Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A DVrilTIfEMKNTSfor Uiciocoliunns will
J * . bo In Kn lint II 13 : p in. , for I ho ovpnlnj *
odltlonniid imtlllii : : p. ni. , ( or the mornlnR
edition mid tu.smr IJtB.
S Cash In advance.
" 1"JATK3 Advertisements ontlilipaRO wlllbo
JLlihnnrofl for nt the rule < itl' tout per wird
forthe first Insertion ninl I cent per word for
ciicli miu viUt | > MtliiM > rlloii. mid il.BO per me
prrn.nnlli. , No nd\crtUenicntx tnkonfor less
ilmi zMcPtitifor Ilio lint luM-rilon ,
INITIALS , figures , symbols , etc , . count each
on one word.
rrill-M' . iidicrt laments ttiu-t run eonK cu-
-1 tfr \ nml under no c'lirutiintaiitPi will
they livlnkvnor illsonnlliuiul l > y telephone.
JJAH1IKH ( iilvcrll uln ? Inllicsccolnions ami
JL Imvliu tliolr answers n dilrt-Hscd toa"iiuni-
ticriMl letter" In earn otTitKllr.K will receive
n. itimli'irciciiocX to enable I hum to ( ct their
letter * ! . Answers will bo delivered only on
iiiiMMitntlonor this cheek. Kneloso answers
In en vc'lopes properly addressed ,
AM. luIvcrtlnfiiiirtiM tinder the head of
-tV" ? jicelal Mil I CM" tire published Inbotlijliu
ntornlnminilpv nlnt ; cdltloi.s of I'll KllKi : . Ilio
c-lrciiltilliiti of wliloh niicrojntes nicito tlmrx
2O.IWI pai'i-rs dully , anil Rhes the iulvort | < pr
tlip 1 em'llt not only of tin * largo < rcnliillon of
TUB Urn In Onmliu , btiUlsoln Council liluiTH.
1 liKoInnnil othercltlc ? andlowiuln tliu west.
ADVKIiTISKMKNTfii for sltu.lllom or for
J \ main or temalo lii'lp , not oxocedlnK 31
wiinlH nrc lnwrto < l In TUB Prvi AV lift at liilf
riilm IurliiRtlio months of July nnil August.
Tlic rc'.Milnr rat 'i will bo chanted for ouoli
tuMlttoiial vnrd ntiovoSl words as will as for
conieiMillvo Insottlons.
_ , ns fnrlhc erolnmnswiniiotnknn
on the a'o\o condition * , nt tlio follovdm ?
i > n lin"s homos who are ntithorlrod to tuko
Biclnli ) "t Uc" , at the game rulOJ as can bu
li nil n t Iho iinlii ofll' ' e. '
01-111 OMAHA IlUATs'CIl 01'FIOE No.
' St Lister lllo-k.
l'ji N net ,
" | ( ) UNW.Iinruriiarmacl t , 820 South Tonlli
! fc EDDY , Stationers and Printers ,
CHAM - - - - - - -
li : < I i-imtli lOtli Street.
-\\f .T II UOIinS.l'harinnclst. . C3I North 10th
t . l-l } root ,
GiO. : W. VAUlt , I'liirtnnelst , 1713 Loa en-
\\orlli Street.
, 21th nnd Fariinra.
8rj.'UAri'lONSVAXTIiO. .
Forrtitu , etc , , ten fop i > / ftrnt roJiinni onits ( /
Half mien on & 'unilij ) .
VUANTnD-l'osltloiiliiHiiiiin family to do
i frpiiurtillioniuvvork. Cull or utldross h U ,
. ' - ' '
bynKlrliSwodc ) who
TI Is not acfinalntpd with tliu American
landmine , Inasnrill family , r.nMllah or Ainer-
Icnn preferred. Address 1C 8 , lieu , 511-W
\\7ANTRD-Tliccaroof an Invalhl or wait
* oiuild ladv. liy an u\ptrleiK'i'd nurse.caii
furnish best of references. ( Jailor nddresal.
II. I , . , : ai-j I'ntrlckal. 61010'
\ \ LrANTI-i-Sltuatlon ) by a stonoRi-aphor
> > and tyie\vrller ; threeyoarsnxporlenco.
L-hs I1. J. , H f.E olllce , Lincoln , Null.831SI
SITUATION' wnnted by a rtrujfuln of 11
yenisoxporlenco In Norway and : J yours In
Ajiii'i-IVii ; rt'Klstercd ' phurinacI4t of lil ) : < ota.
l > y exuiolnnlion.V. . 11. . llox 5I. > , Yanklim ,
ymikton totinty. 8 , I ) . (113--'J *
A N elderly lady wishes situation as nurse
-cvv dining uonflncmeiit. I niurotporli'iiceimd
of rcfironccs. Jlrs. T. lionu , Jl.t ) north
X.1OTICK lu iiicrohant tiillora I'osttlnii
X.1 wanted by flrst-uhss cutter ; rofni tincos
Address 11 , IX ) , lloo olllco. WlJySJ *
\VANTl-i : ) 'i ' Hl'dl' .
Z < * uriYici > , clc.ttr. fop nf fist column on tilt * JMQC.
Ha If i u ( ca on .S H''ill-
Mph printer ; must bo
llrit clim anil rapid. Oholeener I'hoto
Gallery , l.VJi ) Don Kins st. fill 11) '
A GRNl'S -xviuited , 10 new upeolnUlos , all fust
JCbollcis ; no experience jiecus.sury ; bl
nionuyiMiiiiplo free. Address I" . 0. Ilruwilor ,
llclly. Jlloh. 5 ! lJylU'
A NtBll-At I'anllllon , Nch. , for liook
iHliind 11 , U. vorlc. , VM teams ( .150 per d.iy ;
GOJ IIHIII nt fl.50 and Jl.TJ. Siibcontiactors
wanted. Mcl'ortnlck llros. , I'aplllloii.Nob.
" \\7AMTKD-Twoyouiii } \ ? men nml two ladles
T ! t wdlclton xuiirnntood salnry tif VI l ) r
day. Kinnu'Jl , Olnmbcrof Comiueico. ttj-2l *
Mr A M' K l-An aetl o 111:111 for cnolisuctii ) n
sahlry J"3 to { 100 , to locally icpresont a
BUCCPsstiil K , Y. company , Incorporated , to
supply dry cooils , clothing Kboes , Jowclry.
etc , , to consumers at cost. Also a lady of
tact , salary HO , to unroll niemlJCi's ( hO.UOO now
enrolled , JIOO.OOO paid In. ) Kcfcrone'os c\-
oliiiiis ; il , Kmplro Co-Oiicratlvo association
credit v.ell . nitedllook boxMO. N. V. .
'iion siilaryor roininls-
slon toliiindlo the now patent clieiulral
liiuerashiir pfncll. ThOKro.itest sollln ? iiov-
oltvovci piodueod. J'r.ibO * Ink thoiou hly
invo ( \ Mvonds ; iioabr.islou of napor. "oo to
4'o'J | > r ci'iit. prollt , Onoaaonl'ssnlcs amounted
to SI2.1) In six days ; another it ! la two IIOIIIH.
WiiwaiitouociiurJtetloRcnoral iiRent furovrry
Bt ale ami territory. Sample by mall Wconls.
FiirtiM ins anil full particulars address The
MuntooUrascr Mf . Co. , LaUrosse , Wls.
010-K *
jslatoaRentlo opori headquarters
'la Homo prlnclnlo elty. nssuino oxoluslvo
control of our busliii-ss and appoint local nnd
HUb-nireutrf In every city lathis state , needs
l known , ttujilo as liour , In universal ilo-
rmml , and jniv a. not prolltoIM ( ) to 10O per cent.
AditioajThounlou company , 741 llioadway ,
N.r. _ _ _ _ _ cfHav
" \\fAKTKn-A ahlpplnjr. clerk uxporlencoiMn
l thu\ ) hi uroceri' Imslucbs can hear
of n position by uildrcsmiK K 0 , lice o ( lice ; v\\o \
if'ft'ronces. .V.'l ' 'I
lVANTniJ-2Siiun ; nt Swift & Co. Ion homos
I'nl-Oir lake , -ii'J-i ' *
" \VANrKO-Galvimlzcd Iron eornleo worlt-
I or.ssteady ; work , jmml wujrca. . ) iimc.s A.
Miller A Uro.ISO , ami Ul siouth Ollnton t. ,
Ulilcatfo. 4U-il ( )
OAIU'IINTKUS. plastererspnlnlui-s , unisons ,
Inbiiieis , etc. . etc. , ean Kct work and apply
UM llr-,1 payment 011 lot , balance bl.x yein-s.
\\jn.I. raiil.lCi ) ' . ) lamam. 4IJ
\V AM'in-Tonmsu < rs uiidluborcr.son Hook
. - * 1 Itluiul grade , foiiileen miles bouth of
TT > 'vn. Wum'Sil.75 per day and US purmonlh.
A | ply on work , to J. A. Waio & faou , emit rnet-
gr > , 43i-2t * _
\\rAKTKO-Sovcral Rood city canvasser * .
