Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY MfiE , MONDAY , JULY7" 21 , 1800.
Iowa's ' Experience Should Bo a Lesson and
Guide to Nebnwkn.
Prohibition HUH Led to Hypocrisy
and Dee ? ! ! , and I Icon a Ilti o
Hut-dun Upon tlio
n/is / Moixr. , In. , July 10. At this time ,
licii the people of Nchrnikti nro considering
tlio problem of prohlbllloti , mid will bo called
upon In u few months to decldu by tliulv votes
whether they will or will not amend tlio con
stitution of tlioirslnto so us to prohibit the
inanufnuturoiindKiiloof spirituous mid mult
liquors , It inls'lit bo well for them to study the
Bltuiitlon fn Iowa. Thusto two states forinutiy
miles ndjoln cnrh other mid possess many
clmraeto.istli's in i-oin-ioii. It is proper that
( , the experience of Iowa should bo a lesson and
i fjuldo jo NV-bnvslui , nnd especially so upon
' tills vexed and vexing question of prohibition.
In this brief article , and any others which
may follow , It will bt > my earnest endeavor to
, , write down facts ns t3 the situation in years
passed , and ( 'lvo a plain statement ,
of the facts us tlwy exist today. Those
only pirtlally posted ns to these facts must
admit there have \tvni gross misstatcmonts
inndo and Burbled facts stated ia relation to
thoopar.iUon un 1 politic il oirts of prohibi
tory laws In Iowa. Supporters , as well as
opponents of prohibition , liuvc beiu moru or
less guilty In this respect.
1 I-'lwt , tlicio hnvo IK-CMI many mlsstatcmonts
\ TO to tlio history of prohibition in IUWM. For
, Instance , many believe that Iowa lor years
* tried license , lilirli and low , as a moans of
rcguliitluK the liquor ti-.iftlu , and llmliiig this
inuthuil to bo a failure some clifht years ngo
nlMiidonrd llcenso and adopti-d prohibition.
y'hls Is trim only to a very limited extent.
' U'ho now historical facts nre that Iowa never
illd Klvoorumko u fair trial of liet'iise. Prior
to Ih.Ti , as a territory nnd state , lowu
made btli'f trials of crude nnd IniporfccthiwH
' to regulate the trnlllc1 , laving whut was tlr-m
railed tlio " shop" mid tho"llvo-pullon
Sitwer. " Neither of those lim-H proved en
tirely satisfaitory in llu-lr prautleal work
ings , though , from conversations with tliein ,
I Miould Judge a liiivjo majority of the "early
bottlers" consider that , crude as they weio ,
they wcromuch bettor adapted to the uclf.iro
' " of tlio people and the state tlm prohib
it Uory bieniientlyt'iiaeled.
Itlll bo lomciiibcTcd tbatalonk'ln the
' .lO's prohibition eamo us n now reined v for
the evils Krowlnir out of the liijuor tiMllh" and
like many other newly discovered .so called
Infallible remedies , had a gr.-ut run for a few
je.irs. Mnny states e.islaud west , ndjiileil
the new remedy , but nrnrly all of them sub-
MMiurntly threw it aside. Theoretically pro
hibition may have been peed mcdlulno for the
body politic , but praetic.dly it , was more in
jurious tliiui beiK'llcial to the p.itient. Tlio
remedy was found to bo worse than tlio dis
ease. The general assembly of Iowa , at tlio
Bi'sslon of ls.)4-r > . enacted the Ih-st Iowa pro
hibitory l.iw. Hut the members weio afraid
to take the entire responsibility of its oimut-
mentand to escape a portion ottho responsi
bility provided for Its submission to u vote of
the people at the spring election in April ,
18. > r > , The vote taken KIIVO | l majority of a.'JKJ
for the law. .Shoitly after the election op
ponents of the law commenced Icjjal proccod-
Iiifrs to test its validity and subsequently two
of the thivo Judges of the nuproma court hold
the law to have been propetly enacted , while
the third , .TiidKO O. G. Wright , now n resi
dent of this city , held that the general as
sembly was the .solo liiwmuklnt ; power of
the state , nnd could not lo-gully suli-
.V mit a proposed huv to a vote of the people
ple , and hence the law was null and void.
This lirst prohibitory law went into effect
July-I , lb. " > r > . It had what was then termed a
"coimty grocery" attachment that Is
; , a pro
vision that each county should appoint an
ngent to'bell all kinds of liquors for medicinal
mechanical , culinary and sacramental pur-
poseJ. This grocery attachment soon became
too popular with many of its putrons nnd very
unpopular with the people generally , and ini :
year or two was knocked out of the law.
Thru In Ib58 c.imo another amendment which
the true prohibitionists claimed further
weakened and made ItoflllUu account as n
prohibitory measure. At that time there bad
been iilieavytnlluxof Cerm ins into the state.
They had made the best of citl/.cns and bad
done much toward building up the prosperity
oftliOHtuto. Politically they naturallv , be
cause of their dislike to slavery , iinTlljtud
with the young , but strong and growing re
publican party. They cured little for whlskv
and the stronger drinks , but thty would anil
must have their boor and wlno they had been
accustomed to nil their lives. Their numbers ,
determination and Independence ni.ido thorn
an important political factor in this then now
state. They held the balance of
power between the rival repub
lican nnd democratic parties. To please
them , nnd perhaps others , tbo general assem
bly of U.V § , the republicans having u majority
in both houses , amended tlio then prohibitory
law by adding thereto "tho wine and boor
clause , " This exempted wiuo and beer from
prohibition , and the manufacture and s.ilo of
beer and whio was again legalized.
