Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    / I'llU ! ( lilt AM A I1AII.V IM/I 'UflVTn A V TTTT.AT J1
Hclhrroil by furrier In any partof thn Pity.
II.i. . TII.TO.V ,
Hiulnr-MOflU'1 * . Nn. 4'j.
Nlttlit IMItni , No.Zl.
. ? / I.VfK Jl t\TI < X.
N V. 1' Co. * i
Council Hhiffs r-umbor Co. eonl.
Several ourlv llshlng nifties met with good
lilt kut Aliiniiuii yesterday inoiiiinir.
Manuvvn li'i'l ' its multitudes jcstcnlnv.
There \vcro the usual nttraotiun.s to cntcrtulii
( bo people.
Hnby I'llo , ntfcd one month , illcd nt the
residence of Its parents , 1IJ ! South Seventh
street , vcstcrd iv afternoon , and was ouried
jc-studiiyIn rulrvievv.
Central Is fur 1 ) , ( HX ) worth of brick paving
will be nvviuilul by the ( oundl at the meet
ing tonight if James Madden does not succeed
In giltinghis Injunction ,
] > ilb < * ys baml mid the pleasant Mcntliop
tlrow great multitudes of penpltTto I'litrmoutil
p.irltjf.Htudny iifti'inonn , 'llio baud -MVO
HncMonrrit tint lasted from I until S o'clock
Ilis-iIi" , the w'VCMi liionth'.s old < lilUl of Mr.
nnil Mr.1 .1V Shnrt'tt , was bmli'd VIMUT-
ilny ariiinnon fiom tlio u-s lilt-tire , : u ] Hk'h
Ni'hriM ammo The llttlo ono died Saturday
fioiiH'Iiolc-in Infatiliini.
Tlio S.ilvution in my ruino out yesterday
\vlthu bi.iii ne\v \ Mil ) . ' , anil the Inspiration the
event ociaslonoil XMIH stifllc-ioiit tomul < u them
li-dimblo llioii elToits to ill tract the attention
of tlio sinners on the sticotlth ( hums , burns
IUK ! tarn Don riiics.
TlKie him ban nnnthir I'hnngeln tlio oily
ltorshi ! | > fif tlio lOvcninj.lobe. . In tills i-Ily.
Mr Kjnn. who linn boon iloiiiK sudi oMollt-nt
work , will retire toduv nnil give plico to
Jnhn MiittliCM" , wlio has been fora long time
( ontKvtcd with the butlucbs ilepiitnuiit of
tinNoni > , ireil
There \\n-4 not n'Ingin arrest by the pollco
forceyestcrd 11) ) . The oiJers ( riven tlio patrol-
nic'tinnd iniulc public throt li the jnp.'H
Katinday motnlng to natch closely every
saloon in tlm < lty had the eir t of piuM'iiting
the saloon IIUMI even entiling their huildiiiirs
for any purpose JAir ono Sund iv nt least
Ihi'iewas not nn open saloon In Coiiiul
A small skiff rnntiiliiintf thice men vu < fcnp-
M/pilln the river yesterday innmlng about
o'clnik , mill one of the men had a narrow
rso.iti' f ruin drowning. The was he.ulid
for the Omaha slik * , ati'l vvhii in this middle
of the in ( Mm It iM-catm * unmanageable. The
swifteuriint carriul It down helplessly and
It stiurk ouo of the POIM-S of the Hroulwiw
bridge- and was inst.uitlj enpsl/oil Two of
tlio men oiling to the bout , but the thiul was
cnrriel down stream hunihod vimla
befoio ho was iistiied. Ilo wis hurt by tlio
iieeiduit and \\iis app.mntly uiiablo tosvvlin.
When taken out ot the water ho was un
conscious , and roimiinul so for some time
until hoiia vigorously lolled ovrr n. b.irrol
nnd the usual mo.ins of ro\ivinir drovvnrd
peoilo lesortod to. No names woio learned
The Boston stoio , t'oiindl ' UlulT.s , will
clnso nil ilny Tuosd.iy , inarltiiih' down KUOIS !
nnd iiiaUint- . -
puji.ii-ntlons for tlir-ii lirst an-
nuiil deariii siii- , \\liii-li ( oininoni'isVwlnt"i -
il.iy inoi'iiliifr , Julyftl , anil continues for ton
days , oiidliif , ' Atifiisti ! . See Tuesday inoi-ii-
intj's | i.iu-s ) for full [ larticuluis. ' Boston
store , L'ouni'il lIlulTs ,
jvt KI ti it. i
A 0. Gnihnin anil wife have returned from
Spirit Liilie.
K A. Hovvlnid , who is connected with
Muto.ilf brothers , has gone cast on a t\\o
wci-iiV vui.ition.
D Vf Uiishncll , W.V Ilanthoin , .Icronio
MtCllntock aiulJohii T. Oliver aio expected
home from Kpiilt I uko today.
( Jem-no Undid loft for the Pacific coast last
ovcnliiHo ( 'oes dlixct to Poitlimd , nnd
Mill supply all tbo coast with "cap.
Dr. T. B. Uuy , K S. Couth and wife , Dr.
( icoi'KO Blown , . ! . I ! Atkins and Mis : ! Hello
Hatcherlll goto Spirit Luke for an outing
next v\ook \ ,
Judiru Ilubbnul of Cellar Rapids was In the
city jNteulay , the of .lolm W. Baldwin
nnd fapinln Ilcnry. Ho loturned homo yes
terday ovening.
J. G. TIpton , real estate , 527 liroadway.
Not Ceo to Conlrartoi-N.
The building committee on the First M. K
church of Council Muffs , la. , will receive
scaled proposals for the oreaion of a now
ihurch nn tbo site of tbo present church ,
( onici Broadway and First sticot , nccouliiig
to plans and spallications to bo seen at the
cilices of the architects , ISIerriam block ,
Council Bluffs , on ami after aimrsilny , July
JM. The committee reserve the rlplib to re
ject any ornll bids. I'loposals to bo delivered
to tbo undci-alpned or W. S. Jlayno , UU
I'carl street , Council liluffs , on or before
noon of Saturday , tlio'-M day of August.
F M. Ei us & Co. , Architects.
J. C. ni.xby , " " sterna heating , sanitary en
gineer , Ul. ) LU'o building , Onului ; * > OJ Mor
i-iain block , Council IllulTs.
'I lint I'livlin ; Injiiiiptinn.
"I hnvo asked the district judge for an inJunction -
Junction resti-.iinlng the council from iottlnj , '
the coiitrntU for Iho brick paving that has
been oidored , for reasons I think the public
\ \ appro\olf \ \ they Know what they arc , "
snld .ranies Mndilen lust evcnln- , ' . "Firstand
piimamlly , it i.s because the biiek paving is
an ox peri incut that has not been tried lena
enough to show whether it i.s any paving at
all , and M'coiully , because as a property
owner with tfcti feet to bo paved , I can't
stand It to have the experiment tiled tit my
expense. There uro other icasoas nlaothut
mo good , hi regard to the brick paving
nhviidv laid , every person who hasinvesli-
gntod it knows that It is u failure , or a laigo
iiiiit of it Is. In many places when it has
been muddy I have kc'i-n wagons piss ulong
\\lth tlm mud on the tlic-s covered \vlth a
Htii'iikof icd came up fioin
the soft bricks in the paving.