TI irurparllctihis address HoiSiJT , Oninliu ,
Ncl ) . 871la'.l
\\rANTKl-l , iO men for railroaa work In
T | Wjonilnj , Dakota , LTtih and Xovad'i ;
wiitrs | . ' 3 t iW.Rfli steaOy worlc. Allirlt ' '
l nl'iir Aueney. ll'-'JI'ittimin si , ! Miii7
\ \NTHn-Tliwo llrl clnss nicii to repro-
> t M > nt llioUninlia Ucohi and out of the elty
Oallat iho hpculalollleeof tiiialit ) : Ltce , corner
ITtli nnil 1'uririia cioiinil lloor. i > 77
A JsTKIl Moil lo tiavel fur our Can adlan
AlinNTS-fiOonintouIMdays' time. JIM 00
jirtillt lu 4 weeks or no pay , Add. with
stump : JurvlSkt I'otnii'iny. lUolne.'U. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . 771
"VVAIsTKI > -8alt'\moii nt < 7.1 per month sil-
i aryandcspoihes to soil a linn of nllvor-
pliiled vnuo , atelii' , etc. , by siuuple only ;
liown and team fuinNhed fn'o ; once
forfull particularsniidH.uiiplo ease ot coeds
fric. btundnrd Sllvorwato Co. , lloston , Must ,
-aw laborers for e.\tn nnd
isunss. Apply to 1' , U , Johmon , II. Jt M.
liaw IIKIT depot. Umalm. 4 s
OTONiMAMNS ; ) wanted nt Norfolk nnd
Ulleutileo. Good wuBC'j paid. SI , T. Murpby
-At once , slrl for Rvnurul house-
\ Yvoik. . I ) . W.l'lielps , CUilSo.Uth uru.
AOY aKCiitrt wanted ! entirely now skirt
liOsomppoittT ! rapid seller ; kiiinnlu
Aihlruii MM. N , U. lilttlo Mfi ; t'o. . t'ld-
Ml. { aiai *
) - \ oed jilrl , eall ut oiicot Cior-
T i iiiiui preferred , ilri. J.\V \ , Craig , lil-'So ,
Cl t t. 4M--JU'
r pay Indies n salary of (10 ( per wcolc
Inork foino In their locality at home ,
'Unlit work.Riwil liny for part time.Vrltu \\ltli
M mp . ilra. II. F. rarrlinton. boxTQJ t'hlcujo.
' \7i LTAtSTKInirlforlioii oworlcatoiH'e , ttuoU
wiijes paid. UalU'WCallfoinla hi , MO-
1 \M'KD-DlnliiK-i-ooin girls atlnrisor \
HoU'l. rrj
Thn'o ' dliitn ; i\n
gUUut the llarkerhotul 77
J'"oTrnfa , flr , trc tup of Jlmt tdumnon Hit *
? owliii { To io h fiim'iTiwT.
t'liarRes. H.2Ajiuyt best ol rcfcK'nrcs.
MI Mniirerni4 Cap. n\o , KI-'JI
< lodr ! wmnldiiRln fanil-
llcs sullcllcd. MKsMurdy , 6U3H. th nvo
( G2 Ivtfl *
Fnr nttet , ttr.tcc topnf fi ft column on till *
i > cash , lialiinco S''H' ' r month. Co-oieri | ttvu
IiuithliKt lo t , t'o. . aON.Ifith bt. COI-'J-J
rpo UiST-IIoino ; forner 2Sth and WonT
JL wort h , tie per n onth. C. 1' . Harrlson.tlll N.
V. Mf < - . M 1'J
f > l ! mom hotel , nnwly pinornl : rent J7"i : fur-
< - iilliir < < ( osilnit n\rri,0M | forfntx ) , * . " > 0cnshia
tier month. Ifsecinlry 'is pood. Co-operatlvo
1.ami u ml l.oU'o. , TO N K.t IiM . 4'U ' IU
POU HUNT -1'tirnlsli'il hou e ot 10 rooms to
p.irtlcs Million ! children , put of lent
talu'ii Inhoaid , llcferenees rviinlnMl. vn jst.
.Miiry'.t at c. 011-a *
ft-llJOM ( hoiM ) for rout , Knqure " 8 S. Htl st.
FOU I.IlNT-ln-rooni house , bath room , gas ,
ite. , Silli Iicavemvorth st. , ( . ' * > .
< t-moiiili ( > u p.iiistM'ixi'l near S'ason , $15.
I/irse IIHUHC nnd barn , Ambler I'laee , chenp.
Hluri' cor. lOlli uud Aibor , with hel > iiiKelty
Hugh n. Clark. 1219 llnrnoy st. f.1.1 21
17IOH ltr.NT-5 room cottsico , V block from
- n.otorSH. Apply SBH. ffll st. 004 31.1 *
ITIOIt IlKNT-To re.Hponsllihi initlos only ,
Jthosu fine new brlek and stone Iioiises on
( leortflu aveiiuo ; lifted ! ii > m nnd ulcoM-s ;
tuoio eonvenlences and heller Iliilnlicd tliali
any liou'c for rent In tlmclly. II. II. llendi'r-
uun , ICO 1'u.xton block , fltv. -I' ' * )
JT Oll KKNT--innniwl lionse , batli , uush
- tiibx , hir e pit vi d cellar , and stulilp lr ilu-
strnl.'JKIil'i-atiklliibU Apply. UO ! ) MirehnuLs
National Ha nl. . -IB Si *
"T 710K Iir.NT-T o S-slory brlelc lioiisoi ; ti
JL ? rooms ml hiithiull inodiru IniproMMneiits.
Apply , milU-obiilldln , _ 4n
iil KENT- Drill alilo 8-ioont house , all
inodorn iinnro\emt nts ; excellent loeati'in.
feodded jartl front and tear. CoiiM'iilent to
wlinli'-sali' dlslilot iiiicl now unloti depot , ( mod
louiitlcii fur iihysk'laii. Apply 1112 S ICth si.
" 17TOH HKNT-Hopt. 1st. rottiRO , all modern
JL ; Iniproveinciits , 1U1 i"lierrnan a\o. JW-'J. ! '
"ITIOR llKNT-Hi'smonicMoiilIarnoy ; all the
JL ? Intent linpioveiiicnts , nt lowest posslblo
rental. 1'iuil , 1COO 1'nrium. ll'J
POH lllINT-A < loublcbulldliis.rirooiiiseaeh ,
tilth and Mison. $10por niontli , L"-NJ
7WK lllINT-R-rooni house , city water and
? tcreons , ata bnralnlo ri'ipoiislbloparties ' ,
arker Ml. Apply MO. 'avton bloclt. 1.1) )
POU 11P.NT--S rtiom liouse , iCJrd nnd I'linihi ! ;
sts. , U' < per month. U. K. Iliirrlson , Oil > .V.
Mfe. . ins
1710R ItDNT-llon'-o. 10 rooms , nil modern hu-
JL1 piovciounts , largo yard , fl. > ) > i < r month.
to .rents. Dexter Ij. Thomas.
" ! 'VOIJ wish to rent nhonsuur btoru hee II.
-K , Cole , I'ontlni.Mital Wool , . T79
17IOU Hr..NT-IO-i ( > tii lious.e,2H)7louxhi ) ! > . In-
JU qiilreSlll IkmJKlls. IM
TiTINK usldnice , modern Improvements , 2IOS
JL * St. Miiry' ! ( per month. Iiiqiilio at
picinlr.e.sor tit A. llcller'n. lilt riirnain. 7SI
"I710K HUNT J-iooiii house , coed lep.ilr , nice
JL ? yard , cistern wuler , rcntJ2. Applj to llit ( )
South ? th avc.or to Jno. W. Hell , dru | : lst , 10th
" 1710K IrNT-7-rf ! ) iii liotiso with Darn ; iiom-
JU1 innl lent to good paily. 0. F. HurilMin.llU
N.JLife. . 111
FUItNIKIir.l ) liimso on Kamatnbt. for rent.
Iminlii ! Uciiiina-Aiucrlcaii savings bank.
FOU llKNT-GiHirl 10 rixim hou-o , t-ovor.
natcr. Kas , liatli. bam. furnace. In ch'uant
shape , ulieap. 1 > . V. Sliolcs Co. , JJU Klrst Nat'l
haul- . : : M
rmteilr.tt6t < > i > < if .tint column nn tlili
f ) IU/KOANTLV funiMicd looms for rent :
-J cool uud uliady : cheap. 803 N. 20th st.
68.110 *
F ; OIl nrNT-Nowly furiilhlicd fiont rooms ,
415 H Mill st. -10(111) ( *
NIORIjV furnished rooms from H to J1U , ' 2
N. jr.thst. 4'W ' I9t
lIKNT-Nlce furnished toonis. with
board. I'.rJlDodgo st. te--li ) '
NICK rooms , all touveiiloncos , 1719 Daven
port st. 127-111 *
ROOMS to rent. furiiMied and nnfiimlslied.
Apply at the Ak'rrlum for particulars , -HH
and lodjc. ) 104 10 *
1IKII lodjo nt. Dcllulilfully cool rooms , most
cliurinlngly fuinlshcdj board next door.
- *
"OLEASANT rooms ; also board Ins. C23S. 17lh.