This "wind and beer clause" caused the
establishment of many breweries and vine
yards In Iowa , and in duo course of yoaw
hundreds of thousands , llnally running up to
millions of dollars , WITO Invested In these In
dustries. The state also appropriated money
and appointed agents to encourage immigra
tion , and In the "boom" circulars , pamphlets
and newspaper articles of that day ,
eave was taken to impiess upon the minds of
foreigners , paitlcularly Uennans , tbo al
leged fact that the manufacture and
sulo of beer and wino was and would
remain frco In Iowa , and that tbo
Ktiitu would oncourngo nnd forovcr
protect these manufacturing mid producing
industries. And thousands of foreigners , re
lying upon these pledges anil promises , and
lint doubting they would bo carried out In
peed faith , canvu here , nuulo their homes ,
labored and toiled and Invested tholr lion-
ostly cnrae'd monoy. and added greatly to the
wealth nnd projporHy of the state. AYul when
the flush of arms came thousands of them
proved their tlevotlon to and love for Iowa
and the union upon many n blood v but tie
Held. How these pledges and promises
have , during the past ten years , been repu
diated and broken Is a dark pijje of Iowa his
tory.buhfoquently the general assembly pave cl1-
li'snnd touns the authority to licons'o the sale
of beer and wino. It was legally necessary for
the citlzoiH to vote upon the question , though
in many instances a vote was taken as 11 mat
ter of Instruction to the city or town author
ities These licenses conferred only the right
,10 soil beer nnd wiuo. The sale of whisky and
other spirituous drinks was prohibited by
law Here let the fact bo noted that ( lie
inamilacluro and sale of whisky nnd other
fpirituoii ! ) liquors has been prohibited , so far
us hvw can prohibit. In Iowa for more than
thirty llvo years. This prohibition has led to
much hypocrisy nnd deceit , saying nothing of"
the litigation and bad feeling engendered and
the accumulated costs piled upon the tiK-
iiayo'-s. AYlK-n , for Instance , under the old
law the pty | of Dos Moines charged 1,000 per
imnum for a llcenso to sell beer nnd wine , it
was well understood by nil parties that , so far
us the city \ \ as concerned , the licensed person
tould ana would Illegally sell whisky and the
stronger drinks. He could not afford to pay
this $1,03. ) for the mere sale of beer and wine.
This was nn understood agreement between
tlio lUonscd snloonkeopor and the city author
ities. It was clearly Illegal , nnd honeo many
respciHliilo , respectablu men declined to en-
Ki ie lu the business , \yho would Uuvo so un
paged had Iowa luul ft genuine , honest ,
ttmlght-fonliird high license law. This Iowa
never has haw. License bus never proven a
fnihiro in Iowa. The state never had a trial
jf genuine high or low Hceiibo. llowover ,
' .coking ahead before Jlvo yours or probably a
less number of years roll around , Iowa will
inuUo a fair trial of high license. The drift
of publie opinion ls nil In that direction now.
Then In live years after the commencement
of that trial the people of lowu will pronounce -
nounco whether or not high license U n
failure. The friends of license uro not afraid
of the test.
In the years from 185S to ISSi many at
tempts weix ) nuulo to materially chnngu the
law , -and In sbmo respects It was inndo more
itrlngont , but they generally failed. Then
\vo coma to the period of constitutional pro-
lilbltlon. Hut this nrtlclo 1ms already reached
beyond the limit assigned , and the history
from is > s3 to IbtW must go over until another
Uuv or remain unwritten by myself ,
JL'b.0 Iowa Ecuerul assembly of ISi'J
o the prohibitory constitutional amendment ,
t having been previously ngrced to by the
general assembly of 1S.SO. nnu the requirements
> f the constitution having in this respect
Kcu compiled \vlth , the proposed amendment
was submitted to a "ote of the people nt a
special clcctlttti ordered to bo held on Tues
day , Juno ! > r , ISS'i The result of that elec
tion is well known , The amendment was
adopted by a majority of over twcnty-nlno
thousand of those voting nt that election ,
though over JJO per cent of the voters of the
state failed to nppenr nt the polls.
Upon this vote mu been , from that dnto to
this , based the claim that n Inrgo majority of
tbo voters of Iowa arc In favor of prohibition
nnd have so expressed themselves nt the
polls. Do tno facts bear out the assertion I
Prior to this election the friends of
prohibition had perfected nn almost perfect
organization. They practically had the sup
port of the republican pirty In throe-fourths
of the counties of the stato. They have In
addition tbo support of more Hum three-
fourths of the churches nnd of tbo preachers
mid priests In chiirgo of the same. They
had a widespread sentiment in their favor
nnd they utllt/ud this temperance soutlment
in every possible way. It was almost wholly
n Rontlinriiliil campaign. Facts , figures and
logic were thrown aside as unwoithyof con
sideration , Tim cxporlcnca of other statei
with prohibition amendments nnd laws ,
though often cited , were unheeded. The cry
was raised that It was a battle between "tho
homo and the saloon. " Tl iso who opposc.l
the amendment , however pure and temperate
tholr lives , were opeiily charged with taking
sides against the homo mid in favor of the
saloon. The mothers , wives and daughter
of tbo state were urged to take an actl.'o
part In the canvass , and thousands of them
did so. Nearly every chuivh , pulpit and
school house was utili/.od in this prohibition
crusade. Leading and local newspapers
wore nmnv of them actually forced into the
support of prohibition , while others , whoso
nominal controllers were roallv opposed to
the amendment and to the principle * of pro
hibition , were forced into neutrality or half-
support of the measure.
On the other side there was no thorough
organization or concert of action. In l S'J the
democratic party , with its organized body of politicians and workers , could not bo
united as It could bj In IMK ) , in solid opposi
tion to prohibition. Thousands of republi
cans who were hi their own Judgment opposed
to prohibition , and especially to the constitu
tional amendment , woreiniMpubleof resisting
the pressure and were forced to glvo It their
suppjrt or at lea t abalain from any open op
position. Those not present during that
iHitoA campaign can form but u faint concep
tion of Urn then situation. It is true many of
the opponents of prohibition made n gallant
and determined fight , hut they were net sup
ported by thoothcr opponents of prohibition
either inside or outsulo of Iowa. As is alwavs
tli3 case in tbeio tights it was reported that
tlio brewers and "whisky men" throw tens
of thousands and hundreds of thousnnads of
dollars into tlm stuto for the purpose of de
feating the amendment. It is hardly neces
sary to any these exaggerated statements
were grossly untrue , though many honest
men and women may have believed in their
truth. Tlio writer knows of his own know
ledge that , the asTgregate of money contribu
ted to carry on this anti-prohibition cainpitgn ridiculously small compared with the
importance of the question involved aud the
immense property Interests nt stake. And
the most of the money expended , and it was
expended in an entirely lojitimito manner ,
was t'ontribiitod by citizens of the state and
much of It by men who had no Interest what
ever of a pecuniary nature in tlio manufac
ture or sale of liquors.
