Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OMAHA DAILY 'J3 E , TUESDAY , , JULY 22 , 1890 ,
Cjndiditcs and Tlielr Adherents Already
Swarm at Lincoln ,
Jlc Talks Krroly aiul U'itli nn Air of
I Co ii ( Identic 1'olltlunl NCWH
froiM All Over ( hoI
I ?
I < ixcoi.x , Neb. , July 21 . [ SpoeialTclc&ram
toTii > : Hic. ] 1'olitlelans tire thick in Lin
coln tonight. Slates are buini ; niailc , but 111
1e\v delegates have arrived , they nrguoiioth-
iiiK- Candidates and thu usual crowd of
Imiuincrs and bangurs-on fill the corridors ot
the old Capital hotel , the scene of many con-
Jllcts. Poor cigars nro frcoand tdciitiful , and
fOnlldcncea are being oxchangnd la every
Dr. Mercer has Ids rooms filled with
Mmda ; hotulkito the boys nnd dodarci
that the Htrokoof lightning that heralded his
arrival in Lincoln ut noon today means some
.Tuck MurColl , with "Will Hall and
3'ooro of the Kearney KnterprUe , occupies a
room nnd receives visitors , nnd asserts them
that ho is In tlio race until thobattlo Isdone ,
L. 1) ) . Richards , with his right bower , Kosi
Jiamnionil , arrived from IVoinont about
V o'clock , and M I called nt his
room about twenty minutes ago
lie wns rocdvinB consolation from Cliarloy
3lall , Iko Itayinoiid and 0. K , Hurr. Hloli-
urd.s suld that he bud nothing to any cu-opt
that lie would bet that bis chances \vcro m
j'ood as any of 'em.
In Tom Jlciiton's room smoke wns thick and
3lea Coxvdcry sat with his legs across a
hair looking out in n Hvec'i ) of spico. ( ! tir-
TKT of the state board of transportation ,
Tom's mun Fridav , was also there , and Mr ,
] lenten Insisted that things % vcre "coining hit
way. "
DanOsROOd , whowants to be nn attorney
reneral , is on the ground with Joe Ksterdiiy ,
.hid Wright , .left Urowu nud others as his
lieu tenants.
Oeorgo Hustings U also In the eily , nslsSt.
Itayncr of Sidney . Hastings has many friciuli
on the ground , but it is Impossible to tell who
will bo uhoHun to wear thu broad broguns of
William v
H. A. rjartonof Ilaniilton county ; camlldutp
for siiporuitcndedt of public instruction , Is
lianglng out at the Capital.
Henry OoOHliiins of Suttoii Is here booming
. .T.V. . Johnson for secrotury of state.
Hill , Stewart and Lansing bavo head-
qiturtcrH and are circulating witb the rest of
the hopeful , happy ones. ,
A portion of the Lancaster county Delega
tion called at Mr. Mercer's room tliii evening
nnd ills evident that there is no ill-fooling.
As the convention does not meet until 8
o'clock Wednesday , tbo crowd and excite
ment at this time a ro unusual for over two
days In advance.
Governor Thayer came In from Omalia this
even ing jitul says that ho ieuls that ho Is
Jioldiac his own ,
That thcro will bo a stormy and exciting
time Wednesday night the most conservative
admit. _ _
The Ilravons Itooiii Jlcrcor.
LN , Nei ) . , July 21. f Special Telegram
to Tin ; HKK. ] A most remarknblo electrical
phenomenon occurred Just nt noon today In
front of the Capitol hotel and If there Is anything -
thing in portents the orado may ho inter
preted us one favorable to the gubernatorial
chances of Dr. Mercer. Just at the time the
( rcntleimin wns stepping f rom n carriage In
f mnt of the Capitol hotel , having Just coino
from Omaha , a ( lash of lightning from a
leaden sky exploded In the air less that forty
feet from thu plaeo where thedoctor alighted.
To the friends meeting the distinguished
Omnlmn the report sounded line
a lilstol' shot and they laughingly
rofened to the noise as u welcome salute.
Hut further nwny. the noise of the report Avas
jwrfcctly deafening and hundreds of people
iluckcd to the scene , thinking that a grunt ex
plosion had occurred. The ground trvmblcj ,
nou&es were shaken and considerable conster
nation \vas-caused. The report was heard In
nil parts of the city. The most peculiar
phase of the phenomenal event u-as that
there has been neither nny lightning nor rnln
hero all morning. Local scientist * bollevo
that the flash and noise worn caused by the
explosion of n meteor , but no fragments can
bo found , .
TjicoiiNO VH Prohibition.
8riiiNariiii.ii , Neb. , July 21. [ Special to
TUB Hr.i : . ] About two hundred men , women
nnd children assembled In Spearman's parlc
yesterday afternoon to bear Colonel C. S.
Kllsworth speak on the benefits ot high
license vs prohibition. The speaker was In
troduced by Chairman J. G. Uclnn. Auiorg
other things ho said : Idonotcomo here to
nuiko any false , statements , I have $ -50 to
give to any one who can disprove any state
ment I may make hero this afternoon. I did
not comohoreto defend the saloons of your
state. I did not coma hero to bulldoze uny
ono , but 1 did come here to show pou people ,
if 1 run. the fallacy of prohibition as it has
been trlod in states now under prohibition
rule and bus been fouudwuntlng. Prohibition
does not atoan temperance , fur from it , "Pro
hibition does not prohibit. Prohibition lias
not one single victory it city , state or nation.
Komembor the $50 on that statement. Pro
hibition miikos perjurers , falsillors , liars ,
hypocrites and bus worked more injnrv to
the church tlian the liquor tratllu ovur'has.
Tbcas being the facts , nnd I will provo them
f-o bofoix'l aniUone , what do you people of
Nebraska want with prohibition 1
1 inn not hero in the pay of nay political
imrty not in tho. pay ot any one. 1 am not a
property owner in your btuto ; I am u poor
man , but I cumo hem expecting to hecotno a
citizen of your state. I have luul oxpcrlfnco
i t with tills pi-ohibitlon question. For sixteen
long yours J laboivd among thu Ciood 'J'cm-
lilars of this nation , I delivered T.Otfl toir-
] > epiuco leotuivs In that time anil extended
the hand of fellowship to < BHU ( Good Toni-
liluw of this nation. They have nci-oni-
jilishcd a great nuiount of work on thu teiu-
Jieniiico Him. Tlio good elfect of tlielrvork
has been destroyed by scheming nnd cunning
liolllleiaiis , who Irivo erupt into tbo order
uiulynlled for prohibition.
1 was u delegate In ISM sent to lioln nomi
nate John 1 * . St. .lohn for president. After I
in-rived at the convention ana found Unit the
democrats worn furnishing the boodle to urn
the campaign with , \\ltlulrew nnd returned
homo disgusted with prohibition , Tlnit is
why I am here today tivlkingnntl-prolilbltum ,
because I know whereof I speak.
\Vhatlsthochurch doing fov tempci.iiicol
They are yelling vrohlbltlouund nsldng ( led
to close up nil the hrowcrle.s ami biilouns.
Why , Ciod bh-ss you , friends , ( ! od never
opened u brewery. C5od never took out ami-
loon license. They even touch children to
hate suloonhccpr-rs ; toaeh thorn to think that
the baleen keeper Is the wont imn on earth.