J- UK-ill ! ) '
Itfi N. Sith st. , two largo olewiitly furnished
rooms : hot and cold lunnliiK water ; other
deslralilulooms. T.ihlnandappointments tlio
liost , Accessible vli thruu lines of curs. Table
boarders accommodated , 4l-tS'
FOK HUNT Two nicely furiiWu > il front
loomswlth all modtrn conviiilenecs , cen
trally lorited , terms rea > onablo. Cull nt 703
S. ICIh street. Hat 1) ) . O'JI-'i *
/100 and < ll N. 10th st. , rooms with board at
J utMr.s.OliincMll's. COO
Foil KlINT-A sultof nlceh- furnished east
frontlutnns with bay window ut b-Ji 10.Oth
. , near it. Maiy'a avenue. tilO-'J
o nr.NT Nlcclv fumlsliod suit of front
L looms , L' i'St. Mary's avo. HD-.M'D
FOH IlKNT-Nloi'ly fiirnlslieil rooms , Jl and
JI.7.1 per week , 1IIOS Kuriiain , 53JS1S
FOH RI'.NT-S nicely furnished fiont rooms ,
with all modern comcnh'iiuu.-i , at "IOM 1'ur-
ROOMS , all coavenlcnct'S , KID l.ivciortst. ) ! |
. , _ B3-u& *
O 1'OOMS for hoiisokeeplnj for man nnd
Owlfo ; lent taken In board. 310 N. 17th.
571 ir *
liHNT Ilooin and board for two la
FSS . family. 2Jldlliirtst. 51U-SI
FVUNMSIIKD looms for rout. 11K11'acincst , ,
half block from llth st. motor. m--'l *
FOH ItfJNT Newly fiirnUhed icoms with
d.iy board. SOU Il.irni'y st , 43I 2:1 : *
t > IirASANT rooms mod urn Imuroveinonts ;
h'Jl I'iiinain stlout. . M
VT10CLV furnbhcd rooms , 1331 riiriinm.
R OO.M ( or hlngle goiitkiiiui'Ji"Hl ] , ' ( < .
ST. 1'1'AIK ruropi'aii hotol.ultlullnlmroom ,
13th-Iodjo , bueclul rntcj by wcuKormo.
POU UGXT ritrnMierl rooms. 1COO Douclas
7ivS _
17U1U KlINT-rtirnlshT'diooma ; fasbath and
-L1 bteiiin. ir.l'Jllowaitl. Tsl )
FOH HI'.NT-.Nieely furnished nioiii.all inoa-
orn coiivoiilences. tllj tlith st , 7DO
NK\VLiV \ furnbhed rooms nnd board ( Ofsev-
eral pirtlesut 20111 Hat my Ht , ; two mln-
tneH1 walk from ccntt-r of business , nnd cool
place for bummer. Miss Cavlul.- , & \Valhrldgo.
f.T.J-Jy'-'J . *
rou iixT-sTomH : : AXU
rorratetic , , itttttpaf Jtitt ccluinlioa tlth j ) < ij .
ITlOlt Ul'.NT The 4-story hrlelc bnlldlnc.wllh
A ? or without power , formerly occupied b > the
lloo l'nblli.iliiRl'o.iia | | 1'umnmst , Thu build-
IIIK hu.s n llroproof ceincnt basement , coniiiU'ta
ti'ihi : IieiiKiiullvturesateron till tholloors ,
pus.clti. Apply at tlio i > lllco otTlio lice Uj.
1/IOlt KV.NT-l-'Ir.-.t.elass olllco. corner lit !
J- mid llo\vanlst.s.-roiiad ( lloor.sultablo for
mcrcliiiiiilUu broker , Inquire 1'oycko llros. Co
D75 SI
J TOllKS nt TO ! ) S Iflth. aixGOeiiob , lur.'oslmw
kpVhido , htcain heat tui-nlibcd. Uhos. K.
II all. ail l' . > xumhloiik. _ 7ti.t
l OIl llKNT-Plne corner store , lotn ami
J Jones , ( IX ) ; low rent. RCMK ! locution and net-
tlnstetteruvery duy , U serge C'louaer , 701 S.ttHh
HOTKIi-Sa rooms , nil conveniences. lirlcV,2
lilka from I' , O. 11. II , Iroy , N. V. l.lfo.
. _ llB-a ?
FOH KKNT-l'inoiitorerooiu in Norfolk- eh.
hhehed sultnlilo for clothing liiisltu < ;
elcctrlo lltflits. oleum heat , etc. . Add real C.\ ,
Must , SM
FOH KENT lirii'ic warohoiiM * . t o btorir *
and biiseiiient,2JOOO souaro fret , ulth 10 ,
fcotof double truck on U. 1' , nillwuy , Kouth
I'Jth nnd I'lutx-o ' btreuta. Address a
Oniuhu , '
' f | > of-fnt niliimitiw thl *
HH. CO Li ; rental ugctit , Coullnctitiil Ml ( .
771) )
tJ.IX ) . , r , I'Allh. 19)9 rnrnom , houses. . HI ores
Jand Hills for rent , rents colli'eted.rrllablo
relnsitmncc. Monuy to loan. _ 217
MORTON'S rental aROney , BIT 1'axton block.
7l l
NS & M'Culloch , . cnn K\t"'sl- '
llunbidii , . Ktl-a-J
_ _ _
E.1. 111EV , rental ngent , SW N. V. Life.
i 700
7orme' ( , r/c. / . tct tnpnf frrt column on f/ifs /
V\MSlTiJ--frib : add iess'"of ' u Ro < ) iVdiiiT'mii
V T teacher la Uinaha. Address boxSii ) I1 , U.
TIAIN work.roollnc.spoiitinc.vallcy.s. ctc.R03d
JL work iiiid low prlcc.s. i ; , SavuBOllIHl'iinilii ) f.
CM ) nl"
'orrafrs , tfr. . ire ( fijinfirt rnfumii on IM < inqr.
\\7ANTED To buy , apalrot bailiti'M. nialo
> mul foinitlp. Address , with < Iu oil ) > tlmi
uuliilcrJ. | M. VaunUn. 1UU I'uuUt. KM 111 *
XA/ANTKD-llorsO iilinut 1,100 pounilM , doT -
T livery iitfon and liuriipHt. Unlluornur
. , uistiilid | , iifturGp. in.
cotiiniorcliil iiupcr. No-
Loan Co.OI'Jl'ii\toii ' lilk.
Hi : , hoiitflmia goods , etc. Illnlicst
wish iirlco , 17 S. IHtli. 7l tl
lii'Kifc.i , etc , , tee topnfis ( diliiiiin on f/i / ( < jM < 'C
MASSAGE tn-ntmpiit.elcflro.tliGriiiiil.bntlis. .
i.enli.V | hair truatiiunt. iniuilouic A
tbU Mis. I'oit , r0-ai , \VltnncllblU- .
ri"MIK tiullnn duetor ( tnarantccs to euro all
-L Hulls of plloi intLMi ( lay < ; nUonll ( IKoiistM
of tliu throiitand luiiKsIn thCHiuin't line. Tape
worms Liikcii out In six hours without li'ifNlnt :
olllce ; and nil ( INoasch that uro ctiraliti * . H7
S. 10th st. Call and sou him. .NJy24
1'orratrtetc. , tee t pof Jlrst ralumnoii Oih jme.
"I3rNSIONS Now pension law ; over 10 yoius"
JL I'Xpuilencoln tlio iniisrcutlonot pensions
nnd IOM.iiincnt. | cliilius ; liavosoonrtd o\ur \
II.OUO ponslonsfor koldlei-s In NebrnsKn nnd
Iowa , tliclr widownnd lieh-ijlati'st dochilon :
latest laws ; no advanciifco ; now blanks and
circulars free ; consultation alwiijs fii'e.
llliiini A. Stur esM-4 CrolKliton block , next
w > ulli of I1. ( J. Omaha. iSCJalO *
NTi\\ ' law ; iienslons fur nlino-,1 all soldiers ;
fathvrs inolht'iN , widows and minor chll-
drt'i of Milliters. L'lalnis pushed by K , N.
l I iiein inili ! and -1 Tron/or blk. 1 yours o | lOIn -
_ In Onijilia. _ K 7
J" T. 1'ATl'll , CM'liisho jicnslon anil oliilin
attoriioyi ovorl , " > yciirh'evpununeui ha\o
all tlio InlCst laws nnd dci'I-tlons. Olllco ic-
niOM'd from I'run7cr block toUhunibur of f'oiu-
inurco , runiii fit , Oinalin.
t'oriatcn , ftc. , ere titpnf pift cutntiinon tlitt
STOItAOK 1'or ini-rclintullsu : ind fnrnlt me.
cold Riorum ) and freezing ; trticKugu. David
C'ole , Htr.-sir I Inward st. LTs
r liAC'KAOl.stoi.iRO . at lovost lutes. W , M.
JL llushiiiiin. l.'ll l l.onvuiwoitli. 7t'S '
'lOItAOK mncli &Uo.-'U Howard.
fur liliesetc. , iff tupof firtt coliifiiiion OiN
LOsT Whltn and brown sett or , II. I1. Hall
on collar , Ilbural iu\\urd , return to loom-01
Douglas blk , Kfi-l'J"
STRAYEn AWAV-On Wcdnosnay ovunliiR ,
fioiu Tlilitloth street , Snith Onuilia , a
span of workhorses. Uno a blnclc and tlm
other u K\\y \ : loiui. The black has a Imni'linii
rlnht Hank and wi'Ishn about 1,000 pounds , the
other Ix'twoon I.1IW nnd l.XlpoiindH. ( I'lndcr
notify Alfred Thomas utubo\u uuinbrr.