Another cause nlded mutcriully in the adop
tion of the prohibition amendment , for
years the democrats of Iowa had been In an
almost hopeless minority. They hail become
despondent over the outlook. IJut when they
saw the prohibitionists securing control of
the republican paity mid dictating its action
their hopes revived. They did not believe in
prohibition , but they did believe that it was
the rock iiuon which the republican pnrtv of
Iowa might be wrecked. Hence thousands of
democrats in Iowa remained entirely passive
or Inactive during this campaign , and there is
not a particle of doubt that thousands of dem
ocrats actually went to the polls and voted
for the amendment. A fo.v hundred of thso
voted probably conscientiously , being
willing to glvo prohibition a fur
ther trial , but many thousands of
other democrats voted for nrohlbitlon not because -
cause they loved or believed in prohibition
hut because they hated the republican party
more. They wanted prohibition as the club
with which to heat down the republican partv.
They reasoned well ns to the effect it would
have upon the republican party. The repub
lican party bus been badly bruised and iu-
Jured iiml weakened In lova by and through
tills prohibition club , but the democrats
themselves have not escaped harmless there
from. They have suffered in common with
the other people of the .state Iron ) the evils ,
oppressions , troubles and pecuniary looses
growing out of that luckless prohibitory vote
of l&S'-i. Notonuofany one hundred demo
crats who then voted for prohibition wiJuld
bo willing to repeat that voto. It was too
costly and mischievous an experiment to bj
repeated. It did not and will not pay tbo
And hero lot mo remark , as an Iowa demo
crat , that If any of tbo democrats of Nebraska
are disposed to vote for or In anv mannar aid
in the adoption of tbo proposed prohibitory
amendment in their state , lor the purpose of
thereby Injuring the republican party of their
state In the future , I think I but voice the
earnest sentiment of all straight Iowa demo
crats when I say emphatically don't. It
will not pay the cost this year , or next year ,
or at any future dnto. In this , most emphati
cally , "honesty is the best policy. " This
fact thousands of Iowa democrats have
learned , and had it branded into them , during
the past ten years. They will never do it
again , A burned child dreads the fire. And
lowu democrats arc now linn in the convic
tion that none but fool democrats will vote
for or give even the slightest support to prohi
bition for the purpose of through It cilppllng
or killing elf tbo republican party. The rem
edy 15 worse tlrm the disease.
Should Neluaska nilopt the present pro
posed constitutional amendment you will ho In
a worse condition than wo aril In Iowa. It Is
truu that In Ibi'J wo adopted a similar consti-
tutiniml amendment. Hut fortunately for our
people and the welfare of the state n tnnjoiity
of our.sunremo courts declared this nmonU'-
ment to the constitution had not buen prop
erly enacted , nnd was consequently null and
void. Wo have no constitutional prohibition
in Iowa. Tbo vote hi favor of such nrohibitlon
runs only under the basis or foundation for
our present arbitrary , tyrannical nnd unjust
prohibitory laws , Thmo nro but statute
laws , subject tea ropoulor modification atnny
mooting of the general assembly of the sjt.nto.
Prohibition eqn bo wholly wiped out at nuy
time a majority of the general assembly nro In
favor of this willing out. And from the drift of
public opinion for the past few years there is
little doubt prohibition in lowu will soon bo a
thing of the past.
Look nt it ! With prohibition in the consti
tution of Nebraska , the "booming" citizens
of Iowa can siiv to prohibition emigrants :
"Tho Dakota * of the northwest , Nebraska of
the west , and Kansas of the southwest , nil
have prohibition la their state constitutions.
They cannot rid themselves of it for years.
Hero in Iowa wo are frco of constitutional
prohibition. Wo have oply statute law pro-
Itl'iltlon.Vo can rid ourselves of it nt any
tlinj. There need bo no delay. Come to
Iowa , settle here , nld us , and prohibition is
dead. " A fo\v years ago thousands of.the
citizens of Iowa left because of prohibition ,
and many became citizens of Nebraska. Yon
adopt prohibition and many of the thousands
will return tu Iowa , nnd aid us in the good
work of repealing out * prohibitory laws and
building ui ) the state. You can tike prohi
bition. Wo will tjhully take your high
iccnso. WILL I'OKT&II.
Fits , spasms , Ht , Vitus dance , nervousness
nnd hysteria are soon cured by lr. ) Miles'
Nervine , Free sampless at ICuhn A : Co. , 15th
and Douglas ,
i\irouoic : Tiii' . Hijocimu i .vw.
Horn .rkithlcSornum I'roaulioil in 1K82
lly Uov. A. V. Short-Ill.
Tin : Bci : reproduces the following sermon
preached by Hov. A. R Shorrlll when ho was
pastor of the first Congregational chuivh of
this city , in which ho advocated in ttrons
terms the strict enforcement of the provisions
of the Slocumb law. Tlio report is repro
duced from the columns of Tnu DEU of Janu
ary ' , b :
oTho Congrxvatlonal church had a good an-
illeneo last night , upon the occasion of Kov.
A. R Hhenill's address upon the subject of
"Tho Blocumb Law nnd the Wisdom of En
forcing uud Obeying It , "
Tlio test was noiii theQalatlans , 0-9j "Let
us not bo weary iu well doing.1
It is the duty of every church to take an
active interest la all that is good , It should
live us u free agent , not as a fossil. In the
tcinpcraucg work , which i4 tlio ui'caU'st re
form of the age , every church should bo ac
tively enlisted ,
The Slocumb law U being enforced and. by
this enforcement 1M saloons nro practically
closed. This is the most noteworthy stop of
progress In the history of our state. Ono
hundred saloons are legislated out of exist
ence. At the 1st of April not more than
half those remaining 'vlll continue to tnko
out a llcenso ntul the number of
saloons will ho reduced to twenty-live , The
law U a sacred thlup , wldeh It is the duty of
nil to obey nnd not disregard , Tlio mayor Is
to Jio commended for his announcement that
the law must be enforced. The best way to
get rid of a had law , if this bo one , li to en
force It. The saloonkeepers nrc to bo coin-
mended that they have at last yielded and
have proven themselves la\\ ' abiding citizens.