"Anothci rriuson that has prompted nio to
tnho this step is my belief that there bus been
n corner run on puvlngbiick , 13eforo the
James Injunction was ? dissolved j on could buy
brick for $ . " > a thousand , and immediately
after it wits declined off buck jumped up to
IPS unit fll. Aldeiiimn Lacy said In tlio coun
cil , when bo voted for the paviiiKtiowiirderod ,
that tbo city would do but little paving this
year and onlv on such streets ai the iii-opei ty
owners desired to have pn\od , Then ho
voted to cut out First , Second , Third and
Fourth avenues , or everything from Broad
way to rifthavinuo. Such men as Jamo.s ,
i Kverett , jsidlor , ICimbull ami Champ and
other Mich wealthy pioi > eityo\vners woio too
poor to have ' any pavi1- ! ! done , hut the people
along i'ifth iivcnuo vvero not , necordini ; to
the council's idcin , notwithstiindliid thofnct
that ninny of them have not bu-n able to Illl
their lots to irrnilo or pay their taxes. If the
rich men can't nlTord to pave the streets , the
poor people ct-iliitnly Mn't , and us ono of
them , mid us ivpicseatativo of many others.
I hnvonsked lor the inluuetion , and I will
get it , too.1
Dr. II S. West , poiceluln crown ami bridge
woik , No. I'Jl'eail.
A Billet Sunday ,
Yesterday was u peifect Sabbath day , so
fnr us the \\cutber was concerned. Thoralii
of tlio pivccedlnj. day laid tlio dust , cooled the
atmoniihero und tmulo tliuwholo fiu-oofna-
tum uliiin , Hweot nnd Binilln . The terilble
heat of the Sthbath pix-ceedhiK w.vs tooviv-
idly i-ecollected by tlio people \\\\a \ \ hruved It
to attend church , and the atteiuhmco yestor-
dny WJia visibly iiffootoil by that recollection ,
l-'i-om the present until tbo cool wenthor of
September nuke * Indoors II fo cudur.iblo the
chuivlus of llio illy will run along hi light
inniehintr rrdir.
The usual ovenliifr seiviiiis in nearly all of
tbcm ha\u bcunlUcoiitlnued until Stptoniix.-r.
Tito uiinouiia-invnt wus made In thu L'onjrio-
piitloinili'liiuvhcstenluy monih'tf tliut there
will bo no oMMilnir beu ice heivaftur.
The vestry of the Fiist Piec bjterinn cbuivb
ycstttday inaiioiinugixoalilouniioiinieiaeiitto
tbo pastor , Hov , lr. ) I'lielps , tliuttboyhuiiilo-
chleil toj'ivohliiui six wc-cks * viu'iitlonimd
ho will leuvo with Ills family seine iluy thU
wivlc for some Q ! the cool and pleasant tv-
faoits in the cast.
, If you to uell your projerty call on the
i Judil & Wells Co , C. D. J uad , proaUimt , 000
I E'iMdwuy.
Another Gang of Northwestern Freight Oar
Thieves Caught ,
, ( hiN liK Man , Ilctitrim to
HIM rainlly Siitiility U'orlc Tor
Coiilriit'tnti A Mnlii Hti-oet
Kluk Elinor Mention.
The night watchman at the Northvcstcin
freight house followed two suspicious char-
aeteis around the yards lust night anil was
Anally rewarded for his vigilance by seeiiiR
thenibrenkthofteiilof a cur of incivhaiullse.
Ilo signalled i'litrolinaii Peterson and cap
tured tlio fi-lloivs bufon ) tliov suct-etded In
tri-ttlii > ' the car door open. 'J'ho patrol wagon
was i.ilh-il inul thu men talceu to the central
station Thev gave the nainei of J. I ,
Myoilv and .f. Hcnilorsoii. U'lien seairhcd
Myi-r niuloverSV ) In money In his jwckt'ts
liesldcs l\\o \ watches and chains und u lot of
They wire locked up without nny ilinrgo
nppeiihif'on the rcRistcr upiiliistthoni. 'J'he
Northwestern people will llio liifoi'inationa
todaj uhaiKitiK thom with mblipry :
Thi-polloo tlilnk they have made an linpoit-
tint ciptuic.
The Hoston store. Council lUnffivlll bo
ilosril all day Tuesuy , iiiiirklng down foods
and making piepaiatluns lor their Hist an
nual iliailngsakvliiclicominepics \
, \ vliiclicominepicsyeilnci -
diy morning , July 'ii , and roiitlinus for ton
days , ending August' ' . See Tuesday morn-
Ing's pui-crs for full pirticulars. Iloston
store , Council liluT ( < .
It Is that Mr. J. 1C Ilaikness lias
lendeicd his resignation ns nianncer of tlm
Cliiintauqim. The trustees hive not accepted
tlio rcilKiiition , and it U not known what
tlioir nction will be. Tlwcaino of the icsij-
niitioii is not IviiortMi , bat the fact that such a
change is even sniffjestedeoim-s with no llttlij
siirinlic. Mr. IIarknesnhii3 been connected
with the entorpilso fioin Its \cry liiciineni'y ,
und his done inoio than any ono nun to make
It , a HU 'i-ess. In fact it Is conceded that It
would not luio been possible for most men
to have ai'LOinplisheil what ho has done Ttio
cntoimisowiisono tvqulilnr ; a heavy outlaj
of money , und the raiouitfof finiils , tlio super-
IniDiovonients , the adjusting of
ninnt-ious dlllUultios In the piclhnln.iry preii-
at.itions have been lai'trel ) in his hands. Jlo
has \\orked nlsht anil dny , and male possible
what seemed to man } impossible. The labor
has been exhausting , and the nervous strain
of sin h a lesponsiblllty still inoio trylntr.
'Iho inline of . I. H. Ilnrkness will bo linked
with that of the enterpiiso so lontf us the
ttitorpiibo Itself has u name , and it should be.
A Rood hose ix el tioolth every 103 feet of
hose purchased at Blxhy's ,
KelloKK Hetnriis Homo ,
fieorge A. ICellog-p , the inissing man , re
turned homo jostcrdny moinliif ; , arilviiiK
fioin DCS loines on the 'J o'clock Hock Island
tiain. Ho looks \\orn and li.igi.Mrd. The
Only explanation ghon of hU sudden Might
uas ho win tired and wanted a re ; > t.
Tha.Manhattan sjwrting heailquaiters , US
Illlln ! j on the Piitrol [ fiimc ) > .
Owlnp to the delay in getting out the
plans for the addition to tlio patiol house
nearly all the contractors In the city loit the
piK'Hi-go of atlending eliurih jostcuhvy
jViehitect Jluxon , who diow the plans , did
iiotgttthcm pivpared until vcrv l.ito Situr-
dny night , und when they wcio delivered to
jMilernnin Smith the contractors hid { 'rown
vcnry of calling to heo them anil but gone to
attendSatmday night prayer meetings and
let the good an ols , with whom they ore
always in comiimnieUtion , know the cause of
the necessity of the remdnlnff away from
church und figuring on the city's latest job.
Ulio city requires all the bids to bo in by this
afternoon ready for examination by the coun
cil at tbo meeting tonight. It required
nearly all day yesterday for the contractors
to tuko their tin us at the plans ami spcdhVn-
tlons nnd getting tbo measurements of tbo
building. 'J'ho piospcct Is thnt there will bo
a large naniber of bids tonight.
The addition will make aery handsome
building of the patrol housa and give the po
llco foico about as line heuln.imrtors us nny
city in the we.stcnn hoastof. The front p-irt
of the upper lloor will bo thrown into ono
lingo room that will bo occupied hy the ihlof ,
captains and seigeantslth their desks , anil
also the electrical apparatus. The adjoining
room vill bo pirtitlonedoff Into seventeen
closets , or lockers , for the uniforms and per
son nl eft'eeti of the ofllcors Each patrolman
\\lllbiivoblselnset nnd carry tlio Icov. Ad
joining this will bo the louiunng room for the
men u lion off duty. Itlll bo supplied with
conches , tables and desks for re.uling und
vultinu. U'he rear rooms v\ill boocctipieil for
atoiago purposes , bath rooms , lavatories and
Tlio lontnctlll bo awarded toiilifbtund
the work \\l\l \ bo "
\ \ complctod "us quickly as
.Mandel iV Ivlein are Induco-
incnt ' to housekeeper * dining these hot dny.s.