OST A ladles' tan colored jacket. Upturn
to 2507 St. Mary's uvo and loculro reward ,
STUAYED or stolen July 1(1. ( llslit Iny Rd-
dliiB : i years old , 10 IIBIIIIM hlwli , weight KO
Ib.s. lilack manu anil lays to the left , nnd Inn' '
black tall , blauk Ic.'K , barefooted and hind
lioi-ls Imintxvlth ropu , Icnr Pjillt. snltablo re
ward for Information. ( Juo. K. Uryuiit , 2lth &
Ost , bo. Omaha. 088 SI *
LOST A jMU'kugeof rontraots
J. J. Wolfe & Co. , last evening about 0
o'clock , liotwcen DoiiKlasand IJodso sts. or at
l.'itliad Doilfxc. Kinder plc.-iso return same to
510 I'axtonbuililliiR and got reward. 551
IOST--Oolrtwatcli , plain oasu with dlnniniul
Jntiir setting attached lo fob. lleward if re
turned toll. 1" , Urexul , Mh and Jones. 1W
1 'or rates , fc. , nff toy of Jtnsl coluni ; i on Hits page.
POl'ND-Shoulder cnm | on N.24thst. Kn-
qulro I3SJ I.eave.iwurth , pay for this ad.
and piovo aroporty. f)79 19
rpAKKN UP-Onobaylior-o about lOvcari
J old , uol ln u lion t. 1,050 lb . , ovet nn both
front knei's ' , sinnll white spot on the bru'l. , a
llttlcoii ilKiit hind futloek. Military lirfdju
. , Hfctnpaf flinl column nn thin i > nof ,
to inal'o the iioiiiialntancu of a liuly
IT with iiiu.'ins. " 'ito 'Clyeiu > > of IIKO ; object
huslneis nnd puihaps matrimony. Addtcbs
Kill , lloo OI1K-C. 571127 *
E O. ! ( . , ] ) leisociKl jour address to A. L. ,
nostnlllcu , Denver. reU2."i *
FOH sAiji-j-iroiisnsjWAGONS KIC ,
} \ > r rales , etc. , ve top of fist column on tlih payc.
Hi O Gl it e liiif "of orsu5 filri ) uor oilT tlmo
vltn Kixid M'cntlty also a Rood driver fur
JG3. Co-opciatho land and lot Co. . 1.1)3 ) X. Ijllh bt.
17\OH \ PAIiK-IIoue , vagon , harness , etc.
JL ? llorsols young , sound , I'cntle , fjood slzo
and eoior , and an extra Rood traveler. Call
at 231J Cnldw ell st. GOs-tJI *
Olt SAI.K rinodrlvlns ; hoiso.V. . S. Itynn ,
luoin 0 IT. S. Niit'l Hank building. 474 ! il
Jtl head mult. ' : . , ea y terms , 1'arl llKhtdrlv-
'Iii ? mules .siilliiblu forall delivery Inislness.
llnlnneu vui Ic iiiulej. W. lj&cluyr 'J , board
tuide. 2 7
HOKsr.s Ijlcht drlvois , nniKiim , The lute
Ilio liasmmto thoiu cheap. H. K , Uole , Con
tinental hloeU. 802
fl KAM Medium slied horses cheap. boimTl
JL and KOOI ! work team , $150. VIJ. . Selby , r
W boant tratle , g-T
rp\\ SI'A N heavy and two span llsht wulM
JL for hah1 , on two years' ' tlmo at 7 pbr cent In-
lori'it wllh ilrat or hccond mortxaio Uninha
real estate security , or other approved ruurb-
Ity. ultiy , room ii : , llomd Trade. 1113
rpKAM workhorses , will tnl'O buggy as p.irt ,
JL pay. U , 1'J. board of trade. 71U
"I71OU iAlF. 1 plntform .spring leather top
JL' carilaeo almost now , I buckhoaid new ,
1 double bn ny or cnrilnKO huiucss. Apply
at 'J3I5Vcbstcr H ! ici-t. Omaha. ! M _ .
rpEAM Kxtra Inriio heavy hones.V li ,
JL feelby.ria. liomil trtiilc 2-J7
HOKf js ; i 50 and up. 11. K. Cole ,
I'ur mlfc. dr , , netopnf Jtnt colimuion tltli JKIJC.
FO1 ! SAI.n At iibiirxiln and easy terms.
ruriiltureno\\nf ( ) a lon-nioni house , een-
Irully located nnd Illled with roomurb , J. 1) ) ,
iatuc.uiiN.Y. i-i 2 'ii Cil
_ _ : _
ITHJiTSATiB Oil nccoiTnt offullliiK hoiilt
JL1 the new and oh > iant f urnltnro of a -I-
loom hcnixo. ocoiip-ints Hrsl-olass. mcomo
noiiily ilM ( per month , finest location In thu
city. Address J ! iU. llco ulliuo , a7.-al !
Tor nifw. tic. , fit top nf fivt rolurnnoii tlili J IIK.
F i iehtibblii'iicljar htoio ,
best location In Omaha , lluat of reiisou.s
fur sellliiu. AililroM 1C 2 , l c o. -193 ID
Ij UltSAhK Choai ) , the New York hakory ,
1' 1917 Clark bt , 4W It ) ' ,
'I71OU SAIiK 1 sot blacksmith and vrnson-
L makers tools und block of material , liood
locution , ( iooltrailu. Honoshop''Oxl' ' ) . Hcnt
ehuup , Leo Aupleguto , Nehuuku , Neb
liE Ortrado. ( or ilrst and goi'oiul
Jt' inurtKnies. tliomoit vondcrfitl i > clllnif nrtl-
elo everon iho market. Address orcull , room
id St. C'lulr hotel. 601 l'f !
TJIOK S AIiB ant ) cordti tif coixl cottonwood at
J-1 * li u wrd I' . 0. 11. Address A. U. Voiing ,
lorbes. aa \ , uo--y > '
SODA fountain fomulunii cany instalments :
new tliU aoi > on , only ) " . . J , A. Dalrell , 11 J
N. ICth bt. 07USl
_ _
/ 'OUD luUo icti fori > iiluhTTaTie ; iinintl- |
VI tics , 'i'ho Kebruska Ice Co. , ICcMrniiy , Ne-
FOH HAI.n Ncw Stc ilfiAt A 5 oti nlanot heat
miikoi p ty leaylmryltyi part cash ,
incotlniou desired. Intpltrcat UH 1'axton bile
M ur.
VrtinVjt , etc. , ttt foi | ofW | cnlunni on ( M * ii < je.
UJIUHKI.I.AS repaired ; expert loeksmlth
key Qltingnt HellluSgUushup .11N. ! ) Ktli. ,
I3AHASOI.S nnd tttnbrnllns eovorod nnd ro-
JL nalrivl. ll.llalor. 110 A loth st.,2d door from
' . O. Only man Intowii ' yjg
"or HUM , tic. , tte toi > > / Jffwt diliimn on lhi ; * i(79. (
Tl-In" Sotitll'OmalTaT * fiirnNhed
room by yotimt man. with or wltlnmt
lotird , la strictly nrlvuto faintly. Addiess ,
tatliiR price , etc. , lOl llKK , _ c.c.'i
TNTniT A furnlsliccf or unfnrnlslicd
room for mnn und wife , eonvenlont to
wslnt'ss. State price. Address K 10 , Hco nlllco.
AUT AX | > 1/AX(1UAK.
'ormffj , etc tee top nt tint rniinn on tliln iae. .
B IHH > IIK buy lint a phino examine the new
wale ICImujll piano , A. llospet : > ii : Donitlas
_ _ _ h'J. )
G lt. I\fKI
with llospe , ISIl Doiijjlas
aiOXliV TO MA.V.
Fornitrtetc. , > fC ttipof fi t culumnnn ( Ms jiiuf.
' ONKV' to loan hy IL'r MtisterVYn any
amount fioniJIi ) toSIO.on ) , and for any
lime from one to sU mouths
Loans mnde on household poods , pianos ,
niKIIIIH , horses , mules , hoiivs , leasi-.s , wate-
lioniu receipts , etc. . ut tin1 lowest possililo
rates- , without publicity or removal of prop
Loans no ni ranged that you can make a pay
ment at any time and rcdni'o both principal
and Interest. You pay Interest only for the
time yon if-elbe inonoy. If ) < m onu ahalanco
on jour property or have a loan jou Mlsh
ehanged , I Mill pay It on und carry It for
I do not advertise to loan yon money nt
liank rates , but oonllilrntly clnliu to | tt\o you
lo\\er rates and easier terms than can be ob
tained elsewhere In thoclty.
Money ulwnysonlmnd. AD delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rales.
It. V Masters ,
Room 4 , Wltlmoll blk. , 15th and llnrney St3.
_ 4.YJ.
] " OANS Cltand farm loans , mortsage paM -
-M > er bought. McOagne liiM'stinent Co. Sufl
UlLDINO loans iiuiilo at lowest rates.V. .
B M. Harris , room LI ) , I'ronzer blk. , opti. t' . O.
Kr.AI. KSTATK Louin-Umh on hnrul. Olobo
> I.oiin & Trust , Co : X)7 ) B. Ilith s.t No ilulay.
No e.\truclmries. llou.H'a for lent ; good ll t.
MONE To loan on Oinalia mul South
Omaha , real estate. No delays or pxjien-
se > < . Money on hand at all tlinoM. Hales ,
Smith & Co. . Commercial National bnnk tildg.
tvvj-a : ;
MONKY loaned at lowest raleslonuMlme on
linprovi'dOiiialin real cituto , no "extras , "
no dvluy. Ulobo Loun VTiust Cu..UU7 S. Kith.
H)7 )
T > nMlNG ) loans n to 7 iicrerat ! no addl-
tliiiiilehaiKi > sforeiiiiiiiiHsliiior attorney's
fees. W. 11. aiolklc , Hist National b.inlc hldg.