Thcro nro only three out of that number who
threatened to stand out , U'ho people should
conur.itultila themselves for this condition of
affairs , \\lien tbo saloon men have been so
well organl/ed ,
The preacher went on to refer to the crime
nt Tlnsckko's saloon on Suiutny lust , and
especially dwelt on the Importance of closing
the snloon at , IS o'clock each nlpht nnd dur
ing the whole of Sunday. He thought Unit
good would coino out of the evils in our
midst , which were attracting so much atten
tion. He said that the young men of this
city were bt'coinhig aroused to a sense of
their danger. Ho warned parents to bo care
ful In the education of their children toward
a temperate life. Christians nil should ic-
inombor that the temperance movement
affected each person directly or through
friends , and all slvould unite In furthering its
Van Houtcn's Cocoa Delicious , inndo In
stuntly. _
Tickets ut lowest rates iiiul superior
accommodations via the great Hock Is-
Innd route- Ticket office , 1002 Six
teenth anil Furnam streets , Omaha.
Another CommunionIon on the Sub
ject IVoni I'jV-Scui'Ctary ( instill.
Ki\H\-iv ; : , Neb. , July IB. To the Kdltor of
TiiiiHcc : None of us monopoll/.o all the
goodness nor correct positions on the many
subjects of intoroit to the people of Nebraska
aud the United Stitos.
There is no question to bo considered but
whut it bus two or more sides to it , anil in or
der to get a full understanding wo must plclt
it up and examine all sides in detail. A Iw.iril
may look smooth and clear on ono side anil
you pick it up and a rat run out from under
and thoieverso side bo worm-eaten. After
examination from all side. ) of a question we
can form an intelligent opinion ot its merits
and demerits. A question of debate iu being
Jointly debated upon very seldom changes a
previous opinion of the hearer ; it is when it
is put in cold typo ami pmcja iwtoro a ivauor
tlut one's thoughts -me put into calculating
Any apt and ready owner of the gift of gab
can stand before an audience nnd wag bis oi
lier Jaw , emitting sounds of witticism nnd
sarcasm amusing and pleasing to the hearer ,
but when it 13 reduced by shoithaiid reports
to lilies of reading matter and laid in cold
typo the poison who looks after facts to base
action upon will look to the newspaper report
of Mich delates to make up his opinion.
In the debate at Crete on the railroad ques
tion figures were garbled and misstated , to
maintain false positions , by the honorable
railroad attorney , who Is working for hire
and at the same time accusing men of at least
equal standing and honor with himself of
being Influenced in their opinion and exurcs-
slons by wanting ofllco orrciisomof selllsh
intent. i
If there Is any selfish interest in anything
or on any question on Clod's given earth it is
the question that the railroad uoipora-
tions may maintain their hold upon
the transportation of tills country.
To the Hon. Van V/yclc and other railroad
regulators I say : DJ not pick the tail feath
ers out of tlio hawk to keep it from eating
your chickens. You not only destroy the
beauty of the bird and simply luimpar in
lllgbt , but do not destroy its ability to live elf
of your chickens.
MtOco the means of transportation nnd
communication national , as is postal f-ervlce.
Eliminate the Item of ilistaiico and you will
cage the hawk nud train him to your comfort
and pleasure and regulate his diet la Keeping
with healthy demands.
To the Hon. Marquette nnd other poor , op
pressed railroad men I bay : ( Jive unyour
burden of man icing the railroads and legis
latures , while It is sueh loss , trouble nnd
return to you , and lot the vast burden
rr borne by the whole nation nnd
you will not have to malio false statements or
produce garbled facts and reports to maintain
you in your distress. Turn your ability and
knowlcdga to tlio giving of public service in
transportation and inteivourjo you nro
now wasting with such vigor on private cor
porations and you will take a position in honor
and trust commensurate with your ability.
To mo the question of transportation Is tbo
ono great and absoiblng question before this
state today but I may bo like the man was
who thought the other eleven Jurymen were
very stubborn.
On the question of prohibition , while I hesi
tate to suv anything that could bo construed
to mean that I nm In favor of drunkenness or
the saloon element , I am for high license and
believe that Editor jtosowator and lion ,
Webster had the reasoning side of the argu
ment at rlco.
Even the prohibitionists must appreciate
the courage of those two men who stood
up hutoru that audience ami iiinintallied the
llcenso hldo of a question to a people made up
almost exclusively of the prohibition em
inent n people actuated by correct princi
ples and good motives , which might bo m.ulo
practical if entertained all over tlio state i > y
the balance of the population us unanimously
ns at the Crete and Beatrice nsscm blU" ? ; hut
un fortunately it Is not. A theory or wKh.
however noble , does not stand In the .stead'of
fact. I might btaud out in the noonday .lulv
sun and wish it cool and bluuly , and wish it
strong enough to become insane over the de
luded wish , bat the fact would &bow the
beads of perspiration breaking out over my
head and the heat devouring mo. The hard
est part of this contention is the fact that
prohibitionists who nro strong pirtUnns
are inclined to call nnd think nil
parties who think high llcenso inoro liionds of the saloon clement.
1-iot the people who think advocates of tlio
Slocumb law are advocate * of drunkenness
and all its kindred vices remember that to
some of us the prolilbltlonht may , from their
impractical business principles , nppenr in re
sults as partners with the basest clement
free whisky for the practical remit of pro
hibition is free whisky. I have been a trav
eling man for yciiH. I have traveled in Kan
sas nnd Iowa ami I know that prohibition
does not prohibit , Prof. Dickie , Kev. Sam
Small aud Mrs. ClougiU * to the contrary not
Many of my friends nro among the prohi
bitionists , nud I would like to bu one too , for
my sympathies are with efforts at Inculcat
ing sobriety and tompcratouso of nil things.