AVhy don't ' they try to reform the twlooti-
KoeperJ It would bo moi-e ( Jhrlst-llko lam
BU11) ,
Conn I y Kt'pithllcnilfi.
POM.IIUTOS , Nub. , July dl , [ Special IVlo-
Ki-am to Tun Hr.n. ] The republican county
fonveutlon of Nnttco countv met hei-o this
Jifternoon nnd selected n dologatlon to the
Btuto convention hooded by Ularcneo K.
1U-.uly. Tbo convention was well attended ,
largo nuinbcrH of nlllaucn men liolugpi-osoat.
The following resolutions wo ro passed :
ItrMilvnl , That the ri'puliltcniis ot Niineo
roiinly , m ounvontlon ussrinhled , ilccin It u
plousiireto heartily ondor. itbu ) eaiulleaoy of
> iu honoriililo follow cltlion , lioor ul ) . Mivlk-
lojobn , fur tbnrtMiiiblli'an lunuliiallonfor wm-
gri , ami wohcrchy nloilKu him all llu > up-
ixiit Nniico couiiiy can glto him Jnfiirlliui
luinuir tinMIUO. .
Ki'M > l\iMl , Tluit our tlolentcs to thu si it to
l-onvi'iHliMt liuand are hereby liistiueli'il to
tiso tbrlr inlluencit anil votes to iloteut
Messrs , llcntim , Cowdrry unit Sti-pn la Iliotr
ntlnnpltii ceeuro u luiomlmiUoii 10 tlielr roB -
B ] > lH'UvOOlliCI ,
lii' olM'il , Tliat our delegates to thu slnlo
coau'iitlou In' ami are lirruby luMruuted to
'u10 tlu'lr liilluoncp towttnU H'leotlnir m < h
IHMVIIIH to ill ! tlio slatt * olUcos coiutltIMK | |
lbei tat ( < b < > urdotriiii'ii ( > ortatlona < 4 111 fairly
and hoiii'xily face Ihu l > u now iioiullng bo-
t\M'i'ii llii > iicoplti and Iliu ralhoads , am ) for
Mich PITMIIKHH favor Ibo | irlnclple of iniixl-
tii inn fiTlxbtrati'4.
lli'siilveilt TnatU IH Ilio ai'iino ' of thocomoii-
tloii Uiat L. . U , KltliunU Utlio most tluslnblu
cnndi'lato la the Held ( or gave i nor of tlio state
of Nebraska.
Clay Comity Kcpnbllonns.
UI.AI CsSTi-.n , JSeb. , July ' -Special [
toTitillEi ; : , ] The following itsolutloimwcro
ndoptod at the Kccnl Ulny county repulillcnn
\V licnrtllr Inilnruo tliacoiiroi > f I'resldont
Ilnrrl-im unil lihenlilin't.
Wo iiiu In fioor of free sticar. wait , timber
nml cuiil , and a iciltictlon of tlio tarllV on all
other noei'iinrhiof life.
\Vo \ me Infnvorof a miiKlmuin rate bill In
tlihnlato rcduclnc fa-lslil rate * to within 10
trrcont of the IIIOWMI ! I own intouiul nio-
vldlnwfor Joint frolght rates * similar to tfu - . o
nnw In fiii-cc III Inwit ,
Tht'imi.'orlty ' nf the Mntc board nf traiiM-
li iorttillan liiiviiig failed nnd refuted to give
lifi iirinoiH and pro'Jucrr.H of Ibo Main any ii'llof
fioni tlio irc otiti\orliltint : fielirbi cbarK i. ,
vi'iireiiptioiofl In tlm iiDTiilniitlrn or rciioml-
nation or nny < jn win ) Is In ftitonif tln'iH' | -
cut. fri > litlitriitt , and tbo iloloKiitcs from IliN
ciiiinty to the st'ito coavctilloniire liiHtrnetod
in vote fofeiindldiittw In sympathy vIMi HIM
ivioliillon nnd who will plcdgu tliemsolve-4 In
favor nf a reduction In llio iiiexunt lutes of
TlTat'we heartily oudorin Ibo nr-tloa of tin1
Inlorslatu I'litnini'ri'OL'oiiiiiilstlon In tt.M order
tnhicliiK fri'lahl rati" * frnni tla < MUtntii-l rlvor
toUlik'iiKodonU'O CCII.IM to IT cunts pur lunnl-
ii'il oiiKraln ,
That wo roonjnl7C In oar fellow oltl/.on.
lion. I ) . M.Nottlcton , a lueci'ssfiit fanner of
iimmu tlonil : > ln ability unil InteKrlly. a
. " "iildlor , iiniloiio who lias the romiili'tt * conn-
ib'iiooof t In1 people nf t'lny county , mono who
lll lien falliiful and able ro | > io cntttvc : ! of
tinpi'iijilo as iimxjncil to cori | < > rnli' control ,
anil wo prt'si'iit his 11:11110 : to thu lopubl loans of
this clhtrtotns ai'HiidUlalP for eoiiirp ! , nml
itiii | < Mt fiviin t he republican slalo con vent Inn
that no candidate fur sociotary of statu bo se-
lifted from this county.
Poll ; County lippuhllc.ins.
Oscnoi.Neb. , . , .luly 21. [ Special to Tun
HKK. ] The republican county convention
was held hero Saturday , and was the most
harmonious convention In ninny years. Kvcry
precinct In the county except two was repre
sented by full delegations , nnd a good share
of them \vcro old soldiers. Out of fourteen
delegates to the stnto and congressional con
vent ions cloven are soldiers. Tha delegation
to the Rtuto convention was headed byV. . A.
1'oat and to tbo congressional convention by
II , G , Lowe' . They have no instructions.
only they are pledged , the soldier part ot
them , to stand by the ioldler lirst , lust and
nil the time. Delegates were also elected to
the Judicial convention that meets at York
today , ami they will support Judge Smith for
ronoinliiatlon. Another convention will beheld
held for the nomination of county ofllcers.
lliifTulo County Ilepnhllcnii * .
Neb. , July 'Jl. [ Special Tele-
Brain to Tim UBH. ] Tlio republican county
convention met here today and nominated R
S. Fulmor of Gibbon and Nathan U rimes of
Stanley for representatives ; both are farmers
mid members of the fanners' alliance. The
delegates to the state convention are beaded
by Uon. K K. Potter. Ira 1) . Maraton of
Kearney was nominated for" county attorney
oy acclanmtlon. Judge f. U. miner was
strongly endorsed for congress. Tbo dele
gates will attend the state convention un
( JnrJIcId Comity Ucpuhllcait * .
Ili-Kwr.u , , Xeb. , July , ' ! . [ Special to Tun
llm : . ] Tbo Giirllold county republican con
vention was hold at this pluco Saturday. J.
W. ri'ewnian WB nominated for county at
torney and M. Newton for county commis
sioner. 13 , B. Fitzgerald wns allowed to so-
lei't u delegation to llio representative con
vention favorable to himself. 11. T. Johns
headed the delegation to the atato convention.
They nre uniiistructed , but are supposed to
favor Mnccoll for governor. H. McCllnmiis
headed the delegation to tbo congressional
convention and is understood to he in favor of
Thnyor County ltcputl leans.