\\'o are receiving now goods diiilv and can
offer great birKiilns in cm pets , bedding , cook
stovesetc.Vewishto iniko room for our
full stock. Wo wouiil bo pleaded tohnvoyuu
liguro witb us for cash 01 on the iiistiillincnt
uiaii. Wo will ship all goods five of charge
within a radius of lot ) miles Honicmhor ,
MiM > ii , & Kinix ,
A lilok Krciin 3Inlii Slreet.
"i wish Tin ; BIT wonlil toll the councll-
incn tomorrow tint if any attempt is made to
move the lira apparatus from lower .Main
sticct that u'll hmnediatcly go into the in
junction business , " said a Main street citl/ea
yestorday. "We'll pick out the biggest mid
healthiest injunction the district court bus in
stock ami wo'll put it on the council witb
ovci lusting stick 0111fast. . There ) is no pMn t
in the city ivhoro there is gro.iter neeesdty
for ke diif , ' tbo best 11 w apparatus in the
city tbim on lower Main street. H is the
waiehouso nnd ngriciiltural implement ills-
tilct , mid itlins the largest buildings , con-
tiiliilng the most valuable blocks of goods in
tbo city. The gigantic buildings uro Idled
with the most lullua.iblo in itorlals , and the
only hope the lire depirtmont can over have
of saving them if they citth lira lies in get
ting tbcte before the Hainei got under head
way. If the ho 50 cart is taken up totho cen
tral engine house , as l-sul > by the Bri : tbo lire
commiiteo contemplates doing , that
company may its well bo taken
out of service. The only good
it could possibly do would bo done m a
rciervu in case of a big lira With the near
est comp my moro than a nillo away , if a llro
\i-.m In stuit nn InvvmMnlii lis ( t. it , wnllld li %
IHoud control bofora nn nlarm could bo
turned In and the companies gotten there.
Wo don't know v lint the ix-iisons nro for the
removal and wo don't cam "Wo only know
Unit tliut company will not bo moved without
u Unlit. "
" \Vo nro obliged to icinovo No. 1's for two
rcason.s , " said an tildermnn. ' 'Tho llrst is
that oni'loiiMi on that building has expired
and wo cannot renew it for the council has
ordered us not to , Tlio other reason is that
tbo building Is not lit for thu jmiposp for
which wo bavo been using It. There is no
sewer from llio building , and all the drainage
from the stalls goes under the tloors and un
der the sleeping rooms of the man , making it
vciy dlsaproe.ibloandunhealtbfiil for them
to st.iy thoro. Tno cltj must liuvo mi englno
house near that ] > ontimd ! the present Ii a
better tlmo to buy than any tinio in the fu
ture will be. Wo could have purchased
property there t\\o or tluvo years ago for halt It Mill cost now , and it will
cost inoio tlio longer \vo delay purohtising it.
Wo have determined to make the purclmso
right a\\iiy. nndvo only want to lomove the
company till wo can Hnd n suitable place.
Wo cannot stnv there any longer without ro-
novvlng the lease for another year , und
that wo will not do.
"Wo could got the noy building , or ono of
fbcuivtilcli wcro built lost summer , for
$7,00(1. $ ( built is not just what wo want. If
we fiin't buy n lot reasonably anil build \\o \
will linvato rent somewhere until wo can.
Hut wo ultl buvo to move thoconminy from
the present building at once , liluk or no
kick , "
Dr Bowci-s'onicdmoved to20 y , Main.
\ Iliiiulsoinc C'liurch ICdIUcc.
The plans for the new Methodist church to
be built on the site of the old structure oil tlio
coriur of IImidway and i' street are
nearly completed. The elevation Inn been
drawn and is now on exhibition nt thcofllce-
of the in-t'liitetts , F M. Kills .t Co Itshoy *
n mnjinlllient building of modern style whiih
will ho , ttlion fliashoJ , the Illicitcliunli odl-
llce In thocity und ono of tno most imposing
nnd massive in the west. The prominence of
Its ion will niiiko it ono ot ths most con
spicuous objects in the city.
Tbo walls Mill bo constructed of Slouv
Kails granite , of a pale ja < per colorwith , trlih-
ininirs of dark ted granite. Iho building will
have n frontage on first street of 0 ! feet and
1'tO fcot on llroiidvvay. On thciiorthweit
lornt-r will boa tower \vlth nspliw ilslng 1.U
feet above the sidewalk , vvhilo on thosouth-
west corner will be another tower riMng to
the height of the ridge of tlio roof. In the
flout to the west nnd on the , or east ,
end islll ho "i-o-e" iirt windows of stained
jrlnss. Onthenoi'Hi and south sides will bo
placed two large stained glass windows The
tower Is to bo of peculiar ami hi.iiitiful de-
Bign.iiiid In the upper part of it , eighty feet
above the walk , will ho placed a dock whiih
will be visible from nil the eastern part of the
iltv. The roof will bo of slato.
The main eiitinmo Avill bo on the west
fiontinid will bo ten fret wide and sixteen
feet high. Insklo to the loft and light stair
ways seven feet wldo lead totho iiiditorliini ,
wblc-hwill bo a iiugiiillcent room-VjXN )
feet , with sides twi-nty-two feet high and
being fortj-nino feet high in tlieceiiter it
will nlso bo leaclied bv st.ilrw.ivs In the
toweis at tne fcoulliHeut and northwest coi
ners. Tbo auditorium \\lll * c\l \ 70) ) . At the
ivost end of thvcliincli will bou gallerywhich
will be. re.iched bj stnlrwnvi in the t\\o
toweis and which \\lll scat ! ! llO. The pulpit
will bo | > hiicd at the east end and by its si do
will bu thoorgiin.
The basement of the building will bo given
up to Sunday sdiool class rooms , there bchij ' ,
six of the suao sl/e , 0:10 liuvo ono for the
bible cla s , ono "Ox 10 for the infants'class '
loom , kitchen , library , toilet roons , cloak
looms nnd store rooms. The Inteilor of the
building \\lll bo finished In poplar mid light
oik and will bo light and checiful and at the
same tlmo in tistlc.
The estimated cost of the building at tbo
piosoiit tinio is about lOA'O. but as tlio plain
aio not yet completed it Is piohablcthomwill
bosomo vuiiations liom Unit figure Thecon-
legation is ono of the largest in the city ,
ainpli ubluto buildnlhicimd ivstlyutrnctuiv ,
ami us the plans progress the meinhcrs are so
wll plcustil tint it IT probable tint a great
manv now and beautiful fcit 11101 will bo
A lirgo pait of the woik of laising the
money has been done and will bo done in the
future by the young and eneigi-tic niembeis
fit t ll * J l liitnt'ttl litil frrt tIKI iiiii'ikut /kt < > r < m 1 * < i
tlon in Methodism , MUicliiiuinbcraninani ; Its
inctnbcfs all tho.ioung pioplo in tlio church
and lias n totil jnemljushiji of over fort\
thousanil in the west The leifruels ilhuleu
into four br.incliea , liteuirv. soclil. tnu < .lc l
nnd scicntitle , and each biiuicii ghcs nn en-
tirtainiiient each woolc and the proceeds KO
iiito tlio uc\v ehureh fund
The plum will soon bo ready for the eon-
tiaetors ami the bids will bu ndvertlsed for.
the contracts let and the work commenced
this sumniif.