Hut the fact that I am less in favor of free
whiskey than of theoretical piohlbltlon un
aided by practical power to roguluto nukes
mo In Invorot hlja license nml&trict rcjrulu-
tloa of the laws governing the liquor traftie ,
nnd until such time as truu temperance
workers can create temperate sentiment to
make it practically unanimous ,
I a 11 not for llcenscon account of the reve
nue derived from it , but because piolilbition
does not prohibit. I am for pilucipio when
that is'obtained , but not tor theory when
practical fact ia tlio reverse of that theory.
A. J.
Dr. Sussdord treats succo.sfifully all
diseases of tlm Iddnoys , bladder and
rectum , 1501 Karmunbt.
The now offices of ttiu # reat Hock Is
land route , lliOJ , Slxtuenth and Farniun
street , Oinalri , are tlio finest in the city ,
Cull and boo them. Ticket * to all points
cast nt lowest ratoa
Tlio Sacred Heart academy for day
pupils , hltualcd on St. Mary's avenue
anil7th St. , id an institution devoted tn
the moral un J Intellectual education of
voting tflrlu. The coime Included every
thing from an olomuntiiry department to
n linibheil clals.sical oducuitlon. 13 Jihloj
tlio ordinary academical course , iiutslo ,
painting , drawing and the languages are
tiiiiylit. I'YonehH included in the ordi
nary courso. Diiroront'o of rollj lonls no
abrftncla la the receiving of pupils , pro
vided tnoy conform to the general regu
lations of tlio school. The H'holiibtlo
term commences the first Tuesday iu
Soptomber. ( . 'biases b"gln at U n , in. ,
mm puplld ire dismissed ut 3:30 : p. m.
Hcv , CnmpVbclUVruuchcsat Southwest
I'rcnliyttprlun t-liurch.
Rev. Frederick Qunpbell of Boston preached
ils llrst sermon rttitbo Southwest I'rcibytcr-
iin church yestcriliiy morning * This church
ins been without a pastor for about eight
notiths nnd a call was extended to Her.
Campbell , who kua come out with ft view to
ookhig tlio Broun d over. He is at present
ho lustorof lioxbury church , Uo ' u.
The subject of the sermon was "Caleb nnd
lobron , " and the test chosen was Joshua
xlv , 13 : "Is'ow , therefore , give mo this
nouiituin , "
The character of Caleb was shown In Ids
actions ns one of the twelve children of Isr.iol
vho wore sent into the promised land to spy
t , out. .All but Caleb and Joshua returned
vitli reports that the hind teemed with
giants nnd the people rebelled. Caleb
ook a prominent part In quieting the
icoplo and opiKiscd his faith to their timidity.
'or Ills nut ion tie was. rewarded by being
spared to see tbo promised laud. Forty-live
van * Inter , u lum the children of Israel en-
ercil tmd conquered tlio promised hind , Caleb
iskcd hu bo f-lveu tlio mountain Of lie-
iron us Ida portion , promising to conquer the
It y , old us ho wns. This city of Hebron
ifterwiiids bocainoii cltv of refuse nnd was
escued from its lio.itlienisni to bceomo a
nessiiiK Instead of a ur o to the land. From
.his Incident in Caleb's life three important
essous ware drawn :
First , "We uro 'kept alive' ' for the service
jf ( ! od"usiinr Caleb's own words. Caleb
md marveled that Oed had kept him nllvo ,
while nil the others who had started with
ilin from the promised land bad died , Like
Caleb , all mankind Is dully facing tbo
irobloni. "why mo wo kept ullvu
when tbo tendeni'v of nil things is toward
death ! " Caleb solved the problem when
ho said , "I nm kept alive nml have the
strength of fortv nt oighty-flvo huunuso God
has some service at wldeh Ho will put me. "
The example of Caleb , ready to do God's
will , held up as nn Inspiration to all
Christinas to do what ( ted had intended they
should instead of llstkssly waiting for the
millennial. To deny the possession of powers
given by Got mid to underrate. Ills strength
was condemned as criminal. *
The second point made was that the dlfll-
cult thfiiKs are the ones to bo preferred ,
Bering oft from the hard tasks and pleading
for the hard 01103 is a common practice ; oven
in God's ' name.
This custom was condemned and the people
ple wcro oxhurtoil to ruiso tholr ntin and un-
UcrtiikogrouU'r things , even though they
should not utt-iln the object sought. It was
better to falllii ninij-lity conflict than to win
a \letory in a small eaiibc.
The third point was that the hard conflict
afforded tlio best reward. ' 'Hest" was the
only tcmi which coinnletclv designates the
heavenly reward. There were different de
grees of happiness in heaven. Heaven was
both given to the people and was something
to bo striven lor. Tins was God's wise way
of preparing the people fora glorious reward ,
and when Ills ' 'well done thou good and
fnlth fnl servant" was heard it would not fallen
on the car without meaning.
The sermon was concluded by nn appeal to
the pedjilo to emulate the example of Caleb
and stilvo to win God's approbation and the
piomiscd reward.
1002. Sixteenth nnd Furnam streets Is
tbo now Eloclc Island ticket oineo. Tick
ets to all ppinls east nt lowest rates.
Silver "Mining.
I have been surprised tind disgusted at
tlio.way a great many of my bu inesa
acquaintances have acted , in regard to
buying "Slido mining stock"and from
what I hear ti great many of thorn linvo
listened to and taken the advice of idle
gabbling friends who ni-o always ready
and willing to give advice and whoknow
ubout as much about silver mines tfg iv
pig does about the Sabb'itli ' day.
Now I wlwh to say that I have yotfeomo
slide stock for sale nt $25 par share if
tivkon before July W. This stock at this
prieo is the very best investment you
can possibly make. If yon do not believe
tlio above statement in regard to
Slide stock , you can write to any of .the
following well known gentlemen of
Ourav , Col. :
E. J. Bent , cashier Minors' and Mer
chant's bank. -
Harry Lac , manager Beaumont nunp-
ling works.