Iliniuo.v , Keb. , July 21. [ Special to
THIS BKB.J The republican county conven
tion met Saturday. The platform adopted
favors the free ooltmgo of silver , is against
the jMcIvinloy bill , wants the present railroad
commission abolished ana ono elected by people
plo direct. W. II. Dow , a fanner and county
ulllunco organizer , was nominated for rep
resentative , liobort Uolston for county com
missioner , and M. S. Gray for county attor
ney. The state and senatorial delegates
were Instructed.
IMnttc County Kopiibllcaiis.
COLUMIICS , Neb. , July 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BKIJ. ] The republican county
convention met this afternoon to elect dele
gates to the congressional and state conven
tions ana nominate a county ticket. The at
tendance was not so largo as usual , many
townships not being represented on account
of the alliances movement. The delegation to
the state convention Is headed by W. A.
Hurt County llcptihlicans.
TKKAMAII , Kcb. , July HI. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : UEK. ] The republican conven
tion of Hurt county mot hero today and
placed in nomination lion. Fremont Everett
of Lyons for representative and W. 0. Sear
of Oakland for county attorney. The dele
gation to the congressional convention is
solid for Dorsoy and it is thought that the
delegates to tlio state convention will favor
Tba.wr. Resolutions favorable to the pro
hibitory amendment were adopted ,
DmvHon County Kmliouiiq. | !
LnxixiiTON' , Neb. , July . il. ) JSpecliil
gram to Tin : Dun. ] The D.iwson county re
publican convention met Saturdny. A reso
lution was rend and adopted endorsing Mc-
Cell for governor , and asking him to uamo
the eight delegates tp the state convention.
They were named and Instructed to use all
honorable means to sociiro the nomination of
Mr. McColl for governor.
r.onp County Itcpnhligans.
TAYI.OII , Neb. , July at.-Siecinl [ ) to Tin :
BII : . | The Loup county republican con
vention mob Saturday. Tim delegation to
tlio state convention is headed by William
Helchor , to the congressional convention by
( icorgo p. Scott and to the bcnutorlnl conven
tion by jM , Gurusey.
Sarpy County Republicans.
P.mi.uo * , Ncb. . July si , [ Special
to Tin IliAt the
Telegram : - - Sarpy comity
republican convention the delegation to the
state convention was headed by A. W.
Clarke , mul to tb'o congressional convention
by William Kugkcndall. T , S. Roberts was
nominated forropresontatlvo ; undJ . M. Wood
for commissioner ,
I < 'rauk Counted In ,
JUsTixns , Nob. , July ai. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio llin. ] The report sent to mi
Omaha morning paper of an unfair count nt
the republican county convention Saturday ,
by which Frank , declared the nominee ,
would have been defeated , is today contro
verted by a recount of the lliml ballot , giving
Frank thrco majority over all.
Crolo Democrats Meet.
CitETr , Nob. , July 21 , [ Special Telegram
to Tuc llKB.l The democrollo county cen
tral cominlttoo mot today at Wilbor. A
motion not to call a countv convention at
pixMeiit passed by a unanimous vote. The
central comt.iitteo wiw Instructed to nimio
delegates to the Htnto and congressional
conventions , all of which was passed without
Democrats at Wllbcr.
" \Vii.iiHii , JS'eb. , July ! 21. { Special Telegram
to Tun HCK.J The Snlino county dcmocratlo
contra ! coniinltteo mot today and after electIng -
Ing delegates to the state and congressional
convention adjourned , subject to call of chair
man , U'ho Ui'Iogntos to the state convention
lira headed byV. . CJ , lliistlnga mid to the
congresstounl bv , S. S. Alley ,
Voters "Will 3lic > t ,
Nob. , July 21 , [ Special Telo-
giiun to'Ciir. Bun. ] A mass meeting of ( Jor-
man voters of Guso county is cillod to meet
in the auditorium , this city , Monday * evening -
ing next , to take action In completing an or
ganization for the current campaign against
prohibition. The call Is signed by the leadIng -
Ing ( jcrinaua of the city.
I'ooplo'N Con volition at
FU.VNKI.IS , Neb. , July til. ( Special Telegram -
gram toTiiiHKi : : . ] Tlio people's convention
was bold at Macoa today , T. \Vllllama \
wns nominated for representative and II , Vf.
Palmer lor county nttorney. Thcdolcmitiou
to the Rtato conventlua la bended by James
County Hrputillciina.
NII : > OSNob. . , July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Ilnr.j The republican county
convention pasted off harmoniously , county
ofllcoH being nominated by acclamation.
Commissioner , J. L , . Schfll ; attorney , S. A.
Scnrlu ; clerlt of court , J , AV , Pearcoi sur
veyor , A. M. Melipyiiolds ; reprcsentiitlve.
. ( aiiioa lliiiitlioin. Coitgrcsslunul , Htato ami
HOiintorlal delegates -were elected ; unlit-
Jllvtdod on tlio Issue.
NJIIIIASIU : Cirr , Neb. , July Si , [ Special
Telocrimi to Tim Ilii-Tbo : : | fnnncM1 tillt-
mice mid ICnights of Labor of Otoo countv
have decided to hold a people's convention
July ' 'U , tbo primaries for which will bo held
July -Jl. The local Knights of Labor are di
vided on the issuo.
A Call INSIUM ! ,
Nob. , July 'Jl. [ Special Telegram -
gram toTiir Utn. ] A call was issued today
for n pcoiilo's caucus , to bo hold Thursday
evening , to select delegates to a people's independent -
dependent county convention , to to held la
this city on July . ' ( .
PAIIIMOXT , Neb. , July ! J1. [ Special ( o
Tin : lii ! : : . ] Frederic IIodgMOn , a farmer liv
ing about two miles northwest ot town , had
n valuable maw stolen last night. Thcro IH
no cluci to thu tliiof 'mugli strenuous ef
forts are being made for ds capture.
At a meeting of the school board Saturday
ovunini : the formur principal , , ! . S. VaiiKutou ,
was ro-eleoted , mid the following wore
elected as Ids assistants : Mrs.fJ. JI. Clark nnd
Misses Laura Dock , Viola l-'arrar , NellloCur-
tisw and Ilattio Ucwey. The school year com
mences the second Monday in September.
ToiTlllc Storm at Crawmrd.
CuAWroitD , Nob. . July 21. [ Special Tclc-
grnin to Tin : Dr.u.J Klthor a cloud burst or
nn unheard-of iidn occurred hoi-o at 10 o'clock
last night , Hooding the town. The two cul
verts , each live feet wide , were not sufficient
to pass tbo water , and houses were flooded ,
outbuildings carried off , wagons , carriages
and carriage houses overturned. No serious
damage was done , howovcr. Tin ; HIM ; cor
respondent was nt Chndrou last night and a
very hard r.Un fell there , Hooding the streets ,
but no serious damage is reported.
Hall foiimy'n Crop I'rospnctfl.
OIIANH Isi.AN'n , Neb. , July 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : HIM ; . 1 The rainfall the past
two days lias insured good crops for Hall
county. Mr. Oxnnrd , the proprietor of the
boot sng.'ir factory , Is well pleased with the
present prospects. Ho offered -MJ per acre
for .several acres of bcots , but It was refused.