1 lie
At the Coa ivifiitlondl church yesterday
morning the [ ustoi , IZcv. ( ! AV. Ciofts
puMuliod a sermon .su ested by tin ) death of
General ITie.noiit. . and the tributes beiiiitp.iid
him tlii-ouylioat'the lind. The title ofI'lith -
Under , " so cemnionly applied to him , was
used us the theuio of the illseouiso , Mhicli
was base 1 on tlwtc.xt , Psslalmsxvi 11 :
Thospoancr JMVO mi iatevestliiK pr.iplilc re
view of the life of the hoio , and dealt especi
ally upon those Incidents which related to his
explorations and the opening of the ww for
tliuchilliiitiou to nui eh westward lie pic-
tuivd the benefits arising ; from this intrepid ,
licroio pushing of the pnthlimlcr into the un
known ami barbarous teriltory ,
Fi-omtli is prominent feature in the lifo of
the heio the apeaKer drew sundiy lessons
conocining jiuthinaldntr and iMtblliulin .
God wiis picsented as tliu pnut luthlinder
God hud ninilo a way , a perfect way , anil hail
bidden man walk tlmeiii. Goil had provided
means by whieh eaeh man eoull bo n
ful piitbllader. His word was n lump to mini's
feet , alight to man's path. There wcie in
tlio world many pitUilnders. Some men ,
likoyiemont , found a path Into uulmown ter
ritories , and thus blcssid mankind , by en
abling eivill/ation and Christiinity to tune
possession. Others had found a pain into re-
trions of thoughtof , science , of social rcfoun.of
nwialitv. of truth , and had tlnis blessed the
A\oild. Some Iwd
pusliud their pens into re-
Kions hlthcito utilmqwa ; soinoh.ul used their
cloquenco ; somotncir sword. Washington ,
Lineolu , Grant , wcio pithilnilcrs. Mrs.
Harriet Beech cr Stowo was a pithlinder ,
ojieniiiK a way for the slave , ia whieh ho
intent walk with joy nnd gladness , w-lioietho
inusie of lo\o was hoaid in the stead of the
clunking of darkness
Men would siuely lind some menus ofilk \ ! -
iijj ; in any such path when oneo the llnder
had sliown it. Tyiannj and persecution
niUlit throv obstacles in this vay , but they
would boo\erthiown ,
It was riqht for men to ilo honor to these
who hail proved themselves pathllnilors. It
was aUovell to loinember that nil should be ,
to some extent , jiathllndoi's. Its duly Kulo
not onlv tliut u man should uiilkin ii'ht (
paths found b otlici-s , but that ho uliouhl
> eclc to lind ] i.ith < and show the wnj to his
biother-man. This wiw aniiyoln whieh men
were needed pathiindors Mtnweio needed
who hnd hoiipstj of conviction and feailess-
ness of exp
Alo.ilDuel in
A terrible- duel to Hie death took
place leeently in a miner's cabin on"
Moose creek , neaiOIorent , Idaho , like
Murray and P. M. Itunioll , prosncclln '
pnrtnor.s for years in the Cumr d Alene ,
recently loc.iteil a placer claim o'i Moose
eieok. Pat Melntee , who had anadjoin-
inprelalin , Inctnred thocninity of Hii ull.
Murray en aifed him to as.sibt in
raising the ho o from si slick box. This
so ineeusocl Unroll that ho ileelared no
man could * remove tlio hose vliilo ho
Ihcd. Ifo applied numerous epithets to
Melnteoliereuon ] ) Murray Hiiytrc'ited '
that hodnto not tulle that way to Mcln-
too's lace. Tlio two paitnoi'd hnd been
Bittinyoutbldo the c.iln binokinif their
pijiotAb iliiikni-s eanio on thoyon-
teied the eabin together and lliisscil ru-
newed the quairol , dravliiK1 a lovolvor
from bonoiith his llannel shiit , btilk-
injf Mu nay in tlio face vith
the weapon , and n'riu al
most nt the hiimo instant. MiTu-ay se-
cuicd his revoher from the hutch nay
above , nnd the duel bogiin in earnest.
TJio only liffht was that atl'orded hy Iho
Hashes of the pistol * . JJoth lea'll/.ed
tliut ono die , nnd they fought \\ith \
the despornlionof wild boiibts. Finnllv
llKitll ff > ll \t.ltli ii lilllhit. Mi I'nnn-li I , tu
heart. Murray t > urrundored , and Coro-
nei1 Ruby hold an inquest , The jury
exonerated Muiray. .Judj o C'aso hold a
preliminary uxnininution anddir-cliarjfed
the prisoner , astliokilllny was la belf-
and Hooks.
Whieh eliih.s of ] ) opulatlon Is tlio
addleted to roidln ; > " / abl(8 ( tlio Pall Eliill
Budget , Some inture ting light is
tli town on this Mibjeit by the latest re
port of the Birnnnj'hain fice llbraiies
conunitloe. Atnon otliiT tables therein
{ Then is onohhowin" the occupations of
boirowers admitted durlny IBS ! ) . Hero
nrohonioof tlio liyures ; Scholars and
btudents , iM-'elorKh ) ; iiiid bookLeejiers ,
1,1.1S ; errand and olllco boys , 1501 ; touch-
ore , "Oil ; hliop lusihtants00 ; jewelers ,
" 10 ; compobltorsand printord , IWJ ; mil- "
linei-ft and dressmakers , 101) ) . Almost
at the bottom of the libt come journal
ists. U ; news ayc-nts , 2 , and ropoitors U.
Ib thib iHicauso they have libraries of
their own , or beeauto the jieoplo vho
write in novdpuicrs | lobo the tusto for
booksi *
Every body nmlnve \ notion ! that
there wcro no ' 'EiiL'lisir1 Christian
mime-i , 111 wo would call tlietii nowjutnyi ,
imyuhoro in inrsh : | | history before the
battle of Uniting , says the Coinhill
Mnprn/.ine , .lolliu Kobcrt , Henry ,
Thomas Hii'li'trVl - ( '
, fjoj-or , iuy nnd 1'oter
in fact , the yiyuinon niseinblnro { , o (
Ilugllsh Bocluty . .ffononilly all eiuno
over , as inilii ) naturally liavo boon e.v
licet oil fiom ffontreineu of Htioh lii h
icHpectabllit.\ , with AVlllliini tlio Con-
quuror. ' liafore the coumiost the Into-
kirn I'nyllBhtmin Imro vvitliutit exeoption
tlioo uncouth nnd unpumoiiiit.'iMhlo
cracKiaw names which wo now eondo-
seoiulliifjh dcNoribo IIH Anylo-Saxon. To
bo Hiiro , theseiiro the onlj'tino lOnglis-li
miines In \.istcnco > the only ones
/onned / ( llroctly from JiiH-lish ] loots
mid smjicldiijT of ' > oil , vlioro
these roots ( -row ns natiifally ns
( liimlolloiis , „ . iinMos , while all the
test UiaL wo Iw.u * nowadays aio in tlio
lump high Ciumiiinor else Jlobrow by
orliii { ; , asiiuuli alloiis In tlio land as tlio
CiirollnuHiiiul Atij-ustUBO.s , the Alexati-
ilors nnd Dajruinr. " , that hnvo como over
in Intel * tlniiM vvith Teutonic or Scandi-
mviim.pilin iMiind priui'osius. Mo4 of
tho-o ti'uo old Kngllsh names were tifrl v
cnoiiirh la nil conscioncc. Tuk'o
J lftlii-yth. foi' instance. , as a charming
llllo for the- hero of a novel , or CJoiltfifu
ns the oii-rinal of our modern Lad- ,
Godivii. JJ'it pretty in * tif'-ly , thov atl
Meat down toj-othcr ns soon as the Nor-
iniins canio. The natlvo Englltiliiiuiti ,
vith jfonuliu' liritlih snobborv , no .soonor
felt the hi-t-l of the AVllliams and . .i , , . . ,1 II. . . . . . , , „ , , 1,1 , , . , ,1.I , ( I
lie look his revenpe IIOH ? Wliy , by
eliri&teniii } , ' Ins own ignoble Suxon urala
AVilliam and Homy , just like their Norman -
man overlords , liven ' o tlio de ii er of
our bloated aristocinoy in the eiibl end
at the prebuilt day scndd I 'trey and Her-
tlo to the bond school around thoeor-
nor. MhiloCiweiidollne takes out Leopold
in the broken jro-enrt , and Gladys stops
nUiomo In the general living-room to
mind Alyeriuni and peil the potatoes.