! _ . . A. Dunham , manager American-
No ttlo mine.
George 10. , manager Calliope
mine and state geologist.
Prof. F. M. Kndlich , manager Yunkeo
Roy mine.
P. N. Scott' , mill contractor.
B. C. Dlckcnson , as-sayer.
George 11. Ilurlburt , United States
deputy mineral surveyor.
John JIoMahon , foreman Caliopomine.
J. D. Coplen , Coplcn's coiicontr.iting
K , K. Brunsonof B-irtwell fc Brunson ,
or any business or minlnlng man in tills
district , and ascertain if this mine has
been misrepresented in the least , aud
also ask if 5,000 shares at Slio each io not
a very low vnluoon the property.
Prof. E. M. AiuUleli , a minor"\vho has
mined all over this country , today , after
a thorough examination , hays wo have a
wonderful mine nnd that I have never told
half. lie alto says that the stock at82'
porvhare is as good as buying silver dollars
lars for 2o cents ,
I have heard of several persons w-lioin
I supposed wore inj friendb blackmailing
the Sliilomiiio to the best of then-ability ,
bo 1 wish to stzito in this letter to any
person who wishes to buy $ .5,000 or . * 10-
000 worth of Slide stock , I will agree to
pay their expanses to Ouniy if the Slide
mine is not exactly as I represent it.
INow , if you havu any Hjiaro money ,
from $100 to $ > l,000 , and wisli to make a
safe and nrolitublo investment ,
draft to moat once ami 1 will forward
your certificates.
S.MV. . Gncaoiiy ,
President rflido Mining Co. ,
Otmiy , Col.
As for my personal reference 1 refer
without pcrmibdlon to any wholesale firm
of Kansas City , Mo ,
lie Grow i'Mippnnt.
An llnglLjh olllcor who recently trav
eled on tlio public hervico bays that ho
sent In in Ills account of traveling ex
penses the entry , "Porter , one shilling. "
ills accounts were returned , with the re-
murk that porter could not bo allowed ,
but that if the entry were intended for
the conveyance of luggage it should ho
noted us porterage. The alteration was
duly made , and a query added nb to
whether a cub should not bu noted as
4'cabbage. " 'I'lio reply was that "corre
spondence on this subject must cease. "
It * uporlcroxcclli-noopriivcii In mllll-nn
fnr luoro tiinn u qu.irti > rut n.-iturr. U ! " u . -11
llio Unltti'l bliit'j ' ( i.ornra"iit in : < tori > 't l > y llu
hoiiUi of thu pri-it unlrrmlll < in t.m s > r > TIL '
I'lir'-nlniul Mont HfiUliTl l > I'li'-u' * Cr-'iiu K ik
Iti ; * lotv lurdo * HPT t m ti inin tioulu llmu ( > r alum ,
bulii onlr In r.i *
1'IIIC 1.11 MvINu I'd A licit CO. ,
Kuv York. CultB j. tj.n ; l raucUcQ , t. Louli
For 25 years I suffered from bolls , CTtlptlas
( md other tlood offixtlona , diking during that
time great juactlttco ofdlflcrcntmcdlclncs vllh-
out cMng'ino toy jxrccptlblo relief. Trlcnda
Indcccdtnoto tr ? S. ti. 8. lllmpro\cdmo from
the ttart , and utter taking tcMral Miles , re-
ttorcd my health oa fr na I couM hope for amy -
my age , whloh U now Dcvcnty-flo ycara.
Mim , 0. H. Lucxe , Howling Often , Hy.
Treallic on TJlfxx'i nnd Pktn Ul ca > cn nulled fteo.
SWlKTSt'KClI'lO CO. . Atlanta , Oa.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The hln st. U'lllftv nnrl fm'nriiMv IMOXVII
lallstslu tlio liilteil States. Thilr lonit v\-
jicrU'iu'o , reniuikuble skill anil niilvi' suc-
ooss In tlio ti'i'iitinriit mid cure of Xorvoui ,
Clironlo and Surflc.d Dlsoasct , cntll lo tln < o
eminent pliyslvlaiis to the full omilldciK-uuf
the allllcti'il i > vcry\\liuro. They Kimrunti.'o :
tli" awful vlloc'tsof vtry : vlcouticl thu numer
ous cvIN Unit follow lu Ils t rain ,
1'IUVATi : , 111.001) AND aivlNDIsnASHS
speedily , onmnlotoly nnd pcnimnrntly uiit-wl.
OUDKKS jit-Id loadlly to their sUlllful
llll'llt ,
Riiarnnteod eurid vlthuul iwln or duleut'oa '
(10111 llllSlUl'S-4.
licntlr nml succi-ssfiillv enred Incvory oase.
SYl'lllUS. ' UUNOiatllHA , GLIIIVl' , Spor-
riiaKirilH1 : ! , Seminal Weakness , iMtl .Manhood ,
NlRlit Kinhslons , Uccayid lAiPUllli" * , 1'umilu
WeaKnessuiid id I dolleato ttlsorilors pcuullnr
loelthor suv imilllrely I'lirwl , an well ainil
functional dlMiiiliMS thiit result ( mm youth
ful folllesnr thuoxies- iniiluroyeura ,
CTPir' ' | J j.llj tliuraiiteeil iiermano a tly
01 1\1O I l. l\l < cured , ri'inm ul eoinltU'to.
wltlioiit ciittlii. . oaiiitluor dllnfitlon. Ourus
ull'ucled at homo by p.illentvitliuut u mo
ment's pain or aniioyaiK'e ,
Tll Iiwfal elTo-ti of
< nil1 < °
V > U l\ vleu
organic weakness , iluslrDyliit botli inliiil uud
body , with all Its dreaded ills , iioriminonty
' niJ'r'rC AiMr-os * tlioso lie liavolm-
\0. IJIy 1 IO jiiiroi | tliiiinschos by | rn-
linipor InihilKOiiuo nnd wlitury lubltsvliloli
riiliiliotluniiul ami lioly. uiiUttlnjj them for
liusliiess. itndv or inui-r .IRO.
