKIJ nlllntoiostthiithiisboMi pikl
on laird sold under bjiid ; ic't to tlic MI-
lotaiy olLbdlntcrioi , to bo bi him pu.l
ovoi to sricl tribe , to ho eliMribut.-d t <
tlio moinbi'iMthi'ieof pro r.-rtn lij HIK
niroiit of iiiicltrilio , nnd sill iiilorcW In h -
after comiii } , ' into the tic ism \
shall bo prld over and distub it .1
to 9iicl ! tiibo : innuidly in lilt-
manner. And piovidc-d , That tlio srnl
aut of \ii { iiit 7 , ISSJ.oxu'pt . us e Ininy I
inoclllloil by tills net , bliall ivinilii In
full force and olloct.
Sec. 2. Tliat any ontrjinnnlio Inn
hkcn lc thin 1)0 ( acres of land on tin *
losorvatlon nucl lias maelo injmuitsui
the smionceording- laniiiy \ pun
at tire appraised pi-icoanil upin tlio con
ditions jiio&ciibed in the not of Au ju-'t
7 , IBSsueli , ireldltionil lands
lying contiguous to the lands in-
dueled in hit ) oiljjinirl ontiy IIH
ho may doslro : Proviclecl , the
land bo purcluiHcd , together with thn
landhieliicled in his original cntrj , wlnll
In 110 ciiso exceed IdO inios : And pio-
\rdcd \ fuithci1 , 'That no forfeiture shall
bo deuincd toha\o been Incurred on no-
( otint of the failure to make tire p.nx.
merits on said lamlH thatu'c'io duo .July
Irratoiylrtoon , liuirdied uiicl ninety , un
der the mt of Aiijjust 7 , 18S.1 , and aits
amendatory thcicof.
KoinIIlL'liM Stun ; Cuiivpnti < ) li.
Tlio lopiibllc'iin olc'olors of tliii Unto of No
Ijr.inl i uitit' ) < jiu-sf l to Kc-ii'l ' < -liffxiIPS from '
limit si1 v < . i nl ciiiiiitlis tniiKv-lIn con vuiitluiiln
llio ully odylticoliiVuiluoseliy. . July i I , iiU
o'uloel. | > . in , ( intliu jmrpeisu ol pluoln ll
iiniiiliiitloucuiidltlaloa for tbo follOlvrnj stn
oil ! e-os
linui nor ,
blevih'iuut Oivorior
t-oi-n tiny of vtnto
AucllttM of I'ulille Acuointa
At tuine < j Cjonui .il
Coiumibiiluiioriif r'ubllo ' Kinds and lluIU-
ln s.
csuuir'ndiicluit ' od'ulillo Instruction
Ami tbo liaiiMOtlm ofsile-li oLIiei1
isiu.iy c-oiuo Ijifortuluj ion \ uitlaii
Till Al'IOlniON'.MfNT.
TiicsoN-tritl tinintlc's aio unlltlol to
filiation us iDlIovi , mint ; li.isul utimi mo
M > te > cist for Hun. cli-or o II. lliiHthius , nrewl-
dtiit lid c-nclorlii IhV ) . clvliigone ( lol > siito-at-
nr o lo c iuh lomilv , and ono lor cich lie )
\oto * icl tlio in ijorf ruction Iliotuif ;
11 Urocominriidiil tliut no | ii-ovles Ito ml-
inlttul to IhcuoiivniHIon. nnd tliut the dolci-
; ati < Hri | > wut lie uiitliorkod lei eist lliu full
lOtOOf tllCClolCRIltlDII.
\j 1) . l
Jl SKII.KV buoutury ,
Iluby irnn tide , TO jjivo liorCorlorlo ,
iho YVM n C.'hlkl.shii crki ! fcrCastorlrt ,
"Vlicn iliu LtrainoMifi-i , lni rlunf'lo Cn'.torh ' ,
lUo hoi ChlUionilio , ca\o llioni Cibtrl ,
BnDwiIbnl mil aiiitantoudOujill U
I'lilillu OuiUiil . .
lluys iinil biilU htiK'knuiKl licuHhj
coiiiinurcld jiiptiri loiolvtn und cxncniio-i
tiiihH ; ucln tmtriiiiiroruKuiit "nil tiiistou ot
corimriitlDiis , tiUfj clur o of yropoity , tin-
loctUaxci. . _ .
OmahaL-.oan' < & TrustCo
S.E. Cornet * lOth iincl Douglas St3
I'uiil in c'npitai . r.iou
ami Gimianliiuilt'upltiil lOHUJ V
51'orCoiit Iiiterostl'iiMoii
PJtANIiJ J\N B. < uihUir
OniioritA. U.Wyiiiiin.iiiDsllciut , .1. J llrown.
vliu-jiri lilciit. W. T.Wynuit. tieuwiror
IJInctorn-A. U. Wynuii. J II Mlllaid , J , .1
JlMwn.Uny 0. Ihrton. K. Vf , r\asli \ , Vliowur * ,
J.IUiuU'l. ' Uuoio