National Honk Examiner Grifllths was hero
today on business mid paid thu factory a visit ,
nnd WIIB surprised ut the imipnltudo of the
enterprise. Ho say.s that nothing yet priuted
gave a good idea of Its proportions.
.Storm at I > nkotn Uily.
DAKOTA CITV , N'cb. , July ' . ' 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Im.l ! This plaeo was vis
ited last night by tlio hardest rainstorm for
ever two years. Tlio rain began about a a.
m. and lasted for several hours , the water
fulling in torrents all the timo. Ilnd it not
boon for this rain the crops In the county
would have been n failure , us the ground hail
become dry as powder for a depth of live
fcot. A largo crop of corn Is now assured ,
but smull grain will bear a very small crop.
The Homo TFIIIII Wins.
FoNTr.xni.i.E , Neb. , July 21. [ Special to
Tin : Iii.J There was a game of base ball
played hero yesterday between tlio Nleltcrson
nnd homo teams , \vhlch resulted in a score of
31 to 8 In favor of the homo loam. Batteries
for Ilrowcrs.H Cook , J. Cook ; for Niclccrson ,
Hunter , Myers and Muddock. Struck out ,
by Cook H ; by Hunter 1.
Mllliiici-y Stock .Attached.
NcnitASKA. CITV , Nob. , July 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; BIK. ] The millinery and
notion stock of Hurvoy & Harvey was today
attached by Englclmrt , "Wining & Co. , for
$ . )1'J , claiming Intent todofruudon the part
of defendants.
The Now IJecclvcr.
GUAXD Isi.Asn , Nob. , July 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BIE. : ] D. C. Hall , the
now receiver of the United States land office ,
with family , arrived today from Scotia. Ho
will take possasslou of ids office , which lias
been moved into the now City National bank
building , August 1.
llc.sldoiico Struck l > y Lightning.
FIUKNII , Neb. , July 'Jl , [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hue. ] The residence of T , AI , Huron ,
during an electric storm hero today , was
struck by lightning , doing sonio damage to
the house and slightly injuring his little girl.
AVIlbor 13 , Urcto 10.
CHUTE , Nob. , July 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tim Hr.iJ. A gamoof base ball between
Wilbor and Crelo resulted la favor of Wilbcr
by ascoroof 13 to 10. Olio of the Wilber
players was seriously hurt during the game.
Hi-olco Her Ai-in.
PAWNTR CITV , Neb. , July 21. [ Special
Telegram to TUB HIM : . ] John Casey's llt
tlo girl met with n serious accident last even
ing by falling oit a gate post nnd breaking
her arm.
The Site Dls-Misscd liy the Chicago
City Council.
CHICAGO , 111. , July 21. At tonight's meet
Ing of the city council the world's fair matter
cinnu up , a communication from the directors
being read advocating an amendment to the
world's fair ordinance so ns to ninko
It possible to use tlio lake front , and praying
action and favorable consideration of the
ordinance submitted by the director * . After
much desultory discussion the proposed
amendments wore read nnd section " adopted
without a dissenting voice. .
Sections ; t and -I wore postponed and section
5 read as amended by the directors. Aldur-
nmn Kent wanted tlio amendments stricken
out and proposed a substitute. Alderman
McAbcu made a stirring address , scor
ing the obstruction tactics mid advo
cating a reference of the whole matter
to n conmiitteo to confer with tno world's
fair directors and draft and ordinance which
could bo unanimously passed by the council.
The directors prcsunt expressed their con
currence in this idea , and utter much further
tnllc It was resolved to appoint a coniinltteo
of four alderman from tlioVost side , three
from the South mid throe from the North
side to carry out the plan proposed. The
council then adjourned until Wednesday
Don't Mko tlio IJII1.
I'AIIISI , July 21 In the chamber of deputies
today M , Hlbot , minister of foreign affairs ,
replying to an Interpolation in regard to no
gotiatlons with the powers relative to the
American customs administrative bill , said
the government had been in negotiation with
other European powers with regard to trying
concerted and collective action ng.ilnst the
bill. The other powers , ho said , were averse
to entering into nny engagements In connec
tion with the matter. AI. Itibtit declared that
ho feared further action would defeat its own
object. M. Dnpuy hoped M. Ulbot woula
strenuously try to secure from the United
States government a inoderato application of
the provisions of the bill , In any case , ho
declared , the French customs coniinltteo
know now what course to adopt.
A Colorado AV > oek. , Colo. , July 31. The Hoc ! : Island
express , No , 14 , wentthrough a bridge about
emi uillo west of Lyman toalght. The con
ductor thlnlcs that they have found every ono
except the onglnoor , Ono man was badly
hurt and several slightly injured.
The KmprcHs I-YodorJok nt Gibraltar ,
( ! inn\i.TAii.Iuly21. [ SpecialCablegram to
Tm ; BFK. ] The Kmpross Frederick of Ger
many bos arrived hero on n visit. The
shipping in the harbor was decorated on her
arrival and a solute was thvd iu her honor.
Otnaba Shut OutTfor tbo Second Time by
" " * "
i '
Several Celebi-iiU-a Speeders Nntcrctl
for the lllitu lltliboii Unccn at
Detroit Tinliiy Tiu-r anil
IHaiiioncl News.
, t
, fi.YJ
Milwaukee 7 , Omaha O.
At'KKi : , Wls , , July 21. ( Special Tele-
grain to Tin : Ilr.n.-'Oinalia was shutout today
for the second time In the series , Thornton
was the limn mainly responsible for the per
formance , the Boven scattering singles ro-
curedortof him resulting la nothing. The
Brewers played an errorless fielding and
battery Rnme , but the exhibition was dull
and listless fof t ho reason that Oinahii wasn't
In It at any Mage , A brilliant one-handed
catch of a hot liner bv Alberts , nnd the
same performance by Nowiiniu In left
Held , served to slightly awaken
the MX ) people present to an appreciation of
the fact that a ball game was la prognws.
Kcally It was a pretty exhibition of ball play
ing , but lacked the necessary stimulant in the
fact that Milwaukee kept a long start. Willis
wasn't hit very often by tlio Brewers , who
earned but onu run , but tbo gentleman in the
box for Omaha forced In a run with a base on
balls iu the lirst lulling , and Immediately
afterward a wild pitch allowed two more
Brewers to score. Omaha closes tbo scries
tomorrow and Cushmim expects his men to
make it four straight. Sanders will proba
bly pitch for the visitors. Ho signed a con
tract with Manager Leonard today. The
score :
Knriioil riin-MII\viiulco \ ( I. Two-ba o hit-
Alberts. Tbreo-lano-hllH I'otllt nnd Morris-
pey. liases slolcii-AiilM ( > Wi ! , Willis' ' , Doiihlo
pliiy-Wolcli lo Slirteh. liases on Dulls Mil-
waukeoll , Uiiiiilni ! ! . Slrnolc out By' Thorn
ton , ! i ; by Wlllls.n. Passed bull Criptlmrl.
Wild plleh - Willis. Time Uno hour and
thirty minutes. 1'iuplro llengle.
I'ostponcil Games.
The Western association games at Minne
apolis and St. Paul were postponed on account
of rain.
National League.