MAUUIIU ) MUM or tlio-c i-ntcrlnsoa that
hapiiy llfcauureof ih }
Is based upon fucK llr t I'raotleal experi
ence , Soeond Every un'O Is-puc'l.illystiidled ,
thus starlliiK tl lit. ThlidIMo'.llejiics uro
ptopircd In out * lalinritoi'e.Miutly to Bull
each case , thus ell'uctliigeiues without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Belts ,
No one doubts that thfa
Kabo corset lasts a year
\vithout breaking or kinking
or shifting a "bone"because
the store refunds the money
in case of a single item of
failure in these respects.
And no one doubts that
the Kabo answers its purpose
and suits the wearer , because ,
if it don't , the store refunds
the'money on call within a
week or t\vo or three.
It is the unbreakable cor
set , the Kabo. It is the
un-wear-out-able corset , the
Kabo. It is the corset that
suits , the Kabo.
The only question is : Do
you want the Kabo kind of
a corset ? ; .Vf * *
There's a primer on Cor
sets for you at the store.
Cnicioo corset Co. , Chicago , aid New Tort.
Perkins , Gatoh
\Ve have the finest as o
-M sortment of Wares in
MD (
CO the \vcst , aud
i Bottom Prices 2 >
( D
Sec Us Before You Buy.
Crockery and Glassware.
161 Farnam Street.
VPlfftS RFSF5H ( Si ? $ # l !
B * M M W& t5 wt u Q LS I W v
Bi e59H ISflttnBlJ Kja 11
, * /or lOBTerjrAIl.n.0 KAKHrO '
TiT'ilR T wr ivox orJr-iii.AJ /yj\"i/j : iiL'i
pp to awsasgffa
bjUUi'JiSJ-'lif Err raorEKcriiocigUldorVoiinf.
, ! . . > k.1tUirl'llll < MVSJ l'illT .
etrr > | lbrarrA > .l.1l _ . . ( lKIUIir.
. uf iH F 1III1K 1UitTl > kTU.itOl. In 4 :
Uiallilllr' " " COtUlriinil liftlcnCaaclr'rl.TrlUthtd. .
U frlillH > , nrlniUou ti l l > rw' > u > ll' < lMili4)fm ,
ChoicestProduction. : : .
roiiSAM : in-
Rllcy DI-OS. , i . . . . ,
Dillon & Co. , I . Wholesale
F. Dellonc&Co. , ) Liquor Dealers.
Helm rod & Mnnsen ) Grocers nnd
Henry Ptincll , f Liquor Dealers.
Iui Turk's "Xliifiin Ifl" l.ns . n | ic < r nnumi ; Ain.-r-
lean \ \ lues\udlu ili'iiuils tin- lust liiipora-di Inrutu ,
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For the trmtmrnt of nil CIIIIONIO AND SOtlRtCAI. DI3rASt:3 Ili e , . APplinn7ii"fo7"
irii HIleit tticllltltrt Appiriiluii mid llomoilioi for micciix.ful tiviiinfnt of cM-rv r.rm'r ; HI. . , , . „ . .
tt i r te
ttVrsvinM / - r A , ,
n ii s , in , ffi r
j\ll HIoo.1 l/iipnBp iiueco. iriilly trpntoil Sytihllltlc pulton rtniovnl fruiu tlio vM. > ni wiiii.ini r/ . , , . .
Now llpstomm o Ti i-itmcnt for Loss of Vital I'owor. f'nrlloi . u" trralmVii
urmblo to vl.It
" mny I o h mn
correipomlonco. AII cmimimlcatlon. cnnfldentlnl. Jlc.llclno Sr In "truiio , ti K"t by n m I or M c S . J
cur l > puckcm no innrka tu InillcUn tontnnls icnilc-r. . ' . ? ,
. or One pernonnl lntf-r\low - - r.iii imi nnn'n
ui or lon.l liliturr ot yo-ir on nil wu will sonI , In pi ilii wrapper oil"IIOOIS TO M KN Kliifp iiMn ifru Vi
Special or Norvoun DLenscs , Impotoncr , SrpliIlK , Gleet nml Vurlioculo , f III ! quT'iiluti llsti , AUafeii t
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner Oth and Harney Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bo'njmanufaoturorp , importers and jobbers , ns well as 10-
tail dealers , our purchasing faollitioa are second to no house in
this country. Hoiioa our extreme low prices 01 ovorythlncr wj
sell. Spcc'nl attent'on is called to our Imgo nud. olotrant line of
Finn Man ol O oaks ( ever 6O dlfferout styloe ) at $5.OO nud up-
vmrds. Pine Banquet nni Piano Lamps , wl h s .k pa-nsol
Ebtules In all thra now colors , from $5.OO up. Buy yourTablo
Cutlery of UB nnd save monoy. RoTera' Host Triple Plated
Knives and Fork < only $1.76 per sot. Stool Oil-vin ; S3ts ( nlfr ,
forkar d3teol ) , $2.0O and upwaid. EPDO S , &c. , In proportion.
Our Great M.d-Summor BnrRalu Snlo of D'nmond' , "Watchos
nnd Fine Jovvolry is still iu progress. O mt'no Dlnmond Plngar
Etga from $2.5O up. Sold Geld Watch s fiom $15OO up.
5.OOO flue oolld gold , plain , band and sot Rius fr rn $1 to $1O
oach. Go'd Sp3ctaolos and Eye Glaeaos from 83 up. Flno St el
Spsotailos 81 up.
'Repairingof Watches , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty.
BU , J. B ,
The Doctor Isnnpiirpnpsod
In the trcuiMfiit of nile
o [ I'll into Ilvii ! 1 ( .
lliiuici'f IKIII
ni'irci ' fiurfHkdil mill none
IIIH luul r-lrcin .T rniliiiR'-
inent A cnrcit4iunriiitciil ; in llio M'ryanl CIIHCS
In from1 Iii5ilnhviliiiiitth ) lomof HU liourV tlinr.