'r and second morlsaes on vacant and
- IniproM'd city iironcrly. I'minty warrants
hnncht. .Money on blind. 1. .M. Uleliardson ,
818 X. V. 1,1 fc. W !
MONKY ; ' , 00 orOJdays'on ' f u rnlt n re , pianos ,
liorschousus , etc. ' J. \Yllklii-on. . C18
blk. bOO
O"ATTEL loans at lowest rates ; business
V/conlUIcntIal,5tal'a.vtonUllt. J , H. rmlngor.
/ 1O.MMiHUIAIj : nnd Remit-ill short tlino paper
v btuiKlit ; also rouulnr live-year loans inado
on iiinou'il | piopurty. Qeo. I' . Blast &Co. , 20H
hldit. 811
ortsase loans. Second niortKaes
Iioanson vauant lots. Heed &
Sclby. room ] : i , llo'in I _ 8lJ ;
KEVSTONi : MortanBO Co.-l.oans of J10 to
tl.lKlU ; sot our rates bcforo borrowlns and
save money ; limn nn hoisos , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loan. iratval of old and low
est rates , call U SOS , Shecly blk.irith & Howard.
PIUST tnortpago loans at low rules ( ind no
doluy. L > . V. Sholes Co. . 811) 1st Nat.I bank.
MONKY to loan on liorxfcs , wngoiiH , intiles ,
household goods , pianos , organsdiamond ! ) ,
at lowest rotes. The Hist onjanlzou luannf-
Ilcoln theelty , Jlnko loans from M to ; Vi5
( luyswhich can ho paid In i > art or whole ; it any
time , thus loverlnsthu principal and Intorest.
Call and see us when you want money. Wo can
assist you promptly nnd to your advantage
without lomoviil of jiroporty or publicity.
Jtonrv alwiiys on hand. Nodolav in making
lear O. I\ Heed & Co. , 1)10 ) S.iath U. , over
Hlin.iitin. < ; Sens. 817C3
NUijUALIA' low rales
Of Interest on tlrst inortsaKOSof Improved
real estate for thcnexf IH ) days by the Kansas
City Investment ( Jo. . Uoom M Uoard of Trade.
J. H. 1'onse. mannscr. 880
TI/rONEY / to loan on any security
J--L for short tune nt low
rates. Lowest rates
mi personal property.
The Henderson MurtitiiKo Investment Company -
_ pany , room 400. I'.ixton blk. 618
"IX/ANTr-D l'Irsl-class Insldo loans. Lowest
* * rate- . . Pall and sco us. Mutual Invcst-
lu en t Co. . ir 04 I'arnam. BIO
01IKA I' enstern money
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. .
always ready lo loan and pny promptly ; first
moipaces ( wanted. IJoorco W. 1 > . Uoutos , represent -
resent at Ive. room 7. Hoard ot Trade. 821
EASTKKN money to loan on city pioperty ;
inoi tBttgo pager bought. ll.IJ.Irey.NY. , Llfo.
time loans on vacant Iot3. Sclby&
& Ileed. it. : Hoard of Trade. 823 _
I > HIYATK money to loan cheap. O. T. Ilar-
rlson.OUN. Y.TIfo. 842 .
1 > lllYATH funds to loan on choice elty prop
erty at lowest rates. Klmbull. Champ &
Hynn. laull-'iiriiambt. 708JyT
rL Hankilll : S. l.'ith st. ulll loan yon
on chattels at hank rates. Call 410
ratrn , etc. , tee top of J\rl \ roliiiiin on thwje ( ,
Nj''fClT 'L'iiifb'pecia'lMiinni' hesslou oTTTui
classes In penmanshli | and sliortliaml will
eoininenco Monday , July 14. Glasses wilt beheld
held In the inornlnt : . afternoon and rvenln ? .
fall on or address fur Inforniiitlon , Standard
Slioillinnd llnslness College , Now Vorlc l < lfo
bnllilliig.Umalin. Xoh. US3
t'alU'raiihs , Hammond mid
1'emliiRtons , John II. I'orncs Co. Lottur
UK's ninl ollleimpoelaltles , ItnniK" bUlg. b''T
Vor mies , cte. , etc top nf fuvt column on thli jidi/e. /
ITIIIi Clayton , clalrMiyant and maKiietlo
Jhealer , Can bj- her Hondorful will Dower
grant any rc-uufnt. OO.S 3-lOth. _ GllO-al'J' '
AlAMi ) : lKI//init. ) Omaha's only thor-
oiiKh muMiiKO and luugnutl-itiiiirlor.sover
HIPS , Mthst. 4tS-31 : *
US. 1) | { , KDDV-The illstlnsulbhi'd trance.
clairvoyant , late of lloiton. While en
tranced will reveal every hidden mysterv In
llfo. I'rep.iros I'si'l'tlan tixlNnuin which will
nvorconie your I'm-nihvs. icmovo family
troubles , re.-toio loit all'octlons , unites the
sepaiated , helps nil liiMMuitilo , cto. Tee , $1
nnd upuards. N. U.-Mnrfeot sathractlon
FUuraiitveU by mall , fnd stamp for Illus
trated elicular. Mrs. UK EUcly , Ul ! N. 15th it. ,
Omaha. -
_ _
Dl ! . NANNIH V. WA'KUEN. clairvoyant ,
medical and buslnc niedluin. 1'emalo
dSeabfa aspeclalty 11 K".IClhst.iooinb2undi. :
_ _ _ H-N
Tor nif ( , etc. . are ti > i > nf JiM < nMmi\im thin
Won SAU-Loaso uiiilinrt , | ftirnlturo ? J-
A'TIIOIII hotel , only hole. ! In town ; Ww Mill
buy If taken soon. Itcut , M. Comiuurclul
hjHel Jjji mptoii. Xi'li. _ 'iai . U"
ITtOUSALIJ Dairy on ( Aiut'3 u\o. open for
-1- rent orlrndc. .1.1' . Hnplt. ' rvauu *
" \\7ANTiU : Position In grain and lumber
' business , would Invest ft..OJO to } J,000 or
work on salary , Itest of luforcnees given. Ad-
drc " " ' . *
a"X."t'rnlg. Neb. KB31
DHUO More , widow lady wishes tofiollnt
once her Into husband .s half Interest In
soodpayliuj clriii ; busings. Invoicing about
(1,000 , In Ijtinilnr. Wvo. , as kho wishes logo
east. Address Mr . J. W. Sullivan , IanderVyo
iA I ] P. Moi'kuiid lixtuies of a wholesale -
sale coiiiinl-ialoii housu. Address K , 17. lice
oiiico , _ nil
IiKJU SAIiK or tiado for no M'ipor plant
' . ' clean blocks of milse. llox &JJ , Vorlc. Neb.
_ _
A SXA1' ' for somebody wanting to hny a
Mookof confectionery , olKam nml tobacco ,
ol honk * and notions ; K""d trade es-tJib-
iod : best ot reasonwfur belllni , ' . Addicis ,
AIM. _ _ , lireemvix > d , Nub , CI7-0'
01UH.M hotel Inunod locution , has paid well ,
l nriiltmo t < ioo iillon tlmo If Hi'eurlty Is hat-
Isfnclory. Uo-operatlvo land and lot Co. . JU3
N. lllth at. ( VW-rj
HOTKISS rixjnn , all convonlencej , now ,
brick. 2 blocks fiom I' . O. U. II. Irey. N. V.
Llfo Imlldlug. 7VU
FOH PALK-Clmirmoro In llrstclnsstoontlon ,
dolnx ROIM ! lni liics : ipnson for Holllnit ,
other business to attend to. AUJru.saJ TO Heo.
sp a
FOHSALn-Moat market , doliiff need busl-
nesH , In town of l..Mi ) InhnbUnnts lu i u torn
I'clirnskut only ( MO wish rcnulrcd. Address
O. 1' . Tumor. I'roiiiiint , Neb. yoj ; . '
vrKW."I'Al'KU Tor Hale-Daily and weeklj-i
JL > The Columbus Pally Telouram 1ms IKHMI
established 1.1 months , has good circulation
mil uilvi'itlvln ; iiitrona e. The weekly Is nn
) ld established paper. Job otllce has a Kood
mttonngc. 'terms satisfactory. L ) . I' . Davis ,
Jolumbus , Neb. wo 21
"T710H SALK On easy terms , Ursl class
A. lestuurant nnd fixtures and No. 1 location ,
inquire at ( US I'axton block , 'Jv'O
HO'Hl'.lj for : ilu , Two-story brlckj Is ono of
the liest hotels , dolni ; an excellent good
mslness , on one ot the best corners In the city ,
Address Commercial Hotel , llrokca Haw. Nub.
Koi'litfW , etc , , fee top of flrst column on t/iN / JMUC.
rpo K.M'IIANOK Hid acres land , clear , for
L Omaha property. U. J. Uunnoll , MO N. V.
Life. Mi-Si
rpo KXrilANOi-Double : house in Kear.iey.
JL elenr. worth JI.OOO , rentM for { 1 0 per year ,
forhonso heie : will nsMinm a lltfht Ineuni-
hruiiee. f. ! ' , Hnrrlson. 1)11 ) X. V. l.lfo. 070-10
rpo KXCHAMlli : Splendid l-ioom ) brick
JL house' wllhI'i acres of uround. In York ,
Neb. , for farm properly In Ibis state. House
nnd ui'oimds worth f."i.iw. Will assume 32.0JU
Inciimbianee. U. 1' . Hart-Nun , Oil N. Y. Life.
f)70-ll !