Cleveland 1 ,0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 n
Boston 'J 3000003 * la
Hits Cleveland 11 , Boston 0. Errors
Cleveland 0 , Uoiton ! ! . Batteries Beaten
and Xommcr ; Uetzeln and Bennett. Umpire
AT rnu.AUBi.rntA. '
Philadelphia..0 5803313 0 20
Pittsburg 0 0020110 a 7
Hits Philadelphia 21 , PIttsburg 11.
Errors Philadelphia , PIttsburg 4. Bat-
torics Smith unil Shriver ; Hard and
Decker. Umpire Powers.
Chicago fl 7
New York 0 o' 1010000 2
Hits Chicago * , 'New York 8. Krrors
Chicago 1 , New York 4. Batteries Hutch
iason and ICcttredgo ; Uusslo and Buckley.
Umpire Lynch.
Brooklyn 0 0031 100 0 11
Cincinnati 0 4 4 U 0 S 0 8 * 'JO
Hits Brooklyn 8 , Cincinnati 80. Errors-
Brooklyn 5 , Cincinnati 5. fiat tones -Lovott ,
Terry nnd Clark ; Foreman , Mullano nnd
Harrington. Umpires HIcQuald und Mc-
Players' Ijcuguo.
Pittsbure 4 4001 101 3 14
Philadelphia. . . . ! 0
Hits-PiUsburg 10 , Philadelphia 0. Errors
PIttsburg 5 , Philadelphia 5. Batteries
Gulvin , Hurley and Carroll ; Bufllnton and
Hullmnn. Umpires Leach and MUlljjan.
Cleveland 0 4
Brooklyn 3 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 5
Hits -Cleveland if , Brooklyn 13. Errors-
Cleveland B , Brooklyn 7. Butteries O'Brien
and SutclitTeVoyhiirg ; and Kinslow. Um
pires Oaltney and Sheridan.
Buffalo 1 0000004 0 H
New York 0 * 7
Hits-Buffalo 0 , New York 13. Errors
Buffalo 5 , New York 8. Batteries Haddock
and Maul : ; Ewlng and Kwing. Umpires
Ferguson nnd Holbort.
Chicago . 0 4
Boston . , . . . .0 1
Hits Chicago C , Boston JJ. Krrors Chicago
cage 1 , Boston 1. Batteries Baldwin and
Boyle ; Hadbourno and Murphy. Umpires
Knight and Jones.
American Association ,
AT rilllA [ > ii.rillA. :
Athletic . 2 10 4
St. Louis . 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 * 8
Hits-AUilotler , St. Louis Ifi. Krrors
Athletic 8 , St. Louis 2. Butteries Howard
and Koblnsou ; Kamsey nnd Wells. Umpire
Peoples. _
Svracuso . 0 05000100 C
Toledo . 0 21 001 000 4
Hits Syracuse 13 , Toledo fl. Errors Syra
cuse r , Toledo 3. Batteries Ca ey ami
Clubman and Si.go. Umplro
Emslio. . _ . _
AT IttfClllI.STEIl.
Itochostcr . 0 iiil ) I ) 0 0 ! 1 4 0 in
Columbus . 0 ( ) 1 II 0 0 0 1 1 0
Hits Itorhostcr 13 , Columbus 7. Krrors
Rochester 7 , Cohmibus 7. Batteries Calla-
whan and MelCeobli ; Huston ami O'Connor.
Umpire Curry. , _ _
AT'i.ocisviu.u. .
Brooklyn . 2 I ) , 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4
Loulsvlllo . 0 ; 1 , 0 8 0 1 4 ! 1 * 11
Hlts-BrooUlyii'R ' , UuHvlllc IB. Krrors
Brooklyn ( ) , LoulsVlllo ( I. BatteriesMattl -
nioi-o and Petz , G6o ( ell and liyim. Umpire
Uocsclicr , ' \ ,
A Groin KIMd ol1 Horsos.
Dr.TiioiT , MIcV' , ' , I luly 21. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE T3ir : jTheio is a general gath
ering of trotting tufrlfnen at this iwilnt for the
annual Blue Ulbbon mcethiK , which begins
tomorrow nt the driving park. Bud Doblo
has the largest string at the track , Including
such crack performers as Axtcll , Jack ,
Johnston , i'ourl , Lady Bullion and the team
Helna and Hetsy Bmwn. Axtell Is only a
few weeks out of stud , and It Is slow work
getting him in shape for engagements Inter
on. Charles Marvin bos eight California
bred tlycrs , Hanoi and Palo Alto among the
number. Sunol hus no engagement here ,
but Marvin bus driven horn half In 1 : OI and
keeps her at nn edge ready for all comers ,
Orrin A. Hlckolto \ \ has charge of the ar-
iiingonicnts for matching the western queens ,
snlii today that ho hail received no iviily
fiwu U. ,1. Humllii of Buffalo about trotting
Bella llamlln against Sunol for $10,000 nnd
the gate receipts , and has no idea
that ho will accept. Hiekok bus
four horses entered here Prlnco
Warwick 111 the f 10.WJ dtako , Alfred S uud
the pacers Adonis and Crlss Smith. Quito a
nuiniior of eastern horses nro at PIttsburg
Elm City farm , New Haven , sends Its cam-
Piilgnors here In charge of 0. U , Smith.
'rom Plensnnton tlicro nro several noted
one * , including Direct and Margaret S.
Among the green trotters Is Slisllght from
the tilenvtow stud , Kentucky , mid he showed
a quarter in ill seconds tins morning.
Ho is in the Merchants' and ilnn-
ufucttircrs1 stuko on AVonesdny
for which sixteen are named. George Hobens ,
who drove Aloryon last year and Is under
suspension from National tracks , has Ketch
and Klpplo entered horo. Alcrvoii was iintuod
in tlm free-for-all , hut hit his leg nt Cinuiil
Haplds and was sent honio toivcovor. Bo-
Bides these named there isn host of promising
young ilyorn unknown to fatno in yet , and
everything points to n week of lively sport.
The llanilluo
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 'Jl.-- [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKB.I Horses , Jockeys and
trainers have boeit arriving at Hamllnu all
day , nnd all is bustle at the track , st.ibles
and ofllm of Secretary Shaw. The special
from Chicago , which was expected this
morning did not arrive till noon. Among the
horses on the train were : Al Farrow , Long-
shot , Hlminl , Monta Hosu , Ida l'ick\vlck , Co-
ell B , Sliver Charm , Outbound , Heron , Catalpa -
talpa , I'rlnco Fortumitus , Palinmi , Wood
craft , Hlvnl Aliuont , Boiiatclln , Tenacity and
Anarchist. In addition there are already
at llamllno thrcoof this year's tlerby win
ners Hohesplonv , winner of the Tennessee
derby : Prlnco Fonso , winner of the West
Sldo derby , Chicago , nnd Verge D'Or , win
ner of the Kansas City dorbv. Those will
nil take part in the derby on Wednesday.
The other probunlo starters iiro .loo Black
burn , Morse , Davidson and Holler Skelter ,
The number of horses already at the track Is
over three hundred ,
Good AVutillicr and "Water unil n Pine
DfMJTii , Minn. , Juno 'Jl. Thousands o (
spectators were present this , the lirst day of
the great regatta , nnd weather and water
wore in perfect condition.