Tli' ) u \\liu lime lucn
nndir luiilri'nlinciit for
llio lilnlil.T pronounce it n ii.oft Kniiilir-
fill trtiH : < , A cniujililo euro Inn few du sv.l.hunt
nimrnliior IOB if time.
orticrvo'iHii'Sf , In their worst forma
--nliwluti ly cnrul
Amliill HIM- . . .
nt Jiomu ullliniil
. . A wonderful reinuly. IIOUUS fur
lilni from U to H ( I.XI.Y
cii.l all Dlfrn ! > ( t of the Fl.ln.
Jlloml , Hnirt. l.Uir , KIJ
mm nml IlliiiliU'r cured.
Ci.iul . In3)t 1.0cu ] } . 'fhc
limit r'lpiil , fulu nml > fTut
( ctrenlineut KIIOHM to lln-
il proffi'ilon Kury iracnof ih dln'M-u ic
.nl f r.ini . tlin Mood ; n < oni | > ) ( | ocurA ouarntff d
rt For"nnn" ir"woiniin" '
, a li ll'c
JJ ( Hiimii ) . Trcntimiit Irurrt
"iiilcnco htnnif fnr uply.
H C'nii Hm Ami KAU A > I kr
"i noni o A \l \ top ! M
.ini ( in I'lirinin orlUUtl.
"S"S"f"n./rT Morphlm * IlnliU
. /
A. o J _ l.V.Ucur..iiaiDiouoiur- '
\ \ dUn pit/till orcd. 1 > R J
MM.IC fl'lir I'lTM Tur r\n
. 'liiiilw ' VU lin IKJOIli ( * i > iikr > ii
Yiil's lil.ltll.lTV.iuUie , nf nly unil
? iiil ; Ilie iKiT llir < tsur < i\"i S.VH In i Olil or
Vc ii-ir , KM'USI , > olju | JIANIK ) I ) Hilly M-
blori'l Uu in iniiti o i'v ry c-nbo or niniiiy
n fiinocil , Miiiiiilo c'oui-su , II vi : iliiyH truui-
iiu lit , ill fiiilidjfso , t'i. hi I'liir.y | m-nlitd ficim
( itkl'lUtlOU. . C'OUk ; licunUy Co. , OmuUu , l.b.
Drs. Merill" & Merill
Clircinlr. Vi-rvoii , IJlitod dinl Suru'lfpl llscnin < i anC
( ll.-1/an.n < [ | | l.'yo. Km , .Noee , 'J'rimt anil l i.uft
S ; > i'llll A t HMICIon III DiHr.'lM" ! ill' Wo
men mid Cliililri-n , - "
Tlin.liK-tnrs ln > linil > i'irJ nf cixperlonrn In the
liu-4ilalH | | nf llr < iukl > ii aii'l K < w Vurk.nnil urn tunonif
Ilin iinMt KiKcuofuI mitl nlJcly kiiunn niiuilallluU lu
tlilri c itiiitry.
'In Viiniii ; nml IMi lllc-AiMt ( Ainu ,
IxiH Mniiliouil , Nurvnin llulilllty , fiHiriintorrliro ,
Ki-inlnil i.'HKi'H ' , riiynli-al Ivc-ayiirUlnu fruiil IndU-
rictlun , iinuliirlinr Hli'i-iiluiniiuHa , < loxiiinil | ! > nry. jiliu-
pli nn tlm inr , uvrrHliiii liiHoiloly , cM lly illxc'our-
IIKIM ! lack ui i-iinllil.Mii'u. .lull , unlit for nuily ur Ijiml-
i Ilintn | | fu uUurileu , Miffly , ijtriiiuiiuiillynrid
llllMMl ( Mill Slcln IH,1HCH. ) |
Pyp ! un i .llirimi modi ilrundfHl In U < ivtjfit.
comiih-io'y ' urnilltatH , v-
( i nm * IJriiinny NitrttPiy ,
Jiinnrrlie , filed , H/iihlll , Ujrilroci'lo V.irlmoclo
nml Klililuru liillrnlly nml i.ifuly rum I nltliuuft
luiliiiir ill ii'iillun fruin liuiluoHii. AIISuiuiil lljfor-
ml l-t nml iMiin'OUiiC'iHs t nnirilaKUUcc "Hfully ro-
All Itoitil illKOiii.-i mfnly mill lu-rinnni'iillr cured.
llniirB. u n in llll Up in. KiiiulayN 10 ml I' '
N II IVrH.iimiiuililu \NIIIIII nuy l iln.-nti- l nk
thi'lr hull ( . ' < liy mi ju-'iinil | in u .Muilli-iiii'ii luij lu-
Blrinili.ii : muitliy u > i M'I I niulliiil"ii fruu.
Ho nl t ( I'llli In Mniii | > a l" Insure ri'ily. |
-IH I''H'L'i'ii ill ftl. , OiMiiHito lloyd'c
OiKtra MOIHC , Oinaliit , Null.
* v *
for .Tl . Ilrilnr .Fita.iunr lra. | [ V'-i'
, , . limi.-i DI i-iiiiuiii , H ' ' i. jni tin l.iuln , r J
i.i In lu nltynia Ivoiinfin misery i. < ni nn.
, ] 'itnii.iiru Olit AKI . 1 > . .iruimriI I * nur I'nwec
i.i.i . * . lutulimi uy l > o iii , nml f | .ir-.lonlilea
. ! liv o trHiXbrlio.i it [ itg lirftlu. n ( t IIUKU or
. Lacli b.'t coiiltln'"nil i , . , . ' . .
> .M < I < H-"V ' n < B.IUMW.
( I a lint. > rilr lur 8) , rent | iy null | iin > alil.
\Mlli 1'iirti onler fur lx I'oxiwill ron < i iniirrri i r
irmr , til'u ! itifiiml ii'jneir Ifllio ( ri. itinnr. r > iui.'a
ruiu , Uuarfxntvi'4 luuud iui.1 uuiumg uU uuly b/ (
1113 rariium Bircct ,