Dr.HinioyiMotleo ] ) ninitctl touatnrrh-
ul diseases of nose nnd throit. Uoo Wily.
A Latlj Diiotnroi'liil\vi.
Following the billlinnt succor of Miss
Paweett at ( 'aiubriilyeMlle. Beleohco , a
Uouniiinitm laily , took her deirreo re
cently as dot-tiiir en dioit nt the 1'aris
eonseivatory. Liito AIKs Tawcott , she
obtained the hlglieat [ iltico at the ex
amination for the licentiate's degiee ,
nnd her success wai not loss brilliant nt
the examination for the doctor's degree.
whether bho should wear a cap and gown
was decided in the negative , one of the
piofe : > sOt s reinnrkiiifr that , a.s in her
aldry , metal bliouldnot bo upon inotalnor ,
color on color. Ono gown oujiht not ,
therefore , to hide another. The sub-
jcet of Wdll < Helcesco's thesis was
the lesfal t > tatuiof the mother under the
Itonmn and the I'reneli laws. Ille.
Belcesco ( lurinif tlies-i > yesirs in which
bho has been a student , his never
nilssed a lconat tlio law school , bho
is a tall , flm'-luokini ; bruliutto , with n ,
\nrgo but w , ll "ilripjil ino-ith and a dK \ -
/.llny sot of ovoa tooth , and is twenty-
three yeais old. Ilor pironts gave her
abov's educallon , and there nro few
more iiocomplMied Latinists or Hellen
ists than she. At the Sorbonne she was
f loin the lli'st neil leeclved by the pro
fessors , but nt. tlio luv school Hhe met
Mime opposition. The yoitn ? Indy was
obbcu on her grnduntlnfr day in
a plainly nude black silk dross
with collar and cull's , and her
dark luiir was urtMiigeil "a la Grequo. ' '
Tliu tlicsiswiusresullnaohaiining1 voice ,
but with asdi htly foreign accent. Af
ter it was over she wab warmly congrat
ulated by the jury. Two other ladles ,
one French anil the ether llusslan ,
gained places behind Mdllo. Bolceico.
Aeoriespondont mot the latter as she
was leaving and asked whcthoi she in
tended to stay In Paris , She wiitl she
did not , but was returning- Luclnirc > t ,
to bo called there to the bar. "I shull
never plead unless for woinon too poor
to nay counsel , " bald the new "doctor. "
"My father is well on" . "My great aim
has' been to opsn a wnj for young' yirls
of talent who are not so fortunate. "
Veterans \Vatoiloo. .
The Brussels correspondent of the
T.ondon Times wuteb : "The Dutch
general , Arnn Merlon , who was at the
buttle \A'atoiloo , ha.s made an ajipoal
totho Dutch \ Yatoiloooteinns to cele
brate with him the be\onty-lifth \ anni-
vcisarj of the battle , doven veterans.
the young-osl of thtin born In ITDo and
the olck'st in ITillt , luvo answered thonp-
ped. Six of thijiiibtate thnt they are
in want of siHsihlnnee , which the \vill , of
courbC , receive. " j ,
ffoni n Skiinlc's Ulto.
A cowbov named Chailes Monis was
billon on tno no'-o bit veeks airo by a.
hliiink while lyingnsloop in camp near
Piobcott , j\ris ; . , and a few days binco
died in great agony of hydrophobia.
- _ _ _
A ( ii-ailhii ; Contractor Itoblied.
who resides In a teat nt the corner of Tlility-
sciond ami Cumin ? . lie -Usitod ono of the
hanks Tiidny afternoon and drew * < ! 0 , wlileh
ho took homo and placid in his tent , nnd then
stunted out to unhitch Ids team. During his
absence the money was .stolen , nnd McCor-
taitlc hastened totbo jiolicostationlierobo \
swore out a warrant for thourmt of his
tonmstcr , named AloUonnU , whom lie sus
pected of the theft , McDonald wns arrested
in South Omaha jestcnlay by Chief Miilonoy ,
anil will bo luoufiht hew this inorahifj nnd
exihiiayed lor anothci maiinnined U'oin Mc-
Donnkl , wlio i > under nrrost How for a theft
committed in So'ith Omaha. The money
stolen from JlcConalclc was found on Mc
Through coiohos Pullman palnco
sleopoivs diningivrs ; , free reclining chair
cais to Chicago and intervening points
via the great Rook Island route. Ticket
otlleo 10U1' , Sixteenth and Putnam
UomrsTnn , N Y. , July 20. Diuhifj the
Hochestcr-Coluinbiis gaiao this nftorivoa
.lustlco Coy and seVeral constables and law
nnd order league men from Irondequoit ap
peared on the Kroinid and ordered the stop
page of the cnino The spectators shouted
nndordeicd tlio iiliyen la continuo mid fora
law moments a. looi cu JIKO a 1101. r many
ua otllclal Induced tlio officers to allow the
H.nno toeontlnae , utul nfterlt was over Gen
eral Blinker went bofoi-o a justice of the
peuro and vouched for tlio iippearanco of the
plnjers , who will bo oiiunined tomorrow.
The body of the llouter found in the river
oppajltoSouth Omaha Batuixlaj night Meant
the undertaWiiK establishment of Hcafoyt
Hcafoy at that plnoo , nwaitlnfj iilcntlllc.itloii.
The remains are biillv decomposed , us they
weioiiiKloabtedly in the river several days.
Sox oral pirtlcs have xlcxval them , but hnvo
notbeonahloto Mcntlfy them. An Inquwt
will be liitd ut 10 o'clock thli inoiiuiifc' ,
An It 'Hun
Niclinhi ICainorio wai arrested ycstenhy
nftcinoon for assaulting ! ! brother lUill m with
intent to kill aim. 'fho row occuried at a
South Onuiliu beer trnrdoa Saturday nisht ,
nnd the Uctlin xvns Blushed across the arm
with a knife. Ho is not dangerously xx'ouudtd.
Dr. Susbdorff makts a specialty of dis
eases peculiar to women. 1501 Fur uainst.
"What Rod Polled .Angus Are anil the Ad
vantages they Posses ? .
Vlicn * the Delluloits Vegetable
KoHohcs Its ! ' il'eutloii-TliP
< - ltljlit
Kind of Slicep to Itnlsu-
'llic C'lii-c of
The lion. S. A. Comei"o'iv | < n thoful *
Itnvinjf description of Ited 1'ollcil cattle ,
s.iys llio Jiuliitnii Kaftner :
Many m lcoii inlsttiho ini'tillliiff Ilioni
tlio "Kutl Anvils catlle , " 'Hits noril An-
HIH Is not pi-ojiofli' used in spe.ilciiifr of
this blued. They nro no uioro loluted to
tlio Polled Aiifti ( 4 than ft icy nio to the
sliortliorn or Ilolstoiii. 'Ilio origin is
tiiK'cil in itnnthor direction entlioly.