In the Junior singles the contestants were
Nettloton of the Mlmie-iotiis , Henderson of
the Chicago Cntlln club and Thompson of the
Winnipogs. Nettletou won by two lengths
In 10 :4i : > , Thompson second , Henderson third.
The Junior four-oared race resulted : Win
nipeg * ilrst , Duluths second , Mlnnosotus
third , Lurlincs fourth , St. Pauls llftn. The
Judge's boat , unfortunately , ran too
close and St. Paul bad to back
water. This delayed them several
seconds Just after the turn , and this added to
the fact that thoLurllncsnitd Dultitlis fouled ,
caused the Judges to decide the race must be
rowed again.
The Junior double was very unsntlsfactorv ;
won by six boat lengths by the Catlln club of
Chicago , Miniicsotns second. During the
last half the Catlins had a lead
of tea lengths and were taking
it extremely easy wbllo Whlglit of the Mln-
nosotns appeared exhausted. The Lurllnos
stopped rowing three-eighths of a mile from
tbo llnlsli. Catlins tlmo-1:10 : ! ; .
The great professional double was a mag
nificent race. It was a two-mllo .strug
gle , the winning crew to get § 1,00(1 ( ,
tlio second . f.V'.l ) und the third l. > 0. Gaudnur
and McKay were nearest the shore , Tcemcr
nml Hosmei'next , Hanliin and Wtue nc.Uaiid
HammimdTcn Kyek hist. There was some
delay in giving the signal , but whoa tbo
shot was finally lired cverv man dipped
onr.s with wonderful unanimity. U'ho
stroke of Gnuduur and McKay soon
told and they forged ahead of 'Teenier
and Ilosmer , first a quarter , then n half nnd
then a full length. Tito crows followed one
another quite closely in the order from tbo
shore , Gnudaur and McKay pulling fortv-two
strokes to the minute , and the others thirty-
six. Gaudnur mid McKay were the first to
make the turn , but were quickly followed by
Ilosmer mid Teenier and then Hiunm and Teh
Kyckand Unfitly IIuiiluu and Wise. Halfway to
the finish tbo press boat was passed when
tJimdaur and McKay led Hosiucr and Teomcr
by three lengths. The latter kept three-
fourths of n length uhead of Hiunm nnd Ten
Eyck who kept the same diatanco ahead of
the Toronto crow. Gaudaur's crow shot
across the line , amid screeching
of whistles , about four lonjtths
ahead. The efforts of tbo last
two crows to pass Hosmer were unavailing ,
although thcro was but a quarter of a length
between Tcemornud Ilamm und also between
Hantm nnd Hnnhiii at the finish. Ilanlan
would have done hotter had ho not lost both
oars for a second a few hundred
yards from the Ihiish. The time was ,
Gaudnur und McKay , ISi'-iS : Teenier and
Hosmer , 18 : ! ; Himim and Ten KycK.
18 : : ! : ! ; Hanlan and Wise. li ! : . ) ! . Hnmin
and Ten Eyck , according to Tcemcr and Has-
mcr , turned the former crew's buoy and
Teenier has entered a protest ,
GoHhorii Deuliifs thn Director Gen-
( M'lilsbip of tliR World's l > 'air ,
Nnw YOHK , July 21. [ Special Telegram to
Tm : Bni.l According to un evening paper ,
General A. P. Goshorn said this morning that
he would not accept the director generalship
of the world's fair at Chicago ,
Tlio Jtcpuhllonn to Clinngo llanilH.
Major W ileox has llnally found out , so It 'is
said , that ho Is not equal to the task of run
ning n prohibition paper In Nebraska , and
accordingly bo is selling out the Omaha
Republican to parties who will
cbimgo its policy. Tlio major
told some of bis friends lust'
Saturday that ho had reached tlio end of his
string and must lot loose. Just who all the
men interested In the purchase are could not
bo learned , though J. J. Stoadmau is ono of
them. Street reports have It that John M ,
Tlmrston and Oonend Aliror are behind the
deal , but this Is discredited bv these who
claim the freedom tospcalc for them. Stenu-
man is to bo general manager of tlio concern
for tlio new proprietors.
\\nr on tlio Pool Hollers.
CHICAGO , July 21. Following the close of
tlio Washington park races four big pool
sellers attempted today to reopen their city
establishments. The rooms were promptly
raided by the polleo mid it is understood orders
have been u'lvcn for daily raids if necessary.
Poll faclling is nllowi'd by the Illinois law at
race tracks only , and It is reported that l'o ! '
owners nf the West side track Intend , If tbo
jiollco fail la provoutlng down town pool sell
ing , to enlist the services of dutcctlvcs and
inuugurato systematic raids. If the pool
sellers are confined to thoracocourso the
revenue nf the track owners , of course , will
bo Increased.
A CeiiNim Squabble.
MIXNI : U'oi.i. * , July tl. ! Kd A , Stevens ,
who had cliargo of thn supplementary census
bureau In Minneapolis , was this afternoon
arrested on a warrant sworn out by St. Paul
people , ( harping him with padding the Mln-
nciipolls returns. 'Kt. Paul prosecutors hint
others are to bo arrested , among them the best
known iwojdo in the city. Tlio matter is re
garded hero us a great game of blufT. Today
n St. Paul detective -was arrested as liu was
shadowinglovcriiinont Inspector Boudlnot.
The fellow told at the police hc.ulciuartors
that bo had been engaged in St. I'uul to
follow Boudlnot and United States Attorney
Knvcro Siorm nl Clieyenno.
CiiKri'.NVK , Wyo. , July 81. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BKK.The ] severest rainstorm
that has visited this city for seven years
swept over Cheyenne this afternoon. It be-
Kiin nt 3 o'clock nnd lostnd exactly an hour.
During that time water poured down In tor
rents throuu'h many of tbo stivots In the busi
ness pirt of the town. Many of the crossing.- !
were wi'll nigh Impassable , bovcrul cellars
were flooded and the lowlamli near the rail
road tracks were converted Into lakes.
At London The Missouri , from Baltimore.
At Philadelphia The Pennsylvania , from
Liverpool ,
At MovllloTho State of Nevada , from
Now York ,
At Southampton The Fulda , from Iscw
Indians lld'uxo to Sign.
IC\xv CITV. Mo. , July'.M. A special from
Klngllshor , I. T. , says that the Chcyenn
nnd Arapahons today ivfusod to sign the ooi '
tnu-t with the guvermnont. Negotiations
will bo continued.
A Hard Tight For the Secretaryship of th
Board of Education ,
PrcNliiciil nondtiiati Huctjeoils Mimic I
X'lio Hloutlim or n HiiporliHtMitl-
citt of Solioolq Postponed
Until Tunlifht ,
There \\M extraordinary Interest maul
fostedln the meeting of the board of educa
Uon hut ttiKlit. It wai anticipated that n su
periutcndcnt would bo clcctodand nsocrotur
nlso , and the publlo spirited eltlzousofOniah :
were present.
In Urn matter or the selection of n suporln
totident the lobby was dKippilnted , ns thfi
matter wiis postponed until tonight. Thciv
was u very pretty light over tlio choice of i
secretary , liowovor , uiitl tills partly assuage
the disoppolntmentof the visitors. Thor
was llttlo contest , over the selection of i
president ot the bo.ird or Hiiperiiitoiulciit o
The meeting wns called to order by Pros ]
dent Good mini.