\\TAN'ri"n Stock of groceries or merchan-
> > disc for elly protieity or good Innd. Ad
dress IC's Hce olllco. 021 ID *
MM ) KXrilANtUv-Lol In Walnut Hill worth
JL $2.tXK ) , and lot In Hitchcock's worth JI.OH ( )
forhonso and tot , \VI11 assume dlllotonce. U.
V. lliirrlaon. I'll ' N. Y. Life. 600-It ) .
rpo I'Xt'llANOIJ Outof town nioiicrty for
X Uinaha business property , will pay or
itssiimo lifted ! thousand dollarsdlllerenee. ( J.
V. Hnrrlson. till y. Y. Life. &K-Ui.
A PLUM ItlUl and general tnechanle will
trade one or two nslilenei'i and seine cash
forlntciest In plmnbhii ; nnd beathi ) ! or nov
elty niuclilno business. Addieas K 14 , Duo
olllce. Str.-22 *
r 110 KXlilIANOFr-fHUMO worth of Improved
JL and viiennt city properly , clear ot Ineum-
hrance and la a nvo town , for Omaha prop
erty ; will assiimomdlnarv Incnmlmiuco , Ail-
dicas , 1'iiiiik n. Hartlgan , Cieto , Nebraska.
010-24 *
\\niAT have you toexchaiiRe for 3 sections
T i of clear wcstora land ; make ino an offer.
HoMMil. Shenanduali. la. 57'27'
\\7AM'Kf-To trade , anew 11-ioom resl-
i ' deuce on I'arnam st. , vllh all modern Im
provements , for Nebr. land or Uinaha prop
erty to build cottages on , Address "K 12 , "
lleo Olllco. Ki4 31 *
\\MlAT have you to ( jxehanuo for liou-o and
lot la Omaha Vlow. O. J. Uaiwoll. t > 10 N.
V. Mfu. Ml-iS
TTlOll oicliaiiRO a few lots and bonsi" * , ete. .
Jt ? for good farms or lands.V. . J. 1'anl , UKO
Kai num. 411
MOUTfiAtU'S Notes , eash lands , etc. . for
clear lots , Can nso quite a number.V. . J.
Paul , UM I'uiiiiuu st. JIJ
\\rANTKO Vacant lots or aeies for two of
* tlm lines ) nnil best pavlni ; hloi'ks In the
city. Will give hlif < leal If mudo boon , \\lth
homo cash. J 0(1 ( , lice olllco. 412
FOHEXC'ITANCIE dnoil f.irms , city proper
ty mul wild Innds i In Neb.nml lowaforgood
'l m'd'se : property clear , title perfect. Ad-
jrcss I < ock Itox U. > , I'runuitit. Nob. &X >
1'orratcs , etc. ' KC lop of flitl ( uluimi on l/i.t / ( jnyc.
T71AKMH for sale or trade Thioo ( Ino Im-
* liroved fntins contalninj ? WJ acres In Oos-
percoifnty. Neb. Will trade the wholoor n.irt
for muicliandKe tlrnxs or harilwaio pro-
ft-rred. Address U. 11. Uellamy , Arapalioo ,
ITtOll KAI < E--Thu olinlcn resldcneo at No ,
J-1 1K > I OebrKlu live. , JllxUO ft K front , ! ! larso
rooms , bath , iras , sewer , hot and cold water ,
closet and all conveniences , owner golnsj to
leave elty. 1) V. Sholes Co , SKI 1st Nat. bank.
FOU SALK-A bank , lotbuildlnx vault , safe
and tlxtures , In Rood Iowa town , only bank
theio , dolnn an oxvullent business , territory
about 15 miles la diameter , and said to 1)0 In
tliu best farming country In thowoild. Col-
seth , JuhnsouJc Lovgrcu , room 0 , Uharnber of
Coinmerce , fiWUl
OIinA.1' , 1 or 2 lots on I ewe avo. , between
rariiam and Lcav'worth. H.S.Donslusblk.
OM 31 *
OH SAtiE-ChoIco corner lot , 80 fcot cast
front , hlKh and slchtly , nothing flnor Intlio
city , A bargain ut WriW. ( Ames , 1D07 1'arnaui
CASK mul $8 per month for house and
full lot nt from * 3JO to 11,500 each.Y
J. l'.ml , liiOO rarniini. 441
KEA L nSTATK loans. Very lowest rates.
u. J. Cu3\\cii. BIO x y. Life. Ma-ins
FOKPALK-rourRoodlotsIn Walnut Hill ,
MvliV ) each , on grade. I'rleo $ . " 0 oaoli ,
woith doublotho money. Stringer & I'unny ,
Don hiH bloc I ; , tilth and lod'e. 4eii
FOU SALK 8 room house and lot. Hanscorn
place. Vncantlot for lirst pnymcnt. llul-
ancu to suit. U. J. UasuL'll , SKI N. V. Life.
ASMAIdj ] uyment down and 415 per month
will buy a 4-room IIOHSO nnd lot on Kith , U
blocks ( rain motor ; llist-class chnnco to au-
nulio , ajiomo on easy terms. Apply to 11,12.
Cole , Continental block , SMI
FOU $ , " > 0 cash nnd f 10 per month wo will build
you a nunt four , live or six room house ,
corner let. Cheap. Oeo. 1'aul , ICOi ) Karnurn.
LINCOLN I'luco and Carthage lots , prleo
fl.OCO , SM down , balaneo $15 monthly , w. L
i-olby , room 13 , Hoard of Trailo. Kll
\\f AKDup and miy iinonioon monthly p-iy-
> > unfits Choice of seven dUTerent houses ,
south fronts on Kainiim st , KvoryconvunlLMice ,
Incliidlnu fuinacoand | : as. I'i.'uu ean bo scon
nt my olllce. Cull In. 1) . V. Sholus Co. , Sii : 1st
National bank. t > t' >
"I710U SAhll A flno new n-roomrnttngo near
Jv clcctrlo cur llnuou N , 97th Ht.VIll kens
jinrt of cash paymenta good horbu or horsu
and pliacton. 1 * IMl Kuinnin st 8'EJ
N'K'IC littlohoinDlu Haln\lowJust north of
Kunnt/o 1'laco , house of 4 uooil rooms , good
barn , well , trees Intlio yard , lot.'iT\l'-'l ' with III
fool alloy , 2 nlocks nasi of launders Bt. motor
IhieiiJ.fiuO , ? 30U to $ " > DO cash , liiilaneo on i-asy
terms. 0. ! ' . Hiirrkon. Ull N , Y. Life. f > 7ii-10
"IJIOK 8A1.K Knst trout lot on Roorxla mo.
J. next to DreM-l's Place , at u low iiilco. 0.
T. Harrison , till N. Y. Life. r.)0-10. ( )
POIl SALK-Good building slto In llnnscom
IMace. } i,000 ; ; nocash lequlred If party will
build $1.200 houbo. 0. ! ' , Ilarilson.Oll N.Y. I-lfo.
SALE-2 of the best lots on Clifton
1III1 for 41,700. 0 , ! ' . Harrison , 1)11 ) N. Y. l.lfo.
FOK SAIiK-8 room house on Cumins St. ,
opposltu llcmlspark ; choice nelKhboiliDod ;
t..50i ) . C. I' , llurrlsim. Ull N. Y. Mfe. f > ' ) J-lll
Poll HALn-SpIendld 8-room lionse , lot BDx
1W * . will laid ! seine cash , haliineo good lots ,
[ irlco iOW ) . C. V. Harrison , Oil N. \ . l.lfo.
WJ 19
- rnttiiKus , ! , * ) each. * l ( > 0 eush down ,
f'balanco { 15 pur month. Thin. K. Hall , Ull
I'lixliiiijiloek. _ st. : >
, KUi
_ _
OOTTAOK homes In most nny addition for
rialo at f nun KlXiipon ( ) easy monthly ti.iy-
munts. _ l\K.liirljm.j.i ) iirl irblk. _ _ B.TJ _
Iifoll bAl < I'4 Nlco 7 loom noiiso lenity tc
' move Into with full lot , * JSW , , ) J cash. C.
1' . llarrLson. Oil N. Y. Life. itJ ;
IK YOU have anything to sol tor cxi'hanga
call ntCI-j 1'nxion block _ 815
FOU SAI.K-Isew business block on 10th
Htreot , lents nro 10 per rent of prleo askeii
fW.utW cash , bnlaneelonu tlmv. VUII bo on the
murkutonly u few days. Address 11 7 ; ' , Ilou.
Ti'Aif : ? M IXT : 61 % TII i : i .vrniTiolivasi7J
liiKton , July 7 , 1SOO. M-uled ( iropos'ils foi
fnriiNhliiS all tbu matoilal nnd luhor leqiilied
In thoeomplollon of the United States peni
tentiary at Halt haku City , 1'lnli Terillory. in
well as Intlioconitruetloii of a htockmhiuil
( piorlded with ontraneo and senlry boxes ) to
cnelosu about two uciesnf hind of the pi'nl- '
tuiitlnry icsor atlou , will boreeolved nt this
dopnrtnient until 1 o'clock p. in. , Tliui-clny ,
Jnlylll , IK' ) , nlitui thtiv will ho opened. Ilhls
on tliu whole work onlv will tin considered.