Fioni the luinotust tinio thci'u IIIIH lioon
in Suffolk cotinty , ICu hind , this red ,
iiiuloy breud ralluil tliu "SulVolk Dun , * '
and f loin the o.irliuJt tlmu tmtilthu pres
ent , always kiKuvii us the supuilor dniry
biucd. Tttontj-Hvc years i > ; 'o tills Ijrood
wiis ncarlj lost by the BWoopinjjraMiLros
ofti dhoiibo known awtho lliiidcvpust.
' ' siin'j tlion
Thoh'sojiH'ily accounts fur
tlioir liuviny Leon llttlo hentd of.
Color is always a solid , beautiful ilin-K'
red , \\liieliis ti.uismittcd toall tlioir oil'-
siu-inj , ' , ami ou'ii whcio crossed with
broods of aclHTeroiit color DO pur cent of
tlio f iiulos will ho led.
They aio sibrolntolj hoi-nlesM , and
wlion crowed with hornud breeds Ihoy
inin't ] ) : this quality so sli'oiiffly thai out
of ioJhalMjoulH'tliit ! ( [ ( 1 have bred nut
ono hns horns , and onlj u fe\v \ linvo even
hud loo-io kuolis.
In si/.o they arc veiy good. Most of
tlio huHh nt nitilurity weiyh from 1,800 to
U'J)0 ' ( ) pouudb , and lowt biiullor in pro
Tliej msituro very c.irl.j , keep easy ,
ami mo hinootli , fine bono and muscle ,
Tliuy ui'o very freutlo anduiiby to han
dle , and it is mroly that onu of the bulls
UMH' yets ( TOhH.
Their niillctn qualities aio liist-c'lib.s.
They usually fe'lve a gm > \ laryemois of
very rich milk , and a very valuable cliar-
atloristio of tlio bioed is that mod of
them ill millholo yc-ar , and fioin
ono unlving to another , thin ni.ikiny n
loiitf hi.ison in milk.
on any brt cd tiioy ; ii'o crossullth , and
thoirVrado anil full-blood bteois are as
line , jiliunj ) , pony built follows as e\er
went to nidrlcot , and are quli'k feelloH.
They will huiltllo In u&hud like blimp ,
and ear anil slilp with the least posbiblo
injury. _
Sueol I'ota of 4 in A'lrjjlnia.
The sweil i > otato crop reiiuirc'5 some
little ( ittonlion the ) oariiround , but the
work is no ol lieiv\ : and is bri-lc only
duriiif , ' the planlliiH find hario.stMja on1- ,
MIJS a writur in the Now Yoik Sun.
The pliinter bi'jjins to prepare for tliti
no.\t'.sorop in midiummor by int-
tiiig1 elffht-lnch sprouts from the grow
ing vines. These ho buries in jirclty
poor soil soino\\huro handy to the hoitbo
and It'll vcs them theie , Keeping the
weeds nway from thi'in , houuvcr , until
they have produced a crop of lingor-
lin s , or liltlo tiotiloes the kha of a
mini's linger. Tlitso he gvther.s and
blorus awuj in ashul or bain by bury
ing them in what ho calls pine shut , the
loiifjry \ \ leaves rakud up in Uio iino )
woods. "Thoro the litllo notitooti lie
until Jilarch. Then the planter rakes
them out ami puts thorn In abed.
The boil is dug out of a lilllsido ( the
hills aio very lo\v \ in this county )
slopes to the south until a wldo tionch a
foot deep i a ma do. Into this he shovels
bamyaid miimiro and ) ) aelib H down
until it is eight Inehes dcop. Then ho
coM'fb the immure with two inches of
black mold , brought from tlio woods. If
the weather is enld he nny vet the bed
with boiling \\ater. \ On the mold
lie lays the lingtrlings so that tlioy are
about half an ineh njurt nil over the
bed and then covers them with two
inches moro of the black mold. Tlion
around the trench ho builds a hliallow
box with a uindow-yluss cover , juot as
hotbeds are arranged around No \ \ Voile.
Thouyh the wind may bo eold , tlio Min
is warm , and the tempo raturo in the
bed rises. The little potatoes sprout
right speedily and tlio fuimemiiulnocds
hump himself to prepare the Iklda by
ho tlmo the plants are roidy.
llohind the boss , who \\alkfiofT tlio
pateh , comothohnnils to plant , ifhbt
there is a linn or a woman or a hig boy
with a little beoop-slmppil trowel , This
hand straddles the ridge , and , jibbing
thotroHol into the toft earth between
the footmailvs , draws it back toward
himself three or four inches , forming a
little trerifli. liight dlongalilo is n boy
or a gill with a basKetful of fchoots from
tlio little potatoes in the hotbeds , The
youngster hands a shoot to the man , who
It into tlio lit , tin troneli lui lim ;
made , and yoos on to repeat the opeiu-
tion midway between the no.\t two foot-
maiks. Behind thin pair comes a hand
with a bucket of water and a cup. Kaeh
plant and liltlo tioneh is moibtoiied with
n cup of water. Last of all i-onion onci
who , btiuddllng > the ridge , stooj > s down
and with his hands drawn the eaith .up
over the plant , hut duos not pit itdown.
I'ui'intrri say that ono gany of hands
can plant a live-aero pateh in u dny.
In July the harvest begins , and It is a
t'oldon Inmost woilh gathering , A
shoit ciop islifty biurels to the aeio ,
and a good ono 100 barrels , while exeup- land and evcontional seasons pio-
( luca Muuh uiops us nny not bo told of
without oxeltinginoiedullty. A nor th
orn farmer \\ould \ pay forhib farm out of
every eiop , and live woll.
At Oiuncook , alone , 1,000,000 birrels
woio sold last season , while the ship
ments from even the leantfavoied vil
lages wire numbered by tlio thousand.
Every day two tiainsof height ears roll
uu over Iho Cnpo diaries route. They
btopat oxorj station , and grw with the
htojn , until nt last the locomotives can
handle no mure.
'Jlx ; ItlKlit Kind ol'KIi'cp.
To nil-o sliuop exclusively or mainly
for wool or for mutton Is about as dls-
astious as to trto maintain in this
country union without liberty or liboity
with at union , wiltesA. J , lilalculoy In
the \Vrehtorn Stoc'kmaii and Cultivator.
\Voinui-l Juno wool and mutton 'ono and
inseparable.1 If wool weio the only JMO-
ducl from bheop n eheep weigh
ing eighty ponuilH vould bo
much nioro prodtnblo than one twice
that weight , for the general rule holds
thai animals of the pinno speelot. and ago
cat In the ratio of bi/.o , anil the
weight of lleccoH Is In ratio of sur/aco / If
the HUCCVH mo of the biuno conipactncn-i
and lonytli of btaplo. Thus two sheep
of eighty pounds each will oat thosiuno
as orto of 1(10 ( pounds voight , 1)ut tlio sur
face bointf niiich greater on the tvo
small slioop the two will Irivo miu'h
inoio wool than the ono largo fchi'op.
The best breeders of merino sheep , however -
over , Homo years ngo iccogni'/.ed tlio fact
that the shcop of eighty pounds shorn
and put on the mutton market did not
boll for in mueh ii" the shtop twenty or
twenty-five pounds heavier ; BO they
gave attention to Imiirovlnj ; the size ty
liberal feeding nnd solcetlon of the
Inrgcr o\\os \ nnd "ram * , HO ( hut now the
ewes In innny merino llnelcs wvljfh from
100 to 112-5 poundH and Hliearfrom tvolvo
to twenty poundu , and the rium weigh
fiom IHO lo loC pound' . My own
two-year-old o\\oi , limning through
tlio past summer In iv Hock of'
'UK ) , woliyh an inorn o of Ilo
jwunds anil Hhear o\er llftoin pounds of
wool. They iimU'li the Southilowiw in
form and M/io and the lloeces nio three
timesim henvv. Thew fattened and
shorn will soil In Chiungo in the spilng
for asinudi b. > thopound as ) the largest
Knglhh sheop. and sold in the winter
nnd spring with the lleeeos onlll \ out
sell tlium , and I claim the ni'Mlnos are
the belter mutton , lor the fat ii not so
much laid on in huni'liiM lit onlj for the
waste bnslot. Xo sheep tnlco on llosh
more ti'iidlly than the modern merinos.