Secretary Piper imnoutH'od that ho luul I
hand the credentials of the no iy eieotci
members. Messrs. llabeook , ( llbbn Curvoll
Morrison mill Smyth , These wow'ncceptri
unil the mimes instructed to bo placed on th
Tito roll was called mid Morrison was an
nounccd as the onlv absentee ! .
The president asked and was granted pot
mission to present his annual lopurt at thl
time *
This document consisted ot a running ao
count of t'io ' expenditures and \vorlcoftlu
school year and recommendations to tin
board for the government of the schools ii
the future ,
Secretary Piper nmiouncoii that ho Inn
prepared his various reports , but Unit thoi
consisted principally of llirurm , and the road
ing of thoin was dispensed with.
The reports were placed on llle for futun
Mr. Goodman Announced that the organlza
tloa of the hoard would ho the next order o
business , nnd tnat the selection of apwldon
would bo tlio first tiling In order. Ilo named
ISIr. I lees and Mr. Poppletou as tellers.
Mr. Morrison canto in Just too Into to vote
The ballot resulted In four votes for Me
Council and nine for Goodman. Tito score
tary announced the result , and Mr , Goodmni
returned thanks , saying that ho would do al
In his power to promote tlio best interests ol
the public schools of tlio city.
A vote wns then taken for vleo president
with this result : L'opplcton 5 , Hoes 7 , Well
rer 1 , MeConnell 1 , Cory ell 1.
Mr. MeConnell said ho would Hko to with
draw In favor of Mr , Wolirer , but no one pale
any attention to this.
Another ballot \vnt ordered and the resull
wns as follows :
Hoes 8 , 1'oppleton \Veliror 1 , McCoit
nell 1 ,
Mr. ttces was declared duly elected.
There was a flutter in tlio' lobby when II
was announced that the next ballot would be
taken to select a socroturv. The present in
cinabcnt , Mr. 1'lpor , endeavored to loo'c ' tn <
different , "but failed. Ho managed , bowover ,
to call the votes in n steady voice.
The result wns announced as follows !
Piper C > , Connoyei'O , Van Horn I , Thomp
son 1 , Blank 1.
None of the candidates having a majority ,
another ballot was ordered.
This was the result :
Piper 7 , Connoycr" , Blank I.
Mr. Piper watched the last few ballots IM
they canto out ot the bat rather anxiously ,
and seemed rather relieved when he came
ouc with a tie. Then was the greatest inter
est manifested in the process of tlio next bal
lot. This was the way it resulted :
Connoyer ( i. 1'lperT , Blank a.
Mr. Blank held tlio balance of power and
tlicro was a shrewd suspicion that Chnrloy
Wehror was leading the nonentity's forces.
The fourth ballot resulted as follows :
Piper 0 , Connoyer 5 , Thompson I , Blank 3.
' 1'hcro belnjj no choice , another bullet was
ordered. Hero Is the result :
Piper 0 , Connoyer 0 , Thompson 1 , Bur
roughs 1 , Ulnnkl.
Spuldlng here accused Wohror of support
ing Blank , whereupon Wehrer bceamo angry
nnd refused to vote ut all. This ballot re
sulted in this wise :
Piper ( i , Coiiuoyerfi , Elguttcr 1 , Blank 1 ,
Thompson I.
An eighth ballot was ordered , which re
sulted In a gain for Connoyer.
Connoyer 7 , Piper (1 ( , Thompson 2.
Coryell moved an adjournment until this
evening , but the motion was lost.
MeConnell moved that the board cease for
the time in its efforts to eloot a secretary and
proceed to the selection of a superintendent
of buildings. There was no second to this
and the balloting for secretary was con
tinued. The next ballot was as follows :
Piper 7 , ConnoyerU , Blank 1 , Thompson 1.
In the tenth ballot thcro was no material
change. Hero it is :
Piper (5 , ConnoycrO , Blank 2 , Thompson 1.
Connoyer received the iirst six votes an
nounced on the next ImlM , but ho failed of
election. The vote was the closest yet cast.
It was as follows :
Piper 7 , Connoyer" , Blank I.
The lines of anxiety bad become mnro pro
nounced on the brow of Secretary Piper by
this time , but ho proceeded to call off the
votes in nn unchanged uoico. There was no
choice In the next ballot , Connoyor receiving
0 votes , Piper T and Blinded.
Wotiror moved mi adjournment , but the
motion wai lost and another ballot was o'r-
This Is it :
Connoyer U , 1'lper"Blank 3.
This thing had become luonotonous , but
there was no relief on the next ballot. Piner
and Connoyer iccelved 7 votes each tind
Thompson 1.
Tlio un lucky thirteenth ballot brought no
material change , but the fourteenth resulted
in the selection of Connnyur for becrotary by
the following vote :
Connoyer S. 1'ipcrO , 1.
Ono ot tlio ballots wns found In the lining
of the lint , and McContioll challenged the cor
rectness of the vote ami asked n recount of
tlio ballots as they laid on tlio
table. ICuelld Martin opposed the motion ,
but it prevailed , and the vote was recounted
witb no change- the result. Morris Morri
son said that Itu beard the vote culled olf. and
there WOID 7 for ( Joiinuycr , It for i'lpumud a
blanks. Mr. licos explained about the ballot
under the hat lining , and the hair declared
that the ballot would stund as cast and that
Mr. Coiinoynr had been duly cleetud secretary
of the board.
Mr. Bubcoclf moved an adjournment , but
the motion was lost by a largo majority.
The board then proceeded to the .selection
of iv superintendent of buildings , and 1 \ M.
Woolliiy was clouted on the first ballot by the
following vote :
Woolley 10 , Counsimin ! l , Blank 1 , Coolovt.
Mr. Points niovodthnt thu election of Air.
Woolloy bo ilcclarod .subject to such regula
tions as the bo.ird .should nuiko in regard to
salary. Messrs. McOoimell and Ilnlmn-k op
posed tills , MeConnell said that the gentlemen
from the Seventh ward woronfr.ild that they
wanted to keep Mr. AVoolloy in otllco tbrco
years. Ho wished to amend by adding that
the teachers of music should come under the
sninuhcud. The chair ruled McConnell out
of order , and the latter appealed Irom the ilo-
elsion oftho chair. Mortis Morrison jumped
to bis feet and seconded the appeal , and < * ald
further that ho wanted the secretary of thu
board placed under tlio same regulations ,
Mr. Points askoj leave to withdraw Ids
motion , as an unnecessary cuabblo | had bucu
precipitated , and as the board would bo
allowed under the regulations to attend to
this matter at another timo. Mr. MeConnell
said that ho would with Iraw his amendment
with the permission of his second ,
"Such poniiKsion is n < it necessary , Mr.
McConncll , " said Provident Goodman , "as
the chair ruled your amendment out of
ordor. "
"Hut I applied , sir , from the ruling of the
cliair , " retorted to MeConnell ,
"Mo onu seconded your appeal. "
" Yes , tluiy did. Mr. Morrison did. "
"Yon are out of order Mr. McConnell , "
said the president M ho brought his gavel
down on Ms desk kurwlmp.