I'liun ami Hpci'lllfiilloiiM , Inslrnetlims to bid
ders , utc. , inuy ho bcoa at thlsdfp'iitment and
at tlioolllcii nf the cuvurnor of thu territory
at ( salt I.aku City , John W. Nobli' . M-crelary ,
l.t..VlMii-iil |
Sutlon in < " < int rnotorn.
nhls will bo reeolved by tlm l'.irk Cominls-
flloni'in , City ot Oniiihu , fur the uioetlonofii
piivllhin In "llanscoiu I'urk , " up to 1'J o'clock
noon tlm ' . ' .Hli day of .1 ulv. H'.i ) .
I'lans , details and spei'lllnatl'iim ean ho si'im
at theollli'o of Maxon i ItijiiU'niiK archlti'i'ls
Koonis Ul und < M N' . Y , lAtu llnllcllin ; . Thn
coinmUilonorsruJervo the iliUt to iujuet any
orullblUi. jlCUit
Notion tn Contractor * .
Notice U hereby Riven that denied p
will bo reculrod by the elty clerk ot the elty
if Soulli Oiualin.nn or butoro theth day ol
Itily , 1-W , nt 1 o'clock p. in. , for sloplnit ami
removliiK the dirt on the following lot' , : to-
cording to the provisions et Ordlanneo No , t 3 ,
Lot 3 , block 9n. ? ontli Omalin.
Lots 1 nnd 9 , block SI , South Ontnhn ,
Lots 1 mid 8 , block 8 , first addition to South
Omaha ,
Lot , block 1 , first addition to Smith OinMm.
Lot IIblock S.HrM addition tnSnithOnmha.
Lots li. Hi , U. I'Jnnd 11 , block ; > , llrt aildltlon
to South Onmha , , 3 and 4 , block 7 , first addition to South
Oiinihn ,
West seventy-live fcot of lot 1 , block 4 ,
nrmvu'i 1'ark.
Kast sevi'iity-flvo fcot of lot 91 , block 4 ,
ilronn's 1'nrk.
East , fovcnty-flvo feet of lot 3 , block f\
Irown < laik ,
Lot 7 , block 8. Brown's Park.
Lot U. block nil , South Onmha.
Lot 10. block 111 , South Omaha.
l.otO. blockr > S. South Oin.ilui.
Loin 1 , Hand I , block Oil , South Omaha ,
Lots 1 , 'J and 4. block IX ) . Smith Omnha.
LotsIIanil t , block 0. ' , South Omaha.
Lot n , block 7.1 , South Umaba.
No pioDimls will bo considered lime" ac-
conipnnled by n cert Hied ehook for JIOUXI. to
) o returned on all bids not aucoptcd. Thu
right Is reserved to rejot any or all bids.
J17dl0t JOHN J. UVAN , City Cilerk.
Aullco to Sver i'ontrnclors.
S. Oniaha , Xub. , July Kith , I50 > 1. f
Sealed propoils : will bo lecelved by the un
dersigned , ai flits oniee. until twelM * o'clock
noon , of July''sth. IMW , for furnishing all thu
materials and doing nil the work necessary to
complete tm following cltv linproveiiionKvl/
Constructlm ; n t\\cnt\-four huh htorin
water sewer. In " ( ) " slieot , nisi ) imttlm ; In n
; ille bulk head and approach to the \M-sl eml
if "li" street viaduct. I'lans anil peclllca-
; Inns may be S' > PII , and nil Informiillon lela-
thetothe > rK obtained nt thlsotlli-e
No proposals finm anyfonirnctor In default
with the city on any pievlous contract will bo
No proposal from nny contractor will ho
ponsldcied unlcHs nciomp.mled by acortlfiou
cheek for live hundred dcdlats ( WOO.OO ) to be
iiMnrned on all bids not aecepted.
Tliu right Is icierved to rolcct nny or all
proposals ; work to bo complete within sixty
Approxlmato estimate Is 2570 feet twentv-
ronr Inch pipe. 41 foci twelve Inch pipe. All
bids must uoon blanks furnished by iheelty
ciulneer ,
Ily order of the council , Committee on
stieetsaad alloyn. U CONiNKLI.Y ,
JLVlU't Chalrinan.
Notiot * .
Pealed proposals will bo roi-olvcil at the
oniceofA. II. lor l , O'Nolll. Nob. , JulyiUh.
IS'.K' ' , nt nnon. for fuinlslilng material and
labor necessary for tlio oreetlon nnd coinplo-
t Ion of St. Mary's A oadcmy , acoordlng to plans
nnd snoellleations to bo seen nt the Omaha
Slate and Itonlln Co Omaha , Neb. A cetti
lled check for i'M 00 must accompany c'loh
lilil. and the conmdtteu roervu the right to
i eject nny or all bids ,
JtNdlt A. II Dvnit. Architect.
I nui CnrCAtiO.lirHT.rKiiTON' yy pArrTv
Oiu.ilm | Ut'iMit 10th ami Mason Mri'Qta. 1 Ointlia.
l.oivos lUlllt'AOO , MIU , * 8T. 1'AlJlj.l Arrifoi
Onmlin. | U. I' , ilopot , loth nnil Alnrer gts , [ Oinnlui.
SM5 n in .ClilcaKo.M.'UI ( ojcupt huinl.iy ) . . ! Ull. ' > p ID
C.CO p in Clilentfo Kxpross , , 11.11 u in
_ o.aij ) > in Clitrnvii IJxnrpss I2.o0.p in
loaves I OMAHA AST. 1X1UIU. I Arrives
Uronha. | U. I * , ilopot10th nnd .Mnrcr Sti , | Ouialia.
.eavui . I ( T , HT7T. . M. A O | 7\rrlv"ui
'innlm. ' | Depot 15th nml Wolistor Sts. I Onmlin.
T.O ) a ni.HIuux | City AccummiHliitlon. . . 11.05 p in
l.U ) p in . .Sioux City Kxpruss ( Kx. aim. ) . . l.ui : p in
O.UI p in st. 1'nul UinUcil 0.23 a m
5.15 11 m.llnnritt | I'.THi'iigi'r ( lx. ! Hun ) . . ) "
jnssOTTnr pvni
Unmlm. | ncpot litli nnil Wobatur 3ti. Onnlii.
10. : ) ft ml. . .Ut. IoulJ AK. C. Kxprcsj. . . . ! 4.5'J p m p | . . . . . l iuls ty K , U. Kxjircss. . . . ! C..SO n in
Those trains nlso atop nt I3tn , I7lh , 20th nn < 1Slth
( troets , Summit nml SitvldKO Croanlna.7orlilnif -
men's trnliis lo not rim Snmlav.
llroiui- Train- Sliool'y
" fer atn- South Albrl't
CHl"tfi Depot. Depot. tloa. Onmhn IK'I'Ot. '
A M I A M [ A M
& :
' . n
(5.10 1105 1)17 ) 5 ' KM
7.01 6.ii 7Jrtil'lY ! ) 7.20 nun 7.25
T.15'710 ' 7.63 803 7.m.l37.1. | ' > 83 7u : , 70.1 .
853 ! > 0i 8.15 . 18.07 7.W
053 10.0) 'J.Ii 11.07 8M B.U )
3.12 .I..9I
Vw 1.12 ID ? 425 3M 4M
5.27 5.13I&.U7 & 25 4U 5.UU I.M
11.10 'J.V )
645 61J7 i.U5 li.lS 0.12 1107 iiiao
C.45 7.U1 7.141.,1.07 , B.H )
" K ftVoa OliruXliU , H.'l. A 1'AUHU. Arrives"
Trnniicr _ I'nloti De-pot , Toilncll lllulM. Trnnsfer
' 11.30 p ml . .M lit Kxiiron..I U.M n Hi
! i.w a m Atliintlo Kxman AVip in
6.00 Pmi _ _ Vmtllmli ) I.lnilloil. . . . _ . . , . \VI \ W njn
Loafcs iCllll'AtiU.t NOltrilVVKS'inllNl AirlveiT
U'rnn forl Union Depot , Council Iliulln. | Tnintfor
600 p m Vcatlbulo I.t'inltoU I tl.Wh 111
III.IKI p ,11 Knnturn Flyer 200 p m
8.0 > ) U III . . . . . . . Mnll _ . . . _ . : m
, T3fiiCAtTj"JiimrKTrTAuf ; Arrlv > '
Trnniforl Union Depot. Council lllulls.
I.KO a iii.Ciilcntio | Mall ( uxccpi Sundaf ) . . 4m | iIn
ii.a : ) p in Chli'iiKo Kxprnss l > 15 n ni
OUIp ml Clilcnun Kvjiri'sn . _ . SIJOp in
K. CTfV. JOB A O. If.
Triin tiirUnloii | _ Jtopot , ( ! ouncllUIiitTi _ _
Iuoi"tt iiirTj | < iiii a > City I ) y Kxpium. .
uj < iin ns City Nlilit Kxjtrosi
vui l O.Nf.HA At ST. UlUlfi.
Trnn for | Union llepot. Ciinncll lllufTs.
n llnli. _ . .
i OUiNW.i Arrl ui"
Trnniforl Union llupot , Connill Illults iTrninfur
U.4U u m Clilcnuo Kxim I iLZUp m
10 UK p in Hxprom lllllnlii
7.M ji in Cinston Ixinl i 11vi _ ) ii m
M.onve/i SIODXtMTV A I'At'lflf. rArTlvm"
TiHintorl tfiilon Depot , Council MlntM. . iTramtor
/7.4 / n m'.HIuux ' t'ltr AMcimmo'tntlon. ' . . | : m
tM p m .jj Bt. l\iulKxptcisL..J . _ L. | 1 53 pm _
Wobstnr Ft .