Sk or eight weeks llbouil feeding with
giuin Is sulllcient to mtiko them rollliiLr
.How to Hnlse TftiOioyH ,
It in just us easy to rjil'o turkeys ( is it
to raise ehlckons after yen know how.
Tiio th'st thing to do is It ) wcuio j'w > d
bu'odlng slock , which should bo Htrouir.
lu'.uuiv ami mature , sajs a writer in the
Cincinnati CommrrciaHJaA'tto. It is
impossible to iai o gooil turk . ' ) s fiom
stock that Is weak , unlualthj or imma
ture. Li ho begets lilce.
As to tlio breed , the wrilor pre-
fcis tlioVhite tlollnnd to the Uron/.o.
They are not SD lui'go , hut uro
lc s il toraniblo , and are hardier
while young , Iliusmalsliig themmure
easily raised. Tholirsteggs laid should
bo set umlor hciii. ' .riio-o laid inter
shouUlhe given to the turkey , when she
shows a d ' < lru to sit , Do nut eiowcl too
nniiy in the nest. A turkey will co\or \
twont } or more , but it libcMto give her
not more tliau Uveho. To prevent llee ,
spi'inklo sulphur , lime or powdered to-
bai'co In tlm nc".t.
1'or the llrst tlirecdayyouug tiirkojs'
food .slioulil consist of'Imrd-hoiled e'tfir
and slalo biead , soaked In water ; alter
this they inuj be fed oat meal , stile
bread , scraps fiom the tiihle , et < ' . , but no
coia meal , at * it is injurious to them. Do
not iiogleelto giw them plenty of milk ,
either swetl or ehibborcil. The slightest
degree of dampness is fatal to young
tinker ; therefore they should be uia-
lined in coops on rainy dnjs , and uiitilthe
dew has dried on" tlui gniss In the morn
ing. Ily the time thev aie siwecivs
old grashoipeis | and ether luseets will
bo plentiful , nd they will boabloto
shift for thoinsclvos , butlhet should be
fed at night , to teach them toeoino home
to rooM.
Those thnt were hatched earliest limy
bo marketed nt Thanksgiving time.
Those tt'hic'h worn lint.ctlii'il l.itm1111:1 vim
kept until Christinas or later , as there is
st demand for tuikeys from early autumn
until late spring. The supply of fliht
class tnrk Ms hasne\or \ been equal to the
demand. Jlverjfanner should uiise a
Hod ; of turlioys. lie will lind thnt WOor
$100 derived from them will be a nice
thing to "fall back on" wheiithoinorage
crops have failed.
Trciv Prollts-Oii I'/iper.
A Ilnne ota correspondent of Faun ,
Stock mid Homo of Minneapolis main
tains that black- walnut unit biilloi mil
trees will ilonrUh inhih slate , in Dakota ,
and finther wes > t , and "there is mure
money in raising tliun than In wheat or
any other kind of ginin. " llealsoclaims
that the trees will giow large lyiough in
ten to fifteen years to 1)3 aMiilable fur
lumber , whieh , to satholeast , is doubt
ful. I3ut his plan of raibing tliex > trees
is somewhat no\ol in the eyes of an old
tree planter , for ho startsoutby iigiiring
that the circumference of a farm of
100 acres is 10,500 feet , and
ho pioposcs to plant tlio trees *
in ono low four feet apart all nround It ,
requiring 2,02-3 trees , which lie snjs will
bo worth 82-i apiece nt the end of fifteen
years , or about $ G.OOUforwaitlngfifteeii
years for a few dolline' worth of nut
A man wlio pioposes to plant blade
walnut and butternut trots only four feet
apart with the oxneetntlon that they
will grow up to timber tices in stub
crowded ranks cannot have n very clear
idea of forestry ; possibly ho was think
ing of \vhonmakinghisealeuliitioii \
on the ninnber of specimens for sur
rounding his IGOncrpfurm , snjs"awriter
in the .Now Yorlt Tribuno. Then , iigain ,
it would bo Interesting' to know whore a
maiketls to be found at $2.1alreeiiftecn
yeiiis lienco for lifteen-year-olil trees. It
takes a. pretty good sized butternut or
black walnut to fetch $23 on the stump ,
and near a good lumber market ill'this
day , and theie is no indication of any
great advamo in prieo within the next
few decades nt least. It appinrs to nio
that in seine instaneos liguies < lo load
men asti.iy , oven if they do not lio.
Qulns.t troubled mo for twenty ycyirs ,
Siiue I t.t'irtcl usjnij Dr. Thomas' Kleetilo
Oil , bavonot liail an attack. The Oil cures
sere throat nt onio. Mr.L.ctU Conrad ,
Stumllbh , MiOi. , Ott SJI , 'S3 ,
Views ol'I fin Ijoudon
ienl lOilueatloii m
cusses tli" piogresjs of ineilloaliMliication
la the United stales. Though admitting
thnt both imdieino nnd surgery hino
been gieatlj ad valued by American
praclioncrs , the artiilo rellccts , insonio
degieo , the prejudice o.Nistiiifr abrond
ugiiliist the recognition of American
titles and diidonia" . This fcoling arises
from u Idiowledge of the looseness of the
laws in the states and to the absence of n
eontiolling body that should llx the re-
quiiomcnts for giadusitipn in Iho illlTor-
out a'hools. The iinportfoco of piolini-
Iniiry gcnoriil education is urged liy tlio
Lancet and the example of New YorK ,
who-o legislature has granted a law al
lowing Mudents in medical scools to pats
their preliminary examinations any
tlmo dining their professional eoinso , Is
uhaiply criticised ,
"lint , " continues the Lancet , "Ills
gratlfving to learn that the report of the
Illinois state board of h alth laKe.s on
the whole a favoiablo view of Aimricaii
education and its prospects. One of tlio
most hopuful signs is the Increase In tlio
number of colleges o.Miotiiiir ceitain odu-
tationul lequirements lisa condition of
mntiiculiitlon , The number has risen
from forlylho in I8S2to 121 in 1WKI. The
Illinois lopoit givus as a further hopuful
Blgnnn Increase in the number of colleges -
legos whleh icqulies nttoinlnneo on three
or more courses of lectures In Ihreo
iliireientyoius , fiom twenty-two in 18M
to sixty-four In 'JMO. A list i glum of
iwentv'-sovon eollegos \ \ hl < 'h rcquire four
yeuih1 study , while in 18H'onlj ) four did
bo , and tlio millions of the report uiiticl-
pate Unit tlnoo-fourtli of the
medleal colleges of the United
States will vlthin the coming
jear voluntarily adopt the regulation of
the Illinois board , iniulo in July , 1HS7 ,
requiring that after tlm soisioiu'of IKiJO-
HI giiidunlos shall haso had four yearn
of study and attended three annual
cout es of lecturer , The modirnlion of
this doniand will be apparent to the
schools of ( ho slate * when they consider
that in llrltnln tlio general medi
, cal council IKIM decided on | i roqtilroinont f
of llvoyenn for strictly moillcal study./
i Ctieatiiral o is due to the Illinois board
| of health for u lng Inci powws which ib
enjoys under its stale net of lofuslng the
' recognition of all diploma * from colleges
which fall nhorl of KM minimum loqtilro-
incutH Itnlsoivfiw * to ti'i'OKiil/o 113
'in good stand hi ) ; ' nny medical e
whose graduate's n mount to 13w \
ofthoso who nulriiiilnte. "
Illl'll llfltllllM.