" ( icntlomon , 1 appeal front-- "
"You arc out of order , I toll you , M . Me-
Council , " reiterated Mr. ( Joodman , irrowlni ;
"Oh , wli , " said McConnell , "If the choir
wUhes to bo arbitrary I will bit down ,
but - "
Morris Morrison lioru Interposed in Imhulf
Of jHiaco , and McCoimoU sat down ,
' " "lar Coburu moved that tbu board pro
PoKltlvrly cured by
CARTERSPoKltlvrly Pills.
They ntao relieve Dis
tress fmni lyspei ) > sl . In
ITTLE illgi'stlon and Too Hearty
IVER iifr , A perfect rein
eily lor Dlciuess , Nausea ,
PSLLS. Drowslum Tustc
In the Mouth , Coated
Toiiguo , 1'aln la the Sldo ,
TOlll'Il ) I.tViit. They
the liowcls. 1'urcly Vegetable.
reed to the election of n superintendent of
instruction , butltahcock Interposed a motion
to ndjourn until tonight , nnd his motion pre
There was great dlMppolntincut In tlm
lobby ever the failure to choose a sii.erln- |
tendeiit. but there were many present wlm
felt relieved when the tension was with
The vote on adjournment stood 7 to 7 , until
President Ooodnuin cast his vote In favor of
the adjouriimont. Tlio motion was nmdo by
Mr. Hibeockvlio is a Hloss man , us tal'ru.sK k
dent ( toodmiin , who cast the deciding voto. r
The -tip" ean bo talten for what It is worth '
M to the result of the vote for superintendent
The l ipr mi'ii woi-o hot , decidedly hot ,
ever llio manner In which their man was
lionton. They asserted last nlglit that the
ballot found under the hat lining wns
n fraud , but this wnssnld durlne the heat of
battle. IJotli Mr. Keos mul Mr. Popplot.m
declared that the vole was perfectly straight
mid Mr. 1'lpor win watching tlio baliotiiu'
very closely himself.
Kuclid Martin gave notleo Informally tii.ii
tonight he should move to rocmmitlnr T > ir
election of teachers and principals hi'M in-
the outgoing board. President ( ioodin.mnd
nilttod that there wns some iiuestiou as {
tlm legality of that election.
Dr. SussilorlT innki'sti snt'cinlty of ( Ti-
ca ( . > 8 pcrcullarto woinoit. lo ( ) J Fai'imiu .si ,
TIUniwiooitivnc CO.VVM.VTIOM.
Ne.M Saturday Fixed as tlio Date by the
Comity Central Committee.
Tlio dcmocratlo county central coniinltteo
mot yesterday afternoon in this city to lsma >
calls for tlio ward primaries and for the
county convention to select delegates to the
state and congressional conventions.
Euclid Martin acted as presiding otllcer and
1'V. . IJirkhnuser was seated at the sei-iv-
tury's table.
It was decided to hold tbo primaries noxl
Friday and the coiiveatiini on Saturday. In
this city and South Oiniiha tbo priinariui
will bo hold from 1-J to 7 o'clock , and in the
country precincts from fi to ! i o'clock , liacii
of tbo Omaha wards will lie allowed seven
delegates and the South Omaha wards ana
country precincts three delegates o.irli.
The convention will meet afj o'clock Satur
dny afternoon at Washington hull.
The primaries will bo held at the following
lilacos :
first Ward 018 South Tenth street.
Second Ward 1001 Vinton street.
Third Wnrd-1001 Davenport street.
Fourth Ward Planters * hotel.
Fifth Ward Knglno house , Sixteenth and
Izard streets.
Sixth Ward Lake street , between Tttvnty-
Hfth and Twent.v-Hixth.
SovcnthViird lKtl ! Park avenue.
Ninth Ward Corner Twenty-ninth and
Turn inn.
First Ward Corner N and Twenty-sixth.
Second Ward .Judge Levy's oltlco.Twenty
sixth street.
Third Ward - ICilker's hotel , Q street.
Fourth Ward Exchange building.
Millard Millard school house.
Uliicago-Hierbaeh's hall.
Union Henry Luddlngtoi 's.
Vulloy Fontz' ball.
West Omaha Sheeloy's school houso.
McArdlo McArdlo school houso.
AVutorloq Maybew's hull.
In all wards and precincts not otherwise
designated the plaeo of holding the prluiurim
will oo tbo sumous last fall.
Organization of n Douglas County
Branch or the State lm igiie.
A Doughs countj- branch of tbo Personal
Hights league of Nebraska was organized last
evening at Oermanla hall.There was a
largo attendance nnd a great deal of en
thusiasm was manifested ,
The meeting was railed to order
by Louis Heimrnd , president of the
State Personal nights league. Ho stated
that at the convention of the state
league held ut Lincoln on Juno 25 , It wns de
cided to organize brunch leagues In every
county In the stnto. and that this meeting ,
was called for the purpo.suof currying out-
that intention with reference to Douglas
county. Ho requested tbo meeting to olt'oct
a temporary organization , which -was donoby
electing J , P. Lund chairman and ( Joorgo
Anthes secretary. '
Tbo secretary then rend the resolutions- '
ndoptod by the Lincoln convention.
On motion of Philip Andres It was decided
to adopt the sumo laws governing other
branch leagues throughout the stato.
After debating for HOIIIO time whether or
not a permanent .organization should bo
cft'octed at this meeting , it was decided in
the nftlrmatlvo , mid the temporary organ I/.a-
tlon was made permanent , and .lohn Haumor
was elected vleo president and William
Scgellco treasurer.
The chair appointed the following finance
coniinltteo : 10 , C. Krlling , George Ilelmrod
and ! ' . L. Hlobo.
It was decided to appoint a vice president
In eai'li ward and precinct la Douglas county ,
and a short ivVess was t.ikon during which
those present from the various wards cau
cused in the oornecs to select their repre
sentatives , U'bo vice presidents selected
were us follows :
First ward , Andv Kriclc ; Second. Paul
Kchslmh ; Third , I'ctcr Idilsor ; Fourth ,
August Handow : Fifth , K. U. Krlllng ;
Sixth , William Muck ; Suvcnth , II. Ilainan ;
Kighth , FritUrlan ; Ninth John ( hir.suo.
Several minor details with reference to the
work to bo performed were discussed , after
which a number of short addresses were
made commending the movoand urging all
of these present to nctlvo work.
Printed copies of llio constitution adopted
by the state leaiino wuro then ciivalated , and
nearly ono hundred blgnaturcsvcro ob
Ono of the stnto organizers was present
and reported Haltering SIUVOSH in organising
brunch leagues throughout be stnto.
The meeting adjourned wltli overv promise
of doing ofToetlvo work. Tlio membership of
the nowlv organized longuo bids fair to swell
very rapidly.
1'eoplo'n Independent Convention. '
C.V. . Miller and J. \ \ ' . IMgi-rton , chairman -
man and secretary , respectively , of the pee
ple's independent party , have Issued a call
for u primary election and 'convention to beheld
held in this city , the former on Thursday ,
July 31 , and tbo latter < fn Saturday , July HO ,
Thu convention will select delegates to the
state ami congressional conventions to bo
bold In Lincoln on Tuesday , Julyli'J. '
Absolutely Pure.
A oroani rliirlinkmx powflor. HlKhi'iit "
of luuvuiilugMroiiKili U , H. ( Jovuriimvut lt -
port Aua. 17 , M'J. '