Onk Clmllriiu
Druid Illll
l.aku Mtri'i't
\Viilnut Illll . .
Diiinleu I'luco. I1.1H
\Veit tiWu. . . . 0.10
Huyninur 1'ark
Kastwnnl. I
a in HIM p.iu a.m. p.m.
Portal I. VI '
Boyiurtiir Turk. I..TJ VM I'll
MnnixH 0.17 I 'ill
l.iiwn 4 II U l'.l 1.53
\Vo t Hlilu. . i r.w I IS ' .151 1.57
Diui'leu ' 1'lacu H.2I 781 M.SI 4.4J S 41IH.4H U AH
Walnut Illll , H.3I 7.JI
Ijiko Hiri'ct j.3. ; 1,91 , ri.M'l ' SI5.4ilL |
Druid Mill. . . n.iii 7 lil.H.WU 57 S.l'j'li.'i ' IU.I1I
( iiikl'liiitliiiin -O' ' . ' I I'll5M 7 ID IU07I I IU
IVntMlnr sirnot is i ; i'i in I ) U > ) 7 10 i'i n | 2 ? l
rarinananinnu iprouyourn , nlicmer tluM-ivtlrm 11
nmcxlerJloilrmKcr or u lcoholivrcok. . ir.M.t Lit
I UI.H. it opcrAli * no quietly and with nupli cor.
unity that tlto palli'til undorKors 110 liiaeuveulnoe ,
mid or Ho li nwirn , Ma roiiplolo rd.'rmMlon u
t"1.1 ! -IB jiian boo * nrpnrtlcMllarmfreo. To babul ot
KUHMft c ftihft UouRlmt. * IMh * fuming HI * .
OJ'Trtiln illrd Hy LljAK , 1)HUO ) tl fO.ntld
. D.SM.V-Iir. . IrfMucC * fvrinillral i'slll
tlio French remedy , not on ttn < uionitrunl > r t > ni ninl
euro ipprcMlon ( rum whatever r.uiso I'rotiuita imiiuii. 'riieip | iui Miuuiti not \y \ ) taken ilnr-
lint priviiinpy Am , I'll 1 Co. , lloyalljr Props. , jipou *
oer l lay Co In ioimliio lijUiormnn A Mcl'oiuioll , M. p Kills , Council UliitTii. . ' , or 3 for fi
to anr | > lMelu Hi * l nltiM M iri
In. Oiif tt mnt > l nli l tl < > | tr | trill
/yY ° " ' " ' " ' " " "n I. II fffn r' . l.o.
< . , .
C"iiJi.r. (11 W M , tl in SI. thifA v M l
Iha IATCMI tictnfy In th i
llUilliU and ivrlnlii t > n tiny or money r .
tundi'il ily mnll sN. Securely M < nli > d from oln
letMitlon. COltK lll'.Hii > \ ' CO. , Om.ihii.Neu.
Kiu-ni llnnils Objoiit 10 I''enuilos Drlv-
ing KpajiinK MaolilnoM.
The other day , on n farm nonr Alloit-
lown , Pa. , tv I'ot'iH ot harvest huiidM
ilirow down lliolr ralcos , M\vthos nnd
'orlcs nnd null \vorlc \ , nil boratih'uii buxom
woman hail uiiiloi'luken to drive tv roup-
iiiL' niuuhino in thonttlro ot u mnn. In
LhTs part of l\imsylvanin ) , wivs a ills-
patch to the St. Louis Huimblic , It IH u
common thing to see fnnnors' wives iinrt
dau liters In the hny nnd fjrnln Holds
partldnuttn in the lighter jiot'tlon of
Lho hnrvofit work. Driving a inowor or
reaper IH jjonornlly t'onnldi rod onsy
work , hut It is done exclusively by men
on account of the danger a \vouinn\\otild
incur in gottlnj , ' hurnklrtu caught in the
wheels or knives of the machine while
intent on handling the roiin.
'riiispnrtifiilar l innns farmer's wife ,
howou-r , is plueky nnd oriifiiud us well
us bu.xoni , and yesterday f > ho determined
to show "tlio boys' ' that she oould IIIIIH-
lor the probloinof woman's proper work.
So she rigfjinl hot-self up in si Himg llt-
tlim bluzor nnd a pair of her luisbnnd'H
tronsei's with a broad hrlmmed harvest
lint Hhudlnif lier brown ringlc-ts , and
lightly mounted the reaping inaehtno.
Tlnving mapped out her Hhe pj'o-
ceeded to drive aeror-s tlio field and mow
a broad swath of tjraiii. At llrst the
harvesters , farm Ininds , men. hoys and
gh'ls were iibtonlshud at the sight , unit
then they thought it wns ftiiinv.
The mnlo contingent of tiie harvest
handh ; however , began to feel jealous us
they watched the smart little woman
drive around the ( , 'rain Hold so neatly ,
and thought she- was infringing upon
their own partleulnr prerogatives. IJo-
sidcs this the sun beat down upon them
oppresbivelv , and finally thov decided to
striko. Fifteen men accordingly throw
down their implements where thoystood
and walked oil the Hold , Blinking their
lists ungallnntly at the fair diivor oiv
the reaping iimchino. Tlioy have not
j-et been prevailed upon to return to
work and the grain in the Hold remains
My physician said 1 could not live , my llvor
out of order , frequently vomited greenish
mucous , shin yellow , small dry liumois on
fneo , stomach would not retain food. Uur-
dock Blood Hitters cured ino. Mrs , AdcUldo
G'Brien , arj Exehant'o St. , Bultalo , N. Y.
lllVAIi TIII-3 CA11M3.
New Soliemo for Ojicrntlnu Street
JtallwnyH Invented.
A now system for operating street rail
ways which is likely to become a formid
able rival to the cable has been pivtoalod H
by Giovanni 13. Slecarill , the inventor of I
the scow plow and acomhlnntion ear
brake and starlor , says n Now York dis-
l > atoh to the Cliicago Tribune , That
which Is called Sleenrdi's now rapid
transit system is n now application of
archhnedes screw. In a conduit bonontli
the ear truck , like that used for the
cable , is plaeed a wrought iron tube with
a stout worm , nnd in place of a grip Is a
shoo pushed forward by the worm and
rnlbod or lowered at the will of the
operator by n vertical rod.
To meet the illilleultlcH of curves and
grades the tube Is broken up into short
beetions and jointed with beveled gear
ing. The tuba is revolved by numm
power applied at terminal anil inter
mediate stations , and the rate of speed
developed is determined by the dlnnuitor
of the tube and the length of the spaces
between the worm. A twelve Inch tnbo
with seven feet space. " , milking I'M revo
lutions per minute , will drive a ear at
the rate of nine or Ion milen per hour ,
while mi eighteen ineh tube with nine
feet spaces , revolving at the naino ratn ,
will glvo a car a velocity of fourteen to
fifteen miles an hour.
For corporate purposes its ndvnntitg > fi
are that , while tlio cost of laying the
tube will bo no greater than , if as mm-h
nn , tljat of hiying the cable , the np i it-
ing expanse- ) will boIt ) per cent l > s.
One of the chief savings will bo in tlio
coat ot repairs. The moehnnlsm em
ployed being loss liable to get out of or
der , the outlay for repairs will bo pro
portionately reduced. Mr. Hiceardi has
ollcred the use of his sybtem free of
charge to tlio conimiKblon for the pro
posed World's I-'ulr in Chicago to bo
Ubdl for purposes ot transportation
about the grounds , and if his oll'er is ao-
coptcd ho will go there to poi'bini.tlly
superintend tlio construction. lln is
alto willing to permit tlio free nso of his
sybtom on tlio Now York anil Lirouklyh
bridge ,
I'unoo on Kuril )
Awaits Hint countless armyof imirtyrs\vl.oso
ranks are constantly reurultod from Iho vic
tims of norrotibimsH und nervous diseases ,
Tlio price of the boon is a systematic course )
nf Hosteller's Stomneli Hitlerstlio linen und
most Renlat of toiilo norvlnes. pursued with
reasonable iiorsiistenco. llasicr , jileasiiiiter
rind MI for this than to swash the victualing
( lepartincnt with i ) eiulo-tonic.s , alcoholic or
the reverse , beef cxlr.iets. nerve foods , nar
cotics , sedatives and iiolsons la disguise.
"Tired nature's sweet restorer , balmy sleep , "
Is the providential reciiporant of weals nerves ,
and this glorious franchise being usually tlio
eoiibciiueneesor hounddlKOStlonand increased
vlKortlio Krcat stomucliiu whleh tnsuiva both
Is | irotlnctlvo also of repose at tlio leijulrcil
time. Nut unrofic.shcd awakens tlm Individ
ual who It , but vl oixius , chur ho.ulcd
nnd traniuiil. U o the bitters nlso In fuver
und iiKiie , rheumatism und kidney troubles ,
constipation and biliousness.
The Ilubhinn war department , It Is re
ported , Is considering the advisability
of acquiring the solo right to a new shirt
of mail , which In said to bc extraordin
arily light , Impervious to bullotb or > hit
her thrusts , and cheap to manufacture.
A Russian general is the Inventor.
Knt U led to the llcst.
All nro entitled to the Ix'st that their money
will buy. so every family should have , ( it
onro , a bottle of the best family remedy ,
Syrup of Flis , to eleanso tlio system when
costlvo 01bilious. . For salu In OUo and
bottles by all leading