The duke of N'nrtlnmiborlimd Is ono of
the Inth'eHt landed proprletnrs in Ciiento
Jliltnin , To say nothing of his ownlnga
in London , his pos esitlotiH in Surioy ,
Middlesex and Xoilhuinberland ngRrb-
gnlo 12lHlHWncies ( , | th a lent roll of
8 > .S"OOi ) per annum. In N'orlluiniborlnna
alone lie owns live e * th < s , 1ml ills Mid
thai the IniL'er part of his eiiormoiH in
come Is deiived from his propriolarv ; ia-
teiest in Druniniond's banl'Tho
innrqnls of Salisbury , premier nt pies-
enl , OMIIS ai.OOOneii's , nnd us much of
hi- real estate lies In London hols very ,
vciy rich.
"ITIOKLi : s niio >
( ( iiiiimsiui * i\tliii\i < imo
l lct * ) | \ | nnii < .i < \ nidi Mri'iMi Niry
cluiil ) If la ki n liiiincdliili-li Iniiulifof Jlib.
K. Noiuk , .n ? ! > . uilmt.
AVAM'niDliilnj ) : loom Kill iilK.I limi o ,
' i M iln st.
"IJIOIt SU.t-Or : lll irulo for i uool rout
- Aliiiiii stallion . ( UU. ii' ' lstdi-il In \\il-
lacc , llj Dr Areliltialil , < lmi by Kutiinky
C'l.iy , r > ic-.irsold. Apjilj to Up. 31 ici.u
\VANTnn-n. > ol , i-lrl I- , > In A. P llmi.
V } eliilt , IJU Fourth Mr-et
Flu ! KIIXT 'PwoRool MHUurn lioususV. \ .
l lj'i ! > r. . ' IVuI stri'oi.
FOlt SVLE or Itciit-U.inloii lunTl , ' with
lioitsu , byJ. It Itieo 10J Main St. . UoutKll
piy n-iit viiottiiiu i in liiy ) a ho.noon
T thfmiiotorins and In ciso ot vom < ! < illl
at .my tlmo li'ivo jour Imully tliu lioinu ol i
on Ihu following UTIIIS :
Ahotiio world 9I.IH ) .itl2 | u'r iiinntli
AllOIIIOWllllll f 1 , ' U IVtMS | KI ! Illlllllll.
Ahoiiie woilliJLIW ) atfJ * | KT niuiitli.
A homo wiiilli J.'l.'lh ' ) al'lii jur niuiitli.
Alioinc wnild ? IIH. ) Ill fH I IT Iniillth
( Jllii-r prloH lionii'i oiilliosiini U > riin Tin
iilxiio numtlilr piyiucnl" liu-liulo prliu'Ipil
iindliiK'rcst. Korlu'll inrtlciiliiri call on or
uildiussHID .Iiulil AVelK Co. OJJ liioiilwur ,
Uutinell lllulK In.
TTKM KENT-TlipMiirproom , No 19. fwutinj
J nn IN ill st M CJuiH' <
\\fn IHVT'sovoril Iwuit Ifnl inolornli no
' tli til wo nil ! Iriilc fur ( Miiuiiilii'rivl v i : m
lotsln Oniahaor OiMincll'tliills. ' 'Ihu Judil ii
Wells to.J < jiincll lllulK In.
F. M. Ellis & Co. ,
Anil Bull ling Superintendent
Kminsti" nnd 4ti HID llulli ] Ins. Oin.ilu ,
Nol > null Kiionis "II anil 24H Mvnluin Illmk ,
Couin'tl l la.
* -olnliil ,
J. 1) ' : i > Mi\it oPrci I I. . Mire HIT , MH- pro *
I'll VIII If II II v\\AN CaililiT
f > f Ooiinoll IlluffH ,
Pnicl up Cnpitol $16OOOO
Surplus anrl Profits SO.OOO
Liability to Depositors. . OBO.OOO-
OIHCTOIIS-I. : A Mllhi. ! ' 0. nicn > - P. f ; .
Slim.ut ] . ' K. Hail..I. II Kdnmiisim , ( hiiiUa
I' . Iluiiiiiin. Tiansii't Kcnuinl IniiilcliiK busi
ness I.iisi'M tapltul nnd sin plus of any
bank In boiitlincstcrn lona.
Suigical Institute
Private Hospital
Cor. Broadway and Udth Stroot. 5P
Olllltltll ItlllllsIII j
l"irlln'lrcaliH ! > nlf ( ) tillnm-gleul nnd ehionlO
illsunscs nnd cllst'iisiiof llu > lliod. )
I'l-luitodlsua-is t ( the HI Inaiy and si'Minl
oiKiinas syphilis Hliliturc , cvslltH. spor-
mat iiioliui' . liil iniinlioiiil.cual Impnteaco
and vniiUnessi liratul sutci' sdilly
I'aitk-ulii alti'jillnii iild lodKunscs of ( lie Astlinm , I iiii'-iiiiiiitlnii. lli.'iuliltlH
Ciitiiiib , Tie. I'.iialtKls ICIilnoy illsnaM-s ill
lllalHles , It ? I flit's Di'-dUM1 , Kliiuiii itKrii.l'll3. '
I'.intir. Varloiuli- vdro 'i-lc , DroD'O , Tu-
HUT. l > I-lUsl'M > f IllOI'VOIIIKl HIP. Clllllfl'Ut ,
.spliinl curt ut HID nniliiMllM ( > .iM > < ( ifllu > liniiiMJ ,
\ \ ' < Im veil ( Icpirlmcnt iloviili'd uxoltislvi-lj
III till' 1 1 ( 'III 111 0(1(1 f I'tlM'llll ' ) ll Ul'llSt'S
Mi-ilk-liicsuiitsL'Ciiruly iiicUiil mill fioudoiu
Cuiius > i > inilumu coiiflilt-nllal Adilrossi
Siir/ilcal / Iihtiliilc anJ rriwtc iiospiiai ,
C'T llroadiviijniiHt Jjlli Hi I'uiincll lllulTH , In.
J. D. JACKSON , Dentil Surgor/ .
All kludsof wnrlc ( loin ) . Voncitn suvo IIIKV.
lulf on your iioiil anilsllur Illllnsf liy o.iltln
utiooin'J..Muirliun ' blouk , Cuiiiiulllllulli
Architects and
iioomirio Miirintii nii'i'ij.ioiindi niiiiiH Iowa *
KooniUU > Y. l.lfo llnlldlim' . UinaliiNi.l , ) .
loriicr.Miiliio nilllriinilwnr.
Dciikrs In fiiiilgn nnd ilnrnostlu cxoliiin o.
ami li.luuht paid uu tlmo
1st Avenue unOl'Ist.s (
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Iliiml mid Hcrnlt iiwliu ilo Suitliu arid
I'l'inlii ' ) . ' . Hiulnitnr nil Unilf. 1'iiicli llr.u lids.
hind I in uixiil I , ' . . ' > < I jii'i Inul dillvi'iol ( 'In in
snwil nil. liy HID li-incl , "K' . All \snrU to bo
c'hss. 'l- < ) liliiii | i'"Jll.
WlKili'niilo ami Hi-lull | Hcalcru In
f/iirjfht block and J.owukt Prices. Deulcra , kend for Calalojuo.
Noa. 203 an d i.07 Broadway , and 1101 and 21XJ 1'ierco Street , Council CluDfu , ! %